The collectivist roots of public education

Today’s radicalism in the schools goes back many decades

Public education has always been about indoctrination

This is what America's schools see as their mission. From the San Gabriel, CA, Unified School District web page.




republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

An earlier version of this article appeared in FrontPageMag.

NOTE: Almost all of us have heard of Horace Mann and John Dewey as pioneers in public education in America, which began in Massachusetts in 1830. But as Paul Harvey used to say, most people don’t know the rest of the story.

When America was founded there were no public schools. Public schools were created not to educate, but to indoctrinate. From Marx to Dewey to the current leadership of the Democrat Party and the National Education Association and American Federation of Teachers, revolutionaries have always targeted youth and seen schools as the spearhead of the revolution.

When he was governor of Virginia in 2015, Terry McAuliffe (who was deservedly defeated in this election) was pushing Critical Race Theory (CRT) in the schools, something he claimed did not exist in his 2021 campaign for governor.

When McAuliffe said, “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what to teach,” he was articulating the first principle of public education going back to its beginnings in the early 19th century: “Give us your money. Give us your kids. Then close your eyes. Shut your mouth. And let us do our job of transforming society.”

Today, the cutting edge is Critical Race Theory (whites are inherently evil), the 1619 Project (America is inherently evil), and what one proponent called the Queering Up of public education.

A Kansas school apologized for handing out a “Gender Unicorn” worksheet which asked students, “Do you know your identity or are you still in the identity confusion stage?” In Broward County, Florida, an elementary school class went on a field trip to a gay bar. (“Mommy, what’s fisting?”)

The National Education Association (NEA) makes sure that America's teachers have all the "tools" to indoctrinate children in the LGBT agenda.

But these are just the latest mutations. Sex education, which started in the 1940s, quickly devolved into sexuality education – where students learned a variety of perversions in the name of disease prevention and birth control.

For at least twenty years many schoolchildren have been taught more about Malcolm X than George Washington or Thomas Jefferson.

Overt anti-Americanism in the schools may be relatively new, but it has a long pedigree.

When virtual "distance learning" took over during COVID, parents began to see what was actually being taught to their children.

The Marxist concept of universal education

The seeds of today’s horror show were planted at the outset. The basis of today’s educational radicalism comes from early Marxist ideology.

In “The Communist Manifesto” (published 1848), Karl Marx decreed, “The education of all children from the moment that they can get along without their mother’s care, shall be in state institutions at state expense.” When the workers’ revolt failed to materialize in capitalist countries, state education became the engine of revolution.

Writing in the 1920s, Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci said, “Socialism will triumph by first capturing the culture via infiltration of schools, universities, churches, and media (and then) by transforming the consciousness of society.” Hence the long march through the institutions.

And so, socialist ideology has captured the schools. In his book, “American Marxism” (published in July), Mark R. Levin writes: “It is academia and its rule over the education of generations of students that serves as the most potent force for Marxist indoctrination and advocacy, and the most powerful impetus for its acceptance and spread.”

Mann and Dewey: The radical foundations of American public education

While Europeans Marx and Gramsci preached the importance of education to the coming revolution, Horace Mann and John Dewey laid the foundation for public education in America.

Generally acknowledged to be the father of state schools, Mann was a utopian and an admirer of the collectivist communities (early attempts of socialism) established by industrialist Robert Owen (the George Soros of his age) in the Northeast and Indiana.

In the 1830s, Mann pioneered the first public school system in America in Massachusetts, by setting up the first State Board of Education and becoming its first secretary. Mann later went to Prussia (then the cradle of statism) to learn how government schools could mold impressionable minds.

Horace Mann (left) and John Dewey were monumental in shaping - and radicalizing - the public education system.

John Dewey (the father of so-called Progressive education) carried Mann’s work into the 20th century. As Mann had looked to Prussia for inspiration, Dewey made his pilgrimage to the USSR. As Levin documents: “Dewey was an early fan of the Soviet Union and its ‘educational system’ – or, more precisely, its massive propaganda effort where obedience and conformity were contorted into a new unity.”

Dewey was a signer of the 1933 Humanist Manifesto (“a socialist cooperative economic order must be established”). He said: “You can’t make socialists out of individualists. Children who know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society which is coming, where everyone is interdependent.” Indeed.

… And into the 21st century

In the 21st century, Marx’s and Dewey’s work of social transformation is carried on by the teachers’ unions and their auxiliary, the Democrat Party.

Critical Race Theory is the Marxist model of oppressor and oppressed applied to race. Queering Up applies it to gender.

Again, it’s not about teaching children how to think but what to think. That’s why the fight over Critical Race Theory and mask mandates has turned so vicious, with Attorney General Merrick Garland threatening to treat unruly parents as domestic terrorists.

And it’s why the 2.3-million-member National Education Association (NEA), at its annual convention in July, voted to increase its support of Critical Race Theory and work to fight against so-called “white supremacy, anti-Blackness, anti-Indigeneity, racism, patriarchy … capitalism… and other forms of power and oppression” that are said to animate opposition to CRT.  (It’s also why the NEA gives 94% of its campaign contributions to the Democrat party.)

The other major union, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) is also heavily into the CRT agenda. This photo, from their website, shows the AFT president and secretary-treasurer at a George Floyd memorial.

These are the people who get to spend an average of 15,000 hours per student indoctrinating the captives of America’s public school system.

Final thoughts from MassResistance: In order to effectively fight what’s happening in our public schools, we need to understand the many decades of momentum behind this radicalism, and that a certain kind of people has been attracted to its power structure. None of this is accidental – and it will take a very deliberate, unrelenting, and focused effort to change it.
Don Feder is a former columnist for the Boston Herald and currently works with The Ruth Institute. He is also a long-time friend of MassResistance.






Brighteon: Alex Jones joins Mike Adams in studio, warning of where America is headed in 2022

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NIH Chief Goes to War Against the Freedom of Speech

APOSTATE NIH director makes plea to evangelical Christians

NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins, an evangelical Christian, says "disinformation" has made a lot of Christians "confused or fearful" about the Covid-19 vaccine.

NIH Chief Wants Online ‘Misinformation’ Spreaders ‘Brought to Justice’



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

With secret police chief Merrick Garland siccing the FBI on parents at school board meetings and the social media giants continuing to cut the ground out from under dissenting voices, the Biden administration has not exactly provided a welcoming place for the freedom of speech. However, Francis Collins, the outgoing director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), thinks there is still altogether too much of it. Collins wants those who are spreading “misinformation” to be “brought to justice,” and pronto.

It’s disconcerting to see an official of the United States government (the NIH is an agency of the Department of Health and Human Services) coming out so openly against a fundamental right guaranteed in the Bill of Rights and hallowed by over two centuries of precedent, but as far as Collins is concerned, the need to curtail the freedom of speech is urgent. He said Friday, “Conspiracies are winning here. Truth is losing. That’s a really serious indictment of the way in which our society seems to be traveling.”

Collins was referring to what he said was misinformation about America’s doctor, Anthony Fauci. According to The Washington Post, Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) wasn’t really funding experiments involving the gratuitous torture of puppiesThe Post admitted that “NIAID was initially listed as a funder on the study in a paper in a scientific journal in late July,” but claimed that “the researchers and the medical journal corrected the error.”

Collins was indignant over the fact that people still believed Fauci was involved in the puppy torture, fuming: “Truth is supposed to be truth, and the fact that your truth would be so heavily modified by your social circle or where you get your news tells you we’re in real trouble.”

All right. Maybe Fauci is as kind to dogs as that renowned animal lover, Adolf Hitler, was. Maybe. But if NIAID did not fund the experiments, why was it listed as doing so in the first place? Was the NIAID removed from the list of funders only when the experiments started to receive unwelcome media attention? When Fauci has contradicted himself numerous times about the usefulness of wearing masks and not even followed his own recommendations, would it really be wise to accept at face value everything that the NIH and other agencies claim is true?

That’s what Francis Collins wants, and more: he wants those who contradict his wisdom to be punished. He finds it appalling that “somebody’s Facebook post carries as much weight as a statement from the director of the CDC about what is the truth of a public health crisis.” The Post lamented the alleged fact that “the rapid-fire spread of misinformation has altered public opinion of the pandemic and coronavirus vaccines,” and claimed that “some 6 in 10 Americans say they either believe the government is exaggerating the number of deaths from the virus or aren’t sure. Nearly 1 in 4 Americans believe covid-19 shots contain microchips or don’t know if the claim is true.”

Related: FAUCI LIED: NIH Admits Funding Gain-of-Function Research at Wuhan Lab

There is ample reason for this widespread distrust: the government has so often proven itself to be untrustworthy. Most notoriously, Collins and Fauci themselves were caught lying about the NIH funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab where the COVID-19 virus originated. And then there has been all the stonewalling about the side effects of the COVID vaccines. As PJ Media’s Stacey Lennox noted in September, “The FDA already states that the highest risk for pericarditis and myocarditis following the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is in young men between the ages of 12 and 17. There is no information about long-term risks associated with a young man suffering from heart disease following vaccination, yet schools and colleges are moving to mandate them. It is a complete inversion of what Western societies have traditionally done. We are subjecting young men to an unknown risk because adults are suffering from media-induced mass hysteria.”

Collins is unrepentant, however, and enraged that some people are calling for Fauci to resign: “Do you then want to hand a victory on a platter to the people who have made up stories and incessantly thrown around information that is absolutely untrue to try to take him down? You want to say okay, they win?”

Why, no, Frank. The only problem is that it’s not altogether clear right now whether it is you or the people you’re targeting who are actually the ones spreading the misinformation. If you get your way and those you claim are spreading misinformation are silenced, in blithe disregard of the First Amendment, it may turn out later that those who are smeared as spreaders of misinformation are actually telling the truth. Remember Hunter Biden’s laptop, and how all the self-appointed guardians of acceptable discourse labeled as “misinformation” what turned out to be entirely accurate reporting on its contents? You wouldn’t want that to happen again, would you? While you’re pondering that question, Dr. Collins, you fascist, kindly also tender your resignation and never appear in the public square again.

