A WordPress Blog-THE CHURCH MILITANT Ephesians 5:11-"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them". This Christian News Blog maintains a one stop resource of current news and reports of its own related to church, moral, spiritual, and related political issues, plus articles, and postings from other online discernment ministries, and media which share the aims to obey the biblical commands to shed light on and refute error, heresy, apostasy, cults, and spiritual abuse. ALL CONTENT FROM HTTPS://RATHEREXPOSETHEM.BLOGSPOT.COM MOVED TO THIS NEW BLOG, MAY 2020
I know it’s confusing, so let me spell it out for you: This is the fruit of the hard-left indoctrination that passes for university education today.
“Columbia University student demonstrator taken away on stretcher as anti-Israel protests rage on,” by Steven Vago and Patrick Reilly, New York Post, April 20, 2024:
…Two days after more than 100 students were arrested when the NYPD raided a tent encampment on the Ivy League campus, roughly 200 demonstrators were still going strong on Saturday, chanting, holding signs and waving Palestinian flags.
At least three people were arrested, the NYPD confirmed. Two were cuffed for disorderly conduct and a third was slapped with summonses for a sound reproduction device.
“Up, up with liberation." Down, down with occupation,” they yelled through the locked campus gate on W. 115th and Broadway….
“We want justice, you say how?" "Stop arming Israel now!” another group chanted.
The students are demanding the university divest from Israel.
“We demand that Columbia sever academic ties with Israeli universities and we demand that Columbia stop censoring and intimidating students who are standing up and advocating for Palestinian liberation,” one student yelled through the gate to the crowd that had gathered on the other side outside of campus. Over 100 students were arrested at Columbia University on Thursday night.
A line of police officers in riot helmets watched on. A handful of Israeli supporters stood across Broadway — including one who was doused with fake blood for engaging with pro-Palestinian students.
Avi Lichtschein, 37, of Manhattan was walking his dog when the group surrounded him and shouted, “We don’t want no Zionists here!”…
Another pro-Israel bystander, Ross Glick, 50, told The Post his grandparents were Holocaust survivors. The Upper East Side resident grew up in the Midwest during the first intifada but said “this is more concerning.”
“There’s no doubt that there’s a lot of innocent people dying in Gaza but to call it a genocide….What about the 6,000 Muslims that were gassed by Assad?” Glick said.
“If you don’t like it go to Gaza,” he said about the protesters.
The protesters, he said, don’t want a peaceful solution. Students continued to occupy the lawn area at the Ivy League school on Saturday..
“You don’t hear them talk about peace or co-existence. [It’s] death to Israel,” he said….
Columbia University and Barnard College faculty slammed Thursday’s arrests and demanded that their records be expunged.
The American Association of University Professors at the sister schools issued a statement following a “mass emergency meeting” of faculty on Friday.
“We condemn in the strongest possible terms the Administration’s suspension of students engaged in peaceful protest and their arrest by the New York City Police Department,” according to a statement provided to The Post.
They said Columbia has an “absolute obligation” to protect students’ freedom of speech….
Yeah, except the freedom of speech of those with whom they disagree. If these were Trump supporters or foes of jihad violence who were demonstrating, the American Association of University Professors would be silent, or cheering on their incarceration. (a) Terrorism is an ideology. (b) They are openly supporting terror. (c) They are terrorists.
Terrorists have taken over Columbia University. The government needs to take… pic.twitter.com/yvVI9JEmn7
“Columbia University student demonstrator taken away on stretcher as anti-Israel protests rage on,” by Steven Vago and Patrick Reilly, New York Post, April 20, 2024:
…Two days after more than 100 students were arrested when the NYPD raided a tent encampment on the Ivy League campus, roughly 200 demonstrators were still going strong on Saturday, chanting, holding signs and waving Palestinian flags.
At least three people were arrested, the NYPD confirmed. Two were cuffed for disorderly conduct and a third was slapped with a summonses for a sound reproduction device.
“Up, up with liberation." Down, down with occupation,” they yelled through the locked campus gate on W. 115th and Broadway….
“We want justice, you say how?" "Stop arming Israel now!” another group chanted.
“We demand that Columbia sever academic ties with Israeli universities and we demand that Columbia stop censoring and intimidating students who are standing up and advocating for Palestinian liberation,” one student yelled through the gate to the crowd that had gathered on the other side outside of campus.
Over 100 students were arrested at Columbia University on Thursday night.
A line of police officers in riot helmets watched on. A handful of Israeli supporters stood across Broadway — including one who was doused with fake blood for engaging with pro-Palestinian students.
Avi Lichtschein, 37, of Manhattan was walking his dog when the group surrounded him and shouted, “We don’t want no Zionists here!”…
Another pro-Israel bystander, Ross Glick, 50, told The Post his grandparents were Holocaust survivors. The Upper East Side resident grew up in the Midwest during the first intifada but said “this is more concerning.”
“There’s no doubt that there’s a lot of innocent people dying in Gaza but to call it a genocide….What about the 6,000 Muslims that were gassed by Assad?” Glick said.
“If you don’t like it go to Gaza,” he said about the protesters.
The protesters, he said, don’t want a peaceful solution.
Students continued to occupy the lawn area at the Ivy League school on Saturday..
“You don’t hear them talk about peace or co-existence. [It’s] death to Israel,” he said….
Columbia University and Barnard College faculty slammed Thursday’s arrests and demanded that their records be expunged.
The American Association of University Professors at the sister schools issued a statement following a “mass emergency meeting” of faculty on Friday.
“We condemn in the strongest possible terms the Administration’s suspension of students engaged in peaceful protest and their arrest by the New York City Police Department,” according to a statement provided to The Post.
They said Columbia has an “absolute obligation” to protect students’ freedom of speech….
Yeah, except the freedom of speech of those with whom they disagree. If these were Trump supporters or foes of jihad violence who were demonstrating, the American Association of University Professors would be silent, or cheering on their incarceration.
Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.
There’s a reason this keeps happening.
When pro-Hamas supporters rioted outside the Museum of Tolerance for screening footage of Hamas atrocities on the anniversary of Kristallnacht, Mayor Karen Bass and the media, including most shamefully the JTA, described it as clashes between both sides and denounced “violence”.
Now some of the groups behind that protest, which have openly defended Hamas, decided to head to the site of another local Holocaust museum, the Los Angeles Holocaust Museum in Pan Pacific Park for their pro terrorist hate rally.
There’s a reason this keeps happening. And there’s a reason that no one actually condemns it.
KKK rallies outside black churches would lead to an immediate response. Supporters of murdering Jews protesting outside Holocaust museums hardly even rate a mention.
This comes at a time when the DSA and other leftists, and their members, like this Bernie Sanders supporter, feel increasingly emboldened to attack Jews in Los Angeles.
A home invasion suspect reportedly shouted “Free Palestine!” and threatened to kill a Jewish family in Studio City Wednesday morning.
According to various local reports, a man broke into a home on the 3000 block of Laurel Canyon Boulevard sometime around 5 a.m. The suspect, who was armed with a kitchen knife, allegedly threatened to kill the family “because you are Jewish… Israel kills people,” per KTLA. The homeowner is reportedly from Israel. All the doors to the house are also reportedly adorned with mezuzot.
The family, which according to KTLA consisted of two adults (one of whom is nine months pregnant) and four children, hid in a safe room until the father came out and pushed the man into the backyard, where the suspect was subsequently arrested.
The suspect can be seen in video footage shouting, “Free Palestine” repeatedly and “brown lives matter” as he was being taken into a police vehicle.
Then we had this in Brentwood.
This is the work of a leftist movement that learned in 2020 that it could terrorize people with impunity. There’s no political or criminal accountability and little in the way of critical coverage. Behavior like this has become legitimized. And it won’t end here.
Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.
It is not in spite of things like this that Tlaib is a darling of the Left. It’s because of things like this.
“Rashida Tlaib member of secret Facebook group where Hamas terrorists glorified,” by Peter Hasson, Fox News, November 15, 2023:
EXCLUSIVE: Rep. Rashida Tlaib is part of a secret social media group in which its members have glamorized Hamas in its war battle with Israel after the terror group attacked and killed hundreds of innocent Israeli civilians last month, Fox News Digital has found.
The Michigan Democrat is a member of the Palestinian-American Congress group on Facebook. The group is hidden from non-members and does not appear on the platform’s search engine, though Fox News Digital was able to gain access to it.
The group’s founder, Maher Abdel-qader, who has extensive ties to Tlaib and has also been linked to other liberal politicians, has come under fire in the past for his antisemitic social media posts, including questioning if the Holocaust ever occurred.
The Palestinian American Congress group, of which Tlaib is a member, has featured pro-Hamas posts in the wake of the deadly Oct. 7 attack on Israel.
On Oct. 12, one group member posted: “We don’t want to throw you in the sea…we want you to ride it back from where you came.” The message was accompanied by a picture of an elderly Israeli woman and a Hamas fighter holding her captive.
On Oct. 19, another group member wrote about the “achievements” of the “resistance in Northern occupied Palestine,” including dozens of dead Israeli soldiers. The post included a picture of a Hamas fighter….
Could the Holocaust happen again? After all the open endorsements of Hamas we have seen the world over these days, the answer to that is obvious. Can it happen here? Of course. A candidate for city council in Michigan has just made that clear.
Nasr Hussain is running for a seat on the city council of Hamtramck, Mich., the first city in our new multicultural and diverse (vibrantly diverse, that is) society to elect only Muslims to its council. Hussain, a Muslim himself, doesn’t promise to make the city council more diverse, and as far as leftists are concerned, an all-Muslim city council, despite its monolithic, monochromatic character, is about as diverse as a city council could possibly get. But candidate Hussain does have something to offer: an intriguing theological perspective on the events of the day.
On Monday, Hussain posted this on Facebook: "Was the holocaust God's advance punishment of the ‘Chosen People’ for the savagery they're committing today against the innocent Palestinians [sic] children and civilians? A heinous act proving that they're as savage and cruel as the Nazis themselves, or even worse.”
The thoughtful theologian helpfully added a clarification: “Take into consideration that God isn’t confined by space or time and that they believe in reincarnation.” Who believes in reincarnation? Not the Jews, but after all, since the Qur’an (9:30) claims that Jews worship the prophet Ezra as the son of God despite the fact that no Jew has ever been found who actually does this, making things up about what Jews believe is a venerable Islamic tradition.
