Pittsburgh: Catholic university hosts speaker who calls on white people to ‘crucify their whiteness’

Undergraduate Visits | Pittsburgh, Pa | Carlow University


SEE: https://robertspencer.org/2022/04/pittsburgh-catholic-university-hosts-speaker-who-calls-on-white-people-to-crucify-their-whiteness;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Miguel de la Torre argues that “hope” is a “white concept,” which would come as a surprise to St. Paul. In typical fashion, Sean McFarland, Carlow University Public Relations & Communications Manager, defends the university’s featuring of de la Torre’s message of fashionable racial hatred, resentment, and rage by claiming that the university exposes students to a wide variety of perspectives in order to encourage critical thinking. Is that so? All right: when was the last time the university hosted a foe of jihad violence and Sharia oppression of women? Why, never, because that would be “Islamophobic”? That’s what I thought. So what’s that you were saying about free thought and free expression, McFarland?

Universities today are indoctrination camps for the hard Left. Flee them.

“Catholic university speaker: ‘crucify whiteness,’ embrace ‘hopelessness,’ ‘ethically lie,’” by Katelynn Richardson, College Fix, April 1, 2022:

Carlow University recently hosted an event on “Rejecting White Christianity” that featured a speaker who argued white people should “crucify their whiteness,” called for the embrace of “hopelessness,” and urged people to “ethically lie” to make right for past wrongs….

The March 3 event was sponsored by Carlow’s Atkins Center for Ethics and featured Miguel De La Torre, professor of social ethics and Latinx studies at the Iliff School of Theology in Denver, Colorado.

De La Torre began his presentation by lambasting evangelicals who voted for Donald Trump, according to a video of the speech.

“When eight out of ten white evangelicals voted for a person who is completely against everything Christianity stands for, I don’t know what Christianity they are practicing,” he said. “But I want nothing to do with that Christianity.”

He then distinguished “white theology and ethics” from “Latinx ethics” and noted that the term white does not refer to skin pigmentation but is an “ontological concept.”

“Those of us who are colored, some of us can also be white. But the good news is there is salvation,” he said. Later, he explained that this salvation means “we [who are colored] have to crucify our colonized minds, and for our white brothers and sisters, they need to crucify their whiteness.”

Torre’s speech focused on the idea of “hope,” which he rejected and characterized as a white concept.

“We embrace Euro-centric concepts like hope because it helps to pacify the oppressed during their oppression,” he said. “It leads to spiritual liberation, and ignores physical liberation.”…

Action for De La Torre means using what he called a “trickster ethic” to transform society.

The ethic covers things like “how to ethically lie so we can discover what is true, how to ethically steal so we can feed those who are hungry…[and] how to disrupt the structures that have trained us to oppress ourselves and to take upon our body our own discipline,” he said.

“This empire was built on stolen resources and cheap labor,” De La Torre said. “So hospitality is really the wrong word. What we need is restitution…By seeing this dilemma through the eyes of the margin, we come to a very different understanding of what the Christian response should be.”…

Sean McFarland, Carlow University Public Relations & Communications Manager, told The College Fix that “viewpoints of lecturers should not be taken as either an endorsement or opposition of how the University feels about a particular issue.”

“Rather, the intent of our university’s liberal arts tradition is to expose students to a variety of worldly perspectives and encourage them to think critically and individually on how they feel about the topic(s) in question,” McFarland said.

“Carlow University is proud of our Catholic heritage and mercy mission, which welcomes all. As such, the University welcomes respectful discourse and multiple perspectives, including being open to hosting speakers like Dr. De La Torre whose topic may engender thoughtful reflection and dialogue.”


Ketanji Brown Jackson Puts the Moral Poverty of Identity Politics on Display


SEE: https://robertspencer.org/2022/03/ketanji-brown-jackson-puts-the-moral-poverty-of-identity-politics-on-display;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

“I actually don’t know the answer to that question — I’m sorry — I don’t.”

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

Joe Biden had promised black voters in South Carolina that he would put a black woman on the Supreme Court if they voted for him. After a pressure campaign aimed at the Supreme Court’s lone liberal justice who agreed to step down and make way for a black woman, Biden picked between two candidates, one backed by moderates and one backed by radical leftists.

Even while leftists wished that Justice Clarence Thomas, the court’s lone black justice, would die after reports that he was hospitalized, they cheered the incredible breakthrough of the first black female, and more importantly leftist, being nominated for a seat on the Supreme Court.

The long contentious hearings had plenty of awkward moments, but the most definitive clash came from a simple question that highlighted the vast moral gap between identity politics and natural rights.

“When does equal protection of the laws attach to a human being?” Senator Kennedy asked Jackson.

“Well Senator, um… I believe that the Supreme Court… um… actually I, I actually don’t know the answer to that question — I’m sorry — I don’t,” she awkwardly replied.

The postmodern leftist notion of human rights revolves around pursuing equity for discriminated groups. Leftists like Jackson have thorough notions about what equal protection looks like for black or transgender people, but no notion of a grander principle that protects all human life.

Jackson obviously found the question uncomfortable because it addresses abortion. And yet even a militant abortion supporter like Jackson ought to be able to tackle the basic moral question of when life begins and when human rights come into play. The Framers are often attacked for refusing to grapple with the moral questions of slavery, yet they did. That they narrowly chose not to break up the country over a monstrous evil did not change the fact that they struggled to reconcile their ideals and the compromises they believed they had to make.

Leftists, like the most hard-boiled defenders of slavery, refuse to even admit that there’s an issue. Jackson’s smirking response would have befitted a Buchanan Democrat pretending not to understand that human slavery might have moral, not just economic, legal implications.

Identity politics reduces every issue to victimhood. The same worldview that makes it all too easy to blame highways and obesity on systemic racism makes it equally impossible for leftist jurists like Jackson to even conceive of life and liberty as natural rights bestowed on everyone. And yet it was this conviction that eventually overturned slavery and segregation.

“Do you have a personal belief though about when life begins?” Senator Kennedy asked Ketanji Brown Jackson.

“I have a religious view that I set aside when I am ruling on cases,” she replied.

Judges shouldn’t rule from theology, but the idea that their religious moral convictions should play no role in basic notions of rights is alien to the words of the Declaration of Independence that “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”.

If religious views of human rights are things to be set aside, then what is the basis for anyone’s rights? Judicial precedent, a “living constitution” that incorporates current academic doctrines, the pursuit of equity? Those are where leftists derive their moral authority and notions of rights.

And yet without that grand conviction that human equality and rights proceed from a higher power, they remain at the mercy of judges like Jackson who can decide when to take them away. And Jackson is unable to even articulate when those rights actually begin which will make it that much more morally and intellectually easier for her to take them away, from babies and from anyone else whose existence obstructs her political ideology and personal biases.

Jackson can’t comprehend rights except in terms of equity. If a group isn’t sufficiently wealthy, healthy, or otherwise successful, the government has to step in and alter the equation. But if a group is all of the above, then the government needs to examine how it oppressed others.

This Procrustean Bed in which the government stretches some and shrinks others in pursuit of the impossible mission of making everyone equal is the only kind of rights leftists understand. And they have no notion of the origin of rights except as a mindless pursuit of leveling everyone, and an atonement for the social sins that resulted in everyone not being equally successful.

Rather than looking back to an origin point, they look forward to a secular utopian “right side of history”, a transcendentalist conviction that one day we will all be made equal, to justify everything they believe and everything they do. And so you can’t ask Ketanji Brown Jackson when rights begin, because they haven’t ended yet. The present is just an unfinished future.

Rights don’t begin with God or with our founding documents, they run backward in time from some inchoate socialist future that they intend to achieve by forcibly “equalizing” all of us.

Jackson couldn’t process the question of when universal human rights come into being, because she doesn’t view rights as universal except in the sense that everyone has the right to be made equal. To assess whether someone has rights, leftists have to know their race, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background, and other details that indicate where they stand on the equity spectrum. Asking them to articulate rights without reference to equity is like asking Thomas Jefferson where rights come from if there was no Creator or guiding natural order.

What rights does a baby have? According to leftists, the right to be made equal. The only real right in leftist judicial doctrine is the right to have what others have. And the amplification of whatever privileges and benefits are necessary to cut in line in order to achieve equity.

But does a baby have the right to live? That simple question whose parameters the Founders and Framers would have had no trouble understanding frustrates and infuriates leftist jurists to whom rights are not natural, but relative, and not individual, but collective. While they can amply expound on the plight of transgender Navajo Indians, they can’t offer a decision on the life of a single infant of unknown race and sex because they don’t believe in rights apart from identity.

Leftists can’t affirm natural universal rights, only compare rights relative to someone else.

Ask a leftist to compare my rights to your rights and they can easily do it. A baby can’t have innate natural rights but must have her rights compared to her mother and to society at large. Stakeholders must be consulted, and papers must be reviewed on the status of women in Colonial America to derive who is the greater victim and who is entitled to more rights.

The question of when human rights are conferred is baffling and annoying to Jackson. In her legalistic worldview, the question “when” is almost entirely irrelevant. It’s like asking “when is racism” or “when is sexism”. The dividing lines in leftist jurisprudence are not based on time or other rational metrics, but on the subjective and relative ones of who loses and who gains.

That’s why asking for firm rational metrics for anything is routinely derided as white western masculine thinking in academic circles. Leftists prefer to make decisions based on lived experience which is another way of saying anecdotal subjectivity which leaves plenty of room for personal bias, but none for any meaningful guarantee of rights beyond momentary feelings.

The Founders and Framers were certainly flawed, but they proceeded from an understanding of rights that expanded them, while leftists like Jackson can only contract and reduce them. Where our nation’s founders universalized rights, leftists use equity to de-universalize them, replacing general guarantees of human rights with situational activism through academic lenses.

They claim that they are expanding rights when all they’re doing is taking away our universal natural rights and replacing them with a ranked caste system of identity politics privileges that can bestow a “right” to a house, a car, or fat-free yogurt, but not the absolute right to live.

Where the Bill of Rights could define free speech as a universal right, leftists have dismantled the ACLU and insist that only the people who agree with them should have free speech. And so it goes for everything from the right to assemble to freedom of the press. Conservatives rightly see this as an unconstitutional double standard because it transgresses universal rights. But leftists only see universal rights as a leveling mechanism that only applies to the extent that it makes people more equal, but not when it does not. And so it’s natural for them to reject the idea that their opponents, who they argue make people less equal, should have free speech.

This is the totalitarian logic of civil rights which has slowly taken away rights from everyone.

Cancel culture is the inevitable result of the impulse to make people equal by destroying those who are perceived to stand in the way of the social activism that is the only source of equality.

Is it any wonder that Jackson can’t articulate or even grasp the concept that universal human rights exist and that they have some origin point in the process of human development?

Jackson’s incomprehension of the question reveals the moral bankruptcy of identity politics.

