Marxism Advances In America, Race Division & Hypocrisy. Zuckerberg Fears Vaccine. Bans you for it.

In this episode of The Silent War, CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg is caught admitting concerns around the vaccine, yet bans others for the same. Biden's Marxist Government prepares to push anti white racist policies and redistributing wealth from whites to blacks. A Deadly attack on an American Base in Iraq. And Biden: 'who cares if China commits genocide and's their culture' Even the big ETF's that manipulate the price of Silver and Gold are warning, the game is nearly up - physical is almost out. All of this and much more

Universities Demonize and Disavow Christian Self-Sacrifice and Altruism

AKA, “the Crusades



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Raymond Ibrahim is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

The Indiana-based University of Valparaiso is scrapping its Crusader mascot, nickname, and logos—because they convey “hate”  and are not “inclusive” enough.  According to the university’s Feb. 11, 2021 statement:

Interim President Colette Irwin-Knott of Valparaiso University (“Valpo”) announced today that it will retire its existing mascot, the Crusader.…  The Crusader imagery related to the Crusades has been embraced and displayed by hate groups including the Ku Klux Klan.  “The negative connotation and violence associated with the Crusader imagery are not reflective of Valpo’s mission and values, which promote a welcoming and inclusive community,” Irwin-Knott said, … [adding] “Valpo is and always has been a faith-based institution, and we want to make sure our symbolism is in alignment with our beliefs and speaks to the core values of the Lutheran ethos.”

In the coming month, a committee will be established “to engage the campus community in considering and adopting a new mascot.”

The statement further justifies its action by adding a reminder that Valpo is only doing what schools and other institutions all throughout America are doing:

Valpo’s decision is in line with athletic teams across all levels – from interscholastic to professional sports programs – that are replacing offensive mascots with less divisive symbols. With this decision, the university is following the same course as virtually all other universities that carried the Crusader as their mascot or a symbol for their school.

To be sure, this sort of betrayal of the West’s heritage is not without precedent and is hardly limited to college campuses, AKA, hotbeds of political correctness, and Western guilt/self-hatred. In November 2019, the owners of a famous New Zealand rugby team scrapped their longtime logo—a Crusader—to show how “woke” they were vis-à-vis Muslims.

Nor is it just “militant” expressions of Christianity (vis-à-vis Islam) that are being flushed down the memory hole to appease Muslims, but mere expressions of Christianity.  As one memorable example, in 2004, “Spanish football giant Real Madrid … dropped the Christian cross affixed at the top of its official crest after signing a sponsorship deal with the National Bank of Abu Dhabi.”

Meanwhile, Muslim nations, such as the home of Islam itself, Saudi Arabia (AKA “US friend and ally”™), proudly depict scimitars on their national flags, with the words, “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger”—words that have gotten countless people, past and present, slaughtered for not reciting.  No non-Muslim seems to be offended or concerned by that, but Westerners are rushing over themselves to change the logos and flags of, not nations, but schools or teams of men who play with balls—lest they appear too militant, too “mean.”

That, in a nutshell, sums up how the West and Islam see themselves and respond to one another.  While Islam venerates its violent, jihadi past—and, wherever possible, seeks to relive it—the West is constantly disavowing its Crusader heritage.

And what exactly were the Crusades?  They were a militant, no-nonsense response to more than four centuries of jihadi aggression against and conquests of Christian and European territory.  The particular Muslim invasions (between 1071 and1095) that occasioned the First Crusade saw hundreds of thousands of Eastern Christians (Armenians, Syriacs, and Greeks) slaughtered or enslaved by Muslim Turks acting in the name of jihad.  As the contemporary Byzantine princess, Anna Komnenos wrote,  “cities were obliterated, lands were plundered, and the whole of Rhomaioi [Anatolia] was stained with Christian blood.”

Emperor Alexios I Komnenos (r.1081 to 1118), Anna’s father, recounted his people’s travails in a letter addressed to his friend, the “Count of Flanders and to all the princes of the whole kingdom, lovers of the Christian faith.”  In it, he lamented how the Turks “pillaged daily and constantly raided, with Christians being murdered and mocked in various indescribable ways.”  Not only did the Muslim invaders “defile the holy places in innumerable ways, [and] destroy them,” but they would “circumcise Christian boys and youths above Christian baptismal fonts, pour the blood from the circumcision into the fonts in mockery of Christ, force them to urinate on it, and then drag them around the church and force them to blaspheme the name and faith of the Holy Trinity.  Those who refuse are subjected to various punishments and eventually killed.” As for Christian women, the Muslim invaders

took virgins and made them public prostitutes....  Mothers were violated in the presence of their daughters, raped over and over again by different men, while their daughters were compelled, not only to watch but to sing obscene songs and to dance. Then they changed places, and the suffering, which is painful and shameful to speak of, was inflicted upon the daughters, while the filthy activity was adorned by the obscene songs of the unfortunate mothers….  When the female sex was not spared (an action which might be excused since it is at least in accord with nature), they became worse than animals, breaking all human laws by turning on men. Their lust overflowed to the point that the execrable and profoundly intolerable crime of sodomy, which they committed against men of middle or low station, they also committed against a certain bishop, killing him.

It was this—concern for fellow Christians—that prompted the First Crusade when it did; and it is this that is making contemporary Western Christians fall over themselves to disavow anything associated with the Crusades.

After describing some of the aforementioned atrocities at the Council of Clermont in France on November 27, 1095, Pope Urban II cried out, “Who is to revenge all this—who is to repair this damage, if you do not do it?”  The Christians present cried “God wills it!” and the First Crusade was born. 

Soon they would set off to provide succor to their Eastern coreligionists while sacrificing much in the process: rather than gain anything from the First Crusade, most who took the cross lost—and expected to lose—everything, from their estates in Europe to their lives in battle against Muslims.

This is ironic in light of the university’s recent statement. In it, Irwin-Knott declares that “At Valpo, we strive to seek truth, serve generously and cultivate hope. We do not believe having the Crusader as our mascot portrays these values.”

Actually, it was the First Crusaders who lived up to “these values.”  They did “strive to seek the truth” by ascertaining—and accepting and acting on—what Islam was doing to Christians in the East, and they did “serve generously and cultivate hope” for those same Christians: The sources contain numerous accounts of Armenians and other Eastern Christians falling on their knees and tearfully thanking their Western coreligionists for liberating them from the Islamic yoke.

Such are the contradictions that we are regularly expected to swallow nowadays.  For, and contrary to all the glib talk of “Valpo” and its interim president, it is in fact Western universities that do not “strive to seek truth”—especially those truths that stray from the “official” narrative—nor do they “serve generously and cultivate hope” for the billions who suffer from politically incorrect causes around the world, chief among them those many millions who suffer under Islam.

Note: Historical quotes in this article were sourced from and are documented in the author’s book, Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the West






Rush: The Fearless Warrior of the Conservative Counterculture Goes to His Rest

Rush Limbaugh was the original target of cancel culture, but they could never cancel him.



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

When Rush Limbaugh began working in radio, over 50 years ago, the counterculture of the radicals had swept over the country. In the same year that hippies trekked to lie in the mud of Woodstock, a teenager in a small Missouri city began his own little radio counterculture.

