Tim Walz’s Wife Goes INSANE on Stage in Latest Liberal Meltdown

Kamala Harris was out in public recently, but what caught everyone's attention wasn't her policy — it was her bizarre new accent, one she’s never used before in any setting. Meanwhile, President Joe Biden made a rare appearance but quickly lost his temper when reporters pressed him on the situation in Russia and Ukraine, snapping back in frustration. Things only got stranger when Tim-Tom Walz and his wife, Gwen, took the stage during a campaign event. Gwen’s awkward sign-off with a cringeworthy, "Buh-bye Trump," left many wondering, "What does she mean? Is that a threat towards Trump?" The true oddballs of 2024 aren’t Trump and JD Vance — the oddballs are Democrat leftists, led by out-of-touch figures like Kamala Harris and the bizarre Walz duo.

Walzing With Hamas “America’s dad” and would-be vice president has no problem associating with terror-linked groups.

SEE: https://www.frontpagemag.com/walzing-with-hamas/; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes:

[Order a copy of Robert Spencer’s forthcoming book, "Muhammad: A Critical Biographyby clicking here.]

Democrat vice presidential candidate Tim Walz is being skilfully marketed as an all-American average guy. That’s one thing he isn’t, and in reality, he is just about the diametric opposite of that. Most Americans are not even aware, and never will be, of how sinister he really is.

To hear the Democrat party’s propaganda machine, that is, the establishment media, tell it, Walz is your neighbor across the fence who has surprisingly sensible solutions to the nation’s problems, a homespun small-town high school teacher, a football coach, someone you can trust with your kids and a good-hearted man to whom you can trust our nation’s future. 

This is, of course, a massive load of baloney, and it’s already falling apart, even as the establishment media continues to inundate the nation with nonsense about how everyone suddenly loves Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. Walz’s stolen valor scandal isn’t going away anytime soon, and another one looms in its wake: Walz has repeatedly associated with Muslim leaders with known ties to Hamas and other jihad groups.

It is nearly twenty-three years since 9/11, and that means that for almost twenty-three years, Americans have been relentlessly and comprehensively indoctrinated with the dogma that Islam is a religion of peace that was hijacked on that fateful day by a tiny minority of extremists, but hey, every religion has them, and any concern about Islamic jihad violence or Sharia oppression of women is racist, bigoted, and “Islamophobic.” In that atmosphere, Walz’s hobnobbing with associates and supporters of jihadis is unlikely to raise many eyebrows, but as Islamic jihadis continue to grow more assertive and emboldened in the West, America’s dad may come to wish he had chosen his friends more carefully.

The Washington Free Beacon reported on Wednesday that Walz spoke at an event for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) in 2019, where he rubbed shoulders with an anti-Semitic scholar behind much of the Hamas propaganda on college campuses in the wake of Oct. 7, according to photos from the event. It is important to recall that CAIR top dog Nihad Awad cheered Hamas’ Oct. 7 massacre, leading even the Biden White House to drop his organization from an antisemitism task force, on which it had no business being in the first place.

Even worse, CAIR officials have refused to denounce Hamas and Hizballah as terrorist groups. CAIR is an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case — so named by the Justice Department. Several former CAIR officials have been convicted of various crimes related to jihad terror. CAIR’s cofounder and longtime Board chairman (Omar Ahmad), as well as its chief spokesman (Ibrahim Hooper), have made Islamic supremacist statements about how Islamic law should be imposed in the U.S. (Ahmad denies this, but the original reporter stands by her story.)

Walz appeared at CAIR-Minnesota’s 2019 “Challenging Islamophobia” conference. “Islamophobia” is a smear propaganda term designed to intimidate people into thinking it is wrong and “bigoted” to oppose jihad terror and Sharia oppression. Also, there was “Islamophobia” professor Hatem Bazian. Discover the Networks notes that Bazian

founded American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), a major supporter of the pro-Hamas campus group, Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP). Several of AMP’s recent board members and key officials were previously members of, and worked closely with, now-defunct Islamic extremist groups that funded terrorist activities. These included the Islamic Association for Palestine which, until its dissolution in 2004, served as the chief U.S. propaganda arm of Hamas; the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, “which from 1995-2001 contributed approximately $12.4 million in money, goods, and services to Hamas; and KindHearts for Charitable Humanitarian Development, “whose assets were frozen in 2006 by the U.S. Treasury Department because of its fundraising activities on behalf of Hamas.”

