A WordPress Blog-THE CHURCH MILITANT Ephesians 5:11-"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them". This Christian News Blog maintains a one stop resource of current news and reports of its own related to church, moral, spiritual, and related political issues, plus articles, and postings from other online discernment ministries, and media which share the aims to obey the biblical commands to shed light on and refute error, heresy, apostasy, cults, and spiritual abuse. ALL CONTENT FROM HTTPS://RATHEREXPOSETHEM.BLOGSPOT.COM MOVED TO THIS NEW BLOG, MAY 2020
“MASS RESISTANCE” HELPING WEST VIRGINIA OFFICIALS CONFRONT PROPOSED LGBT ORDINANCE~BEING PUSHED ON TOWN BY NATIONAL MOVEMENT “Transgender” activist leading the effort is exposed by MassResistance – as convicted child molester!
CORONAVIRUS: SHOULD YOU BE A SLAVE TO MY FEARS? BY ROB MORSE SEE: https://www.ammoland.com/2020/05/should-you-be-a-slave-to-my-fears/#axzz6NYCukL7c; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes: U.S.A. –-(Ammoland.com)- Is it your fault that I’m
FIVE THINGS I’VE LEARNED FROM COVID-19 Reflections on the people you thought you could trust, the rise of the new neighborhood Gestapo – and much more. BY KATIE HOPKINS SEE:https://cms.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2020/05/5-things-i-have-learned-covid-19-katie-hopkins;
GOVERNMENT ACTION PUTS CHURCHES UNDER “THE GUN” BY ROGER KATZ SEE: https://www.ammoland.com/2020/05/government-action-puts-churches-under-the-gun/#axzz6NXp4Okb7; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes: U.S.A. –-(AmmoLand.com)- America is first and foremost a Christian Nation.
DELAWARE: GOP LAWMAKERS DEMAND EARLIER, WIDER REOPENING; CALL GOVERNOR CARNEY’S MOVES “UNCONSTITUTIONAL” BY CHRIS BARRISH WHYY SEE: https://www.phillytrib.com/news/health/coronavirus/gop-lawmakers-demand-earlier-wider-del-reopening-call-carney-moves-unconstitutional/article_6f45bf91-9f18-5d8e-937e-1ee3769c4a94.html republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes: On Wednesday,
“DECLARATION OF ESSENTIALITY”: 1,200 CALIFORNIA PASTORS DEFY GOVERNOR NEWSOM; PLAN TO REOPEN MAY 31 BY BOB ADELMANN SEE: https://www.thenewamerican.com/culture/faith-and-morals/item/35783-1-200-california-pastors-defy-governor-newsom-plan-to-reopen-may-31; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes: The
TRUMP EXITS OPEN SKIES TREATY OVER RUSSIAN VIOLATIONS BY STEVE BYAS SEE: https://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/foreign-policy/item/35785-trump-exits-open-skies-treaty-over-russian-violations; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes: “Russia didn’t adhere to the treaty, so
TRUMP AND DOCTORS SAY HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE WORKS AGAINST COVID-19 Why is the media so determined to discredit a long-established drug? SEE: https://www.infowars.com/trump-and-doctors-say-hydroxychloroquine-works-against-covid-19/; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
TRUMP THREATENS TO LEAVE UN WHO AFTER INVESTIGATION BY ALEX NEWMAN SEE: https://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/foreign-policy/item/35766-trump-threatens-to-leave-un-who-after-investigation; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes: Following a White House investigation of the
OBAMAGATE: THE COUP ATTEMPT AGAINST TRUMP UNVEILED~WHEN TREASONOUS INVESTIGATORS & THEIR INSTIGATOR BECOME THE INVESTIGATED SEE: https://cms.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2020/05/video-obamagate-–-coup-attempt-against-trump-frontpagemagcom; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes: Subscribe to the Glazov Gang‘s YouTube Channel and
MEDIA, LEFTISTS FLIP OUT AFTER TRUMP SAYS HE’S TAKING HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE Nancy Pelosi ‘fears’ for ‘morbidly obese’ President BY STEVE WATSON SEE: https://www.infowars.com/media-leftists-flip-out-after-trump-says-hes-taking-hydroxychloroquine/; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and
NORTH CAROLINA: JUDGE RULES IN FAVOR OF CHURCHES SEEKING TO HOLD INDOOR SERVICES~ “THERE IS NO PANDEMIC EXCEPTION TO CONSTITUTION” BY HEATHER CLARK SEE: https://christiannews.net/2020/05/19/judge-rules-in-favor-of-nc-churches-seeking-to-hold-indoor-meetings-there-is-no-pandemic-exception-to-constitution/; republished below in full unedited for informational,
YOUTUBE REMOVES GLAZOV GANG’S KATIE HOPKINS VIDEO The truth about ‘Life Under Lockdown in the U.K.’ is too much to handle for the Google-owned video platform SEE: https://cms.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2020/05/youtube-removes-glazov-gangs-katie-hopkins-video-frontpagemagcom; republished below in
TRUMP NEVER PUSHED A MANDATORY COVID-19 VACCINE Coronavirus vaccine will be completely voluntary despite MSM talking points claiming the contrary BY MILLIE WEAVER SEE: https://www.infowars.com/trump-never-pushed-a-mandatory-covid-19-vaccine/; republished below in full unedited for
FLATTENING THE UNITED STATES BY GINA MILLER SEE: http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/miller/200517; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes: Last Tuesday on Rush Limbaugh’s radio show, he asked, “What was the
OPPOSE H.R. 6666, THE COVID–19 TESTING, REACHING & CONTACTING EVERYONE (TRACE) ACT Contact your U.S. Congressional Representative and ask them to vote NO on H.R. 6666 THE NVIC ADVOCACY PORTAL
