Sharyl Attkisson Followed the Science and the Government Followed Her

I would say people are familiar with the notion that Big Media is compromised by Big Pharma because of this relationship where they buy billions of dollars in ads. Now the media avoids covering stories we used to cover routinely about medical scandals. I think people have some idea that Big Pharma compromises are political institutions because they donate tons of money to both political parties in order that they be allowed to write laws and bills, to make certain oversight hearings are not held. But I think people are less familiar and put a lot less focus on the medical establishment’s role—how the medical establishment too has been co-opted by Big Pharma interests in ways that are invisible to most people… We’re talking about scientific studies, medical associations, medical schools, and the continuing medical education classes. And it’s important because I think Americans understand, they’ve been watching for 20 years as we’ve grown sicker and sicker and sicker with chronic epidemics of disease.

The Invasion of False Science Into Medical Schools and Medical Journals

"Medicating Normal" | Docu | 76-min ADD TO YOUR POST FROM YESTERDAY

This full-length, award-winning documentary unearths the shattering truth that millions of people worldwide are injured by prescribed psychiatric medications. Interweaving stories of harm with expert testimony, the film reveals how a profit-driven industry hides the risks of long-term use. This untold story is a compelling call to examine the consequences of medicating normal human suffering.

JORDAN B. PETERSON; THE FOOD PYRAMID IS A SCAM: Sugar Cravings, Red Meat, and Your Health | Max Lugavere | EP 456

Max Lugavere will be on, teaching a course on nutrition. Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down in-person with filmmaker and science author Max Lugavere. They discuss his upcoming film, “Little Empty Boxes,” that details his mother’s progression through dementia, which set Max on his life’s journey to understand and communicate the science behind health and nutrition. Dr. Peterson and Lugavere also discussed obesity, toxic exposure, hypertension, and elimination diets. Max Lugavere is a health and science journalist, filmmaker, and bestselling author. He is the author of the Genius trilogy of books, including the New York Times bestseller “Genius Foods” and the Wall Street Journal bestseller “Genius Kitchen.” He hosts The Genius Life podcast, one of the top health and wellness podcasts in the U.S. His appearances on The Today Show, The Rachael Ray Show, The Doctors, and The Joe Rogan Experience have made him a respected and well-known voice in the field. His debut film Little Empty Boxes, a project 10 years in the making and the first film to document the science of dementia prevention, is available for pre-order now at This episode was recorded on June 8th, 2024 Dr. Peterson's extensive catalog is available now on DailyWire+: ALL LINKS:

Are There Vaccines in Our Food Supply?

SEE:; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes:
pigs standing

In my previous articles, we looked at the global war on farmers, the organizations pushing for the Great Food Reset, the tactics used to foist these changes on the public, and the projects underway to remove your access to healthy, farm-fresh foods. Today we will delve into the contentious issue of vaccines in the food supply.

Accurate information on this topic is not easy to find. The USDA and drug developers aren’t required to release any information on veterinary drugs in the development pipeline, so independent detectives are left searching through peer-reviewed papers, university publications, USDA contracts, grant notifications, company white papers, and university websites to learn what is on the horizon. This system is far from transparent, and frankly, I don’t think that’s an accident.

Before any vaccine technology is used on humans, it is usually tried in the veterinary market first due to the incredibly lax regulations. Knowing this, it should come as no surprise that our food animals had been receiving mRNA injections for years before the Covid vaccine rollout.

Around 2014, the USDA granted a conditional license for an mRNA vaccine for use in pigs for Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus. This is equivalent to emergency use authorization and gets around the USDA’s vaccine licensing and authorization process.

In 2015, Merck bought Harrisvaccines to acquire their RNA platform. Merck’s 2015 press release stated that this “RNA Particle technology…represents a breakthrough in vaccine development. It also has a highly versatile production platform able to target a wide range of viruses and bacteria. Pathogens are collected from a farm, and specific genes are sequenced and inserted into RNA particles, making safe, potent vaccines able to provide herd-specific protection.”

Introduced in 2018, Sequivity is Merck’s RNA vaccine platform built on Harrisvaccines technology. These RNA injections are already in use in pigs. They are customized for different viruses, and each customized injection undergoes no new safety testing; new formulations are deployed immediately. Pork you are eating from the supermarket is already likely treated with these gene therapies.

