republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Hong Kong-based virologist Yan Li-Meng, currently in hiding at an undisclosed location, claims that the COVID-19 coronavirus came from a People’s Liberation Army lab, and not from a Wuhan wet market as Beijing has claimed.

EconoTimes reports on Yan:

Speaking on a live stream interview on Taiwan’s News Agency Lude Press, she said, “At that time, I clearly assessed that the virus came from a Chinese Communist Party military lab. The Wuhan wet market was just used as a decoy.”

“I knew that once I spoke up, I could disappear at any time, just like all the brave protesters in Hong Kong. I could disappear at any time, even my name would no longer exist,” Yan said according to a translation.

Yan has been in hiding in the U.S. after fleeing Hong Kong in April. She last made waves in July after an interview with Fox News:

Yan told Fox News in an exclusive interview that she believes the Chinese government knew about the novel coronavirus well before it claimed it did. She says her supervisors, renowned as some of the top experts in the field, also ignored research she was doing at the onset of the pandemic that she believes could have saved lives.

She adds that they likely had an obligation to tell the world, given their status as a World Health Organization reference laboratory specializing in influenza viruses and pandemics, especially as the virus began spreading in the early days of 2020.

“The reason I came to the U.S. is because I deliver the message of the truth of COVID,” she said then, but today’s report is the first time Yan has claimed the coronavirus originated in a Communist China army lab.

Coronavirus Hackers
 (FBI press release)


Beijing’s Communist regime hasn’t exactly been making friends of late, going so far as to sic their impressive hacking community on coronavirus research labs last month in a state-sponsored effort to steal their work.

Coronavirus ‘Key Information’ Withheld by China, Leak Shows

“The China government refused to let overseas experts, including ones in Hong Kong, do research in China,” she told Fox News. “So I turned to my friends to get more information.”

There have long been rumors that the novel coronavirus might have begun as a bio-weapon, but Yan’s statement is the first time the claim has come from anyone who might have insider knowledge.

Back in February during the initial global phase of the coronavirus pandemic, Defense One reported that the PLA was “largely MIA” in fighting the outbreak.

At a moment when hospitals across China are posting cries for supplies on social media, the anemic response by the People’s Liberation Army calls into question some of its most lauded capabilities: powerful logistics and mass military-civil contingency response mobilization.

Defense One also reminded readers that “governments often mobilize military units” during a major crisis, and yet…

…the first group of PLA medical units began to arrive in Wuhan only on Jan. 24, nearly a month after the virus began to spread. They arrived in relatively small numbers: three medical teams were reported to have been sent from Shanghai, Chongqing and Xi’an, totaling 450 personnel. The subsequent lack of any major following deployment was striking, especially as needs ranged from supply to construction, such that regime officials even turned to making false claims of building hospitals in record time.

If you’re getting a little paranoid — and in 2020, who isn’t? — you might be thinking the PLA kept their hands off the virus during the outbreak because they had their hands dirty with it during its development.

We may never know the truth about the origins of the novel coronavirus, whether it was an army lab, bat soup, or something else.

But if people choose to believe the worst about Chinese Communist strongman Xi Jinping’s regime, he’ll have no one to blame but himself.

Finally, here is the 35-minute livestream, although it is in Chinese and there are no subtitles.


Congressional hearings about Big Tech's war of censorship against the American people have become the norm, yet nothing changes. Decent people face ever-growing censorship which only increases as we approach elections. It's all a dog and pony show. Tune in every Wednesday at 10 PM Eastern time for Sarah's live show. Get reliable notification options and further information at Sarah's home site:


Nonstop propaganda from national media continues to frighten people into mental paralysis and submission to health authorities. This Technocrat-led tsunami can only be resisted by individuals who refuse to play their assigned role in the Great Panic of 2020.

Pseudo-Science Behind Face Masks, Social Distancing And Contact Tracing

The American public is being spoon-fed a steady diet of pseudo-science in order to justify the wearing of face masks, social distancing and contact tracing. Yet, the actual science points in the polar opposite direction. Furthermore, those who try to present the real science are shamed, ridiculed and bullied for having such narrow-minded views. This is a clear sign of Technocrats-at-work. Instead, these are the ones who should be exposed, shamed and ridiculed. Source Article: Dr. Blaylock article: Citizens for Free Speech:

Amoral And Ethically Challenged Technocrats Are The Real Pandemic

Bioethics? What bioethics? Technocrats dictating public policy on COVID-19 are devoid of any ethical or moral principles. Now that they have their talons embedded in our society, they have no intention of letting go unless they are forcibly removed. America must reject these sociopathic Technocrats before it is too late. See article at



Systematically at every level the public has been blatantly lied to about the shocking test results of ‘Operation Warp Speed’

The 3 Phases of Lies in Development of COVID-19 Vaccines



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

The Moderna vaccine skipped animal trials and went straight to human testing. In the high-dose test group, 21% needed hospitalization. But Fauci’s NIH is a co-developer/co-owner, so they’re now moving on to a fake Phase 3 trial.

On Wednesday 7/29/2020’s show, David Knight reports, “The Phase 3 testing is the biggest lie of all of this, but it’s being done very subtly. Look at the headlines: ‘Would you volunteer to be exposed to this? These Stanford graduates volunteered to be exposed to COVID-19!’ But yet they’re not going to be exposed. They’re NOT going to be exposed to COVID-19.”

Fauci talks about “safety and efficacy” of vaccines. But he knows better. His own NIH explains there is a difference between efficacy, effectiveness and immunogenicity (see

“Efficacy of vaccine is measured in randomized, placebo-controlled studies, that are expensive and difficult to plan. Moreover, it is unethical to offer a placebo instead of vaccine. For all of these reasons… Effectiveness of vaccine is measured as an epidemiological effect from observational studies… Immunogenicity of vaccine refers to the ability of a vaccine to induce an immune response in a vaccinated individual.”

Immunogenicity looks at antibodies produced as we’ve seen from the press releases by Moderna. That’s NOT effectiveness or efficacy. And note that the NIH says “it is unethical to offer a placebo instead of vaccine.”

People are being misled by Fauci’s use of the term efficacy and the media’s headlines about 30,000 volunteers and people volunteering to be exposed. The public’s understanding of drug testing of therapeutics (to treat or cure a condition) is being conflated with the process for “testing” vaccines.

In the USA, the FDA is responsible for approving drugs and vaccines. The process is slightly different than for therapeutic drugs than for vaccines. Here’s how the two processes are different…

THERAPEUTICS go through 3 phases of testing. After animal testing (to rule out severe toxicity), Phase 1 is conducted on a very small group of people for safety (typically tens of people). Phase 2 is a larger group of people (typically hundreds) who have the condition/disease, in order to test both safety and efficacy. Only about 1/3 of drugs move to Phase 3 which tests both efficacy and safety on a much larger population (thousands). In both Phase 2 and Phase 3, the study is a double-blind placebo to test efficacy.

VACCINES, according to the FDA’s approval process for (see, Phase 1 for vaccines is a small group monitored closely for immediate adverse effects. Phase 2, usually hundreds of people, is also looking for safety, dosage is varied and immune response (immunogenicity, production of antibodies) is monitored. Phase 3 repeats with a larger population (thousands).

The plan for the COVID vaccines Phase 3 test is to immunize tens of thousands in a double-blind placebo EPIDEMIOLOGICAL study. The participants will go about their business for 2 YEARS and the population that got the vaccine will be compared to the population that got the placebo.

A group of 100 scientists, including 15 Nobel Prize laureates, has written a letter to NIH, Francis Collins, Anthony Fauci asking for a “challenge trial” of the vaccine. The group pushing this is a vaccine advocacy group “1 Day Sooner” that wants a PROVEN vaccine as soon as possible. They want to EXPOSE vaccinated individuals to COVID.

As the NIH explains in the paper referenced above, “it is unethical to offer a placebo instead of a vaccine” since vaccines are preventative only (if they work). Exposing someone to a life-threatening disease is also forbidden by the Nuremberg Code even if someone volunteers. Fauci & the NIH must maintain the narrative that COVID is a deadly pandemic even though case fatality rates are the same or lower than typical flu.

But “1 Day Sooner” is seeking volunteers to be vaccinated and exposed to COVID (even though the NIH is refusing to allow it). The headlines they’ve garnered and the headlines about 30,000 volunteers, serve as a disinformation campaign that misleads the public about efficacy.

Then there’s the misleading information about SAFETY exposed by RFK, Jr in his debate with Alan Dershowitz who advocates mandatory vaccination, by force if necessary. (Vaccines are NEVER proven or even adequately tested for long term effects as scientists complained at a recently exposed WHO conference.)

“They use what they call exclusionary criteria,” Kennedy said. “They are only giving these vaccines in these tests that they’re doing to the healthiest people.” Kennedy continued, “If you look at their exclusionary idea criteria: You cannot be pregnant, you cannot be overweight, you must have never smoked a cigarette, you must have never vaped, you must have no respiratory problems in your family, you can’t suffer asthma, you can’t have diabetes, you can’t have rheumatoid arthritis or any autoimmune disease. There has to be no history of seizure in the family. These are the people they’re testing the vaccine on.”

“Despite all that, in the low-dose group 6% had to be hospitalized, while in the high-dose group 21% required hospitalization. The people they tested are not typical Americans. So what’s going to happen when they give this to average people? They’ve already said that the first people who get this are going to be people at risk, the elderly, people with co-morbidities”, Kennedy continued.

“Any other medicine that had that kind of profile in its original Phase 1 study would be D.O.A. The problem is Anthony Fauci put $500 million of our dollars into that vaccine. He owns half the patent. He has five guys working for him entitled to collect royalties from that. So you have a corrupt system and now they’ve got a vaccine that’s too big to fail”, Kennedy concluded.

“Operation Warp Speed” is a tangled web of lies, corruption, greed — and death.

Article first appeared at


There Is No Return To The "Old Normal": Welcome to 1984

Globalists will keep piling on the restrictions and lockdowns until they break the will of the American people



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

The old normal is a distant memory. The new life we lead is permanent, and will only get worse. Rex Jones reports.

YouTube mirror:


“Very incorrect things that are very titillating…can spread much faster than the truth”

Video: Bill Gates Again Denies Vaccines Are Cover For Global Microchipping Program



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

With millions of people globally sharing information and videos purporting that Bill Gates’ obsession with vaccinations is a cover for a global microchipping program, the billionaire Microsoft founder again felt the need to deny the allegations, while pushing for more censorship of social media posts.

In an exchange between Gates and CNBC Tuesday, the issue was raised by interviewer Andrew Ross Sorkin, prompting Gates to deny that coronavirus vaccines will be used to implant tracking devices in humans.

“Very incorrect things that are very titillating…can spread much faster than the truth on social media, and we’ve always seen that with vaccines….social media can make that even worse…” Gates proclaimed.

“These social media companies can see what is being said on their platform and take things that are absolutely wrong and remove those things from the platform.” he added.

“How you divide that up, and draw that line…these are complex issues. It has been a spreader of lot of things…and how do you strike a balance?” Gates continued.

Gates also questioned whether it was “appropriate” that Facebook does not prevent people sharing links and information via its Whatsapp messaging platform.

Gates’ comments were recorded as BBC News claimed that ‘vaccine passports’ via Gates-funded digital tattoos could become a necessary part of travel in the post-COVID world.

