Nervous Democrats Want Biden to Give Up Control of Nuclear Codes~BIDEN’S COGNITIVE ABILITY WANING, GETTING SCARY

Sean Hannity: Biden's cognitive problems are 'getting scary'

Rumble — Sean gives his take on the administration's policy toward immigration and border security.



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Representative Jimmy Panetta (D-Calif.), joined by nearly three dozen other Democrats on Tuesday, sent a letter to President Biden expressing legitimate concern over his having unilateral control of the nuclear codes:

Vesting one person with this authority entails real risks.

Past presidents have threatened to attack other countries with nuclear weapons or [have] exhibited behavior that caused [foreign] officials concern about the president’s judgment….

While any president would presumably consult with advisors before ordering a nuclear attack, there is no requirement to do so. The military is obligated to carry out the order if they assess it is legal under the laws of war.

Under the current posture of U.S. nuclear forces, that attack could happen in minutes.

While Democrats feigned concern over control of the nuclear codes — the 45-pound briefcase called the “nuclear football” — when Donald Trump was in the White House, this time their concerns are likely real.

During Monday’s ceremony honoring Americans who have died from COVID, Joe Biden suffered a massive brain freeze:

The only way to spare more pain and more loss, the only way … these millstones no longer mark our national mourning … these milestones, I should say, no longer … no longer moke … mark our national mourning.

On Tuesday, during a virtual phone call from the White House to a childcare worker in Columbus, Ohio, Biden was asked, “When are you going to see us in Columbus?” Biden answered, “Well, I’m going to be back in Columbus,” adding:

I was in Columbus, actually now it’s about literally 35 days or so ago … I came through on a whistle-stop on a train.

The actual event in Ohio occurred on September 30, 146 days ago, and it was in Cleveland, not Columbus.

A virtual cottage industry has sprung up compiling Biden’s gaffes. For those with the stomach for it, The Scoop has a ten-minute-long video of his more famous, or infamous, gaffes.

During the campaign, a joke was made about Biden’s dementia that might, if he were to become president, cause him to set off nuclear war by mistake, thinking he was pushing the button on the TV remote.

Now, considering that he is the present occupant of the Oval Office, it’s no joke.

POLICE STATE NEW JERSEY Senator MELENDEZ, With Illegal Alien Child Molester Intern, Introduces Biden’s Illegal Alien Amnesty

Senator Menendez also stood trial for helping his donor abuse the immigration system.



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

"We have 11 million undocumented people living, working and raising families in our communities without legal status," Senator Robert Menendez argued, introducing the Biden illegal alien amnesty bill that he had sponsored. "These are good and decent people."

Menendez, who was tried for, among other things, allegedly taking bribes to help his millionaire Dominican donor obtain visas for his model ‘girlfriends’, knows a lot about immigration.

He also knows quite a bit about the goodness and decency of illegal aliens.

Menendez’s office was caught employing an illegal alien intern who was also a registered sex offender. The intern, Luis Abrahan Sanchez Zavaleta, had come from Peru on a tourist visa that had expired. Luis proved his goodness and decency by molesting an 8-year-old boy.

The South American child molester however was an unpaid intern because there are some jobs, like interning for Senator Menendez, that even American child molesters won’t do.

Luis had repeatedly sexually assaulted an 8-year-old boy. He was charged with "aggravated sexual assault" which under the state criminal code involves "an act of sexual penetration." Since this was New Jersey, a state run by Democrats and the mob, the Menendez intern only received two years probation and was not turned over to ICE until after he tried to apply for Obama’s DACA illegal alien amnesty.

When ICE finally got wind of it and was ready to send the illegal alien child molester back to Peru, its New Jersey agents were told to stand down by the Obama officials running immigration in Washington D.C. because Menedez was up for reelection in two weeks and the Democrats wanted to avoid an arrest that risked “garnering significant congressional and media interest”

Obama officials denied everything and Senator Menendez borrowed Obama’s favorite line, claiming that he had only heard that his office had an illegal alien child molester from the news.

But Menendez whined that employing an illegal alien child molester made amnesty more urgent.

"It does speak volumes about why we need comprehensive immigration reform," Senator Menendez had argued. "I can't know who is here to pursue the American dream versus who is here to do it damage if I cannot get people to come forth out of the shadows."

The shadows being those of his own office which failed to check the sex offender registry. We can deport illegal alien child molesters without offering amnesty to millions of illegals.

Now, Senator Menendez has introduced the illegal alien amnesty bill championed by the Biden administration which would provide amnesty for at least 11 million or as many as 22 million illegal aliens and ensure a rapid pathway to legal status for DACA applicants like Luis.

Menendez has always been passionate about immigration. He was so passionate about it that he ended up being indicted on 8 counts of bribery, for, among other things, helping a millionaire Dominican immigrant donor in his sixties get visas for his twenty-something model “girlfriends”.

According to the indictment, Senator Menedez got “access to an exclusive Dominican resort” and the “use of a Caribbean villa”, not to mention $750,000 in cash to Democrats. Then there was a trip to Paris for Menendez with a “woman with whom he had a personal relationship”.

Senator Menendez also "used his position as a United States Senator” to “influence the visa proceedings” for his donor’s “foreign girlfriends", according to the indictment. These girlfriends allegedly included Juliana Lopes Leite, an actress and model from Brazil, on whose behalf Menendez's senior policy advisor told the State Department that he wanted to "advocate unconditionally" and "encourage careful consideration" of her visa application.

While she came to America on a student visa, Menendez met her as his donor's girlfriend.

Then there was Rosiell Polanco Suero, a Dominican model, who, along with her sister, wanted to come to America. Menendez's office sent an email to the Consul General in the Dominican Republic urging him to approve their visas. When their applications were turned down, Menendez applied the screws and the sisters got a call telling them to come in for a second hearing.

“Subj: Two people from the D.R. who wanted visas to visit Dr. Melgen got them. In my view, this is only due to the fact that R.M. intervened,” read an email sent to Daniel O’Brien, Menendez’s chief of staff. O’Brien had formerly worked as the chief of staff for Senator Joe Biden.

Finally, there was Svitlana Buchyk, a Urkranian model and actress living in Spain on whose behalf Menendez wrote another letter.

You’ve gotta give Senator Menedez credit for caring about model immigrants.

“Certain elements of the FBI and of our state cannot stand, or even worse, accept that the Latino kid from Union City and Hudson County could grow up to be a United States senator and be honest,” the New Jersey senator declared, blaming his legal misfortunes on racism.

After spending over $5 million on his legal defense, Menendez’s trial ended in a hung jury and he’s now the public face of Biden’s amnesty push while lecturing us about the goodness and decency of illegal aliens. If we won’t agree, then like the FBI and the investigators who put him on trial, we’re also racists who hate a “Latino kid” who has spent 47 years “working” in politics.

Just like Joe Biden.

It’s no wonder that Biden picked another member of the “47 Years in Politics” club to be the public face of his campaign to kill American jobs and eliminate any hope for the future.

Unlike the Latin American and Ukranian “models” eager to come to America and party with Senator Menendez’s donor three times their age, his illegal alien advocacy wouldn’t just harm the domestic prostitution industry but would steal the jobs and dreams of millions of Americans.

It would also boost domestic crime and potentially enable child molesters like his former intern.

What does it say about the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021, Biden’s illegal alien amnesty bill, that it was introduced by Senator Menendez, who had stood trial on bribery charges, and in the House by Rep. Linda Chavez, whose husband had been indicted over the alleged theft of taxpayer funds?

"I am the daughter of immigrant parents from Mexico. They came to this country and they work hard and they sacrificed every day to provide for me and my brothers and sisters," Rep. Linda Sanchez claimed. "Their story is like the story of so many others."

