America 2023 Is Not Quite Germany 1930s… Yet

America 2023 Is Not Quite Germany 1930s... Yet

By Philip Carl Salzman


Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Leftists specialize in pejorative labeling of anyone who disagrees with them, calling them racist, sexist, homophobe, transphobe, Islamophobe, deplorable, etc. But they save their ultimate insults for their most important targets; they are labeled “fascists,” “Nazis,” and “literally Hitler.” These childish insults take the place of serious debate, of presenting arguments substantiated by evidence, and of countering disagreements with the same. Here, the argument will be attempted and the labeling rejected.

Any resemblance between America in 2023 and Germany in the 1930s is purely coincidental. Yet there are some worrisome resemblances.

As early as 1933, the formal exclusion of Jews was initiated with Chancellor Hitler’s declaration of a national boycott of Jewish businesses. The “Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service” prohibited “non-Aryans” from serving in the legal profession or civil service and from teaching in secondary schools and universities. On May 10, 1933, there was a nationwide book burning of “un-German” books, including those by Jewish authors.

Successful and prosperous Jews were in this way cut off from their professions and from commerce. Jews who had served in the military or were tenured in the civil service and in teaching positions lost the professions and statuses that they had earned. Hitherto successful businesses and stores found themselves without most of their customers, and many failed.

The Nuremberg exclusion laws (see also here) passed by the Nazi-dominated Reichstag in 1935 included the “Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honour,” which forbade marriage and extra-marital intercourse between Germans and Jews, and the “Reich Citizenship Law” declaring that only those of German blood could be citizens of the Reich, others being “enemies of the race-based state” without civil rights, including Jews and Romanis, with blacks also excluded from citizen rights.

Assimilated Jews, including those who had converted to Christianity and those who had married Germans, found themselves cut off from their German friends, in-laws, and even spouses. They were excluded from their own lives.

These Nazi laws were based on a race policy that distinguished between the German pure master race and the inferior races of non-Germans, mainly Jews but also gypsies and blacks, a theory that also put non-German foreigners, such as Poles, into alleged subordinate racial positions as members of inferior races.

American race theories are quite different from Nazi ones. Both in the U.S. and Canada, races are distinguished not by purity, but by virtue. Evil races are oppressors, privileged races, and virtuous races are oppressed, victimized “marginalized and underserved” minorities, a general category that includes “victims” of racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, and Islamophobia, and the discrimination that results from these.

The “evil” race in America is whites, the statistical majority in both countries. (Remarkably, successful minorities such as Asians and Jews are classed with whites as blameworthy “white adjacent” or “hyper-white,” for the unforgivable sin of being successful.) Males are the “evil” sex; heterosexuals are the “evil” sexuality; Christians and Jews are the “evil” religion; the able-bodied are also “evil oppressors.” BIPOC (black, indigenous, people of color), LGBTQ2S++ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transexual, queer, two-spirit, plus many other varieties of minority preferences), the disabled, and Muslims are all alleged to be “marginalized and underserved” victims of bigotry and discrimination.

Based on this American racial theory, “social justice” is now defined as the implementation of “diversity, equity, and inclusion.” But the initiatives for this did not come from the U.S. Congress or the Canadian Parliament. The people’s elected representatives had no say in this imposition. Rather, the postmodern holy trinity of “diversity, equity, and inclusion” has been imposed by executive order in both the U.S. and Canada.

In Canada, the Liberal government launched 2019 a new program to which all universities, professional academic organizations, and funding agencies were expected to commit. It is called “Dimensions: Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.” According to the government of Canada, “Dimensions aims to address systemic barriers, particularly those experienced by members of underrepresented or disadvantaged groups, including, but not limited to, women, Indigenous Peoples, persons with disabilities, members of visible minority/racialized groups, and members of LGBTQ2+ communities.” A “Charter” for “Dimensions” was distributed to all presidents of all post-secondary educational institutions, disciplinary organizations, and funding agencies for endorsement. The government plan is that “Institutions that endorse the Dimensions charter commit to embedding EDI principles in their policies, practices, action plans and culture.”

In the U.S., President Biden’s Executive Order 13985 “Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government” (see White House briefing here) states that:

It is therefore the policy of my Administration that the Federal Government should pursue a comprehensive approach to advancing equity for all, including people of color and others who have been historically underserved, marginalized, and adversely affected by persistent poverty and inequality. Affirmatively advancing equity, civil rights, racial justice, and equal opportunity is the responsibility of the whole of our Government. Because advancing equity requires a systematic approach to embedding fairness in decision-making processes, executive departments and agencies (agencies) must recognize and work to redress inequities in their policies and programs that serve as barriers to equal opportunity.

The background is Biden’s assertion that the U.S. is “systemically racist.” The stated intention is for DEI to correct that.

These top-down initiatives could not have been more successful. The targeted recipients throughout government, education, media, industry, medicine, and law took up DEI with the enthusiasm of “reborn” new converts. DEI requirements were imposed on every nook and cranny of organizational existence. But enforcement of DEI was not left to the workers, soldiers, teachers, nurses, clerks, and other front-line workers. No, across America thousands of DEI bureaucrats were hired, many at top salaries, to publicize and enforce DEI. These bureaucrats, acting as political commissars, were often relentless in imposing DEI and crushing dissent. These bureaucrats are the new executive elite of America.

So what does DEI turn out to be in practice? Let us take each term in turn.

Diversity, you might think, means bringing in everyone. Wrong. Diversity means bringing in a maximum number of people with victim credentials, that is, BIPOC, LGBTQ2S++, females, the disabled, and Muslims. Others — whites, especially white males, “hyper-white” Jews, “white adjacent” Asians, the able-bodied, and Christians — are deemed “not diverse” and are not selected; that is, they are mostly excluded, in many cases explicitly.

McGill University, ranked the number one medical university in Canada, celebrates its DEI success. In an article titled “McGill sees 400% increase in incoming Black medical students thanks to inclusivity programs,” McGill reports that “Thanks to initiatives such as the McGill Black Candidate Pathway and the Community of Support Program whose goal is to increase the number of Black students within medicine, McGill’s Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences saw a 400% increase in the number of incoming Black medical students in the Fall of 2022, with 24 Black students among the incoming group of 200 new medical students.”

So among the medical admittees, 12% were black, while blacks are only 4.3% of the Canadian population, an overrepresentation of some 250%. Note that McGill does not brag about admitting the best students ever; rather, they brag about diversity admittees. The question of how heavily academic merit weighed in admissions is not stated. Should Canada have diverse doctors or excellent doctors?

In other cases of student admission or hiring of professors or administrative staff, not only are minority candidates encouraged, but “non-diverse” members of the majority or members of successful minorities are also explicitly excluded. Thanks to the ongoing vigilance of the Society for Academic Freedom and Scholarship, here are a few current examples, which can stand for thousands more (emphasis added):

  • Nova Scotia College of Art and Design “NSCAD University is in Mi’kma’ki, on the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq Nation. NSCAD University has committed to reconciliation and to establishing respectful ongoing relationships with Indigenous peoples. As part of NSCAD’s ongoing development of anti-racist practices and the dismantling of oppressive institutional structures, these opportunities are restricted to applicants who identify as Black, Indigenous, or as a person of color. We seek applicants whose practice, research-creation, and teaching will support programmatic missions of equity, inclusion, social justice, decolonization, anti-racism, human development, belonging, and well-being.
  • Simon Fraser Department of History, Assistant Professor in History of Black Americas — 11 February 2023 The Department of History in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Simon Fraser University, respectfully acknowledges the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), səl̓ilw̓ətaʔɬ (Tsleil-Waututh), q̓íc̓əy̓(Katzie), kʷikʷəƛ̓əm (Kwikwetlem), qiqéyt (Qayqayt), qʼʷa:n̓ƛʼən̓ (Kwantlen), Səmyámə (Semiahmoo), and sc̓əwaθən (Tsawwassen) Peoples, on whose ancestral, traditional, and unceded territories Simon Fraser University’s three campuses stand. We are committed to reconciliation through decolonization and Indigenization, telling inclusive stories about the past, and acknowledging different historical epistemologies. The Department of History invites applications for a full-time tenure-track appointment in History at the rank of Assistant Professor, to start as early as July 15, 2023. We seek a scholar with expertise in the history of the Black Americas, broadly conceived. We especially welcome scholars whose research and teaching focus on Canada, the Caribbean, or Latin America, while also welcoming comparative, transnational, and cross regional approaches. The successful candidate must have research and teaching interests and lived experience in Black communities, including a demonstrable history of community involvement. Ideal candidates will have experience teaching a diverse student body.
  • Dalhousie University, Instructor, Assistant, Associate or Full Professor of Science — As a signatory of the Scarborough Charter on Anti-Black Racism and Black Inclusion, Dalhousie has committed to taking decisive action to recruit Black scholars to the university and to employ best practices to support their retention and advancement. …to correct historic underrepresentation. This initiative will support inclusive excellence by appointing five Black scholars to the university across multiple disciplines. Cluster hires create communities of support for scholars from underrepresented groups. These new scholars will find opportunities for scholarly contributions, collaboration, and support as Fellows of the newly established Black Studies Research Institute (BSRI) and will contribute to our emerging transdisciplinary program in Black and African Diaspora Studies (BAFD).
  • Wilfrid Laurier University, Faculty of Science, Department of Psychology, Canada Research Chair (SSHRC) Tier 2 in Psychology of Just, Inclusive, and Sustainable Futures (Internal) — The Department of Psychology at Wilfrid Laurier University invites applications for a tenured or tenure-track Tier 2 Canada Research Chair (SSHRC) in Psychology of Just, Inclusive, and Sustainable Futures. In alignment with the goals of the Department of Psychology and the CRC Program’s equity target goals, this position is only open to candidates who identify as a member of a racialized group.
  • Acadia University, The Jodrey School of Computer Science invites applications from candidates for one of three tenure-track positions commencing on 1 July 2023. We invite applications for the following faculty positions from women, people with disabilities, and Black, Mi’kmaq, and Indigenous Canadians.

