STEPHEN GARDNER: WHISTLEBLOWER; Donald Trump is in SERIOUS DANGER! He must be protected!!~Trump EXPOSES Kamala Harris’s BIG LIE!!

Stephen Gardner and police lieutenant Tarik Johnson of the Capitol police share new bombshell info on the J6 cover-up as well as the danger Donald Trump is in. Here is the new bombshell whistleblower testimony. Tarik says he believes Trump is in mortal danger, but the future of the country depends on him living.

Trump EXPOSES Kamala Harris's BIG LIE!!

Secret Service Chief LIMITS Trump’s Detail, GETS PROMOTED | “FAUCI LIED, BEAGLES DIED” Fauci Caught LYING To Congress

The active director of the Secret Service limited Trumps Security detail before his attempted assassination. Fauci has been caught lying to Congress. Israel crossed Hezbollah's red line and bombed Beirut. Kamala Harris told by Obama "don't pick a Jew" for Vice president. Problems with Trump's Vice President pick JD Vance keep piling up.

The Debate: Biden’s Top 5 Big Lies


SEE:; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes:

[Order a copy of Robert Spencer’s forthcoming book, Muhammad: A Critical Biographyby clicking here.]

Old Joe Biden may be a poor debater, but at least he tells the truth, unlike Bad Orange Man. As improbable as it is, that’s the line the left has decided upon to explain away Biden’s appalling performance in last Thursday’s debate. But this excuse appears even more appalling in light of the fact that Biden lied his way through that debate.

Old Joe himself said it at a Friday rally: “Well, folks, I don’t walk as easily as I used to. I don’t speak as smoothly as I used to. I don’t debah — debate as much as I used to. But I know what I do know. I know how to tell the truth.” His boss Barack Obama quickly followed suit:  “Bad debate nights happen." Trust me, I know. But this election is still a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entire life and someone who only cares about himself. Between someone who tells the truth; someone who knows right from wrong and will give it to the American people straight — and someone who lies through his teeth for his own benefit. Last night didn’t change that, and that's why so much is at stake in November.”

Yet Truthful Joe’s “bad debate night” was made worse by the fact that the garrulous old kleptocrat lied pretty much every time he opened his mouth. Here are five of his most outrageous whoppers:

  1. Biden repeated the old charge that Trump refused to visit the graves of fallen U.S. soldiers in France and called them “suckers and losers.” Trump once again denied having done so, whereupon Biden said: “You had a four-star general stand at your side, who was on your staff, who said you said it, period.” Old Joe was referring to Trump’s former chief of staff, John Kelly, who said in Oct. 2023, three years after the claim was first made, that Trump “rants that our most precious heroes who gave their lives in America’s defense are ‘losers’ and wouldn’t visit their graves in France.”

Trump accused Kelly of lying, so it’s a case of whom one chooses to believe — except that John Bolton, who has harshly criticized Trump, said in Sept. 2020: “I didn’t hear either of those comments or anything even resembling them. I was there at that point in time that morning when it was decided that he would not go Aisne-Marne cemetery. He decided not to do it because of John Kelly’s recommendation. It was entirely a weather-related decision, and I thought of the proper thing to do.”

Why would Bolton, who hates Trump, lie to cover for him? Bolton also inadvertently exposed Kelly as lying. According to Bolton, who would have had no reason to make up for such a thing, Kelly recommended that Trump not visit the cemetery. Then three years later, Kelly claimed that Trump “wouldn’t” visit the cemetery. That strongly suggests that it’s Kelly — and hence Biden — who is lying, not Trump.

