Terrible News: Ilhan Omar Wins

Wednesday, 08/14/2024 | Terrible news and a sad day for Jewish Americans, as Minnesota Congresswoman and anti-semite Ilhan Omar wins her primary. Plus, a new report from The New York Times exposes how Hunter Biden solicited help from the U.S. State Department for the Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma, while his father was still the vice president. And finally, J.D. Vance is on fire as he brilliantly compares Kamala Harris' record of failure with President Trump's record of success today in Michigan.

New Unearthed Videos Raise More Questions About Tim Walz’ Military Record, w/ Jashinsky and Johnson

Megyn Kelly is joined by Emily Jashinsky of UnHerd and Eliana Johnson of the Washington Free Beacon to talk about new controversies regarding VP Tim Walz and his military service, unearthed videos of how others mischaracterized his record and his refusal to correct them, the apparent lack of vetting by the Harris campaign, and more.

Megyn Kelly Unloads Over Media Gaslighting of Americans, From Kamala Harris to "Tampon Tim" Walz

Megyn Kelly begins the show by discussing the media gaslighting Americans on a variety of topics, the fawning coverage of Kamala Harris that avoids discussing her actual policies, the truth about "Tampon Tim" Walz and the truth about his Minnesota policies, and more.

Stephen Gardner and Brigitte Gabriel, a political, cultural, and national security commentator, discussed several key topics~Biden Gets The BAD NEWS he’s been DREADING!

SEE: https://www.actforamerica.org/aboutbrigitte

ALSO: https://www.actforamerica.org/videos

AND: https://rumble.com/c/BrigitteGabriel

BRIGITTE GABRIEL is a leading commentator on politics, culture, and national security. As a legal immigrant to America born in Lebanon, Ms. Gabriel survived war in the Middle East living in an 8x10 underground bomb shelter from the age of 10 until 17 years old. She lectures nationally and internationally, and her expertise is sought after by world and business leaders.

Ms. Gabriel moved to Israel in 1984 and became a news anchor for “World News,” an evening Arabic news broadcast for Middle East television seen throughout Israel, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon. Her work is of international scope and has brought her in contact with world figures such as Margaret Thatcher, George H. Bush, Queen Nour El Hussein, Itzhak Rabine, and Shimon Perez.

Ms. Gabriel immigrated to the United States in 1989 and founded a television production and advertising company. Her clients include ABC, NBC, CBS, Discovery, TLC, History Channel, CNN, the Oprah Winfrey show, 20/20, World NewsTonight, and Good Morning America just to name a few.

She has addressed the United Nations, Australian Prime Minister, members of the British Parliament/House of Commons, members of the United States Congress, The Pentagon, The Joint Forces Staff College, the US Special Operations Command, the US Asymmetric Warfare group, the FBI, and many others.

In addition, Gabriel is a regular guest analyst on Fox News Channel, Newsmax, OAN, and many American and international media outlets worldwide.

Ms. Gabriel is the Founder and Chairman of ACT for America, the largest national security grassroots organization in the U.S. with over two million members. She is a NYT best-selling author of three books, the latest being “RISE” In Defense of Judeo-Christian Values and Freedom.

Ms. Gabriel was knighted in Europe in 2016 and became “Dame Brigitte Gabriel”. She has been named one of the top 50 most prominent speakers in America. She speaks Arabic, French, English, and Hebrew.

Israel Will Invade Rafah ‘With or Without a Deal’ | CBN NewsWatch – April 30, 2024

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promises to Israel will go into the last Hamas stronghold in Rafah “with or without a deal” as talks continue with Hamas on a ceasefire and hostage release agreement, and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken calls Israel’s offer “extraordinarily, extraordinarily generous;” why Rafah is so important for Hamas operations, and why Israel wants to take it out; and the concerns over the International Criminal Court possibly indicting Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders for war crimes; Chris Mitchell talks about what it would mean if Hamas survives in Gaza, concerns about charges against Israeli leaders, who’s behind the pro-Palestinian/anti-Israel protests on college campuses, and more; Israelis traveled to the Western Wall in Jerusalem during Passover for a special priestly blessing, and the focus was on the hostages and their families; four law enforcement officers killed in shootout in the Charlotte, North Carolina area; and how the church is providing support for parents whose children who unexpectedly decide to switch genders.