The result is that “diverse” minorities are overrepresented, as in the McGill Faculty of Medicine case mentioned above. As well, females now make up 60% of Canadian university students, while males are 40%. This is a substantial overrepresentation of female students, yet they still are the priority for admissions and hiring, as in the Acadia ad above. A further example is the article, “Celebrating McGill’s women of STEM,” which takes great exception to the fact that there is one corner of the university not dominated by females. Among American university administrations, females also are in control, with 66% of all administrative staff being female, and 75% of Ivy League university presidents being female.

Between the time of systemic discrimination against the Jews through the 1920s, when Harvard and McGill had quotas to limit the number of Jews, and the end of the 20th century, Jews were high achievers in academia. By the mid-20th century, Jews were 21% of the professoriate. With the establishment of President Johnson’s reformulated affirmative action for non-Jewish minorities and the increasing redefinition of “social justice,” Jews were decreasingly accepted in higher education and the professoriate so that by 2020, only 4% of the professoriate were Jews. Being on the wrong side of “diversity” has undermined the Jews’ position in society.

What does this preferential racial, gender, and sexuality policy say to Canadians and Americans? It says that you as an individual do not matter. We don’t care about your accomplishments, achievements, merit, or potential; we only care about your race, sex, sexuality, and disability. It says to heterosexual Ukrainian Canadian males, able Korean Canadian males, able Italian Canadian males, able Quebecois, able South Asian Canadian males, able Latin American males, able Finnish Canadian males, Chinese American heterosexual males, Iranian American heterosexual males, Scottish American males, Swedish American males, Polish American males, Thai American males, Japanese American males, Welsh American males, Jewish American males, and so many more, that all of you can be freely disregarded.

“Diversity” not only doesn’t mean diversity of all people, but it also does not mean diversity of thought. The commitment to DEI is that of a religious nature, a set of truths that may not be questioned. Any dissent is deemed to be heresy, and the heretic is turned over to the DEI officers who enforce it in the spirit of the Office of the Holy Inquisition. A recent example of many cancelations is the firing of Frances Widdowson from Mount Royal University for her scholarly analyses of Canadian indigenous native history and government policy. Nor was she allowed to speak about her views and experiences at Lethbridge University. This is a remarkable turn for institutions that were, during past liberal modernity, committed to diversity of view, freedom of exchange of ideas, and argument and evidence as the bases for truth.

Equity means equal outcomes for all census categories of people, as distinct from equality of opportunity. In the DEI playbook, members of different categories must have the same results — whether test results, income, percentage of positions, or awards — or else something is deemed to be wrong. Any statistical disparity between members of different categories is taken as proof positive of racial, sexual, homophobic, transphobic, or Islamophobic discrimination. This, in my opinion, is the worst and least-substantiated sociological theory in the 21st century but the most fervently held by DEI converts.

An example of “equity” is the withholding of National Merit Awards from students at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in Virginia. The principal, who wanted to cancel the competitive admission procedure to increase “diversity,” was perhaps offended that so many of the award winners were Asian Americans rather than other minorities. So students were not informed of their success and thus could not submit the result for college admissions and scholarship applications. According to the author, “the decision to withhold the information from parents and inform the students in a low-key way was intentional. ‘We want to recognize students for who they are as individuals, not focus on their achievements,’ he told her, claiming that he and the principal didn’t want to ‘hurt’ the feelings of students who didn’t get the award.” The attitude of the school’s administrators reflects the school district’s new strategy of “equal outcomes for every student, without exception.”

“Inclusion” is not about including people or ideas but about making minorities feel comfortable by not allowing any opinions that might upset them to be spoken or written. Inclusion is about excluding any views that might not be welcome for the increasingly sensitive minorities. Thus its main goal is the suppression of free speech and opinion. It is thus quite in accord with the illiberalism of “diversity” and “equity.”

The Germans in the 1930s — and keep in mind that, at the turn of the 20th century, Germany was the most advanced society in the world — thought that they were doing good and important work in discriminating on the basis of race. They thought they were guaranteeing the purity of their race and the honor of their country. Today, the American elite thinks they are doing good work in discriminating on the basis of race, sex, sexuality, disability, and religion. They think that they are advancing “social justice.” Perhaps they never heard the saying, “Two wrongs don’t make a right.”

Discriminating on the basis of race and other immutable characteristics is never good; it is always illiberal and always disregards the dignity and rights of individual persons. Such means as discrimination never justify the ends because these means always destroy the ends hoped for. America has replaced historical injustices with new injustices, and those in the future will look back at this with shame.


Readin’, ‘Ritin, and Rainbow Madness!

Drag queen forces 11-year-old to leave class for denying 73 genders.



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

The only good aspect of this revolting story is that the government of the Isle of Man, a sparsely populated Crown Dependency of the United Kingdom that will soon be having to change its name (Isle of Folx? Isle of Women, Womyn, and Oppressors? Isle of LGBTQ+?) has actually moved to stop this madness, at least to a limited extent. Fox News reported Wednesday that Isle of Man (sorry!) authorities have “suspended sex education at schools after a drag queen allegedly forced a student to leave class for refuting the concept of 73 genders.” It’s just great that they have forced the gears of the grooming machine to grind to a halt, at least for the moment, but how did it get this far? And what is being done to change the attitudes and policies that led to this happening in the first place?

In a telling indication of how important it is for ordinary citizens to become activists in this time of deep societal and cultural crisis all over the West, the Isle of [Redacted] government didn’t even act until parents started to complain. The ghastly incident took place at Queen Elizabeth II High School, and when parents heard about it, they began a petition drive. Among the statements in the petition was this: “We consider the attendance of a ‘drag queen’ in class and alienating students clearly confused about the information discussed during this session wholly inappropriate.”

You can say that again, Isle of Manners. The petition called for the school’s head teacher, Charlotte Clarke, to begin an “immediate investigation” not just into the drag queen incident, but into the whole rancid curriculum that led to the drag queen being invited to the school in the first place. Over 500 people signed.

Eliza Cox, the vice-chairman of Isle of Man’s Marown Parish, revealed the drag queen incident at Queen Elizabeth II High. Cox recounted that the drag queen was teaching children as young as eleven years old, and informing them that there are not two, but 73 genders. According to Fox News, “one student responded that there were only two genders, which prompted the drag queen to say, ‘you’ve upset me,’ and ask the student to leave the class.” Remember the days when children were told to leave class for talking excessively, not paying attention to the lesson, cheating on tests, and the like? Now you get sent out of class for not bowing to the dominant Leftist insanity.

Cox also “alleged that one group of students was taught how to perform anal and oral sex. Another group was shown how skin grafts are taken from a patient’s arm to create an artificial penis for a transgender man.” Understandably, after all this, according to Cox, some of the kids at Queen Elizabeth II High were “too ‘traumatized’ to talk with their parents about what transpired.” Who wouldn’t be?

And so finally, the local government stepped in: “The minister for education on The Isle of Man, Julie Edge, has said the Department of Education, Sports, and Culture has made the ‘decision to pause all relationships and sex education (RSE) delivery across primary and secondary schools and will be unable to comment further until the facts have been established.’” That’s “pause,” not “stop.” Is the Isle of Man’s government likely to challenge the entire sexual orthodoxy of the contemporary Left? Unlikely in the extreme. Will the drag queen be back once the heat is off and the establishment media has gone on to the next story? It could happen.

