Rather Expose Them Christian News Blog

BUSTED AGAIN: AOC Maskless and Kissing Broadway Star at Florida Drag Queen Event

AOC CAUGHT Partying MASKLESS At Drag Queen Bar As Eric Adams Calls 911 On First Day As NYC Mayor

MIAMI (FCV) – FCV was sent exclusive footage where Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) is seen maskless in a large crowd of tightly-packed people at a Miami Drag Queen bar. New York City residents hopeful that new Mayor Eric Adams would usher in an era free from his predecessor Bill de Blasio were disappointed as the new leader announced day-one executive orders furthering the former mayor’s restrictive policies.


SEE: https://pjmedia.com/vodkapundit/2022/01/03/busted-again-aoc-maskless-and-kissing-broadway-star-at-florida-drag-queen-event-n1545506;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

“AOC maskless” is quickly becoming the “Worthwhile Canadian Initiative” of political headlines, if only because endless repetition has sapped her blatant hypocrisy of any thunder. But I bet you didn’t see “Kissing Broadway Star at Florida Drag Queen Event” coming, did you?

The New York City Democrat Congresscritter seemed to be having more fun than is allowed by law — at least more than is allowed back home — getting a big smooch from Kinky Boots star Billy Porter.

Benny Johnson has the pics because it did happen.

We’ve got video, too.

SFW, I promise.

Frankly, I don’t mind Ocasio-Cortez enjoying the good life in Florida and neither should you. New York is just so drab and closed down and awful, anyone who doesn’t want to get out is probably one of those people who thinks two-year-olds need to mask up or who exile themselves in an airplane bathroom for three hours after testing positive.

Recommended: SCIENCE! CNN Finally Admits Cloth Masks Don’t Stop COVID (But Nobody Told Biden)

Florida is free and freedom works, as even “democratic socialist” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tacitly admits in these photographs.

What makes me chuckle is reading AOC calling me (and people like me) a “creepy weirdo” for “obsessing” over her Florida antics. That’s such a high school mean girl response — I’d add “unworthy of an elected official,” but we’re clearly past that now — that it doesn’t merit any reply more serious than, “Oh, please.”

If that.

What I do mind, greatly, is AOC flaunting her privileged status while doing everything she can to keep her constituents living in fear.

Rosaria Butterfield: Lesbian Women’s Studies Professor “Comes to Christ”


No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up on the last day. (John 6:44)

Jesus uttered some very solemn words: “No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him,” emphasizing man’s helplessness and utter inability to respond to Him apart from God’s sovereign call. Unbelievers are unable to come to Jesus on their own initiative. If God did not irresistibly draw sinners to Christ, no one would ever come to Him.

In today's episode, Becket chats with former lesbian women's studies professor Rosaria Butterfield about her story of coming to Christ, sexual orientation as a modern construct, Christian hospitality, and much more. We take a look at three of her books, "The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert," "Openness Unhindered," and "The Gospel Comes with a House Key." Our conversation will pull you in, encourage and enlighten you. Rosaria brings so much wisdom to the topic of homosexuality. This important episode is a MUST WATCH. Rosaria's Books: "The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert" - https://amzn.to/3oXDGK0 "Openness Unhindered" - https://amzn.to/3ywujUX "The Gospel Comes with a House Key" - https://amzn.to/3yu08h7








Former Teacher: Lone Star Parents Concerned About Books Are “Bigots.” School Wars Continue as Teachers “Come Out” to Preschoolers

Former Teacher: Lone Star Parents Concerned About Books Are “Bigots.” School Wars Continue as Teachers “Come Out” to Preschoolers


SEE: https://thenewamerican.com/former-teacher-lone-star-parents-concerned-about-books-are-bigots-school-wars-continue-as-teachers-come-out-to-preschoolers/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

ABOVE: Krista Tyler speaking at December 16 Leander school board meeting

If you want to know what more than a few teachers think of the parents who pay teacher salaries through taxes, a former “technology specialist” in Texas explained in a snide poem that mocked them.

The leftist called them “bigots” at a meeting of the Leander school board because they oppose pornographic books that promote sodomy. She also warned that parents would not be permitted to control what kids read.

Yet the Dr.-Seuss-like doggerel also demonstrates that the war over what’s taught in public schools won’t be an easy one for parents to win.

Schools across the country are hiring transvestite and homosexual teachers who are “coming out” to students, some of them in preschool. Some crossdress in class.


The nutbar teacher, formerly an “instructional technology specialist” at a middle school, is Krista Tyler, Fox News reported. She attacked concerned parents on December 16 after they objected to sexually explicit books.

The poem isn’t exactly a work of genius, even for something trying to imitate Dr. Seuss, a low-brow leftist who used his books to brainwash kids.

Wrote Tyler:

Everyone in Leander liked reading a lot

but some evangelicals in Leader did not

These kooks hated reading, the whole reading season

Please don’t ask why, no one quite knows the reason.

It could be perhaps critical thinking causes fright.

It could be their heads aren’t screwed on just right.

But whatever the reason, their brains or their fright

They can’t follow policy in plain black and white.

These bigots don’t get to choose for us, that’s clear

Then how, I am wondering, did we even get here?

They growl at our meetings, all hawing and humming, 

“We must stop this indoctrination from coming!”

They’ve come for the books and the bonds and what for?

Their kids don’t even attend Leander schools anymore.

Bring back our books, maintain decorum, good grief.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a meeting in peace?

The books in question were Lawn Boy, which Amazon describes as a “vibrant coming-of-age novel and a sharp social commentary on class … a painfully honest portrait of one young man’s struggle to overcome the hand he’s been dealt in life and reach for his dreams.”

In fact, the book contains underage homosexual filth and propaganda.

A second book is Gender Queer. The School Library Journal bills it as a “great resource for those who identify as nonbinary or asexual as well as for those who know someone who identifies that way and wish to better understand.”

But again, it’s homosexual filth that contains “photos of sexual acts between a boy and a man,” Fox reported.

Father of four Dustin Clark told Fox why parents are furious:

I’m disgusted and disheartened that there are teachers in our school district who think it is OK to mock parents for their religious beliefs, and for demanding that children not have access to books in the library or classroom that have pornographic illustrations and graphic descriptions of sex acts.

Tyler, meanwhile, hastened to explain that she “was not an employee of any school district at the time of this statement and is a fellow parent in Leander.”

She said she does not represent “any school district” and that her limp verse “attack on Christianity.”

The district yanked 11 sexually inappropriate books a few weeks ago.

Orlando Salinas told Fox that parents are not attending the school-board meetings to be politically disputatious:

Parents such as myself, are increasingly participating in school board meetings because we see firsthand the detrimental effects that “woke-ism” has had on our schools and our children. In Round Rock, 8% of African American students and 11% of Hispanic students perform math on grade level, according to the 2021 STARR Performance data. We parents are attending these meetings to challenge the status quo because the status quo is not working for our students.

Maybe black and Hispanics would receive better math grades if the school were more worried about addition and subtraction than they were about “genderqueers.” That aside, books are the least problem in some schools.

Crazy Teachers

Libs of Tik Tok frequently posts videos of crackpot teachers who “come out” to students or cross-dress in class. The abuse is confessed openly and often.

“To the parents who refused to educate their children on queerness, I am an openly non-binary trans-pre-school teacher,” one says. “I talk to my students about pronouns, transness, gender expression, and sexuality.

Says another:

I start conversations about gender and sexuality with my students.… For these kids to know that a queer adult exists, to know know the trans people exist and are normal, is life changing to them. They need someone to start these conversations because they don’t know they have the permission to ask me.

“My admin is actually very OK with me wearing heels,” another says:

I’m coming to school in drag sometimes. I used to put on makeup, but now it’s too early in the morning, so that’s not happening anymore. But like, yeah, they’re pretty cool with it. They just think I’m making a safe place for my kids.

But the transvestite also confesses the truth: “I’m here to recruit you.”

POLICE STATE NEW JERSEY: MassResistance forces hospital to take down “Pride” display

SEE: https://www.massresistance.org/docs/gen4/21d/NJ-MR-shuts-down-hospital-Pride/index.html;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

New Jersey MassResistance causes major hospital to shut down its “Pride” display

Rather than face big protests from the community, the hospital caved in

December 20, 2021
The Monmouth Medical Center Southern Campus is the major medical complex in the Lakewood area.

Sometimes, small efforts can have a major impact.

In recent years, the medical profession in America (and around the world) has corrupted much of its mission to promote health by embracing the homosexual and transgender agendas – which bring a range of diseases, medical problems, and psychological issues.

MassResistance first reported on this problem back in 2010 when prominent urologist Dr. Paul Church was dismissed from several major Boston hospitals for simply discussing the known health risks and moral issues of homosexual behavior.

In many hospitals, the fealty to the LGBT movement has become almost cult-like, particularly during June each year – so-called “gay pride” month.

Boston Children's Hospital marching in the "Gay Pride" parade in Boston.

A town where MassResistance fights back!

Lakewood, New Jersey has a large Orthodox Jewish population, and is the home base of our New Jersey MassResistance chapter – one of our most passionate groups!

As we reported in 2019, the minor league professional baseball team in Lakewood decided to have a “gay pride night” at the ballpark in June. Local families were outraged. Our Orthodox Jewish activists worked with local Christian churches and jammed the streets with protesters that night! The team owners got the message.

The pro-family protesters lined the street across from the stadium on "gay pride night."
Jews and Christians joined together!

Also that month, the Lakewood public library had a “Pride month celebration” targeting children. Our Orthodox activists leafletted the area and organized protests outside the library. In addition, local religious schools notified parents that the library was not safe for their children that month. From what we’ve heard, the library has backed off from promoting “pride” since then!

Protesting the "Pride month celebration" at the Lakewood library.

This year: A local hospital complex started a Pride display …

The Monmouth Medical Center Southern Campus is the major medical complex in the Lakewood area. It’s located on a busy street just blocks from several Orthodox religious schools and synagogues.

In front of its main building, the hospital posts messages on an electric billboard that faces the oncoming traffic.

This is the hospital's electric sign at the street in front of the main entrance.

This year in June, it began displaying a large “Celebrate Gay Pride” message. Parents bringing their children to school and going to the synagogue were shocked and angered.

Our New Jersey MassResistance chapter leader contacted the local media. Later that day a reporter called the hospital and told them a protest was scheduled to take place at the hospital.

Then the “Pride” message was immediately taken down and did not reappear! Nor were there any other visible signs of “gay pride” at the hospital that month – or since then.

A small victory – but a big deal in that community!

Final thoughts

We say this all the time. A few people who can organize others can make a lot of difference. And often it’s the little things that count in the long run.

In the past year, our New Jersey MassResistance group has undertaken other great activism in Lakewood and across the state! We’ll be reporting on that in upcoming posts.

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On Christian Masculinity-American Faith


SEE: https://americanfaith.com/on-christian-masculinity/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

(Bold Christian Writing) With every passing generation, men become weaker and more confused. This is not only because of dropping testosterone levels across the board but also because men have few – if any – strong role models in modern America. More and more young boys are raised by single mothers or in female-dominant homes, and then they go off to public school… where their instruction and discipline is performed almost entirely by women. What’s a young boy to do?

Eventually, in the modern age, he finds his way to the Internet. Faced with an unprecedented plethora of choices, he must wisely navigate the endless sea of public figures who claim to teach “true masculinity.” Nowadays the PUA sphere has been largely supplanted by the more general “male self-improvement,” which always teaches how to indulge in one’s material temptations more successfully; not only more premarital sex – as was the niche’s focus in my own adolescence – but more money, more cars, more of everything he wants…all while compromising as little as possible. This, so they tell you, is what it means to be a man: getting more of what you want while suffering as little as possible. To those of you more philosophically-inclined, this is simply the reiteration of ancient Epicureanism: a materialist outlook seeking to maximize pleasure and minimize pain. Is this truly the peak of what a man can achieve?

I won’t throw out the baby with the bathwater or suggest that there’s nothing of value to be learned from such sources. Rather, I assert that what good can be found in them can be found in better, fuller, and holier form from Christian sources – and without all the soul-killing baggage. For a deeper examination of this idea, I encourage you to read St. Basil the Great’s Address to Young Men on the Right Use of Greek Literature. It’s an ancient, in-depth homily on how young men ought to engage with pagan or secular material.

Having said that, there is no shortage of instruction for how men ought to look, behave, and conduct themselves in the writings of Holy Scripture and the Church Fathers. Therefore, I’d like to present you with three aspects of manhood that God considered important enough to illuminate through these vehicles. 

1. Appearance

You may have read this bullet point and thought to yourself that men ought to have no concern for their appearance. In a certain sense, you’re right; a man should not spend inordinate amounts of time admiring himself in the mirror, seeking out and purchasing the latest trendy and fashionable clothes, or taking hours of each day making sure that he presents himself in such a way to attain validation from others. 

