Hail to the Thief BIDEN: Democrats celebrate a “victory for democracy” with barbed wire, soldiers, and political terror.


SEE: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2021/01/hail-thief-daniel-greenfield/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

On a cold, windy day with a small group of spectators watching from behind barbed wire,

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. swore another in a long series of false oaths before his motorcade passed between a long row of soldiers with their backs to him looking outward for threats.

No inauguration has been this empty in a century of American history. And at no inauguration have the spectators been outnumbered by a raw display of armed force. American presidents have been inaugurated in wartime and during actual national emergencies with a better turnout.

Through world wars and wars on terror, Washington D.C. has remained a national capital where the hundreds of millions of taxpayers who labor to pay for its grand edifices, free museums, and lavish lifestyles could briefly come to enjoy a little of the life lived by the ruling class in the Imperial City. Now the ruling class has made it clear that it doesn’t want peasants entering D.C.

Even as Biden’s team prepped the executive orders that would end the national emergency at the border and shut down construction of the wall, new walls topped by razor wire were rising across the imperial city. The new Fortress of Government sealed off two miles of the National Mall and parts of downtown D.C. and filled it with more soldiers than are deployed in Iraq.

The Secret Service designated green and red zones. Some 25,000 National Guard members were dispatched from Vermont, Maine, Louisiana, Wisconsin, Ohio, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Arkansas, Missouri, South Carolina, Rhode Island, Virginia, and Colorado to prepare for a fake invasion that never came. But the armored vehicles and heavy weaponry did come. President Trump had wanted a military parade that would show America’s strength to the world. Biden held his own military parade to intimidate his fellow Americans.

Democrats had deployed more soldiers in D.C. than they had in Iraq and Afghanistan while authorizing them to use lethal force and investigating their politics before the deployment. The radical leftists who had resisted using the military to fight terrorism or secure the border from invasion were eager to deploy the military against the people of the United States of America.

The handfuls of ordinary people who arrived, as Americans always do, to attend the inauguration of a new president were confronted with heavy weapons and barbed wire.

D.C. had become a Baghdad and Berlin of checkpoints, choking off access to much of the city, closing roads, bridges, and metro stations. Soldiers could be seen on every corner, and the 25,000 troops were bolstered by 4,000 Marshalls, and a motley crew of local forces, including 200 members of the NYPD, 40 members of the Chicago police, New Jersey and Maryland state troopers, Miami-Dade cops, and other law enforcement officers who were needed back home.

24 people were shot in Chicago this weekend and murders are already up 125% this year in New York City. Those officers could have done more good at home, but Democrats don’t care about murder victims in urban areas, instead redeploying officers to D.C. in a show of force.

Biden took office in a city under military occupation whose businesses were closed and boarded up. The D.C. government had tried to force hotels to shut down. The hotels didn’t close, but there were hardly any people. Instead the hotels were filled with soldiers tramping through their lobbies. Any tourists that did come found nothing to see except barricades and barbed wire.

Sometimes what you don’t see is more important than what you do see.

Filling D.C. with soldiers meant that no one was going to measure Biden’s crowds. The only crowds were heavily armed and had been ordered to come. The complete lack of enthusiasm for the new one-party state that was getting its Mussolini on was the dog that didn’t bark.

Questioning Biden’s election has been deemed to be incitement. It’s enough to get you censored, de-platformed, and fired by the companies standing behind him. The election challenges have been used as the pretext for a military occupation of Washington D.C. But the cloud of a disputed election, like the winter clouds overhead, still hung over the inauguration.

There were no crowds, just soldiers. After the military and police contingent, the second largest group there for the inauguration weren’t Biden’s civilian supporters, but his propagandists. With few people, the media had to work twice as hard to manufacture the illusion that this was a popular leader taking office instead of a usurper imposed by Amazon, Google, Facebook, and the rest of the political, cultural, and economic oligarchy which owns the media on America.

CNN, a subsidiary of AT&T, had already gushed about, "Joe Biden's arms embracing America". MSNBC, a subsidiary of Comcast, compared Biden to God. "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." The only wounds being bound up were those of the ruling class which had temporarily lost electoral power to an army of flyover country workers and peasants, only to reclaim it with sedition, wiretapping, abuse of power, billions of dollars, and soldiers in the street.

Popular leaders, elected or unelected, might have troops in their cities, but they also have adoring crowds to cheer them on. Biden’s only cheers were coming from employees of huge corporations whose jobs depend on praising him as the greatest thing since SuperPACs.

Biden couldn’t manage the cheering crowds that greeted even the most mediocre presidents on their arrival. The band might as well have struck up a rousing chorus of, “Hail to the Thief.”

Jokes like that are all but illegal these days even though they were ubiquitous during the Bush and Trump administrations. But jokes only need to be banned when they’re too close to the truth. The hysterical fascist theater with troops in the streets and fawning praise on the lips of the press are all efforts to overcompensate for the hollow man taking a false oath on a bible.

This isn’t the pageantry of Stalin or Hitler. It’s the weary theater of Brezhnev, a senescent leader of a decaying regime being propped up by desperate threats of force by the nomenklatura. Even though the media has told us more about Biden’s dogs than it has about any of the Americans killed by Islamic terrorists enabled by the open borders that Biden just reinstated, no one cares.

Biden isn’t a charismatic leader. He isn’t moving the cause forward. He’s a placeholder for a ruling class that wants homes in Dupont Circle that it buys by selling out America to China, by ruining our economy with environmental consulting gigs and racial contract quotas, and for all the manifold ways which the swamp is coming back as Biden’s wetlands restoration project.

“Hail to the Thief” is as much their anthem as it is Biden’s. They fought to keep hold of D.C., the center of their power base not because they care about its history or that of this country, but because it’s where they network, collaborate, and do their dirty little deals at our expense.

The troops in the street are their warning to the rest of the country about who is really in charge.

And it isn’t Joe Jr, who, along with his criminal family, will be allowed to dip their beaks in cash and cocaine until they’re sopping wet, along with every aide, staffer, and associate. Biden will be fawned over, his idiot wife will be dubbed a doctor, and the investigations involving his son and brother will be swiftly dropped. And when the time is right, Kamala Harris will step into his place.

When the Soviet Union was entering its last days, one leader quickly made way for another. The parade of old Communist hacks in their dotage became a procession of political funerals. Generations after the revolution and the purges, the only thing anyone in Moscow believed in was the power and decadence of the ruling class. That and the threat America posed to them.

These are still the only three things that Washington D.C.’s ruling class believes in anymore.

Democrats and their media claim that this charade is a “victory for democracy”.

"We’ve seen a force that would shatter our nation rather than share it, would destroy our country if it meant delaying democracy. And this effort very nearly succeeded. But while democracy can be periodically delayed, it can never be permanently defeated," Amanda Gorman, the Harvard youth poetess, sonorously recited her tin-eared Maoist verses at the inauguration.

But where is this democracy? Where are the adoring crowds, the joyous mobs celebrating and the people cheering the tremendous victory of the democracy of Google, Facebook, Amazon, AT&T, Comcast and their D.C. lobbyists and associates over the Rust Belt and the flyovers?

Biden and the Democrats celebrated their democratic victory with barbed wire, troops in the streets, political terror, and the threat of even more political repression to come.

"There is a broader societal issue that is going to take years to detox the disinformation," Ben Rhodes, the Obama adviser who had boasted of creating a media echo chamber, ranted on Comcast's MSNBC. On that same state TV news network, John Brennan warned that "because of this growth of polarization in the United States" members of the Biden team would be "moving in laser-like fashion" to "root out an insidious threat to our democracy".

Democracy is in a state of permanent emergency that requires locking down D.C., filling it with soldiers, walls, and barbed wire, and investigating political crimes. And D.C. will do everything it can to end the threat that Americans pose to democracy even if its ruling class has to live in its green zone surrounded by troops and barbed wire until democracy is saved from Americans.

Biden, we are told by the political interests and corporations advocating this, is incredibly popular. But the crowds of his devotees can’t be allowed to come to Washington D.C. Anyone who doubts that Biden is incredibly popular is inciting violence and will have to be rooted out as an insidious threat to our democracy. The more people doubt Biden’s popularity, the longer D.C. will have to be under military occupation until finally no one doubts his legitimacy in office.

Hail to the Thief.


Evangelical Leaders Rejoice in Communist Takeover of America

SEE: https://reformationcharlotte.org/2021/01/21/evangelical-leaders-rejoice-in-communist-takeover-of-america/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

January 20, 2021 marked the death of America as we know it. The funeral service, with America’s new Chinese Communist Party-controlled priest, Joe Biden, preaching the service, was held in honor of America’s history as Biden announced his intentions to move the country further away from its founding Judeo-Christian roots and bury her alongside dead bodies of Western Civilization, ingenuity, and superiority.

While the funeral service — also referred to as Joe Biden’s “inauguration” — barely had any attendees save a few media outlets and global elites, the “new administration” had an unlikely fan base found primarily in the left-wing of the Southern Baptist Convention (TGC) and The Gospel Coalition (TGC).

If you’ve followed Reformation Charlotte for any amount of time, you’re probably aware of the leftward drift of the Evangelical Church — primarily, the Southern Baptist Convention. We’ve covered the phenomenon for years. Leftists, like Russell Moore of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) and various other seminary leaders have either actively promoted or turned a blind eye to the influx of cultural Marxism taking over.

Now, all blindfolds are off and there should be no doubt about who supports this movement and who is against it.

In the wake of the inauguration of Joe Biden, the country’s first fully Communist president, many of these Evangelicals rejoiced. Of course, there were the obvious; Thabiti Anyabwile, Lecrae, Jemar Tisby, to name a few. But the leftist outlets pretending to take a neutral stance to politics can no longer pretend.

For example, Brett McCracken, a prominent TGC contributor, gave glowing accolades to the Pagan performance put on by the new American Communist Party during the inauguration.

A lovely and dignified ceremony. Poetry. Pageantry. Prayer. Peace. All in a pandemic.

I oppose much of Biden’s policy, but I’m grateful for this moment and pray his leadership brings more goodness, truth, and beauty to America in the years to come. #InaugurationDay

McCracken, whose material is promoted in Southern Baptist and Evangelical Churches all around the nation and who pastors look to and read almost daily, referred to the ceremony as “lovely” and “dignified.” The ceremony, the poetry, the pageantry, the prayer, and the peace came from some of the most God-hating people in the world — including the disgusting and filthy, foul-mouthed musician, Lady Gaga.

We have seen McCracken’s version of false peace played out over and over in Scripture proclaiming “peace, peace, where there is no peace.” (Ezekiel 13:10Jeremiah 6:14, etc.) The false peace and false unity McCracken proclaims is demonic, evil, and should trouble the spirit of any discerning, Bible-believing Christian.

