Why NVIC is No Longer Associated with Dr. Joseph Mercola By Barbara Loe Fisher~Dr. Mercola was now being influenced by and taking direction from a person, who refers to himself as “the Kai” and claims to be a “psychic” channeling the voice of an “ancient and wise high-vibration entity from the causal plane(Cult)” called Bahlon.

SEE: https://rumble.com/v4z6pn0-why-nvic-is-no-longer-associated-with-dr.-joseph-mercola-by-barbara-loe-fis.html
By Barbara Loe Fisher
Published June 03, 2024 in Rights & Ethics

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This commentary clarifies why the non-profit National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) is no longer associated with Dr. Joseph Mercola after his sudden defunding of NVIC in February 2024 became a recent topic of public discussion online, which spread false information about the history of that association. 

There are monuments in Washington, D.C. honoring those who have fallen defending the United States of America in wars fought to preserve freedom. Since the early 1980s, I dreamed of creating a monument honoring children who had no voice and had no choice and were injured or died from vaccines mandated by doctors waging a two-century war on microorganisms.

That dream came true on March 25, 2023 when I stood with Dr. Joseph Mercola in Cape Coral, Florida, and we unveiled the Truth and Freedom Monument that I designed with my daughter and was built and sponsored by the National Vaccine Information Center. 1 It was a day I will never forget because the event also marked the 40th anniversary of the founding of our charitable organization, an event we had postponed for a year because of the destruction caused by Hurricane Ian in the city.

The Truth and Freedom monument has at its center a silvered bronze angel  standing on a blue globe holding a baby. The monument features quotes  defending autonomy and civil liberties. At the top of one of the marble arches  is a quote from the Bible – “The truth will set you free” – a phrase also found in contemporary academic settings affirming freedom of thought and the power  of knowledge. 
The angel, which is represented in Judeo-Christian and other major religions, reminds us of our sacred duty to protect our children. The torch held up by the  angel’s left arm is the light of truth. The child held in the angel’s right arm symbolizes the future of humanity.

Dr. Mercola and NVIC: A 15-Year Partnership  Educating the Public

The monument was created during the COVID pandemic declaration, when freedom of speech and other civil liberties were being threatened. It was three years in the making from design to dedication, and I was grateful to Dr. Mercola for donating the beautiful outdoor space at the Mercola Market in Cape Coral, Florida, on which our monument would stand. As I have done many times over the past 15 years, I thanked him publicly for his generous donor support that helped our small charity, established in 1982 by parents of DPT vaccine injured children, to forward our mission of preventing vaccine injuries and deaths through public education and defending the ethical principle of informed consent to medical risk taking, which includes vaccine risk taking. 2

Between 2008 and November 2023, Dr. Joe Mercola supported the work of the National Vaccine Information Center, 3 a non-profit educational charity highly rated for transparency and integrity. 4 5 6 In 2009 at NVIC’s Fourth International Public Conference on Vaccination, I presented Dr. Mercola with NVIC’s Visionary Award. 7 NVIC was a co-founder in 2011 of the Health Liberty Coalition sponsored by Mercola.com, which included leaders of allied non-profits dedicated to promoting health freedom and raising awareness about the risks of vaccines and GMOs and mercury amalgams and fluoride in drinking water. 8

In 2019, I received Dr. Mercola’s annual Game Changer Award given to an individual “whose work stands as a great service to humanity.” 9 In 2020, at NVIC’s Fifth International Public Conference on Vaccination I presented Dr. Mercola with NVIC’s Lifetime Achievement Award for “inspiring millions to take control of their health and choose more natural ways to stay healthy.”10 On NVIC’s website, Mercola.com was listed as a Partner.

At conferences, and through many co-produced video interviews and published articles, over the years Dr. Mercola and I educated the public about vaccine risks and failures and the importance of fighting for the legal right to make voluntary decisions about vaccination. I publicly defended his work and he publicly defended mine. Last fall, we talked about the unprecedented censorship we have both been subjected to online and in the media. 11

I have admired Dr. Mercola’s vision as a doctor empowering people to take control of their health. I considered him to be a friend, as well as a colleague. I was proud to work side by side in a trusted partnership with him and thankful for the generous average $300,000 per year over a span of 15 years he donated through his foundation to NVIC, which we counted on in our annual budget to help our small staff operate four websites and implement nationwide vaccine choice advocacy programs and services. 12 Because NVIC is not a for-profit business, our charity relies on donations from families, whose loved ones have been harmed by vaccines, 13 and by those, who want to have the right to make vaccine choices without being punished for the choice made; 14 and by small foundations that appreciate the fact that NVIC does not tell anyone what to do but simply empowers people with accurate, well-referenced information so they can take responsibility for the health choices they make. 15

The NVIC-Mercola Partnership is Suddenly Severed Without Explanation in March 2024

Exactly one year to the day after Dr. Mercola and I dedicated NVIC’s Truth and Freedom Monument in Cape Coral, Florida, on March 25, 2024, NVIC received an email from someone identifying herself as the new CEO of Mercola.com informing us that donations from Dr. Mercola’s Natural Health Products Research Foundation were immediately discontinued. After all the years we had worked together, 16 Dr. Mercola did not contact me by phone, email or text to explain why he suddenly chose to defund NVIC without advance warning, which impacted our fiscal year programs and services and left me with no information to give to my Board and staff.

I was stunned, hurt and confused. The only verifiable information I had about what had happened were two articles published in Natural Products Insider on Feb. 13 17 and Mar 1, 2024 18 informing readers that the Mercola.com company was under new management and that Dr. Mercola was now being influenced by and taking direction from a person, who refers to himself as “the Kai” and claims to be a “psychic” channeling the voice of an “ancient and wise high-vibration entity from the causal plane” called Bahlon. 19 20 21


Did that person tell Dr. Mercola to walk away from our partnership and his long-standing commitment to NVIC without contacting me to explain why?

The media articles published in February and March detailed the fact that this self- identified psychic who Dr. Mercola is now consulting with had convinced him that he, Dr. Mercola, is “a god” and “the new Jesus.” 22 The articles contained references to videos and descriptions of what had taken place at the Mercola.com company in early February when Dr. Mercola without warning fired top executives, including his own sister, who helped him establish and has worked at his company for 40 years.

The harm that has been done to good people is shocking and heartbreaking.

