FAA restricts Fox drone after showing images of migrant surge



DHS Secretary Mayorkas’ chief of staff resigns amid ...

The federal agency placed a temporary flight restriction for 'special security reasons' on area immediately surrounding port of entry at Del Rio, Texas

EXCLUSIVE: Texas releases shocking footage after Biden video drone ban

Retired Texas Department of Public Safety official Jaeson Jones discusses newly released footage revealing Texas-Mexico border bridge being overrun after the FAA implemented Temporary Flight Restrictions in the area.

Afghans First, Americans Second in Virginia Hospitals

Americans Turned Away from Virginia Hospitals Because of Influx of Afghan Evacuees


SEE: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/robert-spencer/2021/09/13/americans-turned-away-from-virginia-hospitals-because-of-influx-of-afghan-evacuees-n1478206;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Old Joe Biden’s handlers are bringing 94,000 Afghan evacuees into the United States, at the cost of $6.4 billion of your money. The overall cost, however, may end up being even higher than that, and even the establishment media’s most committed far-Left propaganda organs are noticing. The Washington Post reported Tuesday that “[t]he mass arrival of Afghan evacuees last month, many in need of medical care, wreaked havoc on Northern Virginia’s hospital system — prompting a regional emergency response group to assume oversight after one hospital became overwhelmed with patients and federal officials lost track of where some Afghans were hospitalized, officials said.”

This has involved the denial of care to Americans: “a hospital near the Dulles Expo Center that federal officials designated as a go-to spot for medical treatment began running out of available beds, forcing the hospital to turn away non-Afghan patients who weren’t in need of critical care, said Nickerson, who also directs the Northern Virginia Hospital Alliance and declined to name the hospital.”

Here in a nutshell is the America-Last policy of Biden’s handlers: America’s infrastructure is crumbling, there are many people in need right here, working Americans are laboring under a tax burden that is already crushing and is about to get worse, and, as all this is going on, migrants are given priority over Americans for medical care and the American taxpayer is expected to foot the bill. “Area leaders have been asking the Biden administration to pay for the mounting cost of keeping track of the hospitalized evacuees and for giving them rides back to the Dulles Expo Center — where they have been temporarily housed — after a federal contractor took hours to retrieve some of the evacuees who were ready to be discharged.” In that sentence, “Biden administration” means hardworking Americans who have jobs and work hard to support their families while also paying for the resettlement and heathcare of Afghan evacuees, among whom is an unknowable number of jihad terrorists.

Kristin Nickerson, executive director of the Northern Virginia Emergency Response System, said: “Our hospitals are already almost at capacity. It’s not like they have tons of free beds available. We are still in the middle of a pandemic.” Oh yeah, that’s right, that pandemic for which Biden’s handlers are mandating vaccinations, except for migrants crossing the Southern border. Will the Afghan evacuees have to get the vaccine while they’re in hospitals for their free taxpayer-funded health care? The Post didn’t deign to say.

Nickerson added: “We normally wouldn’t be part of a refugee response effort.” But in this case, of course, nothing was planned in advance. General Mark Milley’s thoroughly modern military was far too busy implementing critical race theory and rooting Trump supporters out of the ranks all summer to concern itself with formulating a coherent plan for withdrawing from Afghanistan, including plans to deal with an Afghan refugee influx that was all but inevitable given the popularity and strength of the Taliban within the country, the likelihood of the fall of the Afghan national government, and Biden’s handlers’ desire to bring in as many new Democratic party voters as possible. And so now there is, among so many snafus, yet another totally preventable one in Virginia.

Related: Why Glenn Youngkin Will Be Virginia’s Next Governor

Asked about the crush in the state’s hospitals, Virginia Senator Mark R. Warner’s office issued soothing platitudes: “Senator Warner will continue to do everything he can to ensure that Virginia’s hospitals — many of which are already strained with covid-19 patients — have the resources they need to care for our communities.”

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D-Blackface) had his office throw in some platitudes of their own: “We are proud of the incredible work our localities and state agencies have done to welcome evacuees, and we look forward to continuing to coordinate with the federal government.”

No one, meanwhile, made any statement, even a platitude-filled one, about taking care of the Americans who were denied health care in Virginia recently because the hospitals were too crowded with Afghan evacuees. Who cares about them? To put Americans first in America is so…Trumpian, so declassé, so against diversity and tolerance and everything that is good. They’re just going to have to suffer and pay in to care for those refugees. In the end, the glorious mosaic of the multicultural society that is created will make all their sacrifice worth it. Won’t it?

Europe Under Siege

SEE: https://rairfoundation.com/europe-under-siege/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

The ruling elites in some European countries barely try to maintain their borders, but actively promote the gradual ethnic displacement of the native population.

by Fjordman –  Article reposted with permission

As I write these words, Europe is under siege. An invasion is taking place by land, by sea, and sometimes by air. Nearly every day, migrants show up uninvited in European waters. Sometimes in southern Italian islands such as Lampedusa,[1] other times in Lesbos or other Greek islands near the coast of Turkey, occasionally in Malta or Cyprus, and increasingly in the Canary Islands.

The migrants are sometimes called “refugees” in Western media. Yet many of them are not refugees in any meaningful sense of the word. They come from different countries, including Pakistan, Bangladesh, Morocco, or Ghana, where there is no war. The majority are young men of fighting age. When groups of men of military age systematically force their way into another country’s territory, this is an invasion. Not all invasions happen by tanks.

Europe has a turbulent history and has experienced many sieges of castles or cities before. Yet what we are witnessing now is different. This is the siege of an entire continent, one that could last for generations. Many Trojan horses are already inside the gates, and the walls are crumbling.

The global population reached one billion people for the first time around the year 1800, during the early stages of the Industrial Revolution.[2] By then, all major habitable land masses on this planet had been settled by humans. It took all nations and tribes hundreds of thousands of years, from archaic humans such as Homo erectus and the Neanderthals, to reach one billion people. Now, a single continent, Africa, grows by a billion people in a few decades.

Some technologically sophisticated societies such as South Korea or Japan have low birth rates. Meanwhile, backward societies such as Niger or Yemen have high birth rates. Ethiopia will surpass Japan in population within this decade. Meanwhile, Ethiopia experiences tensions with Egypt over the use of water from the Nile River .[3] Egypt, too, has surpassed 100 million inhabitants, mostly crammed into a narrow strip along the Nile.[4]

Overpopulation in parts of Asia and Africa could potentially cause wars over water and other resources in the future. Some of these countries have problems feeding themselves even now.

If we state that 220-230 million people lived on the entire African continent in 1950, this is a reasonably realistic estimate. A single African country, Nigeria, now has a population of nearly 220 million people.[5] And it keeps growing fast. If this population growth continues, Nigeria alone could end up with a population larger than that of the entire European Union.[6] Africa is projected to have a population of perhaps 2.5 billion people by the year 2050.[7] The poorest and least technologically developed continent on this planet will thus have expanded its population ten to eleven times in less than a century. This is clearly not sustainable.

The global population is fast approaching 8 billion people. How many humans will live on this planet by the end of this century? 9 billion people? 10? 11? Or perhaps 12 billion people or more? The estimates vary. Diseases and other disasters may strike, and birth rates fluctuate. Yet countries such as Pakistan, Afghanistan, Egypt, Ethiopia and Nigeria will almost certainly have a growing population for many years to come.

Meanwhile, Europe looks like the sick man of the world. Nearly every single European nation has birth rates below replacement level. Europe seems old and tired. The ruling elites in some European countries barely try to maintain their borders, but actively promote the gradual ethnic displacement of the native population. To outsiders, Europe looks wealthy and weak. That is an extremely dangerous combination. It tempts predators who come to plunder. If the European whale is dying, better feast on its carcass now before others do so.

Europe is surrounded on its southern and eastern flanks by societies that fail in almost everything, except producing babies. Even countries that were once considered somewhat sophisticated, such as Lebanon or Tunisia, currently experience economic problems and send migrants to Europe.

A survey from 2020 indicated that nearly half of the young people in North Africa and the Middle East say they are either actively trying to migrate or are considering migrating to another country.[8] In 2018, a Pew Research Center study revealed that two-thirds of sub-Saharan Africa’s 1.1 billion people wanted to migrate to Europe or the USA within a five-year period.[9] These regions can send millions of migrants abroad every single year and still grow in population.

The number of people on the move in the world today is far greater than the number of people who moved during what Europeans call the Migration Period in the Early Middle Ages. It is unprecedented in all of human history, aided by modern technology for rapid transportation and communication.

A quick look at these numbers leads to an inescapable conclusion: Europe will probably be under siege for the rest of this century by an endless stream of migrants from dysfunctional countries throughout the global South, especially from the Islamic world and Africa.

Some say we should simply let these migrants in and “integrate” them into our societies. This is totally unrealistic.

First of all, Europe currently suffers from cultural self-loathing and does not have the self-confidence to absorb anybody. Secondly, many of the immigrants have no desire to become like us. And third, many of them have mentalities that differ so much from our own that we may never be able to successfully absorb them. Not even generations or centuries from now. They come from failed societies, and far too many of them recreate these failures in our cities.

This leaves only two possible outcomes to the current invasion and colonization of Europe. Either this invasion continues until Europe has become just as poor and backward as the lands these recent migrants come from. Or Europeans decide to send the invaders back, by force when necessary. Europe must choose to live or die. This choice must be made soon, before it is too late.

Europeans must set aside past grievances among Germans, Poles, French or Italians, among Slavic, Germanic and Celtic peoples, among Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant or atheist. Our common challenge in the coming century will be to preserve Europe as the ancestral homeland of European peoples.

It would have been great if the European Union had led these efforts. Unfortunately, the opposite seems to be the case. The EU often behaves as the anti-European Union: It leaves Europe open to invasion by intruding migrants, and tries to harass or silence native Europeans who oppose this invasion.