But he isn’t the only one. Of course, there is Beth Moore, the Southern Baptist Convention’s very own lady gaga who, in turn, promotes the false peace and unity of the new Communist takeover of our once-great nation. Instead of seeing the sickness of this demonic ritual for what it is, Beth Moore is able to drool over these wicked murderers.


And then, as Biden proclaims he’s going to be the president for “all Americans,” Beth Moore — who, along with the new American Communist Party — apparently does not believe that unborn children are Americans, or even people for that matter, continues her drool fest all over these wicked people.


While true Christians would mourn at the loss of life and judgment of God being unleashed on this nation, leftists masquerading as Christians rejoice. Russell Moore, head of the ERLC says “some things that President Biden has committed to do should please Christians.” And Thabiti Anyabwile, a Southern Baptist pastor, says that Joe Biden’s pick for health secretary — a transgender who can’t even figure out his own sex by looking in the mirror — is qualified and competent to execute the nation’s health policy.

While Joe Biden’s itinerary for his presidency reads like the antithesis to the Ten Commandments, these leftists want us to stand with the enemies of the Church. It is time for true Christians to stand up and begin purging these false prophets and God-hating ministers of darkness from the ranks of the Church. True Christians do not rejoice in wickedness.



Beth Moore Says God is Judging His People Because They “Sinned Grievously” By Supporting Trump


SEE: https://reformationcharlotte.org/2021/01/19/beth-moore-says-god-is-judging-his-people-because-they-sinned-grievously-by-supporting-trump/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Beth Moore is the Southern Baptist Convention’s top lady-preacher and prime merry-andrew of Evangelicalism. Beth Moore, like her spiritual brother, Russell Moore (no relation), has lead the charge in opposing conservative policies in the political realm, primarily railing against the evil orange man, daily.

Today, she has what she’s been asking for.

Moore has repeatedly lambasted conservative Evangelicals who supported Donald Trump while giving approval to those who support the pro-sodomy, pro-abortion anti-religious freedom political party. The Democrats, unlike the Republicans, stand for everything that God is against. In fact, the Democrat party platform is like the antithesis to the 10 Commandments. Yet, Beth Moore, like the growing swaths of leftist Evangelicals, are increasingly encouraging “political diversity” and giving approval to leftists.

Now, Beth Moore says that God is judging his people because so many Christians supported Donald Trump. In a series of tweets, she writes, “God’s got this thing about pride. He does not let it go unchecked. When his people continue in arrogance after multiple warnings, he is going to bring them down.”

While she doesn’t exactly explain what she means by “bring them down,” one can only assume that she means that God is punishing them. Today, the world finds out that the incoming Democrat president plans to unleash upon the nation a depraved, confused, sexually immoral person to lead the nation’s health policy. In the words of John Calvin, “when God wants to judge a nation, He gives them wicked rulers.”

Of course, repentance, she says, is what we should have done.

Repentance, instead of what? Repentance, instead of “doubling down,” apparently. Because, apparently, in Beth Moore’s simplistic and feeble mind, Republicans — especially Donald Trump — are pro-death for everyone except straight, white men.

Therefore, God is judging the Church for sinning “grievously” by “wedding evangelicalism to a political party.” Because, it wasn’t about protecting religious freedom — that we all know is now gone. It wasn’t about protecting unborn life — that we now know will be in greater danger. It wasn’t about protecting the consciences of people who don’t want to be forced to deny reality when it comes to sex and gender.


It’s all about “power.”

Therefore, since so many Christians supported Donald Trump — cause, you know, all those white trailer park trash are all about maintaining their positions of power — God is releasing his judgment and the only way out is repentance.


Antifa? Infiltrators? Eyewitness account of what happened at the US Capitol on Jan. 6


What a veteran of many other Trump rallies saw and heard that day –

very disturbing. It was clearly a setup.


SEE: https://www.massresistance.org/docs/gen4/21a/Eyewitness-account-at-US-Capitol-Jan6/index.html;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Richard Howell, a resident of Massachusetts and a long-time friend of MassResistance, traveled to Washington, DC on Jan. 6 to hear President Trump’s speech near the White House and then attend the scheduled pro-Trump rally outside the US Capitol building.

What he saw was quite different than what most Americans have heard from the media (much of which are outright lies) – and certainly different from any other conservative rally. Since then, many reports have appeared in conservative media of intense infiltration by Antifa there that day (see here and here and here) to create trouble.

Here’s what Richard told us a few days after he returned:


President Trump’s speech at the Ellipse

We’re all hearing that Trump’s speech that day riled the people to attack the Capitol. That’s a complete lie. If anything, his speech was so subdued people were walking away early because they weren’t hearing enough fire from him. I’ve never seen that happen at a Trump speech ever before. And I remember looking at the guys I was standing with and saying to them, “I don’t know what he’s doing, but there has to be a reason he is doing this the way he’s doing it.” I left just when his speech was concluding..

Walking to the Capitol

I’m walking up Pennsylvania Ave. from the President’s speech at the Ellipse. It’s about a 40-minute walk, but I was in a rush to get there and made it in 25 minutes. I’m hungry. I’m thirsty. And I’m wondering where our people are – that’s what’s on my mind. The White House grounds are completely blocked off, which is normal. So I’m walking up and behind me I see a throng of hundreds of thousands of people packed together. They were our supporters coming up, and I’m glad I’m here. They’re probably five or ten minutes behind me.

As I’m walking, I notice a policeman in an SUV, and he’s taking pictures of the crowd like everybody else.  I went up to him and I said, “Yeah, you too huh?” I’m joking with him and he started to laugh. And he was the last policeman I saw.

Arriving at the Capitol

I get over to the end of Pennsylvania Ave., right where the Capitol circular drive starts. And I see nothing but our people there, large numbers of them. And I didn’t see one police officer of any stripe – Capitol police, Capitol building police (which is under the control of Speaker Pelosi), or any others. The people were just standing where they were. You had to work your way through that crowd. A lot of people were doing that, but many were standing still.

As I’m working my way through the crowd – it’s not quite one o’clock – and as I’m approaching the building, I’m hearing people saying, “Wow, I can’t believe this, we have a good spot here.” And I thought, “You know, they’re letting people be very close to the building.” Now, I haven’t seen that in a couple of decades. The Capitol building is usually a fortress, and those grounds are cordoned off with barriers and policemen all over the place. If you’ve been there, you’ve certainly seen that.

In fact, the last few times I was down there, they were even kicking people off the Supreme Court grounds next to the Capitol, which was ridiculous. People weren’t anywhere close to the Capitol building but the police were kicking them out.

So this time we’re wide open to the Capitol building, and we’ll be able to get a good spot there. But it was a little hard to get there, because there were some people standing still and not moving, and other people were trying to work their way through, like me!

Things began to happen

Then in the background, somewhere, I don’t know where, I hear whiz bang, thud, whiz bang, thud, whiz bang, thud.  I’m like, what was that? Who’s shooting? It sounded as if there were some kind of canisters. I don’t know who was shooting them or what. I presumed it was the police, but I didn’t know. At first I thought it was maybe some kind of troublemaker, maybe an Antifa guy or BLM guy, doing that. I thought, “This is odd.”

And then I get closer to where there’s a brick plaza, the last long stretch of territory before you get to the columns in the south portico. I only get to the edge of that, as there was no need to go further. As I’m looking around, nothing big is happening. There are people that are trying to move forward.

Suddenly I’m hearing some people in back of me shout, “Oh, go forward, go forward fellow patriots!” I’m saying to myself, “I don’t know these idiots, I know where I need to go, I don’t have to listen to these imbeciles.” I just thought these guys were trying to be hotshots.

Tear gas

I’m at that area for probably five or ten minutes and I smell smoke and I see people streaming back. There are a lot of people in front of me and they’re coming back and their eyes are watering and they’re covering their faces. I said, “My God, that’s tear gas.” So I back off. I retreat back to just before that area. And I said, “Something’s happening. This is trouble. And I can’t believe these are our people. Our people just don’t get into that.”

People are streaming back and they’re holding their eyes. And then, when it cleared up – it might have been another five or ten minutes – I go back again.

The lie about wanting to go after Pence

As I’m going – this is probably about 1:15 pm – I’m hearing a guy not far away making an announcement, “Pence just certified, Pence just certified.” People are saying, “What! My God, that can’t be true!”

I pulled him aside and said, “Where did you get that information?” And I think he said, “Oh, I got it off of NewsMax or One America.” Whatever he told me, it seemed credible and I wasn’t shocked. Then there was a guy with a bullhorn standing on one of the concrete retaining walls nearby, and he’s saying, “Yes, it looks like the Vice President has betrayed us, it looks like he has certified. But that’s preliminary information. Does anyone have any information to the contrary?” 

Nobody really knew what Pence had done. So lie number two was that people were there to hang Pence. Nobody had a clue what was going on; people weren’t thinking about that.

Guys up on the scaffolding

Then I see more tear gas and more people coming by. I tried to phone my buddies who were somewhere in the crowd, but our cell phones were not able to communicate. I wouldn’t be surprised that they were jamming the phone signals. But I finally was able to I hear one of them say, “There are guys on the staircases now,” but the signal was lost again.

Then I looked up and saw some guys were on the scaffolding (that’s there presumably for the inauguration ceremonies). So, I’m thinking, “What are these guys in the scaffolding for? This is crazy. You’re going to be surrounded and apprehended by security.”

But I don’t see any policeman anywhere. Normally (pun intended) it’s a capital offense if you get to the building and you’re not supposed to be there. They’ll rush you down, they’ll shoot you. They’ll bind you up and take you away. But the Capitol police were nowhere to be found.

The guys in the scaffolding, who looked like they were trying to breach the building, were just standing there with goofy smiles on their faces. It was just very tacky, which is another thing that really looked weird. They certainly didn’t seem like our people at all.

The guys on the scaffolding began waving American flags, and the people in the crowd didn’t know who they were – some were cheering and some were just looking at them, and some people were saying, “Why are they doing that?”

But tear gas was still going off – you could see the smoke – and blowing back to the crowd from the front, which by now disturbed a lot of people. It seemed as if police somewhere were doing this, and the people were getting upset. They’re saying, “We’re here, exercising our rights, and they’re firing on us. Why are they doing this?”

I said to someone, “If we were Antifa or BLM, they wouldn’t be doing this.” and the guy said, “Yeah they certainly wouldn’t be.” That was the sentiment. So people really were dismayed that they were being treated this way. It’s also likely that Antifa was doing the tear-gassing – which I’ll get to.