BBC pushes Gates’ vaccine tattoos as a condition of travel, Google comes up with its own tech tattoo — SkinMarks

The BBC report stated that “This technology already exists and has been tried on live animals and human cadaver skin, said researcher Ana Jaklenec at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Their method uses micro-needle patches that can deliver both the vaccine and a squirt of an invisible ink under the person’s skin, storing the vaccination record.”

Reports of the Gates-backed tattoos have been circling since March, being downplayed or outright lied about.

Embedding a permanent vaccine health record tattoo into the skin of people is essentially the same thing as ‘microchipping’, yet Gates and those falling into line behind him are using Orwellian semantics to claim the idea is a ‘conspiracy theory’.

Alex Jones breaks down Bill Gates admitting in his own words to the damage his vaccines cause, and the build up of telling the public the pandemic plan for years.



With the prospects of a second wave of infection later in the years, many are holding out for the promise of a COVID-19 vaccine. The promise being offered by the World Health Organization, governments, vaccine developers and funders like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is that a vaccine will eliminate the danger of the virus and release us from lockdowns, social distancing and other measures that have created the biggest disruption to human life and economies seen for over 70 years. But the process of developing safe and vaccines using technologies that have never been used on a large scale, and doing this under an unprecedented warp speed time-frame, is far from straightforward.


Bill Gates Confronted About Widespread Vaccine Side Effects

Bill Gates Confronted About Widespread Vaccine Side Effects

At least 80% of trial subjects reportedly suffering side effects



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Vaccine oligarch Bill Gates expressed apathy in a CBS interview about the fact that his Moderna Coronavirus vaccine, which National Institutes of Health (NIH) has a financial stake in, is testing horribly in vaccine trials, with at least 80 percent of trial subjects reportedly suffering side effects.

This news comes on the heels of a major protest in Africa against the vaccine being tested on black people on the continent. Military insurer Tricare admitted that it wrongly told more than 600,000 U.S. military members that they had the virus.

Hospitals in Florida are showing massive problems with testing accuracy, with Orlando Health admitting that its 98 percent positive rate was actually 9.4 percent.

The CDC admitted that it is mixing antibody and viral test results to derive its case numbers and you can test positive on an antibody test if you have antibodies from a family of viruses that cause the common cold. Here is Gates responding to vaccine side effects:

No wonder people in Africa are protesting the vaccine tests.

National Institutes of Health (NIH) own a financial stake in the Bill Gates-funded Moderna Coronavirus vaccine, raising big questions about the supposed impartiality of the federal government’s policy decisions during the Coronavirus outbreak. NIAID director Dr. Anthony Fauci, a financial ally of Bill Gates whose institute is part of NIH, has been critical of Hydroxychloroquine and the FBI even raided a health spa serving intravenous vitamin C, which are competitors to a vaccine.

“We do have some particular stake in the intellectual property” for the Moderna vaccine stated Francis Collins, the director of NIH, in a revelatory recent Economic Club panel discussion. “One of the vaccines– the one that’s furthest along– what started, actually, at the federal government in our own Vaccine Research Center at NIH– then worked with a biotechnology company called Moderna to get to where we are now, with very impressive Phase I results and getting ready to go into a large-scale trial as early as July. That one, of course, we do have some particular stake in the intellectual property. Others, though, come from companies who’ve invested their efforts into getting them to the point where they might now be ready for a trial,” Collins stated.

Newly published documents from Public Citizen have massive implications. Public Citizen states:

“The U.S. government may jointly own a potential coronavirus vaccine. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has played a critical role in coronavirus research for years. Building off this work, federal scientists have helped design and test mRNA-1273—a vaccine candidate developed in partnership with Moderna.[2] The federal government has filed multiple patents covering mRNA-1273. In this report, we describe two patent applications that list federal scientists as co-inventors.[3] If the government successfully pursued its patent filings, the resulting patents would likely confer significant rights. We also review recently disclosed contracts between NIH and Moderna. The agreements suggest that NIH has not transferred its rights, but instead maintains a joint stake.”

Eight members of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) expert COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel disclosed recent financial relationships with Gilead, the drugmaker that is introducing an expensive Coronavirus competitor to Hydroxychloroquine, the inexpensive anti-malarial drug that President Trump has promoted which many people claim has helped them. This financial relationship between NIH experts and Gilead is especially concerning in light of revelations that NIH has a financial stake in the Bill Gates-funded Moderna vaccine, another competitor to Hydroxychloroquine. Chloroquine critic Dr. Anthony Fauci’s NIAID, which funded the Bat Coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology believed to be the source of the outbreak, is part of NIH.

HERE IS THE FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE LIST FOR THE NIH EXPERT CORONAVIRUS TREATMENT PANEL. The experts with disclosed ties to Gilead include consultants, people who provided Gilead research support, and honoraria. Members of the panel also disclosed ties to Merck and INOVIO Pharmaceuticals, which took $9 million from a Gates-backed company to develop a Coronavirus vaccine.

Gilead is driving up their prices from what was previously expected (as the company has done in the past, sparking bipartisan condemnation from Senators Grassley and Wyden). No wonder, then, VA study.

President Donald Trump is now officially vindicated with facts on his support for the anti-malarial drug Hydroxychloroquine.

“What we’re finding clinically with our patients is that it really only works in conjunction with Zinc,” stated Los Angeles emergency room specialist Dr. Anthony Cardillo. “So the hydroxychloroquine opens a zinc channel, zinc goes into the cell, it then blocks the replication of the cellular machinery….Every patient I’ve prescribed it to has been very very ill and within 8 to 12 hours they were basically symptom free.”

Bill Gates Is Already Looking Forward to The ‘Next’ Pandemic

Fauci Does Not Bother To Wear A Mask In Public, As Evidenced By His Pitiful First-Pitch Showing At Baseball’s Opening Day.

Fauci Also Took Off His Mask After He Testified In A Washington Hearing

Why did the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation fund research at MIT on how to implant people’s vaccination history under their skin? Why did Fauci meet with Bill Gates’ father, George Soros, and other globalist heavyweights all the way back in 2001? Why did the Stephen King-created television series The Dead Zone predict the Coronavirus outbreak — and a Chloroquine cure for it — back in 2003?

Why did Dr. Anthony Fauci’s NIAID fund the Coronavirus bat research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which President Trump and Secretary of State Pompeo and others have identified as the source of the worldwide outbreak?


Alex Jones breaks down why people are receiving a positive COVID-19 diagnosis without being tested.


A Grade 3 Vaccine-Related Adverse Event is Serious 



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

When Moderna, Inc. announced on May 18, 2020 the results of a Phase I human clinical trial for its experimental mRNA-1273 vaccine for COVID-19, the biotechnology company said the vaccine had produced no “serious adverse events” (SAEs) among the 45 people who participated in the trial and that it considered the vaccine to be “generally safe” and “well-tolerated.” Moderna acknowledged that four (nine percent) of the trial participants suffered Grade 3 adverse events to its vaccine.1 2 3 4 5

In its report (published in The Lancet on May 22) on the results of a Phase I human clinical trial for its experimental Ad5-nCoV for COVID-19, CanSino Biologics, Inc. said it had noted no “serious adverse event” among the 108 trial participants. The Chinese biotech company, working in partnership with China’s Academy of Military Medical Sciences’ Institute of Biotechnology, acknowledged that 10 (nine percent) of the participants suffered Grade 3 adverse events to its vaccine.6 7 8

On July 20, Pfizer, Inc. and Germany’s BioNTech SE announced the results of their Phase I/II human clinical trial for their jointly-developed experimental BNT162b1 vaccine for COVID-19. The companies reported “no serious adverse events” among its 45 trial participants, although they did acknowledge that two (four percent) of the participants suffered Grade 3 adverse events to their vaccine.9 10 11 12

Almost 1 in 10 COVID-19 Trial Participants Suffered Serious Reactions

A total of 198 healthy people participated in the Moderna, CanSino Biologics and Pfizer/BioNTech Phase I and Phase I/II clinical trials. The companies said no serious adverse events were experienced during the trials, and yet they acknowledged a total of 16 Grade 3 adverse events? How is that possible, given that a Grade 3 adverse event is defined by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as, “severe or medically significant but not immediately life-threatening; hospitalization or prolongation of hospitalization indicated; disabling; limiting self care” such as “bathing, dressing and undressing, feeding self, using the toilet, taking medications”?13

In other words, a Grade 3 adverse event is serious. It is only one grade removed from “life-threatening” (Grade 4) and just two grades from “death” (Grade 5).13 Of the 198 participants in the Moderna, CanSino Biologics and Pfizer/BioNTech clinical trials, 16 (eight percent) of them suffered serious adverse events. Imagine if those vaccines had been given to 100 million people, which could have resulted in some 8 million serious adverse events and many questions about potential long-term adverse health outcomes

Of the 198 participants in the Moderna, CanSino Biologics and Pfizer/BioNTech clinical trials, 16 (eight percent) of them suffered serious adverse events. Imagine if those vaccines had been given to 100 million people.

AstraZeneca and University of Oxford Report Zero Serious Adverse Events in Clinical Trial for Their COVID-19 Vaccine

Most recently, the University of Oxford and British-Swiss pharmaceutical firm AstraZeneca plc reported the results of a Phase I/II human clinical trial for their experimental AZD1222 vaccine (formerly known as ChAdOx1 nCoV-19) for COVID-19. According to the results, published in The Lancet on July 20, there were no “serious adverse events” related to the vaccine among the 1,077 trial participants.14 15

CNN headline about the Oxford/AstraZeneca clinical trial results read, “Oxford’s COVID-19 vaccine appears safe and induces immune response, early results suggest, but more research is needed.”

It appears safe?


1 Moderna’s COVID-19 Vaccine Speeds to Phase III Trial After More Positive DataClinical OMICS July 15, 2020.
2 Business Wire. Moderna Announces Publication in The New England Journal of Medicine of Interim Results From Phase 1 Study of Its mRNA Vaccine Against COVID-19 (mRNA-1273). Moderna July 14, 2020.
3 Cáceres M. Healthy Clinical Trial Subjects Suffer Grade 3 Side Effects to Moderna’s mRNA COVID-19 VaccineThe Vaccine Reaction May 24, 2020.
4 Cáceres M. Volunteer Describes His Serious Reaction in Moderna’s mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine TrialThe Vaccine Reaction May 30, 2020.
5 Press Release. Moderna Announces Positive Interim Phase 1 Data for its mRNA Vaccine (mRNA-1273) Against Novel Coronavirus. Moderna May 18, 2020.
6 Branswell H. Early study of Covid-19 vaccine developed in China sees mixed resultsSTAT May 22, 2020.
7 Cáceres M, Fisher BL. 81 Percent of Clinical Trial Volunteers Suffer Reactions to CanSino Biologics’ COVID-19 Vaccine That Uses HEK293 Human Fetal Cell LinesThe Vaccine Reaction July 6, 2020.
8 Hou LH, et al. Safety, tolerability, and immunogenicity of a recombinant adenovirus type-5 vectored COVID-19 vaccine: a dose-escalation, open-label, non-randomised, first-in-human trialThe Lancet June 13, 2020; 395 (10240): 1845-1854.
9 Herper M. Covid-19 vaccine from Pfizer and BioNTech shows positive resultsSTAT July 1, 2020.
10 Mulligan MJ, et al. Phase 1/2 Study to Describe the Safety and Immunogenicity of a COVID-19 RNA Vaccine Candidate (BNT162b1) in Adults 18 to 55 Years of Age: Interim ReportmedRxXiv July 1, 2020.
11 Press Release. Pfizer and BioNTech Announce Early Positive Update from German Phase 1/2 COVID-19 Vaccine Study, Including First T Cell Response Data. Pfizer July 20, 2020.
12 TVR Staff. Pfizer/BioNTech’s COVID-19 Vaccine Causes Adverse Reactions in Over Half of Clinical Trial VolunteersThe Vaccine Reaction July 18, 2020.
13 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE). Nov. 27, 2017.
14 Gumbrecht J, Thomas N, Vigue D, Howard J. Oxford’s Covid-19 vaccine appears safe and induces immune response, early results suggest, but more research is neededCNN July 21, 2020.
15 Folegatti PM, et al. Safety and immunogenicity of the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine against SARS-CoV-2: a preliminary report of a phase 1/2, single-blind, randomised controlled trialThe Lancet July 20, 2020.