QE2 High’s Clarke has now commented, laconically: “Having viewed a video, which is currently circulating on social media relating to the school’s RSE curriculum and its delivery, we are concerned that there could be a number of inaccuracies with the information being shared.” No kidding, really? What was your first clue? In response to seeing the gender madness being taught to her students, Clarke has punted and shifted responsibility: “Given the concerns being raised, and in order to be open and transparent, we requested an independent review into the situation. As such I am happy to take part in the external investigation which is being deployed by the Department of Education, Sport, and Culture and would encourage our community to avoid speculation at this time.”

Terrific. But is the Department of Education, Sport, and Culture any more likely to buck the Left than the Isle of Man’s government? No. And so the drag queens will almost certainly keep their elementary school gigs. The grooming, at least for the foreseeable future, will almost certainly continue.

Biden’s Handlers Back Jihad Terrorists, ‘Cancel’ Israel



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

“A radio network run by the Islamic Jihad”

The Biden administration is once again attacking Israel while providing support to terrorists.

As Caroline Glick notes at JNS, “On Feb. 27, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) wrote a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken demanding the suspension of a U.S. State Department grant that was awarded to Fares Al Arab for Development and Charity Works in Gaza due to the group’s ties to Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine terrorist organizations.”

“The State Department gave Fares Al Arab a $41,213 grant for “Developing Palestinian Journalists’ English Skills.” But as The Washington Free Beacon reported, Fares Al Arab issued a grant “to a radio network run by the Islamic Jihad … , honored a self-described journalist who belonged to the PFLP, hosted a press freedom event that featured a spokesman for the Islamic Jihad, and co-led a human rights training course with a convicted terrorist.”

“Issa demanded that by March 10, the State Department explain if it “knew the history of the group’s ties to terrorism,” “why the grant was provided if the history was known” and provide a complete accounting for the State Department’s decision to award Fares Al Arab the grant.”

While the Biden administration does this, it’s constantly attacking Israel’s new government and has seemingly moved to boycott Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and other members of the government even while it continues to meet with terrorists like PA leader Mahmoud Abbas.

On Friday, Channel 12 reported that the Biden administration will boycott Smotrich when he visits Washington to speak at an Israel Bonds conference taking place from March 12 to 14.

“If Smotrich was persona non grata before that statement, now after this debacle he is persona non grata on steroids,” Channel 12 quoted a senior U.S. source as saying. “No American official will meet with Smotrich. After he said these things, the phones in the offices in Jerusalem did not stop ringing,” he added.

U.S. State Department spokesman Ned Price earlier this week described Smotrich’s remarks as “disgusting,” and called on Israel’s government to repudiate them.

No call on the PA leader to repudiate this.

Mahmoud Abbas, leader of the Palestinian Authority, the guy who’s frequently touted by both left- and right-leaning politicos as a moderate who wants nothing but peace with Israel, went on an shocking rant against the Jewish state and the United States in recent public remarks, ultimately unleashing a curse on President Donald Trump that went like this: “May your house be destroyed.”

But it’s not just the Biden administration that is trying to isolate Israel’s government. ZOA leader Morton Klein described a Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations meeting that failed to include Smotritch.

It is painful for me to report that the Conference’s directors violated the leadership mission’s purpose, by refusing to give podiums to the major elected ministers and Israeli leaders who are in the forefront of promoting Israel’s judicial, anti-terror and other reforms: Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, and MK Simcha Rothman, chair of the Knesset Constitution, Law and Justice Committee.

The Conference’s directors’ refusal to have a session with these important current leaders on such critical issues – a form of “cancel culture” – was an enormous missed opportunity to learn from, ask challenging questions to, and exchange views with the judicial and anti-terror reforms’ originators.

In a published interview, the CEO of Jewish News Syndicate (JNS) Alex Traiman asked William Daroff, CEO of the Conference, why he refused to provide access to Smotrich, Ben-Gvir and Rothman “even though they are directly relevant to the issues the Conference is sure to address.”

Daroff gave another irrelevant response, that the Conference mission did not meet with “other party leaders” such as Benny Gantz, Gideon Sa’ar and Merav Michaeli. But none of those other party leaders is leading reform efforts, and none of them is in the present coalition government that overwhelmingly supports the reforms.

That boycott allows the opponents of judicial reform to continue misrepresenting it without allowing members of Israel’s government at the heart of the effort to properly counter it.

IRS Allows Islamic Terrorists to Fundraise Through Leftist Nonprofit



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

The IRS investigates waiters but won’t touch Islamic terrorists.

[Order David Horowitz’s and John Perazzo’s new booklet: “Internal Radical Service: Abuse Of Taxpayer Dollars To Advance Leftwing Causes Illegally And Unconstitutionally”: CLICK HERE.]

Rabbi Eitan Shnerb was hiking to spring with his son Dvir and his daughter Rina when the bomb went off. For a moment, as he described it in the hospital, everything went black. Then, badly wounded, he saw that the two teenagers were bleeding. Rabbi Shnerb was a trained paramedic. He saw that Rina, his 17-year-old daughter, had absorbed most of the blast. He kissed her on the forehead. And then he turned his Tzizit, the biblical garment that Orthodox Jewish men wear, into a tourniquet for his 19-year-old son to stop the bleeding.

 Dvir told his father that he couldn’t breathe and passed out. His daughter was already dead.

“I wanted to believe it was just a dream,” Rabbi Shnerb said from his hospital bed. “I have experienced several bombs in my life and been saved, thank God, but this one got us,..I immediately called to Rina, shouting ‘Rina, Rina,’ I looked down and saw that she was not alive.”

Rabbi Shnerb had stopped a terrorist attack earlier this year by two armed attackers. This time he had not seen the explosion coming.

The terrorist group behind the 2019 terrorist attack was the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. And the IRS is accused of allowing it to fundraise through a leftist nonprofit group.

One name that keeps coming up in the Freedom Center’s investigations of nonprofits is the Alliance for Global Justice. AFGJ was spun off from the Nicaragua Network which had been set up to support the Sandinista Marxist terror regime. It went on to operate the Venezuela Solidarity Campaign in support of the narco-socialist Maduro regime in that country.

While the IRS has harassed pro-Israel groups and interrogated them about their views, it has apparently never found the time to ask the AFGJ about its support for enemy nations. It currently features a commemoration of Chavez’s legacy in support of a regime whose bosses are wanted criminals for their role in a cartel smuggling cocaine into the United States.

AFGJ’s backers include George Soros, Tides, the Ben and Jerry’s Foundation, and other wealthy leftists, and it has used its status as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit to offer fiscal sponsorship to some of the worst of the worst close to home. The 130 groups it sponsors include several Black Lives Matter chapters, the Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition in support of a cop killer, pro-illegal alien groups, as well as several brail funds whose mission is freeing rioters and criminals.

Some of these groups might not be able to obtain nonprofit status on their own but benefit from the fiscal sponsorship of the Alliance for Global Justice. which allows them to accept tax-deductible contributions. When Refuse Fascism, a group linked by some to Antifa and which has defended Antifa violence, solicits donations, it does so using the Action Network, a platform utilized by both Antifa and the DNC, and directs tax-deductible donations through AFGJ.

The same is true of the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network which asks supporters to direct checks to AFGJ. Samidoun does not bother to disguise what it is. It describes terrorists as “resistance fighters” and “martyrs”, and urges support for the “resistance”. The cheerleading for terrorists is accompanied by a call, “Make your US tax-deductible donation today, and donate safely and securely from around the world.”

The AFGJ states that “Fiscal sponsorship services are offered to grassroots non-profits that agree with the AFGJ vision and mission statements.” Does that include terrorists?

After the murder of Rina Shnerb, Israel arrested members of a PFLP terror network embedded inside nonprofit groups. Israel designated Samidoun as a subsidiary of the PFLP terrorist organization. Multiple PFLP figures have been accused of serving leadership roles in Samidoun including its executive director, former vice chair, and multiple coordinators.

PayPal, MasterCard, Visa, and other financial services have cut off access to Samidoun and the latest also cut off AFGJ. Currently, AFGJ and its various sponsors warn donors that they can only take paper checks.

“AfGJ cannot accept credit donations—and neither can the 140 organizations that rely on AfGJ to provide them with fiscal sponsorship,” the leftist group cautions.

While AFGJ is running low on online sites willing to process donations to them, the IRS has yet to take any action. The Zachor Legal Institute, a pro-Israel group fighting BDS, filed an IRS complaint and directed a letter to the DOJ noting that the “PFLP has built a financial system supported by an infrastructure of the Seven PFLP Proxies who raise money on various humanitarian pretexts” while “directing money to the PFLP.”

