Revival Sweeping Through College Campuses Impacting Tens of Thousands~THOUSANDS of Students are Coming to Jesus at PUBLIC SCHOOLS~Revival Breaks Out In Washington D.C.!

UNIVERSITY of ARKANSAS – Crowds at Bud Walton Arena are usually there to cheer on Razorback basketball. However, this night was much different. With loud voices and raised hands, nearly ten thousand college students joined together. Abby Matthews, a college student, shared, "When we gather altogether – just that many people on a college campus – it's just really encouraging that our God is greater than anything we're going to face in this world." As CBN News has reported, this UniteUS event was one of a series bringing the Gospel message to college campuses across the country.

Join a movement of hundreds of other Christian students across the nation who are proclaiming the gospel at their schools! SIGN UP TO REACH YOUR SCHOOL WITH THE GOSPEL

Revival Breaks Out In Washington D.C.!

NYC Police End “Peaceful” College Protest With Force~NYC Thieves Raid 300 Stores… Without Getting Caught

On the first day of school, police cleared not-so-peaceful protesters from the entrance to Columbia University. Although this was a relatively small protest by NYC standards, observers say that since the humanitarian crisis in Palestine is still going on, there may be more protests in the near future...

NYC Thieves Raid 300 Stores… Without Getting Caught

Survey Shows Majority of Muslim College Students Hate Jews

65% of Muslim students either hate Jews or Israel.

SEE:; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes:

[Order Daniel Greenfield’s new book, Domestic Enemies: HERE.]

Campus antisemitism is a problem, but reports focus on the experiences of Jewish students rather than the identity of the perpetrators. Media reports hesitate to name anyone. Jewish organizations zero in on campus hate groups like Students for Justice in Palestine, but that only tells us so much about why antisemitism has become so widespread at certain universities.

Brandeis University’s Center for Modern Jewish Studies recently conducted a survey asking college students about their views of Jews and Israel. And the results are revealing.

66% of students, the vast majority, did not hate Jews or Israel.

While leftist students only make up 14% of overall students (less than the 17% who identify as conservative), they make up a full 43% of students who are hostile to Israel. The remaining 46% of those hostile to the Jewish State identified as “liberal”. The activists associated with campus encampments and other forms of harassment are a small minority of leftist extremists who have used student organizations and political complicity to wield disproportionate power.

Liberal Jews have embraced diversity as the solution to hate, but diversity causes antisemitism.

White students were surveyed as the least likely to hate Jews. Twice as many black, Hispanic, and Asian students as white students ranked as “hostile to Jews”. While black students were slightly ahead in the small “extremely hostile” group, Asians were slightly more hostile to Jews than any other minority group. This may reflect academic competition between Jewish and Asian students, Chinese government support for Hamas or some Muslim students being grouped together with Asians.

Only 10% of white students were hostile to Jews, however 23% of Asian, 22% of black and 22% of Hispanic students were hostile to Jews. That meant they agreed with statements such as “Jewish people talk about the Holocaust just to further their political agenda” and “Jews should be held accountable for Israel’s actions”. 26% potentially held favorable views of Hamas.

And that brings us back to the question of which group of students hates Jews the most.

Christian students were overall the least hateful toward Jews and Israel. (4% of Christians were more antisemitic than the average but this may reflect the inclusion of some minority students or the impact of ‘Groypers’ and other social media influencers like Candace Owens.)

72% of Christian students, 65% of atheists and agnostics and 60% of ‘other religion’ students were not hostile to Jews or Israel, so the majorities of every belief system were not antisemitic.

Muslim students were the only group where the numbers were the exact opposite.

65% of Muslim students either hated Jews or Israel. Only 29% were non-hostile.

These numbers represent a complete break from those of any other group. Not a single group on campus, even leftists, hates Jews nearly as much as Muslims do.

Revealingly, more Muslims hate Jews than hate Israel.

36% of Muslim students, over a third, hated Jews, 29% hated Israel, and 6% hated both making it clear that this is not about politics, territory or Gaza: it’s really about Islamic antisemitism.

The wholly artificial distinction between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism falls apart here, as it has throughout the general normalization of assaults and harassment of Jews after Oct 7.

Not even a third of Muslim students were tolerant of Jews. What does this mean on campus?

While hard data on Muslim demographics at universities with the largest antisemitism problems are hard to find and even more difficult to break down, we know that Muslim student populations have increased sharply, in some cases doubling within a decade. Muslims now make up 2% of the students at the University of California, 3.7% of Yale’s undergrads, 2.4% of Princeton seniors, 2.7% of students at the University of Michigan, and 3.6% at colleges overall.

These may be relatively small percentages (and some are out of date) but they represent over 75,000 students concentrated at key campuses. A previous survey found that encampments and other pro-terrorist activity had been concentrated at elite universities. Some of those same universities draw in large numbers of Jewish and Muslim students. What does it mean when a disproportionately antisemitic group grows its share of the student population?