Identity politics is not making us a better society, more concerned with rights, it’s transforming us from a society that believed everyone had rights to a society that has no concept of rights.


Critical race theorist Derrick Bell on racism

African American Legends: Derrick Bell, New York University

Taped: 04/03/1995



SEE: https://robertspencer.org/2022/03/ketanji-brown-jacksons-favorite-critical-race-theory-book-rejects-the-constitution;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

A judge who does not believe in the Constitution, but believes in critical race theory, is unfit.

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

The existence of a speech by Biden’s Supreme Court nominee, Ketanji Brown Jackson, praising Derrick Bell, the godfather of critical race theory, and citing his book, “Faces At the Bottom of a Well”, as an influence has been widely reported. Conservatives have covered Bell’s racist views, his praise for Farrakhan, his antisemitism, and attacks on America. Much of this was already hashed out during the exposure of the relationship between Barack Obama and Derrick Bell.

But it’s important to specifically focus on Jackson’s interest in “Faces At the Bottom of the Well.”

In her speech, Jackson mentions that Bell, whom along with his wife she praises throughout her speech, “wrote a book in the early 1990s about the persistence of racism in American life”.

The subtitle of the book, which few people have mentioned, is, “The Permanence Of Racism”.

Persistence and permanence are not the same things. But this is another example of Jackson subtly distorting Bell and his book in order to make their extremism seem more moderate.

Jackson goes on to say, “My parents had this book on their coffee table for many years, and I remember staring at the image on the cover when I was growing up; I found it difficult to reconcile the image of the person, who seemed to be smiling, with the depressing message that the title and subtitle conveyed. I thought about this book cover again for the first time in forty years when I started preparing for this speech.” That would have made her ten years old.

As others have pointed out, “Faces At the Bottom of the Well” was published when Jackson was in her early twenties during Bell’s tantrum against Harvard University. It’s unlikely that Biden’s Supreme Court nominee grew up with the hateful text, but it’s entirely plausible that she was influenced by the book which came out when she was at Harvard and then Harvard Law.

Since Bell began his racial strike against Harvard Law before she had completed her undergraduate degree, it’s unlikely that she had taken any of his classes, but the former member of the faculty was clearly an influence on her. Perhaps Jackson’s memory is faulty or she’s deliberately backdating the book’s influence on her childhood to make it seem more innocent. Surely no one could blame a ten-year-old for being attracted to a racialist text.

“Faces At the Bottom of the Well” is the sort of racist book that could conceivably appeal to a bright ten-year-old. Bell, despite his position, was never much of a legal or constitutional scholar, and Faces, like the preceding “And We Are Not Saved”, conveys its message that the constitution is just a facade for a white racist agenda through science fiction short stories.

Where “And We Are Not Saved” transports the protagonist back to the Constitutional Convention to denounce the Constitution, “Faces At the Bottom of the Well” indulges in more hyperbolic science fiction scenarios including the rise of a new continent of Afroatlantis and space aliens offering Americans profits in exchange for selling black people into space slavery.

While the scenarios are absurd, they’re there to illustrate Bell’s argument that the Constitution is nothing more than what benefits white people at any given time. This is the same argument that the godfather of critical race theory had repeatedly made throughout his career, contending, for example, that the ban on segregation was not a rejection of racism, only a ploy by white people to defeat the Soviet Union and Communism by showing that they weren’t racist.

(Likewise, Faces, along with a defense of Farrakhan and condemnation of Jews for opposing black antisemitism, portrays Jews as protesting against the plan to sell black people into slavery only because in the absence of blacks, “Jews could become the scapegoats”.)

Such racial conspiracy theories, ubiquitous in the work and thought of black nationalists and supremacists, who always begin and end with the premise of white evil, pervade Bell’s work. 

“Faces At the Bottom of the Well” was a way to popularize and communicate this central idea at a level that even a child or a not particularly bright Harvard student, already nursing resentments, would be able to understand by depicting scenarios in which the white society and white people would cheerfully revamp the Constitution to bring back black slavery.

Thus near the end of the “Space Traders” story, Bell has the Supreme Court unanimously rule that, “if inducted in accordance with a constitutionally approved conscription provision, blacks would have no issues of individual rights for review” and tells us that, “By 70 percent to 30 percent, American citizens voted to ratify the constitutional amendment that provided a legal basis for acceptance of the Space Traders’ offer”. Behind the SciFi is the message that the majority of Americans, the Supreme Court, and the Constitution would allow black people to be enslaved again and that therefore black people should not rely on whites or the Constitution.

The Constitution, according to Bell, is merely the whim of a white agenda that serves its purposes. To the extent that the law has outlawed segregation and slavery, it did so only because it temporarily served white purposes and the moment that it would serve white purposes to enslave black people again, it would be done within the Constitution.

That is the message of “Faces At the Bottom of the Well”: the book that influenced Jackson.

Does Jackson believe that the Supreme Court would rule that black people could be sold into slavery? Like everything about her record, we know we can’t expect an honest answer.

And yet her speech, which touches not only on the racist rants of Bell and his wife but on the 1619 Project, introduces the idea that our founding documents are racially untrustworthy.

Praising the racial revisionist history of the 1619 Project, Jackson touts Nikole Hannah-Jones’ “provocative thesis that the America that was born in 1776 was not the perfect union that it purported to be” and that only black civil rights activism made America “the free nation that the Framers initially touted.”

Much like the 1619 Project, this description is rife with historical anachronisms and fundamental inaccuracies that is even less befitting a Supreme Court justice than a New York Times hack, but also implicitly echoes the critical race theory understanding that the civil rights struggle was not about upholding the Constitution, but overcoming it, that America’s founding documents, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were racist and remain the enemy.

In the process of her lecture, Jackson invokes critical race theory, the pernicious concept of “white privilege”, and intersectionality. 

The radicalism oozes around the edges of Ketanji Brown Jackson’s talk.

The Supreme Court nominee praises Gloria Richardson who, in Jackson’s words, “took part in several protests that ended in violent clashes with white residents” and “indirectly challenged SNCC’s non-violent ideology.” She quotes Richardson as saying, “[w]hen we were attacked at demonstrations, [we women] were the ones throwing stones back at the whites.”

Gloria Richardson was a wealthy leftist organizer with political connections during the Cambridge Riots who had contemptuously dismissed Martin Luther King and asserted, “We weren’t going to stop until we got it, and if violence occurred, then we would have to accept that.” 

Black nationalists hail her because she’s seen as breaking the embargo on local nonviolence in protests. And Richardson had emphasized that to the extent to which she used nonviolence was as a “tactical device”. To Jackson, most of the law seems to likewise be a tactical device.

And that’s the problem.

Absorbing the paranoid racism of the godfather of critical race theory during her formative years at Harvard makes for a bad judge and a worse justice. Bell’s approach to the Constitution, like that of black nationalists, was that it was a trick to lure black people into lowering their guard. 

White people, he believed, could never be trusted and all that mattered was seizing power.

Any laws or documents made by white people would only serve them. Only black people could secure the rights of black people. Like the Nazis, the ultimate truths were race and power.

Everything else was a distraction.

If that is Ketanji Brown Jackson’s worldview, she cannot be expected to come out and say it. But the highest court in the land is the last place for racial paranoia and nationalism. The Supreme  Court is charged with upholding the Constitution. A judge who does not believe in the Constitution, but believes in critical race theory, the 1619 Project, and white privilege is manifestly unfit to decide the fate of a nation and its hundreds of millions of people.

Derrick Bell and his hateful ideology believed that white racism was the only abiding truth.

There’s no room for that kind of thinking on the Supreme Court.



EXCERPTS BELOW FROM: https://adnamerica.com/en/united-states/scotus-nominee-jackson-argued-critical-race-theory-should-be-considered-during



G.D.S. ANTI-RACISM ACTION PLAN-https://www.gds.org/academics/diversity-equity-and-inclusion/anti-racism-action-plan

The school also allows 2nd graders to "explore and claim their identities in a yearlong multidisciplinary study and project," while 4th graders lead the annual Free to Be Me Assembly, which "celebrates all kinds of families, self-determination, LGBTQ+ pride, inclusion, and comprehensive belonging."

Free to Be Me Assembly 2021

FULL VIMEO VIDEO: https://vimeo.com/560517119


The annual Free to Be Me Assembly is one of GDS’s cornerstone assemblies and celebrates all kinds of families, self-determination, LGBTQ+ pride, inclusion, and comprehensive belonging. The virtual assembly this year, led as always by the 4th grade, facilitated the intentional inclusion of the performing and visual arts, centered and uplifted LGBTQ+ voices, and highlighted student voices. The 4th-grade students did nearly all of the talking—one kindergartener remarked, “Wow, they are doing so great. They sound like parents!” 

  • https://www.gds.org/academics/diversity-equity-and-inclusion
    … Free to Be Me Assembly 2021 Jun 9 The annual Free to Be Me Assembly is one of GDS’s …
  • https://www.gds.org/tenley-testing/story/~board/gds-news/post/free-to-be-me-assembly-2021
    … free-to-be-me-assembly-2021-1.jpg 20210609_free-to-be-me-assembly-2021-2.jpg 20210609_free-to …
  • https://www.gds.org/about/news/story/~board/gds-news/post/free-to-be-me-assembly-2021
    … free-to-be-me-assembly-2021-1.jpg 20210609_free-to-be-me-assembly-2021-2.jpg 20210609_free-to …
  • https://www.gds.org/tenley-testing/story/~board/gds-news/post/pride-week
    … record and send one now! Please note, the Lower School Free to Be Me Assembly will also take place virtually …
  • https://www.gds.org/about/news/story/~board/gds-news/post/pride-week
    … record and send one now! Please note, the Lower School Free to Be Me Assembly will also take place virtually …
  • https://www.gds.org/academics/lower-school
    … Free to Be Me Assembly 2021 Jun 9 The annual Free to Be Me Assembly is one of GDS’s …


JACKSON'S MLK, JR. DAY SPEECH TRANSCRIPT HERE: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-supreme-court-nominee-jackson-nyts-1619-project

Black Women Leaders In The Civil Rights Movement Era And Beyond
 Ketanji Brown JacksonUniversity of Michigan Law School MLK Day Lecture January 20, 2020



Canada: Home Depot Calgary trains employees to ‘check’ their ‘white,’ ‘Christian,’ ‘heterosexual’ privilege’

Disgusting | Home Depot goes *Nasty* WOKE

Leaked Home Depot Employee Training Pamphlet Sparks Debate ...

WOKE: Leaked Home Depot Employee Training Pamphlet Sparks ...

Former Home Depot CEO Bob Nardelli on Home Depot getting backlash from activists for not getting involved in Georgia voting law protests


SEE: https://robertspencer.org/2022/03/canada-home-depot-calgary-trains-employees-to-check-their-white-christian-heterosexual-privilege;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

If the “woke” ever woke up, they might realize that their offensive, hateful anti-white propaganda would never be tolerated if white racism were really as severe and endemic as they claim.

