Bishop Schneider denounces pro-abortion Biden receiving Holy Communion~Biden says Pope Francis told him to ‘keep receiving Communion’


In direct contradiction of Pope Francis, Bishop Athanasius Schneider told LifeSite's Jim Hale that pro-abortion politicians should never be permitted to receive Holy Communion.

Today, Pope Francis met with Joe Biden in a long-anticipated meeting. John-Henry gives his take on comments from pro-abortion, "Catholic" Biden who said the pope told him to "keep receiving Communion."

Lies, Heresies and False Teachings of Pope Francis
Following are several of the pronouncements made by Pope Francis, which prove beyond a doubt that he is a false prophet with the spirit of antichrist:
Jesus "made himself sin and made himself the devil, the serpent, for us; he debased himself to the point of totally annihilating himself." (L'Osservatore Romano, 4/4/17)
"There is no Hell" and "there is no punishment [for the lost soul], but the annihilation of that soul... with the death of the body their journey is finished." (Veritas Vincit, 3/29/2018)
"I would be willing to baptize aliens if they came to the Vatican. Who are we to close doors to anyone — even Martians?" (The Atlantic, 5/12/14)
”The Lord has redeemed all of us, all of us, with the Blood of Christ, all of us, not just Catholics. Everyone! Even the atheists." (Millennial, 5/22/13)
"Many think differently or seek God in different ways, but there is only one certainty: we are all children of God." (National Catholic Register, 1/7/16)
"God is not a divine being or a magician, but the Creator who brought everything to life. Evolution in nature is not inconsistent with creation, because evolution requires the creation of beings that evolve." (USA Today, 10/14)
“The issue for those who do not believe in God is to obey their conscience.” (Independent, 10/5/15)
"The death penalty is inadmissible." This heresy opposes God's Word (Genesis 9:6) and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. (Vatican News, 10/13/17)

Gold Star father outraged as Biden considers paying $450K to separated migrant families, but not to families of deceased military patriots

Gold Star father David Horton reacted to a report suggesting the Biden administration is considering awarding $450k to separated migrants, calling it 'completely disrespectful' to military families.

Elise Stefanik joins Bill Hemmer and Martha MacCallum to discuss the Biden Border Crisis. 11.1.21

LOUISVILLE, “HAZARD” Kentucky High School Proudly Posts Photos of Scantily Clad Male Students Giving Male Teachers Lap Dances

Donald “Happy” Mobelini, Principal & Mayor:

Donald Mobelini

Donald Mobelini



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

With public libraries bringing in drag queens to indoctrinate preschoolers in the glories of sexual libertinism, Netflix sexualizing prepubescent girls, and Lego bringing out an LGBTQ set, it isn’t really all that surprising that the aptly named Hazard High School in Hazard, Ky., recently held a “Man Pageant” featuring female students dressed as Hooters waitresses and male students dressed only in male or female underwear giving lap dances to wildly smiling teachers and school officials, including the school’s principal, Donald “Happy” Mobelini. The luckless Happy is, by the way, not only the principal of Hazard, but the mayor of the city of Hazard. The principal and mayor of Hazard: great titles for you, Happy!

Even in this age of the sexualization of virtually everything, the hazardous behavior at Hazard sparked an uproar. Photos of the event, which had been proudly posted on the school’s Facebook page, were hastily taken down. The school itself announced that it was investigating the event, which is likely to be an empty face-saving exercise in light of the fact that the principal was on it, and from the looks of the photos, obviously delighted by the whole thing.

The Hazard Independent School District is also investigating. Superintendent Sondra Combs insisted that the district “has a tradition of excellence and academics and everything we do,” but added: “The incident is being investigated and once the investigation is complete, appropriate action will be taken.” Later, she said that punishments had indeed been meted out for the event, but claimed that she was “not allowed to disclose any further information regarding the specifics of the discipline,” as it involved a “personnel matter.” Whatever disciplinary measures were taken, however, they don’t seem to have included axing Happy, who is still listed as Hazard principal (and mayor) as of this writing.

Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear called the “Man Pageant” “totally unacceptable, inappropriate, shouldn’t happen.” He continued:

And so, that means that, in the, in the system, and there is a system here to address it, right? There’s principals and there’s a superintendent and then there’s the Kentucky Department of Education, uh, you know, they need to take appropriate action and ensure that this will never happen again. But there’s another thing they need to do. And that’s that they need to be talking to these students. That this isn’t something that is normalized in their mind, uh, that they think it’s okay in, in school. That doesn’t mean that the kids are punished because the adults were letting it go on. But we just wanna make sure that we’re raising our kids right about what is and is not acceptable, especially in the world that we live in.

