FALLS CHURCH, VIRGINIA: SCHOOL District to Change NameS of SchoolS Named for Jefferson & MASON, Ignoring Community Opposition

District to Change Name of School Named for Jefferson, Ignoring Community Opposition



SEE: https://thenewamerican.com/district-to-change-name-of-school-named-for-jefferson-ignoring-community-opposition/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

A Virginia school board voted this week to change the names of two schools because their namesakes were slave owners — even though one of them was America’s third president and the other was another Founding Father.

Falls Church City Public Schools will rename Thomas Jefferson Elementary School and George Mason High School following a unanimous vote to approve the measure Wednesday.

“The Board took seriously the viewpoints and concerns raised by many students, parents, staff, and community members,” said School Board Chair Greg Anderson.  

Prior to the vote, the school board conducted a survey to gauge the public’s interest in changing the 
names of the schools. Only 26 percent of the nearly 3,500 parents, students, and staff members surveyed 
supported renaming the George Mason school, and only 23 percent supported renaming the Thomas Jefferson 
Elementary. By contrast, 56 percent opposed renaming both of them.

Despite this fact, Anderson said the change was “in the best interest” of students and “a necessary part of our equity work.”

“Our schools must be places where all students, staff, and community members feel safe, supported, and inspired,” the board chairman said.

Jefferson has been a constant target of the historical revisionists, especially over the last year as vandals associated with the Black Lives Matter movement have toppled monuments and statues dedicated to historical figures they deem “racist.”

For leftists, Jefferson is problematic because he owned slaves. Added to that is the charge that he carried on an affair with 16-year-old slave Sally Hemings, and went on to father six of her children.

But as TNA writer R. Cort Kirkwood notes, the Thomas Jefferson Heritage Society published The Jefferson-Hemings ControversyReport of the Scholars Commission, which showed the Jefferson-Hemings tale to be false. DNA tests did not, as widely believed, connect Jefferson to Hemings, and other historical research showed the claims of so-called offspring and descendants of the two were also untrue. 

What Jefferson did do was author the Declaration of Independence, which justified secession from Great Britain and explicitly stated that God, not the state, gives us with inalienable rights that can’t be taken away by the government.

Kirkwood explains about other aspects of Jefferson’s legacy: 

He also wrote the Virginia Statute on Religious Freedom, which Virginia’s General Assembly adopted in 1786 and which anticipated the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. “No man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever,” it says, “nor shall be enforced, restrained, molested, or burdened in his body or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer, on account of his religious opinions or belief.”

… With the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, he doubled the size of the United States by acquiring 827,000 square miles of territory from Napoleon for the meager sum of $15 million. The transaction included all of Iowa, Kansas, Arkansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and Oklahoma, almost all of the Dakotas, Minnesota west of the Mississippi River, parts of Texas and New Mexico, and Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado east of the Rocky Mountains.… Yet because he was a man of his time and one aspect of his life does not meet 21st-century sensibilities, the stunning memorial on the Tidal Basin must be demolished.

George Mason, meanwhile, is famous for refusing to sign the Constitution at the Constitutional Convention. One of his reasons? Because he wanted an immediate end to the slave trade.

Mason also led the fight for a bill of rights in the Constitution, and it’s heavily thanks to him that James Madison introduced, in the First Congress, the first 10 Amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights.

But again, none if means much to the Left, who ignore history and see nothing more than “racist old white men” upon looking at any historical statue. Unfamiliarity with history is why even statues of Abraham Lincoln and black abolitionist Frederick Douglass have been targeted by the “woke mob.”

Such ridiculous acts are not only a sign of ignorance on the part of the vandals, but show that the overarching agenda of the current “social justice” movement is to make war on all of Western history in order to replace it with an alternative Marxist history. It’s the same agenda that fueled the toppling of statues in the Soviet Union and during Communist China’s Cultural Revolution.

If the cultural pillagers aren’t stopped in their tracks, they’ll keep going until they’ve burned all America’s heritage to the ground.


