FOX NEWS-Jill Biden slammed for ‘breakfast taco’ remark about Hispanics~Ainsley Earhardt, Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade discuss First Lady Jill Biden’s controversial statement comparing Texas Hispanics to breakfast tacos

Jefferson’s Monticello Is Woke, Wants You to Hate Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson slammed by woke tour guides:

Brownstone Institute founder Jeffrey Tucker explains what he experienced when he toured Thomas Jefferson's Monticello estate on July 4.




republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

“Who controls the past controls the future,” writes George Orwell in 1984. “Who controls the present controls the past.” Were he with us today, Orwell would be getting tired of being right all the time, but he has just been proven right again: Thomas Jefferson’s famed mansion Monticello has been turned into a fount of woke propaganda that denigrates Jefferson and treats unsuspecting visitors to an over-the-top orgy of victimhood and white guilt regarding slavery. The Left hates America and wants very much for you to hate it, too.

Jeffrey Tucker of the libertarian Brownstone Institute said Saturday that “the whole thing has the feel of propaganda and manipulation. People on my tour seemed sad and demoralized.” That’s exactly the goal, Mr. Tucker: make Americans sad and demoralized and vulnerable to those who would have them believe that this nation has been evil from the beginning and is in drastic need of a thorough overhauling of its political system and society in general. Tucker added that when he was at Monticello, his guide was “surly and dismissive” of Jefferson’s remarkable achievements.

Monticello is no longer about Mr. Jefferson’s achievements. According to the New York Post, Monticello’s “new emphasis is the culmination of a 10-year effort to balance the historical record, officials of the Thomas Jefferson Foundation, the nonprofit that owns the estate, have said.” “Balance the historical record”: that’s a calculated and clever way of saying “Do everything we can to denigrate Thomas Jefferson and make those who admire him enough to visit his home come out hating him.”

Accordingly, the Post reports, “visitors complain that employees go out of their way to belittle Jefferson and his life.” One visitor wrote on Facebook that “the tour guides play ‘besmirchment derby,’ never missing a chance to defame this brilliant, complex man.” Another wrote: “Always enjoyed visiting Monticello in the past. The workers are super friendly and helpful. Unfortunately on this guided tour, we were lectured more on slaves and Sally Hemmings than the man himself. Half of the comments on Jefferson were critical. I expected for, the price, to have enjoyed it more. Even my 11 yr old daughter noticed the bias. We all are aware of the tragedy of slavery during the early part of this country’s history. Please center your presentations on the man and his accomplishments rather than promoting guilt.” Not a chance.

A third visitor said: “Visited a few years ago and had a great experience and got to learn a lot about Thomas Jefferson. This time every video slandered his name and the entire focus was on his mistress. Very disappointing and shocking to see how they are trying to rewrite history to make it seem like the founding fathers were terrible immoral creatures that happened to start a country.” Ah yes, now you’re getting the idea.

At this point, Monticello might as well be renamed Guilt Plantation. The Post noted that even the ticket booth to the place gets into the act: it’s “decorated with a contemporary painting of Jefferson’s weeping slaves.” In Jefferson’s music room, “a grim modern painting of a faceless figure with a matte black head now looms over the room, positioned so that it directly confronts visitors as they enter the mansion.” This masterpiece, according to Monticello guide Susan Woodward, was “commissioned in honor of Juneteenth” and was intended to be “quite provocative.” A card next to this painting explains that its “hands and face of featureless tar” are meant to signify “the faceless lives of all who served in bondage, witnessing but never recognized.”

Related: Thomas Jefferson Statue Removed From NYC Council Chambers

Meanwhile, “guides begin their outdoor tours of Monticello’s gardens and grounds by invoking the Native Americans who once lived on the land.” A placard asks: “Is ‘all men are created equal’ being lived up to in our country today? When will we know when it is?” In the gift shop, visitors can pick up books by race grievance propagandists Ibram X. Kendi and Ta-Nehisi Coates. The Farm Shop store offers five books about Jefferson’s slaves, as compared to only one about Jefferson himself.

Not surprisingly, “The Thomas Jefferson Foundation is run by a roster of big-money Dem donors and former Democratic officials.” Monticello’s descent “has largely been funded by left-leaning philanthropist David M. Rubenstein, who donated $20 million toward that effort in 2015. Rubenstein is “on the boards of the globalist World Economic Forum, China’s Tsinghua University, and the Council on Foreign Relations, among others.” Now it’s beginning to become clear why all this is happening.

The endgame is not just to make Americans despise Thomas Jefferson, but to make the average American ashamed of being American. That’s what this has been about from first to last. If the complexities of human experience have to be obliterated in the process, with cartoonish one-dimensional heroes and villains put in their place, so be it. We cannot celebrate Jefferson for all that he did to lay the groundwork for the freest society the world has ever seen. We cannot see him as a remarkable but flawed human being who was exemplary in some ways but not in others.

What’s more, the reason why the Left hates him with such burning intensity is not that he was a slave owner. Leftists love Fidel Castro, who enslaved an entire nation. They love all manner of authoritarians, totalitarians, and mass murderers. They’ve never minded the eggs that have to be broken to make their socialist omelets.

No, the real reason why the Left hates Thomas Jefferson is for all the things for which he should rightly be celebrated: Because he fought against tyranny. Because he helped create a free republic. Because he placed statements in those founding documents that would ultimately lead multitudes of the citizens of the new nation to believe that slavery was wrong and immoral and give their lives to bring about its abolition.

Jefferson is just the sort of man whom the fascist thugs of Antifa, busy smearing ACAB on the sides of buildings and hurling obscenities at police in pursuit of their vision of socialist utopia, and their moneyed backers would despise and fear. They want a docile American populace, frightened into submission to their authoritarian vision. The example of Thomas Jefferson could inspire Americans instead to pledge their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to preserve our hard-won freedoms. Can’t have that. Jefferson’s name must be made anathema to Americans.

Army Suspends Three-Star General For Making Fun of “Doctor” Jill Biden

‘The Right to Eat Dinner’-Leftists Mock supreme court judge Kavanaugh After Pro-Abortion Thugs Force Him to Flee Restaurant



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh dropped by Morton’s Steakhouse in downtown Washington, D.C., for dinner Wednesday night, but it didn’t turn out to be a pleasant evening: Kavanaugh was spotted, Leftist protesters appeared, and the justice had to leave through the back door. A Morton’s representative then issued a statement saying that politics shouldn’t intrude on one’s “right to eat dinner,” and for Leftist Twitter, it was off to the races. “The right to eat dinner”? Why, that isn’t in the Constitution, and therefore does not exist!

Politico was likewise cheered at the prospect of Leftist thugs forcing Kavanaugh to flee Morton’s, heading its notice of the incident “Happy Friday” and adding: “Thanks for reading Playbook. Drop us a line with your best constitutional argument for the right to eat dinner.” Politico then provided email addresses for three of its “journalists”: Rachael Bade, Eugene Daniels, and Ryan Lizza.

The “constitutional argument for the right to eat dinner” business comes from Morton’s response to the incident, which began, Politico said, when “D.C. protesters targeting the conservative Supreme Court justices who signed onto the Dobbs decision overturning the constitutional right to abortion got a tip that Justice Brett Kavanaugh was dining at Morton’s downtown D.C. location. Protesters soon showed up out front, called the manager to tell him to kick Kavanaugh out, and later tweeted that the justice was forced to exit through the rear of the restaurant.” Note the manipulative wording: Politico assumes that there is a “constitutional right to abortion” that was overturned when there never actually was such a right, and the claim that there was never had any justification in the Constitution at all. This is how the Leftist media attempts to control the narrative.

Politico went farther than that, sneering at Kavanaugh despite the fact that he was the victim of the incident. If Sonia Sotomayor had been the Justice who was thus harassed, would Politico’s coverage have been different? Like night and day. But in this case, Politico continued, “Daniel Lippman looked into the incident for us and confirmed that account. While the court had no official comment on Kavanaugh’s behalf and a person familiar with the situation said he did not hear or see the protesters and ate a full meal but left before dessert, Morton’s was outraged about the incident.” And here is where the real fun began: “A rep for the chain steakhouse sent Lippman this statement: ‘Honorable Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh and all of our other patrons at the restaurant were unduly harassed by unruly protestors while eating dinner at our Morton’s restaurant. Politics, regardless of your side or views, should not trample the freedom at play of the right to congregate and eat dinner. There is a time and place for everything. Disturbing the dinner of all of our customers was an act of selfishness and void of decency.”