PRESIDENT TRUMP TO MOBILIZE MILITARY TO GIVE COVID-19 VACCINE; THIS IS THE WORST IDEA EVER WTF is the president thinking? SEE: https://www.infowars.com/president-trump-to-mobilize-military-to-give-covid-19-vaccine-this-is-the-worst-idea-ever/; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
3 OUT OF 5 DEADLIEST CORONAVIRUS OUTBREAKS WERE IN STATE NURSING HOMES Socialized medicine isn’t the answer unless the question is, “How do we kill more senior citizens?” BY DANIEL
MASSACHUSETTS CHURCH RECEIVES CEASE & DESIST ORDER, BUT PASTOR WAS ONLY GOING TO HOLD SERVICES WITH “UNDER 10 PEOPLE” BY HEATHER CLARK SEE: https://christiannews.net/2020/05/13/mass-church-receives-cease-and-desist-order-but-pastor-was-only-going-to-hold-services-with-under-10-people/; republished below in full unedited for informational,
CONTACT TRACING GROUP FUNDED BY SOROS AND GATES, HAS CHELSEA CLINTON ON BOARD What do these investigators really want? BY PATRICK HOWLEY SEE: https://www.infowars.com/contact-tracing-group-funded-by-soros-and-gates-has-chelsea-clinton-on-board/; republished below in full unedited for informational,
EX-MUSLIM CHRISTIAN PASTOR SHAHRAM HADIAN’S “LIBERTY MOVEMENT” LAUNCHED Listen in to hear about a new movement for liberty! Shahram Hadian shares big changes for his family, the Truth in Love
SINCE WHEN ARE AMERICANS’ RIGHTS NOT “ALLOWED”? SEE: https://www.ammoland.com/2020/05/since-when-are-americans-rights-not-allowed-video/#axzz6MKDaL9xo; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes: USA – -(AmmoLand.com)- In recent weeks, American adults have been subjected to
GESTAPO POLICE STATE NEW JERSEY: GUN GROUP SUES TO RE-OPEN OUTDOOR SHOOTING RANGES Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs Prepared to Go to U.S. Supreme CourtMurphy Admits 2A
TUCKER CARLSON DEVASTATES OBAMA; EXPOSES COUP AGAINST TRUMP Russia collusion was always a hoax and Obama knew it and directed it SEE: https://www.infowars.com/must-see-tucker-carlson-devastates-obama-exposes-coup-against-trump/; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational
CHURCHES REFUSE TO COWER BEFORE CAESAR; COURT VICTORY IN KENTUCKY BY BOB ADELMANN SEE: https://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/constitution/item/35684-churches-refuse-to-cower-before-caesar-court-victory-in-kentucky; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes: Some churches are suing. Some
REPORT: UNIVERSITIES ALL ACROSS AMERICA STILL HAVE CHINESE PROPAGANDA CENTERS “They’re exploiting the very open research and development environment that we have” BY STEVE WATSON SEE: https://www.infowars.com/report-universities-all-across-america-still-have-chinese-propaganda-centers/; republished below in full unedited
Obama slams DOJ over decision to drop Flynn case in leaked audio: #OBAMAGATE BOMBSHELL! Obama PANICS as Trump Prepares to CRUSH the DEEP STATE!! OBAMAGATE: PRESIDENT TRUMP GOES AFTER OBAMA~THE TREASONOUS
ANTI-GUN FORCES WON’T REST UNTIL SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHT IS ERASED FROM MEMORY BY ROGER KATZ SEE: https://www.ammoland.com/2020/05/supreme-court-majority-joins-forces-with-second-amendment-foes/#axzz6M9011MU4; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes: U.S.A. –-(Ammoland.com)- As reported in
ARIZONA: MUSLIM STUDENTS THREATEN TO KILL PROFESSOR FOR SUGGESTING ISLAM IS VIOLENT BY ROBERT SPENCER SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2020/05/arizona-muslim-students-threaten-to-kill-prof-for-suggesting-islam-is-violent; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes: My latest at PJ
SHERIFFS, DOCTORS, AND MARINES: “REOPEN AMERICA!” BY DEL BIGTREE Our police force, medical community, and military veterans are on the front lines of #lockdown rallies, choosing to uphold their oaths,
SEVERAL CHURCHES FILE JOINT LAWSUIT AGAINST MICHIGAN GOVERNOR WHITMER OVER UNCONSTITUTIONAL STAY AT HOME ORDER SEE: https://reformationcharlotte.org/2020/05/07/several-churches-file-joint-lawsuit-against-michigan-governor-over-unconstitutional-stay-at-home-order/; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes: In the midst
WHITE HOUSE SHELVES CDC GUIDE TO REOPENING COUNTRY~DOCUMENT MYSTERIOUSLY LEAKED TO PRESS BY DAN LYMAN SEE: https://www.infowars.com/white-house-shelves-cdc-guide-to-reopening-country/; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes: Weeks after President
VIDEOS: LEFTIST “ENFORCE THE LOCKDOWN FOREVER” SYNDROME~THE CREEPY CONVERSATIONS WITH A DEMOCRAT IN AMERICA RIGHT NOW SEE: https://cms.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2020/05/video-leftist-enforce-lockdown-forever-syndrome-frontpagemagcom; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes: Subscribe to the Glazov Gang‘s YouTube
TRUMP ON OBAMA ADMINISTRATION: “THEY’RE HUMAN SCUM”~STANDS UP FOR MICHAEL FLYNN & UNVEILS HIS PERSECUTORS SEE: https://cms.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2020/05/video-trump-obama-administration-theyre-human-scum-frontpagemagcom; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes: In this video,
CENSORED DOC DOUBLES DOWN Dr. Daniel Erickson, owner of seven CA urgent care facilities, was thrown into the spotlight after his press conference on the COVID 19 stirred up enough
AMERICA THE WUSS: FROM RUGGED PIONEERS TO COWERING SHEEP~WHAT HAPPENED TO THE AMERICAN SPIRIT? BY DON FEDER SEE: https://cms.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2020/05/america-wuss-rugged-individualism-social-don-feder; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes: On
