Kamala’s Nazis

She's complicit not with dead Nazis, but with living ones dedicated to killing Jews today.

SEE: https://www.frontpagemag.com/kamalas-nazis; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes:

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“I don’t understand how we got so toxic and just so divided and so bitter,” Barack Obama wondered at a Kamala rally in Wisconsin.

A day later, the Kamala campaign began accusing Trump of being Hitler.

As October surprises go, a Democrat accusing a Republican of being Hitler is as surprising as pint-sized witches and ghosts showing up on your doorstep on October 31. Ever since FDR accused Wendell Wilkie of using “Hitler tactics” back during the 1940 election, calling your opponent Hitler has been a rite of passage since even before Joe Biden was born.

Goldwater, Reagan and both Bushes were accused of Hitlerism, Nazism or fascism.

No Democrat was too respectable to get in the game including MLK who claimed, “we see danger signs of Hitlerism in the candidacy of Mr. Goldwater.”

Barry Goldwater was half Jewish, a WWII vet and a lifetime member of the NAACP who helped found the NAACP’s Arizona chapter, and seemingly the worst possible candidate for ‘Hitlerism’.

Except for Trump who has Jewish family members and is performing so well among Jewish, Latino and black voters that his opponents and her media have to compare him to Hitler.

There was a time when comparing your opponent to Hitler was a mostly harmless way of watering down some of the most horrific events of the twentieth century for political gain.

These days, however, it’s all too easy to find an influential political movement championing the extermination of the Jews with a foothold inside the Kamala campaign and the Democrats.

"If the Jews all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide," Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah boasted. And the Islamic terrorist group proved it was serious about killing Jews outside Israel with terrorist attacks like the bombing of the AMIA Jewish community center in Buenos Aires which murdered 86 people.

These days you can spot Hezbollah flags flying at any respectable anti-Israel rally. Including those that Vice President Kamala Harris and Gov. Tim Walz has defended and is complicit in. Harris, Walz and the party have praised the mobs waving Hamas and Hezbollah flags, chanting in support of the Houthis and assaulting Jewish students, and they want to claim the role of the Allies fighting Hitler when they’re at best the Quislings who are aiding and abetting the Nazis.

Kamala privately met with Dearborn Mayor Abdullah Hammoud to urge him to support her campaign. Hammoud had spoken at a rally that included chants of “Death to Israel” and calls for Jews to be returned “back to Poland.”

Hammoud was introduced by Osama Siblani as “the greatest mayor in the United States of America.”  “Mr. Bush believes Hezbollah, Hamas and other Palestinian factions are terrorists, but we believe they are freedom fighters,” Siblani had previously told the Washington Post.

Osama had bragged, “If the FBI wants to come after those who support the resistance done by Hezbollah, then they better bring a fleet of buses. I for one would be willing to go to jail.”

“Our martyrs are heroes, our leaders are great,” Osama Siblani said after the death of the Hezbollah leader “And first among them, their leader, the great Sayyed, Hassan Nasrallah.”

Osama had previously met with Ms. Chávez Rodríguez, Kamala’s campaign manager, as part of a delegation to win over the votes of the Hezbollah community in Dearborn, Michigan.

The Biden-Harris administration and the Harris-Walz campaign are complicit with Nazis. Not historical ones or dead ones, but actual movements dedicated to killing Jews today.

After a year in which American Jews have been assaulted, terrorized, threatened, forced off of campuses and systematically discriminated against, Kamala has failed to call out the parts of her base that are responsible for it, sometimes condemning the acts, but never the movements.

When mobs wave Hamas flags in front of the White House and openly identify themselves as Hamas supporters, Kamala, Democrats and the media carefully look the other way. When they do, they’re looking away from public support for the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust by a Muslim Brotherhood movement that got its start being funded by Nazi Germany.

Vice President Kamala Harris and her people refuse to stop meeting with Nazis, Nazi supporters and their political allies, but want to play the game of calling everyone else “Hitler”. This not only trivializes the Holocaust, but ignores an actual attempt to exterminate is going on today.

“Throughout history, Allah has imposed upon the [Jews] people who would punish them for their corruption. The last punishment was carried out by Hitler. By means of all the things he did to them—even though they exaggerated this issue—he managed to put them in their place. This was divine punishment for them. Allah willing, the next time will be at the hands of the believers,” Muslim Brotherhood ‘spiritual guide’ Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi wished.

Qaradawi, the Qatari-backed leader of the Brotherhood, hoped that Islamists would carry on the work of the Nazis. The Obama administration helped the Brotherhood seize power, reached out to Qaradawi and his National Security Council met with Qaradawi’s deputy.

The same people telling us that Trump is Hitler met with actual Nazis who are not shy about announcing their desire to kill all the Jews.

If Kamala wants to find Nazis, she need not look far, just as far as the nearest mirror.

Palestinian Authority officials accuse Jews and Israelis of being ‘worse than Nazis’

SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2024/05/palestinian-authority-officials-accuse-jews-and-israelis-of-being-worse-than-nazis; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes:

Anyone with any understanding of the Palestinian Authority and the history of Palestinian leaders will understand why a two-state solution is a delusion and a ploy. In fact, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation already recognizes “Palestine” as a state, hence it claims 57 member states of the OIC. Any talk of a two-state solution by Muslim countries is a charade. The Palestinian “resistance” is really about a one-state solution, that is, the total destruction of Israel, and this is why Israel is being pushed to retreat to its pre-1967 borders: this is a strategic step toward the complete annihilation of the Jewish state.

Palestinian leaders pay terrorists to murder Israelis, regard these murderers as “martyrs,” and then call the victims of the Holocaust worse than the Nazis who killed them.

Jibril Rajoub, secretary general of Fatah’s Central Committee, has also justified the October 7 massacre “as an act in the context of the defensive war. Our people are waging.’” His comment in the article below that “the Jew is not ‘a victim’ but ‘a criminal, a terrorist, and a new form of fascism and Nazism of the last century,'” isn’t new. Years ago, he stated that Israel is “running its own Auschwitz' in Palestinian cities.” Rajoub is himself a terrorist, criminal, and a man who “played a central role in the torture and brutal murder of American citizen Azzam Rahim in 1995.” Only in a jihadi government could a man such as Rajoub exist as an official.

“When the victim of the Nazis is accused of being worse than Nazis,” by Nan Jacques Zilberdik, Palestinian Media Watch, May 6, 2024:

Top PA official Rajoub: The Jew is not “a victim” but “a criminal, a terrorist, and a distorted form of fascism and Nazism of the last century”

PA daily: Israel’s “barbaric and insane war of annihilation” [in Gaza] “has exceeded all the German Nazi and Italian Fascist crimes”

PA official: Israeli PM Netanyahu is like Goebbels, Nazi propaganda minister

PA TV broadcasts libel twice: “The Israelis are doing to the Palestinians what the Nazis did to them” – Egyptian international relations expert

Libel: Conditions in Israeli prisons “are unprecedented anywhere but [in] the Nazi camps of the 1940s” – PA official

While Israel today commemorates the 6 million victims of the Nazis in the Holocaust, it is at the same time constantly confronted with libel by PA leaders and officials claiming Israel is “acting like the Nazis” and worse. These lies have intensified since Hamas launched the current war against Israel with its attack and massacre in Israel on Oct. 7, 2023.

The official PA daily stated that Israel’s defense war against Hamas “has exceeded all the German Nazis and Italian Fascist crimes of annihilation”:

“The Zionist-American war (i.e., the 2023 Gaza war; see note below) is targeting the annihilation of the Palestinian people or exiling it from the land of Ribat (i.e., religious conflict over land claimed to be Islamic)… and eliminating its national cause in order to spread darkness, wars, terror, and religious conflicts… Will the [Arab] brothers, the free world, and the supporters of peace stop the barbaric and insane war of annihilation that has exceeded all the German Nazi and Italian Fascist crimes of annihilation known to history?”

[Column by regular columnist Omar Hilmi Al-Ghoul, Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 12, 2024]

Two months into the war, top PA official Jibril Rajoub stated that Jews are not “victims” but “criminal[s], terrorist[s], and a distorted form of fascism and Nazism of the last century” and that the West has been “deceived” about this. He added that the war in Gaza is part of “the defense that the Palestinian people have waged and has been waging for 75 years” – in other words, since Israel’s establishment:…

Columbia U: Pro-Hamas Protesters Call for Killing of Jewish Students, Praise Jihad Murderers~The fruit of indoctrination that passes for education.

SEE: https://www.frontpagemag.com/columbia-u-pro-hamas-protesters-call-for-killing-of-jewish-students-praise-jihad-murderers; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes:

[Order a copy of Robert Spencer’s forthcoming book, "Muhammad: A Critical Biographyby clicking here.]