Related: Pro-Abortion Activists Begin Protests at the Homes of Supreme Court Justices

Was the Morton’s rep making a statement about constitutional rights? Of course not. He or she was making a statement about common decency, a virtue that is in alarmingly short supply among Leftists. But in using the word “right” in connection with Kavanaugh’s natural right to enjoy a meal in peace, Morton’s rep gave Leftist commentators what they thought was an opening. MSNBC’s Katie S. Phang tweeted: “‘The right to eat dinner.’ Sounds like a privacy right not identified or listed in the Constitution so therefore, it doesn’t exist.” Another Leftist “journalist,” Judd Legum, tweeted an implicit call for boycotts of restaurants that had the temerity to let conservatives eat: “.@Mortons is owned by billionaire @TilmanJFertitta Fertitta also owns @RainForest_Cafe, @McandSchmicks, @BubbaGumpCo, and numerous other chains.” If such boycotts materialize, that would be just fine with the fascists of ShutDownDC, who tweeted: “We hear Kavanaugh snuck out the back with his security detail. @mortons should be ashamed for welcoming a man who so clearly hates women.”

The reactions from Politico and the Leftist journalists, and numerous other Leftists on Twitter, show that the Left is embracing totalitarianism at a rapid clip and that all too many Leftists are just fine with the idea that if you hold political opinions that they deem unacceptable, you should be harassed and hounded anywhere and everywhere, presumably until you’re simply too exhausted to continue to dissent from their agenda. “Inside every progressive,” ex-progressive David Horowitz has said, “is a totalitarian screaming to get out.” They’re out, they’re out.

ALLIE BETH STUCKEY: The Dark History & Goals of Queer Theory; Guest James Lindsay

Today we welcome James Lindsay back to the show to take us on a deep dive into the history of "queer theory," which is basically just gender identity mixed with Marxism. He goes over what these people believe, the major historical figures in the movement, how queer theory connects to Marxist ideology, and how it has been used as an attempt by the Left to normalize pedophilia throughout history

The Disappearing American?



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

“Help wanted” and “now hiring” signs are everywhere. Flights, construction projects, and healthcare services are delayed – or unavailable – due to labor shortages.

Hourly and monthly wages spiral. There is a growing disequilibrium between the number of available jobs and the declining pool of workers needed to fill them.

What is going on?

During the nearly two-year-long COVID-19 shutdown and economic downturn, firms cut costs by laying off millions of employees.

As a result, some in their early- or mid-60s simply retired early and never came back to work.

Federal and state governments also vastly expanded financial support to the unemployed. Other workers figured they would not make all that much more by working and so are staying home on government checks.

Still other former full-time employees became used to the new, more leisurely lifestyle and are loath to return to a full 40-hour work week.

Employers also are now convinced that a hard recession is on the early 2023 horizon when the trillions of dollars of newly printed money run out. Many are willing to put up with worker shortages now, rather than hire too many employees only to have them idle when consumer demand soon crashes.

Still other workers fear yet another COVID pandemic and are not eager to return to daily contact with the public.

The government has no idea how some Americans remain sick with the mysterious “long COVID” chronic aftermath of the infectious phase of the disease.

Well over 100 million Americans have likely had COVID. An estimated 10-30 percent do not recover for months — or even years.

So, millions of COVID long haulers remain either unable to work or can only work part-time.

Yet no one yet has fully calibrated the effect of newly disabled millions on the American economy.

Also read: When It Comes to Post-Pandemic Economic Recovery, Red States Are Leading the Way

Add up all these dark clouds and America is experiencing a perfect storm, in which only 61% of the able workforce is currently officially employed.

Unfortunately, there are also even longer-term, structural labor problems for the U.S. economy that make it unlikely that a new larger generation of workers will soon surge into the labor force. And for now, Silicon Valley has not produced its long-promised artificially intelligent robots that would allow machines to do much of the work of people.

True, there are more potential parents than ever before. And the American population has soared to over 330 million.

But our population is radically leveling off.

In just 14 years the fertility rate has crashed from 2.12 to 1.64 — meaning that both citizens and resident aliens in America are not replacing themselves.

While past demographic momentum has led to an all-time population high, the United States has already peaked demographically. And it will soon shrink and further age.

Thirty years ago, America had 80 million fewer people, but a quarter-million more annual births.

What explains the disappearing American?

Historically, as Westernized cultures become more affluent and leisured, whether it’s ancient Rome or modern America and Europe, they birth fewer children — even as their appetites for more household and personal help spike.

Life apparently is seen as too enjoyable to invest years in raising children. Americans are certainly marrying later. They are having fewer children — and in their 30s rather than 20s.

Women now make up nearly 60% of undergraduate college students. Female professional careers and delaying or avoiding birth are seen as essential to future family incomes.

Given that men who pass on college now account for 70% of enrollment declines in undergraduate education, there are far too few college-educated males for the new majority cohort of college-educated women.

The real gender crisis in America are these listless and stalled 20-something men. Too many are still living at home, not fully employed, often in debt, hooked on social media, video games, or satisfying their appetites — and with scant interest in marrying, much less raising children.

Figures on annual abortions remain hotly disputed. But the number of annual reported abortions still ranges somewhere from more than 600,000 to just under 900,000.

There may be almost 20 abortions for every 100 American pregnancies — or one in five pregnancies that are terminated.

Our popular culture reflects this multifarious growing reluctance to raise children. And currently, only 65% of children grow up in families with both parents.

The 2012 Obamacare ad, “The Life of Julia,” fixated on the new ideal American woman: a single parent of one child, unmarried, and utterly reliant on nearly 65 years of government support.

The 2013 follow-up bookend ad fetishized “Pajama Boy.” He was supposed to be a typical prolonged-adolescent, man-child — sitting at home in his child-like footie pajamas, sipping hot chocolate.

“Pajama Boy” was likely the sort that “Julia” had no intention of marrying.

There are historical downsides — economic, cultural, social, and military — to nations that shun child-raising.

They shrink in size, and age, no longer believe in transcendence, become mostly agnostic or atheistic, and obsess with the self.

And sometimes they eventually become dysfunctional — and slowly disappear.

Texas Set To Declare War Time Authority To Stop Collapse Of Border

Attorney Jonathan Hullihan of joins The Alex Jones Show to break down the state of the American border crisis.

Texas counties declare border crisis an 'invasion'

Several Texas counties declared the border crisis an “invasion." One Americas Stella Escobedo caught up with Arizona Sheriff Mark Lamb to talk about the ongoing issue.

Are Americans Funding the Cartels?

Lindsay sat down with Jonathan Hullihan who is a licensed attorney in Texas. He shares his thoughts on Texas’ open primaries and the cartels flooding the states' border. Jonathan brings awareness to our listeners on the various impacts of illegal immigration and the border crises in Texas.


UPS Cancelling Gun Dealers’ Accounts, Destroying Packages in Transit

UPS Cancelling Gun Dealers’ Accounts, Destroying Packages in Transit



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

U.S.A. –-( United Parcel Service is terminating the accounts of gun dealers. Any packages currently in the UPS system may be “seized and destroyed.”

In a letter sent to one Florida gun dealer, Ghost Firearms, UPS said they were terminating the account because they “may be violating” laws concerning homemade firearm parts.

“We write to inform you that UPS has learned that your company may be violating applicable laws concerning the shipment of “ghost guns” to unauthorized locations,” the letter states. “In light of our concern, UPS has determined that it will cancel your account, effective immediately.”

Ghost’s owner, Joe Zatar was told all scheduled pickups will be canceled, and that he cannot reopen another UPS account or ship anything from a UPS store or website.

He is most concerned about the packages already in the UPS system, which he may have already lost.

“Please note that any package found in the UPS system determined to have been tendered by GHOST FIREARMS may be seized and destroyed,” the letter states.

“I just shipped more than $30,000 worth of products,” he said.

Zatar immediately called his UPS sales rep, who said he had no idea the account was terminated.

Ghost Firearms sells uppers, lowers, handguards, and OEM parts for a number of manufacturers. They also sell 80% receivers.

