Churches Conceding to Mainstream Culture with Pastor Brandon Holthaus

Biden’s New Gun Control for Black Communities

SEE:; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes:
Joe Biden IMG whitehouse-gov
Joe Biden IMG whitehouse-gov

The Biden administration is on a propaganda rampage, and the attack is focused on guns. Of course, Joe Biden is being presented as the face of the newly fabricated “Community Violence Awareness Week,” which appears to be nothing more than a new left-wing political holiday for the purpose of spreading anti-gun propaganda.

Although the White House gun grabbers continue complaining that they need action from Congress on their so-called “gun violence epidemic,” the new approach is to label gun-related deaths a “health crisis” for the purpose of justifying executive action.

As expected, Biden launched the “Office of Gun Violence Prevention” in September and coincidentally expedited the implementation of executive actions on gun laws and measures in the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. Magically, the new violations to the 2nd Amendment created a $750,000,000.00 fund that would be used to leverage States into implementing Red Flag Laws. Red Flag Laws essentially result in the confiscation of firearms without due process.

Greg Jackson, Deputy Director of the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention, said, “Gun violence is a public health crisis that impacts our communities every day.”

By creating the appearance of a “health crisis,” Joe Biden’s handlers can pave the way for him to sign executive orders at the behest of the angry, radical-left gun lobby. This is why the propaganda machine will start using the term “health crisis” more often when the topic of guns comes up. Remember when the COVID “health crisis” gave state and federal officials the perceived authority to implement executive orders? Using the term “health crisis” is a trick, similar to the way they use the term “gun violence” to cover for “human violence.” When “violence is attached to the word “gun,” anti-gun bureaucrats can push legislation. If “violence” was associated with “human behavior” (as it should be), bureaucrats would be forced to deal with the societal problems they create through bad policy. They can’t have that.

Democrats are trying desperately to have this new “Community Violence Awareness Week” coincide with “Black History Month.” Joe Biden is scheduled to deliver a message recognizing “Community Violence Awareness Week” in the hopes of people recognizing it as a national holiday.

According to USA Today, Biden’s White House will be holding several events focused on combating their so-called “gun violence” in black communities. It would appear the planned virtual meetings and round table discussion invitations are limited to black leaders and black elected officials only. It’s been reported that these meetings will be followed up by a workshop where local and state leaders can learn how to obtain federal resources for New “Community Safety Programs.” Joe Biden has repeatedly called on Congress to ban semi-automatic rifles, limit ammunition access through dangerously small capacity magazines, and pass stricter background check legislation that would potentially deny more legal purchases and create more gun registry traps for citizens. Now, the push for these policies seems to be focused primarily on black communities.

It sure looks like the Democrats are acting on their racist impulses again and doing everything they can to remove the ability of black community members to exercise their 2nd Amendment.

Let’s recap the new strategy:

  1. Declare a “health crisis.”
  2. Use executive orders to implement Red Flag Laws (gun confiscation without due process.)
  3. Create a “Community Violence Awareness Week” and associate it with “Black History Month.”
  4. Focus primarily on black communities.
  5. Create programs to train black community leaders on how to obtain federal money that they can use to implement gun control on folks living within their communities.
  6. Sell ‘self-inflicted’ gun control to the people of the communities under the label “Safer Communities Act.”

But don’t worry, they’re doing it to “keep people safe.” Maybe making it easier for people of all communities to exercise their God-given right of self-defense and keeping the bad guys in jail would be the solution to “human violence.”

Robert Heinlein said, “An armed society is a polite society." Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.” It has become perfectly clear that the Biden Administration would rather create an unarmed, helpless, government-dependent society.

About Dan Wos, Author – Good Gun Bad Guy

Dan Wos is available for Press Commentary. For more information contact PR HERE

Dan Wos is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment advocate, Host of The Loaded Mic and Author of the “GOOD GUN BAD GUY” book series. He speaks at events, is a contributing writer for many publications, and can be found on radio stations across the country. Dan has been a guest on Newsmax, the Sean Hannity Show, Real America’s Voice, and several others. Speaking on behalf of gun-rights, Dan exposes the strategies of the anti-gun crowd and explains their mission to disarm law-abiding American gun-owners.

Dan Wos
Dan Wos

Christian UPS driver takes on the corporation over extreme LGBT and anti-Christian work environment.

Confronted pro-LGBT Teamsters Union that was supposed to help him.

Filed multiple grievances with UPS, the union, and federal agencies EEOC & NLRB.

We need more like him across America.

February 7, 2024
When employees are at work in UPS facilities during Pride month, this is what is broadcast up above them.

As we all have seen, corporate America has become militantly pro-LGBT and anti-Christian over the past few decades. Unfortunately, most pro-family people who work for these companies have become too frightened (or compromised) to complain, much less fight for their rights.

This is the story of one man who decided he wouldn’t take it anymore, and fought back all the way to the top.

James Earls has worked at UPS for 35 years and is a devout Christian. He has received some of UPS’s highest awards for safety and loyalty. He is a driver of a large UPS “feeder truck.” He lives in Alabama and is represented by Teamsters Local 402. He recently brought the details of his efforts to MassResistance.

James with his awards from UPS for loyalty and safety.

When most people think of anti-Christian and pro-LGBT companies, they think of Target, Amazon, Bank of America, the NFL, Delta Airlines, etc. But UPS is right up there with them. If you work there, you’re bombarded by the “woke” propaganda. However, since UPS is mostly not a “retail” operation, its huge support for anti-family causes is mostly hidden from view, so the public rarely sees that side of the company.

“Pride Month” at UPS

During the celebration of Gay Pride Month a few years ago, James entered the UPS facility in Madison, Alabama. UPS was showing its support and dedication to the LGBT movement by broadcasting images on all its large hanging TV monitors in various workstations, on its social media sites, and on the employee training computers throughout the building. If employees wanted to check on their benefits, paycheck, retirement funds, and other HR related information, they had no choice but to navigate through the images promoting LGBT pride.

When employees log into their UPS portal, they get the constant propaganda.

In addition:

  • The UPS website featured several stories about “transgender” UPS employees who had undergone their “transition” procedures, and the company was actively promoting that agenda.
  • "Transgenders" get celebrated at UPS for "authenticity."
  • UPS runs an in-house Pride Alliance Business Resource Group to elevate LGBT employees within the company and fund their participation in LGBT events across the country.
  • Over the past two years the UPS Foundation has donated $1.2 million to advance the LGBT movement globally, including huge donations to the staunchly anti-Christian LGBT Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and StartOut. UPS proudly brags that HRC names UPS as one of the “best places to work for LGBTQ+ equality.”
  • In 2022, UPSers volunteered nearly 10,000 hours to support the LGBTQ+ community.
  • UPS partners with the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce to fund and support “certified LGBTQ+ businesses” across America

But most disturbing, James told us, “I discovered a link to a company that UPS had partnered with and was promoting called That site sold homosexual merchandise from a print-on-demand business site, On their website, they sold sickening, blasphemous items, including shirts that depicted Jesus Christ as a radical homosexual who seeks sex with men.”

Shirt for sale to UPS employees.
... and these magnets.
Various fetish flags for UPS employees to order.

UPS support for other horrible causes

James started looking closely at UPS’s other activities, and things looked even worse.

UPS is heavily invested in “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity” (DEI) throughout the company. It has created an internal Equity, Justice & Action Task Force to deal with “unconscious bias” among employees. The company president commissioned an enterprise-wide salary review to support “pay equity” based on race and other factors.

UPS’s charitable arm has funded Planned Parenthood in several states, numerous far-left churches (including a “gay” Catholic group), Black Lives Matter, the ACLU, SIECUS (which pushes radical sex ed in public schools), and other anti-Christian and anti-American causes.

UPS is also a partner of the World Economic Forum and agrees with its “climate crisis” outlook.