  1. www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-58372455 Europe migrant crisis: More than 500 people rescued off Italian island. August 28, 2021.
  2. www.livescience.com/global-population.html How many people are in the world? January 25, 2021
  3. www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-57734885 Egypt accuses Ethiopia of violating law over controversial dam. July 6, 2021
  4. www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2020-02-17/egypt-s-population-boom-is-no-boon Egypt’s population boom is no boon February 17, 2020.
  5. www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/countries/nigeria/#people-and-society Nigeria, estimated population mid-2021 was 219,463 million
  6. www.theglobalist.com/nigeria-europe-poulation-census/ Nigeria: Larger Population Than All of Europe? September 18, 2015
  7. www.worldometers.info/world-population/africa-population/ August 2021: Africa population estimate for the year 2050.
  8. www.breitbart.com/europe/2020/10/09/nearly-half-young-people-north-africa-middle-east-want-migrate/ Nearly Half of Young People in North Africa and Middle East Want to Migrate. 9 Oct 2020
  9. www.breitbart.com/europe/2018/03/23/two-thirds-sub-saharan-africans-migrate-europe-us/ Up to Two-Thirds of Sub-Saharan Africa’s 1.1 Billion People Want to Migrate to the EU, U.S. 23 Mar 2018


For a complete archive of Fjordman’s writings, see the multi-index listing in the Fjordman Files.

TREASON: 124,000+ Afghans Not Known, Vetted or Tested for Covid Before Coming to America


SEE: https://rairfoundation.com/treason-124k-afghans-not-known-vetted-or-tested-for-covid-before-coming-to-america/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

“Our masters tell us that we must save ‘allies’ and ‘translators’—and then in the next breath admit that they’re indiscriminately taking anyone.” – Michael Anton

The State Department literally does not know who the tens of thousands of alleged Afghanistan citizens are that they are pushing into the United States, much less whether they have illnesses such as the coronavirus.

To repeat, not only are the supposed Afghan refugees unvetted for radical ideology or criminal backgrounds, the Biden Administration does not know who they are.

As Michael Anton of the American Mind writes:

Our masters tell us that we must save ‘allies’ and ‘translators’—and then in the next breath admit that they’re indiscriminately taking anyone.

Evacuees Not Tested for Diseases Such as the Coronavirus

Further, the State Department confirmed to the Washington Free Beacon that the “pre-departure” coronavirus testing requirement was waived:

…a blanket humanitarian exemption was issued for the requirement of pre-departure COVID testing for all individuals the U.S. government transported by aircraft from Afghanistan.

The “blanket humanitarian exemption” does not apply to Americans who will be confronted by these unknown individuals.

The Biden Administration claims that the Afghans received coronavirus tests after arriving in Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., but did not state how many tested positive and further “declined to elaborate on the quarantine procedures.”

Last year, Reuters reported that Afghan men were ignoring the coronavirus pandemic:

Herat, the country’s third largest city and a bustling province in eastern Afghanistan, has reported a high number of coronavirus cases…

The medical and security crisis has worsened in the province as thousands of men continue to ignore social distancing rules and attended a mass religious gathering at the start of the holy month of Ramadan.

It is highly unlikely that the individuals on the planes from Kabul wore masks or were social distancing. Consider, if only one of the evacuees has the coronavirus, shouldn’t ALL of the people from that plane be quarantined? Were they let out into the airport before being tested? What is the procedure?

As an important aside, to illustrate the lack of social distancing among Afghans, the Reuters article featured a photo of men gathered without masks or social distancing to listen to “imam Mawlana Mujiburahman Ansari,” who urges his followers to “punish” women who do not wear Islamic garb.

Afghan men listen to Radical Imam in Guzargah, Herat, Afghanistan April 24, 2020 

How many of the men in the above photo have come to America?

Last year it was reported that the Imam preaching to the men shown in the above photo put out “dozens of billboards and signboards” instructing women to wear the hijab.

Billboard message by Malawvi Ansari: “A man is a coward whose woman disregard Hijab. Women with hijab are the guardians of men’s honor.”

Another observation: How many people did Biden’s “security partner” Taliban get on the planes?

In a vomit-inducing, glowing piece about the Taliban, NBC News gushed:

The Defense Department has said the U.S. military worked with the Taliban to help Americans and Afghan nationals leave. But the level of coordination and assistance went well beyond what Pentagon leaders have said in public, three senior U.S. defense officials said.

Journalist Lara Logan has been highly critical of the Afghanistan exit. On Saturday, she observed on social media that the Secretary of State Antony Blinken and the Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin are giving the Taliban “legitimacy & unprecedented power” as they are “scheduled to meet with the Taliban in Doha this week.” The State Department denies that Blinken is scheduled to meet with the Taliban, but MSN reported that Blinken would “speak with the Taliban” if it “is appropriate.”

This, as Americans continue to be stranded in the country.

Read more of RAIR Foundation USA’s coverage on the Afghanistan Disaster:

Muslim Afghan ‘Refugee’ Stabs Female Gardener Several Times in Neck – Angry She Was Allowed Work


SEE: https://rairfoundation.com/muslim-afghan-refugee-stabs-female-gardener-several-times-in-neck-angry-she-was-allowed-work/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Why is Germany welcoming Islamic migrants who believe women are not allowed to work and should be punished or even killed for doing so?

In Berlin, Germany, on Sunday, September 5, 2021, a 29-year-old Afghan refugee repeatedly stabbed a 58-year-old landscape gardener in the neck because he was angry that a woman was allowed to have a job. A 66-year-old who came to her aid was also seriously injured and stabbed in the throat by the self-appointed enforcer of sharia.

The Muslim Afghan who came to Germany in 2016 as a refugee approached the landscape gardener at around 1.30 p.m. He first tried to engage her in conversation and then suddenly pulled out a knife and stabbed her over and over again in the neck. The Muslim also seriously injured a man trying to rescue the critically injured woman by stabbing him several times in his neck. Both victims of the attack were rushed to the hospital and had to be operated on.

Police officers arrested the Afghan at the scene. The refugee was charged with attempted murder and aggravated assault. 

Motivation: Islamic Terror or Mental Illness

The Berlin Public Prosecutor, and the State Security Service of the State Criminal Police, are reportedly investigating the reasons for the violent attack. However, both departments and the media quickly led the public to believe mental illness probably played a role in the attacks.

The media downplayed the police announcement that they would be investigating the stabbings “from the perspective of a possible Islamist-motivated attack.” Also that the refugee tried to convince his neighbors to follow Islam and proselytized from his balcony and on the street. The terrorist repeatedly tried to convert his roommates and lectured them that they “should learn Arabic, the true language of the prophet.”

Islamic attacks in Germany are part of a new normal in a country struggling with mass illegal migration since 2015. Germany has the second-largest Muslim population of any European Union country, following France. Muslims make up more than 6.1 percent of the population. Islam has become the country’s fastest-growing religion as Church memberships, and church tax revenues have decreased significantly.

As reported at RAIR Foundation USA, this is part of the United Nations (UN) and European Union’s (EU) “Great replacement” scheme. EU elites, along with the UN, are using mass migration to replace the Western population. The illegal migrants are helping the left in their fight to dilute host cultures, ensure more votes, and consolidate their power.

Media Deplays Formula For Protecting Muslim Supremacists

German left-wing media quickly deployed their formula for protecting Islamic supremacists. First, they reported that the attack: “was most likely not terror-related,” despite police announcing they do not yet know the migrant’s motives. Next, they suggested the migrant could be suffering from “psychological issues.” And finally, they paint the terrorist as a poor, exhausted migrant suffering from discrimination and stress from his racist host country.

This dangerous media narrative doesn’t allow any healthy discussion or reasonable policy concerning mass Islamic immigration to Europe or the West. Instead, the media consistently acts as an attorney to defend jihadis and, Islamic ideology that motivates these attacks.

As reported several times at RAIR Foundation USA, those who question Islamic doctrine, Muhammad, their holy books, or even the nature of sharia law will be harmed by Muslim supremacists and the left.

Throughout Europe, accusations of alleged Islamophobia by the left and from Muslims have resulted in citizens being slaughtered, living in hiding, losing their careers, and living every day of their lives with targets on their backs.

Western Women Under Threat By Islamic Migrants

The driving impulse of the Islamic migrant to harm a woman who is employed outside the home is religious in nature and not the act of an “extremist.” His behavior and actions are part of and encouraged by his Islamic belief system, allowing him to slaughter unbelievers and punish women he may see as violating the Sharia.

Refugee workers in Europe have continuously reported that Muslim Afghans commit more crimes than other refugees. Moreover, the crimes are often extremely violent and sexual towards women.

According to the Pew Research Center: In 2013, 99% of Afghans were for the establishment of sharia, 85% of them for the stoning of unfaithful women.



Now that the Taliban has seized control of Afghanistan and implemented Sharia, women are not allowed to work again. Men are in charge of women, according to the words of Muhammad and the Quran.

For years in Afghanistan, women have lived under Sharia. They were not allowed out of the home without a male chaperone. They could not enter a taxi without a chaperone, and bus services were segregated male and female only. Women were required full burqas (covering everything, including a mesh for the eyes)

Any women who disobeyed the rules in Afghanistan, even if they did not have a male relative to go outside with them, were flogged in the street or stadiums and town halls. There is also no due process for women. Often, accusations were enough to warrant a death sentence.

Despite the potential dangers Afghan refugees pose to citizens and especially women in the West, German Chancellor Angela Merkel continues to flood her country with Afghans. Why is Germany welcoming Islamic migrants who believe women are not allowed to work and should be punished or even killed for doing so? At what point with Merkel’s left-wing government be held accountable for importing threats to women?


Video: Trump Speaks to Hannity About Biden’s Afghanistan Disaster~”The most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to our country.”

Former President Donald Trump spoke by phone with Sean Hannity recently about Joe Biden's catastrophic foreign policy debacle in Afghanistan, and why he says "it's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to our country." Check out the video below:

INVASION: Terrorists and Criminals Infiltrate Military Planes Departing from Afghanistan


SEE: https://rairfoundation.com/invasion-terrorists-and-criminals-infiltrate-military-planes-departing-from-afghanistan/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Instead of countries immediately deporting these high-risk terrorist-tied individuals, they have remained in the West while governments decide what to do with them.

Up to 100 Afghan evacuees flown out of Kabul are on intelligence agency watch lists, US official warns, as it’s revealed one passenger flown out to Qatar has potential ties to ISIS.