The growing Muslim student demographics lead directly to hostile campuses for Jews.

At Harvard, the number of Muslim students in the freshmen class increased from 2.6% in 2013 to 3.9% in 2021. During that same period, the number of Jewish students fell by 2%. Would the harassment of Jewish students at Harvard have played out the same way if the number of Muslim students hadn’t been rising and the number of Jewish students wasn't falling?

At Yale, the number of Muslim students doubled from 1.5% in the oughts to over 3% in the previous decade. During this same period, the Jewish student body also declined.

Muslim immigration, sharp population growth and foreign students are changing campus demographics. A decade ago, there were twice as many Jewish students as Muslim students at UCLA. The numbers are likely reversed now. This helps explain what happened on campus.

The sustained harassment of Jewish students is not just ideological, it’s racial and religious.

Ideological leftist opposition to Israel has come together with the traditional Islamic antipathy to Jews, and the propensity toward dislike of Jews among more ‘diverse’ minority groups in an alliance of hate. Political extremism, support for terrorism, and antisemitism have come together in a toxic atmosphere where Communist and Hezbollah flags fly side by side, and black nationalists and third worldist academics explain why Hamas and Oct 7 are progressive.

Muslim students and Islamist organizations tie together an alliance between white leftists who want to destroy America, Europe and Israel, as well as some black, Latino and Asian students who ethnically and racially detest Jews by drawing on the destructive tendencies of both worlds.

Where white people have learned to feel guilty about hating others, minority ethnic nationalists take pride in their racism. Critical race theory, third world discourse and orientalism are just ideological permission structures for bigotry. The moral inversion of terrorism turned the Marxist and then Islamic perpetrators into victims and the victims into perpetrators who had it coming.

Islamic nationalism, hate and even genocide are portrayed as moral because they are the work of the oppressed even if the oppressed are a racist, totalitarian majority of over a billion people persecuting not only Jews and Christians, but also Buddhists, Hindus and nearly every religion.

While anti-Zionist discourse pretends that Israel was created and sustained by a few European immigrants, the majority of Israel’s population (and the vast majority of its nationalist voters who have kept Netanyahu in power) are Middle Eastern Jewish refugees fleeing Muslim oppression.

Muslim antisemitism is why Israel exists and why it’s still subjected to Islamic terrorism.

The same hate faced by Jewish students on campus has led millions of Jews to flee Muslim countries to Israel, America, France and other parts of the free world. That hatred is not a response to Gaza, to the Six Day War or to any event more recent than the rise of Islam.

Islamic antisemitism is at the heart of the Koran and Islamic scripture. Islam was born in part out of the ethnic cleansing of Jews from Arabia. And it teaches that Jews are its primal enemies.

Muslim students are far more hostile to Jews than any other group of students because of religious prejudice. That prejudice has been around for over 1,000 years of Islamic oppression and will not disappear no matter what negotiations take place in the Middle East.

Liberal Jews have long championed diversity, but a diverse population is statistically more antisemitic. Combining diversity with a free pass for bigotry aimed at ideologically deserving white people and Jews is turning university campuses into no-go zones for Jews.

And what’s true of campuses is also true of American cities.

The multicultural and immigration policies of liberal Jewish organizations led directly to this crisis. It’s time for them to look at the numbers and do the math before it’s too late.


Keffiyeh is the Arabs’ Swastika; And leftists are wearing it proudly.

[Order a copy of Robert Spencer’s forthcoming book, "Muhammad: A Critical Biographyby clicking here.]

Like everything that is “Palestinian,” the keffiyeh comes from somewhere else. Its name is derived from an Italian word, cuffia, or headdress. It originated among the Bedouins as a protection from the sun, and not just Palestinians, or Arabs in general, wear it; Kurds and Yazidis sometimes sport it as a non-political statement. Nevertheless, the close identification of this headdress with the Palestinian jihad against Israel has made it unmistakable: the keffiyeh is today what the broken cross of National Socialism was in the 1930s and 1940s. It is a symbol of an irrational and violent hatred of Jews, and a determination to destroy them.

On Saturday morning, yet another incident made this clear. The man went to the Beth Yaacov synagogue in the seaside French resort of La Grande-Motte, where he set two vehicles on fire. The fire spread to the doors of the synagogue and injured a police officer. A French intelligence official stated: “The suspect is Arab with a Palestinian flag tied around his waist and a handgun on his belt.”

Surveillance video, however, showed that he was also wearing a keffiyeh, and that was no surprise at all. Wearing the keffiyeh is an indication today that one stands for the principle that is so succinctly and clearly enunciated in the ubiquitous battle cry “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” As all of Israel lies between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, this is a call for the total destruction of the Jewish state and a new genocide of the Jews.

