Yes, Real Men Still Exist: Watch Them Stand Up for Children Being Dragged Into Dallas Grooming Event

ALLIE BETH STUCKEY: Republicans Should BAN Child Drag Shows

Today we're talking about the disturbing events that are happening all across the country right now in the name of "Pride Month," namely drag shows targeted at kids. Even red states aren't safe from this depravity, as evidenced by viral videos of one of these shows taking place in Dallas, Texas. To help us understand what's going on and what kind of parent would drag their kid to such an event, we welcome journalist Tayler Hansen to the show. Tayler filmed one of the videos that's going viral right now and also spoke with parents and kids at the Dallas show.



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Whenever I see a child who has clearly been corrupted by adults with LGBTQ agendas, I get angry at the kid’s father. Did he abandon his children to the full-time attention of a deranged mother? Is he present but too whipped to be a strong father? What man would allow such a thing to be done to his son or daughter? Yes, the mother enrages me as well, but a society in which real men exist would never allow the over-the-top grooming and wholesale destruction of childhood innocence that goes on these days.

Real men are protectors. They instinctively defend the vulnerable and the innocent. And thankfully, they still exist in the United States.

A recent example of real men in action occurred at a disgusting grooming party in a gay bar called Mr. Misster (get it??) in Dallas, Texas. The bar held an event called “DRAG THE KIDS TO PRIDE – A Family Friendly Drag Show” on Saturday. While most of us understand that a drag show fundamentally cannot be a family-friendly event, Mr. Misster thinks it’s just fine:

Mr. Misster’s Drag The Kids To Pride Drag Show provides the ultimate family friendly pride experience. This signature event is a family friendly spin off of our famed Champagne Drag Brunch, with our resident DJ Charlie Phresh playing some of your favorite hits while host Nicole O’Hara Munro brings together some of the best drag entertainers around! Our under 21 guests can enjoy a special Mr. Misster Mocktails while the moms and dads can sip on one of our classic Mr. Misster Mimosa Towers. Do you want to hit the stage with the queens? We have FIVE limited spots for young performers to take the stage solo, or with a queen of their choosing! Come hangout with the Queens and enjoy this unique pride experience, fit for guests of all ages!

The show was just as horrible and inappropriate for children as you would imagine. Men cross-dressed in sexually charged costumes and danced inappropriately for children, whose parents encouraged them to hand the performers money — just like at an adult strip bar!

A drag queen drops it low for children and takes their money—

This is not even the worst footage to come out of the event believe it or not.

— Tayler Hansen 🇺🇸 (@TaylerUSA) June 4, 2022

Then the children were made part of the act. First, they were brought on stage to play a game of musical chairs while a dragged-out emcee called the shots and the audience whooped and cheered:

Once the children were comfortable being the center of attention, it was time for the next step in the groomy progression. Kids were invited on stage to catwalk with the performers. “Who wants to be a diva for the day?” asked a drag queen, as several kids joined him.

All of this occurred in front of a large neon sign that read, “IT’S NOT GONNA LICK ITSELF.” (Relax! It’s just an ice cream sign! Tee hee.)

As you may have noticed, none of this is okay. But even though most people have been bullied and browbeaten into silent acceptance if not approval, brave protestors showed up to stand up for the children and decry what was being done to them. Among them were plenty of real men, and it was glorious to see their righteous anger and moral strength in action as they called out the sick adults.

Related: Groomers Say Kids Will Be Exposed to ‘Nudity and Kink’ at Pride Parades, But Don’t Worry, It’s ‘Educational’

Watch Texas-based YouTuber and political commenter John Doyle, flanked by a diverse group of manly men, as he confronts the deranged adults dragging their kids into emotional disorders pride:

My favorite quote: “Your kids aren’t actually gay, you just groomed them.”

Here are some more men in action. I especially love the second guy. Step aside and let the man go through! He’s just trying to walk down the damn street! (Serious language warning — this guy is miffed!)

Comedian and political activist Alex Steyn followed a drag dancer out to his car and took him to task for corrupting children.

There were real women protesting the corruption of children as well, but this article is a shout-out to the men who are stepping up to protect kids and call out evil. So a word to the single ladies out there: don’t despair — real men still exist. If you don’t have any in your town, maybe you should check out Dallas!

In the past, I always enjoyed gay parades, dance clubs, and drag dressers in and around New York City. But that was a long time ago. Once the rainbow mafia started going after kids, they crossed the line. Those who target children are predators, abusers, and corruptors of innocence, and they deserve every bit of scorn and contempt society can heap upon them.

Disney Employee Rips Company’s “Grooming” & War on Faith, Family

Disney doubled down on the "woke" agenda and the sexualization of children, even to the point of being dishonest about Florida's efforts to protect students, veteran Disney employee Nick Caturano told The New American magazine's Alex Newman in this episode of Conversations That Matter. Asked why Disney executives are doing this, Caturano said they were seeking to "create" culture and push the envelope. The goal is to undermine the strong families and faith that keep a nation together. "They are chipping away at everything that's good, at the innocence of children," Caturano said.

Biden’s USDA pushes transgender agenda or no school lunches

USDA: Biden Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack

Featured Image



Forces schools to let boys use girls’ bathrooms or lose federal lunch funding


USDA leverages School Lunches

Vilsack to Deliver Address Announcing USDA Framework to Transform the Food System

USDA is announcing details of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s framework to transform the nation’s food system. The address will underscore USDA’s commitment under the Biden-Harris Administration to increase competition, bolster access to healthy, affordable food, ensure growers and workers receive a greater share of the food dollar and advance equity as well as climate resilience and mitigation.

President Joe Biden's USDA is now saying schools that receive Food and Nutrition Service funding will have to update their non-discrimination policies to include gender identity or lose funding for school lunches. One America's Stella Escobedo spoke about this issue with Deputy Director of Investigation with America First Legal, John Zadrozny.

Biden Starves Poor Kids to Push Trans Agenda



Exposing the Counterfeit Theology of Progressive Christianity






republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Franklin Graham, President, and CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and of Samaritan’s Purse took on the deceptive progressive theology posing as Christianity in an article published on Wednesday at Decision magazine. He called it “the Eternal Peril,” accurately portraying it as Satan’s lie dating from the serpent’s confrontation with Eve in the Garden of Eden.

The lie, he wrote, “has cropped up in the halls of seminaries, infiltrated the pulpits of thousands of churches, and been propagated by a godless liberal media. It is bent on casting doubt and undermining the foundational principles of God’s Word.”

The counterfeit theology attacks the basic foundational structure of Biblical Christianity at every point, seeking to destroy it and then replace it with a man-centered worldview. On gender identity, Graham writes:

Although Scripture clearly says that marriage is between one man and one woman, proponents of progressive Christianity twist and distort the truth of God’s Word on sexuality, focusing on such nonsensical trends as gender identity.

They deny God’s distinction of the sexes, and instead invent their own misguided standards, unguided by the Word of God.

Progressive Christianity rejects God’s plan and replaces it by affirming same-sex marriage. It accepts the use of pornography, one-night stands, and same-sex encounters — virtually any sexual activity as long as it reflects a “concern for each other’s flourishing,” according to promoter Nadia Bolz-Weber.

It accepts Satan’s assurance to Adam and Even in the garden:

“You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. “For God knows that when you eat from [the tree of the knowledge of good and evil] your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” — Genesis 3:4-5

The fruit was enticing, the promise was enthralling, and the invitation to assert her own independence from God was overwhelming. Her sin was not in itself eating the fruit of the tree; it was her decision to deny God, His warning, and especially His sovereignty.

When she ate and didn’t immediately die, Adam fell for the lie as well, thus fatally infecting their progeny right up to the present day.

From there, Progressive Christianity goes downhill. The Bible isn’t the infallible Word of God, but merely an ancient travelogue, a wonderful work of literature that reflects only what people believed about Him when the words were written thousands of years ago.

It denies Genesis 1:1 (“In the beginning, God”) and replaces it with the lie of evolution. As progressive authors, David Felten and Jeff Procter-Murphy wrote:

Far from being fallen creatures trying to return to a mythical Eden, human beings are emerging as a species from more primal and baser instincts to become more responsible and mature beings.

It denies the deity of Christ as the only son of God, and instead considers Him as just a good example to follow, more of a “big brother” than the Creator of the universe “Who made us, and not we ourselves.” (Psalm 100:3).

It denies the crucifixion’s purpose as the only possible redemption for sinners and instead declares that it reveals God as a monster inflicting unspeakable abuse on His own Son. It asks, as did one proponent: “Who originated the Cross? If God did, then we worship a cosmic abuser, who in Divine Wisdom created a means to torture human beings in the most painful and abhorrent manner.”

It reinterprets the resurrection (which it cannot deny) as an example “to show us,” writes believer Alisa Childers, “how to forgive our enemies by allowing Himself to be crucified by an angry mob.”

It denies the total depravity of man, ignoring Biblical revelations such as these:

  • Man’s heart is “deceitful and desperately wicked” (Jeremiah 17:9);
  • Man is “dead in transgressions” (Ephesians 2:5);
  • Man loves sin (John 3:19; John 8:34);
  • And therefore, he will not seek God (Romans 3:10-11);
  • Because he loves the darkness (John 3:19);
  • The depraved lifestyle embraced by Progressive Christianity reflects the gospel of Christ as foolishness (1 Corinthians 1:18);
  • Because it is unable to accept it (Romans 8:7).

The deception of Progressive Christianity is fueled by its attractiveness, seeming to many as an option to the true faith — more acceptable, more likable, more palatable in an increasingly sinful and declining world. Progressive Christianity, as Will Vining noted in The Christian Post, is “most deceiving when it looks and feels like the Truth.”

Graham ended his post with this reminder from the apostle Paul’s letter to his protégé, Timothy (2 Timothy 4:2-5):

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.

FENTANYL POSTERS IN NYC SUBWAYS ENCOURAGE USE~GERMANY: RAMSTEIN U.S. AIR BASE HOSTS DRAG QUEEN SHOWS FOR CHILDREN~Biological male celebrated for ‘breastfeeding’ newborn while the mother hemorrhages post-childbirth


US Air Force Base holds Drag Queen Story Hour for kids

WOKE Air Force gets BACKLASH and CANCELS Drag Queen Story Time for CHILDREN!

NYC health department’s heroin-fentanyl poster sparks anger from top City Council Republican

Biological male celebrated for 'breastfeeding' newborn while the mother hemorrhages post-childbirth

Biological male celebrated for 'breastfeeding' newborn while the mother hemorrhages post-childbirth


ALLIE BETH STUCKEY: Pride Month & the Christian Response

Today we're going over the pervasive influence of LGBT ideas in our culture and what we as Christians should think about it. Today is the first day of this year's "Pride Month," and everyone from liberal personalities to woke corporations are scrambling to do more and more virtue-signaling to the gay community. We also talk about Matt Walsh's new documentary, "What Is a Woman?" in which Matt travels all over the world to ask different people that "controversial" question. Lastly, we cover the Biden administration's push to withhold money for school lunches from schools that don't go along with the transgender agenda.

Florida: State Farm drops support for books promoting transgenderism to 5-year-olds after uproar~TIME TO BOYCOTT OR CANCEL YOUR POLICY!


State Farm ended a partnership after being accused of recruiting agents to push books about gender fluidity on young children.