All of this reveals UPS management’s orchestration of a frighteningly hostile climate of discrimination against Christians, conservative Americans, and white males in general that everyone (except James) was afraid to address.

UPS claims to support its employees’ civil rights

Interestingly, UPS has numerous company-wide policies that purport to protect its employees’ civil rights. But they’re basically just a smokescreen for doing the opposite.

For example, the company states that it supports the United Nations’ “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights,” which strictly guarantee “social and cultural freedom,” and the right to be treated “with dignity and without discrimination” regarding religion and sex.

There are also “Zero Tolerance” postings in UPS buildings which state: “Don’t display offensive language, symbols or images on your personal belongings or on company property ... If you experience discrimination, sexual or racial misconduct, use our Open Door Policy to raise issues with your management team.”

So James fights back!

The company was clearly breaking its own rules, particularly during “Pride Month.” Someone needed the guts to test UPS’s obvious hypocrisy. James had had enough. And he wasn’t afraid. He decided to formally complain and demand UPS follow its own rules – through whatever manner he could find.

1. Contacting officials. As James told us, “To bring resolution to this with no further unpleasantries, I first tried to use UPS’s Open Door Policy and contacted UPS’s CEO, Carol Tomé, along with local Teamsters 402 General President Sean O’Brien about these issues.” But nothing came of that.

2. Filing grievances through the union. Since he was represented by the Teamsters Union Local 402, he filed four separate grievances through them, as laid out in the company’s collective bargaining agreement, directly addressing various aspects of the problem.

Unfortunately (as many of us know), the Teamsters long ago embraced the LGBT agenda and other leftist, anti-American ideologies. When the formal hearing for James’s grievances took place – with a room full of representatives from the UPS and the union – James was shocked. Not only did the union not advocate for him, but they treated him with hostility, as did the UPS representatives there. One union rep nastily said to James at the hearing, “If working at UPS was so bad, why continue to work there?” James lashed back at him. As he told us:

It got ugly real quick. I told him that I had a right to work in a hostile-free environment just as much as their beloved homosexual employees did. I told him that I have a right to work there and that I want to work in a place that is free from this hatred towards Christian employees.

Unfortunately, this is the face of the Teamsters Union these days.

Not surprisingly, James later received a letter from the union telling him that all of his grievances were denied.

But James really got their attention like no other employee had! He stood up and clearly presented his evidence for all the grievances, describing in detail what UPS was doing to its employees – to the stone faces of the union and company officials.

3. Formal NLRB complaint against the union.  A few days after receiving the letter from the union denying his grievances, James filed a formal complaint with the National Labor Relations Board against the Teamsters Union. He cited the hostility towards him by his union at the hearing, and their inappropriate behavior which clearly showed that he was not being fairly represented. The NLRB acknowledged receiving the complaint but ultimately took no action, though surely the union was made aware of it.

4. Formal complaint filed with federal EEOC. The day after James filed the NLRB complaint, James filed a discrimination complaint with the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). He cited Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which bans religious discrimination in the workplace. He described how UPS is maintaining a hostile workplace by promoting the homosexual culture and images that mock the Christian faith – but denies equal time for Christian culture and imagery anywhere at the company. Similarly, the EEOC acknowledged receiving the complaint but took no action, though surely UPS was made aware of it.

Here’s the result …

Moving a massive worldwide corporation like UPS is too big a task for one man. But James did make a difference. The website link to the disgusting anti-Christian LGBT merchandise and pride event calendar was taken down and has not re-appeared.

And James has not suffered any retribution from anyone at the company, in any form. They obviously know that he means business and will never back down!

Final thoughts

A big reason why we all suffer from the corporate promotion of perversion is that too many employees are afraid to stand up for what’s right. America needs more men like James Earls!

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Racist Mayor: Akron, Ohio’s Shammas Malik


SEE:; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes:

Pakistani Muslim wins mayoral election by 97%. Accuses the city of racism.

Akron, Ohio’s first Pakistani Muslim mayor, is convinced that America is racist.

Despite winning a challenging mayoral election by 97% in which he was the only candidate on the ballot after the Republican candidate was disqualified, Shammas Malik has never stopped talking about how racism is everywhere in the country and the city that elected him.

“He’s going to be the face of equity and diversity,” a Malik ally claimed.

The face of diversity believes that everything about Akron, including its Innerbelt defunct highway system, is racist. “The choice to build the Innerbelt is a great example of systemic racism,” he claimed. “Projects like the Innerbelt explain our sickening racial wealth gap,” he contended elsewhere. And “one great example” of Akron’s racism, he lectured, was the Innerbelt which “was designed to help suburban commuters get to downtown Akron quicker.”

Malik’s solution to most problems, from highways to law enforcement, is to blame racism.

In 2022, Jayland Walker, who had led police on a chase the previous night, shot at officers and then tried to flee while wearing a ski mask, was shot and killed leading to BLM race riots.

Malik showed up at a protest against the grand jury’s refusal to indict the 8 police officers for shooting a man in a ski mask who had opened fire at them and was reaching into his waistband and then raising his arm before they finally opened fire on the suicidal man.

“There can be no justification for the brutal amount of force in the video of Jayland’s last moments,” Malik insisted while not making it clear what the correct amount of force police should use when they think a man wearing a ski mask in June is about to shoot at them.

Malik started his time in office by appointing a Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) and doubling down on his claim that the country and the city are deeply racist hellholes.

“The very real history of racism in America is more than just history, it shapes the systems and institutions around us today,” Malik claimed.

These are the same systemically racist institutions which allowed Shammas Iqbal Qammar Malik, the 32-year-old son of a Pakistani immigrant, to head one of the largest cities in Ohio. Institutions so deeply racist that they elevated him above all the other white primary candidates and then gifted him an uncontested election after less than four years on the City Council.

Malik claimed that the “history of racism means that the race of a baby born in Akron today will have a huge impact on their life experience – from the likelihood that they will live past infancy, to the amount of money they will earn in a lifetime.” What did Malik’s own race determine?

Mayor Shammas Malik’s father, a Pakistani immigrant who used different names, left him and his American mother, a liberal University of Akron professor, had other secret kids, and was later arrested for wire fraud and impersonating an Air Force officer.

Despite that, both Malik and his brother Najim were able to intern in the Senate. Malik went on to intern at the Department of Defense, attend Harvard Law School and get the highest possible position in city government after only a few years on the job.

That is how incredibly racist America and Akron are.

As a student, Shammas Malik had been a member of the terrorist-linked Muslim Student Association before graduating to intern at the terrorist-linked Muslim Public Affairs Council. Multiple MSA leaders and officials have gone on to fight for Al Qaeda and other Islamic terrorist groups. MPAC’s leaders have defended Hamas as well as other Islamic terrorist groups.

After working as a government and policy intern for MPAC, Malik moved on to the leftist Center for American Progress and then as an intern in the Pentagon’s legal office working on federal litigation involving national security and military commissions trials for Al Qaeda terrorists.

And he has learned one thing from all his experiences. America is terrible.

Malik Shammas claimed that America “killed thousands of civilians through drones and airstrikes across Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, etc. across the last 20 years – feeding into the recruitment of horrific terror groups like Al-Qaeda and ISIS.”

White people like his mother and her family, an environmentalist who married his wealthy Pakistani dad, according to Malik, have far too much money because of systemic racism.

“White families have almost 10 times as much wealth as black families, in large part because of systemic barriers that prevent black families from accessing home ownership and creating intergenerational wealth,” Shammas Malik argued.

One reason Shammas Malik is the mayor is that he dominated the Democrat party mayoral primaries by outraising all the other candidates with over $300,000: a record setting amount for a local election. Wealth is evil and racist except when it comes from his old law firm.

Malik claimed that white people suffer from “implicit bias” to be remedied by critical race theory.