SEE ALSO: https://pjmedia.com/culture/robert-spencer/2020/12/09/falls-church-virginia-school-board-cancels-thomas-jefferson-n1200003;


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

In a unanimous vote Tuesday, the Falls Church, Virginia School Board voted to rename Thomas Jefferson Elementary School, as well as George Mason High School, replacing the names of these Founding Fathers with those of people who are more woke and acceptable to the vanguard of today’s Cultural Revolution.

School Board Chair Greg Anderson, tongue no doubt planted firmly in cheek, intoned the usual pieties: “The Board took seriously the viewpoints and concerns raised by many students, parents, staff, and community members.” Except it didn’t, since according to WTOP, “a survey of the Falls Church community taken in October…revealed that 56% of the community overall asked that the names stay on the schools, including 61% of the parents of Thomas Jefferson Elementary students and 57% of George Mason High parents.” But their viewpoints didn’t count. As is always the case, the only viewpoints that mattered were those of the woke mob.

Not grasping the old adage that it is better to be silent and be thought an idiot than to open one’s mouth and prove it, Anderson rambled on: “We thank everyone who shared their perspectives with us and will be mindful of your comments as we now begin selecting names that reflect the diversity of opinions in our community” – except, that is, the opinions of the majorities who thought Thomas Jefferson and George Mason were fine names and need not be changed. “Our schools must be places where all students, staff, and community members feel safe, supported, and inspired.” Except, that is, those who respect and revere the Founding Fathers.

And so the foes of American history and America itself, for to repudiate the one is to repudiate the other, score another victory. If His Fraudulency Joe Biden succeeds in gaining the presidency by massive voter fraud, it will hardly matter anyway, but America can only have a future as a free society if its people recover a deep appreciation for its heroes and a pride in its achievements. In fact, that’s why the Left embarked upon its statue-destroying frenzy, tearing down statues not just of Confederates but of Lincoln, Grant, and even Frederick Douglass. They want to make you ashamed of American history so that you won’t see in America anything worth defending as the country continues to be assaulted from within and from outside, with useful idiots such as Greg Anderson helping on the destroyers.

Ahistorical myopia and ignorance of history as displayed by Anderson is a significant cause of the current outpouring of hatred for America. The war on Jefferson and Mason, both slaveowners, is just one small part of the Left’s relentless defamation of our country as a bastion of racial hatred and injustice. Leftist rioters and destroyers are enraged at Americans who are memorialized despite being slaveowners. They’re oblivious to the fact that slavery was not universally considered a moral evil at the time these men lived, and that this is relevant because there are very likely to be people in future ages who look at our times and scratch their heads and ask each other How could they not have known that was wrong?

Even more importantly, the Leftists are heedless of the fact that the movement to abolish slavery arose in Britain and America because of Christian principles that they despise, while slavery persisted long into the twentieth century in several Muslim countries because of Islamic principles that Leftists would rather be caught at a Trump rally than criticize. Saudi Arabia, a country based strictly upon Islamic law, only abolished slavery in 1962, and North African states including Mauritania and Niger only did so in the early twenty-first century, because of Islamic laws that the Leftist rioters would no doubt say it was “Islamophobic” to denounce.

In contrast, it was Greg Anderson’s bête noire Thomas Jefferson who wrote the words “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” It was those words that led many Americans, long before the Civil War, to believe that slavery was not only evil in itself, but incompatible with the principles of the American republic. Slavery was ultimately eradicated in the United States by people who believed that Thomas Jefferson had enunciated the principles that made it necessary to wipe it out.

It will be interesting to see who Thomas Jefferson Elementary and George Mason High are named for now. Malcolm X? Angela Davis? Che Guevara? Mao Zedong? Whoever it will be, it is almost certain that the honored figures will be just as imperfect, and maybe even worse violators of human rights than Jefferson or Mason. But the Left is indifferent to the imperfections of its own heroes; its objective is not to find perfect or sinless people to venerate, but to turn Americans against their own heritage. In Falls Church, Virginia, it’s working.