Space Forces Goes Woke, Wonders Why China is Ahead in Hypersonic



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

One of my favorite catchphrases is, "priorities". The decisions that people make are very revealing about their character. The same holds true of institutions.

American hypersonic missile capabilities are "not as advanced" as those of China or Russia, Space Force General David Thompson said Saturday at the Halifax International Security Forum in Canada, signaling that the U.S. is behind in developing the newest and most cutting-edge weaponry.

Thompson admitted during an interview that the U.S. lagging behind the other two countries is potentially dangerous for national security.

"We have catching up to do very quickly, the Chinese have an incredible hypersonic program," he said. "It's a very concerning development ... it greatly complicates the strategic warning problem."

The Chinese are building terror weapons. We're not because those are mean.

According to a memo the Congressional Research Service (CRS) provided for U.S. Congress on Oct. 19, the U.S. is lagging behind China and Russia because "most U.S. hypersonic weapons, in contrast to those in Russia and China, are not being designed for use with a nuclear warhead."

"As a result, U.S. hypersonic weapons will likely require greater accuracy and will be more technically challenging to develop than nuclear-armed Chinese and Russian systems," the CRS wrote.

Meanwhile, the Space Force is focused on going as woke as it can.

The Space Force was created at the end of 2019. Six months later it declared war on “racism”.

“Racism is an enemy," Gen. John Raymond and Chief Master Sgt. Roger Towberman declared, disabusing anyone who might have thought the military enemy was Communist China, Iran, Russia, or any of the other antagonists that the Space Force was tasked with countering.

Gen. Raymond, the Chief of Space Operations, told the ‘guardians’ of the Space Force that their oath to protect and defend the Constitution meant racism was "an enemy we must defeat" by fighting unconscious biases and owning the problem by having "uncomfortable conversations." 

How about some "uncomfortable conversations" about the way in which our core military functions have become hollow shells for wokeness? Or do we have to get hit with a hypersonic Chinese nuke before we have a military that's focused on defeating enemies instead of leftist virtue signaling?

Pelosi’s Support for Climate Agenda is ‘a Religious Thing’

Pelosi, Surrogate/Agent/Enabler of Apostate, Jesuit, Communist Pope Francis, Mixes a Liberal, Twisted Form of Catholicism with Paganism, Hatred of True Christians

God Wants You to Shell Out for Climate Change



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

If you didn’t know that God was in favor of socialism, junk science, and internationalist economic suicide in favor of the People’s Republic of China, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Absolut) is here to get you back on the straight and narrow path, o ye of little faith. On Thursday, the great lawmaker explained why she supported spending $550 billion to fight climate change, despite the fact that it has not been conclusively proven that it is manmade and can be solved by confiscating more money from beleaguered taxpayers. For Pelosi, it’s a matter of being true to her faith: God wants her to support the globalist Left’s climate agenda.

“For me,” said Pelosi, “it’s a religious thing. I believe this is God’s creation, and we have a moral obligation to be good stewards. If you don’t share that view, you must share the view that we have an obligation to future generations,” Pelosi said.

In quoting the Sage of San Francisco’s words on this, Yahoo News reminded us that Pelosi “is a practicing Catholic.” But that’s just more red meat for the blue rubes, who can confront their Christian friends and relatives who have not shown proper respect for Gaia with the “devout” Catholicism of President Dementia and Speaker Vodka. Pelosi’s real religion is not Catholicism, but Leftism, which is ostensibly merely a political philosophy but has shown signs recently of becoming a quasi-religious cult.

Certainly, for Pelosi, the Left’s causes are a holy crusade. She showed this last April when she addressed the deceased George Floyd as if he were a new Jesus, thanking him for “sacrificing your life for justice.” This neatly revealed Pelosi’s actual creed: racism, or whiteness, is the original sin, which manifests itself in all sorts of “systemic” ways, most notably in the alleged police double standard for blacks and whites.

George Floyd, in Pelosi’s vision, sacrificed himself just as Jesus did, in order to bring us the salvation of racial justice. In Christian thought, Jesus submitted to death in order to destroy it and enable human beings to enjoy eternal life; now George Floyd submitted to racism and police brutality in order to destroy them and enable Americans to enjoy relief from the alleged systemic racism that supposedly plagues our society.

Related: Woke Pope Meets Woke Pseudo-Catholic: Pelosi Has Audience With Pope Francis

The fact that Pelosi wears Catholicism more for its political value than as an actual guiding life philosophy is also made clear by the contempt she has shown for it in other contexts. God supposedly wants us to deep-six internal combustion engines and surrender economically to China, and devout Pelosi listens and obeys. But when her Church tells her that abortion is wrong, she not only doesn’t listen but actually has the gall to invoke her religion while justifying her pro-abortion stance.

In July, when asked why she opposed a bill to prohibit taxpayer-funded abortions, Pelosi explained: “Because it’s an issue of health of many women in America, especially those in lower-income situations and in different states. And it is something that has been a priority for many of us for a long time. As a devout Catholic and mother of five in six years, I feel that God blessed my husband and me with our beautiful family — five children in six years, almost to the day. But it’s not up to me to dictate that that’s what other people should do. And it’s an issue of fairness and justice for poor women in our country.”

She reiterated the same talking points in September, saying: “Yeah, I’m Catholic. I come from a pro-life family. Not active in that regard. Different in their view of a woman’s right to choose than I am. In my right to choose, I had five children in six years and one week. And I keep saying to people who say things like that when you have five children in six years and one day, we can talk about what business it is of any of us to tell anyone else to do. For us, it was a complete and total blessing, which we enjoy every day of our lives. But it is none of our business how other people choose the size and timing of their families. My, the,  — the archbishop of the city — that area of San Francisco — and I have a disagreement about who should decide this. I believe that God has given us a free will to honor our responsibilities.”

All right. So it’s not up to Pelosi to dictate what other people should do with regard to abortion, even though she had five children “as a devout Catholic.” But when God tells her to shell out over half a trillion dollars of taxpayer money on a self-defeating, America-Last climate agenda, she has no problem whatsoever disregarding free will and dictating what other people should do.

Pelosi’s inconsistency becomes perfectly clear when one realizes that she isn’t really a Catholic at all, but a worshipper of Gaia. And Gaia now must be appeased, to the tune of $550 billion. Who are we mere mortals to deny the High Priestess her ability to offer a fitting sacrifice to her god?

FBI SWAT TEAM & POLICE Raid House of Activist Mom Who Opposes School Boards’ Policies, Alleged Election Fraud

Exclusive: Colorado Mom Becomes First Parent To Have Her Door Broken Down As DOJ and FBI Target Parents Opposing Marxist Revolution?



ABOVE: Sherronna Bishop WITH Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert 





republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

An FBI Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) team, along with state and local authorities, raided the home of an activist mother of four in Grand Junction, Colorado, on Tuesday.

Sherronna Bishop is a mother of four, a constitutional conservative, and an American patriot who “tenaciously defends core values of God-fearing Patriots who do not want to lose the freedoms and rights of all citizens who live in the greatest nation in the world,” according to her bio on the Truth and Liberty Coalition website.

Bishop also runs the “America’s Mom” platform dedicated to parents’ education on Colorado legislation concerning public schools.

Bishop has been a vocal opponent of the indoctrination of American children in the public schools and has been involved in local school board and congressional races.

On Tuesday morning, Bishop was schooling her children when she heard a “profuse pounding” on her door. After she asked her children to hide in their bedroom, she went to the door just as the SWAT team broke it down with a battering ram. Then they took Bishop outside and handcuffed her, according to her interview with Brannon Howse on World View Weekend

The activist mom also said how involved she personally was in local school board recalls and reelections, and that her organization helped flip nine of them this year. Bishop and her group rallied against mask mandates and Critical Race Theory being taught in schools. Bishop believes that such activism made her a target of the regime:

According to this illegitimate [Biden] regime that is running this country, people like me are now considered domestic terrorists now, because we advocate for our own children, we stand up for them, and we don’t allow the state or the system to abuse them.

Commenting on why the FBI would violently burst into her home, Bishop said that the FBI agents refused to inform her of the reason for the raid. After the search was finished, however, they left behind papers relating to their search warrant indicating that Bishop was suspected of causing “intentional damage to a protected computer, wire fraud and conspiracy to cause damage to a protected computer,” the mom said. Bishop added that she was neither a violent person nor a criminal.

She continued,

I don’t know anything about this. They couldn’t explain any of this. I will tell you why: they were at my home to intimidate me, to shut me up, because I was using my First Amendment rights to advocate for [Mesa County Clerk] Tina Peters on the issue of Dominion [voting machines] and the damage done in our election. And they’ll never be held accountable. Instead, they will criminalize this woman who has stood up.

Colorado elections clerk Tina Peters’ home, along with the homes of three of Peters’ associates, including Bishop, who also served as Representative Lauren Boebert’s (R-Colo.) former campaign manager, was raided by the FBI the same morning, “apparently over a leak of election data from an as yet unidentified leaker to QAnon conspiracy theorists,” per Daily Beast.

Bishop also stressed that if there were any concerns in regard to her activities, she has always been responsive and available, and there was no “emergency” to violently raid her house, bash in her door, scare her children, and “manhandle” her teenage daughter and put her in handcuffs.

As quoted by Leo Hohmann, the Mike Lindell-affiliated World View Weekend had just “concluded a series of interviews with a panel of four retired FBI agents in which they had described similar raids against non-violent patriotic Americans over the last few years, starting with Gen. Michael Flynn in 2016, followed by the pre-dawn raid on author and Trump ally Roger Stone in 2019 and then the violent entering of journalist James O’Keefe of Project Veritas just last week.”

Brian Shepard, a former FBI special agent, said that the agency does not typically conduct a search or an arrest of someone who was not a violent offender.

The events in Grand Junction came on the heels of the recently revealed information on the FBI utilizing anti-terrorist tools against concerned parents.