Two generations later, Rush’s counterculture had become a bastion against the leftist culture.

Long before Andrew Breitbart, Rush innately understood that the war was cultural. Talk radio was his battlefield and he was its general. In his studio, he masterminded a war that took a medium that some thought was dying and turned it into a weapon to take back America.

The rise of Rush and talk radio badly panicked the same leftist elites who are now busy de-platforming conservatives on social media. And for the same reasons. As Rush Limbaugh went national, the Left struggled to bring back the Fairness Doctrine to muzzle him.

"When the predecessor of television, radio, first debuted in the United States, there was immediate apprehension about its potential impact on democracy," Al Gore later ranted. "Safeguards were enacted… including... the Fairness Doctrine —though a half-century later...they were effectively repealed. And then immediately afterward, Rush Limbaugh and other hate-mongers began to fill the airwaves."

Gore, as usual, was lying. Rush Limbaugh cut to the chase with acerbic wit. He called things what they were. But he was too busy enjoying life to hate anyone. Even as leftists celebrate his death on social media, in life he got on well with people from all political backgrounds. The real hate came from the radicals who were obsessed with personally destroying him by any means.

Palm Beach County State Attorney Barry Krischer came after Rush Limbaugh, digging into his medical records while trying to lynch him by exploiting his medical condition. Meanwhile, Jeffrey Epstein was raping little girls. Krischer gave him a pass, but then Epstein was a Democrat.

Rush Limbaugh was the original target of cancel culture, but they could never cancel him. Leftists spent a generation trying to destroy Rush with nothing to show for all their hate.

All the boycotts failed. Every time Rush spoke truth to leftist power, a new advertising boycott would be organized by leftist pressure groups. The media would tout the handful of advertisers who had dropped their ads, but the show and its audience would remain as strong as ever.

Barack Obama was so worried about Rush that he inaugurated ‘Operation Rushbo’. Like every other effort to take on Rush Limbaugh and silence him, it failed. By the time President Trump awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Rush at the State of the Union, the conservative counterculture’s happy warrior had become the heroic face of the resistance to the radicals.

Decade after decade, Rush Limbaugh remained resilient and relevant. Despite the attacks on his finances, on his medical history, and on his personal life, he never wavered in his convictions, never watered down his views to make them more palatable, or to try to fit in.

The secret of Rush’s resilience lay in the passionate mixture of conviction and entertainment. Like President Reagan, a former radio announcer, and President Trump, who was, among many other things, a television personality, Rush understood that what people were moved by and what they really cared about was not the abstractions. At the core of every broadcast was his understanding of the lives of his listeners which powered his ability to speak to them.

Leftist foes envisioned Rush as an outsized ego, but nothing could be further from the truth. In person, he was often surprisingly self-effacing and humble. Even as the internet took off and it became routine for sites and talkers on both sides to take whatever they found and rewrite it or repeat it back without providing credit, Rush and his show were different.

I remember being surprised when Rush Limbaugh quoted me and linked to my blog for the first time when I was just starting out. But that wasn’t an unusual event. Not only did it happen again and again over the years, with Rush reading entire excerpts on the air, but many other young writers, activists, and researchers benefited in the same way from Rush Limbaugh’s generosity.

I’ve joked about being ripped off by some of the best, but never by ‘the best’. And that’s one of the things that made Rush Limbaugh the best. He never treated his show as the peak of a mountain but as a ladder. He remembered the hard work of just starting out in radio and used his show to bring the research and the activism of the grassroots to his army of listeners.

Day after day, his show gave a voice to the silent majority. People from across the country called in and Rush listened to them. He went on listening even as his hearing began to go (the media used the hearing loss to smear and mock him), and even as his health went into decline.

No matter what the media threw at him, Rush remained America’s megaphone. Only death could still it.

But his impact is echoing all around us.

Rush paved the way for generations of hosts. When I speak to a host and an audience halfway around the country about the crimes and abuses of the Biden administration, it’s on a platform that Rush helped build. His megaphone is our megaphone. He helped air our voices, he made our fight into his fight, and even after his passing, we are still fighting his fight for America.

"Rush Limbaugh was as generous a human being as he was a stalwart fighter for the cause all of us who loved him and this country share. It was our pleasure and great honor to know him and call him a friend. He was a speaker at several Restoration Weekends hosted by the Center and on his radio show helped us to spread our message. I am forever grateful for the attention he drew to my own books, beginning with Radical Son, which were all written in the service of our common cause," David Horowitz wrote of Rush.

Rush Limbaugh was a pioneer of the conservative counterculture. He was also the original ‘Happy Warrior’ who outlasted cancel culture by refusing to ever let it get him down. He loved living life too much to let any of the hate, the threats, and the intimidation rattle him for a minute.

Generations of leftists were infuriated by him. But some listened and learned. And some became conservatives.

There are a handful of individuals who fundamentally changed the course of the conservative movement. Rush was one of them. He was an indefatigable pioneer with an intuitive grasp of human nature and the medium. At a time when conservative voices were being shut out, he forced the door open for all of us, and defeated the original cancel culture of the Left.

In a time when people are more fearful than ever, he was never afraid to speak his mind.

Rush’s lesson to us was to be fearless and bold in telling the truth. To spit in the eye of the censors, to mock the pearl clutchers and the professional victims until even they have to laugh at themselves. And then cancel culture will fail and the truth will prevail.

MassResistance was hit hard by the “cancel culture.” But we’re back AFTER BANK CLOSES ACCOUNT

MassResistance Update
Pro-family Activism

"Aggressive fighting for the right is the noblest sport the world affords."
- Theodore Roosevelt

February 17, 2021
MassResistance was hit hard by the "cancel culture." But we're back!
On Monday, Feb. 8, MassResistance suddenly discovered that our credit card processing had been shut down. The bank had abruptly decided that it didn’t want to deal with a pro-family conservative organization.

We all know about the vicious efforts by Big Tech, Corporate America, and the Left that have erupted to silence and destroy conservatives – usually called the “cancel culture.”The financial industry has been particularly aggressive.

According to national news, Bank of America collaborates with the government to secretly give the travel and purchase credit card records of conservatives to the FBI. JP Morgan has closed the bank accounts of known conservatives. Several major banks have recently refused to do business with Trump companies, or industries such as gun manufacturers and others that they disagree with politically. The corporate culture in the financial industry is very poisonous. They give hundreds of millions of dollars to Black Lives Matter/Antifa organizations as well as anti-family LGBT groups and Planned Parenthood.

For nine harrowing days we worked to deal with this. Any of you who tried to donate online was told his credit card was “declined.” For our monthly credit card donors, the donations were delayed.

Finally, yesterday MassResistance signed up with another bank that’s willing to work with us. We’re back up and running! But being down this long hurt badly. Those of you who tried to donate by credit card over the last week and were unable to, please come and try again! This is a crucial time to donate to MassResistance and keep us going strong! (Here's our donation form.)

The real heroes in this are the folks at Cornerstone Payment Systems. They are the credit card merchant service provider that stuck with us through all of this, connected us with the right bank, and made sure everything got set up again properly. Cornerstone is a Christian-run company that will never “cancel” pro-family conservatives. Pro-family and conservative groups may be tempted to use “easy” solutions like Pay-Pal, Stripe, and Square – but these are horrible anti-family companies that will eventually de-platform you. And other companies are also a big risk.