Then on Friday, the Washington Examiner reported that Walz, on at least five occasions as governor of Minnesota, hosted a Muslim cleric who celebrated Hamas‘s Oct. 7 attack last year on Israel and promoted a film popular among Neo-Nazis that glorifies Adolf Hitler.” The imam in question was Asad Zaman of the Muslim American Society of Minnesota, who “said on Oct. 7 of last year that he stands in solidarity with Palestinians against Israeli attacks.’” He has also “used his Facebook page over the years to share official Hamas press releases, blog posts on anti-Semitic websites slamming Jews, and, in one 2015 instance, a link to a piece on a website for a pro-Hitler film called The Greatest Story Never Told.

Now imagine if JD Vance appeared at an event with someone who spoke honestly about the motivating ideology behind jihad terrorism, instead of repeating the familiar lies about Islam being peaceful, benign and cuddly. He would likely already have been made to step down at this point. But Walz hanging around with pro-Hamas Muslims? Why, it would be “Islamophobic” to object!


Marxist-Raised Raskin Proposes Starting Civil War by Denying Trump Election Eligibility

SEE: https://www.ammoland.com/2024/08/marxist-raised-raskin-proposes-starting-civil-war-by-denying-trump-election-eligibility/; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes:
Red Jamie doesn’t want to let you vote for Donald Trump. Is it any wonder that he and no shortage of impressionable useful idiots also want your guns? (Rep. Jamie Raskin/Facebook)

“Firebrand Leftist Jamie Raskin Said Congress Must ‘Disqualify’ Trump, Predicted ‘Civil War Conditions’,” The Federalist reported Tuesday. “In a video clip making the rounds Monday on social media, the far-left firebrand laments what he characterizes as a lazy U.S. Supreme Court interfering with the Democratic Party’s plan to interfere with the 2024 election.”

Raskin is complaining that the justices won’t do the Democrats’ dirty work for them.

Per SCOTUSblog, the high court wouldn’t agree to let Special Counsel Jack Smith leapfrog “a federal appeals court [before judgment and] weigh in [on] whether former President Donald Trump can be tried on criminal charges that he conspired to overturn the results of the 2020 election.” That’s especially prudent considering that Smith isn’t even a legally appointed counsel (per The Wall Street Journal commentary, “Federal prosecutors must be duly appointed and confirmed by the Senate. He fails both tests.”)

“And so [the court] want to kick it to Congress, so it’s going to be up to us on Jan. 6, 2025 to tell the rampaging Trump mobs that he’s disqualified,” Raskin said in a book store panel discussion last February that’s gaining renewed attention now." “And then we need bodyguards for everybody and civil war conditions all because nine justices — not all of them, but these justices who have not many cases to look at every year, not much work to do, have a huge staff, great protection — simply do not want to do their job and interpret what the great 14th Amendment means.”

With no dissents to a brief, unsigned order that simply states, “The petition for writ of certiorari before judgment is denied,” Raskin can’t say “not all of them.” It may be a good indicator that even the court’s “progressives” think Democrat radicals are treading dangerous waters. As for the 14th Amendment, he was referring to Section 3:

“No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.”

But Donald Trump hasn’t been convicted of anything, has he? Perhaps this will help drive home the foolish evil of “due process later” for him. Expediting an immunity denial ruling could result in Trump becoming ineligible to hold office before the election, which is what Raskin and the radicals want, in essence, to have the courts absolve mob inciters like him of accountability and mass public wrath.

It’s curious, how the most strident voices hiding behind the “our democracy” lie want to deny a voting choice to the half of the country that opposes their politics, and have that dictated by the courts, leaving the representatives of the people out of the loop.