A few police show up

Finally, for the first time all day, I see six Capitol policemen, scurrying down a metal staircase right near that scaffolding. They are pointing at one of the guys up there – there may have been 3 or 4 there, I couldn’t see them all because there was a tarp in the way. One of them was pointing back at the police officer. Now the voices can carry, and I was close enough to hear some of what was said. The police were saying, “Get out of there now!” And the guy was saying, “No! We’re not getting out of here!” 

And, I don’t know where it came from, but all of a sudden a canister of tear gas came out from the scaffolding into the crowd of policemen. One of them got hit in the face. And the other five police had to carry him away.

No police came back! Normally when you assault a policeman like that or you’re in the middle of that, even if you’re defending yourself, you’re going to have a platoon come down and take you out. If six guys couldn’t take those guys out they’re going to send 21 down to stop them, right?  But nothing, zero.

Man shot by rubber bullets

And at this time I see this man who was shot, by rubber bullets. His jacket was shredded, he was being helped by three people, two men and a woman. And he’s sitting in a corner.

Meanwhile, my friends texted me and said they were on the other side of the building near where the Supreme Court faces.  So I said, “OK, I’ll see you in a minute.”

But first I wanted to see if this other man was going to be OK.  And he went into shock, the medics came and got him, and I don’t know what happened with him after that. He didn’t look like he was particularly quarrelsome. The only thing I remember is that he had cowboy boots on. Other than that he seemed like a clean-cut, middle-aged fellow. His temple was grazed by a bullet. He looked like he was also shot in the chest. He was bleeding from the hands and was bandaged there. Maybe also shot in the arm and leg, I don’t know. Once he was out of there I figured, OK, I’m leaving now, because I want to find my friends on the other side of the building.

Shouts of “Go into the building!”

But then I saw a group of guys directing the other people there to go into the Capitol building. They were shouting, “Come on patriots, go in! This is our house! Yeah! The second American Revolution!”  I was shaking my head saying, ”This is a trap, this is crazy.”

But there were guys going in! Now, some of them looked to be guys that would have been our guys. They were dressed the right way, they were acting the right way. In other words, they were people that I was convinced were actually Trump constitutionalist supporters that were just getting carried away.

But the guys leading them in there were different. I thought, “Something’s wrong. This is insane.”

So I backed off.  I wanted to go to where my friends were. So I walked around the building to the west portico. And I could see some officers around the corner, but not many.

At the other side of the Capitol building

The west portico faces the Supreme Court building. And the two wings – the House and the Senate, and also the middle wing – all had our people on the staircases, all the way to the top. On the landing of each wing there was a police corps in there, of I don’t know how many policemen altogether, but 30 at least. (It’s not a continuous building, it’s sectioned off. You have a portico in each one of the entrance ways.)

In each one of those cases, I could see that the police and our guys were probably a meter apart. Nobody was in anybody’s space. It was pretty calm. You know, some of the guys were talking with each other, some guys were chanting a little bit, but not too much. And that was the case in each one of those three staircases there. And I am thinking to myself, “Why didn’t they do this at the south portico?” Well of course the answer is obvious, there were activists looking to stage something on the south portico. There is no doubt in my mind.

Nancy Pelosi controls the Capitol security and the Capitol police in the building. Mayor Muriel Bowser also controls the Capitol police. And there was no doubt in my mind they were setting things up. There is no other explanation for it and that’s what turned out to happen.

After that point, we left to go to our metro stations to get to our rides back.

A few more observations

When I was at the front side, the south portico, I could see activity right up front, but I couldn’t see what was happening up in the wings. I didn’t see any windows being broken.

One interesting story after the scaffolding incident: Some of the guys crawled all the way up to the top balcony in the portico. And I’m thinking, “What are they doing? They’re really asking for trouble now.”

Once we're up there, I could hear people saying, “The doors are open! The doors are open!” Not like they broke them in or somebody else broke them in, they were surprised the doors were open. 

I thought, “That can’t be, these people are delusional. There’s no way the doors can be open.” Somebody asked me if I thought they got in. I said, “There’s no way. I just can’t see them getting in the building.” But I was wrong. Clearly, they did get in!


There was no doubt that there was something very strange going on. But I didn’t think much about it till afterwards. One incident in particular now stands out.

As I mentioned, earlier there were people streaming by me that had tear gas in their eyes. And there were two fellows in particular I remember, a white man and a black man. They were stocky men, lightly dressed even though it was freezing out. And I said to them, “Are you all right?” because their eyes were watery and they looked different than the other people walking by. They just looked very different. And they ignored me. And I said to them again, because they were walking slowly by me, they couldn’t run by me. I said, “Hey, are you all right?” And they ignored me again. I said, “I asked you if you’re all right.” They blurted out, “Yeah, yeah.” And they looked at me in a hostile fashion. I believe those men were probably the Antifa/BLM infiltrators or deep-state/FBI operatives and ran into their own tear gas.

Final thoughts

Another thing that went through my mind afterwards: I definitely think this was some kind of planned operation to orchestrate this whole mess, with the authorities in collusion. My friend on the west side of the portico told me that they saw helmeted men coming by, and they definitely looked to them like the Antifa crowd who we used to face off against back home in Boston. And when the crowd was trying to interact with them, they were very hostile and standoffish to them, and made it very clear they didn’t want any part of them. Those aren’t our people.

Just the way it went off, not to mention the damage that was done, this was definitely not what our people would do. That’s all a BLM/Antifa/deep-state move. It looked like they were doing to us what they had been doing to Trump. They were setting us up and trying to make us look bad and creating an incident that we didn’t create but they created, and were blaming us for it. That’s what it came down to.

No sooner did I leave the Capitol grounds on was on my way to the Metro that I was messaged about ten times. There was an edict by Mayor Bowser that she would be shutting down the city at 6:00 pm. All our people would be out at 4:00 or 4:30 anyway, so that was not a big deal. But it was still strange.

Then the Capitol police started showing up in force! There were suddenly all of the cars that you’d normally see there. The Secret Service had their baton and shield crowd out, and some of them looked like overweight females. It was weird. But they were well-armed and weaponized.

In fact, the vast majority of people that were there – 99% of them – didn’t get very close to the Capitol building. And most of the people, I could see their faces, most of them did not move from where they were, they wanted to stay put.

As I said, there were only 6 police officers that I remember seeing the entire time there was trouble at the south portico, the main entrance. There were zero there for the first half hour I was there. Zero. There was nothing to stop people.

I have to hand it to the other side’s organizers. There’s no question that they pulled off a masterful stroke. Nobody on our side could see it coming. Nobody was thinking about this. Our guys weren’t talking about doing anything inappropriate. You know, how long have we been doing these kinds of rallies, and nothing bad has ever happened? Personally, I’ve been at hundreds of Republican or conservative events over the past decades without incident.

And the funny thing is, if you look at the video, which I saw after the fact, you could see that our guys that went in were on the rotunda taking pictures like tourists. And they were walking properly through the purple ropes, where you’re not supposed to go to your right or your left. That’s quite an insurrection, isn’t it? And, the police were in there were taking selfies with these guys, they’re interacting with them. They were standing around letting these guys walk all over, no problem.

So much for the riot and insurrection narrative. Those people – Pelosi, Bowser, and the other DC authorities – are complicit as hell.

MassResistance needs to get the word out about what really happened.


The "Back the Blue" movement needs to die, for our modern police are the willing instruments of tyranny. They run interference for Antifa and Black Lives Matter while participating in a campaign of destroying businesses, preventing assemblies, and terrorizing people who refuse to wear masks. America is close to becoming like other Western nations where the police patrol Twitter to find thought criminals. Disregarding the agenda or the plandemic are already clearly forbidden. As this is being written, the U.S. military is being deputized in the nation's capital to eventually induce martial law, in utter disregard of it being absolutely forbidden by the Constitution (for the military to police citizens on U.S. soil). Get reliable notification options and further information at Sarah's home site: https://SarahCorriher.com/

Leftists Call For New “Secret Police” Force to Spy on Trump Supporters

Let the "healing" begin.


SEE: https://www.infowars.com/posts/leftists-call-for-new-secret-police-force-to-spy-on-trump-supporters/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Perhaps channeling the spirit of the Soviet NKVD, leftists are now literally calling for a new “secret police” unit to be created at the federal level to spy on Trump supporters.

In an article published by the Daily Beast, Jeff Stein argues that existing federal agencies like the FBI are ill-equipped to stop “white terror” because they missed signs of the pre-planning of the Capitol building siege.

The solution is to create a new “secret police” (yes, he literally uses those words) in order to “infiltrate and neutralize armed domestic extremists,” which according to the media’s latest narrative potentially includes 70 million Trump voters.

Stein even compares the Capitol breach to 9/11, an attack that killed nearly 3,000 people, and argues that a similar response to that should be directed inwardly against American citizens directed by a new “domestic spy agency.”

“One response to the 9/11 tragedy may well get renewed attention after the Capitol assault—especially if armed white nationalists are successful in carrying out more attacks in the coming days and weeks: The call for a secret police,” he writes.

The existence of a “secret police” force that subverts constitutional norms to repress the population is of course a hallmark of all dictatorial regimes, but that doesn’t appear to bother self-proclaimed “progressives.”

“Hundreds of Black Lives Matter/Antifa riots, some of which entailed firing mortars at, firebombing, or burning down police stations, did not qualify as domestic terrorism. But the Capitol Riot was terrorism, due to the usual double standard,” points out Dave Blount.

He also hits the nail on the head about the real reason why the creation of a new secret police unit would be necessary.

“Neither the FBI nor the NSA has the culture of brutal hostility toward their own country’s population needed to efficiently repress dissidents in the unfolding police state.”

As we highlighted yesterday, in addition to a new secret police, some are calling for the creation of a Stasi-like citizen spy network that would recruit Biden supporters to spy on Trump supporters and grass them up to the authorities.

Presumably, this is all part of the national “healing” and “unity” that Joe Biden has called for.


Fascist Democrats are Using a Manufactured Emergency to Create a One-Party State

The manufactured emergency is here. The power grab comes next.


SEE: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2021/01/fascist-democrats-are-using-manufactured-emergency-daniel-greenfield/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

During the election, Speaker Pelosi had railed against Republicans as “domestic enemies” and “enemies of the state.” Now, Pelosi can be seen addressing soldiers outside the U.S. Capitol.

Fascist theater is now as common an occupation for the D.C. elite as upscale cocktail bars.

Pelosi’s fascist state and its crackdown on enemies is here with a militarized occupation of D.C. by 25,000 troops whose politics had to be cleared by the political commissars at the FBI, a ban on protests, and political opponents being silenced, fired, and banned by corporate monopolies.