Letter to the Editor: To All Parents of Students Considering Attending Gordon College



President Lindsay




Gordon College, 255 Grapevine Road, Wenham, MA 01984
978 927 2300   |   admissions@gordon.edu   |   info@gordon.edu


Gordon College is a nondenominational Christian liberal arts college in Wenham, Massachusetts.

Unleashing Opportunity: Why Escaping Poverty Requires a Shared Vision of Justice

Michael Gerson, Visiting Fellow at the Center for Public Justice and syndicated columnist with the Washington Post - Gordon College Convocation - Friday November 20, 2015

SEE: https://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/newsletters/2020/newsletter20201130.htm;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

LTRP Note: Since the inception of Lighthouse Trails in 2002, we have been researching and warning about what is happening in today’s Christian colleges, seminaries, and universities. The letter below from Manny Silva (co-founder of Concerned Nazarenes) (posted with his permission) illustrates the great dilemma in which many Christian parents find themselves today, and it is utterly heartbreaking. Over the years, so many parents and grandparents have told us how their child’s or grandchild’s faith was turned upside down after attending a Christian college for even just a short time.

We wrote the booklet Epidemic of Apostasy in 2013 (from a report we released in 2011) showing how the Christian schools were incorporating Spiritual Formation (i.e., contemplative spirituality) into their students’ lives. We warned that doing this was going to turn these young people emergent. If anyone reading the following letter thinks for a minute that the huge emphasis on contemplative spirituality in the church these last two decades has not produced “social-justice warriors” in our young people who are joining (or at least sympathizing with) the Marxist, Black Lives Matter, pro-hate, anti-biblical movements currently happening, then he or she has not done due diligence in understanding what we’ve been warning about for nearly 19 years. We have always stated and will continue to warn as the Lord allows that the Spiritual Formation movement (now in the majority of Christian colleges) is a disguised effort by our Adversary to lead followers away from the Cross and into deep deception! Want to have a socialist, anti-moral, angry, and disillusioned child or grandchild? Just send him or her to a school that promotes Spiritual Formation.

And do not think that today’s Christian leaders are not much to blame for what is happening with our young people and the colleges—just read Roger Oakland’s book Faith Undone and Ray Yungen’s A Time of Departing* to understand the roles Christian leaders have played and the links involved in bringing about an emergent “social-justice” Bible-rejecting revolutionary movement within the church.

To All Parents of Students Considering Attending Gordon College by Manny Silva:

Manny Silva

My son is a freshman at Gordon College. We enrolled him because we believed the school is a solid Christian college. But now, we have serious issues with what is going on campus this semester. We and many other parents of Gordon students are extremely concerned with the direction things are going. So if you are considering sending your student to Gordon College next year, please contact me at my e-mail address.

The biggest symptom of what we see is a falling away from the biblical principles that the school stands for, is the division being caused on campus by the Black Lives Matter movement. Student BLM activists have been exhibiting less than Christ-like behavior, such as racially divisive signs on campus. And one of the most serious concerns is that students who oppose BLM, or oppose social justice/Critical Race Theory are being vilified, intimidated, harassed, and even coerced into participating in activities which they do not agree with! These are all symptoms of a bigger problem, in which social-justice ideology is supplanting a biblical worldview on a college campus which we were certain would provide a solid basis for my son’s learning and spiritual growth. That is all in doubt now!

I have attended or listened to chapel messages where Scripture was twisted (by college professors!) into a social-justice theme. My son has not learned much about God’s Word in many of these chapel services. Racial issues seem to be overly-discussed in many classes, and activities and events are almost all themed on racial issues—but again, always slanted towards those who support BLM and social-justice causes. If you disagree, you are disapproved of, or you are forced to stay silent.