Like so many others, Rep. Linda Sanchez, and her sister, Rep. Loretta Sanchez, who had run for office by telling her bigoted voters that,  “the Vietnamese and the Republicans are… trying to take this seat”, built careers in politics. Linda, who represents a district in California, married the chair of the Connecticut Municipal Electric Energy Corporation who was lobbying her colleague.

Linda’s husband allegedly took $800,000 from CMEEC and spent it on trips to the Kentucky Derby and a flight for Linda to Key West, Florida. Sanchez claimed that her Kentucky Derby trip had been okayed by the House Ethics Committee. It’s a story like so many others.

It’s hard to think of two worse rotten hacks to be the public face for Biden’s illegal alien amnesty.

Biden’s illegal alien amnesty will sail through the House, but faces challenges in the Senate. Its champion there will be a politician who was tried for bribery involving abuse of the immigration system and whose child molesting illegal alien intern had been protected from ICE.

Senator Menendez is the perfect man for the job because he’s the epitome of abusing the immigration system. And somewhere in New Jersey are the parents of a boy abused by his intern, an illegal alien who should have been deported long before he could commit his crime.

How many more little boys will be abused by the beneficiaries of Biden’s illegal alien amnesty?

DHS: ‘Right-Wing Extremists’ Committed Most Deadly Terrorist Attacks Last Year~Not Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Communists or Islamic Jihadists



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

My latest in PJ Media:

In yet another story purporting to confirm the left’s view of the world, Jana Winter reported in Yahoo News Friday that “the U.S. government is acknowledging for the first time that right-wing extremists were responsible for the majority of fatal domestic terrorist attacks last year, according to an internal report circulated by the Department of Homeland Security last week.” But as you might expect, it’s long on vague assertions and decidedly short on facts.

The report was produced by the Joint Regional Intelligence Center, which Winter describes as “a DHS-funded fusion center,” and was sent out to police nationwide. It claims that civil unrest and violence last year were primarily associated with “non-affiliated, right-wing and left-wing actors,” and that “right-wing [domestic violent extremists] were responsible for the majority of fatal attacks in the Homeland in 2020.”

That wretchedly written statement apparently says that most fatal attacks in the U.S. were perpetrated by both “right-wing and left-wing actors,” and yet “journalist” Winter and the “experts” she quotes all concentrate exclusively on the “right-wing extremism.” And to be sure, the report itself appears to be designed to give the impression that “right-wing extremism” is a genuine and major threat, while quietly admitting that there is a bit of violence on the left.

The Yahoo News report asserts that “this appears to be the first known instance of an official government or law enforcement agency clearly acknowledging the trend, though senior officials have noted the rise in white supremacist attacks.” It isn’t really all that new, however: FBI director Christopher Wray claimed back in September 2017 that “white nationalist” violence was at least as much of a danger to the United States as the Islamic State. But now this claim is being codified as policy. Seth Jones of the Center for Strategic and International Studies states of the new report: “What is a little unusual is that they’ve used terms like ‘right- and left-wing’ in a government document, because the government has generally used other terms. The government in 2020 did try to stay away from ‘right-wing’ terms because they were easily politicized.”

There is more. Read the rest here:

CANADIAN Pastor Defies Church Lockdowns: “Our responsibility is to open our doors.”

Preached by Pastor James Coates of Gracelife Church of Edmonton Watch the full sermon here:

FULL SERMON - GraceLife Church - Feb 14, 2021 (Romans 13:1-4) "Directing Government to its Duty"

This is an upload of the February 14, 2021 recorded sermon in its entirety. The original recording of the sermon stream is missing content due to a loss of internet connection at roughly the 47 minute mark in the original file.

Romans 13 and James Coates

What should the government do? Alberta Pastor James Coates arrested and says this to government.

What should politicians do when faced with the choice of ruining their political careers or doing the right thing? Pastor James Coates addressed this when preaching on Romans 13 and the God ordained limits and purpose of governmental authority.

Lawyer for arrested Pastor James Coates speaks out: GraceLife Church leader broke COVID rules

Wife of Pastor Jailed in Canada Shares Their Story

This past week Pastor James Coates was jailed for breaking health protocols while leading his church service (Grace Life). His official statement is here: His wife, Erin Coates, joins me to share the story from her perspective and give a personal update.


Democrats Confess To Staging Jan 6th Capitol Attack

Democrats blame Trump and Republicans for staged psy-op that they formulated

Newly revealed footage of ANTIFA leader John Sullivan admitting to organizing the January 6th riot directly contradicts the recent Washington Post article blaming Alex Jones and Roger Stone. Share this special report to get the word out!

Are Our Children Not Essential? Failing the children of New York.



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

For 150 years New York City Public Schools have remained continuously open and undaunted by all manner of calamities and natural disasters. Throughout our history from the Spanish Flu of 1918, the Great Depression, two World Wars, Cold War panic, civil unrest, the terrorist attacks on Sept 11, 2001, to Hurricane Sandy, the schools have always been open.

Not until 2020 has New York had a governor, a mayor, and a political class during a time of crisis, who have so miserably failed the children of New York. They have put our children in harm’s way physically, emotionally and academically.  We do not know the full scope of the consequences of these failures on the part of our political leadership, but the closing of our schools for 10 months and likely longer can be considered one of the biggest scandals in the history of our country. It has already taken an enormous toll on a generation of our children suffering in remote-learning environments, sequestered on endless video games. The laundry list of physical, emotional and academic maladies affecting our children due to remote-learning include mental illness, suicide, sickness, depression, anxiety, weight gain, isolation, 10 months of squandered learning, and lost opportunities for academic and athletic scholarships.

It has taken an enormous toll on working and middle-class parents and their extended family as well. The balancing act that parents must perform is work, their child’s education, and the financial stability of their families. These challenges that parents face are simply devastating. Never has the pressure been so unevenly placed upon the family unit than it has today by New York politicians. 

The public heaved a big sigh of relief when teachers were classified as essential and went to the front of the line for Phase 1 of the vaccinations. We all thought that within a short span of time, we would see the beginning of the reopening of our schools and the return to normalcy.

Teachers who were in their 20’s went to the head of the line, in front of seniors and people with comorbidities. But the public was ok with it because teachers are essential to the education and development of our greatest asset in America, our children.

The public was willing to let the teachers go to the front of the line and were hopeful to see the light at the end of the remote-learning tunnel. But the hope soon turned to despair as we were conned once again. The bait and switch charade pulled off on the public was from a minor faction of teachers and the union leadership who are still balking about going back into the classroom. While teachers are considered essential in receiving preferential treatment, our children are an afterthought.

For 150 years, New York’s political leadership understood the prime importance and significance of a good education, to ensure successful outcomes for future generations of our children. In 2020, the world changed. Elected officials abdicated their responsibilities in government and leadership roles regarding the education of our children, and left it in the hands of union leaders and a few selfish interests.

The political con job they played on parents and their kids was in promoting their misleading narrative that the classroom environment is unsafe. While the city’s schools closed for 10 months, Catholic and private schools have effectively remained open, and the teachers are safely at work doing in-person learning. The CDC never recommended schools close, and the CDC Director said schools are 'one of the safest places' for kids during the pandemic. Catholic schools are already starting up their after-school sports programs to begin on March 1st. Our local and state elected officials have failed our children, our parents, our communities, and our country, and there will be dire consequences for all.

The torturous road of the pandemic is indeed one filled with many heartbreaks.  Our schools are central to a thriving society today and for future generations to come.  We offer some simple guidance for the days that lay ahead.  Vaccinations for teachers and school staff started in January. By the middle of April all personnel of the city’s Department of Education, should have been vaccinated.  The mayor, City Council, and DOE should require all teachers and staff to be back at work by April 15th.  Citywide information portals should clearly communicate the planned reopening so that everyone understands NYC schools are in fact fully opened five days a week with after-school activities.  The consequences for those civil service employees who fail to report to work is the implementation of the Taylor Law to enforce back-to-work orders. This is above and beyond the realm of politics, union contracts, and special interests, and once and for all, decisive action must be taken.