In 2016, BioNTech and Bayer partnered to develop veterinary mRNA vaccines using Bayer’s veterinary knowledge and the BioNtech MRNA platform (the one used for the Pfizer Covid shot). Given the intervening years of development, there may be a host of new mRNA livestock shots released in the near future.

In October 2021, Iowa State University began a project testing a novel mRNA vaccine against RSV infections in cows, in the form of a subcutaneous implant that continuously releases mRNA into the cow. The anticipated completion date for the study is 2026.

If you think mRNA vaccines are the only problem, think again: according to a 2021 paper published in Frontiers in Veterinary Science, DNA, RNA, and recombinant viral-vector vaccines are all in development. They are touted as capable of quick deployment: no time for pesky safety testing, let alone time to see if humans who consume meat from these animals suffer any long-term health effects. The paper also points out that farmed salmon are already receiving multiple DNA injections for various diseases.

According to Merck’s Veterinary Manual, experimental DNA vaccines have been produced against avian influenza, rabies, bovine viral diarrhea virus, porcine herpesvirus, bovine herpesvirus-1, foot-and-mouth disease, and other veterinary viruses.

All this begs the question: can DNA vaccines change the genetic code of an animal or human? According to a 2017 Moderna white paper titled mRNA Vaccines: Disruptive Innovation in Vaccination“The key challenge associated with DNA vaccines is that they must penetrate the cell nucleus…Once inside the nucleus, DNA vaccines have a risk of permanently changing a person’s DNA.”

Can genetic injections given to animals affect the person who consumes the animal product? Chinese scientists have published a study wherein RNA-laced milk was injected into the intestines of mice. The mRNA was successfully absorbed through the digestive tract and became active in their bodies. The researchers plan to follow up with a version where the mice are fed the mRNA rather than being injected, and in their paper’s conclusion, they opine that “In the near future, an mRNA delivery system based on milk-derived exosomes will serve as a platform for mRNA therapeutics development.”

We know that human breast milk was contaminated with mRNA lipid nanoparticles after Covid-19 injections. This raises concerns with the Iowa State project developing a continuous release, RNA implant for cows. How are we confident it would not cross into the milk supply?

Beyond the vaccines for animals lies the frontier of vegetables genetically engineered to deliver mRNA into any human who eats them. The National Science Foundation is funding one of several studies using plants such as lettuce and spinach to generate mRNA gene therapies that enter the human body when the plant is eaten. Plant-based immunization experimentation began more than two decades ago: In 2002, a company called Prodigene was fined millions of dollars when their vaccine-producing GMO corn contaminated 500,000 pounds of soybeans.

RNAi pesticides also present a significant risk to human health. These sprays, used on GMO crops, are designed to genetically modify living organisms in an agricultural setting. RNAi sprays can blow freely in the wind, contaminating vast swaths of fertile farmland and otherwise clean crops, potentially causing genetic modifications to many species beyond their intended target, and even altering organic vegetables grown downwind. In 2017, the EPA approved Monsanto and Dow’s RNAi Smartstax PRO corn, which now accounts for up to 17 percent of the corn grown in the United States, so the corn you are eating in tortilla chips and other processed foods may well contain this gene-silencing technology.

Regarding the potential danger of genetic damage to humans and animal species from RNAi sprays, a report by Jonathan R. Latham and Allison K. Wilson of the Bioscience Research Project notes that “Mammalian digestion is a complex process in which food molecules are taken into the body by many routes." It has been demonstrated in mammals that some of these pathways allow limited entry into the bloodstream of macromolecules such as DNA and intact proteins. Thus absorbed, macromolecules may enter internal organs, muscle tissue, and even embryos. At least in some tissues, foreign DNA enters the nuclei of individual cells.” The authors also note that “long duplexed dsRNAs have previously been discarded as medical therapies for the reason that they induce side effects at low doses. Based on our analysis, it seems unlikely that a convincing case can be made for their safe inclusion in food.”

In the Livestock Research Innovation Corporation’s 2021 white paper called “The Future of Livestock Vaccines,” the authors enthusiastically opine that: “The current COVID-19 pandemic has taught us many lessons, including the fact that the development, mass production and approval process of vaccines could be shortened from several years (or decades) to 8-9 months. This will have a significant and long-lasting impact on how livestock vaccines are produced and deployed in the future.”