In its write-up on Hussain’s Facebook post, the Detroit News adds this helpful bit of background information that clarifies why the candidate is so very angry at Jews: “More than 8,500 Palestinians have been killed in the war, mostly women and children, the Health Ministry in Gaza said Tuesday, without providing a breakdown of civilian and militant deaths.” The News adds that “the figure is without precedent in decades of Israeli-Palestinian violence, according to the Associated Press.
Wow, that’s terrible! But read that paragraph again. Who exactly is the source of this information? That’s right: the Health Ministry in Gaza. And who runs the Health Ministry in Gaza? Neither the Detroit News nor AP will tell you, but I will: Hamas. Hamas runs the Health Ministry in Gaza as Hamas is in control of the entire government in Gaza. Are Hamas’ casualty figures reliable? No, and we have a very recent example of this.
On Oct. 18, the same Health Ministry claimed that Israel had struck a Gaza hospital and that five hundred people had been killed. As it turned out, a stray Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket hit the hospital parking lot, not the hospital itself, and between ten and fifty people were killed, not five hundred. The Gaza Health Ministry has an obvious interest in exaggerating civilian casualties in Gaza. Still, establishment media outlets continue to accept and repeat its claims uncritically.
Meanwhile, the ominous implications of Hussain’s post cannot be understated. If Allah could have pre-emptively arranged a massacre of the Jews to punish them for crimes they would allegedly commit eighty years later, then the Holocaust was entirely justified, and if it was justified once, it could be justified again. Apparently, Hussain even thinks that Jews of today believe they are the reincarnated souls of those who were murdered in the Holocaust and clearly would like to see them suffer the same fate one more time.
It is also important to remember that while the Bible says, “Vengeance is mine, says the Lord” (Deuteronomy 32:35, Romans 12:19), the Qur’an directs Muslims to be the instruments of Allah’s punishment of the infidels: “Fight them, and Allah will punish them by your hands, and he will lay them low and give you victory over them, and he will heal the hearts of people who are believers. And he will remove the anger of their hearts” (9:14-15).
If Allah is going to punish the unbelievers by the hands of the believers, and the Holocaust was his judgment on the Jews, some Muslims may get the idea that it’s time to carry out a new Holocaust so as to heal their hearts after all the terrible things the Jews have supposedly done to them. And this isn’t being argued only in Lahore, Tehran, and Ramallah. It’s being argued in Michigan. Are you enjoying the sheer vibrance of our national diversity yet?
Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.
The scales have fallen from the eyes of Henry Kissinger. He was a signatory in 2015 to a letter that urged Congress to pass legislation allowing more Muslims from Syria and Iraq — claiming to be refugees — to be admitted to the United States. Now he looks at Europe, where millions of Muslims have been allowed to settle, where they batten on the benefits provided by those generous welfare states, and sees how they have spread the virus of antisemitism that they brought with them when they arrived. Kissinger was shaken by the murderous antisemitism that was on display this week in the pro-Hamas demonstrations that Muslims and their willing collaborators took part in in many European cities. More on Kissinger’s new understanding of the Muslim threat can be found here: “Europe Let in Too Many Foreigners, Says Henry Kissinger in Wake of Pro-Hamas Demonstrations Across Continent,” by Oliver JJ Lane, Breitbart, October 13, 2023:
Pro-Hamas demonstrations show European nations, including Germany, made a “grave mistake,” and the continent should be concerned about future hostage-taking raids against its own people if the idea [sic] isn’t defeated quickly, Henry Kissinger warns.
“Europe is subject to internal pressure by groups of people “of totally different culture and religion” because of the “grave mistake” of admitting too many foreigners, Henry Kissinger said of the phenomenon of demonstrations across Europe in support of Hamas terrorists this week.
Kissinger spoke of groups of people now in Europe “of totally different culture and religion.” He didn’t use the word “Muslim,” but it is obvious whom he was speaking about, and now he admits that it was a “grave mistake” to admit so many of them; there are now tens of millions of Muslims spread across Europe. Their violent demonstrations in support of Hamas terrorists have put on full display the moral abyss between Muslims and Europeans, It’s not only antisemitism that Kissinger worries about, but the anti-Infidel worldview that already has made life so difficult for the indigenous non-Muslims in Europe, now forced to share their towns and cities with those — Muslim migrants — who hate and despise them almost as much as they do Jews.
Speaking to Politico in the wake of the Hamas terrorist attack against Israel on Saturday, longtime kingpin of the globalist movement Henry Kissinger walked back his previous position on the importance of keeping Western nations open to refugee flows and said the events of recent days showed nations had gone too far. He told the publication observing celebrations in German cities in support of Hamas is “painful” to watch.
Kissinger said: “It was a grave mistake to let in so many people of totally different culture and religion and concepts, because it creates a pressure group inside each country that does that.”.[i.e., promotes Islam]
Europe should give “unconditional political support for Israeli action” now the terrorist attack has happened, Kissinger continued, and not least because in his view European states have a vested interest in making sure no precedent is set for raids and mass taking of hostages from Western nations is set. He concluded: “Israel must vindicate its sovereignty in that area, and that it cannot permit Gaza to return to a state where it could emerge, take thousands or a large number hostage, kill thousands, and then live in that condition side-by-side with Israel.
“I would say every European nation has the same interest because the same attitude might erupt in the direction of Europe.”
Kissinger has finally realized that the war against Israel is not one over borders, but rather, over the very existence of the Jewish state. And he now grasps that the same jihadist impulse can be found, though it has not yet reached Hamas-like violence and depravity, among the Muslim populations in Europe. As Kissinger says, Israel has to “vindicate [make absolutely clear] its sovereignty” and to ensure that Hamas is crushed, so that in Gaza there will be no possibility of returning to the status quo ante bellum. Israel in Gaza is battling the same Jihadist annihilationist threat that the rest of the West will face in the future from its own population of Muslim migrants; Western solidarity with Israel in its war should now be firmly expressed.
While hostage-taking raids on Europe may seem far-fetched, they are not without ample historical precedent and match other warnings about the very high-consequence risk of the tactic coming to Europe’s shores.
Kissinger’s comments on the “grave mistake” and danger presented by mass migration creating alien power structures within Western nations are a considerable shift from his previous positions, which he long acknowledged were influenced by his own experience as a refugee from Nazi Germany going to America in the 1930s….
As a refugee from the Nazis, Kissinger was reflexively favorable to all those wanting to be admitted to the U.S. as refugees or, rather, all those who claimed to be refugees. This was a colossal error on his part, based on his ignorance of Islam and his dreamy belief that all refugees were essentially equal in their ability, and willingness, to assimilate. He did not distinguish between a Muslim coming from Syria or Iraq and a Christian coming from Mexico or the Philippines. It has taken him many decades to grasp the nature of Islam, and the threat posed by Muslims.
Kissinger in 2015 urged Congress to take in more Muslim migrants because, in his tortured logic, that would show that the United States had nothing against Muslims and, so he dreamily believed, this would lessen the appeal of ISIS. But ISIS’s appeal was unaffected by how Infidels treated Muslims. ISIS didn’t care if Infidel states treated Muslims well or ill; its goal was to destroy all of them and to create a world where Islam everywhere dominates, and Muslims rule, everywhere. Kissinger wanted to admit Muslims into the U.S. so as to head off a “war between Islam and the West.” He failed so singularly to understand that nothing the West can do will win permanent Muslim favor; if the West were to allow the Muslims to destroy Israel, that would merely whet, not sate, Muslim appetites for still more Islamic victories over Infidels. That war, or jihad, has been waged by Muslims against the world’s non-Muslims for the past 1400 years. When the Western world admits Muslims into its midst, that does not change the Muslim imperative to conquer, by demography or by war, the Infidel lands and peoples. Allowing more Muslim migrants into our countries simply swells the size of a dangerous fifth column.
Kissinger, who has always fancied himself a master of geopolitical realpolitik, was innocent about the texts and teachings of Islam, unaware that waging jihad is a permanent duty for all Muslims. Now he seems, at the age of 100, to recognize that he was wrong on the subject of Muslim migrants and that the Western world, too, was wrong, in admitting Muslims who for the most part do not wish to, and are unable to, integrate peacefully into the societies of Infidels who are, Muslims are taught, “the most vile of created beings.”
Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa, on the matter of Muslim migrants, signals Henry Kissinger at long last. He has a lot to answer for, as do all those other cosseted soi-disant “brilliant thinkers” in their chanceries and think tanks and consultancies — the people belonging to the political elites of Europe who ignored Islamic history and theology, and admitted into their midst tens of millions of Muslims who may yet be the agents of the civilized Western world’s destruction.
Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.
A Human Rights Watch board member does not belong on a Holocaust museum board.
I have written about the problems with the Holocaust Museum in D.C. before. It’s a government museum and like most of those pursues predictable political agendas that have nothing to do with the Holocaust or Jews.
The Holocaust Memorial Council acts as the board of trustees, but like a lot of government institution boards, it’s a prestigious line to add to the biographies of major donors or political allies. There have been some whoppingly bad appointments by past administrations In a final insult to the Jewish community, Obama appointed Ben Rhodes, the lead advocate for the Iran nuke sellout, to the council.
Biden has appointed Kimberly Marteau Emerson. Kimberly, the wife of John Emerson. a Democrat operative and financial bigwig, picked by Obama to be his ambassador to Germany.
Kimberly Marteau Emerson.has been on the board of directors for Human Rights Watch since 2012.
HRW has repeatedly and falsely accused Israel of “apartheid”. Its personnel have done little to conceal their desire for the destruction of the Jewish State and the extermination of its population.
Joe Stork, who served for many years as HRW’s Deputy Director of Middle East issues. Before being hired by HRW, Stork openly supported Palestinian terror attacks against Jewish civilians, and opposed any and all peace treaties between Israel and Arab states.
Stork even traveled to Saddam Hussein’s Iraq for a conference on “Zionism and Racism.
Analyzing Israel’s victory in the 1967 War, Stork suggested what would be needed for the Arab states to reverse the outcome and destroy Israel:
In 2009, HRW bizarrely defended its senior military analyst Marc Garlasco following revelations that he was an avid collector of Nazi memorabilia and had even authored a book about Nazi-era medals. According to The Guardian, Garlasco once commented that a leather SS jacket made “my blood go cold it is so COOL!”