Mother of Israeli woman killed by Hamas slams AP for giving award for photo of jihadis with her body

SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2024/04/mother-of-israeli-woman-killed-by-hamas-slams-ap-for-giving-award-for-photo-of-jihadis-with-her-body; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes:

If Shani Louk had been anything but Israeli, the AP would not have given the photo any award.

“Hamas victim Shani Louk’s grief-stricken mother reveals how an award given for a photo of tattoo artist’s naked and mutilated body being paraded by terrorists forces her family to relive her murder on October 7,” by Dan Grennan, Daily Mail, April 7, 2024

The grief-stricken mother of Hamas victim Shani Louk has revealed how an award given for a photo of her daughter’s half-naked and mutilated body forced her family to relive the trauma of her murder.

The 22-year-old German-Israeli was one of 364 people killed at the SuperNova Festival, which she was attending with her boyfriend, in the October 7 attacks.

The picture shows four Hamas militants celebrating as they brandish a rocket launcher and guns while sitting on top of Shani Louk’s body, which is lying face down in the back of a pickup truck.

The photo, taken by freelance photographer Ali Mahmud, was the centerpiece of the submission that won photo agency AP the Team Picture Story of the Year category from the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute at the Missouri School of Journalism.

Now Shani’s mother, Ricarda, has revealed the award has forced her family to relive the trauma of her daughter’s murder.

She told the Telegraph: ‘[It is] ‘traumatic for all of us. Just try to imagine seeing your beloved girl lying half-naked and lifeless on the truck with those savages around her.’

The tattoo artist was still wearing the clubbing outfit she had on while attending the music festival in the picture.

Separate footage recorded in the hours after the photo was taken shows her body being paraded around the streets of Gaza, with some passers-by spitting on her.

‘Seeing those pictures again because of the contest makes our family relive the pain,’ said Ms Louk.

The 53-year-old added that her family were not told in advance that the photo was being put forward for an award, which she said ‘made me angry’.

The fact they celebrated this photo with a prize makes us hurt even more because really, it’s like celebrating that they were killed.

I mean, the whole massacre is celebrated. It’s not by chance that they chose this picture so it hurts us even more….

White House Warns Fox News to Stop Covering Biden Corruption

SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2024/03/white-house-warns-fox-news-to-stop-covering-biden-corruption; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes:

And the media is cheering it on.


I remember when White House Spokesman Ari Fleischer made an off-hand remark about what he thought was Bill Maher praising the Al Qaeda terrorists, suggesting that people should watch what they say, and we have spent years hearing about the Bush administration “terrorizing”, “censoring” and “intimidating” the press.

Bush was compared to Hitler and the incident still continues to be brought up today even as the Biden administration is fighting in court for the “free speech right” to censor political opponents on social media, and now the White House has fired off a letter to FOX News warning it to stop covering Joe Biden’s corruption.

The White House is formally calling on Fox News to walk back its coverage of bribery and corruption allegations against President Joe Biden.

In a letter sent to the right-wing network’s top brass this week, which has not been previously reported, Ian Sams, a top White House spokesperson, noted that the ex-FBI informant who was the source of the bribery claims has now been charged by federal authorities for allegedly fabricating the story.

“Despite this, Fox has taken no steps to retract, correct, or update its reporting on this false allegation from 2023,” Sams said in his letter to Fox News chief executive Suzanne Scott, president Jay Wallace, and Washington bureau chief Bryan Boughton.

Despite media misinformation, Smirnov’s allegations were a late-arriving cherry on the cake in an investigation that involved IRS whistleblowers, business partners of Hunter Biden and extensive information from his own laptops.

Yet forget that for a moment.

Imagine the response if the Bush or Trump administrations had sent such a threatening letter to CBS News.

This isn’t even coming from the Biden campaign, a distinct organization, or any of the numerous leftist groups it has at its command, but from a special assistant to the president, with Anita Dunn cc’ed on it.

And the media is cheering it on.

Establishment Media Lies to Cover for Biden Regime’s Latest Betrayal of Israel

Drew Angerer/Pool via AP
The Israel-hating far-left has put Old Joe Biden on notice: betray Israel, or lose our votes. Votes, and all the perks that go with seeming to get more of them than the other fellow, are what The Big Guy lives (if you can call his somnabulent incoherent state living at this point) for, so the Biden regime has been assiduously working to abandon the Jewish state without anybody noticing. In their latest betrayal of Israel, Biden and his henchmen got substantial help from the establishment media, which for a Democrat administration is always happy to play the role of the guy with the shovel who follows behind the circus elephant.