Over the past several years, MassResistance has taken steps to make as much of our operation as possible - including web and information technology - safe from these kinds of attacks and "cancellations."

Make no mistake about this. In totalitarian countries such as Nazi Germany, the USSR, and Communist China, the “cancel culture” was always the first step before death camps. The people who decide to fire you or destroy your business because of your beliefs actually want to destroy you personally. Normal people don’t do this to others. Their hatred really is that powerful. We need to learn from history. Unfortunately, most of the conservative movement isn’t paying attention.

The only solution is to aggressively confront it. With your help MassResistance is dedicated to doing just that!

Showing their corporate values: At a recent Gay Pride Parade in Boston, Bank of America had a contingent of about 100 marchers. [MassResistance photo]
For all recent posts see our website.

Donate to MassResistance.

©2021 MassResistance, All Rights Reserved

Our mailing address is:
PO Box 1612
Waltham, MA 02454 USA

Calling Evil “Good” And Good “Evil”: Biden’s America


The Coming Persecution And RISE of The American Underground

Biden's Push for Gun Control: What's Next

AMERICAN THOUGHT LEADERS: Daniel Horowitz-State Legislatures Must Push Back Against Federal & Executive Branch Overreach

Rumble — President Biden has issued a record number of executive orders in his first month in office, with far-reaching implications.

The North Dakota House passed a bill to create a joint committee examining federal laws and executive orders. The bill aims to nullify federal orders within the state if they violate the U.S. Constitution.

How would that work exactly? What powers do states actually have to counter the federal government?

At the border, there are fears of a growing crisis after President Biden suspended deportations for 100 days, stopped border wall construction, and stopped the Remain in Mexico program.

Today, we sit down with Daniel Horowitz, senior editor of TheBlaze and host of the Conservative Review podcast. He is also the author of the new book, “Stolen Sovereignty.”

This is American Thought Leaders, and I’m Jan Jekielek.

FBI Agent Accuses Justice Department of ‘Systemic Corruption’

A local FBI agent who investigated former St. Charles Parish District Attorney Harry Morel told a judge last year that he has been hamstrung by “systemic corruption” within the U.S. Department of Justice, saying he’s come under pressure at times to cover up the misconduct of federal prosecutors.  The agent, Michael Zummer, outlined those grievances and others in a 31-page letter he wrote last year to U.S. District Judge Kurt Engelhardt before the judge sentenced Morel for attempting to derail a years-long FBI probe into the former district attorney’s sexual misconduct. 

Beware of COVID “Vaccine,” Warns Top Doctor

In this follow-up interview with Senior Editor Alex Newman of The New American magazine, former president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) Dr. Lee Merritt warned about enormous risks associated with the experimental COVID19 “vaccines” from companies such as Pfizer, Moderna, and more. From potentially being used as a bioweapon and lack of safety testing to massive side-effects that can occur and are occurring worldwide, there are huge dangers that are not being discussed by the Big Pharma-funded establishment media. Meanwhile, there are very effective treatments such as hydroxychloroquine that were deliberately suppressed so the vaccine makers could get their experimental gene-drug masquerading as a vaccine approved under the FDA’s “Emergency Use Authorization.”

⚠️ Help get the word out! Download and share this video!

HEARTBREAKING: Rush Limbaugh Dies at 70



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Conservative radio giant Rush Limbaugh passed away on Wednesday. Kathryn Adams Limbaugh, Limbaugh’s wife of eleven years, announced his death on his iconic radio show.

“It is with profound sadness I must share with you directly that our beloved Rush, my wonderful husband, passed away this morning due to complications from lung cancer,” his wife said. “Losing a loved one is terribly difficult, even more so when that loved one is larger than life.”

“Rush will forever be the greatest of all time,” his wife added. “Rush was an extraordinary man, a gentle giant, brilliant, quick-witted, genuinely kind, extremely generous, passionate, courageous, and the hardest working person I know.”

“Despite being one of the most recognized powerful people in the world, Rush never let the success change his core or beliefs. He was polite and respectful to everyone he met,” she added.

President Donald Trump awarded Limbaugh the Presidential Medal of Freedom last February, recognizing the conservative giant’s achievements over decades on his iconic show.

PJ Media will have a long list of tributes to the Legend of Limbaugh, as Bryan Preston called him. Look for forthcoming stories from Victoria Taft and Megan Fox.

Limbaugh had always been an inspiration for me, as my father listened to him on the radio as I grew up in rural Colorado. Rush often was the key voice of sanity in a politics gone mad. While I have not always agreed with the man behind the EIB microphone, I have always admired his passionate commitment to conservatism and the truth.

All hail Rush Limbaugh, truly the greatest of all time.

Tyler O’Neil is the author of Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center. Follow him on Twitter at @Tyler2ONeil.

What Did Rush Limbaugh Mean When He Said America Is ‘Trending Toward Secession’?
The Legend of Limbaugh
Trump to Award Rush Limbaugh With the Presidential Medal of Freedom
Double Standards on Rush Limbaugh’s Presidential Medal of Freedom



The Passing of Rush Limbaugh

The Passing of Rush Limbaugh



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Radio legend and conservative commentator Rush Hudson Limbaugh III has died today at age 70, ending an era of broadcasting in which he revolutionized the talk-radio industry. He had suffered from lung cancer, first announcing his condition last February. His wife, Kathryn, announced his passing on today’s Limbaugh show — he had been off the program for the past two weeks.

I first recall hearing Rush in 1989 while driving on the freeway in Oklahoma City. At first, I thought he was a local radio talk-show host and was impressed that KTOK Radio had been able to obtain such an entertaining personality. His show was marked by humor, usually missing from most hosts. Accompanied by martial music, Limbaugh was ridiculing the adoration being afforded Soviet Communist ruler Mikhail Gorbachev. It was refreshing to me, as I was sickened by how much of American media praised Gorbachev like he was a cross between Thomas Jefferson and Billy Graham, or even Mother Teresa.

Humor was an integral part of Rush’s show. While often ridiculous, he remarked he used humor to illustrate the absurdity of the Left by being absurd. Years ago, when the transgender movement was still in its infancy, he did a bit about being a “male lesbian,” who needed women to come forward and help him with his unique situation.

His humorous efforts were in stark contrast to liberals, who are usually humorless. His mock bravado irritated the Left and amused his fans, such as his oft-repeated message that he would have “half my brain tied behind my back just to make it fair” in his verbal jousts with liberals.

One of the most memorable aspects of his programs were his “parody” songs, performed by Paul Shanklin, such as his remarks on Bill Clinton via the song, “All your money, I will tax from you,” sung to the tune of the Beatles’ song, “All My Lovin’.” One of my favorites was his criticism of Senator John McCain and his neoconservative interventionist foreign policy with a song set to the music of the Beach Boys’ “Barbara Ann,” in which Shanklin sang, “Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran!”

It all had a point. Rather than present conservatism in dry, and often pessimistic, tones, Limbaugh used various types of humor to make a point. For example, I remember well the time that he spent several minutes discussing the “radical environmentalist wackos,” as he called them, and their concern about the Spotted Owl losing its “habitat.” Finally, he concluded the discussion with, “At the end of the day, if the Spotted Owl can’t make it, screw it!”