According to the Daily Mail,

  • The Afghans are potential candidates for Special Immigration Visas (SIV)
  • They were flagged as possible matches to intelligence agency watch lists by the Defense Department’s Automated Biometric Identification System
  • The Afghan who has potential ties to ISIS was detected by security screeners at Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar after they were evacuated from Kabul Airport 
  • The Afghan evacuees are being screened against law enforcement databases using biometric data including facial recognition, iris scans and fingerprints 
  • The evacuees are being screened by agents with U.S. Customs and Border Patrol 


While an unknown number of citizens from Western nations are still stuck in Afghanistan, several thousand Afghan citizens have already been evacuated aboard planes landing in the West. Among the evacuated are criminals and terrorists who have already been expelled from European countries and/or are registered on anti-terrorism lists. Instead of countries immediately deporting these high-risk terrorist-tied individuals, they have remained in the West while governments decide what to do with them.

Unfortunately, due to chaos at the Kabul airport in Afghanistan, the operations of identification of the Afghans before embarking on flights to Europe have been obstructed. Dangerous Islamic terrorists capitalizing on the chaos infiltrated military planes flying to western countries. Once again, the lives of westerners who are already struggling with migrant crimes are placed at an even greater risk.

Below are several of the European countries that terror-tied Afghans have been caught infiltrating.


On Monday, August 23, the German Interior Ministry declared that some Afghans who were previously repatriated because they had committed serious crimes had returned to the country on military evacuation flights. However, a spokesman for the German Interior Ministry tried to downplay the dangerous situation by adding it was just a “low single-digit number” returning back to Germany.


France has unwittingly repatriated Afghan refugees close to the Taliban. A man in his thirties, who arrived in France a few days ago via a military plane, is suspected of links with the Taliban, which he does not deny. The man is just one of several recently evacuated Afghans under surveillance for their suspected links to the Taliban.


A 23-year-old dangerous Afghan criminal arrived on a military flight from Kabul to Denmark. The man was part of the infamous Loyal to Familia gang and had been expelled from the country last year after serving a five-year sentence for possession of a firearm. The Afghan was arrested at Copenhagen airport after disembarking from one of the evacuation flights from Kabul. In court, he said he had boarded the plane “to save himself” following the capture of the Afghan capital by the Taliban.

According to the Italian news site ilprimatonazionale.it, the Loyal to Familia gang was founded in 2013 by Pakistani citizen Shuaib Khan in the suburbs of Copenhagen and is the largest gang in Denmark. According to the police, he was involved in at least 63 incidents of shootings, which resulted in the deaths of five people and many more injured.


Two Afghan nationals who were deported after being convicted of crimes are now back in Sweden after taking an evacuation flight from Kabul.

Stockholm police have refused to release the details of the crimes that the men committed. A police spokesperson even lectured the public that she would not go into details about the men’s crime’s and they had already served their sentences to Sweden.

United Kingdom

A senior UK Home Office official revealed that five people on the no-fly list (a list of suspected terrorists) attempted to leave Afghanistan on British military flights. Four of them were detained before boarding, while one managed to be airlifted to Birmingham, UK.

The same official also stated that another person was intercepted in Frankfurt and prevented from traveling to the UK. According to British officials, there is a real risk that Islamic State militiamen will attempt to use the program to evacuate former Afghan collaborators and enter the UK. In addition, British officials at Kabul Airport warned that there had been a spike in fake IDs shown by Afghans before boarding military flights.


Italy was initially scheduled to evacuate several hundred Afghans. However, as of August 23, around 2,250 had arrived in Italy, and 1,300 others were inside the Kabul airport waiting to leave. Were the last-minute massive increases of Afghanis who were flown into Italy properly vetted?


As reported by the Flemish newspaper Het Nieuwsblad, an email from the Belgian police revealed that the Afghan refugees arriving in Belgium would include traffickers, extremists, recruiters, and violent criminals. In addition, according to the Belgian police, “some young Afghans (who are already in the country’s reception centers) are behaving very violently. Furthermore, there are Afghan groups on Tiktok whose content incites violence. Many individuals are engaged in Islamic religious recruitment and claim to be adherents of a strict Islam. The police went on to explain that the Muslims stated goal is to bring Belgium under Islamic law.

Islamic Countries Build Walls To Protect Against the Afghans

While Islamic countries are building walls along their border to prevent a new influx of refugees, the West continues to flood their countries with unvetted and criminal Afghanis. These unvetted Islamic sharia-compliant migrants welcomed by the left have been proven to have values and ambitions in staunch opposition to Western values and laws.

As reported at RAIR Foundation USA, this is part of the United Nations (UN) and European Union’s (EU) “Great replacement” scheme. EU elites, along with the UN, are using mass migration to replace the Western population. The illegal migrants are helping the left in their fight to dilute host cultures, ensure more votes, and consolidate their power.

On 9/11 Anniversary, Virginia to Teach How 9/11 Hurt Muslims

OUTRAGEOUS: Virginia Public Schools to Focus on Muslims—As Victims—in Teaching About 9/11 On Attacks’ 20th Anniversary


SEE: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/robert-spencer/2021/08/28/outrageous-virginia-public-schools-to-focus-on-muslims-as-victims-in-teaching-about-9-11-on-attacks-20th-anniversary-n1473740;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

On Thursday, the Virginia Department of Education published a video entitled, “Culturally Responsive and Inclusive 9/11 Commemoration,” detailing how Virginia public school teachers should handle the upcoming twentieth anniversary of the September 11, 2001 jihad terror attacks that killed nearly 3,000 Americans. The emphasis on that day and thereafter must not be on the ideology of the attackers or the ongoing jihad terror threat; rather, the focus is entirely on acknowledging and eradicating what the video calls “anti-Muslim racism.”

The video is narrated by a hijab-wearing woman, Amaarah DeCuir, who describes herself as “Professorial Lecturer, School of Education, American University & Paragon Education Consulting, President.” One would think that with all her expertise, Ms. DeCuir would know the elementary fact that Islam is not a race and that there are Muslims, and Islamic jihadis, of all races. And of course, she does know that, but she is operating in this video on the basis of the Leftist contention that opposition to jihad violence and Sharia oppression of women really stems from an irrational animus against Muslims as a people, and hence is a “racialized” form of “hatred.”

Yes, it’s toxic nonsense, but that’s the Left for you. In any case, Virginia public schools that implement DeCuir’s recommendations (and since the Virginia Department of Education published her video, it would appear that the department wants that to be all of them) will give students a presentation on the twentieth anniversary of the worst attacks ever on American soil that will portray Muslims as the primary victims of those attacks, and make herculean efforts to deflect attention away from the extremely inconvenient fact that the attacks were perpetrated in the name of Islam and in accord with its teachings.

If you doubt that fact, note that in March 2009, five masterminds of the 9/11 plot, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Ramzi bin As-Shibh, Walid bin ‘Attash, Mustafa Ahmed AI-Hawsawi, and ‘Ali ‘Abd Al-’Aziz ‘Ali – styling themselves as the “9/11 Shura Council” – wrote a lengthy communiqué titled “The Islamic Response to the Government’s Nine Accusations.” In it, they called the 9/11 attacks an “act of Jihad,” and explained: “The Jihad in god’s [sic] cause is a great duty in our religion.” They quoted numerous Qur’an verses, including the notorious “Verse of the Sword”: “Then fight and slay the pagans wherever you find them, and seize them, and besiege them and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush” (9:5) and another enjoining Muslims to “strike terror into the heart of the enemies of Allah” (8:60).

Attorney and columnist Marina Medvin, who broke the story of this video, notes that the 9/11 Commission Report “mentions ‘Islam’ over 1,000 times and the word ‘Muslim’ over 1,000 times,” for obvious reasons. But Virginia students will learn nothing about any of that. Instead, they’ll be taught about “phobias stemming from 9/11,” “anti-Muslim racism spikes,” and the evils of the fictional “Muslim Ban.” DeCuir offers as an example of “harmful teaching” any “teaching about Islam and/or Muslims” in connection with 9/11, except, evidently, insofar as Muslims were victims of the American response to the attacks.

All of this is designed to help teachers “disrupt anti-Muslim racism by implementing existing district anti-bullying policies.” The video offers three examples of Muslim students who claim to have faced this bullying. One says: “9/11 every single year is so awkward…the administrators would be like, ‘On this fateful day, this happened’…then the Muslim jokes would come up, like ‘don’t blow us up. Don’t do this.’ When I was younger it bothered me, but now I’m desensitized to it.”

Well, that’s a shame. Certainly, schools should do what they can to avoid bullying of all kinds. They should also remember a truth that has been lost: Children are often cruel to one another on whatever pretext they can find, and if it isn’t based on one thing, it will be on another. No Muslim students should be bullied. Making all teaching on the twentieth anniversary of 9/11 about Muslims being victimized, not just personally but also politically by counter-terror measures in the U.S., however, is spectacularly wrongheaded. Students should be taught that no one is guilty of any criminal or terrorist act except those who plotted and perpetrated it. At the same time, students should be taught about the ideological wellsprings of the 9/11 attacks, just as they should be taught about the ideological wellsprings of Pearl Harbor and the Nazi invasion of Poland: so as to work toward ensuring that such acts of violence and hatred are never repeated.

To pretend that 9/11 didn’t spring from beliefs and assumptions that can be found in Islamic teaching is simply to deny reality, and denying reality never ends well. This doesn’t remotely mean that all Muslims are terrorists or that any innocent Muslim should be victimized. But Leftists frequently claim that enunciating truths they don’t wish to acknowledge will result in the victimization of innocent people; they never seem to notice this possibility when it comes to their own poisonous race-baiting and classist rhetoric.

On September 11, 2001, the United States of America was attacked by Islamic jihadis acting in the name of Islam and in the service of its 1,400-year cause. To claim anything else is to outrage the truth, history, and those who have given their lives to defend our beleaguered republic since then, including the 13 service members killed in Kabul on the same day the Virginia Department of Education posted this video.


Vetting the Unvettable


SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2021/08/vetting-the-unvettable;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

As America is faced with the total collapse of Afghanistan and the U.S. government’s malfeasance in responding to it, the question of Afghan refugees coming to America is a real security issue for state and local governments as well as citizens across the nation.