What has been going on since March of last year has been near criminal. Never before in the history of our country, has a government and its political leadership so forsaken our most cherished resource in the present and for the future of our country. Our children are essential.

Phil Orenstein is the president of the Queens Village Republican Club. Established in 1875, it is America’s oldest Republican Club Historian, Jerry Matacotta, founder of History Seminar Series at Queensborough Community College was the advisor for this article. He worked 32 years for New York City Public Schools primarily teaching High School American History.

Biden Administration Weaponizes Left-wing ‘Research’ to Target Innocent Citizens

WARNING: Biden Administration Weaponizes Left-wing ‘Research’ to Target Innocent Citizens



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Under the newly installed president Joe Biden, the federal government is making an aggressive pivot to silence dissent and smear patriotic Americans as white supremacists. Taxpayer-funded grants are being doled out to universities and organizations eager to get the cash for their “research” on “disinformation,” “domestic extremism” and “white supremacy”.

While the establishment media is framing the effort as a response to the events that took place at the Capitol on January 6th, the initiative to deplatform and discredit *certain* Americans is nothing new, and was frankly only barely held in check during President Trump’s administration. Now the already well-funded effort of deplatforming citizens with the wrong opinions has the full backing of the federal government, often justified as combatting “disinformation.”

American University

One of the recipients of over $500,000 taxpayer dollars is American University, for a project that studies the “growing threat of violent white supremacist extremist disinformation.” According to an article at NBC News, “[T]he program is aimed at preventing the spread of the disinformation through what researchers call ‘attitudinal inoculation.'” “Attitudinal inoculation” is described with the vague, yet condescending goal to “give people who may be vulnerable to disinformation the skills to recognize it and argue against it, much as a vaccine builds antibodies to a virus before the body encounters it.”

American University’s Kurt Braddock is an expert on “attitudinal inoculation”, and he has also written about how President Trump is a “stochastic terrorist,” which he defines as someone who “makes comments that promote terrorism without explicitly asking people to engage in violence.”

Under that broad umbrella, anyone can be promoting violence, like the people in this video, perhaps:

The concept is reminiscent of “hate incidents” which are often used in place of “hate crimes” because there are frankly so few actual, convicted hate crimes committed by white people (the only group that matters in this context).

Braddock also dredged up the completely debunked, tiresome lie that President Trump referred to the pro-socialist nazis of Charlottesville as “very fine people.” Should Braddock be in charge of what constitutes “disinformation”?

Deplatforming Movement

There are many, many groups that have been actively and obsessively involved in justifying the deplatforming of conservatives since President Trump was elected in 2016. Deplatforming, or squashing conservative voices, is justified by these partisan actors as removing so-called disinformation. Those who engage in deplatforming smear their ideological opposition by falsely labeling them as “nazis,” “white supremacists,” “far-right,” “right-wing extremists,” or “white nationalists.”

The Deplatforming movement exists at the highest levels, and includes groups like Hillary Clinton’s Accountable Tech, the Trusted News InitiativeHOPE not hateData & SocietyMedia Matters for AmericaNARAL Pro-Choice AmericaMoveOn.orgCenter for Media and DemocracyCommon CauseDefeat Disinfo and countless others. Many deplatforming advocates signed a letter dated December 21, 2020 to Joe Biden asking that his administration “treat disinformation as a fundamental and intersectional threat…”

The Department of Homeland Security Will Persecute Conservatives

Author Nick Miroff of the Washington Post reports that the long-time left-wing effort to get the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to focus on “domestic terrorism” has finally paid off. In an article titled “The agency founded because of 9/11 is shifting to face the threat of domestic terrorism,” Miroff mentions Patrick Crusius, who murdered 23 innocent human beings in El Paso, Texas on Aug. 3, 2019 as an example of domestic terror. Miroff forgot to mention the subsequent mass murder of nine people by Dayton shooter Connor Betts the very next day. Betts was a radical leftist. The Washington Post “journalist” also has referred to “Trump’s rhetoric as the gasoline of extremism.”

The problem with the DHS focusing on domestic issues instead of guarding the homeland from external threats including illegal immigration is clear. Joe Biden’s administration is completely compromised.

Taxpayers are funding universities and organizations actively engaged in “research” designed to harm Americans by deplatforming them and painting them as “white supremacists” and “domestic extremists”. Those who conduct the research are often invited to participate in congressional hearings and take part in drafting legislation. Citizens must start paying attention before pro-American voices are silenced completely.

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WARNING: Communist Party USA and Hillary Clinton’s Indivisible Fight to Kill the Filibuster

WARNING: Communist Party USA and Hillary Clinton’s Indivisible Fight to Kill the Filibuster



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

“The Greatest Dangers Of The American Republics Proceed From The Unlimited Power Of The Majority” – Alexis de ToquevilleMarch 15, 1789

Democrats and their communist allies want to completely dismantle the filibuster, a.k.a. impose the “Nuclear Option”, which would empower them to pass crony-enriching, small-business killing, voter-fraud enabling legislation. The blurred line between democrat policy and communist policy has all but been erased.

Currently, Filibuster holdouts Democratic Senators Joe Manchin (D-W.Va) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) are under intense pressure to cave to the mob, as well as to endorse the $15 minimum wage, which has been shown repeatedly to disproportionately hurt small businesses and poor people. A recent study (go to page eight) by the Congressional Budget Office predicts that “employment would be reduced by 1.4 million workers” and the cost of products would increase, which hurts poor people, as well.

The CPUSA is also a strong supporter of the $15 minimum wage, a long-time communist initiative. Communists and their allies understand that the $15 minimum wage would hurt poor people, which is precisely why they promote it. If poor people suffer, they will blame “capitalism,” which could open the door for people to accept communism.

An article at the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) publication “People’s World” headlined “For the sake of democracy, kill off the Senate filibuster,” communist leader John Bachtell argues that passing radical legislation such as the deceptively-named “For the People Act”, the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, and getting D.C. statehood, “is contingent on either reforming or eliminating the Senate filibuster rule to allow simple majority votes.”

Contrast the communist leader’s article with Hillary Clinton’s ally Indivisible, who is pushing their followers to write letters to the editors of their local papers on three big issues: The Filibuster, the “For the People Act,” and D.C. Statehood. Their tool is very sophisticated; one can use a pre-written letter to add their name to automatically-populated local papers with just a few clicks. Citizens who may read the letters in their local newspapers would have no idea that the “authors” did not even write them, making it appear that there is a groundswell of support for leftist policies.

In a mass email sent to their followers on Friday, Indivisible writes in part:

LTEs [Letter to the Editor] are a great tool for building pressure on your members of Congress — senators, representatives, and their staffs pay close attention to media coverage in their states and districts to help monitor constituent interests and prioritize work.

Legislation such as the “Green New Deal” and the “For the People Act of 2021” are being shoved down the throats of Americans, many of whom are busy living their lives as the federal government busily takes away their rights. It should be noted that as installed puppet Joe Biden signs executive orders with abandon, he is in effect creating his own “Green New Deal” legislation without the filibuster to stop him.

Other prominent leftists are openly calling to dismantle the Filibuster SpokesSocialist and former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich:

Rep. Barbara Lee, described by filmmaker Trevor Loudon as “lifelong communist posing as a liberal democrat”:

Adam Parkhomenko, who co-founded the PAC responsible for violently attacking people as they exited the 2020 Republican National Convention:

Democrats Threatened to Shut Down the Government in 2005 to Preserve the Filibuster

Former President Obama joined his colleagues in 2005 as Democrats heartily fought for the filibuster and even threatened to “shut down all Senate operations if [then-GOP Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist] exercised the nuclear option.” Then-Senator Obama stated in 2005 that “the Founding Fathers established the filibuster as a means of protecting the minority from the tyranny of the majority”.