On the other hand, the notion of how a Christian man should look was important enough to be mentioned in both the Old and New Testaments – not to mention by several Fathers of the Orthodox Church. Starting at the beginning, we read in Deuteronomy 22:5 that “The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are an abomination unto the Lord thy God.”

The New Testament, as you might expect, is perfectly aligned with the Old Testament and its sentiments. God is the God described in both texts, Who interacts with humanity in each of them and through Whose inspiration both texts were written. Christians are not Marcionites; we do not believe there is any tension or disagreement between the Old and New Testaments. Therefore, we should not be surprised to discover that St. Paul reiterates what you read above, writing in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 that “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.”

God, inspiring the pen of St. Paul, teaches that an effeminate man is as much an abomination as a fornicator, an idolater, or an adulterer. In practical terms, this means not dressing in such a way as to feminize your appearance or behaving like a woman. No earrings, no eyeliner, no painted nails, no “unisex” clothing, and certainly no “transgenderism.” For a full Christian breakdown of sexual dimorphism – and a survey of its denial’s consequences – I encourage you to listen to Father Josiah Trenham’s lecture series “Reflections On Transgenderism.” 

Since the same Holy Spirit speaks through both the Bible and the Church, we should expect to find – and do find – this same sentiment passed down through the centuries. Specifically, we find Church Father after Church Father exhorting men to grow beards and not to shave their faces.

In The Instructor, Clement of Alexandria wrote that “For one who is a man to comb himself and shave himself with a razor, for the sake of fine effect, to arrange his hair at the looking-glass, to shave his cheeks, pluck hairs out of them, and smooth them, how womanly!…This is a meretricious and impious form of snare. For God wished women to be smooth, and rejoice in their locks alone growing spontaneously, as a horse in his mane; but had adorned man, like the lions, with a beard, and endowed him, as an attribute of manhood, with a shaggy chest – a sign of strength and rule.”

In his Exposition on Psalm 133, St. Augustine of Hippo wrote that “The beard signifies the courageous; the beard distinguishes the grown men, the earnest, the active, the vigorous. So that when we describe such, we say, he is a bearded man.”

In the Apostolic Constitutions we find the following passage as well: “Nor may men destroy the hair of their beards, and unnaturally change the form of a man. For the law says: You shall not mar your beards. For God the Creator has made this decent for women but has determined that it is unsuitable for men. But if you do these things to please men, in contradiction to the law, you will be abominable with God, Who created you after His own image. If, therefore, you will be acceptable to God, abstain from all those things which He hates, and do none of those things that are unpleasing to Him.”

As a survey of history clearly demonstrates, from the time of Moses up until the present day, the community of God has explicitly declared that a man should look like a man. A beard and body hair distinguish you from women and children; should you shave yourself and look like a naked mole rat, you will have marred the appearance that God designed you to have. 

Yet there is far more to being a man than just how you look. If you look the part – but act weak or womanly – you are failing just as much as if you shaved your face and body. On that note, let’s continue to the next point of Christian masculinity.

2. Conduct

The way you behave is even more important than the way you look. For a good example of what I mean, consider any mainstream “rap” video; half the time, the men in these videos are wearing a cross. And yet what do they “rap” about? Always the same topics: money, sex, power, drugs, killing, and Luciferian exaltation of the self. Every song is about me, me, me. This is the false image of masculinity propagated to the populace by wicked, deceptive agents of Satan who want to separate man from God.

Read any self-help book on the shelves today, and you will discover there a version, whether watered-down or full-fledged, of the Nietzschean will-to-power. The male self-help niche is absolutely saturated with the worship of individuality, the assertion of dominance, and the encouragement to conquer. 

The irony of pretending these images are of “powerful men” is that there is nobody weaker, nobody more enslaved, than a man who throws himself into every sinful temptation he feels. St. Augustine of Hippo aptly noted that “a man has as many masters as he has vices.” You can have all the money, power, and women you want…the absolute zenith of “male self-help”…yet if you succumb to temptation left and right, you remain a slave to your own impulses and will never be truly free.

Now the concepts of individuality and dominance can, and do, have a Christian counterpart. On the topic of individuality, for example, the secular world may tell you that there is nothing more important than you. Your desires, your ambitions, your possessions, your influence. But in the Christian context, individuality is only truly realized in obedience to, and likeness of, Christ Himself. We are not Buddhists seeking to dissolve our personhood into a great nothingness. We do not seek the destruction of the self the way some esoteric, non-Christian belief systems do. Rather than destruction, we seek fullness and transfiguration; becoming a man means aligning our person with the ultimate Person, our manhood with that of the ultimate Man. In that context, our individuality is not erased; it is established, it blossoms, and it flourishes. This is achieved specifically by denying ourselves, overcoming our greed and our passions.

Likewise, there is nothing wrong with the idea of dominance – but depending again on the meaning. In the secular sphere, dominance often means never backing down, asserting yourself against and above everyone around you. It is about making yourself bigger by making others smaller, diminishing them to inflate your own sense of superiority. In the Christian sphere, dominance has two specific contexts: rulership of your family and, whether you have a family or not, rulership over your passions. A man who is moved by his emotions is weak; a man who cannot resist temptation is useless. Look at the world around you, at the politicians and media moguls. They are, largely, sin-sick men who succumb to their every desire and, being easily corrupted, are likewise easily owned. The Christian life is a battle with the passions, and in this warfare, you must dominate. You must rule. You must conquer.

In short, the essence of masculine behavior is self-control. If you do not have the ability to say “no” – whether to others who offer you something you shouldn’t take, or even more importantly, to yourself – then you must get to work developing this ability immediately. You must be able to withstand a sinful impulse and adapt your behavior to that laid out by the Christian path. After all, we read in Revelation 21:8 that “the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” I hope you will heed God’s warning, and do everything in your power to avoid finding yourself in these categories.

And yet, one of the many grand paradoxes of Christianity is that your own power and will are utterly incapable of attaining this goal; rather, it is submitting your will to God’s that will bring you the results you’re after. The only power your will has, in these circumstances, is the will to cooperate with God. But if you try to brute-force your way into virtue, you will end up the spiritual equivalent of a “dry drunk;” your bad behavior may have improved, but the wounds that led to it will remain unhealed. This is especially difficult for men to accept since our pride wants us to be the victors, wants us to be powerful, wants us to be strong. 

In fact, Satan will appeal to your fallen sense of masculinity in order to keep you in his grip: “You got this,” he whispers into the undiscerning ear. “You’re strong enough to handle this yourself.” And yet the truth is precisely the opposite; as quoted in one of my all-time favorite spiritual books, Victory In The Unseen Warfare: “If you rely on yourself in the spiritual warfare, you will not be able to resist even the smallest attack of the enemy.”

Such words wound our ego, our pride, our fallen manhood. We cringe at the notion of not being self-reliant; after all, men conquer! Men are strong! Men handle their problems! And we do conquer; we are strong; we do handle our problems – but we do so by submitting ourselves to God to let Him take care of such things with ease, rather than getting lost in the world’s vision of self-esteem.

And yet we are not utterly powerless, as I mentioned above. We have the power to cooperate with God by making wise choices about our behavior. We have the power to feel temptation and – rather than immediately leap into it – fall to our knees and pray. We can choose to grab our prayer ropes, do our prostrations, say our Jesus Prayers. And these behaviors, so opposite to what the world tells us make us “strong,” in fact brings us the greatest strength of all: God’s grace and power, against which temptation is nothing. 

We can also choose to make intelligent choices that will minimize the odds of falling into sin. By way of personal example, I’ll share with you what I did when I was courting the woman to whom I’m now married.  The first time she came to my apartment – which was in broad daylight, so as to be less tempting than a nighttime hangout – I asked my housemate to be present as a chaperone. I, a young adult in his early thirties, asked another man to help supervise me; this sort of thing is crushing to the pride that leads us astray and helped set the right tone for our relationship. Even before then, in our very first conversation about dating, I told her explicitly that I was not going to sleep with her unless and until we ended up husband and wife. I took the initiative, as a man should do, to set the frame and boundaries of the relationship. Believe it or not, she and I did not even hold hands until three months later – when we “officially” became boyfriend and girlfriend. I cannot tell you how grateful I am for having made these kinds of choices, nor for my gratitude that she followed my lead. I am convinced that if we’d slept together before our wedding night, it would have destroyed our relationship and the foundation of what we built. 

If you currently have a girlfriend or a woman you’re dating, I cannot recommend enough that you structure your hangouts or dates in such a way that the possibility of fornication is cut off from as many angles as possible. This is the kind of leader Christ wants you to be, and it’s the kind of leader to whom a Christian woman will want to submit. Once you demonstrate, with behavior like this, that submitting to your leadership leads to mutual edification – and not to your selfishly using her as a secular man would attempt to do – she can relax into her obedient role and know that her body and soul are in competent, trustworthy hands. None of this can happen if you, yourself, are still subject to being overthrown by lust…and if you are, exercising this kind of caution and self-restraint will greatly help to free you from those shackles. Every time you overcome a sinful impulse, God will reward you with grace and dispassion.

So what is the key to proper Christian conduct? Obedience to God, to the best of your ability, coupled with sincere repentance if and when you fall short. But there’s more to obedience than what the average Westerner might imagine.

3. Obedience

To be a man is to believe in order, both within and without. Order in our internal worlds, submitting what is low to what is high within us. Order in our external worlds, submitting ourselves to the authority of God above. Orthodox Christians submit on many levels: to God, to the Church, to our Priest, and to each other. By ordering our external behavior in such a way, it cultivates humility – the ultimate weapon of spiritual warfare – and brings our fractured souls into alignment.

Without Christ and His Church, our souls are fragmented. We become compartmentalized, fractured beings with our inner powers in a state of disharmony. This is, as mentioned above, exacerbated at every opportunity by those who seek power and control over us. But by cultivating the virtue of obedience, we bring our dissonant selves into harmony and become whole, complete human beings. But in our world, nothing is more difficult – and nothing is more anathema to the secular conception of masculinity – than the notion and practice of obedience.  

Most Christian men understand the idea of obedience to God. Depending on what group you belong to, that can manifest itself in different ways; many Protestant men will take the idea to mean reading the Scriptures and doing their best to follow its commands and exhortations. That is certainly a step in the right direction and will bring much more grace than simply trying to “go your own way” as many modern men do. Roman Catholic men do their best to obey not just the Scriptures, but also their Pope (at least, when they agree with him). Orthodox Christians do our best to obey the Scriptures, our spiritual fathers or mothers, our Confessors, our bishops, and – most importantly – the Holy Spirit as He has spoken through the Church’s Ecumenical Councils throughout time. Ideally, there is no dissonance between any of these sources; a good spiritual elder will do his or her best to only teach what is found in the Scriptures and the Church. 

As someone who began his life as an atheist – and then moved through Protestantism on his way to the Holy Orthodox Church – I can tell you that one of the most difficult parts of the journey was to swallow my pride enough to obey my priests and the dogmatic declarations of the Church. Infected by the spirit of American democracy, I brought my Western baggage into the beginning of my Christian walk: my voice counted as much as anyone else’s, my interpretation of Scripture was just as valid as a Saint’s, my life would be run my way and where convenient, I would allow Christ to take the lead. But a wise man once said that “There is a wall between us and God, and that wall is called ‘I.’” And the more I have learned to humble myself and obey, the more correct I realize he was. 

Our deepest disease is pride. It is the mother of all sins, as humility is the mother of all virtues. And nothing breaks down the prideful self-willing, so expected and encouraged in the Western world today, like obedience. It is difficult, it will irritate you, and in the end, it will prove to be one of the greatest mirrors for your own remaining sin as you attempt to grow in obedience and find such an ocean of resistance within. And plus – if you wish to be obeyed as a Christian leader, you must first learn to follow Christ. No man can lead until he first learns to follow.

Christianity is a paradox in many ways, at least as concerns our behavior in this world. But the founder of our Faith, Jesus Christ Himself, already told us this over 2,000 years ago: “The last shall be first, and the first last” (Matthew 20:16). When we puff ourselves up to an unwarranted position of superiority, we end up harming our souls in the long run. Thus I encourage you to study what it meant to be a Christian for the first 15 centuries of the faith; read the Apostolic Fathers (the direct disciples of the Apostles) and then their students, and their students, and their students after them. If what you find disagrees with your own conception of Christianity, have the wisdom and humility to recognize the likelihood that those men who knew the Apostles personally understood Christianity better than what you learned from Pastor Jim’s Bible Church. If you submit to the Christian life handed down throughout the millennia and obey the canons and dictates written down by the world’s most inspired and illuminated men, you will find healing in your soul that you never imagined possible.

When we humble ourselves enough to follow the teachings of Christ over time, adapting our appearance and conduct to the path He laid out rather than adapting Christianity to our own preferences, that is when we enter the Kingdom of God: not just in the afterlife, but in the here-and-now as well. 