Concerns About Religious Discrimination, “Cult Dynamics” and A Potential “Corporate Takeover”

There was evidence provided in the articles suggesting that the firings of executives were based on their “strong commitments” to Christian religious beliefs, which precluded their ability to believe in Bahlon. 23 A later article raised questions about “cult-like dynamics” involved in what one expert interviewed characterized as a potential “corporate takeover” by those now in control of the Mercola company. 24

On April 15, I contacted Dr. Mercola by email stating that the only information I had to explain the severing of our partnership was what had been published in the media indicating that his mission and philosophy had changed. I requested that I be allowed to remove NVIC’s Truth and Freedom Monument from his property. He was granted permission and the monument was removed from Mercola Market land on Sunday, April 21st and placed in storage, where the angel will stay until we find a new home.

NVIC Defends Human Rights, Including Freedom of Religion

NVIC has a long history of defending human rights, including freedom of religion. I am a Christian and Dr. Mercola knows that. Whether he chose to end his relationship with NVIC without warning or explanation because of my religious beliefs that he knows would prevent me from believing in Bahlon is an open question. Nevertheless, our Truth and Freedom monument cannot be associated with a doctor who has taken actions against people based on their religious beliefs and who receives and gives business and health advice based on directions given to him by a person claiming to be a psychic channeling an ancient entity.

NVIC Is Searching for a New Home for the Truth and Freedom Monument

The NVIC family is continuing to pray for Joe Mercola’s health and safety as we search for a new home for the Truth and Freedom Monument. We look forward to the day when our
The angel will stand on the ground where these sacred words are affirmed: “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”

Yes, we will struggle to deal with the financial deficit that Dr. Mercola’s sudden departure has created. We will struggle to operate the NVIC Advocacy Portal established in 2010 to secure and protect medical, religious and conscientious belief vaccine exemptions and oppose the addition of more vaccine mandates, which we successfully did during the COVID pandemic declaration that saw no state legislature in the US mandate the COVID vaccine – an historic accomplishment. 25 We will struggle to retain staff and operate our four websites, NVIC.org, NVICAdvocacy.org, TheVaccineReaction.org and MedAlerts.org and our other programs and services. It will be harder to make our information available to the public, especially since NVIC has been subjected to the most censorship in the digital public square of any major vaccine education organization in America, a fact I outlined in an 80-page report on censorship that was submitted to committees in both the U.S. House and Senate. 26

With God’s grace, NVIC will find a way to continue to do this work that we have done for four decades on behalf of those who have no voice and have no choice. 27 28 During our time of need, please consider supporting the pioneering work of the National Vaccine Information Center.

It’s your health, your family, your choice.

Our mission continues: No forced vaccination. Not in America. 

EX-CATHOLIC MIKE GENDRON: Why Are Protestants Becoming Catholics?

In our 33 years of proclaiming the Gospel to Catholics, we have observed a very troubling trend. Protestants, who once embraced the Gospel of grace, are departing from the faith to join the Catholic Church. The most scandalous defection occurs when Protestants marry Catholics. Four out of five times, in these mixed marriages, the Protestant converts to Catholicism. Such dreadful apostasy is described by the apostle John this way. "They went out from us, but they were not really of us; for if they had been of us, they would have remained with us; but they went out, so that it would have shown that they are not of us" (1 John 2:19). The false converts who departed from the church were giving evidence of their unregenerate condition. This disturbing apostasy is not only a departure from the church of the apostles, but also a departure from the Lord Jesus Christ and His Gospel. As these defections continue, let us consider five apparent causes.

Unity Accords Between Catholics and Evangelicals

The pope's ecumenical agenda is seducing Evangelical leaders to join hands with Catholics to reverse the Reformation and reunite all Christians together. The ecumenical unity movement is slamming the professing church as a tidal wave, and many Evangelicals are being deceived into believing the Catholic Church is a Christian denomination made up of brothers and sisters in Christ. Many are being deceived by a pro-Catholic prayer app called Hallow that encourages prayers to Mary and guardian angels. Hallow is being promoted by Fox News, Good Morning America and yes, even The View. Celebrities, such as Candace Owen, are becoming Catholic as reported in this video. We need to expose these evil deeds of darkness that dishonor Christ and His Word.The truth must be told! The Roman Catholic Church is an apostate religion. It dogmatically departed from the apostolic faith at the Council of Trent.

Warnings Are Being Withheld or Avoided

Very few Evangelical pastors are alerting and warning their congregations that the false and fatal gospel of the Catholic Church is leading people down the wide road to destruction (Mat. 7:21-23). Very few youth pastors are warning their teenagers of the potential dangers of getting romantically involved with Catholics. It also appears that very few parents are warning their children about dating Catholics. It is for these reasons that we get so many 9-1-1 calls from parents pleading for help because their son or daughter is engaged to a Catholic. Often we find out they never warned them about the powerful indoctrination and stubborn pride that keeps Catholics trapped in the worst kind of religious deception. Perhaps readers of this article will see the importance of sending this newsletter to pastors and parents to warn them of the grave dangers that can arise from remaining silent.

Disobedience to God and His Word

When born-again Christians become united in marriage with Catholics, they are disobeying God. His Word explicitly declares, "Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness? Or what harmony has Christ with Belial, or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever?" (2 Cor. 6:14-15). Of course, if neither the Protestant nor Catholic has been born again, they are equally yoked and both continue to abide in the kingdom of darkness.

Compromise for the Sake of Peace and Unity

Protestant men who convert to Catholicism for the sake of peace with their Catholic wives do not know the strife and conflict that awaits them. They need to know that God has appointed men to be the spiritual leaders of their homes. He will hold men accountable for leading their families into the idolatrous and deceptive traditions of an apostate religion. Yet, Protestants, who once stood on the truth of God's Word, are the ones who most often compromise their faith. Catholics, who embrace doctrines of demons, are the ones who refuse to compromise (1 Tim. 4:1-3). Protestants, who are commanded to earnestly contend for the Gospel, are the ones who foolishly give in to the distorted gospel of Catholicism (Gal. 1:6-9)- . Protestants, who were once sanctified by the truth, are the ones who most often submit to the lies of the Catholic religion.

Ignorance of Catholicism's False and Fatal Gospel

There are many Christians who are unaware of how many Catholic traditions stand opposed to God's Gospel. However, ignorance and lack of discernment is no excuse. No one should ever join a religion that rejects these glorious truths:

  • the inspired Word of God as the supreme authority for faith and truth (2 Tim. 3:16)
  • the perfect, all-sufficient and finished work of Christ's redemption (John 19:30; Heb. 7:25)
  • the Gospel of grace and its promise of eternal life (1 John 5:13; 1 Cor. 15:1-4)
  • the glorious promise that there is no condemnation for those in Christ (Rom. 8:1)
  • the Lord Jesus Christ as the one mediator between God and man (1 Tim. 2:5)

There are many more biblical doctrines that are rejected by the Roman Catholic Church that can be found in our Gospel tract Roman Catholicism: Scripture vs. Tradition.