Cover-Up: NIH Removes 5G-Coronavirus Study From Website Following Infowars Exposé

Medical establishment scrambles to censor scientific info —

read the bombshell study for yourself here!



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

The National Institute of Health (NIH) removed a study from its website linking 5G radiation with the coronavirus after Infowars first brought attention to it.

The international study, called 5G Technology And Induction Of Coronavirus In Skin Cells, claims that 5G millimeter waves stimulate DNA in a way that causes cell nuclei to actually produce coronaviruses.

According to the Internet Archive, the NIH removed the study from their website in the afternoon of Friday July 24th, two days after Infowars first reported on it.

The July 2020 study was jointly produced by scientists from Guglielmo Marconi University, Central Michigan University and First Moscow State Medical University.

“In this research, we show that 5G millimeter waves could be absorbed by dermatologic cells acting like antennas, transferred to other cells and play the main role in producing Coronaviruses in biological cells,” the study states.

“DNA is built from charged electrons and atoms and has an inductor-like structure. This structure could be divided into linear, toroid and round inductors. Inductors interact with external electromagnetic waves, move and produce some extra waves within the cells. The shapes of these waves are similar to shapes of hexagonal and pentagonal bases of their DNA source. These waves produce some holes in liquids within the nucleus. To fill these holes, some extra hexagonal and pentagonal bases are produced. These bases could join to each other and form virus-like structures such as Coronavirus.”

What’s more disturbing: that the NIH had a study on its official website claiming 5G creates coronaviruses, or the fact it was removed after becoming exposed?

Read the study the NIH doesn’t want you see below:



340K subscriber

As a follow on to my "Is This Torture?" video, (here: I discuss the way The Medical Tyranny is turning us all into Chronic Illness Outpatients. I rely on an excellent article by Sam Vaknin called "The Body As A Torture Chamber" and I apply his arguments to what is happening with the #Pandemic response. more... To send me a tip/thank you for my work, either through online means or by regular mail, you can donate via: -- Paypal: or -- PO Box: (checks must be payable to "Polly Media" also, I cannot accept couriered packages. HUGE thank yous go out to everyone who has shared videos, written me letters, sent me gifts & donations and to those who cannot contribute in those way but who have kept me in their prayers or sent me their interesting finds. God bless all of you! You are not alone!
References: Vaknin Article:
Vaknin VIDEO (which contains more information than the article):






republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

In a surprise move, the U.S. government ordered China to shut down its consulate in Houston (shown), citing spying concerns. The Chinese government condemned the order, increasing the already-rising tensions between the two global powers.

The U.S. State Department stated succinctly, “We have directed the closure of PRC Consulate General Houston in order to protect American intellectual property and Americans’ private information,” announcing that the Chinese consulate must close by Friday.

Beijing indicated that the order “seriously violates” international relations norms and will result in retaliation unless America walks it back.

In a brief statement, State Department spokesperson Morgan Ortagus said, “The United States will not tolerate the PRC’s violations of our sovereignty and intimidation of our people, just as we have not tolerated the PRC’s unfair trade practices, theft of American jobs, and other egregious behavior.”

Wang Wenbin, foreign ministry spokesperson for China, declared, “The unilateral closure of China’s consulate general in Houston within a short period of time is an unprecedented escalation of its recent actions against China.” He accused the United States of repeatedly opening Chinese diplomatic pouches without permission and of confiscating Chinese items for official use.

Wang also alleged that American diplomats in China engage in infiltration activities. “If we compare the two, it is only too evident which is engaged in interference, infiltration and confrontation,” he said, adding that the Chinese embassy in Washington allegedly received bomb and death threats.

The Houston Police Department received reports that the embassy began burning documents after 8:00pm on Tuesday evening. According to witnesses, a small amount of smoke could be seen and smelled from the outside. Dozens of local first responders arrived at the scene but did not enter the property.

“You could just smell the paper burning,” a witness at the scene told KPRC 2. “But, all the firefighters were just surrounding the building. They couldn’t go inside.”

The order to shut down the consulate came after the Justice Department on Tuesday unsealed an indictment charging two Chinese hackers with trying to steal coronavirus research from American companies.

According to the indictment, Chinese nationals Li Xiaoyu and Dong Jiazhi stole “material on military satellite programs, wireless networks and communication systems, high-powered microwave and laser systems as well as a counter-chemical weapons system” on behalf of China’s Ministry of State Security (MSS). The indictment stated that there were 25 unnamed alleged victims, including a Texas engineering company and a Virginia defense contractor.

“China has now taken its place — alongside Russia, Iran and North Korea — in that shameful club of nations that provide a safe haven for cyber criminals in exchange for those criminals being ‘on call’ to work for the benefit of the state,” said Assistant Attorney General John Demers, head of the Justice Department’s National Security Division.

Bonnie Glaser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies said China would “almost certainly shut down the US consulate in Wuhan in retaliation.”

The federal government in recent days has taken a hardline stance against China. 

Last week, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a speech to the Family Leadership Summit that for too long, “foreign policy thinkers” have mistakenly believed more trade with China would make America more free.

“But that’s not what’s happening today,” Pompeo warned. “Today, the Chinese Communist Party is crushing freedom in Hong Kong. It’s threatening a free Taiwan. It’s trying to dominate world communications networks, including those right here in places like Iowa.... We won’t stay still while Communist China tries to crush the world’s freedoms.”

Also last week, Attorney General William Barr criticized China, accusing the communist nation of trying to surpass the U.S. economy and of pressuring American companies to promote pro-China policies.

“Of the American people, they’re stealing the future of our children and grandchildren because it’s been our technological prowess,” the attorney general warned. “It’s created all the prosperity we have and the opportunity we have for future generations.”

He argued that business leaders are “the ones right there who can help us identify who the bad actors are ... and also the first line of defense to make sure that our technology doesn’t fall into the hands of Chinese graduate students or others that are actually working with the Chinese communist party.”



Big Pharma wants to patent human beings

Dr. Warns New COVID-19 Vaccine Is Untested And Will Alter Your DNA

NEW, AUGUST 18, 2020:


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Dr. Carrie Madej, an Internal Medicine Specialist with over 19 years of experience, claims that the COVID-19 vaccine could be a Trojan Horse used to patent human beings, as it will change one’s DNA.

Dr. Madej graduated from Kansas City University Of Medicine Bioscience College Of Osteopathic Medicine medical school in 2001.

In this video, she speaks about the agenda to inject an experimental vaccine into everybody on the planet.

The gene-altering vaccination would tweak human DNA into a cell line major corporations could patent, hypothetically owning the people with altered DNA.

This recombinant DNA technology is being spearheaded by companies like Inovio, GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi and Moderna.

Alex Jones showed a clip from the 1982 John Carpenter film The Thing where an alien organism takes over the cells of dogs and humans, similar to the way the globalists want to take over human cells with synthetic nanotech vaccines.

Jones explained the same elitist agenda in a show segment last week, saying, “They’re marking you digitally and genetically with a virus and they have a vaccine that isn’t even a vaccine, it goes in and reprograms your cells at the cellular level, taking control of the nucleus and mitochondria. It’s called cancer folks.”

In the age of extreme internet censorship, it’s imperative that you share crucial information such as the content covered by Dr. Madej.


Anyone who questions vaccines or who wants to discuss vaccines are labeled “anti-vaxx” and are censored heavily by big tech. Have you ever wondered what the scientists and experts discuss behind closed doors? The W.H.O. has openly come forward time and time again defending the safety of vaccines. However, if you keep watching this exclusive preview, you'll see a clip of W.H.O. doctors admitting to shoddy vaccine quality management measures and the actual dangers that vaccines could pose to the public. The risks of vaccines are very real, and parents are allowed to question their safety. This documentary discusses the science and history behind the vaccine industry... Sign-up now to be informed of when we broadcast all episodes for free again. ➡️ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our mission is to save lives by sharing the truth with the world. Our children, and your children, and future generations are the target of our mission. We will never stop fighting to protect our health freedom - and all our FREEDOMS! But we’re not Big Pharma (with deep pockets) and we don’t have advertisers. Much like PBS, we need your support to continue broadcasting free information to the world and continue saving lives. That’s why we are asking you to join the movement and support our mission by owning The Truth About Vaccines 2020. ➡️


Pfizer and its German partner BioNTech on Monday announced two of their experimental coronavirus vaccines received Fast Track designation from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, meaning the FDA may decide on an approval within six months. If a vaccine candidate gets the green light, the companies said they expect to make up to a hundred million doses by the end of this year. The companies said the recent testing of an experimental vaccine on 24 healthy volunteers showed that after 28 days they had developed higher levels of COVID-19 antibodies than typically seen in infected people.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

In clinical trials of the experimental messenger RNA (ribonucleic acid) COVID-19 vaccine (BNT162b1), which is being developed by Pfizer, Inc. of New York and BioNTech SE of Mainz, Germany, adverse reactions have occurred in more than 50 percent of the adult participants. The Phase 1/2 human trials of BNT162b1 vaccine, which were conducted May-June 2020, involved 45 healthy adults between the ages of 18 and 55 years.1

In the trials, 12 of the adults were injected with a 10-microgram dose of the BNT162b1 vaccine, and 12 adults received a 30-µg dose, 12 a 100-µg dose, while nine adults were given a placebo of a sterile saline solution (0.9 percent sodium chloride injection, in a 0.5-mL dose). Within seven days after vaccination, seven (58.3 percent) of the participants in the 10-µg group reported adverse reactions (pain) near the injection site and 24–or 100 percent–in the 30-µg and 100-µg groups and two (22.2 percent) in the placebo group reported reactions. Severe pain was reported by one participant who received 100-µg dose.1 2

Three weeks after the initial vaccination with the BNT162b1 vaccine, each one of the clinical trial participants was given a second dose of the vaccine at the same dosage. Of the participants in the 10-µg group, 8.3 percent developed fevers. Of those in the 30-µg group, 75 percent developed fevers. More than 50 percent of the adults, who were given either a 10-µg or 30-µg dose, experienced an adverse reaction such as fever and sleep disturbances.1 2

Two participants suffered severe reactions. A Grade 3 fever of over 101.3°F two days after vaccination was experienced by one adult in the 30-µg group and sleep disturbance one day after vaccination was experienced by one adult in the 100-µg group.1 2