The Woke Brigade’s malarkey was on full display at a Home Depot outlet in Calgary, Alberta, in a “leaked training pamphlet”:

The flyer that was reportedly posted in a break room at a Calgary, Alberta, Home Depot showed the home improvement giant’s logo and was titled, “Leading Practices: Unpacking Privilege.” It asks employees to literally “check” their “privilege,” whether it be “white privilege,” class privilege,” “Christian privilege,” “cisgender privilege,” “able-bodied privilege,” or “heterosexual privilege.”

The flyer:

Whoever was ultimately responsible for this should realize that advocating for human rights does not entail bashing any other group. Battling discrimination and racism is one thing. To zero in on a target unjustifiably is another. Also, blacks are still held as slaves by Arab Muslims in Algeria, Mauritania, Sudan and Libya. Many Arabs are anti-black. Afghans are at the back of the bus in Iran. China is openly racist against blacks and overweight people. The largest “Black nationalist organization in the US,” the Nation of Islam, spreads virulent hatred against Jews, whites and LGBTQ groups. Muslim rape gangs also view white girls as “worthless” and “trash.”

What do the woke think? That discrimination and racism are exclusively a white problem? Or that racism from other groups is parked at the border in an era of multiculturalism and open-door immigration?

Shame on Home Depot in Calgary, which has chosen the woke path of exclusivity rather than inclusivity in its divisive and discriminatory practices. It is also insulting to visible minorities, who are perpetually deemed to be helpless victims who are in need of handouts and patronizing sympathy from the woke.

Aburrahman Muhammad, an imam who was once with the International Institute of Islamic Thought but had the good sense to leave, observed:

This sense of victimization has now reached a point – especially given the consistent rhetoric of groups like the Council on American-Islamic Relations – that many rank-and-file Muslims now genuinely believe that they are a persecuted and oppressed group.

This applies also to many blacks in America, Canada, and elsewhere. It isn’t only whites who were oppressors.

Hate against any and every group as such as wrong. That includes the perpetual targeting of whites for past wrongs, which is often done by those who at the same time exonerate non-whites for current and ongoing human rights abuses. Ironically, it is the white woke working alongside supremacist groups such as Muslim Brotherhood-linked organizations and the Communist-rooted Black Lives Matter, who perpetuate anti-white “privilege.” It’s a method of manipulating societal and individual weakness to stir up race wars, in pursuit of the goal of destroying Western democracies from within and supplanting them with Marxist regimes. The average Leftist believes these claims. Many BLM leaders have also lined their pockets, playing the victimhood card and betraying their own people.

America had a black president. That would have been unthinkable just a few decades before he was elected. Too many Western countries have evolved to the point of (as they say in economic terms) diminishing returns.   

Fighting discrimination and advocating for equal rights and human rights is admirable, but the likes of Home Depot and the woke brigade, who incessantly parade their superiority (“privilege,” they call it) while spreading the propaganda of victimhood groups are the real racists.


Martin Luther King Jr. was commonly attacked by his critics as being a “mouthpiece for the white man,” a criticism that came from leftists.

Senator Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee questions Jackson in Supreme Court confirmation hearings

Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., questioned Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson as the Senate Judiciary Committee continued its Supreme Court confirmation hearings March 22. Blackburn focused part of her questioning on abortion. She asked Jackson about whether the constitution protects the rights of people to have an abortion. Jackson said the Supreme Court considers the right to an abortion to be an unenumerated right. Blackburn also asked about Jackson’s views on critical race theory in school and transgender athletes. Jackson said giving her own opinions on those issues are not in her purview as a judge. Jackson was nominated by President Joe Biden in February to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer. If confirmed, she will be the first Black woman on the high court. After opening statements from Jackson, her colleagues, and the senators March 21, senators will spend two days questioning Jackson at length about her rulings and judicial philosophy. On the final day of the hearings March 24, the Senate Judiciary Committee will hear from friends and colleagues of Jackson about her temperament and approach to the law.

SOROS Dark Money Behind PUSH for Ketanji Brown Jackson for supreme court!!!

Yep, you guessed it, it appears that none other than George Soros is behind the push to get Ketanji Brown Jackson confirmed as Supreme Court Justice!

In this video, we’re going to untangle the web of dark money that’s pushing this confirmation, we’re going to see Soros’ role in all of it, and stick with me to the very end of this video when I’ll reveal why all of this is actually evidence that the left is actually panicking, you are NOT going to want to miss this!

Grassley Presses KBJ On Whitehouse and ‘Dark Money'

'Troubled By Her Far-Left Dark Money Fan Club': McConnell On Ketanji Brown Jackson

ONE YEAR AGO: Senator Whitehouse Gives Presentation On 'Dark Money' Influence On Supreme Court Nomination

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse used his time at the confirmation hearing for Judge Amy Coney Barrett to give a presentation about how "dark money" was playing a role in the Supreme Court nomination process. Aired on 10/13/2020.

EXCERPTS FROM: https://freebeacon.com/courts/ketanji-brown-jackson-has-leadership-role-at-school-promoting-critical-race-theory/

"President Joe Biden's Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson serves on the board of trustees of an elite, private Washington, D.C., high school that promotes critical race theory and other progressive ideals.

Fox News reported Tuesday that Jackson since 2019 has been a board member at Georgetown Day School, which is pursuing an "antiracism action plan" and recommends to families literature on critical race theory and racial intersectionality."

Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Favorite Book is a Racist Critical Theory Text That Says Racism is Permanent~SHE doesn’t know when life begins; pro-abortion



Biden’s SCOTUS Pick: “I Don’t Know” When Life Begins


SEE: https://robertspencer.org/2022/03/ketanji-brown-jacksons-favorite-book-is-a-racist-critical-theory-text-that-says-racism-is-permanent;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

The path from Ketanji Brown Jackson to critical race theory and racism it turns out is a very short straight line. This has turned out to be a pattern with Biden nominees and that’s no coincidence. Obama was also a big fan of Derrick Bell. 

Ketanji Brown Jackson’s interest in critical race theory has been highlighted before, but this focuses in on Derrick Bell.

In a 2020 lecture, Jackson highlighted Derrick Bell, “the godfather of critical race theory,” saying that her family had Bell’s book “on their coffee table for many years.”

Bell’s 1993 book “Faces At The Bottom Of The Well: The Permanence Of Racism” has been lauded as “a pioneering contribution to critical race theory scholarship.”

Bell believed that “the Constitution was like ‘roach powder,’ that whites might commit ‘racial genocide,’ and that his motto was ‘I live to harass white folks.’”

The same lecture also has Jackson gushing over BLM riots.

“And I will finish with what might be my favorite civil rights photograph of modern times. This iconic image, which was taken by Reuters photographer Jonathan Bauchman during a 2016 protest of the police-involved fatal shootings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, has won several awards and has a name: it is called “Taking a Stand in Baton Rouge.” The picture features a nurse from Pennsylvania named Leshia Evans, who had traveled to Louisiana to attend her first protest. She was arrested by the two heavily armed officers you see in that photograph, and spent the night and most of the following day in jail.”

During her lecture, Jackson mentions, “Professor Derrick Bell, who was a civil rights lawyer and the first tenured African-American professor at Harvard Law School, wrote a book in the early 1990s about the persistence of racism in American life that he entitled “Faces At the Bottom of the Well”. My parents had this book on their coffee table for many years, and I remember staring at the image on the cover when I was growing up; I found it difficult to reconcile the image of the person, who seemed to be smiling, with the depressing message that the title and subtitle conveyed. I thought about this book cover again for the first time in forty years when I started preparing for this speech.”

As Christopher Rufo points out, Derrick Bell was a racist who hated America. And  “Faces At the Bottom of the Well” reflected that.

“Smart and super articulate, Minister Farrakhan is perhaps the best living example of a black man ready, willing, and able to ‘tell it like it is’ regarding who is responsible for racism in this country,” Bell has said.

There’s also the antisemitism.

Bell denounced Henry Louis (Skip) Gates for writing a New York Times op-ed condemning black anti-Semitism: “I was furious. Even if everything he said was true, it was inexcusable not to mention what might have motivated blacks to feel this way, and to fail to talk about all the Jewish neoconservative racists who are undermining blacks in every way they can.”

The very same interview began as follows: “We should really appreciate the Louis Farrakhans and the Khalid Muhammads while we’ve got them.” Khalid Muhammad was Farrakhan’s right hand, who made a name for himself referring to Jews as, among many other things, “bloodsuckers” whose “father was the devil.”

This is what Biden wants embedded in the highest court in the land.








Biden’s SCOTUS Pick: “I Don’t Know” When Life Begins


SEE: https://thenewamerican.com/bidens-scotus-pick-i-dont-know-when-life-begins;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

President Joe Biden’s Supreme Court nominee, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, revealed to the Senate Judiciary Committee Tuesday that she does not know when human life begins. The next day, Jackson said that she “did not want to speculate” about a preborn baby’s viability.

During committee hearings Tuesday, Senator John Kennedy (R-La.) questioned D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Jackson about the Supreme Court’s role in deciding rights and laws and asked her one of the most fundamental questions of constitutional jurisprudence.

“When does life begin, in your opinion?” asked the senator.

It took Jackson a couple of seconds to force out herself, “Senator, uhm…” She shook her head, looking puzzled. “I don’t know,” Jackson finally replied with a nervous chuckle.

“Ma’am,” Kennedy followed up, “Do you have a belief?”

Jackson replied that she has “personal, religious, and otherwise beliefs that have nothing to do with the law, in terms of when life begins.” When asked about her personal beliefs, Jackson specified that she has a “religious belief” which she “sets aside” when ruling on cases.

Then Kennedy asked the Supreme Court Justice wannabe another question that Jackson did not have an answer to.

“When does equal protection of the laws attach to a human being?” he inquired.

“Well Senator, uhm… I believe that the Supreme Court, uhm… Actually, I actually don’t know the answer to that question,” Jackson said. “I’m sorry. I don’t.”

Here, Jackson, as pro-abortionists typically do, tried to separate theological beliefs — “my personal religious belief” — from the actual science.

Americans have already learned that biology is not Judge Jackson’s strongest skill. During hearings on Tuesday, she failed to answer the question, “What is a woman?” and excused herself by stating that she was “not a biologist.”

Just as in the case of the definition of sex, science is settled on when human life begins, and it is surprising, at best, that such a well-educated and experienced judge as Jackson does not know it.

LifeSite News points out,

Long-settled biological criteria and mainstream medical textbooks establish that a living human being is created upon fertilization and is present throughout the entirety of pregnancy. Many abortionists and abortion defenders have admitted as much; in 2019, University of Chicago Department of Comparative Human Development graduate Steve Jacobs found that 96% of more than 5,500 biologists he surveyed agreed, despite overwhelmingly identifying as “liberal,” “pro-choice,” and Democrats, and a majority identifying as “non-religious.”