2 questions:

  1. How can American citizens trust the government with properly vetting people from any nation when the U.S. government has a track record of abject failure specific to this task?
  2. How do you vet people who cannot be positively identified by true name and date of birth?

The U.S. Government’s Track Record in “Vetting”

Abdurahman Alamoudi was an Al Qaeda financier who, in 2004, was sentenced to 21 years in federal prison. Yet, Alamoudi served as the Islamic advisor to President Clinton and as a “Goodwill Ambassador” for the U.S. State Department, worked with the Department of Education, and created the Muslim Chaplain Program for the U.S. Department of Defense.

Alamoudi was an immigrant from Eritrea and was given the green light by the State Department, the Secret Service, and the FBI.

Perhaps the vetting process is broken.

Al Qaeda financier Abdurahman Alamoudi (center) with Vice President Al Gore (L) & President Clinton (R)

Between 2003 and 2014 Gulmurod Khalimov participated in 5 U.S. State Department-sponsored training programs, including weapons and tactics training. Why is this a problem? Khalimov was a senior ISIS commander upon whom the U.S. government put a $3 million bounty.

The State Department defended themselves by explaining, “All appropriate Leahy vetting was undertaken in advance of this training.”

Perhaps the vetting process is broken.

How Well Will the U.S. government Vet Refugees from Afghanistan?

Those who served honorably with U.S. troops and/or as a part of the U.S. war effort in Afghanistan who renounce sharia and adopt American principles for their lives should be given an opportunity to come to America.

Direct testimony is needed by those who served with the individual “refugees” because people from Afghanistan are rarely capable of passing a true background check. This is because there is often no way to confirm the individual's true name or simple identifiers like a date of birth.

For security reasons, the question of how the United States will vet people from certain countries must be answered before admitting anyone from those countries.

This is the reason that in 2016 Understanding the Threat recommended Mr. Trump suspend all immigration into the United States for 3-5 years until the U.S. could produce a viable vetting process for immigrants from many of the nations openly hostile to the U.S., limit the points of entry to one per coast, and standardize security, health, and skills screening.

State Level Vetting

If the federal government demonstrates – as it has – it is incapable of vetting people coming into America, refugees or otherwise, how will states vet them?

Russell Smith, the CEO of Refugee Services of Texas issued a press release on August 16, 2021, stating Texas is prepared to receive hundreds of refugees from Afghanistan.

The press release also states: “All Afghans who have applied for Special Immigrant Visas (SIV’s) will undergo security background checks and health screenings.”

How will Texas vet these people? UTT reached out to Mr. Smith, but as of the time of publishing this article, we have not received any feedback.

If the United States federal government is not capable of creating a vetting process to keep Al Qaeda and ISIS leaders out of America, how well do you think they are doing vetting refugees from Afghanistan?

BREAKING: Ten Marines Are the First American Military to Die in Afghanistan Since February 2020 [UPDATED]




SEE: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/kevindowneyjr/2021/08/26/four-marines-are-the-first-american-military-to-die-in-afghanistan-since-february-2020-n1473002;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

UPDATE 2:05 p.m.: Fox News is reporting that at least ten U.S. servicemembers have been killed today.

Today marks the first time since February 2020 that American military forces were killed in action in Afghanistan.

Two suicide bombings killed at least 40 people today, and wounded another 120, outside of the Hamid Karzai International Airport. One attack occurred at the airport’s Abbey Gate and the other was very near the Baron Hotel, where U.S. and UK military and journalists are staying.

The attacks today killed four U.S. Marines and injured another three, marking the first American military deaths in Afghanistan since February 8, 2020, when two American soldiers were killed in a suicide bombing.

The soldiers killed on February 8, 2020, were Sgt. 1st Class Javier Jaguar Gutierrez, 28, of San Antonio, Texas; and Sgt. 1st Class Antonio Rey Rodriguez, 28, of Las Cruces, New Mexico.

Both soldiers were assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne), Eglin Air Force Base, Florida.

The names of the U.S. Marines killed today have not yet been released.

The situation in Afghanistan remains fluid and information is rapidly coming in.

GRAPHIC. Video from Afghanistan shows dozens of people killed and injured in today’s attacks.





SEE: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/bryan-preston/2021/08/25/scotus-rules-against-biden-on-the-border-what-next-n1472448;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Late Wednesday night, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott touted a Supreme Court win on his Facebook feed.

BREAKING: The U.S. Supreme Court tells the Biden Administration to reinstate the “Remain in Mexico” policy put in place by the Trump Admin.

This halts Biden’s skirting of immigration laws & will reduce the record number of migrants entering illegally.

Not long after that, SCOTUSBlog tweeted the outcome and the ruling.

So that’s it, endgame, right?

It should be. The Supreme Court of the United States has ruled. But Joe Biden has already established the precedent of ignoring court rulings against him.

The ruling should mean that Remain in Mexico is reinstated, which would help stem the overwhelming tide of illegal aliens crossing into the United States — by the thousands — every day.

But Biden has been weakening the Border Patrol even while the disaster in Afghanistan that he created unfolds. The New York Post reported nearly a week ago that the Biden administration is — incredibly — asking the Border Patrol to help with the Afghanistan evacuation.

Border Patrol agents are being asked to temporarily move from the US-Mexico border to Afghanistan to help with the desperate evacuation of US and Afghan citizens following the Taliban takeover of the country.

The Border Patrol has been overwhelmed by this year’s illegal immigration crisis on the southern border, but agents were recently asked to consider an assignment to either Afghanistan or a nearby country to help process Afghans seeking refuge in the US.

Three Border Patrol agents told the Washington Examiner that the possible postings would last 30 to 90 days overseas.

Keeping our eyes on the ball, the border has been so overwhelmed that months ago the Biden administration asked bureaucrats from other federal agencies to go to the border and help out with processing and minding the detainees. Now it’s asking actual Border Patrol agents to go to Afghanistan.

Those other agency bureaucrats aren’t trained to handle border issues.

Border Patrol agents aren’t trained to handle anything like what’s happening in Afghanistan. The Biden White House doesn’t seem to understand that or care. It’s just chaotically throwing bodies around at the problems it’s creating.

Sending Border Patrol personnel over to Afghanistan is a sign that Biden will once again flout a court ruling against him. Then what? That ought to be an impeachable offense. So should his handing over billions of dollars in U.S. military gear to terrorists in Afghanistan, making him — Joe Biden — the world’s largest supplier of arms to terrorists. He gave them a country and serious weaponry in one fell swoop while also showing unconscionable weakness and cowardice.

But the Democrats so far are standing by him even as he drags the country off a cliff and possibly into a constitutional crisis. So far they don’t care that he’s keeping people in cages, that he’s releasing COVID+ illegals into the U.S. population, or even that he’s separating families over in Afghanistan.

Without the Democrats deciding to abandon him, nothing will happen in the closely divided Congress even if Biden just flat out ignores the United States Supreme Court.


Adam Andrzejewski, CEO and founder of Openthebooks.com provides a cost assesment of the weapons dumped by the US Military in Afghanistan and more - via 'Wake Up America' on Newsmax.

Taliban Blocks Afghans from Leaving Afghanistan (You Check in, But You DON'T Check out)


U.S. students, parents stranded in Afghanistan amid Taliban takeover

A number of students from San Diego, California, are trapped in Afghanistan, along with their families. An estimated 1500-4100 Americans are still trying to escape the Taliban. David Wood discusses the issue.

With thousands of Americans still trapped in Afghanistan, hundreds of Afghan ‘refugees’ arrive in Virginia


SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2021/08/with-thousands-of-americans-still-trapped-in-afghanistan-hundreds-of-afghan-refugees-arrive-in-virginia;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Who knows how many jihadis are among them? No one! And remember: if you express any concern about that, you’re a racist, bigoted “Islamophobe,” and probably a violent extremist.

“Afghan evacuees face confusion, separated families as they land in Northern Virginia,” by Jess Arnold, WUSA, August 21, 2021:

DULLES, Va. — Hundreds more Afghan refugees flew into Dulles International Airport on Saturday as volunteers worked to get them housing and support.

National Airlines flew in close to 270 refugees in the afternoon after the U.S. government contracted them to help aid in the evacuation.

One man, Zamir Sultani, said his sister was stuck on that very plane for hours with no information about when she and other passengers would disembark.

“My sister is a type I diabetic, and she’s not feeling that good. They’ve been sitting there hours and waiting to get out. and my dad is a dialysis patient, and he’s also stuck there,” Sultani said. “All of them are sitting in the plane, and nobody is even telling them what’s going on.”

Sultani said he worked as an interpreter for the U.S. in Afghanistan for years before immigrating to the states in 2010.

As of 9:30 p.m., he said his family had reached the customs line but still expected more processing afterwards.

Another woman, whose sister was on a plane from Qatar after working on the air base there, said refugees were lined up in a separate part of customs….

Digital Dunkirk: Veterans Network Helps Afghan Interpreters Get to Kabul Airport


SEE: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/rick-moran/2021/08/22/digital-dunkirk-veterans-network-is-assisting-afghan-interpreters-to-elude-taliban-checkpoints-around-airport-n1471822;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

A network of “hundreds of thousands” of people, including analysts, are using satellite imagery and other tools to help Afghan interpreters who worked for U.S. forces to evade Taliban checkpoints in Kabul and bring them to the safety of the airport.

The network’s efforts are necessary because the Biden administration is offering little assistance to the 20,000 interpreters and their families who are at great risk every second they remain in Afghanistan.

Afghanistan war veteran and CIA analyst Matt Zeller is part of the group.

Fox News:

Zeller described a “digital Dunkirk” campaign working to evacuate the Afghan interpreters. He said “hundreds of thousands” of people joined the movement after just a few weeks, but that it could grow into the millions by the time it’s over.

“If you served in the Afghan war and you still care about these people, chances are you’re probably part of the digital Dunkirk,” Zeller told Fox News.

He said it started as an “army of veterans” getting pinged by Afghans, but that the network has grown to include organizations for human rights, faith and political advocacy.

Zeller told Fox News, “It’s not just veterans. Literally, it’s pastors, it’s my mom, it’s my relatives, people who have never served in Afghanistan … widows, widowers, children of people who served.”