May God bless, guide, and save you.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


Michael Witcoff is a Jewish convert to Orthodox Christianity. He is the best-selling author of On The Masons And Their Lies and runs the “Brother Augustine” ministry on YouTube and Telegram.

Published in Bold Christian Writing and Christian Living


The False Gospel of Jonathan Merritt

(Gay Universalism affirmed by James Merritt former SBC President)

Major evangelical figure comes out as gay

Homosexuality, Universalism, The Gospel, and the SBC

James Merritt, the current pastor of an SBC church and former president of the SBC, recently commended a sermon preached by his son, Jonathan Merritt. The problem is that Jonathan is an open homosexual and attends a church that is universalistic. I will play clips from this sermon and discuss the ramifications. In short, the SBC is in trouble. Big trouble. Links: Jonathan Merritt's full sermon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtZla... Dr. Owen Strachan's article on homosexuality: https://www.patheos.com/blogs/thought... My video on Social Justice Cars of Economics and Racism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwTa5... My video on Social Justice Train: Cars of Egalitarianism, Homosexuality, and Entitlement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLdHe... My videos on Ed Litton and plagiarism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNdrU... | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hirAE...

Jonathan Merritt Exposed by Dr. James White on “The Dividing Line” Twitter Post Promoting Gay Pride


SEE: https://christianresearchnetwork.org/2021/08/12/major-evangelical-figure-comes-out-as-gay/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

“Followers of Jesus Christ have to completely disregard the teaching in the pages of Holy Writ to cling to their belief that God condones sex outside of marriage. Anyone who is involved in sex outside marriage is committing a sin against God. Period. This I know because the Bible tells me so.”

(Marsha West – Christian Research Network) Jonathan Merritt is “one of America’s most prolific religion writers” and a reporter for various news agencies including Religion News Service. He is also the son of former Southern Baptist Convention president James Merritt. In 2019 the pastor’s son chose to denounce evangelicalism and “seek God elsewhere.” On his 39th birthday, Jonathan Merritt jumped out of the closet with both feet after years of repeated denials that he is a homosexual. Before I get to the details, you’ll need some background.

In 2012 Azariah Southworth, a “gay evangelical,” claimed he had a sexual encounter with Jonathan and chided him publicly for not admitting to being gay.  According to Azariah, Jonathan,

rides the fence because of the strong anti-gay stance his religious community continues to take. He is brave by daring to push the envelope a bit but not enough to give himself away. Exposing this truth of Jonathan’s sexual orientation is not an easy decision for me. I take no pleasure in doing this. As I type this my stomach is turning because I know of the backlash he will receive. I have thought about what all of this will mean for him and for me. I base my reasoning in the importance of living an authentic and honest life….If evidence is required to back my claim it can be provided.

The quote came from an article by Peter Lumpkins. Lumpkins reported that “Merritt routinely speaks for Baptist colleges, universities, and is a frequent speaker at Lifeway’s events. In addition, two seminary presidents–Danny Akin and Al Mohler–have in the past supported views on various social issues.” (Source)

After their encounter, Southworth sat down with a Salon reporter and shared the graphic details in “Why I Outed a Christian Star.” (You’ll have to do a search for this article.)

Following the news of Merritt’s homosexual adventure with Southworth, Ken Silva of Apprising Ministries penned a piece entitled “Homosexuality and Jonathan Merritt” where he wrote:

Here at Apprising Ministries I’ve told you that I believe a major evangelical figure will come out as homosexual “soon” serving to fully detonate this whole gay debate—currently ripping apart and dividing mainline denominations—right with the mainstream of evangelicalism itself.

Silva thought the popular pastor’s son would be that person. But at the time, Merritt chose not to live an “authentic and honest life” until his 39th birthday, when he “came out” on Instagram.  Here’s what he wrote to his followers:

In 2012, just days before my 30th birthday, I was publicly and painfully outed by a person who had earned my trust only to betray it. It took many months and a boatload of therapy to process the trauma of that experience—and to learn to love the delightful human that God made when God made me.

Some of you may not know this part of my story. I have learned to live authentically in my personal life, sharing with friends the fullness of who I am. But the experience of being outed left me bruised and untrusting and dead dog afraid to offer these vulnerable parts of myself for public consumption and critique. So, I haven’t really written about my identity online. Recently, however, this disconnect between my private and public life has felt unnecessary and unsustainable. I don’t want to live fearful of the opinions of strangers or the venom of bigots.

Today is my 39th birthday, which means I get one more trip around the sun before entering my next decade. I want to enter the second half of life with more authenticity, alignment, and integrity than I exhibited in the first half.

So today, I’m raising a glass to my full and complete self—a gay man, beloved by God, who has endured the worst the world could throw at him and fought his way to health and wholeness.

So there you have the nutshell version.

God Hands People Over To Their Idolatry And Sin

It is troubling to hear Jonathan Merritt justify his decision to live as a gay man (a chosen identity and activity) made out of whole cloth that has nothing to do with the Lord Jesus’s view of homosexuality that is in the Bible. Given this announcement, one can only conclude that God has handed Jonathan Merritt, who remains a professing Christian, over to his sin, “allowing him to store up even greater judgment for the day of the Lord.” Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Paul pronounced in Rom 1:19–31 that the wrath of God is revealed as God hands people over to their idolatry and sin.

The pastor’s son sinned against a holy God when he enticed another man to commit a homosexual act with him. Furthermore, Jonathan and Azariah Southworth, who is also a professing Christian, were not married – and in the eyes of God, they never could be. God calls us to sexual purity. Followers of Jesus Christ have to completely disregard the teaching in the pages of Holy Writ to cling to their belief that God condones sex outside of marriage. Anyone who is involved in sex outside marriage is committing a sin against God. Period. This I know because the Bible tells me so.

Those who read and study the Bible know exactly what sin is because God makes it abundantly clear what is dishonoring to Him. Regardless of what progressives proclaim, God hates sin – I repeat, hates sin — and He will punish unrepentant sinners.

Let us test and examine our ways, and return to the LORD! Let us lift up our hearts and hands to God in heaven: “We have transgressed and rebelled, and you have not forgiven. Lam 3:40-42

When a Spirit-filled believer sins, he/she is fully aware of it for the reason that the Holy Spirit convicts those who are “in Christ” of their sin. What are we to do when we commit a sin against God?  Repent. And return to the Lord.

Jonathan Merritt knows what the Bible teaches on any given subject.  He knows that the Bible teaches that homosexuality–and sexual relations outside of marriage–is sinful. He knows this but perhaps, like so many other deluded homosexuals and heterosexuals who indulge in sexual activity out of marriage, he has chosen to put the truth aside and embrace a lifestyle of his own choosing.  Merritt now wants us to believe that he is a gay man “beloved by God” who has learned to live authentically in his personal life. He can believe what he wants to, but what this tells me is that this professing follower of Jesus Christ, who brags that he’s “raising a glass to my full and complete self—a gay man” is actually thumbing his nose at his Creator.


Jonathan’s disagreement is not with those of us who do not condone his behavior….because the Bible tells us we shouldn’t. His disagreement is with the Lord Jesus. Jesus made it crystal clear in His teaching that all of Scripture is “God-breathed” and it is the authority by which His followers (authentic Christians) must live their lives.  As I stated above, Jesus, who is the Son of God and the Second Person of the Trinity, condemned homosexuality and sexual relations outside of marriage. Nowhere in Scripture are we told to be patient because sometime in the future sodomy–and sex with whomever you please–will no longer be considered a sin.

What people like Jonathan Merritt and Azariah Southworth fail to understand is that Jesus held to the inerrancy of Scripture. They have forgotten that God is the author of Scripture; therefore, the Bible’s teaching is 100% true…contains no mistakes…no contradictions….no miscalculations. It is virtually impossible for there to be errors in the Holy Spirit-inspired Word of God, as the Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Trinity. Which means He is God. And God is never wrong.

According To The Bible…

Those who believe there are errors in the Bible most assuredly have a low view of God. Believers who dismiss what the Bible teaches and choose to live by their own rules have a very high view of “self.” So, to be clear, regardless of how Merritt has decided to live his life so that he can love himself while he’s on this earth, orthodox Bible scholars hold to the view that the Holy Spirit has left no wiggle room when it comes to indulging in the practices that are expressly forbidden in the scriptures, sodomy being one of them. According to the Holy Spirit inspired writings of Apostle Paul:

Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 1 Cor 6:9-10

Like it or not, God has not changed His mind when it comes to the matter of homosexual activity being an abomination. The Word of God is just as applicable in the Twenty-first Century as it was when Lev 20:13 was written:

If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.

(See also Genesis 19:1–13Leviticus 18:22Romans 1:26–271 Timothy 1:10)

Forgive And Forget

God’s forgiveness is available to all sinners who repent. To the sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, men who practice homosexuality, thieves, the greedy, drunkards, revilers, and swindlers. God will give victory over even the most egregious sins to those He has granted the faith to believe in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord (Eph 2:9) and thereafter put Him at the center of their lives:

But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. 1 Cor 6:11

If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 2 Cor 5:17

I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” Phil 4:13.

There are many verses in the Gospels where Jesus quotes the Old Testament prophets. (The apostles also quoted the Old Testament.) For example, “It is written, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” Deut 8:3Mat 4:4 and “Then Jesus said to him, “Be gone, Satan! For it is written, “‘You shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve.’” Deut 6:13Mat 4:10

Paul tells Timothy:

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. 2 Tim 3:16

Could Jesus Have Been Wrong? 

Today many Christians outright reject the infallibility of Holy Writ. Some say that Jesus could have been wrong and still be the Savior of the World. So, let us consider the possibility that our Lord could have been off base in His teaching. In his article What Difference Does An Inerrant Bible Make?  Theologian R.C. Sproul tells of a discussion he had with an old friend, Charlie, who proclaimed that he no longer believed in the inerrancy of Scripture and that after years of studying the Bible he thought Jesus could have been wrong at times. R.C. addressed this with his friend thusly:

Charlie’s point was that Jesus—touching his human nature—did not know all things. He then went right to the Bible to prove it, pointing out, for example, that Jesus does not know the day and hour of His return (Matt. 24:36). But the conversation I had with Charlie wasn’t really about omniscience. It was actually about sinlessness.

Touching His human nature, Jesus is not required to be omniscient to be my Savior. However, He is required to be sinless. Jesus would be numbered among the transgressors for teaching an error. He claimed to speak on the basis on His Father’s authority (John 8:2814:10). He also declared, “I am the truth” (John 14:6). That is the highest claim to teaching authority ever uttered. If a man who claims to be the truth and to say nothing except by divine authority teaches error, that’s sin. And if He sins once, we don’t have a Savior. That’s what is at stake.

When I spelled this out for Charlie, he told me, “I’ve got a problem.” To which I replied, “Yes, you do. You want to get rid of Jesus’ view of Scripture and hold onto Him as your Savior and Lord. You’re on very shaky grounds, if you want to be consistent.” Charlie was living in the delightful breeze of a happy inconsistency. But do you see what the issue is here? It is the integrity of Christ.

Sound familiar? Jonathan and Azariah want to get rid of Jesus’ view of Scripture and hold onto Him as their Savior and Lord.

Getting back to R.C., he used his friend Charlie as a “good example of a person who can deny inerrancy but still believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior. But this is possible only if one is inconsistent. Does God demand perfect consistency in our theology for salvation? R.C. says no:

If that were the case, no sinner could be saved because no sinner holds to a perfect theology. That doesn’t mean, however, that we should be content with inconsistency. At the end of the day, inerrancy is inseparable from Christology. If Jesus didn’t teach this view of Scripture, the argument would be over. The issue is not the sacrosanctity of a book, a “paper pope,” or bibliolatry. The issue at stake is the integrity of the person and work of Jesus. He can save us only if He is sinless, and He is sinless only if all of His teaching—including what He teaches about Scripture—is true. (Source)

So to sum up inerrancy:

Inerrancy means that the Scriptures do not affirm any errors. The Bible does not endorse anything untrue. When it tells history, it tells us what actually happened. It may report on what a person said when he told a lie to someone else, but it does not endorse the lie. It is merely giving an accurate report of what the liar said. Where it speaks to science, it does not contradict God’s revelation in the natural world. In sum, the Bible is entirely truthful and has no errors at all in the original manuscripts that the prophets and Apostles actually wrote. We do not today possess these manuscripts, but through the process of textual criticism, we can recover the original wording of the manuscripts with a high degree of certainty. (Source)

I’ll end with a quote by Calvin Goligher from a piece I highly recommend Gay and the Gay Christian:

There is no coherent way to combine the identities “gay” and “Christian.” Homosexual practices are sins, and those who refuse to repent of these sins cannot be Christ’s disciples. The desires that incline towards these practices are also sinful (Matthew 5:28) and those who experience such desires must not entertain or affirm them, but rather resist them and put them to death (Romans 8:13). From these two points, it follows that adopting a homosexual identity is also a sin, since such an identity entails at least a tacit approval of homosexual desires (Side B), if not also of homosexual practices (Side A). For a person to describe himself as “gay,” he must believe that homosexual desires or practices are somehow natural for him. For a person to describe himself as “Christian,” he must sincerely believe that God’s “commandments are not burdensome” (1 John 5:3). When God calls us to sexual purity, he calls us to fulfill the natural purpose for which humanity was created: conformity to his commandments for the sake of communion with him. [Side A and Side B Christianity is examined in the article]


SEE ALSO: https://www.apprising.org/2012/07/24/southern-baptist-jonathan-merritt-outed-as-gay/


Transgender clinic for children shuts down after pro-family activism

SEE: https://www.massresistance.org/docs/gen4/21d/Genecis-Clinic-shuts-down/index.html;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Major transgender clinic for children in Dallas closes — after months of activism from Texas MassResistance

Included pressure on Texas Legislature to pass a law protecting children

GOP leaders were subverting effort – until MassResistance exposed huge donations from transgender lobby!