Following the 1992 election, in which Bill Clinton had won the presidency, former President Ronald Reagan wrote Rush. “I know the liberals call you the most dangerous man in America but don’t worry about it, they used to say the same things about me. Keep up the good work. America needs to hear ‘the way things ought to be,’” a play on Limbaugh’s book by the same title.

It was Reagan’s push, through the Federal Communications Commission, to repeal the Fairness Doctrine (which required equal and free time be given on a radio program if the host or a guest on the program criticized someone) that made Rush Limbaugh possible. Because few or no radio stations could afford to be giving away free time to everyone who did not like what a radio host had to say about them, they just avoided politics and public affairs. Instead, AM Radio was reduced to gardening and home-improvement shows (music was going to FM). But after the repeal of the Fairness Doctrine, Rush Limbaugh’s show went national and he became not only successful but an integral part of the culture.

In addition to writing popular books for adults, in recent years Limbaugh had turned to children’s books about American history — the Rush Revere series — in which he attempted to give a more patriotic (and accurate) version of American history than kids are likely to receive in school.

The success of his show predictably spawned several imitators, such as Sean Hannity, none of which were as successful as Rush Limbaugh’s show.

Speaking to the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in 2009, Rush demonstrated that he could be quite serious, as well. Explaining “who we conservatives are,” Rush said, “We love people. We see human beings. We don’t see groups. We don’t see victims.”

He added, “We believe that a person can be the best he or she wants to be if certain things are just removed from their path like onerous taxes, regulations, and too much government. We want this to be the greatest country it can be, but we do understand, as people created and endowed by our Creator, we’re all individuals.”

One complaint that some conservatives have made about Limbaugh is that he avoided certain topics, such as the globalist push for world government. But in recent years — especially during the Trump years and in the last year of his life — he turned increasingly to warn Americans about the push for one-world government from the globalists.

No man is perfect, but Limbaugh certainly made his mark on the world during his 70 years on the Earth. In 2020, President Donald Trump awarded Rush the Presidential Medal of Freedom during the State of the Union address. “Here tonight is a special man, someone beloved by millions of Americans,” President Trump said. “He is the greatest fighter and winner that you will ever meet.”

May he rest in peace.

The Biggest Lie of All – The Dan Bongino Show

In this episode, I discuss the REAL story behind the ongoing crisis in Texas. Liberals are lying to protect their Green New Deal dreams. I also discuss the enormous lie Joe Biden told last night on CNN.

Looking for news?

The Bongino Report brings you the top conservative and libertarian news stories of the day, aggregated in an easy to read format to assist the public in getting accurate information.

Biden Dismisses China’s Uyghur Genocide as Difference in “Cultural Norms”

Members of the Muslim Uighur minority hold placards as they demonstrate in front of the Chinese consulate on December 30, 2020, in Istanbul, to ask for news of their relatives. (Bulent Kilic/AFP via Getty Images)

Refuses to denounce re-education camps.



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Joe Biden refused to denounce China’s Uyghur genocide during his CNN appearance last night, asserting that the Communist country’s systematic oppression of minorities was just a different cultural norm.

Yes, really.

Despite the Trump administration and his own characterizing Beijing’s treatment of Uyghur Muslims as a genocide, Biden furiously backpedaled after he was asked about the issue.

“If you know anything about Chinese history, it has always been the time when China has been victimized by the outer world is when they haven’t been unified at home,” said Biden, going on to say that President Xi Jinping is aiming to achieve a “tightly controlled China.”

“I’m not gonna speak out against what he’s doing in Hong Kong, what he’s doing with the Uyghurs in the western mountains of China…culturally there are different norms that each country and their leaders are expected to follow,” he added.

More than a million Uyghurs and other minorities are held against their will in re-education camps throughout the Xinjiang region.

After Xi Jinping directed authorities to show “absolutely no mercy” towards prisoners, reports began emerging of the forced sterilization and systematic gang rape and torture of women by guards.

“Tursunay Ziawudun, who fled Xinjiang after her release and is now in the US, said women were removed from the cells “every night” and raped by one or more masked Chinese men. She said she was tortured and later gang-raped on three occasions, each time by two or three men,” reports the BBC.

Victims have also reported that guards use electric batons to rape women, electrocuting them from the inside.

Apparently, according to Joe Biden, this is just part of Chinese ‘cultural norms’ and shouldn’t be questioned.

UK Supermarket Calls Police On Disabled Man For Not Wearing Mask, Tries to Make Him Wear Yellow Sticker LIKE THE JEWS IN NAZI GERMANY

"It's not law, she's going to phone the police over a policy."




republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

British supermarket Morrisons called the police on a disabled man who was medically exempt from wearing a face mask after attempting to make him wear a yellow sticker.

Yes, really.

The clip shows the man involved in a confrontation with a security guard and staff as they try to make him wear the sticker.

The man calls them out by asking how a sticker could stop the spread of coronavirus.

When he refuses to wear the sticker, he is asked to leave the store as staff claim they are just doing their job.

“Weren’t they just doing their job in the Nazi Germany? Can you remember how they said that during the Nuremberg trials?”

The staff then call the police, although are unsure if they should be calling the ‘999’ emergency number.

The security guard says the yellow stickers are to “explain to other people in the store that you’re medically exempt,” despite this not being part of the law.

“It’s not law, she’s going to phone the police over a policy, you can’t phone the police over a policy,” explains the man, who ends up paying for his shopping and leaving before any police arrive.

According to the law, people do not have to answer questions as to why they are medically exempt and are not required to signal to others with any kind of sticker or badge that they are medically exempt.

The dark undertones of forcing disabled people to wear yellow stars hardly needs to be explained.

This underscores how the obsession with forcing people to wear face masks, despite their efficacy being disputed by numerous studies, is being abused to target the vulnerable.

Big Brother Watch asked Morrisons to apologize for the behavior of their staff, but the company is yet to respond.

FIREARMS POLICY COALITION: Statement on President Biden’s Renewed Promise of Gun Control

NRA-ILA Biden Yelling

Former VP Joe Biden yelling at dozens of his supporters at a rally. IMG NRA-ILA



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

U.S.A. –-( President Biden renewed his declaration of intent to launch a new assault upon the People of the United States and their rights and property, “calling on Congress to enact” unconstitutional and immoral policies including bans on common semi-automatic firearms and ammunition magazines. Prior to the election, FPC warned that the Biden-Harris campaign, which promised a massive number of new and expanded anti-rights policies, was “a clear and present danger to liberty, freedom, the Constitution, and the values that have made America the greatest country in the world” and “a uniquely grave threat to all that we hold dear[.]”

The Biden Administration’s promise to enact “gun law reforms” is nothing less than calling for further tyranny and paternalism cloaked in the false promise of so-called “public safety.” FPC remains firm in its belief that laws which threaten the rights, liberty, and property of the People are immoral, should be abolished, and must be fiercely opposed by all Americans who value liberty and the Republic.