“We do not ship to states where they’re not allowed,” Zatar said. “We are in total compliance. We had ATF in here just two weeks ago, and they told us we were completely legal.”

Retail giant Brownells told their customers in a Facebook post on Friday that they too were terminated by UPS.

“Heads up! UPS has made the decision to no longer accept Brownell's packages,” the post states. “We are working to put an email together to send to customers who have their account defaulted to UPS, or who have open orders with UPS selected as the carrier.”

Brownells did not specify in their post the reason why UPS terminated their account.

UPS’ Media Relations personnel did not return calls or emails seeking comment for this story.

Photo courtesy Ghost Firearms

This story is presented by the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project and wouldn’t be possible without you. Please click here to make a tax-deductible donation to support more pro-gun stories like this.

About Lee Williams

Lee Williams, who is also known as “The Gun Writer,” is the chief editor of the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project. Until recently, he was also an editor for a daily newspaper in Florida. Before becoming an editor, Lee was an investigative reporter at newspapers in three states and a U.S. Territory. Before becoming a journalist, he worked as a police officer. Before becoming a cop, Lee served in the Army. He’s earned more than a dozen national journalism awards as a reporter, and three medals of valor as a cop. Lee is an avid tactical shooter.

Lee Williams


The Suspicious ’10-Year-Old Who Needs an Abortion’ Story & MORE

Today we're covering a few stories going around the news, starting with viral allegations that there is a pregnant 10-year-old girl in Ohio who needs an abortion. We go over all the red flags with this story that have us questioning whether it's true. Then, we talk about "One Tree Hill's" Hilarie Burton trying to jump on the bandwagon of women who have had abortions ... despite not actually having had one. Lastly, we discuss the controversy surrounding Jordan Peterson and Ellen/Elliot Page, as now both Peterson and Dave Rubin have been nuked from Twitter for not following its ridiculous rules about "deadnaming."

Quisha King on Mass Exodus from Public Schools, Keeping America Free

There needs to be a mass exodus from government schools as part of the effort to restore and preserve freedom in the United States, mom and show host Quisha King--a heavyweight in Florida politics--told The New American magazine's Alex Newman in this episode of Conversations That Matter. King, who made national headlines by calling for a mass exodus and works with the group Moms for America, also revealed that she had an abortion--with all the pain that entails. She also blasts Critical Race Theory and other tools being used by the radical Left to divide and destroy America.


Newly uncovered document reveals left-wing deep state elite’s battle plan against American Christians



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

(Natural News) The Marxist far-left in America has always had a disdain for Christianity because they don’t want Americans to believe in or trust anyone or anything but them.

Now, a newly uncovered document reveals how the deep state is planning to go after American Christians and persecute them in ways that are not only unconstitutional but reminiscent of totalitarian regimes of the recent past.

As reported by, “two shocking and unprecedented megatrends are unfolding simultaneously in the United States of America right now.”

“The first is the explosion of what can only be described as openly predatory targeting of America’s children by legions of ‘gender activists’ obsessed with seducing, grooming, and recruiting kids into the phantasmagoric transgender world of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, surgical amputation of healthy body parts and astronomical suicide rates,” the outlet noted.

“While this sexual-gender anarchy is exploding nationwide – and alongside it, of course, the rest of the deranged Biden agenda, from engineering an ever-expanding foreign invasion of America across its southern border to destroying the nation’s fossil fuel industry, to bringing the U.S. to the brink of nuclear war with Russia – the very same political, financial, cultural and sexual revolutionaries responsible for all of this chaos have finally dared to ‘come out’ and publicly identify who exactly they consider to be their biggest enemy,” the outlet continued, adding: “Christians.”

To the first trend, “Pride” celebrations are being adopted and even funded by many of the country’s biggest corporations and most prestigious institutions of supposed higher learning. In the cities, public schools, which are essentially run by left-wing teacher’s unions, are also adopting as much gender-fluid curriculum as possible, including holding “Drag Queen Story Hour” readings in school and public libraries aimed specifically at grooming children while they are very young.

The entertainment industry is also neck-deep in this grooming, of course, since it, too, has long been dominated by the far-left. Disney has essentially turned itself over to the LGBTQ activists, even to the point of ruining long-running, successful movie franchises like “Toy Story” by, most recently, adding a lesbian kiss scene for no reason other than to try and normalize aberrant behaviors. To children.

Even though, as Tucker Carlson recently put it, “Having some purple-haired loser in a nose ring convince your six-year-old to get a sex change is not why most people send their children to school.”

Now, onto the war on Christians.

Even before the Biden regime stole power, but especially since, “many tricky substitute names for Christians have been stealthily deployed by those in power, who daily blame ‘white supremacists,’ ‘conservative fascists,’ ‘violent extremists,’ ‘domestic terrorists’ and other never-defined groups for everything they claim to find intolerable about America,” continued.

“Some of their attacks have been staggeringly idiotic, like officially branding parents as ‘domestic terrorists’ for complaining at school board meetings about teachers indoctrinating their young children with Marxist critical race theory,” the report added.

But of course, that’s intentional; the left isolates an issue and then focuses on it to demonize their political enemies even when the allegation makes no sense because they know that, over time, that is how they win converts. Propaganda is powerful.

Now, however, the counterrevolutionary left is openly attempting to demonize Christians, especially white Americans who believe in God.

Consider a few recent major media stories:

* “With the Buffalo massacre, white Christian nationalism strikes again” – The Washington Post

* “The Religious Right’s Hostility to Science Is Crippling Our Coronavirus Response” – The New York Times

* “White Christian Nationalism ‘Is a Fundamental Threat to Democracy’” – New York Magazine

* “How Christian nationalism paved the way for Jan. 6” – Religion News Service

* “Christian nationalism on the rise in some GOP campaigns” – The Associated Press

* “‘The View’ co-host blames ‘Christian nationalism’ for mass shootings” –

Few Americans have even heard of terms like “Christian nationalist,” but obviously, conservatives have been accused of being “white nationalists” since Donald Trump took office.

Now, though, the veil has been lifted and the left’s gloves are coming off: They want to destroy Christianity and all those who believe.

And they will continue tearing our country apart in the process.

Sources include:

Beijing Biden Plans to Scrap Trump Tariffs on China … to Fight Inflation?

Beijing Biden Plans to Scrap Trump Tariffs on China … to Fight Inflation?



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

The selling out of America to Beijing continues.

Joe Biden is expected to make an announcement later this month about undoing tariffs on Chinese imports put in place under the Trump administration. This would ostensibly be with the aim of combating rising inflation, although some of Biden’s own advisors warn that removing the tariffs would have no meaningful impact on inflation.

Politico spoke with three industry officials and a former federal official with knowledge of the White House’s plans. They said Biden will go public with his plans in July. A top White House official who also talked to the outlet, however, said there is, as of yet, no date set for the announcement.

According to Politico, the White House hopes to tame the historically high inflation presently ravaging the country, and some Biden advisors, along with outside advisors, believe the solution is to strike down tariffs on Chinese goods in order to lower consumer prices.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo have long advocated for across-the-board tariff relief as a solution to inflation, though the proposed lift would fall short of the sweeping changes the two hope for.

Per the sources cited by Politico, the White House plans are not final but are likely to be divided into three parts.

For one, they intend to scrap a limited number of tariffs, such as one on consumer goods like bicycles. While the specific duties to be targeted are still being debated, two sources who spoke to Politico on condition of anonymity claimed the proposed relief would affect approximately just $10 billion worth of imports out of the $370 billion that the Trump administration slapped tariffs on.

Second, the White House reportedly plans to announce that the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) will roll out a new exclusion process so that companies can get exemptions from the tariffs on Chinese goods. This would be a step up from the exemptions USTR handed out on 352 types of imports from China this year.

And in what appears to be an attempt to balance what might otherwise be interpreted as a giveaway to China, the White House also reportedly intends to announce a tariff investigation under Section 301 of the 1974 Trade Act that will specifically be aimed at areas of China’s economy that are significantly subsidized by the communist government.

This would be a way of addressing longstanding concerns from the U.S. that Beijing boosts its domestic tech sectors, including the production of semiconductors and batteries, to the disadvantage of foreign competition. The planned actions by the White House would possibly lead to new duties on such products as a way of improving the odds from U.S. companies.

