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As of now, Vice President Kamala Harris looks to be Donald Trump’s opponent in November. She’s secured the pledged support of enough delegates to the DNC for the nomination, and Biden’s $100 million war chest for now will go to her campaign, on top of the donations starting to pour in, and the Democrat Committee’s $91 million. Murkier are her chances against Donald Trump, who leads her in head-to-head polls, and whose campaign has been turbocharged by a spectacular Republican convention and a unified party.
But as Hillary Clinton learned in 2016, and Joe Biden just a few weeks ago, events and contingencies we often cannot predict can change everything in a day. That’s why in politics, as in war, one should heed Sun Tzu’s advice to “know your enemy as you know yourself.”
Harris’s weaknesses are well known from her stints as the District Attorney for San Francisco, Attorney General and Senator for California, and Vice President. All three offices are revealing of her leftist bent, “woke” prejudices, and big-government proclivities, but the latter is the most important job for revealing what kind of president she’ll be.
She is certain to follow Biden’s tax-spend-redistribute economic policies. As the Wall Street Journal writes, “So mark her down as endorsing the spending blowouts that caused inflation, the Green New Deal, entitlement expansions and student loan forgiveness." Until she says otherwise, we should also assume she’s in favor of Mr. Biden’s $5 trillion tax increase in 2025.”And don’t expect a President Harris to increase much-needed defense spending to restore our military’s dangerous deficits in both personnel and materials.
In other words, her mind, like that of most Democrats, is filled with received progressive wisdom and shibboleths. And based on her public pronouncements––at least those that are coherent––she lacks the moral intelligence and critical thinking skills necessary for recognizing when policies are chosen for their political advantage rather than the nation’s long-term flourishing and security.
Considering her short stint as the “border czar.” Apart from one trip to El Paso, she never visited the region to see first-hand the damage Biden’s policies are inflicting on our country.
Instead, she simply mouthed cliches like “root causes” such as the left’s all-purpose “climate change” as the reason for the influx of illegal aliens. Such ignorance gives force to the comment by Brandon Judd, past president of the National Border Patrol Council, that Harris has shown a “complete disregard to border security by either political ambition or incompetence.” Under Harris’ and Biden’s “leadership,” illegal entries during their term exploded to more than 10 million unvetted illegal aliens.
Border policy also reveals how far left Harris is: as the Make America Great Again PAC pointed out, in 2019 she was the most leftist Senator, ahead of comrade Bernie Sanders. “That year in the Senate, Kamala Harris co-sponsored legislation to protect illegal immigrants from deportation and backed Bernie Sanders’ Medicare for All legislation. Kamala even backed banning private health insurance and giving taxpayer-funded coverage to illegal immigrants.” Farther left than Joe Biden, Harris is likely to pursue other policies equally harmful to our economic health and national security.
When it comes to foreign policy, Harris followed Biden’s program. But according to the Journal, “While she has backed the Administration’s military assistance to Ukraine, she has equivocated about support for Israel. In March, she chastised Israel for not doing enough to ease a ‘humanitarian catastrophe’” one of the most egregious of Big Lies that Israeli-haters have been peddling for decades.
Her juvenile ignorance of the need to strengthen our power of deterrence is a dangerous sign. As the Journal continued, “She lambasted the Trump Administration for killing Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Gen. Qassem Soleimani, claiming it could lead to bigger war in the Mideast. The killing chastened Iran’s rulers instead, at least until the Biden administration began to ease sanctions and tried to repeal the 2015 nuclear deal.”
But such leftist orthodoxy still might not be good enough for the “woke” pro-Hamas, anti-Israel lobby in Congress, especially if, as is likely, she has to shift towards the center, despite the leftistpromises in her first campaign rally. The Squad ingenue Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, when asked if she supported Harris, replied, “If you think that there is consensus among the people who want Joe Biden to leave that they will support Vice President Harris, you would be mistaken,” she said, according to The Hill. “A lot of people don’t love that we have the same exact match-up all over again, which is to say that the debate didn’t change much at all. It didn’t really change a lot in terms of people’s perceptions, in terms of where the electorate is at.”