The recently seated 177th Congress has already introduced nearly five-dozen firearm-related bills, many of them outrageous acts to criminalize constitutionally protected items and conduct. And following the President’s statement yesterday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi similarly promised to pass a range of gun control legislation. And since his inauguration, President Biden has already signed 30 executive orders, showing that he is unafraid of constitutional limits on executive powers, and will, to the extent he deems acceptable, use ‘a pen and a phone’ to implement his dangerous and un-American agenda.

FPC will continue to closely review proposed legislation, regulations, and executive actions for statutory violations, constitutional violations, and violations of the Administrative Procedure Act. And as we have before, such as in the case of former President Trump’s bump-stock ban, FPC will take whatever actions are necessary, possible, and prudent to protect the rights and liberty of law-abiding gun owners and our members against immoral and unconstitutional laws, as well as abusive government agencies and policies.

Individuals who wish to fight and oppose gun control bills can send a message to Congress at and join the FPC Grassroots Army for just $25 at

Firearms Policy Coalition and its FPC Law team are the nation’s next-generation advocates leading the Second Amendment litigation and research space, having recently filed two United States Supreme Court petitions for certiorari (review) (Folajtar v. Attorney General and Holloway v. Attorney General) and several major federal Second Amendment lawsuits, including challenges to the State of Maryland’s ban on “assault weapons” (Bianchi v. Frosh), the State of Pennsylvania’s and Allegheny County’s carry restrictions (Cowey v. Mullen), Philadelphia’s Gun Permit Unit policies and practices (Fetsurka v. Outlaw), Pennsylvania’s ban on carry by adults under 21 years of age (Lara v. Evanchick), California’s Handgun Ban and “Roster” laws (Renna v. Becerra), Maryland’s carry ban (Call v. Jones), New Jersey’s carry ban (Bennett v. Davis), New York City’s carry ban (Greco v. New York City), the federal ban on the sale of handguns and handgun ammunition by federal firearm licensees (FFLs) to adults under 21 years of age (Reese v. BATFE), and others, with many more cases being prepared today. To follow these and other legal cases FPC is actively working on, visit the Legal Action section of FPC’s website or follow FPC on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube.

About Firearms Policy Coalition

Firearms Policy Coalition ( is a 501(c)4 nonprofit organization. FPC’s mission is to protect and defend constitutional rights—especially the right to keep and bear arms—advance individual liberty, and restore freedom through litigation and legal action, legislative and regulatory action, education, outreach, grassroots activism, and other programs. FPC Law is the nation’s largest public interest legal team focused on Second Amendment and adjacent fundamental rights including freedom of speech and due process, conducting litigation, research, scholarly publications, and amicus briefing, among other efforts.Firearms Policy Coalition

Ken Paxton to Biden: You “Won’t Undo the 2A in Texas on My Watch.”

Ken Paxton to Biden: You “Won’t Undo the 2A in Texas on My Watch.”



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Seizing the opportunity to use the third anniversary of the Parkland school shooting for his anti-gun purposes, Biden called on Congress on Sunday to enact “common sense” gun laws to prevent such a horrific event from happening again.

He said:

Today, I am calling on Congress to enact commonsense gun law reforms, including requiring background checks on all gun sales, banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and eliminating immunity for gun manufacturers who knowingly put weapons of war on our streets.

We owe it to all those we’ve lost and to all those left behind to grieve to make a change.

The time to act is now.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton immediately saw through the façade, tweeting:

The Parkland shooting 3 years ago was an act of unspeakable evil. But Democrats cannot be allowed to use this tragedy as an opportunity to cram down unhelpful and unconstitutional gun laws.

Biden won’t undo the #2A in TX on my watch.


That’s exactly what Biden’s newly restructured ATF is going to have to do, as the vast majority of Americans “clinging” to their rightfully purchased and owned firearms aren’t likely to give them up willingly. At present, there appears to be no plan to do so. So far, it’s all just words, words, words.

Nearly a year ago The New American reviewed Biden’s plan to disarm every American. The keystone is abolishing the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, passed in 2005, that protects gunmakers from frivolous lawsuits designed to bankrupt them.

The other planks follow a similar pattern: banning the manufacture and sale of “assault weapons”; mandating that existing “assault weapons” be registered under the National Firearms Act, which at present regulates items such as machineguns, silencers, and short-barreled rifles. Under the NFA, potential buyers must pay $200 for the privilege of owning such weapons. Or, of course, such weapons may be turned over to the government in a “buyback.” 

Background checks will be required for all firearms-related transactions. Biden also wants every state to enact “red flag” laws (Extreme Risk Protection Orders, or ERPOs), which can forcibly disarm citizens who have not been charged with a crime.

Ghost printing of receivers would be banned as well. The penalty would apply to anyone downloading the 3D printing plans from the Internet.

There would be new “safe at home” requirements, limits to how many firearms one may purchase in a month, and so forth.

When the National Rifle Association (NRA) learned of Biden’s plans to disarm the populace, the five-million member group laughed it off:

Joe and his supporters fear-monger using words like “assault weapons” to describe America’s most popular home defense rifle — the AR-15 — or “AR-14” to Joe.

Joe — We’ll say it real slow. Come and take it.

Biden doesn’t care that none of those mandates would have kept the Parkland murderer from carrying out his ghastly work. The shooter legally owned the rifle, having already passed the requisite background checks.

And suggestions emanating from that tragedy that teachers be allowed to arm themselves fell on deaf ears.

Biden’s anti-gun henchmen face the same problem every other anti-gun politician faces in the United States: the unique problem that nearly half the populace owns a firearm (or several firearms). And they aren’t likely to roll over just because Biden says to.

Hitler had a similar problem with Switzerland. He developed Operation Tannenbaum to invade the small Alpine country. The plan called for using 21 German divisions and 15 Italian divisions, totaling some 500,000 troops. History records that, after considering the cost, the difficulty, and the potential armed resistance from every Swiss male between age 18 and 34, Hitler bagged the plan.

The dictator had a similar problem with the Jews. After nearly 400,000 of them were sent to the Warsaw ghetto, being slowly starved to death or sent to death camps, they decided to fight back. An operation that was supposed to take just three days took nearly a month as the supposedly disarmed and starving denizens fought off Hitler’s troops. When the last Jew had been killed an arsenal of firearms — rifles, pistols, and hand grenades — was discovered.

The lesson Hitler learned, and which Biden and his anti-gun tyrants will have to learn, is that, driven to the wall, Americans won’t cave.

Paxton is right. If Biden wants the guns, he’ll have to come and take them. 

Related articles:

Biden Declares His Intention “To Defeat the NRA”

Under Biden, Gun Ownership Would Be a “Heavily Regulated Privilege”


Support for a Third Party Reaches All-Time High, Making It Likely There Is a New Coalition Forming



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

A recent Gallup poll shows record levels of support for a third party in the U.S. In reviewing the details, it seems as if there is a significant opportunity to reform one of the current parties, which could lead to indefinite political wins for the one that does it correctly. More data is certainly needed on specific policy preferences, as it is not abundantly clear what the terms “liberal” and “conservative” mean anymore. However, since the election, I have been asserting that if the country’s vast economic middle could settle on critical priorities, they could form an overwhelming coalition in electoral politics.

Let’s look at the numbers, first. A record 50% of Americans surveyed now identify as political independents. It is an even split for those identifying as members of the two major parties at 25% apiece. This finding is a net drop of 5% identifying as Democrats and an increase of 1% for Republicans since early January. The Gallup poll found that 62% of U.S. adults say the “parties do such a poor job representing the American people that a third party is needed.”