This in unacceptable on a Christian campus. Therefore, this is a clear warning to all parents considering Gordon College. We have not given up. We have started a group for concerned parents, and we are working hard to see if we can help rescue Gordon College from going over the precipice, where it will become undiscernible as a Christian school, and it will turn into just another secular, godless school in practice.

If you are a prospective parent, or know if a prospective parent of a student, please let me know, and I will give you further information, including joining the Concerned Gordon Parents group.

Related Material:

Lighthouse Trails List of Christian Colleges Promoting Spiritual Formation

An Epidemic of Apostasy – How Christian Seminaries Must Incorporate “Spiritual Formation” to Become Accredited

Critical Race Theory, Southern Baptist Convention, and a Marxist “Solution” That Will Not Work

Various research articles by Lighthouse Trails on Nazarene schools

Emergent Manifesto of Hope Despair Revisited—How It Has Affected Today’s Church

(photo of college scene from bigstockphoto.com; used with permission)

*If you have never read these books and cannot afford to buy one or both, e-mail us at editors@lighthousetrails.com, and we will send one to you.








Social Sciences
ECB 101 - Principles of Microeconomics - Credits: 4 
ECB 349 - Leadership in and of Organizations - Credits: 4
HIS 244 - World History: Globalisation and Modernity, 1500-Present - Credits: 4
HIS 344 - Classical Islam and the Middle East - Credits: 4     
POL 104 - American National Politics - Credits: 4 
POL 312 - Justice - Credits: 4 
POL 322 - American Political Thought - Credits: 4 
PSY 180 - Person in Psychological Context - Credits: 4
SOC 101 - Introduction to Sociology - Credits: 4 
SOC 102 - Why We Want: A Sociology of Desire and Consumption - Credits: 4  
SOC 103 - Social Movements - Credits: 4
SWK 201 - Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare - Credits: 4 

When Leftists Call For ‘Unity,’ They Mean ‘Submission’ – and They’re Not Getting It From Me


After years of calling conservatives "racists," "Nazis" and "white supremacists," Democrats now say they want "unity" - while making lists of Trump supporters to be "held accountable."


Donald Trump’s Lawyer Rebukes Southeastern Seminary Professor For Being a Liberal

SEE: https://reformationcharlotte.org/2020/11/02/donald-trumps-lawyer-rebukes-southeastern-seminary-professor-for-being-a-liberal/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS), increasingly one of the most liberal seminaries in the Evangelical Church, recently hired a liberal English professor — who supports ministries that promote woman-to-woman and man-to-man intimate relationships — from Liberty University. Karen Swallow Prior, who served many years on the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) as a research fellow, has been outspoken in her support of “gay Christianity” over the years.

Prior makes no qualms about her unbiblical positions as many have been warning about her for years. It wasn’t until recently, however, that Swallow Prior has completely unveiled herself as a totally “woke” leftist without a conservative bone in her body and people are finally starting to notice.

Recently, Donald Trump’s lawyer, who also represented John MacArthur’s church in a battle against Los Angeles over religious freedom, called out Swallow Prior for defending far-left radical Vice-Presidential candidate, Kamala Harris. While conservative Malachi O’Brien tweeted favorably that Kamala Harris had been “canceled” because of a lack of support in Texas, Swallow Prior jumped in to defend Harris.

Swallow Prior’s defense when Trump’s and MacArthur’s attorney, Jenna Ellis jumped in:

Here is where Ellis’ response was gold.

Karen Swallow Prior is a liberal activist and sadly, she represents a large majority of the Southern Baptist Convention and the Evangelical Church. Increasingly, the divide between the liberals and the conservatives is growing, and thankfully so. Christians cannot in any way support the Democrat party — to do so is to support the things that God hates.





SOUTHERN BAPTIST PRESIDENT JD Greear Says: Christians are Cursed Since They Don’t Fight for “Gender Justice”

JUDGES 5:23-"Curse ye Meroz, said the angel of the LORD, curse ye bitterly the inhabitants thereof; because they came not to the help of the LORD, to the help of the LORD against the mighty.