HRW founder Robert Bernstein blasted the organization’s pathological anti-Israel animus in a 2009 op-ed published in The New York Times, in which he lamented the turn the organization had taken regarding the Middle East. At HRW, Bernstein wrote, the organization originally drew distinctions between liberal and repressive states, focusing on the latter. However, HRW, “with increasing frequency, casts aside its important distinction between open and closed societies.”
Bernstein observed that this change in focus was most apparent in the Middle East, where HRW “has written far more condemnations of Israel for violations of international law than of any other country in the region,” even though the region “is populated by authoritarian regimes with appalling human rights records.”
In the spring of 2009, Sarah Leah Whitson, the organization’s top Middle East official, traveled to Saudi Arabia and, as part of her pitch, said that she needed to raise funds to fight “pro-Israel pressure groups.”
To get a sense of HRW’s disturbing anti-Israel bias, consider this: over the past five years, the NGO has authored seven special reports on Israel. In comparison, the organization published none condemning North Korea, one of the worst criminal regimes in the world; and only three reports addressed the human rights violations of the repressive, theocratic regime in Iran.
The report’s primary author is Omar Shakir, HRW’s Israel/Palestine director, who signed a pledge in 2015 to “honor the BDS call.” The founder and leader of the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement has stated openly that his movement aims to see Israel dismantled
Kimberly Marteau Emerson is a completely inappropriate choice. No HRW official or board member should ever have a position in a Holocaust memorial organization.
Kimberly Marteau Emerson is a lawyer, civic leader, and human rights advocate. She currently serves on the Board of Trustees of Bard College in Annandale-on-Hudson, and is Chair of the Board of Governors of Bard College Berlin. She also serves on the Board of Directors of Human Rights Watch, and on the Advisory Boards of the USC Center on Public Diplomacy, the Thomas Mann House, and United Way in Germany. Emerson served in the Clinton Administration as spokesperson and public liaison for U.S.I.A. From 2013 to 2017, she worked in Berlin alongside her husband, U.S. Ambassador to Germany John B. Emerson (retired) to drive projects on multiple platforms, including the Embassy’s efforts to combat anti-Semitism and its integration efforts during the 2015 refugee crisis. She has twice been an election observer in Nigeria, and worked on relief projects, among others, in Lesbos, Greece, during the 2015/2016 crisis, and in Sri Lanka post-Tsunami. She has received several awards for her civic engagement, including annual or special awards from the American Jewish Committee, People for the American Way, the Music Center of Los Angeles County, the LA Children’s Chorus, and United Friends of the Children. She holds a B.A. from UCLA, a J.D. from UC Hastings College of the Law, and a D.E.S.U. from l’Université de Droit d’Aix-Marseille.
Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.
It is no secret that Germany has a long and shameful history of left-wing Jew-haters colluding with Jew-hating Muslims.
Berlin has been hit by another disturbing wave of antisemitism as hundreds of Muslim protesters, mainly migrants, chanted “death to Israel” and “death to Jews” in two city neighborhoods with a large Islamic presence, Kreuzberg and Neukölln. The rally was centered on the ongoing controversy at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, where radical Palestinians barricaded themselves in al-Aqsa Mosque in violation of religious compound rules.
Israel’s Ambassador to Germany, Ron Prosor, slammed the rally, accusing the participants of abusing Germany’s freedoms and “unreservedly” calling for the annihilation of Israel and Jews. In a powerful tweet, he also accused them of “flouting democratic values,” “crossing every possible red line,” and “spitting in the brown [fascist] well from which they drink.”
The rally was captured on video, which shows protesters chanting “Free Palestine” and antisemitic slogans. According to the organization Democ, the protesters also glorified terrorism.
Many Muslims were draped in their Palestinian war scarves (keffiyehs), which many believe to be the modern equivalent of the Nazi swastika while chanting genocidal anti-Jewish Islamic chants. For example, mobs screamed, “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free,” this is code for eradicating the State of Israel and its millions of Jews.
The rally has prompted responses from German officials, with Felix Klein, the Federal Commissioner for Combating Antisemitism, and Katharina von Schnurbein, his European counterpart, both condemning the protesters. Von Schnurbein emphasized that hate speech against Jews is “painful and unacceptable” and should be punished.
Experts have criticized Germany’s fight against antisemitism. Henryk M. Broder, a German Jewish expert on antisemitism, lambasted Berlin’s commissioner to combat antisemitism, Samuel Salzborn, for misguided priorities, including his focus on renaming streets originally named after antisemites. Critics argue that Salzborn focused on a low-level priority while the city struggles with Islamic-animated antisemitism and violent Jew-hatred.
The Simon Wiesenthal Center has also urged some German commissioners to resign due to their alleged antisemitic comments. At the same time, Rabbi Abraham Cooper of the center has criticized Berlin’s annual al-Quds Day rally, calling it “antisemitic, not only anti-Israel.” The rally, held nearly every year since 1996, is an Iranian invention designed to create and increase hatred of the Jewish people and their connection to Jerusalem.
Open borders Germany
The violent acts and calls for jihad against Jews in Germany and Europe are a stark reminder of the catastrophic consequences of multiculturalism and mass-Islamic migration. The globalist agenda of open borders, relentlessly promoted by legacy media, has made life increasingly intolerable for European non-Muslim populations.
Former left-wing Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to allow almost two million people from some of the most antisemitic countries to immigrate to Germany has had disastrous consequences. The Jewish community is now suffering from a wave of attacks, threats, and murders, and their pleas to stop importing Islamic antisemitism have fallen on deaf ears. Instead, left-wing leaders and their media allies have waged a campaign to silence and prosecute anyone who dares to expose this problem.
It is no secret that Germany has a long and shameful history of left-wing Jew-haters colluding with Jew-hating Muslims. But sadly, Germany has gone to great lengths to whitewash this history from its past.
If Germany fails to reverse the influx of refugees pouring into its country, the security and freedoms of Jews, Christians, women, gays, and non-Muslims will continue to erode. It is time for Germany to acknowledge the failure of multiculturalism and mass-Islamic migration and take urgent steps to protect its citizens from the perils of open borders.
Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.
Tarek Namouz said: “We will take control of all people by force and by the ruling of Sharia law.”
Where are all the Islamic apologists to explain to us that Sharia is entirely benign and has nothing whatsoever to do with violence or coercion?
Namouz also referred to “striking the necks.”
Where did he get that idea?
“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks…” (Qur’an 47:4)
“Barber shop owner ‘sent £25,000 to ISIS terrorist in Syria to buy weapons after receiving taxpayer-funded Covid grants’ as court hears he ‘wanted holocausts like Hitler,'” by Duncan Gardham and Martin Robinson, MailOnline, November 24, 2022 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):
A former pub landlord turned barber shop owner sent £25,000 to ISIS fighters in Syria for weapons after claiming thousands of pounds in taxpayer-funded Covid grants, a court heard today.
Tarek Namouz, 43, from West London, had received money from the government to assist his business, Boss Crew Barbers, during the Covid 19 pandemic, and lived in a third-floor flat above the shop.
The former pub landlord is accused of boasting that the terrorists he is accused of funding have ‘incinerators like Hitler’. In WhatsApp messages read to court he also allegedly said: ‘I want to burn Christianity, we have incinerators and holocausts like Hitler, a lesson from history’.
He is accused of sending money on at least seven separate dates between November 2020 and April 2021, which was intended to fund a militia in Syria.
John McGuinness KC, prosecuting, told the jury: ‘At the time you may remember the Covid pandemic was very much ongoing in 2020 and 2021 The defendant was periodically in receipt of Covid grant relief from his local authority, Hammersmith and Fulham.’
When police raided the barber’s shop in Blythe Road, Olympia they found cash and a hidden mobile phone containing messages to a contact in Syria, an ISIS bomb-making video and a video showing how to kill with a knife.
In the months leading up to his arrest, he transferred money using Trust Money Transfers on Edgware Road, sending it to Syria, where he had lived until he was aged 14.
Mr McGuinness told the jury at Kingston Crown Court: ‘He would generally give cash to the bureau which would be converted into Syrian pounds and sent overseas as cash’ where it was received by a man called Yahya Ahmed Alia.
The former pub landlord boasted the terrorists he is accused of funding have ‘incinerators like Hitler’ in a WhatsApp exchange with Mr Alia, the court heard.
He allegedly said ‘I want to burn Christianity, we have incinerators and holocausts like Hitler, a lesson from history’ in an exchange on Arabic the app uncovered on his Samsung phone.
Mr Alia replied ‘Shia, Alawites and Druz’ to which Namouz allegedly said ‘100 per cent’.
The pair also talked up plans to kill non-believers, behead opponents, carry out public executions in the streets and display bodies following an anticipated victory in a battle for control of the country’s capital Damascus, the trial was told.
In one exchange Namouz is said to have written: ‘We will take control of all people by force and by the ruling of Sharia law.
‘Whoever is not happy can get lost/he can leave.
Later in the exchange he refers to ‘striking the necks’ and ‘slaughtering with the knife.’
He then says ‘I swear to Allah we will cause chaos’ and ‘kill the non-believers’.
In the exchanges Mr Alia said ‘Whoever is not happy, a bullet in their head, I don’t want a single person alive who would oppose Sharia’.
Mr Alia also told him ‘we’re in an excellent situation now’ after purchasing Kalashnikovs and a gun to which Namouz is said to have replied ‘great, blessing.’
Officers identified seven transfers between November 2020 and April 2021, for a total of about £11,280.
‘The prosecution say the seven sums set out were not the only money sent out, there was other money sent for which the prosecution does not have any records,’ Mr McGuinness said.
During a bugged conversation in August 2021, with a friend who was visiting him in prison after his arrest, Namouz allegedly said that police knew about some of the transfers but did not know he had transferred more and referred to sending £25,000 to the same man in Syria….
Namouz does not dispute he made the transfers but initially claimed he had sent money out to help those who were ‘poor and needy’ in Syria, the jury was told…
Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.
(Natural News) One of the most concerning side effects of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” is that they seem to be preventing reproduction by killing babies still in the womb.
Rates of stillbirth, new reports indicate, continue to increase as fully vaccinated mothers fail to deliver their children in growing numbers. As many as 28 out of 29 women, depending on the data source – that statistic comes from Pfizer itself, believe it or not – are experiencing stillborn deliveries in the covid injection era.
A hospital in the Fresno, Calif., area circulated an email internally that suggests stillbirths are up big time – 500 percent, in fact – compared to pre-Operation Warp Speed. That email was leaked to the independent media, which is reporting on it while the corporate media ignores it.