According to an article posted in the National Journal of Medicine in 2004,

Life, in a true sense of the word, begins when the chemical matter gives rinse, in a specific way to an autonomous, self-regulating, and self-reproducing system.

At the same time, one could assume that Judge Jackson wouldn’t consider anyone any less than alive for not self-regulating or reproducing. A man or woman is not any less alive if he or she is unable to have children. Likewise, a person with impaired motor skills or an inherited metabolic disorder is equally alive as someone able. Logically, if a person is not autonomous, it does not mean he is not alive.

As an expert in the law, which she is supposed to be, Jackson must also know that law and science are closely connected. For example, 38 states have written and passed laws against fetus homicide. Of those, 29 have distinguished that life exists even during the early stages of gestation. Therefore, killing a pregnant woman is viewed as a double homicide in many states throughout the nation.

During the hearings on Tuesday, Jackson was asked by Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) about her thoughts on Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, two Supreme Court rulings that established the right to abortion without an undue burden.

Roe and Casey are the settled law of the Supreme Court concerning the right to terminate a woman’s pregnancy. They have established a framework that the court has reaffirmed,” Jackson said.

She added, “in order to revisit, as Justice Barrett said, the Supreme Court looks at various factors because stare decisis is a very important principle.”

On Wednesday, Jackson was questioned about her understanding of fetal viability, or the point at which a preborn child can survive outside the womb, by Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas). Cornyn wondered if the Supreme Court could repeal its cases over time. The senator implied that today, with medical and scientific advancements, a baby can survive at much earlier stages than in 1973, when the SCOTUS ruled on Roe.

“I hesitate to speculate,” Jackson responded, “I know that it [fetal viability] is a point in time that the court has identified in terms of when the standards that apply to the regulation of the right.”

She yet again reiterated that she was “not a biologist.”

Asked the same day by Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) if she knew that a 20-week-old pre-born baby can feel pain, she said she did not know.

As reflected in her background, Jackson’s stance on the matter isn’t surprising.

As an attorney, she co-wrote an amicus brief in 2001 for pro-abortion organization NARAL Pro-Choice America in favor of free-speech “buffer zones” outside of abortion clinics. In that document, she described pro-life protesters at the abortion clinics as “hostile,” “noisy,” and “in-your-face.”

As a judge, Jackson ruled against President Trump’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) effort to limit federal funding of Planned Parenthood.

If confirmed as a Supreme Court Justice, Jackson will almost certainly be a “yes” vote for the expansion of women’s access to abortion.


Pronoun Passports for children Are Coming to schools


SEE: https://www.missionamerica.com/article/pronoun-passports-are-coming/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Insanity over pronouns has hit the Midwest. Children and teachers are being pressured to declare their pronouns and parents are livid.

In the Olentangy school district near Columbus, a middle school language teacher required all the students to stand up and declare his or her pronouns. A high school teacher in that same district told the class to let her know if she should change a student’s pronouns when contacting parents.

In the Dublin (OH) City Schools, a class of elementary students was asked to name their individual pronouns. At Hilliard Davidson High School (a Columbus suburb), teachers are called to the principal’s office and forced to apologize to a student if an unwanted pronoun is used. At that same school, an assistant principal now signs his correspondence with “he/him” following his name.

How long before children are called to the principal’s office for being unwilling to state their pronouns? Or will all of our children go along with this? They will unless their parents spell it out for them.

T-Y-R-A-N-N-Y is what’s going on here. The “LGBTQ” folks are serious about obliterating “heteronormativity” and your children are their change agents.

Is it any wonder three percent of Ohio public school students have been removed in the past two years [53,000 students]? And Christian and Catholic schools are bursting at the seams?

Of course, pronoun insanity is already law in New York City, where “malicious” pronoun misuse by an employer or landlord can result in high fines.

But most of the country is still in touch with reality-- or so we thought. And little kids were, until recently, still spared from the “LGBTQ” bizarro fantasy world.

What I am wondering is, how long before this is a required identifier after each child’s name in not just a few, but most public schools? While we were frustrated about masks, special interest activists have been hard at work, securing lavish Biden administration American Rescue Plan funding for “safe re-opening” (i.e., “make sure all the radical agendas are set in stone”). In Ohio, $6.5 billion has been distributed from federal sources. Money, money, money!

Now, a flood of recent “diversity, equity and inclusion” staff positions have been filled to enforce uniformity, partiality, and exclusion. And a slew of counselors and social workers have been hired for “social-emotional learning” initiatives, so radical teachers are empowered and loaded for bear.

You, conservative Christian parent, are the bear. Do not mess with us while we tutor your child and his teacher in the ever-expanding perversion lexicon of invented human categories like “non-binary, gender fluid, genderqueer, two-spirit” to replace “male” and “female,” which are said to be “sex assigned at birth.” Reality is just too threatening, apparently.

Here’s what one Ohio mom wrote to me: “My son was surveyed by computer as to how he identified sexually by asking him to provide his preferred pronoun.” These parents were not notified in advance that their 12-year-old would be asked this question.

Unless outspoken parents can roll this back, pronouns will be a new form of passport affirming that a child is “ready to learn” ( aka, ready to be indoctrinated). Yet who among our bravest will stand up and say, “I refuse”? Because it really has to be done, by brave young warriors at as many schools as possible.

This is not just a manipulative way to compel acceptance of gender deviance, but it’s also an assault on our common language. One presenter at a recent teacher training workshop in Hilliard schools, an open advocate of homosexuality and gender deviance, mused that some activists globally are pushing to change languages that have embedded gender cases-- for instance,  French. And to her, this is a good thing.

Many French-speakers are rebelling against linguistic activism because it unnecessarily complicates the language as an article in Forbes explains: “France doesn’t have a pronoun for ‘they’– in the third person plural, people must choose between the masculine ils or feminine elles.”

Praise God.

And even though radicals are pushing for a “non-binary” French pronoun like “iel,” it hasn’t happened yet, not even in Canada—unless progressive dictator Justin Trudeau will force this on his country, too.

In the U.S, activists persuaded Merriam- Webster to adopt “they” as a singular pronoun, and the dictionary publisher declared it the “word of the year” in 2019.  Sigh.

But do children have to be forced to use such nonsense? Clear language reflects clear thinking.

Back to Ohio. Teachers in Parma schools, Hilliard schools, and Mariemont schools have been tutored in pronoun nonsense, with valuable professional development time spent on the nuances of using mythological pronouns like “ze/zir” and so on. The Mariemont presenter, who appears to be a female, goes by pronouns “they/them."

In Hilliard, teachers were instructed to engage in an exercise where they introduced themselves to one another adding their pronouns after their names. Many cooperatively went along with this lunacy.

Those who cooperate with pronoun tyranny are affirming the following:

1. That gender change is possible and is a worthwhile behavior, even for the developing child

2. That you “respect” the idea of gender change

3. That you are okay with fudging the science of male/female biology for the greater good of an invented “non-binary” standard

4. That religious objections do not need to be respected and should be scorned or ignored

Be sure this is okay with you. If it is, may God open your eyes and soften your heart.

If it’s not, then get ready to stand on your convictions--- and show our children how they can do the same.

Radical Elie Mystal Says Josh Hawley Is Trying to Get Biden’s SCOTUS Nominee Killed





Demand Justice Board Member Accuses Josh Hawley Of Trying ...


SEE: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/chris-queen/2022/03/20/radical-elie-mystal-says-josh-hawley-is-trying-to-get-bidens-scotus-nominee-killed-n1568031;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

It’s always fascinating to me how the left likes to pin a penchant for violence onto the right. After all, it’s wasn’t a GOP presidential candidate who urged his followers, “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” and it wasn’t Republicans who dispatched the New Black Panther Party to intimidate voters during multiple election cycles.

It also wasn’t a conservative congresswoman who encouraged her supporters to publicly harass the other side, and it hasn’t been right-wingers going after public political figures like former White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz). And who can forget the fiery but mostly peaceful protests back in 2020?

But never mind all that; it’s the right who’s prone to violence.

Enter Elie Mystal. He’s a “justice correspondent” at The Nation, and he’s just written a book called Allow Me to Retort: A Black Guy’s Guide to the Constitution, which “explains how to protect the rights of women and people of color instead of cowering to the absolutism of gun owners and bigots.” So we’re not talking about a voice of reason here by any stretch of the imagination.

Mystal appeared on MSNBC on Saturday and told host Tiffany Cross that he knows exactly what Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) is up to as he’s been looking into Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson’s public comments that the criminal justice system isn’t fair to sex offenders.

“Although many courts and commentators herald these laws as valid regulatory measures, others reject them as punitive enactments that violate the rights of individuals who already have been sanctioned for their crimes,” Jackson once wrote.


In her questioning, Cross set Mystal up for a home run of ridiculousness.

Hawley is “going to focus on her pattern of letting child porn offenders off the hook for their crimes both as a judge and a policymaker,” Cross said, because “Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee have nothing, so their tactic is going to be erasure.”

Mystal went to town with his answer.

“What Josh Hawley is doing when he tries to do this is he’s trying to get her killed,” he claimed. “He is trying to get violence done against a Supreme Court nominee. And we know this because when these people go off making their ridiculous claims about child pornography, we know that some of their people show up violently to do stuff…”

Cross is the one who said that the Republicans “have nothing,” but all left-wing extremists like Mystal have is preposterous attacks like these. Leftists can’t possibly defend Jackson’s statements at face value, so they have to resort to tactics like “Hawley wants her to die.” This is how the left operates: when they can’t defend their own, they simply accuse the other side of the most farcical behavior imaginable.

Elie Mystal, Tiffany Cross, and anyone who’s willing to believe their nonsense should know better. Josh Hawley doesn’t want Ketanji Brown Jackson to die. He just doesn’t want her to grace the bench at the Supreme Court — and plenty of other reasonable people agree with him.

Pizza Hut Teaches Kids America is Built on Slavery and Genocide

A fast-food chain that makes bad pizza wants to talk to your kids about white privilege


SEE: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2022/03/pizza-hut-teaches-kids-america-built-slavery-and-daniel-greenfield/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Pizza Hut, unsatisfied with making kids fat, also wants to make them racist.

The stale franchise chain has supplemented its menu of lightly charred cardboard covered in tasteless glops of something that a blind hobo might mistake for cheese with racism.

While Pizza Hut focuses on poisoning children with such horrible concoctions as cheeseburger crust pizza, fish and chips pizza, and sushi cream cheese pizza, the Pizza Hut Foundation is hard at work teaching students that America is racist and white people suck.

The training materials intended for use in the classroom want teachers to ask 10-year-olds, “How often have you thought about your race in the last 24 hours?”

If demanding that 10-year-olds spend all their time thinking about race sounds crazy, another Pizza Hut pamphlet with tips for "talking to kids about race" claims that by "6 months, babies notice racial differences" and that 4-year-olds "show signs of racial bias."