And yet the odds of the IRS taking action are slim. Even though the PFLP was designated as one of the terrorist groups listed by President George W. Bush after September 11, it was less difficult for Zachor and conservative media to persuade financial services companies to stop processing donations for AFGJ than to get the IRS to enforce tax code regulations and the law.

AFGJ informed the IRS that its mission is to “achieve social change and economic justice”. In reality, it has helped unleash violence at home and abroad. The beneficiaries include BLM’s Louisville Community Bail Fund which bailed out Quintez Brown, a Black Lives Matter activist, who walked into the campaign office of a Louisville political candidate and opened fire.

While payment processors have cut off the Alliance for Global Justice, the IRS has yet to act. After over two decades, the IRS has shown no interest in taking action even as the AFGJ continues to act as a fiscal sponsor for groups that would not qualify for nonprofit status. The fiscal sponsorship loophole continues to be abused to fund everything including terrorism.

The Freedom Center’s pamphletInternal Radical Service by David Horowitz and John Perazzo, has exposed how the IRS routinely allows leftist nonprofits to violate tax codes and the law. The fiscal sponsorship loophole is widely used by radical leftists to make illegal activity tax deductible. Tax code regulations state that “exempt purposes may generally be equated with the public good, and violations of law are the antithesis of the public good”. They warn that, “violation of constitutionally valid laws is inconsistent with an exemption under IRC 501(c)(3)” and that “planned activities that violate laws are not in furtherance of a charitable purpose”.

Terrorism is one of the most blatant possible examples of behavior at odds with the public good.

While the IRS is warning waiters to report their tips, it allows terrorists to benefit from tax-deductible money. Payment processors have shown that they have a higher level of compliance with the law than the IRS. When the IRS refuses to enforce the law while demanding that everyone abide by it, that is a culture of lawlessness and, in this case, it’s costing lives.

“Pensacola Christian College Cancels King’s Singers Concert Over [Homosexual] ‘Lifestyle’”

A recent image of vocal group The King's Singers.

Feb. 15 - LTRP Note: The following is posted for research and informational purposes. Pensacola Christian College will no doubt be labeled as hateful, homophobic, and intolerant for canceling a music concert after learning that one of the members of the renowned UK singing group is “gay.”* Already, news sources and social media outlets throughout the western world are condemning the school. This is how far our society has declined to the point that everyone, regardless of beliefs and convictions, must accept and embrace homosexuality.

By Christopher Lugo
News 5 WKRG—Florida

The King’s Singers are out of a gig after Pensacola Christian College decided to cancel their performance due to the lifestyle of one of the artists “contradicting Scripture.”

According to a statement posted on the college’s Facebook page, the college “cannot knowingly give an implied or direct endorsement of anything that violates the Holy Scripture, the foundation for our sincerely held beliefs.”

“At the same time, the college also recognizes everyone is created in the image of God and should be afforded the dignity of kindness,” the college said in their statement. Click here to continue reading.

*According to a NY Times article, Jonathan Howard (a member of the group) said that actually, two members of the group are “gay.”

Iranian Mullahs Ratchet Up Threats to Kill Trump



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

The Leftist establishment and the Biden regime want to destroy Donald Trump politically, but the Islamic Republic of Iran wants to do Old Joe and his henchmen one better: the mullahs and their cohorts are making no secret of the fact that they want Trump dead, along with Mike Pompeo and others involved in the 2020 killing of Iranian military commander Qasem Soleimani. On Tuesday, Fox News reported that Iran has renewed its threats against Trump and the others, and even stated them in Islamic religious terms. Amir Ali Hajizadeh, head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps aerospace force, declared: “God willing, we are looking to kill Trump [and] Pompeo… and military commanders who issued the order should be killed.”

Armies of all kinds throughout history have invoked God’s help in their activities in wartime, and so it’s no surprise that a commander in an avowedly theocratic regime would do so. It’s nonetheless worth noting, however, as those who are convinced that they’re fighting an apocalyptic struggle of good vs. evil are unlikely to give up easily.

In line with that, as protests have rocked the Islamic Republic over the last few months, the Iranian regime has charged several protesters with “waging war against Allah,” a crime that is based on the Qur’an: “The only reward for those who make war upon Allah and his messenger and struggle to sow corruption on earth will be that they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet cut off on opposite sides, or be expelled from the land. Such will be their degradation in this world, and in the hereafter, theirs will be an awful doom” (5:33). Stating the civil unrest in Iran in such stark and uncompromising terms is not just an attempt to terrorize the regime’s opponents into submission; it’s also a claim to hold the moral high ground: a war against the regime, you see, is the same thing as going to war against the Almighty Himself.

As he reiterated the Islamic regime’s threat against Trump, Hajizadeh emphasized that Iran did not plan to kill “poor soldiers,” but was gunning for the ringleaders. Iran analyst Behnam Ben Taleblu warned that the threats should be taken seriously: “Make no mistake, Iranian military officials mean what they say here. They still seek to wash the blood away with blood. Threats by the long arm of the world’s foremost state sponsor of terrorism against American officials like Trump, Pompeo, and McKenzie are not to be taken lightly.” Gen. Kenneth McKenzie is the former head of U.S. Central Command. Ben Taleblu added: “This regime continues to put its money where its mouth is when it comes to global terrorism.”

While the threats are no doubt serious, it also must be noted that we have heard all this before. Back on New Year’s Day 2022, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, tweeted: “Martyr Soleimani is an eternal reality that will live on forever. His assassins – including Trump & the like – will go down in history’s garbage bin, but of course, after receiving retribution in this world for the crime they committed.”

Even before that, Iran’s state-controlled Ahlul Bayt News Agency reported on January 23, 2021, that the Supreme Leader’s official website “posted a photo-montage of former US President Donald Trump playing golf under the shadow of a drone, vowing to avenge the assassination of Iran’s Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani.”

Khamenei also thundered in December 2020: “Revenge is certain.” He added: “The assassin of Soleimani and the one who ordered the murder should be punished. As an esteemed person said, Soleimani’s shoe is worth more than the assassin’s head and even decapitation of the assassin will not compensate for Soleimani’s shoe, but they did the wrong thing. They should be punished. The one who ordered and the assassin should know that they should be punished at any time possible.”

Trump was a favored Khamenei target even before Soleimani was killed. In February 2019, the Supreme Leader declared to a military gathering that “as long as America continues its wickedness, the Iranian nation will not abandon ‘Death to America.’ ‘Death to America’ means death to Trump, John Bolton, and Pompeo. It means death to American rulers.”

The Iranians have not, however, threatened Old Joe Biden. After all, what has he done but try to appease the Islamic Republic? Why kill someone who could turn out to be quite useful?

Russian Billionaires Did Business with Hunter Biden, Dined with Joe, Dodged Sanctions

Here’s your Russian collusion.



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Before Donald Trump was even elected president and throughout the entire period of his administration, the Leftist establishment that is entrenched in Washington officialdom and among the propaganda outlets that are known as the major news organizations inundated us with nonsense about how he had improperly colluded with Russia in order to gain the White House and was still in Vladimir Putin’s pocket. There was, as is now well-known, nothing whatsoever to it; it was all a hoax designed to discredit Trump and destroy his presidency, although like the Japanese soldiers found hiding in the woods in the 1970s, not knowing that the war was over, there are still some holdouts on the far Left who insist it was all true. And actually, it was, but not of Donald Trump. If you want actual Russian collusion, take a look at Old Joe Biden.

The New York Post reported Thursday that “two Russian billionaires who have managed to dodge US sanctions over Moscow’s year-old invasion of Ukraine went property shopping with Hunter Biden, dined with then-Vice President Joe Biden, and discussed ‘favors’ they might swap.” That’s collusion for you, but of course, the Washington establishment that went after Trump with such vicious ferocity over nothing whatsoever is entirely indifferent to this fresh evidence that the demented corruptor they installed in the White House is as crooked as the day is long. Russian collusion is only of interest to this establishment when it can be used as a political tool; when people on their side do it, it’s entirely beneath notice.

Well, almost entirely. The Biden regime’s Treasury Department did take notice long enough on Friday to spare two Russian pals of Joe and Hunter, Yelena Baturina and Vladimir Yevtushenkov, from “a fresh batch of sanctions.” The UK and Australia have sanctioned Yevtushenkov, but not the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. And with a level of understatement that was positively Hemingwayesque, an anonymous source whom the Post says has “firsthand knowledge of the business relationship between Hunter Biden and Yevtushenkov,” says: “I think it’s very fishy.”