When this ministry first started, our mission was to equip and encourage the Body of Christ to effectively and faithfully evangelize Roman Catholics throughout the world. Now there is another equally important mission. We must also educate Evangelicals about Catholicism's heresies and urge them to oppose the pope's agenda for ecumenical unity by earnestly contending for the Gospel. May God help us fight the good fight of faith and remain sanctified by the truth of His Word!

Scripture Proves Eucharist Is a False Christ

Catholics are taught that the Lord Jesus returns to earth every day to continue His work of redemption in altars around the world. Catechism teaches that the Eucharist contains "the body and blood, together with the soul and divinity, of our Lord Jesus Christ and, therefore, the whole of Christ is truly, really, and substantially contained." Catholic priest John O'Brien describes it this way: "When the priest announces the words of consecration, he reaches up into the heavens, brings Christ down from His throne, and places Him upon our altar to be offered up again as the Victim for the sins of man. It is a power greater than that of saints and angels. The priest speaks and Christ, the eternal and omnipotent God, bows his head in humble obedience to the priest's command."

According to God's Word, the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist is utterly and completely false and those who worship it are committing the most serious sin of idolatry. The Lord Jesus warned, “If anyone says to you, ‘behold here is Christ," do not believe him.” (Mat. 24:23). We know Jesus does not return every day because God's Word says He “will appear a second time, not to deal with sin” (Heb. 9:28). He will not return until “immediately after the tribulation” (Mat. 24:29-30) - . And yes, he will return to a body, not a wafer, "the same way as you saw him go into heaven” (Acts 1:11).

Plenary Indulgence for Worship of Eucharist

A decree approved by Pope Francis declares that a plenary indulgence will be granted to those who participate in the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage between May 17 and July 16, 2024. It will also be granted to the elderly, infirm, and all those who cannot leave their homes for a serious reason and who participate in spirit. Catholics may also apply this indulgence to the souls of the faithful departed in Purgatory. According to the Catholic Church, a plenary indulgence is the remission of all the temporal punishment due to sin.

This deceptive hoax created by the Catholic Church can be traced back to the first lie of Satan. In the Garden of Eden, the devil promised Eve "You surely will not die" if you break God’s command (Gen. 3:4). In the same way, the Catholic clergy deceives its people with the doctrine of demons that "venial sins" do not cause death, only temporal punishment. Catholics are instructed to accept the temporal punishment of sin as a grace. This lie led to the lie of indulgences which is said to remit the temporal punishment for venial sin.

We plead with Catholics to turn to the true Christ as their all-sufficient Savior! He cancels the certificate of debt for all sins to those who repent and believe in His Gospel of grace (Col. 2:13-14).

Department of Education Reportedly Vows to Shut Down Largest Christian University in the U.S.~The Biden administration and the largest Christian university in the U.S., Grand Canyon University (GCU), are locked in a heated battle, reaching a fever pitch. Department of Education Secretary Miguel Cardona has reportedly vowed to shut down the university. Last year, the Department of Education accused GCU of misleading more than 7,500 students about the costs of its doctoral programs, resulting in students allegedly paying more due to undisclosed continuation course fees. Consequently, the department imposed a $37.7 million fine on the university. Then, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) sued GCU over similar allegations. GCU has staunchly challenged the accuracy of these allegations. Tanner DiBella, President of the American Council, joins OAN’s Alicia Summers.

ISIS calls for Muslim ‘lone wolves’ to carry out Ramadan massacres of Christians and Jews in US, Europe and Israel

SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2024/03/isis-calls-for-muslim-lone-wolves-to-carry-out-ramadan-massacres-of-christians-and-jews-in-us-europe-and-israel; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes:

Not only does al-Ansari take it for granted that Ramadan is the month of jihad, but he takes for granted that his audience will agree with that idea.

“BREAKING: ISIS calls for Ramadan massacre of Christians and Jews by lone wolves across the U.S., Europe and Israel,” by Joseph Wilkes and James Liddell, Mirror, March 28, 2024:

Islamist terror group ISIS has called for lone wolves to engage in a Ramadan massacre of Christians and Jews across the US, Europe and Israel.

Abu Hudhaifa al-Ansari, spokesperson for the evil extremists also known as Islamic State, sickeningly praised the horrendous Moscow terror attack that killed 140 people in Russia last week. On Thursday, the jihadists took to encrypted messaging app Telegram to call on “lone wolves” to target Christians and Jewish people, especially in the US, Europe, and Israel during the holy month of Ramadan.

The spokesperson also claimed that the presence of American troops in Iraq will “lead to more attacks from group”. It comes as he commemorates the 10-year anniversary of ISIS’ declaration of a caliphate in Iraq and Syria in 2014.

In an audio speech, he highlighted the global expansion of Islamic State. al-Ansar also terror organization Al-Qaeda for straying from their so-called .path', before claiming that Ramadan was the month of jihad.

The spokesperson also called on the members in Mozambique to “double attacks” and militants in the Philippines to “move operations into major cities”, in a chilling and worrying sign. He calls on the Mujahidin – those who engage in Jihad – and media leaders to obey their elders, and disseminate Islamic State’s message.

He concluded: “By Allah, this matter will be made possible.”…

Switzerland: Zurich churches to pass on $2,262,000 in tax money to Islamic associations

SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2024/03/switzerland-zurich-churches-to-pass-on-2262000-in-tax-money-to-islamic-associations; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes:

From a Muslim standpoint, this is just the natural order of things. Non-Muslims paying for the upkeep of Muslims is a Qur’anic dictate: “Fight against those who do not believe in Allah or the last day, and do not forbid what Allah and his messenger have forbidden, and do not follow the religion of truth, even if they are among the people of the book, until they pay the jizya with willing submission and feel themselves subdued.” (Qur’an 9:29)

The caliph Umar said the jizya payments from the dhimmis were the source of the Muslims’ livelihood: “Narrated Juwairiya bin Qudama at-Tamimi: We said to `Umar bin Al-Khattab, ‘O Chief of the believers! Advise us.’ He said, ‘I advise you to fulfill Allah’s Convention (made with the Dhimmis) as it is the convention of your Prophet and the source of the livelihood of your dependents (i.e. the taxes from the Dhimmis.)’” (Bukhari 4.53.388)

The UK jihad preacher Anjem Choudary said in February 2013: “We are on Jihad Seekers Allowance, We take the Jizya (protection money paid to Muslims by non-Muslims) which is ours anyway." The normal situation is to take money from the Kafir (non-Muslim), isn’t it? So this is a normal situation. They give us the money. You work, give us the money. Allah Akbar, we take the money. Hopefully there is no one from the DSS (Department of Social Security) listening. Ah, but you see people will say you are not working. But the normal situation is for you to take money from the Kuffar (non-Muslim) So we take Jihad Seeker’s Allowance.”