The senior administration official who spoke with Politico said talks continue and that no final decision has yet been reached.

The outlet reports:

The announcement will represent the culmination of a year-long debate at the White House over when and how to reshape Trump’s trade legacy on China. The administration last year considered a plan to pair tariff relief for consumer goods with new duties on high-tech Chinese goods, but elected to allow USTR Katherine Tai to engage her Chinese counterpart in economic conversations before announcing the plan.

When initial talks between the Biden administration and China proved fruitless, the White House was ready to move forward with the plan late last winter, but Russia’s invasion of Ukraine pushed those plans back, as many of the administration’s economic and national security officials focused on supporting Kyiv and punishing Moscow.

In contrast to Yellen and Raimondo, Tai and Labor Secretary Marty Walsh, as well as organized labor, have advocated for keeping the Trump-era tariffs as they are. Tai has been one of the voices in the Biden White House arguing that undoing the tariffs would not alleviate inflation — but would deprive the U.S. of major leverage when negotiating with the Chinese on trade.

Word of these changes comes as the USTR this summer conducts a review of the Chinese tariffs that are mandated by law. Per Politico, more than 300 American companies have called for the Trump-era tariffs to be kept in place.

That Biden would rather ease tariffs on a hostile regime than address the actual issue behind inflation — the reckless policies of the unaccountable Federal Reserve — may be frustrating, but not surprising.

Biden has long shown himself to be Beijing’s best friend in America. Lifting the Trump tariffs would simply be one more instance in a long line of actions that have strengthened China while weakening America.

MICHELLE MALKIN: America, the Globalist Gift

America, the Globalist Gift


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

I hate to snuff out any post-Independence Day fervor that you still might be enjoying. Oh, well. “Wet Blanket” is my middle name. All the annual Old Glory-waving rituals and public displays of patriotic affection can’t change this bitter fact:

Our once-sovereign nation has become nothing more than a morbidly obese cash cow for what the Biden administration now openly calls the “liberal world order.”

Higher gas prices are just the tip of the sacrifice iceberg. It’s our posterity paying the globalist pipers. In the new “liberal world order” (which is really just the same old Bush family “New World Order” of more than three decades ago), homegrown children’s needs are subjugated to the hopes and dreams of the children of the rest of the world.

Stick with me and follow an open-borders bouncing ball that demonstrates how multinational elites exploit America Last — with the brazen complicity of our own U.S. government, nonprofits, and corporations. As always, we must follow the money to find the truth. Let’s dig deeper behind this headline:

“Former American Hebrew Academy will house unaccompanied immigrant children.”

According to WFMY-TV news in Greensboro, North Carolina, a failed international school venture called the American Hebrew Academy entered into a lucrative five-year lease agreement this week with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement. The plan will turn AHA’s sprawling campus into a tax-subsidized shelter for illegal alien youth. The “unaccompanied children” will be shipped from Mexico starting this month and will be treated to a comprehensive array of benefits exclusively showered on the offspring of southern border violators.

I exposed the HHS/ORR kiddie catch-and-release racket in my 2019 book, Open Borders Inc. Thanks to a liberal Bill Clinton-appointed judge in Southern California and convoluted class-action litigation dating back to 1997 on behalf of illegals spearheaded by the American Civil Liberties Union, the feds created new rights and standards for illegal alien minor shelter care. Clinton immigration bureaucrats agreed to provide food, clothing, personal grooming items, medical and dental care, family planning, “at least one hour a day of large muscle activity,” “structured leisure time activities,” psychotherapy, and lawyers. Lots of lawyers.

HHS now operates a network of 100 state-licensed shelters in 17 states and has provided care to a whopping total of over 340,000 illegal alien children. (For perspective: That’s a population roughly equivalent to the city of Anaheim, California, or Aurora, Colorado.) In 2017, the budget was $1.4 billion. In 2022, the Biden administration has requested an astronomical $3.2 billion in funding for the program.

Fun fact: The Biden administration rerouted $2 billion in COVID-19 funds for Americans to the illegal alien youth housing boondoggle.

Those tax funds will subsidize a panoply of for-profit and nonprofit ventures serving foreigners’ children on American soil, which in turn provides bottomless inducements for countless hundreds of thousands of other families around the world to fork over coyote fees to send even more unaccompanied minors across our borders, who then move into the HHS/ORR facilities, which are served by nearly 50 other organizations at a cost of over $34,000 per child, according to the Capital Research Center.

So while you’re worrying about formula, diaper, and food shortages for your own kiddos, rest assured: Open Borders, Inc. is hard at work spending your money on everyone else’s babies, toddlers, and teens.

Let us peer further into the defunct “American Hebrew Academy,” which is now reinventing itself as part of the Biden leasing scheme as the “Greensboro Piedmont Academy Influx Care Facility for UC (unaccompanied minors)” and the “Greensboro Global Academy.” The AHA was in a “financial death spiral” for years after its profligate founder and aviation reinsurance mogul, Maurice Sabbah, threw $100 million down a black hole pursuing his dream of building a world-renowned boarding school in 2001 that he envisioned as “an international destination in elite Jewish education,” according to The Forward.

But that year, an arbitration panel ruled that Sabbah’s aviation reinsurance business had committed fraud and “willful and deliberate misconduct” by skimming off hundreds of millions of dollars for its founders, leaving Japanese insurance companies high and dry when 9/11 happened; the decision yielded a $400 million settlement. The ripped-off companies then sued and settled with AHA to recoup purloined funds. The operators of the academy tried to salvage the 100-acre campus — replete with an $18 million athletic field, 22-acre lake, 16 dorms, 34 staff resident apartments, natatorium, climbing walls, and high-tech gadgetry in every classroom — by rebranding it as an “international school” targeting Middle Eastern and Asian students.

The goal: bringing “globalization” to Greensboro.

The “American Hebrew Academy” turned to a “private” education company called Puxin in communist China for a $26 million loan in 2019 for help. In May 2022, the New York Stock Exchange moved to suspend trading in Puxin and delist it amid longstanding allegations of fraud. As Judicial Watch notes, “the money HHS is paying in rent will likely be used to pay back the Chinese company.”

God bless America? God help us from the globalist grifters making bank off whatever is still left of this country if that is what you call it.

Lunatic Amazon employees demand company cease all business operations in “red” states that prohibit baby butchery

Image: Lunatic Amazon employees demand company cease all business operations in “red” states that prohibit baby butchery



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

(Natural News) Hundreds of slave laborers at Amazon’s sweatshop facilities have signed an open letter calling on the e-commerce behemoth to immediately cease all business operations in pro-life states so people will have “time to grieve.”

The letter calls on the tech giant to take “immediate and decisive action against the threat to basic human rights with the overturning of Roe v. Wade,” which apparently includes closing up shop in every “red” state.

“As part of Amazon’s wide-reaching efforts toward a more inclusive and diverse workforce, we believe that Amazon cannot let this recent decision go unanswered,” the letter reads.

“We ask Amazon, the world’s best employer, to actively defend against this assault on our liberty.”

Even though many of the proposals made admittedly “bear a larger business risk than others,” Amazon’s disgruntled employees say these are “unprecedented times” since many women are no longer able to murder their unborn children unless they want to travel to another state.

Just like what happened with the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), pro-abortion Amazon employees “of all genders” suddenly now need “space and time to grieve, express their frustrations, and protest against this assault on our rights,” the letter explains.

They also want Amazon to donate and match donations “to bail funds and assistance groups working to expand abortion access for women and pregnant people impacted in states” (Related: Many of these same Amazon employees are also calling for a book burning of all materials they do not like).

Since Amazon is going full “woke,” will it finally go broke?

Amazon also currently sells books and other materials that discuss abortion-related issues from a pro-life perspective, which these disgruntled employees are demanding be removed from the Amazon e-commerce platform immediately.

The letter demands that Amazon “[a]udit and remove product offerings that misrepresent the facts on abortion or encourage hate speech or violence toward abortion seekers.”

It also demands an audit of every political donation made by the company so that anything opposing abortion can be immediately removed from the future donations pool of financial disbursements.

The employees also want Amazon to enact company-wide policy changes to ensure that not a single penny ever again goes towards anything that attempts to preserve unborn human life rather than destroy it.