As far as mainstream news goes, Fauci Flu shots are still the best and greatest thing a person can take to protect against the Chinese Flu. In reality, though, the shots are having a depopulation effect on those who take them. (Related: Earlier this year, it was reported that at least half a million spontaneous abortions have occurred as a result of covid injections.)
The nurse says she heard of two mothers whose babies developed blood clots in the womb
Prior to the release of the shots, stillbirths were relatively rare. At the hospital in question, about one or two occurred every three months or so. Now, dozens of stillbirths are occurring monthly – a substantial increase.
The Epoch Times, which first reported on the revelation, reached out to the head nurse who wrote the email to inquire about why she referred to the cases as “demise patients.” She has yet to respond.
California Today, which also reported on the leaked email, put together a video segment that you can watch on the RAIR Foundation website.
If you are an Epoch Times subscriber, you can also watch a 25-minute video exposé about the leaked email at this link.
Epoch has a live chat associated with the video in which one woman claims she suffered not just one but two stillbirths after getting jabbed back in early 2021.
“I was a ‘liberal’ and believed my doctors,” this person wrote. “I’m so glad word is getting out about this. Hopefully, others can be spared this horrible pain.”
Another person mentioned the “Under the Skin” documentary, which discusses the problems sheep who get vaccinated with mRNA shots for brucellosis suffer. Many of the sheep died not long after the experimental drug was injected into them, the film explains.
“I am a nurse and I have heard of two mothers whose babies have had blood clots in the womb,” wrote another. “I have NEVER heard of such a thing before. It’s just hearsay, though. I have no actual evidence.”
Someone else asked what it is going to take for more people to come to a realization that these shots are dangerous and have no business being injected into people’s bodies based on everything we now know about them.
“Herod did the same thing with his massacre of the innocents,” wrote someone else, referring to the famous Bible story about the genocide of all male children two years and younger in the vicinity of Bethlehem, where Jesus Christ was born.
“I will repeat one virologist who said, ‘whoever made the virus is satanic, however, whoever made the vaccines is 10 times as satanic,'” wrote another person, referring to the two different types of spike proteins in the virus versus the injections.
Want to learn more about the dangers and ineffectiveness of vaccines?
Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.
(Natural News) Covid vaccines are currently killing an estimated 10,000 people a day worldwide, with total fatalities likely in the 5 – 12 million range. These numbers come from a rigorous analysis of mortality data (excess deaths) following the introduction of covid vaccines in early 2021. Because excess deaths are very difficult for governments to hide, these excess deaths are emerging as the smoking gun for overall vaccine deaths.
Steve Kirsch estimates that 1 person is currently dead from vaccines for every 1,000 doses administered. In the United States, roughly 600 million doses have been administered so far (yes, more than one for every person in the country), and that roughly equates to about 600,000 deaths in the USA (and counting).
Worldwide, with over 12 billion doses administered, we have likely seen around 12 million deaths so far.
More conservative estimates put that number at 5 million rather than 12 million, but in either case, it’s in the millions globally.
Why the deaths are going to continue to climb even if the vaccines are halted right now
Importantly, we know that post-vaccine deaths are distributed over time. While a few people die in the first 48 hours, many deaths are taking place many months or even a year or two after the vaccine injections. Why is this happening?
Our laboratory tests on vaccine clots may provide meaningful answers. Thanks to the efforts of Dr. Jane Ruby and embalmer Richard Hirschman who were able to get me post-vaccine clot samples for laboratory analysis, we have been able to establish several shocking facts about these clots:
Fact #1) The clots grow larger over time, inside the body’s circulatory system. This means they are self-assembling systems / bio-machinery.
Fact #2) As they grow larger, they accumulate or harvest certain elements from the circulating blood supply. Via ICP-MS laboratory testing, we have conclusively shown that Tin, Aluminum, and Sodium are being harvested from the blood and incorporated into the structures of the clots.
Fact #3) As the clots grow, they take up more space in the blood vessels. At first, the live blood simply flows around the clots. But clots may be dislodged during rigorous physical activity (such as jogging or playing soccer), or the clots may at some point achieve a 100% blockage of the artery, resulting in a “died suddenly” event.
Importantly, it appears that these clots take many months or even a year or two to grow to sufficient size to fully block blood vessels and arteries.
This means the deaths observed so far are only a fraction of the deaths yet to come.
Many people who took these jabs, in other words, are ticking time bombs of inevitable cardiovascular blockage and death. It’s only a matter of time before the clots grow larger enough to halt blood flow. Once blood flow to the brain is halted, death ensues in a matter of a few minutes.
These are not blood clots, and anti-clotting drugs do nothing to resolve these clots
To our knowledge, there is no known cure to dissolve or remove these clots from the cardiovascular system. We have interviewed physicians who have attempted to treat these clots with powerful anti-clotting medications such as Heparin, and these drugs achieve nothing.
That’s because these clots are not blood clots. They are elastic, rugged biostructures that resemble the strength and texture of rubber bands. I have manipulated these clots on live broadcast streaming (via the Alex Jones Show) where, under a lab microscope, I demonstrated the shocking strength and resilience of these clot structures. Again, they are not blood clots. They are strong, rubbery-like protein biostructures that absolutely do not belong in the human body.
Under a microscope, they look like this, which is nothing like a blood clot:
In addition, as we have conclusively shown via ICP-MS lab tests, these clots are almost completely lacking the key elements of life that would be present in the blood, such as Iron, Magnesium, and Potassium.
Blood Results
Clot Results
Mg (magnesium)
35 ppm
1.7 ppm
K (potassium)
1893 ppm
12.5 ppm
Fe (iron)
462 ppm
20.6 ppm
Zn (zinc)
7.9 ppm
2.4 ppm
Cl (chlorine)
930,000 ppm
290,000 ppm
P (phosphorous)
1130 ppm
4900 ppm
Post-vaccine clot deaths are likely to continue mounting for years to come
What all this means is that post-vaccine clot deaths are going to continue mounting for years to come as the clots expand in size inside people’s bodies. While 1 in 1000 people may be dead already, there could conceivably be another 9 in 1000 who are going to die from clots as they continue to expand, reaching perhaps 10 in 1000 who ultimately die (or 1 in 100).
In other words, in a world where 12 billion vaccine injections have been administered, we could see 120 million deaths (or more).
The thing is, we don’t yet know:
In what percentage of vaccine recipients the clots are growing.
How quickly the clots are growing.
Whether the clots ever stop growing, or what causes them to stop.
Whether anything can reverse the clot growth and reduce or eliminate the clots.
There are plenty of theories on all these questions, but to my knowledge, we don’t have anything conclusive yet. The situation is worsened by the fact that the entire medical establishment outright refuses to even acknowledge the existence of these clots, nor will they admit to any link whatsoever between vaccines and excess mortality. Thus, the genocidal cover-up continues, and people will continue to die for years to come.
Covid vaccines have created a “vaccine holocaust” that’s only going to get worse
Given up to 12 million deaths right now, we are already seeing Holocaust-scale mass death from these vaccines. This vaccine holocaust is going to get far worse. Where the Nazi Holocaust reportedly claimed the lives of six million victims, this vaccine holocaust could conceivably kill sixty million, or even ten times that over time. Consider this when you see media reports touting “annual mRNA injections” now being ramped up by the vaccine manufacturers. They want to hit you with one of these shots every year until you die. Anybody gullible enough to keep taking these clot shots will surely die sooner than they had imagined, especially when they stupidly believed the shots were protecting them rather than exterminating them.
Global depopulation, it turns out, has been remarkably easy to achieve. They didn’t need mass ovens, prison camps, and a shooting war with the people. All they needed was to release a bioweapon and scare people into taking death shots (euthanasia labeled “vaccines”) and wait for the gullible masses to line up and take the jabs.
Some groups — such as LGBT — have achieved over 95% vaccine compliance and are begging for even more vaccines due to monkeypox. This particular demographic, as you can tell, has no future on planet Earth since they are eliminating themselves from the planet. But the same is also true for many church groups, conservatives, and medical professionals who were gullible enough to take these jabs. That’s why so many doctors are falling over dead in recent months, and there’s a whole lot more of that yet to be witnessed.
Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.
(Natural News) There are varying educated opinions about the true number of deaths caused by Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” worldwide. According to Steve Kirsch, a conservative estimate is around 12 million people, a figure 40 times higher than the number of Americans who died during World War II.
Kirsch says a reasonable way to estimate covid jab deaths is to divide the number of doses by 1,000. Based on the 600 million doses delivered just in the United States, this amounts to 600,000 deaths, which he says “is right in the ballpark.”
An even more conservative calculation is to divide the number of doses by 2,500. This is the method Mathew Crawford used to conclude that 411 people die per one million doses of shot administered. (Related: Remember when the medical establishment was doing everything possible to avoid autopsying the bodies of people who took covid “vaccines” from the likes of Pfizer?)
As a type of independent peer review, Kirsch offered up a $1 million reward to anyone who is able to debunk Crawford’s figure. So far, nobody has even attempted to refute it.
Using Crawford’s conservative estimate, the global total of covid jab deaths is around five million, or only 16 times the number of Americans killed in WWII.
“We are approaching the 6M Jews killed in the Holocaust over a period of 12 years,” Kirsch writes. “But we are killing people worldwide at a rate at least 6X faster than the Germans did.”
“We are killing nearly close to 10,000 people every single day (the latest rate was roughly 8.46 million doses a day).”
Fauci Flu shots are a kiss of death
Since 385,000 babies are born every day, this killing spree can theoretically go on forever, Kirsch notes – even if the birth rate ends up dropping by 90 percent due to the long-term sterilizing effects of the shots.
No matter how you look at it, a lot of people are dying from these things. And governments have yet to acknowledge that fact, or the fact that covid jab deaths are far higher than actual covid deaths – assuming covid is even as real as the virus they claim it is.
“We are killing an awful lot of people, but world leaders are looking the other way and saying nothing while all of us watch the high number of death reports in the media of people who died ‘unexpectedly’ and hear no explanation from the medical community or the CDC,” Kirsch says.
“We are supposed to trust that they have things well in hand, even though they won’t appear on camera in front of anyone who doesn’t have scripted, pre-approved questions. The vaccine is never mentioned in any of these unexplained death reports.”
Oddly enough – or perhaps not to readers in the know – almost nobody who refused the shots is getting sick with “covid” anymore. The only people falling ill or dying are those who got “fully vaccinated,” “boosters” included.