  1. Biden claimed that Trump said that Hitler did some good things. Once again, the source for this is John Kelly, who has already been shown to be an unreliable witness. Trump’s spokesperson Liz Harrington said:  “This is totally false. President Trump never said this. It is made-up fake news, probably by a general who was incompetent and was fired.” Kelly claims that Trump praised Hitler during his Nov. 9-11, 2018 trip to Paris. Yet Kelly remained Trump’s chief of staff. Only nearly a month later, on Dec. 8, 2018, did Trump announce that he was replacing Kelly, who remained in the position until Jan. 2, 2019. Would you have kept working for a man who praised Hitler? I wouldn’t have.
  1. Old Joe also dragged out his oft-repeated claim that the National Socialists demonstrating in Charlottesville were “fine people.” This lie is particularly galling, for at the press conference where Trump supposedly made this statement, he said: “I’ve condemned neo-Nazis. I’ve condemned many different groups, but not all of those people were neo-Nazis, believe me. Not all of those people were white supremacists by any stretch.
  1. Biden claimed that Trump “wants to get rid of Social Security.” Yet this was after Trump had said of the alleged president: “This man is going to single-handedly destroy Social Security." The millions and millions of people coming in, they’re trying to put them on Social Security. He will wipe out Social Security.” Warning that Biden regime policies are endangering Social Security would be strange coming from a man who wanted to get rid of it.
  1. Biden said: “The pandemic are so badly handled, many people are dying. All he said was, it’s not that serious. Just inject a little bleach in your arm. It’d be all right.” As cartoonist-turned-pundit Scott Adams has explained in detail, Trump was referring to “the concept of killing Covid on external surfaces using sunlight and UV light. "Light as a .disinfectant' was collectively mentioned 21 times by the experts – Dr. Bryan and Dr. Birx – and by Trump.” Trump’s exact words bear this out.

Besides lying outright, Biden also demonstrates anew by repeating these claims that much of the opposition to Trump is based not on his policies, but on rude or unkind things he has supposedly said. Aside from the claim about Social Security, these charges would have no effect on public policy even if they were true. Old Joe and his handlers know that if the campaign comes down to Trump’s record as president versus Biden’s, Trump will win in a walk if the election isn’t rigged. And so all this dredging-up of ancient and discredited quotes will continue — anything to keep people from looking at Biden’s record.

Biden Regime Invites Hamas-Linked CAIR to the White House, Then Lies About It

AP Photo/Alex Brandon
Every aspect of this story is bad, and each horrifying aspect is competing with the others for which can have the most negative consequences for the American people. After Jews suffered attacks in Chicago, the Biden regime reached out not to Jewish leaders, but to Muslim groups, including open supporters of Hamas. Muslims, however, enraged at the regime’s continued (albeit hollow) support for Israel, refused to show. Then a Biden regime wonk lied brazenly and denied that one of the worst of the Muslim groups was even invited. This is the state of our staggered, sputtering republic in the fourth year of this radically anti-American and anti-democratic regime.

This latest imbroglio started when Politico reported Thursday that “Illinois leaders in the Palestinian communities angry over how President Joe Biden has handled the Middle East war have turned down a request by the White House to meet in Chicago today.” We can see who is claiming the moral high ground, and who has the upper hand. After Hamas brutally and gleefully murdered 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7, 2023, Islamic groups and their leftist allies immediately began to claim victimhood at any sign of Israeli self-defense, fabricating casualty numbers before a world that was all too eager to be fooled, and even preposterously claiming that Israel was conducting a “genocide” when independent observers have dubbed the IDF “the most moral army in the world.”

Despite all that, Muslim and leftist leaders around the world know that making wild claims about Israel and affecting a posture of aggrieved victimhood can win them ready concessions from the U.S., the European Union, and the United Nations, and so they’ve been striking victim poses aggressively since Oct. 7. It has worked. The Biden regime is on its heels, desperately worried by threats from the likes of Nihad Awad of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the winsome Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Ramallah) to withhold the Muslim vote if the regime doesn’t betray Israel. And so it has been doing just that, step by step, in slow motion: $100 million to Gaza, $10 billion to Hamas’ financiers, the Islamic Republic of Iran, and ever-increasing pressure on the Netanyahu government.