Raskin wants to impose rules by Democrats, and those of us who disagree don’t get a say. He doesn’t think that will be a catalyst for that “civil war” he’s trying to start. How is the rhetoric he’s employing to stir that pot less incendiary than what Donald Trump said before, during, and after January 6? Millions of Americans don’t believe the parroted media narrative that questioning the results of the election is “baseless.” They see that the January 6 Committee left out key evidence, and that the Department of Justice/FBI has been politicized against traditional Americans and “conservative values.”

It’s revealing that Raskin is saying out loud what less vocal Democrats are thinking—because they don’t all represent “safe” districts and still need to keep up more moderate appearances. Defeating his Republican challenger 211,842 to 47,965 in Maryland District 8’s 2022 election, Raskin feels free to say whatever he wants and count on a local electorate stupid enough to continue ceding power to, let’s face it, a Marxist weasel who daily demonstrates the rotten fruit doesn’t fall far from the corrupt tree.

“Progressive Congressman Defends Father’s Soviet Ties,” Accuracy in Media reported in 2017. Marcus Raskin, founder of the Marxist-promoting Institute for Policy Studies, was reportedly instrumental “in arranging conferences with Soviet officials during the Cold War, for the purpose of undermining then-President Ronald Reagan’s anti-communist policies.”

Unsurprisingly, Raskin is a rabid agent of Soviet-style citizen disarmament, leading, again unsurprisingly, to Giffords gun prohibitionists to describe him as “a passionate critic of our nation’s lax gun laws and one of the most prominent gun safety champions on Capitol Hill.”

And also unsurprisingly, While he’s the one bemoaning civil war if he succeeds in denying half the country its choice for president, he dismisses the Second Amendment as being an ultimate check against tyranny as “a constitutional joke“:

“My friend from Texas, Mr. Roy, advances the so-called insurrectionist view of the Second Amendment, that the second amendment’s purpose is to give the people the right to overthrow or fight our government or fight the police or threaten armed resistance if the government is somehow being unfair or unjust,” Raskin said. “This reading is totally and absolutely absurd and flies in the face of the place text of the constitution.”

We know he’s a liar when he describes the representative of citizens he would crush if he could as a “friend.” As for the rest, any number of Founding Fathers would disagree with him. Including committed federalist Alexander Hamilton, who acknowledged in his advocacy for the Constitution:

“If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is no resource left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense which is paramount to all positive forms of government…”

Red Jamie would leave us with no resources left.

Bloomberg’s Everytown Pledges $45 Million to Elect Harris, Anti-Gun Dems

SEE: https://www.ammoland.com/2024/08/bloombergs-everytown-pledges-45-million-to-elect-harris-anti-gun-dems; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes:
Michael Bloomberg's Everytown group will reportedly spend $45 million to help elect anti-gunners, including Kamala Harris, in November. iStock-1309949931
Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown group will reportedly spend $45 million to help elect anti-gunners, including Kamala Harris, in November. iStock-1309949931

The Washington Post is reporting that the “political arm of Everytown for Gun Safety…plans to spend $45 million…to elect favored candidates” in eight battleground states in order to put gun control candidates in “the White House, House, Senate and local offices.”

According to the report, the Everytown effort “will include a new student organizing drive, with plans to hire 30 new organizers for volunteer recruitment drives at 32 college and university campuses in Arizona, California, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, New York, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.”

There does not appear to be any similar effort by wealthy conservative elitists—which the Far Left claims are hiding around every dark corner of the Donald Trump/’MAGA’ movement—and this age group constitutes a significant bloc of potential voters.

It’s a signal that grassroots Second Amendment activists need to get busy, and also raise a lot of money for the specific purpose of reaching and educating voters in this demographic.

The report says approximately 80 percent of the aforementioned $45 million will finance television and digital advertising, according to an anonymous source described as “a person familiar with the spending who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly.” At the Washington Post 50 years ago, that individual would be nicknamed “Deep Throat.”

While the report was educational, remarks from WaPo readers provided a glimpse of just how far out in Left Field they are.

“MarkM21” commented, “I wanted Bloomberg in 2020 , was sorry he stepped down, but I’m also glad that he is using his wealth to promote just causes that have been perverted by the far right!" We would not have a gun problem, if we had gun laws, like every other democratic country!”