This is the fruit of the hard-left indoctrination that passes for university education today.

…Two days after more than 100 students were arrested when the NYPD raided a tent encampment on the Ivy League campus, roughly 200 demonstrators were still going strong on Saturday, chanting, holding signs and waving Palestinian flags.

At least three people were arrested, the NYPD confirmed. Two were cuffed for disorderly conduct and a third was slapped with a summonses for a sound reproduction device.

“Up, up with liberation." Down, down with occupation,” they yelled through the locked campus gate on W. 115th and Broadway….

“We want justice, you say how?" "Stop arming Israel now!” another group chanted.

The students are demanding the university divest from Israel.

“We demand that Columbia sever academic ties with Israeli universities and we demand that Columbia stop censoring and intimidating students who are standing up and advocating for Palestinian liberation,” one student yelled through the gate to the crowd that had gathered on the other side outside of campus.

Over 100 students were arrested at Columbia University on Thursday night.

A line of police officers in riot helmets watched on. A handful of Israeli supporters stood across Broadway — including one who was doused with fake blood for engaging with pro-Palestinian students.

Avi Lichtschein, 37, of Manhattan was walking his dog when the group surrounded him and shouted, “We don’t want no Zionists here!”…

Another pro-Israel bystander, Ross Glick, 50, told The Post his grandparents were Holocaust survivors. The Upper East Side resident grew up in the Midwest during the first intifada but said “this is more concerning.”

“There’s no doubt that there’s a lot of innocent people dying in Gaza but to call it a genocide….What about the 6,000 Muslims that were gassed by Assad?” Glick said.

“If you don’t like it go to Gaza,” he said about the protesters.

The protesters, he said, don’t want a peaceful solution.

Students continued to occupy the lawn area at the Ivy League school on Saturday..

“You don’t hear them talk about peace or co-existence. [It’s] death to Israel,” he said….

Columbia University and Barnard College faculty slammed Thursday’s arrests and demanded that their records be expunged.

The American Association of University Professors at the sister schools issued a statement following a “mass emergency meeting” of faculty on Friday.

“We condemn in the strongest possible terms the Administration’s suspension of students engaged in peaceful protest and their arrest by the New York City Police Department,” according to a statement provided to The Post.

They said Columbia has an “absolute obligation” to protect students’ freedom of speech….

Yeah, except the freedom of speech of those with whom they disagree. If these were Trump supporters or foes of jihad violence who were demonstrating, the American Association of University Professors would be silent, or cheering on their incarceration.


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Robert Spencer

Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 28 books, including many bestsellers, such as The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades), The Truth About Muhammad, The History of Jihad, and The Critical Qur’an. His latest book is Muhammad: A Critical Biography. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here.

‘It is disgusting’ to watch ‘brainwashing’ at these colleges: Rep. Buddy Carter R-Ga., criticizes Biden’s $7 billion renewable “solar power” energy and spending policies, as well as anti-Israel protests surging across esteemed college campuses.

Greg Kelly on how Americans must not get distracted by the Trump trials, he calls out the Biden Administration for ongoing failures, he comments on recent anti-Israel protests on college campuses and more on NEWSMAX’s “Greg Kelly Reports”

The Growing Reach of Government Surveillance with Alex Newman

Tonight IN FOCUS... Another week, another major win - for the Democrats - as the House GOP betrays Americans yet again. Also why is famed Attorney John Eastman being "unpersoned" - and who's next? Plus FBI Director Christopher Wray recently warned of a cyber attack on U.S. infrastructure by China -- but when is the last time any of these characters told us the truth? And perhaps all hope is not lost on the wicked as a noticeable shift has been emerging within the public sphere -- Kevin Sorbo joins the discussion.

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High School Student Suspended For Saying “Illegal Alien”

A North Carolina male high school student, Christian McGhee who’s 16, was suspended for using the term "illegal alien" when asking his English teacher a question. The journalist who broke the story, Brianna Kraemer, joins One America's Stella Escobedo.

Biden regime plans to label goods made by Jews in Judea and Samaria so they can be boycotted

Government-led boycotts of Jewish businesses. Hmmm. Where have we heard of such a thing before?

“US plans to label goods from Jewish settlements in occupied West Bank,” by Felicia Schwartz, Financial Times, April 5, 2024:

The Biden administration is drawing up plans to require goods produced in Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank to be clearly labelled as coming from there, according to US officials, another sign of White House unhappiness with the government of Benjamin Netanyahu.

The final go-ahead for the move, and its timing, has not been decided but it is intended to increase pressure on Israel over rising settler violence against Palestinians in the West Bank, and comes amid US frustration with the Jewish state’s conduct of the war in Gaza.

The move would reverse a policy introduced by the Donald Trump administration in 2020 that required goods produced in the West Bank to be labelled as “Made in Israel”….

Germany: Neo-Nazism spikes after Oct. 7, with support for Hamas, Palestinian nationalism and antisemitism

SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2024/03/germany-neo-nazism-spikes-with-support-for-hamas-palestinian-nationalism-and-antisemitism-after-oct-7; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes:

For years, the left has claimed that “right-wingers,” patriots and “populists” had nationalist Nazi tendencies. Nazism, however, is better reflected today in the far Left. Hitler’s National Socialist Workers Party was Leftist; Hitler didn’t hesitate to ally with Stalin as long as it served his purposes. Jonah Goldberg, former senior editor at National Review, states in his book Liberal Fascism:

Contrary to what most people think, the Nazis were ardent socialists (hence the term “National socialism”). They believed in free health care and guaranteed jobs. They confiscated inherited wealth and spent vast sums on public education. They purged the church from public policy, promoted a new form of pagan spirituality, and inserted the authority of the state into every nook and cranny of daily life. The Nazis declared war on smoking, supported abortion, euthanasia, and gun control. They loathed the free market, provided generous pensions for the elderly, and maintained a strict racial quota system in their universities—where campus speech codes were all the rage. The Nazis led the world in organic farming and alternative medicine. Hitler was a strict vegetarian, and Himmler was an animal rights activist.

Goldberg perfectly describes the present-day Left. Yet the propaganda lives on about the Nazis being “right wing,” and the German neo-Nazi party described below is being broadly described as “far right.” One need only look around at the world today and observe which side most supports the Palestinian “resistance” and Hamas itself. The red-green axis (that is, the Leftist-Islamic alliance) is well known.

National Socialism’s hatred of Jews is alive and well today. Just as the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem during World War II, Haj Amin al-Husseini, allied with Hitler, so today, German Neo-Nazis have strengthened their alliance with the Palestinian “resistance” movement and Hamas since October 7.  The report below describes propaganda that is reminiscent of the work of Josef Goebbels, minister of propaganda for the Third Reich.

“ German Neo-Nazis Support Hamas And The Palestinians Following Hamas’s October 7 Attack,” MEMRI, March 4, 2024:

Though German neo-Nazis have long supported the Palestinians, whom they view as sharing their antisemitism, nationalism, and glorification of martyrdom and martyrs, this support has become more pronounced following the October 7 attack and Israel’s subsequent military response. While the relationship between national socialism and Islamism has a long history, this report will review some of the most recent neo-Nazi expressions of support for the Palestinians.

This report will review the connection between the two ideologies and recent neo-Nazi expressions of support for the Palestinians.

Neo-Nazi Support For Hamas After October 7: “The Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Friend”

Many German neo-Nazis have voiced support for Hamas and the Palestinians following its October 7 attack. On its webpage, a German neo-Nazi party posted on October 11 a statement titled “War In The Middle East: Are Zionist Pogroms Imminent?” reflecting on the “large-scale counterattack by the Palestinian fighters against the Zionist state Israel,” which was prompted by “the continuously deteriorating situation of the Palestinians [meanwhile] responses give rise to fears of the worst.” While recalling the circumstances referred to “Israelis allegedly killed and kidnapped at random,” briefly mentioning the attack by Hamas and its affiliates.

The party refers to Gaza as an “open-air prison,” where “inhabitants are completely isolated, have no opportunities to build up their own economy, no opportunities for trade and no statehood of their own… [and suffer] continuous and arbitrary attacks by the Zionists on the Palestinian territories. In the past, every imperialist aggression by the Zionists was always dismissed with a feeble admonition” while the expanding of Israeli settlements forces “the indigenous Arab population to shrink” due to a lack of living space. The “Palestinian attack” is, hence, reasoned by the “Arabs’ desperate lack of prospects.” Under the heading “Israel Exacts Biblical Revenge,” the group argues that by declaring war on Hamas in response to the attack, any Israeli action may be considered justified, which could lead to a genocide in Gaza and further attacks on Hezbollah, Syria, and Iran, eventually prompting a world war. The party, which is consistently anti-imperialist, declares “no solidarity with Israel,” and says that the ruling coalition is driven by their “pathological guilt complexes” to support Israel. Accordingly, this grants a “license for Zionist acts of revenge.”…

The Hamas-American Bund Worse than the Nazi collaborators of WWII.