“The CDC will not require medical examiners to do the proper tests to make the association,” Kirsch says. “They could easily do that. But they won’t. That tells you everything you need to know about the corruption.”
“So it will be an unexplained rise in unexplained deaths due to unknown causes because nobody in the mainstream media is ever going to admit they were wrong and ask a few unscripted questions.”
Kirsch also believes that Donald Trump is too afraid to speak out against the jabs, which somehow explains why he repeatedly promoted them while calling himself the “father of the vaccine.”
To learn more about the dangers and ineffectiveness of covid “vaccines” and other products from Pfizer, be sure to check out ChemicalViolence.com.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.
The real lesson of the Holocaust is killing Jews.
Nasima Begum, who used to work as the spokeswoman for the Muslim Council of Britain, does not like Jews very much. Past tweets include heartfelt thoughts such as "Death to you Zionist scum".
This didn't stop her from getting work with the BBC or being brought on board by the Anne Frank Trust UK to train the “youth” in the arts of tolerance.
Despite the name of the murdered Jewish girl, the Anne Frank Trust UK was seeking trustees with "lived experiences" of "anti-black racism, disability, homophobia and transphobia" and was "particularly keen to address anti-black racism as a priority" as "highlighted by the Black Lives Matter movement". Those merely concerned about the matter of anti-semitism need not apply.
Organizations with Anne Frank’s name, but having nothing to do with her, Holocaust victims, or the Jewish community have proliferated around the world. These organizations, generally not even Jewish, have instead served as incubators of antisemitism in exactly this sort of way.
The Anne Frank Foundation in Switzerland funds BDS hate groups. An Anne Frank center in Frankfurt Germany compared ISIS terrorists to Jews. At the Anne Frank Center in Berlin, a Muslim guide compared Israel to Nazi Germany. The Anne Frank House in Amsterdam removed references to Anne's Jewishness, banned a guide from wearing Jewish clothing, and attacked Israel. An exhibit placed a photo of former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon side by side with one of Hitler.
And yet this may be the first time an Anne Frank organization invited a speaker who had called for the murder of Jews. So many Anne Frank groups had tiptoed around it, but the Anne Frank Trust UK actually went out and did it.
"We are excited to welcome performance poet, producer, and creative practitioner, Nasima Begum, to our special workshop this evening.” the Anne Frank Trust UK announced.
Begum’s job was “youth empowerment”.
Not surprising when the Assistant Director for Youth Empowerment at the Anne Frank Trust is Amna Abdullatif who tweets enthusiastic support for antisemitic politician Rep. Ilhan Omar.
Under pressure, the British organization announced that Begum "may have views that are not consistent with our values" and promised that it would launch an investigation even though controversies over Begum had already been aired in the past and would have been known to it.
There is a reason that this keeps happening at organizations named after Anne Frank.
Anne’s story was hijacked early on with a play, The Diary of Anne Frank, by Lillian Hellman, a Hollywood Stalinist, who turned it over to Albert Hackett and Frances Goodrich, the Communist-linked married couple who purged most of the Jewish references.
Since then, Anne Frank has been reinvented in the form of various races, most recently as an illegal alien hiding from ICE, and another production that sought a “multi-racial cast representing many heritages.” The elimination of Anne’s Jewishness, much like the universalization of the Holocaust, presages antisemitism. Once the Jews have been replaced in their historical role, it becomes all too easy for antisemites to turn Jews into the new Nazis.
And their killers, whether the PLO, Hamas, or ISIS, into the new Jews.
Nasima Begum claimed that Israel's resistance to Islamic terrorism was "the Holocaust all over again" with "Palestinians" as the victims and "Zionism scum" as the perpetrators.
The Anne Frank Trust UK may find this sort of explicit wording vulgar, but it’s no coincidence that the same ideas have manifested themselves at the Anne Frank centers in Berlin and Frankfurt, at the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam, and now in the UK. It’s what happens when the story of the Holocaust is reframed in terms of general principles detached from the Jews.
Or as the Communists who rewrote Anne’s story had her say in the play, “We’re not the only people that have had to suffer.” The fictionalized version of a dead Jewish girl declares applause. “Sometimes one race, sometimes another.”
Transforming the Holocaust into a general story about intolerance and prejudice all too easily becomes a partisan story whose broader lesson is the moral supremacy of leftist virtues.
And those virtues are routinely used to call for the death of Israel and the murder of Jews.
Rewriting the Holocaust as a struggle between the Left and the Right is itself Holocaust revisionism because it ignores the Soviet mass murder of Jews, the Hitler-Stalin pact, and the collaboration of western Communists, including Lillian Hellman, in that Communist crime.
Hellman had defended the Hitler-Stalin Pact and participated in the Communist-front “Keep America Out of War Committee”, making her a Nazi collaborator, and yet was allowed to play a role in transforming the story of a murdered Jewish girl into leftist agitprop.
While Hellman was suppressing Anne’s Jewishness, the Soviet Union was suppressing the Jewish elements of the Holocaust. True Jewish commemorations of the Holocaust were banned in the Soviet Union. Any discussion about the mass murder of Jews was tightly controlled. Even while it was covering up the Holocaust, the Soviet Union launched a propaganda campaign against the newly reborn State of Israel whose key elements, including the apartheid smear, are still widely in use among leftists, including those operating at Anne Frank centers, today.
Before Islamists were shouting, "Death to you Zionist scum", Communists were shouting it.
The Soviet regime’s favorite taunt though was slurring Zionists as “fascists” or “Nazis”. A Communist regime that had massacred Jews and collaborated with the Nazis originated the smearing of Israel, of Zionists, and of Jews as Nazis. The latest such incident at an Anne Frank Center is the long legacy of the leftist hijacking of the Holocaust to justify the murder of Jews.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:
For understandable reasons, the German government claims to be and sometimes is, acutely sensitive to displays, public or private, of antisemitism. Included in the internationally recognized definition of antisemitism is criticism leveled at Israel that is not leveled against any other country for similar behavior. And especially to be censured as antisemitic are the grotesque comparisons that are made between the IDF and the Nazis. Antisemitic exhibits were present at this year’s Documenta, held in Kassel, one of the two most important displays of contemporary art in the world (the other is the Venice Biennale). A report on this moral disaster is here: “Leading Contemporary Art Show Opens in Germany Amid Political Storm Over ‘Antisemitic’ Exhibits,” by Ben Cohen, Algemeiner, June 19, 2022:
The top official tasked with combating antisemitism in Germany has criticized a leading art show that was opened by the country’s president on Saturday for failing to deal with the accusations of antisemitism that have overshadowed its production.
Speaking to the German news outlet Bild am Sonntag, Felix Klein — the German federal commissioner for countering antisemitism — commented that the Documenta art festival, which opened this weekend in the city of Kassel, had failed to dispel the impression that some of the artworks now on display promote antisemitic tropes.
It wasn’t just that the Documenta organizers and some of its participants had ”failed to dispel the impression” that some of the artworks on display were antisemitic. This was no mere “impression,” but an absolutely clear manifestation, of antisemitism
Mounted every five years and regarded as the world’s leading contemporary art show alongside the Venice Biennale, the current edition of the Documenta festival has been curated by Ruangrupa, a collective of Indonesian artists which supports the ‘Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions’ (BDS) movement seeking to isolate Israel politically, culturally and economically. The Bundestag, Germany’s federal parliament, passed a motion in May 2019 that decried the BDS campaign as antisemitic and urged the government to regard organizations advocating Israel’s elimination, or a boycott of Israel, as ineligible for state funding.
Indonesia is a Muslim country and Indonesians are, unsurprisingly, anti-Israel.This is not a secret. Once it had been understood by the German government that the 2022 show would be organized by a collective of Indonesian artists, did no one in the political echelon worry about what kinds of “artists” and “art” those anti-Israel Indonesians might select to appear in the Documenta festival?
One of the artistic groups participating in the festival, the Khalil Sakakini Cultural Center, located in the West Bank city of Ramallah, has repeatedly expressed support for boycotts of artistic events in Israel. The center is named in honor of Khalil al-Sakakini, a Palestinian scholar who lived in Jerusalem prior to Israel’s creation in 1948 and was openly sympathetic to Nazi Germany.
It is the official policy of the German government to oppose BDS and to outlaw any attempts to promote it. But when it came to Documenta it was asleep at the wheel. When did it find out that one of the groups taking part in the festival – a very great honor, one proving most profitable, in the art world – was a Palestinian cultural center named after Khalil al-Sakakini, a prominent Arab scholar who had been a Nazi supporter during World War II. Sakakini believed that Nazi Germany could “liberate Palestine from the Jew.”He wrote that Adolf Hitler had opened the world’s eyes to Jewish world power and that Germany had stood up to the Jews and put them in their place. This is the man after whom that Palestinian “cultural center” was named, the same center now showing its “art” from June to September to millions of visitors expected at Documenta. It would have taken approximately one minute to learn all about the unsavory Sakakini, but no one in the German government bothered. No alarm bells, no curiosity, no worry about Indonesian sympathizers with antisemitic Palestinians choosing the exhibitors.
One of the artworks being exhibited at the show was produced by a Palestinian group calling itself “The Question of Funding.” A series produced by one of its artists, Mohammed Al Hawajiri, titled “Guernica Gaza,” depicts Israeli military operations in Hamas-controlled Gaza as akin to the bombing of the Spanish city of Guernica by the German Luftwaffe during the Spanish Civil War — an atrocity that was famously rendered in the painting “Guernica” by Pablo Picasso.
The message [of this painting]: Israel’s army is what the Nazi air force was,” responded Leonard Kaminski of the German Antisemitism Research and Information Center (RIAS) in a post on Twitter. According to the widely-accepted International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism, “comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis” are antisemitic.
The Nazis, testing their new planes in 1937, bombed the Basque town of Guernica, where there were only inoffensive civilians, killing or wounding one-third of its inhabitants. The Israeli military, on the other hand, does everything it can to avoid harming civilians. The IDF sends warnings to people in buildings that are soon to be targeted, by every means possible – telephoning, emailing, leafletting, and making use of the “knock-on-the-roof” technique. Given that Hamas always hides its weapons in or near civilian structures – houses, apartment buildings, schools, hospitals – it is hellishly difficult to avoid all civilian casualties, but Israel makes great efforts to minimize them, even if it means allowing some Hamas fighters to escape.