The developments within the FBI’s Counterterrorism and Criminal Divisions were made in response to Attorney General Merrick Garland’s memorandum issued on October 4, in which he expressed the Department’s commitment “to using its authority and resources to discourage these threats [to the school boards and schools officials], identify them when they occur, and prosecute them when appropriate.”

On October 21, Garland testified to the Judiciary Committee that he could not “imagine any circumstance in which the Patriot Act would be used in the circumstances of parents complaining about their children, nor … a circumstance where they would be labeled as domestic terrorists.”

The FBI opened an investigation for an alleged security breach involving elections equipment in Mesa County earlier this year against Peters and her associates.  

On Wednesday, Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser and 21st Judicial District Attorney Dan Rubinstein released a statement saying,

Yesterday, the 21st Judicial District Attorney’s Office and the Colorado Attorney General’s Office — along with our FBI partners — conducted authorized enforcement actions in support of an ongoing investigation into the alleged election system breach in Mesa County.… We will continue to conduct a thorough investigation based on facts and the law, including using proper law enforcement tools such as the judicially authorized search that was executed properly in this matter.

Bishop, however, indicated that she won’t be silenced, and called on other parents like her to stay strong. She concluded the interview by saying that parents “have got to stand up and find a way to find their voice” before their door is bashed in and they are handcuffed. “I would not wait for that,” the mom added.


SEE ALSO: Tina Peters and Sherronna Bishop: Searching for the Truth - Truth and Liberty Coalition Livecast

Mesa County (Colorado) Clerk Tina Peters and “America’s Mom” Sherronna Bishop join the Truth & Liberty livecast. They detail their claims against the Colorado Secretary of State's office and other parties, and challenge citizens and officials to stand for truth. Watch the full episode at or on Rumble at

FBI Agents Raid Home Of Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters

A multiagency task force has executed search warrants at four locations in western Colorado amid an ongoing investigation into allegations that an elections clerk was involved in a security breach of elections equipment earlier this year.

Former Campaign Manager Sherronna Bishop speaks out about FBI search

Bishop has joined Clerk Tina Peters about describing their experience with the FBI

Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters reappears, speaks publicly at Grand Junction church

Colorado Sec. of State prohibits use of 41 components of Mesa County voting system after probe, AUGUST 12, 2021

Wyoming County Commission bans all public comment at meetings to avoid criticism of their pornographic library books for children.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Decision by Commission appears to be result of collusion with Library Director.

County attorney advises to have police at Commission meetings.

MassResistance parents continue to be relentless!

November 19, 2021
At the previous Commission meeting (before the testimony ban) this mother shows the Commissioners the federal report on preventing child sexual exploitation - and the local library is part of the problem. But the Commissioners weren't interested.

The County Commission in Campbell County, Wyoming, has voted to ban all public comments at its meetings. They did not hide their reason: The majority of the Commissioners do not want to hear any more complaints or criticism (from Wyoming MassResistance parents) about the lurid pornographic books in the public library children’s and teen’s sections.

The County Commission oversees the Library Board. There is evidence that this ban on public comments was enacted in collusion with the Library Director.

On October 15, the County Commission chairman issued an announcement that no public comments about the library books would be allowed at the Commission meetings. But then, apparently, the concept of banning a particular type of speech seemed problematic. So at their next meeting, on October 19, the Commission voted 3-2 to ban all public testimony at their meetings. Here is the arrogant announcement they posted after the vote..


Since July, parents in Gillette have been showing up regularly at County Commission meetings to read excerpts from some of the library books in the children’s and teen’s sections and make their outrage clear to the Commission members.

The library books in question tell young teenage boys and girls that “gay” sex is desirable and instruct them in graphic detail how to engage in a variety of perverted homosexual and lesbian sex acts. Some of the books overtly encourage girls to become lesbian. Another promotes the “how-to” for girls to “transition” to boys by having breast removal surgery, taking male hormones to grow facial hair, and using strap-on dildos.

The parents have demanded that the books be removed and that the perverse library staff members who put them there – and the local Library Board that has defended those books – be fired.

Holding signs in front of the library.
When people drove by the local Subway sandwich shop they saw this!

But instead, the County Commission has insisted that the parents go through a formal “challenge” process for each book. That is an insulting sham. The same library employees who brought the books into the library decide on the “challenge.” So far, there have been over 85 formal challenges filed by parents in the community with the library. The challenges have all been denied; not a single book has been removed from the library. (One book got moved to a different shelf.)

When people think of Wyoming, the word “conservative” comes to mind. The population of Campbell County is certainly conservative overall. But that’s not always reflected in the elected officials. Three of the County Commission members – Chairman Robert Maul, Rusty Bell, and Daniel Reardon – clearly have no problem with these filthy books and are openly contemptuous of those who do. The other two – Colleen Faber and Del Shelstad – hold “normal” values but unfortunately are out-voted on this.

Commissioners (left to right): Rusty Bell, Colleen Faber, Robert Maul (Chairman), Daniel Reardon, Del Shelstad

How the comments ban came about

Wyoming MassResistance parents filed various Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for all relevant communication concerning the ban on public comments and the parents’ protests. What they got back was interesting – and shocking. Here are some of the events leading to the Commission’s decision to ban comments:

  • July 14. Commissioner Daniel Reardon’s visceral disgust for parents who opposed to the library pushing a transgender agenda on children was reflected in an email he sent to a local supporter. Reardon wrote, “It is a sad state of affairs where we regress back to the Matthew Shepard days because of ignorance and hate.”
  • Sept. 22 – Draft of “Joint Statement.” In response to a prior conversation with Chairman Robert Maul, Library Director Terri Leslie gave him a draft for a “joint statement” that would come from the library staff, Library Board, and County Commission on this issue. The statement bemoaned the constant flow of “comments about particular library books” by the public. It absurdly states that “reading is a constitutional right” - meaning that children have the “right” to access homosexual or transgender pornography at the library. It goes on to say that the library’s book challenge procedure is a “democratic process” and a “serious matter” that “requires due diligence and takes time” –  and that “community members must be patient.” To our knowledge, that statement was not released.
  • Oct. 5. Commissioner Rusty Bell suggested taking this a step further. He emailed Maul suggesting that the County Commission “continue to take public comment on everything except the public library at our public meetings.”
  • Oct. 6. Maul said he liked the idea and said he’d have Sean Brown, the Assistant County Attorney, come up with the wording for a formal statement.
  • Oct. 8. Sean Brown submitted wording for the statement to Maul.
  • Oct. 15. The Library Director was very pleased: The statement was made public and posted on social media. The County administrator emailed Library Director Terri Leslie to let her know of “the decision of the Chairman.” Leslie quickly answered, “Words cannot express how impressed I am with this decision.”
  • Oct. 15. Bring in police to control upset parents, says Asst. County Attorney. A member of the local parents' group emailed the Commission stating, “You are not autocrats, you are not fascists, you are not dictators, you are elected public servants … It is outrageous and reprehensible that you have forced this issue for so long in this community.” Obviously, the parents were not taking this casually and so intimidation was in order. Sean Brown then advised that the Commission should have a police presence at the next meeting. (Taking a cue from the DOJ and FBI?)
  • Oct. 16. Brown and Maul decided to eliminate public comment entirely, rather than try and defend the “limited comment” approach. And since they had the votes, they apparently decided to pass an official resolution on that at their next meeting.
  • Thus, at their Oct. 19 meeting, the Commission voted 3-2 to eliminate public comment entirely. But that has only increased the outrage on this issue.

Meanwhile, attacks against the parents by pro-LGBT activists (a small but very vocal and nasty group) praised the decision on the county’s Facebook page. They engaged in the usual vicious name-calling. They posted moronic statements, for example: Unless children have free access to the homosexual pornography, girls will get pregnant. But our people were not intimidated, and those comments were answered with a strong rebuttal!

Final thoughts

To totally squelch public comment before an elected board is an outrageous and arrogant action, to be sure. However, it is has served to bring out in the open that these three County Commissioners (1) fully approve of making this obscene material available to vulnerable children; (2) think they can insult the public’s intelligence with their phony “book challenge” process; and (3) fully support the demented public employees who choose these books.

This ban is having the opposite effect than was intended. Instead of being intimidated and cowed, the local Wyoming MassResistance parent group has been growing tremendously since the announcement. There will be a lot more to report on this battle!


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‘You Used To Be A Member Of The Young Commies?’ Kennedy Grills Comptroller Nominee




'I Cannot Think Of A Nominee More Poorly Suited Than You': Tim Scott Shreds Comptroller Nominee

'I Don't Think You Fit In This Job': Shelby Tells Saule Omarova Point Blank He Won't Vote For Her

'These Are Chilling Statements And Beliefs': Daines Assails Saule Omarova Over Past Writings

'In Your Words, And I Quote...': Toomey Confronts Saule Omarova Over 'Disturbing' Writings

Hagerty: Omarova 'Is Having A Hard Time Acknowledging That Higher Gas Prices Are Bad For America'

GOP Senator Calls Out Saule Omarova's Controversial Quote During Hearing

'That Is An Incredibly Dangerous Concept': GOP Senator Grills Saule Omarova

American Thought Leaders-Chris Balding: How Does China View the Sino-US Cold War?

Chris Balding describes what he calls an "intellectual difficulty" that many US officials seem to be facing in their reluctance to accept the fact that the US and China are in a de facto Cold War with each other. Whether the US wants conflict or not, Balding says, is irrelevant. What is important for the US is to look at how China and CCP leader Xi Jinping view the situation, and react to that.

Poland demands NATO step in to deal with Muslim migrant crisis on border with Belarus



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

The EU should have stepped up at the beginning of the crisis. Poland finds itself stuck in the middle of a conflict between the EU and Belarus, while the open-door EU merely observes developments and pays ineffectual lip service to the problem. Now Poland is calling on NATO –while the leaders of Latvia and Lithuania are considering “invoking Article 4 of the NATO Treaty” — which reflects the seriousness of the escalation. Last week, countries bordering Belarus warned that the Muslim migrant crisis could escalate into a military confrontation.