The Empowering Educators Toolbox presented by the Pizza Hut Foundation urges teachers to tell their students that everyone is defined by race, that "everyone has a racial identity", and that race defines American life. Forget MLK, the stale pizza franchise chain wants your kids to believe that they're defined by their skin color, not the content of their character.

A sane country wouldn’t take its cues on race from the people who decided to combine hot dogs and pizza into something that looks like a dachshund got run over by a garbage truck, but in a nation of woke corporations, Pizza Hut would like your children to violently hate America.

"America is a country built on a foundation of slavery, genocide, and white supremacy," a pamphlet for teachers stamped with the Pizza Hut logo declares.

Pizza Hut is built on a foundation of turning kids into fat butterballs waiting for a heart attack.

The actual best practices for teachers would be to teach your students to love America and avoid Pizza Hut unless they want to close off their minds as thoroughly as their arteries.

When Pizza Hut isn’t serving up junk food, it’s serving up junk history and junk factoids.

A Challenging Conversations pamphlet claims that the "police force is the sixth leading cause of death for black men."

According to the CDC, it's actually diabetes. But it's understandable that Pizza Hut, which makes millions giving black men heart disease, strokes, and diabetes, wants to blame the cops who are the only people keeping the underpaid employees of their struggling franchisees alive..

1,055 people were shot and killed by police officers in 2021. 234 of them were white and only 139 were black. 632 of those who were shot were waving guns. Only 34 were unarmed.

459,540 black people died in 2020. With heart disease, strokes, hypertension, and diabetes accounting for around 30% of deaths, Pizza Hut and the rest of the Yum! Brands' family probably kill more black men in one day than every single police shooting in a century combined.

Not satisfied with being blamed for Michael Jordan's food poisoning during the 1997 NBA finals, Pizza Hut's handout to teachers rants about "white privilege" and quotes a false claim that white teachers who refuse to "recognize their privilege" are harming their students.

The hateful pamphlet also promotes demands for race reparations by millionaire racist author Ta-Nehisi Coates who wrote that the police officers and firefighters who died on September 11 “were not human to me.”

Good to know Pizza Hut agrees.

A guidebook to teachers marked with the Pizza Hut logo  and with an introduction co-signed by Artie Starrs, then Yum!'s CEO of Pizza Hut, claims that "racism" has been part of America's "collective history since the first English colonists arrived in 1607." It's a good thing that the Spanish who were there a century earlier and enslaved and killed the Indians weren't racists.

"Science has proven that race is not biological," insists a pamphlet for teachers produced by a fast-food chain that understands science almost as well as it knows history and cooking.

Don't question any of this. According to the Pizza Hut branded pamphlet, saying, "I don't see color", "white privilege doesn't exist" and "all lives matter" are all racial microaggressions.

Never mind that Pizza Hut’s entire existence is an ongoing hate crime against Italians.

Pizza Hut's bad education materials come in three flavors, racist lies, woke lies, and lies that could be easily disproven if someone is involved in the racist pamphlets, which also promote fact-checking and warn against “misinformation”, bothered to spend 30 seconds on Google.

For example, the Pizza Hut indoctrination pamphlet falsely claims that the Atlanta spa shootings were a hate crime against Asian people. The shooter was actually struggling with sex addiction and was never charged with a hate crime.

"Anti-bias, antiracist instruction should happen year-round," Pizza Hut demands.

What does that mean? The Pizza Hut hate pamphlets defend critical race theory and promote the Black Lives Matter hate movement, racist authors like Ibram X. Kendi, and the 1619 Project.

But that’s what happens when you get your history from a subsidiary of Yum! Brands that once infuriated Vietnamese-American refugees by using a Communist red star in a logo.

The obvious question is why is Pizza Hut trying to poison kids in a whole new way?

The answer, as Pizza Hut's new Chief Equity Officer Chequan Lewis said, is equity.

“Pizza Hut is introducing a new chapter in our long-standing commitment to literacy – focused on the intersection of equity and education,” Lewis said.

Literacy now means corporations turning kids into Marxists at shareholder expense.

Pizza Hut's Literacy Project emphasizes Young Activists. "Find amazing examples of activism and get your students involved," a program backed by a garbage pizza chain insists.

Corporate Marxism has become as ubiquitous as it is infuriating. But wokeness is also a symptom of a declining corporate power.

Domino's beat Pizza Hut around the same time that Trump beat Hillary. Pizza Hut sales fell in 2020 even as the pandemic helped boost Domino's and Papa John's by 17.6% and 15.9%. The largest Pizza Hut franchisee, with over 1,300 locations, filed for bankruptcy in 2020 after struggling with $1 billion in debt. Pizza Hut’s garbage pizza is as woke as it is broke.

Having destroyed pizza and its own company, Pizza Hut now wants to destroy America.

Army Hands Down Rules on How to Treat “Transgender” Soldiers


SEE: https://thenewamerican.com/army-hands-down-rules-on-how-to-treat-transgender-soldiers/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

The U.S. Army, once led by men such as Generals George S. Patton and Jumpin’ Jim Gavin, is preparing for war the modern way: with “gender identity” training that teaches soldiers how to treat “transgender” military personnel. 

It was bad enough that President Joe Biden opened military service to the tragically mentally ill individuals, who need treatment, not “validation.” But now, the real work begins: Jamming leftist “gender” ideology down the throat of everyone who wears the uniform of his country. 

The latest madness occurs, as the Washington Free Beacon’s Adam Kredo noted in his disturbing report, as Russia brutally rolls over Ukraine, or so the leftist Mainstream Media tell us.

Treat With Respect

The Army’s new policy on “transgenders” serving “openly” took effect in June, pursuant to Biden’s order in January last year to put “transgenders” in the foxhole.

Now, the fruit of that crazy order — forcing sane military personnel to validate the pronouns of the mentally ill — is falling from the tree.

“The Army allows transgender soldiers to serve openly,” the policy says. “An otherwise qualified soldier shall not be involuntarily separated, discharged, or denied reenlistment or continuation of service on the basis of gender identity.”

The guidance includes “vignettes” that show radical “transgender” subversives and sex deviants who now control U.S. military personnel policy.

“Soldier who was assigned male at birth says he identifies as a female,” one such scenario begins:

Soldier lives as a female in his off-duty hours. He has no medical diagnosis, does not plan to seek medical treatment, and does not experience significant distress relating to his gender identity. Soldier is not requesting to be treated as a female while on duty.

Aside from treating the soldier with “dignity and respect,” the vignette says, military personnel must kowtow to him and pretend he needs a new “gender identity,” not a discharge and psychiatric treatment:

If Soldier later requests to be identified as a female during duty hours and/or experiences increased distress relating to his gender identity, inform Soldier of the Army’s transgender policy and recommend that he see a military medical provider. Gender transition in the Army begins when a Soldier receives a diagnosis from a military medical provider indicating that gender transition is medically necessary.

A second vignette is about a soldier “assigned female at birth. She tells her first sergeant that she identifies as male and would like to be treated as a male. She has not yet seen a military medical provider”:

Inform Soldier that the Army recognizes a Soldier’s gender by the soldier’s gender marker in DEERs. Coincident with that gender marker, the Soldier is responsible to meet all standards for uniforms and grooming; body composition assessment; physical readiness testing; Military Personal Drug Abuse Testing program; and other standards applied with consideration of the Soldier’s gender.

DEERs is the Defense Enrollment Eligibility System.

Note that the Army used standard pronouns in these directions, not the newly created nonsense pronouns that “transgender” ideologues would prefer. Xe and xim won’t be far behind.

No Surprise

The trouble for the military began even before Biden took the oath of office. In November 2020, he appointed a man who masquerades as a woman to run his transition review of the Department of Defense.

Just days after assuming office in January 2021, he opened the armed services to the mentally ill “transgenders.” There followed drag queen shows at Nellis Air Force Base, and worse still, naming a Navy ship after homosexual politician Harvey Milk, a statutory rapist.

The latest move is particularly concerning given that the military focus has, as expected, shifted from winning wars to promoting “diversity” and sexual deviance. 

A recent recruiting advertisement for the U.S. Army features the story of a “soldier” named Emma Malonelord, who operates a Patriot missile defense system. She was a “little girl raised by two moms.”

She marched for “equality” — meaning “gay rights” — as a kid. “I like to think I’ve been defending freedom from an early age,” Emma says.

Emma grew up a privileged girl, and with sorority sisters who traveled to Italy and climbed Mount Everest, needed “my own adventures, my own challenge.” 

Emma joined the Army as a “way to prove my inner strength and maybe shatter some stereotypes along the way.”

The advertisement is also notable for its opening, which features five battle-dressed personnel who transform into cartoon caricatures of themselves. 

Apparently to show the Army’s diversity, not one is a white man. As of 2020, official data showed, 67.9 percent of the Army’s active-duty personnel were white; 84.5 percent were men.

Woke and Stupid: As Russia Invades Ukraine, U.S. Army Gives Mandatory Training on Gender Identity


SEE: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/robert-spencer/2022/03/01/woke-and-stupid-as-russia-invades-ukraine-u-s-army-gives-mandatory-training-on-gender-identity-n1562779;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

We can only hope that the madness in Ukraine doesn’t escalate to the extent that the U.S. military ends up getting involved. It’s clear that Gen. Mark Milley and the rest of the brass have learned absolutely no lessons from Afghanistan and are determined to repeat the same mistakes that led up to the catastrophically mishandled withdrawal from Kabul. If the Army were called upon to move into Ukraine, which would be an indication that the situation there had gotten wildly out of control, it isn’t at all clear that today’s woke force would pose a significant threat even to the manifestly weak and sluggish Russian forces. An American army presence in Ukraine would likely herald World War III, and we hope it won’t come to that, but if it does, look out.

These are the priorities of Milley’s thoroughly modern military: early in February, Army officers were forced to sit through an official and mandatory presentation entitled “Policy on the Military Service of Transgender Persons and Persons with Gender Dysphoria.” According to the Washington Free Beacon, the presentation gives “training on gender pronouns and coaching officers on when to offer soldiers gender transition surgery.”

While Vladimir Putin’s army was preparing to invade Ukraine, officers of the U.S. Army were learning that they have to refer to some men as “she” and “her” if they want to keep their jobs and be attentive for moments when it might be appropriate to offer Private Jack a chance to become Private Jill (no doubt soon to be Seargent First Class Jill, for being such a useful soldier of the zeitgeist).

According to an Army spokesman, this woke presentation was “mandatory training,” and was “used to train Army personnel on the recent changes to the DoD and Army transgender service policy.” The Free Beacon reports, “all Army personnel, from soldiers to commanders and supervisors, are required to participate in the training by Sept. 30, 2022, according to the spokesman.”

All this is part of “a larger push by the Biden administration to make the military more welcoming to transgender people.” The presentation states, “The Army allows transgender soldiers to serve openly. An otherwise qualified soldier shall not be involuntarily separated, discharged, or denied reenlistment or continuation of service on the basis of gender identity.”