December 3, 2021
Texas MassResistance activists outside the Dallas Children's Hospital "Genecis Clinic" that performed horrible "gender" treatments on children.

Regular people can accomplish great things!

The most notorious “transgender clinic” for children in the southwest United States, the GENECIS (GENder Education and Care, Interdisciplinary Support) Clinic at Dallas Children’s Hospital in Dallas announced it is closing and that the hospital will stop giving “transgender” treatments to children. The hospital has taken down the clinic’s web page. (You can see it as it appeared in April 2020 here.)

The hospital announced last month that it will continue to offer “diagnosis, including evaluation of gender dysphoria” for children, but will no longer provide puberty suppression and cross-sex hormone treatments to children.

This a big victory for the pro-family movement. It follows months of intense activism and pressure by Texas MassResistance, and others, on the hospital, the Texas Legislature, and the Governor.

Here are some of the highlights of what happened leading up to the closing:

November 2020: The GENECIS clinic becomes known to pro-family groups due to the infamous James Younger case. A court was allowing the mother of 8-year-old James to begin “transitioning” to a girl against his father’s strong objections. The father was informed that this was to begin at the GENECIS clinic in Dallas, Texas. MassResistance began planning a series of protests. (See our report.)

March 19, 2021: Texas MassResistance activists began protesting at GENECIS clinic. At times, several police cars came to disperse the protesters, but our people refused to leave and the police ultimately backed down and allowed them to stay until they were finished. (See our report.)

Outside of the Genecis Clinic our people stood their ground!

Getting the Texas Legislature involved

 Texas MassResistance wanted the “conservative” GOP-controlled Texas Legislature to write into law that child mutilation is illegal and medical malpractice.

Late March 2021: Texas MassResistance activists began lobbying the Legislature to pass a variety of strong pro-family legislation, including a ban on “gender transition” procedures on children. The RINO GOP establishment, which controls the Legislature, was pushing back. But several good bills were filed, nevertheless, including three bills that would protect children from “gender transition” medical treatments. (See our report.)

After holding a press conference, a few of the activists show the colors outside the State House!

April 2021: Public hearing on the “gender transition” bans on children. On April 12 and April 14 the Senate and House committees held public hearings on the bills that would protect children from “transgender” mutilation. MassResistance activists and supporters came and gave strong testimony. Not surprisingly, the LGBT lobby and left-wing doctors, aided by large corporations, came in force to lobby in favor of harming children. (See our report.)

At one of the hearings the current president of the Texas Psychological Association (TPA) claimed that these treatments were for “suicide prevention.” But a former president of the TPA testified in support of the bills and debunked that claim.

Kevin Whitt, Assistant Texas MassResistance Director - and a former transgender - tells the Senate Committee the sordid truth of what that lifestyle really does to people.

April 26, 2021: MassResistance activists protest at the local offices of so-called “conservative” Republican legislators who were following the orders from the GOP establishment and opposing the proposed protections for children. (See our report.)

Outside the local office of a sell-out "conservative" State Rep. You can't mince words with those people.

May 2021: Texas MassResistance activists step up the pressure at Texas State House to pass a bill protecting children. The focus was on Bill HB 1399, which would prohibit professional liability insurance from covering medical procedures and hormone treatments for gender transitioning or gender reassignment for children.

On May 10 our Texas MassResistance chapter arranged for this banner to be flown around the State House - in support of Bill HB 1399!
Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller speaks at the MassResistance rally in front of the State House. Next to him (at left) is Weston Martinez, the State Real Estate Commissioner. At far left in back with glasses is Jeff Younger, father of James.
At the sidewalk outside the State House Texas MassResistance leader Tracy Shannon holds a sign showing young James with his dad - and the boy dressed as a girl with his pro-LGBT mother.

Late May 2021: GOP establishment kills the bills. Even with all this pressure, Republican Governor Abbott and the GOP legislative leaders worked tirelessly behind the scenes to keep those bills from getting a floor vote. On May 31, the session ended without any of them being passed.

Outrage erupts as Texas MassResistance reveals huge GOP donations from transgender lobby

June 2021: MassResistance reveals that GOP leaders had received enormous donations from the transgender lobby. A week before the session ended, the National File website revealed that the GENECIS political action committee had donated tens of thousands of dollars to top GOP state politicians. But that was only the tip of the iceberg. The following week Texas MassResistance’s Tracy Shannon did more research and revealed that since 2015, another Texas transgender political action committee had given $800,000 to Gov. Abbott, $825,000 to Lt. Gov. Patrick, $105,000 to Republican Speaker Phelan, and $200,000 to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. (See our report.)

Parents across the state were livid, and there were loud calls to run primary candidates against all of these GOP sell-outs in the upcoming elections.

August 2021: Governor reacts to outrage. In reaction to the outrage, on Aug. 6 Gov. Abbott sent a request to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services asking for an official opinion on “whether genital mutilation of a child for the purposes of gender transitioning through reassignment surgery constitutes child abuse pursuant to state law.” That is, does the law already cover genital mutilation of children?

Five days later, the department replied to the Governor in a letter stating:

Genital mutilation of a child through reassignment surgery is child abuse, subject to all rules and procedures pertaining to child abuse. Such mutilation may cause a “genuine threat of substantial harm from physical injury to the child.” TEX. FAM. CODE § 261.001(1)(C).

(We have not researched that statute ourselves, but we will take their word for it!)

The GENECIS clinic said it only provides “puberty suppression and hormone replacement treatments” to children and not actual genital mutilation surgery. But they could see where this was leading. This certainly would appear to put the doctors in the GENECIS clinic at legal risk at some point.

October 2021: The outrage spread. According to reports, another Texas parents’ group contacted board members and donors of Dallas Children’s Hospital (and even protested at one board member’s home) demanding that the clinic be shut down.

November 2021: The official announcement was made that the GENECIS clinic is being shut down.

Final thoughts

This is what relentless pro-family activism can accomplish!  Even arrogant high-ranking state politicians can be forced to do the right thing.

Please help us continue to do our uncompromising work!

Our successes depend on people like you.

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Your support will make the difference!

Parents suing schools over trans agendas


SEE: https://americanfaith.com/parents-suing-schools-over-trans-agendas/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

  • A Nov. 17 lawsuit filed by two public-interest law firms is just the latest in a series of cases where schools are accused of initiating social gender transitions of children behind the backs of their parents.
  • An attorney involved in the litigation told the Daily Caller News Foundation that the policies are in place in school districts across the country.
  • ‘[T]his sort of thing is metastasizing like a cancer underneath the surface around the country,’ Vernadette Broyles, president and general counsel of the Child and Parent Rights Campaign (CPRC) told the DCNF.

The lawsuit filed Nov. 17 by two public-interest law firms against the Kettle Moraine School District in Wisconsin over the clandestine social transition of a 12-year-old girl marks the latest in a series of cases where school officials allegedly initiated social gender transitions without parental consent.

The Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty (WILL), one of the public-interest firms suing the Waukesha-area school district, is also involved in litigation against the Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD). But one attorney involved in the litigation tells the Daily Caller News Foundation that policies and guidelines that are prompting schools to carry out clandestine transitions are in place across the country.

“[T]his sort of thing is metastasizing like a cancer underneath the surface around the country,” Vernadette Broyles, president and general counsel of the Child and Parent Rights Campaign (CPRC), told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

‘Mom, I Had A Meeting Today’

Broyles represents Jeff and January Littlejohn in a suit which alleges that Leon County Schools began helping their daughter transition without their consent after their daughter experienced gender dysphoria during the spring and summer of 2020. Mrs. Littlejohn told the DCNF she emailed her daughter’s math teacher, explaining that they “weren’t affirming at home” but that they “didn’t feel like we could stop our daughter from using a nickname.”

However, weeks later, Mrs. Littlejohn told the DCNF that her daughter made a shocking revelation while being picked up from school, saying, “Mom. I had a meeting today about my name and they asked me which restroom I wanted to use.”

“I immediately was very upset, I was confused. I asked her to elaborate. What are you talking about, I don’t know anything about a meeting. And so I immediately emailed the guidance counselor and I was called back with the assistant principal, which I thought, that’s also odd,” Mrs. Littlejohn told the DCNF. “And they then told me my daughter was now protected by law under a non-discrimination law, and they could not give me any information, because my daughter, who was 13 at the time, had to be the one to authorize my notification or attendance at the meeting,” she went on to say, adding that when she initially called the school, they would not even confirm such a meeting had taken place.

A guide for employees of Leon County Schools in addressing LGBTQ students shared with the DCNF by CPRC includes the question, “A student has exhibited behavior in school leading administrators or teachers to believe the student is LGBTQ+. Should the parents or legal guardians be notified?”

“No. Outing a student, especially to parents, can be very dangerous to the students' health and well-being. Some students are not able to be out at home because their parents are unaccepting of LGBTQ+ people out,” the “LCS Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Gender Nonconforming and Questioning Support Guide” states. “As many as 40% of homeless youth are LGBTQ+, many of whom have been rejected by their families for being LGBTQ+. Outing students to their parents can literally make them homeless.”

After weeks of communications that failed to resolve the situation, the Littlejohns, backed by CPRC, filed suit in federal court on Oct 18. Leon County Schools did not respond to the DCNF’s request for comment.

Screenshot from the “LCS Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Gender Nonconforming and Questioning Support Guide” provided to the DCNF

‘Even Over Her Parents’ Objection’

In Wisconsin, parents faced a similar situation in the Kettle Moraine School District, located near Milwaukee. After the parents told a guidance counselor and the principal at Kettle Moraine Middle School of their daughter’s struggle with gender dysphoria, the principal’s response on Jan. 20 left no room for doubt that their wishes would not be respected, according to legal documents.

The principal told them “when their daughter returned to school, school staff would refer to her using whatever name and pronouns she wanted while at school, even over her parents’ objection,” according to a complaint filed by WILL and the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF).

“[Her parents] had no choice but to withdraw her from school, which they did immediately and kept her out of school for a few weeks. And during that time, she changed her mind. She realized her parents were right to take that cautious approach, and that she’d actually been confused,” WILL’s Luke Berg told the DCNF in an interview. The daughter now attends another school district.

The Kettle Moraine School District did not respond to the DCNF’s request for comment.

Screenshot of the complaint in B.F. v. Kettle Moraine School District

‘Not Adopted In A Transparent Manner’

WILL is also involved in a lawsuit against the MMSD over a similar policy, which it filed in February 2020, representing eight families, two of which involve single mothers.

“The District’s Policy was not adopted in a transparent manner with a full opportunity for all parents to provide feedback and with a public vote by the School Board,” the complaint said. “Instead, the Policy was developed internally within the Madison School District staff working with preferred groups that agreed with the direction being pursued by the staff.”

Berg told the DCNF that one of the preliminary motions, in this case, has already reached the Wisconsin Supreme Court, which is being asked to decide if the plaintiffs can remain anonymous. It is also being asked to rule on a preliminary injunction against the Madison Municipal School District.

“The trial court said the policy is enjoined to the extent that it requires staff or allows staff to deceive parents or to lie to parents if they ask about what’s happening at school,” Berg explained to the DCNF. “So that injunction is still in place, so parents can affirmatively ask their school district, ‘Hey what name and pronouns are you calling my child at school?’ and the staff has to answer truthfully.”

Tim LeMonds, the executive director for communications and public affairs for MMSD, told the DCNF he was “not able to provide comment on pending litigation.”

Screenshot from complaint in Doe v. Madison Metropolitan School District

‘Allowed To Keep Parents Out Of The Loop’

Cases alleging clandestine transitions are cropping up elsewhere across the country. In Montgomery County, Maryland, parents are suing their school district over a policy like those in Florida and Wisconsin.

“The judge is busy working on his opinion, I suppose, for six months or more now,” Rick Claybrook, an attorney working with the National Legal Foundation on the case, told the DCNF.

Claybrook told the DCNF that the suit, while filed in a Maryland state court, has been moved to a federal court over some of the issues raised.