It is stunning to witness the fear and intimidation of globalist EU leaders in the face of the escalating level of encroachment upon the sovereignty of member nations. This would never be tolerated by Islamic countries: many are keeping out Muslim migrants, and some are even resorting to violence to do so.

The mainstream media has not reported adequately about the treatment of refugees in countries such as Turkey, Iran and Libya. Instead, they have targeted Poland, prompting Poland’s Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki to warn about disinformation campaigns by Moscow and Belarus, stating that “some recent articles in the US gave him chills.” That is nothing new, since the establishment media has largely become an arm of the state.

This video was shared on Twitter by Poland’s Ministry of the Interior and Administration, demonstrating the chaos at the border. Polish authorities are heard warning migrants about the consequences of not following orders.


“Poland’s PM issues demand to NATO over standoff with Belarus,” RT, November 14, 2021:

Words are not enough to resolve the refugee crisis on Poland’s border with Belarus, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has said, demanding that NATO take “concrete steps” to deal with the issue.

“There is no doubt that things have gone too far,” Morawiecki told the Polish PAP news agency on Sunday, adding that “words alone are not enough to stop” Minsk, which Warsaw has accused of orchestrating the border crisis.

The prime minister also revealed that he and the leaders of Latvia and Lithuania were considering invoking Article 4 of the NATO Treaty to encourage the alliance to take some action over the situation on Poland’s eastern border with Belarus.

Article 4 says parties to the treaty are to hold consultations “whenever, in the opinion of any of them, the territorial integrity, political independence or security of any of the parties is threatened.”

It is not enough to just “publicly express our concern,” Morawiecki said, adding that “commitment” and “concrete steps” were needed from all the NATO members. He said he was in constant contact with other European leaders and recently spoke to European Council President Charles Michel and EU Commission head Ursula von der Leyen. He said US President Joe Biden was aware of what Morawiecki described as Minsk’s “provocative actions.”

The Polish head of government also said new sanctions against Belarus were on the table and would be considered at the next emergency summit of the European Council requested by Poland. “We will certainly discuss further sanctions, including the complete closure of the border,” he said.

Morawiecki accused Minsk – and Moscow – of waging a “disinformation” campaign against Poland to blame it for the crisis. He also urged Western media not to fall for Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko’s “manipulations” in exchange for access to the refugee camps, adding that some recent articles in the US gave him chills. He also encouraged the media to rely on “reliable confirmed information” provided by Poland through a specially created state-run portal.

Thousands of asylum seekers, mostly from the Middle East, have been camping out at the Belarusian border. The EU accuses Belarus of orchestrating the crisis….

“Stop Thinking in Terms of Objective Journalism”: Project Veritas Exposes Local CBS Newsroom

“Stop Thinking in Terms of Objective Journalism”: Project Veritas Exposes Local CBS Newsroom



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

In its latest undercover whistleblower investigation, Project Veritas has exposed the attitude and agenda of the newsroom for KENS 5, a CBS affiliate in San Antonio, Texas. In a video released Tuesday night, the station’s former promotions producer, Brett Mauser, can be seen saying — among other things — that the station is no longer interested in objectivity when reporting news.

Mauser stated his reasons for going public with his information: “I hope that KENS 5 will change. I hope that at the very least that … the news team will say, ‘you know what? We do have a problem, we do have an issue here and it needs to be addressed.’”

“I don’t want to destroy the news, I don’t want anybody to get fired. I want people to change and realize that they are supposed to be objective,” Mauser said.

KENS 5 is owned by Tegna, Inc., a media company based out of Virginia that owns 64 local news brands in 51 markets across the United States. The company reaches 39 percent of all markets nationwide. The new Project Veritas video featured a video of Tegna’s Chief Diversity Officer Grady Tripp giving his take on race relations in the United States.

“At this point, if you’re not listening to a podcast or looking at a video or reading any of the information that’s out as far as equality and social justice and race, you don’t care,” Tripp said.

Tripp then laid down the law to the stations he oversees, telling them that “diversity” and “inclusion” were paramount to coverage of the news — not truth.

“We’re gonna be holding stations accountable because we know it’s important to the organization. KPIs [key performance indicators] are gonna change, right?” Tripp threatened. “KPIs are gonna reflect diversity and inclusion from a representation standpoint at various levels, from an inclusion standpoint.”

Asked by O’Keefe what Tripp’s demands had to do with reporting the news, Mauser answered that it had nothing to do with telling the news: “It’s about the narrative. It’s about pushing an agenda.”

The Poynter Institute, a school funded in part by George Soros’ Open Society Foundation, also did training for KENS 5. Donna Lowry, a DEI (diversity, equality, and inclusion) trainer for Poynter, taught the station’s newsroom all about the oppressor vs. oppressed dynamic in news coverage.

“Influence is synonymous with power,” Lowry said. “Power is the ability to influence outcomes and affect others.”

“Cause we want you to think, ‘how can you use your power to create the newsroom you deserve?’”

Mauser explained his take on the Poynter Institute’s three-day training seminar. At first he didn’t see much of a problem with the Poynter training.

“But halfway through, after they started telling us, ‘ok, we need you to take age, race, sexual orientation and put them in order of importance to you, how you see the power dynamic,” Mauser explained.

“It just hit me like a ton of bricks and I thought it’s dividing into oppressor and oppressed,” Mauser said. “Why do we need to put people in boxes like that? The reason is they want to divide us.”

It seems as if the powers that be at KENS 5 want the leftist dogma of intersectionality at the core of their programming. Why else would they ask their newsroom to create their own oppression-ranking systems?

Christina Karaoli Taylor, a Multicultural Competency Trainer at CKT Cultural Strategies, taught the KENS 5 newsroom about her version of diversity and inclusivity.

“During the workshop and throughout your day, I challenge you to stop thinking in terms of objective journalism because,” she told KENS 5, “we’ll discuss why that’s not really feasible anymore.”

Objectivity is not desired anymore? It’s not even “feasible?”

Mauser said it best: “In my mind, if journalism is not objective it’s not journalism, it’s propaganda.”

Trust in the news media is at an all-time low right now. But like in politics, the distrust in media is more about the national media than local. People sometimes see the media as they see Congress. They dislike and distrust the institution as a whole, but they believe in “their guy.”

These days, it’s no longer a secret that national news organizations such as CNN, MSNBC, FOX News, and the traditional broadcast networks all work from their own editorial biases. But in local news, the patina of objectivity in reporting is still thought to be important. This new Project Veritas report shows that, even for local stations, objectivity is less important than whatever narrative they’re trying to manufacture.

Biden Assures Xi US Will Not Intervene Militarily for Taiwan

Xi Spanks Biden in Video Call

'Biden gave his backbone away to Xi Jinping' | Wake Up America



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

If you’re looking for more indication that Old Joe Biden is unfit to be president of the United States, you never have to look very long. On Monday, Biden had a virtual meeting with the president of the People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping. Although this tête-à-tête was reported as lasting nearly four hours, the White House issued only a skimpy six-paragraph “Readout” of what was discussed. Given the fact that even the White House itself often depicts Biden as barely coherent, it’s easy to see why a transcript of this marathon meeting wasn’t offered. Another reason becomes clear even from the White House’s terse “Readout”: Xi spanked the weak and feckless pseudo-president, and got him back into line.

Of course, even though it is brief, the “Readout” is larded with a great deal of the usual boilerplate. “The two leaders” (since they’re both evidently playing for the same socialist team, shouldn’t that be “the two Great Leaders”?), we’re told, “discussed the complex nature of relations between our two countries and the importance of managing competition responsibly.” Hey, that’s terrific, but really, can you imagine Old Joe holding a credible discussion on the complex nature of anything? Imagine if the transcript were released! “Look, Pooh, here’s the deal…”

But actually, Biden wouldn’t have dared to say “here’s the deal” to Xi, because it was clear from the “Readout” that the Chinese Communist leader, not the ostensible president, was calling the shots. “On Taiwan,” it noted blandly, “President Biden underscored that the United States remains committed to the ‘one China’ policy, guided by the Taiwan Relations Act, the three Joint Communiques, and the Six Assurances, and that the United States strongly opposes unilateral efforts to change the status quo or undermine peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.”

This statement was necessary to sort out the mess Biden made during a CNN town hall on Oct. 21, when he was asked whether the United States would defend Taiwan if it were attacked by the People’s Republic. “Yes,” said the old puppet precipitously, “we have a commitment to do that.”

Well, actually the situation was more complicated. As Reuters noted at the time, “While Washington is required by law to provide Taiwan with the means to defend itself, it has long followed a policy of ‘strategic ambiguity’ on whether it would intervene militarily to protect Taiwan in the event of a Chinese attack.” In walking back Biden’s remarks, a White House spokesperson made it clear that the alleged man in charge was actually going off half-cocked, and the United States would not intervene militarily if China were attacked: “The U.S. defense relationship with Taiwan is guided by the Taiwan Relations Act. We will uphold our commitment under the Act, we will continue to support Taiwan’s self-defense, and we will continue to oppose any unilateral changes to the status quo.”

Related: Biden Says U.S. Has a ‘Commitment’ to Defend Taiwan. Oh, Really?

The Chinese Communists were not pleased even after that “clarification” was issued. People’s Republic foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said: “China urges the U.S. to strictly abide by the one-China principle and the provisions of the China-U.S. Three Joint Communiqués, be cautious in its words and deeds on the Taiwan issue, and refrain from sending any wrong signals to the separatist forces of Taiwan independence, so as not to seriously damage China-U.S. relations, peace, and stability across the Taiwan Strait.”

And now, in their endless meeting, Old Joe has assured Xi that the U.S. will do just that. The “strategic ambiguity” is gone, with all the deterrent power it had over China even absent U.S. military intervention. Thus Communist China is essentially free to do what it wishes with Taiwan. Xi and his colleagues knew this already: as the catastrophe in Afghanistan was just beginning in mid-August, Global Times, a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) organ, published an editorial that sent a harsh message to the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), the ruling party of the Republic of China on the island of Taiwan: “The DPP authorities need to keep a sober head, and the secessionist forces should reserve the ability to wake up from their dreams. From what happened in Afghanistan, they should perceive that once a war breaks out in the Straits, the island’s defense will collapse in hours and the U.S. military won’t come to help.”