“Zurich churches pass on tax money to Islamic associations,” translated from “Zürcher Kirchen leiten Steuergeld an Islamverein weiter,” HeimatKurier, March 15, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

The Catholic and Protestant Church in Zurich wants to give away a whopping two million francs in tax money to Islamic associations. What is sold as a gesture of goodwill is a cash injection for Islamization. With the gift of money, the Swiss are involuntarily helping to finance the Islamic conquest of land.
In Zurich, only recognized religious communities are entitled to state funding. Currently these are three Christian and two Jewish communities. Since the Protestant and Catholic churches seem to be swimming in money through tax contributions, they now want to give the “Association of Islamic Organizations Zurich” (VIOZ) a cash gift of around two million francs.

Islamization and false tolerance
A staunch supporter of the project is the reformed church council president and former SP cantonal councillor Esther Straub. She promotes the idea and speaks of it as a sign of “interreligious cohesion”. This kind of accommodation is, of course, sought in vain in Islamic countries with Christian minorities. The church uses this money to distribute money to Islamic organizations, which are often noticed in Switzerland with fanatical tendencies.

Promoting moderate Islam?
The former left-wing politician argues that the move is intended to finance decidedly non-radical and moderate Islamic associations. With over 40 facilities, VIOZ operates around 90 percent of the mosques in the canton of Zurich. There are also other associations. In addition to the three VIOZ facilities in Winterthur, there is also the “An nur Mosque”, which, according to security authorities, is a real hotspot for jihadism. How interconnected or separated the VIOZ is with such communities cannot be clearly determined. In the past there have been cases in which the moderate mask slipped off the faces of radical Islamists in Switzerland

Islamism from the streets to the universities
In October 2023, a 25-year-old Syrian also had to appear in court in Winterthur. He had previously been convicted of a jihadist trip to Syria. However, due to a cozy sentence, he was little deterred and continued to carry out terrorist propaganda for IS. The University of Bern provided another case of Islamism. After the Middle East war broke out last fall, an “Islam expert” and lecturer at the university expressed his joy at the event. The author was even the husband of the head of the Islamic Institute. The couple quickly distanced themselves from violence and terror, which meant they were probably back within the definition of “moderate”. In Schaffhausen it even became known that a convicted “ex-terrorist” was teaching in a mosque.

Switzerland withdraws passports from Islamists
The Islamist side effects of the population exchange have led to a return of passport withdrawals in the Swiss Confederation. Since 2020, a total of seven people have had their citizenship revoked, and corresponding proceedings are pending for another dozen. Just a few weeks ago, Zurich became the scene of an Islamic terrorist act in which a 15-year-old Tunisian injured a Jew with a knife on the street.

Remigration instead of Islamization
Due to numerous jihadist incidents and their involvement in Islamic cultural associations, it is uncertain whether the two million francs of tax money that the local churches want to give to Muslim associations will ultimately end up with questionable organizations. In addition, the Swiss people have repeatedly spoken out clearly against further Islamization in the past, for example with the ban on minarets in 2009. By continuing to finance Islamic associations, the canton continues to cultivate a parallel society for itself. This gives rise to Islamist activities and clans, as a look at neighboring states makes clear. Instead of giving further impetus to Islam and the Islamism associated with it, the canton should strive for a policy of remigration. Muslims who want to live strictly according to their beliefs and customs then have the opportunity to do so in an Islamic country.

Islamic Republic of Iran violently clamps down on Christians: Reports of torture, fines and floggings

SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2024/03/islamic-republic-of-iran-violently-clamps-down-on-christians-reports-of-torture-fines-and-floggings; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes:

“Make ready for them all that you can of force and of warhorses, so that by them you may strike terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy…” (Qur’an 8:60)

“Iran violently clamps down on Christians amid reports of torture, fines and floggings,” by Benjamin Weinthal, Fox News, March 3, 2024:

Iran claims to allow the country’s Christian minority to practice its faith in peace. The reality for many Iranian Christians, however, is plagued by whippings, arrests, imprisonment, surveillance and harassment, according to a February report from the religious freedom NGO Article 18.

One shocking finding of the Article 18 40-page study, titled “Faceless Victims: Rights Violations Against Christians in Iran,” states, “By the end of 2023, at least 17 of the Christians arrested during the summer had received prison sentences of between three months and five years, or non-custodial punishments such as fines, flogging, and in one case the community-service of digging graves.”

The report noted, “Despite a comparable number of Christians being arrested in 2023 as in previous years – 166 arrests were documented in 2023, compared to 134 in 2022 – fewer names and faces could be publicized.”…

A State Department spokesperson told Fox News Digital, “The persecution of Christians and other religious minorities in Iran is longstanding and well documented. The U.S. continues to condemn these actions and use all the tools at our disposal to address such egregious violations.”

The spokesperson added, “The Department’s most recent Report on International Religious Freedom in Iran notes, ‘Officials continued to disproportionately arrest, detain, harass, and surveil Christians, particularly evangelicals and other converts from Islam, according to Christian NGOs.’”

When Fox News Digital asked if the State Department will impose new human rights sanctions on Iran’s regime for the persecution of Christians, the spokesperson said, “While the Department does not preview sanctions, Iran has been designated as a ‘Country of Particular Concern’ and imposed Presidential Actions under the International Religious Freedom Act for having engaged in or tolerated particularly severe violations of religious freedom every year since 1999.”…

Islamic Republic of Iran arrested at least 166 Christians for their faith last year

SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2024/02/islamic-republic-of-iran-arrested-at-least-166-christians-for-their-faith-last-year; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes:

The Islamic Republic’s leaders are extremely nervous and aware of how precarious their position is. That’s why they arrest ordinary people who are no threat to them. Their aim is to terrorize their people into submission (cf. Qur’an 8:60).

“At Least 166 Christians Arrested in Iran Last Year for Their Faith,” Iran Wire, February 19, 2024:

Christian rights organizations have documented a significant increase in the number of arrests of Christians in Iran last year, raising concerns about religious freedom in the country.

According to Article 18’s annual report published on January 19, at least 166 Christians were arrested across the country in 2023, compared to 134 the previous year.

Arrests came in waves in 2023, with “just a handful reported prior to June, then over 100 within the next three months, before a further rash of arrests at Christmas,” says the report, which was released in collaboration with Open Doors, CSW and Middle East Concern.