The association of the keffiyeh with this genocidal cause began about ninety years ago. Initially, some Jews who moved to British Mandatory Palestine donned the keffiyeh, as they saw it doing so as part of trying to fit in with their neighbors. However, during the 1936-9 Arab Revolt against British rule, Arab commanders ordered Arab men to wear the keffiyeh as a symbol of their “resistance.”

In a report to the British Foreign Office, Harold MacMichael, the British Mandatory High Commissioner in Palestine, wrote: “This ‘order’ has been obeyed with surprising docility and it is not an exaggeration to say that in a month eight out of every ten tarbushes in the country had been replaced.” Keffiyeh-wearing jihadis murdered around 500 Jews, and the Jews of the region, as they were the targets of those who were wearing the keffiyeh, stopped wearing it themselves.

No one at the time of that uprising called the Arabs “Palestinians.” The Palestinian people, as a distinct ethnicity and nationality, was invented by the KGB and Yasir Arafat in 1964. According to Ion Mihai Pacepa, who had served as acting chief of Cold War–era Communist Romania’s spy service, “the KGB destroyed the official records of Arafat’s birth in Cairo, and replaced them with fictitious documents saying that he had been born in Jerusalem and was therefore a Palestinian by birth.”

Arafat and his fellow jihadis worked to popularize the propaganda fiction that the “Palestinians” were a people who were distinct from the other Arabs of the region, the keffiyeh became the national symbol of the spurious new people. Arafat cemented the link by making a black-and-white keffiyeh with a fishnet pattern his personal trademark. Wearing the keffiyeh became a symbol of one’s “solidarity” with the struggle of this new and yet supposedly indigenous people, and so it has remained to this day.

The association of the keffiyeh with the Palestinian Arab jihad has become so universally accepted that it is now commonplace to see leftists who are not “Palestinians” or Arabs wearing it to demonstrate their loyalty to the left’s cause du jour. Arabs and Kurds who wear it today will likewise be assumed, especially in the West, to be expressing their support for the jihad against Israel, even if that thought never crossed their mind.

The Palestinians as a people were invented in order to be used as a weapon against Israel. Instead of fighting to destroy the world’s only Jewish state in order to establish a twenty-third Arab state, the Palestinians were a people even smaller in numbers than the Jewish people, fighting for their indigenous homeland. Instead of being given refuge and starting new lives in neighboring Arab lands, the Arabs who fled Israel in 1948 remain perpetual refugees. So do their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, longing for a fictional homeland that none of them have ever seen. Aside from the jihad against Israel, these new people have no existence.

It is fitting that the symbol of this fake nationality would be a headdress that has been appropriated from elsewhere, and which Palestinian Arabs themselves did not wear for the most part until less than a hundred years ago. Nonetheless, the association is now unbreakable. The person who put on a keffiyeh is now endorsing Jew-hatred, ethnic cleansing, and genocide. The keffiyeh is this century’s Nazi symbol.


Whitewashing Muhammad: A steady diet of propaganda for kids on campus.

Nothing can inflame the Islamic community in some parts of the world more quickly than perceived insults of Muhammad, the prophet of Islam. Few people in history, if any, command this kind of ardent loyalty. This loyalty has been playing out again of late in India.

Muslims in India are demanding the arrest of a Hindu leader over what the Free Press Journal recently delicately termed “disparaging remarks about Prophet Muhammad and his wife Ayesha.” The situation was extremely tense, for “the Raza Academy, a Sunni group, which was among the groups that met the DGP [the Director General of Police], has asked Muslims to observe Friday as ‘Day of Protection in the Honour of the Prophet.’” Another Islamic group complained that the Hindu leader had not yet been arrested, despite the fact that India is not a Sharia state, and warned ominously that there could be a “serious law and order problem in society” if he were not arrested.

Why would perceived insults to Muhammad so enrage some Muslims that they would issue not-so-veiled threats of violence? This question vexes Westerners, including observant Christians, as they would never start wrecking buildings and burning things down because of insults of Jesus. Islamic apologists, however, have stated that this is because of the weakness of Christians’ faith; if Christians really loved Jesus, they say, they wouldn’t stand for his name being besmirched.

Many Muslims also maintain that Muhammad himself had such a singularly wonderful personality that insults of him are particularly upsetting. The Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research states: “God combined in Muhammad the most illustrious qualities, as evidence that he was in fact authorized by the Divine. His character sparkled from every angle, and this was noticed both by those who experienced him firsthand and those who later read his biography. They all found in Muhammad a lifestyle of extraordinary sincerity, conviction, and virtue that posed a formidable challenge to any doubter in his prophethood.” Another Islamic organization agrees: “He is the embodiment of the perfect human being." There are so many things we can learn from him. His whole life serves as a guide for us.”