Scenes that Americans would have once associated with banana republics and fascist dictatorships are now playing out daily as media propaganda broadcasts warn of a grave threat that requires a military occupation of Washington D.C. and the total repression of the opposition.

The wave of censorship that began with Facebook and Twitter banning President Trump has escalated to a takedown of Parler, a conservative alternative, to media campaigns urging crackdowns on a variety of alternative apps and services like Signal, Telegram, MeWe, and Zello, and a push by CNN to have AT&T and Comcast ban conservative cable networks.

There’s even an FCC crackdown on conservatives using ham radios to communicate.

Proposals are percolating through the media and its national security commentariat to transform the FBI from a law enforcement agency to a “domestic spy agency” monitoring Americans.

Last year, Hillary Clinton was warning that fascism was coming to America.

"The idea that it can't happen here is just old fashioned," Hillary had insisted while falsely claiming that the 2016 election had been stolen from her. Now her party is rolling out actual fascism while criminalizing any questions and concerns about the 2020 election.

It is happening here.

Hillary’s latest op-ed in the Washington Post, a paper owned by the richest man in the world whose company de-platformed Parler, calls for expelling Republican legislators, passing “new criminal laws”, and government oversight of social media platforms. This is fascism.

All House Democrats voted for a resolution calling for an unconstitutional 25th Amendment coup and when that failed for an impeachment that falsely blames President Trump for the violence because, even though he urged peaceful protests, his speech contained the word, “fight”.

Democrats warn that questioning their election wins is “incendiary”, “incitement”, “shouting fire in a crowded theater”, and “not protected speech”.

The basic norms of political protest and legislative opposition are rapidly being criminalized.

Many Democrats have endorsed an illegal 14th Amendment push to expel Republican Senate members, including Senator Ted Cruz, for merely questioning the election.

Expelling political opponents for questioning your abuses is the behavior of fascists.

Attorney General Karl Racine in D.C., who cheered the Black Lives Matter race rioters, is investigating conservative rally speakers for incitement for questioning the election results.

The only places where questioning election results are illegal is in dictatorships.

We now live in a country with politically vetted soldiers in the streets, political propaganda, and a climate of political terror against the people that Speaker Pelosi called “enemies of the state”.

The same Democrat machine that supported a year of Black Lives Matter riots that killed 8 people, wounded over 700 law enforcement officers, and caused over $2 billion in damage, which included violent attacks on the White House and on federal buildings, exploited a single day of violence on Capitol Hill to declare a national emergency and claim an “insurrection”.

When President Trump and Senator Tom Cotton proposed using the Insurrection Act to stop the year of Black Lives Matter violence, Democrats had accused them of fascism.

“This is Fascism,” The New Republic blared then. Now that fascism has actually arrived, it’s cheering the military occupation and the Democrat purge of the “enemies of the state”.

Exploiting a moment of crisis, real or feigned, to unroll a system of domestic repression from Stalin’s exploitation of Kirov’s murder to launch the Great Purge, to the Reichstag fire being used by the Nazis to eliminate the political opposition, is how totalitarian regimes are born.

A totalitarian fascist regime is being birthed again by the Democrats in Washington D.C.

This is not the first time that Democrats have exploited violence to criminalize and delegitimize the political opposition. After the Kennedy assassination by a socialist traitor who had defected to the USSR, Democrats blamed a climate of “right-wing hate” in Dallas. The false claim of a right-wing conspiracy was invented by the KGB and fed to the Washington Post by Khrushchev.

Democrats and the media spent two generations convincing Americans that “right-wing hate” had killed Kennedy and reviving that smear to attack every new conservative movement.

The narrative of “right-wing extremism” began before the Kennedy assassination in the same way that it always does as a pretext for suppressing political opposition to a new Democrat administration. Kennedy’s death helped solidify what would become a well-worn template.

The Clinton administration built its domestic program around fighting “right-wing extremism”. Democrats and the media focused on “anti-government extremists” while ignoring the growing threat of Islamic terrorism from Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda that would lead to 9/11.

While Biden cracks down on the conservative political opposition, history is likely to repeat itself with the rise of Islamic terrorists and a growing new threat to America.

But cracking down on conservative populism was key to Clinton’s agenda while 9/11 wasn’t.

When Obama came into office, Bill Clinton revived the smear that the Oklahoma City bombing had been caused by "right-wing, radio talk-show hosts" and that history was repeating itself. The Obama administration jettisoned the fight against Islamic terrorism and instead focused on fighting conservative populism while ISIS built a terror empire and beheaded Americans.

When the Obama administration didn’t have enough material from genuine extremists, Democrats and the media falsely blamed a shooting by a mentally ill man that killed a Republican judge and wounded former Rep. Gabby Giffords on Sarah Palin and the GOP.

No amount of time or contradictory events has managed to part Democrats from this lie.

And so the New York Times responded to the violence on Capitol Hill by rolling out an op-ed connecting the Giffords shooting with the events there. Other media outlets linked it to the Kennedy assassination and other equally discredited narratives about “right-wing hate”.

The Biden regime is following the familiar pattern of suppressing a conservative populist movement rising against its radical agenda by criminalizing it as a dangerous threat. But no previous Democrat suppression campaign, not even after the murder of a president, ever involved the scope, ruthlessness, and brutality of the one we are witnessing right now.

In the generations and decades since the Left has gained a great deal of control over some of the biggest companies in America. Previous Democrat administrations had repressed their political opponents by abusing the IRS, the FCC, and the FBI. These forms of political repression were ugly but fell far short of fascism. But the new partnership between the government and the monopolies has spawned a crackdown more closely resembling fascism.

The integration of governmental, cultural, and economic power within a single agenda while using it to conduct a full-spectrum campaign of criminalization, de-platforming, and banning against the political opposition has created an all-encompassing totalitarian fascist machine.

Fascism is rooted in the ancient symbol of the ‘Fasces’: the bundle of bound rods that have come to embody the centralization of power. And power has never been as centralized in America as it is today with political, cultural, and economic power in a handful of hands.

But that’s just the beginning.

The Democrats don’t want unity or healing. What they want is to bring about a one-party state just as they have in California where massive election fraud, ballot harvesting, ghost districts of illegal aliens, and the concentration of economic power in Big Tech gave Senator Kamala Harris a national political career when she won her Senate seat by running against another Democrat.

D.C. isn’t under military guard to protect our government, but a partisan political agenda.

The Democrats didn’t want troops in D.C. when their own were rioting during President Trump’s inauguration or violently attacking the White House. They don’t need 25,000 troops to stop a few hundred protesters. They need them as a show of force to suppress political opposition.

Biden and the Democrats are using a military deployment for a show of political force, using a manufactured crisis to rally support behind their radical agenda, while suppressing dissent.

That agenda is deeply unpopular among Americans. It entails eliminating election safeguards against voter fraud, opening the borders to illegal aliens, passing illegal alien amnesty, transforming D.C. and Puerto Rico into states, and packing the Supreme Court to prevent the judiciary from stopping its abuses. All of this is meant to create a one-party state.

The Democrats are marshaling all their political, economic, and cultural forces to distract attention from their agenda and to suppress the rising opposition to its plot against America.

That’s why anyone listening to 15 seconds of CNN would imagine that we are at war when the only war is the one that the Democrats and their media allies have declared on Americans.

America is not a banana republic. There is no place for military theater, lists of enemies, or declaring political opponents to be enemies of the state. The Democrats have already embraced fascism before even formally taking power. Fascists always claim to be seizing power in reaction to an emergency. The manufactured emergency is here. The power grab comes next.


Twitter Insider Secretly Records CEO Jack Dorsey Detailing Agenda For Further Political Censorship

Twitter Senior Executive Vijaya Gadde Details Plans for Political Censorship on a Global Scale

James O'Keefe LIVE on Hannity to discuss Project Veritas #ExposeTwitter BOMBSHELL! 01-14-21 

#ExposeTwitter: James O'Keefe FULL INTERVIEW with Sean Hannity 01-18-21


Honduran migrants hoping to reach the U.S. border walk alongside a highway in Chiquimula, Guatemala, Saturday, Jan. 16, 2021. Guatemalan authorities estimated that as many as 9,000 Honduran migrants have crossed into Guatemala as part of an effort to form a new caravan to reach the U.S. border. (AP Photo/Sandra …

Biden names lead US negotiator of the Iran nuclear deal to be deputy secretary of state

SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2021/01/biden-names-lead


The lead US negotiator of the Iran nuclear accord and a battle-tested hawk on Russia were named Saturday to top posts in President-elect Joe Biden’s State Department, signaling a return to a more traditional, multilateral approach after Donald Trump’s chaotic presidency.

Wendy Sherman, who brokered the Iran accord under Barack Obama and negotiated a nuclear deal with North Korea under Bill Clinton, was named as deputy secretary of state.

Victoria Nuland, a former career diplomat best known for her robust support for Ukrainian protesters seeking the ouster of a Russian-aligned president, was nominated undersecretary for political affairs — the State Department’s third-ranking post, in charge of day-to-day US diplomacy.


Biden to Cancel Keystone XL Pipeline on First Day

SEE: https://thenewamerican.com/reports-biden-to-cancel-keystone-xl-pipeline-on-first-day/

EXCERPT: Several news sources are reporting that Joe Biden will use an executive order to cancel the permits granted to the Keystone XL pipeline on his first day in office as the nation’s 46th president. If true, this act would be a powerful demonstration that elections have consequences, as President Donald Trump was a huge advocate of the pipeline — a project that has faced both political and legal opposition for its entire existence.


Biden plans 10-day blitz to reverse Trump legacy

SEE: https://www.wnd.com/2021/01/biden-plans-10-day-blitz-reverse-trump-legacy/

EXCERPT: On his first day in office, Joe Biden will issue a dozen executive directives to kick off a 10-day blitz that will include a flurry of legislative proposals aimed at reversing President Trump's legacy, the New York Times reported.

Along with proposing legislation to provide a pathway to citizenship for more than 10 million immigrants who are in the U.S. illegally, Biden will on Inauguration Day:

  • Rescind the ban travel from countries that aid and abet terrorism;
  • Rejoin the Paris climate-change accord
  • Extend pandemic-related limits on evictions and student loan payments.
  • Issue a mask mandate for federal property and interstate travel.

Biden also will ask Congress to pass a $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief and economic stimulus package that will include a $15 minimum wage.


Amnesty for Everyone Who Was Here on January 1

SEE: https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2021/01/18/joe-biden-amnesty-for-everyone-who-was-here-on-january-1/


President-elect Joe Biden’s amnesty plan will reportedly provide the glittering prize of U.S. citizenship to everyone who can show they were in the United States illegally on January 1, if Congress passes the wage-cutting, nation-changing legislation amid a deep economic recession.