Governor, we’re not raising our kids right, at least not at Hazard High School. The Louisville Courier Journal reported Thursday:

Newly surfaced videos posted on social media show more Hazard High School skits in which students acted provocatively as teachers laughed and sometimes participated during the past four years….One video, first posted on Instagram in October 2017 then shared again in January 2018, shows one male student — dressed in a bra, shorts and wig — grinding on two other male students who sat in chairs in the middle of the gym, while a fourth student simultaneously throws a wad of what looks like cash into the air….Another video shows a male student in a long white dress and wig dancing to Madonna’s “Like a Virgin,” in the middle of the school gym. The student repeatedly rolls around on the floor and crawls toward the crowd.

Given that they’ve been attending high school in what looks to be a drag queen recruitment and training center, it’s not surprising that Hazard students are rallying around their beloved Happy. Around 100 Hazard students gathered for a “We Love You Happy” rally on Thursday. Hazard student Gavin Goins, reflecting on the fact that this year’s “Man Pageant” wasn’t the school’s first, said of all the negative publicity the school has been receiving: “I think it’s an attack on tradition.”

Well, yeah, Gavin. If your “tradition” involves the school principal and town mayor getting a lap dance from a high school student dressed in women’s underwear, then yes, this is an attack on your tradition. The fact that so many Hazard students quite obviously cannot conceive of what could possibly be wrong with this is an indication of how thoroughly indoctrinated they are, and how successful the Left has been in eroding American cultural norms and marketing libertinism and perversion as normal, wholesome, and to be encouraged.

Related: Everything Is Sexualized: LEGO Now Features an LGBTQ+ Set With a Drag Queen

In a healthy society, Happy Mobelini would already have been fired as principal of Hazard High and forced to resign as mayor. In an even healthier society, he wouldn’t be able to get another job that involved contact with minors. Instead, at Hazard High, he’s a hero. Americans in the 1960s might have wondered what would happen if we turned over our pop culture, educational system, and entertainment industry to the Left. Now we know.


Teachers Get Lap Dances from HIGH SCHOOLERS in Hazard Kentucky~Satan, Demons, Sinful Sex Education 

#Satan and #Demons are IN OUR SCHOOLS influencing staff, teachers, anyone they can, to reach our children and corrupt them through immoral and sinful #sexeducation. The evidence of this seems to be all too apparent and frequent in our news cycles with this latest incident in a Hazard Kentucky High School, where teachers, staff, and the PRINCIPLE allow CHILDREN at a homecoming event to give scantily clad lap dances, dress in hooters outfits, and put on a man pageant. COMPLETELY WRONG!!! There was a famous EVIL person in history who also used education to corrupt the next generation to evil ways. Hitler. God fearing and #Christian #parents please protect and train your children with all due love, tenderness, and carefulness in the Lord #Jesus #Christ. Not a parent, TELL PARENTS you know!

Sick: High School Allows Kids to Perform Lap Dances For Teachers

Donald Mobelini - Mayor AND Principal in Hazard Kentucky - Under Fire for School “Men’s Pageant”

Mayor Donald “Happy” Mobelini seems like he’s a problem. He is somehow the mayor and the school principal in the town of Hazard Kentucky, and when you look at these photos of this “men’s pageant“ where young boys are scantily clad in lingerie lap dancing for grown men at a pep rally in the high school… it really leaves you wondering how does this man get put in charge of children, more or less an entire city? Not only did he preside over this nonsense, but he has twice before (2008, 2012) been investigated for his students' underage drinking while he was around. All very suspect. The fact that the school itself put up these photos and only took them down after parent outrage tells you just how sick our school system (and the people who run it) is.


Yes, Leftism Is A Religion: CORRUPT, APOSTATE Presbyterian Church USA Graces Us With Hymn to Climate Change

ROMANS 1: 25-28:

For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. For this reason, God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way, also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper___.