Would a “good neighbor” give your kindergartner these books?


Woke Backfire! State Farm Insurance BUSTED Sneaking Creepy Books Into Schools! What Is Happening?!



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Controversy began after it was discovered that State Farm auto insurance company was “encouraging its agents in Florida to donate books promoting transgenderism to 5-year-olds to their local schools or public libraries, according to an email shared by a whistleblower.”

Thanks to the whistleblower! Without him or her, State Farm would have continued contributing to the abuse of kindergarten-age children.

State Farm decision-makers in Florida have demonstrated that the company cares nothing about the psychological well-being of children. Only money. Promoting transgenderism to young children is nothing short of child abuse. 

It is appalling that any organization could support transgender indoctrination to young, impressionable children as a “required curriculum” in the first place.

“State Farm drops support for GenderCool Project,” by Olafimihan Oshin, The Hill, May 24, 2022:

Insurance company State Farm says it has ended its partnership with the LGBTQ GenderCool Project amid criticism from conservatives over books for younger children on transgender issues.

In a statement on Tuesday, the company said that while it will continue to back organizations that are focused on LGBTQ issues, it does not support a “required curriculum in schools on this topic.”

“As a result, we have made the decision we will no longer be affiliated with the organization,” State Farm said. “We will continue to explore how we can support our associates, as well as organizations that align with our commitment to diversity and inclusion, including the LGBTQ+ community.”

The Washington Examiner reported on Monday that State Farm’s partnership with the nonprofit advocacy group included encouraging its agents in Florida to donate three books to local public libraries and schools.

The three books GenderCool promoted were “A Kids Book About Being Transgender,” “A Kids Book About Being Non-Binary,” and “A Kids Book About Being Inclusive,” which the group marketed in a three-book bundle to children who are 5 years of age or older.

“The project’s goal is to increase representation of LGBTQ+ books and support our communities in having challenging, important and empowering conversations with children age 5+,” State Farm had said in an email.

The move from State Farm comes nearly two months after Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) signed into law the Parental Rights in Education bill, better known as “Don’t Say Gay.” It prohibits primary school teachers from classroom instruction related to sexual orientation and gender identity, while educators of all grade levels are prohibited from instruction on topics that are deemed not “age appropriate or developmentally appropriate” for their students…..



Biden Admin to Cut Food Funding to Schools, Other Entities “Discriminating” Against LGBTQ+

Biden Admin to Cut Food Funding to Schools, Other Entities “Discriminating” Against LGBTQ+



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

The Biden administration threatens to cut off federal funding to those schools and entities such as food banks that “discriminate” against gender-confused individuals (“transgenders”) and other representatives of the LGBTQ community.

As reported by the Daily Caller, the new rules were announced earlier this month in a May 5 statement by the USDA saying that the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) will interpret Title IX, the 1972 law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of biological sex, as well as the Obama-era Food and Nutrition Act of 2008, to include so-called gender identity and sexual orientation as protected characteristics. 

The USDA stated,

As a result, state and local agencies, program operators and sponsors that receive funds from FNS must investigate allegations of discrimination based on gender identity or sexual orientation. Those organizations must also update their non-discrimination policies and signage to include prohibitions against discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation.

The press release did not specify when the relevant regulations would be issued.

According to the USDA, FNS funding supports food security through the administration of 15 federal nutrition assistance programs for low-income Americans, including the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, aka food stamps), and school meals.

In an announcement, Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack argued that the move was taken as a step in recognizing “the vulnerability of the LGBTQI+ communities,” which needed to be provided “with an avenue to grieve any discrimination they face.”

The USDA added that the decision was made in light of President Biden’s executive order against “discrimination” toward homosexuals and “transgenders,” and consistent with the Supreme Court’s decision in Bostock v. Clayton County, which determined that anti-LGBTQ discrimination violates the federal law against discrimination in the workplace. This arguably unconstitutional decision does not apply to educational and social-service institutions.

As reported by The Federalist, in practice, the USDA rule means that “K-12 schools must allow boys into girls’ private areas to obtain federal funds for lunches, breakfasts, and snacks.”

John Elcesser, executive director of the Indiana Non-Public Education Association, told the outlet that the administration is “playing politics with feeding poor kids.”

“Because if a school feels like they cannot participate because it’s in conflict with their mission or values, if a religious exemption is not granted, you’re taking away a program that’s feeding low-income kids,” he added.

According to the latest USDA update, in 2017-2018, the agency sent 1.6 billion pounds of food to schools, which cost the taxpayers $1.6 billion.

The National School Lunch Program (NSLP), which operates in nearly 100,000 public and non-profit private schools, fed 29.6 million children each school day in 2019, at a total cost of $14.2 billion.

In a statement issued to The Federalist, Indiana attorney general Todd Rokita blasted the administration’s “power grab” and reminded his fellow attorneys general that it is within their authority to push back against it and that it is their duty to do so:

The Biden administration is grossly extending the Bostock holding where it does not belong. Like many of the Biden administration’s power grabs, this imposition transgresses areas of proper state and local authority. As the principal guardians of federalism, state attorneys general have the ability to combat such overreach where it injures state functions.

The policy that allows gender-confused boys to use shared spaces with girls puts the latter in real danger.

In October 2021, the court found a “gender-fluid” male student guilty of sexually assaulting a female student in the bathroom in Loudoun County, Virginia. The story made national headlines after the father of the victim was arrested by the police after a confrontation at a school-board meeting. As it became apparent, the Loudoun County School Board was fully aware of the incident yet tried to cover it up.

The Federalist reported that the parents it spoke to said that “their daughters no longer use the bathrooms or locker rooms at their public schools because they don’t feel safe there.”

Indeed, both parents and teachers confirmed that in those schools that allowed for the gender-mixed use of bathrooms, a great number of girls were afraid to use them because they felt they were not safe.

 That, in turn, had terrible ramifications for the girls’ psychological well-being and physical health.

As reported by the Daily Mail in 2019 on the matter,

Gender-neutral toilets in schools have left girls feeling unsafe and even put their health at risk, parents and teachers have warned.

Girls who are menstruating are so anxious about sharing facilities with boys that some are staying at home for fear of being made to feel “period shame”.

With a growing number of both primary and secondary schools installing unisex toilets, some girls are risking infections by refusing to urinate all day.

Others are so fearful they have stopped drinking liquids at school.

It seems that by threatening public schools and other venues serving poor Americans, the Biden administration is utilizing authoritarians’ favorite tactics. First, it deliberately creates a vast class of dependents that are promised to be taken care of. Then, the government imposes senseless and harmful policies in return for the “service” that it provides.

It is within people’s power to reject this type of “care.”

IT’S NOT THE GUNS: America’s left-wing culture of DEATH and self-mutilation is a FACTORY that produces mass shooters



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

(Natural News) In the wake of the mass shooting yesterday in Uvalde, Texas, we must remember that on the very same day, over 2,700 human babies were murdered in America via abortion factories, according to reliable abortion estimates.

The same Leftists who demand abolishing the Second Amendment by falsely claiming it will stop shootings also celebrate the mass slaughter of human babies as they’re being born… or even after they’re born, via “post-birth abortions” that the Left celebrates. (See for full coverage.)

Don’t pretend for a second that the Left cares about the lives of children.

What they care about is stripping armed Americans of their last remaining line of defense against tyranny: The Second Amendment. Left-wing Marxists and tyrants know that if they can successfully take away firearms from the American people, they can then run whatever totalitarian scenarios they want, including rounding up conservatives and throwing them into concentration camps under the cover of an “outbreak.”

If Americans give up their guns, the radical left-wing fascists will treat the American people in the same way Australia’s government treats their citizens: Like prisoners in a giant prison camp.

Australia has just announced two years in prison for anyone breaking covid rules.

Firearms in the possession of citizens give pause to tyrants. This is the entire point of the Second Amendment — the idea that if the government becomes too tyrannical and dangerous, armed citizens might put a stop to the government terrorism being carried out against the people. That’s why the Founders included the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights.

Never give up your guns. Not under any circumstances. To do so is to surrender to a murderous regime of criminals and tyrants.

The REAL cause of mass killings and murderous rage

The real cause behind mass killings in America is abundantly evident: Programming of kids through pop culture (media, Hollywood, music, violent, graphic video games), indoctrinating them with themes of satanism, self-mutilation (transgenderism), baby-killing via abortion, and invoking emotional rage against others. And if a child or teen begins to wake up and think outside the box, they get dosed with psychiatric drugs to keep them in line.

These are all things that are taught by the political Left in America today. The message to children and teens is crystal clear: Your life doesn’t matter at all. (This stands in contrast to the conservative, pro-Christian message which is that “Every life matters, including yours.”)

So if murder and self-mutilation is the message being pounded into the heads of children and teens, should we really be surprised when this twisted, demonic culture produces mass murderers who recognize no value in the lives of the innocent?

Our own government values no life at all. They invest in bombs and weapons of war. They set up false flag operations to murder innocent children in order to score political points (Oklahoma City bombing, anyone?). The FDA harvests the organs of murdered babies to use in medical experiments, all funded by your taxpayer dollars. Don’t pretend for a second that the government values life and wants to protect the innocent. They murder the innocent on a routine basis in order to enrich and empower themselves.

Get full details on all this and more in today’s uncensored, sometimes outrageous Situation Update podcast via

Monkeypox just the latest engineered distraction as controlled demolition of human civilization accelerates

Monkeypox, a Misdirection Play: Dr. Malone Provides Insight to the Latest Developments

Monkeypox, a Misdirection Play: Dr. Malone Provides Insight to the Latest Developments

Bannon: "What is Monkeypox?"

Dr. Malone: "Misdirection play."

"... they already have stockpiled vaccines for smallpox. What they bought is more smallpox vaccines... The name of the product is called JYNNEOS... It is marketed by Bavarian Nordic in you all you have to do is search for package insert JYNNEOS and you'll pull up the package insert for the product and they will find that this is absolutely not a benign product just as with the old Dr. X product, which is somewhat safer than that I had experienced with that and this product when I was working for DOD. This has as one of the leading rare serious adverse events. Wait for it. cardiotoxicity myocarditis."

Economic Collapse is a Real Threat, Monkeypox is Not

Ed Dowd gives a warning of economic collapse and I cover information that exposes the Monkeypox scam. Don't let the media, which lies about everything, win this information battle.

Video Sources:
1) Ed Dowd thinks they will try to do another shutdown to interpose the next election.

2) Ed Dowd and Steve Bannon talk about The Four Converging Forces That Will Destroy the Economy

3) Info wars on the truth about Monkeypox



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

(Natural News) Monkeypox, a very mild contagious disease that deserves no panic whatsoever, is reportedly spreading across the world among attendees of a gay pride gathering of 80,000 people in Gran Canaria.

As The Sun (UK) reports, “The Canaria Pride festival, held in the town of Maspalomas between May 5 and 15, has become a hotspot for the monkeypox outbreak, reports El País.”

It turns out that engaging in gay sex activities with thousands of strangers spreads disease. (Who knew?) Even the WHO now says monkeypox is spreading mainly through sexual contact among gay men.

Note that there isn’t a single corporate media outlet in the world that will admit such a fact. They cover up the filthy sexual habits and pretend that anal intercourse among multiple sex partners is perfectly normal, perhaps even preferred.