Grade 3 reactions are described by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as, “severe or medically significant but not immediately life-threatening; hospitalization or prolongation of hospitalization indicated; disabling; limiting self care” such as “bathing, dressing and undressing, feeding self, using the toilet, taking medications.”3

According to the published results of the trials for the BNT162b1 COVID-19 vaccine being developed by Pfizer and BioNTech:

The most common systemic events reported in the 7 days after each vaccination in both BNT162b1 and placebo recipients were mild to moderate fatigue and headache. Reports of fatigue and headache were more common in the BNT162b1 groups compared to placebo. Additionally, chills, muscle pain, and joint pain were reported among BNT162b1 recipients and not in placebo recipients. Systemic events increased with dose level and were reported in a greater number of subjects after the second dose (10 µg and 30 µg groups).2

There were no Grade 4 adverse reactions reported. HHS classifies Grade 4 reactions as “life-threatening.”2 3

The clinical trial found that the experimental BNT162b1 vaccine was successful in generating antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2 virus. A recent STAT article noted, that some of the antibodies had a neutralizing effect in that they “appear to prevent the virus from functioning.” But it also pointed out that it is unclear if these antibody neutralizing levels will produce immunity to SARS-CoV-2.1 2

Pfizer and BioNTech plan to conduct larger clinical studies on their BNT162b1 vaccine later this summer.1




Scientist Dr. Li-Meng Yan says supervisors covered up her potentially life-saving coronavirus research. #FoxNews

Chinese virologist accuses Beijing of hiding details on coronavirus

Hong Kong scientist Dr. Li-Meng Yan believes the Chinese government knew about the novel coronavirus well before it claimed it did; reaction from Gordon Chang, author of 'The Coming Collapse of China.' #FoxNews #Tucker

EXCLUSIVE: Chinese virologist accuses Beijing of coronavirus cover-up, flees Hong Kong: 'I know how they treat whistleblowers'

Li-Meng Yan told Fox News that she believes China knew about the coronavirus well before it claimed it did. She says her supervisors also ignored research she was doing that she believes could have saved lives.

BY Barnini ChakrabortyAlex Diaz | Fox News


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

EXCLUSIVE: Hong Kong scientist Dr. Li-Meng Yan was stepping into uncharted territory.

Hours before she boarded an April 28 Cathay Pacific flight to the United States, the respected doctor who specialized in virology and immunology at the Hong Kong School of Public Health had plotted her escape, packing her bag and sneaking past the censors and video cameras on campus.

She had her passport and her purse and was about to leave all of her loved ones behind. If she was caught, she knew she could be thrown in jail -- or, worse, rendered one of the "disappeared."

Yan told Fox News in an exclusive interview that she believes the Chinese government knew about the novel coronavirus well before it claimed it did. She says her supervisors, renowned as some of the top experts in the field, also ignored research she was doing at the onset of the pandemic that she believes could have saved lives.


She adds that they likely had an obligation to tell the world, given their status as a World Health Organization reference laboratory specializing in influenza viruses and pandemics, especially as the virus began spreading in the early days of 2020.

Yan, now in hiding, claims the government in the country where she was born is trying to shred her reputation and accuses government goons of choreographing a cyber-attack against her in hopes of keeping her quiet.

Yan believes her life is in danger. She fears she can never go back to her home and lives with the hard truth that she’ll likely never see her friends or family there again.


Still, she says, the risk is worth it.

"The reason I came to the U.S. is because I deliver the message of the truth of COVID," she told Fox News from an undisclosed location.

She added that if she tried to tell her story in China, she "will be disappeared and killed."

Photo of Dr. Li-Meng Yan at her wedding. (Yan)

Photo of Dr. Li-Meng Yan at her wedding. (Yan)

Yan's story weaves an extraordinary claim about cover-ups at the highest levels of government and seemingly exposes the obsessive compulsion of President Xi Jinping and his Communist Party to control the coronavirus narrative: what China knew, when it knew it and what edited information it peddled to the rest of the world.


Yan, who says she was one of the first scientists in the world to study the novel coronavirus, was allegedly asked by her supervisor at the University/WHO reference lab, Dr. Leo Poon, in 2019 to look into the odd cluster of SARS-like cases coming out of mainland China at the end of December 2019.

"The China government refused to let overseas experts, including ones in Hong Kong, do research in China," she said. "So I turned to my friends to get more information."

Yan had an extensive network of professional contacts in various medical facilities in mainland China, having grown up and completed much of her studies there. She says that is the precise reason she was asked to conduct this kind of research, especially at a time when she says her team knew they weren’t getting the whole truth from the government.

One friend, a scientist at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in China, had first-hand knowledge of the cases and purportedly told Yan on Dec. 31 about human-to-human transmission well before China or the WHO admitted such spread was possible.

She reported some of these early findings back to her boss, Yan said.

"He just nodded," she recalled, and told her to keep working.

A few days later, on Jan. 9, 2020, the WHO put out a statement: "According to Chinese authorities, the virus in question can cause severe illness in some patients and does not transmit readily between people... There is limited information to determine the overall risk of this reported cluster.”

Dr. Li-Meng Yan in Hong Kong (Yan)

Dr. Li-Meng Yan in Hong Kong (Yan)

Yan said she and her colleagues across China discussed the peculiar virus but that she soon noted a sharp shift in tone.

Doctors and researchers who had been openly discussing the virus suddenly clammed up. Those from the city of Wuhan--which later would become the hub of the outbreak--went silent and others were warned not to ask them details.

The doctors said, ominously, "We can't talk about it, but we need to wear masks,'" Yan said.


Then the numbers of human-to-human transmission began to grow exponentially, according to her sources, and Yan started digging for answers.

"There are many, many patients who don't get treatment on time and diagnosis on time," Yan said. "Hospital doctors are scared, but they cannot talk. CDC staff are scared."

She said she reported her findings to her supervisor again on Jan. 16 but that's when he allegedly told her "to keep silent, and be careful."

"As he warned me before, 'Don't touch the red line,'" Yan said referring to the government. "We will get in trouble and we'll be disappeared."

She also claims the co-director of a WHO-affiliated lab, Professor Malik Peiris, knew but didn't do anything about it.

Peiris also did not respond to requests for comment. The WHO website lists Peiris as an "adviser" on the WHO International Health Regulations Emergency Committee for Pneumonia due to the Novel Coronavirus 2019-nCoV.

Yan was frustrated, but not surprised.

"I already know that would happen because I know the corruption among this kind of international organization like the WHO to China government, and to China Communist Party," she said. "So basically... I accept it but I don't want this misleading information to spread to the world."

The WHO and China have vehemently denied claims of a coronavirus cover-up.

The WHO has also denied that Yan, Poon or Peiris ever worked directly for the organization.

"Professor Malik Peiris is an infectious disease expert who has been on WHO missions and expert groups - as are many people eminent in their fields," WHO spokeswoman Margaret Ann Harris said in an email. "That does not make him a WHO staff member, nor does he represent WHO."


Yan says despite any pushback, she has been emboldened by a sense of right and wrong and says she had to speak up despite the personal and professional consequences.

"I know how they treat whistleblowers," she said.

"I know how they treat whistleblowers."

— Dr. Li-Meng Yan

Like so many before her, once Yan decided to speak out against China, she discovered her life was apparently in jeopardy, as well as that of those closest to her.

It was a fear directly relayed to her and seemingly confirmed by U.S.-based Hong Kong blogger Lu Deh, she says.

After she shared some of her theories and suspicions with him, he told her she would need to relocate, perhaps to the United States, where she wouldn't have to constantly look over her shoulder. Only then would she be safe and have a platform to speak, he said.

Yan made the decision to leave, but things got complicated when her husband of six years, who also worked at her lab, discovered the telephone call between his wife and the blogger.

Yan told Fox News she begged her husband to go with her, and says while her spouse, a reputable scientist himself, had initially been supportive of her research, he suddenly had a change of heart.

"He was totally pissed off," she said. "He blamed me, tried to ruin my confidence... He said they will kill all of us.'"

"He said, 'they will kill all of us.'"

— Dr. Li-Meng Yan

Shocked and hurt, Yan made the decision to leave without him.

She got her ticket to the U.S. on April 27. She was on a flight the next day.

When she landed at Los Angeles International Airport after her 13-hour journey, she was stopped by customs officials.

Fear gripped her and Yan didn't know if she would end up in jail or be sent back to China.

"I had to tell them the truth," she said. "I'm doing the right thing. So I tell them that 'don't let me go back to China. I'm the one who came to tell the truth here of COVID-19... And please protect me. If not, the China government will kill me."

The FBI was allegedly called in to investigate. Yan claims they interviewed her for hours, took her cell phone as evidence and allowed her to continue to her destination.

The FBI told Fox News it could neither confirm nor deny Yan's claims; however, Fox News was shown an evidence receipt that appeared to confirm an interaction.

As Yan was trying to find her footing in America, she says her friends and family back home were being put through the wringer.

Yan claims the government swarmed her hometown of Qingdao and that agents ripped apart her tiny apartment and questioned her parents. When she contacted her mother and father, they pleaded with her to come home, told her she didn't know what she was talking about and begged her to give up the fight.

The University of Hong Kong took down her page and apparently revoked access to her online portals and emails, despite the fact that she says she was on an approved annual leave. In a statement to Fox News, a school spokesperson said Yan is not currently an employee.

"Dr Li-Meng Yan is no longer a staff member of the University," the statement read. "Out of respect for our current and former employees, we don’t disclose personal information about her. Your understanding is appreciated."

The Chinese Embassy in the United States told Fox News they don't know who Yan is and maintain China has handled the pandemic heroically.

"We have never heard of this person," the emailed statement read. "The Chinese government has responded swiftly and effectively to COVID-19 since its outbreak. All its efforts have been clearly documented in the white paper "Fighting COVID-19: China in Action" with full transparency. Facts tell all."

The WHO has also continued to deny any wrongdoing during the earliest days of the virus. The medical arm of the United Nations has been taken to task recently by scientists challenging its official view of how the virus spreads. The WHO has also altered the coronavirus timeline on its website, now saying it got information about the virus from WHO scientists and not the Beijing authorities--as it has claimed for more than six months.


Fox News has also reached out to the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the scientists Yan accuses of suppressing her concerns for comment.

Yan says she'll continue to speak out--but knows there's a target on her back.





republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:
Tracking Vaccination Status by Phone is Now Active

You may soon be living in a world where your personal health data—including results from COVID-19 testing and data proving whether or not you’ve received certain vaccines—must be shared and authenticated before you’re able to enter a sports arena, travel by air or even enter your workplace.

The technology behind such innovations, which many are calling a threat to civil liberties and privacy, is already available to the general public in the App Store and Google Play via Civic Technologies’ Civic Wallet. Civic Technologies, which bills itself as a “leading innovator in digital identity solutions,”1 released its “Civic Wallet” app June 16, 2020. Previously it was only available in private beta mode.

In addition to offering a way for users to send and receive digital currency, including bitcoin, ethereum, CVC and USDC, which are U.S. dollars converted to assets on the ethereum blockchain,2 Civic Wallet will also offer proof-of-health verifications via its so-called Health Key.