SEE: https://reformationcharlotte.org/2020/10/29/jd-greear-says-christians-are-cursed-since-they-dont-fight-for-gender-justice/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

JD Greear, president of the Southern Baptist Convention — who denounced Southern Baptists as racists and white supremacists, called on Christians to stand up for LGBTQ rights, and has a pro-choice woman leading bible studies at his church and also says that people who are followers of Jesus will think about the “rights of immigrants” while at the ballot box — has denounced the Church as “cursed” like Meroz for not fighting for “racial justice” and “gender justice.”

Greear, recently complained in a sermon that Christians today, like Christians during the time of American slavery, have a “malaise” about matters of justice because, he says, it doesn’t “directly affect them.”

“Whether we’re talking about racial justice or gender justice or what have you,” he says, “tragically…there’s often been a malaise in the church…because the injustice did not directly affect those of us sitting in places of privilege. Like Meroz, it didn’t affect our tribe.”

Of course, he doesn’t exactly explain what “gender justice” is, however, the website, Gender Justice U.S. defines it as “a world where everyone can thrive regardless of their gender, gender expression, or sexual orientation.” And since Greear has called on Christians to stand up for gay rights and says that using “preferred pronouns” for transgender people is “pronoun hospitality” and that he believes he should do it, one can draw their own conclusion as to what Greear means by the term.

Greear argued that Christians are “cursed,” like Meroz, for sitting back and “doing nothing” while oppressed people are bearing the burdens of the privileged.

TRENDING:  SBC President Says Stop Being a Pharisee, Pride, Materialism, Greater Sins Than Homosexuality

Besides the obvious fact that this is just stupid, it is biblically ignorant and does not represent what the Scriptures actually teach about justice. This is a Reconstructionist revision of the theology of justice and deserves nothing less than outright rejection by all Christians.


The Black Lives Matter assault in the nation’s schools is bigger and more intrusive than people realize. Along with that is a new wave of radical LGBT indoctrination.

SEE: https://www.massresistance.org/docs/gen4/20d/BLM-and-lgbt-school-assault/index.html;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Well-funded BLM working closely with LGBT movement already in the schools.

Activist teachers say: Parents should have no say in this!

See our multi-part series exposing it in detail!

October 23, 2020
ALT TEXT Most parents are completely unaware that this is being taught to schoolchildren across America - even in academic subjects such as English and math.

Right now, many people are focused on national politics, the elections, the banning of conservative thought, and the fear of more violence and destruction to come from Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa. But anyone who cares about the nation’s longer-term future needs to pay attention to the horrible transformation going on in the nation’s schools. It is on a scale that we have never seen before.

A flood of Black Lives Matter curriculum material – specifically tailored for various grade levels – is now showing up in public (and some private) schools across the US. Children are hit with insidious Marxist messages including:

  • America is a very bad place.
  • Police are racist and violent.
  • White people are naturally bigoted and have unfair privilege.
  • All black people are morally superior.
  • The traditional family structure is archaic.

The obvious purpose is to divide people, not bring them together.

But that’s not all. Two of the three founders of BLM are “out” lesbians, and “from the start Black Lives Matter has been about LGBTQ lives.” So along with the Marxist ideology – often mixed together – comes a new radical wave of LGBT indoctrination in the schools. From what we’ve seen, it is even more psychologically aggressive than before.

ALT TEXT A Black Lives Matter poster being used in the New York City school system mingles issues of race, 'queer' and transgender identities, diversity, and globalism.

A relatively sudden surge into the schools

As our readers know, for many years MassResistance has been successfully helping parents fight back against the LGBT agenda targeting their children in their schools.

Earlier this year, MassResisance activists around the country began confronting local BLM groups that were targeting their communities with their aggressive Marxist, anti-police, and racist demands. Much of this was centered around de-funding the police and pushing Marxist policies into city government.