“To qualify, immigrants must have been in the United States as of Jan. 1, a move meant to blunt any rush to the border,” according to a description provided “by transition officials” to the Washington Post.

But the “rush to the border” is likely because migrants and the coyotes’ smuggling industry can backdate documents and forge new identities, especially when the prize is the opportunity to escape their lives in undeveloped countries and then become citizens of the United States of America.


Joe Biden Selects Pennsylvania Transgender Health Official Rachel Levine for HHS

SEE: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/01/19/joe-biden-selects-pennsylvania-transgender-health-official-rachel-levine-for-hhs/


President-elect Joe Biden announced Tuesday he had chosen Dr. Rachel Levine to serve as the assistant secretary of health for the Department of Health and Human Services.

Levine, born Richard Levine, is an openly transgender individual and would mark the first transgender official confirmed by the United States Senate, if approved.

Levine is currently the Secretary of Health for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in charge of the local response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Levine joins Biden's Health and Human Services secretary nominee Xavier Becerra, a Latino politician who rose from humble beginnings to serve in Congress and as California’s attorney general.


Biden Taps Transgender Health Official With Horrifying COVID-19 Nursing Home Record

SEE: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/tyler-o-neil/2021/01/19/biden-taps-transgender-health-official-with-horrifying-covid-19-nursing-home-record-n1395959

EXCERPTS: Levine, a male who identifies as female, faced harsh criticism for removing his mother from a personal care home during the COVID-19 pandemic after he had directed nursing facilities to admit people who had previously tested positive for COVID-19. The elderly are at particular risk for the virus. In May, multiple members of the Pennsylvania State House demanded Levine’s resignation over “the horrific results of the [health] department’s COVID-19 policy” on nursing homes and other facilities under the department’s oversight. More than half (10,022) of Pennsylvania’s 19,390 COVID-19 deaths can be traced back to long-term care facilities


Biden to Allow Transgender Students to use Bathrooms of Their Choice via Executive Order 

SEE: https://amgreatness.com/2021/01/19/biden-to-allow-transgender-students-to-use-bathrooms-of-their-choice-via-executive-order/

EXCERPT: Joe Biden has vowed to reverse a previous Trump Administration decision revoking an Obama-era rule that allowed sel-identified transgender students to use bathrooms and locker rooms of their choosing, as reported by Fox News.

MICHELLE MALKIN: Amnesia of the Anarcho-Tyrannists

A reflection on the primary means by which the Left operates.


SEE: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2021/01/amnesia-anarcho-tyrannists-michelle-malkin/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Is it just me or has the entire universe of establishment media, politics and Hollywood forgotten that this country has endured an entire year of relentless violent anarchotyranny?

Antifa and Black Lives Matter rioters set businesses and churches ablaze, smashed state capitols and laid siege to federal courthouses. They permanently destroyed precious statues and symbols of America's heritage. They assaulted elderly people, stalked and menaced bystanders, taunted and terrorized law enforcement. And they committed murder — dozens of times — in the name of social justice while the powers that be sat idly by.

How conveniently they have all forgotten the grief of Ann Dorn, widow of retired St. Louis police captain David Dorn, who was slain by George Floyd vigilantes looting a pawn shop he was guarding on June 2, 2020. Ann Dorn condemned the violence during a speech to the Republican National Convention last summer and recounted how she relives "that horror in my mind every single day. My hope is that having you relive it with me now will help shake this country from this nightmare we're witnessing in our cities" and "bring about positive, peaceful change."

Dorn's plea went unheeded. Why? Because riots and invasive protest are the primary means by which the left operates and has always operated.

When they take over government buildings, like 40,000 Democratic union workers did when they stormed Wisconsin's state capitol in 2011 for nearly a month, it's not an insurrection. It's a First Amendment celebration.

When they take over U.S. Senators' offices, like they did during the 2018 Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, it's not sedition. It's "democracy."

When they feel like blocking traffic and shutting down highways, the police don't arrest them. They protect them.

And when they occupy U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement facilities and vandalize federal courthouses — while obstructing homeland security operations, shining lasers in cops' eyes to blind them and hurling bricks at them to maim them — it's not a crime. It's "peaceful protest."

This is not "whataboutism." It's an absolutely necessary and vital backdrop as we seek to make sense of what happened last week in our nation's Capitol. (And isn't it the Left that always urges us to identify "root causes" when their thugs cross the line?) Law-abiding Americans are angry and frustrated precisely because the law has not been equally applied.

Whether we're talking about lockdown rules or mob rules or election rules, the elites and their allies live by one set of rules and govern by another. Hundreds of thousands of peaceful Donald Trump supporters are being smeared by pundits and politicians who have downplayed left-wing lawlessness from Day One of the Trump presidency. Those who protest this injustice are being purged from social media and the public square at warp speed:

—Some 70,000 dissidents on Twitter were summarily purged after being tarred as dangerous conspiracy theorists on Monday.

—Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt, an unarmed Trump supporter who was gunned down by Capitol police last week, has been ruthlessly defamed by blue-checkmarked celebrities on Twitter and labeled a domestic terrorist.

—MAGA moms and their children are being dragged off airplanes by federal jackboots for attending the Jan. 6 rally, while antifa and BLM advocates gloat.

—"Stop the Steal" organizer Ali Alexander and his colleagues have been wiped off Silicon Valley platforms, along with conservative social media company Parler, libertarian Ron Paul, "War Room" host Steve Bannon, "America First" host Nick Fuentes, "Red Elephants" host Vince James, cartoonist Ben Garrison, Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton, election fraud researcher Ron Watkins, Gen. Michael Flynn, and lawyers Sidney Powell and Lin Wood.

—Trump faces yet another phony impeachment attack despite his explicit call for supporters to "peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

Meanwhile, actual convicted domestic terrorists like Black Liberation Army assassin Assata Shakur, Weather Underground killers Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert, and May 19th Communist Organizer Susan Rosenberg (a left-wing weapons supplier and insurrectionist pardoned by Bill Clinton and now a board member of the umbrella group overseeing Black Lives Matter) are deified by the media, Hollywood and academia.

Maxine Waters has been cribbing Martin Luther King Jr.'s line about riots being the "language of the unheard" ever since she danced on the ashes of the L.A. riots with Bloods and Crips.

Liberal magazine Slate declared just six months ago in defense of Antifa and BLM anarchotyrannists that "non-violence is an important tool for protest, but so is violence."

There simply cannot be peace and civil order in such a dysfunctional country of double standards and stifled dissent. It is dishonest and harmful to our republic to pretend otherwise.

Democrats Outsource Political Repression to Corporate Monopolies

Those rights that the government can’t take from you, Google, Amazon, and Facebook will.


SEE: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2021/01/democrats-outsource-political-repression-corporate-daniel-greenfield/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

The repression will be televised. It will go better with Coke, it will promise to clear up your bad breath and make your toilet shine. It will be in the cloud, it will be digitized and monetized.

It will have a trademark, a brand, and it will be outsourced to the private sector.

Democrats love public-private partnerships and they outsourced political repression to the private sector. The Constitution has inconvenient things to say about freedom of speech and so the Democrat government of elected and unelected officials outsourced the problem of censoring and suppressing speech to the handful of Big Tech monopolies of the internet.

That same old document written by old white dead men, not to mention centuries of jurisprudence and tradition, prevents the government from kicking down your door in the middle of the night for wrongthink. But nothing keeps corporations from firing you for wrongthink, for being related to someone who committed wrongthink, or for insufficient political correctness.

The public-private partnership between big government and big monopolies is based on Democrats and corporations doing the dirty work of repressing each other’s opponents.

Corporations can’t write regulations that suppress competition from upstart rivals, and so the government steps in and keeps the marketplace under the control of a few cartels. And the government can’t censor, deplatform, fire, bankrupt, and bar its political opponents from speaking, flying, and doing business. But the monopolies it’s been partnering with can and do.

This political Strangers on a Train arrangement goes much more swimmingly because both the government Guy and the corporate Bruno are eager to take care of each other’s dirty business.

Democrats knock off Amazon’s rivals and Amazon knocks off Republicans. The Washington Post, owned by Amazon CEO Bezos, goes after President Trump. Amazon’s AWS takes out Parler and makes it more likely to get back its $10 billion military cloud contract from Biden.

You know, that contract which Amazon thought it had before President Trump took it away.

Big Tech monopolies like Amazon are also government contractors. Microsoft has 6,860 federal subcontracts, Amazon has 477, Google has 384, Facebook has 172, and that's just in military and law enforcement. And Big Tech employees pour millions into Democrat campaigns.

Google employees gave the Democrats $21 million, Microsoft gave $12 million, Amazon $9 million, and Apple and Facebook $6 million. But that’s just the official cash coming from employees. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg spent $400 million to buy the 2020 election.

Not to mention the priceless in-kind contribution of Facebook censoring stories about Hunter Biden’s ties to China and the FBI money laundering investigation right before the election.

The monopolies give Democrats cash and get government contracts worth a thousand times more. The corps suppress Republicans and Democrats suppress their corporate competition.

Everyone makes more money and gets more power.

The public-private totalitarian partnership between a one-party state and oligarchs who carry on its propaganda, enrich its officials, and suppress its enemies is a familiar one in China, Russia, Turkey and other hellholes that the Democrats seem bent on using as models for their utopia.

But it’s not just a simple economic ecosystem. Like the Communists and Nazis of Weimar Germany, socialists and monopolies claim to hate each other while secretly allied together.

Democrats let monopolies take over the internet and by extension much of the economy because they can then run against the abuses of “capitalism” and push socialism.  And the monopolies can retort that it’s a choice between them and AOC’s version of socialism.

Pick your poison.

Like the Communists and Nazis of Weimar Germany whose political polarization convinced the public it had to choose between them even while Hitler and Stalin were privately allied against the liberals and moderates behind the scenes, economic polarization brings together socialists and monopolies to ally against the free market and offer a choice of two unpalatable dystopias.

But you don’t actually have to choose because we get both for the inflated price of one.

Google and AOC join together in jumping up and down on the bleeding corpse of the free market while the dumber sort of Republican pretends that they’re two different sides. (Google employees were AOC’s second-biggest donors. Amazon and Apple were the fourth and fifth.)

Americans get an inept kleptocratic government that’s socialist in all but name and a dystopia of cartels. The hybrid system is destroying jobs and the middle class at a record pace. The socialists tax and regulate to keep the competition down and the monopolies offshore jobs.

Those rights that the government can’t take from you, yet, Google, Amazon, and Facebook will.