Another respondent, using the identity “johndavidtriopical,” declared, “I fear for America." where to start ? Gun control should have been established long age…an utterly dystopian state of affairs…so much death so much stupidity…thousands men women children murdered every year…murder murder murder bombs bombs bombs.. we have to ask What Makes A Great Country?”

Then along comes “Motor City Matt” who tells other readers to “Follow the Money. Republicans love gun violence. It drives gun sales, NRA membership, campaign contributions from gun manufacturers, and ultimately votes for Republicans.”

Presumptive Democrat nominee Kamala Harris has not publicly said a thing, but considering her past positions on gun control and “mandatory buybacks” of semiautomatic rifles—which are now being walked back by the campaign, according to the New York Times—she doesn’t need to solidify her bonafides with the Everytown crowd.

According to a Sept. 17, 2019 Fox News report, then-Sen. Harris “expressed her support for a mandatory buyback program for ‘assault weapons’” during an appearance on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. The Fox story quoted Harris stating, “A buyback program is a good idea." Now we need to do it the right way.”

Critics are quick to note there is no “right way” to force someone to surrender their legally-purchased firearm, even with some sort of monetary reimbursement. It is what grassroots activists have dubbed “compensated confiscation.”

The New York Times report details many of Harris’ past positions, which her campaign is now feverishly trying to water down or deny completely by claiming she has changed her mind. This is how the NYT describes the vice president’s efforts to re-write history or re-invent herself for 2024 voters: “The Harris campaign will rebut most Republicans" attacks by arguing that they are exaggerating or lying about her record," said a campaign official briefed on the plans who was not authorized to discuss them publicly. Her campaign plans to lean into her record as a local prosecutor and state attorney general to burnish her image as a candidate with deep ties to law enforcement.” (There’s another one of those unidentified deep cover sources without any “authority” to say anything.)

The WaPo, incidentally, describes Everytown as a “gun regulation group,” which is at least a bit more honest than calling it a “gun safety” group.

At the same time, the NYT report laments about how “video clips of her old statements and interviews are being weaponized as Republicans aim to define her as a left-wing radical who is out of step with swing voters.”

America’s “gun voters” should not lose sight of the “big picture” effort being mounted by Everytown: throwing big money into down ballot races in battleground states. The WaPo article reveals that Everytown is opening new field offices in Arizona, Pennsylvania and Michigan. The report also noted that Everytown subsidiaries—Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action—have endorsed Harris for president, which should surprise nobody.

On its website, Everytown may not be doing Harris any favors with this news release. That essentially makes Harris the owner of the Biden-Harris administration’s extremist gun ban agenda.

“Throughout her career,” says Angela Ferrell-Zabala, executive director of Moms Demand Action, “Vice President Harris has shaped gun safety policy to protect survivors, invest in communities, and get firearms out of the hands of people who shouldn’t have them.”

“Vice President Kamala Harris has helped lead the strongest gun safety administration in American history, with accomplishments that include breaking the 30-year logjam on federal gun safety legislation and taking historic executive actions to combat gun trafficking and ghost guns,” said John Feinblatt, president of Everytown for Gun Safety. “There’s a reason Vice President Harris was tapped to oversee the first-ever White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention: She’s long been a steadfast and effective champion of common sense laws to create safer communities. The ‘guns everywhere’ agenda promoted by Trump and Vance flies in the face of both common sense and public opinion, and Everytown’s top priority will be helping Vice President Harris counter their violent vision and win in November.”

Aside from the effort to perpetuate the “guns everywhere” myth Everytown has accused the NRA and now Donald Trump and J.D. Vance of pursuing, the news release simply reminds U.S. gun owners about who are their friends, and who is their foe.

About Dave Workman

Dave Workman is a senior editor at TheGunMag.com and Liberty Park Press, author of multiple books on the Right to Keep & Bear Arms, and formerly an NRA-certified firearms instructor.Dave Workman

Video: Daniel Greenfield Exposes the Left’s 200-Year War on America~The Left’s war on America’s constitutional freedoms began when the Constitution did.