REPUBLISHED, SEE: https://www.frontpagemag.com/the-hamas-american-bund

“During the October 7th attack on Israel,” Dawn Perlmutter explains,

“Hamas terrorists raped, gang-raped, beheaded, burned, mutilated, disfigured, and tortured men, women, children, the elderly and the disabled. Hamas terrorists chopped off fingers, arms and feet, gouged out eyes, obliterated faces and tied up dozens of people – including children before burning them alive. They cut an unborn baby out of a pregnant woman, stabbed the baby with a knife and shot the mother in the head.”

Perlmutter shows how these and other atrocities flow from an “honor-shame” culture, but they also confirm another reality. Andrew Roberts (Churchill: Walking with Destiny) contends that Hamas terrorists are “worse than the Nazis,” and he makes a strong case.

The extermination of the Jewish people, Heinrich Himmler said in 1943, was “a page of glory in our history that has never been written and is never to be written.” By contrast, notes Roberts, “the Hamas killers 80 years later attached GoPro cameras to their helmets so they could live-stream their atrocities over social media.” During their retreat in 1945, the Nazis burned Jews alive in barns, but “they did not film themselves doing it.”

The Nazis marched thousands out of Auschwitz because “they did not want evidence of their crimes to be uncovered.” The Nazis attempted to destroy the gas chambers and all traces of the camp’s murderous activities. The gas chambers were invented, Roberts explains, because “the Nazis did not enjoy the actual process of killing Jews as much as Himmler hoped they might.” The gas chambers distanced the killers from emotional trauma, but “no such trauma is evident in Hamas’ team of killers, who phoned up their parents on October 7 to boast about the number of Jews they killed.”

Roberts notes “the sheer glee with which Hamas killed parents in front of their children and of children in front of their parents was broadcast to the world.” By contrast, “Nazi sadism was routine and widespread, but it wasn’t built into their actual operational plans in the way that Hamas’ sadism had been.”

The Nazis “went to great lengths to hide their crimes from the world because they knew they were crimes. Hamas has done the exact opposite, because they do not consider them to be so.” When they raped, tortured, kidnapped and killed Jews, the Hamas killers shouted “Allahu akbar.” That is why, as Roberts shows, Hamas’ first love is “killing Jews.”

“The elimination of Jews is openly promised in the Hamas constitution, as it tacitly is in the ‘From the river to the sea’ chant so beloved of today’s demonstrators in the West. Gazans voted for Hamas in 2005 in far greater proportions than Germans voted for the Nazis in 1932, and a good proportion of them celebrated wildly when Hamas paraded its hostages through the streets of Gaza on the afternoon of October 7.  

And so on, but there’s more to it.

“Hamas is—while taking into account the wild disparity in the sheer geographical and numerical extent of their crimes—qualitatively even more anti-Semitic than the Nazis were. One thing in which they are exactly equal, however, is that Nazi barbarism had to be utterly extirpated, and that goes for Hamas too.”

Here we have a problem. Obama, not Biden, is running America’s 10/7 response, and after the massacre, he issued no clear and outright condemnation of Hamas. Their attack was “horrific,” he said, but “what is happening to the Palestinians is unbearable.” Americans might imagine a president saying that the Nazis’ Einsatzgruppen was “horrific” and that an Allied strategy to wipe them out would be unbearable and “could ultimately backfire.” The Allies utterly extirpated the Nazi death squads, and the strategy did not backfire.

If Hamas is worse than the Nazis, it follows that supporters of Hamas are worse than Nazi sympathizers of the 1930s and 1940s. Many found a home in the German-American Bund and with call for the annihilation of an entire people, the Ivy League anti-Semites become the Hamas-American Bund. With her endorsement of a post claiming that “genocide” is happening in Gaza, Greta Thunberg transitions to Mildred Gillars, better known as Axis Sally.

Meanwhile, Delaware Democrat Joe Biden apologized to American Muslim groups for questioning death-toll statistics from Hamas, which at this writing still holds American hostages. Biden continues to appease the Iranian Islamic regime, which backs Hamas and still chants “Death to Israel! Death to America!”

As the people might recall, in 1979 that regime took 52 Americans hostage and held them for 444 days. The struggle against Islamic terrorists, who are worse than Nazis, is the struggle of memory against forgetting.

Video: Francisco-Gil White’s Shocking Revelation About the Hamas-Israel War A glimpse into the Palestinian-Nazi alliance.


SEE: https://www.frontpagemag.com/video-francisco-gil-whites-shocking-revelation-about-the-hamas-israel-war/;

Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

In this new video, political anthropologist Francisco Gil-White discusses the connection between Nazism and Palestine Liberation Organization, and investigates some unsettling truths about whether Israel is the last line of defense for democracy.

Don’t miss it!


Hamas Nazis’ Atrocities Against Israeli Women Met With Deafening Silence

Will the International Criminal Court prosecute for war crimes - or blame the victims?

SEE: https://www.frontpagemag.com/hamas-nazis-atrocities-against-israeli-women-met-with-deafening-silence/?mc_cid=f7cd9f9f9d;

Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Misogyny and cultural “norms” subjugating women are widespread in much of the Islamic world. These include female genital mutilation, forced marriages, persecuting women for not dressing according to strict Islamic standards, “honor killings,” and much more.

It’s no surprise then, but shocking and horrific nonetheless, that one “weapon” in Hamas’ inhuman massacre of over 1200 people in Israel on October 7, brutalizing thousands, and kidnapping more than 240, including young children and elderly women held hostage in Gaza, was the raping of Israeli women in the process.  Underscoring that these are not individual criminal acts but part of something widespread and deliberate, it’s been described as a sexual pogrom.

Adding insult to injury, groups and people that should be advocating for women’s rights and under any other circumstance would be calling out such criminal behavior, have turned a blind eye to the forensic evidence, eyewitness accounts, and confessions of Hamas terrorists as if the victims and sexual crimes didn’t matter just because they are Jews. The evidence is clear. Medical examiners have reported that some of the rapes were so violent that the women’s pelvises were crushed.

A growing chorus has condemned ignoring these crimes or even denying that they happened using the hashtag, “#Metoo_unless_UR_A_Jew.”

If the crimes happened to anyone else in the world, women’s groups, human rights organizations, the UN, and others would be decrying it. But the silence to these crimes that depict a depraved pattern of sexual violence used by the terrorists against their victims, is criminal in of itself.

If Hamas’ goal was to murder as many as possible, how did the terrorists allow themselves to stop for a gang rape? How is rape in any way part of any “resistance” that Hamas claims and the Islamic world celebrates?  How did those fighting for the “resistance” ever think this was acceptable? How could any one of the Islamic terrorists be aroused when inflicting such horrors, much less multiple gangs of them? The answer is simple. It was premeditated. It is inhuman evil Islam at its worst. It’s the marrying of worship of massacring Jews with the overall repression of women.  It’s a marriage made in hell.

This inhuman behavior does not stop at the borders of Gaza.  It is at the core of how the Iranian Islamic regime treats women, and which trickles down to other adherents of the “religion of peace.” This is documented widely, including in the book “A Love Journey With God” by my friend Marziyeh Amirizadeh. If not for public outcry after her arrest and death sentence for converting to Christianity in Iran, she’d likely have experienced much more of the suffering that many Iranian women who she knew in prison did, including the raping of virgins before they are executed as executing virgins goes against “Islamic values.”

The threat of raping Jewish women in support of Hamas’ inhuman behaviors also made it to the celebrated halls of Ivy League colleges. Last month, Patrick Dai, a junior at Cornell, was arrested on federal charges of posting threats to “kill or injure another using interstate communications.”

In public online posts, Dai threatened to “shoot up” a campus building targeting Jews, said he would “stab” or “slit the throat” of Jewish men, and rape or throw off a cliff Jewish women on campus.

Other than the threatening remarks being horrific enough, it’s impossible to imagine how anyone could allegedly advocate for the Palestinians in upstate New York by threatening to rape Jewish women. It’s obscene.

The raping of truth also comes from women who are charged with protecting women from sexual violence. The University of Alberta fired Samantha Pearson the head of the campus sexual assault center who signed an open letter denying Hamas terrorists raped women during the October 7 massacre. The letter censured Israel for repeating “the unverified accusation that Palestinians were guilty of sexual violence.”