They were right. Old Joe has now confirmed that. He has also confirmed that it is Xi and the People’s Republic, not the United States, that is in charge now. The U.S. during the regime of Joe Biden’s handlers will not offer a serious challenge to Chinese hegemony. And so the residents of Taiwan must prepare for a very difficult future.

ALEX NEWMAN: “Build Back Better” Bill Will BURY America

The Build Back Better abomination being pushed through Congress by the Democrats will completely restructure the U.S. economy and our way of life, institutionalizing racism and climate decrees while bankrupting American taxpayers and businesses, warns The New American magazine's Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. This is actually part of a globalist program that was launched by the United Nations and is being peddled by the World Economic Forum alongside the "Great Reset." Newman points out that the actual cost of this bill, originally set at $3.5 trillion, will probably be at least 2.5 trillion, despite a "compromise" version supposedly "only" costing $1.85 trillion. It will be a major boon for Communist China while undermining the U.S. economy.

See the Action Alert from the John Birch Society: 🇺🇸

The New American:

Zuckerberg Awards Millions to Anti-White Education Groups (Video)

“Our Collective Power Summit”



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

“We’re building anti-racist school boards in America.” – Chan Zuckerberg Racial Equity Grantee “School Board Partners,” June 2021

It was announced Thursday that numerous anti-white organizations have been awarded millions of dollars by the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative as part of their expansive “Racial Equity Grants” initiative. The “Racial Equity Grants” are comprised of “a Five-Year, $500 Million Commitment” to “advance racial equity, diversity, and inclusion”.

The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative was founded in 2015 by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan. In addition to funding race-baiting in schools, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative has pledged tens of millions to fight “climate change” and “vaccine hesitancy.”

Last month, it was reported that Mark Zuckerberg “put an unprecedented amount of private funding — $419.5 million — into mail-in and get-out-the-vote efforts in 2020.”

According to the New York Post:

Mark Zuckerberg’s millions bought lefty activists access to local election offices, allowing them to organize massive get-out-the-vote efforts in Democrat-dominated cities from the inside.

Zuckerberg interfered in the election by funding the blandly-named, but highly partisan groups Center for Technology and Civic Life and the Center for Election Innovation and Research.

School Board Members are Too White, Racist and Must Be Trained

Just one of the Racial Equity Grantees, “School Board Partners” received a $1.5 million dollar grant from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative to further the goal of training “2,500 school board members across the U.S. over the next decade.”

Some quotes from a short promotional video from School Board Partners:

We’re building anti-racist school boards in America.

Every single day, across millions of classrooms, our school systems perpetuate systemic racism. And there are 100,000 adults that make this a reality. They are elected school board members.

School Board Partners is ready to shift the representation gap between school board members and the communities in which they serve, as well as provide those school board members with racial equity training such that they’re able to lead long term systemic change.

School systems across our country can’t move forward until the 100,000 leaders of our boards start to change the calcified structures, policies, and practices that created and now exacerbate our country’s racial equity gaps.

Watch a School Board Partners video to see what school board members will be learning:

An upcoming conference hosted by School Board Partners features panels on “How to advocate for Women of Color in the Superintendency”, “In Pursuit of Equity: How to Hold Your Superintendent Accountable for Being Anti-Racist”, “Reimagining the Role of Police in Schools: Investing in Alternatives Practices that Achieve Both Safety and Racial Justice” and “Focusing on & Centering Equity Amidst Political Backlash & CRT [Critical Race Theory]” among others.

Other grantees include:

  • $1.25M to the Hunt Institute “to support a campaign to add one million new teachers of color and increase the number of school leaders of color by 30,000 by 2030.”
  • $800K to the Equity Institute  to “work with schools, districts, and education organizations to design more diverse, equitable, and inclusive learning environments.”
  • $2M to the Branch Alliance for Educator Diversity to “provide coaching and technical assistance to teacher education programs at minority-serving institutions that are training the next generation of teachers of color.”

There are too many to list here, but can be found herehere and here.

Subversive groups like School Board Partners are working to indoctrinate students into hating America and one another. They are dangerous and will not stop until Americans become aware of their radical activities.

The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative is one of many radical left organizations that seek to undermine American institutions for their own agenda.

*Featured photo from the School Board Partners’ November 2020 “Our Collective Power Summit”.

Read selected articles at RAIR Foundation USA:

Exposed: Biden Recruits Radical Nobel Laureates to Push Socialist Spending Scam



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

The goal for these Nobel Laureates is not a good economy for America, but to impose a “redistribution of wealth” on a global scale.

Joe Biden and his team keep trotting out the same left-wing political operatives posing as economists to justify the massive “Build Back Better” socialist spending scam. The Biden administration knows that the complicit mainstream media will not dig too far into the nature of these “Nobel Laureates” and is banking on the ignorance of Americans.

The bankruptcy bill piles onto the unconstitutional $1.2 trillion dollar “human infrastructure” package passed last week, and the $1.9 trillion dollar “American Rescue Plan” that passed in March.

Who are these Nobel Laureates? Are they really advocating for a strong American economy as the Democrat establishment would have citizens believe?

The so-called “economists” may be Nobel Laureates, but a simple review of their highly partisan work reveals a disturbing hatred for America’s once-great free-market system. As reported at RAIR, many of these same radical left activists endorsed Joe Biden for president (for his economic and coronavirus policies), pushed for a global carbon tax, and fought against a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution.

In response to a tweet criticizing the massive new spending bill by Senator Tom Cotton, White House “Rapid Response Director” Mike Gwin obnoxiously retorted in part: “I think I’ll trust the judgment of 17 Nobel laureates over that of a junior Hill staffer operating a troll account.”

The Nobel Laureates have openly trashed the policies that led to a great economy under President Donald Trump. Shortly before the pandemic in December 2019, an article at The Week lamented that the powerful economy may lead to Trump’s re-election:

Wage growth is relatively high, inflation is low, unemployment is really low, and the stock market is booming. Could the economy hand Trump a second term?

Despite Trump’s excellent economy, the left-wing Nobel Laureate economists wrote in part that Biden’s economic policies would be “vastly superior to the counterproductive economic policies of Donald Trump.” The economists are not stupid and they are not blind. But they do have an agenda.

Radical Left Economists

As reported at RAIR, the goal for these Nobel Laureates is not a good economy for America, but to impose a “redistribution of wealth” on a global scale.

The Economic Policy Institute, a blandly named progressive think tank molded by Democratic Socialists of America member Lawrence Mishel, organized the “Build Back Better” letter signed by the Nobel Laureates.

When Mishel stepped down from his role as president in 2017, Thea Lee took his place. Notably, Thea Lee was hired in May by Biden’s U.S. Labor Department to “lead the agency’s International Labor Affairs Bureau (ILAB).”

Thea Lee and Larry Mishel Have long History with DSA

One of the promoters of Build Back Better legislation, Joseph Stiglitz, praised the economy in Venezuela and personally met with the late dictator Hugo Chavez, has worked closely with George Soros (and is president and founder of Soros-funded globalist group “Initiative for Policy Dialogue“), and has chaired the world’s largest socialist organization “Socialist International”.

Of the Build Back Better legislation, Stiglitz says in part:

With the investments being financed by tax increases, the inflationary impacts will be at most negligible

George Akerlof with Janet Yellin

Joseph Stiglitz won his Nobel Prize with fellow economists George Akerlof and Michael Spence, all of whom formally endorsed Joe Biden. George Akerlof happens to be married to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, who has championed horrific policies, such as snooping on citizens’ bank accounts.

Nobel Laureate Robert Solow has served in varying capacities at the radical left Federation of American Scientists, Center for American Progress, and JStreet.

Another Nobel Laureate, Daniel Kahneman, has collaborated with fellow economist Cass Sunstein. Sunstein gained notoriety for his book “Nudge”, which he wrote with yet another Nobel Laureate economist Richard Thaler. “Nudge” was noteworthy for showing Democrats how to use legislation to “nudge” citizens to engage in certain behaviors.

‘Ease Inflationary Pressures’

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki falsely claimed earlier this month that the Nobel Laureates said the spending bill would “reduce inflation.” In the wake of her blatant lie, the latest leftist talking point is that the Nobel Laureates believe that the bill will “ease inflationary pressures by vastly expanding government.

“Not one. Not two. Not even sixteen.” SEVENTEEN Nobel Prize-winning economists said that Joe Biden’s Build Back Better will ease longer-term inflationary pressures and lower costs for American families,” declared the official Democrat Twitter account.


“Not one, not two, not three, but seventeen Nobel prize-winning economists say that passing Build Back Better will ease inflationary pressures and lower costs for American families,” Biden’s handlers repeated.

“Build Back Better will help ease inflationary pressures and lower costs for families,” Biden said again:

And again…

And again…

“17 Nobel Prize-winning economists agree that passing the Build Back Better legislation will help ease longer-term inflationary pressures and lower costs for working families,” declared Kamala Harris, repeating the line almost verbatim.

“17 Nobel Prize-winning economists have said the plan will ease inflationary pressures and help more Americans participate in the economy,” regurgitated the White House Twitter account in part:

“17 Nobel Prize economists have said that BBB will ‘ease inflationary pressures,'” declared creepy White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain:


White House Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates gushed that “17 Nobel Prize winners in economics said that BBB will lower inflationary pressures” and “BBB will make the biggest investment in affordable housing ever, lowering rents.”

Do any of them actually think for themselves or are they just parrots for a talking point? The “Build Back Better” language is not limited to Biden. The globalist left has repeated it over and over again:

In order to justify their massive spending, the left, with help from RINOs, have redefined “infrastructure”. “Infrastructure” now means pretty much any new massive government program designed to get Americans dependent on the government.

Here is Biden talking about “human infrastructure”:

Inflation will necessarily skyrocket even more if the BBB spending scam passes, but that is of little concern to the left, whose cronies will be paid and whose massive new programs will be all but impossible to dismantle.