Another artwork made light of Palestinian terrorism against Israelis. A graphic assembled by the London-based artist Hamja Ashan shows the silhouette of a chicken on top of a machine gun, alongside the words Popular Front for the Liberation of Fried Chicken (PFLFC) — an allusion to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) which gained notoriety for airplane hijackings and gun attacks against civilians during the 1960s and 1970s.
Various Palestinian terrorist groups — the PLO, the DFLP (Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine), the Abu Nidal Organization, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the PFLP, and others less known, as well as Arab terrorists acting on their own. have killed 3,500 Israelis, and wounded 25,000, since the 1948 war. This unfunny graphic of the harmless “chicken” is meant to belittle and mock Israeli anguish over those deaths – see, the graphic says, the PFLP is about as threatening to Israel as a “chicken.” Those Zionists, always making a fuss over nothing. What fun.
In his interview with Bild, Klein [Felix Klein, the German federal commissioner for countering antisemitism] deemed that the allegations of antisemitism leveled at the Documenta festival could not be “credibly dispelled.”
Not “credibly dispelled” is bureaucratese for what should be expressed more forcefully: “the antisemitism in these displays at the Documenta festival is both obvious and nauseating.”
Added Klein: “I very much regret that, especially after the heated public discussion about this.”
In his Saturday address that opened the Documenta festival, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier expressed discomfort at the persistent charges of antisemitism that dogged the show’s preparation, saying that a “boycott of Israel is tantamount to denying its right to exist.”
Steinmeier denounced BDS as “a strategy of exclusion and stigmatization that cannot be separated from antisemitism.” He added that he regretted that the dispute could not be resolved through “a direct discussion between the representatives of the Global South [since when did Muslim states come to represent “the Global South”?], the Jewish community in Germany and Israel.”
By showing up to deliver a speech at the opening of Documenta, German President Steinmeier lent the event an undeserved respectability, when the exhibits I’ve mentioned above — and there were others similarly unpleasant — ought to be the subject of German shame and chagrin. He ought to have refused to appear, and instead explained that he could not in good conscience have anything to do with Documenta because of the clearly antisemitic exhibits it contained and that its organizers refused, after objections were made, to remove it.
Steinmeier’s appearance at the show was strongly criticized by Volker Beck, a former Green Party parliamentarian who now heads the German Israeli Society (DIG).
“It’s a bit pointless to lament now that a direct discussion between the representatives of the Global South and Documenta and the Jewish community in Germany did not come about,” Beck said. “Documenta didn’t want to invite representatives of the [Central Council of German Jews], just plenty of BDS representatives instead.”
Those meticulous Germans were apparently not meticulous enough to vet the exhibitors before the show opened when they might have pressured the organizers to remove the exhibits that displayed anti-Israel messages amounting to antisemitism.
So what should the rest of us do? Let President Steinmeier’s office know of your deep unhappiness with certain exhibits that were part of this year’s Documenta festival. Make another statement by staying away from Kassel. Don’t visit Documenta, don’t review the exhibits at Documenta, don’t praise anything at Documenta, and don’t buy a damn thing that is now shown at Documenta. And five years from now, when Documenta, its hour come round again, at last, is being organized, make sure such an intolerable result is not repeated.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:
The book whose name Ismail Quran bears teaches that the Jews are the strongest of all people in enmity toward the Muslims (5:82); they fabricate things and falsely ascribe them to Allah (2:79; 3:75, 3:181); they claim that Allah’s power is limited (5:64); they love to listen to lies (5:41); they disobey Allah and never observe his commands (5:13). They are disputing and quarreling (2:247); hiding the truth and misleading people (3:78); staging rebellion against the prophets and rejecting their guidance (2:55); being hypocritical (2:14, 2:44); giving preference to their own interests over the teachings of Muhammad (2:87); wishing evil for people and trying to mislead them (2:109); feeling pain when others are happy or fortunate (3:120); being arrogant about their being Allah’s beloved people (5:18); devouring people’s wealth by subterfuge (4:161); slandering the true religion and being cursed by Allah (4:46); killing the prophets (2:61); being merciless and heartless (2:74); never keeping their promises or fulfilling their words (2:100); being unrestrained in committing sins (5:79); being cowardly (59:13-14); being miserly (4:53); being transformed into apes and pigs for breaking the Sabbath (2:63-65; 5:59-60; 7:166); and more. They are under Allah’s curse (9:30), and Muslims should wage war against them and subjugate them under Islamic hegemony (9:29).
“Cleveland ‘Officer of the Year’ Under Investigation for Anti-Semitic, Pro-Hitler Tweets,” by Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon, June 20, 2022:
Cleveland’s 2019 police officer of the year is under investigation for a series of anti-Semitic social media posts that include praise for Adolf Hitler and the Hamas terrorist organization.
Ismail Quran is under investigation by the Cleveland police internal affairs unit for posting “inappropriate social media content,” a department spokesman told the Washington Free Beacon on Monday.
Quran has posted several anti-Semitic messages on social media, including a “salute to Hitler the great” and messages threatening violence against Jewish people, according to tweets provided by Canary Mission, a watchdog group that tracks anti-Semitic activity online….
The Cleveland police department hired Quran in 2018, several years after most of the public tweets were issued. Quran was presented with a belated 2019 officer of the year award in November 2021, more than a year after Canary Mission first exposed many of Quran’s anti-Semitic posts. At the award ceremony, the department said “Officer Ismail Quran has truly embodied the community policing philosophy for the Cleveland Division of Police.” The Cleveland police department is facing allegations it tried to sweep the controversy under the rug and ignore Quran’s bigotry. The officer is “assigned to administrative duties” while the investigation is underway….
When asked for comment on Quran’s posts, a Cleveland police spokesman informed the Free Beacon that the officer is under investigation, though it is unclear what the repercussions could be….
In October 2015, he stated, “Lol bum ass Jew tried to intimidate me. … Don’t try that shit with me.”
“The Jewish lobby,” he wrote in August 2014, runs “the USA.”
Quran claimed in an August 2014 tweet that the Hamas terror group, which routinely kills Jewish civilians in terror attacks, is merely “defending their land.”
In a July 2014 tweet, Quran wrote, “Fuck that Jew” in response to a message wishing an Israeli basketball player good luck. Quran’s tweet included a picture captioned, “LET ME SALUTE TO HITLER THE GREAT. He said ‘I would have killed all the Jews of the world, but I kept some to show the world why I killed them.’”…
Most of these posts were active as of June 2022, though many were deleted when reports about Quran’s rhetoric began to emerge. Canary Mission has documented all of them on its website.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:
(Natural News) The Exposepublished a statistical analysis of sudden cardiovascular deaths following covid-19 vaccination. According to evidence of severe inflammation of the heart and current cardiac arrest trends in young professional athletes, covid-19 vaccines are projected to cause over 62.3 million excess deaths in 2022. The report found cardiovascular deaths doubled for fully vaccinated FIFA players and trainers every three months throughout 2021. This trend will likely continue throughout 2022, due to the prevalence of myocarditis, which more than doubles the risk of a heart attack in a 5-year span. If this is true, then covid-19 vaccines could kill TEN TIMES the Holocaust number in 2022 alone.Today’s medical tyranny and forced medical experimentation are making Adolf Hitler’s regime look kind in comparison.
Covid-19 vaccines double the risk of a heart attack in a 5-year span
Dr. Steven Gundry gave a speech to the American Heart Association on November 12-14. He reported that covid-19 vaccines more than double a person’s chance of suffering a heart attack in a five-year span. This was evidenced by a serious rise in inflammatory markers just two months after the second dose of the covid-19 vaccine. This means that the damage caused by covid-19 vaccines will not be fully realized for years. With repeated dosage, these inflammatory markers will only increase, putting strain on young people’s hearts. The inflammation of the heart muscle is not mild; if the heart is overworked, the individual can go into cardiac arrest. This is why sudden cardiac events have skyrocketed in young athletes.
The statistics show that cardiovascular deaths increased each quarter throughout 2021, suggesting that the vaccine damage multiplies as time goes on. FIFA Pro Footballer deaths increased from three deaths in the first quarter of 2021 to eight deaths in the second quarter. The deaths jumped to abnormal levels in quarters three and four, with 16 deaths and 40 deaths occurring each quarter, respectively. These are the trends in death in just one sports league. Once these numbers are extrapolated across healthy populations of athletes and active young adults, the rate of cardiac arrest and death becomes a Holocaust-level event.
But not everyone will die. Many people will be revived, but some athletes are so injured by the vaccine, they are never able to play sports again. Take for instance Sergio Aguero, the fit Manchester City player who collapsed on the field in front of his team. He was ultimately revived, but he will not be able to play professional football ever again. Thirty-one other footballers collapsed the same year, but they were NOT revived. Since 2009, fatalities for FIFA players and trainers have averaged 7.8 deaths per year. After the vax mandate, there were four times that number of deaths! There were seven deaths in December alone – more than the average number of deaths for a typical year. (Related: The world is starting to notice how many young athletes are DYING after taking covid vaccines.)
Multiple holocausts are in queue if spike protein replication continues through mass vaccination programs
According to John Hopkins University, approximately 51.6% of the world’s population is doubly vaccinated with spike protein mRNA. The average worldwide cardiac death rate is 8.9 million annually. For the 50 percent of the population that is unvaccinated, the number of cardiac events would remain steady and make up 1.1125 million fatalities per quarter. However, for the 50 percent of the population that is fully vaccinated, that rate could go up to 2.225 million per quarter, in accordance with the double heart attack risk factor observed in the doubly vaccinated. If the exponential rise in young footballer deaths is a signal that continues throughout the young, active population who are doubly vaccinated, then the heart attack rate could double EACH QUARTER for a significant cohort of the fully vaccinated.
According to the analysis, the 8.9 million average cardiovascular deaths could increase to 71.2 million, a staggering jump of 62.3 million deaths. Of course, this is just an analysis of heart attack fatalities following covid-19 vaccination. These figures do not figure in the number of deaths caused by vaccine-acquired autoimmune deficiency syndrome. The vaccines have been shown to damage cell-mediated and mucus-mediated immune responses, making the vaccinated more susceptible to future infections. Moreover, this genocidal fatality rate does not factor in inevitable neurological degeneration caused by the vaccine’s inflammatory spike proteins. Since inflammation is the precursor to chronic disease, the vaccines could unleash multiple holocausts spanning dozens of medical issues that include heart attacks, immune deficiency, and cancer.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:
A D.C.-area elementary school was forced to apologize on Friday for requiring third-graders to participate in a Holocaust re-enactment, right down to digging mass graves and pretending to shoot each other.