Western non-Muslim scholars have abetted this impression. Karen Armstrong, in her acclaimed “Muhammad: A Biography of the Prophet,” claims fancifully that Muhammad “abjured violence and pursued a daring, inspired policy of non-violence that was worthy of Gandhi.” Another scholar, Eric Ormsby, has written fondly that Muhammad “loved to laugh, we are told, to the extent that when he did laugh – admittedly, not often – he did so ‘until his back teeth showed’. These are charming reports; they make a figure remote in time and place startlingly present and credible.”

Both Armstrong and Ormsby, however, were being astonishingly disingenuous. Muhammad never abjured violence. Islamic tradition states that not only did Muhammad lead jihad warriors into battle on numerous occasions; he also ordered the assassinations of several people for the crime of making fun of him, and rewarded the killers.

And as for Muhammad’s hearty laugh, “Muhammad: A Critical Biography” tells the full story that Ormsby omits, or may not know. According to the earliest Islamic traditions, Muhammad was laughing not at a marvelous joke or quip, but because he ordered one of his expert archers to shoot an enemy warrior, whereupon the enemy “fell down, exposing his buttocks.” The archer recounts: “I saw the Messenger of God laugh then, until his teeth could be seen.” Another version of the story, which situates it as taking place during a different battle, has a couple of bystanders discuss the incident after Muhammad’s archer shoots the rival warrior: “I asked: ‘What made him laugh?’ He replied: ‘What he did to the man!’”

Ormsby’s “charming” tale thus turns out to be Muhammad exulting in the humiliation and destruction of one of his enemies. This is in keeping with the aggressiveness and bellicosity that runs through the Islamic accounts of Muhammad’s life. It is therefore no surprise that the believers in Muhammad in India and elsewhere would so quickly threaten violence when their prophet was insulted. After all, that was how he himself behaved, and he is, according to the Qur’an, the Muslims’ “excellent example” (33:21), to be emulated in all possible circumstances.

Armstrong and Ormsby, however, represent the dominant view of Muhammad among Qatar-funded U.S. academics today. It’s no wonder, in light of that fact, that American universities have become hotbeds of support for Hamas, Hizballah, and other jihad terror groups. Kids on campus for over a generation have been fed a steady diet of propaganda, and it’s bearing fruit. “Muhammad: A Critical Biography” is a corrective.


Video: Mosab Hassan Yousef – My Father Founded Hamas; Groomed for a legacy of terror.

[Order David Horowitz’s new book, America Betrayed, HERE.]

Born in the West Bank to a Hamas founder, Mosab Hassan Yousef was groomed for a legacy of terror. But he made the dangerous choice to reject violence and escaping the oppression and bloodshed inflicted by Hamas. Now in the U.S., he warns that the ambitions of the Muslim Brotherhood threaten Western civilization. If we let them succeed, it could mean the fall of America and the West.

Check out this important video below:




Why Is the Pro-Palestinian Encampment Craze Sweeping Our Colleges?

AP Photo/Stefan Jeremiah
Campus fads come and go, but we’ve come a long way from swallowing goldfish, stuffing as many people as possible into phone booths, and the ever-popular drinking until you pass out. The latest craze among college kids is, as Sen. John Fetterman (D-Penn.) indelibly put it, “living in a pup tent for Hamas.” No sooner do cops clear out one encampment than another one springs up, and it looks as if they’re going to be with us for the rest of this semester and may even be revived once the universities reconvene next fall. This is, however, not even close to being a spontaneous phenomenon. The groundwork for what we’re seeing now has been laid for years.

Not only is it not spontaneous, it’s clearly orchestrated from outside the colleges and universities where the encampments have sprung up. New York City Mayor Eric Adams has acknowledged that “professionals” were involved in the Columbia University encampment. Another sign that this isn’t exactly a grass-roots movement is the fact that a large number of the pro-Hamas protesters have identical tents. Which well-heeled leftist bought them? We don’t know and may never know, but someone certainly appears to have done some buying in bulk. 

Still, the movement needed foot soldiers. The cadres had to be recruited and indoctrinated. That has been the work of the Middle East Studies Association (MESA), the professional organization of Middle East Studies professors at colleges and universities nationwide.

MESA, whose members dominate the Middle East Studies faculties of most colleges and universities in the United States, says that it is “a non-profit association that fosters the study of the Middle East, promotes high standards of scholarship and teaching, and encourages public understanding of the region and its peoples through programs, publications and services that enhance education, further intellectual exchange, recognize professional distinction, and defend academic freedom.” That strikes all the right notes, but as you likely suspect, the reality is not so noble and high-minded. MESA is a far-left, pro-jihad activist organization that is dedicated to providing an academic sheen to Marxist agitprops and Palestinian jihad propaganda.

To see what MESA busies itself with doing, scan the 25 items that are currently on the front page of the news section of the MESA website. Two stories are pinned to the top of the page; one of them is on the side of genuine justice and human rights, decrying the Iranian Islamic regime’s dismissal of professors who supported the recent Woman, Life, Freedom protests in Iran.