According to Gallup’s historical trends, 60% supported a third party in 2013, which increased to 61% in 2017. These surveys followed the reelection of Barack Obama and the election of Donald Trump, respectively. It is interesting to note that it has not fallen below 57% since 2013. In cycles since 2003, it fell into the 40s during election years. That did not happen in 2016 or 2020. In September of 2020, with two candidates to choose from in November, it sat at 57%. Since the election, the desire for a third party has risen to 62%.

Because they lean left, Gallup seems to think the cause for the increase in support for a third party comes from anti-Trump Republicans from prior administrations. That idea is debatable. There are just as many Trump supporters disillusioned with moderate GOP members. There was also a significant amount of support for President Trump’s rumored Patriot Party.

It would be great if folks on both sides of the aisle could understand that our representatives all have various constituencies and may depart from the party line for reasons other than personal animus. On the Democrat side, senators like Kirsten Sinema and Joe Manchin, who represent red and purple states, deal with similar ire from their left-wing. Our politics would be less toxic if our party leaders and the corporate media understood that we are a vast nation with varying perspectives on many policy issues.

Republicans want a third party at a rate of 63%. They are second only to independent voters at 70%. Democrats and Republicans have switched places since September, when members wanted a third party at 52% and 40%, respectively. Likely the reversal is due to the election outcome that handed Democrats the legislative and executive branches. However, there are still divisions within the Democrat Party:

Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents are evenly divided on the direction their party should go — 34% want it to become more liberal, 34% more moderate, and 31% to stay where it is.

Democratic identifiers tilt more toward wanting the party to go in a liberal direction (34%) than a moderate one (25%), while Democratic-leaning independents tilt toward wanting the party to become more moderate, 42% to 35%.

Republicans have a split as well, but a plurality of party members and Republican-leaning independents want the party to move further right, according to the survey:

A 40% plurality want the party to become more conservative, while 34% want it to stay the same and 24% to become more moderate. While Republican identifiers are about twice as likely to say the party should become more conservative than moderate (44% to 21%), Republican-leaning independents are split, with 36% wanting it to move further to the right of the ideological spectrum and 30% to move toward the center.

The primary problem both of these responses present is what do those terms even mean anymore? Does becoming more liberal mean moving more to the left? Because going further left in the Democrat coalition means becoming more illiberal. That is Wokeville, the provenance of safe spaces, speech codes, and cancel culture. It is also the wing that wants to destroy our longstanding institutions by ending the Senate filibuster, packing the Supreme Court, and eliminating the Electoral College.

Likewise, what do “farther right” or “more conservative” mean? Conservatives such as Ben Shapiro, Tucker Carlson, Glenn Beck, and Candace Owens seek out conversations with decent liberals who agree on foundational principles. There is agreement on free speech, freedom of religion, skepticism of concentrations of power, and open inquiry, even if they disagree on policy solutions. In many ways, it seems those who agree on those fundamental principles are closer to forming a coalition than either party’s wings.

Does “more conservative” mean closer to the policies of the Trump administration? Those policies were a mix of populist objectives aimed at benefitting those dispossessed by years of movement toward a global economy and what once would have been considered moderate policies, like tax reform and deregulation. There was a significant deviation in foreign policy toward China, but treating them as anything other than an existential threat was a feature of both parties, beginning with Nixon.

Even during the pandemic, 56% of Americans said in October of 2020 that they were better off under President Trump’s policies than they were four years ago. In July of 2020, a record 73% of Americans had an unfavorable view of China. While this was undoubtedly related to the pandemic, it was also associated with Hong Kong protestors’ treatment and the revelations about China’s treatment of Uighur Muslims. A majority prioritized human rights in China rather than economic relations. This view opposes the opinion of many of those in our political class and global corporations.

It seems more than possible that a platform that returns us to intelligent energy independence, a foreign policy that clearly defines our allies and enemies, with a focus on Americans’ prosperity and security at its core, could appeal to a broad coalition. A return to a shared and more patriotic national identity is popular among 57% of likely voters. The party that can define it, communicate it authentically, and find candidates to support it will be the undeniable winner in the future.

The Backlash to Biden’s Transgender Agenda Is Already Brewing



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

President Joe Biden promised to be a president “for all Americans,” even for those who did not vote for him. Yet in his first few days in office, Biden signed divisive executive orders championing the nebulous concept of gender identity over biological sex. Biden’s new orders threaten to upend science and fairness in many segments of American society, including women’s sports, women’s private spaces, the military, and medicine. Republicans in at least 13 states are fighting back.

Biden issued an executive order banning “discrimination” on the basis of gender identity. The order requires schools to open girls’ restrooms, locker rooms, and sports leagues to biological boys. It requires health care plans to pay for experimental transgender “treatments” and requires doctors and hospitals to perform them.

This order enforced the Supreme Court’s ruling in Bostock v. Clayton County (2020), which redefined “discrimination on the basis of sex” in federal law to include discrimination on the basis of gender identity. As Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito warned in his dissent, this move threatens “freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and personal privacy and safety.”

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Specifically, Alito warned that allowing biological males to enter women’s bathrooms and changing rooms may invite assault or abuse. He warned that opening women’s sports to biological males would “force young women to compete against students who have a very significant biological advantage.” He warned that the Court’s ruling would force rape crisis centers to admit biological males if they claim to identify as women.

Alito also warned that the Court’s ruling — and, by extension, Biden’s order — would prevent religious organizations from only hiring people who “actually live the faith.” He warned the ruling would force employers and health care providers to endorse transgender surgeries. He warned that this broad interpretation of discrimination would suppress free speech, forcing people to kowtow to transgender pronouns.

States are considering laws that address these concerns.

1. Women’s sports.

“The science is settled: boys have an unfair competitive advantage over girls in athletics,” Aaron Baer, president of the Center for Christian Virtue in Ohio, said in a statement after Republicans filed the Save Women’s Sports Act in the Ohio House of Representatives. “As the father of two girls, [I think] it’s unbelievable that the Biden administration would put our daughters at risk, and deny them a level playing field by forcing them to compete against boys.”

Baer and his Christian organization are far from alone in raising concerns about the destruction of women’s sports. Feminists and scientific journals have warned that males have biological advantages over females that cannot be erased by simply identifying as female. Women’s sports exist to enable fair competition, and transgender activism destroys that possibility.

Duke Law School professor Doriane Lambelet Coleman warned that if women’s sports must admit biological men, “the very best women in the world would lose to literally thousands of boys and men, including thousands who would be considered second-tier.”

Republicans have spearheaded legislation to protect women’s sports in Georgia (H.B. 276), Missouri (H.B. 1077), Ohio (H.B. 61), Tennessee (H.B. 3), Texas (H.B. 1458), and Utah (H.B. 302). The Montana House passed the “Save Women’s Sports Act” (H.B. 112) last month and the Mississippi Senate passed the “Mississippi Fairness Act” (S.B. 2536) last week.