Back in July, however, Obama referred to the filibuster as a “Jim Crow relic.” RAIR Foundation USA reported that his reference “foreshadowed the fight to come,” and indeed, the fight is here.

The mere threat of dismantling the filibuster during the George W. Bush administration (as Democrats unceasingly used the filibuster to block Bush nominees) caused intense rage and pledges of support for the filibuster in 2005. “The filibuster is one of the only ways to encourage genuine bipartisan cooperation and compromise on important issues that come before the Senate,” wrote the Left-wing group Center for American Progress.

“If Republicans fulfill their threat to overturn the historic role of the filibuster in order to ram the Bush administration’s nominees through, they will be inviting all-out warfare and perhaps an effective shutdown of Congress,” anguished the New York Times in a 2005 editorial “The Senate on the Brink”. But Left-wing publications such as the New York Times change their position on the filibuster depending on whether or not the filibuster will thwart the leftist agenda.

In 1995, the same New York Times complained that “the Republican minority invoked an endless string of filibusters to frustrate the will of the majority” and referred to the filibuster as an “archaic rule that frustrates democracy and serves no useful purpose.”

Obviously, the cowards in the Republican party are ill-equipped to fight the democrats. If the filibuster is effectively destroyed, it will be the end of the Republic.

Support our work at RAIR Foundation USA! We are a grassroots activist team and we need your help! Please consider making a donation here:

US government says ‘right-wing extremists’ responsible for majority of deadly terrorist attacks last year



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Note that there are no definitions. What does the government define as “right-wing”? What do they classify as “left-wing”? What do they define as a “terrorist attack”? The Joint Regional Intelligence Center report defines “terrorist incidents” as “violence motivated by political or religious conviction,” but offers no definitions of the other terms. It does, however, attempt to excuse “left-wing” violence, claiming that there was a “rarity of left-wing extremist attacks,” and that “increased response to right-wing activity motivated more left-wing violence in 2020 than in previous years.” Do the Antifa and Black Lives Matter riots all over the country last summer get counted as terrorist attacks? Note also that there is apparently little or no specific data: “the government has released no data on historical activity or the current threat landscape, prompting a number of data projects from think tanks and other groups tracking domestic extremist threats.” And there is strange fudging, epitomized by this sentence: “non-affiliated, right-wing and left-wing actors, right-wing [domestic violent extremists] were responsible for the majority of fatal attacks in the Homeland in 2020.” That wretchedly written statement apparently says that most fatal attacks in the U.S. were perpetrated by both “right-wing and left-wing actors,” and yet “journalist” Jana Winter and the officials she quotes all concentrate exclusively on the “right-wing extremism.”

Given the irresponsible but no doubt calculated lack of definitions, this Joint Regional Intelligence Center report, and the Yahoo News story about it, appears to be one more attempt to portray peaceful, law-abiding Americans who supported President Trump and dissent from the leftist agenda as terrorists and as enablers of terrorism.

Meanwhile, while our agencies purvey this propaganda, the global jihad proceeds apace.

“Feds now say right-wing extremists responsible for the majority of deadly terrorist attacks last year,” by Jana Winter, Yahoo News, February 19, 2021:

The U.S. government is acknowledging for the first time that right-wing extremists were responsible for the majority of fatal domestic terrorist attacks last year, according to an internal report circulated by the Department of Homeland Security last week and obtained by Yahoo News.

A review of last year’s domestic terrorist incidents by a DHS fusion center — which shares threat-related information between federal, state and local partners — found that although civil unrest and antigovernment violence were associated with “non-affiliated, right-wing and left-wing actors, right-wing [domestic violent extremists] were responsible for the majority of fatal attacks in the Homeland in 2020.”

The report, produced by the Joint Regional Intelligence Center, a DHS-funded fusion center, was sent out to police and law enforcement agencies nationwide as part of an intelligence-sharing system created after the 9/11 attacks.

While independent think tanks and outside groups have been pointing to the rise in ring-wing violence for some time, this appears to be the first known instance of an official government or law enforcement agency clearly acknowledging the trend, though senior officials have noted the rise in white supremacist attacks. The report also comes not long after the end of the Trump administration, which was criticized for downplaying right-wing violence.

Former President Donald Trump, in particular, frequently referred to the threat from antifa, a loose movement of left-wing activists.

“The government has not said this publicly, law enforcement has not said this publicly,” said Seth Jones of the Center for Strategic and International Studies think tank. “This is new.”

The findings about right-wing extremism are “consistent with every single assessment of data I’ve seen, not just in 2020 but in 2019,” Jones said after reviewing the fusion center report.

In October of last year, CSIS published its own analysis of domestic terrorist activity in the U.S. for the first eight months of 2020. Its data showed that white supremacists and other right-wing extremists conducted two-thirds of the terrorist plots and attacks in the nation during that period.

The CSIS report notes that the FBI and DHS have in the past identified “racially and ethnically motivated violent extremists,” and specifically white supremacists, as the biggest threat to the U.S. But the government has released no data on historical activity or the current threat landscape, prompting a number of data projects from think tanks and other groups tracking domestic extremist threats.

“What is a little unusual is that they’ve used terms like ‘right- and left-wing’ in a government document, because the government has generally used other terms,” said Jones.

“The government in 2020 did try to stay away from ‘right-wing’ terms because they were easily politicized,” he added….

“There is a lot of overlap between white supremacists and far-right militias, and they often work together during the commission of violent acts,” German said, “like at the attack on the Capitol.”

Critical Race Theory Costs Staffer at Smith College Her Job



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

A staff member at Smith College, Jody Shaw, resigned her position as a student support coordinator because of the “hostile atmosphere” at the college. It appears that Ms. Shaw ran afoul of critical race theory fanatics who forced her to “participate in racially prejudicial behavior as a condition” of her employment.

Shaw, being a normal, intelligent, woman rebelled. She blew the whistle on the racialists at Smith College in a scathing video she posted to YouTube.

Bari Weiss is also covering this disturbing story.

“I ask that Smith College stop reducing my personhood to a racial category. Stop telling me what I must think and feel about myself,” she said. “Stop presuming to know who I am or what my culture is based upon my skin color. Stop asking me to project stereotypes and assumptions onto others based on their skin color.”

This is the essence of critical race theory. In order to make “progress” in “combatting racism,” everyone is reduced to a stick figure. It’s so much easier to define individuals when you identify them as members of a specific group, with specific beliefs, biases, prejudices,

In her resignation letter to the university president, she didn’t pull any punches.

Every day, I watch my colleagues manage student conflict through the lens of race, projecting rigid assumptions and stereotypes on students, thereby reducing them to the color of their skin. I am asked to do the same, as well as to support a curriculum for students that teaches them to project those same stereotypes and assumptions onto themselves and others. I believe such a curriculum is dehumanizing, prevents authentic connection, and undermines the moral agency of young people who are just beginning to find their way in the world.

Ms. Weiss catalogs the damage this ideology/theology is doing to people in all walks of life, of all colors.

We all know that something morally grotesque is swallowing liberal America. Almost no one wants to risk talking about it out loud.

Every day I get phone calls from anxious Americans complaining about an ideology that wants to pull all of us into the past.

I get calls from parents telling me about the damaging things being taught in schools: so-called antiracist programs that urge children to obsess on the color of their skin.

I get calls from people working in corporate America forced to go to trainings in which they learn that they carry collective, race-based guilt — or benefit from collective, race-based virtue.

I get calls from young people just launching their careers telling me that they feel they have no choice but to profess fealty to this ideology in order to keep their jobs.

Almost no one who calls me is willing to go public. And I understand why. To go public with what’s happening is to risk their jobs and their reputations.

We need more Jodi Shaws in the world. The problem is that it takes otherworldly courage to speak out, to demand change. I daresay Ms. Shaw’s life will never be the same. And given her stand was made on a college campus, any career she was hoping for in higher education is probably ruined. She’s probably lost some friends over her stand. Her life has been changed forever.