Related: Former British PM Tony Blair Says Biden’s Withdrawal From Afghanistan Is ‘Imbecilic’

The Kabul airport is a hellish place for Americans. It’s even worse for Afghans looking to get out of the country. One woman, a U.S. citizen, was forced to leave her family behind because they weren’t citizens yet and Zeller says, “That is being played out over and over and over again.”

“I’ve got friends who have told me that they’ve had literally U.S. citizens standing in the crowd waving their blue passports screaming ‘I’m a U.S. citizen,’ and the Marines can’t come get them,” Zeller said.

Zeller said the U.S. has a responsibility to evacuate the Afghan interpreters.

If they aren’t evacuated now, then “they’re gonna be dead, and we’ll regret for the rest of our lives having failed them,” Zeller told Fox News.

Zeller says he would love it if someone called him and asked him to help with the evacuation in Afghanistan. “I don’t know of a single veteran that I’ve spoken with who feels any differently.”

He said he can’t imagine what it must be like for the U.S. troops at the Kabul airport “who have to stand 50 meters away from the Taliban and watch them be thugs and not be able to do a damn thing about it.”

Gunfire could be heard throughout voice memos a female journalist attempting to leave Afghanistan sent Fox News. Based on her location, the U.S. troops at the Kabul airport could likely hear the shots.

Zeller believes that there is a solution to the problem of the interpreters and the Americans struggling to get to the airport and it rests with one man.

Zeller said the campaign to evacuate the interpreters “is a whole of America effort … minus the one guy, the only guy, who can give the order to actually truly save these people,” referring to President Biden.

“I was appalled that the secretary of defense said he didn’t have the ability to guarantee the safe movement of Americans to the airport in Kabul,” Zeller told Fox News. “He absolutely does.”

“He has the United States military,” he continued. “What he doesn’t have is the orders to move those people.”

Biden doesn’t have the guts to give those orders. But his dream of being remembered as the president who ended the “forever war” has been dashed. He will now be remembered as the president who allowed the most shameful military episode in American history to unfold on his watch.

Endless Wars = Endless Refugees

The last thing America needs is the compounded chaos of 30-thousand refugees.


SEE: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2021/08/endless-wars-endless-refugees-michelle-malkin/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

It's time to end the madness. However you feel about President Joe Biden's handling of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, I want you to focus on what's best for Americans on American soil right here. Right now.

Our citizens are suffering under continued draconian lockdowns, medical tyranny, skyrocketing inflation, violent crime, cancerous homelessness, border chaos, ideological persecution and Silicon Valley censorship.

Cops cannot or will not maintain law and order.

Gun owners who exercise their right to self-defense face scorn at best and decades in prison at worst.

Our troops are being emasculated and mass-vaccinated against their will.

The mental health crisis among veterans and teens is unceasing.

Health care workers have become shills and guinea pigs for Big Pharma.

Schools regulate how much air your children can breathe, whether they are allowed to have water breaks or sing in public, and how much guilt they must confess in the classroom for the sin of being white or part-white.

Our criminal justice system is run by corruptocrats and hijacked by mob rule.

Election integrity is a joke, and those who expose it are punished.

This country has transmogrified before our eyes into an incorrigible Clown World. The very last thing we need right now is to compound the chaos with the addition of 30,000 Afghan refugees imported through the Special Immigrant Visas program run by the notoriously open-borders, "America Last" U.S. State Department. According to documents obtained by Fox News over the weekend, the bureaucracy "plans to potentially relocate up to 30,000 Afghan SIV applicants into the United States in the immediate future" and resettle them at military bases such as Fort McCoy in Wisconsin and Fort Bliss in Texas "while still being vetted for parolee status."

"We want to have the capacity to get up to several thousand immediately and want to be prepared for the potential of tens of thousands," Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby told Fox News. "Bliss and McCoy have the capability right now — and what's advantageous is with a little bit of work, they could increase their capacity in very short order. ... We're going to focus on getting as many folks out as we can."

Whoa, whoa, whoa, Nelly. When do ordinary Americans, whose neighborhoods will be flooded with all these untold numbers of "folks," get a say about this "import first, ask questions later" refugee dump? Who voted for 6,000 of our best and bravest American soldiers to be used as travel agents and security guards for unlimited numbers of poor, unskilled and unvetted Afghans and their families who will soak up precious public resources in our age of pandemonium?

Bleeding-heart Democrats and Biden-bashing Republicans are both tripping over themselves to virtue signal over the sight of desperate Afghans clamoring into helicopters and planes to get out of their Godforsaken mess of a country. I understand the impulse to exploit the withdrawal fiasco for political gain. But pull yourselves together and think, people. Think.

The Special Immigrant Visas, or SIV, program was originally created to help a small number of Afghan and Iraqi interpreters who worked for the U.S military. By 2018, the U.S. Government Accountability Office reported that a whopping 60,000-plus individuals — about 20,000 principal SIV holders and their families — had been admitted to America under SIVs and received federal resettlement assistance upon arrival. The number of SIV visas has grown steadily over the past decade as the number of troops in the Middle East has shrunk. In 2017, 26,000 troops were stationed in Afghanistan and Iraq; that year, 18,000-plus SIV applications from Afghans and Iraqis were approved.

Do the math. This isn't compassion. It's a con game.

At what cost? In July, Open Borders Inc. advocates helped push through $1 billion in new funding for the Afghan SIV program. The cash benefits flow immediately — including resettlement grants, cash, medical assistance, social services, employment services, food stamps, case management services, and welfare that can last up to five years. Despite all that, the feds found that 60% of SIV holders were unemployed 90 days after arrival.

Meanwhile, Afghan SIV holders in Northern Virginia — where the numbers have increased more than tenfold since fiscal year 2013 and almost doubled from fiscal years 2015 through 2016, according to the Government Accountability Office — were straining schools, hospitals, and affordable housing before COVID-19 chaos. Imagine what the impact will be now — and don't be naive about the demographic and electoral consequences of recklessly throwing open the gates to these masses, let alone the public safety and national security implications of allowing untold numbers of refu-jihadis to blend in with the refugee population, which I've reported on extensively in my books and columns.

How do we prevent the refugee resettlement racket from pressuring American politicians to keep importing endless numbers of people from countries that hate our guts? Twenty years of reflection upon the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq should make it clear to all who truly put America first: Mind our own business first; put our country and its people first and stop exporting American soldiers to wage endless and hopeless wars in countries that hate our guts.

Poland deploys troops along Belarus border to combat Muslim ‘migration warfare’~Lithuania building wall to ‘protect border of democracy’ from surge of Muslim migrants


SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2021/08/poland-deploys-troops-along-belarus-border-to-combat-muslim-migration-warfare;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Poland and other Baltic nations are accusing the President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, of sending migrants across their borders and “of using the migrants as instruments in a hybrid war.”

Despite the history of jihad, and the extensive information available about Islamic conquest — which includes stealth invasion via immigration and massive birth-rates — Western globalists continue to fall into the trap of open borders. Jihadists routinely infiltrate refugee streams, and although it is often repeated that jihadists are only a few Muslims, this assertion is misleading. There are Islamic nations that fund jihad, and Islamic nations that persecute religious minorities in the name of Islam. These are major issues; so are surveys that demonstrate widespread Muslim support for the Sharia, which is central to Islam. The majority of Muslims do support Sharia — which according to mainstream Islam is divine and irrefutable.

Sharia and democracy are incompatible. A flood of Muslim migrants will change the values of non-Muslim societies over time. We already see this happening with the “Islamophobia” subterfuge in operation at every turn in Western countries now. Free speech is the cornerstone of all democracies and free societies; yet criticizing Islam has become in the West an “offense” worthy of punishment. Western freedoms are being chipped away, amid bad policies that failed to protect Western values.

Kudos to Poland for defending its democratic republic. The Polish Defense Ministry stated that he “government´s priority is the safety of Polish citizens.”

In 2017, “thousands of Catholics formed a human chain along the borders of Poland on the anniversary of an historic victory by Europe over the Ottoman Empire officially to pray for peace and ‘against the Islamisation of Europe.'”

“Poland Deploys Troops to Belarus Border to Combat Migration Warfare,” Associated Press, August 18, 2021:

WARSAW, Poland (AP) – Poland has deployed hundreds of troops and is laying barbed wire along its border with Belarus to stop the arrival of migrants seeking to enter the country, officials said Wednesday.

Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak said more than 900 Polish troops were involved in the border operation. It’s believed that most of the migrants trying to cross over from Belarus are originally from Iraq, with some from Afghanistan and Syria as well.

Poland, like the Baltic nations of Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia, accuse the authoritarian government of Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko of sending migrants across their borders, which also form part of the European Union´s eastern border.

A deputy interior minister in Poland, Maciej Wasik, tweeted images of rolls of barbed wire laid along the border. The Defense Ministry said that barbed wire now runs for nearly 100 kilometers (60 miles) of the 418-kilometer (260-mile) Poland-Belarus border and that enough to cover another 50 kilometers most vulnerable to illegal border crossings would be installed soon.

The Defense Ministry said Wednesday that 2,100 people tried to illegally cross the border so far this month. Of those people, border guards prevented 1,342 from entering Poland and 758 “were detained and imprisoned in closed centers.”

“The government´s priority is the safety of Polish citizens,” the ministry said in a statement. The government, which is led by the right-wing Law and Justice party, “has been opposed to illegal and uncontrolled migration from the outset” and believes the migrants trying to get in from Belarus “maybe pose a threat to our citizens.”

Two lawmakers from the opposition party Civic Platform party brought blankets, sleeping bags and food to a group of some 50 people trapped in a no-man´s land between Poland and Belarus on Wednesday. They called on the Polish government to ensure the group was given humane treatment.

Poland and the Baltic nations accuse Lukashenko of using the migrants as instruments in a “hybrid war.” They believe his government has acted in retaliation to EU sanctions imposed on Belarus following Lukashenko’s reelection last year in a vote which the West saw as rigged, as well as for harsh repressions of Belarusian protesters….