“We’re not challenging the entire policy, but we’re challenging those parts of the policy that say you are allowed to keep parents out of the loop,” he explained.

A spokesman for Montgomery County Public Schools asked the DCNF for additional details about the litigation but did not provide comment as of this writing.

Screenshot of the complaint filed in Parents v. Montgomery County Board of Education

Fired For Telling Parents

A situation in Ludlow, Massachusetts shows just how serious some school districts are about keeping information from parents, according to a fired teacher’s lawyer.

Bonnie Manchester, a social studies teacher at Paul R. Baird Middle School, informed the parents of two students who had begun to socially transition at school. Manchester had done so at the request of one of the students, and the parents had been grateful for being told, according to her attorney, Frank McNamara.

However, in an April 16 letter, Principal Stacy Monette informed Manchester of her intent to terminate her employment.

“You shared sensitive confidential information about a student’s expressed gender identity,” Monette wrote, adding, “If you believed that it was necessary to inform the parents, the appropriate means to express your belief would have been through the so-called Mariners team and/or Guidance Counselor.”

“Thanks to the actions of Ms. Manchester, a child’s life may have been saved,” McNamara wrote in a May 17 letter to the district.

Two days later, Monette wrote to Manchester, announcing the decision to fire her.

“I have decided to terminate your employment with the Ludlow Public Schools due to conduct unbecoming of a teacher,” the May 19 termination letter said, going on to claim that by telling the parents, Manchester showed “a complete lack of concern for the student’s well-being.”

“You violated state law and regulations regard student records/privacy as well as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) by releasing student information to individuals who did not have the right to view the information,” Monette added.

McNamara told the DCNF he intends to file a civil complaint regarding the termination of Manchester. A Lowell Public Schools respond to the DCNF’s request for comment with a terse “No comment.”

The lawyers who filed the lawsuits against the school districts told the DCNF more legal action could be forthcoming.

“We’re speaking for parents around the country,” Broyles told the DCNF. “We’re actively working with parents in another state and considering yet another.”



But get this:  SR 22 -- a simple statement recognizing parents' right to voice their opinions in School Board meetings-- WAS VOTED DOWN. DENIED. 
SR 22 simply acknowledged that parents have the "right to peacefully express their opinions." The resolution did nothing to condone "violence, threats of violence, harassment, and intimidation." It actually condemned it!

This resolution that affirmed parents was immediately defeated by the majority party. Not one Democrat legislator thought parents should have the right to express their opinions to the school board. NOT ONE!

The message is clear --The goal is to strengthen the government's interests so that it can remain in power. Parents are in the way of their agenda. Bypassing you as the parent gives them access to your children so that your children can be indoctrinated and allowed to make decisions without your knowledge or consent. They do not want you involved!

FULL BOARD POLICY 8005, SEE: https://www.redclayschools.com/cms/lib/DE01903704/Centricity/Domain/187/Draft%20Policy%208005%20Transgender%20and%20Gender%20Diverse%20Students.pdf


"As a parent, I am very concerned about the proposed Board Policy 8005. Sections A, B & C would allow the school board to withhold information from me about my child that I have a right to know about. I as the parent have the right to be able to care for my children, walk them through their struggles, and help them make the decisions that are best for them. This policy frames me as the “enemy” instead of recognizing that I have the unique role of being the best support for my child. Please do not vote for this policy. Please vote no on Board Policy 8005. This is the perfect environment for sexual assaults like what happened in Loudoun County, Virginia. Sections H & I of the proposed Board Policy 8005 put girls at a significant disadvantage in sports, robbing them of opportunities to excel and compete fairly with their peers of the same sex. Please do not vote for this policy."



Red Clay Deputy Superintendent Dr. Hugh Broomall:

FROM: https://govsalaries.com/broomall-hugh-t-57219989:

SALARY: $175,772 (AS OF 2019)

Red Clay School Board Meeting November 17, 2021





SEE: https://www.wdel.com/news/red-clay-seeking-feedback-on-proposed-transgender-policies/article_76399678-4ce3-11ec-b700-4b0d8826b6de.html;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

The Red Clay School District is soliciting feedback for a proposed policy regarding its transgender and gender-diverse students.

Red Clay introduced a draft policy at its November school board meeting, that if approved would allow students to use restrooms and locker rooms "that corresponds to the student's gender identity consistently asserted at school," on a case-by-case basis.

Red Clay Deputy Superintendent Dr. Hugh Broomall said the district is looking to create inclusive atmospheres.

"The goal is to ensure safety, comfort, and healthy development of the transgender or gender diverse student while maximizing the student's social integration and minimizing stigmatization of the student."

The proposal also would allow students to be addressed by a name or pronoun conforming to their gender identity, but a court-ordered name or gender change would be required for legal documents, such as diplomas.

Red Clay students would be allowed to participate in phys-ed classes and intramural sports based on the gender identity consistently asserted at school, but they would have to follow DIAA policy for interscholastic competition.

The DIAA policy states: "A transgendered student, defined as a student whose gender identity differs from the student’s assigned sex at birth, may be eligible to participate on a team other than their assigned sex at birth in accordance with a Member School policy that meets the minimum standards designated by the Board."

The DIAA is forming a Transgender Policy Sub-Committee to consider changes or additions to the rule.

Board member Dr. Adriana Bohm stated concern that the draft policy was created by a committee devoid of student representation.

"I think it's really important to have students on that committee because I don't know how we can make decisions and recommendations to students, but not have them participate in the committees."

There will be several opportunities for feedback leading up to a potential vote by the Red Clay School Board on December 15.

A Board Policy Review Committee meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December 15 at 5 p.m. at the District Office's board room at 1502 Spruce Avenue, Wilmington.

Red Clay is also encouraging written feedback at BoardPolicy@redclay.k12.de.us.

The Christina School District enacted a similar transgender policy in January.


Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Our mailing address is:

Delaware Family Policy Council

P.O. Box 925

Seaford, DE 19973

This is a 5-ALARM ALERT!  Coming to a school near you! 
School Board Members of the largest school district in Delaware, the Red Clay district in New Castle County, are set to vote Wednesday, December 1st on a policy that completely removes all distinctions between boys and girls, making all bathrooms, locker rooms, sports, overnight trips - all of it - gender-neutral. 

This policy completely erases the line between male and female private spaces. 

In Loudoun County, Virginia, where a similar policy was adopted, a 'gender fluid' male student brutally assaulted TWO female students. He was transferred to another school in the county after the first assault in May but had free access to the girls' restroom where he assaulted the second student.

This is what we can expect in Delaware if Red Clay sets the precedent for this kind of policy to be passed in school districts across the state.

This outrageous policy sets up parents as the enemy if they dare oppose it. It divides children and parents and fails to recognize the unique role parents have of being the best support for their child. 

Please TAKE ACTION on this today; it'll take less than 5 minutes. We've made it super easy; just click the button below:
Take Action here to Protect All Students!
The Red Clay School Board must hear from people like you all throughout the state, by noon on December 1st.  Their decision will affect the other school districts.
This policy is DANGEROUS. Here's why: 
  • It is not "inclusive" -- it excludes the privacy and safety of its girls. 
Gender identity is based solely on feeling. According to a Delaware law passed this year, gender identity doesn't even need to be "a consistent and uniform assertion," and sexual orientation is not limited to homosexuality, heterosexuality, and bisexuality -- it can mean literally anything.

This means that under this Red Clay proposed policy, a biological male can have access to female-only private spaces, simply on his word that he identifies as a female. This is the perfect environment for Loudoun County, VA type sexual assaults to happen repeatedly.

This policy (Sections H & I) also puts girls at a significantly unfair disadvantage in sports, robbing them of opportunities to excel and compete fairly amongst their peers of the same gender. 

  • It violates parental rights.

In Sections A, B & C, information regarding gender is treated as confidential. This means that the information is shared simply on a 'need to know basis.' 

These policies set parents up as the enemy -- at best a 'non-ally' and 'unsupportive;' at worst discriminatory, or even abusive --  if they affirm their child’s biology, instead of embracing the confusion.

  • It impacts EVERY school district. Red Clay is the largest school district in Delaware. What is done there will likely set the precedent for the rest of the state.
We have until this Wednesday, December 1st, at 12 PM to MAKE OUR VOICES HEARD and protect our girls! Please take 5 minutes to ask the committee to vote NO on Policy 8005. They've gone too far! 
Nicole Theis
Delaware Strong Families
Delaware Family Policy Council
Additional Links:




The collectivist roots of public education

Today’s radicalism in the schools goes back many decades

Public education has always been about indoctrination

This is what America's schools see as their mission. From the San Gabriel, CA, Unified School District web page.



SEE: https://www.massresistance.org/docs/gen4/21d/The-radical-roots-of-public-education/index.html;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

An earlier version of this article appeared in FrontPageMag.

NOTE: Almost all of us have heard of Horace Mann and John Dewey as pioneers in public education in America, which began in Massachusetts in 1830. But as Paul Harvey used to say, most people don’t know the rest of the story.

When America was founded there were no public schools. Public schools were created not to educate, but to indoctrinate. From Marx to Dewey to the current leadership of the Democrat Party and the National Education Association and American Federation of Teachers, revolutionaries have always targeted youth and seen schools as the spearhead of the revolution.

When he was governor of Virginia in 2015, Terry McAuliffe (who was deservedly defeated in this election) was pushing Critical Race Theory (CRT) in the schools, something he claimed did not exist in his 2021 campaign for governor.

When McAuliffe said, “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what to teach,” he was articulating the first principle of public education going back to its beginnings in the early 19th century: “Give us your money. Give us your kids. Then close your eyes. Shut your mouth. And let us do our job of transforming society.”

Today, the cutting edge is Critical Race Theory (whites are inherently evil), the 1619 Project (America is inherently evil), and what one proponent called the Queering Up of public education.

A Kansas school apologized for handing out a “Gender Unicorn” worksheet which asked students, “Do you know your identity or are you still in the identity confusion stage?” In Broward County, Florida, an elementary school class went on a field trip to a gay bar. (“Mommy, what’s fisting?”)

The National Education Association (NEA) makes sure that America's teachers have all the "tools" to indoctrinate children in the LGBT agenda.

But these are just the latest mutations. Sex education, which started in the 1940s, quickly devolved into sexuality education – where students learned a variety of perversions in the name of disease prevention and birth control.

For at least twenty years many schoolchildren have been taught more about Malcolm X than George Washington or Thomas Jefferson.

Overt anti-Americanism in the schools may be relatively new, but it has a long pedigree.

When virtual "distance learning" took over during COVID, parents began to see what was actually being taught to their children.

The Marxist concept of universal education

The seeds of today’s horror show were planted at the outset. The basis of today’s educational radicalism comes from early Marxist ideology.

In “The Communist Manifesto” (published 1848), Karl Marx decreed, “The education of all children from the moment that they can get along without their mother’s care, shall be in state institutions at state expense.” When the workers’ revolt failed to materialize in capitalist countries, state education became the engine of revolution.

Writing in the 1920s, Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci said, “Socialism will triumph by first capturing the culture via infiltration of schools, universities, churches, and media (and then) by transforming the consciousness of society.” Hence the long march through the institutions.

And so, socialist ideology has captured the schools. In his book, “American Marxism” (published in July), Mark R. Levin writes: “It is academia and its rule over the education of generations of students that serves as the most potent force for Marxist indoctrination and advocacy, and the most powerful impetus for its acceptance and spread.”

Mann and Dewey: The radical foundations of American public education

While Europeans Marx and Gramsci preached the importance of education to the coming revolution, Horace Mann and John Dewey laid the foundation for public education in America.

Generally acknowledged to be the father of state schools, Mann was a utopian and an admirer of the collectivist communities (early attempts of socialism) established by industrialist Robert Owen (the George Soros of his age) in the Northeast and Indiana.

In the 1830s, Mann pioneered the first public school system in America in Massachusetts, by setting up the first State Board of Education and becoming its first secretary. Mann later went to Prussia (then the cradle of statism) to learn how government schools could mold impressionable minds.

Horace Mann (left) and John Dewey were monumental in shaping - and radicalizing - the public education system.

John Dewey (the father of so-called Progressive education) carried Mann’s work into the 20th century. As Mann had looked to Prussia for inspiration, Dewey made his pilgrimage to the USSR. As Levin documents: “Dewey was an early fan of the Soviet Union and its ‘educational system’ – or, more precisely, its massive propaganda effort where obedience and conformity were contorted into a new unity.”

Dewey was a signer of the 1933 Humanist Manifesto (“a socialist cooperative economic order must be established”). He said: “You can’t make socialists out of individualists. Children who know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society which is coming, where everyone is interdependent.” Indeed.

… And into the 21st century

In the 21st century, Marx’s and Dewey’s work of social transformation is carried on by the teachers’ unions and their auxiliary, the Democrat Party.

Critical Race Theory is the Marxist model of oppressor and oppressed applied to race. Queering Up applies it to gender.