The other pinned story, however, is entitled “Campus Climate Resources,” which gives the initial impression that it’s propaganda about the myth of human-caused climate change; it’s about the “climate” on campus regarding support for the Palestinian jihad against Israel. MESA here offers an assortment of links to this article, denouncing the alleged “repression of protest on campuses,” the alleged “targeting of Palestinian students in Israeli universities,” and the like.

One of these linked articles carries this headline: “MESA Board Joint Statement with CAF [MESA’s Committee on Academic Freedom] regarding the ongoing genocidal violence against the Palestinian people and their cultural heritage in Gaza.” That article asserts that “the ongoing attack on Gaza by the state of Israel…has now claimed more than 100,000 Palestinians dead and wounded according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.”

Despite still being offered by MESA as if it contained current information, the article has not been revised to reflect Hamas’ admission that its casualty figures have been wildly inflated or any indication that the UN still carries on its list of journalists supposedly killed by the Israelis, the name of a man who is very much alive. In MESA’s world, only the Palestinian side of the story is told, and it is believed without question. That is what the self-righteous and ignorant students who are in the encampments have been told, and that’s all they know.

Many of the other articles on the first page of MESA’s news section are letters to or from various universities regarding MESA protesting against the dismissal of such professors or the disciplining of pro-Hamas students. There is nothing, however, about the pro-Israel professor Shai Davidai getting barred from the Columbia campus, but plenty about how the cosseted toy revolutionaries on the campus lawn are being oppressed and their rights denied.

     Related: I Got Invited to Speak at UCLA. Guess What Happened Next.

Given MESA’s relentless anti-Israel stance, it is easy to see how university students all over the nation have gotten the idea that supporting Hamas’ genocidal jihad is righteous. Yet MESA, like the universities where these students are posturing and screaming today, was not always this bad. Its Founding Fellows include genuine scholars such as S. D. Goitein, Majid Khadduri, and Franz Rosenthal. Among its Honorary Fellows were some of the most consequential figures in the study of Islam, Arabs, and the Middle East, including Sir Hamilton Gibb, Philip K. Hitti, W. Montgomery Watt, Maxime Rodinson, and Annemarie Schimmel.

These actual scholars have been followed, however, by today’s crop, which is a rogue gallery of academic hacks and propagandists. Yet their effectiveness cannot be denied: the pro-Hamas encampments on college campuses are their handiwork.

NYPD Head Slams AOC For Her Criticism of the Police at Columbia

At what point would AOC think calling in the NYPD is justified?

SEE:; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes:

[Pre-order a copy of David Horowitz’s next book, America Betrayed, by clicking here. Orders will begin shipping on May 7th.]

When pro-Hamas antisemitic students refused to leave their tent encampments on the Columbia campus after repeatedly being implored to do so by Columbia administrators, the NYPD was called in to remove them, and did so with dispatch and determined efficiency. The police never lost their cool, despite being repeatedly cursed by those students who tried to resist, kicking and screaming, being picked up and moved off-campus to waiting police wagons. Most observers were deeply impressed with the calm of the police officers that was quite a contrast to the hysteria exhibited by the students (and by some non-student protesters, mostly Muslim Arabs, who had decided to take part in the anti-Israel fun). Not everyone was impressed, however. The former mixologist and current Congresswoman and Squadroon, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, was outraged at the behavior of the police. And the head of the NYPD decided to answer her back. More on this contretemps, with the NYPD chief showing his mettle more attractive, can be found here: “Top NYPD cop schools AOC after she rants about Columbia campus chaos and ‘violent’ police units,” by Olivia Land, New York Post, April 25, 2024:

A top NYPD official schooled Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and slammed Columbia University’s “entitled” demonstrators after the congresswoman railed against the school’s decision to call in cops amid ongoing campus chaos.

“Not only did Columbia make the horrific decision to mobilize NYPD on its own students, but the units called in have some of the most violent reviews on the force,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote late Wednesday in response to a video of NYPD counterterrorism officers outside the Morningside Heights campus.

“NYPD had promised the city they wouldn’t deploy SRG to protests. "So why are these counterterror units here?” she asked.

But NYPD Chief of Patrol John Chell was having none of the left-wing Democrat’s critique, and wrote in a reply, “Columbia decided to hold its students accountable to the laws of the school.”…

The protesters have missed several deadlines to evacuate the space — including a midnight Wednesday cutoff that under-pressure officials extended by 48 hours.

The NYPD also arrested more than 100 demonstrators at NYU on Monday night — and shocking video showed Assistant Chief James McCarthy and his officers surrounded as they went into a building after cuffing one of the protesters.

“F–k you! F–k you, pigs,” the crowd could be heard shouting at police as they [the protesters] descended on the scene.