The public-private totalitarian nightmare is mediated by the media and non-profits which act as the interface between the government and the cartels. The media and the activists tell tech firms, banks, and superstore whom to ban, which rights to eliminate, and how to virtue signal. The industries fund and own the media outlets and organizations that coordinate their activities.

In the wake of the Capitol riot, these middlemen have come up with wonderful ideas like banning conservatives, cutting off corporate political contributions to conservatives, and firing anyone who questions a massively rigged election, which the corps are implementing.

All of this really got underway once it was clear that Democrats would control the Senate.

Big Business was not about to turn up the machine of political repression to eleven on behalf of the Democrats until it was really sure that they would have sole control of the government.

The public-private partnership for tyranny is a balance of power and of terror.

Democrats keep threatening to break up the monopolies because that gives them direct leverage. They don’t really mean it, but as they radicalize into socialism, they will. And then they’ll nationalize the monopolies, toss the Bill of Rights in the trash, and then they won’t need to outsource repressing political dissidents to corporate middlemen for plausible deniability.

The monopolies need some Republicans around to protect them from the socialists. Just not the kind of Republicans who would be bad for business by breaking up monopolies, bringing jobs back from China, restricting immigration, and rebuilding the economy for the middle class.

And the Democrats need to protect themselves from monopolies so powerful that they can erase their opponents, like President Trump, from the marketplace of ideas, a power so dreadful that it has longtime international foes of Trump in the European Union fearful of this Death Star.

The public-private totalitarian partnership is also a rivalry.

America is being consolidated into a handful of monopolies, not only in the tech industry, but in retail, entertainment, medicine, publishing, household brands, and anything you can think of.

These rising monopolies dominate the economy and are the country’s next biggest power bloc.

The biggest power bloc is government. Not so much the government of the people you vote for, but the massive administrative state which writes its own regulations, has its own politics, and runs most of the country without input from elected officials, let alone little people like you.

Some call it the deep state or the administrative state. A better name is just socialism.

The full scope of the beast encompasses not just the official employees, elected and unelected, but the lobbyists, contractors, public universities, government grant recipients, and operatives who have made D.C.’s bedroom counties into some of the wealthiest places in America.

These two blocs are entwined by class, geography, and economic relationships. And by power.

Their partnership allows them to overcome the legal limits of the current system, one in which Comcast or Google can’t directly legislate, and in which the Democrats can’t directly destroy your life by using each other as middlemen to expand the limits of their power over America.

Only America could recreate Soviet political repression and Maoist culture wars using Target, Disney, and Coca-Cola. Your commissar is a diversity consultant at Goodyear, you will be doxxed on Twitter, your life will be destroyed by a paper owned by Amazon’s CEO, and your neighbor will turn you in on an app built into a $1,000 Apple smartphone. Only in America.com.



War in Belgium: Coronavirus Curfew Arrest leads to Massive BLM and Islamic Riots (Videos)


SEE: https://rairfoundation.com/war-in-belgium-coronavirus-curfew-arrest-leads-to-massive-blm-and-islamic-riots-videos/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Violent riots led by communist group Black Lives Matter and Islamic supremacists break out in the city of Brussels after the death of Ibrahim, a migrant in Police custody.

The migrant was filming police enforcing coronavirus lockdown measures at a train station. Ibrahim refused to comply with police and their requests to stop filming. Ibrahim fled the scene, but was captured by police and shortly after died, possibly of a heart attack at the station due to drugs he ingested.

Ibrahim’s Arrest

Ibrahima B. was arrested on Saturday, January 9th a little before 7 pm by inspectors from the Brussels North police zone, at the train station in Belgium. Police say they had stopped to check on a group of people who had gathered at the station past curfew. Police believed the group were in violation of the states coronavirus measures.

According to the police, Ibrahim B. fled and was intercepted. However, his family says he was there to take the train to Waterloo, where he lives. According to the family, Ibrahim B. was arrested for filming the police check with his mobile phone.

After a police chase, Ibrahim was transferred to the police station, and suffered an apparent heart attack immediately after arriving. According to media reportsthe migrant ingested drugs that he had in his possession. It was as a result of this that he was said to have felt unwell during his search at the police station. 

“When he arrived at the police station, he lost consciousness,” says the Brussels prosecutor’s office. The officers tried to resuscitate him. The emergency services also arrived quickly, but he died in the hospital around 8.30 pm. The cause of death would have been a heart attack, reported Ibrahim’s sister.

According to the family’s lawyer, they claim police left him on the ground for five minutes, “Those several minutes without worry are crucial moments in which Ibrahim’s life which could have been saved. The officers let him die,” says lawyer Alexis Deswaef. Furthermore, “It was legal for Ibrahima to exercise his fundamental right by filming the police.”

An autopsy and a toxicological examination have been performed on the body. They will reveal whether any violence was used against him and or whether he had a heart attack due to possible drug use. The prosecutor’s office did not want to confirm whether he had drugs in his pocket.

“The deceased young man’s family and his counsel met with the Public Prosecutor this morning to obtain answers to some of their questions,” says the prosecutor spokeswoman,“ and to assure them that all resources are and will being used to provide clarity into what happened.”

Migrant and BLM Riots Break Out

Hours after the family’s meeting, the peaceful protests taking place in Brussels turned violent around 4 pm. Stones, fireworks and other objects were thrown at the police and the Islamic migrant and Black Lives Matter communists shouted “police, murderers”. 

Rioters broke the windows of police cars and set vehicles on fire. The radicals burned down the police station and attacked the car of King Philippe, the current King of Belgium.

Communist Black lives Matter Joins forces with migrants

By coincidence, the Belgian king ended up in the middle of the violence. His car was recognizable to rioters by the number plate ‘1’, which suddenly appeared in the middle of the melee. Police officers escorted the king and his car away from the rioting crowds.

The riot police arrived en masse. Water cannons were used several times against the rioters. Initially, officers tried to send the demonstrators home, but their calls received little response. The organizers of the event’s efforts to calm things down were in vain. Police eventually arrested over 100 rioters and four injured police officers were taken to hospital. 

Minister of Justice Vincent Van Quickenborne tweeted. “Under no circumstances can we accept what happened in Schaerbeek (Municipality in Belgium) today. Investigations are in full swing, ”said the minister. “The rioters will not go free.”

Watch the following videos compiled by RAIR Foundation USA of the riots in Brussels:

Red/Green Axis

As France’s Eric Zemmour has previously stated, BLM and Islamic migrants have united in their collective dream of “beating world capitalism and beating white western countries.” The author points out that despite riots in different countries being staged by BLM and Islamic supremacists, the riots all have the same plan of action and take the same form.

Even the infamous Venezuelan terrorist Carlos The Jackal, a convert to Islam penned a letter to President Obama in 2003 stating, “only a coalition of Marxists and Islamists can destroy the United States.”

As reported at RAIR Foundation USA, the tactic of leftist and Islamic coordination has a name: the Red/Green Axis: “Communists and Islamic Supremacists have a long history of uniting to destroy their common enemy: those who believe in sovereignty and individual freedom.” In order to achieve their own goals, they use one another until their goals are achieved, and only at that time will they “turn on one another and in the end, fight to destroy the other.”

Support our work at RAIR Foundation USA! We are a grassroots activist team and we need your help! Please consider making a donation here: https://rairfoundation.com/donate/



SEE: https://rairfoundation.com/we-are-not-sheep-thousands-of-czechs-demonstrate-against-lockdown-measures-video/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Thousands of citizens gathered in Prague, at Old Town Square on Sunday, Jan 10., to demonstrate the Czech government’s crushing Chinese coronavirus measures. Citizens are no longer accepting the states arbitrary and scientifically unproven approach to tackling the virus and are demanding their freedoms are restored.

Citizens attending the “Let’s Open the Czech Republic (Otevřeme Česko)” carried Czech flags and held sign saying, ‘COVID tyranny’, ‘Let’s stop totalitarianism in the name of Covid!’ and ” ‘We are not sheep’ . Many protesters came with their families and brought small children.

“We want to open the Czech Republic. The government’s measures do not work and will never work. On the contrary, they cause far more drastic epidemics, namely epidemics of poverty, unemployment, illiteracy and failing companies,” said Jiří Janeček, co-organizer of the demonstration and an entrepreneur in the hospitality industry..

“People feel that money is one thing, but losing the opportunity to associate, go to sports, go to restaurants and theaters, they perceive it as a great loss of their personal freedom, which is guaranteed to them by our constitution,” said Jakub Olbert, a restaurant owner.

During the two-hour demonstration, there were speeches by government representatives, famous actors and singers, small business owners, entrepreneurs in the hospitality industry, fitness trainers, doctors, academics, and business union leaders.

Demonstrators listening to speeches

The former President of the Czech Republic, Václav Klaus also spoke at the demonstration. “I came mainly to express my unconditional support to the organizers and participants of this event,” Klaus said. The former president criticized the government’s harsh measures. “There have been enough prohibitions and orders that fundamentally damage our lives, our professional and life activities,” he said. He also opposed the coronavirus vaccination, saying that there was no miracle vaccine. “Vaccination must not be compulsory. I, even at an at-risk age, will not get vaccinated,” he added.

The convener of the demonstration and the chairman of the Svobodné political party, Libor Vondráček said that the goals of their protests are twofold. In the long run, it is the “opening of the Czech Republic”, and in the short term, the government will start communicating with the people affected by the current measures and to have a real dialogue with them. According to him, it is no longer just about entrepreneurs who are suffering, but also, their clients, children in schools, elderly, and others.

Chairman of the Svobodné political party, Libor Vondráček

“Whatever the government does only makes this situation worse. Today, with the numbers we know about the infection of the population in the Czech Republic, we can say that the government has lost this battle with the pandemic. Let them throw a white towel into the ring and start protecting those who need it and want it. Let them return to the Czech Republic a normal world. Let us go to work again. Many people are so mentally and financially so bad that if they still have to suffer from this disease, it is worth it for them. We will fight this pandemic far better, provided we are a healthy and a hard-working nation with its security, its workers and its children in schools,” added Jiří Janeček.

Janeček organized a previous protest that made a line of beer mugs and candles between the Government Office and Prague’s Old Town Square. Janeček was trying to bring attention to the many pub owners and restaurateurs on the brink of financial disaster.

Support our work at RAIR Foundation USA! We are a grassroots activist team and we need your help! Please consider making a donation here: https://rairfoundation.com/donate/




SEE: https://rairfoundation.com/watch-democrats-celebrities-and-media-call-for-insurgency-and-violence-against-trump-and-his-supporters-video/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

The following video compilation captures Democrat leaders, celebrities and media calling for insurgency and violence against U.S. President Donald Trump and his supporters.