WASHINGTON STATE: GOVERNOR CANDIDATE SUES TO OBTAIN RIGHT TO HOLD OUTDOOR ONE-ON-ONE BIBLE STUDIES DURING “PANICDEMIC” BY HEATHER CLARK SEE: https://christiannews.net/2020/05/06/wash-gov-candidate-sues-to-obtain-right-to-hold-outdoor-one-on-one-bible-studies-during-pandemic/; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research
ABOVE VIDEO IS IN ENGLISH CHICAGO: ROMANIAN PASTORS PUT ILLINOIS GOVERNOR ON NOTICE WITH FIERY DECLARATION: “WE’RE OPENING MAY 10 NO MATTER WHAT” BY DUSTIN GERMAIN SEE: https://pulpitandpen.org/2020/05/05/pastors-put-illinois-gov-on-notice-with-fiery-declaration-were-opening-may-10-no-matter-what/; republished below in full
GOP: CHINA HAS INFILTRATED US HIGHER EDUCATION TO IMPEDE CORONAVIRUS RESEARCH Congressional Republicans claim China is spreading communist propaganda through US universities BY STEVE WATSON SEE: https://www.infowars.com/gop-china-has-infiltrated-us-higher-education-to-impede-coronavirus-research/; republished below in full
OUR DRESS REHEARSAL FOR A POLICE STATE~THE GREATEST THREAT TO LIBERTY SINCE AMERICA’S FOUNDING BY DENNIS PRAGER SEE: https://cms.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2020/04/our-dress-rehearsal-police-state-dennis-prager; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes: All
PA REP. STEPHANIE BOROWICZ: COVID-19 UPDATE-GOVERNOR WOLF’S UNCONSTITUTIONAL DICTATES WARRANT FEDERAL INVESTIGATION Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes: I am so proud to stand alongside
MOM PULLS CHILDREN FROM SCHOOL OVER LGBT ADULT “HANGOUT” BY ALEX NEWMAN SEE: https://www.thenewamerican.com/culture/education/item/35579-mom-pulls-children-from-school-over-lgbt-adult-hangout; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes: An outraged California mother announced on
ATTORNEY GENERAL BARR: “BALANCING PUBLIC SAFETY WITH THE PRESERVATION OF CIVIL RIGHTS” SEE: https://www.ammoland.com/2020/04/balancing-public-safety-with-the-preservation-of-civil-rights-ag-barr/; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes: Public Memorandum From: THE ATTORNEY GENERAL
BILL GATES DEFENDS COMMUNIST CHINESE GOVERNMENT; SAYS IT ‘DID A LOT OF THINGS RIGHT’ WHILE US ACTED ‘POORLY’ Declares coverup allegations are “a distraction” BY STEVE WATSON SEE: https://www.infowars.com/watch-bill-gates-defends-communist-chinese-government-says-it-did-a-lot-of-things-right-while-us-acted-poorly/; republished below
SUPREME COURT DEMANDS CITY EXPLAIN CONFISCATION OF LEGAL GUNS FROM WIFE The San Jose police haven’t returned the wife’s firearms after seven years BY KIT DANIELS SEE: https://www.infowars.com/supreme-court-demands-city-explain-confiscation-of-legal-guns-from-wife/; republished below in
SENATOR COTTON: CHINA’S ACTIONS DELIBERATELY MALEVOLENT; THEIR SCIENTISTS SHOULDN’T BE ALLOWED TO STUDY IN U.S. Senator believes China deliberately allowed virus to spread globally to save their own economy BY
CONSERVATIVE MOMMA: THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA’S TWISTS & TURNS ON CORONAVIRUS When hating Trump is the top – and only – priority. SEE: https://cms.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2020/04/conservative-momma-mainstream-medias-twists-and-frontpagemagcom; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational
MICHIGAN GOVERNOR, GRETCHEN WHITMER, EXTENDS LOCKDOWN; LAWMAKERS PLAN TO FIGHT BACK BY LUIS MIGUEL SEE: https://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/politics/item/35545-michigan-governor-extends-lockdown-lawmakers-plan-to-fight-back; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes: Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer
China Threatens Free Constitutional Republic: Attack to our Nation from Without SEDITIOUS U.S. PRESS APPEASES CHINA BUT ATTACKS TRUMP BY ROGER KATZ SEE: https://www.ammoland.com/2020/04/seditious-u-s-press-appeases-china-but-attacks-trump/#axzz6KXBreHU8; republished below in full unedited for informational,
ALEX NEWMAN INTERVIEWS DR. GRAVES WHO SLAMS DR. FAUCI & ATTACK ON LIBERTY AMID COVID-19 “PANDEMIC” In this exclusive interview with The New American, Dr. Karladine Graves, a high-profile medical
PROTESTS BY THE LEFT GET A PASS WHILE CONSERVATIVES GET ARRESTED All protestors are equal – but some are more equal than others BY DANIEL GREENFIELD SEE:https://cms.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2020/04/protests-left-get-pass-while-conservatives-are-daniel-greenfield; republished below in
REOPEN RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA PROTEST & MARCH-APRIL 21, 2020~POLICE DENY CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS REPORT BY SARAH CORRIHER The Reopen North Carolina (#ReopenNC) rally on April 21st was actively sabotaged by law
TRUMP: “I HAVE INSTRUCTED THE U.S. NAVY TO DESTROY ANY & ALL IRANIAN GUNBOATS IF THEY HARASS OUR SHIPS AT SEA” BY ROBERT SPENCER SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2020/04/trump-i-have-instructed-the-us-navy-to-destroy-any-and-all-iranian-gunboats-if-they-harass-our-ships-at-sea; republished below in full unedited
TRUMP SUSPENDS ALL IMMIGRATION INTO THE U.S. ★★★ A NEW CONSERVATIVE AGE IS RISING ★★★ Wow, folks, Trump does it again! The president has announced that he is suspending all
MISSOURI BECOMES FIRST STATE TO SUE CHINA, CITING COVID-19 “DECEIT” BY LUIS MIGUEL SEE: https://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/foreign-policy/item/35507-missouri-becomes-first-state-to-sue-china-citing-covid-19-deceit; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes: Missouri on Tuesday became the first