2. Protecting children’s health

While Biden has not explicitly supported experimental transgender “treatments” for minors such as so-called “puberty-blocking” drugs and cross-sex hormones, he has endorsed transgender identity and activism for kids under age 10 and he has nominated an openly transgender official to serve as assistant secretary of health at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

Transgenderism has already caused medical mixups, to deadly effect. In one case, a pregnant woman who identified as a man went to the hospital with abdominal pains. Because the woman’s records identified her as a man, the hospital ruled out labor and did not give her the treatment she needed. Her baby died.

There is no evidence that transgender surgery improves the mental health outcomes of gender dysphoric people. Men and women who formerly identified as transgender and underwent surgery have grown to reject transgender identity and lament the damage they did to their own bodies.

Last year, Britain’s High Court ruled that children under age 16 lack the ability to consent to “puberty-blocking” drugs and cross-sex hormones that have irreversible life-long effects. Children who undergo such “treatments” often persist in transgender identity and lose their ability to have children later in life.

In this context, the Alabama House and Senate are considering the Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act (H.B. 1 and S.B. 10), which would prohibit experimental transgender “treatments” on children who cannot give informed consent to permanent life-altering procedures. The bill would make it a felony for a doctor to subject a child to “puberty blockers” or cross-sex hormones. Republicans in Tennessee introduced a similar bill (S.B. 657), as did legislators in Georgia (H.B. 401). Republicans in Kentucky filed a bill to prevent transgender “treatments” without written consent from a parent or guardian (H.B. 477).

3. Bathroom bills

While North Carolina repealed its H.B. 2 legislation, which defended women’s privacy in multiple-stall bathrooms, other states have considered such legislation. Republicans in Iowa filed a bill to prohibit “persons from entering single and multiple occupancy toilet facilities in elementary and secondary schools that do not correspond with the person’s biological sex” (S.F. 224).

Transgender activists claim such bills are unnecessary because people who genuinely suffer from gender dysphoria (the persistent and painful condition of identifying with the gender opposite one’s biological sex) do not represent a threat in private spaces. Unfortunately, opening sex-segregated spaces like bathrooms and changing rooms would not just open the doors to individuals with gender dysphoria — it would also allow provocateurs like Jessica Yaniv and perverts to access private women’s spaces.

4. Religious freedom and medical ethics.

Many Americans — including employers, doctors, and various other health care providers — have moral and religious objections to transgender “treatments,” especially to surgeries that permanently sterilize patients. Biden has expressed hostility to religious freedom protections in the health care industry and his transgender executive order may force some health care providers to carry out these procedures in violation of their consciences.

The day before Biden became president, a federal court in North Dakota defended Roman Catholic health care providers from an Obamacare mandate forcing doctors and nurses to perform transgender surgeries. Catholic hospitals refuse to carry out elective surgeries that result in sterilization because they interpret such surgeries as perpetuating harm and therefore violating the Hippocratic Oath. Some doctors have warned that even the hormones — the less invasive “treatment” — give healthy people a disease.

Physicians, health care providers, and employers should enjoy the religious freedom to refrain from carrying out or funding such surgeries — and this conscience protection should extend to everyone who considers transgender surgery to be physically harmful, regardless of their faith.

Republicans in Arkansas (S.B. 289), Kentucky (S.B. 83), and South Dakota (H.B. 1247) have filed legislation to protect the consciences of health care workers on this issue.

Many of these bills have a good chance of becoming law, and these efforts represent a long-overdue backlash to the radical activism of transgender identity in various aspects of American society. Unfortunately, most of the legacy media has bought into the worldview of transgenderism. Outlets like CNN have reported these legislative efforts as “anti-LGBTQ bills.” In reporting on the bills, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) repeated the far-left smear factory the Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) false accusation that Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) — a mainstream conservative Christian law firm supporting many of these bills — is a “hate group” that belongs on a list with the Ku Klux Klan. HRC blasted ADF and the Heritage Foundation as “hateful anti-LGBTQ organizations.”

Conservatives must continue to fight the noxious ideology of transgender activism and the cancel culture that seeks to silence all opposition to this transgender groupthink. You can help with this important effort by subscribing to PJ Media VIP.

Tyler O’Neil is the author of Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center. Follow him on Twitter at @Tyler2ONeil.

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Court Blocks Biden HHS From Forcing Catholic Doctors to Perform Transgender Surgery
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Sanity at Last: Britain’s High Court Protects Young Children From Transgender Chemical Castration

Hillsong Founder and CEO Stepping Down From Leadership

Beth Moore with Brian Houston




republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Hillsong has been a scandal-plagued church since its founding. The organization, which has often found itself defending indefensible actions by its leaders and members, has become nothing less than a personality cult for high-profile celebrities — like Justin Bieber and Chris Pratt — and their followers to attend who want to be able to say they’re “Christians” without having to actually commit themselves to any doctrinal standards.

The organization has never fully recovered from its pedophile cover-up scandal involving CEO Brian Houston’s father, Frank Houston.

Other scandals include NYC Lentz’ telling CNN that he may be open to affirming homosexuals at some point and his daughter caught on camera taking part in an anti-police protest as she screeches and screams at police. And gay advocacy groups have claimed that Hillsong is secretly pro-gay, but won’t announce it publicly. Hillsong’s CEO, Brian Houston, says that we shouldn’t “judge” homosexuals because God is a “God of love” and threw Chris Pratt under the bus after Pratt publicly supported a biblical view on sexuality.

Hillsong has hosted Roman Catholic masses, has put on literal circus performances, held sleazy Christmas performances and paraded scantily clad women across the stage, and featured a “naked cowboy” at a women’s conference followed by a “naked Santa” at another conference. It’s easy to see why so many Bible-believing Christians refuse to even allow their presence through music in their churches — Hillsong is a prosperity gospel cult and a breeding ground of false converts. And their leaders are dropping like flies — including Marty Sampson, the worship leader who renounced his faith altogether after the fame and glory Hillsong offered him was no longer enough to satisfy his carnal desires.

And now, the church is being sued by the owner of a building they were renting in Connecticut after prematurely canceling the lease and leaving over 100 thousand dollars in rent unpaid and stolen equipment.

Brian Houston, the founder and CEO recently told his audience that he and his controversial “sex advice book” wife, Bobbie Houston that as they were aging, they no longer had the ability to lead such an astronomically-sized global organization, stating that it would be “unsustainable for us to be able to lead everything that we’re leading right now. I want to be looking at ways we can share that load.”

After the last pastoral sex scandal involving Hillsong NYC pastor, Carl Lentz — who was fired prior to admitting to having frequent sex outside of marriage — Houston expressed regret for not having dealt with the “leadership issue” sooner.

“So you know, this year is our 38th year since Bobbie and I started out here in the Hills,” said Houston during the second Vision Sunday service of the weekend. “I’ve been doing a lot of soul-searching and praying about the future and the way ahead.”

He promised the audience that he wasn’t retiring and that he and Bobbie would “still be around” and that he would still preach “as long as they want me to.”

According to reports, Houston will be handing over leadership to Gary Clarke who is currently the lead pastor of the Hillsong UK branch.

Principled People Should Cut All Ties With the Episcopal Church



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

The Washington National Cathedral has been dodging intense incoming missile fire since they apologized to livid LGBTQ bullies for having conservative author Max Lucado preach at its virtual Sunday service recently. The church invited Max to “build bridges,” but his biblical views on sexuality and marriage make them hold their breath in angst. When those defenders of equal rights at the local Lavender Club started shooting at Cathedral leaders, they, along with the Bishop, folded like a cheap suit as all unprincipled people do.