“Many known patients are gay men who were tested after going to STI clinics, the WHO said. Health chiefs warned gay and bisexual men to be on the lookout for new unexplained rashes,” adds The Sun. “Cases have now been detected in Israel, Norway, Australia, Portugal, Spain, Belgium, Germany, France, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, the United States, and Canada.”

But monkeypox presents virtually zero risk to the world. The media hysteria surrounding the topic is just the latest effort to try to spread fear and panic in order to push — you guessed it — the inevitable monkeypox vaccine that will be forced onto everyone if they can conjure up enough panic.

Anyone dumb enough to fall for this latest “outbreak” hysteria is dumber than a monkey, of course. Among primates on planet Earth, human beings are the only species dumb enough to poison their food supply with pesticides, mass murder their own offspring with widespread abortions, and inject themselves with genetically altering experimental “vaccines” that cause infertility and death. Even rats aren’t stupid enough to engage in those practices… it takes an obedient human progressive to be that stupid.

Only 10 weeks of wheat supply left in the world

As reports, a food expert named Sara Menker, testifying before the United Nations, warned that there are only 10 weeks of wheat supply remaining in the world. Importantly, she also recognizes that it’s not merely “Putin’s fault.” From that story:

Sara Menker, the CEO of agriculture analytics firm Gro Intelligence, told the UN Security Council that the Russia-Ukraine war was not the cause of a food security crisis but “simply added fuel to a fire that was long burning.”

“It is important to note that the lowest grain inventory levels the world has ever seen are now occurring while access to fertilizers is highly constrained,” she said. “And drought in wheat-growing regions around the world is the most extreme it’s been in over 20 years. Similar inventory concerns also apply to corn and other grains.”

So what happens after the “wheat wars” hit a critical point of collapse? Food riots, of course. Upheaval, civil unrest, and revolution around the world. The lack of affordable food will push every nation across the world toward the boiling point. Some of those nations will see violent revolts. Others will see their governments fall (as is happening right now in Sri Lanka).

Understand that the oblivious masses still have no clue the food supply is collapsing. They think that grocery stores in November and December will be fully stocked. Oblivious Europeans think heating energy will be widely available, too. (They are wrong.) The expectations of supply currently held by the oblivious masses are catastrophically inaccurate and subject to radical, painful corrections as reality kicks in.

The situation isn’t going to be pretty.

Listen to more details on all this — including my “Shock the Monkey Pox” song intro — in today’s Situation Update podcast:



DEVOUT CATHOLIC, SEAN HANNITY FOLLOWING THE POPE’S ORDERS ON ISLAM; SUPPORTS DR. OZ along with homosexual Rick Grenell: “Kathy Barnette cannot win a general election in PA”



Sean Hannity rips, maligns Pennsylvania GOP Senate candidate Kathy Barnette as 'unelectable'

Fox News host Sean Hannity ripped Kathy Barnette for "very controversial rhetoric" surrounding gays, lesbians, and Muslims on Thursday night on "Hannity."



Hannity: Kathy Barnette Hasn’t Been Vetted, She Was a Never-Trumper

Kathy Barnette must WIN!!!! Gay Ric Grenell and Sean Hannity go to war on Twitter to defend Dr. Oz

Rick Grenell explains why he’s not backing Kathy Barnett to Steve Bannon:


Since the Debut of Disney/Marvel’s Muslim Superhero, 159,715 People Have Been Murdered for Islam



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

(See for the jihad body count, day by day, week by week, month by month, and year by year, since 2001)

The only reason we began to discuss Islam was jihad, and the one thing that Disney/Marvel has completely kept out of their Muslim superhero comic book is jihad, which debuted in 2013. And since Disney/Marvel will be releasing a live-action series featuring their Muslim superhero, Ms. Marvel aka Kamala Khan, this month, it’s time, once again, to call out these enemy propagandists in wartime. And keep in mind that there was a time when our enemies paid off sellouts in America to promote enemy propaganda, but now we’re so corrupt that companies do it on their own, without any possibility of reciprocation on the other side. While Disney/Marvel and WarnerBrothers/DC Comics/Discovery promote their Muslim superheroes, there are no such American superhero counterparts in Islamic dictatorships.

I was born to Muslim parents in the Bronx, New York, and I was raised Muslim. We ended up moving to New Jersey, which is where Marvel’s Muslim superhero lives with her family from Pakistan. Growing up, while my family would have been considered “moderate Muslims,” there was nothing moderate about the Jew-hatred in my Muslim family, or the contempt shown towards females. Some members of my family even idolized Hitler, because he killed more Jews than anyone. And yet this casual hatred of others, of almost all others outside of the home, even by what is referred to as “moderate Muslims,” doesn’t appear at all in Disney/Marvel’s Muslim superhero comic book, which makes it nothing short of enemy propaganda for a foreign enemy, produced by a domestic enemy.

I was raised to hate Jews and to treat females like crap in America, and all you read from Disney/Marvel’s Muslim superhero is how good and innocent and morally upright she and her family are. We all know that Disney/Marvel produce fantasy, but once they delve into the real world of Islam and Muslims, and leave out any whiff of shariah law and the never-ending jihad, they have made themselves enemy propagandists, and callous ones at that, as they have to work very hard to try and avoid the fact that hundreds of people are murdered in the name of Islam every single week.

I also find it telling that Disney/Marvel chose to have a young female be its Muslim superhero, considering Islam’s misogyny, as well as its male supremacy. Growing up Muslim, I remember my mother mourning the birth of my nieces, because she believed, with great reason, that their lifetime mistreatment at the hands of male Muslims was inevitable. I can’t think of any Muslim females in my generation who weren’t beaten by their male relatives. And, of course, nothing like that is in Ms. Marvel’s stories. And the only solace I can take in Disney/Marvel’s Islamic propaganda superhero is that even the most dishonest leftist hack reviewers can only pretend to like it, as it might be their least popular character, no matter what these reviewers claim. In a country of 330 million people, the best a Muslim superhero comic book produced by Disney and Marvel Comics, with all of their promotional power, has been able to sell is 12,000 copies a month, and only for a little while.

In other words, even the not exactly self-aware propagandists behind it know that it’s pure propaganda, but dare not cancel it, out of fear of what a potential Muslim backlash could be. (Disney/Marvel have no such concern canceling unpopular black/female/gay superhero comics.) The leftists behind Disney/Marvel first published the comic book out of fear that not doing so might anger their Muslim editor who pitched it, as well as other Muslims, (as they know that angry Muslims act on their anger more than others). They continue publishing it out of fear. In the end, what we have here is enemy propaganda produced by a domestic enemy for a foreign enemy, free of charge, and all in the name of not angering Muslims. What a disgusting, gutless motive behind publishing a comic book, and to continue publishing it, and now, to produce a live-action version of it, that even those who claim to be fans of it aren’t excited about.

And I repeat, again and again: the only reason we began to discuss Islam was jihad. So long-form stories about Muslims that completely avoid jihad are pure Islamic propaganda, whether done by Muslims or their useful idiots. 


Pope Francis and Grand Imam Kiss and Sign Peace Document; One World Religion, NWO

Robert Spencer: Pope Francis, the Pope of Islam


The Pope and the "Religion of Peace"

Pope Francis on the Religion of Peace; EXPOSED BY A CATHOLIC:

Priests Convene Ramadan Prayer in Churches




Biden Administration Winks at Mob Rule on Abortion~DEVOUT CATHOLIC Pelosi Encourages Protesters’ ‘Righteous Anger’ to March~Chicago’s GAY Mayor Issues ‘Call to Arms’ Against Supreme Court~California to become the first “abortion tourism” state~Hannity: This is a ‘disgusting attempt’ to destroy the independence of America’s judiciary

A "Catholic" president believes a woman has an inherent right to “abort a child”

Dan Ball W/ Elizabeth Johnston, The Sanctity Of Life



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

President Joe Biden’s outgoing press secretary, Jen Psaki, was asked by reporters last week to explain the president’s use of the words “abort a child” when commenting on who should make that judgment. Psaki ducked the question. She responded only that “the President’s view on a woman’s right to make choices about her own healthcare is well known, well documented, well stated.”

President Biden also said that certain basic rights, such as the right to privacy, are inherent rights. They do not come from the government, President Biden said, “but because I’m just a child of God; I exist.”  He would recognize, of course, that a pregnant woman too is a “child of God” who also has an inherent right to privacy.

However, in the pregnant woman’s case, according to the expansive concept of privacy adopted in Roe v. Wade, her inherent right to privacy means that she can make the choice, in President Biden’s own words, to “abort a child.” Conversely, in this way of thinking, the aborted child does not exist as a “child of God” with the inherent right to life but is considered instead to be a throw-away body part.

Indeed, Jen Psaki refused to answer whether the president supports an unlimited right to abortion, even up until the moment of birth. “He supports the right of a woman to make choices about her own body with her doctor,” Psaki insisted.

The Declaration of Independence recognized that “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

During the course of the nation’s history and Supreme Court interpretations of the Constitution over time, these basic rights have been extended to all “persons” and given deeper meaning as they are applied to new circumstances.

However, it is one thing to interpret the fundamental principle of “liberty,” as that word is used in the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution, to include a notion of privacy in someone’s intimate personal relationships that is protected from undue governmental interference. It is quite another thing to say that the protection of one’s privacy intrinsic to one’s own liberty extends to extinguishing another living being created in the image of God.

Abortion presents complex policy issues that are better left to be sorted out by the political process in which the people have a say through their elected representatives. Creating a completely new constitutional right to “abort a child” does violence to the true meaning of unalienable, God-given rights that are considered so fundamental to ordered liberty that they are beyond lawmakers’ discretion to deny.

President Biden and his press secretary have no problem referring to the right of a “woman” to make choices about her own body, evidently assuming that everyone knows what a “woman” is. Well, not everyone, as we saw during the Senate confirmation hearing of President Biden’s choice for the Supreme Court, Ketanji Brown Jackson.

"Can you provide a definition for the word ‘woman?’" Senator Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., asked the Supreme Court justice in waiting. "Can I provide a definition? No," Ms. Jackson responded. "I can't."

Thus, after Justice Stephen G. Breyer formally steps down as an associate justice this summer, he will be replaced by a justice who could not, or would not, even provide a definition of the word “woman.” Will she refer to "pregnant people" or "birthing people” instead as the class of individuals with the right to make choices about their own bodies and "abort a child," in order not to offend transgender men?

The Biden White House is so angry about the potential overruling of Roe v. Wade that the president and his spokesperson did not speak out for days against plans by pro-abortion extremists to carry their militant protests to where conservative Supreme Court justices live and where Catholics worship.

“I think the president’s view is that there’s a lot of passion, a lot of fear, a lot of sadness from many, many people across this country about what they saw in that leaked document,”  White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said, referring to the leaked draft opinion overruling Roe v. Wade written by Justice Samuel Alito.

A radical pop-up group known as Ruth Sent Us, named after the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, is one of the extreme leftist organizations behind an effort to intimidate Supreme Court justices by invading their privacy at home.

Another radical group involved with coordinating protests to pressure the Supreme Court to uphold Roe v. Wade is Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights. Its website calls for people opposed to “patriarchal domination” and “female enslavement” to “resist” and “fill the streets with our fury.”

Is a replay of the disruptive anti-police protests of the summer of 2020, which led to violence in the streets, in the offing?

The Ruth Sent Us group published the residential locations of six conservative justices and urged its followers to “rise up” in protest against them “to force accountability.”  

Some radical pro-abortion activists gathered outside the homes of targeted Supreme Court justices on Saturday, in one case loudly chanting “No uterus, no opinion” outside of Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s home.

A reporter described the pro-abortion protest scene outside of Justice Kavanaugh’s home as "one of the scariest things" he had ever witnessed. He characterized the protests as an "attempt at intimidation."

Justice Alito and his family reportedly have been moved to an undisclosed location out of concern for their personal safety.

The radicals’ raucous protests outside the justices’ homes may have violated a federal law prohibiting pickets, parades, or demonstrations “near a building or residence occupied or used by” a judge “with the intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge…”

But don’t expect the Biden Justice Department to take any action to enforce the law. Attorney General Merrick Garland is too busy monitoring parents’ behavior at school board meetings.

On May 9th, following the protests at two justices’ homes over the weekend, with more planned for this week, Jen Psaki finally tweeted the following statement:

“@POTUS strongly believes in the Constitutional right to protest. But that should never include violence, threats, or vandalism. Judges perform an incredibly important function in our society, and they must be able to do their jobs without concern for their personal safety.”

The White House also put out a statement on May 9th declaring that President Biden “strongly condemns” a Molotov cocktail attack on a Wisconsin pro-life group’s office over this past weekend.

Too little too late. President Biden himself should have gotten ahead of the mounting danger to the Supreme Court justices’ safety and the risk of violence. He should have addressed pro-abortion supporters directly with an urgent message for them to stand down from taking actions intended to intimidate any justices.

President Biden failed to do so.

Instead, President Biden managed to find time last week to insult the many millions of law-abiding Americans who believe in former President Donald Trump’s America First agenda. The president degraded his office by outlandishly claiming that the “MAGA crowd is really the most extreme political organization that’s existed in American history — in recent American history.”

That distinction belongs to Antifa and other far-left groups prone to violence. 

Pro-abortion radicals not only hate the Supreme Court justices who may overrule Roe v. Wade, as well as the institution of the Supreme Court itself. They also hate the Catholic Church.

Pro-abortion radicals have no compunctions about defacing churches with pro-abortion graffiti, which they did last week to a Catholic Church in Boulder, Colorado.

Pro-abortion radicals also have no compunctions about interfering with Catholics’ freedom of worship, as they did last Saturday when they blocked the entrance to a New York City church.

And that is not all. Ruth Sent Us also tweeted the following threat on May 7th: “Stuff your rosaries and your weaponized prayer. We will remain outraged after this weekend, so keep praying. We’ll be burning the Eucharist to show our disgust for the abuse Catholic Churches have condoned for centuries.”

Where is the self-declared devout Catholic Joe Biden’s outrage over a threat to burn the Eucharist? President Biden found time recently to condemn Islamophobia, but he has given hatred directed at Catholics by members of the Democrats’ progressive Left base a free pass.

Leftists have a habit of demanding rights for themselves and their own causes, including freedom of speech and privacy while having no problem denying these same rights to their declared “enemies.”

The Democrats' far-left base believes in mob rule rather than the rule of law. It is past time for President Biden to repudiate them. 


DEVOUT CATHOLIC Pelosi Encourages Protesters' 'Righteous Anger' to March

Pelosi Encourages Protesters' 'Righteous Anger' in Marching Illegally in Front of Justices' Homes



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

U.S. Code § 1507 states that “any individual who “pickets or parades” with the “intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness, or court officer” near a federal court or “near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge, juror, witness, or court officer (emphasis mine)” will be fined, or “imprisoned not more than one year, or both.”

It’s no surprise that Joe Biden’s Department of Justice hasn’t lifted a finger to arrest anyone obviously trying to interfere with a Supreme Court decision. It’s also not particularly surprising that Joe Biden’s U.S. Marshals Service hasn’t been tasked with protecting the homes of conservative justices who are under threat.

But the biggest non-surprise of all is that Biden doing nothing about prominent Democrats like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) all but encouraging and justifying violence against the justices.

Fox News:

“While we have seen and heard extraordinary anguish in our communities,” Pelosi, D-Calif., said, “we have been moved by how so many have channeled their righteous anger into meaningful action: planning to march and mobilize to make their voices heard.”

In the statement, Pelosi also attacked Republicans and the Supreme Court over the expected ruling, and says that Democrats will “fight relentlessly to enshrine Roe v. Wade as the law of the land.”

“Righteous anger,” indeed.

“Republicans have made clear that their goal will be to seek to criminalize abortion nationwide,” Pelosi said. “Republican state legislators across the country are already advancing extreme new laws, seeking to arrest doctors for offering reproductive care, ban abortion entirely with no exceptions, and even charge women with murder who exercise their right to choose.”

None of those proposals have passed in any state legislature. Pelosi is dancing with strawmen to gin up outrage against the justices. And given the hysteria that Pelosi and other Democrats are generating against the justices, any such rhetorical incendiary devices could motivate some radical left crackpot to attempt to give Biden a few more Supreme Court picks.

This should concern Attorney General Merrick Garland. But the man who wanted to sic the FBI on parents protesting at school board meetings — a purely local matter — is predictably quiet when federal judges are under threat from a hysterical mob of left-wing crazies.

Fox News:

According to senior fellow at the National Review Institute and Fox News contributor Andy McCarthy, the Biden DOJ is being silent on this for the same reason as the White House: “They are elevating their political interest in portraying the draft Supreme Court opinion as extreme over their constitutional duty to execute the laws faithfully and protect both the Court and the justices.”

“I would note that months ago, when Attorney General Garland unjustifiably dispatched the FBI to investigate parents who were protesting the inclusion of racist and anti-American materials in school curricula, Garland claimed that the Justice Department had an interest in protecting teachers and school administrators. Not only was it untrue that schools were under siege; the relationship between parents and schools is a state and local issue, not a federal one — hypothetically, if a parent were to assault a teacher, it would be a state crime, not a federal one,” continued McCarthy.

Garland is just Biden’s errand boy. He does what he’s told to do. But Pelosi’s veiled threats against the justices, claiming that some anger is justified and should be encouraged, puts the Speaker outside the lines of acceptable behavior in a volatile political atmosphere.

Chicago's GAY Mayor Issues 'Call to Arms' Against Supreme Court After Abortion Decision Leak

Lori Lightfoot elected Chicago mayor, becoming first black woman and ...



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot is keenly aware of what she did when she issued a “call to arms” to fight the Supreme Court. With all the violence in her own city, maybe it is just background noise like gunshots on a Saturday night.

The mayor, who presides over a city with the 10th highest murder rate in the country, thought nothing of turning up the flame under an already roiling mob of “protesters” who are quite literally obstructing justice by blocking the homes of Supreme Court justices.

A far-left group leaked the addresses of the justices’ homes and a map for how to get each one, and since then the mobs have begun camping outside the homes of Brett Kavanaugh, John Roberts, and Samuel Alito in hopes of changing votes after a leaked draft decision on Mississippi’s Dobbs case suggested that the Court would send the issue of abortion back to the states.

Lightfoot’s “call to arms” came after a news conference in which she vowed to make the Windy City a “sanctuary” for abortion for women — but not for babies.

She promised $500,000 of other people’s money to pay for “free” abortions for people who come to Chicago to take advantage of the city’s newly declared “sanctuary” status.

“Proud to stand side-by-side with fearless women leaders of Chicago,” she wrote online. “We will fight like hell to protect reproductive freedom for women here and across the country.” What she doesn’t say, of course, is that even if Roe v. Wade and Casey v. Planned Parenthood decisions, the flawed “canon” of law untethered from the Constitution, are removed, the issue of abortion goes back to the states.

Lightfoot probably didn’t read Justice Alito’s majority opinion, but if she did, she would see that he included a proviso that this decision affected life and not other jurisprudence.

But Lightfoot, like many other people, knows that the gay marriage decision Obergefell v. Hodges, which somehow found same-sex marriage in the Constitution, may also one day devolve back to the states, where marriage always has been. She doesn’t want that to happen, thus her call to arms.

In a Twitter thread, the Chicago mayor, who’s gay, said to her “friends in the LGBTQ+ community” that “the Supreme Court is coming for us next. This moment has to be a call to arms. We will not surrender our rights without a fight—a fight to victory!”
Screenshot from Twitter

Lightfoot doesn’t trust the same voters who put her into office to decide the issues of marriage and abortion.

As Michael Quinn Sullivan, the publisher of Texas Scorecard, put it, “if this isn’t a call to insurrection, what is?”

Look for Sullivan to have his taxes audited next year.


California to become the first “abortion tourism” state, luring pregnant women to the state with funds for airfare, lodging, meals



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

(Natural News) With the landmark 1973 Supreme Court Ruling (Roe v. Wade) soon to get the ax, California is already preparing to become the first ABORTION TOURISM STATE. A new bill, proposed by California senators Nancy Skinner and Anna Caballero, would pay pregnant women to travel into California and terminate the life of their baby. This program would financially incentivize women to get pregnant and abort their babies, over and over again.

This new package (Senate Bill 1142) would provide pregnant women with all the funds they need for a free abortion vacation. The bill calls these abortion vacation amenities “practical support services.” These funds include money for airfare, lodging, meals, dependent childcare, gas, and other financial assistance – as long as the women commit to aborting their babies. This program can target women at any stage of their pregnancy, even when the baby is viable outside the womb.

California Democrats look to regulate the population by controlling and coercing women

California Democrats are literally trying to regulate the population of the United States by coercing women into convenient abortions, at any stage of their baby’s gestation. The state would issue abortion vacation funds to various nonprofit organizations in the form of grants. Additionally, the law would require the California Health and Human Services Agency to conduct an “educational and outreach campaign” to lure women into abortion. The Agency would be tasked with developing a website, pointing women in the direction of the nearest abortion provider. After they make travel arrangements for the abortion, the targeted women can be reimbursed for practically all expenses related to the trip.

For the Democrats, this program is obviously all about control, as they take other people’s money to dictate predatory medical procedures over a woman’s body. In the process, they degrade the woman and discard innocent human life, while providing NO assistance to help the woman or her child find healing, life, dignity, and a future together.

High-level Democrats would love to end Roe v. Wade, because it allows them to control women at the state level, using taxpayer funds to dictate a pregnant woman’s future, while shouldering her loss, shame, and guilt. Democrats do not care about a woman’s choice, or else they would provide financial assistance programs to support her baby and the woman’s mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Protecting human life is more important than ever, as predatory governments and corporations prey on women and offer no hope for their situation, their family, or their future.

California already disregards body autonomy rights in favor of coercion and death

California is already pushing abortion for women. Abortion is financially incentivized by the state’s Medicaid program. California taxpayers are forced to pay for population control, as women are coerced into violating the body autonomy rights of the most vulnerable – their own child. Private insurers are even forced to pay for abortions under state law. California legislators are trying to erase the “right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” from the U.S. Constitution by guaranteeing unchecked abortion rights in the state’s Constitution.

Democrats pretend to be about “women’s rights,” but their actions suggest they only care about destroying the next generation of women and men. Suddenly, in California, it’s all about “my body, my choice” – as the state disregards the basic human rights of the unborn, allowing unchecked dismembering and vacuuming of their body parts, straight from the mother’s womb.

Of course, these fetal organs are valuable in the organ trafficking industry. The vaccine industry notoriously uses fetal organs to replicate pathogens for their biologics. Perhaps the state of California is being used to keep this organ trafficking industry viable, as the vaccine industry expands. Ironically, California is the same state that has vanquished all body autonomy rights, forcing adults, children, and babies to succumb to destructive vaccine mandates and passports (that are also causing further harm and loss of life).

Sources include:


Hannity: This is a ‘disgusting attempt’ to destroy the independence of America’s judiciary

Sean Hannity discusses the left’s ‘tacit’ approval of the violence being exhibited by pro-choice extremists

Texas Library Association Hosts Drag Performers, Workshops on Social Justice and LGBT Community ⋆ Elizabeth Johnston

Texas Library Assn. Hosts Drag Queen Storytime, But TFP Protests

Click on the following link to protest Drag Queens reading to children --


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Late last month, school librarians from across Texas gathered for the four-day “Recover, Rebalance, Reconnect” lineup which featured drag queens, a talk from prominent racial justice scholar Ibram X. Kendi, and workshops on social justice and building community around LGBT identities.

Texas Library Association (TLA) hosted drag performers Justin Johnson and Joseph Hoselton, respectively known and dressed as their alter-egos “Alyssa Edwards” and “Jenny Skyy,” as The Christian Post reported.

Johnson was featured as the conference’s “After Hours Keynote” speaker while Hoselton led a “Drag Queen Storytime” for the sake of promoting “literacy and community collaboration through dynamic storytelling and music.”

Drag queen storytime events have gained popularity across the country over the last five years, gaining praise from the LGBT community and controversy among conservatives and Christians in equal measure.

This is something we have often covered here at Elizabeth Johnston ministries, particularly in instances when drag performers featured at the events, often geared towards particularly young children, have been exposed as having an unvetted history of sexual crimes against children — or even, in one horrifying case, seen to have exposed themselves to the children.

The TLA’s conference also featured a talk from Kendi, the author of “How to Be Anti-Racist” and one of the most high-profile promulgators of so-called “racial justice” or what has been come to be known as critical race theory and which many have raised concerns about its presence in American public school classrooms.

There was also reportedly a workshop called “Building Community Relationships for LGBTQIA+ Patrons” as well as one on “diversifying” library collections to introduce more material on “identity, culture, diversity, bias, and social justice.”

The Post notes that the TLA is a charitable nonprofit made up of workers at taxpayer-funded libraries in the state.

BOYCOTT NOW!: Target Goes All In on Gender Grooming

Target Releases Line Featuring Chest Binders, Packing Underwear Ahead of LGBT Pride Month ⋆ Elizabeth Johnston


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Retail giant Target has released a collection of LGBT clothing in collaboration with “queer-owned” brands which features chest binders and packing underwear for transgender shoppers.

The Daily Wire notes that this is not the first time Target has made headlines for its LGBT-themed products and has notoriously sold Pride-themed clothing for children and babies in the past.

The retailer has released two collections in collaboration with TomboyX and Humankind, which it says are both “queer-owned, female-founded brands.”

The TomboyX collection features an array of trans-friendly undergarments, such as chest binders and packing underwear that are meant to assume the appearance of male genitalia as well as bras and boyshorts.

The Humankind collection, meanwhile, offers “gender-affirming swimsuits” according to Bustle, which noted that such swimwear is “notoriously difficult to find.”

Reps for Target confirmed to Bustle that this is the first time that Target has stocked its shelves with compression tops.

June is Pride month, which has become a prominent occasion in the United States and across the western world featuring parades, events, and a wide array of rainbow-colored merchandise.

Target, known for its bold marketing themes, has taken full advantage of the cultural phenomenon.

This month’s Pride collection features some products such as towels, shirts, tote bags, flags, and toys. Some of the tags read “For the queer lovers and everyone in between, for the rebels that fight to forever be seen.”

Target also offers Pride-themed children’s items such as shirts for toddlers which declare that “Trans rights are human rights” or feature the wearer’s pronouns or rainbow-colored onesies and matching family sets.

Their stores also sell trans-themed toddler books, like “Bye Bye Binary” and “The Pronoun Book.”


Taco Bell to Host “Drag Brunch” to Celebrate LGBTQ Culture



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

The latest American corporation to embrace the far-left “woke” agenda is the fast-food chain Taco Bell, which recently announced that it will host what it calls its “Taco Bell Drag Brunch” in select cities across the United States. The brunches will be hosted by drag model Kay Sedia and will include local drag performers.

The first event was held on May 1 in Las Vegas. From there, the show will move to Chicago on May 22, Nashville on May 29, New York on June 12, and Fort Lauderdale on June 26.

The events are being put on by the Taco Bell Foundation and are an attempt to support the It Gets Better Project with a grant intended to expand workforce readiness resources for LGBTQIA+ youth.

Despite the stated purpose of the grant — to support LGBT youth — you must be 18 years old to secure a reservation, and alcohol will be served. After people with reservations are seated, the general public will be allowed in.

“It wouldn’t be brunch without delicious breakfast and refreshing bubbly, so attendees can expect Taco Bell breakfast, including the new $5 Bell Breakfast Box and new Cinnabon Delights Coffee, mimosas (please drink responsibly), and more,” the press release states.

Like seemingly everything else these days, the event is meant to celebrate the LGBT lifestyle.

“We understand the importance of creating safe spaces for the LGBTQIA+ community and are thrilled to provide a unique experience that spotlights and celebrates the wonderful art form of drag and its influence on culture with their chosen families,” said Sean Tresvant, Taco Bell’s global chief brand officer, in a statement.

“Taco Bell Drag Brunch was conceived by Live Más Pride, Taco Bell’s LGBTQIA+ Employee Resource Group, which has played a major role in driving awareness of and meaningfully supporting LGBTQIA+ communities both within Taco Bell and the communities we serve and operate in,” Tresvant said.

According to the press release, Live Más Pride boasts membership “of over 100 members across the brand.” Taco Bell has more than 200,000 employees worldwide. Assuming “over 100” means between 100 and 200, it seems like a pretty big fuss to put on for less than .1 percent of the workforce.

Of course, Taco Bell is just one of the latest big companies to fall prey to pressure from LGBTQ activists. Everyone knows about the Walt Disney Company’s capitulation to the LGBTQ agenda in Florida. The media company, which aims much of its programming at children, protested loudly about the state’s Parental Rights in Education law, which bars teachers from talking about sexual issues with children from kindergarten through third grade. The media giant has also begun airing ads that support transgender therapies for youth.

Taco Bell’s “Drag” theme has already been embraced by several school systems and public libraries nationwide, which promote “drag queen” story hours.

Sadly, even some churches have bowed to pressure from LGBTQ activists. Trinity Lutheran Church in Greenville, South Carolina, is promoting an event called “Drag Me to Church,” which will feature a performer called “Lady Douche.”

“You’ll be endlessly entertained as the Lady Douche leads us through her unique style of worship which includes as many laughs as it does amens!” the church’s Facebook page announced.

And Warner Bros., which operates the Discovery Plus streaming service, is airing its own perversion called “Generation Drag.” The premise of this show is that five teenagers, along with their families, prepare for a large drag show for children known as “Dragutante.”

“Five Teenagers Prepare for Their Biggest Drag Performance,” a press release touting the show reads.

The list of companies now actively promoting the LGBTQ agenda either directly or through targeted advertisements is long and growing longer. As companies continue to “go woke,” it appears they don’t care about “going broke,” which suggests that the companies see this not as an economic imperative, but as a cultural one.

Witness the girl-maiming SCAR CULT being pushed by Biden and leftists who encourage young girls to have their breasts sliced off with medical scalpels

Image: Witness the girl-maiming SCAR CULT being pushed by Biden and leftists who encourage young girls to have their breasts sliced off with medical scalpels



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

(Natural News) Girls as young as 13 are increasingly opting to slice off their breasts as part of an LGBT push to turn more American children into transgenders. And the Biden regime is largely to blame for this horrific trend.

Thanks to years of grooming at government-run public schools, American kids today are less concerned about enjoying their innocence and more focused on cutting off their genitals and taking gender-bending pharmaceuticals in order to join the ranks of the “rainbow” cult.

On their own, innocent children would never dream up perversions like this. Evil adults, many of them demon-possessed, are the ones responsible for turning the United States into Sodom and Gomorrah – and their demonic work has only just begun.

The below video from The Western Journal explains how the Biden regime (meaning the Obama regime, since Barack appears to be the one truly running things) is largely responsible for the trans-ification of America into a nation of Baphomets:

Since 2017, the percentage of American teens wanting to become transgenders has more than doubled

School curriculum, media programming, government messaging, and corporate propaganda are all contributing factors as well to the swift decline of America’s youth.

The end result of all this grooming is confusion, followed by pressure and even a desire to follow the script straight into “transitioning,” which is what increasingly more children these days are doing.

In 2017 when Donald Trump first became president, only about three or four out of every 100 American teens expressed interest in becoming transgender. By 2021, that number had more than doubled to nine in 100 children.

One can only imagine what the figure is currently as things accelerate exponentially.

“These children have been groomed to believe the idea that if they don’t feel quite right socially if they don’t fit in for one reason or another, they might be trapped in the wrong body,” writes Michael Austin for The Western Journal.

“Because of this, many kids who suddenly identify as trans are experiencing social awkwardness, going through puberty and/or suffering from social development disorders such as autism and ADHD.”

It is perfectly normal for young people to experience confusion about who they are as they develop from childhood into puberty. What is not normal is them having perverse adults all around trying to convince them that this points to transgenderism.

“These children are being groomed to believe that the normal stresses of childhood can be solved through gender transitioning,” Austin adds. “They’re told that if you don’t feel right in your own body, the only way to feel whole is to mutilate that body to better fit the opposite gender.”

The Biden regime and leftists call this “gender-affirming care,” but nothing could be further than the truth. Instead of affirming children in their natural-born genders, perverse adults are telling them that they must affirm a different gender than the one that matches their anatomy.

Again, this is called grooming, and the Bible warns that people who engage in such are better off having a millstone tied to their neck and getting tossed into the ocean, as opposed to the judgment they will face at the hands of an angry God.

“Children need to learn how to tie their shoes and they need to be taught about math and reading, not the strange sexual ideologies of political activists,” Austin says.

“If you disagree, if you believe this sort of political and sexual grooming should be permitted in a classroom full of young children, there’s only one thing left to say: OK, groomer.”

The latest news about America’s rapid decline into the depths of hell can be found at

Sources include:

What Biden Doesn’t Want You to Know About Karine Jean-Pierre

Karine Jean-Pierre was born in Martinique, France on August 13, 1977. Like her parents, she belongs to Haitian ethnicity. Though Martinican-born, she was raised in Queens, NYC. Besides, Pierre has citizenship in both Haiti and America.

The activist went to the School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University. Later, she graduated with an MPA(Master of Public Affairs) degree.

Karine Jean-Pierre Husband: Who Is Partner Suzanne Malveaux?

Karine Jean-Pierre Husband: Who Is Partner Suzanne Malveaux?

Karine Jean-Pierre 5 Radical Facts about Jen Psaki Replacement as White House Press Secretary




US President Joe Biden named as his next press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, a former official of the activist MoveOn group who endorsed its call on Democratic presidential candidates to boycott the annual AIPAC conference.

“When it comes down to it, AIPAC’s policies are not progressive policies. AIPAC’s values are not progressive values,” Pierre wrote in the 2019 piece, saying that the group’s failure to forcefully call out the Trump administration’s bigotry disqualified it as a venue for Democrats.

AIPAC, historically non-partisan, has in the last decade drifted apart from progressives on Israel policy. Most recently, it launched a PAC to directly support pro-Israel candidates for the first time; the PAC has so far given to more Republicans than to Democrats and has drawn criticism for giving to Republicans who voted not to affirm Biden’s election. It also is supporting the House Democrats’ leadership and about half of the party’s progressive caucus.


“When it comes down to it, AIPAC’s policies are not progressive policies. AIPAC’s values are not progressive values,” Jean-Pierre wrote in a Newsweek Op-Ed in 2019. “It’s time to call a spade a spade.”

In the piece, she blasted the conference as “severely racist” saying it has “become known for trafficking in anti-Muslim and anti-Arab rhetoric while lifting up Islamophobic voices and attitudes.”



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

When Joe Biden announced Karine Jean-Pierre would soon replace Jen Psaki as his press secretary, he naturally assumed the media would collectively swoon over the fact that he had picked a Black Lesbian Woman™ for such a high-profile position. Which, of course, they did. Biden clearly expects Jean-Pierre’s status as a black woman and a member of the LGBT community will protect her from scrutiny and criticism.

Heh. Well, not from me.

Related: Black Lesbian Woman™ to Replace Circle Back Girl as White House Press Secretary

It turns out that when you read the fine print on Black Lesbian Woman™ Jean-Pierre, you find out she’s in a same-sex marriage with CNN reporter Suzanne Malveaux, which raises a few ethical questions.

“The White House did not respond to a request for comment about whether Jean-Pierre would recuse herself in dealing with CNN,” the Washington Free Beacon reports. “Malveaux’s colleagues include Valerie Jarrett’s daughter, CNN justice correspondent Laura Jarrett, and Israel ambassador Tom Nides’s wife, Virginia Moseley, who serves as CNN’s senior vice president of news-gathering.”

“Suzanne Malveaux will continue in her role as CNN national correspondent covering national/international news and cultural events but will not cover politics, Capitol Hill, or the White House while Karine Jean-Pierre is serving as White House press secretary,” a CNN spokesperson told the Washington Free Beacon.

But that’s not the only skeleton in Jean-Pierre’s closet. In addition to the aforementioned ethical issues, she is also a long-time anti-Israel activist.

Her history includes a past role as a senior adviser and national spokeswoman for, a far-left organization that has established itself as anti-Israel, in part by advocating for boycotts of the country that are widely considered anti-Semitic.

“Joe Biden’s promotion of Jean-Pierre signals to all would-be Israel haters that their efforts will be rewarded with White House appointments and promotions,” said Ellie Cohanim, a former Trump administration official who served as the State Department’s deputy special envoy to monitor and combat anti-Semitism. “At a time of rising anti-Semitism in America, Biden’s promotion of Jean-Pierre is exactly the wrong signal to send.”

“As a child of Holocaust survivors and as an American Jew, I am both appalled and frightened that Biden has chosen as his principal deputy press secretary, Ms. Jean-Pierre, who has shown essentially antisemitic hostility toward Israel and is willing to lie about and vilify Israel and Jews to promote her ugly Israelophobic agenda,” Mort Klein, CEO of the Zionist Organization on America, said in a statement.


Conflict of interest: Biden’s new press secretary in relationship with CNN reporter



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The political Left and the media establishment form one big club. This is not even close to being the first evidence of that. Think of George Stephanopoulos going from the Clinton White House to ABC News, and Jen Psaki, Jean-Pierre’s predecessor, going to MSNBC. You don’t see, say, Kayleigh McEnany getting a job on CNN. The supposedly objective news outlets are open only to the Left.

“Biden’s new press secretary sparks conflict-of-interest concerns over relationship with CNN’s Suzanne Malveaux,” by Lee Brown, New York Post, May 6, 2022: 

President Biden’s trailblazing pick for his new press secretary is already being accused of creating troubling conflicts of interest because of her long-term relationship with star CNN reporter Suzanne Malveaux.

Karine Jean-Pierre — who next Friday will be both the first black and first openly gay person to hold the key White House post — lives with the network’s national correspondent in Washington, DC, with their 7-year-old daughter.

The Haitian-born press pick gushed about her relationship with Malveaux in Jean-Pierre’s 2019 memoir, “Moving Forward.”

“Most of all, I want to say that every word of this book was written with love for my partner, Suzanne Malveaux, and our daughter, Soleil Malveaux Jean-Pierre. You are my life,” she wrote, also thanking “the Malveaux family.”

While Jean-Pierre’s groundbreaking pick for the White House post was widely celebrated, it also left some questioning her and Malveaux’s impartiality. CNN’s recent scandals have included now-axed host Chris Cuomo’s behind-the-scenes meddling in brother and then-Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s sex scandals.

It also comes after her soon-to-be-predecessor, Jen Psaki, sparked similar conflict concerns for keeping the top job for six weeks after it was widely reported she’d been hired by left-leaning network MSNBC.

Soon after Jean-Pierre’s new gig was announced, Alex Marlow, editor-in-chief of the right-wing news outlet Breitbart, tweeted, “This is one of many examples of the corporate media LITERALLY in bed with the government it covers.”

Marlow noted that he had already raised concerns about Jean-Pierre’s relationship with Malveaux in his book, “Breaking the News: Exposing the Establishment Media’s Hidden Deals and Secret Corruption.”

“CNN will continue to be, in effect, the Biden administration’s communications shop,” his news site, Breitbart, claimed.

“This is one of many examples of the corporate media LITERALLY in bed with the government it covers,” tweeted Alex Marlow, editor-in-chief of right-wing news outlet Breitbart….


5 Radical Facts About Incoming White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Karine Jean-Pierre was named the new White House press secretary on Thursday, taking over from Jen Psaki, who is departing for MSNBC on May 13.

Jean-Pierre’s appointment was hailed as “historic,” since she will be the first black woman and “out” LGBTQ person to serve in the role. However, there are several facts about Jean-Pierre’s record of radical politics that might prove to be more important than her skin color or her sexual preference. Here are five facts:

1. Jean-Pierre worked for radical organization, launched in the late 1990s to oppose the impeachment of President Bill Clinton, pushed, ironically, for the impeachment of President Donald Trump, abandoning its former principles. The group also infamously accused General David Petraeus, then commanding U.S. forces during the Iraq War, of betraying the country. Jean-Pierre worked for from 2016 until the 2020 presidential campaign.

2. Jean–Pierre has a history of anti-Israel radicalism. In 2019, Jean-Pierre applauded Democratic presidential candidates for boycotting the annual American Israel Public Affairs Committee policy conference in Washington, DC, a prominent pro-Israel gathering. “You cannot call yourself a progressive while continuing to associate yourself with an organization like AIPAC that has often been the antithesis of what it means to be progressive,” Jean-Pierre wrote.

3. Jean-Pierre once said that no one who has been merely accused of sexual misconduct should seek public office. Jean-Pierre told Jake Tapper on CNN’s State of the Union in 2017 that even if there was no corroborating evidence, and nothing had been proven against the accused, the mere existence of the accusation should be disqualifying. Ironically, she went on to work for Biden, even after he had been credibly accused of sexual misconduct by former aide Tara Reade.

4. Jean-Pierre is married to CNN anchor and correspondent Suzanne Malveaux. Jean-Pierre is only the latest example in a pattern of high-level personal ties and romantic links between Democrats and the media, as documented by Breitbart News editor-in-chief Alex Marlow in his 2021 blockbuster Breaking the News: Exposing the Establishment Media’s Hidden Deals and Secret CorruptionCNN will continue to be, in effect, the Biden administration’s communications shop.

5. Jean-Pierre stoked racial divisions and fears when Donald Trump took office. She told Bill Maher on HBO’s Real Time, “I think the thing to understand is that, if you are not white, male, straight, you are — you fear a — Donald Trump’s presidency because there is no place for you in a Donald Trump’s presidency.” She later claimed that Trump wanted to put a “whites only” sign on the Statue of Liberty, and claimed Trump had been a lifelong racist, despite evidence to the contrary.

UN-Backed Sexualization of Kids in N.J. Schools Exposed, With Allison Royal

Children across New Jersey and the nation are being sexualized with radical "sex education" content backed by Planned Parenthood and even the United Nations, former corporate journalist Allison Royal told The New American magazine's Alex Newman in this episode of Conversations That Matter. The content, which comes from the UN-funded group "Amaze," is highly controversial and is being peddled by tax-funded educators, despite concerns by parents and lawmakers. Royal blasted the dishonest media reporting surrounding legislative efforts to protect children from this sort of sexualization, especially the "don't say gay" propaganda around Florida's Parental Rights in Education bill. Finally, Royal discusses the bizarre and mysterious fires and explosions at critical food-processing facilities, which she is covering as part of her next big story. 🇺🇸 The New American:


Florida Mother sues school for helping daughter transition without parental consent



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

A courageous Florida mother, January Littlejohn, is standing up against the violation of her parental rights “after her transgender child transitioned at school without her consent.” Littlejohn is now suing the school.

The girl was 13 at the time of transition.

Minors are under the custodial care of adults for a reason. Teens are more inclined to act on emotions and impulsivity, given their developing brains and hormones.

The battle for parental rights continues everywhere as Leftists seek to impose state control over children and arrogate to “educators” the right to decide what is in children’s best interests. The Biden administration is advancing institutional “gender-affirming care,” which encourages support for a range of “treatments” for gender dysphoria, including surgery, speech therapy, puberty blockers, and hormone therapy for children and adolescents who say they identify as transgender. 

Every youngster has a need to belong, and the instant effect of becoming part of a community may seem to be lifesaving for them at the moment. However, conditioning children to believe that transgenderism is the solution to their identity crisis is a big mistake. Youth vulnerability is being manipulated by some adults (who are making significant money in doing so), to the long-term detriment of children.

Transgender Assistant Secretary of Health Rachel Levine is rigid, slamming critics of “gender-affirming care,” saying that “no doctor worth their salt opposes it.” Levine’s response was a direct response and insult to Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo, who opposes it. 

Activists such as Levine ignore the natural hormonal and psychological processes that many youngsters go through in struggling to adapt to a difficult and/or awkward adolescence, not to mention the impacts of life’s stresses (inside and outside of the home). Instead, transgender activists are coaching youngsters that any number of natural or life difficulties they may experience can be attributed to a gender identity crisis, which can be “easily fixed” via “gender-affirming care.” In other words, kids are being groomed, while anyone who opposes this practice is demonized as “abusive,” “discriminatory” or “not worth their salt.” 

There are many people who end up regretting and reversing their transgender decision, which proves on its face that a key premise of transgender activists such as Levine, that anyone who struggles with gender identity issues is actually the other gender, is false.

In a case from Canada, a victim of transgender grooming who came from an “emotionally manipulative family” in the first place describes her experience as a teen, struggling with her gender identity issues:

She could move into the Covenant House youth shelter, and then freely go on hormones to push ahead with medical transition.

“They thought it was so important for me to be on testosterone that it was OK if I left home and probably didn’t graduate high school,” recalled Eva, who asked that her last name not be published to preserve her privacy around sensitive issues. “Even at that point in life, when I was 16 and totally believed this was the only thing that was going to save me, I was more rational about it.”

Unfortunately, not every youngster is able to be “rational about it,” as Eva was fortunate enough to be. Many who regret their decisions go the full way of transition, and after their adolescent turbulence, they are left picking up the pieces of regret and the irresponsible adult destruction of their lives.

“Florida mom filing suit after child transitioned at school without her consent: ‘Happening all over’ US,” by Bailee Hill, Fox News, May 2, 2022: 

A Florida mother is filing suit and issuing a stark warning to parents nationwide after her transgender child transitioned at school without her consent.

Florida mom and mental health professional January Littlejohn and her attorney Vernadette Broyles discussed the lawsuit and why she is “outraged” over the incident.

“This is happening all over the nation,” Littlejohn warned on “Fox & Friends First” on Monday. “This same protocol is in place in many, many schools across districts everywhere, and even the guides being used to dictate these transgender support plans that cut parents out even have the same language.”

“So this is a very systematic way that parents are being excluded from important decisions occurring with their children, and further, social transition is a medical intervention that schools are grossly unqualified to be taking these steps without parental involvement,” she continued. 

According to Littlejohn, her daughter, who was 13 years old at the time, expressed confusion over gender during the pandemic after a group of friends transitioned to the opposite sex.

She eventually found out the school was working on a “transgender support plan” with her child, but the school initially declined to allow her involvement given she was “protected by a nondiscrimination law.”….


School ATTEMPTS To Transition January Littlejohn's Child Behind Her Back! Parents Sue!

The Quisha King Show is about faith, culture, and politics. This week we have January LittleJohn and her attorney Vernadette Broyles. January is a Mom who had to sue her school because they were transitioning her behind her back. Vernadette is the president of Child and Parent Rights; a parental rights advocacy group and attorney for January. January and Vernadette's Links:

January Littlejohn: Florida school 'transitioned' my daughter, deceived us; Wake Up America

January Littlejohn: “How Gender Ideology Almost Destroyed My Family” 

Florida Family Policy Council “Empowering Parents to Protect Children: Responding to Critical Race Theory & Transgender Ideology”


HHS Secretary Backs Use of Unapproved Puberty Blockers, “Gender-reassignment” Surgery in Children

HHS Secretary Backs Use of Unapproved Puberty Blockers, “Gender-reassignment” Surgery in Children




republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra implied that minors should decide for themselves if they want to undergo irreversible “gender-reassignment” procedures. The secretary also stated that it is up to a patient and his or her physician to choose to use off-label puberty blockers even though they might pose a risk to children’s health.

During Wednesday’s Senate Appropriations Committee hearing, Becerra was asked by Senator Mike Braun (R-Ind.) about the department’s endorsement of “gender-affirming care” for young children, which includes the prescription of hormone therapy and sex-change surgeries.

Referring to a recently released department document titled “Gender-Affirming Care and Young People,” Braun asked Becerra why the department recommended using puberty blockers that were not approved for use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), i.e., were not considered “safe and effective” for gender-transition purposes in minors.

“Would you agree that the off-label prescription for usages not approved by the FDA is potentially dangerous for patients, especially kids?” asked the senator.

Becerra reassured him that if there were any serious concerns about such drugs’ safety, the FDA would “raise the alarm.”

“The FDA would raise alarms if they saw that a particular medicine or treatment would be misused. At this stage, what we know is that for a drug to be out there available, it has to be safe and effective as the FDA has found,” said the secretary.

In other words, if the hormone therapy drugs hurt children, the FDA would say so. And if it does not, then the drug is “safe,” and there is nothing to worry about.

The secretary expressed deep respect for the doctor-patient relationship, adding, “When an individual is going for care, it is their physician who is making that decision with them about what type of medicine or treatment they should receive.”

Braun was quick to point out what appears to be a double-strand approach to medicine, implying the department was not as tolerant when it came to endorsing off-label Covid treatments. “For many parents across the country, this [use of puberty blockers on their children] has more potentially tragic consequences,” he noted.

After Becerra failed to provide a definition of what irreversible “top” and “bottom” surgeries are, both mentioned in the HHS document, the senator went on to ask in what case it would be appropriate to perform irreversible gender-reassignment surgery on kids.

“Those decisions are made by that individual in consultation with the physician and caregivers, and no decision would be made without having consulted appropriately,” Becerra answered.

Braun argued the government should not be “pushing” children toward having irreversible sex-change therapies and surgeries.

“We’re navigating in territory that we’ve never done as a government,” he said, proposing a focus on improving children’s mental health rather than therapies that permanently alter children’s bodies and lives. “It would be wise to back up a little bit” with the current approach taken by the HHS, Braun suggested.

To that, Becerra reaffirmed his position that “in America,” those who “need” to have “life-affirming care” should receive it. The secretary also said that the recommendations posted by his department are backed by “many of our medical experts” who found that these interventions “help improve the lives of many Americans.”

As reported by The New American, in late March, the HHS launched a new website that offers “resources for transgender and LGBTQI+ youth, their parents, and providers,” the goal of which is to “affirm an LGBTQI+ child.” According to the site, when children and adolescents believe that their “gender identity” does not match their biology, they should be offered support from mental-health “councils” to “reaffirm” the child’s perceived “identity.”

The HHS also released an aforementioned document that lists “appropriate” treatments for “transgender” youths. This includes “top” surgery, which creates a “male-typical chest shape or enhances breasts,” and “bottom” surgery, which involves genital or reproductive-organ surgery. The department also recommends using “facial feminization,” puberty blockers, and prescribing testosterone for girls and estrogen for boys who are confused about their gender.

The HHS resources are only a part of the Biden administration’s much broader pro-trans agenda, which included policies ranging from “reinforcing federal protections for transgender children” to improving transgender travel experiences.

Last week, Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine, the highest-ranking “trans” person in the government, said that medical professionals have reached a consensus on the value of gender-affirming care for “transgender” children.

“There is no argument among medical professionals — pediatricians, pediatric endocrinologists, adolescent medicine physicians, adolescent psychiatrists, psychologists, etc. — about the value and the importance of gender-affirming care,” Levine, a medical doctor trained in pediatrics and adolescent medicine, told NPR.

Levine’s statement appears to be incorrect. According to the guidance released by the Florida Department of Health in late April, there is a lack of “conclusive evidence,” particularly regarding the “potential for long-term, irreversible effects” of gender-reassignment therapy for children. The document also refers to a paper published in the International Review of Psychiatry that found that 80 percent of those seeking gender-altering therapy will lose their desire to identify with the opposite sex.

Pro-Homosexual Group Coming To Nazarene Theological Seminary May 10-12

Anderson McGee, Co-Executive Director of Love Wins.:LGBT, shares the story of his journey as it relates to his faith and sexuality.




Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Within the theological structure of the cults there is considerable truth, all of which, it might be added, is drawn from biblical sources, but so diluted with human error as to be more deadly than complete falsehood.”  ― Walter Martin, Kingdom of the Cults

Pro-Homosexual Group Coming To Nazarene Theological Seminary May 10-12

If the hosting of a pro-homosexual group at a seminary does not bother the conscience of a member of the Nazarene denomination, then perhaps nothing will.  If my Nazarene friends remain silent because of this story, then they could well remain silent for anything else. If the reaction of anyone reading this is to condemn or rebuke me or anyone else for exposing evil, then you have some serious praying to the Lord to do. And if a Nazarene pastor reading this decides to remain silent, then perhaps he ought to give up his credentials and stop preaching.

Recently, it was a pro-same-sex marriage theologian, Willie James Jennings, spoke at an event sponsored by Nazarene Theological Seminary (NTS). Jennings is a theologian who is in favor of same-sex marriage. Homosexuality is an abomination according to God’s word, but that did not stop the seminary from bringing in a speaker who rejects Holy Scripture.

Love Wins LGBT Scheduled To Be AT NTS on May 10-12, 2022

In the link at the end, you will see that the seminary is now welcoming an organization (Love Wins LGBT) that is pro-homosexual.  And once again I ask, “where is the leadership?”  This all is happening right under the noses of those who are charged to guide the denomination spiritually. Is it possible that some of them actually approve of this abomination? And as you will see, former General Superintendent Jesse Middendorf is right in the middle of the movement to normalize homosexuality in the Church of the Nazarene.

Love Wins LGBT is a group that claims to be a Wesleyan-Holiness movement, but it is not.  It is a façade, a charade. It is a group that I believe is pushing for the normalization of homosexuality within the Church of the Nazarene. The leader of Love Wins: LGBT is Andy (Anderson) McGee, who is “pastor” of Trinity Family Mid_Town Church of the Nazarene in Kansas City, KS. I have written several posts about this “pastor” and his pro-homosexual agenda.

Andy has supported gay activists who promote same-sex marriage, praised a “gay Christian” conference, praised a racist organization, praised the National Coming Out Day, and has testified that he is bi-sexual. When you study more and more of his ministry, you will notice that there is never any mention of Jesus Christ helping those in the homosexual community to be freed from their slavery to homosexuality. You can read more about Andy and his methods here and here.

In this podcast, listen to Andy McGee’s version of his “gospel”: Anderson On Being Queer In Ministry (with Bekah)

Note the following excerpt from an announcement by Andy’s ministry:

Love Wins: LGBT is officially partnering with Praxis (formerly known as the Center for Pastoral Leadership) at Nazarene Theological Seminary to bring this conference to life and help ensure that the information shared at the conference is available to anyone who desires access to it.

In February of 2022, NTS officially relaunched the CPL with the name “Praxis” – a term used to describe a church’s ongoing life that moves between study/reflection and engagement/action; each movement informs the other. This strategic renaming broadens the CPL’s scope to better serve the life of the Church in the 21st Century.

Nazarene Theological Seminary’s vision to provide lifelong learning and encourage leadership in the local church became a reality with the formation of the Center for Pastoral Leadership in 2014. Under the leadership of Dr. Jesse Middendorf and the Rev. Dana Preusch, the Center has provided thousands of hours of lifelong learning and thoughtful resources, events, and support to Nazarene clergy in the USA/Canada region and beyond. Praxis will build on and expand this work.

Once again, one of the usual suspects in this movement to normalize homosexuality within the Church of the Nazarene is Jesse Middendorf, a former General Superintendent. To think that a man who was in the highest office of the Nazarene denomination has been one of the leading promoters of Andy’s “ministry” should be quite concerning.

A notable speaker at the conference is Antonie Holleman, District Superintendent of the Netherlands District Church of the Nazarene.  The Holland district has already been shown to have churches that bless same-sex unions.  A few years back, I sent a warning to the General Superintendents about this, and about a Nazarene pastor in that district who admitted to blessing same-sex unions. I never got a response, and as far as I know, that pastor is still active in the district. See my report here.

This movement is not new.  I recall in the General Assembly at Indiana, in 2013, when I attended a session run by Andy. A Nazarene pastor at the end of the session spoke accurately and faithfully of how Christ can change anyone from whatever wrong lifestyle that dishonored God.  I recall yelling out “Amen!” after he spoke, and I was met with disapproval by several people around me, including some Nazarene pastors. The state of the denomination is most likely worse now than it was back then.

Will there be any righteous voices speaking out amongst the leadership of the church?  I believe there are some, but there needs to be more. But if this ignoring of the situation continues on, it will spell doom for a denomination that says much about holiness, but surely is not doing enough of a job of rebuking those who are “lovers of themselves” and who worship the created instead of the Creator.

Personal Thoughts

I am not trying to convince Nazarenes to leave the denomination. I don’t even have as much time as I used to have.  I simply want to encourage them to do the right thing. The right thing may be different for each person, but the wrong thing is to ignore it all. Perhaps you will have had enough, and leave the denomination.  Perhaps you are part of a faithful Nazarene church, and you won’t abandon faithful pastors.  Perhaps you will join the fight and try to bring the denomination back to its holiness roots, which it seems to be abandoning. But why would you want to remain silent and allow the church to slide more into heresy?

In Galatians 4:16, the Apostle Paul asked the churches in Galatia a question. “Have I, therefore, become your enemy because I tell you the truth?”  What good does it do if someone has cancer, but the doctor does not say a word about it to the patient?  Why are some Nazarenes determined to protect the reputation of a denomination that is proclaiming holiness on the outside, but inwardly is rotting with spiritual cancer?

In Galatians 1:6-10, the Apostle Paul writes about what is going on within the church:

I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed. 10 For do I now persuade men or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ.

When Ezekiel was charged by God to warn the people about any coming danger, the Lord clearly stated the consequences.  If Ezekiel would listen to God, and warn the people, he then would not be held responsible if the people perished.  But if he failed to warn the people, and one single person perished, he would be held equally responsible for failing to do his duty. That is what I am doing, and others are doing as well.  We are being faithful by warning the people of the danger.

I’ve been rebuked and condemned by some Nazarenes for distributing negative information (warning the people) about things going wrong in the Church of the Nazarene. So have many others who are still Nazarenes who have been warning others within the denomination. Instead of raising the alarm, or contacting those in leadership to ask questions, many Nazarenes are treating the messengers as if they are doing something un-Christian!

Many Nazarenes are either turning away to a different gospel, or they are totally ignoring the danger.  They seem to say “as long as it’s not in my backyard or church” then I don’t care. Meanwhile, apostate pastors-to-be are being groomed at Nazarene Theological Seminary to lead more sheep astray.  They will be wolves in sheep’s clothing, leading many to hell because of a false gospel.  And the Nazarenes who refuse to learn biblical discernment will be spiritually shipwrecked.

In Proverbs 27:6, the writer states that “Faithful are the wounds of a friend,
But the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.”  Would you rather be lied to?  Or would you rather know the truth?

Love Wins.:LGBT

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It’s official! Loved to Love, The 2022 Love Wins.:LGBT Resourcing Conference taking place May 10-12, 2022 at Nazarene Theological Seminary and virtually, is set to be the largest, most attended, Wesleyan - Holiness conference ever held to resource the Church to help heal the divide between the Church and the LGBTQ+ community and make Christlike disciples from a Wesleyan - Holiness perspective! For more info, and to register, visit -

Manny Silva
Stand For Truth Ministries

"The entirety of Your word is truth, And every one of Your righteous judgments endures forever." Psalm 119:160

Mom Outraged After School Told Daughter She May Be “Trans”

Mother Erin Lee is on the warpath after her daughter's public school invited a "Genders & Sexualities Alliance" (GSA) in to teach her daughter that she may be "transgender" and that her family was not safe. In an interview on Conversations That Matter with The New American magazine's Alex Newman, Lee recounted the story and vowed not to keep silent. In a heartfelt warning to parents, Lee said it was time for families to exit the public schools to protect their children. 🇺🇸 The New American:

Idaho cuts library funding over obscene books for children


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Idaho legislature cuts state library funding over obscene books for children. MassResistance worked closely with key legislators.

The move came after RINOs in State Senate killed a popular bill to repeal the obscenity exemption granted to libraries and schools

RINOs also killed a bill to stop “sex-change" operations on children

LGBT lobby pushed hard to keep allowing these horrors affecting children

May 3, 2022
The bill to keep obscene material from children in schools and libraries passed the House overwhelmingly. But then the RINOs in the Senate blocked it. So conservative legislators fought back!

On the last day of the legislative session, conservatives in the Idaho Legislature cut nearly $4 million from the state’s library funding. They also created a legislative working group to protect minors in libraries from obscene material.

This was done in reaction to the fate of two important bills to protect children from the LGBT movement that had passed the House. RINOs (“Republican In Name Only”) in the Idaho State Senate leadership killed the bills without even giving them a hearing. Idaho MassResistance activists worked closely with conservative legislators throughout the process.

Two years ago – landmark legislation in Idaho

Two years ago, lawmakers in Idaho reached out to MassResistance for help to successfully pass into law two key bills derailing the transgender agenda in the state.

As a result: (1) Idaho became the first state in America to keep males out of women’s and girls’ sports. (2) Public documents such as birth certificates and drivers' licenses must reflect the person’s biological sex, not a contrived “gender identity.”

Iin addition to working with lawmakers, MassResistance also helped counter a massive propaganda campaign from the LGBT lobby and pressure from large corporations opposing these bills.

This year: Two more bills to protect children

This year, another group of Idaho legislators and activists asked MassResistance for help in passing two more pieces of legislation:

1. H675 – Ban chemical and surgical sex mutilation of minors for “gender identity” purposes. (Passed the House; killed in the Senate)

Children across the country have been horribly disfigured by this medical quackery. The bill would have provided criminal penalties for taking children out of state to undergo these procedures.

Idaho MassResistance activists worked with sponsors and other legislators. They also gathered key expert witnesses, including physicians and people affected by “transgender” surgery, to testify at the public hearing via Zoom.

Dr. Quentin Van Meter, nationally known endocrinologist and expert on this subject, testifies in favor of H675.

MassResistance’s influence was definitely being noticed in the Idaho legislature. At one point during the public hearing, a Democrat State Rep. grilled one of the supporters of the bill demanding to know, “Are you familiar with a group called MassResistance? Did they play any role in reviewing this bill, drafting language, providing any of the terminology?” (The person said he knew about MassResistance. But he said that we had no role in actually drafting the legislation, which is true.)

Democrat State Rep asks witness during public hearing: "Are you familiar with a group called MassResistance?"

2. H666: Repeal the obscenity exemption for schools and libraries. (Passed the House; killed in the Senate)

Decades ago, most states passed laws exempting schools and libraries from obscenity laws meant to protect minors. This was done so schools and libraries could reference legitimate artwork from earlier periods which include nudity. (Venus de Milo or Michelangelo’s David come to mind.)

But in recent years, radical adults have been stocking those shelves with some of the most sickening pornography imaginable, including books that encourage children to engage in homosexual sex acts and sex-change “gender” procedures. 

This compendium of examples was provided to Idaho legislatures. (This will shock you!)

Thus, this bill would remove that exemption. In fact, legitimate works of art would not fall under the current obscenity laws. So this bill would only affect actual pornography and obscene material. Similar bills are being filed across the country by pro-family groups and conservative legislators.

MassResistance helped provide a number of expert witnesses to testify in favor of the bill, including a local Idaho library board trustee. Various legislators also brought in other local board trustees who supported the bill.

Not surprisingly, the LGBT movement and the pro-LGBT library associations were furious at this bill and fought hard to keep pornographic books available to children. They even argued that sexual and homosexual material is somehow “good” for young children.

Anger from the Left: Absurd political cartoon in liberal Idaho newspaper attacking the Library Board trustee who supported H666 - and associating her with Vladimir Putin!

The successful fight in the House

Starting in mid-February, MassResistance activists up and down the state contacted legislators, urging them to pass these two important bills. Finally, on March 7 and 8, the Idaho House of Representatives held contentious floor votes on these two bills. Many of the talking points used during the floor debate came from MassResistance activists. They provided extensive research for legislators so they could respond to the false and deceitful talking points from the LGBT lobby.

During the floor debate, a sponsor of H666 discusses the unbelievable pornography for children in the file of examples from Idaho libraries.

Both pieces of legislation ultimately passed the House with wide support. Surprisingly enough, the Idaho Speaker of the House, who has a mixed record on these socially conservative reforms, made sure that both bills received a hearing and final passage.

Both bills were blocked by RINOs in the State Senate – and the LGBT lobbying blitz

In the State Senate, MassResistance activists faced bigger problems.

Both bills would need to get through the State Senate State Affairs Committee. The committee chairman, Patti Anne Lodge, though a Republican, is a notorious liberal who has voted against many conservative reforms. This year was her last year serving in the State Legislature since she had decided to retire. Many lobbyists in Boise were convinced that there was very little they could do to convince her to move either bill forward.

To make matters worse, Idaho State Senate President Chuck Winder, also a Republican, announced in a Zoom call of a local press conference that he did not see any chance of either bill even getting a committee hearing. He actually called the two bills “craziness from the House.”

How did this happen? It appears that the LGBT lobby had saturated the RINO Senate leadership with false and deceptive talking points.

Our Organization Director, Arthur Schaper, contacted one of the leaders of the State Senate, to ask why H675 (the bill banning “sex-change” procedures on children) was not moving forward. The Senator rattled off LGBT talking points. However, those points were contradicted by the actual text of the bill - which Arthur read to him! That didn’t matter to the Senator at all.

It was similar to bill H666. MassResistance activists worked with Dan Kleinman of SafeLibraries, a group that exposes library corruption and harm to minors. Dan filed FOIA requests with libraries throughout Idaho. He discovered that numerous library staffers had submitted false and misleading talking points to Democrat state legislators – and the GOP Senate leadership. These included statements like: “This legislation amounts to censorship” or “It violates the First Amendment” or “This legislation will criminalize librarians.”

Thus, neither H675 nor H666 saw the light of day in the Idaho Senate.

Success via another route - through the state budget and a special committee

Conservative lawmakers in the House and Senate were very angry. The file of pornographic library books available to children was sickening to many. And the fact that librarians across the state had actively (and dishonestly) lobbied against the bill that would keep pornography away from children infuriated many conservatives even more.

In late March, as the legislative session neared its end, the last item on the Legislature’s plate was the state budget. Conservatives came together on the obscenity issue and continued to push back on this issue against the leadership. If the state-funded libraries insisted on pushing pornography on children, they needed to feel the heat.

During that battle, the state budget went through four iterations which failed to pass.

Idaho Press report.

The fifth time, an agreement was finally reached. Nearly $4 million was cut from the State Library Commission. (The money had been mostly earmarked for certain construction and remodeling upgrades in various libraries.) This is a substantial cut, and the Left is not happy about it.

Idaho National Public Radio report.

In addition, a resolution was passed creating a special legislative committee to deal with this problem. The group’s official title is “House Working Group for Protecting Idaho Children from Material Harmful to Minors in Libraries.” Its mission is to use all available laws, regulations, and policies to protect children from obscene material in their schools and libraries.

Final thoughts

It’s unbelievable that any “normal” lawmakers would allow these terrible policies harming children to stand. But unfortunately, that’s what’s happening.

Families are running into similar problems in many deeply conservative states and regions. Social liberals know they cannot get elected as Democrats, so they run as Republicans. We’ve seen it in Texas, Florida, Wyoming, Idaho, and other places. They cause all kinds of havoc and often get into leadership positions. They collaborate with the Left, the LGBT movement, Black Lives Matter, Critical Race Theory proponents, and others.

MassResistance is dedicated to helping local activists deal with this in their home states!

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