The most ridiculous demand in the letter from a business perspective is the one calling on Amazon to immediately halt all operations in states that enact laws “that threaten the lives and liberty of abortion seekers, either by denying healthcare in life-threatening circumstances or by criminalizing abortion seekers and providers.”

Like many other corporations in recent days, Amazon has already caved to demands that it pay for its promiscuous female employees to travel to other states, if need be, in order to get an abortion.

“Amazon became the latest corporation to cover employees’ travel costs to seek abortion care,” CNN reported back in May. “The company told staff it would pay up to $4,000 in travel expenses annually for medical treatments including abortions, according to a message seen by Reuters.”

Other companies that have decided to do much the same thing include Dick’s Sporting Goods, Citigroup, Uber, Yelp, Lyft, Match Group, Bumble, and Salesforce.

“I would fire the workers responsible for this disruptive behavior and remind everyone else that we are here to work and to please keep the activism on your own time and your open letters off my network,” wrote someone at Breitbart News in response to the Amazon letter.

“Exactly,” responded another. “If you want to celebrate killing babies, you do it on your own time.”

The latest news about Amazon’s insanity can be found at

Sources include:

The Unholy Alliance Between White Supremacism and Islamic Jihad

Army Private sent sensitive military info to white supremacist group to facilitate jihad attack.



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

The official propaganda line that the regime would have us believe, solemnly repeated by Old Joe Biden, Gestapo chief Merrick Garland, and others is that “white supremacists” constitute the greatest terror threat the nation faces today. The only problem with this scenario is that in the absence of a large number of white supremacist terror attacks, the narrative has had to be shored up by branding parents as terrorists for being angry about drag queen story hour in elementary schools. That is not to say, however, that there is no white supremacist terrorism at all. It’s just not a matter of MAGA hat-wearing rednecks descending on obscure gay black actors in sub-zero weather while declaring that Chicago is “MAGA country.” Reality, as always, is more complicated than the narrative, as a recent case illustrates.

Last week, according to the Justice Department, a U.S. Army private named Ethan Phelan Melzer, who also went by the name Etil Reggad, “pled guilty to attempting to murder U.S. service members, providing and attempting to provide material support to terrorists, and illegally transmitting national defense information.” Melzer was involved with the Order of the Nine Angles (O9A), which the DOJ says is “an occult-based, neo-Nazi, and white supremacist group.” But no one is wearing MAGA hats in this crowd: “O9A espouses neo-Nazi, anti-Semitic, and Satanic beliefs, and promotes extreme violence to accelerate and cause the demise of Western civilization.  The group has expressed admiration both for Nazis, such as Adolf Hitler, and Islamic jihadists, such as Usama Bin Laden, the now-deceased former leader of al Qaeda.”

The group didn’t just admire bin Laden; it wanted to emulate him. Melzer, the DOJ explains, “planned a jihadist attack on his U.S. Army unit in the days leading up to a deployment to Turkey and sent sensitive details about the unit” to O9A. Underscoring the seriousness of this plot is the fact that this information included details of his unit’s “location, movements, and security.” This wouldn’t have been the first time O9A committed an act of terrorism: “Members and associates of O9A have also participated in acts of violence, including murders. O9A members are instructed to fulfill ‘sinister’ deeds, including ‘insight roles,’ where they attempt to infiltrate various organizations, including the military, to gain training and experience, commit acts of violence, identify like-minded individuals, and ultimately subvert those groups from within.”

That was why Melzer joined the Army in the first place: solely in order to set up this attack. No one initially suspected him, however, and so in October 2019, he went to Italy as part of the 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team. While he was there, however, Melzer “consumed propaganda from multiple extremist groups, including O9A and the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, which is also known as ISIS.” He also “subscribed to encrypted online forums where he downloaded and accessed videos of jihadist attacks on U.S. troops and facilities and jihadist executions of civilians and soldiers, in addition to far-right, neo-Nazi, and other white supremacist propaganda.”

Then in May 2020, Melzer was reassigned to a different unit, and classified briefings as part of his training to deploy with it. He started passing on this information to O9A, and to “a sub-group of O9A known as the ‘RapeWaffen Division,’ providing details about his unit’s anticipated deployment including troop movements, relevant dates, locations, armaments, topography, and security, all in connection with the proposed attack on his unit and the Military Base.” Melzer himself and other O9A members referred to what they were planning a “jihadi attack” and envisioned it as a “mass casualty” event that would kill numerous U.S. service members. He also passed on this information to someone who represented himself as a member of al-Qaeda.

Melzer understood the gravity of what he was doing, telling other O9A members: “[y]ou just gotta understand that currently, I am risking my literal free life to give you all this.” He said he was willing to die to pull off his attack, but “I would’ve died successfully…cause [] another 10-year war in the Middle East would definitely leave a mark.”

So the DOJ got its white supremacist terrorist, but he had nothing to do with pro-Trump conservatives and turned out to be working hand-in-glove with the jihad terrorists that the Biden administration has consistently downplayed or ignored outright. Once again, the narrative of the political and media elites is shown to be false – not, of course, that they will take any notice of that, much less change course.

Parent infiltrates “transgender” training session for teachers


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

MassResistance parent infiltrates “transgender” training session for elementary school teachers – asks presenters hard questions.

Instruction on pushing “gender” ideology on children: Withhold info from parents because of “safety concerns.” Professional development course for teachers in Washington State run by national LGBT organization GLSEN.

July 4, 2022
LGBT pronoun buttons for children are part of the indoctrination process supplied to teachers.

Unknown to the public, many states enlist national LGBT organizations to instruct elementary school teachers on how to push transgenderism (both “gender” ideology and transgender behaviors) and homosexuality to very young children. In Washington State (and many other locales), this is done through state-run “professional development” sessions that teachers attend to keep their certification.

Here we have a report from a MassResistance mother who attended and confronted the instructors with some hard questions. Their answers were very offensive and revealed their anti-family radicalism.

Run by a national LGBT activist group that targets schoolchildren

Elementary school teachers across Washington State were invited to the professional development Zoom seminar on October 28, 2021. This session was organized and run by the national LGBT activist group GLSEN, which clearly described what the training would cover.

Online professional development seminar invitation sent to elementary school teachers across Washington State.

MassResistance has long warned about GLSEN – the “Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network” and its founder Kevin Jennings. GLSEN now has a presence in almost every high school in America (and many middle schools) via its toxic “gay-straight alliance” student clubs. It is one of the main disseminators of LGBTQ propaganda and sexuality materials to schoolchildren.

Back in 1996, MassResistance reported how GLSEN pioneered the dishonest strategy of claiming that homosexual programs needed to be in high schools to make students “safe.” But that was just the beginning. It later became clear that the homosexual activists intended to use that argument to expand their reach down to the youngest elementary students, and to go beyond gay and lesbian propaganda to include transgenderism.

Using GLSEN’s “Elementary School Toolkit”

The focus of the Washington Zoom session was implementing GLSEN’s “toolkit” for elementary schools titled “Ready, Set, Respect!

From the GLSEN "toolkit" for elementary schools.

“Ready, Set, Respect!” uses the cover of anti-bullying, “anti-bias,” and respect to push LGBT “family structures” and “gender roles” to young children. It provides “tools to support elementary educators with these efforts.” But this seminar went much farther than that. It instructed teachers on how to normalize transgenderism in young children and gave strategies to keep parents from interfering.

The seminar starts: Separating kids from parents

A conservative teacher showed the invitation to a mother in our Washington State MassResistance group. The teacher registered, and the mother could then log in to the Zoom session. It got right down to business:

Identifying “trusted adults” kids can talk to. The session began with one of the presenters, a lesbian elementary school teacher, talking about the “support” that elementary schools should be setting up. The first step is identifying “open and accepting” staff members who can be the “trusted adults” with whom children can “safely” talk about LGBT issues – instead of their parents. In particular, this includes the guidance counselor, the school administrators, and especially teachers who put “LGBTQIA Safe Space” stickers on their classroom doors.

Helping with kids “coming out.” “We’ve actually had in my elementary school several fourth-graders come out since the beginning of the school year,” the presenting teacher said. “Some of them have told their parents about it, and some have not.” She said that she “walks a fine line” between helping kids be comfortable as LGBT, and having to deal with unsupportive parents who find out what she’s doing and accuse her of recruiting or grooming their child. This is a lot trickier in elementary schools than in high schools, she said.