“The reason we need true and accurate teaching of race in school is because there’s unconscious bias,” Malik argued. “When folks talk about critical race theory being taught in public schools, we know by now that they’re not actually talking about critical race theory,” he argued another time. “What they’re alarmed about is a more honest, fuller accounting of race in our history.”

By “our history”, he doesn’t mean the incredibly racist system in Pakistan where a foreigner of another religion would never have a chance at a top position, and would be lucky not to be killed for even trying, but in the country that gave him every possible opportunity and advantage.

During the pandemic, Malik’s priority was racism. “Certainly it will be very important to find out how much race and class plays into this virus, here and nationwide,” he urged.

After the Supreme Court outlawed racial discrimination in college admissions (known by the misleading name of ‘affirmative action’), Malik, a Harvard Law alum, complained that, “systemic racism is real." To fix it, we have to be willing to acknowledge the problem in the first place. Today’s decision is a huge step backwards in the fight for freedom and justice for all people.”

Even the rising crime caused by pro-crime activists like him, was blamed on systemic racism.

“Like many cities, Akron is facing a crisis of gun violence, with 26 homicides so far this year, as well as necessary calls for reimagining our policing and oversight processes to address systemic racism and increase public trust,” the future mayor contended.

Ending the murders would require empowering the police to fight crime. Instead, Mayor Shammas Malik appointed a new DEI director and blamed systemic racism and the cops.

There was a time when immigrants would be grateful for the opportunities of this country, but many have since learned that it’s much more effective to be ungrateful and hateful instead.

“The vote for someone who is not a traditional white male profile is something that we as a community should celebrate,” a Malik ally claimed.

In politics and in so many other areas, merely not being white is its own achievement. And by being only half-white, Malik has achieved half of something.

Rutgers Prof Noura Erakat: ‘Zionism Is Based on Racial Elimination’

Colonial law and the erasure of Palestine w/Noura Erakat

SEE:; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes:

“There’s not enough at this moment to support the charge of genocide” brought against Israel," said George Washington University international affairs and political science professor Michael N. Barnett during a January 18 webinar. His comments marked a fleeting, rational moment in a discussion of the International Court of Justice’s (ICJ) charges against Israel, otherwise marked by the panel’s Israel-hatred exemplified by Noura Erakat, associate professor of Africana studies at Rutgers University. She is also a faculty affiliate of the Islamist-dominated Center for Security, Race and Rights at Rutgers.

Barnett joined Erakat – among the most vitriolic anti-Israel academics in America – to address the Arab Center Washington DC’s webinar on “Gaza and the Crime of Genocide: Legal and Political Dimensions of Accountability.” The webinar followed South African’s December 29, 2023, submission of genocide charges against Israel at the politicized ICJ, based in The Netherlands.

“Reading the South Africa report, 85 pages of quite impressive detail, suggest that there is a very strong case for atrocity crimes and war crimes, which in many ways carry the same kind of heavy consequences as do genocide,” Barnett proclaimed. “But initially, I was of the view that the South African charge was a bit of political grandstanding,” he added. For advice, he could turn to Germany – with its history of genocide against the Jews – as Germany has intervened in the case and condemned South Africa’s politicization of genocide.

Erakat, on the other hand, labored to lend an aura of academic respectability to a fusillade of false anti-Israel claims. Since October 7, 2023, “three months of warfare” in Israel’s offensive to destroy Hamas in the Gaza Strip “has resulted in over 24,000 Palestinian deaths, 40 percent of whom we are told are children, or 10,000 children,” she said, reciting casualty figures from Hamas-run agencies without noting their distortion into anti-Israel propaganda. Analysis of Hamas’s claims reveal that Israel has maintained a two-to-one civilian/enemy combatant casualty ratio in Gaza, remarkably low for such difficult urban terrain and a testament to extraordinary Israeli efforts to protect civilians.

Erakat focused on the fate of Gaza hospitals, noting that “Israel began bombarding the last remaining hospital, Nasser Hospital,” in the southern Gaza city of Khan Younis, Gaza’s “last functioning hospital.” Israel “has decimated now nearly 35 other hospitals” as Hamas “command-and-control centers, as launching pads and human shielding,” yet “at the very same time has failed to provide evidence,” she claimed. This false claim disregards numerous reports from IsraelisAmerican intelligencejournalists, and physicians who have worked under Hamas control in Gaza, as well as released Israeli hostages once held in such hospitals.

Ignoring the difficulties of conducting military operations in Gaza, she asserted that Israel justified “this high level of death and destruction” as the “result of an urban warfare, dense areas, Hamas fighting, Hamas human shielding.” This “makes it seem that somehow the conditions” Israel faces “fighting Hamas in urban conditions is unprecedented,” she said, although military observers have noted the unique challenges facing even Israel’s experienced troops. Hamas has had over a decade to embed itself in an extensive network of tunnels underneath Gaza’s urban infrastructure, where almost every civilian structure cynically shields military installations.

International law “mandates a state to cease and desist an operation should the civilian harm and casualties exceed the military advantage to be achieved,” Erakat concluded. She did not clarify what level of proportionately between civilian and military casualties would prohibit Israel from fulfilling its stated war aim of destroying Hamas, an existential threat to Israel. “We can see very well that the military advantage that Israel has achieved is minimal if non-existent,” she claimed, for “Hamas continues to fire rockets from the center of Gaza City, indicating that its capability has not been diminished.” Yet the Israeli government has said it has already destroyed two-thirds of Hamas’s fighting units, which would be a significant achievement in such a difficult campaign.

Erakat was disappointed that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was not impressed with the ICJ’s authority – its jurisdiction is not compulsory – as she. “Right in the aftermath of the ICJ hearing, we heard Prime Minister Netanyahu say that it does not matter what The Hague says, that Israel will proceed as it sees fit,” she complained. Thus, “it is up to any country to decide what it needs to do in order to ensure its national interest,” she said, as if this were not a common maxim for any country fighting for its citizens’ survival.

Israeli Agricultural Minister Avi Dichter’s recent reference to a “Gaza Nakba” alarmed Erakat. This Arabic word for “catastrophe” has achieved mythological status for people of Palestinian descent like her. It refers to some 600,000 Arabs who lost their homes during Israel’s 1948 independence war in the territory that became Israel. In 1948, “Israel conducted military operations that targeted Palestinian civilians” under a “defensive operation in Plan Dalet – that plan included the destruction of villages,” she said, invoking propagandistic myths about Plan Dalet. She thus reiterated the common Palestinian falsehood that Israel expelled most of the 1948 Arab refugees, when in reality most of them fled conflict, often with the encouragement of Arab leaders who wanted to clear free-fire zones.

Today, Erakat fears that “Israel has articulated that it wants to achieve a Nakba, or the removal of Palestinians, in order to achieve its security and peace” as in 1948. “Other forms of colonization,” she said, “are based on racial discrimination, whereas Zionism is based on racial elimination.” Not only does this twist Dichter’s words, as he spoke merely of Gazans evacuating conflict zones, but it fails to mention that no countries in the Arab world or beyond want to receive Gazans, with their well-known jihadist sympathies, as refugees.

Superficially, Erakat’s statements may sound sober and sophisticated. Unmasked, they reveal her unremitting hatred of Israel. Her promotion of South Africa’s genocide charges against Israel illustrates how the Jewish state, no matter how grievously attacked, will be portrayed as fascistic and evil while providing a platform from which to demonize Israel.

Andrew E. Harrod, a Middle East Forum Campus Watch Fellow, freelance researcher and writer, is a fellow with the Lawfare Project. Follow him on Twitter: @AEHarrod. This article was cross-posted with the author’s permission from New English Review.