Related: Biden Administration Will Offer Gender Transition Surgery Through VA Healthcare

In a sane society, a man who thinks he is a woman or a woman who thinks she is a man would be recognized as suffering from a severe psychological disorder, such that he or she would not be seen as “otherwise qualified.” But the military’s presentation offers the hypothetical scenario of a “soldier who was assigned male at birth” but “says he identifies as a female” and “lives as a female in his off-duty hours.” This language reveals how this entire business is a fantasy from start to finish: human beings are not “assigned” a gender at birth as if the baby is neuter until a doctor or parent decides it will be a boy or a girl. The baby is a boy or a girl; all the doctor and the parents do is notice which one.

The presentation directs that if a male soldier believes he is female but “is not requesting to be treated as a female while on duty,” he should be left alone. However, if the soldier “later requests to be identified as a female during duty hours and/or experiences increased distress relating to his gender identity,” an officer must “inform [the] soldier of the Army’s transgender policy and recommend that he sees a military medical provider.”

A male soldier who asks to be identified as a female during duty hours has lost his basic sense of reality and should be removed from active duty until he understands again that he is male. But even short of that, the fact that the U.S. military is spending any time and attention on this matter at all is a sign of our deep cultural crisis. An Army spokesman said that “service in the Army is open to all who can meet the standards for military service and readiness. We remain committed to treating all soldiers with dignity and respect while ensuring good order and discipline. Soldiers who meet those standards can serve openly in their self-identified gender.”

Do the standards for military service and readiness still contain any actual military training or is woke indoctrination sufficient now? The military’s job is to win wars, not to coddle soldiers with psychological disorders. The Russian invasion of Ukraine only makes it all the more crucial for the military to drop all of its programs of Leftist indoctrination and instead focus on actually defending the nation against its enemies. But doing that doesn’t appear to be even close to the top of Biden’s handlers’ priorities.

ACLU, ALA, PEN Fight ‘Censorship’ in Schools, That Is, Parents Resisting Leftist Indoctrination


SEE: https://pjmedia.com/culture/robert-spencer/2022/03/01/aclu-ala-pen-fight-censorship-in-schools-that-is-parents-resisting-leftist-indoctrination-n1562809;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Freedom of expression is under more concerted attack than it has faced in years, and as the censorship efforts of Big Tech demonstrate, that attack is coming from the Left. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the American Library Association (ALA), and the anti-censorship group PEN America, however, would have you believe that the real threat is coming from the big, grey conservative machine that looms so large in far-Left propaganda. AP ran a story on Tuesday about these admirable warriors, entitled “Activism grows nationwide in response to school book bans.” It is, as you might expect, a near-total inversion of reality: what the Leftists in the story characterize as censorship is actually the effort of parents to roll back at least some of what the Left has done to transform American public schools into centers of Leftist indoctrination.

We are first introduced to a woman named Stephana Ferrell, who was moved to become politically active when her Florida county decided to remove a graphic novel entitled Gender Queer: A Memoir from the local high school’s library. “By winter break,” she says, “we realized this was happening all over the state and needed to start a project to rally parents to protect access to information and ideas in school.” Along with another parent, Ferrell then founded the Florida Freedom to Read Project, which labors to “keep or get back books that have gone under challenge or have been banned.”

This is a deft spin, but it’s a spin nonetheless. Ferrell and her ilk aren’t fighting against some entrenched conservative establishment that is banning books left and right that don’t conform to the MAGA worldview. There is, of course, no such establishment. There is, rather, an educational establishment that is wholly under the control of the Left, and that has been pushing to get books such as Gender Queer: A Memoir into schools in order to break down traditional morality even more than it is already. Some parents have taken it upon themselves to try to resist this effort. And now, for AP, as well as the ACLU, the ALA, the National Coalition Against Censorship (NCAC), PEN America, and others, they’re the censors.

The ACLU, PEN America, and the NCAC have been astroturfing this effort to strike back at the supposed censors. According to AP, the three groups “have been working with local activists, educators and families around the country, helping them ‘to prepare for meetings, to draft letters and to mobilize opposition,’ according to PEN America’s executive director, Suzanne Nossel.” These people are awash in cash: “The CEO of Penguin Random House, Markus Dohle, has said he will personally donate $500,000 for a book defense fund to be run in partnership with PEN. Hachette Book Group has announced ‘emergency donations’ to PEN, the NCAC, and the Authors Guild.”

These well-heeled activists also have the ACLU mounting legal battles for them, fighting the removal of books including Gender Queer. “The civil liberties union has also filed open records requests in Tennessee and Montana over book bans, and a warning letter in Mississippi against what it described as the ‘unconstitutionality of public library book bans.'” Vera Eidelman of the ACLU cited a 1982 Supreme Court case stating that “local school boards may not remove books from school library shelves simply because they dislike the ideas contained in those books.”

Related: Ibram X. Kendi Is Marginalized? Hey, It’s Banned Leftist Books Week!

The irony couldn’t be thicker. Local school boards, contrary to the impression that AP gives, are not hotbeds of reactionaries and anti-intellectual yahoos. Up until the recent book controversies, they were generally as dominated by Leftists as everything else in America today. Conservative parents are only fighting back now because they have begun to be aware of the effects of decades of Leftist domination of the educational establishment. The Leftist activists AP celebrates in its article aren’t fighting to get books defending the traditional family, arguing against the wisdom of encouraging and celebrating transgenderism, or praising Washington, Jefferson, and other Founding Fathers out of schools, because for the most part, those books aren’t there in the first place. The Leftist activists are just fighting to preserve the gains that the Left has made in recent years in the culture wars.

The AP article concludes by telling a story about how the Round Rock Black Parents Association in Texas fought to prevent Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You by Ibram X. Kendi and Jason Reynolds, a piece of race-hate agitprop, from being taken off middle school reading lists. A Leftist activist recounts proudly, “We had children speaking up in favor of this book, even though it was traumatic for some of them to read. We had everyone from middle school students to grandmothers and grandfathers stating their reasons why this should remain on the shelves. The board ended up voting in our favor and the book is still there.” Heartwarming.

Imagine, however, the outcry if a book calling for racial equality and arguing against Critical Race Theory had somehow gotten onto the curriculum in Round Rock. In the first place, that never would have happened at all. But if it did, there would be an outcry in the establishment media, the book would be removed, and that would be that. Censorship is usually the act of the powerful, silencing the powerless. The powerful in America’s schools today are all on the Left. AP’s propaganda won’t change that.


Biden’s Supreme Court Pick is a Racist Attack on the Constitution~It’s not about gender or race: it’s about power.


SEE: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2022/03/bidens-supreme-court-pick-racist-attack-daniel-greenfield/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

When Biden announced that he would only consider black women for the Supreme Court, the vast majority of Americans rejected racial gatekeeping for the highest court in the land.

76% of Americans wanted him to consider all candidates regardless of their race and gender. Less than a quarter of the country wanted Biden to limit the nomination by race and gender. Even 54% of Democrats rejected Biden’s identity politics quotas and only 28% of non-whites were on board with his pledge to reject all other potential nominees based solely on their skin color.

After Biden’s announcement that he had chosen Ketanji Brown Jackson as his nominee, the majority of Americans continue to reject Biden’s racial determinism for the Supreme Court.

When asked to respond to a leading question by a Washington Post/ABC News poll as to whether, “having a black woman as a justice on the U.S. Supreme Court would be a good thing for the country, a bad thing for the country, or would make no difference?”, the majority, or 48%, correctly concluded that it would make no difference. 45%, a number largely made up of the 78% of Democrats, insisted that somehow Jackson’s race would transform the country.

The majority of Americans know better.

The boring truth about Ketanji Brown Jackson is that, like so many other judges, she’s just another Harvard grad, born with a silver spoon in her mouth, and raised by a prominent attorney. Much like Hollywood trying to make the same old movies and shows exciting by recasting the characters as black, Jackson is the same old judicial activist in a new color.

Biden, who had twice blocked and filibustered the nomination of Judge Janice Rogers, a well-qualified black female judge nominated by the Bush administration, over her pro-Constitution views, and his political and media allies who are even now waging a concerted war against Justice Clarence Thomas, the only currently serving black justice whose nomination they had tried to block, are cynically tokenizing Jackson’s nomination as a shining new beacon of racial progress. As if having a black female justice will accomplish something historic that having multiple black male justices and female justices of other races had failed to achieve.

We do know why Biden picked Jackson and it wasn’t because of her gender or race. While Biden will no doubt enjoy occasionally leaning in to sniff her hair as he shows her around, the real litmus test wasn’t to be found in her skin color or in an examination of her chromosomes.

Biden picked Jackson for the same reason that he fought to keep Judge Janice Rogers off the Court of Appeals which would potentially have put her on a pathway to the Supreme Court.

As legal scholar Jonathan Turley notes, leftists wanted a nominee “willing to expand the meaning of the Constitution without constitutional amendments”.

The choice had come down to Judge J. Michelle Childs, who had the backing of not only Democrats, but some Republicans, and of Senator Manchin, because she is a moderate, and Ketanji Brown Jackson who has a history of constitutional violations and abusive power grabs.

Demand Justice, the radical leftist Soros group, which had boasted of “bullying” Justice Breyer off the bench, had ordered Biden to nominate Ketanji Brown Jackson instead of Childs.

Biden met with both Childs and Jackson and what he truly wanted to know was whether they would be loyal to the Constitution, or to him, and to the radical leftists standing behind him who want to transform America by perverting the Constitution into a mandate for unlimited power.

As Turley again notes, “Biden stressed that his nominee must follow a ‘living constitution’ approach, including a broad view of ‘unenumerated rights.’ When asked if she supported such an approach, Childs answered "no." Jackson, in contrast, has been far more obscure and conflicted in her response.”

When it comes to Supreme Court nominees, anything other than a “no” is really a “yes”.

Will Justice Jackson change the Supreme Court and the country? Yes, but not because of her race. Race is the least interesting thing about Jackson and yet it’s what we will hear the most about because it is a convenient distraction from her radical and secretive judicial philosophy.

With little in the way of written materials and responses to big picture constitutional questions that have her playing dumb, Jackson is an anti-constitutional trojan horse flying the false flag of identity politics. As if nominating a Harvard grad who happens to be a black woman, as opposed to a white man, is some sort of great step forward for the wretched of the earth.

Biden is not using his court nomination, which his Soros backers at Demand Justice secured by, in their own words, “bullying” a liberal Jewish justice off the Supreme Court, to uphold identity politics. He has militantly opposed at least one black female justice and was able to choose between two black female judges, nominating the one that fits a radical leftist agenda.

Biden clearly doesn’t believe his own rhetoric about the Supreme Court being in dire need of a black female judge. The only ones dumb enough to believe it are MSNBC viewers who gobble up the black nationalist ravings of Ibram X. Kendi and Ta-Nehisi Coates and cheer Black Lives Matter mobs as they burn down cities every time a drug dealer gets rightfully shot by police.