"The Climate is Changing ST. DENIO ("Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise") The climate is changing! Creation cries out! Your people face flooding and fire and drought. We see the great heat waves and storms at their worst. We pray for the poor, Lord — for they suffer first. We pray for the animals here in our midst who cannot defend their own right to exist. We pray for the mountains and forests and seas that bear the harsh footprint of our human greed. We thank you for people who treasure the earth, whose faith has long taught them its beauty and worth. We thank you as well for the children and youth who look to the future and speak out the truth. We thank you for leaders, courageous and brave, who know that the earth is worth fighting to save, who care about justice and what they should do, who listen to science and work hard for you. You love this good earth, and you sent us your Son! May we love our neighbors — there's work to be done. May we, by your Spirit, do all in our power to care for your earth in this critical hour. Tune: Traditional Welsh hymn, in John Robert's Caniadau y Cyssegr (Songs of the Sanctuary), 1839 Text: Copyright © 2021 by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette. All rights reserved. Permission is given for free use of this hymn. Email: New Hymns: This hymn-prayer was written to support efforts to counter climate change, including at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland (October 31-November 12, 2021). COP26 (Conference of Participants) is the main decision-making body of 197 countries working to stabilize greenhouse gas emissions and to counter dangerous climate change."



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Is modern American Leftism a new, secular religion? Of course, it is. Who could forget House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Grey Goose) giving thanks to her god for his salvific sacrifice: “Thank you, George Floyd, for sacrificing your life for justice”? Or New York Governor Kathy Hochul (D-Planned Parenthood) proclaiming that the unvaccinated “aren’t listening to God and what God wants.” And now the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), which has long been a hollowed-out shell teaching social justice Leftism in vaguely Christian garb, has done its part for the sanctification of the contemporary Leftist agenda by publishing a new hymn, “The Climate is Changing.” The lyrics are far more ludicrous than the title might suggest.

Presbyterian News Service reported Friday that the hymn was prepared for the opening of the UN Climate Change Conference on Sunday in Glasgow. Apparently the assembled dignitaries, after working hard all day on strategies to compel the U.S. and Western Europe to commit economic suicide and hand global financial hegemony to China on a silver platter, will be in the mood to belt out a rousing hymn about saving Gaia. The pious Presbyterians were happy to oblige.

“The Climate is Changing” is helpfully written to a tune that many of the conference participants will find familiar: “Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise,” an enduringly popular nineteenth-century hymn that begins: “Immortal, invisible, God only wise, in light inaccessible, hid from our eyes, most blessed, most glorious, the Ancient of Days, almighty, victorious, thy great name we praise.”

Now, this is the twenty-first century, and all that patriarchal business about a wise, omnipotent, glorious God is as dated as porkpie hats and the notion that there are only two genders. “The Climate is Changing,” which was written by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette, co-pastor with her husband, Bruce, of First Presbyterian Union Church in Oswego, New York, is much more up-to-date. Here are the first two verses, in all their virtue-signaling pseudo-Christian glory:

The climate is changing! Creation cries out!

Your people face flooding and fire and drought.
We see the great heat waves and storms at their worst.
We pray for the poor, Lord — for they suffer first.

We pray for the animals here in our midst
who cannot defend their own right to exist.
We pray for the mountains and forests and seas
that bear the harsh footprint of our human greed.

You get the idea. The lyrics do make a cursory nod toward the old religion: the fifth (yes) verse begins by reminding God: “You love this good Earth, and you sent us your Son!” If you don’t recall Jesus saying much about the necessity to reduce greenhouse emissions, but only in the West while giving China a free hand to pollute as much as it wants while turning the world into its personal economic fiefdom, Bruce Gillette, the husband of the holy hymnographer, might want to have a few words with you. “We all need to be doing more to counter the crisis ASAP,” said Bruce, who is also (surprise!) vice-moderator of Presbyterians for Earth Care. “Prayer (spoken and sung) needs to be the basis for Christian action. We hope this new hymn helps churches in their worship and action.”

Related:Leftists’ ‘Tolerance’ and ‘Inclusiveness’ Excludes Christians

It probably will, because the Gillettes are by no means alone in pretending that climate change, which rests upon numerous unproven and hysterical assumptions, is a foremost Gospel imperative. Just as the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) was bequeathing “The Climate is Changing” to the world, Old Joe Biden was over in Rome chatting up Pope Francis; according to the White House, Old Joe “lauded Pope Francis’ leadership in fighting the climate crisis.” And with good reason: on Thursday, the Pontiff recorded a message for the BBC in which he made it clear that he wasn’t going to brook any dissent from his climate change agenda on the basis of the idea that maybe it’s not such a good idea, much less a Gospel imperative, to impoverish and weaken one’s own nation in favor of a predatory foe. “We can confront these crises by retreating into isolationism, protectionism and exploitation,” said the woke Popescold, “or we can see in them a real chance for change.”