EXPERT SAYS U.S. IS ON THE BRINK OF “MASS CIVIL UNREST” Has friends on Capitol Hill concerned about violence BY PAUL JOSEPH WATSON SEE: https://www.infowars.com/expert-says-u-s-is-on-the-brink-of-mass-civil-unrest/; republished below in full unedited for
KENTUCKY CHURCH SUES GOVERNOR OVER CORONAVIRUS ORDER ENFORCEMENT BY MICHAEL TENNANT SEE: https://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/constitution/item/35498-kentucky-church-sues-governor-over-coronavirus-order-enforcement; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes: A Kentucky church is suing Governor Andy
GESTAPO POLICE STATE NEW JERSEY: FIRST THEY TOOK THE GUNS; THEN DENIED OUR SPEECH BY ALEX ROUBIAN SEE: https://www.ammoland.com/2020/04/new-jersey-first-they-took-the-guns-then-denied-our-speech-video/#axzz6KFWtUX7Z; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes: U.S.A. –-(Ammoland.com)- Sometimes
ALEX NEWMAN: EDUCATING FOR THE NEW WORLD ORDER~BEHIND THE DEEP STATE In this episode of Behind The Deep State, host Alex Newman explains how the Deep State is using the
QUARANTINING THE CONSTITUTION? So I want to talk to you about this issue of what’s going around the country. I called it in the beginning here a quarantine of our
SOROS-FUNDED MUSLIM GROUP ASSOCIATED WITH MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD-LINKED DEFENDERS OF JIHAD TERROR ENDORSES BIDEN BY ROBERT SPENCER SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2020/04/soros-funded-muslim-group-associated-with-muslim-brotherhood-linked-defenders-of-jihad-terror-endorses-biden; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes: If Biden
FAUCI SWEATING BULLETS!~ TRUMP INVESTIGATING HIS $3.7 MILLION OBAMA ERA GRANT TO WUHAN LAB Dr. Rashid Buttar BLASTS Gates, Fauci, EXPOSES Fake Pandemic Numbers As Economy Collapses Follow Dr. Rashid
Place Blame for the Coronavirus Pandemic Where Blame is Due: On China CHINA & DEMOCRATS WELCOME ECONOMIC DEVASTATION WROUGHT BY CORONAVIRUS BY ROGER KATZ SEE: https://www.ammoland.com/2020/04/china-and-democrats-welcome-economic-devastation-wrought-by-coronavirus/#axzz6JyjjA800; republished below in full unedited
TRUMP ANNOUNCES CAUTIOUS REOPENING OF U.S. ECONOMY BY BOB ADELMANN SEE: https://www.thenewamerican.com/economy/item/35469-trump-announces-cautious-reopening-of-u-s-economy; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes: President Donald Trump told a gathering of governors in Washington
AMID COVID-19, DEEP STATE MOVES IN FOR THE KILL AGAINST CHURCHES BY ALEX NEWMAN SEE: https://www.thenewamerican.com/culture/faith-and-morals/item/35464-amid-covid-19-deep-state-moves-in-for-the-kill-against-churches; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes: With churches across much
THE LEFT IS PANICKING THAT THE PANDEMIC WILL ENCOURAGE HOMESCHOOLING Can’t have parents teaching children to think for themselves now, can we? BY MARK TAPSON SEE:https://cms.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2020/04/left-panicking-pandemic-will-encourage-mark-tapson; republished below in full unedited
BEING CHRISTIAN IS NOW CRIMINAL~ IF YOU LET THE LEFTISTS HAVE THEIR WAY REPORT BY SARAH CORRIHER Greenville, Mississippi is one of several areas that are using the Chinese coronavirus
Democratic senator announces legislation to protect Fauci from ‘politically-motivated termination’ SEE: https://www.markey.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/NIH Director Protection Act – final.pdf AN ANTHONY FAUCI “PROTECTION ACT” TO BE INTRODUCED IN CONGRESS BY DEMOCRAT Democrat
PRESIDENT TRUMP CUTS OFF CASH TO WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION OVER CHINA VIRUS COVER-UP BY DANIEL GREENFIELD SEE: https://cms.frontpagemag.com/point/2020/04/president-trump-cuts-who-cash-over-china-virus-daniel-greenfield; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes: As evidence grows
DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE COUNTERS GREENVILLE, MISSISSIPPI’S SHUTDOWN OF DRIVE-IN CHURCH SERVICES, VOWS TO “ENSURE RELIGIOUS FREEDOM REMAINS PROTECTED” BY HEATHER CLARK SEE: https://christiannews.net/2020/04/14/dept-of-justice-supports-drive-in-church-services-in-statement-to-court-on-greenville-miss-lawsuit/; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational
LAWSUIT FILED AGAINST CITY OF GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA FOR CITING, ARRESTING CHRISTIANS PRAYING OUTSIDE ABORTION FACILITY BY HEATHER CLARK SEE: https://christiannews.net/2020/04/14/lawsuit-filed-against-city-of-greensboro-nc-for-citing-arresting-christians-praying-outside-abortion-facility/; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research
POWER, CONTROL & PROFIT: MEDICAL FREEDOM IN THE AGE OF CORONAVIRUS ALEX NEWMAN & DR. SHIVA DISCUSS In this exclusive interview hosted by Alex Newman, V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai explains why
DAVID CLOUD’S “WAY OF LIFE” CORONAVIRUS UPDATES REGARDING PERSECUTION OF CHRISTIANS SEE: https://www.wayoflife.org/reports/coronavirus_good_and_odd _news.php Republished below unedited for informational, educational and research purposes: Michigan residents are planning to descend on
A new report published on Monday revealed new whistleblower allegations regarding the Secret Service’s security failures and the attempted assassination of 45th President Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13th.