The implication is that the leftist Dems would be as put out with Harris as they have been with Biden for any support of Israel, and would pressure President Harris to abandon our most important ally in the region. Fearing that possibility may be why Harris snubbed Prime Minister Netanyahu’s address to Congress last week, the only visiting foreign head of state she’s ignored her whole term. Will she indulge in such immature grandstanding when she’s president?
Then there are questions regarding Harris’s toxic leadership style. Often a boss’s treatment of underlings is a telling of his or her character. As Eli Lake reports on The Free Press, “People who know her best also seem to consider her a terrible boss. In June 2021, White House staffers told Politico that people in the vice president’s office ‘are thrown under the bus from the very top, there are short fuses and it’s an abusive environment.’ By early 2022, four of her most senior advisers had bolted for the exits, prompting The Washington Post to report that many of her critics and supporters ‘worry that her inability to keep and retain staff will hobble her future ambitions.’”
Such intemperance in the Cabinet Room or meetings with legislators, especially coming from an insecure president with few achievements and an “any means necessary” modus operandi, could magnify her weaknesses and discourage useful advice.
Finally, Harris’s third-rate intellect, bankrupt left-wing ideology, and lack of gravitas–– obvious in her grating cackling, “see-Spot-run syntax,” banal obiter dicta, and “word–salad” buffets––may compromise her effectiveness at governing, especially when meeting with global leaders.
But first she has to get elected, and the same weaknesses make her vulnerable, especially from the albatross of Joe Biden’s destructive record of failure that contrasts so starkly with Donald Trump’s successes with the issues that concern voters such as border security, inflation, and our tattered prestige abroad. In addition, the Journal observes, “she’s stuck with the White House’s embrace of Hillary’s malpractice of condemning Trump voters as fascists and racists.”
And don’t forget, despite the regime media’s current puffery PR hyperbole, many Democrats don’t like her, especially those who are disturbed by Biden’s feckless border policies that treat law-breakers better than their own citizens. The Dem conspirators who kicked Joe Biden out of the 2024 race didn’t remove him from office, perhaps because that would have automatically made Harris the president. Wouldn't the disenfranchisement of 15 million Democrat primary voters create a toxic “selected, not elected” charge for the candidate and that party that boasts they’re “protecting our democracy”?
But none of that means she can’t win, especially now that the media are lavishing her with Obama levels of adoration and praise, and Democrat plutocrats spooked by Biden are opening their wallets. That’s why it is even more important that Harris be kept out of the White House, and why Republicans need to hammer her and Biden’s failures, and make her defend them, as well as her own complicity in lying to the American people about Biden’s cognitive and physical decline.
"They can start, for example, with her mendacious comment about Special Council Robert Hur’s report that confirmed Biden’s decline: “The way that the president’s demeanor in that report was characterized could not be more wrong on the facts and clearly politically motivated,” Harris said of Hur’s report. As Eli Lake observes, “Harris will have to find a way to walk back her comments at the same time that Trump will be sure to torment her for her past hypocrisies.”
Not just Donald Trump, but the whole party should “torment” Harris with her lies, failed policies, and left-wing ideology. This election may be the last chance to undo Barack Obama's and Joe Biden’s malign “transformation” of the United States and its Constitutional order of unalienable rights, and balanced and limited government power.
Kamala’s Ties to a Far-Left, Hamas-Linked Islamic Group-SURPRISE!

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The media isn’t going to tell you this. The Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) describes itself as “America’s largest Muslim civil liberties organization.” In that guise, and as it has championed numerous far-left causes, it has become a respected member of the leftist establishment, with numerous ignorant and self-serving politicians lavishing praise on this unsavory gang in hopes of gaining Muslim votes. Among them has been, not surprisingly, Kamala Harris.