Nor is Pope Francis by any means alone. Top-level clergy of virtually all Christian denominations, as well as numerous non-Christian religious leaders, have agreed that tackling climate change is our foremost duty in this age. And now we can sit around the campfire, roast up some marshmallows, and sing about it as well, thanks to Carolyn Winfrey Gillette. We need a few more hymns for our new religion, though. Maybe Gillette can give us “O Little Town of Climate Change” next, or “What A Friend We Have In Gaia.” In the meantime, maybe if we sing enough choruses of “The Climate is Changing” with sufficient heartfelt sincerity, Gaia will turn away Her wrath and once again smile upon us and accept our offerings.

But, of course, then we have all that systemic racism to atone for. Whatever form the Left’s new religion eventually takes, it is certain to be exhausting.

Loudoun County, VIRGINIA Mom Says 6-Year-Old Asked If She Was Born Evil

Rumble — Loudoun County Mom Says 6-Year-Old Asked If She Was Born Evil Because She Was White: ‘Something She Learned in a History Lesson at School’

Are Afghan Refugees Behind the Virginia ISIS Threat?

ISIS Threat in Northern Virginia: Afghan Refugees?



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Police Chief Kevin Davis of Fairfax County, Virginia, announced Friday that “we have increased our police presence throughout the county to include major thoroughfares, transit hubs, shopping plazas, and shopping malls.” This was reportedly in response to a terrorism threat; police sources said that their increased presence would last through Halloween weekend and possibly through election day on Tuesday.

The odd aspect of this announcement, coming as it does from deep-blue and electorally vulnerable Virginia authorities, is that the threat doesn’t come from those “white supremacists” we keep hearing so much about but who only ever seem to appear as deep fakes by the Left. Instead, it comes from that so-very-2015 threat that we all know is over and done with since the adults are back in charge: the Islamic State (ISIS).

ISIS, said CBS News, “has been more active since the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in August. Officials say threats from the international terrorist group and al Qaeda are accelerating.” And according to the Department of Homeland Security’s intelligence chief, John Cohen, “Right now we’re seeing a dramatic increase — or an increase — in online activity by media operations associated with different al Qaeda elements and Islamic State.”

Meanwhile, Jack Posobiec of Human Events tweeted late Friday evening: “Two US officials tell @HumanEvents that the ISIS threat alert in Northern VA / DC region is related to Afghan refugees.” He added that some Secret Service agents “are concerned DC-area ISIS threat may be related to a report of 3 Afghan refugees who forced their way off a bus earlier this month.”

There is nothing incredible about this. Defense One reported in late August that “security screeners at Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar have detected that at least one of the Afghans who was evacuated from Kabul Airport has potential ties to ISIS, a U.S. official confirmed to Defense One.” How likely is it that he was the only one?

Business Insider reported on August 15 that “thousands of inmates, including former Islamic State and al-Qaeda fighters, were released from a prison on the outskirts of Kabul… Footage published by an independent Afghan news agency, which supports the Taliban, appears to show militants letting the inmates out.” What possible safeguards have been in place in Kabul to prevent some of those jihadis from coming to the United States as “refugees”? How likely is it that the strongest, most violent, and most ruthless among the Afghans were able to muscle their way onto the planes to America?

What’s more, witless and woke Biden administration authorities have no idea who many of these refugees are. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) recently disclosed that 12,000 of the Afghans who are at this moment in the United States were brought here despite the fact that they had no identification at all: “They came with nothing. No Afghan I.D., no I.D. of any sort. Those people were all forwarded on to the U.S., and that’s quite an admission. So many people had no I.D. whatsoever and yet find themselves in the United States today based on what they said.”

Who could they be? Well, they could be any number of things, and one of them is that at least some of them could be members of ISIS.

Related: Grateful Refugee Plots to Bomb Pittsburgh Church

Nor do authorities know where many of these refugees are. Reuters reported at the beginning of this month that at least 700 Afghan evacuees engaged in “independent departures” from the U.S. military bases where they were being housed. Over 300 have vanished from Fort Bliss alone. Are some of them in Northern Virginia now, plotting a jihad massacre?

Whether they are or not now, it is likely that some Afghan jihadis did enter the United States with the refugees and that we will be hearing from them sooner or later. One of Biden’s handlers has admitted that ten of the Afghan evacuees have already been detained as risks to national security. How many more have managed to navigate through the Biden administration’s shoddy vetting processes (this is a regime that doesn’t even acknowledge that Islamic jihad terrorism exists, much less knows how to spot warning signs of jihadist sympathies) and are now in the United States? We will find out sooner or later, and if not in Northern Virginia over the Halloween weekend, then sometime soon, somewhere in the United States.