NYPD Assistant Chief James McCarthy and a few officers were chased by protestors after they made a single arrest at NYU. McCarthy and his men tried to get inside the NYU Catholic Center, but couldn’t open the door. They eventually found an unlocked door around the corner. Security guards had to hold the doors closed as students tried but failed to push their way in. And once inside, McCarthy called for backup. The students, meanwhile, alternated cries of “Shame” with “Free Palestine.” And they continued to do so until that backup unit arrived, and started to make more arrests, at which point the crowd dissipated.

After many attempts to persuade the students to leave peacefully, all of which were rejected, the administration at Columbia called on the NYPD to remove them forcibly. This came two days after the NYPD arrested more than 100 demonstrators at NYU, who had taken over a campus building; Columbia students spewed obscenities at the police when they arrived, and continued in that vein as they resisted being picked up and taken in police wagons to local stations to be booked.

At Columbia, the administration had repeatedly set deadlines for the students — at least three — all of which were ignored by the students. Their presence — that tent encampment — smack in the middle of the campus had disrupted university life, with noise of their chanting making it hard to be heard inside lecture halls, classrooms, and libraries. Entry into some buildings was blocked by the protesters. Jewish students, fearing the worst, did not dare to cross the campus to get to classes or to their dorm rooms. Many have now followed the advice of Columbia’s rabbi and left their dorms to live at home as commuting students.

AOC was outraged by the NYPD being called in by Columbia to remove protesters after days of warnings went unheeded. She specifically objected to police belonging to anti-terror units being among those sent to Columbia. What did she expect the Columbia administrators to do — simply turn over the campus to the protesters who continued to spew forth their anti-Israel and antisemitic venom, calling for the eradication of the Jewish state and its replacement by a 23rd Arab one, and cheering on the terrorists of Hamas for what they did on October 7? Should that have been allowed to go on for weeks? At what point would AOC think calling in the NYPD was justified? After a Jewish student is pummeled by a crowd into a bloody mess? In fact, there have been physical threats to Jewish students on the Columbia campus, many of whom now say they are afraid to appear on the campus because of the demonstrators. There have been a few cases of Jewish students being attacked, though so far no serious injuries have been reported. Does that “horrify” you just as much as the police from the anti-terror unit, AOC?

Video: Jewish UCLA Student Blockaded From Class by Masked Protesters

"This is our school and they are not letting me walk in.”

SEE:; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes:

[Pre-order a copy of David Horowitz’s next book, America Betrayed, by clicking here. Orders will begin shipping on May 7th.]

Amid the ongoing harassment and bigotry displayed by pro-Hamas protesters on college campuses across the United States, a short video has gone viral featuring a Jewish student at UCLA, wearing a Star of David necklace, being denied passage to his classes by masked activists.

“I’m a UCLA student. I deserve to go here. We pay tuition. "This is our school and they are not letting me walk in,” the student states.

As commentator Dave Rubin noted on X, “Imagine if a black kid was being denied entry to UCLA by white students… We’d all know his name, the NBA season would be cancelled, cities would be burning and dementia man would’ve sent in the national guard.”

Check out the short clip below:

U. Minnesota Dept. of Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies: A Vile Font of Jew Hatred

Oct. 7 was about “Hamas fighters” who “brought down border fences.”

SEE:; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes:

[Pre-order a copy of David Horowitz’s next book, America Betrayed, by clicking here. Orders will begin shipping on May 7th.]

Editor’s note: Since the barbaric Hamas attacks against Israel on October 7th, American universities have become an undeniable locus of Jewish hatred within our nation. Much attention has deservedly been paid to radical campus groups like Students for Justice in Palestine who call for the genocide of the Jews and cheer the terrorists of Hamas. What has received less attention—but should in fact rank as the universities’ worst offense—is the Jew hatred promoted by official departments and institutes of the universities themselves. In the case of our campuses, Jewish hatred is “the call coming from inside the house.”

The Freedom Center is exposing these academic institutes and programs as “The Top Ten Jew-Hating Academic Departments” in a new report. We will be publishing one school per day as a series on Frontpage. The Department of Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies at the University of Minnesota is #5 on our list.  

Just a glance at the website for the University of Minnesota Department of Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies reveals it to be a highly politicized unit of the wider university, dedicated to progressive activism. The site declares that “As a place where research, education, and social change go hand in hand, GWSS identifies, analyzes, and challenges structural inequalities, while imagining and creating just and transformative futures for all.” Instead of searching for truth and knowledge, the Department openly acknowledges that its vision includes “social change,” “challeng[ing] structural inequalities,” and “creating just and transformative futures for all.”

So it should come as no surprise that, like much of the progressive left, the Department of Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies (DGWSS) is a vile font of Jewish hatred on the University of Minnesota campus.