When the new school year began back in August classes were conducted via Zoom because of COVID-19. Parents at home began noticing extremely offensive BLM lessons being pushed on students in supposedly academic settings such as English and math classes. It was frightening and very upsetting. MassResistance has helped some parents confront the school officials and get it stopped.

This has all been shockingly sudden. Last year there was almost no BLM material being taught that we could identify. But now we’re seeing that it’s a much larger problem than we could ever imagine. The sheer amount of material and the methodical way it’s being presented to children makes it obvious that the preparation for this has been going on for some time.

Where is this coming from?

This assault on children is being funded by Corporate America. The amount of money is staggering. Two years ago the National Football League announced a $90 million donation to Black Lives Matter and its “social justice” front groups, which was later upped to $250 million. This has been joined by Apple, Amazon, Walmart, and Google, Bank of America and many others. (See sample lists of funders here and here.)  The total by now has easily reached a billion dollars.

A substantial amount of this money goes to “educating” the nation’s schoolchildren. They have been able to create their extensive course materials and the methodologies for pushing it most effectively on children.

ALT TEXT Part of the "white privilege" propaganda in Middle Schools.

It’s moving so fast because the Black Lives Matter organization is working closely with the LGBT movement which infiltrated the schools over the past several decades – as well as the political entities that run them and universities that influence them. As a result, most of this new material is coming from the state or city level – and being pushed into the individual schools.

Teachers have also been put through indoctrination “teacher training,” much like the LGBT training that HRC and its “Welcoming Schools” have given them in years past (which is also pushed from the government entities).

ALT TEXT This Black Lives Matter teacher presentation in Buffalo, NY describes the various indoctrination sessions that the city's teachers - and even some parents - will be going through.

BLM is also working with other left-wing extremist groups already in the schools, such as the Southern Poverty Law Center and its so-called “Teaching Tolerance” curriculum.

Disturbing focus on Elementary and Middle School students

From what we are seeing, they are focusing particularly intensely on the Elementary and Middle School grades. They have a definite – and quite frightening - obsession in molding children’s minds as early as possible.

ALT TEXT From a Black Lives Matter coloring book for elementary school children.

This, unfortunately, is not a new concept among totalitarian movements. It’s something that we need to pay attention to.


Militant attitude of teachers

One very disturbing thing that we’ve found in both writings and even video clips that we’ve come across is the extreme militant attitude of teachers.

In one video of a training session, teachers explain that parents don’t have a right to decide what their children learn – because the teachers are the ones who know best. And children need to be protected from parents’ bigotry.

A popular slogan is “Freedom to read.” They unabashedly say that young children have the “freedom” to read pornography, or children’s books promoting homosexuality or witchcraft, or any subject the teacher may choose.

Keeping parents in the dark is a goal. And in fact, most people have no idea what’s happening. But sometimes parents find out. So there are training sessions on dealing with pushback from parents - particularly “bigoted conservative religious” parents. They teach the teachers how to give such parents misinformation and confuse them to a point where they don’t oppose the material.

Can this be stopped?

Yes, we believe it can be stopped – school by school. None of this can be defended by the schools – if parents are educated and equipped to properly confront it. Because it is virtually all based on lies and discredited Marxist ideology, it is surprisingly easy to tear down.

The education establishment is used to intimidating and steamrolling parents and community members who are frightened and unsophisticated. But our experience has been that they cannot effectively deal with people who are aggressive and well equipped with the facts.

There are numerous strategies at our disposal – including demands that the ringleaders pushing this on children be fired – which we’ve successfully used.

(The only thing limiting us right now is the funding to manage a larger-scale operation. Conservative donors are historically reticent to be confrontational. But we’re working on that.)

Coming up: A series of exposés!

Over the last few months we have gathered a large amount of the new Black Lives Matter and LGBT material being pushed in the nation’s schools. Most of this has come from teachers (and even principals) who have been outraged – and reached out to us. It even includes some videos of secret teacher training sessions.