The betrayal unfolded on Friday, when the Biden regime, according to the Associated Press, “restored a U.S. legal finding dating back nearly 50 years that Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories are ‘illegitimate’ under international law.” See? The Biden regime is conservative at heart! All it did was restore a fifty-year-old policy that the source and summit of all evil in the modern world, Donald Trump, had reversed: “Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the U.S. believes settlements are inconsistent with Israel’s obligations, reversing a determination made by his predecessor, Mike Pompeo, in the Biden administration’s latest shift away from the pro-Israel policies pursued by former President Donald Trump.” 

The New York Times likewise cast the Biden regime’s declaration that the Israeli settlements were illegal as a restoration of long-settled U.S. policy that had been disrupted during the aberrant reign of the Orange Upstart: “During a trip to Argentina on Friday, Mr. Blinken called the settlements ‘inconsistent with international law,’ a break with policy set under the Trump administration and a return to the decades-long U.S. position.” There they go again, spinning a tale of a safe and sane Biden administration reversing the unwise and ill-considered policies of Old Joe’s aberration of a predecessor. 

The only problem with this scenario is that, as is so often the case with the establishment media narrative, it’s not true. The indefatigable pro-Israel researcher Elder of Ziyon notes that while Jimmy Carter claimed that the Israeli settlements violated the Geneva Conventions, which meant that they were indeed illegal, this was by no means settled U.S. policy after Mr. Peanut began his seemingly endless post-presidency. Ronald Reagan “said when he was campaigning for President and in an interview two weeks after he took office that the settlements are not illegal. Later in his presidency, he said that settlements are an ‘obstacle to peace,’" but that is not remotely the same thing as saying that they’re illegal or illegitimate.

The presidents after Reagan, says Elder of Ziyon, were not happy with the settlements. George H.W. Bush “was strongly against settlement construction but did not call them illegal.” Bill Clinton cribbed Reagan’s phrase, saying that they were an "obstacle to peace," but even Monica’s dude was “softer on  expansion of existing settlements.” George W. Bush “called for a settlement freeze but did not characterize them as illegal or even an obstacle to peace.”

In fact, the first administration after Jimmy Carter’s to claim outright that the Israeli settlements were illegal was that of Barack Hussein Obama, and of course, since the Biden regime is made up of multitudes of old Obama hands, it’s no surprise that this particular manifestation of Obama’s deep hostility to Israel would become Biden regime policy.

It’s also no surprise that the establishment media, since it is a propaganda arm of the hard left, would attempt to portray Old Joe’s new stance as the same old thing, the product of the cooler, sharper, more dispassionate heads who ran the State Department in earlier generations. 

     Related: CNN Worries That Muslim Migrant Gang Rape in Italy Will Bolster the ‘Far Right’

Another problem with all this, however, is that the settlements aren’t illegal at all. The West Bank, contrary to popular belief, is not “Palestinian territory.” There is no Palestinian territory, as there never was a Palestinian state, and there is no occupation. The West Bank was part of the territory that the League of Nations set aside after World War I for the creation of a Jewish National Home. That Jewish National Home is Israel, and there is no other nation on earth that has any claim to sovereignty over the territory where the settlements are located.

Antony Blinken, however, will never tell you that, and neither will his accomplices at AP and the New York Times.

Major Media Wrongly Claims It Was Only Trump Administration That Declared Israeli Settlements Legal

SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2024/02/major-media-wrongly-claims-it-was-only-trump-administration-that-declared-israeli-settlements-legal; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes: 

Antony Blinken, on a trip to Argentina, has declared that the Israeli settlements are “contrary to international law.” Elder of Ziyon discusses this claim here beginning with how the major media have reported on Blinken’s describing the settlements as “contrary to international law.” What is of note is how the major media have wrongly claimed that it was only the Trump administration that declared the settlements to be legal. Blinken, in this view, was merely returning to the policy on settlements that all previous administrations had adhered to. That is not the case. Elder of Ziyon has more: “The @NYTimes says US administrations before Trump considered Israeli settlements to be illegal. Fact check: FALSE,” Elder of Ziyon, February 25, 2024:

From the New York Times:

Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken’s reversal of Trump-era policy on settlements in the occupied West Bank reflects rising Biden administration frustration with Israel, but it is unlikely to dent the strong American backing for its ally’s military campaign in Gaza or pressure Israel to change course, analysts said on Saturday.

