Islamic preachers disseminate hateful messages about Israel and Jews, driving further antisemitism surge

SEE:; republished below in full, unedited, for informational,educational,& research purposes;

There are influential Islamic hate preachers who are driving anti-semitism to heights never seen since the Holocaust.

“Islamic Preachers in the U.S. Escalate Antisemitic Rhetoric Amid Gaza War, Campus Protests,” by Ethan Kaufman, Algemeiner, May 13, 2024:

Several Islamic preachers and other authority figures in the US have been leveraging their positions in recent weeks to disseminate hateful messages about Israel and the Jewish people, contributing to a global surge in antisemitism that has reached record levels since the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war.

Certain imams at mosques across the country have used their platforms to deliver sermons in which they pushed antisemitic conspiracies about Jews and promote false claims about Israel’s conduct in Gaza, the Palestinian enclave ruled by Hamas, and elsewhere, according to research by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

October 7 allowed for the Palestinian jihad “resistance” against Israel to be pushed throughout the West via systems that were already set in place. Take, for example, mosques. It was documented many times after 9/11 that many American mosques were radicalized. That’s because normative Islam is governed by the Sharia, which is contrary to human rights and to the laws of free societies. Then there are the Muslim Student Associations and Palestinian Solidarity Networks, which are well established on campuses. The expansive network of groups that were listed as unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land Foundation's Hamas funding trial was also operational throughout America, with many establishing offshoots in Canada.

The Palestinian “resistance” has been infiltrating America, Canada and other Western countries for decades. Many pro-Hamas demonstrators are now heard chantingGlobalize the intifada.” Anyone who warned prior to October 7 about the dangers of stealth and violent jihad was smeared as an “Islamophobes” on the fringes, despite the evidence." The “Islamophobia” subterfuge was and is a stratagem intended to shut down criticisms of Islam and buy time while systems were put in place to bring about what we see on campuses today. Now, anti-Israel, pro-Hamas protests have gripped America and other Western countries, along with the emboldening of hate preachers in influential mosques. Islamic supremacists and jihadists are emboldened in America and everywhere. In Germany, over 1000 Muslims screaming “Allahu Akbar” demanded a caliphate in a “demonstration of power.”

With hate preachers to incite and instigate further, the Palestinian “resistance” will continue to grow, unless it is stymied by laws to restore law and order.  This “resistance” is actually rooted in the Islamic imperative for conquest, which is the root of the goal to obliterate Israel from the River to the Sea. This is why the Organization of Islamic Cooperation supports the Palestinian cause.

Jeffrey A. Rosen, former Deputy Attorney General of the United States, stated at an antisemitism conference in 2020:

The United States Department of Justice stands firmly and unequivocally against anti-Semitism.  We will not hesitate to take action where anti-Semitic conduct rises to the level of a federal crime.  This is as true online as it is offline.  We have no tolerance for that behavior and will continue to prosecute such conduct as appropriate.  Most importantly, we will continue to uphold the rule of law for all Americans.

If there ever was a time for a Justice Department investigation and action, it is now. Except for the fact that the DOJ has serious corruption issues, as well as the specter of antisemitism lurking within. See HERE.

So despite the show, according to Fox News, the DOJ has not launched any investigation into antisemitic protests, let alone investigations — and charges which may be supported by law — of these influential Islamic hate preachers. The DOJ is too busy hounding Donald Trump to bother. Unless these anti-Semitic Islamic preachers are stopped in their tracks, they will continue to incite hatred, rage and threats of violence on campuses and and beyond.

Biden’s Impeachable ‘Foreign Oil’ Policy

One long string of ‘quid-pro-quos’ that have led to international wars and terrorism.

SEE:; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes;

[Order Daniel Greenfield’s new book, Domestic Enemies: HERE.]

Five years after Trump was impeached over accusations that he pressured Ukraine for political reasons, Biden is pressuring Ukraine for political reasons with no impeachment in sight.

Recent reports in the UK’s Telegraph and Financial Times suggest that Biden is demanding that Ukraine stop attacking Russia’s energy infrastructure because he’s afraid of the impact of high energy prices on the presidential election.

“Mr Biden reportedly raised concerns with Kyiv that the bid to damage Russia’s oil production capacity could have repercussions for his re-election campaign,” The Telegraph reported.

“Nothing terrifies a sitting American president more than a surge in pump prices during an election year,” The Financial Times quoted a former White House energy adviser as saying.

Similar reports have started to appear in other European media outlets, including Politico.

Whatever one thinks of the Russia-Ukraine War, Joe Biden’s re-election prospects are an illegitimate and impeachable reason to be conducting a war or any foreign policy.