This, according to a news release, “will offer the ability to provide secure and regulation-compliant health checks for employers,”3 which means your employer may one day require you to prove you’re COVID negative and/or vaccinated in order to hold a job and earn a living.

Hundreds of Employees Will Have Health Data Verified by Phone

Civic Technologies has partnered with Circle Medical, an affiliate of San Francisco-based hospital UCSF Health, which will use the app so 500 of its employees can prove their health and vaccination status. First, the employees will be tested for COVID-19 at a Circle Medical facility in the San Francisco Bay area—more facilities are also expected to be coming soon.4 As noted by Forbes, the partnership:5

… will let employees prove to their employers the results of their most recent COVID-19 tests, and when a vaccine is developed, whether or not they’ve received it.

Far from a theoretical blockchain application that might be of value at some future date, the app, which lets users prove a wide range of personal information, as well as spend bitcoin, ether, a version of the U.S. dollar issued on the ethereum blockchain, and Civic’s own token is available … on both Apple’s App Store and Google Play.

Civic plans to roll out its proof-of-health verification for companies with more than 500 employees. When an employee signs up, they will be verified as a real person using a mix of artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain-based technology, then have the option to share their “Health Key” with third parties.

Vinny Lingham, Civic’s co-founder and CEO, told Forbes, “You don’t have to transmit your name, or anything like that … So you can walk into a stadium anonymously like you do today, but just prove that as you walk through the gates that you’d been vaccinated.”6

As for those who may feel that having to “prove” they’ve been vaccinated to enter a stadium or other facility is a violation of their privacy and right to informed consent, Lingham stated, “If you’re part of a society where the majority of the people want everyone to be vaccinated, and you don’t want to be part of that society change countries, move somewhere else.”7

The app had more than 100,000 people signed up on its waiting list, and more than 12,000 downloads occurred on the first day of its launch.8 Circle Medical’s founder and CEO told Forbes, “I think with COVID there is a real need on the part of the employer to be able to screen and assess COVID risk before they let people back into the workplace.”9

Vending Machines, Buildings Could Require Data Verification

In addition to employers, services like vending machines and building security services could be among those that would require people to provide certain information prior to using the machine or entering the building. The data exists on an ethereum-powered decentralized identity network, in which the user owns the identity of the information, which is requested by a service. At that point, Forbes reported:10

An agreed-upon fee paid for in Civic’s native token (CVC) is placed into an escrow account and the validator software scans the requester’s required personally identifiable information (for example, age or vaccine status). CVC now sells for $$0.0327, according to Messari, with a total market value of $29 million.

If the user meets the criteria and the requester is satisfied access is granted and the fee in escrow is released. Thanks to cutting-edge mathematical breakthroughs called zero-knowledge proofs, not even the validator actually has the information, but just knows whether or not the requirement is met.

In early testing phases, Civic partnered with beer giant Anheuser-Busch Inbev to create vending machines for beer, with users proving their age using a version of Civic Wallet. Since then, 12 companies have contracted with Civic to sell age-restricted products via vending machines.

What’s more, “Civic is currently in conversations with health care companies and government agencies under terms of a nondisclosure agreement,” Forbes noted, in addition to plans by Johnson Controls International (JCI) to use the technology as part of its credentials for building access.11

Another Move Toward Global Currency?

In addition to its proof-of-health verification, Civic Wallet is intended to allow users an “easy way to pay friends and family around the world” using digital currency, which can be “sent globally with low fees for a limited time.” Funds can be sent to usernames, addresses or QR codes using the app, and Civic Wallet offers a $1 million cryptocurrency protection guarantee insured by Lloyd’s of London underwriters.12

“If you have up to a million dollars in your wallet,” Lingham told Forbes, “you lose your phone, you break your phone, you’re fleeing your country in some part of the world and your phone falls in the ocean, you will get your funds on the other side.”13

Cryptocurrencies are developed for a variety of reasons. For instance, Bitcoins are used to buy and sell products and services. However, some companies are using cryptocurrency to give buyers access to a product or service that the company is offering or plans to offer.14

It’s a way of raising money but, unlike stock where you own part of the company that’s offering it, during an initial coin offering (ICO) you are buying a future service or product—Civic Technologies raised $43 million in a 2017 ICO.15

The backbone of cryptocurrency systems is meant to be decentralized. However, Google, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation formed Mojaloop, which is open-source software designed to be used for financial transactions that is intended to be hosted by a government or financial institution authorities.

Mojaloop is poised to create a platform that allows people from all over the world to send money to each other with low transaction fees, similar to Civic Wallet. Ripple, a payment cryptocurrency and platform currently used by some banks, will be the foundation of payment processing for Mojaloop.

Unlike other cryptocurrencies that rely on blockchain to encrypt and safeguard the transactions, Ripple uses a patented technology called Ripple protocol consensus algorithm (RPCA). Included in their network, called RippleNet, are several institutional payment providers that people use to send money around the world.

These providers include American Express, PNC Bank, Interbank and MoneyGram.16 Together with Google, Gates and other large tech companies in the coalition, Ripple is positioned to potentially gain control of a created global currency and drive down the value of country-based currency.

First State Hands Over Vaccine Mandate Power to ACIP

Meanwhile, as Civic Technologies quietly released an app to track your vaccination status, the Virginia legislature passed H.B.1090 earlier in 2020, which amended a law requiring children attending day care and public and private schools in the state to receive vaccines.

The bill proposed that children enrolled in Virginia day care or schools automatically be required to receive all vaccines recommended by the federal Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) as a condition for getting a school education.

The final bill gives the Virginia Board of Health the legal authority to add any vaccines recommended by ACIP, except for the annual influenza vaccination, to the list of vaccines required for children to attend school without holding public hearings or a vote by elected state legislators.

In so doing, Virginia citizens have been blocked from participating in the vaccine law-making process and legislators have turned over their law-making authority to unelected members of the board of health and a federal advisory committee. The Vaccine Reaction reported:17

In handing the power to make vaccine laws to unelected members of a federal advisory committee and state Board of Health, the Virginia legislature has abdicated responsibility and accountability to constituents by cutting out elected representatives and the voters who elected them from the vaccine law making process.

Although the new law provides for a 60-day public comment period after the Board of Health issues a Notice of Intended Regulatory Action to add a new vaccine to the required list for daycare and school attendance, the legislature will never again hold a public hearing where citizens can testify for or against the addition of a new vaccine mandate for children.

What’s more, in a legislative committee public hearing on the proposed law that was held Jan. 21, 2020, no time restrictions were placed on those speaking in favor of the bill, but a 10-minute cap—total—was placed on those speaking in opposition. This meant the majority of those waiting to testify in opposition were prevented from speaking, blocking their right to participate in the democratic law-making process.

The same pattern occurred again when the bill moved to the House Appropriations Subcommittee, with no time limit place for those in favor of the bill and a 10-minute cap placed on those speaking against it. The bill’s passing is even more concerning in light of the current race to develop COVID-19 vaccines, which are being fast-tracked and will likely be mandated despite legitimate concerns about potential risks and concerns about effectiveness. According to The Vaccine Reaction:

The automatic adoption by state public health officials of all new federally recommended vaccines to the required list for children to attend school in the Commonwealth without input from citizens and elected representatives is even more concerning because COVID-19 vaccines are being fast tracked to licensure.

While it normally takes 15 to 20 years to develop a vaccine, a vaccine for COVD-19 may be on the market by this September and federally recommended for use by all children and adults in 2021.18

Now that Virginia has handed over its vaccine law-making power to the CDC and ACIP, others are likely to follow, just as more employers are likely to adopt Civic Technologies’ proof-of-health verification app and others like it.

Ultimately, this and other privacy violations, like contact tracing apps, could lead to a future in which a vaccine certificate or “unique patient ID number” replaces personal identifications such as your driver’s license, state ID card, Social Security card and passport, and is tied not only to your medical records in total, but also your finances.

If you may soon be required to “prove” that you’ve passed certain medical tests and received certain vaccines just to enter a building or go to work, what other information may also be required one day? Will state governments continue to take away additional freedoms and eliminate your right to privacy in the name of public health?

If you’re concerned about preserving your rights to vaccine choice and would like more information on how to proactively protect those rights, please visit the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) website, where you can find an illustrated and fully referenced “A Guide to Reforming Vaccine Policy & Law,” which is an excellent vaccine education tool for you, legislators and friends and family, too.

The challenges are great, but so are the opportunities to educate and empower legislators and residents of every state to defend vaccine freedom of choice. NVIC is committed to continuing to make that happen and they look forward to working with you through the NVIC Advocacy Portal to help you protect vaccine informed consent rights in your state in 2020 and beyond.


1 Business Wire June 16, 2020.
2 Forbes June 16, 2020.
3 See Footnote 1.
4 Ibid.
5 See Footnote 2.
6 Ibid.
7 Ibid.
8 The Crypto Sight June 18, 2020.
9 See Footnote 2.
10 Ibid.
11 Ibid.
12 See Footnote 1.
13 See Footnote 2.
14 CNBC May 9, 2018.
15 See Footnote 2.
16 Ripple, Bottom Right.
17 The Vaccine Reaction June 15, 2020.
18 Ibid.





republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

RAIR Foundation USA’s own Amy Mek joined the great Michelle Malkin on her “Malkin Live” Broadcast this week with UK freedom fighters Katie Hopkins and David Vance.

The patriots delved into issues surrounding social media censorship and the rise of Parler, a micro-blogging platform where non-socialists are finding refuge. Amy Mek discussed her personal experience being suspended on Twitter. Mek also explained President Donald Trump’s Executive Order on Social Media censorship, which has been discussed in detail at RAIR.

One overarching theme of the discussion is how conservatives need to come together to support one another in this time of rampant social media tyranny, which is spilling over into life in general for anyone who does not support the Marxist rage mob sweeping the planet.





The Department of Justice is moving to crush Big Tech as Facebook actually bans a Trump Ad attacking Antifa! In this video, we’re going to look at that absurd censorship move by Facebook, and see how it’s about to get stomped by new measures taken by the federal government to ensure that the days of Big Tech’s discrimination against conservatives are indeed coming to an end; you’re not going to want to miss it!


Disease kingpin slams Americans who don’t trust him as having “anti-science bias”



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the polarising director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, slammed everyday Americans for refusing to go along with ‘authority’ on medical matters, and accused people of ‘amazing denial’ when it comes to ‘truth’.

Speaking on a podcast called Learning Curve, produced by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Fauci charged that “unfortunately, there is a combination of an anti-science bias that people are — for reasons that sometimes are, you know, inconceivable and not understandable — they just don’t believe science and they don’t believe authority.”

“So when they see someone up in the White House, which has an air of authority to it, who’s talking about science, that there are some people who just don’t believe that — and that’s unfortunate because, you know, science is truth,” Fauci asserted.

“It’s amazing sometimes the denial there is, it’s the same thing that gets people who are anti-vaxxers, who don’t want people to get vaccinated, even though the data clearly indicate the safety of vaccines,” Fauci proclaimed, adding “That’s really a problem.”

Perhaps the real reason Americans don’t trust Fauci is that he’s consistently flip flopped and contradicted himself on ‘the truth’ for months.

The man also exudes authoritarianism, and clearly has a problem with anyone who questions his superiority.

Fauci also has a long history of being the front man for a network of powerful Big Pharma and Big Medicine interests, pushing vaccines and medicines in a clear conflict of interest.