Meet Linda Tigani, NYC’s Antisemitic Director of the Commission on Racial Equity

SEE:; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes:

Linda Tigani is the latest bureaucrat to be rising high in the Diversity-equity-inclusion racket (NYC Division). She was recently appointed by New York Mayor Eric Adams to direct the city’s Commission on Racial Equity. When it comes to Jews her presumed commitment to “diversity-equity-inclusion” seems to evanesce.  She has quite a history, caught on videos proudly uploaded to social media, of urging, chanting, shouting at rallies “from the river to the sea/Palestine shall be free,” which means, of course, that the one tiny Jewish state must disappear, to be replaced by a 23rd Arab one. More on Linda Tigani can be found in a story from late October; unfortunately, since then nothing has changed. “New head of NYC racial equity commission has spewed antisemitic rhetoric,” by Matthew Sedacca and Deirdre Bardolf, New York Post, October 28, 2023:

Mayor Eric Adams’ new appointee to lead the city’s Commission on Racial Equity, Linda Tigani, has posted antisemitic messages for years, The Post has found.

Her views on the Israel-Palestine war aren’t so equitable.

Mayor Eric Adams’ new appointee for chair and executive director of the city’s Commission on Racial Equity has a history of spewing antisemitic rhetoric.

Linda Tigani, who raked in $143,938 in fiscal year 2022 as acting chief equity and strategy officer for the city Health Department, has repeatedly shared posts on X that include the phrase “from the river to the sea,” which is call by Hamas terrorists and their anti-Israel backers for the eradication of the Jewish state.

FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA! PALESTINE WILL BE FREE!!” Tigani wrote in a July 1, 2020, post, which also included a clip from the “Day of Rage” rally in Brooklyn, where protesters reportedly chanted “Death to Israel” and “Death to America” in Arabic in response to Israel announcing plans to annex parts of the West Bank.

Tigani shared a video of a Palestinian artist and cook, along with a variant on the antisemitic phrase again in a November 2022 post, writing “Beautiful. From the River to the Sea #PalestineWillBeFree.”

Tigani has also shared a slew of posts highlighting Israeli attacks on Palestinians earlier this year.

The city’s appointed leader of its new Commission on Racial Equity has repeatedly posted antisemitic messages on social media.X @LindaTigan

Tigani has also championed Palestinians in the Middle Eastern conflict on her Facebook page, with her banner image currently reading “Free Gaza!!! Ethiopian for Palestine.”

Gaza has been “free” of Israelis since 2005, when every last Israeli, of some 8,500 who had been living in Gaza, left the Strip. Within two years, the Gazans were most unfree, suffering under the barbaric rule imposed by Hamas, the terror group which has ruled Gaza ever since. The people of Gaza owe their impoverishment to two things. First, the leaders of Hamas, most of whom are now living in five-star hotels in Doha, Qatar, watching the fighting from a safe distance, have long been engaged in the massive theft of aid money. Mousa Abu Marzouk has a fortune of $3 billion, Khaled Meshal has $4 billion, and Ismail Haniyeh has $4 billion. Just three Hamas leaders have helped themselves to eleven billion dollars. Second-echelon figures in Hamas have not been idle, either; they have grabbed a few million dollars apiece.

The second explanation for the wretchedness of life in Gaza is that the billions that were not stolen by Hamas leaders were spent, not on the wellbeing of ordinary people, but on buying weapons and constructing more than 1,300 tunnels that are 311 miles in total length, more than half the total length of the New York City subway system.

“Ethiopian for Palestine” writes Linda Tigani. This is Tigani’s quaint way to signal that she is Afro-American. She doesn’t realize, of course, that the only Ethiopians who may right now be in Gaza are not fighting “for Palestine.” They are Ethiopian Jews, Falashas, fighting in the IDF to protect the people and state of Israel.

Tigani has yet to post publicly on her social media accounts in the wake of Hamas slaughtering 1,400 people in Israel on Oct. 7….

Now that her antisemitic posts from the past have been revealed, she is likely to be very careful not to add more incriminating posts. I expect that from now on she will maintain a discreet silence about Israel and the Palestinians. But she’s left ample proof of her deep anti-Israel animus —and some would say, of her antisemitism.

Tigani and City Hall did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

What can she say? More importantly, what will Mayor Adams do now? When he appointed her, he was unaware of Tigani’s bigotry. I think he’ll do the only thing a sensible person can do, and fire her from her new job as Director of the Commission on Racial Equity. Don’t worry about Linda Tigani. Al Jazeera may well snap her up as a commentator on “Racism in America.” Or she could write a column for the Tehran Times. Or she could become an English-language journalist for the Palestinian News Agency Wafa. She’ll land on her feet, this Linda Tigani. Such people always do.





Open Borders Leads to Massive Surge in Baby Syphilis~CDC blames racism for record number of cases in border states.


[Make sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]

Last month the CDC revealed that the number of babies born with syphilis had increased tenfold. The Centers for Disease Control blamed this on racism and inequity.

But the real issue isn’t racism even though the syphilis epidemic does affect minorities far more than white people. The number of babies born with ‘congenital syphilis’ did not rise from 365 in 1986, 529 in 2000 to 2,855 in 2021 because America was more racist in 2021 than in 1986.

In 2022, congenital syphilis shot up further to 3,700 resulting in 51 deaths and 231 stillbirths. Was America ten times more racist in 2022 than it had been in the eighties?

The federal health bureaucracy has put its top people on this medical mystery, dispatching Admiral Rick ‘Rachel’ Levine, a man whose claims to really be a woman rewarded him with an admiralship and a top health position in the Biden administration, to Georgia to promote a “sex positive harm reduction framework” and “LGBTQI+ health concerns”. What those concerns had to do with babies being born with syphilis to presumably heterosexual mothers was not addressed, but equity, if not the babies, were serviced by the transgender fake admiral.

In the 90s, the CDC unveiled a “National Plan to Eliminate Syphilis from the United States”. During the Obama administration the plan was finally abandoned far short of its original goal of reducing “cases to 1,000” and increasing “the number of syphilis-free counties to 90% by 2005.”

70% of the population now lives in counties with high syphilis rates. Not only have we not defeated syphilis, but the country is seeing the highest rates in 80 years.

It’s another triumph for the Biden administration which saw syphilis cases rise 26% in its first year. It’s a long way from the 90s when the CDC could optimistically argue that eliminating it was possible because “nationally, it is at the lowest rate ever recorded and it is confined to a very limited number of geographic areas.” It’s an accomplishment worse than Bidenomics.

What possible phenomenon could account for a massive increase in such a short time?

The number of syphilis cases doubled in Texas in five years. They’re up by 4,000 in just one year. What possible phenomenon in a border state might have caused such a drastic increase in so few years? Was it a sudden massive rise in racism or a massively open border?

In 2022, Texas reported 950 congenital syphilis cases accounting for nearly half the total in the entire country.

Arizona had the nation’s highest rate where the number of babies born with syphilis shot up from 17 in 2016 to 219 in 2022.

New Mexico had a 660% increase in congenital syphilis, for the second highest rate in the country for both syphilis and congenital syphilis, with 76 cases in 2022.

California is in sixth place where congenital syphilis cases rose 1,500% with 528 cases reported in 2019. “Hispanic babies made up nearly 50% of all cases” and the epicenter of the outbreak is in Fresno.

Who knows why the massive outbreak in congenital syphilis cases was clustered around border states during the same period when a mass migration of illegal aliens was underway.

You don’t have to be a public health expert to solve this one. It actually helps if you’re not.

None of the billions we spend on the CDC, the NIH and all the other acronym public health bureaucracies could explain why congenital syphilis in the Northeast only amounted to 121 cases in 2021, 296 cases in the Midwest, but 939 cases in the West and 1,499 cases in the South.

Why does Alabama have 37 cases while Arizona had 181 cases in 2021? What does Arizona have that Alabama lacks?

Racism, inequity or a border?