But identity politics covers up a multitude of sins. Just ask Black Lives Matter, which was able to operate a $60 million fund on terms that would have seen a neighborhood bodega shut down in minutes. Even white Antifa rioters were able to terrorize Portland for a year because they claimed to be attacking police officers and federal officials in the name of racial justice.

Biden has mastered the art of deflecting criticism of his corruption and incompetence by using black women as human shields. It began with Kamala Harris, who was grossly unready to serve in the White House, but whose nomination made a ticket headed by an old white hack seem transformational and whose continued presence makes it all but impossible to remove or bypass Biden from an office that he is equally unfit to occupy on ethical and moral grounds.

The only reason Biden picked Jackson is because he believes that she will be loyal to him, not to the Constitution and to her oath of office. He also expects to sweep away any objections to her radicalism by having his media accuse critics of racism and sexism. And once Jackson taints the Supreme Court with her corrupt presence on the bench, any opposition to her views by the rest of that body, including by Justice Thomas, will also be denounced as sexist racism.

Or occasionally racist sexism, just to shake things up.

Much like Justice Sotomayor, the original “Wise Latina”, whose gender and Southern European ancestry somehow endowed her with a wisdom that transcended her poor legal reasoning, Jackson’s “lived experience” will be used to claim that she possesses insights on account of the combination of her gender and race that we ought to submit to in place of the actual law.

The good news is that Americans aren’t buying it. Polls show that the people are rejecting the racial determinism that is being used to trade away our rights for racial privileges. As the Supreme Court prepares to consider the unconstitutional racial discrimination of affirmative action, most Americans have once again come to believe in a color-blind legal system.

Americans know that what really matters isn’t gender or race, it’s equal rights under the law.

Biden’s selection process and his nomination have been an insult to the very idea of equal rights. Even if he installs his insult on the Supreme Court, it will never change the Constitution.

New York Times: Europeans Racist for Taking Ukrainian, Not Islamic, Refugees

SEE: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/26/us/politics/ukraine-europe-refugees.html


SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2022/02/new-york-times-europeans-racist-for-taking-ukrainian-not-islamic-refugees;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

“For Ukraine’s Refugees, Europe Opens Doors That Were Shut to Others” is the snide New York Times headline.

The unsubtle implication is that European countries, especially Eastern European nations, especially countries like Poland, Czechia, and Hungary which were reluctant to accept masses of Islamic migrants, are racist for being willing to accept Ukrainian refugees fleeing the Russian invasion.

Ukrainian refugees are actually neighbors and it makes a good deal more sense for countries to accept refugees who share a common culture with them. Furthermore, assuming the Russian invasion collapses, there’s good reason to expect that the refugees will actually return home instead of using the invasion as a pretext for moving to new countries. If they do decide to use the invasion as a pretext for relocating, they will more likely make their way on to Western Europe rather than remaining in Eastern Europe.

Whatever the Ukrainian refugees do it is highly unlikely that they will run around the streets of their new cities beheading innocent people, running over them in cars, opening fire on cartoonists while shouting “Allahu Akbar”.

Perhaps the New York Times should consider the possibility that this may factor into the decision of countries expressing reluctance to accept 10,000 or 20,000 Syrians or Afghans who show up at their border but are willing to take in Ukrainians.

The Air Force Went Woke, Its Planes Won’t Fly~Diversity was supposed to improve military readiness. It didn’t.


SEE: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2022/02/air-force-went-woke-its-planes-wont-fly-daniel-greenfield/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

Chief of Staff Charles Brown and Chief Master Sergeant Kaleth Wright have made diversity and wokeness into the core of the Air Force's mission. Meanwhile, the planes won't fly.

Brown has spent the past few years unleashing worthless diversity reviews to try and blame the Air Force for a supposed lack of diversity, even though it now has a black chief of staff and a black top enlisted leader. The military justification for their divisive shenanigans was that diversity equated somehow to military readiness. How is the Air Force’s readiness?

The latest numbers show that the Air Force has made no progress in improving the readiness of its planes with a rate of 71.5% or 7 out of 10 planes in 2021.

The United States Air  Force is supposed to have mission-capable rates of 75% to 80%, but about the only aircraft that meet that criteria are unmanned drones. The high ratings of the drones disguise the fact that the actual numbers, when broken down by aircraft, are worse.

The F-35As, the fifth-generation fighters that would be crucial in countering any sizable aerial engagement with Communist China, dropped catastrophically from 76% to 68.8%.

Last year, the Biden administration boasted about the largest deployment of F-22 stealth fighters in the Pacific. Unfortunately, their readiness hovers at around 50%.

Deploying fighters with the readiness rate of a coin flip won’t impress Communist China.

The F-15E, the workhorse fighter we rely on in every theater, is down from 69% to 66%, the F-15C are down to below 70%, and the situation is expected to worsen due to parts shortages. The C-130 Hercules, a backbone of our operation, has slipped below 70%. The CV-22 Osprey fell from 54% to 50%. The B-1 Lancer fell from 52% to 40%, and, at its worst, was at 10%.

All in all, only one Air Force aircraft actually met mission-capable goals: the venerable UH-1N Huey which is three years older than Chief of Staff Brown.

That’s not just a disgrace, it’s a catastrophe waiting to happen.

The United States is at risk of entering a military confrontation with China that we are not ready for. The Chinese have built up their own air force using stolen American technology. Meanwhile, after generations of dream planes and endless billions spent, the Air Force still remains reliant on outdated aircraft that are over 50 years old in some cases and which are harder to support.

The next-generation aircraft have not panned out. Their repeated failures have been met with an aggressive push by the brass to ignore the problems, punish critics, and junk the older aircraft. Older planes are being cannibalized for parts to repair other aircraft of the same generation leading to shrinking squadron sizes and brass congratulating themselves for saving money.

Rather than bootstrapping its way to military readiness, the newly woke Air Force is jettisoning readiness and focusing on diversity.

During the nomination of Brown, Biden's disastrous pick, he provided worthless and misleading mission capable rates on the F-16, the F-22, and the F-35.

Most notably, Brown claimed that the "F-22 mission capable rate achieved a high of 68% in April 2019." That would be impressive, except that the actual F-22 yearly rate fell to 51%.

More significantly, Biden's Secretary of Defense Austin decided to drop even the expectation of a 75% to 80% readiness rate. Brown is on board with that which means we are not ready. And the military leadership has decided to stop even trying to hit those basic readiness targets.

Instead of having at least 3 out of 4 aircraft ready, the brass have decided to take ”a more holistic view of readiness.”

Communist China is not taking a holistic view of winning wars.

While Biden’s brass expect us to accept a “holistic view” of readiness, in which we aren’t actually ready, they have set the gold standard for diversity with conversations on race and hard diversity quotas. If Brown and the Air Force had the same attitude toward aircraft readiness quotas that they do toward racial quotas, we would have total military readiness at all times.

Instead, we have the first black Secretary of Defense, the first black Air Force Chief of Staff, and the first black Chief Master Sergeant who tweets things like, "You don’t know the anxiety, the despair, the heartache, the fear, the rage and the disappointment that comes with living in this country... every single day." And we have an Air Force full of planes that don’t fly.

The woke Air Force brass don’t know the anxiety, the despair, the heartache, the fear, the rage, and the disappointment that comes from spending tens of billions on aircraft that don’t fly while the woke brass throw themselves pity parties and act like expecting them to win wars is racist.

During his nomination, Air Force Chief of Staff Brown released an unprofessional video complaining that he had been a victim of racism because someone in Korea once questioned whether he was entitled to a parking space when he was out of uniform.

Now Brown has his woke parking space and a whole lot of our planes are parked on it.

Stripes magazine described a speech in which Brown “seemed to barely contain his rage” and argued, “that the ideals of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution that I’ve sworn my adult life to support and defend have not always delivered ‘liberty and equality’ to all.”

It's not the job of Brown to lecture us on the ideals of the Constitution, but to defend the United States. Brown, who has advocated purging personnel based on their social media, has no idea what the ideals of a nation built on freedom of speech even are, and he has no idea how to do his actual job which is to oversee an air force that is ready to take on America’s enemies.

Nor does he care.

Not satisfied with junking the physical equipment, Brown and his allies are seeking to purge the Air Force of anyone they deem to be "extremists" while lowering standards and replacing merit with racial and gender quotas. As bad as the readiness rates for the planes may be, the readiness rates for woke promotions are bound to be much worse.

When asked during his hearing whether the Air Force was ready, Brown replied, "To an extent.”

Should an Air Force Chief of Staff who thinks and speaks this way be fired? To an extent.

This year, with the Air Force doing even worse than before he took over, Brown is talking about a mission for "equity". It’s shamelessly irresponsible for Brown, who has failed at his core duty, to put his racial politics ahead of his mission at a time when the Air Force is not ready.

The Pacific theater was always more challenging than Europe. In any confrontation with China, the Air Force would be key to maintaining supply lines stretching over 7,000 miles, and ready to counter Chinese incursions across another 3,000 miles. In an actual war, there would be no room for holistic views, for equity, racial quotas, or rants about systemic racism.

There would only be the cold hard realities of the enemy and the contest in the battlespace.

The good news is that our pilots, for now, remain qualified, talented, and highly motivated. Unfortunately, the brass has done everything possible to change that. And our men struggle with outdated aircraft that their fathers and even grandfathers were flying, and with highly expensive, erratic, and unstable new fighters that enriched defense contractors and the retiring brass who lobbied for them. The brass are well aware of the crisis. That’s why, like so many corporate monopolies who go woke to cover up their brokenness, they focus on identity politics.

Winning at identity politics is a lot easier than winning a war. Just ask Austin, Brown, and Wright.

How a Racial Hoax is Killing America: David Horowitz’s latest book exposes the destructive Black Lives Matter scam

BY Sandy Frazier and Mark Tapson

SEE: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2022/02/black-lives-matter-lied-973-policemen-died-sandy-frazier-and-mark-tapson/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

“I can’t breathe.”

Those three words uttered by career criminal George Floyd prior to his death by drug overdose while in police custody rocked the nation in the spring of 2020. The historic eruption of lawlessness and violence that followed under that rallying cry opened new fault lines in the nation’s cultural and political landscape, threatening a radical reshaping of American society.

No book has exposed the truth about those three words and the radical movement they galvanized more comprehensively and insightfully than I CAN'T BREATHE: How a Racial Hoax is Killing America by conservative warrior and bestselling author David Horowitz. It is the definitive analysis of the biggest political scam of the twenty-first century.

At the root of this destructive movement that changed America forever is its representative domestic terrorist group, Black Lives Matter (BLM), an openly racist and antisemitic criminal organization founded by self-proclaimed trained Marxists. Two years after Floyd’s death, the hate campaign it spawned is still inspiring criminal violence, as we can observe in the recent news that BLM posted bail for one of its star activists who attempted to assassinate a Jewish mayoral candidate in Louisville, Kentucky. The assassin was bailed out of jail three days after his arrest.