Exposed: Klaus Schwab’s School For Covid Dictators, Plan for ‘Great Reset’ (Videos)



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Economist Ernst Wolff believes that a hidden alliance of political and corporate leaders is exploiting the pandemic with the aim of crashing national economies and introducing a global digital currency.

How is it that more than 190 governments from all over the world ended up dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic in almost exactly the same manner, with lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccination cards now being commonplace everywhere? The answer may lie in the Young Global Leaders school, which was established and managed by Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, and that many of today’s prominent political and business leaders passed through on their way to the top.

The German economist, journalist, and author Ernst Wolff has revealed some facts about Schwab’s “Young Global Leaders” school that are relevant for understanding world events during the pandemic in a video from the German Corona Committee podcast. While Wolff is mainly known as a critic of the globalist financial system, recently he has focused on bringing to light what he sees as the hidden agenda behind the anti-Covid measures being enacted around the world.

Mysterious Beginnings

The story begins with the World Economic Forum (WEF), which is an NGO founded by Klaus Schwab, a German economist and mechanical engineer, in Switzerland in 1971, when he was only 32. The WEF is best-known to the public for the annual conferences it holds in Davos, Switzerland each January that aim to bring together political and business leaders from around the world to discuss the problems of the day. Today, it is one of the most important networks in the world for the globalist power elite, being funded by approximately a thousand multinational corporations.

The WEF, which was originally called the European Management Forum until 1987, succeeded in bringing together 440 executives from 31 nations already at its very first meeting in February 1971, which as Wolff points out was an unexpected achievement for someone like Schwab, who had very little international or professional experience prior to this. Wolff believes the reason may be due to the contacts Schwab made during his university education, including studying with no less a person than former National Security Advisor and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Wolff also points out that while Schwab was there, the Harvard Business School had been in the process of planning a management forum of their own, and it is possible that Harvard ended up delegating the task of organizing it to him. 

The Forum initially only brought together people from the economic field, but before long, it began attracting politicians, prominent figures from the media (including from the BBC and CNN), and even celebrities.

Schwab’s Young Global Leaders: Incubator of the Great Reset?

In 1992 Schwab established a parallel institution, the Global Leaders for Tomorrow school, which was re-established as Young Global Leaders in 2004. Attendees at the school must apply for admission and are then subjected to a rigorous selection process. Members of the school’s very first class in 1992 already included many who went on to become important liberal political figures, such as Angela Merkel, Nicolas Sarkozy, and Tony Blair. There are currently about 1,300 graduates of this school, and the list of alumni includes several names of those who went on to become leaders of the health institutions of their respective nations. Four of them are former and current health ministers for Germany, including Jens Spahn, who has been Federal Minister of Health since 2018. Philipp Rösler, who was Minister of Health from 2009 until 2011, was appointed the WEF’s Managing Director by Schwab in 2014. 

Other notable names on the school’s roster are Jacinda Ardern, the Prime Minister of New Zealand whose stringent lockdown measures have been praised by global health authorities; Emmanuel Macron, the President of France; Sebastian Kurz, who was until recently the Chancellor of Austria; Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary; Jean-Claude Juncker, former Prime Minister of Luxembourg and President of the European Commission; and Annalena Baerbock, the leader of the German Greens who was the party’s first candidate for Chancellor in this year’s federal election, and who is still in the running to be Merkel’s successor. We also find California Governor Gavin Newsom on the list, who was selected for the class of 2005, as well as former presidential candidate and current US Secretary of Transportation Peter Buttigieg, who is a very recent alumnus, having been selected for the class of 2019. All of these politicians who were in office during the past two years have favored harsh responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, and which also happened to considerably increase their respective governments’ power.


But the school’s list of alumni is not limited to political leaders. We also find many of the captains of private industry there, including Microsoft’s Bill Gates, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Virgin’s Richard Branson, and the Clinton Foundation’s Chelsea Clinton. Again, all of them expressed support for the global response to the pandemic, and many reaped considerable profits as a result of the measures.


Wolff believes that the people behind the WEF and the Global Leaders school are the ones who really determine who will become political leaders, although he stresses that he doesn’t believe that Schwab himself is the one making these decisions but is merely a facilitator. He further points out that the school’s alumni include not only Americans and Europeans, but also people from Asia, Africa, and South America, indicating that its reach is truly worldwide.

In 2012, Schwab and the WEF founded yet another institution, the “Global Shapers Community,” which brings together those identified by them as having leadership potential from around the world who are under 30. Approximately 10,000 participants have passed through this program to date, and they regularly hold meetings in 400 cities. Wolff believes that it is yet another proving ground where future political leaders are being selected, vetted, and groomed before being positioned in the world’s political apparatus.

Ernst Wolff

Wolff points out that very few graduates of the Global Leaders school list it on their CVs. He says that he has only seen it listed on one: namely, that of the German economist Richard Werner, who is a known critic of the establishment. Wolff suggests that the school seems to like to include even critics of the system among its ranks, as another name among its graduates is Gregor Hackmack, the German chief of, who was in its 2010 class. Wolff believes this is because the organization wants to present itself as being fair and balanced, although it also wants to ensure that its critics are controlled opposition.

Another thing that the Global Leaders graduates have in common is that most of them have very sparse CVs apart from their participation in the program prior to being elevated to positions of power, which may indicate that it is their connection to Schwab’s institutions that is the decisive factor in launching their careers. This is most evident when the school’s alumni are publicly questioned about issues that they have not been instructed to talk about in advance, and their struggles to come up with answers are often quite evident. Wolff contends that their roles are only to act as mouthpieces for the talking points that those in the shadows behind them want discussed in public debate.

Schwab’s Yes Men in Action

Given the growing discontent with the anti-Covid measures put into practice by the school’s graduates who are now national leaders, Wolff believes it is possible that these people were selected due to their willingness to do whatever they are told, and that they are being set up to fail so that the subsequent backlash can be exploited to justify the creation of a new global form of government. Indeed, Wolff notes that politicians with unique personalities and strong, original views have become rare and that the distinguishing character of the national leaders of the past 30 years has been their meekness and adherence to a strict globalist line dictated from above. This has been especially evident in most countries’ response to the pandemic, where politicians who knew nothing about viruses two years ago suddenly proclaimed that Covid was a severe health crisis that justified locking people up in their homes, shutting down their businesses, and wrecking entire economies.

Determining exactly how the school operates is difficult, but Wolff has managed to learn something about it. In the school’s early years, it involved the members of each class meeting several times over the course of a year, including a ten-day “executive training” session at the Harvard Business School. Wolff believes that, through meeting their classmates and becoming part of a wider network, the graduates then establish contacts who they rely on in their later careers. Today, the school’s program includes courses offered over the course of five years at irregular intervals, which in some cases may overlap with the beginnings of some of its participants’ political or professional careers – meaning they will be making regular visits to Davos. Emmanuel Macron and Peter Buttigieg, for example, were selected for the school less than five years ago, which means it is possible they have been regularly attending Young Global Leaders-related programs while in political office and may in fact still be attending them today.

A Worldwide Network of Wealth & Influence

Graduates from the Young Global Leaders school, and Global Leaders for Tomorrow before them, find themselves very well-situated given that they then have access to the WEF’s network of contacts. The WEF’s current Board of Trustees includes such luminaries as Christine Lagarde, former Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund and current President of the European Central Bank; Queen Rania of Jordan, who has been ranked by Forbes as one of the 100 most powerful women in the world; and Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock, the largest investment management corporation internationally and which handles approximately $9 trillion annually. By tracing the connections between the school’s graduates, Wolff claims that you can see that they continue to rely on each other for support for their initiatives long after they participated in the Global Leaders programs.

Wolff believes that many elite universities play a role in the process determined by the WEF and that they should no longer be seen as operating outside of the fields of politics and economics. He cites the example of the Harvard Business School, which receives millions of dollars from donors each year, as well as the Harvard School of Public Health, which was renamed the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health after it received $350 million from the Hong Kong-born billionaire Gerald Chan. The same is true of the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, which became the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health after media mogul Michael Bloomberg donated $1.8 billion to the school in 2018.

Wolff states that the WEF’s influence goes far beyond those who have passed through the Global Leaders and Global Shapers programs, however, as the number of people who participate in the annual Davos conferences is much larger than many suspect; he mentions being informed that approximately 1,500 private jets bring attendees to the event each year, overloading Switzerland’s airports.

The Alliance of Big Business & Government

The main goal of the WEF’s activities, Wolff believes, is to facilitate and further high-level cooperation between big business and national governments, something which we are already seeing take place. Viviane Fischer, another participant in the Corona Committee podcast, points out that the British-based company Serco processes migrants for the British government and also manages prisons around the world, among its many other activities. The pharmaceutical industry’s international reach is also considerable: Wolff mentions that Global Leaders alumnus Bill Gates, for example, had long been doing business with Pfizer, one of the main producers of the controversial mRNA anti-Covid vaccines, through his Foundation’s public health initiatives in Africa since long before the pandemic began. Perhaps not coincidentally, Gates has become one of the foremost champions of lockdowns and the Covid vaccines since they became available, and The Wall Street Journal has reported that his Foundation had made approximately $200 billion in “social benefits” from distributing vaccines before the pandemic had even begun. One can only imagine what its vaccine profits are today.

Digital technology, which is now all-pervasive, is also playing a prominent role in the elite’s global designs. Wolff highlights that BlackRock, run by Global Leaders alumnus Larry Fink, is presently the largest advisor to the world’s central banks and has been collecting data on the world financial system for more than 30 years now, and undoubtedly has a greater understanding of how the system works than the central banks themselves.

One of the goals of the current policies being pursued by many governments, Wolff believes, is to destroy the businesses of small- and medium-sized entrepreneurs so that multinational corporations based in the United States and China can monopolize business everywhere. Amazon, which was led until recently by Global Leaders alumnus Jeff Bezos, in particular, has made enormous profits as a result of the lockdown measures that have devastated the middle class. 