It’s far too much to post in just one article. So over the next several weeks we will be publishing a series of detailed reports. Our goal is for people to know what’s really happening in their schools – and hopefully get prepared to take action!





Protecting Your Children From YOU!~Behind the Deep State

In this episode of Behind The Deep State, host Alex Newman explains that the Deep State is coming for your children under the guise of "protecting" them from you. Every tyrant of the last century understood that brainwashing kids was the route to power. Now they are coming for yours. The United Nations has the Convention on the Rights of the Child that turns the government, not the parents, into the primary decision makers. In Scotland, this UN deal resulted in having a government bureaucrat oversee each child. The federal government and some states are seeking similar schemes. They hope to destroy the family because it is part of God's design, and it's a powerful bulwark against the tyranny sought by the Deep State. ▶️ More Videos: Trump is the Target of "Color Revolution" Coup https://youtu.be/MQlPX2okv00 Biden Adopts UN "Build Back Better" Push for New World Order https://youtu.be/bQZG7xWPZQ4 Demonic Spirits Behind Black Lives Matter https://youtu.be/lKmnyY0vQmU Articles: Feds Seek Home Visits, Calling Parents “Equal Partners” https://thenewamerican.com/feds-seek-... Public School Helps Child Get Sex Change Without Parental Approval https://thenewamerican.com/public-sch... 🇺🇸 The New American: http://www.thenewamerican.com/ 📲 Let's Connect! http://www.facebook.com/TheNewAmerican https://parler.com/profile/TheNewAmer... https://twitter.com/NewAmericanMag https://www.instagram.com/newamerican... #BehindTheDeepState #AlexNewman


Fordham University


SEE: https://freebeacon.com/campus/chinese-immigrant-sues-university-for-sanctioning-tiananmen-post/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

A Fordham University student kicked off campus for posing with his legally owned firearm filed a lawsuit on July 23 alleging the school violated its commitment to free expression.

Rising senior Austin Tong, a Chinese immigrant who posted the picture in honor of the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, filed a lawsuit against Fordham, the school's president, and the dean of students. The suit alleges the university violated its free expression covenant with students by disciplining Tong for "lawful, constitutionally protected, and non-threatening social media posts on Instagram."

"Fordham's policies and rules, as well as basic First Amendment jurisprudence, make it abundantly clear that uncomfortable or unpleasant impact on a speaker's audience is not a proper ground to restrain the speech in question," the lawsuit reads.

The suit calls on the school to annul all disciplinary sanctions, admit that Tong's social media posts are a permitted exercise of free speech under Fordham's speech code, and award relief for the breach of contract between Fordham and Tong.

In its mission statement, Fordham guarantees the freedom of inquiry among other freedoms, but the explicit promise of free speech can be found in the school's demonstration policy.

"Each member of the University has a right to freely express his or her positions and to work for their acceptance whether they assent to or dissent from existing situations in the University or society," the policy reads.

Tong was told in a disciplinary letter from the university that he cannot return to campus and must complete his degree online while his peers return to campus. Tong cannot hold a leadership position on campus, must write an apology note to the school, and must complete a bias training or face suspension or possible expulsion.

The lawsuit alleges the sanctions against Tong are "damaging and humiliating" for the student as well as "draconian." The disciplinary actions force Tong to choose between his beliefs and a degree from his university of choice.

"These sanctions have placed Tong in an untenable position," the lawsuit reads. "He must either (1) abandon his principled beliefs, forfeit his right to lawful expression, and submit to Fordham's unconscionable discipline, or (2) face suspension or expulsion from Fordham, which would severely damage his future academic and employment prospects."

Tong told the Washington Free Beacon he believed he had a good relationship with dean of students Keith Eldredge before posting his Instagram photos. "Not even a Chinese university would do this to their students," he said.

The university did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

"The end result is that Tong and other students who do not adhere to the political orthodoxy of Fordham's administrators are turned into outcasts," the lawsuit reads. "Other individuals who wish to speak out with potentially unpopular but good faith viewpoints are discouraged from exercising their right of free expression."