So does Michael McFaul, who is such a right-wing Trumpian ideologue that he served as Barack Obama’s ambassador to Russia. “I think he should be sanctioned,” McFaul said of Yevtushenkov. “I don’t understand why he has not been.”

I do, Mike. It’s really quite simple. Yevtushenkov hasn’t been sanctioned because he had the good judgment to do business with Hunter and Joe Biden. This gives the Russians an all-purpose Get-Out-of-Jail-Free card, as the Washington establishment will do anything it can possibly do to shield the Bidens from the consequences of their corrupt dealings and to keep the American people from discovering just how crooked the man who pretends to be president really is.

And he is. Yevtushenkov “admitted last year he met with Hunter Biden for breakfast at the Ritz-Carlton in Manhattan on March 14, 2012 — but denied any further contact.” He was, the terminally naïve will be surprised to learn, lying: “emails and calendar entries from Hunter’s former laptop show that they were set to meet again on Jan. 27, 2013, for dinner at DC’s Cafe Milano before looking at a commercial real estate development the next day near Dulles International Airport in northern Virginia.” The Post’s source recounted: that he asked Yevtushenkov why he was meeting with Hunter, and the Russian billionaire replied: “I think it would be good to have a good relationship with this guy … maybe he can do a favor for us and we can do a favor for him.” The source added: “It was a complete quid pro quo that he was going in for.” Collusion and quid pro quo! It looks as if yet again the Left has engaged in the old tactic of accusing the other side of that which they are guilty of doing. The source added: “I told him that’s not the way it works in America, [but] he basically laughed at me and told me I was so naïve.”

Indeed. And wait, there’s more: “A different source, meanwhile, told The Post he vividly recalled Baturina and her husband, ex-Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov, looking ‘like an odd couple’ at a now-infamous, intimate dinner with Hunter and his father, the then-vice president.” Also at the dinner was “Vadym Pozharskyi, an executive at Ukrainian energy company Burisma, which paid Hunter up to $1 million per year beginning in 2014 while his VP dad controlled the Obama administration’s Ukraine policy. Pozharskyi emailed Hunter the next day to thank him for ‘giving him an opportunity to meet your father.’”

But Old Joe Biden knows how the game is played. He “called the report a false ‘Russian plant’ at the time and social media platforms Twitter and Facebook initially censored it.” Even now, he will face no political consequences for all this Russian collusion. That’s only for presidents who dare to put America first.

Corrupt FBI Investigated Pro-Lifers as ‘Terrorists’

The FBI Targeted Patriotic Conservatives Exercising Their First Amendment Rights: ‘They’re All Bleeping Terrorists’



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Antifa? Black Lives Matter? Come on, man! You’ll find it comforting to know that the FBI has been busy tracking the real terrorists that threaten the safety of every decent, law-abiding American today: people who traveled to Washington for Trump’s rally against election fraud on Jan. 6, 2021, and Americans who dare to oppose the relentless sacrifices to Moloch that are the cornerstone of the Democrat Party’s program. The FBI has become so thoroughly corrupt and politicized that its agents apparently have no problem serving as attack dogs for the Left’s sinister agenda.

Just The News reported Saturday that the feds have “politicized cases regarding Jan. 6 defendants and pro-lifers while retaliating against internal whistleblowers” as some of those same whistleblowers testified before the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. And Fox News reported Thursday that according to another whistleblower, “the FBI created a threat tag following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade last year, but it later ‘shifted’ to focus on pro-life individuals,” as if they were the real threat.

George Hill, a retired supervisory intelligence analyst in the FBI’s Boston field office, testified that “the Washington Field Office pressured other field offices to investigate citizens for activities protected by the First Amendment.” The Washington feds wanted the Boston office “to open cases on, first, seven individuals who came up in a sweep of bank records served up by the Bank of America, and then a larger group of 140 Americans guilty of nothing more than riding buses to D.C. to attend former President Trump’s Stop the Steal rally on Jan. 6, 2021.” Nor was this pressure singular: “Washington, Hill believes, applied similar pressure on the Philadelphia Field Office.”

Hill testified that on a nationwide call with all 56 FBI field offices, Steve Jensen, who was at that time the chief of the FBI’s Domestic Terrorism Operations Center Section, asked the Philadelphia feds about their investigations of three individuals. “The Philadelphia office said the individuals had posted on social media about being pro-Second Amendment and anti-abortion, but that it didn’t mean they were ‘insurrectionists seeking to overturn our democracy,’ Hill recalled.” This cut no ice with Jensen, who shot back: “I don’t give a blank, they’re all bleeping terrorists, and we’re going to round them up.”

When the feds did round them up, they did so in the most brutal manner possible. Former FBI SWAT team member Steve Friend testified “that after raising concerns about using a SWAT team to arrest a subject of the Jan. 6 investigation, he was ordered off the job for a day. A friend explained that the Jan. 6 subject was cooperating with the FBI and willing to surrender voluntarily, so he was concerned that the bureau wasn’t using the least intrusive methods possible to arrest them.” Clearly, the feds were not interested in being non-intrusive. They wanted to send a message, and they did with the arrests of pro-life activist Mark Houck.

Meanwhile, another FBI whistleblower, Garret O’Boyle, was suspended after he testified to Congress about the feds’ politicization. He explained: “I thought the FBI was being weaponized against agents or anybody who wanted to step forward and talk about malfeasance inside the agency prior to this. But now, after what has happened to me, I don’t think I can ever be convinced that it’s anything different than that.”

O’Boyle “testified that following the Supreme Court’s​​​​​​ decision to return abortion to the states in​ Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, the FBI prioritized possible threats against the justices from pro-lifers, focusing on ‘pro-life adherence.’” O’Boyle recounted: “Why are you focusing on pro-life people? It’s pro-choice people who are the ones protesting or otherwise threatening violence in front of Supreme Court Justices’ houses.” But the FBI even wanted pregnancy centers investigated. O’Boyle remarked: “Why would we go and talk to these people about threats when, if somebody is going to be getting threatened, it would be them?”

Related: What WON’T the FBI Do to Help the Biden Crime Family?

O’Boyle was even ordered to ask a pro-lifer “about the threats to the Supreme Court. I was like, why would this person know about those threats? He’s pro-life. Like, he’s not the one going and threatening the Supreme Court Justices.” Of course. And the FBI leadership knows that. But they have a quota of “right-wing extremists” to fulfill. O’Boyle notes that his superiors at the FBI told him to divide one domestic terrorism case into four separate cases. Then, he said, the feds could go to Congress and say “look at all the domestic terrorism we’ve investigated. Where, really, I was working on one case. But the FBI can then say, well, he actually had four, and so we need you to give us more money because look at how big of a threat all this domestic terrorism is.”

Can the FBI be redeemed? Or should this desperately corrupt agency simply be shut down?

Netanyahu: ‘I will do everything in my power to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons’



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

It’s a rule of thumb: appeasing bullies makes them stronger. Yet the world has insisted upon such appeasement from Israel for decades in the face of the Palestinian jihad against the Jewish state. Now that Israel has a government that is standing up and saying enough, the blame will increasingly fall on Netanyahu rather than where it should be falling.

Iran has now enriched uranium to nearly 90% and has been for a considerable period been funding the Palestinian jihad against Israel.

“Israel’s Window to Strike Iran Narrows as Putin Enters Equation,” by Ethan Bronner, Bloomberg, March 2, 2023:

Iran is seeking sophisticated new air-defense systems from Russia that Israeli officials believe will narrow the window for a potential strike on Tehran’s nuclear program, according to people familiar with the matter.

The prospect of Iran getting the systems, the S-400s, would accelerate a decision on a possible attack, people in Israel and the US with knowledge of the discussions said.

Russia hasn’t said publicly if it will supply the weapons, but Moscow and Tehran have drawn closer since Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine.

It would take less than two years for the S-400s to be operational.

“The longer you wait, the harder that becomes,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said of a strike on Iran at a security conference in Tel Aviv last week. “We’ve waited very long. I can tell you that I will do everything in my power to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.”

Such open threats — daily occurrences now in Israel — are a complex mix of intent and messaging aimed at Tehran and Washington although Israel bombed nuclear sites in Iraq in 1981 and Syria in 2007. An open military conflict with Iran could trigger an unparalleled regional conflagration affecting global oil supplies…..

Israel: Muslims fire at passing cars, murder American citizen



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Nides noted that “sadly, a US citizen was killed in one of the terror attacks in the West Bank tonight.”

Yet he continues to devote the lion’s share of his time to aiding the supporters and enablers of the jihad terrorists who killed Elan Ganeles.