Missouri Senator Josh Hawley’s office published a Whistleblower Report revealing the “multiple failures” of the Secret Service and Department of Homeland Security (DHS). It also detailed allegations that have so far not been made public.
The whistleblowers alleged that the agent in charge of the Butler rally “failed a key examination during their federal law enforcement training to become a Secret Service agent,” according to the report.
Additionally, the document added that the agent was known as “low-caliber,” according to the whistleblowers involved.
The Secret Service’s intelligence units were also allegedly missing from Trump’s rally. These units are considered groups of agents that work “with state and local law enforcement to handle reports of suspicious persons,” according to the report. These units would have helped limit communication failures between law enforcement agencies, the documents stated.
Furthermore, the report noted that neither agency would agree to publicly name the lead site agent for the Butler Trump rally. The report also claimed that the hospital where Trump was being treated after an attempt on his life was also not properly secured.
“The Secret Service site agent responsible for hospital security did not know what was going on and could not answer basic questions about site security,” the report claims.
Additionally, the report accused the Secret Service and DHS of not providing certain information he had requested, which included a copy of the manpower request allegedly sent to OPO-Manpower for the Butler rally.
A whistleblower involved in the report highlighted that “the manpower request did not include extra security resources because agents on the ground were told not to ask for them in the first place.”
Whistleblowers also alleged to Hawley that the DHS “is leaning on Secret Service not to comply with documents requests from Congress,” according to the report.
The document goes on to list multiple questions that have not yet been answered, including the motive behind Thomas Matthew Crooks’s assassination attempt on Trump’s life.
Another report is expected to be released by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations before the election. It will go into further detail regarding the security failures at the Trump rally.
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Law enforcement officials from the FBI, Secret Service and Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office gave an update on an incident that occurred at former President Donald Trump's golf course in West Palm Beach, Florida. They say a suspect is in custody after being spotted with an assault rifle near where the former president was golfing and Secret Service agents fired shots at the man before he fled the scene.
Jeff Ostroff walks you through an analysis of what happened at the 2nd attempt of the assassination of Donald Trump at the Trump International Golf Course in West Palm Beach, FL, and the Secret Service shooting at the suspected gunman on Sunday, September 15, 2024. All aspects and details of what occurred, including how the would-be assassin was able to get so close to Donald Trump with an AK47 rifle 2 backpacks and a GoPro camera, hiding in the thick hedges around the perimeter of the golf course.
BREAKING: Trump's SECOND assassination attempt failure | NEW details about Trump Shooting
New images reveal the backpack, GoPro camera and AK-47 style rifle that a gunman left behind while fleeing the scene where he was targeting Donald Trump. Law enforcement held a press conference in West Palm Beach on Sunday after the FBI announced it was investigating a second assassination attempt against Donald Trump in just two months. The former president was rushed to safety on Sunday after multiple shots were fired in his vicinity while he was playing golf at his club in West Palm Beach. A suspected gunman is in custody after a terrifying incident at Trump International Club almost exactly two months after a separate assassination attempt against Trump during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. Multiple reports have named the suspect as Ryan Wesley Routh. Officials said U.S. Secret Service agents spotted a rifle barrel sticking out of the bushes two holes ahead of where Trump was golfing on Sunday, prompting the agents to fire at the suspect. The individual ran into his vehicle from the trees, but was spotted by a witness who snapped a picture of his vehicle – a black Nissan – which included the license plate. Palm Beach Sheriff Ric Bradshaw told reporters at a press conference hours after the incident that the witness was able to share the plate and later identify the suspect as the person he saw fleeing the scene. Read More: FBI says it's probing 'attempted assassination' of Trump after gunman was shot at by a Secret Service article image Trump confirmed in a statement about an hour after the shots were reported that he was 'safe and well' and didn't want rumors to 'start spiralling out of control.' The suspect was able to get within 400-500 yards of Trump. The 2024 Republican nominee's bulked-up Secret Service advance team, however, spotted the shooter in the tree lines just two holes from where Trump was golfing. Special Agent Rafael Barros explained at a press conference on Sunday that the Secret Service moves with Trump and is usually surveying one or two holes ahead of him when he goes for a round of golf. Asked if security has changed around Trump since the first attempt at life earlier this summer, Barros said: 'Yes, the threat is high.' 'We have increased the amount of assets that we've supported,' he continued. 'We're living in dangerous times.' Real estate investor and New York City landlord Steve Witkoff was Trump's golfing buddy on Sunday, sources told DailyMail.com. The FBI released a statement two hours after the incident claiming the attack 'appears to be an attempted assassination of former President Trump.' The armed suspect was posted outside the club around the 5th and 6th holes, which is confirmed to be a more 'vulnerable' area of the course because it is closest to the road. Sheriff Bradshaw detailed that the suspected assassin was wielding an 'AK-47 style weapon with a scope', which was recovered at the scene. So did a backpack and GoPro camera, which Sheriff Bradshaw revealed in images of where the suspect was set-up in the bushes along the fencing of Trump's golf club. The area where the suspect was first spotted by his security detail was two holes ahead of where Trump was golfing at the time of gunshots, causing the individual to flee.