Giving the kids LGBT books. She also said that another “quandary” with kids coming out is getting homosexual or transgender books into the child’s hands “that positively represent people they can identify with” versus parents who find those books obscene and objectionable. “Some parents can be really weird about that,” she said.

Ordering stickers, etc., from GLSEN. One of the GLESN representatives mentioned that teachers can order posters, stickers, and other materials from the GLSEN “kits” to help with “barriers or complications that might come up” in working with children “coming out.” “You need to feel safe helping the students,” she said.

The term "safe space" means being safe at school from the children's "harmful" parents.

Question from MassResistance mother: "Isn’t it better to work with parents and keep them in the loop? I don’t understand why you would want to keep secrets from parents."

GLSEN staffer claims that parents endanger the child: The GLSEN staffer basically answered that telling the parent puts a child “at risk.” She said, “A lot of students are not living in safe situations. So you want to be affirming in the classroom so that the student is able to learn and not putting the child at risk at home.” She said that if a child hasn’t “outed” himself to his parents, then the teacher is careful not to tell the parent. This includes not using the child’s “preferred” name and pronoun in front of the parent if the parent doesn’t already support that. In other words, the teacher makes a judgment that the parent is a possible danger to the child.

Response from MassResistance mother: She immediately responded:

But they are the parents! If their child is thinking about these things and is going through a “transition period,” they need to be brought in because it’s their child. They’re responsible for the child, the whole package. They’re part of the child’s world. So if you’re working with a student, you should also be working with the parent.

The lesbian teacher uses more LGBT talking points: The lesbian teacher answered by doubling down on the well-crafted (and offensive) LGBT talking points about parents being possibly dangerous to their kids.

When I was in high school, I had lots of friends who were gay or lesbian. I knew a lot of people who got kicked out of their house as teenagers because their parents were not supportive or OK with it. And I wouldn’t want to be the teacher that got a kid kicked out of their house because they weren’t out to their parents and I outed them. You have a responsibility of confidentiality to students just like a doctor or a counselor would have if they come to you and their parents don’t know. Yes, parents should be in the loop about things that involve their kids: If the child’s failing in a course, they should know. If the child’s doing great in something or needs extra enrichment, they should know. But if you have a parent that’s very closed-minded, and potentially going to do physical, mental, or emotional harm to that child if they find out, you have a responsibility to protect that child’s confidentiality. You don’t have a responsibility to the parent to out that child. Ethically, I just think you’re putting that child in harm’s way. I can’t find any way to justify that.

GLSEN staffer says “safety” is the priority: The GLSEN staffer added that the teacher might want to have a conversation with the administration about a child, but she wholeheartedly agreed with the presenter that “a child’s safety takes priority.”

MassResistance mother continues: She wouldn’t let it go:

Is the child capable of judging the parent? But more importantly, the parent has the child for the rest of their life, and teachers have them just temporarily for nine months or whatever. So I think there’s a missing step if you’re not connecting with the parent to help that child.

The answer uses more LGBT talking points: A GLSEN staffer answered that “In Washington state, the law is very clear that the right to names, pronouns, and gender within the school setting belongs solely to the student and not the parent.” [NOTE: Actually the law only says that the child has the right to use a different name and pronoun in school. It does not prohibit disclosure to a parent.]

She also trotted out the unfounded narrative that “For transgender and non-binary kids, the rate of suicide and the rate of homelessness, I mean, it’s astronomical.” She added, “We’re talking about identity and not anything to do with academics.” (“Identity” is another unfounded concept that is foremost in these educators’ minds, replacing academics.)

About the “transitioning” of kids: Another GLSEN speaker started talking about the different ways that young children “transition” their “gender”:

Not every trans experiences the same things … They may wear the same clothes they wore before … they may change clothes. For me, I’m non-binary. My transition was changing my pronouns. But I dress the same, talk the same. … We’re talking about how that child views himself and whether that view, that identity, will be accepted by their parents or not, and whether that would put them in a harmful situation. It’s got to be the kid’s call.

That was the end of the discussion. After that, the main GLSEN presenter went into a slide show about all the different ways that the “Ready, Set, Respect!” Tool Kit can help the elementary school curricula and activities.

Final thoughts

The LGBT movement’s frightening obsession with children and the lengths they are willing to go to achieve their goals are certainly revealed here. Their statement that parents who disagree or interfere with schools’ efforts to groom children into “transgenderism” are doing terrible harm to their own children should be scoffed at. But instead, it has become mainstream thinking in education circles and even among politicians.

Similarly, their statement that “transgender” children become suicidal when parents and others don’t accept their new “true identity” is the exact opposite of the truth. People often become desperate and suicidal when they realize that they’ve mutilated themselves chasing after a false and unachievable identity.

Note that the LGBT movement and the Left in general often lie about what “the law” actually says – so take care always to read it yourself.

And finally, keep in mind that groups like GLSEN are funded by major US corporations. For example, every time you shop at Target or Walmart you are helping to pay for toxic programs like the one described here.

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HEDGING GOP Sen. Candidate Becky Edwards Says She’s Utah’s “Best Bet” For Abortion if Roe V. Wade Overturned


"Productive. Inclusive. Proactive."


"Race, religion, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and other factors should not limit opportunities or access to education, employment, housing, and healthcare."

"Lawmaker & Principled Conservative. Becky is a proven and effective lawmaker with a strong policy record for addressing the issues that matter to her constituents with efficient, forward-thinking, and innovative ideas that build a better future."

"Becky is a proud 29-year resident of Davis County in Northern Utah. She is married to John Edwards and has four children and 11 grandchildren. She recently served in Samoa with her husband as a humanitarian missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from May 2019–January 2021."

(801) 683-9006
PO Box 1467, Bountiful, UT 84011
BREAKING: Republican U.S. Senate Candidate Becky Edwards Tells Undercover Journalist She is Utah’s ‘Best Bet’ to ‘Stand Up’ For Abortion if Roe v. Wade is Overturned; “Deeply Concerned” with ‘Trigger Laws ’ • Project Veritas Action published undercover footage of U.S. Senate Candidate, Becky Edwards (R-Utah), who is seen expressing her willingness to “stand up” for abortion.

• In the footage, Edwards is approached by a Project Veritas Action Undercover Reporter who initiated a conversation about support for abortion and Edwards says, “I can absolutely guarantee you, I’m your best bet and the only candidate who has even said anything other than, ‘joyful, happy, yay, answer to prayer,’ on what we’re seeing on [overturning] Roe.”

Edwards then says, “I’m going to stand up” in reference to abortion. She goes on to expresses her concern for Utah’s trigger law: “…and we have like trigger laws here in Utah that basically is going to make things really - I’m deeply concerned.”

• Edwards is a Utah state representative running to unseat incumbent U.S. Senator, Mike Lee (R-Utah). Edwards has not yet responded to a request for comment.

[SALT LAKE CITY– June 23, 2022] Project Veritas Action has published undercover footage of U.S. Senate Candidate, Becky Edwards (R-Utah), speaking candidly about her intention to “stand up” for abortion.

In the video, Edwards is approached by a Project Veritas Action undercover reporter who expressed support for abortion. Edwards described her concern for Utah’s abortion trigger law which would set a new policy framework on the matter in the event Roe v. Wade is overturned.

“I can absolutely guarantee you, I’m your best bet,” Edwards said. “And the only candidate who has even said anything other than, ‘joyful, happy, yay, answer to prayer,’ on what we’re seeing on [overturning] Roe,” Edwards added.

Edwards then said, “I’m going to stand up,” and repeats that when the undercover journalist says, “for abortion.”

In the footage, Edwards makes comments critical of states with similar laws planned to take effect. “No, no! Mississippi, Texas, Oklahoma, what the heck? Idaho even!”

Edwards is running to unseat incumbent Senator, Mike Lee. At the time of this writing, Edwards has not responded to a request for comment.


Becky Edwards on Voting Against The Down syndrome Abortion Ban

Mike Lee primary challenger Becky Edwards makes excuses for her NO-vote on a Down syndrome abortion ban.

Mormons now look liberal on abortion — by not changing

The GOP has swung so far to the right that Mormons’ nuanced abortion stance, once commonly accepted by fellow conservatives, now looks liberal by comparison.