“However, very few of those arrested agreed to publicise their cases, leading to an increasing number of faceless victims.”

“By the end of 2023, at least 17 of the Christians arrested during the summer had received prison sentences of between three months and five years, or non-custodial punishments such as fines, flogging, and in one case the community-service of digging graves,” the report says….

Police Identify Shooter Who Opened Fire At Joel Osteen’s Megachurch In Houston

Emergency vehicles line the feeder road outside Lakewood Church during a reported active shooter event, Sunday, Feb. 11, 2024, in Houston. (Kirk Sides/Houston Chronicle via AP)

Genesse Ivonne Moreno

Emergency vehicles line the feeder road outside Lakewood Church during a reported active shooter event, Sunday, Feb. 11, 2024, in Houston. (Kirk Sides/Houston Chronicle via AP)

OAN’s Elizabeth Volberding
12:15 PM – Monday, February 12, 2024

SEE: https://www.oann.com/newsroom/police-identify-shooter-who-opened-fire-at-joel-osteens-megachurch-in-houston/; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes: 

The shooter who opened fire at Pastor Joel Osteen’s megachurch in Houston, Texas, has been identified by law enforcement as 36-year-old Genesee Ivonne Moreno.

On Sunday at approximately 2:00 p.m., the transgender female gunman walked into the Lakewood Church with “Free Palestine” written on their AR-15. According to reports, Moreno was wearing a trench coat and a backpack and was accompanied by a seven-year-old boy who has been confirmed to have been the shooter’s biological son.

According to detectives in the Montgomery County warrant obtained by the Houston Police Department, Moreno entered Lakewood Church, the third largest megachurch in the U.S., and then shot and injured a man with an AR-15 rifle. 

Moreno then aimed the gun at security guards who weren’t on duty. Before more harm could be done, Moreno was soon shot by two law enforcement officers and died due to the wounds sustained.

The male victim, who was identified to be a 57-year-old, and the seven-year-old boy who was with the Moreno, were both struck by gunfire at some point during the shooting. It’s unclear if the victims were struck by shots fired by the responding officers or by bullets from the suspect’s gun.

According to the police, the child, was transported in critical condition to Texas Children’s Hospital.  

In addition, the warrant stated that Moreno claimed to have a bomb before being killed. In order to investigate Moreno’s motive and intentions for the shooting, detectives sought a warrant for a Conroe address linked to Moreno.

Later, Houston Fire Chief Samuel Peña verified that no explosives had been discovered during the search of the shooters personal items and vehicle.

“Right now, I can safely say that we have not found anything that is of concern to our community or to this location, but we’re going to take our time to ensure that we look at every aspect,” Peña stated in a press conference on Sunday.

“It’s traumatic not only for our community but it’s certainly traumatic for the officers who had to take a life and we worry about their mental health as well, so our prayers are with them,” he added.

According to the press, the shooter identified as transgender and was originally born with the name “Jeffrey Escalante” in El Salvador before eventually changing it to Genesee Ivonne Moreno. Sources have also claimed that Moreno had an extensive criminal background.

Except for the shooter, no other deaths are currently listed as a result of the incident. A local hospital provided treatment to a man who had been shot in the leg. As of Monday morning, the seven-year-old is currently in critical condition.

Additionally, no information has been released regarding the shooter’s possible motivation.

Pastor Joel Osteen, 60, who is an ambassador of the megachurch, made a statement to the press regarding the incident. He mentioned that the tragedy “could have been worse” if the shooting had occurred during the earlier Sunday morning service, in which many more people attended.

“We don’t understand why these things happen, but we know God’s in control,” Osteen said.

This is a developing story. Please check back for updates.

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Pakistan: Muslims torture Christians and force them to recite the Islamic profession of faith

SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2024/02/pakistan-muslims-torture-christians-and-force-them-to-recite-the-islamic-profession-of-faith; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes:

The Qur’an says “There is no compulsion in religion” (2:256). However, what constitutes “compulsion” is in the eye of the beholder. The institutionalized subjugation of the dhimma, with its regular humiliation and harassment, from which one can be freed for the simple price of converting to Islam, is not considered compulsion. Remember Steve Centanni and Olaf Wiig, the journalists who were kidnapped and forced to convert to Islam — even though their conversions were obviously coerced, their captors made them say that they were converting freely, and the captors probably believed that themselves. After all, the journos could have chosen to be killed instead.

“Christians Tortured, Forced to Recite Islamic Creed in Pakistan,” Morning Star News, February 1, 2024:

LAHOREPakistan (Christian Daily InternationalMorning Star News) – An Islamist cleric presided over the forced conversion of two Christians into Sialkot District, Pakistan, after they were tortured into reciting the Islamic conversion creed, sources said.

Azam Masih, 28, and his brother, Nadeem Masih, were abducted, beaten with iron rods and pressured to convert to Islam on Jan. 22 in the Kotli Loharan area, said Adil Ghauri, chairman of the Masihi Baidari Tehreek or Movement for Christian Awakening.

Azam Masih was working at his tailoring shop in the Kharota Syedan market when Naseem Shah and accomplices held him at gunpoint and forcibly took him to the house of another suspect, Sunny Shah, Ghauri said.

“The assailants accused Azam of patronizing ‘wrongdoings’ in the area and started beating him with iron rods,” Ghauri told the Christian Daily International-Morning Star News, adding that the suspects later abducted his younger brother, brought him to the house and subjected him to the same torture. “The accused then forced the two Christians to recite the Kalima [proclamation of Islamic conversion] if they wanted to save their lives, threatening to kill them if they refused. The tortured brothers had no choice but to surrender to this demand.”

The suspects also recorded a video statement from the two brothers in which they were forced to say that they were converting to Islam of their own free will, Ghauri said. He added that the assailants also snatched mobile phones and other belongings from the two brothers before releasing them.

The rights activist said the brothers and their impoverished Christian family chose to keep silent about the ordeal, as the suspects had warned them against contacting police.

“We came to know about this incident on Jan. 24 and immediately contacted the family,” Ghauri said. “After much persuasion, we were able to convince the family to file a First Information Report [FIR] with the police, as keeping silent would have only encouraged the perpetrators to target more Christians living in the village.”

More than 300 Christian families are settled there, he added.

Kotli Loharan police arrested a Muslim cleric alleged to have conducted the conversion and registered charges against the suspects of kidnapping, punishable by death or life imprisonment; theft with intention to cause injury or death, punishable by up to 10 years in prison; threatening death or grievous injury, punishable by up to seven years in prison; causing injury to extort a confession, punishable by up to 10 years in prison; and acts committed by several persons in furtherance of common intention.