MSNBC slammed for claiming assassination attempt was ‘Trump’s fault’
‘ABSOLUTELY PURPOSEFUL’: Ex-military, police scold another attempt on Trump’s life
More details are emerging about Ryan Wesley Routh's alleged plot to assassinate former President Donald Trump at his West Palm Beach golf course. FOX Business' Maria Bartiromo, former NYPD Lt. Darrin Porcher and retired New Jersey Lt. Steve Rogers with more.
'SERIOUS THREAT': Nothing has improved for Trump's safety, says GOP rep
LiveNOW from FOX is working to learn more information after a shooting is being reported near Trump’s golf club in West Palm Beach, Florida “President Trump is safe following gunshots in his vicinity. No further details at this time.” -Steven Cheung, Trump Campaign spokesman.
An illegal immigrant has been arrested in connection to the murder of a family of four in New York.
On Friday, police announced the arrest of Dominican Republic immigrant Julio Cesar Pimentel-Soriano, 34, who is also wanted in his home country for another murder that occurred in 2019.
Fraime Ubaldo, 30, Marangey Moreno-Santiago, 26, Evangeline Ubaldo-Moreno, 4, and Sebastian Ubaldo-Moreno, 2, were murdered at their home in Irondequoit on August 31st.
On September 7th, Julio Cesar Pimentel-Soriano was arrested by police following an extensive investigation.
“It appears Mr. Soriano entered the island of Puerto Rico illegally and obtained fraudulent New York identification,” read the Irondequoit Police Department’s post. “With that identification, he was free to travel from Puerto Rico to the United States mainland.”
“Our condolences go out to the family, their friends and neighbors,” Irondequoit Town Supervisor Andrae Evans said to Spectrum News. “I’m so sorry this has happened, but I want you to know that the Town Board and I will authorize anything that’s needed to our police department to collaborate and to use any and all resources to bring these people to justice.”
Following further investigation, police determined that the family’s death was unrelated to the fires.
While police have stated that only limited information will be released at this time, the Irondequoit Police Department is still conducting an active investigation to bring justice for the Moreno family.
A vigil has been set up on the front porch of the Moreno family’s home with stuffed animals and photos of the victims.
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New York Police Department (NYPD) data has shown that murders on New York City subways have surged 60%, nearing a new record.
According to NYPD data, eight people were killed in subway cars or in stations as of September 8, up from five in the same period last year.
The murder rate is on track to match the 25-year high set in 2022, when 10 people were killed.
Jakeba Dockery, 42, whose husband, Richard Henderson, was fatally gunned down in January on a train in Brooklyn, said that “It’s not a safe environment to be waiting for the train.”
“It just feels evil,” she told The New York Post.
The latest subway death occurred on September 5th, shortly after 11 p.m., when a gunman shot grocer Freddie Weston, 47, near the MetroCard booth at the Rockaway Avenue station in Brooklyn, according to police and his family.
Weston’s sister stated that her brother could have been saved if cameras had been installed near the station’s ticketing area.
The increase in murders continues despite a variety of high-profile initiatives that helped stop an early-year surge in crime underground. Heavy-traffic stations were flooded with 750 National Guardsmen, and an additional 1,000 NYPD officers were deployed to monitor the subway system.
“This overall crime reduction is due in large part to thorough investigations by detectives into every major crime within the subway, and the proactive work of officers deployed in the transit system,” a NYPD spokesperson said. “This year alone, those very officers removed 43 guns (compared to 28 last year) and 1,536 knives (compared to 1,004 last year) from the subway system, the highest weapons seizure rates in the last decade.”
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Linsey Davis, one of the ABC News moderators who relayed questions in Tuesday’s presidential debate, has been revealed to be the sorority sister of Democrat candidate Kamala Harris.
Viewers of the debate noticed Davis’s numerous attempts to “fact-check” Republican candidate Donald Trump, while allowing Harris to easily slide through the debate without any pushback in real time.
Harris joined the sorority during her undergraduate days at Howard university in 1986, graduating with a bachelor of arts (BA).
Davis, on the other hand, joined the sorority as an undergraduate at the University of Virginia, where she graduated in 1999 with a bachelor’s in psychology.
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority is the first African American sorority in the United States, founded in 1908.
“The fact that Kamala Harris and Linsey Davis are members of the same sorority (Alpha Kappa Alpha – Howard and UVA respectively) is relevant with respect to potential bias,” an X (Twitter) user wrote.
In one of the loudest interjections in the debate, Davis attempted to fact-check Trump’s abortion claim live, following Trump referencing former Virginia Governor Ralph Northam’s 2019 comments about aborting babies after birth.
“There is no state in this country where it is legal to kill a baby after it’s born,” Davis responded to Trump’s comments, prompting conservatives to point out that six states as well as the District of Columbia (DC) do not have any limits in place on the procedure.
“Biased ABC anchor Linsey Davis teams up with Vice President Kamala Harris to attack former President Donald Trump on abortion,” wrote Tom Olohan, a writer for the conservative Media Research Center.