During a trip to Argentina on Friday, Mr. Blinken called the settlements “inconsistent with international law,” a break with policy set under the Trump administration and a return to the decades-long U.S. position.

This is not true.

While Jimmy Carter didn’t use the word “illegal” he did say they violated the Geneva Conventions, which is the same thing. His ambassador the the UN did call the settlements “illegal.” But that was the last time this terminology was used by any administration.

Ronald Reagan said when he was campaigning for President and in an interview two weeks after he took office that the settlements are not illegal. Later in his presidency, he said that settlements are an “obstacle to peace.

It is debatable whether Israeli settlements are, as Reagan said, “an obstacle of peace.” I would argue that those settlements solidify Israel’s hold on Judea and Samaria (a/k/a the West Bank), and in so doing, make it much harder for a possible assault by an Arab invasion force coming from the east, increasing Israel’s ability to deter enemies, and thus making war less likely.

George H.W. Bush was strongly against settlement construction but did not call them illegal.

Bill Clinton adopted Reagan’s phrase that they were an “obstacle to peace” but he was softer on  expansion of existing settlements.

George W. Bush called for a settlement freeze but did not characterize them as illegal or even an obstacle to peace.

Barack Obama and John Kerry hardened the US stance against settlement, calling them “illegitimate” but not using the word “illegal.” However, Kerry did say, ” “the Israeli Government’s program of establishing civilian settlements in the occupied territory is inconsistent with international law” which is essentially the same thing as calling their creation illegal, and that was the first administration to do so since Carter….

If you believe that the war that has been conducted since 1948 by Muslim Arabs against the Jewish state is a classic jihad, and on the Arab side must continue until Israel ceases to exist, to be replaced by a twenty-third Arab state from which all Jews will be expelled, then you will recognize the folly of a so-called “two-state solution ” (the use of the word “solution” assumes that it is that very thing; I beg to differ) that will only weaken Israel, undermine its strategy of deterrence, and whet rather than sate Arab appetites for conquest.

That the settlements are legal, given that they are established on the very territory that the League of Nations assigned to the Mandate for Palestine in July 1922, will be treated in another post. But remember only this: before the Biden administration, no President other than the antisemitic Jimmy Carter called Israel’s settlements “illegal.” Reagan stated unambiguously that they were “legal.” George H. W. Bush did not like the settlements, but never once did he describe them as “illegal.” Bill Clinton did not call them “illegal” either, though he believed, like Reagan, that some of them were an “obstacle to peace,” rather than a boost to Israel’s deterrence and thus to the only peace that is possible. George W. Bush hoped for a settlement freeze, but never said that the settlements were illegal or even that they were “an obstacle to peace.” Not surprisingly, in the Obama administration, so hostile toward Israel, Secretary of State Kerry did say that the settlements were “inconsistent with international law,” making him the first high official to say that since Jimmy Carter.

Now, instead of returning to a consensus that he appears to think has long been held, of viewing Israel’s settlements as illegal, the egregious Antony Blinken has instead resurrected a view that among past presidents was shared by only two — Carter and Obama, both deeply antagonistic to Israel. Now there is a third — Joe Biden, who will soon be mouthing the words that have just been spoken in Argentina by his ventriloquent handler, Antony Blinken.

Tucker Carlson Takes On Critics of His Interview with Putin | The Glenn Beck Podcast

Tucker Carlson just did something that no other Western journalist in the world has been either willing or able to do in a very long time. He traveled to Moscow to speak to Russian President Vladimir Putin. And right on cue, the media accused him of being a Putin lover, critics advocated for banning him from returning home, and the EU even debated sanctioning him. Suddenly, journalism became a crime in the eyes of other journalists. So Glenn sits down with Tucker to do what his critics have refused to do: get his side of the story. Why did he go to Russia? What did take away from his interview? How did he feel sitting across from a man who could have killed him? In his first U.S. interview since returning from Russia, Tucker tells the shocking story of his second attempt to land this interview and why he believes the NSA tried to stop it yet again, as well as the disturbing story of when he asked former U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson for a similar interview. Tucker further explains why he believes NATO is “an offense against our sovereignty” and where he stands on the war in Ukraine. Glenn also asked Tucker to respond to criticism from his own side: Why did he praise Moscow’s subway system and grocery stores? Is he advocating for an authoritarian leader in America? Does he still believe returning to the Constitution is America's only hope? "It's not like you have to be a fascist to have an orderly society," Tucker tells Glenn. "We HAD one." Tucker also addressed the reactions to his recent podcast with former State Department official Mike Benz.