It’s important that we realize that this didn’t have to happen. Small-minded, even ignorant people see salvation in controlling the minds and lives of others. Is it a mass delusion that they believe they are actually “fighting racism,” that they’re doing this for white people’s own good? Or are these the same efforts at control that have been around since humans created civilizations?

It’s a contagion that no one seems capable of stopping. Perhaps it’s good enough now that enough of us speak out and fight for what we know in our bones is right.

Gay Mafia Strikes German Pastor

A court in Bremen (Germany) has condemned a well-known and controversial Protestant pastor for hate speech against homosexuals.

Olaf Latzel, pastor of the mainline Evangelical Church Germany (EKD) church St. Martini in Bremen, has been sentenced to a fine of 8,100 euros. Latzel will appeal the sentence.

February 12, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — In a stunning sentence late last year, a court in Bremen, Germany, sentenced Rev. Olaf Latzel of St. Martini (part of the Evangelical Church in Germany: EKD) to a fine of €8,100 for “inciting hatred” against homosexuals in private remarks made to church couples. During the seminar, Latzel defended the biblical definitions of gender and sexuality, condemning the Berlin Pride March and referring to gender ideology as “an attack against God’s order of Creation.”

Pastor Olaf Latzel speaking at the St. Martini Church in Bremen. / Photo: <a target="_blank" href="">Facebook St. Martini Church</a>,

A Christian preacher in Germany, Olaf Latzel, has been fined in a sham trial that literally took place in a theater instead of a court. His "crime" was preaching Biblical truths about homosexuality. Religious persecution against Christians is spreading, and it will continue until Christians find courage. Get reliable notification options and further information at Sarah's home site:

Disney Reacts to the Gina Carano Backlash

Disney and Lucasfilm canceled Gina Carano (who played Cara Dune in "The Mandalorian") for an Instagram post in which she claimed that people shouldn't spread hate over politics (because convincing people to hate their neighbors is the first step in convincing them to kill their neighbors). Following Gina being fired, #CancelDisneyPlus trended on Twitter, and today, Gina is trending as the most popular celebrity on the planet, according to IMDB. Let's see how Disney reacts to the news.


BY DAVID WOOD-Acts17Apologetics:

Marxism Advances In America, Race Division & Hypocrisy. Zuckerberg Fears Vaccine. Bans you for it.

In this episode of The Silent War, CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg is caught admitting concerns around the vaccine, yet bans others for the same. Biden's Marxist Government prepares to push anti white racist policies and redistributing wealth from whites to blacks. A Deadly attack on an American Base in Iraq. And Biden: 'who cares if China commits genocide and's their culture' Even the big ETF's that manipulate the price of Silver and Gold are warning, the game is nearly up - physical is almost out. All of this and much more

Calling Evil “Good” And Good “Evil”: Biden’s America


The Coming Persecution And RISE of The American Underground

Biden's Push for Gun Control: What's Next

Biden Dismisses China’s Uyghur Genocide as Difference in “Cultural Norms”

Members of the Muslim Uighur minority hold placards as they demonstrate in front of the Chinese consulate on December 30, 2020, in Istanbul, to ask for news of their relatives. (Bulent Kilic/AFP via Getty Images)

Refuses to denounce re-education camps.



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Joe Biden refused to denounce China’s Uyghur genocide during his CNN appearance last night, asserting that the Communist country’s systematic oppression of minorities was just a different cultural norm.

Yes, really.

Despite the Trump administration and his own characterizing Beijing’s treatment of Uyghur Muslims as a genocide, Biden furiously backpedaled after he was asked about the issue.

“If you know anything about Chinese history, it has always been the time when China has been victimized by the outer world is when they haven’t been unified at home,” said Biden, going on to say that President Xi Jinping is aiming to achieve a “tightly controlled China.”

“I’m not gonna speak out against what he’s doing in Hong Kong, what he’s doing with the Uyghurs in the western mountains of China…culturally there are different norms that each country and their leaders are expected to follow,” he added.

More than a million Uyghurs and other minorities are held against their will in re-education camps throughout the Xinjiang region.

After Xi Jinping directed authorities to show “absolutely no mercy” towards prisoners, reports began emerging of the forced sterilization and systematic gang rape and torture of women by guards.

“Tursunay Ziawudun, who fled Xinjiang after her release and is now in the US, said women were removed from the cells “every night” and raped by one or more masked Chinese men. She said she was tortured and later gang-raped on three occasions, each time by two or three men,” reports the BBC.

Victims have also reported that guards use electric batons to rape women, electrocuting them from the inside.

Apparently, according to Joe Biden, this is just part of Chinese ‘cultural norms’ and shouldn’t be questioned.

UK Supermarket Calls Police On Disabled Man For Not Wearing Mask, Tries to Make Him Wear Yellow Sticker LIKE THE JEWS IN NAZI GERMANY

"It's not law, she's going to phone the police over a policy."




republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

British supermarket Morrisons called the police on a disabled man who was medically exempt from wearing a face mask after attempting to make him wear a yellow sticker.

Yes, really.

The clip shows the man involved in a confrontation with a security guard and staff as they try to make him wear the sticker.

The man calls them out by asking how a sticker could stop the spread of coronavirus.

When he refuses to wear the sticker, he is asked to leave the store as staff claim they are just doing their job.

“Weren’t they just doing their job in the Nazi Germany? Can you remember how they said that during the Nuremberg trials?”

The staff then call the police, although are unsure if they should be calling the ‘999’ emergency number.

The security guard says the yellow stickers are to “explain to other people in the store that you’re medically exempt,” despite this not being part of the law.

“It’s not law, she’s going to phone the police over a policy, you can’t phone the police over a policy,” explains the man, who ends up paying for his shopping and leaving before any police arrive.

According to the law, people do not have to answer questions as to why they are medically exempt and are not required to signal to others with any kind of sticker or badge that they are medically exempt.

The dark undertones of forcing disabled people to wear yellow stars hardly needs to be explained.

This underscores how the obsession with forcing people to wear face masks, despite their efficacy being disputed by numerous studies, is being abused to target the vulnerable.

Big Brother Watch asked Morrisons to apologize for the behavior of their staff, but the company is yet to respond.

Ken Paxton to Biden: You “Won’t Undo the 2A in Texas on My Watch.”

Ken Paxton to Biden: You “Won’t Undo the 2A in Texas on My Watch.”



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Seizing the opportunity to use the third anniversary of the Parkland school shooting for his anti-gun purposes, Biden called on Congress on Sunday to enact “common sense” gun laws to prevent such a horrific event from happening again.

He said:

Today, I am calling on Congress to enact commonsense gun law reforms, including requiring background checks on all gun sales, banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and eliminating immunity for gun manufacturers who knowingly put weapons of war on our streets.

We owe it to all those we’ve lost and to all those left behind to grieve to make a change.

The time to act is now.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton immediately saw through the façade, tweeting:

The Parkland shooting 3 years ago was an act of unspeakable evil. But Democrats cannot be allowed to use this tragedy as an opportunity to cram down unhelpful and unconstitutional gun laws.

Biden won’t undo the #2A in TX on my watch.


That’s exactly what Biden’s newly restructured ATF is going to have to do, as the vast majority of Americans “clinging” to their rightfully purchased and owned firearms aren’t likely to give them up willingly. At present, there appears to be no plan to do so. So far, it’s all just words, words, words.

Nearly a year ago The New American reviewed Biden’s plan to disarm every American. The keystone is abolishing the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, passed in 2005, that protects gunmakers from frivolous lawsuits designed to bankrupt them.

The other planks follow a similar pattern: banning the manufacture and sale of “assault weapons”; mandating that existing “assault weapons” be registered under the National Firearms Act, which at present regulates items such as machineguns, silencers, and short-barreled rifles. Under the NFA, potential buyers must pay $200 for the privilege of owning such weapons. Or, of course, such weapons may be turned over to the government in a “buyback.” 