One “lucky” kiddo got the pleasure of role-playing as Adolph Hitler, complete with a mock suicide.
This is a far cry from middle-aged guys in vintage uniforms pretending to shoot each other on Civil War battlefields.
The Watkins Elementary School teacher who did all this has not been named but has been placed on leave pending an investigation, according to JustTheNews.
School principal M. Scott Berkowitz emailed concerned parents that he wants “to acknowledge the gravity of this poor instructional decision, as students should never be asked to act out or portray any atrocity, especially genocide, war, or murder.”
One parent became concerned when her child came home with stories about how he “had to pretend to be on a train to a concentration camp, then act as if he were dying in a gas chamber.” The child assigned to play Hitler was Jewish, according to the Washington Post:
The instructor allegedly made antisemitic comments during the reenactment. The parent said that when the children asked why the Germans did this, the staff member said it was “because the Jews ruined Christmas.”
The instructor asked students after the reenactment not to tell anyone about it, but they told their homeroom teacher, the parent said.
After all this, I have to ask: What’s there to investigate?
Name the teacher, fire her, drum her out of the education biz, and send the message that this kind of thing won’t be tolerated.
But this is the D.C. school system, which ranks 49th out of 51 nationally:
“D.C. specifically, had a lot to work on when it comes to its dropout rate; it’s the highest in the country,” said Jill Gonzalez, an analyst with WalletHub.
Gonzalez said the results, which did not take into account D.C.’s charter schools, showed one of every three high school students in D.C. are dropping out of school, including 40 percent of low-income students.
Clearly, there’s very little accountability in the District, which is supposed to be overseen by Congress.
Maybe now that Presidentish Joe Biden’s agenda has collapsed in Congress, they can tend towards matters closer to home.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:
(Natural News) Ursula von der Leyen, who heads up the European Commission, is urging European Union (EU) member states to “think about” introducing mandatory Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination” policies on all citizens (excluding “migrants,” probably).
At a press conference, Ursula complained about how roughly 33 percent of EU citizens have yet to take the abortion-tainted injections, proposing a “common approach” policy among the 27 European countries that are members of the EU.
“One-third of the European population is not vaccinated,” Ursula whined. “There are 150 million people. This is a lot.”
Ursula went on to suggest that this one-third could be forced to take the injections if only more leaders would impose the type of fascism that she hopes to see spread from countries like Austria and Germany, where this is now already occurring.
“I think it is understandable and appropriate to lead this discussion now [about] how we can encourage and potentially think about mandatory vaccination within the European Union,” Ursula went on to declare.
“This needs discussion, this needs a common approach. This is a discussion which I think must be conducted. This is pure member state competence – it is therefore not up to me to give any kind of recommendation.”
So as not to be dubbed a dictator, Ursula stressed the rhetoric that this is all just her “personal position,” but that it should still be adopted by those beneath her on the leadership totem pole.
“We have the lifesaving vaccines, but they are not being used adequately everywhere,” she droned on further. “This is an enormous health cost.”
The globalists want all of Europe to be forcibly injected with “covid”
This is the same Ursula who pushed for EU-wide “vaccine passports” back in June, claiming that these would be the ticket back to a reopened “new normal” for Europe.
Ursula personally feels as though “full vaccination and boosters provide the strongest protection against covid that is available now.” And we all know that the personal opinions of reptilians often become “law” at gunpoint against entire populations.
This is a “race against time,” Ursula went on to suggest, referring to the new Moronic (Omicron) variant that the mainstream media claims is spreading among the “fully vaccinated.”
“Scientists tell us we have to do everything possible to make the best out of the time we have till we have certainty about the characteristics of transmissibility and severity of Omicron,” she further blabbed.
“Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.”
In an accompanying press release, Ursula claimed that the new Moronic variant could potentially devastate the continent of Europe, calling it “presumably highly contiguous.”
The EU, she went on to say, is now “stepping up” its covid injection program, as well as pumping “investment in treatments … improving monitoring and prevention, and reinforcing our global solidarity.”
“In the meantime,” Ursula further rambled, “I reiterate my urgent call to all of you: get vaccinated, get a booster, and follow the rules to protect yourselves.”
In order to reach the goals set forth at the recent G20 summit, the globalists say that at least 70 percent of the entire planet must be fully vaccinated for the Fauci Flu in 2022.
To make that happen, Ursula and others want the unvaccinated to be punished, either through lockdowns, travel restrictions, or deprivation from being able to enter stores, including those that sell groceries.
“[Ursula] has to explain her secret communications and agreements with Pfizer, and why she contracted almost two billion of Pfizer ‘vaccines’ for supposedly 400 million people long before they have displayed the ‘variants and boosters’ narrative,” wrote one commenter at LifeSiteNews.
More of the latest news about the Moronic variant can be found at Pandemic.news.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:
It seems as if the whole world has agreed: nothing that could possibly offend Muslims can be displayed, no matter how historically important or relevant to the contemporary scene.
“The missing photo of Hitler and the Mufti of Jerusalem,” by Shalom Pollack, Arutz Sheva, November 27, 2021 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):
I would like to introduce a notorious Nazi SS general, a leading Muslim cleric and the father of a nation – all in one.
This person is Haj Amin al Husseini.
Husseini was the powerful patriarch of the leading Arab clan in Palestine in the first half of the twentieth century. He used his political power and religious influence for his life’s motif – the murder of Jews.
In an attempt to “mainstream” the Mufti of Jerusalem ” the British appointed him to an official position of power and responsibility.It did not work. It only gave him the platform and prestige to pursue his passion of killing Jews.
This he accomplished on numerous occasions, most notably by instigating the barbaric Hebron massacre of dozens of Jewish families in 1929. (Note: in 1929, there was no Zionist “apartheid occupation”, no “occupied territories” nor “settlers”; just Jews of all ages living in Hebron and horriblly killed by their neighbors)
A Nazi sympathizer, he fled British controlled Palestine during the war. He led a Nazi coup in Irag where he instigated the bloody “Farhud” pogrom against the Jewish community of Iraq.
He then fled to Germany where he was made an honorary SS general by Himmler and proceeded to do all he could in helping the Hitler regime kill Jews. He addressed the Arab world by radio from Berlin winning huge support for the Nazis. He raised divisions of Muslim that fought in the Nazi army. One of their tasks was to guard so that Jews do not escape the trains to death camps.
Husseini intervened in a deal that would have saved a train load of Jewish children for a bribe. Husseini would not allow one Jewish child to escape the gas chambers.
Together with Himmler he visited the death camps and drew plans to build a “facility” in the Dotan valley in Samaria where the half million Jews of Palestine would be gassed as soon as Rommel defeated the British. Eichmann was quoted as saying: “I am a personal friend of the Grand Mufti. We have promised that no European Jew would enter Palestine any more.”
After the war, SS general Husseini found refuge in Syria from war crimes judgment. Wherever he appeared in the Arab world he was received as a hero and mentor. His Nazi credentials together with his clerical position were the calling card that opened every door in the Arab world.
Yasar Arafat called him “the father of the Palestinian people”. PA authority president Abbas repeated this accolade.
Yad Vashem, the world’s foremost Holocaust Museum and memorial had a large photo of Husseini with Hitler on one wall. Opposite was a photo of Jewish soldiers from Palestine volunteering in the British army in the “Jewish Brigade” The contrast was clear.
I say had, because when Yad Vashem was refurbished and expanded in 2005, the Hitler – Husseini photo did not make it into the new museum.
As a tour guide since 1980, I have visited the old museum numerous times and remember clearly how my tourists were shocked by the duo in the photo.
In the new museum, instead of the Husseini – Hitler photo there is a far smaller one of Husseini and Himmler, in a dark corner that no one sees. I finally located it.
When I wrote to Yad Vashem and asked why they removed the photo from the new museum, I was told that the new museum “concentrates on the victims and less on the perpetrators”. However just a few feet from the small Husseini – Himmler photo is an entire wall of perpetrators – the architects of the “Wannsee Conference” that drew up the plans for the Holocaust.
I asked a number of local official Yad Vashem guides about the photo. They either did not know of it or said it was political and they did not discuss it with visitors. They were uncomfortable with my inquiry.
I wondered if associating Palestinian Arabs with Nazis was no longer politically correct since the Oslo accords with Arafat in 1993….
Vera Sharav Video: Vaccine Passports & Fascist Dictatorships
A Holocaust survivor sheds disturbing light on the dark forces behind the "Great Reset."
Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:
This new Glazov Gang episode features Vera Sharav, a Holocaust survivor who has been a lifelong advocate for human rights. She is the founder of Alliance for Human Research Protection.
Vera discusses Vaccine Passports & Fascist Dictatorships, shedding disturbing light on the dark forces behind the "Great Reset."
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:
(Natural News) To help identify which concentration camp prisoners are which, the University of Bath in Great Britain is marking students with differently colored wristbands based on their Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination” status.
According to reports, “unvaccinated” first-year students at Bath are being given a yellow star-style wristband indicating that they refused to take any Chinese Virus injections. Their fully injected counterparts, meanwhile, are being given another type of wristband showing their compliance.
“Freshers have been given wristbands to signal whether they are vaccinated against coronavirus amid anger at emerging ‘two-tier’ university campuses,” a prominent U.K. media outlet reported.
“Students arriving this week at the University of Bath have been given a different coloured wristband on club nights if they can prove in advance (that) they are double jabbed, or have Covid-19 immunity.”
Bath students who are unable to prove that they got injected are also being placed in different queues than the injected. This is medical apartheid and fascism, just to be clear.
Even though the British government was barred from forcing countrymen to take the jabs against their will because doing this would be discriminatory and ethically unsound, academia has decided to go full-fledged tyrannical. (RELATED: New York City is similarly waging economic war against the unvaccinated.)
Academic fascists forcing unvaccinated students into isolation and misery
At The University of Sheffield, freshmen students are being told that they must present a “covid pass” in order to attend student events and union nights out. Those who refuse will basically not have any social life on campus.
One unvaccinated student reported that he not only feels “excluded” from everything that goes on at Sheffield, but also has to face being “shamed in front of friends” for his non-compliance.
“We are worried that some universities appear to have implemented what amounts to a vaccine passport via stealth,” said Arabella Skinner, the director of a parents group called UsForThem.