Lithuania building wall to ‘protect border of democracy’ from surge of Muslim migrants


SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2021/08/lithuania-building-wall-to-protect-border-of-democracy-from-surge-of-muslim-migrants;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Kudos to Lithuanian leaders. Lithuania is a tiny country which has stood up for its citizens, amid serious globalist bullying. The term “border of democracy” perfectly describes what all Western countries faced with illegal border entries should have erected years ago to protect their citizens. No reasonable person has historically opposed responsible immigration and refugee assistance, but open-borders mass migration is a different phenomenon that strips immigrants of all responsibility to their new country. Such a system provides a free-for-all opportunity for jihadists and the worst criminals. Yet such policies have been advocated by globalists who are enabling the red/green axis of Marxists and Islamic supremacists.

Meanwhile, law-abiding citizens of the West are forced to adhere to a different set of rules, including strict border controls, especially during the coronavirus lockdowns. Lithuanian leaders have exposed the character of Western leaders who have failed to act to protect their country’s best interests, even some who call themselves conservatives, such as UK’s Boris Johnson government.

“Exclusive: ‘Border of Democracy’ – Lithuanian MP on Why Country Is Building a Wall to Stop Illegals,” by Kurt Zindulka, Breitbart, August 15, 2021:

A Lithuanian MP has told Breitbart News that her country will stand firm in protecting the “border of democracy” as Belarusian dictator Alexander Lukashenko continues to attempt to weaponise illegal migration against the European Union.

This week, the parliament in Lithuania declared a “state-level extreme situation” in regards to the growing migrant crisis, in which some 4,000 illegal aliens — mostly from Iraq — have crossed the border between Belarus and the small EU member-state.

The Lukashenko regime has been accused of actively facilitating migrants from Africa and the Middle East crossing the border, with many seeing it as a response to the EU sanctions imposed on the former Soviet bloc nation in June.

In response, the Lithuanian parliament voted in favour of erecting a border fence with Belarus this week.

In an exclusive interview with Breitbart London, Lithuanian MP Dovilė Šakalienė said: “We are not living in one big state, there are states and there are borders.”

“We have to protect ourselves because this is the border of democracy. Our eastern border is the end of the EU and the end of democracy,” she said.

Šakalienė said that the scale of illegal migration into Lithuania, which has increased fifty-fold over 2020, with some 4,000 illegal migrants crossing the border, demonstrates that “this is not a natural migration”.

“Through surveillance, we see that the Belarusian border force is actively assisting migrants to come to the Lithuanian border,” she said, backing up claims from the European Union’s border agency, Frontex, which claimed to have drone footage proving Lukashenko’s regime has been facilitating the illegal crossings of the border.

Poland, another EU member-state bordering Lithuania and Belarus, has also seen record border crossings from the latter in recent days, mostly of Afghans and Iraqis.

Following the sanctions imposed on Belarus by the European Union after Minsk used a warplane to force a Ryanair flight to Lithuania to land in the country to arrest a prominent critic of the government, the Lukashenko regime has been accused of flying in migrants from Iraq in order to flood the border.

Šakalienė said that “so-called tourism agencies” in Iraq have been advertising “European excursions” for thousands of dollars per migrant, promoting the “lie” from Lukashenko that there is no border between Belarus and Lithuania.

“When these people come, they are in a mousetrap because of course our border is secure and they cannot pass. It’s easier for migrants to understand what’s going on if there is a border fence, that it was deceit, they were defrauded by Lukashenko’s regime that there are no walls and that they can enter the European Union.”….


Biden Administration Sent Out Thousands of ‘Bogus’ Visas to Americans in Afghanistan


SEE: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/matt-margolis/2021/08/21/biden-administration-sent-out-thousands-of-bogus-visas-to-americans-in-afghanistan-n1471562;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

The proof of the Biden administration’s incompetence keeps piling up in the wake of the botched Afghanistan withdrawal. According to a report from Newsweek, Biden’s State Department sent out thousands of “bogus” generic visa documents to Americans in Afghanistan to help them get out of the country,

David Fox, who runs a marketing company in Kabul, said he received an email from the U.S. Embassy’s consular services department that included the document, meant to help U.S. citizens and Afghan citizens eligible for Special Immigrant Visas (SIVs) to leave the country.

Fox noted that the document looks like a U.S. visa, except it had no name, serial number, or barcode on it.

Clearly, the Biden administration didn’t consider the most obvious result of such a foolish move.

“And what do you think happened when these people received a document like this that has no name? Of course, they printed out a thousand copies,” Fox said. “You have tens of thousands of Afghans who now have this kind of ridiculous, bogus document that the State Department created.”

Related: U.S. Left Behind as Russia, China Rise in Central Asia

“I don’t know how else to explain something like this except for brain worms,” Fox added. “I mean, it’s absurd. What were they thinking?”

While several Biden administration officials have claimed that they prepared for every contingency, this rank incompetence proves again how unprepared they were for what happened, and this poorly thought-out remedy shows they’re flying by the seats of their pants trying to fix the situation… and making things worse.

A spokesperson for the State Department confirmed to Newsweek that it sent the documents to potential travelers in Afghanistan.

Thousands of Afghan citizens and Americans have descended upon the airport in Kabul in the hopes of fleeing the country.


US State Department sent out BLANK US visas, which are then filled out by anyone in Kabul, including Taliban

SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2021/08/us-state-department-sent-out-blank-us-visas-which-are-then-filled-out-by-anyone-in-kabul-including-taliban

Any Afghan Migrants Who Reach America or Europe are Undeportable And after Taliban win, millions of Afghan migrants may head to U.S. and Europe.


SEE: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2021/08/after-taliban-win-millions-afghan-migrants-may-daniel-greenfield/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism. 

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees estimates that 30,000 Afghans a week are fleeing their country. However, a report in The Guardian states that “30,000 Afghan citizens have left the country each day for the past 10 days”. That would approach a third of a million migrants.

While a small minority can be seen trying to board American aircraft at Kabul airport, the vast majority are moving on foot through Pakistan and Iran. The Shiite terror state is a particularly ideal gateway destination because it allows them easy access to Turkey and then to Europe.

And because Iran, unlike Pakistan, has done little to fortify its border with Afghanistan, Iranian authorities profit from Afghanistan’s lucrative drug trade, and allowing Afghan migrants access to Europe undermines its enemies in the European Union under the guise of humanitarian aid.

About half a million of the UN’s refugees were added to the lists this year. That means the flow is just beginning and with as many as a third of a million already underway, it’s possible that Europe, America, and other western nations will see even more Afghan than Syrian migrants.

The UN already lists 2.5 million officially registered refugees, but that’s only a percentage. Iran alone previously claimed that it had around 3 million Afghan refugees inside its borders. Pakistan holds at least 1.5 million officially and, unofficially, a total of as much as 3 million. 

Neither Muslim country has been willing to permanently resettle its fellow Muslims. Especially since Pakistan backs the Taliban and Iran is looking to build closer relations with the Taliban. 

Pakistan's backing for the Taliban created two generations of refugee crises in Afghanistan but is loudly demanding that western governments take them. The Islamic terror state which harbored Osama bin Laden has alternately proposed that the UN should fund refugee camps inside Afghanistan. UN refugee camps inside Afghanistan would only be able to operate with the sanction of the Taliban and would lead to the United States funding the terror group.

That is exactly what Pakistan, which is behind the Taliban, wants America and the UN to do.

The refugee crisis is a trojan horse of political opportunities for the Pakistani, Iranian, Turkish, and other Islamist allies of the Taliban to finance terrorists and undermine western nations.

Maintaining a humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan will lead to a flow of foreign aid to the Taliban. 

Western nations, faced with the threat of millions of migrants showing up on their doorsteps, will be happy, after a few initial protests, to pay off the Taliban, overtly or covertly, to slow the flood. While the aid organizations swear up and down that none of the money is going to the Taliban, it is impossible to operate in a terror state without paying protection money to the terrorists. 

Doing any kind of business in Afghanistan will mean doing business with the Taliban.

Turkey, the bridge between Muslim refugees and Europe, has openly used the migrant flow to blackmail the European Union. The new flood of migrants will give Erdogan, Turkey’s own Taliban leader, even more leverage against weak European leaders like Germany’s Merkel. 

European countries may decide to preserve their legitimacy by using Turkey to covertly negotiate an arrangement with the Taliban that will slow the flow of Afghan refugees.

Such negotiations may very well be taking place right now.

570,000 Afghans have already applied for asylum in Europe over the past 5 years. While some of these asylum requests were rejected, the Taliban takeover means that the Afghans can no longer be deported. And they are now going to stay on in Europe: legally or illegally.

The same holds true for Afghans illegally in the United States.

Even assuming that the Taliban would take them, the United States is not going to deport Afghans back to Afghanistan. Any Afghan illegal aliens, past or present, who make their way to the United States are effectively here for good unless a non-Taliban government rises in Afghanistan. Or unless an America First administration wins an election in the United States, tears up past UN refugee agreements, and finds a combination of countries willing to take them.

In the European Union, a bloc of six countries already overwhelmed with Afghan illegal migrants announced that they would maintain deportations. 

The six countries, some conservative like Austria, others as pro-refugee as Germany, had little in common except that they were already drowning in migrants. But the rebellion against the EU's immigration policy proved short-lived with Germany, the Netherlands, and Denmark all changing course. Only Austria is still trying to hold the line on deporting Afghan migrants.

What all of this means is that any Afghans (or migrants who claim to be Afghans) who reach America or Europe are undeportable. They will stay on and receive some quasi-legal status. 

The Taliban’s takeover and the rapid evacuation of western diplomats and organizations will make it all but impossible to verify the identities of even legitimate claimants. Despite all the billions of dollars poured into Afghanistan over the years, much of the country remains rural and backward, and many residents, especially those outside the major cities, have little in the way of identity documents. Afghanistan’s turbulent history and change in administrations, combined with the large unofficial refugee populations in Pakistan and Iran, have created a competing assortment of different identity documents, many of which will be all but impossible to verify. 

American or European immigration authorities won’t be able to screen out Islamic terrorists from refugees. Nor will they be able to do very much except ask some very rudimentary questions.

The United States currently hosts around 100,000 Afghans. The number of SIV visas for Afghans who worked for the United States in some capacity alone was estimated to eventually top 100,000 when accounting for family members. As the Taliban advanced, new lenient regulations were rolled out that put nearly every Afghan who worked for any American organization in just about any capacity eligible as a priority for refugee status in America.