Meanwhile, the regime keeps trying to placate Muslim and Arab groups inside the U.S.: “Tom Perez, a senior adviser to the president, and other advisers had planned to sit down in three separate meetings with various Palestinian, Arab and Muslim leaders and elected officials to discuss tensions in the Middle East. The private meetings were to come on the heels of similar gatherings in Detroit.” The professional victims, however, stayed in character: “But most folks contacted turned down the request, according to six people we talked to." Any meeting being held will be with a smaller group of players.”

Not only did they refuse to meet with White House apparatchiks, but they continued to excoriate the regime for its alleged support of Israel. One Muslim spokesman declared that his group considered “anyone — Palestinian, Muslim, Arab — who takes a meeting with the White House to be an absolute sell-out.” One of those who declined to attend was Ahmed Rehab of Hamas-linked CAIR, who explained: “We believe a thousand percent in civic engagement. We preach it. But this is an unusual moment and requires an unusual response. We have made clear that a ceasefire is needed.”

The outreach to CAIR, whose top dog Awad infamously said that he was “happy” about Hamas’ Oct. 7 jihad massacre, embarrassed even the Biden regime apparatchiks. Jewish Insider correspondent Gabby Deutsch stated: “WH spox @AndrewJBates46 told me that CAIR was *not* invited to WH mtgs in Chicago w/ Muslim Americans—& that the group is NEVER invited to WH mtgs.”

This just piled embarrassment upon embarrassment. Unfortunately, for the wretched regime wonk Bates, CAIR has been frequently invited to Biden's White House and has posted press releases detailing the meetings. But the idea of the regime kowtowing to an organization with actual Hamas ties is too much even for Biden’s handlers, and so Bates was apparently instructed to lie about the meetings, exposing the Biden team as both dishonest and pro-Hamas.

      Related: Establishment Media Lies to Cover for Biden Regime’s Latest Betrayal of Israel

Even worse is the timing. Richard Goldberg of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies pointed out that “since Friday: Pro-Hamas antisemitic rioters in Chicago intimidated the House of Blues to cancel a Jewish singer’s sold-out show. The venue cited security concerns. Loyola University told Jewish students they could no longer allow a survivor of the Nova music festival massacre to speak on campus. The university cited security concerns. Jews were attacked while trying to enter a theatre to watch footage of the Nova music festival massacre. Jews are not even allowed to mourn the massacres without being attacked in the city of Chicago. The mayor says nothing. The president says nothing. But the White House is sending staff to meet with the organizers of these violent riots and assaults instead of defending the Jews they are trying to drive underground.”

That’s right. And if this is happening more or less out in the open, albeit with inept and half-hearted attempts to cover it up, imagine the betrayals that are going on behind the scenes.

Establishment Media Lies to Cover for Biden Regime’s Latest Betrayal of Israel

Drew Angerer/Pool via AP
The Israel-hating far-left has put Old Joe Biden on notice: betray Israel, or lose our votes. Votes, and all the perks that go with seeming to get more of them than the other fellow, are what The Big Guy lives (if you can call his somnabulent incoherent state living at this point) for, so the Biden regime has been assiduously working to abandon the Jewish state without anybody noticing. In their latest betrayal of Israel, Biden and his henchmen got substantial help from the establishment media, which for a Democrat administration is always happy to play the role of the guy with the shovel who follows behind the circus elephant.

The betrayal unfolded on Friday, when the Biden regime, according to the Associated Press, “restored a U.S. legal finding dating back nearly 50 years that Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories are ‘illegitimate’ under international law.” See? The Biden regime is conservative at heart! All it did was restore a fifty-year-old policy that the source and summit of all evil in the modern world, Donald Trump, had reversed: “Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the U.S. believes settlements are inconsistent with Israel’s obligations, reversing a determination made by his predecessor, Mike Pompeo, in the Biden administration’s latest shift away from the pro-Israel policies pursued by former President Donald Trump.” 