Again, it’s not about teaching children how to think but what to think. That’s why the fight over Critical Race Theory and mask mandates has turned so vicious, with Attorney General Merrick Garland threatening to treat unruly parents as domestic terrorists.

And it’s why the 2.3-million-member National Education Association (NEA), at its annual convention in July, voted to increase its support of Critical Race Theory and work to fight against so-called “white supremacy, anti-Blackness, anti-Indigeneity, racism, patriarchy … capitalism… and other forms of power and oppression” that are said to animate opposition to CRT.  (It’s also why the NEA gives 94% of its campaign contributions to the Democrat party.)

The other major union, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) is also heavily into the CRT agenda. This photo, from their website, shows the AFT president and secretary-treasurer at a George Floyd memorial.

These are the people who get to spend an average of 15,000 hours per student indoctrinating the captives of America’s public school system.

Final thoughts from MassResistance: In order to effectively fight what’s happening in our public schools, we need to understand the many decades of momentum behind this radicalism, and that a certain kind of people has been attracted to its power structure. None of this is accidental – and it will take a very deliberate, unrelenting, and focused effort to change it.
Don Feder is a former columnist for the Boston Herald and currently works with The Ruth Institute. He is also a long-time friend of MassResistance.


SEE ALSO: https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-11-24-california-teachers-groom-recruit-students-lgbtq-cult-clubs.html




Brighteon: Alex Jones joins Mike Adams in studio, warning of where America is headed in 2022

NaturalNews videos would not be possible without you, as always we remain passionately dedicated to our mission of educating people all over the world on the subject of natural healing remedies and personal liberty (food freedom, medical freedom, the freedom of speech, etc.). Together, we’re helping create a better world, with more honest food labeling, reduced chemical contamination, the avoidance of toxic heavy metals and vastly increased scientific transparency.

FBI SWAT TEAM & POLICE Raid House of Activist Mom Who Opposes School Boards’ Policies, Alleged Election Fraud

Exclusive: Colorado Mom Becomes First Parent To Have Her Door Broken Down As DOJ and FBI Target Parents Opposing Marxist Revolution?

SEE: https://www.worldviewweekend.com/tv/video/exclusive-colorado-mom-becomes-first-parent-have-her-door-broken-down-doj-and-fbi-target


ABOVE: Sherronna Bishop WITH Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert 

SEE: https://www.americasmom.net/



SEE: https://thenewamerican.com/fbi-raids-house-of-activist-mom-who-opposes-school-boards-policies-alleged-election-fraud/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

An FBI Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) team, along with state and local authorities, raided the home of an activist mother of four in Grand Junction, Colorado, on Tuesday.

Sherronna Bishop is a mother of four, a constitutional conservative, and an American patriot who “tenaciously defends core values of God-fearing Patriots who do not want to lose the freedoms and rights of all citizens who live in the greatest nation in the world,” according to her bio on the Truth and Liberty Coalition website.

Bishop also runs the “America’s Mom” platform dedicated to parents’ education on Colorado legislation concerning public schools.

Bishop has been a vocal opponent of the indoctrination of American children in the public schools and has been involved in local school board and congressional races.

On Tuesday morning, Bishop was schooling her children when she heard a “profuse pounding” on her door. After she asked her children to hide in their bedroom, she went to the door just as the SWAT team broke it down with a battering ram. Then they took Bishop outside and handcuffed her, according to her interview with Brannon Howse on World View Weekend

The activist mom also said how involved she personally was in local school board recalls and reelections, and that her organization helped flip nine of them this year. Bishop and her group rallied against mask mandates and Critical Race Theory being taught in schools. Bishop believes that such activism made her a target of the regime:

According to this illegitimate [Biden] regime that is running this country, people like me are now considered domestic terrorists now, because we advocate for our own children, we stand up for them, and we don’t allow the state or the system to abuse them.

Commenting on why the FBI would violently burst into her home, Bishop said that the FBI agents refused to inform her of the reason for the raid. After the search was finished, however, they left behind papers relating to their search warrant indicating that Bishop was suspected of causing “intentional damage to a protected computer, wire fraud and conspiracy to cause damage to a protected computer,” the mom said. Bishop added that she was neither a violent person nor a criminal.

She continued,

I don’t know anything about this. They couldn’t explain any of this. I will tell you why: they were at my home to intimidate me, to shut me up, because I was using my First Amendment rights to advocate for [Mesa County Clerk] Tina Peters on the issue of Dominion [voting machines] and the damage done in our election. And they’ll never be held accountable. Instead, they will criminalize this woman who has stood up.

Colorado elections clerk Tina Peters’ home, along with the homes of three of Peters’ associates, including Bishop, who also served as Representative Lauren Boebert’s (R-Colo.) former campaign manager, was raided by the FBI the same morning, “apparently over a leak of election data from an as yet unidentified leaker to QAnon conspiracy theorists,” per Daily Beast.

Bishop also stressed that if there were any concerns in regard to her activities, she has always been responsive and available, and there was no “emergency” to violently raid her house, bash in her door, scare her children, and “manhandle” her teenage daughter and put her in handcuffs.

As quoted by Leo Hohmann, the Mike Lindell-affiliated World View Weekend had just “concluded a series of interviews with a panel of four retired FBI agents in which they had described similar raids against non-violent patriotic Americans over the last few years, starting with Gen. Michael Flynn in 2016, followed by the pre-dawn raid on author and Trump ally Roger Stone in 2019 and then the violent entering of journalist James O’Keefe of Project Veritas just last week.”

Brian Shepard, a former FBI special agent, said that the agency does not typically conduct a search or an arrest of someone who was not a violent offender.

The events in Grand Junction came on the heels of the recently revealed information on the FBI utilizing anti-terrorist tools against concerned parents.

The developments within the FBI’s Counterterrorism and Criminal Divisions were made in response to Attorney General Merrick Garland’s memorandum issued on October 4, in which he expressed the Department’s commitment “to using its authority and resources to discourage these threats [to the school boards and schools officials], identify them when they occur, and prosecute them when appropriate.”

On October 21, Garland testified to the Judiciary Committee that he could not “imagine any circumstance in which the Patriot Act would be used in the circumstances of parents complaining about their children, nor … a circumstance where they would be labeled as domestic terrorists.”

The FBI opened an investigation for an alleged security breach involving elections equipment in Mesa County earlier this year against Peters and her associates.  

On Wednesday, Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser and 21st Judicial District Attorney Dan Rubinstein released a statement saying,

Yesterday, the 21st Judicial District Attorney’s Office and the Colorado Attorney General’s Office — along with our FBI partners — conducted authorized enforcement actions in support of an ongoing investigation into the alleged election system breach in Mesa County.… We will continue to conduct a thorough investigation based on facts and the law, including using proper law enforcement tools such as the judicially authorized search that was executed properly in this matter.

Bishop, however, indicated that she won’t be silenced, and called on other parents like her to stay strong. She concluded the interview by saying that parents “have got to stand up and find a way to find their voice” before their door is bashed in and they are handcuffed. “I would not wait for that,” the mom added.


SEE ALSO: Tina Peters and Sherronna Bishop: Searching for the Truth - Truth and Liberty Coalition Livecast


Mesa County (Colorado) Clerk Tina Peters and “America’s Mom” Sherronna Bishop join the Truth & Liberty livecast. They detail their claims against the Colorado Secretary of State's office and other parties, and challenge citizens and officials to stand for truth. Watch the full episode at https://bit.ly/3EBsoRv or on Rumble at https://bit.ly/3EItlb0

FBI Agents Raid Home Of Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters

A multiagency task force has executed search warrants at four locations in western Colorado amid an ongoing investigation into allegations that an elections clerk was involved in a security breach of elections equipment earlier this year.

Former Campaign Manager Sherronna Bishop speaks out about FBI search

Bishop has joined Clerk Tina Peters about describing their experience with the FBI

Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters reappears, speaks publicly at Grand Junction church

Colorado Sec. of State prohibits use of 41 components of Mesa County voting system after probe, AUGUST 12, 2021

Pressure Building on Arizona School Board President to Resign

Pressure Building on Arizona School Board President to Resign


SEE: https://thenewamerican.com/pressure-building-on-arizona-school-board-president-to-resign/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Not only have Scottsdale police opened an investigation into Scottsdale Unified School District’s president, Jann-Michael Greenburg, over his “dossier” of parents opposed to the school district’s policies on masking and Critical Race Theory, but more than 1,200 parents have signed a petition demanding his resignation as well.

His resignation is expected shortly.

Since The New American first reported on the incident on Friday, additional damning evidence has surfaced. Aside from the police statement — “[We’re] aware of the allegations against Scottsdale Unified School District President Jann-Michael Greenburg. We are conducting an investigation into the matter and will report our findings once it is complete” — a petition to oust Greenburg is gathering considerable momentum.

From the petition:

On November 9, 2021, The Scottsdale Independent published an article “The Greenburg Files: Is there a file on you?” demonstrating the expansive and disturbing surveillance activities of Scottsdale Unified School District Governing Board President Jann-Michael Greenburg….

The “Greenburg Files” contain many disturbing documents, audio files, and video recordings of several individuals, including photos of SUSD students.

There is no legitimate purpose for any of these background checks, deeds, marital records, financial documents, professional certifications and more to be curated, stored, and shared in such a manner by Mr. Greenburg.

The files also contain unredacted SUSD emails and screenshots of open district email tabs — bringing even more concern that SUSD resources may have been shared or used outside of their intended or legally allowed purposes.

The Google drive contains 160 pages of information on parents unhappy with the school board’s policies related to COVID-19. The information appears to have been gleaned following extensive investigation by its author, which explains the surprising amount of detail the drive reveals.

It was not only surprising but unsettling as well. Targets included parents who were mounting an effort to recall Greenburg. Greenburg is single and lives with his father, Mark, who, it appears, spent the time and the money to build the “Greenburg Files.”

It remains unclear what purpose the Greenburgs had in gathering the information, but parents aren’t waiting: They want the president out, now.

Amy Carney, a mother of six and a candidate for the district’s governing board, told Fox News: “I’d call this retaliation … the list of parents targeted in the drive appears to be anyone who has spoken out about anything against our district publicly or online.”

The petition concludes:

His [Jann-Michael’s] actions have made it unequivocally clear that he is unfit for public office.… We stand together in requesting the immediate termination of Jann-Michael Greenburg as SUSD Governing Board President, and we further demand his resignation as an SUSD Governing Board Member.

SUSD is one of the largest suburban school districts in metro Phoenix, serving most of Scottsdale as well as parts of Phoenix, Paradise Valley, and Tempe. That explains why the national media is now following the case.

Even after he resigns, Greenburg, and his father Mark, are likely to face legal consequences. The New American noted that attorney Alexander Kolodin had grave concerns that the Google drive — the “Greenburg Files” — violated Arizona’s Parents’ Bill of Rights that recognizes a parent’s right to consent before the government makes a video or voice recording of the minor child.

But Mark Greenburg is a private citizen who did the recordings, and so sanctions might come from another source. As Kolodin explained:

Both Arizona and the federal government have laws prohibiting both intimidation generally and voter intimidation in particular….

If these allegations are true, Mr. Greenburg and his father might be liable to violating one or more of these laws.

In any event, Jann-Michael Greenburg’s tenure as president of SUSD is about to come to an end, but the legal consequences over his involvement with the “Greenburg Files” will continue to plague him into the future.

Related article:

School Board President Under Pressure to Resign Over His “Opposition Dossier” on Parents Protesting CRT

FAIRFAX, Virginia mom exposes school for pornographic books | National Report

Stacy Langton speaks out after exposing pornographic books in a Virginia school library. - via 'National Report' on Newsmax

U.S. “CHRISTENS”, Names Ship After Gay Activist As China Targets US Ships


SEE: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/robert-spencer/2021/11/09/priorities-as-china-builds-mock-versions-of-u-s-ships-u-s-navy-launches-ship-named-for-gay-activist-n1531062;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

It was a big day for the U.S. Navy on Saturday: a ship named for gay rights activist Harvey Milk was, according to the Associated Press, “christened” – interesting choice of words, there, AP, traditional but ironic in these circumstances — and “launched in San Diego Bay.” Meanwhile, CNN reported on Tuesday that “China’s military has constructed mockups in the shape of a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier and U.S. warships, possibly for target practice.” Priorities, priorities: China’s is clearly to win a war against a major power. The U.S. Navy, on the other hand, is concerned with other matters altogether.

The Navy ceremony for the U.S.N.S. Harvey Milk was a veritable orgy of fashionable Leftism. The “christening,” that is, the traditional smashing of a bottle of champagne on the ship’s bow, was performed by Paula M. Neira, the clinical program director for the John Hopkins Center for Transgender Health, who served in the Navy before becoming a woman. Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro remarked, speaking about himself in the third person: “The secretary of the Navy needed to be here today, not just to amend the wrongs of the past, but to give inspiration to all of our LGBTQ community leaders who served in the Navy, in uniform today and in the civilian workforce as well too, and to tell them that we’re committed to them in the future.”