Background checks will be required for all firearms-related transactions. Biden also wants every state to enact “red flag” laws (Extreme Risk Protection Orders, or ERPOs), which can forcibly disarm citizens who have not been charged with a crime.

Ghost printing of receivers would be banned as well. The penalty would apply to anyone downloading the 3D printing plans from the Internet.

There would be new “safe at home” requirements, limits to how many firearms one may purchase in a month, and so forth.

When the National Rifle Association (NRA) learned of Biden’s plans to disarm the populace, the five-million member group laughed it off:

Joe and his supporters fear-monger using words like “assault weapons” to describe America’s most popular home defense rifle — the AR-15 — or “AR-14” to Joe.

Joe — We’ll say it real slow. Come and take it.

Biden doesn’t care that none of those mandates would have kept the Parkland murderer from carrying out his ghastly work. The shooter legally owned the rifle, having already passed the requisite background checks.

And suggestions emanating from that tragedy that teachers be allowed to arm themselves fell on deaf ears.

Biden’s anti-gun henchmen face the same problem every other anti-gun politician faces in the United States: the unique problem that nearly half the populace owns a firearm (or several firearms). And they aren’t likely to roll over just because Biden says to.

Hitler had a similar problem with Switzerland. He developed Operation Tannenbaum to invade the small Alpine country. The plan called for using 21 German divisions and 15 Italian divisions, totaling some 500,000 troops. History records that, after considering the cost, the difficulty, and the potential armed resistance from every Swiss male between age 18 and 34, Hitler bagged the plan.

The dictator had a similar problem with the Jews. After nearly 400,000 of them were sent to the Warsaw ghetto, being slowly starved to death or sent to death camps, they decided to fight back. An operation that was supposed to take just three days took nearly a month as the supposedly disarmed and starving denizens fought off Hitler’s troops. When the last Jew had been killed an arsenal of firearms — rifles, pistols, and hand grenades — was discovered.

The lesson Hitler learned, and which Biden and his anti-gun tyrants will have to learn, is that, driven to the wall, Americans won’t cave.

Paxton is right. If Biden wants the guns, he’ll have to come and take them. 

Related articles:

Biden Declares His Intention “To Defeat the NRA”

Under Biden, Gun Ownership Would Be a “Heavily Regulated Privilege”


VIDEO-The Vaccine Reaction: Long-Term Care Staff Refusing COVID-19 Vaccine

More of the men and women who care for our elder, weaker and most vulnerable are rejecting the COVID vaccine. That’s what the state’s saying about employees of Florida nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Now, state leaders are growing more concerned that employees not wanting the vaccine will hinder state efforts to rebound from the pandemic.  … With seniors accounting for 80 percent of state deaths from the virus, those who live and work in long-term care centers have been the state’s vaccine priority. The problem… most employees in these facilities are choosing not to get the shot.

UK: Illegal Muslim migrants housed in four-star hotel get free covid vaccines before British citizens



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

British authorities have chosen the future they want for their nation. What is coming for Britain is clear now, and no one there who has any power or influence seems to evince much interest in staving it off.

“Illegal migrants are getting Covid jabs in free plush quarantine hotels at Heathrow weeks ahead of older and more vulnerable British people… while arrivals from ‘red-list’ countries must pay £1,750 for WORSE accommodation,” by Sue Reid and Daniel Martin, Daily Mail, February 13, 2021:

At the four star Crowne Plaza Hotel overlooking lawns on the outskirts of London, 20-year-old Abdul from the Sudan says he is pleased with his new life here in Britain.

He proclaims proudly: ‘I was given the vaccination yesterday at the hotel to stop me catching Covid. There are 400 migrants living here and we nearly all had it. No one I know refused.’

Tapping his arm to show the site of the injection, he adds in faltering English: ‘It’s important that we don’t catch the virus and get sick.’

Abdul, who slipped into the UK from France seven months ago, seems blissfully unaware that thousands of Britons older than him, or in vulnerable groups, still await the jab – and may not be offered it for several months.

Neither did he seem to realise that he might be accused of using up a precious dose that could protect others – including key workers – higher on the priority list.

Outside the hotel, the Daily Mail talked to ten other migrants from the Sudan and Eritrea who also took part in what they describe as a ‘mass vaccination’ operation on Thursday this week.

Among them were two Sudanese friends aged 27 and 35. The younger man said he was delighted to be offered it: ‘The vaccinations were given to us whatever our age.

‘We didn’t have to pay. We were told to queue up for them at the hotel. None of us want to catch the coronavirus.’

He added: ‘This was the first vaccination and I don’t know which company made it. We will have another one nearer the summer time.’

A Government spokesman last night said it was ‘totally unacceptable’ for the healthy young migrants to be receiving the jabs contrary to guidelines, and that the NHS was taking action to ensure it did not happen again.

The Crowne Plaza, near Heathrow airport, is among scores of hotels across Britain housing migrants who have slipped into the country illegally by lorry from Europe or on a boat from northern France to the south coast.

Many have been put up at the hotel for weeks – or, like Abdul, even months – as they await their asylum claims to be decided. They say the bedrooms are ‘wonderful’ and the English breakfast ‘very good’….

The Iowa State Senate Prays to Allah – Twice

Garriott also believes the values of her liberal-leaning Lutheran faith are applicable to broader public service.

Sarah Trone Garriott is an ordained Lutheran pastor who has served for nearly two years as Coordinator of Interfaith Engagement for the non-profit Des Moines Area Religious Council.

We knew that the hearings leading up to the passage of Senate File 2 would bring out many supporters and opponents of th


Garriott referenced Scripture and her faith repeatedly while leading a workshop on “Being Political” at the “Faith, Politics and the Common Good” summit convened in Des Moines earlier this month. The summit was hosted by Vote Common Good, an advocacy organization run by progressive Christians, and featured speeches from other clergy-turned-candidates such as Bryan Berghoef, a minister running for Congress in Michigan as a Democrat.

She told RNS she is careful to avoid preaching or regularly engaging in “theological conversation” from the political podium

She also acknowledged that being a religious professional can lead to conversations that focus narrowly on what she called “hot button” issues such as abortion, which she contends is more complicated than “pro-choice or pro-life.” Her campaign website does not list a formal position on the issue, although she has appeared at protests standing with Iowa abortion rights advocates.


As your Senator in the Iowa Statehouse, you can count on me to work hard on the issues that you care about and positively impact the lives of our neighbors.  Feel free to contact me anytime using the options below:

Phone:  515.661.9679


Senate address:  1007 E. Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA, 50319

Featured in Preaching as Resistance
For those who are awake to the reality of this world’s brokenness…A provocative and powerful collection of sermons from diverse pastors across America. Hear the brave and urgent voice of Christians calling for radical change rooted in love, solidarity, and justice.



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

The Iowa State Senate opens each daily session with a prayer. On February 8, State Senator Sarah Trone Garriott (D) “shared a prayer” written by one of her constituents who was a Muslim. The prayer was to Allah and included references to a number of Allah’s 99 Names.[1] It is interesting that the Iowa State Senate prayed to the Muslim god Allah, even though there are no Muslim members of that Senate. And it is even more interesting that these state senators bowed their heads in prayer to a god who curses Christians and Jews and condemns them to Hell.

Here is what Allah has to say in the Koran about Christians and Jews:

Allah states that the only religion acceptable to him is Islam (e.g., 3:19 and 3:85); Christians and Jews are disbelievers[2] (e.g. 2:120, 3:99, 3:110, and 5:65), and Jews are among the worst enemies of Muslims (5:82); Allah curses Christians and Jews (9:30) and states that those who believe that Allah had a Son commit the one unforgivable sin in Islam, Shirk[3](e.g. 4:48 and 4:116); Allah states that those who commit Shirk will go to Hell (e.g. 3:151 and 5:72-73); Allah states that Christians and Jews are among the worst of creatures and “will abide in the fire of Hell” (98:6); Allah specifically forbids Muslims from being friends with Christians and Jews (5:51), and instead commands Muslims to fight Christians and Jews (9:29).

