Iran coordinated the attack on Israel with the Biden administration

SEE:; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes:

The gravity of what Yigal Carmon, the founder of MEMRI, is saying has numerous implications. If true, it means that America and Iran are colluding as partners, and setting up Israel to be tricked and manipulated. Such treatment of a US ally would be a grim betrayal, not to mention a crude exploitation of Israel’s citizens as they faced the horror of incoming missiles and drones. If that is indeed the case for the attack to be a joint American-Iranian operation, the Biden administration not only demonstrates that it cannot be trusted, but it is treasonous in collaborating with an enemy that is a terrorist state. It’s bad enough that America’s Southern border remains wide open.

Kenneth Timmermans, executive director of the Foundation for Democracy in Iran, confirmed Carmon’s allegations. SEE HERE.

No matter what may have been intended, such an action cannot be remotely justified. Iran and its proxies aim to obliterate the Jewish state and destroy America.

“Iran Coordinated With The U.S. Its Attack On Israel,” by Yigal Carmon,  MEMRI, April 14, 2024:

To understand what happened last night during Iran’s direct attack on Israel, one has to go back four years to the killing by the United States of Iran’s Quds Force commander Qasem Soleimani. Iran needed to react symbolically in retaliation to save face and was asked to do so. The United States allowed it to attack its own Ayn al-Asad airbase so that no one there would be hurt. Fifteen missiles were fired at the base, with the result being minor damage and not one drop of blood. Iran may deserve a Nobel Peace Prize for being able to fire 15 missiles without killing anyone.

Lt. Col. Staci Coleman, who was the commander of the 443rd Air Expeditionary Squadron, and members of her squadron testified[1] that they had been briefed about an impending Iranian ballistic missile attack almost six hours before it happened. Captain Wesley Florez, the executive officer of the 1st Expeditionary Rescue Group, said that he had received information about the attack early the previous afternoon.[2]

Trump told Fox News in February 2024: “Do you know, we hit them [Iran] very hard for something that they did, and they had to hit back, they feel they have to do that and I understand that. Do you know, they called me to tell me ,"We're going to hit a certain location but we’re not gonna hit it, it’s gonna be outside of the perimeter’… They let us know. We had 16 missiles that went off… And we knew they weren’t going to hit. And now I reveal it… So they aimed those missiles and they said, "Please don’t attack us, we’re not going to hit you.’ That was respect, we had respect.”[3]….