The CDC certainly has no idea and no clue how to solve this medical mystery. The experts have concluded that it’s a “socioeconomic problem”. Medical surveys have carried out groundbreaking research showing that congenital syphilis cases mostly involve poor minorities with low education levels living in rural areas. And therefore the answer is more social welfare.

“While newborn syphilis cases are increasing overall, babies born to black, Hispanic, or American Indian/Alaska Native mothers were up to 8 times more likely to have newborn syphilis in 2021 than babies born to white mothers,” the CDC argued. “Such disparities stem from decades of deeply entrenched social determinants of health that… result in health inequities such as higher rates of syphilis in some communities.”

This is the same rhetoric that the CDC has been deploying over the years including in its abandoned national plan to end syphilis. Despite all the funding allocated to testing and community outreach, all of which were supposed to solve “health inequities”, congenital syphilis rates tend to reflect overall syphilis rates, and syphilis rates reflect social stability.

Import millions of illegal alien migrants, most of them young men, and syphilis rates will spike.

In times of social upheaval, such as war, STD rates climb. Our current syphilis rates echo those of former eras such as the Great Depression or WWII when millions of men were displaced from home. The current syphilis spike isn’t caused by a war, or if it’s a war, it’s one that we’re losing.

The syphilis rates are the result of an invasion by millions of military age men. And the women brought along from south of the border or around the world. Some of the highest rates of previous syphilis exposure among pregnant women were found in high migrant countries like Venezuela and Haiti.

We don’t have to have crazy rates of a disease that, especially in newborns, could have been dealt with long ago. The cure was securing the border so millions of migrants couldn’t cross it.

Leandro Mena, the head of the CDC’s Division of STD Prevention, blamed the syphilis problem on stigma. “We, as a society, have a tremendous difficulty talking about sex and recognizing that sex is a normal activity and part of our human experience,”

The issue is not that we don’t talk about sex — we hardly talk about anything else. It’s that the experts and the public health bureaucrats pretend that syphilis outbreaks are caused by Americans being too puritanical to discuss where babies come from. Surely when sexuality studies are imposed on every kindergarten, this whole STD thing will finally go away.

But the CDC’s social welfare proposals are no substitute for a stable family life.

Syphilis rates are due to personal choices. They begin with parenthood. 64% of black children, 49% of American Indian, 42% of Latino and 24% of white children live in single parent households. The CDC refuses to consider the possibility that the same pyramid that governs single parent households is also reflected in syphilis cases including those of babies.

The issue is not that we don’t talk about sex; it’s that we don’t talk about family or the culture of nations. There is no stigma in talking about sex, but there is a stigma in talking about values or border security. The American family has gone on falling apart. Babies, killed in the womb or born with syphilis, are the collateral damage of a disastrous culture war. Flood the country with a mass invasion of people from failed states and the situation will get worse, not better.

It’s such a stigma that Mena won’t talk about it. Neither will anyone in the Biden administration.

We live in a society of mysteries that baffle the experts. Why does the public hate Bidenomics? Why do people think that there’s a lot of crime? Where is the inflation coming from? And why is there a sudden syphilis explosion? The usual answer to all of these questions is ‘racism’.

Why won’t Americans listen to the experts who can’t seem to ever find the “root cause” to any of the problems even when they’re staring them right in the face? It’s another mystery. The answer is probably “disinformation” with a side order of “racism”. Give the CDC a few billion and they’ll get to work on solving it.

‘Woke’ Was Invented to Kill the West, and It’s Working

AP Photo/Fernando Antonio
"Grandpa, tell me about the 2024 war against the globalists!"

"I virtuously said nothing when they raped your grandma and gave our house to that Sudanese family because I'm not a racist. Now kill Mr. Whiskers because cats are bad for the weather."

What happened to Western men? "Woke" happened.

FACT-O-RAMA! WARNING! Merely reading this article will result in blue-haired testicle haters calling you a "racist," "colonizer," or "white supremacist," even if you aren't white, like Larry Elder.

What is woke and where did it come from?

"Woke" was a stroke of evil genius. Most likely invented by some clever devil, likely a Marxist at Davos with a private jet, replete with an unvaccinated pilot and a cortège of grandes horizontales, hellbent on controlling people without the use of a gun. No yet, anyway. That's coming as soon as the leftists guilt Americans out of their firearms like they did in England and Australia.

WAKE UP-O-RAMA!  American Marxists use mass shootings as the reason to disarm We the People. So-called "assault rifles" are the #1 target of the left, even though the number of people killed by rifles is a fraction of those killed by knives and/or physical beatings.

Woke is a sickness. It's a fake sense of morality, forced on people under the guise of social justice, typically by white people who want to feel virtuously superior to other white people. It has since become a vehicle to control people to the point they will allow you to rape their family members and gut their nation while they remain quiet, lest they be called a "bigot."

The globalists either invented "woke" or hijacked it for their own nefarious reasons, and it's "working" better than anyone could ever imagine.

We Americans were nauseated when we read about gelded British police officers sitting on their hands as gangs of mostly Pakistani Muslim men raped thousands of English women for decades.

Why did the cops in towns like Telford, Rotherham, and Newcastle not arrest the animals raping girls as young as 11 years old? They didn't want to appear "racist."

And the Brits still aren't finished with "woke."

UK police recently arrested a man at a pro-Hamas rally. The crowd clamored for his release. The cops bent their weak knees and let him go. Yet the cops arrested the English Defence League founder Tommy Robinson for attending a march against anti-Semitism. The law means nothing now in England.

England isn't the only nation that "woke" has castrated.

"Asylum seekers" brutally gang-raped a German woman. When a police officer asked her if the attackers were immigrants, she scoffed and called the cop a "racist" and claimed the attackers were German. Only later did she recant and admit they were "cultural enhancers."

She went so far as to apologize to her attackers on Facebook for the "aggressive racism" they'd faced for raping her.

I am really sorry that your sexist and line-crossing treatment of me could help fuel aggressive racism. I'm going to scream... I will not stand by and watch, and it can happen that racists and concerned citizens name you as the problem. You're not the problem. You're usually a wonderful human being who deserves as much as any other to be safe and free.

I will not stand by and watch and let it happen that racists and concerned citizens name you as the problem.

Eleven men gang-raped a 15-year-old German girl, and nine of them were convicted. Only one went to jail for a whopping two and a half years. All of them are immigrants.

A female psychiatrist who took the stand on behalf of the accused testified that the gang rape was "a means of releasing frustration and anger” that resulted from their "migration experiences and socio-cultural homelessness.” 

In other words, moving from a third-world nation to a country with infrastructure and laws — a nation that clothed, housed, and fed them — was so strenuous that they needed to gang-rape a child. 

Related: SHOCKING: How Many European Women Will Be Raped Before Their Leaders Do Something About Those 'Refugees?'

The judge who sent one rapist to jail and 10 others free faced repeated threats of violence over the one guy who got a two-and-a-half-year sentence. There were no protests for the 15-year-old girl.

Woke America

Joe Biden is gutting our nation with people from the third world, and if you speak up you'll be labeled a "racist" and might even lose your job if the social justice jackals can find out where you work, which they can easily do. 

You'd be hard-pressed to find an institution in the U.S. that doesn't virtuously embrace the sick idea that a man in a dress is every inch a woman as Dolly Parton.

Related: Women vs. Wokeness: It's Time to Pick a Side

Yet here we are. Trans men not only walk on water in the U.S., but they are protected when they attack women:

  • Police bloodied a man at a school board meeting when he dared ask why a male trans student wasn't arrested for violently raping and sodomizing his daughter in a women's restroom.
  • Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón gave a weak sentence to a transgender attacker who grabbed a 10-year-old girl by the throat in a public restroom and sexually assaulted her. Even Fox News referred to the male attacker as "she/her."