The New York Times likewise cast the Biden regime’s declaration that the Israeli settlements were illegal as a restoration of long-settled U.S. policy that had been disrupted during the aberrant reign of the Orange Upstart: “During a trip to Argentina on Friday, Mr. Blinken called the settlements ‘inconsistent with international law,’ a break with policy set under the Trump administration and a return to the decades-long U.S. position.” There they go again, spinning a tale of a safe and sane Biden administration reversing the unwise and ill-considered policies of Old Joe’s aberration of a predecessor. 

The only problem with this scenario is that, as is so often the case with the establishment media narrative, it’s not true. The indefatigable pro-Israel researcher Elder of Ziyon notes that while Jimmy Carter claimed that the Israeli settlements violated the Geneva Conventions, which meant that they were indeed illegal, this was by no means settled U.S. policy after Mr. Peanut began his seemingly endless post-presidency. Ronald Reagan “said when he was campaigning for President and in an interview two weeks after he took office that the settlements are not illegal. Later in his presidency, he said that settlements are an ‘obstacle to peace,’" but that is not remotely the same thing as saying that they’re illegal or illegitimate.

The presidents after Reagan, says Elder of Ziyon, were not happy with the settlements. George H.W. Bush “was strongly against settlement construction but did not call them illegal.” Bill Clinton cribbed Reagan’s phrase, saying that they were an "obstacle to peace," but even Monica’s dude was “softer on  expansion of existing settlements.” George W. Bush “called for a settlement freeze but did not characterize them as illegal or even an obstacle to peace.”

In fact, the first administration after Jimmy Carter’s to claim outright that the Israeli settlements were illegal was that of Barack Hussein Obama, and of course, since the Biden regime is made up of multitudes of old Obama hands, it’s no surprise that this particular manifestation of Obama’s deep hostility to Israel would become Biden regime policy.

It’s also no surprise that the establishment media, since it is a propaganda arm of the hard left, would attempt to portray Old Joe’s new stance as the same old thing, the product of the cooler, sharper, more dispassionate heads who ran the State Department in earlier generations. 

     Related: CNN Worries That Muslim Migrant Gang Rape in Italy Will Bolster the ‘Far Right’

Another problem with all this, however, is that the settlements aren’t illegal at all. The West Bank, contrary to popular belief, is not “Palestinian territory.” There is no Palestinian territory, as there never was a Palestinian state, and there is no occupation. The West Bank was part of the territory that the League of Nations set aside after World War I for the creation of a Jewish National Home. That Jewish National Home is Israel, and there is no other nation on earth that has any claim to sovereignty over the territory where the settlements are located.

Antony Blinken, however, will never tell you that, and neither will his accomplices at AP and the New York Times.

Lies, Damn Lies, and Hamas-linked CAIR’s Statistics

SEE:; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes:

Edward Ahmed Mitchell, the Deputy Executive Director of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), was on television recently. During his interview on the English language Turkish Radio and Television World broadcast, Mitchell said that the majority of Americans support a ceasefire in Gaza.

Over 70% of Americans support a ceasefire one way or another…President Biden is out of step with the American people.

Since he does not cite his sources, it is up to us to determine to what he might be referring. A good guess would be a survey from a group called Data for Progress, which Rashida Tlaib touted on her X feed. That survey claims that 66% of all likely voters support a ceasefire in Gaza. However Data for Progress does report that 80% of Democrat voters support the idea of a ceasefire.

Maybe Mr. Mitchell got confused.

Meanwhile, how reliable a source for information is Data for Progress? According to their website:

Data for Progress is a progressive think tank and polling firm arming movements with the tools they need to fight for a more equitable future. Led by a team of policy and data experts, we produce quality polling, data-based messaging, and policy generation for progressive causes, campaigns, and candidates.