The suspects, Naseem Shah and Sunny Shah, have criminal backgrounds and have been involved in inciting hatred against Christians, Ghauri said.

“This is not the first time Christians have been targeted in that area,” Ghauri said. “In fact, after the Aug. 16, 2023 attacks in Jaranwala, at least two-three attempts were made to stir religious tension by throwing torn pages of the Quran near Christian homes. Had the police and district administration taken timely action against the perpetrators of those incidents, this incident could have been prevented.”…

Christian UPS driver takes on the corporation over extreme LGBT and anti-Christian work environment.

Confronted pro-LGBT Teamsters Union that was supposed to help him.

Filed multiple grievances with UPS, the union, and federal agencies EEOC & NLRB.

We need more like him across America.

February 7, 2024
When employees are at work in UPS facilities during Pride month, this is what is broadcast up above them.

As we all have seen, corporate America has become militantly pro-LGBT and anti-Christian over the past few decades. Unfortunately, most pro-family people who work for these companies have become too frightened (or compromised) to complain, much less fight for their rights.

This is the story of one man who decided he wouldn’t take it anymore, and fought back all the way to the top.

James Earls has worked at UPS for 35 years and is a devout Christian. He has received some of UPS’s highest awards for safety and loyalty. He is a driver of a large UPS “feeder truck.” He lives in Alabama and is represented by Teamsters Local 402. He recently brought the details of his efforts to MassResistance.

James with his awards from UPS for loyalty and safety.

When most people think of anti-Christian and pro-LGBT companies, they think of Target, Amazon, Bank of America, the NFL, Delta Airlines, etc. But UPS is right up there with them. If you work there, you’re bombarded by the “woke” propaganda. However, since UPS is mostly not a “retail” operation, its huge support for anti-family causes is mostly hidden from view, so the public rarely sees that side of the company.

“Pride Month” at UPS

During the celebration of Gay Pride Month a few years ago, James entered the UPS facility in Madison, Alabama. UPS was showing its support and dedication to the LGBT movement by broadcasting images on all its large hanging TV monitors in various workstations, on its social media sites, and on the employee training computers throughout the building. If employees wanted to check on their benefits, paycheck, retirement funds, and other HR related information, they had no choice but to navigate through the images promoting LGBT pride.

When employees log into their UPS portal, they get the constant propaganda.

In addition:

  • The UPS website featured several stories about “transgender” UPS employees who had undergone their “transition” procedures, and the company was actively promoting that agenda.
  • "Transgenders" get celebrated at UPS for "authenticity."
  • UPS runs an in-house Pride Alliance Business Resource Group to elevate LGBT employees within the company and fund their participation in LGBT events across the country.
  • Over the past two years the UPS Foundation has donated $1.2 million to advance the LGBT movement globally, including huge donations to the staunchly anti-Christian LGBT Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and StartOut. UPS proudly brags that HRC names UPS as one of the “best places to work for LGBTQ+ equality.”
  • In 2022, UPSers volunteered nearly 10,000 hours to support the LGBTQ+ community.
  • UPS partners with the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce to fund and support “certified LGBTQ+ businesses” across America

But most disturbing, James told us, “I discovered a link to a company that UPS had partnered with and was promoting called GayPrideCalender.com. That site sold homosexual merchandise from a print-on-demand business site, Zazzle.com. On their website, they sold sickening, blasphemous items, including shirts that depicted Jesus Christ as a radical homosexual who seeks sex with men.”

Shirt for sale to UPS employees.
... and these magnets.
Various fetish flags for UPS employees to order.

UPS support for other horrible causes

James started looking closely at UPS’s other activities, and things looked even worse.

UPS is heavily invested in “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity” (DEI) throughout the company. It has created an internal Equity, Justice & Action Task Force to deal with “unconscious bias” among employees. The company president commissioned an enterprise-wide salary review to support “pay equity” based on race and other factors.

UPS’s charitable arm has funded Planned Parenthood in several states, numerous far-left churches (including a “gay” Catholic group), Black Lives Matter, the ACLU, SIECUS (which pushes radical sex ed in public schools), and other anti-Christian and anti-American causes.

UPS is also a partner of the World Economic Forum and agrees with its “climate crisis” outlook.

All of this reveals UPS management’s orchestration of a frighteningly hostile climate of discrimination against Christians, conservative Americans, and white males in general that everyone (except James) was afraid to address.

UPS claims to support its employees’ civil rights

Interestingly, UPS has numerous company-wide policies that purport to protect its employees’ civil rights. But they’re basically just a smokescreen for doing the opposite.

For example, the company states that it supports the United Nations’ “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights,” which strictly guarantee “social and cultural freedom,” and the right to be treated “with dignity and without discrimination” regarding religion and sex.

There are also “Zero Tolerance” postings in UPS buildings which state: “Don’t display offensive language, symbols or images on your personal belongings or on company property ... If you experience discrimination, sexual or racial misconduct, use our Open Door Policy to raise issues with your management team.”

So James fights back!

The company was clearly breaking its own rules, particularly during “Pride Month.” Someone needed the guts to test UPS’s obvious hypocrisy. James had had enough. And he wasn’t afraid. He decided to formally complain and demand UPS follow its own rules – through whatever manner he could find.

1. Contacting officials. As James told us, “To bring resolution to this with no further unpleasantries, I first tried to use UPS’s Open Door Policy and contacted UPS’s CEO, Carol Tomé, along with local Teamsters 402 General President Sean O’Brien about these issues.” But nothing came of that.

2. Filing grievances through the union. Since he was represented by the Teamsters Union Local 402, he filed four separate grievances through them, as laid out in the company’s collective bargaining agreement, directly addressing various aspects of the problem.

Unfortunately (as many of us know), the Teamsters long ago embraced the LGBT agenda and other leftist, anti-American ideologies. When the formal hearing for James’s grievances took place – with a room full of representatives from the UPS and the union – James was shocked. Not only did the union not advocate for him, but they treated him with hostility, as did the UPS representatives there. One union rep nastily said to James at the hearing, “If working at UPS was so bad, why continue to work there?” James lashed back at him. As he told us:

It got ugly real quick. I told him that I had a right to work in a hostile-free environment just as much as their beloved homosexual employees did. I told him that I have a right to work there and that I want to work in a place that is free from this hatred towards Christian employees.

Unfortunately, this is the face of the Teamsters Union these days.

Not surprisingly, James later received a letter from the union telling him that all of his grievances were denied.

But James really got their attention like no other employee had! He stood up and clearly presented his evidence for all the grievances, describing in detail what UPS was doing to its employees – to the stone faces of the union and company officials.