A Maryland school convinced a 14-year-old girl she was "trans" and urged her to use the boy's restroom. She was bullied and threatened with rape. She ran away from home and was repeatedly raped by predators. Shockingly, leftist lawyers had her sent to a group home for troubled "boys" where she was raped again and again.

The "woke" contagion is so terrifying to some people leftist morons that they will sacrifice their own kids to the altar of social justice.

Chardonnay-sucking "mothers" dutifully wheeled their designer prams to drag shows and proudly videotaped as needy men in dresses shook their taped-up penises in their children's faces, then posted the videos to show their allegiance to the woke gods.

MIA-O-RAMA! The pink-hat women's rights warriors are suspiciously absent when it comes to speaking out against Hamas' brutal rape campaign against Israeli women, as well as the 200 million girls and women who are victims of female genital mutilation (FGM), both of which are constructs of ONE religion: Islam.

Some Americans are too fearful to take a stand, even as elderly people, including veterans, were booted from nursing homes to make room for the young, illegal invaders pouring over the border. 

PS: Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-N.Y.) claims she has a "smoking gun" proving that those illegal immigrants on Staten Island who were sent to live in the nursing homes are being registered to vote. Yes, we Americans of all races are being replaced.

Wow KDJ, this is scary. Do you have any good news for us?

I do. Some Americans are starting to stand up.

FACT-O-RAMA! I condemn violent protests. Please remain peaceful.

Angry Chicagoans swarmed an alderperson after the city decided to set up a tent camp for illegal immigrants in Brighton Park. Black residents slammed city leaders when they met to discuss spending a staggering $51 million on housing for illegal immigrants instead of spending it to help their community.

SWAP-O-RAMA! When our elected leaders boot elderly Americans from nursing homes to make room for illegal immigrants and ignore Chicago's large black neighborhoods to spend mad stacks on illegals, it's easy to see why Americans feel they are being replaced.

The truly infuriating aspect of "woke" is that it seems to only apply when it benefits the Marxists. 

The left went from "Believe all women" to "Can you prove Hamas raped all those Israelis?"

Pro Tip: if you want to know who the Marxist animals in the room are, they're the people trying to cover for rapists. They are the jackpuddings who call you a bigot because you don't want to see elderly Americans booted from nursing homes, especially during winter. It's whoever tells you to pipe down when you get angry over the millions of people pouring over the border to replace Americans of every race.

And if you think things are bad now, wait until the military is full of illegal immigrants who are happy to make room in the U.S. for their families.

Several years ago the left went cray-cray over "white supremacists" in Charlottesville, Va., yet openly support pro-Hamas animals as they taunt Jews, not in Germany 1933, but in Philly last week.

Yet few people speak up lest the loud-mouth Marxist down the block call your employer and try to have you fired. Remember that when your granddaughter asks you what you did to fight the globalists when you had the chance.

NSA Goes Full Woke, Pushes CRT and Transgender Ideology on Employees

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky, File
For the Biden administration, it’s far more important for our intelligence agencies to be concerned with pronouns and "white fragility” than monitoring foreign or domestic threats against our country. 

Last year, the National Security Agency (NSA) published a 34-page Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion glossary, which was recently obtained and verified by The Daily Wire. It’s a disturbing compilation of terms associated with woke ideology for its employees to follow. 

Lord knows we won’t make the mistake of taking out the next Osama bin Laden without first knowing what his preferred pronouns are, so as not to misgender him/her/they.

"The leaked, unclassified NSA document identifies itself as a 'a glossary of terms and language commonly used in dialogue regarding diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice' and cites radical Critical Race Theory educators such as Robin DiAngelo and Ibram X. Kendi,” The Daily Wire reports. "There’s also ‘whiteness,' which the agency defines as a 'broad social construction that embraces the white culture, history, ideology, racialization, expressions, experiences, epistemology, emotions and behaviors,' all in order to reap “'material political, economic, and structural benefits for those socially deemed white.’"

Feel safer yet? It gets even better.

But the agency, which has been sharply criticized for its mass surveillance operations on American citizens, goes beyond openly endorsing the extreme tenets of Critical Race Theory with its glossary — it pushes queer theory as an approach that “critically deconstructs and challenges binaries such as male and female or heterosexual and homosexual.”

The DEI glossary goes on to list a plethora of different vocab words associated with queer theory like “transmisogyny,” which it defines as the “intersection of transphobia and misogyny.”

The glossary includes definitions for stupid fantasy pronouns like "ze" and "zir,” and terms like "two spirit.” Then there’s an entry for "genderqueer," "AFAB/AMAB" denoting assigned gender at birth, "Latinx," and "same gender loving,” which is a new one I haven’t heard before.

There’s even a definition for DACA in the glossary, for some reason.

Exclusively for our VIPs: Is This Revelation About DeSantis Disqualifying?

Rep. Mike Waltz (R-Fla.), a member of the House Intelligence Committee, was utterly shocked at the indoctrination happening in such a powerful military agency. “I just can’t overemphasize how shocking this is,” Waltz, a veteran, told The Daily Wire. “I’m a member of the Intelligence Committee in the House and it is an authentic document.”

“This isn’t some kind of diversity document, with terms like white fragility and definitions of whiteness and ‘ze’ and ‘zir’ in, say, the Small Business Administration,” Waltz said. “This is the NSA, the National Security Agency, one of the most powerful agencies in the world, that the world has ever seen.”

You can read the entire disturbing document here.

Just What the World Needs: A Woke Pope

Just What the World Needs: A Woke Pope
AP Photo/Eric Gay
In 452, an unarmed and unaccompanied Pope Leo I met Attila the Hun outside the gates of Rome and singlehandedly persuaded him not to sack the city.  In 1095, Pope Urban II gave a rousing speech to the assembled nobles in Clermont, France, which launched the first of a series of Crusades to liberate the Holy Land from the bloodthirsty Turks.  In 1801, Pope Pius VII successfully negotiated a concordat with Emperor Napoleon, effectively protecting religious freedoms for Catholics and Protestants alike from the oppressive zeal of the revolutionary Left.

In 2023, Pope Francis wagged his finger and decried pet owners as guilty of “selfishness.”

For better or worse, whether people like it or not, the Catholic pope is the most influential leader in Christendom.  From the coronation of Charlemagne to the dissolution of the Soviet Empire and beyond, no other Christian figurehead carries as much spiritual or diplomatic weight. The papacy funded the first universities, global exploration, scientific development, and the European Renaissance. It bore the brunt of the Jacobin Terror and pulled Christianity through the dark ages of 19th-century nihilistic rationalism and 20th-century atheistic communism.

The bimillennial history of the papacy has seen its share of both good and bad popes. The Left likes to bleat about keeping religion out of politics. But those versed in religious history know the main problems occur when politics tries to intrude into religion, not vice versa. Most of Catholicism’s bad popes were those too corrupt or too weak to keep political interests from intruding onto their temporal turf. It was during times when popes were able to prevent or undo political intrusion into religion that Christianity flourished.

Enter Jorge Bergoglio (Pope Francis).

Shortly after becoming pope, he made waves at his first impromptu press conference. When asked about the idea of gay clergy, Francis famously replied, “Who am I to judge?” And, oh, how the press fell all over themselves. How they fawned and swooned. How they chuckled and swayed and surged forth to touch his flowing robes. Not because they agree with biblical teachings on judgment, mind you, but because they (correctly) saw in Francis their long-awaited Manchurian candidate.

Since that staged comment, Francis has made plenty of judgments.

Against whom, you tenderly ask with an inquisitive ear? Against the two Muslim “youths” who cut the throat of 85-year-old Father Jacques Hamel as he was performing Mass at his church in St.-Etienne-du-Rouvray? Francis had nothing to say about them at all, other than to clarify for us the true motive for their attack, about which he stated, “It’s war… a war of interests, for money, resources. I am not speaking of a war of religions. Religions don’t want war. The others want war.” Gotcha. That video the killers made in which they pledge allegiance to ISIS, along with multiple attempts to travel to Syria to fight in its ranks, made for quite the diversions.