“ABC is making a huge mistake by trying to fact check this live. They’re only proving how biased they are. Harris fabricated an attack on Trump over IVF. ABC sat there and said nothing,” wrote Ari Fleischer, a former White House press secretary during the Bush administration.
“Linsey Davis completely interjects herself into the debate to help Kamala. "No surprise at all there,” OutKick founder Clay Travis wrote in a post on X.
Harris was not fact-checked when she falsely claimed that Trump was behind the Heritage Project’s “Project 2025,” and she also falsely claimed that Trump wanted to ban IVF treatment, so the former GOP president was forced to fact-check herself in real time during the debate.
Following the debate, the Harris campaign called for a second debate, which Trump responded to by stating that he does not believe there needs to be a second debate, as he won the first. Harris previously disregarded a proposed Fox News debate, which would not have been as unfair and biased in her favor like ABC News’ recent event.
“When a prizefighter loses a fight, the first words out of his mouth are, ‘I want a rematch,’” Trump wrote on Trump social.
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Even though many mainstream news networks have been working around the clock to dispute claims that gangs made up of illegal foreigners have been wreaking havoc on apartment complexes in Aurora, Colorado, in addition to the state’s Democrat governor labeling these claims “imagination,” the truth has finally come out now, thanks to the Aurora Police Department.
Kamala Harris and the ABC News moderators even attempted to mock Donald Trump for bringing up the topic during Tuesday’s debate.
“These are the people that [Vice President Kamala Harris] and [President Joe Biden] let into our country. And they’re destroying our country. They’re dangerous. "They're at the highest level of criminality,” Trump said at Tuesday’s debate, referencing the Aurora gang members.
Reports regarding members of the Venezuelan prison gang Tren de Aragua residing in Aurora and carrying out violent crimes against native members of the community and other migrants living in the area have now been thoroughly investigated by the Aurora Police Department.
Confirmed and “suspected” TdA members that Aurora police are aware of is provided below.
“Additional information about the specific cases can be obtained from the appropriate clerk of the court’s office. "For information about custody status, contact the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the county jails or refer to Colorado court records,” the post continued.
Here’s the list of at least ten members that are currently known to the department. Their descriptions were provided by a post on X (Twitter).
Larry Medina
Larry Medina was arrested July 10 by Aurora police in connection with a July 2 felony menacing at Whispering Pines Condominiums, 1357 Helena Street. The victim was reported to police Medina pointed a firearm and threatened to kill them. Medina is a documented member of TdA.
Johnardy Pacheco-Chirinos
Johnardy Pacheco-Chirinos was arrested March 28 by Aurora police on a first-degree assault warrant outside Adams District Court. The warrant stemmed from an assault in November 2023 at Fitzsimons Place apartments, 1568 Nome St. Jhonardy also is suspected of being involved in the July 28 nonfatal shooting at Fitzsimons Place apartments and was arrested by Aurora police in connection with that case on July 29. His involvement in the shooting remains under investigation. Johnardy Pacheco-Chirinos is a documented member of TdA.
Johnnarty Dejesus Pacheco-Chirinos
Jhonnarty Dejesus Pacheco-Chirinos was arrested July 29 by Aurora police in connection with a nonfatal shooting the day before at Fitzsimons Place apartments, 1568 Nome St. Jhonnarty Pacheco-Chirinos is a documented member of TdA.
Luis Miguel Calzadilla-Rojas
Luis Miguel Calzadilla-Rojas was arrested the evening of Jan. 3 by Aurora police in connection with a nonfatal shooting that occurred earlier in the day in front of the Arapahoe County Probation Office, 15400 E. 14th Place. Calzadilla-Rojas is a documented member of TdA.
Yorman Camilo Sangronis-Garcia
Yorman Camilo Sangronis-Garcia was involved in consensual contact with Aurora police about a report of a hit-and-run crash on Feb. 4 at Whispering Pines Condominiums, 15423 E. 13th Ave. Sangronis-Garcia and has not been involved in any other contacts with Aurora police. Sangronis-Garcia is a documented member of TdA.
Yondry Vilchez Medina-Jose
Yoendry Vilchez Medina-Jose was arrested Aug. 5 by the Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office on a warrant outside Arapahoe District Court. The warrant stemmed from an assault in November 2023 at Whispering Pines Condominiums, 1357 Helena St., in Aurora. Medina-Jose is a documented member of TdA.
Juan Carlos Mejia-Espana
Juan Carlos Mejia-Espana was arrested March 17 by Aurora police following a domestic dispute with a weapon at Whispering Pines Condominiums, 15483 E. 13th Ave. Mejia-Espana is a documented member of TdA.
Carlos Aranguren-Mayora
Carlos Aranguren-Mayora has had numerous encounters with Aurora police officers and law enforcement agencies throughout the metro area. He faces a total of 38 charges in five active court cases in Adams, Arapahoe and Boulder district courts for crimes dating to December 2023. Aranguren-Mayora is a documented member of TdA.
Robert Daniel Mora-Marquez
Robert Daniel Mora-Marquez was arrested April 17 by Aurora police in connection with an April 4 dispute and assault over unpaid rent money in the 1600 block of Lima Street. Mora-Marquez is also a suspect in nonfatal shooting on June 28 in the 400 block of Nile Street. Mora-Marquez is a documented member of TdA.
Jose Miguel Reyes-Perez
Jose Miguel Reyes-Perez was arrested May 22 by Aurora police on an outstanding warrant outside Jefferson District Court for aggravated assault, menacing and motor vehicle theft. Reyes-Perez is a documented member of TdA.
Nevertheless, after the police department’s report was released, the city’s official website put out another statement where they essentially walked back Gov. Polis’s previous claim while sugar-coating the situation.