That’s wonderful, but should it really be the job of the Navy to “amend the wrongs of the past” and “give inspiration to all of our LGBTQ community leaders”? While the Navy has been working so hard to ensure that gays know they’re welcome in its ranks, satellite images showed what appeared to be full-scale models of a U.S. aircraft carrier and at least two U.S. missile destroyers at a target range in the Taklamakan Desert in China’s Xinjiang region. The models were constructed not for hobby enthusiasts, but for the testing of ballistic missiles. According to the United States Naval Institute (USNI), “This new range shows that China continues to focus on anti-carrier capabilities, with an emphasis on U.S. Navy warships.”

That is, the Chinese military is focusing on sinking U.S. Navy warships. That’s what militaries historically have devoted their time and attention to doing: figuring out ways to destroy the enemy’s military capabilities and compel him to surrender. But Carlos Del Toro, the United States Secretary of the Navy, had other things on his mind on Saturday. When Harvey Milk served in the Navy, he said, he had to “mask that very important part of his life,” that he was homosexual. “For far too long,” Del Toro declared, “sailors like Lt. Milk were forced into the shadows or, worse yet, forced out of our beloved Navy. That injustice is part of our Navy history, but so is the perseverance of all who continue to serve in the face of injustice.”

That’s swell, but do you think the Chinese military is worried about gay sailors having to “mask” that “very important” part of their lives? I’m no expert on the Chinese military, but I expect would be surprised if one of its priorities was ensuring that sailors could be open about their sexuality. This is because the Chinese military is still so old-fashioned as to be focused on winning wars, not on social engineering and virtue-signaling.

Related: How Worried Should We Be About China’s Massive Nuclear Build-Up?

The U.S. Navy, however, is consumed with such matters. Back during Obama’s first two terms, Navy Secretary Ray Mabus announced in 2016 that new Navy ships would be named after not just Milk, but Sojourner Truth, Earl Warren, Robert F. Kennedy, suffragette Lucy Stone, and Rep. John Lewis. Besides being icons of the Left, these figures have something else in common: none of them ever won a naval battle. Probably none of them had any idea how to do so or ever considered the question for a moment. But these are the heroes of the Leftists who control contemporary culture, and so these are the ships we’re going to get. Priorities, priorities.

And despite the fact that the “christening” of the U.S.N.S. Harvey Milk was entirely in with the contemporary zeitgeist, Del Toro still congratulated himself on how “courageous” it was to name the ship after a gay rights activist. No, Mr. Secretary. What would have been courageous would have been to name a ship after, say, Richard Nixon, who actually served in the Navy, or if Tricky Dick is a bridge too far, then Warren G. Harding or Calvin Coolidge, two solidly America-First presidents unjustly maligned by Leftist historians. Naming a ship after Harvey Milk had nothing to do with courage, and everything to do with demonstrating the real values that the U.S. military holds today.“Ship names are important,” Del Toro said, “because they express what we value as a Navy and as a nation and communicate those values around the globe in every port of call.” Exactly. And Neira added: “When the Harvey Milk sails, she will send a very strong message both domestically and around the globe to everybody that believes in freedom and justice and liberty, that there is a place for you in this family.”

It will certainly send a very strong message both domestically and around the globe, but probably not the one Neira has in mind. Rick Moran has more here about China’s nuclear buildup. It’s a VIP article: Subscribe today and use promo code 2022 for a 40% discount — our largest ever — this week only.

Survey: 39 Percent of 18- to 24-Year-old Americans Identify as LGBTQ


SEE: https://thenewamerican.com/survey-39-percent-of-18-to-24-year-old-americans-identify-as-lgbtq/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

A new survey, conducted by Arizona Christian University in connection with Foundations of Freedom, has found that 39 percent of Americans aged 18-24 refer to themselves as LGBTQ. The wide-ranging study included people aged 18-37 years of age and was done in an effort to provide fresh insight on the generation.

Among Americans aged 25-37, a still staggering 25 percent of those polled claimed that they identified as LGBTQ. Overall, 30 percent of the young people surveyed, which the study authors call “Millennials,” claimed LGBTQ status.

Conducted in August, the new study defines “Millennials” as people born between 1984-2003, even though most consider the term “Millennials” to include persons born between 1981 and 1996, and those born in 1997 and 2012 as “Generation Z.”

“The generation is redefining sexuality — their own and how to perceive and respond to the gender identity and sexual-orientation choices of others,” the study claims. “With that have come new ideas and choices regarding marriage and family. Consequently, a social institution that used to be a safe harbor has now become a battleground.”

There was a significant gender split in the poll, with 36 percent of females identifying as LGBTQ as opposed to 23 percent of males.

“The proportion of young adults who identify as LGBTQ is roughly three times the proportion identified among the combined older adults of the nation,” the study reports. “Given the moral and political implications of such an identity, that self-characterization alone raises a range of emotional challenges.”

It also raises the possibility that long-term social engineering — in the form suggesting that aberrant sexual preferences are simply how you’re born as opposed to lifestyle choices — directed at America’s youth is beginning to bear fruit.

“The fact that a whopping 39 percent of 18-24-year-olds now identify as LGBTQ, whether they follow through on that identification or not, illustrates the massive impact that establishment media and cultural institution exposure given to LGBTQ issues have had,” wrote cultural commentator Paul Joseph Watson.

“It would really be quite a stretch to claim that these young people are born that way and not made that way by relentless social engineering and brainwashing at the cultural and academic level,” Watson concluded.

It’s well known that in current American society, the LGBTQ message is literally everywhere. And much, if not most, of it is targeted at young people.

Consider a recent Halloween ad for Twix candy bars that features a young boy wearing what he calls a “princess dress.” The child is not dressed for Halloween, but is wearing the outfit because as he says in the ad, “Dressing like this makes me feel good.” The young boy is then accosted by a bully who calls him “weird,” and further taunts the child. The bully is then dispatched by the dress-wearing boy’s witch nanny.

Yet another recent Halloween ad for Doritos features an animated family visiting the grave of a lost relative. For even more intersectionality points, the cartoon family is Hispanic. The ghost of the relative appears and then is joined by his gay ghost partner. The ghost’s old sister begins clapping and says, “What a miracle! I thought he’d be alone forever!”

Happy Halloween! Whatever happened to Dracula, Frankenstein, and the Mummy?

Ads such as this, clearly targeted at children, have nothing to do with tolerance and acceptance. They’re all about the promotion and encouragement of the LGBTQ lifestyle. And this poll shows that, unfortunately, it seems to be working.

A previous Gallup Poll released in February showed that a full 5.6 percent of American adults now identify as LGBTQ; an increase from 4.5 percent in 2017. Today’s youth are largely driving that increase as they continue to be bombarded with LGBTQ-friendly education, entertainment and advertising.

This increase in aberrant sexual behavior is clearly being driven by young people who have been indoctrinated in school and in the culture not only to accept the LGBTQ lifestyle but to embrace it, along with all the physical and psychological problems that come along with it.

Meanwhile, China is banning “sissy boys.”

Kansas City: Student denounces CHRISTIAN teacher for criticizing Islam, LGBTQ~teacher is placed on leave


SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2021/10/kansas-city-student-denounces-teacher;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

This teacher was denounced by one of his students, just as in totalitarian regimes such as National Socialist Germany and the Soviet Union, where young people, so easily led, were exhorted to report their elders who deviated from the groupthink of the day. At Lincoln College Preparatory Academy, the little Hitler Youth reported his English teacher to his superiors for daring to express his Christian faith, which is so far from what is politically and ideologically correct these days that the young Stalinist was shocked out of his Mao suits when the teacher expressed his convictions that Islam was false and that homosexuality was wrong. He doesn’t appear to have gone beyond that; in other words, he didn’t say that any violence or anything untoward at all should be done to Muslims or homosexuals; he just expressed his disapproval. But that was enough for this budding Stasi agent, and he turned him in. Then the school suspended the teacher, saying they did so in order to preserve a safe environment for students — because as everyone knows, words that dissent from the Left’s agenda equal violence.

The fact that this young man’s Muslim friends would affirm their conviction that Christianity is false and that homosexuality is wrong is likely something he does not know, and would not care about if he did know. He knows that Muslims are a protected class and any criticism of Islam would be “Islamophobic.” That is all he knows, and all he needs to know.

“KCPS teacher criticized for remarks about Muslims and LGBTQ+ population,” by Betsy Webster, KCTV, October 28, 2021:

KANSAS CITY, MO (KCTV) — A teacher at Lincoln College Preparatory Academy High School has been placed on leave because of some controversial comments he made in class.

Students report the 10th grade English teacher was preaching about Christianity, then disparaging Muslims and LGBTQ+ people.

KCTV5 talked with a student with his mom’s permission and agreed not to use his name to keep strangers from contacting him. That student was in the class where it happened Monday. He said it came out of the blue 10 minutes into class.

“And then he kind of got a little emotional and said, ‘If I get fired for this, I don’t really care. I care more about you guys’ and then started to say stuff about how God loves us and he’s going to save us and how if you don’t, like, basically convert to Christianity, then you’re going to live a bad life,” the student recounted. “It was very uncomfortable.”

Students then started debating with the teacher, he said. He recorded a portion of the interchange on his phone and shared the video with KCTV, which goes as follows:

Teacher: Homophobia. What does that mean, like scared of homosexuals?
Student: Homosexuality is a sin in the Bible.
Teacher: Yes.
Student: Meaning it’s a bad thing in the Bible.
Teacher: Yes.
Student: (Unintelligible)
Teacher: Like, what makes saying that homosexuality is wrong not a horrible thing?
Student: Yeah, not a horrible (unintelligible).
Teacher: It’s just a wrong thing.
Students then reportedly asked about other religions.

“He said that he thinks Muslims are wrong and that Mohammed was a terrible person,” the student recalled.

The principal sent an email to parents saying, in part, “Both LCPA [Lincoln College Preparatory Academy] and KCPS [Kansas City Public Schools] are committed to a school environment that is safe and welcoming for everyone, including honoring separation of church and state within our school community.”

The student KCTV5 interviewed was pleased with how the administration handled the situation, noting that he emailed the principal from class and the teacher was gone at the end of the next period.

A district spokeswoman sent the following statement:

“Our students deserve better than what they got, and we are so grateful to the students who came forward to make us aware of what was happening. Once our administrators were made aware, they went into the teacher’s classroom to observe. At that point the teacher was removed from the classroom and placed on administrative leave.”

“I’m pretty sure like 99% of everyone is agreeing that he should not come back to school for a while,” the reporting student said of the student body’s response.

He said there are a significant number of Muslim and LGBTQ+ students at the school, adding that — until yesterday — the teacher was well-liked for giving students a lot of creative freedom on writing assignments.

The district spokeswoman said any disciplinary action would come after an internal investigation, which began immediately….


SEE ALSO: https://pjmedia.com/culture/robert-spencer/2021/10/30/stasi-in-kansas-city-student-denounces-christian-teacher-to-authorities-gets-him-suspended-n1528189

Wyoming parents file criminal complaint against library officials over pornographic children’s books. County prosecutors investigating and considering filing charges.

SEE: https://www.massresistance.org/docs/gen4/21d/WY-criminal-complaing-against-library/index.html;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Special prosecutor assigned to case.

Statewide LGBT group comes to library’s defense – supporting the books.

Reported by national (liberal) media.

October 26, 2021
A parent speaks before the Library Board, reading from several of the sexualized children's books. But the Board refused to do anything.

County prosecutors in Wyoming have announced that they may be filing charges against local library officials after Wyoming MassResistance parents brought a criminal complaint regarding the obscene and sexually charged books in the children’s and teen’s sections.

As we’ve reported, Wyoming MassResistance parents in Gillette have been attempting for months to work with the Campbell County Library staff, the Library Board, and the County Commission, to have the books removed and resolve this. But four of the five Commissioners refused to cooperate with the parents.

Hugh Bennett addresses the County Commission on July 7 about the books, asking them to take some action.

Parents file a criminal complaint

On September 29, two local Wyoming MassResistance parents in Gillette, Hugh and Susan Bennett, brought five of the library books to the Campbell County Sheriff’s office and filed a criminal complaint.

The books are:

  • This Book is Gay by Juno Dawson
    This book promotes an array of homosexual and lesbian sex acts and instructs children how to engage in them.
  • How Do You Make a Baby by Anna Fiske
    This bizarre book for 4-10 year-olds includes pornographic drawings of sexual activity.
  • Doing It: Let’s Talk About Sex by Hannah Witton
    As the cover (below) describes, this book promotes for children the idea of seeking “sexual pleasure” through sex, homosexuality, and masturbation.
  • Sex is a Funny Word by Corey Silverberg
    This book coaches 8-11 year-olds to be comfortable getting naked and being touched. And in particular, to feel okay having their anus touched.
  • Dating and Sex: A Guide for the 21st Century Teen Boy by Andrew P. Smiler
    This includes a how-to guide to masturbation and enjoying pornography.
Coaching kids to seek sexual pleasure.