“The idea of making students display their private medical information in such a public way is unacceptable. This echoes examples of discrimination we have seen in schools through the pandemic and raises concerns of a two-tier system for students to access education.”
Medical discrimination on campus is not just a U.K. problem. It is also happening in the United States, including off campus where snitches are reporting students who are seen not wearing a mask while out in public.
Creating a new two-tiered society that discriminates against non-Branch Covidians is a tactic that has been used all throughout history to divide and conquer. Tyrants like Joseph Stalin used it to eventually massacre millions of people, and we are once again seeing it unfold as part of the plandemic.
Some are fighting against it, but far too many are going along with it out of convenience or apathy. Things are still not bad enough, apparently, for any unified front to take a stand against it – and many fear that by the time enough people wake up, it will already be far too late.
“I hope the smart students drop out and find better use of their time elsewhere,” wrote one commenter at Summit.news. “Trade schools are better anyway. They lack the Marxist brainwashing and you can learn a useful skill in a year.”
Another quoted Ecclesiastes 1:9, which reads:
“What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.”
“Coming fast now the horrors of the past!” this same commenter added.
As Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) fascism and apartheid grows, we will keep you informed of the latest at Fascism.news.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:
(Natural News) A laboratory virus experiment that cannot be questioned or debated has no resemblance to science. “Covid-19 vaccines” do not even function like a traditional biologic and cannot be considered a vaccine. This project has not undergone a traditional FDA approval process and was pressured into existence through fraud and coercion. Dr. Anthony Fauci and the National Institutes of Health have repeatedly lied about this laboratory virus experiment and are currently pressuring governments and corporations to make spike protein replication mandatory; therefore, this is not a transparent process nor is it an ethical pursuit. When this concoction is forced into the population in the most coercive ways imaginable, it cannot be considered “preventative medicine” at all. According to former Pfizer chief scientist, Dr. Michael Yeadon, the COVID shots and their endless boosters are “depopulation weapons” designed to enslave and kill.
COVID shots are wartime weapons, deployed for complete dominion over humans
It’s time for the formerly-dubbed “fully vaccinated” to wake up and realize that there is nothing ethical or scientific about what is being done to them. Just five months after being promised their “freedom,” the “fully vaccinated” are now being told they are inadequate, a subhuman species again, without a functioning and capable immune system. Trained to obey coercive authorities and abusive medical edicts, these human test rats are being psychologically controlled and physically restrained to a shortened life of pharmaceutical dependence. As routine boosters are prepared for the population, and the word “mandatory” is used to force these shots in seasonally, it’s time to realize this isn’t a vaccine and it’s not protecting anyone. It’s a wartime weapon, a depopulation program. As vaccine manufacturers reap billions of dollars in extorted taxpayer funds, deploy propaganda and fraud, and fight for dominion over people’s lives, they have become mass murderers.
Dr. Michael Yeadon says “there’s absolutely NO possible justification” for the manufacture of covid-19 vaccines and the upcoming onslaught of booster shots. Longstanding, efficacious treatments and traditional Chinese herbal medicine offer a variety of solutions for common respiratory infections, including influenza viruses, enteroviruses like polio, RSV, and coronavirus infections. But these treatments have been viciously attacked, censored, and suppressed across the medical landscape, as the public health gatekeepers restrain doctors and nurses from treating people early and saving lives. Dr. Yeadon warns that the booster shot was forced into existence and is nothing more than an extermination weapon to destroy innate immunity, spur super viruses into existence, and mass murder human beings. According to the clinical trials, the rate of adverse events is ten times greater after the second shot. What will the third, fourth, and fifth boosters do to the population, as tens of thousands have already died off?
The vaccine program is designed for pharmaceutical dependence and depopulation
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla says the company has already created a new vaccine development system that can mass-produce a new mRNA booster every ninety-five days. “Every time a variant appears in the world, our scientists are getting their hands around it,” Bourla said. “And they are researching to see if this variant can escape the protection of our vaccine.”There is a long list of spike protein sequence variations that have been identified around the world. Now that Pfizer has dominion over the regulatory framework and the government, it’s now imminent that they will conduct yearly forced experiments on the world population, using tweaks in the spike protein to mass replicate the deadly bioweapon into the unforeseeable future.
An August 10 study in The Lancet shows that vaccinated people are more susceptible to the Delta variant. Dr. Peter McCullough, board-certified in internal medicine, cardiovascular diseases, and clinical lipidology, explained that there were more than 14 strains of coronavirus in the United States just six months ago. When the vaccines put selective pressure on the amino acids of the spike protein, a new variant begins to emerge, evading immune detection. He referenced a paper by Niessen and scientists from Boston and Rochester, Minnesota, which put over a million sequenced samples to the test. “They looked at vaccination rates all over, and the variant proportions and they concluded that with more than 25% of the population vaccinated, you’ll encourage a dominant strain to move forward,” McCullough said. There’s no doubt that this vaccine program is designed for pharmaceutical dependence and depopulation.
Former Pfizer scientist warns about this medical holocaust:
Reiner Fuellmich interview Vera Sharav and prepare for an international trial
Reiner Fuellmich, who interview Vera Sharav in this video, is a lawyer who is preparing an international lawsuit against the covid 19 plandemic using the Nuremberg code
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:
(Natural News) A Holocaust survivor is sounding the alarm over the encroachment of so-called public health measures to counteract the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. She believes the policies are similar to the tactics Nazi Germany used to control entire countries.
Vera Sharav is a Romanian-born Holocaust survivor and medical activist. She has dedicated her life to advocating for the rights of medical research subjects in the United States.
In her career, she has successfully pressured the National Institutes of Mental Health to rewrite its protocols for dozens of psychiatric studies to better protect patients. She has successfully lobbied American drug regulatory bodies to be open about the risks of giving antidepressants to teenagers.
She has exposed illegal experiments that tested HIV drugs on toddlers in New York’s foster care system. She has also prevented the government from conducting research that would have paid low-income Florida families $970 to test their children’s reactions when exposed to certain household pesticides.
Today, Sharav uses her experience in medical activism to fight anybody that did not put the rights and protection of medical patients first. Her opponents have included academic researchers, pharmaceutical executives, drug regulators and all other kinds of so-called authorities.
Holocaust survivor sees parallels with Nazi Germany and today’s public health policies
Sherav recently appeared on the podcast of author Trish Wood, “Trish Wood is Critical.” Wood brought Sherav on to the podcast to discuss the former’s concerns regarding the terrifying direction public health measures are going.
According to Wood, she can see a lot of parallels between the narrative being used to justify COVID-19 measures such as lockdowns and the narrative employed by the Nazis in Germany to justify the subjugation of other people.
Sharav agreed with Wood and said it was logical to see the similarities between then and now. Of particular concern to both Wood and Sharav is how many physicians and other healthcare workers today and in Nazi Germany became instrumental in harming a lot of people.
Specifically, Sharav pointed to how doctors during the lead-up to the Nazi takeover of Germany were used to justify eugenics using the Darwinian idea of “survival of the fittest.”
“In the early part of the [20th] century, the entire academic establishment was infused with eugenics, stemming out of Darwin,” said Sharav. “What happens with a public health policy is that public health officials decide who shall live and who shall die.” She explained that this kind of mentality – that the government should get to decide who lives and dies – eventually led to the Holocaust.
She is worried that this kind of mentality is still pervasive today. “I have come to the conclusion that when doctors become aligned with government – [and] corporations for that matter – they discard their moral and professional responsibility to the individual patient,” she explained.
Sharav said it is “nonsense” for these doctors to suggest that the right thing to do is
sacrifice the rights of individuals in pursuit of a so-called greater good. She mentioned this in reference to the mainstream acceptance of lockdowns.
“As public officials, they talk about the greater good. Who has the authority to decide what is the greater good?” said Sharav. “If the individuals are oppressed or relegated to third-class citizens … what kind of society is it?”
Sharav said she believes modern society is on the cusp of turning more Nazi-like. Governments all over the world have used the pandemic and the fear of getting infected as a major weapon. She argued that this has prevented people from thinking critically. Instead, people are taught to distrust other people and to isolate themselves from their communities.
Instead of thinking critically, people are being taught to blindly trust public health officials and so-called experts.
“Hitler then, as rulers now, deferred to the health officials,” said Sharav. “We are constantly being told, ‘we are following the science.'” She warned that this will eventually lead to the “complete overthrow of human civilization.”
Learn more about how governments are using the pandemic to take away people’s rights by reading the latest articles on Pandemic.news.
In the Name of Public Health — Nazi Racial Hygiene – by Susan Bachrach, PhD
“Physicians and medically trained academics, many of whom were proponents of “racial hygiene,” or eugenics, legitimized and helped to implement Nazi policies aiming to “cleanse” German society of people viewed as biologic threats to the nation’s health. Racial-hygiene measures began with the mass sterilization of the “genetically diseased” and ended with the near-annihilation of European Jewry.”(Emphasis added.)
“Over the past six decades, the science of human heredity has advanced greatly, from knowledge of the operation of DNA to the mapping of the human genome. Such progress holds great promise for medical advances but also inspires new, utopian visions of perfecting humankind. The history of Nazi racial-hygiene policies and eugenics reminds us of the importance of maintaining democratic checks and balances in the application of biomedical research and of always guarding against the use of genetics for the purpose of discriminating against persons or groups.“(Emphasis added.)1
Germany – Holocaust Encyclopedia
Deceiving the Public
“Combined with terror to intimidate those who did not comply, a new state propaganda apparatus headed by Joseph Goebbels manipulated and deceived the German population and the outside world. Propagandists preached an appealing message of national unity and a utopian future that resonated with millions of Germans. They also waged campaigns that facilitated the persecution of Jews and others excluded from the Nazi vision of the “National Community.””(Emphasis added) 2
Reflections on the Nuremberg Declaration of the German Medical Assembly – by Shmuel Reis, MD MPHE
“… Rather, these events appear to have resulted from the enthusiastic and innovative contributions of, and effective execution by physicians and a medical establishment leading the way.”
“Moreover, the realization that almost an entire scientific and medical establishment, arguably one of the most preeminent of its time, and many of its leading practitioners and scientists were involved in the absence of coercion, makes it impossible to turn a blind eye to the fact that it could have happened and could happen again, elsewhere, even to us and here. Abuse of power is a risk inherent in being a physician. Jewish and Israeli physicians are not immune. … We must recognize slippery slopes and make sure we do not get overpowered by them.”(Emphasis added)3