Tong's lawyer Brett Joshpe said he could not comment on the pending litigation, but said there will be additional claims for "the massive damages caused."


Fordham University Punishes Pro 2A Student


SEE: https://www.thecornellreview.org/fordham-university-punishes-pro-2a-student/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:
On June 4th, Austin Tong shared a picture of himself holding a legal firearm to commemorate the anniversary of the Tienanmen Square protests.

Austin Tong, a rising senior studying business at Fordham University, was recently banned from campus after posting an image of himself holding a legally purchased rifle. In a previous post, Mr. Tong also shared a picture of David Dorn, with the caption, “Y’all a bunch of hypocrites.” Dorn was a retired police officer who was murdered while protecting a local store during a riot in June. Many have criticized Black Lives Matter for failing to protest the death of David Dorn, who was African American. These two posts were made on June 3rd and June 4th.

In a letter composed on July 14th, Keith Eldredge, the Dean of Students at Fordham University, notified Mr. Tong that a student conduct hearing had found the posts to be in violation of the university’s policies regarding “bias and/or hate crimes [and] threats/intimidation.” As a result of his alleged transgressions, Mr. Tong was barred from serving as an officer in any student groups, banned from campus, and instructed to complete the remainder of his degree online. Additionally, Austin was ordered to complete mandatory implicit bias training and write a letter of apology. He has refused to do so. 

 In an interview on The Joe Silverstein Podcast, Brett Joshpe Esquire, who is representing Mr. Tong stated, “He’s not going to be forced into issuing an apology when he did absolutely nothing wrong.” Mr. Joshpe went on to emphasize the importance of protecting freedom of speech in academia. “[College campuses] are supposed to be places where vigorous debate can happen… It is precisely the controversial topics that need to be protected vigorously and college campuses are exactly where those debates should be taking place.”

The case of Austin Tong is not an isolated incident. Increasingly, we have seen conservative students, faculty, and organizations systematically targeted in higher education. At Cornell University, Professor William Jacobson became the target of a smear campaign after criticizing Black Lives Matter.  In an unprecedented move, Eduardo M. Peñalver, Dean of Cornell Law School, harshly criticized Jacobson for his extramural political speech. Petitions, student boycotts, and allegations of racism quickly followed. Similarly, at Binghamton University, the College Republicans were suspended after tabling to promote a forthcoming event featuring Dr. Arthur Laffer. The university claimed the College Republicans were in violation of university and Student Assembly policies and publicly rebuked the group in a statement. However, the administration failed to take punitive action against violent agitators who assaulted and threatened the conservative students. 

Since Fordham is a private university, they do not have the same first amendment obligations as their public counterparts. However, they do have a responsibility to adhere to their own published policies regarding freedom of speech. Consequently, Joshpe Mooney Paltzik LLP filed an Article 78 Petition alleging that Fordham acted arbitrarily and capriciously in violation of its own policies. “We are prepared to fight for people like Austin Tong, who are prepared to fight for themselves.” 



SEE: https://iapps.courts.state.ny.us/fbem/DocumentDisplayServlet?documentId=avKDhKs0whNNB2DJEulcUA==&system=prod



SEE: https://www.jmpllp.com/#contact














"Numerous users expressed support for Tong, commenting that the university infringed on his right to free speech without reasonable cause. Conservative news outlets Campus ReformThe Epoch Times and The Glenn Beck Program have also reported on Tong’s case, which Tong praised on July 16 on Instagram."

"An equally large number of users opposed Tong, commenting that the posts provoked fear and were insensitive amid the Black Lives Matter movement, which has led and amplified a widespread outcry against violence."

"“Austin, I am extremely disappointed that you are actively utilizing your platform to invalidate the BLM movement rather than using your time to facilitate conversations about the issues at hand/trying to raise awareness,” Carrie Kinui, Fordham College at Lincoln Center ’21, commented on Tong’s post of Dorn." 


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