“Elan Ganeles identified as US citizen murdered in terror attack near Jericho,” by Tzvi Joffre, Jerusalem Post, February 27, 2023:

A US-Israeli dual national was killed in a shooting attack near the Beit HaArava Junction on Highway 90 in the Jordan Valley on Monday afternoon.

Elan Ganeles was identified as the US citizen who was killed in a shooting attack near the Beit HaArava Junction on Highway 90 in the Jordan Valley on Monday afternoon.

Ganeles, from West Hartford, Connecticut, recently graduated from Columbia University. Ganeles’ funeral will take place in Israel and his family will return to Connecticut to sit shiva, according to an announcement by the Young Israel of West Hartford….

Video from the scene at Beit HaArava showed the terrorists driving up to the junction and firing at passing cars. A passing car was damaged although no injuries were caused. The terrorists then proceeded to the Mul Nevo area where they shot an Israeli, critically injuring him.

The victim, 26 years old Ganales, was transferred to Hadassah Medical Center at Har Zofim in critical condition as paramedics conducted resuscitation efforts. He was pronounced dead at the hospital. On Monday night, US Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides confirmed that “sadly, a US citizen was killed in one of the terror attacks in the West Bank tonight.”

The terrorists proceeded to drive to the area of the Monastery of Saint George in Wadi Qelt, burned their vehicle and switched to a different vehicle before driving away from the area.

The roads leading to Jericho were closed as Israeli forces searched for the terrorists.

Israel Police chief Kobi Shabtai spoke with M. an officer at the Maale Adumim police station who clashed with the terrorists who carried out the attack.

“I arrived on shift and while I was getting ready, we received a message about hearing gunshots in Beit Arava. We went out there right away and while doing so we realized that there are three scenes,” said M. “At a certain point we detected smoke and got closer and found a car on fire with yellow license plates and we realized that it was the vehicle of the terrorists. One of the terrorists aimed a firearm at us and we immediately fired at the terrorists.”

The Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist movement welcomed the attack on Monday evening, saying “Resistance operations are continuing, and the enemy will pay the price for all its crimes.”

“The occupation and its fascist government bear full responsibility, and whoever lights the fire and sponsors terrorism must bear the consequences of its terrorism and aggression,” said the movement. “The Islamic Jihad movement warns the occupation against persisting in aggression and unleashing the hands of settlers, which will lead to more resistance operations that may reach the Zionist depth. Settlement wherever it is found, it is a legitimate target for the resistance.”…

Marjorie Taylor Greene: Divorcing Red and Blue States, Shrinking Federal Government



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

In this interview with The New American, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), discusses her idea of the national divorce of red and blue states, her resolution to audit all United States aid to Ukraine, and the Protect Children’s Innocence Act.

PNC Bank Abruptly Ends Business Relationship with Don Trump Jr.’s News App

PNC Bank Abruptly Ends Business Relationship with Don Trump Jr.’s News App



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

In another huge instance of financial censorship, PNC Financial Services Group Inc. suddenly ended its business relationship with MxM, Donald Trump Jr.’s news aggregation app company. The app was designed to be a more balanced alternative to the likes of Apple and Google News, according to Fox News Digital. As Trump Jr. explained, he wants to help create a “parallel economy” to the woke-enslaved major corporations, including Big Media. PNC Bank doesn’t seem to agree with that vision.

MxM News, launched in 2022 by Don Jr. and former Trump spokesman Taylor Budowich, is owned by ROCDIGITAL, LLC. The company insists this is more woke financial censorship targeting conservative entities. Budowich told Fox Digital he only discovered their company account with PNC had been terminated when he tried to pay vendor invoices at a Florida branch office. He explained, “The teller said he was unable to complete the transfers as the account had been closed and the balance had been zeroed out.”

Budowich continued, “After being told to call a generic helpline, I was informed by the PNC representative that per the terms and conditions, PNC reserves the right to re-evaluate their business relationships at any time and terminate accounts without cause.” The phrase “without cause” seems significant—it indicates that PNC itself knows there was no reason to terminate the account. “Woke corporations are using their terms and conditions like a guillotine over the head of every conservative entrepreneur,” Budowich concluded.

Don Jr. explained that MxM was created to “provide curated stories that are being silenced and or suppressed by big tech and the mainstream media.” The app is set to expand to include more localized news, too, per Fox. MxM includes articles from more mainstream or left-leaning sources such as ABC, NPR, and AP, along with conservative sites such as The Daily Caller, Just the News, and The Washington Free Beacon.

”However, as this shows, it’s not just the media that’s become plagued by the woke agenda,” Trump Jr. told Fox Digital. “It’s banks, it’s entire corporate America.” He called the PNC account termination “a minor setback for MxM News that we were able to quickly resolve.” Still, he added, “But what about every other start-up or small business that wants to pursue a values-based company? This should be investigated, and it should be illegal to discriminate based on political affiliation.”

PNC claimed to Fox that account closures have nothing to do with political affiliation. “As a national bank, we recognize and respect that our customers and our employees hold a wide range of political beliefs,” PNC said. PNC has not explained why it did end the account, however.

Banks have drawn criticism for closing a number of conservative accounts in the last few years, Fox Digital said. A Florida bank closed Donald Trump’s account in January 2021, for instance, and MyPillow CEO and Trump ally Mike Lindell had two banks cut ties with him in January 2022.

Hence, Donald Trump Jr. insisted to Fox Digital, “We need a patriot economy. We need a parallel economy to fight back.”

Trump Jr. is set to speak at CPAC 2023 on Friday.

LGBTQ-Activist Mayor Linked to Buttigieg Arrested for Child Porn

Wojahn and Buttigeig are said to have struck up a close relationship following the DC visit and continued to talk on the phone - both later attending an event at the White House

Kojahn with his husband, Dave Kolesar, at the White House in December to celebrate the Respect for Marriage Act


  • Maryland mayor Patrick Wojahn busted on 56 child pornography charges has called Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigeig his 'mentor' and 'buddy'
  • Wojahn, 47, was taken into custody after having his home searched on Feb 28 and stepped down from his role before being arrested this week
  • The pair over the years have appeared in several high-profile situations including at the White House during an event during the Obama administration

Dave Kolesar and husband Patrick Wojahn of College Park, Md. attend signing of Respect for Marriage Act on the South Lawn of the White House on Dec. 13, 2022:

Dave Kolesar, Patrick Wojahn, gay news, Washington Blade, marriage equality, Maryland, gay marriage, same-sex marriage, gay news, Washington Blade

Dave Kolesar and husband Patrick Wojahn attend signing of Respect for Marriage Act at White House



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

The Democratic mayor of College Park, Maryland, who is openly homosexual and fancied himself a role model for LGBTQ youth, was arrested on dozens of counts of possessing and distributing child pornography on Thursday morning.

Forty-seven-year-old Patrick Lewis Wojahn, the first openly homosexual mayor of his city, has been a frequent visitor to the White House, having attended LGBTQ events hosted by Joe Biden. Wojahn described Biden as “the most pro-LGBTQ President in US history!” Wojahn and his partner were also invited to Biden’s signing of the Respect for Marriage Act on the South Lawn of the White House.

Related: Pete Buttigieg Says Biden Is TOO Successful for Americans to Appreciate

Wojahn also boasted about being “mentored” by Pete Buttigieg after the two met in 2015 at the U.S. Conference of Mayors winter meeting in Washington, D.C., where Wojahn explained that Buttigieg “was assigned to be my buddy.”

The two men discussed “the difficulties of being an openly gay mayor, with Buttigieg sharing with his mentee the story of his coming out while serving in office,” he explained in a 2019 interview. They have maintained a good relationship since then.

Wojahn is now facing 40 counts of possessing child sexually exploitative material and 16 counts of felony child porn distribution.

The Former Disinformation Governance Board Chief Wants Your Help

The Former Disinformation Governance Board Chief Is Back, and She’s Mad



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Nina Jankowicz is back, and she’s mad. Jankowicz, you’ll no doubt recall, was the chief of the Biden regime’s ill-fated Disinformation Governance Board, which was ominously part of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and was widely reported to be an Orwellian exercise in policing the speech of Americans that strayed from the line of the establishment Left. But Jankowicz insists that the Disinformation Governance Board was nothing like the way it was portrayed. She claims that Fox News’ negative coverage of it spread lies about her, endangered her life as she was inundated with death threats, and even interfered with her ability to bond with her newborn son. (Yeah, she is really throwing the kitchen sink into this one.) Jankowicz has published a video, “Help Nina Fight Fox,” asking for donations to help her sue the beast that ruined her life.