Google PANICS as it faces a MASSIVE BACKLASH Against Their Banning of Conservative Sites! In this video, we’re going to take a look at how Big Tech and the mainstream media got caught actively attempting to censor conservative opinion, and how the backlash even among their colleagues in the woke media is causing both the government to get involved and Google to back down; you’re not going to want to miss this!


Europeans also say no to government monitoring

71 Percent Of Americans Reject Privacy-Killing Contact Tracing Apps



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Almost three quarters of Americans say they will not submit their privacy to contact tracing apps, with Europeans also rejecting the notion outright because they do not trust government to keep their information safe and refrain from misusing it.

study from Avira reveals that the vast majority of Americans are against contact tracing apps, with 71 percent saying they will not download them, and 75% believing their digital privacy is at risk from the technology.

Image: Avira

The poll found that only 14 percent believe the government would protect their data effectively.

When asked if they would trust big tech more than the government, 32 percent said they would feel safe giving Apple or Google their data.

The study also noted that those working in Government and Healthcare are the least-likely to download the technology, with 84% of people from these sectors saying they will not use the apps.

Image: Avira

Travis Witteveen, CEO of Avira commented “We believe these survey results send a clear signal to both app creators and the government. COVID contact tracing apps could fail before they launch if developers don’t communicate to the public how they plan to protect people’s privacy.”

Meanwhile, in Germany people are also rejecting the contact tracing technology owing to privacy concerns.

The amount of people willing to use the apps has fallen to 42 percent, according to polling data from Forschungsgruppe Wahlen.

Statista notes that the latest data indicates a 6 percentage point drop since April:

Image: Statista

In Norway, the technology has been completely abandoned after it was deemed to be too invasive.

Amnesty International has warned that contact tracing apps like Norway’s are “most alarming mass surveillance tools”. The organisation’s assessment did not include the US contact tracing app.

In the UK, despite touting it for months, the government has (predictably) failed to roll out its contact tracing app because of bureaucracy.

Cybersecurity experts also analysed the source code of the app and found no less than seven major flaws.




republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

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By Barbara Loe Fisher

Fear is a primal biological response to a perceived threat to our survival. Fear triggers momentary paralysis and then a fight or flight reaction before the brain can rationally analyze and calibrate our response to a perceived threat. 1

Fearful Woman

Right now, people around the world are living in fear of being infected or infecting someone else with a new coronavirus that can kill those most vulnerable without warning. Along with confusion and uncertainty, which prolongs fear, many of us are traumatized by the authoritarian measures governments have taken in response to the COVID-19 pandemic that began in China in late 2019.

The “new normal” is disorienting, like we have taken a hit to the gut and then to the head that we didn’t see coming. Maybe that is why so many Americans, who value freedom of speech, religion, assembly, privacy and the right to work, have given those constitutional rights up, without stopping to think through the ramifications of the larger precedent being set.

We are slowly coming out of shock five months after the U.S. Centers for Disease Control declared a public health emergency on January 31, 2 which escalated six weeks later into a social distancing lockdown when the World Health Organization declared a COVID-19 pandemic on March 11. 3

Questions About the Lockdown Response to COVID-19 Pandemic

Closed Business

There are lots of questions being asked now about whether the lockdown response to the new coronavirus has matched the threat, questions like:

  • Why did the U.S. fail to immediately screen people at sea ports and airports for illness as soon as the outbreak was identified in China and got worse in February so they could be quarantined and tested? 4 5 6 7 8
  • At the beginning of the pandemic, why were Americans told masks were useless and to stop buying and wearing them, when now we are told we must wear masks? 9 10 11 12
  • Why were U.S. emergency supply warehouses, which were supposed to be stocked with pandemic preparedness equipment for health care workers, completely empty? 13
  • Why were residents of nursing homes and other crowded medical facilities not effectively screened and tested to make sure the sick were not being housed with the healthy? 14 15 16 17
  • Why did U.S. public health officials persuade lawmakers to almost immediately lockdown and home quarantine most of our population,18 instead of using traditional disease control measures that identify, quarantine and treat the sick? 19 20 21 22

Opening Up Conversation About Science, Health and Liberty in the U.S.

As we let go of fear and return to rational thinking, it is opening up a public conversation about science, health and liberty that is going viral, despite attempts by Big Pharma and Big Tech working with governments and mainstream media to censor it. 23 24 25 26 27

In the United States of America, we live in a constitutional republic where democratically elected representatives make laws, and state governments are a check and balance on the authority of the federal government. 28

Fists Clashing

American values and beliefs, which have influenced the adoption of human rights in international law, 29 30 31 32 are embedded in the 1776 Declaration of Independence 33 and codified in the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution. 34

Americans value autonomy and individuality. We believe each person is a unique and independent  individual with an inalienable right to life and liberty. 35

We value the human right to freedom of thought, expression and belief; freedom of conscience and association; and respect for privacy – all civil liberties that limit the power of government. 36

We value equal opportunity for all and mobility within society based on individual initiative and hard work, not on hierarchy, inherited privilege or government permission. 37

We are a pragmatic and adaptable people who value the use of common sense and practical solutions to problem solve, achieve and succeed. 38

We are a generous people and believe that voluntarily helping others by donating our money and time is a personal choice motivated by charity, not by communal expectation or a legal requirement. 39

Above all, we are a self-reliant, optimistic people with an indomitable spirit and faith in our ability to overcome adversity individually and as a nation. 40 41 42

Some of the core values, which have shaped our history and defined who we are as a nation, have been put on trial in 2020 because we are paralyzed by fear of a virus that doctors say could be hiding in the breath of every person who comes near us and contaminate everything we touch. 43 44 Often described in military and apocalyptic terms as a war for human survival against an “invisible enemy,” 45 46 47 48 the authoritarian lockdown approach by governments to the coronavirus pandemic has been framed as a choice between safety and liberty.

In horror, we watched the coronavirus pandemic unfold in February 2020 with Chinese officials either chasing citizens suspected of being infected with the virus into the streets and dragging them away to quarantine camps, or using hammers, nails and blocks of wood to barricade families into their apartments. 49 50 51 52 Then, after scientists and U.S. public health officials used mathematical models to warn lawmakers to lock down the U.S. or prepare for between 1.7 and 2.2 million Americans to die of COVID-19, 53 54 55 we were filled with an uncommon fear and uncertainty that continues to haunt our lives.

The Fear of Entering Public Spaces and Getting Too Close to Each Other

As most states emerge from months of quarantining people in their homes and shuttering businesses,56 many Americans are still afraid to enter a public space because we are warned over and over again that the invisible enemy will kill us if we don’t stay six feet away from each other at all times, even outdoors. 57 Parents have been urged not to hug their children if a member in their family has been exposed to the virus. 58 In one city, government officials told residents to take photos and report fellow citizens who violate social distancing rules by getting too close to each other outside. 59

Worried Parents

We see fellow Americans be arrested for not wearing masks, 60 61 or walking on deserted beaches, 62 63 or for taking their children to empty playgrounds. 64 65 Small business owners, who are struggling to feed their families, are being sent to jail for re-opening without government permission. 66 Food banks are running out of food because families, who have never stood in a food bank line in their lives, have no other choice. 67

It doesn’t feel right, but most of us comply with the new rules, afraid to be the one who gets a dirty look or is yelled at or arrested – or worse – if we don’t comply.

COVID-19 Mortality Estimates Far Exceed Reality

Since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a coronavirus pandemic in March 2020 and CDC officials predicted it could kill 1.7 million Americans, by May 22, there had been 335,000 COVID-19 reported deaths among the world’s seven billion people with about 96,000 of those deaths reported in the U.S. [68] How the death toll would have been affected if global lockdowns had not taken place to try to slow the infection rate and delay population based herd immunity will be debated for years to come. [69]

Although the vast majority of COVID-19 infections are thought to be asymptomatic, data shows the estimated symptomatic infection-mortality rate in America is currently at most 1.3 percent. 70 71 72 73 About 90 percent of people who die are over 65 years old, with the majority of those people suffering with one or more chronic poor health conditions like heart or lung disease, obesity, diabetes and hypertension. 74 More than 80 percent of children who die from COVID-19 also suffer with chronic illness and disabilities like immune suppression, obesity, diabetes, seizures, developmental delays and genetic disorders. 75 76

We all hope to live long and productive lives but nobody escapes death and, for some, it comes sooner than expected. The sudden unexpected death of a person for any reason is a tragedy, especially for that person’s family and friends. The deaths of tens of thousands during this pandemic or any pandemic is a tragedy. The feelings of loss and helplessness are magnified when individuals hospitalized with COVID-19 die alone, separated from their families, denied the comfort of taking their last breath in the company of people they love and who love them. 77

Are We Really All in This Together?

Whether the new coronavirus jumped out of an animal in a Chinese live food market 78 or escaped from a biohazard lab, 79 80 whether the virus kills an estimated one to two percent of those symptomatically infected or far less, 81 this year billions of people around the world have followed the advice of the World Health Organization, government health agencies and doctors, who tell us that this “invisible common enemy” must be vanquished using any means possible because, collectively, “we are all in this together.” 82

Group Praying

Public health officials have persuaded lawmakers to divide the American people into two classes: those who are considered “essential” and allowed to continue working and those who are considered “non-essential” and barred from earning a living. 83 84 85 86 Small businesses and services judged to be “non-essential” have been forced to close their doors, including daycares, schools, churches, restaurants, theaters, barber shops and salons, gyms, parks and beaches while, paradoxically, everyone is free to roam through grocery stores, drug stores and big box stores like Walmart, Target and Home Depot owned by big corporations.

The Mass Suffering Generated by Widespread “Sheltering in Place”

Tens of millions of healthy Americans have obeyed orders to “shelter in place” and self-quarantine at home for months, sacrificing their jobs and losing their savings, 87 88 89 destroying one third of the small businesses middle class citizens have worked a lifetime to build, 90 91 while parts of the travel, 92 93 94 95 96 restaurant, 97 retail 98 99 and personal care industries 100 go bankrupt. By the end of May, there were more than 38 million Americans unemployed, representing almost 24 percent of the labor force, and most of them are low hourly wage earners who don’t have savings to pay the rent or buy food while they are out of work. 101 102 103

So the homeless rate in the U.S. is projected to increase by 45 percent this year, with almost one million people homeless by the summer. 104 At the same time, Congress is driving up the national debt in an attempt to delay the complete collapse of our economy by using taxpayer money to pay people to stay away from each other. 105

Police State

Fear of a virus has prevented people sick with heart disease, cancer and other health problems from being treated in hospitals that have been told to only treat patients infected with COVID-19. 106 107 Neglected children and battered women have been trapped for months in homes with their abusers, while calls to mental health hotlines from depressed, anxiety-ridden and suicidal children and adults have increased by nearly 900 percent 108 109 110 111 and, in some cities, prison inmates – even those charged with violent crimes – are being released from jail with the justification they should not be exposed to COVID-19. 112 113

With our children locked out of classrooms and the faithful blocked from worshipping in churches, synagogues and mosques, fear has stopped most of us from publicly questioning the premise that the price of safety is liberty. 114 115 116 117 118 119

Few have challenged the mantra repeated over and over again by doctors and politicians in positions of power that this dystopian reality we are now living in will be the “new normal” 120 until we are all tested and everyone is vaccinated when a COVID-19 vaccine is available because then, and only then, will it be “safe” for government to give back at least some of the liberty that has been taken from us. 121 122 123 124 125

What we have allowed to be done in the name of public health has no parallel in American history or human history.