And this is not a unique event.

Many suspect that Biden’s turn against Israel was driven by a threat to his election prospects from Hamas supporting voters in Dearborn, Michigan, as well as radical leftists in his party.

And this is part of a pattern that has weakened America.

Biden emptied the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) ahead of the midterms to buy support for his party in the middle of the Russia-Ukraine war and ahead of what would become the Hamas war. Those actions left America vulnerable and potentially changed the course of both wars.

The decision to empty the Strategic Petroleum Reserve was not done for national reasons, but personal political ones, and while politicians routinely bribe voters with public money, this particular bribe could end up losing several wars while sending America into an energy crisis.

Biden’s obsession with the impact of oil prices on his time in office led him to provide sanctions relief to Iran even while suppressing domestic energy production. By propping up energy production in enemy nations like Iran and Russia, Biden was able to give his leftist environmentalist base what it wanted, crushing domestic energy production, while ensuring what he thought would be a cheap supply abroad that he could always rely on for elections.

But the Saudis responded to Biden’s sellout on Iran by goosing energy prices, and Russia and Iran took the influx of cash and used it to launch their own wars with disastrous results.

Biden’s support for Ukraine was premised on protecting the flow of Russian oil and gas. Russians and Ukrainians could die in large numbers on both sides, but energy prices couldn’t spiral too far out of control because that might actually affect Biden’s reelection campaign. But as Ukraine struggled on the battlefield, Russia’s energy infrastructure became an easy and obvious target, and Biden’s obvious political agenda became more easily apparent.

Now the European press is talking about it even if it’s still too explosive for the American media.

Democrats widely support both the Ukraine war and ending oil production, which when taken together leads to high energy prices. Unable to find a way to combine low domestic production, low energy prices and the Russia-Ukraine war, Biden turned to an easier target: Israel.

Unlike Ukraine, Israel is less popular with Biden’s base. The Biden administration may be hoping that forcing an end to Israel’s campaign against Hamas will also convince Iran to step down from its regional attacks, including by the Houthis in Yemen, and simplify the process of talking the Iranians and even the Saudis into a nuclear deal that would lower energy prices.

Biden has already been negotiating to trade the Saudis' nuclear capability for cheap oil.

The Wall Street Journal reported last year that “Saudi Arabia has told the White House it would be willing to boost oil production early next year if crude prices are high”.

This was not just a Saudi proposal, but an explicit request from the Biden administration.

“Two top White House officials, Brett McGurk and Amos Hochstein, flew late last month to Saudi Arabia, where they emphasized that soaring petroleum prices would make it harder to win support in Washington, the officials said,” the Journal reported.

Biden had previously demanded that the Saudis postpone a production cut ahead of the midterms. The Wall Street Journal had reported that, “the one-month delay requested by Washington would have meant a production cut made in the days before the election, too late to have much effect on consumers’ wallets ahead of the vote.”

And Biden had even tried to bribe the Saudis with a fortune in taxpayer money, promising to “buy oil on the market to replenish Washington’s strategic stockpiles if the price of Brent, the main international benchmark, fell to $75 a barrel”.

“There’s going to be some consequences for what they’ve done,” Biden had threatened Saudi Arabia on CNN for failing to go along with his demand for election day oil price rigging.

Biden’s foreign policy of bribing enemies is unnecessary because he has a simple and straightforward way to lower oil prices: restart domestic production.

Instead, Biden broke the law and illegally tried to block domestic energy production. When that failed, his administration deliberately sabotaged oil and gas lease auctions. After putting a former eco-terrorist in charge of the Bureau of Land Management, he tried to restrict offshore drilling to only three sites, and his administration was then sued by the energy industry for using “every tool at its disposal” to stop drilling.

How do we square Biden’s militant campaign against domestic drilling with his obsession with low energy prices abroad? There’s no environmental argument for such an incoherent policy.

Biden isn’t acting out of any consistent set of political principles, but personal election needs.

“I can guarantee you that if I am president, there will be no offshore drilling,” Biden promised during his presidential campaign. His leftist backers demand an end to domestic energy production.

And yet he also knows that if energy prices are high, American voters will turn on him.

Biden sold out the American energy industry to win over environmentalists and then sold out our national security to get cheap oil. Rather than just a single ‘quid-pro-quo’, Biden’s foreign policy has been one long string of quid-pro-quos that have led to international wars and terrorism.

Once Biden has given away our best leverage in the energy market and domestic production, Iran, Russia, the Saudis and other players used that to their advantage to create the crisis we’re in.