Horowitz’s I Can't Breathe exposes BLM’s hate campaign against law enforcement, fueled by false claims and accusations, which have led to the deaths of 973 officers, a “defund the police” campaign and a crime wave that has destroyed billions of dollars in property and is setting records for homicides and robberies across the United States. This is nothing less than domestic terrorism.

Moreover, despite its duplicitous name, it is crystal clear that Black Lives Matter is not about protecting and supporting black lives. BLM is responsible for a racial hoax that has taken the lives of thousands of blacks, incited violent insurrections that ravaged inner-city communities in 220 cities, and caused a dramatic spike in black-on-black homicides across America.

In I Can’t Breathe, Horowitz examines the cases of 26 alleged black victims of police brutality and systemic racism protested by BLM and shows that the claims are false and BLM’s case is a pyramid of lies. Among the deaths Horowitz examines of those allegedly killed for their race are George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Eric Garner, and Michael Brown. In following these stories and the lynch mob protests that BLM orchestrated, Horowitz tells the story of how the BLM movement began, grew, and went national and then international. Horowitz dissects all 26 incidents according to the facts, backed up by over 70 pages of endnotes. He demonstrates how BLM has lied about every single one in its quest to aggravate racial tensions, sow hatred of white people and police of all colors and rip America apart.

His investigation shows that “while some of the Black Lives Matter cases reveal tragic errors of judgment, almost all involve resistance by armed criminals to warranted arrests. In the vast majority of cases, Horowitz concludes, “the deceased would still be alive if they had simply obeyed police commands.”

But of course, inconvenient facts and statistics are irrelevant to the racist power-mongers of BLM, “whose motives and goals have nothing to do with black lives mattering,” Horowitz notes. “Black Lives Matter is not a civil rights organization. It is a revolutionary criminal movement whose goals are openly Marxist and communist.” What matters to them, he adds, is not black lives but “the anti-American revolution they are advancing and the fantasy world they think they will achieve by destroying the most equitable, inclusive, tolerant, and free society that has ever existed.”

Horowitz answers the question he poses in one chapter heading – “What Kind of Movement is This?” – with an exposé of BLM’s proud links to cop-killers and domestic terrorists such as BLM patron saint and convicted cop killer, Assata Shakur, and May 19th Communist terrorist, Susan Rosenberg (who now sits on the board of Thousand Currents, a nonprofit that has funneled tens of millions of dollars into BLM coffers); to black racists and antisemites like Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan; to a coalition of radical groups like the street thugs of Antifa and the Labor/Community Strategy Center (headed by former Weather Underground terrorist Eric Mann, the ideological mentor of BLM founder Patrisse Cullors); and to major funders like far-left billionaire financier George Soros and the Ford and Kellogg Foundations.

Horowitz also addresses BLM’s indoctrination of schoolkids, its takeover of the culture, its anti-family agenda (the declaration of which was scrubbed from the organization’s website when it began to attract too much-outraged attention), and its perpetuation of destructive, anti-American myths such as “systemic racism.”

Demonstrated by their actions over the past two years, the goals of Black Lives Matter are a far cry from those of the civil rights movement of sixty years ago. Despite its anti-capitalist, anti-family, antisemitic, anti-white, and anti-American agenda, BLM continues to receive hundreds of millions of dollars from powerful corporations. And the organization has yet to be held accountable for all the criminal acts spawned by its hate campaigns.

Contrary to what donors to the organization may have intended, the millions of dollars raised in support of BLM have been appropriated by its leaders to spend on themselves – not on helping black Americans. In January, news reports indicated that BLM had $60M in the bank, but who controls it? Where did all the money go that this terrorist organization bamboozled from hundreds of thousands of people and corporations? BLM has yet to even file taxes for 2020, the year it raised tens of millions of dollars after George Floyd's death; and it has no official leader overseeing its $60 million war chest after co-founder Cullors resigned in May in the wake of controversy over her purchase of multiple private homes for her own use with BLM funds. Who will hold the nonprofit’s officers personally liable for its lack of financial transparency?

Massive giving by deep-pocketed donors linked to Facebook, Twitter, and Netflix – as well as by corporations virtue-signaling their “woke” political consciousness – enabled the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation (BLMGNF) to raise over $90 million in 2020 alone. But no one seems to know how most of that money has been spent. Interestingly, BLM’s impact report lists far more transgender-advocacy organizations as its recipients than organizations promoting black civil rights. One would think that all of this might rouse curiosity about what happened to the billions pledged to BLM, or the millions given to BLMGNF specifically. Yet mainstream media outlets show no interest in holding them accountable.

In his concluding chapter “Whose Future?” Horowitz links the BLM movement’s aims to the broader agenda of the Democrat Party under decrepit President Joe Biden, who himself publicly promotes the shameful lie that blacks in America are oppressed by a “systemic racism” that is outlawed under the 1964 Civil Rights Act and demonstrably does not exist.

Whose future, indeed? If we are to repel Black Lives Matter’s full-on assault on our values, institutions, and character, it will only be if all American patriots summon the kind of courageous, truth-telling resistance David Horowitz displays in his indispensable book I Can’t Breathe to expose and condemn this corrosive racial hoax perpetrated by BLM, its media enablers, and its Democrat supporters.

Biracial GOP Candidate Rips CRT in Front of North Carolina School Board

WATCH: Dad Says There's No Racism Here —Except From the Government and Media

Rumble — A North Carolina dad dropped by his local school board meeting to speak about CRT, gender ideology, and more. Love seeing moms and dads showing up to speak up for the kids.


SEE: https://pjmedia.com/vodkapundit/2022/02/18/biracial-gop-candidate-rips-crt-in-front-of-north-carolina-school-board-n1560316;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

CRT got blown away by a massive truth bomb dropped by North Carolina dad — and local GOP candidate — Brian Echevarria at his school board meeting on Monday.

“As a parent, I speak to other parents,” he told Cabarrus County School Board members, “And there are a few things we don’t want.”

“I’m biracial, I’m multilingual, I’m multicultural. The fact is in America and North Carolina, I can do anything I want — and I teach that to my children. And the person who tells my little pecan-color kids that they’re somehow oppressed based on the color of their skin,” he justly insisted, “would be absolutely wrong and absolutely at war with me.”

Echevarria started off by thanking the board for passing a non-discrimination resolution but quickly segued into a now-viral attack against what he calls the “big fat lie” of critical race theory.

“What the masks showed us is the parents, the most powerful group in the country, [are] taking back the wheel.”

What a great dad.

He isn’t alone, either. As I reported for PJ Media VIP supporters, three “woke” school board members didn’t just lose a recall election in San Francisco on Tuesday, they lost by a jaw-dropping three-to-one margin.

Parents everywhere are waking up to the wokeness, and insisting that teachers teach the three Rs, rather than the poison of CRT.

CRT, Echevarria says, teaches children to “look at your black neighbor and say they’re oppressed and you look at your white neighbor and say they’re evil — regardless of the experience you’ve had with them.”

If Echevarria was looking to jumpstart his campaign, I can’t think of a better or more timely way to do it.

“Parents Have Rights,” in fact, is the first issue listed on his campaign website.

Echevarria is running as a Republican in North Carolina House 73rd district, and with his ability to garner positive attention with a strong and timely message, he might not stop there.

Watch the whole thing. It might be the best three minutes you’ll spend all day.

If candidates like Echevarria are becoming the new face of the GOP, it’s a welcome change from the pre-Trump stodginess and timidity we’d all grown far too accustomed to.

Biden Admin. Handing Out Crack Pipes for ‘Racial Equity,’ Building ‘Safe Injection’ Sites for Illegal Drug Use


SEE: https://americanfaith.com/biden-admin-handing-out-crack-pipes-for-racial-equity-building-safe-injection-sites-for-illegal-drug-use/; republished below in full for educational & research purposes.

$30 million grant funds pipes for smoking crack cocaine and crystal methamphetamine, as DOJ considers facilitating locations for taking illegal drugs.

  • Joe Biden’s Health and Human Services department (HHS) is finalizing funding to dole out crack pipes to drug addicts as part of its “Harm Reduction Plan,” The Daily Mail reports.
  • The $30 million grant program will begin handing out money in May, providing funds to nonprofits and local governments to make drug use “safer” and to advance “racial equity.”
  • The grant money will be used to purchase “safe smoking kits/supplies,” including pipes for users to smoke substances like crack cocaine and crystal methamphetamine, or “any illicit substance.”
  • HHS says that the kits are meant to limit the risk of infection, as smoking out of glass pipes can lead to cuts and sores that become infected with diseases like Hepatitis-C, Daily Mail notes.
  • The department also claims handing out drug paraphernalia will prompt users to smoke rather than inject themselves with some substances, like meth, as injection is far riskier.
  • The program is aimed at “underserved communities,” including members of “racial, ethnic, sexual, and gender minority groups.”
  • Biden’s Justice Department is also considering green-lighting so-called safe injection sites, safe havens for people to use heroin and other narcotics, according to The Associated Press.
  • The Justice Department said it is “evaluating” such facilities and talking to regulators about “appropriate guardrails,” such as maintaining protections against fatal overdoses.
  • Such sites exist in Canada, Australia, and Europe and have been discussed for years in New York and some other U.S. cities and states, AP notes, as a few unofficial facilities have been operating for some time.
  • Critics argue that safe injection sites encourage illegal drug use and burden neighborhoods, U.S. Rep. Nicole Malliotakis, a New York City Republican, arguing, “Instead of stopping the deadly drugs streaming over our border, putting drug dealers behind bars and helping people receive the long-term treatment they need to overcome addiction, Democrat leadership is enabling illegal drug use.”
  • The Biden administration’s facilitation of drug use comes as the number of overdose deaths in the United States last year exceeded 100,000 per year for the first time in the nation’s history, more than the toll of car crashes and gun fatalities combined, according to The New York Times.
  • Overdose deaths have more than doubled since 2015, as data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that overdose deaths rose 28.5% in the 12 months ending April 2021.

“Although we cannot comment on pending litigation, the Department is evaluating supervised consumption sites, including discussions with state and local regulators about appropriate guardrails for such sites, as part of an overall approach to harm reduction and public safety,” the Department of Justice said.

  • The Biden admin’s acceptance of injection havens for drug addicts contrasts Trump’s White House tenure, when prosecutors fought vigorously against plans to open a safe consumption site in Philadelphia, AP notes.
  • The CDC said in November that “deaths from synthetic opioids (primarily fentanyl) and psychostimulants such as methamphetamine also increased in the 12-month period ending in April 2021. Cocaine deaths also increased, as did deaths from natural and semi-synthetic opioids (such as prescription pain medication).”
  • Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, has struggled with crack cocain addictionThe New York Post publishing photographs retrieved from Hunter’s laptop appearing to show him unconscious with a used crack pipe in his mouth.


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