The slickly produced video starts with Jankowicz, looking sober and professional (in a sharp departure from her notorious Mary Poppins-based musical tribute to fighting “disinformation”), saying, “I’m asking for your financial support of a lawsuit I want to bring against Fox News for their malicious, reckless lies against me.” Then the earnest music starts, as Jankowicz continues to talk over a series of videos and still images. She had a “lifelong dream” of entering public service, and finally realized it when she became head of the Disinformation Governance Board.

Jankowicz asserts that this entity, complete with its sinister name, was entirely benign. “My role was to make sure different entities across DHS were coordinated, to bring the latest research to bear in the department, and to help the department ensure that its policies about its existing counter disinformation work were grounded in American values: privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties. That’s all the board was. It didn’t have the ability or the authority to act on its own.”

But then, enter the black-hatted hatemongers of Fox, spreading “baseless claims that the board was an Orwellian ‘Ministry of Truth.’” Jankowicz insists that “the board had nothing to do with arbitrating or restricting speech.” Nonetheless, she charges on her GoFundMe page that the fiends at Fox “made over 500 scaremongering statements about my role, my views, and my personal life over the next nine months—an entirely disproportionate disinformation and smear campaign against a person who simply took a job to serve her country within her area of expertise.” The video gets more melodramatic as it goes on, featuring nightmarish images of dozens of Fox broadcasts all allegedly maligning Jankowicz, causing her to be inundated with death threats and upsetting her to the extent that she has not been able to establish the proper relationship with her newborn.

That’s a shame, if true, but its truth can’t be taken for granted. Leftists love to claim that speech that is critical of them has gotten them death threats. The obvious unspoken corollary is that this speech should be silenced. This never works, however, for patriots who get death threats (I’ve gotten hundreds myself) from Leftists and their allies; no one ever calls for the curtailing of the criticism of foes of the Left, no matter how much they’re threatened. And Jankowicz doesn’t have a stellar reputation for honesty. The Daily Caller noted Thursday that she has been caught “spreading disinformation about the Hunter Biden laptop, the debunked Steele Dossier, and former Trump advisor Carter Page.”

What’s more, Jankowicz’s claim that the Disinformation Governance Board was never going to be about “arbitrating or restricting speech” contradicts early statements from Biden regime officials. DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said on April 28, 2022, “We have just established a mis-,and disinformation governance board in the Department of Homeland Security to more effectively combat this threat not only to election security but to our homeland security.” And when Jen Psaki defended the board, she added, “We know there has been a range of [disinformation] out there about a range of topics, I mean, including COVID for example, and also elections and eligibility.” Psaki also said that “the objective of the board is to prevent disinformation and misinformation from traveling around the country in a range of communities.” How could this alleged disinformation have been fought without restricting speech?

Related: At Last We’re Getting Some (Chilling) Hints About What the Disinformation Chief Wants to Do

Jankowicz herself abetted the impression that the board would be restricting speech with her statements in a video that surfaced in May 2022, in which she spoke about how Twitter should allow “trustworthy” people to add “context” to other people’s tweets. As Elon Musk moved to take over Twitter, Jankowicz said that she “shuddered” at the thought of “free speech absolutists” taking over more social media platforms.

So Jankowicz should pardon Fox and her other critics for not mistaking her for one of those free-speech absolutists. The best outcome would be if this trial became the linchpin for the release of solid information about why the Biden regime decided to set up Jankowicz’s board, and exactly how they intended it to operate. In the meantime, we can just be glad that Jankowicz is whining on a YouTube video and not heading it up.

The Day Your Doctor Won’t Treat You if You Aren’t the Right Kind of Patient~It’s closer than you might think.



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Could the day come when you are denied medical treatment because you’re white, male, or a member of some other group of “oppressors”? Of course, it could, and it’s coming sooner than you might think. Even in solidly red Tennessee, where Donald Trump won 60% of the vote in 2020, a new report has revealed what the Tennessee Star on Friday called “the pervasive infiltration of woke diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) ideologies in Tennessee medical school curricula and programs.” Could this have an impact on the quality of your medical treatment? You bet your life — and you may end up having to do so.

The report comes from Do No Harm, an organization that is devoted to protecting “patients, physicians, and healthcare itself from the practice of medicine based on discriminatory, divisive ideologies.” Do No Harm states that “the same radical movement behind ‘Critical Race Theory’ in the classroom and ‘Defund the Police’ is coming after healthcare, but hardly anyone knows it.”

One of those who do is John Sailer, a fellow at the National Association of Scholars, who published a chilling article in The Tablet last Wednesday entitled “Welcome to America’s Racialized Medical Schools.” The subtitle was “Forget about the oath to do no harm, future doctors are being forced to swear allegiance to racial dogmas.” Sailer noted that “increasingly, medical schools and schools of public health are enthusiastically embracing the values of DEI and instituting far-reaching policies to demonstrate their commitments to the cause. To many in the universities and perhaps in the country at large, these values sound benign—merely an invitation to treat everyone fairly. In practice, however, DEI policies often promote a narrow set of ideological views that elevate race and gender to matters of supreme importance.” A key aspect of this initiative is “a research methodology called ‘public health critical race praxis’ (PHCRP)—designed, as the name suggests, to apply critical race theory to the field of public health.”

The practical upshot of this is that conventional triage, which in emergency rooms prioritizes treatment based on the seriousness of each patient’s condition, will go out the window. Instead, those who are considered part of “victim” groups will receive preferential treatment, while those who are part of what are designated as “oppressor” classes will go to the back of the line if they get treated at all. This is already happening: Sailer pointed out that “during the height of the COVID pandemic, New York, Minnesota, and Utah issued guidance for allocating monoclonal antibodies that heavily prioritized racial and ethnic minorities.”

Dr. Jane Orient, executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), minced no words, declaring that these programs “should be called what they are: anti-white, anti-excellence, anti-science, and anti-Christian.” She added that they “sacrifice the needs of patients, even their lives, to a totalitarian political ideology.”

The prospects for reform, however, are bleak. Orient explained that these programs are “pervasive in organized medicine as well. The advocacy agenda of the American Medical Association (AMA) and others is completely ‘Woke’ and punishes dissent. The ultimate ‘equity’ is equal immiseration and death.”

The new emphasis on wokeness in medicine has such disquieting implications that even the uber-Leftist Washington Post has come out against it. Marilyn Singleton, a board-certified anesthesiologist and visiting fellow at Do No Harm, stated in the Post last Wednesday that “when I graduated with a medical degree in 1973, a Black woman in a class of mostly White men, there was a real sense that the days of obsessing over skin color and making race-based assumptions about our fellow human beings was finally fading — and, hopefully, soon gone for good.” But then came the Left’s present-day fixation on racial issues: “That racial obsession has come rushing back — in academia, politics, business, and even in my beloved medical profession. But now it’s coming from the opposite direction. The malignant false assumption that Black people are inherently inferior intellectually has been traded in for the malignant false assumption that White people are inherently racist.” And therefore less deserving of medical treatment.

Sanity is not going to return anytime soon. The Star reports that “on February 16, Joe Biden issued an executive order that mandated all agencies of the executive branch to embrace the radical DEI agenda.” Expect more polarization, more victimhood hucksterism, and thus more resentment at what will be claimed to be the lingering effects of “systemic racism.” That will just start the cycle all over again. And once it has become taken for granted that the woke elite’s favored groups should get preferential treatment for medical care, how far away will the day be when you’re denied treatment because you’ve been designated a “MAGA Republican” or an “insurrectionist” over your opposition to the dominant Leftist ideology?

Eat right, exercise, get plenty of rest, and take care of yourself. As this continues, getting sick is going to be an increasingly risky proposition.

Iran: Islamic groups opposed to girls’ education suspected in wave of poison attacks on schoolgirls



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

As Jihad Watch reported yesterday, the Islamic Republic is now being suspected of taking the abuse of women to a new level: poisoning schoolgirls to discourage their learning.

Sky News also reported about the incident:

Up to 400 pupils at around 30 schools are said to have been affected by the “deliberate” attacks, with some needing hospital treatment after complaining about headaches, heart palpitations, feeling lethargic and being unable to move.

The first cases in November last year are believed to have happened in Qom, around 125km (80 miles) southwest of Tehran – where some fearful parents are pulling their children out of school as a precaution,

As expected, Iran is trying to defer blame and/or downplay the seriousness of the incidents.