And the Afghan “youth” who attacked traingoers with an axe in Wurzburg while yelling “Allahu Akbar”? Or the Syrian “refugee” who blew up a music festival in Ansbach because Germans “obstruct Islam”? Or the ISIS terrorist who killed 84 people with his truck in Nice, France, in a war against “crusader states”? Were they all motivated by the evils of capitalism as well?

Per Francis, they’re not the problem. The problem is Europeans attempting to prevent millions of military-age men from the Islamic world from arriving. Those who attempt to deter such illegal arrivals, says Francis, are exhibiting “gestures of hate against brothers,” made possible by the “fanaticism of indifference.” Hate and indifference. That’s how Pope “WhoAmIToJudge” judges anyone who disagrees with him on immigration policy.

Ah, but immigration is his pet issue, you say. He’s allowed to get a little rambunctious about it, which would explain why he told a crowd of teenagers in Verona to “make noise” about immigration issues. Don’t pray, don’t sacrifice your time volunteering, don’t offer your lodgings or other resources, and certainly don’t lead by example. Make noise. Be good little activists.

But wait, Francis has more judgment to deal with because he has another pet issue. In November, Francis will travel to Dubai to discuss… Israel’s right to self-defense? Support for religious minorities in the Muslim world? Support for women’s rights? Nope. The world’s most influential voice for the abandoned and oppressed will be discussing (drumroll) climate change!!!  We have “ecological sins” to repent for, you see. And by “we,” he means only Westerners, specifically Americans. Neither the Chinese Communist government nor any other tin pot dictatorship needed to lie awake at night fearing Francis’s vigilant gaze. It will fall upon our unrepentant shoulders to bear his wrath for the sin of making Greta Thunberg’s life miserable.

On other issues, Francis is blatantly contradictory. He has long referred to weapons manufacturers as “merchants of death.” He chides European nations for not giving enough of these same weapons to Ukraine, decisions he blames bizarrely on the arms industry. He rants against American burning of fossil fuels but can’t unequivocally condemn Hamas terrorists who burn alive entire families.

But who or what can fill the void? The Anglican Church? The current Archbishop of Canterbury is totally on board with “affirming” the wrong gender for kindergarteners. The previous Archbishop of Canterbury said that sharia law in England will be “unavoidable,” so the backwoods Tory clingers might as well get with the program. The Orthodox Church? Its biggest denomination, the Russian branch, is Putin’s puppet. One of the myriad American denominations, the Presbyterians and whatnot? The PCUSA is too busy adorning their apses with pride flags and BLM banners to notice their pews emptied a long time ago.

Christendom is not in a good place right now.  The Vicar of Peter is currently George Soros in a miter, and most other Christian leaders follow the latest Quinnipiac poll rather than the Bible. Lately, the only Christian official who seems to be doing any actual fighting in defense of the faith is a French nun who chased down and tackled some pansy environmental activist whom she caught destroying building materials intended for a chapel.

The real question is what the Catholic Church will do once Francis retires or dies. Was Francis an unintended mistake, a Bud Light moment for the church? Or will it continue down this woke path? A course correction would obviously be the ideal scenario not just for the Catholic Church but for all of Christendom. Until that happens, Christians the world over are on their own. For those Christians living among Francis’s “brothers” in Sudan and Pakistan, it’s a death sentence, with each passing day simply a matter of borrowed time. For those Christians living in China, the totalitarian sewer where Francis never met a government official whose boots he didn’t eagerly lick clean, public professions of faith get you permanent vacation in the gulag.

Just this month, Italian police reinforced security at the Vatican, complete with bulletproof vests and machine guns, in response to an Islamic terror attack in Brussels. Keep in mind the two cities are 915 miles apart. That’s like an American president upping security for this entourage in Chicago because there was a shooting in Dallas.

But being woke affords you these double standards. The octogenarian priests getting their throats cut aren’t privy to machine-gun wielding guards, just as the Hollywood jet set isn’t expected to “go green” by flying commercial where they might make eye contact with the hoi polloi, and just as the Martha’s Vineyard folks aren’t forced to fill their hotels, airports, and police station lobbies with illegals the way the rest of us are.

Pope Francis is a base political animal of the abominable liberation theology strain. Let’s hope the College of Cardinals runs better background checks at the next papal election.

The Graves of Academe


Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

#1. Connecticut College: Gender, Sexuality, and Intersectionality Studies

The Department of Gender, Sexuality, and Intersectionality Studies at Connecticut College invites applications for a visiting assistant professor. We are seeking a scholar with expertise in trans studies, mixed race studies, disability studies, and/or transnational LGBTQ studies. Successful candidates will have demonstrated experience teaching in gender and women’s studies or related fields including feminist and queer theory as well as social justice activism.

A PhD is strongly preferred in gender and women’s studies, feminist studies, or a closely related interdisciplinary field. Candidates with meaningful community engagement experience are preferred.

The Gender, Sexuality, and Intersectionality Studies Department is committed to interdisciplinary, intersectional, transnational feminist, and queer inquiry. We emphasize a strong theoretical and praxis focus in our curriculum and research. We have a departmental culture that supports the cultivation of rich intellectual collaboration both within the department and outside of it, and offer ample opportunities for pedagogical creativity and development. We value teacher scholars whose work foregrounds social transformation and community engagement.).

#2. The Ohio State University: Department of African American and African Studies

Assistant Professor, Black Sexualities

Position Overview

The Ohio State University invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor position in the Department of African American and African Studies to start Autumn 15, 2024. Candidates welcome to apply whose research and teaching focuses on the intersections of sexuality, race, and gender with an emphasis on Black experiences and perspectives. We invite interdisciplinary scholars who approach the study of sexualities and Blackness through intersectional and/or transnational lenses. We are interested in candidates whose scholarship and teaching examine, for example, sexuality and constructions of racial deviance and exploitation; the relationship of conviviality, joy, and international liberatory activism; and/or sexuality and conservative, cross-border, political activist coalitions. We seek candidates whose scholarship challenges, complicates, and re-defines understandings of Black sexualities and whose promise of academic expertise strengthens the Department’s commitment to advance social justice discourses and the department’s vision of championing a full account of determinant forces of Black life in its global historical and sociological dimensions. Applications from scholars grounded in interdisciplinary Black Studies, Black feminist, and Black queer methodologies with a demonstrated history of community engagement and/or community-based approaches to scholarship are especially welcome. We also seek applications from collaborative scholars whose work is forward-looking in the praxis of Black Studies. The successful candidate will teach courses across the full range of the department’s curriculum, from introductory to upper division seminars, as well as general education courses and those that reflect their research expertise.

#3. University of Michigan – Ann Arbor: Frankel Center for Judaic Studies

Applications for 2024-2025 Frankel Institute Fellowship, “Jewish/Queer/Trans.”

In this theme year, we aim to explore in the broadest possible ways how queer/trans studies intersect with studies of Jews, Jewishness, Judaism, and indeed Jewish Studies itself, from the full range of humanistic, artistic, activist, and social science perspectives. We thus intend to assemble a group of scholars, writers, and artists that will allow us to explore this set of fundamental issues across the temporal gamut of ancient to the present and in Middle Eastern, African, Asian, European, and American societal contexts.