Church officials blamed their “mistake” on their “straight privilege” and begged forgiveness for the “pain” they had caused. The two gutless church leaders promised to schedule a “listening session” for the LGBTQ crowd who had turned blue from holding their breath.

The Episcopal Church is so twisted that it put one of their bishops on trial for following the Bible! William Love was a very conservative and orthodox Episcopal Bishop of Albany, New York, and was tried by his denomination for being too biblical. The Bishop abides by the traditional Christian doctrine that marriage is the union of one man and one woman. The courageous Bishop was put on trial “after banning gay marriage ceremonies in his diocese.”

Bishop Love is as out of place in the radical Episcopal denomination as Louis Farrakhan at a Jewish bar mitzvah. After enormous pressure from his craven denominational leaders, Love resigned from his bishopric effective February 1, 2021.

Good, now other principled leaders and ordinary church members should leave the denomination as if their hair were on fire.

Frankly, all principled people, with any cursory knowledge of biblical truth, should cut all ties with all the mainline churches that have become little more than social clubs. Most of these churches are very light on the Bible and deep into social justice, promotion of same-sex “marriage,” transgenderism, globalism, climate change, etc. By continuing in apostate denominations, members become participants in the compromise and corruption of their evil deeds.

The Episcopal Church has been dominated by weirdos such as Bishops James Pike, John Spong, and Gene Robinson. Their best-known churches are the National Cathedral and St. John’s in Washington, D.C. Those churches would be empty and used as warehouses if they were not historic places.

I watched two hours of a dialogue held at the National Cathedral dealing with two cathedral windows that depict Robert E. Lee and Thomas Stonewall Jackson. Cathedral officials had been wrestling with this for a long time, and in September 2017, the windows were removed.

The media and the panel discussion I watched were concerned about the windows telling an “incomplete and misleading account of our history.” An official said, “We are committed to finding ways to offer a richer, more balanced expression of our nation’s history.” I’ll buy that; however, I demand some consistency, something that never concerns liberals.

During the panel discussion, the Rev. Dr. Kelly Brown Douglas, Canon Theologian at the Cathedral, spoke approvingly of Nat Turner, and another spoke positively of W. E. B. Du Bois. The panelists also agreed that one must know about Thomas Jefferson’s ownership of hundreds of slaves to really know the man. Okay, I’ll accept that, but no one seemed concerned to tell the whole story about Turner and Du Bois, so I will. Maybe the panel, consisting of two white people and two black people, does not know the complete stories of those men.

Nat Turner, a black slave in Virginia, claimed to be a Baptist preacher who always felt destined for greatness, and his parents encouraged him, considering him a prophet. They were convinced of that because of unusual marks on his head and breast! Turner reported seeing spirits fighting in the sky, and he allegedly heard voices. Being a “prophet,” he communicated “revelations” to fellow slaves. I don’t need to emphasize that such is more indicative of a paranoid than a prophet.

Then, when Mount St. Helens erupted on February 12, 1831, nearly 3,000 miles away, Virginia’s atmospheric conditions convinced Turner that God wanted him to kill his white enemies! About seven months later, on August 21, 1831, he and other slaves attacked and killed 55 white people, including men, women, and children–some as they slept. One victim was a baby in its cradle. Some of the victims were beheaded, including children. The killers used axes, clubs, swords, and guns.

Armed citizens confronted the attackers, and Turner was captured, tried, and executed by hanging after hiding for two months. His corpse was flayed, beheaded, and quartered. It seems the slaveholders wanted to send a message to their slaves.

Mindless, guilt-ridden Whites and gullible Blacks seek to make every Black a hero, but surely, no sane person thinks Turner was anything but a monster.

Another black hero is W. E. B. Du Bois (who insisted on being called “Dr. Du Bois”), an impressive intellectual who, in 1895, was the first Black to earn a Ph.D. from Harvard. He was a founder of the NAACP (most of the executive officers were white) in 1909, and he was hired as editor of their journal The Crisis. Du Bois later resigned (some say he was dismissed) in 1934 over the reversal of his segregation position to accepting the “separate but equal” position as a satisfactory goal for Blacks. He had rejected Frederick Douglass’ plea for black Americans to integrate into white society. He also sparred with Booker T. Washington, the number one black leader in America who was highly respected by Whites and Blacks.

Du Bois thought Booker T. Washington was too slow and patient in dealing with segregation. Washington was an accommodator, and Du Bois was an agitator. Du Bois was an effective advocate for civil rights but leaned far to the left, defending and joining many socialist causes. He taught that capitalism was a major cause of racism. Du Bois was a peace advocate and promoted nuclear disarmament. He began to support the Communist Party and warmed to Marx’s atheism.

Many of Du Bois’ friends and supporters shunned him, especially after the FBI continued to investigate his actions, associates, and his advocacies. He ended up joining the American Communist Party, traveled to Russia and China (becoming their cheerleader), and became a citizen of Ghana, where he died in 1963.

I wonder why the Episcopal leaders did not think it necessary to reveal the full scope of Du Bois’ life. Maybe because of the stories of their own leaders.

Bishop James Pike died a bishop in the Episcopal Church, although he said that he was leaving the denomination. In his personal life, Pike was a chain-smoker and an alcoholic. In theology, he was a heretic even to many conservative Episcopalians. Many heresy charges were brought against him with plenty of facts to substantiate them. The cowardly bishops of the denomination refused to pursue heresy charges. Pike did not believe in Hell, the Trinity, and virgin birth.

Pike was a troubled man all his life. He married Jane Alvies then divorced in 1941. He married Esther Yanovsky in 1942, and she divorced him in 1966. They had four children. Pike lived with (but did not marry) his secretary Maren Bergrud until 1967 when she committed suicide after a heated argument with him. Pike performed her funeral in his church.

In 1968, he married Diane Kennedy and went to Israel on an extended honeymoon. They were researching a book Pike was planning to write. While near the Dead Sea without a guide, they had car trouble, and the couple walked away from the car. Soon, Diane went alone to seek help leaving her husband. She stumbled into workers who took her to safety. Pike’s body was discovered a few days later after an intensive search.

Bishop John Shelby Spong is another Episcopalian leader who is very careful that no one would ever mistake him for a Bible-believer. Of course, he, like Pike and other unbelieving Bishops, makes an excellent living preaching the Bible he does not believe. Such people have plenty of chutzpah but no character. Spong teaches that Christ was “adopted by God as his son” in his Born of a Woman, and He rejects the historical truths essential to Christianity, such as the virgin birth and the bodily resurrection of Christ. Neither does Spong believe that Christ is the only way of salvation. He teaches that the Apostle Paul was a pervert. He believes the creation story is nonsense.

When the Episcopal denomination consecrated homosexual Gene Robinson as a Bishop in 2003, the denomination experienced the “worst single outflow of Episcopalians in modern history,” over 100,000.

They should have lost every genuine Christian, but alas, many Christians don’t know what the Bible teaches, or they don’t care.

Every true Christian should leave every corrupt mainline church because, without truth, all you have is a cult.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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