"That may shed light on why the church has added a new twist to its stance on abortion. Within hours of the June 24 Supreme Court decision, it updated its abortion policy with a new final paragraph:

“The Church’s position on this matter remains unchanged. As states work to enact laws related to abortion, Church members may appropriately choose to participate in efforts to protect life and to preserve religious liberty.”

To preserve religious liberty. The church here connected its long-standing position on abortion with the concept of religious freedom — exactly when the Supreme Court decision undermined LDS members’ right to follow their own handbook instructions on this issue. Though the church has always opposed abortion in the abstract and regarded it as a sin, it has also, for example, consistently sided with protecting maternal health if a mother’s life was endangered by pregnancy. Now that Roe is no more and individual states are free to enact laws without those three provisions, it’s not inconceivable that LDS women in those states who experience medical emergencies related to pregnancy may die. Two of my own friends who are LDS mothers experienced complications with their pregnancies, and one might have died without a medically induced abortion. This is no longer an abstract or theoretical possibility.

Given that, it’s not entirely clear that the new codicil about church members being encouraged to protect life and preserve religious liberty is actually instructing them to oppose all abortions. The vague wording leaves room for activism on the other side. For example, church members who are interested in protecting religious freedom for all may wish to side with Jews who want to abide by Jewish law — law that not only permits but requires abortion in certain circumstances. Mormons who stand for religious freedom will want Jews to be able to live their religion."




RINO Kinzinger Slams Boebert, Warns of ‘Christian Taliban’

Lauren Boebert; Adam Kinzinger



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-D), who believes that there was a Jan. 6 “insurrection” and that he has a chance to be president of the United States, is outraged at statements Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) made Sunday about the separation of church and state. On Wednesday, Kinzinger raged semi-coherently on Twitter: “There is no difference between this and the Taliban. We must oppose the Christian Taliban. I say this as a Christian.” The Christian Taliban! Did Boebert call for the beheading of unbelievers? The firebombing of girls’ schools? Throwing gays off the top of tall buildings? Not quite.

There is no difference between this and the Taliban. We must opposed the Christian Taliban. I say this as a Christian

— Adam Kinzinger🇺🇦🇺🇸✌️ (@AdamKinzinger) June 29, 2022

What Boebert did say was certainly controversial. Speaking at the Cornerstone Christian Center in Basalt, Colo., Boebert declared: “I’m tired of this separation of church and state junk — that’s not in the constitution. It was in a stinking letter and it means nothing like they say it does.” The “stinking letter” in question was one Thomas Jefferson wrote in 1802 that spoke of a “wall of separation between Church and State.” As commonly used as the “wall of separation” phrase is, it doesn’t appear in the Constitution, which says only that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”

This means that there is to be no established, that is, government-supported, religion in the U.S. or government favoring of one religion over another. It does not mean, as it has often been taken these days, that religion is to have no place in public life, while drag queens cavort in elementary schools right after gender transition class.

Boebert, however, went even farther, asserting: “The church is supposed to direct the government. The government is not supposed to direct the church. That is not how our founding fathers intended it.” Many of the Founding Fathers would strongly object to the idea that “the church is supposed to direct the government,” but Boebert was likely trying to articulate the principle that the government should be informed by religious values, as John Adams stated: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Nonetheless, there is no doubt that she stated her point clumsily, in a way that left open a big target for the likes of Kinzinger.

In taking aim, however, Kinzinger revealed both his prejudices and his ignorance. The Taliban, after all, is a terrorist group. Given the fact that the Biden “Justice” Department has likened angry parents at school board meetings to terrorists, it’s not surprising that the RINO congressman would imply that Boebert is a terrorist, but in doing so he revealed that, despite professing Christianity, he knows little about both Christianity and the Taliban.

The Taliban, after all, threatened in January to put 2,000 jihad suicide bombers in the Afghan embassy in Washington, D.C. Jihad suicide bombers remain a key part of their strategic force inside Afghanistan. Since it retook control of Afghanistan, Taliban jihadis have closed girls’ schools and endorsed women’s education only in Islamic religious instruction. They shot a couple dead for “moral corruption” in the Afghan city of Mazar-e-Sharif. The group has forbidden women to travel unless they’re accompanied by a male guardian. It has a kill list of gays in Afghanistan. It murdered three people at a wedding where music was being played because celebratory music is forbidden in Islam. It beheaded a junior volleyball player who was part of the Afghan women’s national team.

If Lauren Boebert really does want to jettison the First Amendment and establish Christianity as the official religion of the United States, that still doesn’t make her remotely like the Taliban, because Christianity simply does not teach that women must not travel without a male guardian, that homosexuals should be put to death, that music violates the law of God and those who play it should likewise be executed, or that those whose beliefs deviate from those of the ruling group should be beheaded.

Kinzinger, in calling Boebert “the Christian Taliban,” demonstrates his abject ignorance of both. He also demonstrates his distaste for the religion he professes to embrace, for if he knew anything about Christianity, he would know that even its most extreme expressions aren’t anything like the Taliban. He also suggests that underneath his politically correct exterior, he harbors some ugly “Islamophobic” views about the Taliban and Islam in general. Do his handlers know that Adam has unwittingly strayed off the reservation?

Deep State Weaponization of Science and Medicine: Alex Newman Interviews Rebecca Terrell, new senior editor of the NEW AMERICAN

The Deep State has weaponized science and medicine to wage war on human freedom, most recently seen in all the medical tyranny that descended on America and humanity over the last two years, The New American magazine Senior Editor Rebecca Terrell told Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. Monkeypox may be the next big Deep State tool to advance its agenda, Rebecca said. The two also discuss vaccines more broadly, as well as the globalization of “health” policy at the United Nations and the depopulation agenda being pushed by the global predator class. Finally, Alex and Rebecca get into the diabolical lie that people can upgrade themselves into gods through technology, genetic modification, and more.

Happy Now, AOC and Pelosi? Pregnancy Clinic Torched in Colorado



Is This What AOC and Pelosi Wanted? Christian Pregnancy Clinic Torched in Colorado



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

At 3:17 on Saturday morning, a fire broke out at Life Choices, a Christian pregnancy clinic in Longmont, Colorado that offers “’Christ-centered ministry providing education, support, healing, and limited medical services for sexual life choices.” Police regard the fire as an arson attack. The building was also daubed with graffiti reading “Bans off our bodies” and “If abortions aren’t safe neither are you,” along with the anarchist symbol. With all the incendiary language coming from Democrat leaders, the only surprise here is that more such clinics haven’t been torched thus far.

There certainly has been plenty of incitement. One of the rising stars of the Democrat Party, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-Swizzle Stick) demanded that pro-abortionists go “into the streets,” and party elder stateswoman Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Eye-Popping Fury) declared, “The hell with the Supreme Court. We will defy them!” The eminent and universally respected speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi (D-Ice Cream Freezer), sent out a fundraising email calling on her supporters to “RISE UP” and “make every last anti-choice Republican REGRET what they’ve done.”

Barack Obama’s call was more muted: “Join with the activists who’ve been sounding the alarm on abortion access for years – and act. Stand with them at a local protest.” At a time when Leftist protests so easily become violent, it was noteworthy that Obama didn’t say anything about protesting peacefully (unlike, say, Donald Trump on Jan. 6, 2021). Jill Biden tweeted: “For nearly 50 years, women have had the right to make our own decisions about our bodies. Today, that right was stolen from us. And while we may be devastated by this injustice, we will not be silent. We will not sit back as the progress we have already won slips away.” And: “Tomorrow, we will continue to fight — for our daughters and granddaughters, and for ourselves — until all women can decide our own futures once again.”

Well, they didn’t sit back in Longmont, Colo. They fought. Is the torched pro-life clinic, which suffered extensive fire and smoke damage, what all these Leftist leaders wanted? Will they condemn this arson? It’s much more likely that they will ignore it altogether, just as they ignored the Antifa and Black Lives Matter riots of the summer of 2020.