This has been known for years, but no one has cared. Back in Oct. 2020, the Washington Free Beacon reported that “as California’s attorney general and then as U.S. senator, Harris forged a relationship with the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), one of the nation’s top anti-Israel groups and advocates for boycotts of the Jewish state.” After the Hamas massacres of Oct. 7, 2023, this matters more than ever.
CAIR, the Free Beacon added, “advised Harris on community issues during her time in California politics, and she later offered the group her ‘gratitude and admiration’ in a 2018 personal letter to the group.” Specifically, “Hussam Ayloush, executive director of CAIR’s Los Angeles office, praised Harris in 2015 for including the group in an interfaith meeting with law enforcement officials. Harris, he said, ‘exemplified leadership’ by vowing to tackle Islamophobia at a time when the state’s Jewish institutions were facing threats.”
That was bad enough, since “Islamophobia” is a propaganda weapon designed to intimidate people that it is wrong — somehow “bigoted” — to oppose jihad violence and Sharia oppression of women. Even worse, long before he praised Kamala Harris, Hussam Ayloush had repeatedly refused to denounce Hamas and Hizballah as terrorist groups. In 2017, with Donald Trump in the White House, Ayloush called for the overthrow of the U.S. government. Yet the following year, Harris wrote to CAIR: “Please accept my gratitude and admiration for your tireless work to promote peace, justice, and mutual understanding.”
That was not all. “As California’s top cop,” the Free Beacon noted, “Harris partnered with local CAIR officials and relied on them to advise her on community matters. In 2015, for instance, Harris hosted CAIR for an interfaith community event following a deadly terrorist attack in San Bernardino. In 2016, as Harris ran for the Senate, CAIR’s political action committee donated $1,750 to boost her campaign.” That may not be much in the larger scheme of things, but imagine the outcry if Donald Trump had taken a small fraction of that amount from a group linked to the Ku Klux Klan.
Harris’ ties to CAIR take on a new urgency now that she is a presidential candidate, and now that this self-proclaimed “civil rights organization” is more forthright than it used to be about where it really stands: CAIR’s cofounder and longtime executive director Nihad Awad infamously said that he was “happy” about Hamas’ Oct. 7 jihad massacre of 1,200 Israelis. In April 2024, Awad eulogized a Muslim Brotherhood cleric, Sheikh Abdul-Majid al-Zindani, who had ties to al-Qaeda as well as Hamas: “The Islamic nation has lost one of its biggest emblems and men with the passing of Sheikh Alam and worker Abdul Majeed Al-Zindani after he dedicated his life to the service of the Quran and the manifestation of its miracles that never cease. He remained tall and firm in the face of challenges, tribulations, pressure, and rankings until he met the Almighty Allah. Our condolences to his family, Yemen, and our nation. We ask Allah, the Merciful, the Merciful and the Forgiving, to have mercy on him, forgive him and reward him with the best of rewards.” Al-Zindani was on the UN Security Council’s list of specially designated terrorists.
If Trump had similar ties to any of the groups that the leftist establishment claims are made up of “right-wing extremists,” including a group that opposes CAIR and jihad terror and got added to the Southern Poverty Law Center’s “hate group” list for doing so, the media outcry would be shrill and intense. Trump would be hounded everywhere until he disavowed the group and returned its donations.
No one, however, is asking Harris about CAIR. That’s because Harris, CAIR, and the media are all part of the same leftist establishment. Surely you don’t expect them to police themselves, do you? Politicians can associate freely with groups that are on the left’s approved list, and be secure in the knowledge that there will be no accountability. Responsibility for the American people? Come on, man! This ain’t 1776 anymore!
The media won’t vet Kamala Harris, but we will. That’s one reason why, now more than ever, you should become a PJ Media VIP. VIP membership gives you access to exclusive content about how bad Kamala really is — and much more that you need to know during this turbulent time. Get 60% off your VIP membership when you use the code MAGA24. Join us in the great struggle for freedom!