“Naturally,” antisemites around the world, including women who would never question the allegations of rape by anyone else, are challenging the facts specifically because Israel is sharing these. Fortunately, non-Israelis have witnessed and reported on this reality. After witnessing the gruesome evidence of rape, filmed and broadcast by the terrorists themselves, journalist Jotam Confino wrote he saw, “Two dead women lying on the grass at a musical festival – both with no pants on. One has her panties taken half off. The other doesn’t appear to have any on at all.

He saw an “eyewitness describing how she saw a woman being raped by several Hamas terrorists, pulling her hair as they raped her and took turns. One of them cut her breasts off – the others played with them like a toy. The last terrorist to rape her shot her in the head and continued to rape her until he finished.”

Most of the most horrific documentation has not been widely released out of respect for the victims, and because this is part of ongoing investigations and likely additional criminal charges. But the terrorists’ confessions alone are abundant.

One terrorist was asked during his interrogation: “And why take the kids and babies?” He replied, “To rape them.” Another terrorist also confirmed that babies were abducted and raped.

These captured terrorists were not acting as “freelancers.” There’s documented evidence of Hamas commanders issuing specific orders to the terrorists who perpetrated the massacres not only to kill and kidnap as many Jews as possible but to rape and sexually mutilate Israeli women.

In any other circumstances, where women ranging from babies to the elderly had been the victim of such ferocious, repeated sexual attacks, the #MeToo masses would have swung into full action. Yet that’s not happening. UN Women which published numerous articles decrying the situation of women in Gaza, has ignored crimes against Israeli women. There has not been any recognition of Israeli women who were burned alive, beheaded, raped, had their breasts cut off, had their babies cut out of their stomachs, or been violently kidnapped.

The silence of those who purport to fight sexual violence on behalf of all women everywhere has been deafening. It’s especially problematic in light of November 25 being the United Nations-designated International Day for the Prevention of Violence against Women.

Rape and sexual assault as a tactic in the context of terrorism and war is a war crime. The Geneva Convention requires “women shall be especially protected against any attack on their honor, in particular against rape or any form of indecent assault.” The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court states that “rape, sexual slavery, forced pregnancy, or any other form of sexual violence” is a crime against humanity.

In numerous previous wars, crimes against women were a cornerstone of international criminal indictments and prosecution of men responsible for orchestrating and participating in rape. Based on the silence of the world about these heinous Hamas crimes against women and girls, it is unimaginable that any special prosecutor will be enlisted to protect Israeli and Jewish women. The International Criminal Court has historically been so biased against Israel, as happens in many rape cases, it’s not impossible to see the ICC even blaming the victims. Maybe for dressing too provocatively.

The Nazi Roots of Hamas What the true origins of Hamas reveal about its nature.

SEE: https://www.frontpagemag.com/the-nazi-roots-of-hamas/?mc_cid=87fd05a012;

Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

[Make sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]

On Oct 7, Hamas, a terrorist organization born in part out of a collaboration between Nazis and Islamists, carried out the greatest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust.

The butchery of men, women and children, and the elderly, was not only ‘Nazi-like’, it was in some ways the final act of a Nazi crime nearly eight decades in the making.

In 1946, the Muslim Brotherhood held its founding conference in Gaza at the Samer Cinema. The movie theater which had opened two years earlier and would be shut down, along with much of Gaza’s movie theaters as the Islamist movement strengthened its grip over the area, represented the secular Western culture that the Islamic organization wanted to destroy.

It was a modest beginning for the group that would eventually become known as Hamas.

The Muslim Brotherhood’s expansion into Israel began a year earlier in 1945. The Brotherhood’s foreign backers, the Nazis, had surrendered earlier that year. The thousand-pound checks that had helped take the Brotherhood from just another fringe Islamist theocratic movement to a dominant force in Egyptian political culture would no longer be coming. And Nazi Germany’s armies would not be arriving to help them kill all the Jews.

Without the Nazis, the Brotherhood no longer had the money or any protection from the British, who might seek to punish their Nazi collaboration, or the Egyptian monarchy which was worried that the Islamist group was seeking to overthrow it. By 1948, Egypt had banned the Brotherhood, and Hassan al-Banna, its charismatic leader, had been shot dead in the street a year later.

Al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, had admired Nazi organizations and methods. A British report noted that he had made “a careful study of the Nazi and fascist organizations. Using them as a model, he has formed organizations of specially trained and trusted men who correspond respectively to the Brown Shirts and Black Shirts.”

The Muslim Brotherhood from which Hamas sprang had been built in imitation of the Nazis.

The Nazis and the Brotherhood had fundamental religious and ethnic differences but shared common goals: especially when it came to the Jews. A Nazi agent who helped funnel money to the Brotherhood reported on one of its conferences calling for Jihad in Israel.

Hitler’s Mufti, Hajj Amin al-Husseini, had helped bring the Muslim Brotherhood together with the Nazis. And it was Husseini, who after their defeat, provided the focus for the Brotherhood.

Hajj Amīn al-Husseini had met with Hitler, urged him to exterminate the Jews of Israel, and recruited Muslims to fight for the Nazis. He had hailed the Muslim Brotherhood as “the troops of Allah” while Al-Banna praised Hitler’s Mufti as the “hero who challenged an empire and fought Zionism, with the help of Hitler and Germany. Germany and Hitler are gone, but Amin Al-Husseini will continue the struggle.”

The Muslim Brotherhood and Husseini’s Jihadis in Israel would carry on Hitler’s work.

The defeat of Nazi Germany marked the end of the hope that the legions of the Third Reich would storm into Egypt and Israel, and that their local allies like the Brotherhood and the Mufti would be able to wipe out the Jews and all their political adversaries across the region.

Instead the Brotherhood would have to replicate the Nazi model, building a political organization with a paramilitary arm that would seize power in Egypt, Gaza and across the Muslim world.

The Muslim Brotherhood set up cells across to Israel beginning in Jerusalem.

Al-Bana turned over this mission to Said Ramadan, his son-in-law and a key Brotherhood figure who would later usher in an alliance with the Saudis that would allow the organization to bring in new wealth and expand worldwide. In Europe. Ramadan would direct the rise of the central Muslim Brotherhood operation in Munich, at a mosque set up by ex-Nazi Muslim soldiers who had defected to the Third Reich during WWII. A CIA report from the 1950s described Ramadan as a “fascist type” who was obsessed with driving the Jews out of Israel.

Setting up Brotherhood organizations across Israel was more than an expansion, it was a mission. With the Nazis gone, invading Israel was a way to allow the Brotherhood to build up its military capabilities without triggering an immediate crackdown by the authorities.

The Brotherhood’s new capabilities were aimed at Israel, but also at Egypt and at shoring up the power of local clans. Its presence in Gaza was part of an alliance with important families, including the Shawwas, who had been close to the Ottoman Empire and were mistrusted by the British. Said al-Shawwa, the Ottoman mayor of Gaza, had served on the Supreme Muslim Council alongside Hajj Amīn al-Husseini. And the Gaza Brotherhood would go on to be headed by Zafer Sahwa whose experience had come out of the Islamic Scouts.

The Scouting movement had struck a different chord in the Muslim world than it did the UK. Islamic scouting was explicitly meant to prepare young boys for Jihad. Some Islamic scouting movements were Nazi inspired. Al-Husseini’s scouting movement in Israel called themselves the ‘Nazi Scouts’ and dressed in Hitler Youth outfits. The Muslim Brotherhood had founded its own scout group “based on the concept of Jihad” and also modeled on the Hitler Youth.

In the months before Israel’s declaration of independence, Hassan al-Bana arrived in Gaza to witness the first wave of assaults by Brotherhood forces against Jewish communities.

Kfar Darom, a beleaguered Jewish village in Gaza, was the first target. After months of siege, the Muslim Brotherhood’s battalion attacked the village of Kfar Darom where dozens of Israeli militia members protected 400 men, women, and children. The Brotherhood’s attacks were beaten back with determined resistance until its Jihadists were forced to retreat leaving behind seventy of their dead. Among the Jihadi attackers was an Egyptian named Yasser Arafat.

The Brotherhood had been defeated, but only temporarily. When Israel forcibly removed the Jewish communities of Gaza in 2005 to end the Israeli presence in Gaza, Hamas leader Mahmoud Zahar entered the Kfar Darom synagogue and laid claim to it in the name of Islam.