As reported at RAIR Foundation USA, leftist activists have made an art of swarming into state buildings, often receiving praise for their efforts by politicians and the media. Now, Trump supporters who were waved into the Capitol by police are facing federal charges for something leftist activists do on a regular basis.

Support our work at RAIR Foundation USA! We are a grassroots activist team and we need your help! Please consider making a donation here: https://rairfoundation.com/donate/


A New Leninism Is Gripping America-James Lindsay on Repressive Tolerance & Free Speech

The shocking assault on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 has been followed by widespread censorship and de-platforming of Americans, including President Trump, with the professed goal of preventing violence. James Lindsay, co-author of the bestseller “Cynical Theories,” argues the Capitol breach has been used to implement a major power grab and “apply Leninism to the American context, using corporations as part of the toolset.” This is the “woke” movement in action, Lindsay argues. The ideology involves an inverted morality, he says, allowing it to apply double standards when it comes to political violence. In this episode, James Lindsay, founder of the New Discourses website, gives us his take on our current political moment. This is American Thought Leaders, and I’m Jan Jekielek. #jameslindsay #criticaltheory #freespeech


The New Jersey Statehouse and Capitol Building In Trenton

New Jersey State Police Superintendent Pat Callahan takes questions during a recent press briefing.

Rep. Ocasio-Cortez Wants to ‘Rein In’ Media


CHILLING: AOC Wants a Gov't Commission to 'Rein in' Media to Prevent 'Disinformation'


'I can say, there is absolutely a commission being discussed but it seems to be more investigatory, in style rather than truth and reconciliation, so I think that’s an interesting concept for us to explore,' she replied. 

'And I do think that several members of Congress, in some of my discussions, have brought up media literacy because that is a part of what happened here and we’re going to have to figure out how we rein in our media environment so that you can’t just spew disinformation and misinformation,' Ocasio-Cortez said. 

Welcome to AOC's "Ministry of Truth" (COMMUNIST STYLE) 

SEE: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9149219/AOC-slammed-suggestion-federal-commission-rein-press.html

Squad member's suggestion for federal commission to 'rein in' the press is slammed as 'wholly un-American' attack on free speech

  • Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez made the remarks in Instagram video this week
  • She said Democrats are discussing plans to 'reign in' media 'misinformation'
  • Suggested the plan could be part of a 'truth and reconciliation committee' 
  • Proposal drew furious backlash and was called a plot to restrain the free press
  • 'She wants to basically establish a Ministry of Truth,' columnist Joe Concha said
  • 'It's just creepy, not to mention wholly un-American,' wrote David Harsanyi
  • Others predicted that government 'fact checkers' would be politicized 
  • AOC's remarks echo Trump's attacks on the press that were slammed by critics



SEE: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/rick-moran/2021/01/14/rep-ocasio-cortez-wants-a-government-commission-to-rein-in-media-to-prevent-disinformation-n1347680;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) said in an Instagram post that she and several other members of Congress were exploring the possibility of setting up a commission to “rein in” the media, whom she accuses of spreading “disinformation” in the lead-up to the Capitol attack.

Since I don’t think she’s talking about stifling the New York Times or Washington Post, I wonder who she has in mind to “rein in”?

This was the same Instagram interview in which she admitted that she feared for her life during the Capitol attack, so it’s not surprising that the media would ignore her suggestion for censorship and lead with her life being in danger.

But her suggestion that the United States Congress needs to form a commission to rein in the news media has gone largely unreported,

New York Post:

There’s absolutely a commission that’s being discussed but it seems to be more investigating in style rather than truth and reconciliation.


I do think that several members of Congress in some of my discussions have brought up media literacy because that is part of what happened here.

Here’s our “expert” on media literacy.

How easily could a government commission become a censorship board?

We’re going to have to figure out how we rein in our media environment so you can’t just spew disinformation and misinformation.

It’s one thing to have differentiating opinions, but it’s another thing entirely to just say things that are false, so that’s something that we’re looking into.

What is “disinformation”? What is “misinformation”? What is “false”? What AOC is ignoring is that her “truth” might not be the same as your “truth.” And she wants a government commission to “investigate” which is which?

David Harsanyi:

As a practical matter, we can already envision from “lived experienced” — as a progressive might say — how sanctioning the state to adjudicate the veracity of journalism can be abused.

We need only point to our media “factcheckers,” journalists with political and ideological biases who have regularly, and arbitrarily, labeled completely debatable contentions as falsehoods, while either ignoring or justifying scores of other unsettled contentions. Are these the arbiters of facts who will be manning the government commission appointed by those storied truthtellers in congress?

A recent example was the suppressing of the New York Post’s blockbuster story of Hunter Biden’s business deals and whether or not Joe Biden, as vice president, profited from them. An alliance of Big Tech and left-wing media made sure that either the story was suppressed or “debunked” by “fact-checkers.”

No doubt AOC’s “commission” would help facilitate bringing to heel the conservative media. I don’t know about you, but I’d almost prefer a “truth and reconciliation commission” to a media star-chamber.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Wants to Liberate Red States From Their Suppression


New Migrant Caravan Forming in Honduras. Expect Many More


SEE: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/rick-moran/2021/01/15/new-migrant-caravan-forming-in-honduras-expect-many-more-n1387449;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Hundreds of Central Americans — many with families in tow — have begun the journey to the U.S. border hoping the new president will allow them to claim refugee status and enter the United States.

They will likely be stopped in Mexico thanks to coronavirus restrictions, but the incoming Biden administration is worried that this is only the beginning. Joe Biden’s campaign rhetoric promised a “more humane” immigration policy and expanded the number of those able to claim refugee status. This will inevitably lead to a massive influx of those seeking asylum at the border.


On Thursday, Guatemala cited the pandemic in order to declare emergency powers in seven border provinces migrants frequently transit through en route to Mexico. The measures limit public demonstrations and allow authorities to disperse any public meeting, group or demonstration by force.

Honduras and Guatemala have announced they will deploy thousands of soldiers to preemptively stop caravan members, while Mexico also deployed agents to its southern border on Thursday.

Both nations cooperated with the Trump administration in 2019 to limit the flow of migrants coming to the U.S. — largely because they were threatened with sanctions by Trump. But it worked. The crisis at the southwest border eased considerably.

Now the whole ugly mess threatens to start up again. Biden will be under enormous pressure to treat the migrants “humanely” at the border, which includes allowing them to cross into the United States. They won’t be detained. They will be allowed to go into the interior to wait 3-5 years for their hearings before an immigration judge.


The migrants say they are escaping poverty, unemployment, and gang and drug violence, as well as the aftermath of two violent hurricanes that hit the country last November.

But Washington has warned the migrants against making the journey, especially at the height of the coronavirus pandemic.

“This is a deadly journey — the US Border Patrol recovered more than 250 bodies along the US-Mexico border last fiscal year,” Mark Morgan, acting Commissioner of the US Customs and Border Protection, said in a statement last week.

At least Guatemala is taking some precautions to prevent people infected with the virus into their country.

France 24:

Guatemala’s government has warned that anyone wanting to pass through its territory must show a negative coronavirus test and have their papers in order.

Mexico’s consulate in San Pedro Sula, from where caravans usually leave, warned that its government “does not encourage and will not allow the illegal entry of caravans.”

That may change as Biden’s “more humane” approach to immigration takes shape. Mexico especially would like nothing better than to ease pressure on its economy and institutions by allowing as many people as possible to leave for the United States. With no punitive measures taken by Biden to discourage it, it’s likely that caravans and a big increase in illegal border crossings will become a reality.


“Squad” Member Pressley Accuses Maskless Republicans of “Chemical Warfare”

“Squad” Member Pressley Accuses Maskless Republicans of “Chemical Warfare”


SEE: https://thenewamerican.com/squad-member-pressley-accuses-maskless-republicans-of-chemical-warfare;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Representative Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.), a member of Congress far-left “Squad,” accused Republicans who did not wear a mask while hiding from protesters at the Capitol Building during the breach last week of having engaged in “chemical warfare.”

“It’s criminal behavior,” she told CNN’s Don Lemon. “They have been complicit from the very beginning in their willful criminality to carry the water for Donald Trump and these science denials which allowed this pandemic to rage out of control. And then by refusing to wear the masks, this is criminal behavior. That’s chemical warfare so far as I’m concerned.”

Pressley’s husband, Conan Harris, was with her at the Capitol on January 6 and has since tested positive for COVID-19. Pressley has tested negative and is currently isolating along with her staff.

According to Boston.com, it was unclear how Harris contracted the virus. Three Democrats who were in the room with Pressley tested positive, though Republicans who did not wear masks denied they spread the virus.

One Twitter user agreed with Pressley, calling Republicans’ lack of masks “bio terrorism.

Pressley complained in a tweet that seeing “anti masker” members of Congress in the safe room made her “furious.”

The Republican lawmakers whom Pressley chastised over not wearing masks were Representatives Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, Markwayne Mullin of Oklahoma, Andy Biggs of Arizona, Scott Perry of Pennsylvania, Michael Cloud of Texas, and Doug LaMalfa of California.

As The New American has previously reported, there’s ample evidence that masks are ineffective at combating the spread of infectious diseases. Surgeons wear face masks essentially as guards against coughing or sneezing in the middle of a procedure because their hands are busy; the average person going about their day can cover up a cough quite easily without a mask. But masks don’t stop particles as tiny as a virus.

Nevertheless, the establishment is incessantly pushing mask-wearing. Many states and local governments have mandated mask-wearing in public and imposed strict penalties for those who do not comply with this or other forms of COVID-19 tyranny.

The people of Maryland, for example, are now being subjected to “high-visibility compliance units,” combined units of state troopers and local police officers who have been charged with ensuring that businesses, bars, and restaurants are complying with capacity levels, mask-wearing, and social distancing.

The penalty? Up to $5,000 in fines and possibly one year in jail for disobedient businesses.

Miami, Florida, created a dedicated mask-enforcement team and offenders faced up to a $500 fine. However, Governor Ron DeSantis neutered such mask policies with an executive order that prohibits local governments from penalizing those who don’t cover up their faces while also banning local governments from requiring restaurants to operate at less than 50 percent of their indoor capacity.

In situations where they are operating at less than 100-percent indoor capacity, local officials must explain why these limitations are necessary for public health.

But even when local governments do not enforce mask-wearing, many major businesses do. This includes essentials such as supermarkets and banks.

The British-based bank HSBC is taking mask enforcement to a higher level in the U.K., asserting that it reserves the right to cancel the accounts of clients who refuse to wear a mask on bank premises.