There are many highly abusive tactics used in the Islamic world to keep women in their place, under the control of the male arbiters of the Sharia, such as stoning, honor murder, public flogging, wife beating, and female genital mutilation. Poisoning girls is in keeping with all this. The recent demonstrations against the Islamic Republic began when Mahsa Amini was murdered for not wearing her hijab properly. And long before that, as noted below, “in 2014, people took to the streets of the city of Isfahan after a wave of acid attacks, which appeared to be aimed at terrorizing women who violated the country’s strict Islamic dress code.” Days ago, female students in Iran were forced to attend sessions on wearing the hijab (Quran 24:31,33:59). The protests have gone on since mid-September.

“Wave of Poison Attacks on Schoolgirls Alarms Iranians,” Reuters, February 28, 2023:

DUBAI (Reuters) – Hundreds of Iranian girls in different schools have suffered “mild poison” attacks over recent months, the health minister said, with some politicians suggesting they could have been targeted by religious groups opposed to girls’ education.

The attacks come at a critical time for Iran’s clerical rulers, who faced months of anti-government protests sparked by the death of a young Iranian woman in the custody of the morality police who enforce strict dress codes.

The poison attacks at more than 30 schools in at least four cities started in November in Iran’s Shi’ite Muslim holy city of Qom, prompting some parents to take their children out of school, state media reported.

Social media posts showed some hospitalised schoolgirls, who said they had felt nauseous and suffered heart palpitations.

“Investigating where this mild poison comes from … and whether it is an intentional move are not within the scope of my ministry,” Health Minister Bahram Einollahi was quoted as saying by state media.

His deputy, Younes Panahi, said on Sunday “it was found that some people wanted schools, especially girls’ schools, to be closed”, according to IRNA state news agency.

One boys’ school has been targeted in the city of Boroujerd, state media reported.

Lawmaker Alireza Monadi said the existence of “the devil’s will” to stop girls from going to school was a “serious threat”, according to IRNA.

He did not elaborate, but suspicions have fallen on hardline groups that operate as the self-declared guardians of their interpretation of Islam.

In 2014, people took to the streets of the city of Isfahan after a wave of acid attacks, which appeared to be aimed at terrorizing women who violated the country’s strict Islamic dress code….

Dr. John Littell: Forced Out of Hospital After Endorsing Ivermectin



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

On February 23, a board-certified family physician Dr. John Littell testified before the Sarasota County Public Hospital Board about his successful practice of using ivermectin for treating Covid-19. The doctor saw the event as a unique opportunity to share his observations and be the voice of those who were trapped in hospitals and were denied early treatments during the Delta wave. Little did the doctor know that he would end up being escorted by three police officers out of the meeting shortly after delivering his speech.

In this interview with The New American, Dr. Littell shares why he attended the board meeting, what he spoke about, and how a seemingly innocent violation of a protocol led to his shocking expulsion. 

Dr. Littell argued that the suppression of early treatments, along with other pandemic measures such as the promotion of untested and unnecessary vaccines that are impacting male and female fertility, is likely a part of the population control plan.

To learn more about Dr. John Littell and his practice in Ocala, FL, please click here.

Please follow Dr. Littell on Twitter

Holy Cow! Pfizer Subsidiary Has Injected 100 Million Animals With mRNA Technology!

Hunters beware!

Zoetis is a subsidiary of Pfizer and has quietly injected 100 million animals with the horrific mRNA technology. Livestock has also started to receive mRNA injections.



They Are giving Cows mRNA Vaccine • Which Will Pass the Vaccine Into Milk, Cheese etc • LETHAL INJECTIONS: 18% of Cattle DIE Immediately Following mRNA ‘Vaccination’

They Are giving Cows mRNA Vaccine • Which Will Pass the Vaccine Into Milk, Cheese etc • LETHAL INJECTIONS: 18% of Cattle DIE Immediately Following mRNA ‘Vaccination’


Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Instant Death Of Cows Who Received mRNA Vaccine. Urgently Warn Everyone You Know

Tap News  /  Weaver

ShhLittleBirdie Newave,

A friend informed me today that her neighbor, a dairy farmer, is now forced to vaccinate her herd with an mRNA vaccine! (NSW) She complied and of the 200 head of cattle, 35 died instantly! I would sue the DPI The farmer said it is mandatory for all dairy farms to have their herd jabbed with this mRNA vaccine. Am not yet sure if that’s for NSW or across Australia, but will investigate immediately Implications? Dairy herd DNA is altered. Milk is altered and you CONSUME IT! Butter constitution, yogurt, and cheese are altered MEAT is altered Will chicken and other meats be next? Time to grow your own folks, and maybe develop herds that are private, none tagged and never vaccinated. Time to set up a community farm association with members – farmers who are not part of the system, and have herds – animals that are not jabbed or tagged so a community of private people can be consumers of organically produced livestock. It’s time to fend for ourselves as an organized community. Watch this space You might want to on send this message to warn your database too.



Original Article:

LETHAL INJECTIONS: 18% of Cattle DIE Immediately Following mRNA ‘Vaccination’

Much of the conversation surrounding mRNA (messenger RNA) “vaccines” centers around their impact on humans, but how about all the animals that are being injected with it?

Believe it or not, cattle are reportedly now getting jabbed with the stuff, which in a recent mass “vaccination” campaign of an Australian herd resulted in 35 of the 200 animals dying immediately.

We are told that dairy farmers and others are now being forced to inject their animals with the Fauci Flu in order to remain in business and that the animals are not responding well to it.

Just like in humans, the shots are causing such profound damage that many of the animals are succumbing to instant death, while the others are getting sick and dying over a longer period of time. (Related: mRNA spike proteins linger in the heart and brain long after injection.)

For the animals that survive, one wonders what is becoming of their milk, which gets passed on as food for other animals as well as humans. Is it safe to consume mRNA-tainted milk and cheese from a “fully vaccinated” dairy cow? The answer is probably not.

“Dairy herd DNA is altered,” one report explains. “Milk is altered and you consume it! Butter constitution, yogurt, and cheese are altered, and meat is altered – will chicken and other meats be next?

Is there any evidence at all to suggest that animals “catch” covid?

What is mysteriously absent from the “science” behind forced mRNA injections for animals is any actual evidence that animals are getting sick from covid.

Sure, all mammals have lungs. And sure, those lungs can become infected with respiratory illnesses. But does this warrant administering experimental injections to animals that are killing them just the same as they are killing humans?

The government of New South Wales (NSW), Australia, where the first cattle herds we know of are being injected with mRNA, that the official excuse for the new mRNA push is that animal herds need protection against not just covid but also Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) and Lumpy Skin Disease. A deal was forged with a United States-based biotechnology company called Tiba BioTech that, just like Pfizer, BioNTech, and Moderna, is now raking in the dough.

“The NSW Nationals in Government are taking the threat of FMD and Lumpy Skin Disease extremely seriously, and this milestone is another step forward in preparing for a potential outbreak,” announced Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional NSW Paul Toole.

“I have now written to vaccine manufacturers to take up my challenge to develop both vaccines ready for use and manufacture in NSW by August 1 next year. COVID-19 demonstrated to us that all possible avenues in developing vaccines must be explored and we will leave no stone unturned.”

In other words, covid and people’s engineered fear of it is once again being used to fast-track at warp speed all sorts of new mRNA injections for use in both animals and humans.

“It is critical that we develop mRNA vaccines for FMD and Lumpy Skin as quickly as possible to protect our state’s livestock sector,” added Minister for Agriculture Dugald Saunders, who admitted that Tiba Biotech has been given free rein to churn out as many mRNA injections as possible to supposedly protect Australia’s $28.7 billion livestock industry.

“The threat of FMD is ongoing and there are concerns Lumpy Skin Disease could enter northern Australia this coming wet season, so it’s critical we continue to do what we can as quickly as we can,” he added.

“Current FMD vaccines use the virus itself, and there is yet to be an approved vaccine for use in Australia for Lumpy Skin Disease, so creating mRNA vaccines to combat either disease would be a game-changer for the industry. mRNA vaccines are cheaper and quicker to produce, highly effective, and very safe.”

Is Australian meat still safe to eat?

Saunders went on in a statement to claim that mRNA injections are actually safer than traditional injections because they are “fully synthetic and do not require any animal or microbial products.”

“They do not carry with them the same risks as traditionally derived vaccines,” he insists.

This is unfortunate news for folks who purchase Australian meat and other animal-derived products from Down Under, believing them to be clean and pristine. If mRNA shots for animals become the standard there, many will think twice before purchasing any more animal products from Australia.

“This is well Beyond the Thunderdome – Mad Max and his enemies were otherwise healthy survivors of a holocaust,” writes Peter Halligan about the issue on his Substack page.

“In the Australian Vaxx-Nazi world, it looks like the movement of people and their motile ability will become a thing of the past.”

You can learn more about deadly mRNA injections and covid spike proteins at

Original Article:

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