We invite applicants to consider how Jewish Studies might thicken queer and trans studies. At the same time, we wish to inquire into how queer and trans studies might aid the interrogation of foundational categories deployed in Jewish Studies. In doing so, we seek to challenge social hierarchies, notions of sacred/profane, religious conceptions, political movements and structures, knowledge paradigms, and communal boundaries: all key elements in the history of studies of Jews and Judaism. That is, how can insights from queer and trans studies enrich and complicate our understanding of the dispersed, diverse, and shifting histories of Jewish sexual cultures and gender systems, as well as social, cultural, and racialized formations of Jewishness more broadly. We are particularly interested in approaches that create dialogue among the sub-fields of Jewish Studies, queer and trans studies that go beyond merely applying theoretical models to Jewish Studies.

The “Jewish/Queer/Trans” fellowship year will promote a tighter integration of queer/trans perspectives and methodologies into Jewish Studies, and contribute to the ongoing softening of boundaries between analyses focused on racial, sexual, or gendered differences.

What forms of analysis might queer and trans theory enable in the study of Jewish texts, cultures, and history?

  •      How might non-Ashkenazi or non-contemporary forms of Jewish ritual, theology, textuality, domesticity, kinship, or musical arts decenter Eurocentric defaults in queer and trans studies?
  •      How might queering and trans-ing our understandings of key concepts like “archive,” temporality, historiography, and data allow for expanded inquiries within Social Science-based and Humanities-attuned subfields within Jewish studies?
  •      What happens to Jewish Studies methods and archives when Queer of Color critiques are deployed to its sources and subjects?

The cohort will emphasize collaborative projects and outputs; building support and mentoring networks; and public-facing scholarship.

I’ll say again what I’ve said before: Forgive them, Lord, they know exactly what they do.

Sen. Menendez Plays Race Card, Blames his Corruption Indictment on Anti-Latino Racism

Sen. Menendez Plays Race Card, Blames Corruption Indictment on Anti-Latinx Racism
(AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)
A Person of Color™ Democrat trying to distract from his indictment on federal corruption charges by complaining about alleged racism with no evidence? Who among us could’ve possibly seen this coming?

Via The Hill (emphasis added):

Menendez faces three counts, including conspiracy to commit extortion under color of official right, a charge for public officials who take bribes in return for official acts.

The indictment alleges the New Jersey senator provided sensitive U.S. government information to aid Egypt, sought to influence a pair of criminal investigations into two New Jersey businessmen and attempted to interfere with an investigation by the state attorney general’s office.

According to the indictment, the bribes included “cash, gold, payments toward a home mortgage, compensation for a low-or-no-show job, a luxury vehicle and other things of value.” Last year, Menendez added on his financial disclosure that his wife owned up to $250,000 worth of gold bars…

Prosecutors also noted that in a search of Menendez’s home, investigators found more than $550,000 in cash that was, in part, hidden in clothes.

How does the senator respond to such serious charges of official impropriety? The only way such people are trained to respond: “Muh white supremacy!”

Here is an excerpt from the public statement released by Menendez, in which he does his best Jussie Smollett impression, via the New Jersey Globe (emphasis added):

For years, forces behind the scenes have repeatedly attempted to silence my voice and dig my political grave. Since this investigation was leaked nearly a year ago, there has been an active smear campaign of anonymous sources and innuendos to create an air of impropriety where none exists.

The excesses of these prosecutors is apparent. They have misrepresented the normal work of a Congressional office. On top of that, not content with making false claims against me, they have attacked my wife for the longstanding friendships she had before she and I even met.

Those behind this campaign simply cannot accept that a first-generation Latino American from humble beginnings could rise to be a U.S. Senator and serve with honor and distinction. Even worse, they see me as an obstacle in the way of their broader political goals.

Obviously, let’s acknowledge that allegedly taking a quarter of a million dollars worth of gold bars to stash in your closet and hiding a half million dollars in your wardrobe in exchange for alleged government favors to business partners falls within the range of the “normal work of a Congressional office.” Claiming otherwise is basically domestic terrorism.

Greg Kelly exposes General Mark Milley for his ‘plot against the President’; EXPOSES THE SERIOUS CHAOTIC RESULTS OF UNVETTED ILLEGAL MIGRANTS ON AMERICA, IN EUROPE, ETC.

While Using Drag Queens for Recruitment, Woke General Milley Hotly Denies That Military Is Woke

While Using Drag Queens for Recruitment, Woke General Milley Hotly Denies That Military Is Woke
AP Photo/Patrick Semansky, Pool
The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark “Thoroughly Modern” Milley, who apparently wears a medal on his chest for every military disaster he’s overseen, bristles at claims that on his watch, the U.S. military has become woke, soft, and distracted from its actual purpose. The uber-woke general claims that he’s “not even sure what that word truly means” — that is, “woke” — and that the United States military is fearsome, powerful, and ready for anything. And it’s true, as long as the Chinese or Russians send an army of drag queens to confront us.

Milley insisted Sunday that “what I see is a military that’s exceptionally strong. It’s powerful; it’s ready. In fact, our readiness rates, the way we measure readiness, is better now than they’ve been in years.” This could be true, but how exactly do Milley and his woke henchmen measure readiness? After all, this is the same Milley who claimed that the Biden regime’s catastrophically botched withdrawal from Afghanistan that “there was an extensive amount of planning in this.”

If the withdrawal from Afghanistan took an extensive amount of planning, then for all we know, Milley could be measuring readiness by the number of drag queens featured in military recruitment videos. Milley could define readiness by the depth of the military’s understanding of “white rage,” as he told Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Florida) in June 2021 while explaining his study of the bogus Jan. 6 “insurrection.” Milley declared: “I want to understand white rage, and I’m white, and I want to understand it. So what is it that caused thousands of people to assault this building and try to overturn the Constitution of the United States of America? What caused that? I want to find that out.”

Evidently hoping that no one to whom he was speaking knew about the navy’s drag queen recruiter or his own previous remarks about “white rage” and the “insurrection,” Milley on Sunday claimed that “this military is a lot of things, but woke, it’s not. So I take exception to that. I think that people say those things for reasons that are their own reasons, but it’s not true. It’s not accurate. It’s not a broad-brush description of the U.S. military as it exists today.” It isn’t? Really?

Milley’s words would carry a great deal more weight were it not for the mountain of evidence that Milley’s military is far more interested in pushing the left’s insane social agenda than it is in actually winning wars. The lack of preparation for the withdrawal from Afghanistan was the biggest indication of this wrongheadedness, but there are plenty of others.

Most of them revolve around pushing the left’s fascination with depravity and perversion upon the military. In the summer of 2022, Joint Base Langley-Eustis (JBLE)’s first “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Summer Festival,” featured (what else), a drag show. The festival, according to the Daily Wire, featured “a series of performances and speeches, including a poem on ‘Diversity, Equity and Inclusion’ and a drag show by Joshua Kelley, who performs under the moniker Harpy Daniels.” Harpy is the navy brass’ favorite sailor; he is also the drag queen they’ve decided to make the star of their recruitment videos.

Related: Woke Gen. Milley Takes a Victory Lap Over Afghanistan Disaster

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis pointed out the obvious when he noted during one of his presidential campaign addresses that the military has been “infected by the woke mind virus,” and that the consequences of this couldn’t be more serious: “This is changing the character of the military, it’s changing the culture of our services, and it’s creating a situation in which great warriors have been driven away and recruiting is at an all-time low.”

That’s right. And that’s the military that Milley insists is exceptionally strong, powerful, and ready. Is the man stupid? No, he’s just woke. As far as Milley is concerned, the military is exceptionally strong, powerful, and ready because it’s gay-friendly, obsessed with drag queens, hostile to patriots, multiply vaccinated, and compliant in every other possible way with the left’s social agenda.

That agenda has nothing whatsoever to do with defending the country against its enemies, and so that simply isn’t a concern for Thoroughly Modern Milley and his woke cohorts. They have lived all their lives in a world in which America didn’t face serious military threats. This has rendered them complacent and willing to take risks with the military that no prudent or patriotic officer would even have considered. They assume there will be no consequences for their doing this. And we can only hope they’re right.
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