Wolff contends that the ultimate goal of this domination by large platforms is to see the introduction of digital bank currency. Just in the past few months, China’s International Finance Forum, which is similar to the WEF, proposed the introduction of the digital yuan, which could, in turn, be internationalized by the Diem blockchain-based currency network. Interestingly, Diem is the successor to Libra, a cryptocurrency that was first announced by Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook, indicating that a global currency that will transcend the power of either the dollar or the yuan, and managed through the cooperation of Chinese, European, and American business networks, is currently being discussed. The International Finance Forum’s supervisory board includes such names as the WEF’s Christine Lagarde; Jean-Claude Trichet, the former President of the European Central Bank; and Horst Köhler, the former Head of the International Monetary Fund.

Wolff further explains that the lockdowns and subsequent bailouts that were seen around the world over the past two years left many nations on the verge of bankruptcy. In order to avoid an economic catastrophe, the governments of the world resorted to drawing on 650 billion special drawing rights, or SDRs, which are supplementary foreign exchange reserve assets managed by the International Monetary Fund. When these eventually come due, it will leave these same governments in dire straits, which is why it may be that the introduction of digital currency has become a sudden priority – and this may have been the hidden purpose of the lockdowns all along. 

Wolff says that two European countries are already prepared to begin using digital currency: Sweden and Switzerland. Perhaps not coincidentally, Sweden has had virtually no lockdown restrictions due to the pandemic, and Switzerland has taken only very light measures. Wolff believes that the reason for this may be that the two countries did not need to crash their economies through lockdown measures because they were already prepared to begin using digital currency before the pandemic began. He contends that a new round of lockdowns may be being prepared that will finish off the world’s economies for good, leading to massive unemployment and in turn the introduction of Universal Basic Income and the use of a digital currency managed by a central bank. This currency might be restricted, both in terms of what individuals can spend it on as well as in the time frame that one has to spend it in.

Further, Wolff indicates that the inflation currently being seen around the world is an inevitable consequence of the fact that national governments, after taking loans from the central banks, have introduced approximately $20 trillion into the global economy in less than two years. Whereas previous bailouts were directed into the markets, this latest round has gone to ordinary people, and as a result, this is driving up the prices of products that ordinary people spend their money on, such as food. 

Democracy Has Been Cancelled

The ultimate conclusion one must draw from all of this, according to Wolff, is that democracy as we knew it has been silently canceled, and that although the appearance of democratic processes is being maintained in our countries, the fact is that an examination of how governments around the world work today shows that an elite of super-wealthy and powerful individuals effectively control everything that goes on in politics, as has been especially evident in relation to the pandemic response. 

The best way to combat their designs, Wolff says, is simply to educate people about what is happening, and for them to realize that the narrative of the “super-dangerous virus” is a lie that has been designed to manipulate them into accepting things that run contrary to their own interests. If even 10% of ordinary citizens become aware of this and decide to take action, it could thwart the elite’s plans and perhaps open a window for ordinary citizens to take back control over their own destinies.

Video Interview

Ernst Wolff is interviewed in this series of videos by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, a German lawyer and politician who hosts a podcast called Corona Ausschuss (Corona Committee), which critically examines the German government’s response to the pandemic. These videos are taken from one of their podcasts. Also on the group chat are Viviane Fischer, a business attorney and economist based in Berlin who is a regular participant on the Corona Committee; and Wolfgang Wodarg, a former German Member of Parliament for the Social Democratic Party who has been vocal in opposing the German government’s lockdown and vaccination measures.

Part I


Part II


Part III



DHS Issues New Bulletin Warning of ‘Domestic Violent Extremists’



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

A new bulletin from the Department of Homeland Security took effect Thursday, and notes that “the Homeland continues to face a diverse and challenging threat environment.” Hey, that’s great news! The terror threat is now officially “diverse” — that’s a good thing, right? Diversity is our strength! The diversity, in this case, includes both “domestic violent extremists and those inspired or motivated by foreign terrorists and other malign foreign influences,” but it’s clear that the feds are mostly concerned about those domestic violent extremists. As USA Today noted in its report on the new DHS bulletin, “In September, FBI Director Christopher Wray referred to the rising domestic terror threat, telling a Senate committee that domestic terror cases had more than doubled since early 2020.” Sure they have. But is this because there are more domestic terror cases, or because the feds are now aggressively looking for some in order to validate their claims?

The DHS bulletin warned of the possibility of terror attacks in the coming weeks, as “several religious holidays and associated mass gatherings” are now approaching “that in the past have served as potential targets for acts of violence.” At the same time, however, officials conceded that intelligence agencies have not found any “imminent and credible threat to a specific location in the United States.”

The threats they’re really worried about are those that supposedly come from alleged right-wing extremists who are enraged at Biden’s handlers’ gallop toward authoritarianism: “The ongoing global pandemic continues to exacerbate these threats, in part due to perceived government overreach in implementation of public health safety measures.”

Oh yeah, there are jihadis around as well: “Further, foreign terrorist organizations and (domestic violent extremists) continue to attempt to inspire potential followers to conduct attacks in the United States, including by exploiting recent events in Afghanistan.” This is because al Qaeda and ISIS “celebrated perceived victories over the United States and encouraged the use of violence by their followers and supporters to further their objectives. These foreign terrorist organizations will likely continue to maintain a highly visible online presence in an attempt to inspire U.S.-based individuals to engage in violent activity.”

The part about jihadis possibly plotting to strike inside the United States is certainly true, and there is an abundant attestation to that from the open and unapologetic words of the jihadis themselves. But the clear implication of the DHS bulletin—that the threat the jihadis pose to the U.S. is secondary to a terror threat from Americans who are angry at the federal government’s outrageous overreach in the months that Joe Biden has pretended to be president of the United States—is as baseless as it is ominous.

Biden’s handlers, and even Old Joe himself, have repeatedly warned about a “white supremacist” terror threat that is supposedly the greatest threat the nation faces today. The only thing this scenario lacks is actual white supremacist terrorists. And so they have to be invented. Old Joe and the establishment media defamed Kyle Rittenhouse as a white supremacist last year, doing everything they could to make him fit their ridiculous myth of violent, racist, right-wing fanatics menacing the good and decent spiritual descendants of the soldiers who stormed the beaches of Normandy, the fine young men, and women of Antifa.

Related: On 9/11, Obama DHS Sec. Jeh Johnson Warns of ‘Principal Threat’ to the Homeland (Hint: It’s Not Terrorism)

And it isn’t just Rittenhouse. Virtually everyone who dissents from the Leftist agenda is a “white supremacist” and/or a “violent extremist” these days – even me. A few months ago, the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT), an organization created by Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, and YouTube to police terrorism on the Internet, bizarrely designated my organization Jihad Watch a “violent extremist” group, despite the fact that pretty much all we do is type, and report on jihad activity in the U.S. and around the world. In response to a letter from my attorney demanding a retraction, the GIFCT refused to back down. Those who designated Jihad Watch as a “violent extremist” group explained that we reported on violent activity – terrorist bombings, murders, etc. – and that this in some way “dehumanized” Muslims.

How we did this was left unexplained; it would have been impossible to explain, as it is absurd on its face. The response to my attorney’s letter was essentially the increasingly common Leftist argument that speech that dissents from its party line is violence, and hence must be shut down.

So that’s that, at least for now. When I hear the DHS warning about a rise in the number of “domestic violent extremists,” now I know why: because ordinary, law-abiding Americans who utter inconvenient truths are being smeared with this label. And remember: if they can do it to me, they can do it to you. Remember also: it won’t stop with labeling.

To get exclusives and the latest news on the “domestic violent extremist” threat and much more, use promo code 2022 this week only for a 40% discount on your new PJ Media VIP subscription. It is the largest discount we have ever offered. Make sure you’re getting the news you need.

Military confrontation feared as Afghan migrant crisis unleashed by Belarus threatens Poland and EU



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Countries bordering Belarus have “warned the migrant crisis on the European Union’s eastern borders could escalate into a military confrontation while Ukraine said it would deploy thousands of more troops to reinforce its frontier.” Meanwhile, the EU which is at the center of the crisis remains nothing more than an “observer.”

Days ago, Poland vowed to “defend Europe” from the “migrant invasion” unleashed by Belarusian dictator Alexander Lukashenko. Somebody has to do so, given the incompetent, globalist EU.

Lukashenko’s forces coerced over 1,000 refugees to smash through the border, while the EU watched. Now that violent clashes have raged through a night, the EU is raising concerns, as it accuses Belarus of “mounting a ‘hybrid attack’ on the bloc.” Ironic that Lukashenko would use a form of retaliation that the EU has been welcoming: open-door migration.

Poland now finds itself bearing the brunt of the conflict between the EU and Belarus. While the EU accusations against Lukashenko are true, the EU has steadily pushed open door Muslim migration as a “human right.” In a single year, “the highest number of arrivals – 1,015,078 – was recorded in 2015. More than 800,000 of them were trafficked by sea from Turkey to Greece, and the majority of them continued to travel through Europe to reach Germany and Sweden.” Those two countries welcomed them with open arms, with full approval from the EU, only to see chaos unleash in their respective countries with soaring crime, sex assaults, jihad threats, and no-go zones.

Adding to the trouble is now Belarusian ally Russia:

The crisis has sparked a new confrontation between the West and Russia, which dispatched two nuclear capable strategic bombers to patrol Belarusian airspace on Wednesday in a show of support for its ally.

As tensions between Poland and Belarus escalate, the EU owes Poland sufficient support and finances to deal with it.

Poland has been historically steadfast in protecting its borders from Muslim migrant invasions since the Syrian crisis, while the EU lambasted the country for not taking in migrant quotas, and threatened punitive action. The EU has also recently refused to help 12 countries financially to build needed border fences, and now Lukashenko is making a global embarrassment out of the inept EU.

Another complexity: the EU’s top court recently demanded that Poland to pay an unreasonable daily fine of over $1.1 million USD in a row over judicial reforms, described as a “bitter feud with the EU over changes that are seen as weakening the independence of Polish courts.”