The Muslim Brotherhood’s first Jihad failed badly, but it succeeded in its true goals. Its role in the invasion of Israel alongside the Egyptian military built an alliance. After Muslim Brotherhood mobs rioted against the British in the streets, Egyptian officers used the prearranged opportunity to seize power. The relationship between the Egyptian military and the Muslim Brotherhood was rife with tension from the beginning and like so many such relationships in the region, the internal rivalry was redirected into violence against non-Muslims. In this case once again Israel.

The Brotherhood’s mobs had paved the way for a military coup by destroying Egypt’s Westernized nightlife, including its theaters. In Gaza, they were once again tasked with doing the military’s dirty work by attacking Israel, but once again the core purpose of the Brotherhood was to ‘Islamize’ Gaza, and eventually Egypt and the whole world, through its terror campaign.

Long before the Six Day War, during which Israel reclaimed Gaza, Muslim terrorists known as ‘Fedayeen’ or ‘those who die for Allah’ struck across the border with the aim of murdering Jews. Terrorist atrocities included the Massacre at Scorpions’ Pass during which the men, women, and children on a bus coming back from a beach town were massacred.

The alliance between the Egyptian military and the Muslim Brotherhood was the first true modern Islamic terrorist operation. Egyptian military officers trained and dispatched terrorists out of Gaza to cross the border and murder ordinary Israelis. The Egyptian government dismissed the atrocities as the work of local Bedouin Arabs over whom it had no control.

The Israelis knew better, but the plausible deniability established by the Egyptian government and the Brotherhood was good enough for the United Nations. When Israel struck back at the terrorists, it was condemned for attacking civilians and when it targeted the Egyptian officers behind the attacks, it was accused of provoking a regional war. Terrorism had transformed a war between nations into a conflict between a state and insurgents posing as civilians.

Seventy years later, this is still the role that Hamas plays for Iran and Qatar among others.

In exchange for waging war on Israel, the Muslim Brotherhood received financing, training and the authority to maintain control over those areas that it used for its operations. Under the umbrella of a Jihad against the Jews, it was able to enforce Islamic law and maintain a ruling class made up of its members and influential families allied with the Brotherhood.

Israel’s defeat of Egypt in the Six Day War and subsequent liberation of Gaza left the Brotherhood and other terrorist groups adrift. Deprived of secure bases in Gaza, a new generation of ‘Palestinian’ terrorist groups was launched under the Soviet umbrella, most famously the PLO, claiming to pursue a ‘Palestinian’ state through international terrorist attacks like airplane hijackings and the Munich Massacre at the 1972 Olympics.

The international scale of the newly born ‘Palestinian’ movement was made possible by Soviet backing which provided allies and safe houses with Marxist terror groups across Europe. The Muslim Brotherhood lacked that global foothold although under operatives like Ramadan it was working hard to replicate the infrastructure of mosques and religious centers that it had used to gain power in places like Gaza across America and Europe.

The Muslim Brotherhood today dominates Islamic groups in America and Europe because of these efforts, but at the time its terrorism lacked the scope that the Communist alliance provided the ‘Palestinians’. And yet while Arafat became an international star, the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza was busily digging in and building an Islamic infrastructure that would outlast him.

The Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza was less interested in the fictional construct of ‘Palestinianism’ than in controlling the mosques, and the educational system and recruiting young men to fight for it. Where the PLO and groups liked it worked from the ‘outside in’, the Brotherhood worked from the ‘inside out’. Instead of fighting on a global stage, it worked on ‘Islamizing’ Gaza.

The Israeli authorities, like the Americans and Europeans, paid little attention to the Brotherhood. Religious violence seemed outmoded in the era of Marxist terrorism.

The Egyptian authorities had understood that the real threat came from mosques and religious schools, but Israeli officials, unfamiliar with Islam and disdainful of it, did not take it seriously. They certainly did not want to give the impression that they were religiously intolerant. During the liberation of Jerusalem, the government had allowed the Muslim religious authorities to retain control over the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism, to prove their tolerance.

The Israeli tolerance for the Brotherhood led the PLO to accuse it of being an Israeli creation. Hamas and the PLO would later spend years accusing each other of this, the worst thing imaginable, working for the Jews. The PLO’s insults would then be repeated by leftist and fringe right politicians and activists who would claim that Israel had “created” Hamas.

Hamas had technically predated the official rebirth of the State of Israel. It had always been there under various names as part of the Gaza Muslim Brotherhood. Israel had not created it, but much like most Western nations, the Israelis were guilty of tolerating it, providing it with the permission it needed to operate and acceding to what seemed like religious requests.

Instead of suppressing the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza, the Israelis viewed its mosques and religious schools as a benign alternative to the PLO. They were looking for radical students planting bombs, not men praying in mosques. And the Brotherhood, as it did in America and Europe, and in the two years until the Oct 7 massacres, had a knack for appearing benign.

In the 1970s, Islamic terrorism had not yet become a commonplace concept. Few understood  that Islam would become the next great threat after Communism. And while the Israelis chased the PLO, the Gaza Muslim Brotherhood built up its infrastructure that would emerge as Hamas.

A decade later, the Brotherhood’s Mujama al-Islamiya, the Islamic Center, a seeming charitable organization, was reinvented as Hamas or the Islamic Resistance Movement. The mosques, schools and social welfare institutions had been a terrorist organization all along. When Hamas hides missiles under mosques, schools and hospitals, it’s doing what it was doing all along.

Hamas was a charity before it was a terrorist group. And it was a terrorist group before it was a charity. This is typical of Muslim Brotherhood organizations and owes something to the Nazis. Hamas terrorism is theologically Islamic, but it had learned from the Nazis and the Marxists, two movements that had profoundly shaped the modern Arab Muslim world, how to develop and build secret societies in the form of political organizations and how to use them to seize power.

The 1988 Hamas charter freely mixes Koranic antisemitism with Goebbelsian rants about the Jews. There is the classic genocidal Hadith that looks forward to the day “when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees” and “the stones and trees will say ‘O Moslems, O Abdullah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him’” and the claim that the Jews are behind “the Freemasons, The Rotary and Lions clubs” and “alcoholism” that reads like it came from Der Sturmer.

The Islamic mass murder of Jews goes back to the days of Mohammed. The Muslim Brotherhood’s members did not need the Nazis to tell them to kill Jews.

But the Nazis helped finance the Muslim Brotherhood with the specific aim, among others, of killing Jews. The Nazis helped show the Muslim Brotherhood new ways of organizing, distributing propaganda, and waging war. And that changed the history of the world.

The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood continued to spin off splinter groups, some directed at a domestic power grab, others at Israel, and still others at the rest of the region and the world. Al Qaeda is dominated by such a splinter group. As are most non-Shiite terrorist groups. And Muslim political organizations, like CAIR in the United States, are products of the Brotherhood.

The Nazis were defeated, but they helped build a successor movement that is waging war, political and military, around the world. Hamas is just one of the many organizations birthed by the Brotherhood, but it is one of the few in whose origin story the Nazis had a significant role.

The Nazis had wanted the Muslim Brotherhood to wage war on the Jews in Israel.

On Oct 7, Hamas, an organization born in part out of a collaboration between Nazis and Islamists, carried out the greatest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust.

Those who defend the massacre are not just collaborating with Hamas but with the Nazis.

Northwestern Jew-Haters Protest a Committee to Combat Anti-Semitism~A university’s Brownshirts up the ante.

SEE: Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

The anti-Israel, antisemitic Stormtroopers at Northwestern, their ranks consisting of both students and faculty, have been agitating, rioting, and screaming about what they see as the latest outrage by agents of the apartheid, settler-colonial, genocidal state of Israel, which is the decision of the college’s administration to appoint a committee on “preventing antisemitism and hate” on the campus. It’s about time such a committee was formed. The atmosphere at Northwestern is thick with antisemitic and anti-Israel hate; the behavior of these rioting students, and of their faculty collaborators, is hard to stomach. It puts me in mind of what was going on in German universities in the 1930s when all Jewish faculty were fired and Jewish students were harassed and expelled, as the Brownshirts ran riot. Here are the details of the Northwestern administration's response to the rise in on-campus antisemitism, and the fury it has provoked: “Northwestern University Students, Faculty Slam School for Forming Committee to Combat Antisemitism,” by Dion J. Pierre, Algemeiner, November 16, 2023:

Dozens of student groups at Northwestern University just outside Chicago on Thursday dismissed concerns of rising antisemitism amid the Israel-Hamas war as “mass hysteria and collective psychosis,” seemingly calling for the destruction of the Jewish state and joining faculty in castigating the school for forming a new panel to combat Jew-hatred on campus.