Christianity is considered to be a false religion because Allah states that Jesus was not crucified, but it only appeared so (4:157-158). Islam teaches that Allah took Jesus bodily into paradise and made one of Jesus’ disciples look like Jesus; it was that disciple who was crucified. So Muslims who know their religion look at a crucifix or a painting of the Crucifixion and see an imposter hanging on the cross. And of course, if there was no Crucifixion, there was no Resurrection. So Islam teaches that Christianity is a false religion based on a fraud.

According to Koran 4:80, Muhammad spoke for Allah. Here is some of what Muhammad had to say about Christians and Jews:

  1. Christians and Jews will take the place of Muslims in Hell: Abu Burda reported on the authority of his father that Allah’s Apostle (may peace be upon him) said: No Muslim would die but Allah would admit instead of him a Jew or a Christian in Hell-Fire.[4]
  2. Muhammad said that Christians and Jews who remained with their respective religions and did not believe in Islam would go to Hell: It is narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: By Him in whose hand is the life of Muhammad, he who amongst the community of Jews or Christians hears about me but does not affirm his belief in that with which I have been sent and dies in this state (of disbelief), he shall be but one of the denizens of Hell-Fire.[5]
  3. Muhammad said that Christians and Jews were inferior to Muslims: It was narrated from ‘Amr bin Shu’aib, from his father, from his grandfather, that the Messenger of Allah ruled that the blood money for the People of the Book is half of that of the blood money for the Muslims, and they are the Jews and Christians.[6]
  4. Muhammad said Muslims must not be the first to greet Christians and Jews: Abu Huraira reported that Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) had said: Do not greet the Jews and the Christians before they greet you and when you meet any one of them on the roads force him to go to the narrowest part of it.[7]
  5. And on his death bed Muhammad had this to say: It has been narrated by ‘Umar b. Al-Khattab that he heard the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) saying: I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslims.[8]

Here is what Allah’s prophet Muhammad specifically said about Jews:

  1. Kill the Jews: Narrated Abu Hurairah: Allah’s Messenger said, “The Hour will not be established until you fight against the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say, ‘O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him.’”[9]
  2. Muhammad said the Jews were grave robbers. Al-Bukhari reported this hadith under the heading of What has been said about Bani Israel‘Uqba bin ‘Amir said, “I heard him [Muhammad] saying that the Israeli used to dig the grave of the dead (to steal their shrouds).”[10]
  3. Muhammad even said that Jews would be accompanying the anti-Christ: Anas b. Malik reported that Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: The antichrist would be followed by seventy thousand Jews of Isbahan wearing Persian shawls.[11]

This was not the first time the Iowa State Senate had opened a session by praying to Allah. On April 7, 2014, the opening prayer for the Senate that day was given by Des Moines Imam Mohammad Khan. In Arabic Khan recited the first chapter of the Koran – Al-Fatihah (this was confirmed by a native Arabic speaker).[12]

Al-Fatihah consists of only seven verses. Let’s focus on the last two verses. In Verse 6 Muslims ask to be guided to the Straight Way. Allah’s prophet Muhammad said the Straight Way (or Path) was Islam.[13] The modern Tafsir Ahsanul-Bayan explained the meaning of the Straight Path:

The Straight Path here means the religion of Islam as enshrined, enunciated and explained in the final Revelation, the Qur’an, and the authentic sayings and acts of Allah’s Messenger, called hadeeth.[14]

In Verse 7, Muslims then ask not to be guided to the way of those who have earned Allah’s anger or to the way of those who have gone astray. So who are those who have earned the anger of Allah? Allah’s prophet Muhammad said they were the Jews.[15] And who has gone astray? Allah’s prophet Muhammad said that those who had gone astray, or were misguided, were the Christians.[16]

The Muslim scholar Ibn Kathir explained these two deviations from the Straight Way:

These two paths are the paths of the Christians and Jews, a fact that the believer [Muslim] should beware of so that he avoids them. The path of the believers is knowledge of the truth and abiding by it. In comparison, the Jews abandoned practicing the religion, while the Christians lost the true knowledge. This is why ‘anger’ descended upon the Jews, while being described as ‘led astray’ is more appropriate of the Christians…We should also mention that both the Christians and the Jews have earned the anger [of Allah] and are led astray, but the anger is one of the attributes more particular of the Jews.[17]

So Allah is actually angry with both the Jews and Christians!

On two different occasions now the members of the Iowa State Senate have bowed their heads and prayed to Allah, the god of Islam, who curses the Christian and Jewish senators in that body and condemns them to Hell. It takes some thick skin to be a Christian or Jewish elected official in the Iowa State Senate.

Dr. Stephen M. Kirby is the author of six books about Islam. His latest book is Islamic Doctrine versus the U.S. Constitution: The Dilemma for Muslim Public Officials.

[1]  – it starts at 1:07.

[2]           For an in-depth look at how the Koran and Muhammad differentiated between the “believers” (Muslims) and the Jews and Christians, see my article “The Fantasy Islam of the University of Chicago’s Fred Donner (Part 1),” Jihad Watch, January 30, 2019,

[3]           Shirk: polytheism, worshipping others along with Allah, and/or ascribing partners to Allah (including ascribing a Son to him). By believing that Jesus is the Son of God, Christians commit Shirk.

[4]           Abu’l Hussain ‘Asakir-ud-Din Muslim bin Hajjaj al-Qushayri al-Naisaburi, Sahih Muslim, trans. ‘Abdul Hamid Siddiqi (New Delhi, India: Adam Publishers and Distributors, 2008), Vol. 8, No. 2767R1, p. 269.

[5]           Sahih Muslim, Vol. 1, No. 153, p. 103.

[6]           Muhammad bin Yazeed ibn Majah al-Qazwini, Sunan Ibn Majah, trans. Nasiruddin al-Khattab (Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Darussalam, 2007), Vol. 3, No. 2644, p. 521.

[7]           Sahih Muslim, Vol. 6, No. 2167, p. 439.

[8]           Sahih Muslim, Vol. 5, No. 1767, p. 189.

[9]           Muhammad bin Ismail bin Al-Mughirah al-Bukhari, Sahih Al-Bukhari, trans. Muhammad Muhsin Khan (Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Darussalam, 1997), Vol. 4, Book 56, No. 2926, p. 113.

In another hadith, Muhammad said that the Jews would hide behind stones and trees, and these stones and trees would call out,

Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.

Sahih Muslim, Vol. 8, No. 2922, p. 349.

[10]         Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 4, Book 60, No. 3452, p. 413. Bani Israel, or Banii Israa’iil, is an expression used in the Koran to refer to the early Jews. See the entry for Israa’iil in Mahmoud Ismail Saleh, Dictionary of Islamic Words & Expressions, 3rd ed. (Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Darussalam, 2011), p. 102.

[11]         Sahih Muslim, Vol. 8, No. 2944, p. 366.

[12]; click on the link to the Senate session on April 7, 2014 at 1:12 PM.

[13]         Abu al-Fida’ ‘Imad Ad-Din Isma’il bin ‘Umar bin Kathir al-Qurashi Al-Busrawi, Tafsir Ibn Kathir (Abridged), abr. Shaykh Safiur-Rahman al-Mubarakpuri, trans. Jalal Abualrub, et al. (Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Darussalam, 2000), Vol. 1, p. 84.

[14]         Salahuddin Yusuf, Tafsir Ahsanul-Bayan, trans. Mohammad Kamal Myshkat (Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Darussalam, 2010), Vol. 1, p. 23.