“As for the perception and reality of public safety in Aurora, please understand that issues experienced at a select few properties do not apply to the city as a whole or large portions of it. TdA has not taken over the city. The overstated claims fueled by social media and through select news organizations are simply not true. Again, TdA’s presence in Aurora is limited to specific properties, all of which the city has been addressing in various ways for months,” the city’s website stated.
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What’s really happening in Springfield, Ohio? Are Haitian immigrants eating ducks, geese, and pet cats, as internet rumors have claimed? Glenn spoke with Blaze Media National Correspondent Julio Rosas, who traveled to Springfield to find out the truth. He tells Glenn that while he can’t speak to how widespread the issue of missing pets and ducks is, it has been raised by citizens “for months.” However, that’s not the only thing. “ANY ISSUE that the residents have been raising over the 20,000 Haitians being put into their city…a lot of the residents feel that the city commission is just not listening to their problems, or they’re not willing to do anything about it because there is a lot of MONEY involved in the decision.” Julio describes what he heard from residents — women feeling unsafe, the city not enforcing fire codes, landlords renting out BEDS, not houses. Plus, he explains why some residents have either started to embrace the “new normal” or are afraid to speak out.
Next News Network's RAW FEED, hosted by Gary Franchi, brings you the shocking truth about the crisis unfolding in Springfield, Ohio. What's happening in this quiet Midwestern town of 60,000 is nothing short of an invasion, with a sudden influx of 15,000 Haitian migrants turning life upside down for residents. While the mainstream media tried to fact-check this story out of existence, reality has a way of breaking through. We're talking about a crisis so severe that Governor Mike DeWine had to send in state troopers and millions in emergency funding. But that's just the tip of the iceberg. The stories coming out of Springfield will make your hair stand on end. Residents are reporting disturbing incidents involving animals, from geese being hunted in broad daylight to allegations of pets disappearing. We have exclusive audio of a 911 call reporting Haitians carrying off geese and eyewitness accounts of vans full of cats. But it's not just about animals. The surge in migrants is putting immense pressure on local infrastructure and services. Health care systems are strained, housing is becoming scarce, and traffic incidents are on the rise. Governor DeWine himself admits that the sudden influx of 15,000 people into a town of 58,000 is causing major challenges. While the White House and mainstream media try to spin this as a non-issue, we're bringing you the voices of real Springfield residents. They're scared, they're angry, and they're demanding action. One resident's impassioned TikTok video exposes the fear gripping the community, a far cry from the rosy picture painted by officials. This isn't just about Springfield anymore. It's a glimpse into America's future if we don't act now. The Biden administration has opened the floodgates, and small-town America is drowning. From labor shortages to cultural clashes, the impact is far-reaching and profound. But here's the kicker – while the media was busy fact-checking Trump's debate comments, they missed the real story. Citizens are rising up, demanding action, and exposing the truth. This crisis is unfolding in real-time, and we're the only ones bringing you the unfiltered truth. URGENT: The mainstream media is working overtime to bury this story, but we won't let them. Your support is critical in our fight to expose the truth about what's happening in Springfield and towns like it across America. Don't let them silence the voices of hardworking Americans whose lives are being turned upside down. Donate now to keep Next News Network on the front lines of this crucial story: https://www.givesendgo.com/Keep-Next-... or via PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/donate?campaig... This isn't just news – it's a wake-up call for America. Will you answer it?
"They're Flipping Cars.." The Ohio Residents' Meeting That Went Viral | Haitians Overrun Springfield
Rep. Kat Cammack, R-Fla., comments on the growing outrage over Biden-Harris' immigration policies and efforts to forge a government spending bill on ‘The Faulkner Focus.’
President Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the United States of America, will deliver remarks on our struggling economy and the rising cost of housing in Tucson, Arizona, on Thursday, September 12, 2024
JUST IN: Trump Announces New Proposal: 'No Tax On Overtime!'
WASHINGTON D.C. — Following the news of Friday morning's fatal car crash at the hands of an illegal alien in Rome, Georgia, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene issued the following statement:
"Early Saturday morning, an illegal alien, Omar Alejandro Garcia, crashed head-on into a car in my hometown of Rome, GA, seriously injuring a 1-year-old, Riley Harris, and murdering the infant’s mother, Kadrian Harris, and Malik Henderson.
Illegal is charged with two counts of vehicular homicide, one count of serious injury by vehicle, DUI, driving without a license, fleeing/attempting to elude, reckless driving, and driving too fast for conditions.
Now, the child who miraculously survived this crash will grow up without its parents. An absolutely heartbreaking reality.
The sad truth is, this is not even the first time constituents of mine have been murdered by an illegal alien. I’m absolutely outraged.
Georgia is not a border state. Northwest Georgia is hundreds of miles away from our southern border.
It’s Joe Biden and Border Czar Kamala Harris’s refusal to secure our borders that has transformed every state into a border state and every town into a border town.
The blood of these innocent Americans who were killed by this illegal alien are on the hands of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Secretary Mayorkas, and every open borders Democrat — and they are covered in it!
How many more Americans have to die before Joe Biden and Kamala Harris finally secure our borders and stop inviting people from every corner of the world into our country illegally?
Kamala Harris claims she wants to fix the problems at our southern border. She’s Vice President RIGHT NOW. If she really cared, she would have fixed this yesterday.
My heart weighs heavily on the families affected by this tragedy. I ask that you please join me in prayer for the victims, their families, and their friends. I especially ask you to join me in praying for the young child who will grow up in this world without her mother.
I will never stop fighting to secure our borders and to ensure tragedies like this one are never able to happen again in America."
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