They remind us that “Good health starts with biosecurity” and that “resulting from the pandemic, society is more attuned to the One Health concept and so vaccination of livestock will be seen as part of a larger health picture, one that includes humans and the environment.”

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This article was originally published by the Brownstone Institute. Tracy Thurman is an advocate for regenerative farming, food sovereignty, decentralized food systems, and medical freedom. She works with the Barnes Law Firm’s public interest division to safeguard the right to purchase food directly from farmers without government interference.

The American Revolution Patriots Fought for Autonomy and We Must Do That Too~National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC)

By Barbara Loe Fisher
Published June 30, 2024 in Rights & Ethics

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Republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes:

The American Revolution Patriots Fought for Autonomy and We Must Do That Too by Barbara Loe Fisher

The 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence in 1776 taking on the King of England had a vision. Many were well-educated and in their 30s and 40s, married and raising children in the 13 original colonies. Most were attorneys and jurists, while others were merchants, shippers, farmers, physicians, ministers and other professions. 1 They had a lot to lose if they failed in their quest to throw off the yoke of tyranny and create a new Republic.

They dreamed of a nation where all would be free to respect “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.” They proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence that: 2

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”  

That document marked the official beginning of the American Revolution declaring war on the British monarchy, a war that would last until 1783. Those who signed it made this solemn pledge: 3

“For the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

They knew the risk they were taking by following their conscience and summoning the courage to sign that pledge. The personal price almost all of them paid was steep. One-third fought in the militia and nine died from wounds or hardships suffered during the war, with several losing sons in it. Some were taken captive by the British and tortured as traitors. A dozen saw their homes burned down. Nearly all were poorer by the end of the war than when it began. 4 5

Resisting Tyranny and Defending Autonomy to Protect Natural Rights

Tyranny comes in many forms. Resisting tyranny that robs the people of their liberty is usually taken up by a minority, who will not comply and who lead the way for others longing for freedom, who either don’t know how to fight for it or are afraid of the price they will have to pay if they do.

The natural right to autonomy is the foundation for all other natural rights given to us by God and the foundation for human rights acknowledged by governments. 6 7 The Declaration of Independence, like the Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution, acknowledges the existence of basic natural rights that belong to every human being. 8 9 10

Today the right to autonomy, protection of bodily integrity, 11 and other natural rights are under attack.12 13 Autonomy, which gives us the freedom to think rationally and follow our conscience and make voluntary decisions about exercising informed consent to medical risk taking, is being threatened by corporations and institutions, doctors and scientists, public health officials and academics, attorneys and judges, lawmakers and businessmen, who are facilitating iron-fisted operation of the powerful and very lucrative Public Health Empire. 14 15 16 17 18 19 They seek ownership of our bodies and the bodies of our children so we can be legally compelled to buy and use pharmaceutical products that they label “vaccines” 20 that not only can fail to prevent infection and transmission 21 22 but can injure and kill. 23 24 They believe that our bodies can be sacrificed in service to “the greater good” of society or, as utilitarians would put it, in order for government officials to be able to secure what they have judged to be “the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

A Weaponized Mandatory Vaccination System Is Threatening Autonomy

The political tool being used to achieve this end is weaponization of the mandatory vaccination system, which has been in place globally for the past two centuries. 33 It began with compulsory smallpox vaccination. 34 35 In the 21st century, compulsory vaccination laws have become the tip of the spear in the great culture war going on in this country and countries around the world as populations are being asked to answer these two questions and make a choice.

Does the individual have natural rights which limit the power of the state? Or does the state own the bodies of individuals and the legal right to use them for what those in power have judged to be “the greater good?”

These are profound questions. They strike at the heart of liberty and what it means to be free.

Those patriots who fought and died in the American Revolution to secure the freedoms we are trying so hard to protect knew how important freedom of thought and conscience were to preserving liberty. They had suffered persecution for their religious beliefs under oppressive hereditary monarchies. Trapped for centuries in inflexible class systems that kept them poor and powerless, they had fled from tyranny but still found themselves as residents of colonies being subjected to harsh taxation without representation and punished for speaking out against injustice.

The patriots who wrote the Declaration of Independence knew that without respect for autonomy and the right to exercise freedom of thought 36 and conscience, 37 individuals can be exploited 38 and become nothing more than slaves serving an authoritarian state.