The EU has a standing record of harassing EU members that do not ascribe to its self-destructive globalist policies, as it steadily encroaches upon the sovereignty of those nations. This has raised numerous concerns about other countries exiting the EU. Many fear a “Polexit,” given its recent tensions with the EU. With the new tensions at Poland’s Belarus border, the EU’s approach of mere condemnation of Lukashenko is appalling.

“Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia said Belarus posed serious threats to European security by deliberately escalating its ‘hybrid attack’ using migrants to retaliate for EU sanctions.” Now with a war brewing, the EU has an immediate responsibility beyond lip service to confront it.

“Neighbours of Belarus say migrant crisis risks military clash,” by Andrius Sytas and Joanna Plucinska, Reuters, November 11, 2021:

KAPCIAMIESTIS, Lithuania/WARSAW Nov 11 (Reuters) – Countries bordering Belarus on Thursday warned the migrant crisis on the European Union’s eastern borders could escalate into a military confrontation while Ukraine said it would deploy thousands more troops to reinforce its frontier.

Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia said Belarus posed serious threats to European security by deliberately escalating its “hybrid attack” using migrants to retaliate for EU sanctions.

“This increases the possibility of provocations and serious incidents that could also spill over into the military domain,” a joint statement by the countries’ defence ministers said.

While not an EU member, Ukraine is wary of becoming another flashpoint in the escalating migrant crisis. Kyiv announced drills and the deployment of 8,500 additional troops and police officers to the country’s long northern border with Belarus. read more

Migrants stranded inside Belarus threw rocks and branches at Polish border guards and used logs to try to break down a razor wire fence overnight in new attempts to force their way into the EU, the authorities in Warsaw said.

The EU says Minsk is encouraging thousands of migrants fleeing war-torn parts of the world to try to cross its borders and may impose new sanctions on Belarus and airlines ferrying the migrants as soon as Monday. read more

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko threatened to retaliate, including by shutting down the transit of Russian natural gas via Belarus, although there was no immediate response from Russia, its close ally and financial backer.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said Moscow will try to help Europe weather an energy crunch and is hoping that German authorities will soon certify the Nord Stream 2 pipeline that will carry more Russian gas to Germany.

Moscow reacted angrily in the past when Ukraine, another transit country, disrupted supplies of gas to the West and Lukashenko has proved a difficult partner, pushing back against its wishes at times while accepting loans and subsidised energy.



Belarus instructs how to use kids for propaganda to cross into Poland: make them ‘look dirty and tired’

LAWLESS CHAOS: LAPD tells residents to “comply” with robbers as society collapses in blue cities… escape while you still can

Tipping Point - Dinesh D’Souza - Skyrocketing Crime In Democrat-run Cities



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

(Natural News) Blue cities in America — run by traitorous Democrats who are desperately trying to destabilize society and bring down America — are collapsing into lawlessness and chaos. Across NYC, Chicago, Seattle, Portland, Boston, St. Louis, Los Angeles, and other blue cities, vehicle break-ins are skyrocketingmuggings are up and shoplifting is spiraling out of control to such a huge extent that many retailers (like Walgreens and CVS) are simply shutting down stores in blue cities.

This week in Connecticut, thieves brazenly looted a grocery store in broad daylight, walking out with shopping carts full of grocery products (and toxic laundry detergent, weirdly), stuffing the products into vehicles with no license plates, then recklessly driving off at high speed. See the video here:

LAPD gives up on stopping crime, tells residents to “cooperate and comply” with robbers

Robberies are now so bad in Los Angeles that the LAPD is directly advising residents to “cooperate and comply” with robbers. Stunningly, even the police in LA are no longer urging people to try to stop robberies or catch the criminals carrying them out. Instead, they say “cooperate and comply” so that you can, “Be a good witness.”

Of course, robbers know full well that it’s hard to be a good witness when you’re dead.

The LAPD essentially just announced a “free pass” for all criminals who seek to rob people, and they’ve even reminded those criminals why they might want to shoot and kill their victims in order to eliminate witnesses.

This is “policing” in a liberal city. It’s beyond pathetic… it’s criminal. The LAPD is essentially aiding and abetting violent criminals at this point, and that stance has the full support of Democrats, of course, who think police should be defunded and that criminals should be set free. (We are not blaming the police, but rather the lunatic left-wing Marxists who give them orders.)

In San Francisco, shoplifting has been legalized, so thieves simply loot retail stores in broad daylight:

Get out of blue cities while you still can

If you are crazy enough to still be living in a blue city, your window of opportunity to evacuate before the total collapse arrives is rapidly closing. It is abundantly clear that, if current trends continue, police will be forced to simply abandon large swaths of blue cities and label them, “non-enforcement zones” where criminals operate without limits.

Remember the CHAZ zone in Seattle? Police evacuated, leaving the residents behind as kidnapped victims of insane, lunatic left-wing violent criminals who proclaimed ownership over six city blocks of downtown Seattle.

In 2022, we’re going to see something similar happening on a much larger scale, with many square miles of blue cities utterly abandoned by law enforcement.

Treasonous Democrat mayors and governors, meanwhile, push unconstitutional gun restrictions in order to make sure residents cannot defend themselves against violent criminals. No police, no Second Amendment, no rule of law… you’re on your own.

And then when you dare defend yourself — like Kyle Rittenhouse — you are declared a murderer and a terrorist.

Get out while you still can. Get to a pro-2A state where you can arm yourself and where you can legally deploy firearms against robbers and home invaders who mean you harm.

The answer to violent crime is more guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens. States with the highest rates of gun ownership have the lowest rates of violent crime. And the cities with the worst violent crime — Chicago comes to mind — have the strictest gun laws that leave law-abiding citizens helpless in the face of increasingly aggressive criminals.

Food inflation will only make the criminals more desperate

The Biden regime’s never-ending money printing that’s pushing runaway inflation and food price increases is only making criminals more desperate. As the Biden regime prints more fiat currency, it drives low-income people to the point of poverty and homelessness. Even with rising wages, food prices are rising more than twice as fast, and the “transitory” excuse of the White House has already collapsed. Inflation is accelerating rapidly, and America is headed into a Venezuela-style hyperinflation event.

The dollar is going to lose as much as 50% of its purchasing power over the next 12 months alone. Here’s Gregory Mannarino ( explaining why the Fed wants inflation and continues to create it:

America in 2022: People will be freezing and starving while the dollar and the economy continue to collapse (all by design)

With the Marxist democrats in control (for the moment), the destruction of America is only accelerating. Biden is shutting down pipelines and fuel supplies. Senseless covid lockdowns are causing persistent labor shortages that are worsening the collapse of the food supply. (Food riots are coming in 2022.) And the supply chain is cratering, leading to shortages of parts and products across nearly every industry.

Fertilizer plants are also being shuttered in an effort to cause global famine and mass starvation. It’s all part of the Decarbonization Terraforming effort that I’ve documented in another article.

What we are all witnessing is global-scale genocide/extermination of humanity by terrorist governments that are obviously working for some entity that isn’t human.

Get full details in today’s Situation Update podcast here:


NYC, the abortion murder capital of the world, opens 1,000 covid “vaccine” sites to inject young children with biological weapons in mass murder ritual

Image: NYC, the abortion murder capital of the world, opens 1,000 covid “vaccine” sites to inject young children with biological weapons in mass murder ritual




republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

(Natural News) New York City, also known as abortion and infanticide central, is setting up special Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” sites all across the city to start mass injecting young children as part of the government’s ongoing plandemic depopulation ritual.

These special “pop-up” sites are specifically geared for children aged 5-11 who are now eligible under Pedo Joe Biden’s “Build Back Better” (6uild 6ack 6etter) scheme to take “Operation Warp Speed” injections from Pfizer, which were introduced by the previous administration.

According to reports, more than 1,000 sites are now being set up for this purpose, many of them at schools. “Medical professionals,” the mainstream media claims, will be on-site at all of them to “safely” and “effectively” administer the shots.

“Overall, I guess I just have a little jump in my step,” rattled a student named Sylvan Booudo to the local fake news media. Booudo was one of the first children in line to receive the jab.

“I’m now just able to do way more things.”

CBS New York‘s Lisa Rozner tweeted a video of masked parents and their children lined up down the street in eager anticipation of getting their little ones injected at warp speed (see below):

“Outside PS 40 in Manhattan where parents have been waiting in line, holding a spot for their kids to get vaccinated, since around 7am,” Rozner wrote.

The same people who love mass-murdering babies now say they want to save your children’s lives with covid injections – HUH?

For a city that is so eager to murder babies both in the womb (abortion) and out (infanticide), it is strange that the city is suddenly so worried about saving children’s lives that it is investing who-even-knows how many millions of dollars to “flatten the curve” with this mass injection scheme.

Unborn and recently born children have no value whatsoever in New York City – that is until they are old enough to get injected. At that point, New York politicians suddenly want to save them from “covid” through forced jabbing at a local pop-up tent.

It is a conflicting and illogical policy, but some people are apparently falling for it. The very eugenicists who get a thrill out of mass-murdering babies now expect us all to believe that they want to “save lives” by injecting children with mystery chemicals at warp speed.

Could it be that the jabs are just infanticide in disguise, except for older children? Since five-year-olds are too old to be legally aborted, perhaps the injections are a barely subtle way of ending these older children’s lives incognito in order to avoid raising suspicion.

“How long is it? One month until they jab their little kids with the second shot?” asked one commenter at Citizen Free Press. “They get to learn the truth just before Christmas. I wonder what they will do with the presents with no little ones around Christmas morning.”

“Maybe the Yule log can be used on the witches mandating or encouraging these jabs on the little children.”

“The criminals in government and the vaccine industry will probably be giving the vast majority if not all of those kids a saline solution alone, to use New York as a fake example for the rest of the nation, to try to justify force-injecting children everywhere else,” speculated another.

“Pediatricians in my opinion may as well be called baby-killers and pedophiles,” another wrote, expressing what many others out there also believe.

More of the latest news about how Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” are killing people as opposed to saving them can be found at

Sources for this article include:

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