Just six days after the brutal and barbaric Hamas attack on Israel, in which innocent civilians were brutalized and raped, parents killed in front of children, children killed in front of parents, bodies gleefully mutilated by terrorists on camera, DGWSS released a “Faculty Statement on Palestine” in which they described the massacre as “Hamas fighters” (not terrorists) who “brought down border fences.” The statement went on to demonize Israel and its defensive response to the worst attack in its history as “not self-defense but the continuation of a genocidal war against Gaza and against Palestinian freedom, self-determination, and life.”  The statement declared “We stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people and with Palestinian scholars and organizers.” DGWSS might as well have said, “We stand with Hamas.”

The statement goes on to make clear that the Department stands for Palestine, and only Palestine. “We strongly reject media coverage that condemns either side or seeks to tell a one-sided story of an unprovoked terrorist attack,” it states. “Israeli leaders are wielding a violent power that subjugates the Palestinian people and constructs them as dehumanized terrorists, upon whom any bloodshed can be meted out.”

Ironically, the Department even claims that its glorification of Hamas “fighters,” who raped and brutalized innocent Israeli women en masse is a stance for feminism. “As scholars and solidarity workers who seek justice everywhere, we respond to the call of Palestinian feminists and Palestinian freedom fighters for transnational solidarity and assert that Palestine is a feminist issue,” claims the statement. “None of us will be free unless the Palestinian people are free and Palestinian land is liberated.”

Unsurprisingly, the statement goes on to “reaffirm support for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement,” a genocidal attempt to isolate and destroy the world’s only Jewish state.

At the very end of the lengthy diatribe against Israel, one sentence appears to apparently mediate the clear tension created by an academic department putting forth such a horrific and anti-Semitic tirade: “This statement reflects our individual views and we do not purport to speak for the University.”  This caveat is obviously a lie. Individual professors in the department could have put out a statement under their own auspices and promoted it on their personal social media accounts. Instead, DGWSS chose to place it prominently on the official department webpage of the University of Minnesota website, where it remains several months later, amended only by a brief note, added on November 20th, 2023, which states, in part, “This statement was written collectively by the tenured core faculty of the Department of Gender Women and Sexuality Studies." This statement does not reflect the position of the University of Minnesota.”  That legalistic note seems unlikely to reassure Jewish and Israeli students who are forced to take classes within the Department.

Largely in response to the DGWSS statement, the U.S. Department of Education is now conducting an investigation into whether the University of Minnesota has violated federal anti-discrimination law due to anti-Semitism on campus.

The investigation was prompted by a letter sent to federal officials by former University of Minnesota regent Michael Hsu and law professor Richard Painter who argued, according to MPR News, that the DGWSS statement “is antisemitic because it condemns Israel while justifying the terrorist attacks by Hamas.’”

“This is not about being pro-Palestinian,” Painter told MPR News. “This is about official statements of departments on websites paid for by the Minnesota taxpayers that justify the actions of Hamas.”

For its politicized use of official university resources to promote anti-Semitism and glorify Hamas, the University of Minnesota Department of Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies belongs on the list of the worst Jewish-hating academic departments in America.

Previous articles in the series:

[1] ‘Jew-Hating’ Asian American Studies Program is Exposed at Northwestern University.

[2] UIUC’s Department of Latino Studies Endorses ‘Jew Hatred’.

[3] U. Maryland Department of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies: A Case Study in ‘Jew Hatred’.

[4] University of Colorado-Boulder Ethnic Studies Department: Shilling for Hamas.

[5] UNC Center for Middle East and Islamic Studies: Celebrating October 7th.

Pro-Palestinian protesters at UCLA stand ground, refuse orders to disperse

Thousands of people took over the University of California, Los Angeles campus Wednesday night, just short of 24 hours after violence broke out between demonstrators in the pro-Palestinian encampment and pro-Israeli counter-protesters.   On Wednesday, Sky5 went overhead as a large law enforcement presence began to position itself on different sides of the encampment. Not long after police showed up, authorities ordered demonstrators to disperse, declaring the encampment an unlawful assembly over a loudspeaker.   Aerial footage showed hundreds of demonstrators locking arms in front of the path leading to the encampment and reinforcing barricades, as law enforcement surrounded the encampment.   Hours later, demonstrators were still occupying the encampment with police on the outskirts despite orders to disperse issued earlier in the afternoon. At around 11 p.m. Tuesday night, some 50 pro-Israeli counter-protesters, many of them dressed in black and wearing white masks, lobbed fireworks at those in the encampment and attempted to dismantle the barricades.