3. Formal NLRB complaint against the union.  A few days after receiving the letter from the union denying his grievances, James filed a formal complaint with the National Labor Relations Board against the Teamsters Union. He cited the hostility towards him by his union at the hearing, and their inappropriate behavior which clearly showed that he was not being fairly represented. The NLRB acknowledged receiving the complaint but ultimately took no action, though surely the union was made aware of it.

4. Formal complaint filed with federal EEOC. The day after James filed the NLRB complaint, James filed a discrimination complaint with the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). He cited Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which bans religious discrimination in the workplace. He described how UPS is maintaining a hostile workplace by promoting the homosexual culture and images that mock the Christian faith – but denies equal time for Christian culture and imagery anywhere at the company. Similarly, the EEOC acknowledged receiving the complaint but took no action, though surely UPS was made aware of it.

Here’s the result …

Moving a massive worldwide corporation like UPS is too big a task for one man. But James did make a difference. The website link to the disgusting anti-Christian LGBT merchandise and pride event calendar was taken down and has not re-appeared.

And James has not suffered any retribution from anyone at the company, in any form. They obviously know that he means business and will never back down!

Final thoughts

A big reason why we all suffer from the corporate promotion of perversion is that too many employees are afraid to stand up for what’s right. America needs more men like James Earls!

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EXPOSED: Biden’s Monstrous ‘Anti-Terror’ Plan to Censor Christians, Conservatives Before 2024 Election

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik
When they're not siccing the FBI on Catholic Churches or dragging upset fathers from school board meetings, there's a new and equally monstrous plan to shut up conservatives terrorists before the 2024 election. It is sponsored by your friendly Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Careful guys, don't trip on your jackboots. 

The Media Research Center (MRC) has uncovered a Biden Administration plot — yes, plot —  to silence conservatives before the 2024 election with a "media literacy" program that targets conservatives, Christians, gun owners, and the GOP in the name of fighting terrorism. The program uses federal taxpayer funds to pay people to write, blog, and podcast messages that are anti-American, anti-Christian, anti-Republican, and anti-anyone who ever thought Donald Trump wore nice ties.  

This goes beyond campaign bromides and slogans by crazed James Carville politicos; this program uses the force of government to smear anyone to the right of the organized left. We're in Joseph Goebbels territory here. Heil Biden!

Under President Trump, the "Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention Grant Program" was used to fight terrorists who wanted to blow up and kill Americans, but under Joe Biden, the program morphed into something completely different. Now you are the terrorists and the nation's school children are being activated to hate you

Phase one of the three-phase program pays people to write blogs and do podcasts that are anti-conservative. The first phase, which has already been concluded, tilled the ground to produce the rest of this poisonous harvest. 

MRC reports that the following is some of the material produced in "DHS-commissioned blog posts":

  • “We are all living in a darker, scarier, angrier, less hopeful country thanks to Mr. Trump’s influence. Are we on the verge of civil war?”
  • “Donald Trump was also adopting the shock-jock style that Rush Limbaugh built into a cultural phenomenon, including his misogynistic and racist comments, conspiracy theories, and grievances.”
  • “It won’t be easy, but we really have to reduce Trump’s influence” 
  • “[I]t's tempting and entertaining to tune into the circuses of the Marjorie Taylor Greenes, Louis Farrakans [sic], and MAGA supporters.”
  • “It turns out even Fox Media has limits on how much misogyny and racism it will tolerate from its stars – witness the canceling of Tucker Carlson’s show last week.”

Through Freedom of Information (FOIA) requests, the Media Research Center uncovered an extension of the program that had previously started under the State Department, which they had previously reported.

Phase two of the program uses seminars produced by the University of Rhode Island’s Media Education Lab that "train educators across the country on how to divert students away from conservative ideas and media sources skeptical of the administration’s agenda." American taxpayers gave an initial $700,000 to fund the project used to destroy your freedom of conscience. 

Related: We'd Like the 2020 Election Back: DOJ Admits It Lied About Hunter Biden's Laptop

The Eva Brauns who attend learn how to push schools "to put censorship tools from for-profit media ratings firms Ad Fontes and NewsGuard into American classrooms." Both are leftist organizations cloaking their censorship under "media literacy." MRC says that "the two organizations also have overlapping board members and staff [and] they essentially function as a single enterprise." 

MRC reported:

It is telling that before being allowed to participate in the DHS-funded seminars, educators must declare their political ideology. One teacher who declared herself “conservative” reported that she was confined to a breakout group controlled by the director of the Rhode Island Lab so as to limit her access to the most damning material.

And phase three of the plan grants $1,000 to the Biden Youth to demand action

Children "must create social media posts to increase demands for media literacy mandates"; that's censorship to you and me. It will not surprise you to learn that the program is patterned after a "German socialist model" in partnership with the State Department "which focuses on pushing teachers to turn children into 'media producers,'” otherwise known as state media propagandists. 

This anti-terror program was hijacked in 2019 by DHS apparatchiks who were self-avowed "resisters" in the Trump Administration. You'll recall that at the beginning of the Trump Administration, personnel at multiple agencies announced their #Resistance on social media. One even wrote an anonymous article in The New York Times entitled "I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration." 

The author was later outed as Miles Taylor, who, you will not be surprised to learn, turned anti-terrorism into this self-licking ice cream cone of a program we see today. He was helped along by the former acting head of DHS, Kevin McAleenan, who took the spot when the left curb-stomped Kirstjen Nielsen.

MRC reports how the anti-terror was switched in defiance of then-President Trump. 

This quiet resurrection of TVTP was conducted by then-Acting Secretary Kevin McAleenan after months of behind-the-scenes pressure by Miles Taylor. Taylor was the then-“Anonymous” author of the infamous New York Times opinion piece “I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration.” In that article and a follow-up book, Taylor — who had served as the Chief of Staff for the DHS — bragged about spending years “working diligently from within to frustrate” the mission and objectives of then-President Donald J. Trump. Taylor later told Politico he masterminded the TVTP revival and redesign against the direction of Trump’s White House, which was not “initially all that interested” in funding the program.

A mere five years after that article, the Rhode Island Lab is using the funds it received from the TVTP program Taylor helped design to erase the memory of what he did. [emphasis added]

The authoritarianism is strong in this one. 

Once again, Americans have to man the barricades to fight the battles to topple these giant authoritarians who believe they know better than you. 