On Monday, Northwestern President Michael Schill announced the creation of a new committee “on preventing antisemitism and hate.”…

The school’s Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) chapter has falsely accused Israel of apartheid, genocide, and “settler-colonialism” at its events and in its social media posts. The group also marched around campus earlier this month chanting, “Hey, Schill, what do you say, how many kids did you kill today?” In one incident — in which SJP has denied any involvement — an unknown group vandalized print copies of The Daily Northwestern, the campus newspaper, covering them in leaflets headlined, “Northwestern complicit in genocide of Palestinians.”

In Monday’s announcement, Schill disavowed such activity while noting specifically that chants of “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” are perceived by “significant parts of our community” as “promoting murder and genocide.” The popular slogan among pro-Palestinian activists has been widely interpreted as a call for the destruction of Israel, which is located between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.

Nonetheless, in response to Schill’s announcement, 65 student organizations on Thursday signed an op-ed in The Daily Northwestern that was headlined, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”

“Indeed we know there is a genocide happening, and it is happening to Palestinians by the Israeli apartheid government,” the article read. “Palestine has always served as a litmus test of our collective imagination of what freedom could look like. When we say from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free, we imagine a world free of Islamophobia, antisemitism, anti-Blackness, militarism, occupation, and apartheid. From the river to the seas, Palestine will be free. Until liberation.”

The op-ed dismissed efforts to combat the recent surge in antisemitic incidents on college campuses as “mass hysteria and collective psychosis,” arguing Schill is being “irresponsible” and “dangerous” by “denying genocide” and “mischaracterizing the mission of activists.”

The students also argued that “the destiny of all marginalized people — both in occupied Palestine and around the world — is intertwined. We believe in the liberation of all peoples from Chicago to Sudan to the Congo to Western Sahara to Palestine.”…

“Ah, yes! Let’s lump this highly complicated and charged conflict in with all of the bad things in this world and blame it on the Jews!” Northwestern University student Josh Miller tweeted in response to the column. “I cannot believe that this op-ed ran in The Daily Northwestern.”
The student groups did not mention or denounce the atrocities committed by Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7, when they invaded the Jewish state murdered over 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and kidnapped more than 240 others as hostages. The brutality of Hamas’ onslaught — which included rape, torture, and the beheading of babies — has shocked the world.
Also on Thursday, over 150 Northwestern faculty and staff signed a letter accusing Schill of undermining academic freedom and free expression, as well as jeopardizing the safety of “staff and faculty of color.” The letter went on to argue that Israel is committing “genocidal violence in Gaza,” despite the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) taking precautions to prevent civilian casualties….

How has President Schill “undermined academic freedom and free expression”? Apparently, by appointing a committee whose remit is to investigate ways to “prevent antisemitism and hate.” Are we to conclude that the 150 signatories of that letter do not want the university to create a committee to be engaged in such a laudable venture? Why? Could it be because those who falsely accuse the Jewish state of “genocidal violence in Gaza” know perfectly well that this is exactly the kind of “antisemitism and hate” that the new committee will be holding up for denunciation and punishment? And how does this committee in any way jeopardize the safety of “staff and faculty of color”? Or should we conclude that “people of color” are especially prone to “antisemitism and hate”?

Are you left speechless at this ghastly display of wild charges (“genocidal” Israel) and crazed hate at Northwestern? So am I.

Samantha Pearson, Head of Sexual Assault Center, Fired For Denying Hamas Nazis Committed Any Rapes

Sensitivity to rape accusations - except when Jews are the victims.

SEE: https://www.frontpagemag.com/samantha-pearson-head-of-sexual-assault-center-fired-for-denying-hamas-nazis-committed-any-rapes/?mc_cid=5bb948b197;

Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Samantha Pearson was until Nov. 18 the head of the Sexual Assault Center at the University of Alberta in Edmonton. It was on that day that she was fired, after having signed an open letter denying that members of Hamas committed any rapes on October 7. This claim was made despite the videos of near-naked women being driven off in the back of trucks by Hamas, despite the testimony of Israeli survivors who witnessed rapes from their hiding places, and despite the videos taken by the rapists themselves, or by Hamas onlookers who wanted to record the rapes by their friends, and despite the testimony of captured Hamas operatives to their Israeli interrogators.. More on the execrable Samantha Pearson can be found here: “University fires head of the sex assault center who signed letter denying Oct. 7 rapes, Times of IsraelNovember 19, 2023:

The University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, indicated in a statement on Saturday that it had fired the head of the campus sexual assault center who signed onto an open letter denying Hamas-led terrorists raped women during their devastating October 7 onslaught in southern Israel.

Samantha Pearson signed the letter, titled “Stand with Palestine: Call on Political Leaders to End Their Complicity in Genocide,” which slammed center-left New Democratic Party leader Jagmeet Singh for repeating “the unverified accusation that Palestinians were guilty of sexual violence,” among other critiques of the lawmaker on the issue….

What “unverified accusation” are those who signed this dreadful letter alluding to? Not only does the IDF have videos of some of those rapes, taken both by the rapists themselves and by their friends, but it also has the eyewitness testimony of survivors, who from their hideouts saw both rapes and gang rapes being committed. The naked and often mutilated corpses of rape victims were strewn about, some with their breasts slit off (Hamas members had fun playing catch with a severed breast), dried semen still on their bodies. One witness saw a rapist who, while still inside his victim, shot her in the head. The Hamas rapists also telephoned their families to excitedly tell of their great deeds (“Mom, I killed ten Jews”), and telephoned their friends to describe what fun they had had raping Jewish girls. Hamas members captured by the IDF admitted that the leaders of the group had “given permission” for the rapes. None of this — not the videos made by Hamas members recording the rapes committed by themselves or by fellow terrorists, not the testimony given both by Israeli survivors and by captured Hamas members, not the forensic evidence (semen, bruises at the sites of entry, mutilations) — has made the slightest impression on Samantha Pearson.

The letter was authored by Susan Kim, a city councilor in Victoria, and Sarah Jama, a member of Ontario’s provincial parliament who was booted from the NDP [New Democratic Party] over remarks only three days after the October 7 massacre calling Israel an “apartheid” state while ignoring Hamas’s atrocities.

In a letter posted to X, the University of Alberta said “The recent improper and unauthorized use of the name of the [university]’s Sexual Assault Centre in endorsing an open letter has raised understandable concerns from members of our community and the public.”

“Effective immediately, the director of the centre is no longer employed by the university,” the letter read. A new interim director was appointed to head the campus sexual assault center, the university said.

“I want to be clear that the former employee’s personal views and opinions do not in any way represent those of the University of Alberta,” wrote university president Bill Flanagan. “The University of Alberta stands firmly and unequivocally against discrimination and hatred on the basis of religion, race, ethnicity, national origin, and other protected categories. We recognize the historical and ongoing harms of antisemitism and commit to doing all we can as a university to advance a world free of prejudice and discrimination.”

Flanagan said the event has been “profoundly hurtful and may have compromised the trust of individuals in our community” and also negatively impacted the critical nature of the assault center’s work.

“On behalf of the university, I apologize for the hurt and distress this issue has caused members of our community and beyond,” he said….

In a recent video, Sarah Jama [the co-author of the letter]also expressed her skepticism of Hamas atrocities, claiming “there is no actual evidence of these rapes and the babies with their heads cut off — all these things are pieces of misinformation.”

This is simply a lie. The “actual evidence” consists of eyewitness testimony, both from Hamas operatives captured, and interrogated, by the IDF, and from Israeli survivors who saw rapes in progress; videos of the rapes taken by members of Hamas filming their friends enjoying themselves, and by the forensic evidence —such as wounds around the vagina and anus suggesting forcible entry, as well as dried semen.

“So I think it shows the strength of the Zionist lobby here in Canada and the ways in which they were able to pressure an entire government operation to censure me indefinitely until I apologized,” she [Jama] said in a video shared by @AntisemitismCA.

Ah, ever the victim. Sarah Jama, the co-author of the letter denying rapes by Hamas and accusing Israel of “genocide,” thinks she should not have suffered any consequences for that letter. Others beg to differ. But she claims, grotesquely, that the “Zionist lobby” (Jama’s antisemitism is showing) was “able to pressure an entire government operation to censure me indefinitely.” There has been no censure — “indefinitely” — of Sarah Jama “by the government.” The political party to which she belonged — the New Democratic Party — decided to expel her from its ranks. That is all. She can join another party. She can run as an independent. What’s her problem?

Jama’s letter, signed by several pro-Palestinian and progressive groups, called on Canada’s federal lawmakers to resign for “facilitating Israeli-led genocide” against the Palestinians, without providing evidence of the claim.