Even worse: The Biden administration’s handling of the Afghan evacuees is just one of the ways in which it is proceeding with absolutely no concern for national security or for the safety and well-being of the American people. The consequences will eventually be catastrophic, not for the cosseted elites who have brought this upon us, but for the ordinary Americans who, as always, have to bear the burden of their America-last policies.

Kansas City: Student denounces CHRISTIAN teacher for criticizing Islam, LGBTQ~teacher is placed on leave



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

This teacher was denounced by one of his students, just as in totalitarian regimes such as National Socialist Germany and the Soviet Union, where young people, so easily led, were exhorted to report their elders who deviated from the groupthink of the day. At Lincoln College Preparatory Academy, the little Hitler Youth reported his English teacher to his superiors for daring to express his Christian faith, which is so far from what is politically and ideologically correct these days that the young Stalinist was shocked out of his Mao suits when the teacher expressed his convictions that Islam was false and that homosexuality was wrong. He doesn’t appear to have gone beyond that; in other words, he didn’t say that any violence or anything untoward at all should be done to Muslims or homosexuals; he just expressed his disapproval. But that was enough for this budding Stasi agent, and he turned him in. Then the school suspended the teacher, saying they did so in order to preserve a safe environment for students — because as everyone knows, words that dissent from the Left’s agenda equal violence.

The fact that this young man’s Muslim friends would affirm their conviction that Christianity is false and that homosexuality is wrong is likely something he does not know, and would not care about if he did know. He knows that Muslims are a protected class and any criticism of Islam would be “Islamophobic.” That is all he knows, and all he needs to know.

“KCPS teacher criticized for remarks about Muslims and LGBTQ+ population,” by Betsy Webster, KCTV, October 28, 2021:

KANSAS CITY, MO (KCTV) — A teacher at Lincoln College Preparatory Academy High School has been placed on leave because of some controversial comments he made in class.

Students report the 10th grade English teacher was preaching about Christianity, then disparaging Muslims and LGBTQ+ people.

KCTV5 talked with a student with his mom’s permission and agreed not to use his name to keep strangers from contacting him. That student was in the class where it happened Monday. He said it came out of the blue 10 minutes into class.

“And then he kind of got a little emotional and said, ‘If I get fired for this, I don’t really care. I care more about you guys’ and then started to say stuff about how God loves us and he’s going to save us and how if you don’t, like, basically convert to Christianity, then you’re going to live a bad life,” the student recounted. “It was very uncomfortable.”

Students then started debating with the teacher, he said. He recorded a portion of the interchange on his phone and shared the video with KCTV, which goes as follows:

Teacher: Homophobia. What does that mean, like scared of homosexuals?
Student: Homosexuality is a sin in the Bible.
Teacher: Yes.
Student: Meaning it’s a bad thing in the Bible.
Teacher: Yes.
Student: (Unintelligible)
Teacher: Like, what makes saying that homosexuality is wrong not a horrible thing?
Student: Yeah, not a horrible (unintelligible).
Teacher: It’s just a wrong thing.
Students then reportedly asked about other religions.

“He said that he thinks Muslims are wrong and that Mohammed was a terrible person,” the student recalled.

The principal sent an email to parents saying, in part, “Both LCPA [Lincoln College Preparatory Academy] and KCPS [Kansas City Public Schools] are committed to a school environment that is safe and welcoming for everyone, including honoring separation of church and state within our school community.”

The student KCTV5 interviewed was pleased with how the administration handled the situation, noting that he emailed the principal from class and the teacher was gone at the end of the next period.

A district spokeswoman sent the following statement:

“Our students deserve better than what they got, and we are so grateful to the students who came forward to make us aware of what was happening. Once our administrators were made aware, they went into the teacher’s classroom to observe. At that point the teacher was removed from the classroom and placed on administrative leave.”

“I’m pretty sure like 99% of everyone is agreeing that he should not come back to school for a while,” the reporting student said of the student body’s response.

He said there are a significant number of Muslim and LGBTQ+ students at the school, adding that — until yesterday — the teacher was well-liked for giving students a lot of creative freedom on writing assignments.

The district spokeswoman said any disciplinary action would come after an internal investigation, which began immediately….