Read the MRC story about this and then follow up on the recommendations. They suggest that you first check the local schools to determine if Ad Fontes and/or NewsGuard are in the classrooms. If they are, demand that they get rid of them because of their one-sided censorship programs. Call on your congressional reps and state attorneys general to investigate these one-sided censorship programs. Demand that Congress defund these censorship programs. 

PJ Media believes that knowing the truth is necessary for a Constitutional Republic. And that's why I've been green-lighted to bring you a regular dose of Hunter's laptop this year. This isn't about Hunter's debauched behavior but how it impacts his father's job. This is available only to our VIP and VIP GOLD Members, so that's why I want you to cowboy up and support the people telling you the truth by becoming a VIP Member.

Please use the promo code SAVEAMERICA for 50% off your VIP Membership. This gives you access to all our stories, even those behind our velvet rope. VIP Membership allows you to comment on all stories. Or consider becoming a VIP GOLD member, which gives you access to all the content at all the Townhall Media sites: PJ Media, Townhall, RedState, Twitchy, Bearing Arms, and HotAir.

ISIS calls on Muslims to carry out jihad massacres of ‘Jews, Christians, or their allies on the streets of America’

SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2024/01/isis-calls-on-muslims-to-carry-out-jihad-massacres-of-jews-christians-or-their-allies-on-the-streets-of-america#; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes: 

As well as Europe and the world. Expect the overwhelming majority of peaceful Muslims to rise up and stop these hijackers of the Religion of Peace any day now.

“Pro-ISIS Posters Incite Attacks On New York City: ‘Go Get Them, Oh Monotheist,'” MEMRI, January 11, 2024:

The following report is now a complimentary offering from MEMRI’s Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM). For JTTM subscription information, click here.

On January 11, 2024, a pro-Islamic State (ISIS) media outlet released two posters inciting attacks in New York City. The posters came as part of a global attack campaign called, “And Kill Them Wherever You Find Them,” announced on January 4 by the ISIS spokesman. In an audio message uploaded online, he declared support for the Muslims of Gaza and urged ISIS operatives and supporters to launch attacks globally, including lone wolf attacks, in the West.

“Identify The Target, Trust In Allah, And Execute”

Titled “And Kill Them Wherever You Find Them,” the first poster depicts an armed man, three bullets, and a sketch of a building. A stamp on the poster reads: “NEW YORK N.Y. JUN16 7-PM 1937.” Adjacent to the stamp, an entry ticket reads: “AROUND THE WORLD.”

Text on the poster also encourages potential attackers: “Identify the target, trust in Allah, and execute [the attack],” it reads.

“Go Get Them, Oh Monotheist”

The second poster depicts the New York City skyline in flames, and an armed man brandishing a weapon alongside text inciting an attack, which reads: “Go get them, oh monotheist.”

The poster also features an excerpt from the spokesman’s January 4 audio address, which calls on ISIS operatives and supporters to avenge Muslims by carrying out attacks on “Jews, Christians, or their allies on the streets and roads of America, Europe, and the world.”

The text reads: “Lions of Islam: Chase your prey whether Jews, Christians, or their allies, on the streets and roads of America, Europe, and the world. Break into their homes, kill them and steal their peace of mind by any means you can lay hands on. Understand that you are the arm of the Islamic State hitting in the unbelievers’ homelands, and are avenging the Muslims in Palestine, Iraq, Syria, and other Muslim countries. Solidify your plans and diversify the attacks: detonate explosives, burn them with grenades and fiery agents, shoot them with bullets, cut their throats with sharp knives, and run them over with vehicles. A sincere person will not lack the means to draw blood from the hearts of the Jews, the Christians, and their allies, and thus ease the suffering in the hearts of the believers.”

Biden administration leaves Nigeria off religious freedom violator list despite Muslim genocide of Christians

SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2024/01/biden-administration-leaves-nigeria-off-religious-freedom-violator-list-despite-muslim-genocide-of-christians#; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes:

It doesn’t matter to Joe Biden that a genocide is being waged by jihadists against Christians in Nigeria. Emeka Umeagbalasi, the director of the “Catholic-inspired think tank” Intersociety in Nigeria, recently accused the Nigerian government of “encouraging bloodshed” and “complicity in the killing of Christians by jihadist forces”; yet the Biden administration continues to turn a blind eye.

The Open Doors World Watch List, however, identifies Nigeria as sixth among the world’s worst countries for extreme Christian persecution.

“Religious freedom groups criticize Biden admin. for leaving Nigeria off violators list,” by Ryan Foley, Christian Post, January 8, 2024:

Religious freedom advocacy groups are criticizing the Biden administration for leaving Nigeria off the U.S. State Department list of the world’s worst violators of religious freedom despite constant attacks and violence impacting Christian communities.

The U.S. State Department released its annual list of Countries of Particular Concern Thursday, a label assigned to nations that have “engaged in or tolerated particularly severe violations of religious freedom.”

Nigeria was absent from the list for the third year in a row, although the Nigerian Islamic terrorist group Boko Haram was listed under the category of “Entities of Particular Concern.” In 2020, Nigeria was added to the CPC list by the Trump administration but was removed during the first year of the Biden administration….

Afghanistan: Christian women forced to wear burqas

SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2024/01/afghanistan-christian-women-forced-to-wear-burqas#; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes: 

Islamic apologists in the West often insist that Sharia applies to Muslims only. But in Sharia states, again and again we see that this is not true.

“Christian Women Forced to Wear Islamic Dress in Afghanistan,” International Christian Concern, January 8, 2024:

01/08/2024 Afghanistan (International Christian Concern) — The Taliban’s Ministry for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice has cracked down on women who fail to observe the strict dress code, starting last week. Dozens of women have been arrested in the streets of Kabul and taken to unknown locations. The spokesperson for the Ministry referred to this as “bad hijab” and warned women they would continue tracking down those in violation of the rule.

This development comes on top of a multitude of restrictions Afghan women and girls are already facing, including restrictions on education, work, travel, and even healthcare. To be a Christian woman in Afghanistan would almost certainly bring a death sentence.

The brutal control of the Taliban has infiltrated every part of Afghan society, down to what its citizens can eat and drink, listen to, and even so far as to what they can wear. Several months after the terrorist group regained control of the country in August 2021, Taliban officials issued a decree outlining a strict Islamic dress code for women, allowing them only to reveal their eyes in public. Not only is this a grave infringement on the rights of women and girls, but it forces Afghan Christians and other religious minorities to adhere to the Taliban’s strict interpretation of Sharia law. 

The U.S. State Department estimates that the Christian population ranges from 500-8,000 individuals in Afghanistan. As the Taliban reimplements strict laws from its earlier rule in the late 1990s, Christians have gone into hiding or have been forcibly displaced into neighboring countries….

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