Israeli-led genocide? It is Hamas that gave a demonstration of an authentic genocidal attempt on October 7, torturing, raping, murdering without stop as many Jews as it could. It is the IDF that, in fighting Hamas, takes every conceivable measure to minimize civilian deaths — that is, to avoid any hint of “genocide.” First, the IDF has dropped 1.5 million leaflets warning civilians in northern Gaza to seek refuge beyond the Wadi Gaza, in the southern part of the Strip. Second, when a civilian building — whether a school, an apartment building, a mosque, or some other structure — is about to be targeted, the IDF warns inhabitants to leave those sites. It does this by messaging, telephoning, leafletting, and by use of the “knock-on-the-roof” technique. No other army in the world warns its enemy of impending strikes. It is this practice that led British Colonel Richard Kemp to describe the IDF as “the most moral army in the world.”

The letter [signed by Samantha Pearson] slams lawmakers for “failing to recognize Israeli occupation as ‘terrorist’ and only directing this term at Palestinian resistance,” arguing they “perpetuate an Islamophobic trope.”

“Your language is fueling the collective trauma being experienced by your constituents, and inciting hate crimes against Palestinians and Muslims,” the letter read.

But Hamas is a terrorist organization. It has been recognized as such by most of the advanced world. Should we not describe Haas as a terrorist group because, claim this appalling letter’s signatories, it could “incite hate crimes”? Since October 7, there have been thousands of antisemitic acts and attacks across Europe and North America. Can you name more than a handful of “hate crimes” against Muslims in that time? I can only think of one — the killing of a five-year-old Muslim boy by his mother’s landlord, Joseph Czuba, who looks completely demented. There have been a few ballyhooed “attacks on Muslims” that upon investigation turned out to have been committed by Muslims themselves, wanting to swell the number of “anti-Muslim hate crimes.”

It’s always heartwarming to hear when some virulent anti-Israel “activist” goes just too far, is just too absurd, in his, or her, venomous attack on the tiny Jewish state, and loses a job as a result. It’s now happened to Samantha Pearson of Edmonton, Alberta. She was the head of the Sexual Assault Center at the university, but despite that position, which ought to have led her to display a heightened sensitivity to accusations of rape, she was determined not to believe the accounts of rape when the victims were Israeli, and the rapists' members of Hamas. Perhaps she can take her politically-charged expertise in “sexual assault” to someplace more welcoming, such as Al-Quds, or Bir Zeit, two universities where, I am certain, she should do just fine.

Jewish students sue NYU for allowing students to chant ‘gas the Jews’ and ‘Hitler was right’

SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2023/11/jewish-students-sue-nyu-for-allowing-students-to-chant-gas-the-jews-and-hitler-was-right;

Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

NYU officials deny this, but given today’s academic environment, there is absolutely nothing unbelievable about this claim.

“Jewish students sue NYU claiming university allows students to chant ‘gas the Jews,'” by Richard Percival, The JC, November 15, 2023 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

New York University (NYU) has been sued by three Jewish students for allegedly failing to protect them against “festering Jewish hatred permeating the school.”

Bella Ingber, Sabrina Maslavi and Saul Tawil accused the university of “egregious civil rights violations” by allegedly allowing students to chant antisemitic phrases like “gas the Jews” and “Hitler was right.”

In a lawsuit filed at Manhattan district court, the students claimed antisemitism had been a “growing institutional problem” at NYU even before the war between Israel and Hamas began last month.

The lawsuit also alleges Jewish students’ complaints are “ignored, slow-walked, or met with gaslighting” by NYU administrators.

According to the lawsuit, university president Linda Mills this month dismissed a petition from 4,000 NYU members expressing concern about antisemitism.

The three students in the lawsuit urge NYU to terminate employees suspend or expel students responsible for antisemitic abuse and pay compensatory and punitive damages.

In one instance, Ingber and Maslavi said that while attending a silent vigil on 17 October supporting Israel, they saw nearby faculty and student members of on-campus pro-Palestinian groups burn an Israeli flag, make “slit-your-throat” gestures toward Jewish students, and scream epithets….

Rashida Tlaib is member of Jew-hating Facebook group that glorifies Hamas, denies Holocaust

SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2023/11/rashida-tlaib-is-member-of-jew-hating-facebook-group-that-glorifies-hamas-denies-holocaust;

Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

It is not in spite of things like this that Tlaib is a darling of the Left. It’s because of things like this.

“Rashida Tlaib member of secret Facebook group where Hamas terrorists glorified,” by Peter Hasson, Fox News, November 15, 2023:

EXCLUSIVE: Rep. Rashida Tlaib is part of a secret social media group in which its members have glamorized Hamas in its war battle with Israel after the terror group attacked and killed hundreds of innocent Israeli civilians last month, Fox News Digital has found.

The Michigan Democrat is a member of the Palestinian-American Congress group on Facebook. The group is hidden from non-members and does not appear on the platform’s search engine, though Fox News Digital was able to gain access to it.

The group’s founder, Maher Abdel-qader, who has extensive ties to Tlaib and has also been linked to other liberal politicians, has come under fire in the past for his antisemitic social media posts, including questioning if the Holocaust ever occurred.

Rashida Tlaib

The Palestinian American Congress group, of which Tlaib is a member, has featured pro-Hamas posts in the wake of the deadly Oct. 7 attack on Israel.

On Oct. 12, one group member posted: “We don’t want to throw you in the sea…we want you to ride it back from where you came.” The message was accompanied by a picture of an elderly Israeli woman and a Hamas fighter holding her captive.

Tlaib FB group

On Oct. 19, another group member wrote about the “achievements” of the “resistance in Northern occupied Palestine,” including dozens of dead Israeli soldiers. The post included a picture of a Hamas fighter….

Tlaib FB group


Slouching Toward Kristallnacht

Right before our eyes.

SEE: https://www.frontpagemag.com/slouching-toward-kristallnacht/;

Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Something sinister is happening before our eyes. An alarming number of Americans blame Israel for the murder of civilians by Hamas terrorists on October 7, and violence against Jews is rising precipitously. It began before the dead were buried when a group of Harvard students issued a statement proclaiming they “hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence.”

Days later, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres cribbed a line from that statement, saying the killing of Israeli civilians “did not occur in a vacuum.” In cities across the nation, Americans chant for Palestine to seize the land “from the river to the sea,” promoting the annihilation of Israel and the Jews living there.

Today, American Jews are forced to hide behind locked doors in fear of attack by pro-Hamas activists. Jewish middle school students are threatened with taunts of “kill the Jews.” In Brooklyn, Jews are being warned to stay in their homes this weekend because militants supporting the Gaza charter calling for “the destruction of Israel” massed in their neighborhood.

The Anti-Defamation League reports that anti-semitic threats and violence have risen nearly 400% in just two weeks, and a recent Harvard Caps Harris poll revealed that more than half of 18-24-year-old Americans think the murder of 1,200 Israeli civilians by Hamas was justified. They blame the victims; the Jews had it coming.

Some people are simply bigots who hate Jews. But others who are not dogmatically opposed to Israel or Jewish people are persuadable toward this pro-Hamas position. They can be misled into victim blaming, believing Israel could have avoided the massacre if only Jews were better people.

There’s a body of research on why people blame victims, much of it reflecting secular beliefs about the nature of man and society. One reason was postulated by psychologist Melvin Lerner, who pioneered the “just world” theory. It’s described as “a psychological concept proposing that individuals possess a strong belief in the inherent fairness of the world, where people get what they deserve, and deserve what they get.”

An essay by the Young Leaders for Legal Literacy Foundation explores Lerner’s theory observing: “One’s need to maintain a belief in a just world may be at fault for our tendency to blame victims. When bad things happen to someone who seems a lot like us, this threatens our belief that the world is a just place.”

The theory is intriguing but in order to have a fair and just world, the world must be filled with fair and just people. The belief in the natural goodness of man – widely promoted through the works of Genevan philosopher Jean-Jacque Rousseau and others – is often accompanied by the theory that man’s goodness is corrupted by society. Taken as a whole, it’s a false utopian philosophy that invites anarchy by rationalizing bad behavior.

This view of man’s nature is diametrically opposed to the biblical view. Ask any Bible-believing Christian about the nature of man and they’ll say it is sinful and corrupt. The notion of man as naturally sinful isn’t universal but it’s foundational to Judeo-Christian thought. It might explain why so few Christians blame Israel for the Hamas attacks. Christians can debate Israel’s response to Hamas, but I don’t know any claiming that Jewish civilians deserved to be killed. If there are any, they’re in a minuscule fringe seeking 15 minutes of fame.