SEE: https://www.frontpagemag.com/video-daniel-greenfield-exposes-the-lefts-200-year-war-on-america/?; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes:

[Order Daniel Greenfield’s new book, Domestic Enemies: HERE.]

Editor’s note: Shillman Journalism Fellow Daniel Greenfield recently spoke to a gathering of David Horowitz Freedom Center members and supporters at the Four Seasons hotel about his new book ‘Domestic Enemies: The Founding Fathers’ Fight Against The Left."

Laying out what he calls the Left’s 200-year war on America, Greenfield described how the Left’s war on America’s constitutional freedoms began at the same time as the Constitution did.

“Is America doomed? "So many people come up to me and ask, can we get past this?” the Shillman Fellow told audience members. “That is part of the reason why I wrote, ‘Domestic Enemies: The Founding Fathers’ Fight Against The Left." This is not a historical trivia book, though there is plenty of history to be found there if you’re so inclined, this is a book about how we fought the Left from the very beginning.”

Greenfield described his goal of telling the story of the American Left from the very beginning. “Why does the Left want to be invisible? Because if they’re invisible, they can’t be identified. You can’t charge them with being the authors of our misfortunes. That's why they keep changing their names. They’re progressives, socialists, liberals, leftists or more recently wokes. But who are they really?”

Today’s conservatives, he argued, could learn from the fathers of our country.

“George Washington, sick, ill, toward the end of his life, becomes the only president to command troops in the field when he rides out against a Democrat insurrection organized by allies of the French Revolution,” Greenfield described. “The Founding Fathers were not afraid to confront the Left. They were not afraid to fight for our country.”

Greenfield then went on to describe how the Democratic Societies were created by radical agents of the French Revolution, which Washington described as an enemy of the Constitution who sought to destroy it, then went on to give their name to what would become the Democratic Party.

“We have been fighting this for over 200 years and we are still here.”

Don’t miss this stellar talk below!

After his speech, Daniel Greenfield stayed behind to sign copies of his book for Freedom Center members.

(Daniel Greenfield with Freedom Center President Michael Finch.)

Domestic Enemies: The Founding Fathers’ Fight Against the Left is available from the Freedom Center store and at online bookstores.

Watch Megyn Kelly Unload on Outrageous JD Vance Character Assassination by the Left and Media

Megyn Kelly begins the show by addressing the character assassination and attacks on JD Vance, unfair attacks on his upbringing, his former close friend now speaking out against him about trans issues by misconstruing his point of view, the fairness of attacking changing policy positions but hypocrisy when it comes to the other side, and more.

Politico Says Vance Has ‘a Bunch of Weird Views on Gender’ The Left is in full, unhinged rebellion.

SEE: https://www.frontpagemag.com/politico-says-vance-has-a-bunch-of-weird-views-on-gender; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes:

[Order a copy of Robert Spencer’s forthcoming book, "Muhammad: A Critical Biography," by clicking here.]

The left’s efforts to portray JD Vance as someone who, like the Bad Orange Man himself, is a far-right, neo-fascist gargoyle whom all decent people should shun are in full swing. The intrepid reporters over at Politico, ever savvy, ever unfoolable, have discovered that Vance has “a bunch of weird views on gender,” views that in ordinary times would get you consigned to the looney bin if we had looney bins anymore and that nowadays get you the Republican party’s vice-presidential nomination. Voters: caveat emptor!

The mind reels with lurid possibilities. What are Vance’s “weird views on gender”? Does he think that men can magically turn into champion female swimmers and women of the year? Does he think drag queens should be sent into primary schools to teach children the glories of the latest LGBTQWTF fantasies? Does he think parents should lose custody of their children if they don’t affirm their delusions that they belong to the opposite sex?

Nah. Politico would think all that was as normal as pink hair and nose rings. What Politico finds “weird” is that Vance is “staunchly opposed to abortion” and has even compared the left’s sacramental child sacrifice to slavery, another moral evil that once enjoyed the protection of a Supreme Court ruling. Even worse, as far as Politico is concerned, is the fact that Vance has “promoted Viktor Orban’s pro-natalist policies in Hungary, which offer paybacks to married couples that scale up along with the number of children.” Good heavens! He wants people to have more children? But what about their carbon footprint?