This mess is not simply the result of “misguided idealism”, “incompetence” “naivete” or any of the other excuses used to downwardly define this foreign policy deviancy, but the personal political calculations of a corrupt and greedy president who wanted to lie to everyone.

Biden thought that he could trick, appease and use everyone all at the same time. That he could have his energy cake and eat it too. Instead, Americans are stuck with high energy prices, low reserves and two wars that are not likely to end any time soon. All of this happened because the man who wanted to be president lacked the courage to tell his party that they couldn’t have it all.

Biden's presidential campaign was a contradictory mess. It promised Democrats that they would have a version of Obama that would appeal to older white moderate Democrats. It claimed that two incompatible versions of the party could be fused together uniting traditional Democrats and leftist socialists in one man who would combine the best of FDR and JFK.

Biden’s hypocritical corrupt energy policy shows how he tried to make that work and the price that America and the world are paying for it.

Hamas Top Dog Antony Blinken Sends a Stern Demand to Israel

Will anyone ask Blinken to explain himself?

SEE:; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes:

[Order a copy of Robert Spencer’s forthcoming book, "Muhammad: A Critical Biographyby clicking here.]

I hate to say “I told you so” — well, no, actually I don’t mind saying it at all. On May 8, I wrote:

“Yes, we’re on Hamas’s side now. It’s as official as it can get without Old Joe Biden asking Congress for a declaration of war against Israel: the Biden regime has thrown the weight of the United States government behind the effort to save Hamas.”

If you thought that was hyperbole or hysteria, consider the fact that on Sunday, senior Biden regime apparatchik Antony Blinken made it unmistakable, issuing a demand to Israel that could have been spoken by Hamas top dog Ismail Haniyeh: “Get out of Gaza.”

The Washington Free Beacon reported that Blinken was not content to slam Israel’s defensive war against Hamas and demand that the Israelis “get out of Gaza”; he also accused the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) of “violating international humanitarian law.” If you think that this isn’t the kind of language that the U.S. government has used with allies in the past, you’re right.

Blinken did couch his investigation of Israel in terms that made it seem as if it was just a bit of friendly advice about how best to conduct the war effort as if the secretary of state during the U.S.’s catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 would know anything about it, but it was an investigation nevertheless.

Blinken warned that “an Israeli military operation in Rafah” might have some “initial success,” but he said that the Israelis would not be able to sustain that success and would end up “holding the bag on an enduring insurgency.” The secretary of state in this era of America’s national humiliation explained that this was “because a lot of armed Hamas will be left, no matter what [the Israelis] do in Rafah, or if they leave and get out of Gaza, as we believe they need to do. Then you’re going to have a vacuum and a vacuum that’s likely to be filled by chaos, by anarchy, and ultimately by Hamas again.”

And so the alternative that the State Department is offering to Israel is to refrain from entering Rafah. This would allow Hamas to regroup there and strike Israeli civilians again, as its leaders have vowed to do. The Israelis reject this because they have declared that their goal is the complete destruction of Hamas. All Blinken is offering in response is defeatism, a claim that the Israelis won’t be able to destroy Hamas completely, so they shouldn’t even try.

There is no reason why this must be so. There were numerous predictions in 1945 that National Socialism (that’s what “Nazism” means, folks) would continue as an insurgency in the ashes of Germany, but no one was saying that the Allies shouldn’t enter Berlin and end the war anyway. There was indeed a small-scale insurgency after the fall of Berlin and the end of the war, but it was overcome. As long as there are believers in Islam in Gaza, there will be jihadis, but the organized and persistent jihad force the Israelis have faced in Gaza since 2005 hasn’t always existed and need not exist forever.

Blinken’s warning is of a kind that is usually issued by one’s foes in a war, not by one’s friends. And the hard-left apparatchik made it even worse: Blinken added that “it was reasonable to assess that, in certain instances, Israel acted in ways that are not consistent with international humanitarian law.”

Blinken’s timing couldn’t have been worse. The UN cut in half the number of women and children it claims that the Israelis have killed in Gaza — figures that anyone could have seen were unreliable in the first place, since they came from the Gaza Health Ministry, which Hamas runs. There is no serious case that Israel has violated international law; if there were, it would already have been made in the International Criminal Court when Israel had to defend itself against bogus charges of “genocide.”

So why is the Biden regime so anxious to prevent Israeli forces from going into Rafah? Are you afraid of what the IDF might find there? Has the U.S. support for Hamas not been confined solely to “humanitarian aid” to Gaza? The immense anxiety in the White House over this military operation is, to use a word that the media likes to use of Israel, “disproportionate.”

It’s too bad we only have leftist propagandists and not journalists in this country anymore. Someone should ask Blinken to explain himself. But no one will.