The Afghans being transported out of Kabul airport to U.S. bases will move somewhere and it won’t be the Arab countries that are hosting those bases. They will most likely end up here. Plans are already underway to house them at bases in Texas and Wisconsin. 

Before too long the Afghan population in this country could double practically overnight.

And then go on doubling for as long as the refugee flow continues and our border stays open.

Thousands of Afghans have already been transported to Virginia. It ought to go without saying that it is highly unlikely that any Afghans who make it into the United States will ever leave.

While it’s not unreasonable to feel sympathy for people, some of whom are legitimately fleeing domestic terror, many others are simply taking advantage of an opportunity. Afghanistan’s recent relative prosperity was fed by the billions of dollars that the United States, Europe, and other allied nations invested in its infrastructure, its economy, and its military. Some Afghans genuinely fear being tortured, murdered, or enslaved by the Taliban. Others don’t object to the Taliban but are seeking economic opportunities that will no longer be available under them.

The opponents of the Taliban also fall into many categories. There are dedicated Islamists who reject the Taliban for a variety of theological, political, and tribal reasons. Afghan Shiites are wary of the Taliban, but their ties to Iran don’t make them friends of the United States. 

Afghanistan contains a number of different ethnic, tribal, and religious groups who might oppose the Sunni Pashtuns of the Taliban without being any kind of fit for America or Europe. That is part of the reason why attempts to build any kind of democratic Afghanistan quickly fell apart.

Proponents of unlimited migration argue that we owe it to the Afghan people to take them in. But if there’s any debt there, it’s not from America to the Afghans, but the Afghans to Americans. 

The United States, Europe, and other countries about to be saddled with a massive refugee surge spent countless billions and sacrificed the lives of their young men to build a country out of the rock and ruin of Afghanistan. They took bread out of the mouths of their own people and filled VA hospitals with the wounded, inside and outside, in a sacrifice that Afghans squandered.

The blame game over the fall of Afghanistan will go on for years, but the simple fact of the matter is that the majority of the Afghan military surrendered to the Taliban or ran away. 

Any debt here is owed to us by the Afghans. We have paid our debts in blood and treasure.

The Afghan refugee crisis shows that the Taliban still have any number of ways that they can hurt us even once we have left Afghanistan. Their ability to turn the refugee tap on and off will allow not only the Jihadists, but their allies in Iran, Pakistan, and Turkey to blackmail us and our NATO allies by using Afghan refugees as a weapon. That’s a weapon we have to take away.

America is already staggering under the massive weight of illegal aliens arriving south of the border. We cannot accommodate the illegal aliens we have, let alone hundreds of thousands of people arriving from a stone-age society whose values are fundamentally at odds with our own.

The Biden administration created the Afghan refugee crisis. It should not expect Americans in Texas, Wisconsin, Virginia, and anywhere else it’s plotting to dump its new wave of aliens, to shoulder the burden for a crisis that it created. 

The collapse of Afghanistan is one disaster. An Afghan refugee surge would be a second disaster. We can survive the collapse of Afghanistan, we can’t survive the collapse of America.

As Afghanistan fell, American taxpayers paid for Joe Biden’s 9 vacation trips in 18 days aboard Marine One


SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2021/08/as-afghanistan-fell-american-taxpayers-paid-for-joe-bidens-9-vacation-trips-in-18-days-aboard-marine-one;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

While Sleepy Joe was out on vacation, prodded by staff to get back to work, Afghanistan was falling to the Taliban, and Biden had to have known the extent of the crisis. But it wasn’t enough to gain the President’s full attention. He didn’t care enough about Americans in Afghanistan or the plight of the victims of the Taliban. He didn’t even give a hoot about the message he was sending globally. He just wanted his vacation. So he had his Marine One private helicopter extravagantly shuttle him back and forth from Camp David to Washington DC, 9 times in 18 days! –amid all his talk about the environment and the danger of carbon emissions.

Biden remained at Camp David over the weekend as the Taliban swept into Afghanistan’s capital and seized power. Biden — the Commander-in-Chief of the American Armed Forces — subsequently resorted to begging and bribing the Taliban to ease up on Americans.

With the Taliban in control of Afghanistan’s airfield in Kandahar, its fighters now have control over “military helicopters such as U.S.-made Black Hawks and Soviet-made Mi-17s,” and now have access to America’s inventory of planes, helicopters and weaponry.

“Joe Biden Takes 9 Marine One Flights in 18 Days for Interrupted August Vacation as Afghanistan Falls,” by Charlie Spiering, Breitbart, August 17, 2021:

President Joe Biden struggled to maintain his vacation schedule in August, taking nine Marine One flights back and forth from vacation spots as his staff worked to get him back at the White House to lead the country.

The cost of Biden’s coming and going adds up as he continues splitting time between his home in Delaware, Washington, DC, and the presidential retreat at Camp David.

The president has taken nine trips aboard Marine One in the last 18 days.

Biden left the White House on Friday, July 30, for a weekend in Delaware and returned to Washington, DC, on August 2.

The following Friday, August 6th, he returned to Delaware before traveling back to Washington, DC, on August 10 to celebrate the successful effort by the Senate to pass a bipartisan infrastructure bill.

On August 12, Biden returned to Delaware to resume his vacation before leaving for Camp David on August 13 as the crisis in Afghanistan escalated.

Biden remained at Camp David over the weekend as the Taliban swept into Afghanistan’s capital and seized power.

He returned to the White House from Camp David on August 16 for a few hours to deliver a speech before returning to the presidential retreat on Marine One that same night, landing at 9:05 p.m.

On Tuesday afternoon, the White House announced Biden would return to the White House but left open the possibility that he could go back on vacation in the coming days….

Let in “MILLIONS” of Refugees: Left & CATHOLIC BISHOPS Using Afghan Debacle to Change America’s Population

Afghans at the international airport in Kabul

Let in “MILLIONS” of Refugees: Left Using Afghan Debacle to Change America’s Population


SEE: https://thenewamerican.com/let-in-millions-of-refugees-left-using-afghan-debacle-to-change-americas-population/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

First, the globalists invaded Afghanistan — now they want to use this as an excuse to have Afghanistan invade us. As journalist Spencer Ackerman (oxymoronically identified as a “national security reporter”) put it recently, he wants the Biden administration to increase Temporary Protected Status access and admit Afghan “refugees by the millions.”

Well, fellow immigrationist Rahm Emanuel did say, “Never let a serious crisis go to waste.”

With the Taliban having rapidly but predictably taken over Afghanistan following the United States’ withdrawal, there’s an urgent call to rescue Afghans who aided the Americans and now, consequently, will be targeted for death. Providing safe haven to this small number of people is a moral imperative, too. Even so, it must be done carefully.

But this isn’t good enough (bad enough?) for Ackerman, and he isn’t alone in his wave-migration prescription, made Tuesday on MSNBC. In fact, you should know that “all the clever people are saying exactly the same thing,” reported Fox News host Tucker Carlson last night. “‘The US Should Take as Many Afghan Refugees as it Can,’ demands a recent headline in New York magazine.”

“How many refugees is that? And is it really a good idea to do that for us?” he continued. “Don’t ask. You’re not allowed to ask that question because asking is racist.”

Carlson then played clips of media propagandists Nicolle Wallace, Don Lemon, weightlifter Chris Cuomo, and immigrant Fareed Zakaria waxing “woke,” calling opposition to refugee inundation “fear-mongering and racism,” antipathy toward “brown people,” and “xenophobia.” (Actually, it’s xenophilia that’s killing us.)

Taking a leaf from my book — I often point out that Arabs are Caucasian — Carlson then mentioned how laughable the racism claim is. “Your average green-eyed Pashtun is as pale as anyone sitting on the set right now,” he said. “Essentially, they’re bearded white guys.”

But the immigrationists also know “that calling you a racist is the fastest way to make you obey,” the host further noted — and not ask pertinent questions. For example, does an already balkanized and fractious America really need millions more Afghan migrants? What effect will this have?

Oh, we know one effect: Their presence will help socialists in swing states because statistics show that, upon naturalization, such people vote heavily Democrat. Yet there are other effects we don’t really have to guess at because another Western civilization, Europe, has already experienced inundation with Afghan (and other Muslim) migrants. Carlson related these effects, stating that

one Saturday night last month, authorities discovered the body of a 13-year-old girl next to a tree in Vienna, Austria. She had been drugged and raped and murdered. It took a few days, but by Monday, authorities announced they had arrested two asylum seekers from Afghanistan for the rape and murder. Shortly after that, the chancellor of Austria identified the problem. The problem is Austria’s refugee policy. “I find it intolerable for people to come to us, say they are seeking protection and then commit cruel, barbaric crimes in Austria.” 

Yeah, but now they’re getting used to it because it’s been happening with increasing frequency throughout Western Europe for years now, six years. And every honest person knows that. Maybe the dummies on cable news don’t know it, but people who live there do. Cheryl Benard knows it. Cheryl Benard, by the way, has been an advocate for refugees for decades. She’s not against immigration. She’s for it. But over time, she’s concluded that the West simply is not capable … of successfully assimilating many Afghan refugees. 

… By every measure, Afghan resettlement in Europe has been an utter failure. Why is that? Maybe we should pay some attention. Afghan refugees, Benard wrote, are notorious for barbaric attacks, attacks that left-wing politicians in Europe frequently cover up for fear of being called racist. For example, “A gang of 50 Afghans who terrorized women in the neighborhood of the Linz train station were brushed off by a government official with the remark that this was an unfortunate consequence of bad weather.” You could see that happening here, by the way. 

In another instance, just last summer, an Afghan migrant was arrested in Germany for raping an 11-year-old girl. Authorities released him from jail in just a few days. They said he was not dangerous and anyone who disagreed with that was a racist, of course. The migrant then proceeded to rape another girl. This time she was 13 years old. 

Statistics show these are not just anecdotes; it happens a lot. Ask anyone who lives there who is honest. Germany’s government just conducted a study showing that rates of violent crime in Germany — those rates had been declining for years, by the way — shot up abruptly in 2015. And that was the moment when refugees from Afghanistan and Syria arrived in Germany. More than 90 percent of the new crimes in Germany, the German government has found, were committed by asylum seekers .