Vance also “opposes same-sex marriage.” He had the audacity in 2022 to suggest that “the sexual revolution had made divorce too easy (people nowadays ‘shift spouses like they change their underwear’), arguing that people in unhappy marriages, and maybe even those in violent ones, should stay together for their children.” This is a canard Vance has heard before, and Politico was minimally gracious enough to include his response: “His campaign said such an insinuation was ‘preposterous,’ but you can watch the video yourself and be the judge.”

All this and more situates Vance within “the faction of the American New Right that typically refers to itself as ‘postliberalism.’” Did you know that we had a new right, or more precisely, yet another new right? The idea that there are conventional, respectable conservatives who are challenged by an extreme, radical “New Right” is a decades-old leftist scaremongering trope. Back in 1980 or 1981, I remember my university newspaper running a hysterical piece about the scary evangelical Christians on campus, who were, it said, “inextricably bound to the New Right.” This morning, I looked up the author of that article and discovered that he is a New York Times columnist who lives in the Hamptons with his husband. Figures.

The “New Right” of 1981 is fairly long in the tooth by now, but it’s the same as Vance’s New Right. It consisted then and consists now of people who, unlike the John McCain and Mitt Romney types, don’t want to play by the left’s rules. They don’t want to let leftists set the agenda for everything but instead want to offer a real alternative to the American people.

The idea of a genuine alternative to their own rancid agenda is what scares the left, which is authoritarian to the core and, as the Biden regime has shown again and again, is extremely intolerant of dissent.

JD Vance is scary to leftists because his views on gender are indeed “weird” from their point of view. The entire human race has held these same views for millennia, but the left is in full, unhinged rebellion against them. Politico warns that “while Trump’s sexism has manifested itself as a crude machismo, Vance, along with his fellow New Right travelers, is about to introduce voters to a more conceptual take on sexism — one which many women, and indeed many men, might find even more alarming.”

That’s absolutely true if you find alarming the idea that men are men and women are women and that each has particularities that the other does not have. The left, in the midst of its all-out war against reality, has found in JD Vance a man who lives squarely and unapologetically within that reality. That’s why leftists hate and fear him so much.

Internal Poll Sends Democrat Party Into Full Blown Panic

The Democrat Party is now in a state of panic after an internal poll showed Biden losing in almost every state, including key swing states. These troubling results have intensified fears about the upcoming election and the party's overall strategy. The campaign is urgently reassessing its approach to regain voter confidence and secure critical swing state victories.

Debate Drama Unveiled: Biden’s Last-Minute Decision That Changes Everything

In this explosive special report, Gary Franchi exposes the Biden campaign's shocking refusal to drug test Joe Biden before the upcoming presidential debate. Despite an overwhelming 70% of voters supporting drug tests for both candidates, the Biden camp remains defiant. Meanwhile, President Trump has volunteered to take a drug test, raising questions about transparency and fitness for office. As Biden retreats to Camp David, ostensibly to prepare for the debate, concerns mount over his physical and mental condition. Recent footage of Biden stumbling raises eyebrows, while his campaign's dismissive response to drug test requests fuels speculation. The CNN-hosted debate promises high drama, with microphone muting adding an extra layer of tension. Former White House physician Dr. Ronny Jackson's persistent demands for Biden to be tested before and after the debate highlight the gravity of the situation. Don't miss this crucial report as we delve into the implications of Biden's refusal and what it means for the upcoming debate. Stay tuned for Gary Franchi's final thought that ties it all together in this must-watch special report!


Rob Schmitt: Democrats are in trouble~Biden plays up “Juneteenth” to derive votes?

Rob Schmitt comments on the Biden administration's Juneteenth pandering, the number of black Americans joining the GOP, and more on NEWSMAX's "Rob Schmitt Tonight."

Juneteenth - 6 Facts The Government Does Not Want You To Understand

Juneteenth is an important Holiday, but there are six facts that the government does not want you to understand. These facts will surprise many people who do not understand the history of how legal slavery ended in the United States. This video includes drawings and photographs from the Civil War and 1865.



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