The COVID-19 Pandemic Unleashed Sickness and Death and Abuse of Authority

For the past decade, I have talked about the Vaccine Culture War 39 because forced vaccination laws, which punish individuals for refusing to believe in the sanctity of vaccines and refusing to comply with vaccine mandates, have everything to do with the larger culture war being fought over what it means to be free. 40

Between 2020 and 2023, the whole world saw what can happen when governments fail to respect autonomy and freedom of thought and conscience. 41 This July 4, 2024, most of us know that scientists in biohazard labs conducting risky gain of function research created a mutated coronavirus that unleashed sickness and death on the world 42 43 44 45 with money from governments 46 47 doing the bidding of doctors and pharmaceutical companies in charge of the global Public Health Empire. We know that officials at the highest levels of the U.S. government 48 and in the United Nations World Health Organization lied to the people about what they did, 49 50 and they lied to the people about the risks and failures of the fast-tracked cell disrupter mRNA biological product 51 52 53 54 55 they called a “vaccine” but is unlike any “vaccine” ever injected into humans. 56 57 58 59

What we remember most from that betrayal of trust is that our autonomy, our freedom to think and speak and work and assemble freely, was taken away. In the digital public square, government officials brokered deals with Big Tech owners of social media companies to shut down all conversations about the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the mRNA biology if those conversations did not conform to government and World Health Organization-approved narratives.60 61 62 That censorship continues today, with NVIC and others who tried to tell the people the truth during the COVID pandemic still being blocked from the right to speak on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram and You Tube – even though the pandemic emergency declaration is over. 63 64 65

But beyond silencing all dissent, the Public Health Empire terrorized, injured and killed people in this country and all over the world by not only creating and then covering up the leak of the lab created SARS-CoV-2 virus, 66 but by forcing people to mask 67 68 and stay six feet away from each other 69 and buy and use a toxic, genetically engineered pharmaceutical product that not only injures and kills but doesn’t prevent infection and transmission of disease. 70 The societal sanctions used to punish people for refusing to comply with mandatory vaccination policies and laws included loss of the right to work and earn a living, 71 72 73 loss of the right to a college education, 74 loss of the right to work with or serve in the military, 75 loss of the right to get a lifesaving organ transplant, 76 and loss of the right to travel and enter public spaces. 77 78 79 80

What we witnessed was a stunning abuse of authority that struck at the very heart of the definition of liberty and what it means to be free. What we collectively suffered, we will never forget and should not forget.

Liberating Ourselves from the Public Health Empire

PHOTO-Woman-walking-on-path-with-trees-autonomy-copy.jpegOn July 4, 1776, the signers of the Declaration of Independence liberated themselves from abuse of authority by a monarchy ruled by a King. On July 4, 2024, the time has come to liberate ourselves from the systematic abuse being perpetrated by the Public Health Empire, whose leaders worship at the altar of scientism 81 82 83 84 and are forcing their hedonistic and Epicurean 85 86 87 utilitarian 88 89 90 and Marxist 91 values and beliefs on the rest of us to justify compromising the biological integrity of our bodies and the bodies of our children. 92 93

God gave us free will. With that free will, we can choose to do good or choose to do evil or choose to do nothing at all.

The journey we take on this earth is defined by the choices we make, and if we are not free to make choices, then the journey is not our own. The choices that involve risk of harm to our physical body, which houses our mind and spirit, are among the most profound choices we make and why we must be free to make them.

We give up the right to autonomy and voluntary informed consent to medical risk taking at our peril, no matter where or in what century we live.

Just like the patriots who signed the Declaration of Independence and pledged to put their lives, fortunes and sacred honors on the line to secure natural rights for themselves and future generations of Americans, we must do the same 248 years later.

It is time to stop forced vaccination policies and laws and affirm the natural right to autonomy in medical care and public health policy and law. We cannot wait any longer because: 

If the state can tag, track down and force individuals to be injected with biologicals of known and unknown toxicity today, then there will be no limit on which individual freedoms the state can take away in the name of the greater good tomorrow.

Join NVIC at and and fight for your natural rights. 94 95
Make a donation if you can.

Be the one who never has to say you did not do today what you could have done to change tomorrow.

It’s your health, your family, your choice.

Our mission continues: No forced vaccination. Not in America.

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