Anti-Israel Protesters Screaming ‘Intifada!’ Break Their Way Into Columbia University

Anti-Israel Protesters Screaming ‘Intifada!’ Break Their Way Into Columbia University

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - APRIL 29: A demonstrator breaks the windows of the front door of the building in order to secure a chain around it to prevent authorities from entering on Tuesday, April 30, 2024 in New York City. Demonstrators from the pro-Palestine encampment on Columbia's Campus barricade themselves inside Hamilton Hall, an academic building which has been occupied in past student movements,. Pro-Palestinian demonstrators marched around the "Gaza Solidarity Encampment" at Columbia University as a 2 P.M. deadline to clear the encampment given to students by the university passed. The students were given a suspension warning if they do not meet the deadline. Columbia students were the first to erect an encampment in support of Palestine, with students demanding that the school divest from Israel amid the Israel-Hamas war, where more than 34,000 Palestinians have been killed in the Gaza Strip. (Photo by Alex Kent/Getty Images)
A demonstrator breaks the windows of the front door of the building in order to secure a chain around it to prevent authorities from entering on Tuesday, April 30, 2024 in New York City. Demonstrators from the pro-Palestine encampment on Columbia’s Campus barricade themselves inside Hamilton Hall, an academic building that has been occupied in past student movements,. Pro-Palestinian demonstrators marched around the “Gaza Solidarity Encampment” at Columbia University as a 2 P.M. deadline to clear the encampment given to students by the university passed. Students were given a suspension warning if they did not meet the deadline. Columbia students were the first to erect an encampment in support of Palestine, with students demanding that the school divest from Israel amid the Israel-Hamas war, where more than 34,000 Palestinians have been killed in the Gaza Strip. (Photo by Alex Kent/Getty Images)

OAN’s James Meyers
9:54 AM – Tuesday, April 30, 2024

SEE:; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes:

A large mob of anti-Israel protesters broke into an academic building at Columbia University and took control of it on Tuesday morning. 

The mob rebranded the well-known hall named after U.S. founding father Alexander Hamilton and displayed a giant flag that read “intifada.”

Footage of the incident showed dozens of anti-Israel protesters breaking into Hamilton Hall and barricading themselves just before 1 a.m., with many using metal barricades, chairs and tables.

One video shows a protester using a hammer to smash through a glass-paneled door. He is also seen locking himself in by wrapping a bike lock around the door handles.

Once anti-Israel protesters were able to gain entry into the building, they quickly covered the cameras with black trash bags and tape, according to the school’s Columbia Daily Spectator.

“We will not leave until Columbia meets every one of our demands,” one activist screamed from a balcony in the building. The group has demanded that the university divest from Israel.

The student-led outlet also reported that the building was locked down within five minutes, with protesters not allowing anyone to enter. 

Representative Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) said at a press conference: “The world is watching as the leadership of our so-called elite colleges and universities continue to fail to condemn antisemitism and protect Jewish students on campus.”

The rioters were reportedly still occupying the building on the South Lawn, which has been the location of the school’s anti-Israel encampment for over a week, according to the school paper. 

Meanwhile, the campus storming prompted Columbia officials to close the campus on Tuesday, restricting access to everyone except students who currently live there, as well as essential staff. 

Additionally, hundreds of protesters covered the outside of the campus building, linking arms to form a human chain, and stopping people from coming through the entrance. 

“Hey hey, ho ho, the occupation has got to go,” protesters outside the building could be heard chanting during the wild scenes, according to footage posted to X by an independent news blog.

“We will not leave until Columbia meets every one of our demands,” others raged.

The latest anti-Israel movement comes less than a day after Columbia finally announced they would begin suspending students who refused to leave their tent encampment by 2 p.m. on campus.

The school outlet also stated that when the mob entered the building, there were facilities workers still inside, with one of the workers yelling “They held me hostage!” as he left the building. 

“They swarmed the building,” one of the workers told Politico. “I got into a scuffle with a couple of them. "They finally let us out,” the staffer added, showing off a cut on their hand.

In the meantime, Columbia officials have not stated how they plan to address the latest actions by anti-Israel protesters. 

Meanwhile, the White House denounced the hostile takeover, saying it was “absolutely the wrong approach” that is “not an example of peaceful protest.”

A slew of anti-Israel protests have been happening at other campuses across the U.S. in the past two weeks. 

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Sean Spicer: White House Dinner Disaster, Radicals on College Campuses

The White House correspondents dinner was filled with lowlights this weekend. Colin Jost and his grandpa think Biden is a "decent" man. Insults were hurled at Lara Trump as Biden gave his marching orders to the press. Forget about the infuriatingly awful job he's done as president and just keep writing about how "fiery" his speeches are. Protests on college campuses have become confrontational and violent as hateful rhetoric continues to spread from Islamist sympathizers. Speaker Johnson is placating the liberal media again instead of focusing on closing our country's border. The border invasion has a new wave of illegal aliens using "adverse possession" laws to seize U.S. homes. Many take to Tik Tok to teach other illegal aliens how to accomplish this. Rep. Dan Meuser is taking a stand against this new dilemma with his SHIELD initiative. Rep. Meuser sits down with Sean today to discuss the border, SHIELD, government funding and Kristi Noem's dog? Featuring: Congressman Dan Meuser Pennsylvania | District 9 Interested in Rep. Meuser's SHIELD Act? Click on the link below 👇

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