This “data-based messaging…for progressive causes” results in what is known as Earned Media, or simply – free publicity. Data for Progress has used their Earned Media to:

  • “Using Earned Media to Get Progressive Ideas Into the Mainstream “
  • “Shaping the Biden Administration’s Coronavirus Response”
  • “Shaping Climate Policy”
  • “Today, the Interior Department is led by the first-ever Native American Cabinet secretary — someone who is fighting for our public lands and defending the sovereignty of Native nations: Madame Secretary Deb Haaland. Our Vice President of policy and strategy Julian Brave NoiseCat led a sophisticated inside-outside strategy utilizing writing, earned media, organizing, advocacy, social media, and lots of memes to help make the case for Haaland’s appointment and confirmation.”
  • “Our polling showed the public that D.C. statehood is popular”
  • “When the mainstream media hammered Biden’s Afghanistan pullout, we showed that withdrawal was popular with voters”
  • “Fetterman’s campaign, happy with Data For Progress’s ability to churn out quick polls affirming their candidate’s popularity”
  • “Three days later, Sean McElwee’s (Data for Progress founder) senior staff asked him to step down.

“There was no cinematic climax, McKenzie Wilson told me afterward, no one thing that made everyone decide it was time for him to go. It was everything: the midterm polls, the connection to Bankman-Fried, the betting, and the perception that a bettor like Sean might be tempted to tweak the Data For Progress polls to improve his odds. “I know that’s not the case,” she said. “But it doesn’t matter what I think.” What mattered was that the organization’s credibility was bound to Sean’s now-tarnished reputation.”

Nicholas Grossman at the Daily Beast looked at several polls and said on February 12:

Do Americans Want a Ceasefire in Gaza? It Depends

Polls show support for an end to the bloodshed, but things like cutting off U.S. aid to Israel and accepting Hamas’ continued rule over Gaza are far less popular.

As one might expect, it was the way Data for Progress wrote the questions that introduced bias into the results.

The red argument is realistic, acknowledging that a permanent ceasefire now would “keep Hamas in power,” threatening “another attack against Israel,” while continuing the war in an effort to defeat Hamas means “more civilian casualties in Gaza.” The blue argument, however, is a hopeful hypothetical, envisioning a “deal between Hamas and Israel to end the violence on both sides and release all hostages.”

Mutual agreement, no more fighting, and all hostages freed. That sounds great, but no one knows how to get it.

It would not be surprising if CAIR were aware of Data For Progress. CAIR also specializes in Earned Media. Last year, 2023, CAIR was on TV 666 times. This year, as of February 13, 2024, CAIR has been on TV 81 times, clashing with people as they go.

CAIR is way too comfortable with attacking people on TV.

  • CAIR called the mayor of Orland Park, Illinois “ignorant.”
  • Even though CAIR is Hamas, they get to call Nancy Pelosi “delusional.”
  • The Wall Street Journal is “Right-wing.”
  • After a Palestinian demonstrator committed a hate crime by attacking a pro-Israel demonstrator, CAIR blamed the victim for the attack.
  • Minneapolis mayor Jacob Fry is “making politically calculated decisions and playing identity politics against Palestinian lives.”

The example from Glenside Middle School in Illinois shows how the Data For Progress methodology may be in CAIR’s future. A girl was attacked at the school. Although the middle school found no evidence of racial, religious, or cultural bias in their investigation of the assault, which was captured on cellphone video, CAIR wants a hate crime charge to be brought in the case.

Furthermore, the CAIR spokesperson says that since October 7, CAIR has received 200 complaints about incidents in basic schools. To Maggie Slavin, CAIR’s Operations Manager at CAIR-Chicago, that indicates that hate and bias is being spread inside of homes, and communities.

CAIR’s numbers are not going to lead directly to your home. They will have the government do that.

CAIR is going to take a more quantitative approach to measuring Islamophobia at the state level.

We reassess CAIR’s vision for this work as well as initiate work on a state-specific tool to quantitatively assess Islamophobia, in order to better address the demands of the current moment.

Since the Islamophobia Network has been defeated, it must be the U.S. government who is driving the latest wave of Islamophobia. Policy makers need to do something about the hate coming from inside your home.

After all, the statistics don’t lie.