These differing perspectives matter when talking about Israel and Hamas. Those subscribing to Rousseauean and similar philosophies see Hamas as an organization of fundamentally good people who were corrupted by society and the state of Israel. It gives terrorists a pass, as do many pro-Hamas agitators marching in the streets today. But for those adhering to biblical precepts, Hamas is an organization of sinful people who demonstrated their sinfulness in an orgy of murder and rape, and who are solely responsible for their actions.

The larger issue, however, is what kinds of societies these conflicting worldviews foster. While the biblical view promotes order, the secular view foments chaos, gratifying American Leftists and other authoritarians. It is another reason the Left is so keen on denigrating Judeo-Christian ideals, paving the way for new violence.

America is slouching toward Kristallnacht, the seminal pogrom against innocent Jews across Germany on the evening of November 9-10, 1938. Thousands of Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues were looted and burned. Men were arrested by the tens of thousands for the crime of being Jewish. Others were simply murdered.

We need to wake up before a tipping point arrives. A staggering 51% of college-age Americans think the barbaric Hamas murders of Israeli civilians were justifiable, an attitude likely to metastasize. This is why defending the biblical view of man’s nature is so critical. We cannot confront evil without first understanding the inherent sinfulness of man.

Michigan: City Council Candidate Asks If Holocaust Was ‘Advance Punishment’ for Israel’s ‘Savagery’

(AP Photo/Czarek Sokolowski, File)
Could the Holocaust happen again? After all the open endorsements of Hamas we have seen the world over these days, the answer to that is obvious. Can it happen here? Of course. A candidate for city council in Michigan has just made that clear.

Nasr Hussain is running for a seat on the city council of Hamtramck, Mich., the first city in our new multicultural and diverse (vibrantly diverse, that is) society to elect only Muslims to its council. Hussain, a Muslim himself, doesn’t promise to make the city council more diverse, and as far as leftists are concerned, an all-Muslim city council, despite its monolithic, monochromatic character, is about as diverse as a city council could possibly get. But candidate Hussain does have something to offer: an intriguing theological perspective on the events of the day. 

On Monday, Hussain posted this on Facebook: "Was the holocaust God's advance punishment of the ‘Chosen People’ for the savagery they're committing today against the innocent Palestinians [sic] children and civilians? A heinous act proving that they're as savage and cruel as the Nazis themselves, or even worse.” 

The thoughtful theologian helpfully added a clarification: “Take into consideration that God isn’t confined by space or time and that they believe in reincarnation.” Who believes in reincarnation? Not the Jews, but after all, since the Qur’an (9:30) claims that Jews worship the prophet Ezra as the son of God despite the fact that no Jew has ever been found who actually does this, making things up about what Jews believe is a venerable Islamic tradition.

In its write-up on Hussain’s Facebook post, the Detroit News adds this helpful bit of background information that clarifies why the candidate is so very angry at Jews: “More than 8,500 Palestinians have been killed in the war, mostly women and children, the Health Ministry in Gaza said Tuesday, without providing a breakdown of civilian and militant deaths.” The News adds that “the figure is without precedent in decades of Israeli-Palestinian violence, according to the Associated Press. 

Wow, that’s terrible! But read that paragraph again. Who exactly is the source of this information? That’s right: the Health Ministry in Gaza. And who runs the Health Ministry in Gaza? Neither the Detroit News nor AP will tell you, but I will: Hamas. Hamas runs the Health Ministry in Gaza as Hamas is in control of the entire government in Gaza. Are Hamas’ casualty figures reliable? No, and we have a very recent example of this. 

On Oct. 18, the same Health Ministry claimed that Israel had struck a Gaza hospital and that five hundred people had been killed. As it turned out, a stray Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket hit the hospital parking lot, not the hospital itself, and between ten and fifty people were killed, not five hundred. The Gaza Health Ministry has an obvious interest in exaggerating civilian casualties in Gaza. Still, establishment media outlets continue to accept and repeat its claims uncritically.

Related: Maryland Imam Hails October 7 Jihad Massacre as ‘Great Victory’

Meanwhile, the ominous implications of Hussain’s post cannot be understated. If Allah could have pre-emptively arranged a massacre of the Jews to punish them for crimes they would allegedly commit eighty years later, then the Holocaust was entirely justified, and if it was justified once, it could be justified again. Apparently, Hussain even thinks that Jews of today believe they are the reincarnated souls of those who were murdered in the Holocaust and clearly would like to see them suffer the same fate one more time. 

It is also important to remember that while the Bible says, “Vengeance is mine, says the Lord” (Deuteronomy 32:35, Romans 12:19), the Qur’an directs Muslims to be the instruments of Allah’s punishment of the infidels: “Fight them, and Allah will punish them by your hands, and he will lay them low and give you victory over them, and he will heal the hearts of people who are believers. And he will remove the anger of their hearts” (9:14-15). 

If Allah is going to punish the unbelievers by the hands of the believers, and the Holocaust was his judgment on the Jews, some Muslims may get the idea that it’s time to carry out a new Holocaust so as to heal their hearts after all the terrible things the Jews have supposedly done to them. And this isn’t being argued only in Lahore, Tehran, and Ramallah. It’s being argued in Michigan. Are you enjoying the sheer vibrance of our national diversity yet?

Hey, I Finally Found Those Nazis!

Hey, I Finally Found Those Nazis!
(Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0.)
It’s exhausting being called Nazis all the time when we’ve never once called for the extermination of an entire people, taken control of the press, or even just annexed the Sudetenland. Some days I’ve had to content myself by looking for The Real Nazis™ on the American Right like OJ Simpson looking for Nicole’s real killer by playing golf on fabulous courses.

It turns out that finding actual Nazis on the Right isn’t easy at all, not even with all those convenient fingers constantly pointing them out from the Left. I’m sure there are some over here, at least in theory, but they must be on the fringes of the margins on the very outer edge of our side.

ASIDE: Sure, there are those “alt-right” jerks, but it turns out that people who reject the ideals of great Americans like Thomas Jefferson and Ronald Reagan don’t have much in common with actual conservatives — thank goodness.

But then came the Hamas Terror Invasion of Israel on October 7-8, and I figured that would have Nazis popping up all over the place. Nothing quite gets that National Socialist blood pumping like the slaughter, rape, desecration, and forcible removal of Jews, right?

Sure enough, since October 7 it’s been easy to find Nazis everywhere — and you don’t even have to squint. I found some last night at that bastion of right-wing nastiness called George Washington University.

“Glory to Our Martyrs” is a celebration of the Hamas terrorists who murdered and desecrated the body of a 30-year-old German tourist named Shani Louk for the crime of dancing her booty off at a music festival. It could also be seen as a call to violence against Jewish students and faculty at GWU.

I’d add that 22 Americans were murdered in Hamas’s little Nazi spree and that more were taken hostage, to be used as human shields — or as human sacrifices as necessary.

“Free Palestine from the River to the Sea” means the literal removal of Israel — IE, all the Jews — from the map of the Middle East. While it doesn’t explicitly call for the murder of all seven million Israeli Jews, it does ring a bell. German Nazis claimed that Europe’s Jews were being “resettled to the East,” if by “resettled” they meant very briefly so at extermination camps. Israeli Jews could possibly just swim away from their ancestral homeland, maybe to Siciliy or Gibraltar or somewhere.

Pretty ballsy coming from the same people demanding an end to “Zionist Genocide,” a thing that does not exist. I find myself in strong agreement with AC Spollen who tweeted, “Everyone involved should be expelled. If here on student visas, they need to be revoked. Immediately.” That’s pretty kind, actually, considering I was told not too long ago that it was perfectly OK to punch a Nazi.

In this video, you can see an actual Trump voter ripping down posters of missing Israeli children. I assume he must have taken off his MAGA hat as soon as he saw the camera.

Ryan Walters, Oklahoma State Superintendent of Public Instruction, warned last week that campus antisemitism — pro-Nazism, if you ask me — is a common occurrence and “is all due to the institutional death-grip that woke progressives have on academia.”

Woke progressives? He must have spelled “conservative Republicans” wrong. I’m told that wokeness is just understanding and that progressivism means caring about everyone.

More seriously, on the actual Right, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Tuesday “ordered the chancellor of the State University System of Florida to deactivate the ‘Students for Justice in Palestine’ group.” Chancellor Ray Rodrigues wrote, “National SJP has affirmatively identified it is part of the Operation Al-Aqsa Flood—a terrorist led attack,” and so Florida “contends that the groups are violating a state law that makes it felony to ‘knowingly provide material support… to a designated foreign terrorist organization.'”

Therefore, “the student chapters must be deactivated.”

Now that’s the way to punch a Nazi, and nobody even had to raise a hand.

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