Moreover, Mideast migration has led to the development of “no-go zones” in European nations; these are primarily Muslim areas where civil law has broken down and been, at least in part, supplanted by Sharia law and where civil authorities often fear to tread. And while the immigrationists once dismissed such zones as a “right-wing myth,” German chancellor Angela Merkel herself admitted in 2018 that they exist.

No one has to tell this to Dr. Mudar Zahran. A leader of the Jordanian Opposition Coalition now living as an asylee in the United Kingdom, Zahran opposes mass Muslim migration into the West. In fact, despite describing himself as an “orthodox Muslim,” he said in a 2015 Glazov Gang interview that there’s a “genuine problem with Muslims in Europe”; he also characterized that year’s wave migration into the continent as “the soft Islamic conquest of the West” and insisted that the newcomers’ presence must not become “permanent” (video below).

In reality, Afghans may make for the least assimilable of all (im)migrants. Afghanistan is a tribal society rife with violence, where disputes are often settled via blood feuds. Bacha bazi (“boy play”), ritualized pedophilia/pederasty, is common, and the victims may grow up to be psychologically scarred victimizers. Daughters may be denied education or healthcare and may even be sold to settle debts, while sons may be encouraged to carry out suicide attacks.

In fact, girls may be executed by their own relatives for minor infractions against the tribe, as narcissism is operative; meaning, embarrassment being more of a motivator than guilt, murder is preferable to losing face. Yet here’s the point to ponder:

Westerners’ normal lifestyles — e.g., their behavior, women’s dress — constitute major infractions to these tribes. Combine this with how the Koran teaches that Kaffirs (non-Muslims) are fair game for rape and plunder, and, well, assimilation may not be in the cards.

But, then again, none of this matters to the immigrationists. Migrants aren’t moved into their neighborhoods, after all, and you have to break a few eggs to scramble a nation into pieces — and into a piece in the globalist jigsaw puzzle.


U.S. Catholic Bishops Urge Biden to Act with ‘Utmost Urgency’ to Bring 30,000 Afghan Refugees Here


SEE: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/robert-spencer/2021/08/18/u-s-catholic-bishops-urge-biden-to-act-with-utmost-urgency-to-bring-30000-afghan-refugees-here-n1470796;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Biden’s handlers are talking about bringing 30,000 Afghan refugees into the country and the U.S. Catholic Bishops are excited. Bishop Mario E. Dorsonville, auxiliary bishop of Washington and chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Committee on Migration, and Bishop David J. Malloy of Rockford, chairman of the USCCB’s Committee on International Justice and Peace, issued a statement calling on the government to hurry, and make the arrival of these unvetted migrants from a jihad terror hotspot a top priority. What could possibly go wrong?

With admirable understatement, Dorsonville and Malloy wrote: “We have known that the withdrawal of American forces and evacuation of vulnerable Afghans, including those who supported our military or worked with NGOs and other organizations, would be a complicated process that had the potential for instability in Afghanistan.”

“A complicated process that had the potential for instability” is a nice way of saying “an appalling human catastrophe of poor planning, wishful thinking, and woke politics,” so give the two bishops points for diplomacy. But they want action: “The images and videos coming out of the country are difficult to view, as people make life or death decisions in desperation. We are particularly concerned for all those requiring evacuation, as well as Afghan women and girls, who risk losing opportunities gained over the last two decades and now face potential mistreatment.”

The bishops announce that the Church is ready to help: “For the past few weeks, staff from the USCCB, Catholic Charities, and other partners have been at Fort Lee in Virginia, assisting the U.S. government in the welcoming and resettlement of SIV applicants and their families. We will continue that work as long as necessary until those who are in harm’s way are brought to safety.”

But time is of the essence: “The government’s goal to relocate as many as 30,000 SIV applicants to the United States remains a monumental task that hangs in the balance. We know that time is of the essence to help our brothers and sisters in need, and we call on our government to act with the utmost urgency, considering all available avenues to preserve life. We also join the Holy Father in praying for peace in Afghanistan—‘that the clamor of weapons might cease and solutions can be found at the table of dialogue.’”

Dorsonville’s urgency stems in part from his belief that we haven’t brought in enough migrants. Last April he complained: “The number of refugees who will be welcomed this year is far short of what we can do as a country and is not an adequate response to the immense resettlement need.” At that time, Business Insider pointed out that “the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Migration and Refugee Services is one of nine nonprofit organizations that partner with the US government to meet the needs of refugees who arrive in the country.” And significantly, the USCCB noted Tuesday that “the President authorized use of up to $500 million from the Emergency Refugee and Migration Assistance Fund for meeting the urgent needs of Afghan refugees and SIV applicants.”

It is highly profitable to partner with the U.S. government. Behind their high-minded rhetoric, the U.S. Catholic bishops have hundreds of millions of reasons to call for more “refugees” and disregard the safety and security of the American people. Capital Research Center reported in 2018 that “the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is the largest. As Table III shows, in FY 2018 USCCB received $47.7 million for resettlement purposes. However, USCCB participates in other federal grant programs and that year received a total of $363.9 million from the federal government. And 2018 was a slow year. In FY 2017, USCCB received $531.5 million.”

Indeed. LifeSite News reported in 2017: “Over the past nine years, the USCCB has received a total of $534,788,660 in taxpayer dollars for refugee resettlement programs.” Capital Research Center notes that the USCCB “administers programs as diverse as Global AIDS, Food For Peace Development Assistance, USAID Foreign Assistance, and even the John Ogonowski and Doug Bereuter Farmer-to-Farmer Program, which provides volunteer technical assistance to farmers in developing countries.”

With that kind of money involved, is it any surprise that the bishops want Biden’s handlers to act with urgency on Afghan “refugees,” and show no concern whatsoever for the possibility that they might be facilitating the entry of criminals and jihad terrorists?

There is another consideration that the bishops are ignoring as well. What about one’s obligations to one’s own community, to try to preserve their freedom and the stability of one’s society? Could “refugee” intake be limited on that basis? That would be selfish, Mario Dorsonville would likely say. Do the U.S. Catholic bishops feel any obligation to support measures that would protect Americans from jihad attacks? Apparently not. The message that the bishops are sending to Americans is simple: drop dead.


Biden to Bring in 30,000 Afghans~Americans Left Behind Won’t Be Prioritized in Evacuation

Biden to Bring in 30K Afghans. Americans Left Behind Won’t Be Prioritized in Evacuation

People rushing into Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul in order to flee the country


SEE: https://thenewamerican.com/biden-to-bring-in-30k-afghans-americans-left-behind-wont-be-prioritized-in-evacuation/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Now that the Taliban have defeated the U.S. puppet government in Afghanistan, President Biden is about to compound the error of President George W. Bush — who began the ill-fated adventure in the graveyard of empires — with two more.

First, Biden plans to import 30,000 Afghans and put them on military bases in Texas and Wisconsin. From there, of course, they’ll fan out into the heartland. But that’s not the worst of it. He will not prioritize the evacuation of remaining Americans.

So yet another predictable U.S. foreign policy debacle leads to what could become a major problem: the importation of Islamic refugees who, if they don’t become radicalized and learn to hate the country, might have children who do.

What acts of “homegrown” terror will happen one can only imagine.

Move Aside, Americans

Breitbart’s headline called the policy for what it is: “America Last.”

That’s been Biden’s immigration policy in permitting an invasion that will overwhelm Americans at home; why not extend it to Americans serving their country abroad?

Fox News’s Jacqui Heinrich reported the development yesterday after the Taliban took Kabul, the capital.

“The Department of Defense is preparing to immediately house thousands of Afghan refugees on American military installations,” Heinrich reported:

Documents obtained by Fox News show DoD plans to potentially relocate up to 30,000 Afghan SIV applicants into the United States in the immediate future.

“The situation in Afghanistan may lead to DoS [Department of State] allowing Afghan SIV applicants to be moved to temporary housing locations while still being vetted for parolee status” the document reads.

The bases include Fort McCoy in Wisconsin and Fort Bliss in Texas.

Special Immigrant Visas are for foreigners who work for the United States government.

You’d think Texans would have their hands full with Latin American “refugees,” but in any event, Biden’s Pentagon is preparing to import enough Afghans to fill Helena, Montana.

”We want to have the capacity to get up to several thousand immediately, and want to be prepared for the potential of tens of thousands,” Pentagon Spokesperson John Kirby told Heinrich. “Bliss and McCoy have the capability right now — and what’s advantageous is with a little bit of work, they could increase their capacity in very short order.”

Biden had said, “the law doesn’t allow that to happen.”

America Last

Bringing in what could be thousands of trouble-makers, or perhaps, hundreds of sleeper terrorists, is bad enough. But Biden plans to ensure they get here before Americans do, Heinrich reported.

“Once we get more airlift out of Kabul, we’re going to put as many people on those planes as we can. There will be a mix, not just American citizens, but perhaps some Afghan SIV applicants as well,” the Pentagon’s Kirby said. “We’re going to focus on getting people out of the country, then sorting it out at the next stop. It’s not going to be just Americans first, then SIV applicants. We’re going to focus on getting as many folks out as we can.”

The incoming horde of tribal Muslims will enter the country not only under Special Immigrant Visas reserved for Afghans who worked for the United States but also P visas reserved for athletes and entertainers, Heinrich reported:

The State Department will determine who is sent forward — the job of the military is to find facilities and infrastructure for refugees to sleep and receive food and medical care during processing. The Pentagon is working closely with the State Department to find overseas and possibly domestic processing locations for additional Afghan refugees who do not qualify for SIV status, falling instead under P-2 and P-1 visas.

The victorious Taliban rolled into Kabul yesterday as the Afghan regime fled the country. 

Biden announced in July that he would bring the troops home from Afghanistan by August 31, just a few months after the date his predecessor set.


SEE ALSO: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2021/08/us-to-bring-in-30000-afghans-as-taliban-frees-islamic-state-and-al-qaeda-jihadis

AND: https://pjmedia.com/columns/robert-spencer/2021/08/16/biden-goes-full-america-last-wont-prioritize-getting-americans-out-of-kabul-over-afghans-n1470108

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