No Lockdowns for Past Epidemics and Pandemics

The world did not lock down during centuries of epidemics of smallpox, which was a highly contagious virus and had a case fatality rate of 30 percent. 126 Americans did not stop working to prevent epidemics of diphtheria when that contagious disease swept through communities in the 19th and early 20th centuries, with a mortality rate of between 5 and 10 percent that was even higher for children. 127 Societies have not closed businesses and schools to prevent tuberculosis, a contagious disease that spreads the same way as coronavirus and has a case fatality rate still between 20 and 70 percent. 128 129

In 1918, state Governors did not order healthy people to shelter in place and put tens of millions of Americans out of work during the Spanish Flu Pandemic, when that highly contagious H1N1 influenza virus had a case fatality rate of more than 2.5 percent. 130

So why are the majority of people in educated societies like the U.S. cowering in fear before a virus that does not cause any symptoms or complications in the majority of children and adults under the age of 65, and has a mortality rate of about one percent, which is even lower if all the asymptomatic infections are counted? 131

In America, why are we allowing fear to erode cultural values and beliefs that have sustained and defined who we are as a nation for 245 years?

1982: The Challenge to Vaccine Science, Policy, Law and Ethics

The profound ramifications of what is happening this year in the name of public health and the slippery slope that has been created is expanding the conversation about science, health and liberty that has been going on for several centuries in academic, philosophical and political circles, 132 133 134 135 136 137 but didn’t go public in post-World War II America until 1982, when parents of vaccine injured children challenged the science, policy, law and ethics of mandatory vaccination, the most revered of all medical interventions in the history of public health programs. 138

Mothers and fathers, whose children died or were brain injured in the 1970s and 80s by the crude whole cell pertussis vaccine in DPT, had simple goals: we wanted safer vaccines, more and better quality scientific research to identify those children at high risk for being harmed by vaccination, and the inclusion of informed consent protections in public health policies and laws. 139 140 141 142 At first, defensive vaccine manufacturers, public health officials and pediatricians met our request for safer vaccines and better science with anger and dismissal. 143 Before Congress passed the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act giving vaccine makers a partial liability shield but also acknowledging that vaccine safety should be a national priority, 144 145 we were patronized.  Then, when we refused to go away, we were demonized. 146 147 148 149 150

Shaming and Blaming

Today, any person who talks about their or their child’s vaccine reaction or criticizes one-size-fits-all vaccine policies is called ignorant. 151 152 Any person who points out how low vaccine licensing standards are or how big the long standing gaps in vaccine safety research are, is accused of being a science denier and slapped with the “anti-vaxxer” label.153 154

If you question the orders of doctors, who believe it is moral to enforce “no exceptions” vaccine laws that sacrifice vaccine vulnerable children in the name of the greater good, you are called “selfish” for defending the ethical principle of informed consent and refusing to offer up your child’s health for herd immunity. 155 If you protest against vaccine policies that deny people an education, medical care and employment based on their vaccination status, you are called a danger to society. 156 If you criticize information disseminated by the CDC and World Health Organization, you are branded a threat to global health and can be censored on the Internet or far worse. 157 158 159 160 161

Strategies Creating a “New Normal” During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Does this sound familiar? It should, because it is the same rhetoric and political tactics being used during this COVID-19 pandemic to keep the people fearful and compliant.

It is the same strategy that will be used to label you a selfish threat to the public health if you don’t agree to be electronically tagged, tested and tracked by health officials when thousands of COVID-19 “contact tracers” fan out across America to test for COVID-19 infections. 162 163 164 It is the same strategy that will be used when you are told you must get an antibody test and obtain an “immunity passport” 165  before you are given back your freedom to participate in society – that is until a fast tracked coronavirus vaccine is licensed and your passport to life and liberty becomes proof you have received a COVID-19 vaccine – perhaps simultaneously delivered and tracked via a microneedle quantum dot tattoo on your skin. 166

Covid-19 Passport

Will a positive antibody test be accurate 167 or does it even matter? Every day, we hear scientists and public health officials arguing about whether or not naturally acquired coronavirus immunity means anything at all, 168 169 170 171 while promoting the idea that a COVID-19 vaccine is the only thing that will give us immunity and save us all. 172 173

Tomorrow, the “new normal” in America may well include the order to “Show me your vaccine papers” [174] [175] before you can enter a store or restaurant, go to school, attend a football game, get on a plane, train or subway, obtain a driver’s license, be admitted to a hospital or nursing home, get a room at a hotel or walk on a public beach, if health policy and lawmakers do not use common sense to adopt a more balanced approach to dealing with a virus that, so far, has changed everything.  [176] [177] [178] [179]

There is no oversight [180] on the decisions we allow scientists and doctors with big titles and even bigger salaries to make for us, [181] [182] [183] decisions that can affect the biological integrity of each one of us and profoundly impact the way we live our lives.

Yet, science is not perfect, doctors are not infallible, and the risks of having a complication to an infectious disease or a vaccine can be higher or lower depending upon the genes and epigenetic history we inherit, the environments we live in, and the life choices we make. [184] [185] [186] [187]

Health of a Society Defined by Absence of Chronic Disease and Disability

The health of a society is not solely measured by the absence of infectious disease but, more importantly, by the absence of chronic disease that destroys quality of life and lowers a nation’s life expectancy because it often leads to premature death.

Bodily Inflammation

In America every year, heart disease kills 647,000 people; lung disease kills 160,000; uncontrolled hypertension and stroke kills 146,000, and diabetes kills 83,000 people, [188] while millions more suffer cancer [189] and other types of immune and brain disorders. [190] America has the worst life expectancy, [191] the worst infant mortality [192] and maternal mortality [193] rates and the highest prevalence of chronic illness and disability [194] of all developed nations in the world, even though we have one of the most highly vaccinated populations in the world, [195] with over 94 percent of school children having received dozens of doses of vaccines for the past three decades. [196] [197]

Today, only four adults in 10 are considered healthy, while over 50 percent have one chronic disease and 30 percent suffer with two or more. [198]  An astonishing 25 percent of all children have a chronic poor health condition [199] like asthma, epilepsy, food allergies, obesity, inflammatory bowel disease and other autoimmune disorders, developmental delays, autism, anxiety and depression, and diabetes. [200]

In fact, chronic disease marked by unresolved inflammation in the body 201 202 is the Number One cause of death and disability in America and is responsible for most of the annual $3.5 trillion dollars spent on health care. 203 It is an epidemic that is crippling and killing far more people than COVID-19 or any other pandemic in our history.

U.S. public health officials have no explanation for why the majority of Americans are sick, except to blame the people for making themselves sick by smoking and drinking too much, eating junk food and not getting enough exercise or sleep. 204

COVID-19 Mortality in U.S. Impacted by Multiple Failures

Whether or not you buy that explanation, the fact that over 160 million people in our population are afflicted with chronic poor health may be at least one reason why there have been more COVID-19 related deaths reported in the U.S. than any other country. That, along with the fact that on March 24, the CDC told doctors and coroners to list COVID-19 as the official cause of death for a person, even if that person had one or more chronic health conditions or had never been tested for COVID-19. 205

Mortality from COVID-19 in the U.S. has also been impacted by the systematic neglect of well-funded federal health agencies like the CDC and BARDA. 206 207 The government was caught totally unprepared for an influenza-like pandemic, despite Congress and three Administrations appropriating billions of dollars to federal health agencies since 2006 to prepare for a pandemic just like this one. 208 Instead, warehouses were left empty without emergency supplies of masks, gowns and gloves for health care workers 209 and without diagnostic tests, equipment and therapeutic agents to help patients survive complications associated with an epidemic of a viral respiratory disease like coronavirus. 210

That is because federal health agencies, which have forged public-private business partnerships with the pharmaceutical industry, 211 have given most of the money Congress handed them for pandemic planning to drug companies to build new vaccine manufacturing plants and produce more vaccines for the national stockpile. 212 213 As the World Health Organization, the CDC, businessman Bill Gates and NIH’s Dr. Anthony Fauci keep telling us, using lots of vaccines is the best way to stay healthy and fast tracking a COVID-19 vaccine to market is the only way the world will ever be a safe place to live again 214 215 216

Corporations, Governments Cut Corners in Race to Develop COVID-19 Vaccines

So global pharmaceutical and biotech companies are now developing over 100 experimental COVID-19 vaccines, with a handful leading the race after being given billions of dollars in funding from the U.S. government, the Gates Foundation and other organizations. 217 218 Some of these coronavirus vaccines being created by scientists will use as yet unlicensed DNA, messenger RNA and nanoparticle technology, oil based adjuvants and electricity, to genetically manipulate and hyperstimulate strong inflammatory immune responses in the body. 219 220

Monied Syringe in Globe

Some companies are skipping animal trials, 221 which are an important part of the vaccine licensing process to answer questions about whether COVID-19 vaccines could cause neurological reactions or more severe coronavirus infections in vaccinated animals or fail to work at all. These are only a few of the short and long term problems that could have devastating consequences for humans being vaccinated.

Some companies are cutting corners by conducting Phase 1, 2 and 3 trials simultaneously, but will they investigate whether half of US adults and a quarter of children suffering with chronic illness are at increased risk for adverse responses to the new COVID-19 vaccines before they are licensed and mandated?

Other vaccine manufacturers want the green light to deliberately infect human clinical trial subjects with COVID-19 to see how well an experimental vaccine works. 222 Enthusiastic “bioethicists” are jumping on board to help advance this type of “new normal” in vaccine research, but parents of vaccine injured children are logically asking why it is ethical to intentionally infect humans with a new virus in a clinical trial when for decades public health officials have insisted that it is absolutely unethical to conduct a prospective clinical trial comparing health outcomes of vaccinated and unvaccinated children to determine whether vaccines are harming far more than “one in a million.” 223 224

So, while we are being ordered to obey new rules that require us to give up our constitutional and human rights, drug companies and government health officials are violating old rules that govern ethics and the scientific method for proving that vaccines are safe and effective. 225

Jacobson v. MassachusettsA Utilitarian Ruling by SCOTUS with Tragic Consequences

Science is not perfect, doctors are not infallible, and vaccines carry risks that can be greater for some than others, which is why voluntary vaccination should have been unanimously upheld in the 1905 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Jacobson v. Massachusetts226 Instead, the majority sitting on that high court more than a century ago viewed the notoriously reactive smallpox vaccine as a sacred cow and medical doctors as infallible so they could affirm the constitutional authority of state legislatures to mandate smallpox vaccinations during outbreaks. The Court said:

“The matured opinions of medical men everywhere, and the experience of mankind, as all must know, negative the suggestion that it is not possible in any case to determine whether vaccination is safe.”

SCOTUS 1905 Jacobson

Using bad logic and bad science while leaning heavily on the pseudo-ethic of utilitarianism, state governments were given the green light to legally require vaccination based on a “common belief” that vaccination is safe and effective, rather than proven fact. Piously waving the greater good flag to justify throwing civil liberties out the door, the Court majority ruled that citizens do not have a legal right to be free at all times because there are “manifold restraints to which every person is necessarily subjected for the common good.”

