Islamic preachers disseminate hateful messages about Israel and Jews, driving further antisemitism surge
SEE:; republished below in full, unedited, for informational,educational,& research purposes;
“Islamic Preachers in the U.S. Escalate Antisemitic Rhetoric Amid Gaza War, Campus Protests,” by Ethan Kaufman, Algemeiner, May 13, 2024:
Several Islamic preachers and other authority figures in the US have been leveraging their positions in recent weeks to disseminate hateful messages about Israel and the Jewish people, contributing to a global surge in antisemitism that has reached record levels since the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war.
Certain imams at mosques across the country have used their platforms to deliver sermons in which they pushed antisemitic conspiracies about Jews and promote false claims about Israel’s conduct in Gaza, the Palestinian enclave ruled by Hamas, and elsewhere, according to research by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).
October 7 allowed for the Palestinian jihad “resistance” against Israel to be pushed throughout the West via systems that were already set in place. Take, for example, mosques. It was documented many times after 9/11 that many American mosques were radicalized. That’s because normative Islam is governed by the Sharia, which is contrary to human rights and to the laws of free societies. Then there are the Muslim Student Associations and Palestinian Solidarity Networks, which are well established on campuses. The expansive network of groups that were listed as unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land Foundation's Hamas funding trial was also operational throughout America, with many establishing offshoots in Canada.
The Palestinian “resistance” has been infiltrating America, Canada and other Western countries for decades. Many pro-Hamas demonstrators are now heard chanting “Globalize the intifada.” Anyone who warned prior to October 7 about the dangers of stealth and violent jihad was smeared as an “Islamophobes” on the fringes, despite the evidence." The “Islamophobia” subterfuge was and is a stratagem intended to shut down criticisms of Islam and buy time while systems were put in place to bring about what we see on campuses today. Now, anti-Israel, pro-Hamas protests have gripped America and other Western countries, along with the emboldening of hate preachers in influential mosques. Islamic supremacists and jihadists are emboldened in America and everywhere. In Germany, over 1000 Muslims screaming “Allahu Akbar” demanded a caliphate in a “demonstration of power.”
With hate preachers to incite and instigate further, the Palestinian “resistance” will continue to grow, unless it is stymied by laws to restore law and order. This “resistance” is actually rooted in the Islamic imperative for conquest, which is the root of the goal to obliterate Israel from the River to the Sea. This is why the Organization of Islamic Cooperation supports the Palestinian cause.
Jeffrey A. Rosen, former Deputy Attorney General of the United States, stated at an antisemitism conference in 2020:
The United States Department of Justice stands firmly and unequivocally against anti-Semitism. We will not hesitate to take action where anti-Semitic conduct rises to the level of a federal crime. This is as true online as it is offline. We have no tolerance for that behavior and will continue to prosecute such conduct as appropriate. Most importantly, we will continue to uphold the rule of law for all Americans.
If there ever was a time for a Justice Department investigation and action, it is now. Except for the fact that the DOJ has serious corruption issues, as well as the specter of antisemitism lurking within. See HERE.
So despite the show, according to Fox News, the DOJ has not launched any investigation into antisemitic protests, let alone investigations — and charges which may be supported by law — of these influential Islamic hate preachers. The DOJ is too busy hounding Donald Trump to bother. Unless these anti-Semitic Islamic preachers are stopped in their tracks, they will continue to incite hatred, rage and threats of violence on campuses and and beyond.