The bank’s threat came when a spokesman for The Mirror told the outlet, “If you do visit us, please wear a face covering and maintain a safe distance from others. If individuals put themselves or our colleagues at risk, without a medical exemption, we reserve the right to withdraw their account.”

This is coming from the same bank that has frozen the accounts of those who speak out against the communist Chinese government. 

All of the hysteria about masks is over a virus that has a 98-percent survival rate. Mask-wearing and enforcement have become symbols of obedience to Big Brother. Those who walk with their faces uncovered are thought criminals who must be shamed, bullied, and punished by the law unless they conform to the narrative coming out of the evening news.

Considering how effective mask-wearing has been for the purposes of mass brainwashing, it’s likely that their widespread use is here to stay if the establishment has its way.


Bill Gates Buying Up Huge Amount of Farmland While ‘Great Reset’ Tells Americans Future is No Private Property

Feudalism makes a roaring comeback in the name of progress.


SEE: https://www.infowars.com/posts/bill-gates-buying-up-huge-amount-of-farmland-while-great-reset-tells-americans-future-is-no-private-property/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

While Americans are being told by ‘Great Reset’ technocrats that the future is one without private property, Bill Gates and other billionaires have been buying up huge amounts of farmland.

Indeed, Gates is now the biggest owner of farmland in America, according to a Forbes report.

“After years of reports that he was purchasing agricultural land in places like Florida and Washington, The Land Report revealed that Gates, who has a net worth of nearly $121 billion according to Forbes, has built up a massive farmland portfolio spanning 18 states.”

“His largest holdings are in Louisiana (69,071 acres), Arkansas (47,927 acres) and Nebraska (20,588 acres). Additionally, he has a stake in 25,750 acres of transitional land on the west side of Phoenix, Arizona, which is being developed as a new suburb.”

Gates now owns 242,000 acres of farmland across the U.S., mostly “through third-party entities by Cascade Investments, Gates’ personal investment vehicle.”

According to Forbes, it is not known what Gates is doing with the land and Cascade Investments refused to comment on the issue.

In terms of individual landowners, Gates is still far behind media mogul John C. Malone, who is in top spot with 2.2 million acres of ranches and forests and CNN founder Ted Turner, who owns 2 million acres of ranch land.

Amazon’s Jeff Bezos is also “investing in land on a large scale,” according to the report.

What billionaire philanthropists and technocrats are acquiring land at an accelerating speed, they appear to be telling the general public that in the future private property will virtually cease to exist.

In his books, World Economic Forum founder and globalist Klaus Schwab makes clear that the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ or ‘The Great Reset’ will lead to the abolition of private property.

That message is echoed on the WEF’s official website, which states, “Welcome to the year 2030. Welcome to my city – or should I say, “our city”. I don’t own anything. I don’t own a car. I don’t own a house. I don’t own any appliances or any clothes.”

Apparently, you won’t be allowed to own any private property and your only recourse will be to live in a state of permanent dependency on a small number of rich elitists who own everything.

That used to be called feudalism, which is a form of slavery.

MassResistance statement to our supporters: What should we all do now?


SEE: https://www.massresistance.org/docs/gen4/21a/What-do-we-do-now/index.html;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:
The infamous Reichstag fire on Feb. 27, 1933. The government used it as a pretense to jail political enemies and strip away everyone's civil liberties. It's starting to seem frighteningly familiar.

Conservatives are suddenly living a political nightmare similar to the aftermath of the Reichstag fire in Germany in 1933. Following that arson on the German Parliament building, several thousand political opponents were jailed and the entire country was officially stripped of virtually every civil liberty. Those developments cemented the continued rise of Hitler and the Nazis. We all know what horrors followed.

The incident last week at the U.S. Capitol is minuscule in comparison to the extreme violence, deaths, and billions of dollars of damage brought on across America by the Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots. Moreover, the breach of the Capitol was clearly organized and led by Antifa types, according to eyewitnesses and counter-terrorism experts we’ve talked to personally and startling accounts we’ve read and seen.

Like the Reichstag fire, the incident at the U.S. Capitol is being used as an excuse by government, corporations, and the media to inflame an unprecedented war against conservatives. People who even dare to question the election results are being fired from their jobs across America. Conservative groups of all stripes are being denied service by technology companies. Banks are stopping service to Trump companies and others. The media has become a non-stop propaganda machine, attacking facts they don’t like as “lies.” Biden’s people are preparing even more extreme measures, including Second Amendment challenges and even gun confiscations. The FBI is now engaged against conservatives in one of the biggest phony “investigations” of its history. And we’re seeing the total militarization of D.C. – possibly to fuel fear of “patriots.” 

The mainstream conservative and Republican reaction to all this is disturbing. The general message we’re getting has been to back off, “go gray,” and try not to attract any more attention from the hysterical Leftist mob. Don’t provoke them. Hide and hope they’ll leave you alone. The American Thinker site, for example, has announced it has turned off its comments section for that reason. Will this strategy work – or just make things worse? Unfortunately, experience shows that cowering only emboldens the mob.

And it’s worse in Washington, DC. As we’ve seen this week, Republicans in Congress are surrendering in droves, abandoning their constituents, and some even jumping on board with the Democrats. At the impeachment “debate” on Jan. 13, there was no real pushback against the narrative that “Trump supporters” were behind the Jan. 6 riots. Is that an intelligent strategy?

GOP cowardice: U.S. Rep. Dan Newhouse (R-WA) addresses the House in favor of impeaching President Trump on Jan. 13. He said that "The mob was inflamed by the language and misinformation of the President," an absurd statement with no basis in fact. (Note: Trump overwhelmingly won Newhouse's district 58%-40%.)

Where is this going, if we don’t stand up and speak out boldly? A little history is in order.

Testimony from a survivor

In 2005, our MassResistance Banquet featured Stephan Ross as the keynote speaker. Ross was a Jew born in Poland. He was a survivor of ten Nazi concentration camps including Auschwitz. He was a great supporter of our organization, a personal friend of MR Director Brian Camenker, and was eager to share his wisdom.

Stephan Ross (at podium) addresses the MassResistance Banquet in 2005.

He said that when the Nazis first came to power, people didn’t take it seriously. They thought it would “blow over.” As the situation worsened, the Jewish community was encouraged to pray about it, he said. By the time they realized how bad it was, there was nothing they could do. Ross’s entire extended family, except for a brother, was murdered by the Nazis.

Main entrance to the Auschwitz concentration camp, where over 1 million people were murdered.

He implored our group not to give up our aggressive activism. He said that the kinds of things that we were fighting at the time – violations of the constitution, graphic sex education, the LGBT agenda in the schools, “gay” marriage, abortion – were just the beginning of worse things to come. He said that if good people don’t stand up when they can, early on, the time will come when they can’t anymore.

In America, we can still rise up, though it’s becoming difficult with the increasing unlawfulness, censorship, and demonization by the Left. The Left is oppressive but not murderous – yet. We must ignore our fears and charge forward, or that will surely follow.

Like Martin Luther King’s organization in Birmingham, a group of fearless people can take down a seemingly unbeatable, overwhelming combination of government, business, and media –  if they refuse to give up.

Mr. Ross passed away last year. We got to know him very well, and he left an indelible mark on our psyche – and inspired us to carry on no matter the odds.

Stephan Ross and MassResistance Executive Director Brian Camenker at an event in Newton, Mass. in 2006.

How MassResistance is reacting to this threat

Because of all this, MassResistance is compelled to expand the normal scope of our 25-year pro-family, activism to stand up to this threat. Trust us, there are a lot of very effective things that determined groups of citizens can do (which we will describe in future posts)! And we will do them! People are hungering for bold speech and principled action.

Here’s an inspiring example of courageous leadership. At least one GOP member of Congress is doing the right thing. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), a former MassResistance activist, has announced that she will be filing Articles of Impeachment against Biden on Jan. 21! The point is to keep the truth alive and fight for what is right! This is how to construct the foundation for a future victory.

Bold and direct: U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene wears a "Trump Won" face mask as she arrives on the floor of the House to take her oath of office on January 3, 2021. [Photo: CBS News]

We invite good people to join the fight. Despite what they want you to believe, there are more of us than there are of them. As we tell our activists, when you take on the Left, you may get their vicious personal abuse, threats to your job, etc. – at least at first until they realize that we fight back. (Deep down, they are pretty much all cowards.) And a lot of your friends will also be cowards. But the alternative is much worse. And the spiritual benefits are immense. Join the real resistance!

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Biden Will Introduce $2 Trillion Stimulus Bill With $2,000 Individual Checks


SEE: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/rick-moran/2021/01/14/biden-will-introduce-2-trillion-stimulus-bill-with-2000-individual-checks-n1363149;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Aides to President-elect Biden say that he will propose another massive pandemic relief bill costing $2 trillion dollars. It will include $2,000 individual checks for taxpayers.

Biden will outline more of the plan later on Thursday, but Senate Democrats are also talking seriously about merging pandemic relief with a completely unrelated infrastructure bill. It’s likely the total cost for both measures together will exceed $3 trillion.

Moreover, Democrats are discussing ways to use budget reconciliation to pass most of their legislation. This would mean the filibuster would be off the table and legislation could pass by a simple majority.


The Biden team is taking a “shoot for the moon” approach with the package, one lawmaker in close contact with them told CNN, though they added that the price tag could still change. The proposal will include sizable direct payments to American families, significant state and local funding — including for coronavirus vaccine distribution and other emergency spending measures — to help those struggling during the pandemic.

Biden is set to announce the details of his plan in Wilmington, Delaware, Thursday evening.

Democrats hold only the slimmest of majorities in the House and the Senate, and Republicans have recently resisted efforts to pass Covid-19 relief on a multi-trillion dollar scale. But Biden’s party believes it may have only a brief window to pass sweeping relief legislation and the President-elect has faced significant pressure from some Democrats to go big.

Also on the table will be more extra unemployment payments and aid to state and local governments that are suffering budget shortfalls because of the pandemic. Some of that cash is likely to go into fixing state pension systems, run into the ground by Democratic governors and their public union allies.

There will be money for vaccine distribution, schools, and other health care concerns, but it’s also likely that the individual checks to taxpayers will be a standalone bill passed very shortly after Biden is sworn in.


Current Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell rejected a standalone bill on increasing the value of the checks, but with Democrats about to take control of the chamber — and of Congress — following victories in two Georgia Senate runoff elections, Biden will likely have the votes to approve increased relief spending.

Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer of New York has said that one of the first bills he’d like to pass once he becomes Senate majority leader would raise stimulus payments to $2,000.

With unemployment claims skyrocketing, Congress is likely to act swiftly before the economy tumbles into another recession.

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