Bye-Bye, Joe? CNN Claims That Calm, Cool Kamala Is Taking Charge

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

Are these curtains for The Big Guy?

Another sign came Sunday that Democrats are ready to send Old Joe Biden off to a permanent retirement at his taxpayer-funded, walled Delaware beach house. First, there was the inundation of establishment media handwringing over the senescent corruptocrat’s mental state after the same media outlets had stoutly insisted for three years that the sinister and befuddled old fool was sharp as a tack and constantly challenging the intellectual acuity of his aides. And now CNN has claimed that Kamala Harris, the first vice president ever to demonstrate unfitness for the world’s easiest job, is in calm, cool command, taking charge and reassuring Dems who are worried that they might not cheat effectively enough in November.  

CNN published a lengthy exposition on Sunday that could have been entitled “Kamala to the Rescue,” for that’s what it was all about; the far-left propaganda organ was trying to sell us on the idea that Harris, after showing herself to be abjectly incapable of doing anything beyond spouting preposterous word salads for as long as Old Joe has been showing off his cognitive decline, is now taking charge, calming the jittery rank-and-file apparatchiks and smoothing the Democrats’ pathway to inevitable victory in November. Nearly a cackle was mentioned in the entire two-thousand-word piece. 

“More than two dozen sources” — wow! Are you like 51 top intelligence professionals? — “tell CNN that Harris has been gathering information to help her penetrate what she sometimes refers to as the ‘bubble’ of Biden campaign thinking, telling people she’s aiming to use that intelligence to push for changes in strategy and tactics that she hopes will put the ticket in better shape to win.” 

Does this sound like the Harris we have seen stating the painfully obvious in the tone of a second-grade teacher to audiences who were being moved for the first time in their lives to question the wisdom of diversity hires? No, this is the new, fictional Kamala Harris that CNN is constructing to follow up on its Sharp-As-A-Tack-and-Clean-As-A-Whistle Joe Biden. Now that the latter has been thoroughly exposed, it’s time for a new propaganda campaign.

And since this is party propaganda and not remotely news, it’s not surprising that CNN tells us that Kamala’s take-charge act is a massive hit: “Multiple leading Democrats, anxious about a campaign they fear might be stumbling past a point of no return, say their conversations with Harris have been a surprising and welcome change, after months of feeling sloughed off by the White House and Biden campaign headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware.” Of course, comrade! They love Kamala, we love Kamala, everybody loves Kamala!

CNN’s parade of anonymous sources includes “a person who attended one of the meetings,” who states: “The ‘bedwetting’ complaints are running thin with people." The West Wing and the campaign need to be better.” Wait, what? Bedwetting? What on earth is CNN talking about? Who exactly is wetting the bed? Dementia Joe? Worried Democrats? 

The reference is entirely unclear, but nevertheless, CNN assures us that Harris is efficiently changing the sheets: the putative vice president “did a good job fielding those responses, the person added, ‘and deserves credit for it.’” As a result, “many of those people also say that the conversations have shifted their opinions of the vice president, seeing her now as a more integral and complementary part of the reelection effort.” Bye, Joe!

Related: CNN Worries That Muslim Migrant Gang Rape in Italy Will Bolster the ‘Far Right’

Harris’s newly discovered competence has “come at a critical moment.” Republicans, you see, have been pouncing, as is their wont; the dastardly reactionaries “have been capitalizing on her low approval numbers and Joe Biden’s advanced age by making the 2024 campaign more about Harris and the chance she could become president, especially as questions about the president’s mental acuity continue to define his own candidacy.” The fiends! Harris, however, is as confident as she is commanding: she “doesn’t worry Biden will lose to Trump – but she does worry about losing ‘to the couch.’”

Once again: what? Losing to the couch? Does the dining room set have a chance? Whatever Harris’ worries about the furniture may be, she “tends to end the often strung-out conversations with a reassuring ‘By the way, we’re gonna win.’” They very well could, and propaganda pieces such as this nonsense from CNN will play their part. 

But CNN’s cheerleading for Harris is less important for how it portrays her than it is for what it means for Old Joe. Have the people who are running the Biden regime turned its primary figurehead? The signs that they have are piling up.

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