[15]         Abu ‘Abdullah Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Ansari al-Qurtubi, Tafsir Al-Qurtubi: Classical Commentary of the Holy Qur’an, Vol. 1, trans. Aisha Bewley (London: Dar Al Taqwa Ltd., 2003), p. 127; Abu ‘Eisa Mohammad ibn ‘Eisa at-Tirmidhi, Jami’ At-Tirmidhi, trans. Abu Khaliyl (Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Darussalam, 2007), Vol. 5, No. 2954, p. 281; Interpretation of the Meanings of The Noble Qur’an, trans. Muhammad Muhsin Khan and Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilali (Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Darussalam, 2007), n. 1, p. 12; Safiur-Rahman al-Mubarakpuri, The Sealed Nectar (Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Darussalam, 2008), p. 493; Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Vol. 4, p. 410; and Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 6, Book 65, No. 4475, p. 22.

Commentary about the Jews being those with whom Allah is angry is found in: Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Vol. 1, p. 87; Tafsir Ahsanul-Bayan, Vol. 1, p. 24; and Jalalu’d-Din al-Mahalli and Jalalu’d-Din as-Suyuti, Tafsir Al-Jalalayn, trans. Aisha Bewley (London: Dar Al Taqwa Ltd., 2007), p. 2.

[16]         Tafsir Al-Qurtubi, p. 127; Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Vol. 4, p. 410; Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 6, Book 65, No. 4475, p. 22; Jami’ At-Tirmidhi, Vol. 5, No. 2954, p. 281; Interpretation of the Meanings of The Noble Qur’an, n. 1, p. 12; and The Sealed Nectar, p. 493.

Commentary about the Christians being those who had gone astray is found in: Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Vol. 1, p. 87; Tafsir Ahsanul-Bayan, Vol. 1, p. 24; and Tafsir Al-Jalalayn, p. 2.

[17]         Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Vol. 1, p. 87.

When the current BIDEN regime in Washington, D.C. says they are ‘going after violent extremists,’ they mean patriots



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

When the current regime in Washington, D.C. says they are “going after violent extremists,” they mean patriots.

Three weeks ago, President Obama’s “Counter-Terrorism Czar” and the former Director of Central Intelligence, John Brennan, spoke on MSNBC and stated the Biden team is moving in “laser-like fashion” to identify “religious extremists, authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists, nativists, and even libertarians” who constitute, in Brennan’s words, a great threat to the Republic. He said that the civilian enforcement and intelligence agencies, as well as the military, are and should be working to root out this “threat.”

In describing the threat, Brennan specifically mentioned the previous administration and its supporters.

Two weeks ago, the Biden Department of Homeland Security (DHS) published a National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin, warning of “objections” to “governmental authority.” The report states in part: “Information suggests that some ideologically-motivated violent extremists with objections to the exercise of governmental authority and the presidential transition, as well as other perceived grievances fueled by false narratives, could continue to mobilize to incite or commit violence.”

Who are the “violent extremists” they are discussing?

Constitutionally-minded patriots.

Not sure of that?

Last week, Robert Grenier, the former CIA Station Chief for Pakistan/Afghanistan told NPR that the U.S. needs to handle people such as those who “stormed” the U.S. Capitol on January 6 the same way the U.S. government handled insurgents in Pakistan and Afghanistan. In other words, kill them.

Also last week, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin ordered a sixty-day military-wide “STAND DOWN” order so that the military can purge “extremists” from its ranks. In his confirmation hearing, Austin said, “If confirmed, I will fight hard to…rid our ranks of racists and extremists…”

A noble effort.

So how are we defining “extremists?”

Remember: during the Obama administration, “extremists” included military veterans returning from combat.

From where did the term “violent extremist” come?

First, let’s back up to a few years after September 11, 2001, when the U.S. government brought the “Countering Violent Extremism” (CVE) program to the United States from Britain.

The CVE program in Britain was created by Muslim Brotherhood groups, including the Muslim Council of Britain, the Muslim Association of Britain, and others.

U.S. officials, thinking anything the Brits do must be awesome, literally bought this program in its totality and brought it back into the FBI, DHS, CIA, et al.

The main purpose of CVE is to define threats as “violent extremism” so that intelligence and law enforcement agencies target “extremists” instead of jihadis, communists, and other definable threats.

If you cannot name the threat, you cannot target the threat, and, therefore, you can never defeat the threat.

Also, the DHS CVE Working Group has included jihad enablers such as Mohamed Elibiary, Mohamed Magid, and others, who were given secret clearances during their tenure at DHS.

So here we are, 20 years after 9/11, and not only is America much farther away from defeating the jihadis and communists, the communists just seized executive power in the United States one month ago.

On January 30, MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace suggested that Trump supporters who “incited violence” at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, be convicted just like Al Qaeda’s leader in Yemen, Anwar al-Awlaki, who also “incited violence” and was killed in a U.S. drone strike in September 2011.

Put aside the fact for a moment that Nicolle Wallace lied when she said that al-Awlaki was killed because he “incited violence.” Awlaki was actually killed because he was the leader of Al Qaeda in Yemen and responsible for jihad attacks inside the United States.

The fact that the propaganda arm of the U.S. communist/jihadi cabal, the traditional media, is openly calling for violence against Americans exercising their unalienable right to freely express themselves and hold the federal government accountable when it is ruled by those hostile to the Constitution should alarm and alert all thoughtful patriots.

The point is clear. The U.S. government under the current communist regime in the White House will use and is using its full power to suppress and eliminate opposition.

The communists/democrats did it to President Trump when they traitorously and unlawfully used the FBI, CIA, DNI, and other agencies to spy on him, his family, and his staff.

They are doing and will do it to citizens.

For those unable to see this unfolding before them, Understanding The Threat (UTT) encourages you to attempt to educate yourselves and join the patriots who are working diligently to re-establish a republican form of government at the local and state level right now around America.


Indiana: Valparaiso University drops Crusaders nickname & mascot to bow to the muslims





Student president Kaitlyn Steinhiser: 




republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

The Crusades took place long before, centuries before, the Ku Klux Klan existed. Changing this nickname and mascot is another sign of the acceptance of the idea that Westerners should be ashamed of the Crusades. The History of Jihad From Muhammad to ISIS proves otherwise. It demonstrates from primary sources that the Crusades were not a gratuitous imperialistic venture, but a late and small-scale defensive reaction to 450 years of imperialist jihad aggression that had conquered and Islamized what had been half of the Christian world, and threatened the life of the Christian empire, the Byzantine empire.

The West continues its cultural self-abnegation in the face of the chimera of “Islamophobia,” a propaganda neologism designed to make people ashamed of defending themselves and their homeland against a newly aggressive and emboldened Islamic jihad.

“Valparaiso changing Crusaders nickname and mascot after criticism, hate group use,” by Ryan Young, Yahoo Sports, February 11, 2021 (thanks to Darcy):

Valparaiso is done with its nickname.

The Indiana university announced Thursday that it is ditching the Crusaders nickname, mascot and logos — something that had been adopted and embraced by various hate groups throughout history.

“The negative connotation and violence associated with the Crusader imagery are not reflective of Valpo’s mission and values, which promote a welcoming and inclusive community,” interim president Colette Irwin-Knott said, via The Assocaited [sic] Press. “This is the decision that best reflects our values and community.”

Valparaiso’s student senate and faculty senate each passed resolutions that called for the name change, and the university’s alumni board of directors supported the change, per the report….

The Crusades were a series of wars between Christians and Muslims in the 11th, 12th and 13th centuries used to secure control of holy sites and land in Europe and the Middle East. Various hate groups, including the Ku Klux Klan, have used crusaders symbols and words ever since.

“The Crusader does not [represent the university] effectively,” student president Kaitlyn Steinhiser said, via The Associated Press. “Valpo is and always has been a faith-based institution, and we want to make sure our symbolism is in alignment with our beliefs and speaks to the core values of the Lutheran ethos. At Valpo, we strive to seek truth, serve generously and cultivate hope. We do not believe having the Crusader as our mascot portrays these values.”

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