Similar to other states, Wyoming law exempts schools and libraries from prosecution for displaying obscene material. However, the law does not exempt them from encouraging children to engage in sexual relations – which is a crime in Wyoming and other states.

Thus, the Bennetts filed a complaint under Wyoming statute 6-2-31: Soliciting to engage in illicit sexual relations. It states that an adult who “solicits, procures, or knowingly encourages anyone less than the age of fourteen” to engage in sexual acts, including oral or anal sex, or masturbation, is guilty of a felony with a prison term of up to five years.

These books clearly and unambiguously encourage and instruct children to engage in sexual and homosexual sex acts, and masturbation.

County attorney outraged seeks special prosecutor

The Sheriff’s office referred the complaint to the County Attorney Mitchell Damsky’s office. When Damsky examined the library books, he was outraged. “Personally, as a parent, I find the material to be just inappropriate for children and disgusting,” he told a reporter. He said the books are like giving “hard pornography to children.”

Within a week, the case was referred to the neighboring Weston County prosecutor's office, where a special prosecutor for this case is being assigned. Since the county attorney for Campbell County must defend county employees and staff in criminal accusations, the investigation and possible prosecution of the case was moved to another county prosecutor because of conflict of interest issues.

Story makes national media

Almost immediately, the Associated Press found out about it (likely from left-wing activists connected with the local library) and within a day the story went across the country. The AP, of course, is very left-wing and pro-LGBT. They dishonestly referred to the books as simply being “about sex, LGBTQ issues, and how to have a baby.” A few of the news reports are:

The media quickly picked up this story.

State LGBT group comes to the library’s support

The most prominent statewide homosexual and transgender organization, Wyoming Equality, also weighed in. As expected, they support books that encourage children to engage in homosexual behaviors, particularly when the parents disagree. The LGBT movement’s obsession with recruiting children is why they help push these books into schools and libraries across the country.

They are using a well-worn tactic to deflect the issue: The false and absurd claim that parents are “threatening” public officials and library staff over the books.

Wyoming Equality’s executive director told the Associated Press that she felt the need to talk with local officials about “the threats” and offer support to the library staff. “They’re being treated so poorly and with such violence and lack of goodwill,” she said. “They’ve had threats. Folks have shown up and said menacing things about the library and librarians.”

This is purposefully misleading. The parents have complained quite firmly about the books. They have criticized the library and the librarians. But they have certainly not threatened anyone, nor would they ever do so. There has been no “violence.” The LGBT activists are simply making that up.

Wyoming Equality logo. Is the bison gay?

… And the ACLU

What would a controversy on pornography and children be without the ACLU supporting the pervs? Stephanie Amiotte, legal director of the ACLU of South Dakota, North Dakota, and Wyoming, told a left-wing blog that her group “stands firmly” behind the Campbell County Public Library staff.

Regarding pornographic books, she said that children must have “free access to information.” She said that libraries cannot allow “private pressure groups, or politicians, who seek to impose their own political, moral, or religious beliefs by censoring books chosen by professional librarians for library shelves.” The staff of supposed experts, not the community and taxpayers, must be the judge of what children are given, according to that repulsive (but extremely well-funded) organization.

Final reflection

The fact that the library staff, the Library Board, and nearly all of the County Commission in this conservative part of Wyoming publicly support this stomach-turning sexual seduction of children is certainly a wake-up call. There’s clearly a lot of work to do to restore normalcy.

This criminal complaint is a very important start. These books are in libraries across the country. It’s time to take action with MassResistance!

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Twitter Suspends GOP Congressman for Saying Rachel Levine Is a Man


Twitter suspends Indiana Rep. Jim Banks’ official account for 'targeted misgendering' tweet


SEE: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/matt-margolis/2021/10/23/twitter-suspends-gop-congressman-for-saying-rachel-levine-is-a-man-n1526403;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

The official Twitter account of Congressman Jim Banks (R-Ind.) was suspended for tweeting, “The title of first female four-star officer gets taken by a man” in reference to Rachel Levine, Biden’s assistant secretary for Health & Human Services (HHS), being sworn in as a four-star admiral of the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps earlier this week.

When Biden promoted Levine, the administration called him the “first-ever female four-star admiral,” effectively robbing a real woman from ever holding that title.

“My tweet was a statement of fact. Big Tech doesn’t have to agree with me, but they shouldn’t cancel me,” Banks said in a statement posted to Instagram. “If they silence me, they will silence you. We can’t allow Big Tech to prevent us from telling the truth.”

Twitter similarly suspended me earlier this week for pointing out the same biological fact as Congressman Banks.

Banks, the chairman of the Republican Study Committee (RSC), also called on Republicans to “restore honesty to our public forums and hold Big Tech accountable” if they win back control of Congress next year.

For the time being, Banks is posting to his personal Twitter account.

“Twitter has suspended my official account for posting a statement of FACT. I won’t back down.”

Twitter similarly flagged a tweet by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene for violating their hateful conduct policy, which “determined that it may be in the public’s interest for the Tweet to remain accessible.”

A dude who lived the first 50 years of his life as a man isn’t the first female anything. China is laughing at us,” Greene tweeted.

Indeed they are.

Teachers Are Abusing Kids Over Masks

Teachers, drunk on their own power, are abusing the children who dare to remove their masks, some of whom are disabled. It points to a pervasive problem in which public school teachers and administrators consider themselves the owners of the children who have been placed in their care. Get reliable notification options and further information at Sarah's home site: https://SarahCorriher.com/

SEE ALSO: https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-10-25-colorado-teachers-telling-students-tape-masks-to-their-faces.html

ALLIE BETH STUCKEY: Rachel Levine & The Trans Patriarchy

Today we're focusing on the topic of womanhood and motherhood and how the progressive Left dilutes what those things mean. Rachel Levine, the assistant secretary of HHS, who is a man living as a woman, was recently awarded the rank of four-star admiral because ... reasons. The media are all aflutter over this, fawning over what they call either the first openly trans four-star admiral or the first woman four-star admiral. Even though those things contradict each other. We discuss all the reasons this is ridiculous and also the biblical perspective that Christians use to approach issues regarding gender. Also, famous feminist Margaret Atwood has gotten on the wrong side of the pro-trans mob after sharing an article that asked, "Why can't we say 'woman' anymore?" Pro-trans activists are still protesting Netflix, which led to a pretty funny and crazy encounter between a leftist protester and a pro-Dave protester. Lastly, Condoleezza Rice went on "The View" and gave a very measured, reasonable rebuttal to critical race theory that encapsulates what most of the country probably believes.

Loudoun County Va., Father of Rape Victim to Sue School System, Fight Conviction for School-board Tussle


SEE: https://thenewamerican.com/loudoun-county-va-father-of-rape-victim-to-sue-school-system-fight-conviction-for-school-board-tussle/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

If parents want to know what might happen to their daughter if her school permits boys to use the girls’ restrooms, look to Loudoun County, Virginia, where a boy brutally raped a 9th grade-girl.

If school administrators want to know what happens when that happens, they too can look to Loudoun County. The girl’s parents will sue the school system.

And the girl’s father, Scott Smith, whom police arrested after a confrontation at a school-board meeting, will contest his convictions at the hands of a woke, leftist prosecutor. During the meeting, Smith fought with police when they unlawfully tried to restrain him.

All in all, it’s not a good look for the county’s wacko wokesters.

Rape and a School-board Tussle

In this case, as The New American reported last week, the boy claimed to be “gender fluid,” an excuse to use the girls’ restroom at Stone Bridge High School. Police have charged him with two counts of forcible sodomy, one count of anal sodomy, and one count of forcible fellatio.

Though the suspect was supposed to be under house arrest, he returned to school, whereupon he assaulted another girl, police allege. He faces sexual battery and abduction charges in connection with that attack.

Scott described what happened at the school-board meeting in a statement released by his attorneys. School officials hid the assault from the public, and openly lied about it in a meeting. They claimed no assaults had occurred because of the county’s bathroom policy.

“The sexual assault on our daughter and the subsequent sexual assault by the same individual were both predictable and preventable,” he said: 

The facts are that a male student claiming to be “gender fluid” was permitted to enter the girls’ bathroom on May 28 and sexually assault our daughter. Making matters worse, the school system repeatedly failed to protect her thereafter. Then, they concealed the sexual assault from the public while considering formalizing a bathroom access policy that would have — and now has — increased the likelihood of sexual assaults like these. As a result, our daughter and our family has suffered, and continue to suffer, from the very real consequences of a policy that endangers the safety of every student.

Scott hadn’t intended to speak at the meeting. 

“When the School Board abruptly ended the meeting, I was confronted and taunted by an activist who supports the School Board’s bathroom policy,” Scott said:

The activist was aware of the sexual assault on my daughter and wrongfully assumed I was going to speak. Despite being subjected to this unprovoked confrontation, I was unreasonably restrained by law enforcement, completely violating my constitutional rights.

While some in the media have tried to impugn my character, I am not a domestic terrorist. I am a concerned father who loves his family and will protect them at every turn.

Smith’s fight with cops, of course, went viral. It is among the incidents U.S. Attorney General Merrick used to justify sending the FBI and federal prosecutors after parents who complain to school boards about Critical Race Theory curricula and dangerous bathroom policies.

Smith’s attorney, Bill Stanley, said the county’s bathroom policy “directly resulted in the brutal rape of the Smith’s daughter…. It only takes an instant to see how Loudoun County Schools have adversely affected this family, and have harmed their daughter.”

And no one, he said, has been held accountable.

Stanley said the charges against Scott are “wrong and unconstitutional.”

All of which means the county’s attorneys have their hands full: a girl raped in a bathroom, another assaulted by the same suspect, and the ham-handed arrest of the rape victim’s father.

leftist school board member and top promoter of the transgender madness quit last week under pressure from a parents group.

Teacher Trouble

This isn’t the first trouble for the school system because of its policies on so-called transgenders.

When the schools passed a policy requiring teachers to use the “correct” pronouns and names for “transgender” students, one teacher, Tanner Cross, refused, citing his religious convictions. He would not, he said, lie to his students, or validate a boy’s or girl’s false belief that he or she is the “wrong gender.” The school system suspended him. The Virginia Supreme Court overturned the unjust punishment.

At least one teacher has quit over the policy.

Christian Group Sues Biden Administration Over Transgender Surgeries


SEE: https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/christian-employer-alliance-biden/2021/10/20/id/1041289;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

The Christian Employers Alliance (CEA) is suing the Biden administration over two mandates that force religious nonprofit and for-profit employers to fund "gender transition surgeries, procedures, counseling, and treatments."

Alliance Defending Freedom on Tuesday filed a motion asking a federal district court in Bozeman, Montana, to cease enforcement of the measures on behalf of the Christian employers group, an organization that provides support to Christian businesses and nonprofits, National Review reports.

The lawsuit maintains that the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is misinterpreting and improperly enforcing the definition of sex discrimination included in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to force employers to provide gender transition medical coverage and procedures against their religious beliefs.

The lawsuit says the enforcement of a similar mandate by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that reinterprets "sex" to include gender identity will make religious health care providers "physically perform, facilitate, or promote gender transition surgeries and procedures that are contrary to their deeply held religious beliefs and expert medical judgment."

Title VII makes it unlawful to discriminate against someone on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity) or religion. The Act also makes it unlawful to retaliate against a person because the person complained about discrimination, filed a charge of discrimination, or participated in an employment discrimination investigation or lawsuit.

The CEA says on its website that its mission is to "unite, equip, and represent Christian-owned businesses to protect religious freedom and provide the opportunity for employees, businesses, and communities to flourish."

CEA President Shannon Royce said "employers and entrepreneurs, like many Americans, are growing increasingly concerned by rising costs that can be blamed in part on oppressive government mandates."

"These gender transition mandates greatly exacerbate this problem by threatening religious employers with punishing fines, burdensome litigation costs, the loss of federal funds, and even criminal penalties," Royce said. "Additionally, the mandate creates a unique quagmire of concerns for religious healthcare providers by forcing them to speak positively about gender transition procedures even if they disagree with them."

In May 2021, the Biden administration prohibited discrimination against transgender people in healthcare.

Alliance Defending Freedom senior counsel Matt Bowman said Biden has "far overreached his constitutional authority" by improperly enforcing federal law "to the detriment of people of faith across the country."

"The government cannot force Christian employers to pay for, or physically perform, harmful medical procedures that contradict their religious beliefs," Bowman said in a statement. 

The Supreme Court’s decision in Bostock v. Clayton County, Ga. in 2020, said sex discrimination protections in the workplace include transgender people. Some Christian conservatives are concerned that the decision has impacted religious freedoms and affected faith-based employment.

Archbishop Jose Horacio Gomez, president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, said at the time that the Supreme Court had effectively redefined the legal meaning of "sex."

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