Related: Riots Are Now an Establishment Industry and Will Happen Every Summer

Democrat leaders are also likely to ignore the Saturday morning attack on the Vermont State House, where the attackers also painted “If abortions aren’t safe you’re not either” and caused over $25,000 in damage. Here once again the basic intelligence of Leftist rioters is in serious question. Are they not aware that there probably isn’t a single person in the Vermont State House who is happy that Roe v. Wade was overturned? Do they seriously not know that Vermont is one of the least likely states to outlaw abortion now that states are able to do so? Don’t they realize that Vermont has given us Howard Dean and Bernie Sanders? If this attack had taken place at the state house in Texas or Alabama, it would at the very least make some sense, but Vermont? If anything proved that these thugs are indoctrinated bots bereft of the most elementary critical thinking skills, it was this attack.

Much more important, however, is the Left’s increasing taste for political violence. Remember that the Biden administration refused to condemn the illegal protests at the homes of the Justices who were seen as likely to vote to overturn Roe (and did so). Remember that back in 2018, speaking about the separation of migrant children from their putative parents at the Southern border, Pelosi said, “I just don’t even know why there aren’t uprisings all over the country. And maybe there will be when people realize that this is a policy that they defend.” At that time, Waters called on her followers to confront and menace Trump administration officials: “If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.” And in 2020, Kamala Harris said of the Left’s riots, “They’re not going to stop. This is a movement, I’m telling you. They’re not going to stop and everyone beware, because they’re not going to stop. They’re not going to stop before Election Day in November and they’re not going to stop after Election Day. Everyone should take note of that on both levels. They’re not going to let up and they should not and we should not.”

As the incidents in Colorado and Vermont have shown anew, they haven’t stopped. And they won’t stop, because the incitement is coming from the top.

Reiner Füllmich & 50 Lawyers: The Vaccines Are Designed to Kill and Depopulate the Planet

Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

After hearing the witness statements to the German Corona Investigative Committee by former vice president of Pfizer dr Mike Yeadon who has been a scientist for 36 years, lawyers with Reiner Füllmich draw the same conclusion: The injections normally called Corona vaccines are designed to experiment on the human race and to find out what dosage of a yet unknown toxin is needed in order to kill people. The mortality rate linked to the vaccines, according to Yeadon, is traceable in terms of lot numbers of the different batches, as some batches appear to be more lethal than others. When taking a look at the evidence available, the main goal with the injections all over the world is global depopulation, according to the lawyers involved. Dr Füllmich told Perspektiv that the lawyers preparing an international law suit were no longer in doubt: Poisoning and mass murder through so called Corona vaccines is intentionally being perpetrated on the peoples of the world.

Citizen Journalist Ulf Bittner from EU/EES Healthcare blog and Sverige Granskas stated in the interview that the situation with traceable lot numbers and injuries and death related to lot numbers is similar in the different health care regions of Sweden. Bittner is in contact with a vaccine coordinator who has provided documents to keep track of how many people have been injured and lost their lives related to the different batches of the so-called vaccines.


Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

After hearing the witness statements to the German Corona Investigative Committee by former vice president of Pfizer dr Mike Yeadon who has been a scientist for 36 years, lawyers with Reiner Füllmich draw the same conclusion: The injections normally called Corona vaccines are designed to experiment on the human race and to find out what dosage of a yet unknown toxin is needed in order to kill people. The mortality rate linked to the vaccines, according to Yeadon, is traceable in terms of lot numbers of the different batches, as some batches appear to be more lethal than others. When taking a look at the evidence available, the main goal with the injections all over the world is global depopulation, according to the lawyers involved. Dr. Füllmich told Perspektiv that the lawyers preparing an international lawsuit were no longer in doubt: Poisoning and mass murder through so-called Corona vaccines is intentionally being perpetrated on the peoples of the world.

Citizen Journalist Ulf Bittner from EU/EES Healthcare blog and Sverige Granskas stated in the interview that the situation with traceable lot numbers and injuries and death related to lot numbers is similar in the different health care regions of Sweden. Bittner is in contact with a vaccine coordinator who has provided documents to keep track of how many people have been injured and lost their lives related to the different batches of the so-called vaccines.

01:00 Different numbers on the barcodes on the bottom of the vaccine doses are placebo which has been given to politicians according to a Slovenian chief nurse. Is it the same in other countries?

1:54 Mike Yeadon and the LOT numbers of some shots of the brands Moderna, Johnson& Johnson, and Pfizer/Biontech are related to much higher mortality than for the other manufacturers.

3:52 The producers of the so-called vaccines are experimenting with the correct dosages to kill people according to Dr. Füllmich. This according to the Corona Investigative Committee, constitute compelling evidence for punitive damages and attempted mass murder. They are intentionally killing people.

08:30 Lawyers from India have filed complaints for premeditative murder.

09:55 Mike Yeadon is a witness for the coming legal action against the perpetrators.

10:44 Everyone who criticizes the wrongdoings of the governments of the world is being called a 'right-wing extremist'. This has also happened to the internationally renowned scientist Mike Yeadon.

13:05 CDC withdrew the recommendation for the PCR tests diagnosing SARS-CoV-2 from 31/12-2021. PCR- tests are the foundation of the pandemic. Why is Anthony Fauci now doing a 180-degree turn?

17:25 At least a million dollars per person will be claimed in punitive damages if the lawsuit is successful.

18:33 Previously only ten percent of all adverse effects were reported. In the situation the world is right now, the team estimated that in fact only one percent of all adverse effects were being reported.

19:25 CEO of a Life insurance company from Indiana USA with 100 billion dollars in assets said: ”Over the span of this past year there has been an excess mortality of 40 percent”. This is believed to be due to the injections.

21:05 What substance in the vials makes them so lethal? Is it Graphene Oxide/graphene hydroxide?

22:37 Any vaccine is a poison, it is the dosage that makes the difference. This is not a vaccine, as a vaccine provides immunity, while these products demand incessant injections. Either a vaccine works or it does not.

24:40 This is not gene therapy either, since gene therapy means exchanging a broken gene with a fixed one. This is more like experimenting on people and trying to kill us.

25.15 The doses are not tested by governments, while governments will be keeping the contracts hidden from the public for at least 55 years. How is this affecting the possibility of getting people punished? Dr Füllmich goes through all the lies paving the way for the tyrannical situation the world is now in.

28:25 The vaccines are neither safe nor effective. The producers are experimenting on lethal doses of poison. Everyone now taking part in intentional malicious infliction of harm will be punished.

30:05 How sure are legal experts about the conclusion that Mike Yeadon has drawn from this, that it is all about depopulation and intentionally killing people through injections? If close to 50 lawyers are of the same opinion, it is regarded as "irrefutable proof”.

32:08 Batches of injections in Sweden can be traced by an application.

32:45 Füllmich is in cooperation with people working within the secret service of Germany who do not wish to take the injections.

34:15 Dr. Lee Merritt on combat pilots in the USA refusing to get the shots. According to Dr. Füllmich, Dr. Merrit explained: ”They understood that if they were forced to [get vaccinated] they were going to get killed.”

35:15 Information is being collected in batches in Sweden from every region, the Swedish health authorities (Folkhälsomyndigheten) and the medical board (Läkemedelsverket). Every batch is traceable through an application. There is an economic reward for the Swedish regions which manage to get more people injected. One of the expert lawyers involved in the upcoming court hearings is a specialist in Nuremberg Trials.

38:45 How will the trials be performed, and through what legal structure? A common design, the same structure as for the Nuremberg trials.

39:40 Free choice should reign for members of the European Union. Consumers of health care have consumer rights. Fraud means misleading the people and consumers of health care.

42:00 The so-called vaccines are adulterated products put on the market. According to Mike Yeadon, there is a law in the US that will make everyone liable for the harms created by the adulterated product. Toxins are being put into the vials other than the known lipids etc, which the people who took the vaccines never consented to.

43:40 The importance of decentralization of power and national independence rather than global organizations such as the European Union telling the people what to do. Disconnecting from the banking system, NGOs and creating independent and strong agricultural supply chains, energy supply chains, etc.

46:15 When are the trials going to take place? How will the indictments happen and how will the trials be held? One of the goals is to inform people and expose the wrongdoings by involving the alternative media so that the mainstream media won't be able to ignore the trials. The crew is working on a new system of law in the USA, Africa, and Germany.

50:48 Dr. Füllmich believes the world is close to a tipping point and the whole narrative will fall apart very very soon, maybe in a couple of weeks or months.

54:13 Robert Malone, Robert F Kennedy, and Mike Yeadon and others involved in exposing the agenda are in contact with each other, and a tour is planned with these whistleblowers in the USA in March

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