Gay Mafia Strikes German Pastor

A court in Bremen (Germany) has condemned a well-known and controversial Protestant pastor for hate speech against homosexuals.

Olaf Latzel, pastor of the mainline Evangelical Church Germany (EKD) church St. Martini in Bremen, has been sentenced to a fine of 8,100 euros. Latzel will appeal the sentence.

February 12, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — In a stunning sentence late last year, a court in Bremen, Germany, sentenced Rev. Olaf Latzel of St. Martini (part of the Evangelical Church in Germany: EKD) to a fine of €8,100 for “inciting hatred” against homosexuals in private remarks made to church couples. During the seminar, Latzel defended the biblical definitions of gender and sexuality, condemning the Berlin Pride March and referring to gender ideology as “an attack against God’s order of Creation.”

Pastor Olaf Latzel speaking at the St. Martini Church in Bremen. / Photo: <a target="_blank" href="">Facebook St. Martini Church</a>,

A Christian preacher in Germany, Olaf Latzel, has been fined in a sham trial that literally took place in a theater instead of a court. His "crime" was preaching Biblical truths about homosexuality. Religious persecution against Christians is spreading, and it will continue until Christians find courage. Get reliable notification options and further information at Sarah's home site: