Holocaust survivor warns COVID-19 measures similar to Nazi Germany’s subjugation policies


Advancing Voluntary, Informed Consent to Medical Intervention

SEE: https://ahrp.org/

Vera Sharav Holocaust survivor SPEAKING OUT

Reiner Fuellmich interview Vera Sharav and prepare for an international trial

Reiner Fuellmich, who interview Vera Sharav in this video, is a lawyer who is preparing an international lawsuit against the covid 19 plandemic using the Nuremberg code


SEE: https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-08-22-holocaust-survivor-covid-measures-similar-nazi-germany.html;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

(Natural News) A Holocaust survivor is sounding the alarm over the encroachment of so-called public health measures to counteract the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. She believes the policies are similar to the tactics Nazi Germany used to control entire countries.

Vera Sharav is a Romanian-born Holocaust survivor and medical activist. She has dedicated her life to advocating for the rights of medical research subjects in the United States.

In her career, she has successfully pressured the National Institutes of Mental Health to rewrite its protocols for dozens of psychiatric studies to better protect patients. She has successfully lobbied American drug regulatory bodies to be open about the risks of giving antidepressants to teenagers.

She has exposed illegal experiments that tested HIV drugs on toddlers in New York’s foster care system. She has also prevented the government from conducting research that would have paid low-income Florida families $970 to test their children’s reactions when exposed to certain household pesticides.

Today, Sharav uses her experience in medical activism to fight anybody that did not put the rights and protection of medical patients first. Her opponents have included academic researchers, pharmaceutical executives, drug regulators and all other kinds of so-called authorities.

Now, Sharav is turning her attention to making sure people’s rights are respected during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Related: Second Holocaust? CDC covid camps have no plans to allow healthy people to leave.)

Holocaust survivor sees parallels with Nazi Germany and today’s public health policies

Sherav recently appeared on the podcast of author Trish Wood, “Trish Wood is Critical.” Wood brought Sherav on to the podcast to discuss the former’s concerns regarding the terrifying direction public health measures are going.

According to Wood, she can see a lot of parallels between the narrative being used to justify COVID-19 measures such as lockdowns and the narrative employed by the Nazis in Germany to justify the subjugation of other people.

Sharav agreed with Wood and said it was logical to see the similarities between then and now. Of particular concern to both Wood and Sharav is how many physicians and other healthcare workers today and in Nazi Germany became instrumental in harming a lot of people.

Specifically, Sharav pointed to how doctors during the lead-up to the Nazi takeover of Germany were used to justify eugenics using the Darwinian idea of “survival of the fittest.”

“In the early part of the [20th] century, the entire academic establishment was infused with eugenics, stemming out of Darwin,” said Sharav. “What happens with a public health policy is that public health officials decide who shall live and who shall die.” She explained that this kind of mentality – that the government should get to decide who lives and dies – eventually led to the Holocaust.

She is worried that this kind of mentality is still pervasive today. “I have come to the conclusion that when doctors become aligned with government – [and] corporations for that matter – they discard their moral and professional responsibility to the individual patient,” she explained.

Sharav said it is “nonsense” for these doctors to suggest that the right thing to do is

sacrifice the rights of individuals in pursuit of a so-called greater good. She mentioned this in reference to the mainstream acceptance of lockdowns.

“As public officials, they talk about the greater good. Who has the authority to decide what is the greater good?” said Sharav. “If the individuals are oppressed or relegated to third-class citizens … what kind of society is it?”

Sharav said she believes modern society is on the cusp of turning more Nazi-like. Governments all over the world have used the pandemic and the fear of getting infected as a major weapon. She argued that this has prevented people from thinking critically. Instead, people are taught to distrust other people and to isolate themselves from their communities.

Instead of thinking critically, people are being taught to blindly trust public health officials and so-called experts.

“Hitler then, as rulers now, deferred to the health officials,” said Sharav. “We are constantly being told, ‘we are following the science.'” She warned that this will eventually lead to the “complete overthrow of human civilization.”

Learn more about how governments are using the pandemic to take away people’s rights by reading the latest articles on Pandemic.news.

Sources include:




ALEX JONES: “You Will Own NOTHING And Be Happy”

People Are Waking Up To The Truth!

Jake Ducey interviews Alex Jones. The pair discuss the premise of “The Reset” and what it means for the future of the world.

Watch it before it’s censored!



SEE: https://lisahaven.news/2019/05/dont-ignore-this-fema-taking-over-churches-and-pastors-is-your-pastor-their-informant/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

As early as 2006 reports reveal that US government agencies such as DHS and FEMA are using emergency response as an excuse for getting pastors compliant with their informant programs.

Pastors are being urged to join Clergy Response Teams, teams created to support government actions and to train congregations to obey government and they are using Romans 13 as their springboard.

Pastors are trained to identify dissenters and even getting benefits for their loyalty. These teams are called Clergy Response Teams and we must not forget it’s happening. All that and more below…

GET PATRIOT SUPPLY: www.PrepareWithLisa.com 


For More Information See:






America’s Frontline Doctors: The Gestapozation of America~Get Ready for Yellow Armbands of ‘Vaccine’ Apartheid

BY Mordechai Sones & Teodrose Fikremariam

SEE: https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/frontlinenews/the-gestapozation-of-america-get-ready-for-yellow-armbands-of-vaccine-apartheid-opinion/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Martin Niemöller distilled what happened during the rise of Hitler and the dawning of Nazism in Germany during the 1930’s perfectly. Tyranny did not suddenly blossom upon the “country of poets and thinkers”; to the contrary, totalitarianism took root at the fringes and slowly enveloped the whole of society before it took off into a full-blown sprint toward totalitarianism. Goose-stepping thugs targeted “the others” and incrementally expanded the web to enmesh everyone else in their deranged dragnet.

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Niemöller’s poem should send shivers down the backs of every American; what fascists did in Germany ninety years ago our government is in the process of unleashing here in the United States. The same diabolical agenda is being loosened upon France, the United Kingdom, Germany, and beyond. While we are busy being distracted by politics and bickering over our differences, warped politicians on the dole of plutocrats like Bill Gates and the Rothschilds are gradually turning up the heat as they boil away our freedoms without our consent.

Just like Nazis splintered Germany using antisemitism as their preferred cudgel, Democrats and Republicans are lining up behind a plot to revive segregation in America using fear of COVID-19 as their weapon of choice. What started a year ago with mask mandates, social distancing measures and lockdowns are now morphing into outright Jim Crow schemes that aim to cleave America into a nation of jabbed or unequal. Two-thirds of Americans are seemingly signing on to this insane model of medical apartheid because they have no problem turning themselves into lab rats in this ongoing clinical trial of mRNA nostrums that have limited upsides and unlimited risks.

What about the rest of us who don’t want to go within a hundred yards of spiked-protein tainted needles? What about those of us who believe in informed consent? What about those of us who can’t get infected with these experimental “vaccines” because we have autoimmune conditions that preclude us from being subjected to Pfizer, BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson’s snake oils? What about the rest of us who don’t want to participate in clinical trials out of caution or religious objections?

Tough luck! Either become a gerbil or become an outcast. Public serpents who are serving their globalist masters are hell-bent on fulfilling a bigoted initiative that might as well have been lifted right out of Revelations. Last week, the ever idiotic congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene was lampooned on social media because she noted that the “vaccines” were the Mark of the Beast. The same way that Trump was leveraged to make the objectionable acceptable, Greene and anyone on the “right” who speak against this rush to jab are being used as strawmen to knock down perfectly reasonable opposition to these unscientific and untested therapeutic products.

To overcome public hesitancy or outright hostility to these “vaccines” that promise to turn human beings into Operating Systems that need technology refreshes every 6-12 months, governments are turning to coercions the same way Nazis forced Jews to wear yellow armbands. Instead of the yellow “star of David”, politicians, pundits, health professionals and opinion leaders are floating the idea of “vaccine” passports. This half-baked and full-crazed idea calls for the issuance of licenses that will allow holders to participate in public life and deny everyone else their God-given and constitutionally guaranteed rights.

Where sociopaths are steering us toward is a forced-vaccination program that was rejected nearly a hundred years ago and thrown into the dustbin of history. “Never forget” has been replaced with fuggedaboutit as Mafioso governments collude to further a global system of fabrications and intimidation meant to compel a reticent public to get jabbed by choice or by force. These are the same barbarous mandates that the Geneva Conventions and the Nuremberg Code specifically forbid, both of which included the principle of informed consent and required standards for research. Doctors who take part in this most unethical and immoral campaign should think twice before they receive the same justice doled out to Nazi doctors at the Nuremberg Trials.

What Joe Biden and his globalist ilk are attempting to do is no different than the deeds performed by Joseph Goebbels and Nazi doctors in Germany. Using science as justification and the public good as a pretext, Germany went about infecting perfectly healthy people and ailing individuals alike who were deemed “undesirable” in an effort to raise a super race. Did you know that the US government gave refuge to these same Nazi officials after WWII ended in a program called “Paper Clip”. Our government learned very well, they are well on their way to rejuvenating Nazism in America.

I wrote an open letter to all active-duty military personnel and veterans appealing to their conscience and asking them to rise up against this cancer that has beset our nation and promises to metastasize into full-blown despotism. I have given up on the idea that we the people have any recourses or have the means to seek redress; at this point, only our military can deliver us from the very tyranny that swallowed my birthland Ethiopia whole in 1974. We have a matter of months, if not weeks before America mutates into Nazi Germany in the 1930s. Only a full-blown revolution—one that is codified in the Declaration of Independence—can turn back the tide of authoritarianism that is about to wash over our land.

As for the marginalized super-majority who have been relegated into observers as politicians cater to the wealthy and strip away our rights, we too have a decision to make. We must find the courage and the wherewithal to thwart this veiled attempt to rekindle segregation by way of Jab Crow. We must put up a fight beyond hashtags and protest zones, now is the time to defy autocracy and defend our rights. If not, if we choose passivity over active resistance, we will find out very shortly how the last man standing felt in Germany once they came for him and he realized that there was no one else around to speak for him. History does not change, it just goes on a pendulum swing.

“We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.” ~ Elie Wiesel

Teodrose Fikremariam is the co-founder and editor of the Ghion Journal. Prior to launching the Ghion Journal, he was a political organizer who once wrote a speech idea in 2008 that was incorporated into Barack Obama’s South Carolina primary victory speech. He is originally from Ethiopia and a direct descendent, seven generations removed, of one of Ethiopia’s greatest Emperors Tewodros II.

This article originally appeared in the Ghion Journal, and is reprinted with permission of the author.

Rumble — Teodrose Fikremariam interviews Dr. Metasebya Solomon and Louis Jefferson to discuss the incomplete science behind Pfizer and Biogen's supposed "vaccine" and how these experimental "vaccines" could potentially lead to mass carnage.

Follow Teodrose at: https://www.twitter.com/teodrose_fikre
Follow Ghion Journal at: https://www.twitter.com/ghionjournal
Follow Dr. Solomon at: https://www.twitter.com/@MetasebyaPhD
Follow Louis Jefferson at: https://www.instagram.com/allrqs/

“We Do Not Consent. We Will Not Comply.” San Diego Residents Rise Up in Opposition to County’s Extreme COVID Mandates; Urging Citizens to Take the Next Step

Man Goes Wild At Board Of Supervisors Meeting Over COVID-19 Measures

Brittany Mayer addresses the San Diego County Board of Supervisors 08/17/2021


SEE: https://thenewamerican.com/we-do-not-consent-we-will-not-comply-san-diego-residents-rise-up-in-opposition-to-countys-extreme-covid-mandates-urging-citizens-to-take-the-next-step/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Restaurant owners, gym owners, healthcare workers, teachers, and parents stood with San Diego County community leaders fed up with severe government-imposed COVID restrictions and confronted the San Diego County Board of Supervisors during a board meeting on Tuesday, August 17, just as the board is preparing to issue new response proposals to combat what it has deemed a “local health emergency.”

Should the board approve new recommendations put forth by local public health officials, San Diego County would be added to the expanding list of U.S. cities and counties instituting mandatory vaccine passports to enter restaurants and retail stores, and reinstating masking in schools and indoor public spaces.

On Tuesday, local media outlet KUSI news reported on the backlash from citizens, noting a community rally was held prior to the meeting, with the advocacy groups ReOpen San DiegoLet Them Breathe, and San Diego Rise Up providing the public with resources such as petitions and proclamations that businesses can display stating they are against the medical discrimination.

“We, the undersigned businesses of San Diego County, publicly declare we will never discriminate against anyone and deny them the right to eat based on a vaccine passport,” read one Proclamation Against Discrimination for San Diego Restaurants by the group ReOpen San Diego

Basic equal access to food and services is one
of the most important issues of our lifetime.
Family and friends should never be
separated and discriminated against.
As restaurant owners, we create spaces for family
and friends to come together and celebrate.
We believe that people have the right to consent
to choose with whom they wish to associate.
Restricting access to eat based on
vaccination status goes against our values.
It is bad for business, bad for the community,
and it is completely unnecessary.
We, the undersigned businesses of
San Diego County, publicly declare we will never
discriminate against anyone and deny them
the right to eat based on a vaccine passport.

The nearly five-hour meeting largely consisted of public comments, where some 150 people addressed the board, following a public-health update by board health officer Dr. Wilma Wooten. Wooten presented data on vaccination rates and case-testing efforts in the county.

One constituent, Shaun Frederickson, called out Wooten specifically during his turn to address the board: “The numbers you stated are propaganda…. Last month … do you know how many deaths happened in the month of July? Wilma [Dr. Wooten]? Nathan [Board Chairman Nathan Fletcher]? Thirty six. How much propaganda are we going to use for the deaths of 36 people? How many rights are we going to take, and Nathan, how many lies are you going to continue to propagate?”  

“There is already a recall effort started for one dictator, there will be another if necessary,” continued Frederickson, addressing Board Chairman Fletcher, referencing the recall election of Governor Gavin Newsom on September 14.

 “Your authority is being pummeled…. We are here to inform you the people have spoken, COVID is over.”

San Diego County, with a population of 3.4 million, just below that of Los Angeles County, has reported 3,839 total COVID-related deaths, as of August 20 — a total fatality rate of 0.1 percent.

During her presentation, Dr. Wooten described the “more contagious and transmissible” Delta variant, noting that “vaccinated individuals can get Delta through a breakthrough infection and can be contagious,” but that “vaccinated people represent a very small number of transmissions across the country.”

Dr. Wooten went on to state that “since March 1, there have been a total of 13 COVID-19-related deaths among those that were fully vaccinated compared with 103 among those who were not fully vaccinated.”

Statistics from 2019-2020, covering roughly the same time span of six months, show that San Diego County reported 105 flu deaths.  

Concerned citizens, such as Frederickson, whose speech at a previous board meeting went viral online, took to the podium on Tuesday to speak out against vaccination and masking requirements, stating “We are here, as your constituents, to tell you, this [COVID pandemic] is over. San Diego is no longer under your rule of thumb.”

Another speaker, eleven-year-old San Diego resident Olivia expressed her concerns, “this past year has been very difficult for me,” describing the closure of her school and church and the difficulty of adjusting to online learning. “Ridiculous rules [were] in place. We could only walk in one direction down the hallway…. I could barely hear my teacher through her mask. I couldn’t hug my friends or see their faces. It made me very sad to keep six feet away from them.”  

Taking her turn at the podium to address the board, young Emily Archuleta said, “Whatever your political affiliation, we [Americans] all hold one thing near and dear to our hearts, the freedom of choice.” Yet “how is the choice to have a vaccine different? Mandating a vaccine to work is against our constitutional rights as Americans.”

San Diego resident Brittany Mayer led off a powerful speech by reminding the board that “America is not a hospital. California is not a hospital. San Diego is not a hospital. This is a constitutional republic that guarantees protection of individual freedom.” She continued, “We remove consent from treating us like we are patients in a hospital ward. We are done. The consent of the governed is removed. We will not comply. We do not consent. Nathan Fletcher you are on notice. We will constitutionally remove all petty tyrants beginning now!”

Directing her comments at Fletcher and Wooten, constituent Sharon McKeeman, a mother of four, a military wife, and the founder of the nonprofit Let Them Breathe said, “You have talked about cases rising, but what you didn’t talk about was suicide risings. You didn’t talk about mental health disorders that are deadly that we are seeing our families battle every day.”

Notably, back in December 2020, Dr. Chris Gordon, chief medical officer at the Family Health Centers of San Diego, reported “seeing higher incidents of anxiety, depression” and a 30-percent increase in patients seeking help during the COVID crisis. Over the course of the past year, millions of Americans have endured prolonged stretches of social isolation, with many relapsing into drug and substance abuse.

In response to the rising emotional and mental crises, Gordon said, “We have to understand our lives have been turned completely upside down and it’s ok to not feel good about that. It’s ok to feel sad, to feel anxious.”

According to CBS8 News, “San Diego County saw over a 200% increase in fentanyl overdose deaths just last year and now a San Diego recovery center says more than half of its new clients in 2021 are still struggling with opioid addiction.”

“Health officials predict that about 700 people will die from a fentanyl overdose in 2021 in San Diego County. Since July, the George Bailey Detention Center in San Diego has reported at least eight fentanyl overdose cases, with one person dying. Shoreline Recovery Center says right now, about 55% of their clients have opioid use disorders.”

The impact of the efforts of San Diego residents remains to be seen, but if Americans are to fight the larger battles ahead, we must first fight the small, local battles.

In San Diego County, the people are fighting. They are organized, prepared, and standing together for the purpose of taking back their community from county officials abusing the power of their duly elected positions. Under the present circumstances, the prescient words of the 19th-century psychologist Carl Jung come to mind:

It is not famine, not earthquakes, not microbes, not cancer, but man himself who is man’s greatest danger to man, for the simple reason that there is no adequate protection against psychic epidemics, which are infinitely more devastating than the worst of natural catastrophes.

Australia Police Pepper Spray Children for Not Wearing Masks~THE DEMONIC, SATANIC Qudos Bank Arena Vaccination Hub FOR 24,000 CHILDREN

THE DEMONIC, SATANIC Qudos Bank Arena Vaccination Hub

This isn’t a public health initiative, obviously: It’s a child sacrifice ritual being carried out on a national scale.

New South Wales Health Minister Brad Hazzard says grade 12 students from the 8 impacted local government areas have a “golden opportunity” to get vaccinated at Qudos Bank Arena Vaccination Hub this week. Mr Hazzard said up to 24,000 students would be receiving the #Pfizer vaccine ahead of their HSC exams.

Australia runs mass child sacrifice Luciferian vaccine ritual targeting 24,000 children 


SEE: https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-08-19-australia-runs-mass-child-sacrifice-luciferian-vaccine-ritual-targeting-24000-children-warning-graphic.html;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

(Natural News) New South Wales Minister for Health and Medical Research Brad Hazzard announced this week that 24,000 children would be targeted in a mass vaccination campaign under police guard, with no parents allowed inside the Qudos Bank Arena where the mass vaccinations would take place. (We have the video of him making this announcement in the podcast below.)

His announcement raised a lot of eyebrows. Why wouldn’t parents be allowed inside the arena? Why the police guard? Even more, why should children be vaccinated at all, given that children are at essentially zero risk of covid death and can therefore derive no “benefit” from vaccinations, even if they work.

The answer may be far more disturbing than you imagine. The Qudos Bank Arena, it turns out, has been used as a satanic temple for many years, with Luciferian “art” performances held there that worship Satan and defile God. Many satanic rock groups have performed at the facility over the years, unleashing waves of demonic energy at the facility as demonic crowds cheer Satan.

One rock group that performed there is called Slipknot, and their songs include, “The Devil and I,” “Wait and Bleed” and “Unsainted.” You can see their 14-second teaser for their performance at the Qudos Bank Arena at this YouTube link since YouTube doesn’t ban satanic worship videos, but they do ban anyone who tells the truth about vaccines.

Here are some of the screengrabs from that video, and this song was performed at the Qudos Bank Arena:

Notice the “spike protein” headdress here?

The video also features scenes of cannibalism where band members chew on bloodied stumps of amputated human arms and hands, which is something that is happening right now due to blood clots from the covid vaccines:

People who take covid vaccines are participating in a global death cult ritual, which is also depicted as a “suicide bomber” scene in the group’s music video:

Here’s a depiction of the spike protein in a satanic ritualistic setting, also from the video:

The video also features scenes of self-mutilation, with a person tearing the flesh from their face, which is exactly what the spike protein bioweapon achieves inside the body as it attacks the cardiovascular system.

What’s astonishing is that this video appeared years before the covid-19 outbreak, demonstrating how demonic forces were well informed about this satanic attack on human society, even years before it took place.

Right now, 24,000 Australian children are being marched into the arena where this satanic worship takes place. They are injected with dehumanizing, tissue-destroying spike protein biological weapons while no parents are allowed to be present.

This isn’t a public health initiative, obviously: It’s a child sacrifice ritual being carried out on a national scale.

Any parent who sacrifices their child to the spike protein death cult is not merely condemning their child to suffering and death, they are signing a contract with the Devil which is bound by the sacrifice of their child, a common practice in ritualistic satanic worship.

We have full details — with shocking, graphic videos and images — in today’s disturbing Situation Update podcast:


See more podcasts and interviews at:





CALIFORNIA: ONE AMERICA NEWS Host Dan Ball Takes a PATRIOTIC Stand Against Masking Kids at School Board Meeting


SEE: https://www.desertsun.com/story/news/education/2021/08/17/raucous-desert-sands-school-board-meeting-interrupted-president-clears-room-full-commenters/8159849002/

Dan Ball, right, speaks to a security guard during the Desert Sands Unified School District regular board meeting in La Quinta, Calif., on August 17, 2021.

Desert Sands Unified School District Board President Don Griffith asks for the room to be cleared during pubic comments of the regular board meeting in La Quinta, Calif., on August 17, 2021.

Rumble — Dan Ball attended Desert Sands Unified School District's school board meeting to take a stand against mask mandates in schools.

FEMA documents describe large-scale rural isolation and quarantine operations; how to recruit obedient Americans to help ROUND UP dissenters

Image: FEMA documents describe large-scale rural isolation and quarantine operations; how to recruit obedient Americans to help ROUND UP dissenters

Main Logo


SEE: https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-08-19-fema-documents-isolation-quarantine-round-up-dissenters.html;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

(Natural News) In order to keep everyone “safe” against the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is hoping to round up the “unvaccinated” and imprison them in concentration camps.

The Rural Domestic Preparedness Consortium Organization (RDPC), a division of FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that was formed back in 2004, is currently developing a training program for “small, rural and tribal emergency responders or stakeholders” to perform emergency remediation in the event of a “crisis.”

As it just so happens, the Chinese Virus is a “crisis” with no end in sight that appears perfectly suited for the RDPC’s agenda, which targets rural Americans for “quarantine.” Rural America, as you may know, is mostly Republican, while the inner cities are mostly Democrat.

Using the cover of a “pandemic,” the goal of the RDPC is to train people to become “emergency responders” to “save your fellow man.” Areas with fewer than 50,000 people and less than 1,000 people per square mile are the preferred demographic for this operation.

On the “Training” page of the RDPC website, the DHS division explains in section “MGT-433 Isolation & Quarantine for Rural Communities” that mass quarantines, aka concentration camps, are soon on the way for resisters who fail to abide by the government’s “recommendations” for “flattening the curve.”

“The RDPC training was open to the public (I was able to personally view the training module. However, now that the training has commenced, it is closed; and now the slides are inaccessible.),” writes Steve Rotter.

“Luckily, I thought to take screenshots of a few of the slides while I was browsing the module … In the slide below there is disturbing wordage regarding mass quarantines and, basically, a strip [sic] of our rights concerning COVID-19.”

As the unvaccinated are hauled off to Camp FEMA, emergency responders are to be “discreet” about it

The wording on the slide is peculiar, suggesting that “[v]oluntary isolation and/or quarantine” will commence “when an individual is willing to enter into isolation and/or quarantine,” with an emphasis on the word willing.

Those who agree to voluntarily get taken to a covid concentration camp are said to be less taxing on the government’s resources because a lower “enforcement level” is required. This would suggest that the unwilling will require coercion.

“Someone who is forced into quarantine requires an emergency responder of some sort to physically place them in quarantine,” Rotter explains. “Essentially, they will not have to pay someone to force you into quarantine if you voluntarily abide by their commands.”

Voluntarily being hauled off to a covid concentration camp also carries with it “less complicated legal, ethical, and human rights issues,” the RDPC adds.

As the “emergency responders” haul their victims off to the camps, the RDPC encourages them to be as discreet as possible in order to keep the ordeal as much under wraps as possible.

“It is an unfortunate situation that an illness or potential illness can cause a person or group or family to become stigmatized by the community,” the FEMA website explains.

“It is for this reason that responders addressing quarantined or isolated individuals do so discreetly, making every effort to maintain patient privacy.”

As you may recall from the Ebola scare, a New Jersey nurse returning from Sierra Leone was hauled off to a FEMA camp, even after she tested negative and showed no signs or symptoms of disease. Now, we are dealing with a much larger “pandemic” in which many, many people who resist the agenda are given a one-way trip to Camp FEMA.

More of the latest news about covid concentration camps can be found at Fascism.news.

Sources for this article include:




SEE ALSO: https://steverotter.com/concentration-camps-for-the-unvaccinated/

AND: https://ruraltraining.org/

DR. DAVID WOOD: Taliban Blasts Western Nations for Free Speech Hypocrisy!

Americans and Europeans are condemning the Taliban for their opposition to freedom of speech and freedom of expression. When asked about free speech, however, Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid pointed to the hypocrisy of Western nations, which allow platforms like Facebook to censor speech. David Wood discusses the issue.

Construction under way for massive covid quarantine camp in Australia as CDC blueprint calls for covid internment centers across America~Is Tennessee next in launching covid concentration camps?

Image: Construction under way for massive covid quarantine camp in Australia as CDC blueprint calls for covid internment centers across America


SEE: https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-08-18-construction-covid-quarantine-camp-australia-cdc-america.html;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

(Natural News) Melbourne, Australia, is about to get its very own Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) concentration camp where residents deemed to be infected with Chinese Germs are to be held in “quarantine.”

Dubbed the “Centre for National Resilience,” the facility, which is reportedly being “fast-tracked,” will start out with 100 beds for returning travelers to sleep until they are no longer “unclean,” according to government standards.

A “community engagement” session was held in Mickleham to discuss the facility’s “warp speed” construction, which is bypassing the normal consultation process for projects of this scale.

“Earthworks have begun at an empty paddock in Melbourne’s north, which sits next to the federal government’s pet quarantine facility and is about 300 metres from homes,” the Brisbane Times reported.

“The project is being modelled on the Howard Springs centre in the Northern Territory, which has proven to be highly effective at preventing leaks of COVID-19 compared to hotel quarantine.”

Eighty percent of the facility’s buildings are being prefabricated off-site, and the plan is to continually expand the size of the compound until it can hold as many as 3,000 beds.

Locals expressed concerns about how the concentration camp will affect property values, not to mention the fact that the Fauci Flu could escape the facility and spread in the nearby community.

Is Tennessee next in launching covid concentration camps?

In the United States, meanwhile, the state of Tennessee could be next in launching its own Chinese Virus concentration camps, thanks to an executive order recently signed by Gov. Bill Lee, a Republican.

As we reported, Lee has now authorized the National Guard to round up unvaccinated Tennesseans at gunpoint, if necessary, and haul them off to “involuntary internment” camps to be located all across the state.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) laid the groundwork for this type of thing back in 2020 when it called for Wuhan Flu concentration camps to be constructed at the “camp / sector level.” Such camps are to be used for housing Americans who are considered “high-risk.”

It is interesting that a “red” state like Tennessee would be the first, at least that we know of, to adopt the CDC’s fascist blueprints for a new post-covid American society built on total government control over the people.

These prison camps, which appear to be coming soon to Tennessee if they are not there already, will be strictly enforced “green zones” where, as the CDC outlined: “No movement into or outside the green zone” will be tolerated.

“High-risk” Americans, meaning Americans who refuse to roll up their sleeves for one of Donald “father of the vaccine” Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” injections, will be punished with prejudice in order to “save lives” and “flatten the curve.”

“This is what happens during the tribulation,” a Natural News commenter wrote about when these concentration camps will be put into full use, referencing Biblical texts about the Time of Jacob’s Trouble, also known as the Great Tribulation.

“If you don’t have the Mark, aka quantum tattoo, you will be hauled to a camp for a beheading.”

“I could not bear to look at myself in the mirror if I were to willingly comply and allow myself to be imprisoned for my beliefs,” wrote another commenter about how she as a 67-year-old will never willingly go to a covid concentration camp.

“How could I do that when so many family members before me risked and gave their lives for a chance to live in a free America?”

To keep up with the latest news about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), be sure to check out Fascism.news.

Sources for this article include:





Biden’s Culture War Pick for Secretary of the Navy: A Biden donor and CEO of a firm that does millions in business with the Navy.


SEE: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2021/08/bidens-culture-war-pick-secretary-navy-daniel-greenfield/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

Carlos Del Toro, the newly confirmed Secretary of the Navy, issued a letter stating that the Navy's four missions would be the 4C’s of China, Culture, Climate, and COVID.

By “culture”, the Biden appointee who has been a long time Democrat fundraiser, hosting an event for Hillary Clinton, and donating to Biden and the DNC, meant political correctness.

Of the 4C's for the Navy, three were domestic Democrat policy priorities, and only one involved deterring a foreign enemy.

"I have a bias for action," Del Toro wrote. But most of the action seems to be political.

That’s not surprising for Del Toro, a failed candidate who had signed on to an anti-second amendment letter and defended illegal aliens. As a member of the Board of Visitors for the University of Mary - Washington, he had led an attack on coal jobs over global warming.

The Biden administration took great care to note that Del Toro had been appointed to the Naval Academy Alumni Association’s Special Commission on Culture, Diversity, and Inclusion.

The Commission had been created in 2020 when a member of the Naval Academy Alumni’s Board of Trustees accidentally broadcast a private conversation on Facebook in which he criticised the racist hate group, Black Lives Matter, while using racial slurs.

Despite his apology and resignation, he was expelled from the alumni association.

“Silence on these matters is not an option,” the association had declared using CRT language.

The purge was another shot in a struggle within the service branch academy alumni association between patriotic alumni who want an end to critical race theory in the institution over those who support it and are determined to humiliate, silence, and destroy those who stand in their way.

Last year a midshipman had sued the Naval Academy over his expulsion for tweeting that Breonna Taylor, the girlfriend of a drug dealer, had gotten what was coming to her when she was shot after her boyfriend opened fire on police, and suggested that rioters should be shot.

While Naval Academy leadership targeted him, others who broadcast hatred for police and support of the Black Lives Matter race riots on social media were not disciplined in any way.

The lawsuit charged that Black Lives Matter and its radical tenets "have been embraced by the Naval Academy's senior leadership and have made their pernicious assault on the First Amendment manifest".

The Naval Academy’s superintendent, Vice Admiral Sean Buck, complained that "the manner in which he was publicly commenting on sensitive topics would be perceived as offensive and inflammatory." The midshipman’s parents alleged in a fundraiser for their son’s successful legal case that Buck “unconditionally embraces the structural and institutional racism tenets of the BLM and Anti-Racist movements and that those tenets will be drilled into the minds of every member of the Brigade of Midshipmen through mandatory training.”

Choosing a member of the Commission on Culture, Diversity, and Inclusion as Navy Secretary sends a pretty clear message in the culture war between free speech and critical race theory.

But Biden’s choice of Carlos Del Toro also opened up a whole other can of worms because the immigrant is not only a Biden donor, he’s the founder, owner, and CEO of SBG Technology Solutions, a defense industry contractor that has done plenty of business with the Navy.

Del Toro was introduced by Senator Mark Warner, another beneficiary of his donations, who called the fellow Virginia resident a "longtime friend". After a brief hearing in which Senate members failed to ask Del Toro any meaningful questions, and instead delivered short speeches disguised as questions, he was quickly confirmed. There was little interest in the propriety of having the owner of a defense industry company heading up the Department of the Navy.

SBG has apparently won Navy contracts including a multi-year contract worth between tens of millions to over one hundred million dollars. This year its site featured more boasts about winning contracts with the Navy. One site tracking government contracts estimates that 2021 was already SBG's best year with $44 million. That’s a sharp increase from previous years.

Del Toro’s successful business was likely aided by his past role as a Military Assistant to the Director of Defense Programs Analysis at DOD, and with the Naval Warfare Information Systems Command. Vic Blanco, SBG’s Director of Contracts, had been a commander at the Defense Contract Management Agency.

That sort of revolving door is not uncommon at defense contractors, but it’s nothing to celebrate when people keep gaming the system on both ends.

The details of SBG’s actual ownership is unclear. Del Toro has announced that he won’t be involved with the company, but his wife, Betty Del Toro, is also SBG’s Chief Financial Officer based on a BA from the University of Phoenix. There’s no clear sign that she will be stepping down or what changes SBG or Del Toro will be making to avoid any conflicts of interest.

The media was too busy gushing over Del Toro’s immigrant status and ethnicity to bother taking a look at his company because identity politics trumps journalism. While Del Toro would be the second Hispanic Secretary of the Navy, second doesn’t really count as much of a glass ceiling smashing moment. However being a minority likely helped Del Toro’s business. SBG is listed as a minority-owned business and a service disabled veteran owned small business.

The federal government is legally obligated to direct at least 3% of federal contract spending to SDVOSB's and 5% of a quarter of its contracts to minority businesses.

SBG conveniently qualifies on both counts. Whatever the details of its ownership, if that were to significantly change with Del Toro’s departure, SBG might no longer qualify for any advantages.

Curiously, we’ve never been told what the nature of Del Toro’s disability might be.

“We remain the preeminent force in the world because of leaders like Carlos," Lloyd Austin, Biden's Secretary of Defense claimed, calling him, "an immigrant who has dedicated his life to public service".

Considering that Del Toro took what he learned in the Navy and built a very successful business around it, that’s not exactly the noble act of public service that Austin, who has profited by his own military past, is making it out to be. Biden’s new Secretary of the Navy has done very well for himself while championing the leftist politics that have done very badly by America.

In 2009, Carlos Del Toro had appeared at Obama’s town hall and asked him about making it easier for businesses like his to get government contracts.

“The more Carloses there are who are out there scratching and striving to get some business, ultimately the better deal we'll get as taxpayers," Obama had gushed.

Now that Del Toro is the Secretary of the Navy, taxpayers should ask how good that deal is.

Gingrich: Biden worldview seems to be ‘attack your allies, ignore your enemies’~REACTIONS FROM VETERAN SAM PETERS & LT. GENERAL KEITH KELLOGG

Rumble — Newt Gingrich reacts to the Afghanistan withdrawal disaster on 'Hannity'


Rumble — Real America - Dan W/ Retired U.S. Air Force Major, Bronze Star Recipient, Afghan Veteran & Congressional Candidate for Nevada's 4th District, Sam Peters (August 16, 2021)

The Real Story-OAN: Taliban Overrunning Afghanistan with Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg

Rumble — Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg, United States Army veteran, gives The Real Story on just how bad Joe Biden is botching the withdrawal from Afghanistan.

America is a FAILED STATE…God’s wrath being unleashed to take down a nation of sin…Prepare yourself to walk through the valley of the shadow of death


SEE: https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-08-16-america-is-a-failed-state-gods-wrath-being-unleashed-to-take-down-a-nation-of-sin-prepare-yourself.html;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

(Natural News) As the world watched in dismay, the fall of Kabul painted a vivid picture of the crumbling of the United States of America. The US military, hell-bent on going “woke” with transgenderism and gays in the military, is utterly unable to protect its own personnel overseas and has been impotent in protecting the US southern border from a relentless invasion of illegals that are pouring into the country.

The Biden administration is finished. Brain-dead Biden was never anything more than a bobblehead placeholder, and his time in the Oval Office is now coming to a rapid end.

As Biden’s rigged regime is ending, so is the United States of America as a “united” nation. With outrageous levels of fiat currency money printing, the collapse of the rule of law, blatantly rigged elections, government-enforced censorship of conservative views, media-fomented racial animosity, left-wing efforts to defund the police, racist CRT indoctrination in the schools and even a CDC director “doctor” who cannot admit that only women can get pregnant, the once great United States of America has fallen into a pathetic, laughable state of self-mockery and collapse.

(Getty images, photo used under license)

The military cannot defend the country, the “President” cannot run the country, the Treasury cannot fund the country and the “science” establishment can’t even bring itself to recommend vitamin D to save the country from a pandemic that was launched by the scientists themselves. The United States government now functions as a terrorist Taliban, waging war against its own people with forced vaccinated, engineered food shortages, massive government looting via money printing, and the designation of anti-lockdown protesters as terrorists.

There is now no federal government agency that serves any real interest of the public. ATF, DEA, FBI, FDA, CDC, IRS, HHS, DHS and more, only now exist to enhance their own power by waging war against the very people they claim to represent. The FBI runs the terror plots… the CDC runs the biowarfare attacks… the FDA attacks supplements and CBD… the ATF tries to banish the Second Amendment… the DEA runs the drugs… and HHS, which is supposed to stand for Health and Human Services, has a decidedly anti-human agenda.

Above all, the federal government under imposter Biden now sees the American people as their enemy.

America is a nation steeped in sin and the torture of human babies

Beyond the incredible corruption that now characterizes the US federal government, the United States of America remains steeped in dark, demonic SIN stemming from mass abortions, infanticide, organ harvesting from babies, the transgender indoctrination and mutilation of children, the rejection of God and the embracing of Lucifer across pop culture, censorship attacks on Christians, rejection of the Church and the embracing of depopulation bioweapons on a national scale, disguised as a public health vaccine program.

When churches embrace transgenderism and push vaccines, those churches are serving Satan, not God, and this is the path that most of the mainstream “Christian” churches have chosen. (They will reap the effects of their own divine betrayal soon enough, it seems.)

God is watching. And while God is patient, his patience has clearly run out. His wrath is now being unleashed against this nation of sin, and even those who are not steeped in sin will be swept into the chaos and destruction that has already begun. This means that praying to God is not enough. You must also be prepared for the collapse of civilization as we know it.

Those who are spiritually prepared will be able to walk with God through the valley of the shadow of death (Psalm 23) and fear no evil, for they are prepared both spiritually and physically. Physical preparedness means having food, emergency supplies, self-defense supplies, and readiness for the total collapse of food, electricity, telecommunications, and the rule of law. Spiritual preparedness means embracing God and practicing faith in His plan for mass awakening, which requires the oblivious masses to witness the wrath of God before they will once again be humbled and then move to reject their sinful ways.

This cycle has been repeated over and over again through human history, and we are now

living in the beginning of the “wrath” phase where God uses forces of nature to “reset” the world. If you thought Claus Schwab’s “great reset” was a big deal, just wait for God’s cosmic reset. Those steeped in sin, arrogance, and denial of God’s existence will be cosmically destroyed. Those who took the spike protein injections — a physical manifestation of Lucifer at the nanoparticle level — will experience their own human cells being ripped apart from the inside as they are eaten alive by prion-like, Satan-inspired biological weapons.

As the bioweapons, droughts, and natural disasters accelerate, society as we know it will crumble. The rule of law will fall, and the window of the sky will open up, raining down large masses that will only add to the volcanoes and earthquakes taking place on Earth, blotting out the sun and moon, leading to a global famine and food collapse. (See Isaiah 24 and 25, or Revelations, among other passages.) From Isaiah 24:

Behold, the Lord maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and turneth it upside down, and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof.

And it shall be, as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him.

The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the Lord hath spoken this word.

The earth mourneth and fadeth away, the world languisheth and fadeth away, the haughty people of the earth do languish.

The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant.

Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate: therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left.

The spirit of America (and God) can be reborn, but only by those who humble themselves before the Creator

America has collapsed into a nation of sin, and that sin will be wiped from the Earth by great divine force. In its place, the survivors who humble themselves before God may rebuild the “new America” in the spirit of original America, based on Christian principles, logic, reason, sanity, and genuine equal rights under the law.

The liars, libtards, pedophiles, child traffickers, bioweapons developers, journo-terrorists, demon worshipers, and similar kind will all be biologically destroyed, only to wake up and find their consciousness suffering in eternal Hell where they get to experience the hellish pain of their bodies being feasted upon by demonic creatures, over and over again, until the end of time. The Earth shall then be inherited by those survivors who refused the covid shots and refused to take part in the common sins of our time (abortion, pedophilia, transgenderism, etc.).

Importantly, even those of us who remain with God will bear witness to the “Hell on Earth” that has now begun. We will witness cities full of dead bodies and watch as the spike protein eats the brains of our own former friends and family members who insisted, “I believe in science!” We will have front row seats to the great suffering of our time; the starvation of the unprepared, the mayhem and violence unleashed in lawless blue cities,

the generation of orphans whose parents died from the “clot shot,” the disease and death stemming from the collapse of basic human infrastructure.

Know that God needs humanity to witness the cost of turning away from God. When you turn away from the Creator, Mother Nature, and the cosmic gifts of consciousness and life, you embrace the Cult of Death. And from that Cult of Death can only come suffering, destruction, and self-inflicted demise. This lesson, long forgotten by modern, arrogant, oblivious human beings, is about to be learned yet again at an unimaginable cost. Sadly, modern humanity will never turn to God until they have first experienced the devastating cost of godlessness.

Never forget that the Democrat party is a death cult, and all who follow it are ultimately followers of Satan. Most of them have chosen to poison their own God-given bodies by injecting themselves with a biological weapon. This is an egregious sin of self-destruction and the strongest possible rejection of God, from which there is likely no salvation.

Listen to today’s powerful, divinely-inspired podcast for the rest of this important lesson. Also, read Prophecy.news for more articles.


China learns lesson of Afghanistan: In a war, Taiwan would collapse in hours, US military won’t help


SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2021/08/china-learns-lesson-of-afghanistan-in-a-war-taiwan-would-collapse-in-hours-us-military-wont-help;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

No lessons will be learned in Washington from the debacle in Afghanistan. But they’re being learned in Beijing. The lesson learned is that if a bunch of jihadis can humiliate the U.S., so can China, and so Taiwan is imperiled.

“Afghanistan situation a lesson for Taiwan authorities: Global Times editorial,” Global Times, August 16, 2021:

The US troops’ withdrawal from Afghanistan has led to the rapid demise of the Kabul government. The world has witnessed how the US evacuated its diplomats by helicopter while Taliban soldiers crowded into the presidential palace in Kabul. This has dealt a heavy blow to the credibility and reliability of the US….

How Washington abandoned the Kabul regime particularly shocked some in Asia, including the island of Taiwan. Taiwan is the region that relies on the protection of the US the most in Asia, and the island’s Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities have made Taiwan go further and further down this abnormal path. The situation in Afghanistan suddenly saw a radical change after the country was abandoned by the US. And Washington just left despite the worsening situation in Kabul. Is this some kind of omen of Taiwan’s future fate?…

The DPP authorities need to keep a sober head, and the secessionist forces should reserve the ability to wake up from their dreams. From what happened in Afghanistan, they should perceive that once a war breaks out in the Straits, the island’s defense will collapse in hours and the US military won’t come to help. As a result, the DPP authorities will quickly surrender, while some high-level officials may flee by plane. …


SEE ALSO: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/robert-spencer/2021/08/16/emboldened-china-warns-taiwan-the-islands-defense-will-collapse-and-the-u-s-military-wont-come-to-help-n1470121

EXCERPT: "Global Times, an organ of the Chinese Communist Party (CPP), has learned a lesson from Old Joe Biden’s Afghanistan catastrophe: Taiwan is in deep trouble, and the Americans won’t help it. In an editorial published Monday, the CCP sent a harsh message to the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), the ruling party of the Republic of China on the island of Taiwan: “The DPP authorities need to keep a sober head, and the secessionist forces should reserve the ability to wake up from their dreams. From what happened in Afghanistan, they should perceive that once a war breaks out in the Straits, the island’s defense will collapse in hours and the US military won’t come to help.”"

SCHOOL BOARD WARS: school boards and local politicians across the country are starting the push for new mask and vaccine mandates

As the 2021 school year approaches, school boards and local politicians across the country are starting the push for new mask and vaccine mandates. Unfortunately for them, the public is well-educated and emboldened with the truth, and isn’t going to take it anymore.


Teacher Shows Children Mask Propaganda Film: ‘Put your faith in Fauci’

Indoctrination: Teacher Exposed Tormenting Unmasked Children with Propaganda Video (Watch)

Rumble — This video is part of an article at RAIR Foundation USA: https://rairfoundation.com/indoctrination-teacher-exposed-tormenting-unmasked-children-with-propaganda-video-watch/

"A completely inappropriate video pushing masks and bashing those who protest as selfish, Fox News-watchers, anti-science, "Karen," etc. was shown to school children at Gibson Elementary School in Corpus Christi, Texas."


SEE: https://rairfoundation.com/indoctrination-teacher-exposed-tormenting-unmasked-children-with-propaganda-video-watch/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

“Wear a mask! Wear a mask! Get your head out of your ass! Try to think of someone other than yourself is all we ask!”

A completely inappropriate video pushing masks and bashing those who protest as selfish, Fox news-watchers, anti-science, “Karen,” etc. was shown to school children at Gibson Elementary School in Corpus Christi, Texas.

The teacher, whose identity has not been released, played the song, a profane parody of “Be Our Guest” from the 1991 Disney film, “Beauty and the Beast.” Parents interviewed for the local news report expressed frustration that their children were being shown such propaganda.

Wear a mask! Wear a mask!; Get your head out of your ass!; Try to think of someone other; Than yourself; Is all we ask!; While you sit, watching FOX, ignoring; Science and the docs!; Wow! Your ignorance is showing; As the death toll keeps on growing…

Also in the song:

“You can shout. You can glare; But listen, Karen, I don’t care; Never seen folks so dramatic; Over a fucking piece of fabric! ‘Hard to breathe’ ‘Feels too hot’; Quit your bitchin’. There’s a thought!; Suck it up! And don’t give me sass!

The school released a statement stating in part that “the content [in the parody video] does not reflect the district’s or the school’s values, and its use has been addressed as a personnel matter.”

The parents claim that the same teacher showed naked photos during an online course last year.


[Male singer]
Wear… a…. mask

Wear a mask!

Is this really much to ask?
Tie some fabric ’round your face
Oh, it’s the simplest of tasks!
At the gym, at the store
Don’t treat it like such a chore!
No, these mandates aren’t malicious
All your theories are fictitious!

Stop the lies, stop the fights
No one’s taking away your rights!
All the speculation makes me need a flask
Come on and read some data
All you mask debaters, wear a mask
Wear a mask!
Wear a mask!

[Female singer]
It’s a mask! It’s a mask!
Heaven’s sake, it’s just a mask
Such a shame that asking folks to
Follow rules gets you harassed
You can shout. You can glare
But listen, Karen, I don’t care
Never seen folks so dramatic
Over a fucking piece of fabric!
“Hard to breathe” “Feels too hot”
Quit your bitchin’. There’s a thought!
Suck it up! And don’t give me sass!
We got a lot to do
And it’s not “Just the flu”
So wear a mask
Wear a mask!

[Female singer]
Wear a mask!

Wear a mask!
Wear a mask! Wear a mask!
Get your head out of your ass!
Try to think of someone other
Than yourself
Is all we ask!
While you sit, watching FOX, ignoring
Science and the docs!
Wow! Your ignorance is showing
As the death toll keeps on growing…

[Chorus and Male singer]
Case by case
Test by test
Don’t forget
You’re not oppressed!
‘Til we put this damn pandemic
In the past!
Try not to be so grouchy
Have some faith in Fauci!
Wear a mask!
Wear a mask!
Wash your hands and wear a…



Feds declare anti-vaxxers are “terrorists,” unveil 90-day plan to wage false flag violence and blame it on “anti-lockdown extremists”


SEE: https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-08-15-feds-unveil-90-day-plan-to-wage-false-flag-violence-blame-on-anti-lockdown-extremists.html;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

(Natural News) Just as we repeatedly warned would happen, the corrupt, criminally-run federal government has just declared war against the American people. In a widely-circulated Homeland Security warning, the federal government declared that anyone who opposes vaccines, masks, social distancing or lockdowns poses a “potential terror threat” to society at large. Dubbed a “National Terrorism Alert” by CIA-run NBC News, the warning also insists that anyone who thinks there was fraud in the 2020 election might also be a terrorist.

Never mind the fact that Democrats and the left-wing media spent the last four years decrying total fraud during the 2016 election, claiming “the Russians” stole the election. Back then, such declarations were declared to be patriot… but today, they’re considered terrorism.

According to the criminally-run government that has deployed biological weapons against its own people, it’s not “extreme” to demand mass injections with experimental, deadly spike protein bioweapons shots, but it’s totally extreme to resist being suicided via vaccine. The memo even warns that new lockdowns and restrictions are coming, and anyone who opposes them is a terrorist by default:

These extremists may seek to exploit the emergence of COVID-19 variants by viewing the potential re-establishment of public health restrictions across the United States as a rationale to conduct attacks.  Pandemic-related stressors have contributed to increased societal strains and tensions, driving several plots by domestic violent extremists, and they may contribute to more violence this year.

DHS warning is really a blueprint for a coming false flag violent attack to be waged by the deep state and blamed on the unvaccinated

This “national terrorism alert” from DHS is really just an admission that the deep state plans to launch false flag attacks in America and blame the unvaccinated. No doubt the FBI is rapidly recruiting crisis actors to firebomb a hospital (or some such thing) while CNN’s cameras capture the staged action and broadcast their propaganda around the world. The actors throwing the Molotov cocktails will, of course, all be on the FBI payroll and dressed in MAGA gear in order to demonize Trump supporters at the same time.

The purpose of the DHS warning is to set the narrative in advance of their own event, and we should carefully note they’ve given themselves almost 90 days (until Nov. 11th) to pull this off.

Astonishingly, this announcement by DHS that half of Americans are suddenly terrorists is nothing less than a declaration of war against the American people. This illegitimate government — which only stole power by rigging the 2020 election — now sees the people it claims to represent as enemy combatants to be targeted and destroyed.

While the American people are being demonized and targeted, the U.S. southern border remains wide open (on purpose) so that the nation can be flooded with millions of illegal aliens who will replace the soon-to-be-dead Democrat voters who have lined up to commit vaccine suicide. As obedient, brain-dead Democrats die from Antibody-Dependent Enhancement, they will be replaced by a wave of illegals who will be handed voting rights in order to try to keep Democrats in power.

The deep state plans to use their upcoming false flag event as a way to criminalize all anti-vaccine speech and declare a medical/military dictatorship in America, with troops running highway checkpoints that demand to see your vaccine papers any time you cross a state boundary. Should you fail to present the proper vaccine papers, they will arrest you at gunpoint and haul you off to one of the CDC-run covid death camps that have already been publicly announced by the CDC, which insists these death camps will meet “minimum humanitarian standards.”

We advise all Americans to take the following precautions during any public protests:

  1. Remain peaceful in your protests. Do not allow yourself to be emotionally manipulated into doing crazy things. Understand that the deep state is trying to provoke an armed response. Don’t take the bait.
  2. Leave your weapons at home. Any weapons you bring to a protest will be used to incarcerate you as a “terrorist” once they stage the attack and blame you for carrying it out.
  3. Do not trespass onto private property, and specifically watch out for provocateurs trying to get a crowd of angry people to attack a hospital, clinic or some similar establishment. The FBI has likely already staged dead bodies inside the hospital (dressed as doctors and nurses) and anyone caught trespassing will be charged with acts of terrorism and murder.
  4. Video record everything. Wear a recorder and keep it running at all times. If a false flag event takes place and you have a video recording, understand that the complicit FBI will immediately move to confiscate all video recording devices so they can cover up their crimes (just like they did with the 9/11 videos of the missile strike on the Pentagon). If possible, secure your micro SD cards in a safe place on your body. The FBI is unlikely to strip search citizens and will likely focus on confiscation of mobile devices.

Get full details in this emergency alert message that exposes the coming false flag “terrorist” attack in America, being waged by the deep state itself: 


Delaware’s Governor Carney has issued a mandate requiring all public AND private school K-12 students, whether vaccinated or not, to wear masks during school beginning Monday, 8/16/21

Tucker Carlson on Masks: It is 'child abuse' to force young children to 'wear moist paper burkas.'

Delaware’s Governor Carney has issued a mandate requiring all public AND private school K-12 students, whether vaccinated or not, to wear masks during school beginning Monday, 8/16/21.
Parents are outraged by this decision as they navigate the significant negative toll and impact that masking has had on the emotional, psychological, developmental, academic, and physical health of their school-aged children. 
It should be the right of every parent and family to decide what is best for their children. 
If you agree, here’s what you can do:

1. Sign the Petition!   

Your Petition Comment will be sent directly to the Governor, and your state Representative and State Senator will also be copied. Your comment should be brief and respectful. 

2. Share the link www.MandateMadness.com in text and social media. 

We know from experience that it will take at least 10,000 signers to be heard. That means that everyone who signs the petition needs to share it.

The petition is on www.MandateMadness.com. Please share it in text and social media. 

Send Your Message to the Governor
Note: The information collected on this petition is protected. Beware of other petitions being circulated that do not seem to be going to the intended recipient or state how the collected information will be used. 

When you submit your comment with www.mandatemadness.com, you will receive verification in your email.


CDC announces covid internment camps for every US city; will separate families by force, claims to meet MINIMUM “humanitarian” standards

The Path to Nazi Genocide


SEE: https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-08-11-cdc-announces-covid-internment-camps-for-every-us-city-minimum-humanitarian-standards.html

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

(Natural News) Last Friday, the Governor of Tennessee signed an executive order authorizing the National Guard to medically kidnap unvaccinated people at gunpoint and forcibly take them to covid “involuntary internment” camps across the state. Now, new details have emerged about a similar plan initially launched by the CDC in 2020, which calls for nationwide covid concentration camps to be operated at the “camp/sector level” which will be populated by individuals designated “high-risk” who are forcibly ripped from their families and homes to be imprisoned by the CDC.

This document, entitled, “Interim Operational Considerations for Implementing the Shielding Approach to Prevent COVID-19 Infections in Humanitarian Settings,” explains that the CDC will meet “minimum humanitarian standards” by providing, for example, soap and basic cleaning supplies so that covid camp prisoners can clean their own prison cells.

Among other horrors, this CDC document openly calls for separating couples and families, then admits this action will cause extreme psychological trauma among Americans who are targeted and ripped from their homes to be placed in covid concentration camps:

[I]n addition to the risk of stigmatization and feeling of isolation, this shielding approach may have an important psychological impact and may lead to significant emotional distress, exacerbate existing mental illness or contribute to anxiety, depression, helplessness, grief, substance abuse, or thoughts of suicide among those who are separated or have been left behind.

These CDC covid camps, the document explains, will be strictly-enforced prison camps called “green zones,” and the CDC explains that, “No movement into or outside the green zone” will be tolerated. It’s not clear how the CDC plans to enforce this, but it seems rather obvious that this will involve armed guards and physical security measures such as chain-link fences or razor wire.

The CDC considers unvaccinated people to be “high-risk,” which means Americans may be targeted for medical kidnapping and covid camp imprisonment merely for refusing to take deadly, experimental vaccines.

This shocking development is covered in today’s Situation Update via Brighteon.com:


A new podcast is posted each day (along with amazing interviews) at:



SEE ALSO: https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-08-12-cdc-internment-camps-indefinite-detention-plandemic-ends.html 


BY  Mordechai Sones

SEE: https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/frontlinenews/are-the-unvaxxed-the-new-jews/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

reprinted with permission by Rodef Shalom 613

Historical Background

In the Name of Public Health — Nazi Racial Hygiene – by Susan Bachrach, PhD

“Physicians and medically trained academics, many of whom were proponents of “racial hygiene,” or eugenics, legitimized and helped to implement Nazi policies aiming to “cleanse” German society of people viewed as biologic threats to the nation’s health. Racial-hygiene measures began with the mass sterilization of the “genetically diseased” and ended with the near-annihilation of European Jewry.”(Emphasis added.)

“Over the past six decades, the science of human heredity has advanced greatly, from knowledge of the operation of DNA to the mapping of the human genome. Such progress holds great promise for medical advances but also inspires new, utopian visions of perfecting humankind. The history of Nazi racial-hygiene policies and eugenics reminds us of the importance of maintaining democratic checks and balances in the application of biomedical research and of always guarding against the use of genetics for the purpose of discriminating against persons or groups.“(Emphasis added.)1


Germany – Holocaust Encyclopedia

Deceiving the Public

Combined with terror to intimidate those who did not comply, a new state propaganda apparatus headed by Joseph Goebbels manipulated and deceived the German population and the outside world. Propagandists preached an appealing message of national unity and a utopian future that resonated with millions of Germans. They also waged campaigns that facilitated the persecution of Jews and others excluded from the Nazi vision of the “National Community.””(Emphasis added) 2




Herman Goering comment on How the Nazis enslaved people through fear





Reflections on the Nuremberg Declaration of the German Medical Assembly – by Shmuel Reis, MD MPHE

“… Rather, these events appear to have resulted from the enthusiastic and innovative contributions of, and effective execution by physicians and a medical establishment leading the way.”

“Moreover, the realization that almost an entire scientific and medical establishment, arguably one of the most preeminent of its time, and many of its leading practitioners and scientists were involved in the absence of coercion, makes it impossible to turn a blind eye to the fact that it could have happened and could happen again, elsewhere, even to us and here. Abuse of power is a risk inherent in being a physician. Jewish and Israeli physicians are not immune. … We must recognize slippery slopes and make sure we do not get overpowered by them.”(Emphasis added)3


Courageous Teacher BLASTS Notorious Loudon County School Board Over Trans and CRT Policies. Then She Refuses to Play Along


SEE: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/victoria-taft/2021/08/11/courageous-teacher-blasts-notorious-loudon-county-school-board-over-trans-and-crt-policies-then-she-refuses-to-play-along-n1468681;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

A fifth-grade teacher went before the notorious Loudon County school board on Tuesday night to denounce proposed transgender policies and other “equity” issues such as Critical Race Theory (CRT), and did something unexpected: she quit.

The Loudon County, Virginia school board meetings have become notorious not because angry parents have shown up in droves to forcefully denounce the racially divisive and discriminatory CRT “equity” agenda. No, they’re not notorious because the school board cut off a public viewing area to spite parents. They’re notorious because the board is like that toddler who believes that if he juts out an arm, turns his head, and closes his eyes he doesn’t have to listen to you.

Tuesday night, Laura Morris, who says she’s taught for ten years, went before the board and elucidated the reasons why she differed with the board on its “equity” policies and its proposed transgender policies.

Morris pointed to materials sent to all teachers stating that Christian, white women were overly represented in the teacher corps in Loudon County and “this has to change.”

“Within the last year, I was in one of my so-called equity trainings that White, Christian, able-bodied females currently have the power in our schools and ‘this has to change,’” teacher Laura Morris said during the public comment period of the board meeting.

“Clearly, you’ve made your point. You no longer value me or many other teachers you’ve employed in this county. So since my contract outlines the power that you have over my employment in Loudoun County Public Schools, I thought it necessary to resign in front of you.”

And so she did.

“School board, I quit. I quit your policies, I quit your trainings and I quit being a cog in a machine that tells me to push highly politicized agendas on our most vulnerable constituents — the children,” she said. “I will find employment elsewhere.”

Then she urged parents to take their children out of public school and “flood the private schools.”

NBC Washington reported that the transgender policies include everything from pronouns the sports teams to bathroom access.

Proposed Policy 8040 on the rights of transgender and gender-expansive students would affect staff use of transgender students’ names and pronouns; transgender students’ access to sports, restrooms and locker rooms; and training for school mental health professionals.

The policy became national news after elementary school gym teacher Tanner Cross testified in May that he would not follow the policy because he believed it would harm children and violate his religious beliefs.

The school district placed Cross on paid administrative leave. A District Court judge ruled that Cross must be reinstated, citing his rights to speech and religious liberty. The school board is appealing the ruling.

Here’s the video of her resigning.

Fox reported on her resignation Wednesday:

Parents and concerned citizens, such as teachers, had to take a number and wait to be called before they could speak alone before the board members.

After four hours of testimony, the board chose to postpone the vote until later when there weren’t as many parents waiting outside to speak.

Parents in Loudon County, whose voices haven’t mattered to the school board, may wish to use their passion to induce the state to pass school choice legislation. This allows parents to use the money otherwise given to state-sponsored schools and use the money to send their children elsewhere.

Perhaps after such a move school districts would have to listen to parents.

Use that Joe Biden government cheese money and put a down payment on a private school near you.

Get out while you can.



Virginia Teacher Resigns After Ordered To Snitch on Dissenters of Woke Agenda

'Clearly, you've made your point. You no longer value me or many other teachers you've employed in this county.'


SEE: https://www.infowars.com/posts/watch-virginia-teacher-resigns-after-ordered-to-snitch-on-dissenters-of-woke-agenda/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Fifth-grade Loudon County, Virginia, teacher Laura Morris emotionally announced her resignation during a school board meeting Tuesday, citing the district’s “woke” policy changes.

“I have struggled with the idea of returning to school knowing that I’ll be working yet again with the school division that, despite its shiny tech and flashy salary, promotes political ideologies that do not square with who I am as a believer in Christ,” Morris stated.

Morris acknowledged how the school board locked parents out of the meeting leaving them outside in the rain, as documented by journalist Justine Brooke Murray, and recalled how the superintendent encouraged teachers to snitch on each other.

“Emails sent by the superintendent last year [reminded] me that a dissenting opinion is not allowed even to be spoken in my personal life, going so far as to send a form to my colleagues and I encouraging us to fill it out if we hear one another speaking against the controversial policies being promoted by this school board and adopted in this county.”

According to updated school policy, teachers will be disciplined if they use the wrong pronouns when addressing students, “However, they ARE permitted to hide a child’s gender dysmorphia from their own parents,” reports Murray.

Morris says “equity training” teaching her that White, Christian females are overrated has also signaled to her that the school district does not value her.

“Within the last year, I was in one of my so-called equity training that White, Christian, able-bodied females currently have the power in our schools and ‘this has to change.’”

Morris says she’s forced to resign due to the new policies.

“Clearly, you’ve made your point. You no longer value me or many other teachers you’ve employed in this county. So since my contract outlines the power that you have over my employment in Loudoun County Public Schools, I thought it necessary to resign in front of you.”

“School board, I quit,” she stated. “I quit your policies, I quit your training, and I quit being a cog in a machine that tells me to push highly politicized agendas to our most vulnerable constituents – children.”

Additional uploads:

Watch the full school board meeting:



School Boards Attempt to Shut Down Criticism of Critical Race Theory in West Chester, Pennsylvania:

It was also reported this week that during a West Chester School District board meeting on July 26, a school board president in Pennsylvania took the microphone from Iranian immigrant and mother of three Anita Edgarian. Edgarian was speaking out against Critical Race Theory as she saw firsthand what communism did to her home country, Iran. Police removed her from the meeting.

Speaking out against Critical Race Theory is speaking out against Marxism.

Rumble — This video is part of an article at RAIR Foundation USA: https://rairfoundation.com/caught-on-film-pa-teacher-jordan-sharp-busted-pushing-banned-critical-race-theory-video/


Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

READING, PA, CAUGHT ON FILM: PA Teacher Jordan Sharp Busted Pushing Banned Critical Race Theory (Video)

Teaching children that racism is built into American institutions and that white children benefit from racist systems is unacceptable.

A race-baiting high school teacher was captured blatantly teaching students the divisive, radical left doctrine broadly known as Critical Race Theory (CRT) this week at Exeter High School in Reading, Pennsylvania.

The footage, which was provided to the Exeter Examiner by the local chapter of the Moms for Liberty, captured English teacher Jordan Sharp indoctrinating teens during an online course. It is unclear if Sharp is pushing Marxist propaganda deliberately or perhaps she is simply indoctrinated herself. Either way, it is unacceptable.

“This definition [of racism] has changed, friends. Racists are not necessarily individuals who are mean, who are like, consciously disliking people across race, intending to hurt them,” she tells her students. “You could make the argument that almost all of us are racist.”

“Why?” she continues. “Because it’s individuals who support one racial group as superior to another even when it is unintentional.”

Later, she informs students that the United States government and “school system” are “inherently racist”. “Why?” she asks, “Because our whole country is built on this hierarchy, this social hierarchy, where white men are at the very top.”

Slide from Miss Jordan Sharp’s English Class

Exeter Examiner journalist Jerry Geleff also obtained the slide pictured, which shows a black woman condescendingly speaking to white people, telling them to capitalize the “B” in black in order to “recogniz[e] the cultural, and historical, and social significance of black as a category,” which appears to be a direct quote from African American studies professor at Northwestern University, Celeste Watkins-Hayes.

Jordan Sharp

Considering that black people have been forced to “adapt our entire lives to fit into white spaces,” the black woman cartoon on the slide chides, “I think you can [slightly] inconvenience yourself to learn about the culture of the people who built the foundation of the country you live in today.”

Geleff further explained that the Exeter Township School District school board assured parents that Critical Race Theory is not being taught in schools as part of an “approved curriculum”. Geleff quoted school board president Alison Wilson stating during a June 22nd, 2021 school board meeting:

I would say that Critical Race Theory is not taught in our school district, and if that you have evidence of otherwise, then I would encourage you to contact your building principal. It is not approved curriculum here and this school board does approve all books and curriculum.

As reported at RAIR Foundation USA, over the weekend school board members from all over Pennsylvania attended a webinar hosted by Marxist group “Our Revolution” to learn how to “rebut” parents’ concerns about Critical Race Theory.

Teacher Jordan Sharp explains that she took it upon herself to learn more about white privilege. “It’s opened my eyes to the privilege that I face in society and it is my responsibility to learn and to research.” The English teacher gives an example of privilege as a white person getting a job in which a black person also applied. By not saying anything, one is “unintentionally supporting a system where one racial group is superior to another”.

First Video:


Second Video:




Teaching children that racism is built into American institutions and that white children benefit from racist systems is unacceptable. Demand that teacher Jordan Sharp stop pushing unapproved divisive and harmful propaganda on her students.

Respectfully reach out to officials in the Exeter Township School District:

  • Superintendent of the Exeter Township School District Dr. Kimberly Minor: kiminor@exetersd.org 610-779-0700
  • Principal Tom Campbell: tacampbell@exetersd.org
  • Exeter School Board President Allison Wilson: aawilson@exetersd.org
  • Contact information for all of the Exeter School Board Members here: https://www.exeter.k12.pa.us/page/419

Please keep RAIR Foundation USA posted on your efforts: info@RAIRfoundation.com.

School Boards Attempt to Shut Down Criticism of Critical Race Theory in West Chester, Pennsylvania:

It was also reported this week that during a West Chester School District board meeting on July 26, a school board president in Pennsylvania took the microphone from Iranian immigrant and mother of three Anita Edgarian. Edgarian was speaking out against Critical Race Theory as she saw first hand what communism did to her home country, Iran. Police removed her from the meeting.

Speaking out against Critical Race Theory is speaking out against Marxism.

Read RAIR Foundation USA’s Coverage on Leftist Race Doctrine:



This Is 1938: First, They Came for the Unvaccinated The time before the nightmare.


SEE: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2021/08/1938-first-they-came-unvaccinated-wayne-allyn-root/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

This is the most important commentary I've ever written.

It's time for alarm bells. It's time for me to play the part of Paul Revere: "The communist tyrants and dictators are coming! The communist tyrants and dictators are coming!" They're coming first for unvaccinated Americans.

This is 1938. I'm a Jew. I now understand just a little of what it felt like to be a Jew in 1938. No, it's not the Holocaust. Nothing can be compared to the Holocaust. Ever.

But 1938 was not the Holocaust. It was the pre-Holocaust. It was the time before the nightmare when the foundation was being laid to destroy the freedom, free speech, businesses and lives of millions of Jews.

Everything happening today to the American people ... to the U.S. Constitution ... to freedom ... and particularly to unvaccinated Americans reminds me of 1938. This is only the beginning. It gets much worse from here.

First, "the papers." Vaccine mandates and vaccine passports are just like 1938 when the Gestapo demanded papers from every German.

Republicans asked for "papers" from migrants who had broken into our country. Criminals. Democrats said, "No, that's racism." Republicans asked for "papers" once every two years for federal elections, to prove you have a right to vote. Democrats said, "No, that's racism."

Now Democrats want American citizens, not illegal aliens, not criminals, but patriots born in this country, to produce papers 24/7. We'll need papers to enter restaurants, bars, nightclubs, concerts, casinos, conventions, and hotels and to board a train, plane or bus. We'll need papers to enter a supermarket, or we'll starve to death. All for the crime of being unvaccinated against ... wait for it ...

The flu.

All for the crime of being unwilling to inject an untested, rushed to production, experimental, "for emergency use only" shot into our bodies.

What happened to the war-cry of Democrats: "My body, my choice"? It only applies to murdering babies, but it doesn't apply to dangerous experimental shots that we don't want injected into our bodies.

Weren't Jews injected with experimental drugs by the depraved Nazi government? Wasn't that a key part of the Nuremberg trials? That no government could ever again inject experimental shots into the bodies of unwilling citizens? Isn't that a basic human right?

By the way, this isn't about vaccines. If you want the vaccine, take it. I'd never stop you. I'd never limit your freedom, your choice. This is about vaccine mandates — forcibly injecting Americans who don't want it. That's 1938.

But there's much more in common with 1938. Mask mandates. If you're scared, wear them. I'm not scared. I don't want to wear them. Mandates are about forcing individuals to lose their freedom, choice, individuality and human rights. That's 1938.

Lockdowns are a match with the Warsaw Ghetto. Jews were locked down. Jews couldn't work. Jews couldn't travel. Jewish businesses were labeled "nonessential."

If government can force us to close our businesses, to kill our jobs, to decide who is nonessential, then this is 1938.

Stars on clothing. It's coming. The vaccinated get into restaurants, bars, concerts, supermarkets, planes and trains. They keep their jobs. The rest of us are marked as "subhuman" for life. That's the star. That's 1938.

Media and social media as the public-relations wing of the government. That's called propaganda. Remind you of 1938? Back then, the Jews' books were burned. Today, it's those of conservatives, patriots and specifically the unvaccinated. We are silenced. Our facts are labeled "misleading." Only the facts that agree with big government's agenda count. That's 1938.

Door-to-door intimidation and making lists of those who disagree with "government knows best." Trust me, that army of door-to-door vaccine brainwashers will soon be turned into a Gestapo of gun-grabbers. 1938 was the year Nazis banned Jews from owning guns. They took them door to door. That's 1938.

Only days ago, a former Department of Homeland Security official said the unvaccinated should be on the federal no-fly list. That's exactly how Nazis attacked the Jews and others who disagreed with their agenda. It was always lists. Lists of people to be disappeared in the middle of the night; lists of those to be sent to reeducation camps; lists of those to be sent to concentration camps; lists of enemies of the state. It's happening again. Maybe this time you'll only lose your job or free speech. This is, again, 1938.

It's all disgusting and disgraceful. But I'm warning you, this is just the start. It's all going downhill from here — fast. This is the end of America. This is 1938.

Unless we stop it now. Unless we take a stand now. Unless we draw a line in the sand now.

First, they came for the unvaccinated. Trust me: Next, they're coming for you.

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