The Court said that state legislatures can exercise police power to restrict or eliminate civil liberties, including freedom of religion, during public health emergencies in order to “secure the general comfort, health and prosperity of the state.” 

But the justices also warned that mandatory vaccination laws should not be forced on a person whose physical condition would make vaccination “cruel and inhuman to the last degree.” They said:

“We are not to be understood as holding that the statute was intended to be applied in such a case or, if it was so intended, that the judiciary would not be competent to interfere and protect the health and life of the individual concerned. ‘All laws,’ this Court has said, “should receive a sensible construction.”

One academic activist attorney has said that the 1905 Jacobson ruling “is often regarded as the most important judicial decision in public health.” [227] That is not an overstatement because, in 1927, Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendall Holmes used it to issue a eugenics ruling in Buck v. Bell that affirmed the constitutional authority of Virginia to forcibly sterilize a young woman mistakenly judged by state officials to be mentally retarded.228

Justice Holmes declared, “The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the fallopian tubes,” leading the way for mass sterilization of tens of thousands of Americans that doctors and government officials judged to be genetically defective, or morally unfit or otherwise a threat to the public health during the 1920s and 30s. [229]

This is the tragic legacy of Jacobson v. Masschusetts, 230 an immoral utilitarian ruling that public health officials cling to in order to justify legally requiring people to use vaccines that carry a risk of injury or death and applying societal punishments for refusing to do it. 231 232

State Legislators Primarily Make Most Public Health Laws

During this time of fear and confusion, the Jacobson ruling also reminds us that it is democratically elected representatives in state legislatures who make public health laws governing people living in different states. That is because what is not defined in the US Constitution as a federal activity is reserved for the states, which is an important check on federal government power. Elected lawmakers in your state can choose to mandate a few or many vaccines with or without exemptions, while the federal government has the authority to mandate vaccinations for people entering the U.S. or crossing state borders. 233

It was this understanding that prompted NVIC in 2010 to launch our free online Advocacy Portal at that monitors proposed vaccine-related legislation and helps Americans educate lawmakers so flexible medical, religious and conscience vaccine exemptions can be secured and protected in public health laws. Despite aggressive lobbying efforts by vaccine manufacturers, public health officials and medical trade groups, until 2020, vaccine exemptions and informed consent rights have been successfully defended in multiple states over past decade, even though California, New York and several other states have taken those rights away. 234

Now, it looks like voluntary vaccination will be on the line in every state as the Vaccine Culture War, 235 which is the tip of the spear in a much larger culture war about values and beliefs going on in this and many other countries in the 21st century, is brought home to every person and every community in America.

Contact Your Legislators Now and Vote in November

You have an opportunity, right now, to contact your elected representatives and let them know how you feel about protecting civil liberties and vaccine informed consent rights in your state. Sign up to use NVIC’s Advocacy Portal to defend voluntary vaccine choices.

And when you go to the polls on November 4, 2020, think hard about who you are voting for and why. If you don’t like the response to the COVID-19 pandemic that your Governor or other elected representatives have made, your vote in this and every election beyond this one could affect whether America will continue to value liberty or throw it away.

Act Now

Because if the state can tag, track down and force individuals to be injected with biologicals of known and unknown toxicity today, then there will be no limit on which individual freedoms the state can take away in the name of the greater good tomorrow.

Be the one who never has to say you did not do today what you could have done to change tomorrow.

It’s your health, your family, your choice, and our mission continues:

No forced vaccination. Not in America.

Note: This commentary provides referenced information and perspective on a topic related to vaccine science, policy, law or ethics being discussed in public forums and by U.S. lawmakers.  The websites of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) provide information and perspective of federal agencies responsible for vaccine research, development, regulation and policymaking.

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One week ago, YouTube banned me for a week and gave my channel a strike for “hate speech.” The video that was labeled “hate speech,” however, is a brief discussion of the persecution of Christians in various parts of the world. After submitting two appeals, and having both appeals rejected, we can only conclude that YouTube is banning videos for reporting Christian persecution, and that YouTube has therefore declared war on Christians.
My other YouTube channel:
Banned video (“Global Persecution of Christians: Disturbing Trends”):…
Video (“Understanding Trump’s Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship”):…


Trump Cuts Aid to Big Tech, Citing Bias and Censorship




republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:

President Donald Trump issued an executive order on May 28 targeting Big Tech companies for discriminating against conservatives and Christians, vowing to end federal support as well as liability protections for the Deep State-controlled firms if they continue silencing viewpoints their bosses disagree with. The U.S. president, whose supporters have long been targets of the Silicon Valley elite, blasted the social-media giants for their discrimination and also threatened that federal legislation might be coming soon to help rein in the attacks on free speech. There are even potential national-security concerns at stake, the president suggested.

Trump’s new policy, known simply as “Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship,” does not impose any new restrictions or mandates on the companies in question. Instead, it targets federal benefits that have long been offered to the giant Deep State companies, many of which were launched with crucial help from U.S. taxpayer funds and other federal assistance. In particular, the order calls on various federal agencies and departments to revisit the broad protections offered for social-media and other tech firms under section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA) exempting them from liability if they act as neutral platforms.

“It is the policy of the United States that the scope of that immunity should be clarified: the immunity should not extend beyond its text and purpose to provide protection for those who purport to provide users a forum for free and open speech, but in reality use their power over a vital means of communication to engage in deceptive or pretextual actions stifling free and open debate by censoring certain viewpoints,” Trump’s order said. Among other concerns, the president explained that the statute was designed to address court rulings establishing that if an online platform restricted some content, it should be treated as a publisher, making it liable for the content posted there. In short, the measure was supposed to help foster a “forum for a true diversity of political discourse.”

But that is not what happened. As virtually everybody knows now, the companies dropped everything but the pretense of neutrality many years ago. That process accelerated amid and after the 2016 election, with multiple individuals and organizations, such as Alex Jones’ Infowars, being completely deplatformed. Instead of neutrality, Trump said the Big Tech firms were engaged in “inappropriate political activism” and were seeking to rig the upcoming election in favor of Democrats. It would not be the first time the Deep State-controlled firms would try to tip the electoral scales, as top experts in the field such as Dr. Robert Epstein and multiple whistleblowers have pointed out over the years.

The new White House measure begins by pointing out that freedom of speech is a “bedrock” principle underpinning American self-government. “Our Founding Fathers protected this sacred right with the First Amendment to the Constitution,” explained the president in the text of the order, an action that victims of Big Tech had been asking the president to take since at least 2018. “The freedom to express and debate ideas is the foundation for all of our rights as a free people.”

The order cites court cases establishing that these tech companies, which long deceived consumers into believing they were neutral platforms, have now become the modern equivalent of the public square. And that dominance, the president argued, was partly a result of the firms deceiving users into believing they were neutral venues for Americans to communicate and express themselves, rather than left-wing activists seeking to manipulate and control what Americans could see and say.

“Section 230 was not intended to allow a handful of companies to grow into titans controlling vital avenues for our national discourse under the guise of promoting open forums for debate, and then to provide those behemoths blanket immunity when they use their power to censor content and silence viewpoints that they dislike,” Trump declared in his executive decree. “When an interactive computer service provider removes or restricts access to content and its actions do not meet the criteria of subparagraph (c)(2)(A), it is engaged in editorial conduct.”

Trump also explained the importance of all this to America and self-government. “In a country that has long cherished the freedom of expression, we cannot allow a limited number of online platforms to hand pick the speech that Americans may access and convey on the internet,” the president’s order continues. “This practice is fundamentally un-American and anti-democratic. When large, powerful social media companies censor opinions with which they disagree, they exercise a dangerous power. They cease functioning as passive bulletin boards, and ought to be viewed and treated as content creators.”

The executive decree calls on the federal government to quit using tax money to support companies that censor free speech, including through the purchasing of ads. It orders the heads of various agencies to review their spending on social media sites, and to consider the statutory authorities available to them to stop spending the American people’s hard-earned money propping up companies that seek to silence a significant segment of those taxpayers while manipulating the entire population. The Department of Justice is instructed to review the viewpoint discrimination imposed by the companies to assess whether these companies are problematic in terms of communicating with the public.

The order also directs the U.S. Attorney General to establish a working group that would examine the potential enforcement of state statutes prohibiting online platforms from using unfair practices or deception. In short, if the companies lied to consumers, or misled them, they may be in violation of statutes prohibiting such deception. Another task for the group would be to consider possible model legislation that could be considered by state legislatures where there are no state laws protecting consumers from such abuses. State attorneys general will be invited to participate in the discussion and consultation, according to the order.

One task for the working group will be to examine algorithms that are used to suppress content or users based on their perceived political views, and whether users are prohibited from earning money on those platforms based on their viewpoints. Another will be to collect information on whether the firms are subjecting users to increased scrutiny based on whom they may follow on the platforms. And the group is supposed to gather facts concerning the reliance of these firms on biased third parties to review content. This is something that conservatives subjected to smears by anti-Christian hate groups such as the Southern Poverty Law Center are only too familiar with.

Interestingly, considering recent revelations about the Big Tech firms’ cozy relations with the mass-murdering regime in China, the working group is also tasked with gathering information on whether accounts associated with the Communist Chinese Party are benefiting from differential policies that enable Beijing and other regimes to do what Americans are not allowed to do. Depending on what is found, this could have massive potential national-security implications. Indeed, YouTube and Google were recently accused of automatically censoring anti-communist comments in Chinese, something that multiple U.S. lawmakers have expressed outrage about. The company blamed an unspecified “error.”

“At the same time online platforms are invoking inconsistent, irrational, and groundless justifications to censor or otherwise restrict Americans’ speech here at home, several online platforms are profiting from and promoting the aggression and disinformation spread by foreign governments like China,” Trump said, adding that some have even peddled paid Communist Chinese propaganda enabling barbarous human rights abuses such as the mass internment of Muslims. “One United States company, for example, created a search engine for the Chinese Communist Party that would have blacklisted searches for ‘human rights,’ hid data unfavorable to the Chinese Communist Party, and tracked users determined appropriate for surveillance. It also established research partnerships in China that provide direct benefits to the Chinese military.”

The abuses against Americans are an enormous problem, the order suggests. A year ago, Trump said in the measure, the White House launched a “Tech Bias Reporting tool” that allowed Americans to report incidents of online censorship by the Big Tech firms. In a matter of weeks, more than 16,000 official complaints were filed accusing the companies of censoring or restricting users based on their political viewpoints. Those complaints will be submitted to the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Those agencies will be tasked with reviewing whether the Big Tech firms have used “deceptive practices,” which are illegal, to dupe users into using their services by pretending to be neutral.

Also key will be legislation, Trump said. In the U.S. Senate, more than a few Republicans and even some Democrats, including presumed presidential nominee Joe Biden, have taken aim at the broad protections for Big Tech giants under the CDA. U.S. Senator Josh Hawley, a Republican from Missouri, even promised on Twitter that he would “introduce legislation to end these special government giveaways” to social-media companies that act as an unfair subsidy and were designed to protect neutral platforms from liability, not publishers pushing a political agenda. Trump’s order calls on Attorney General William Barr to develop a proposal for federal legislation, too. Barr suggested a lawsuit was being planned as well.

The day before signing the order, Trump dropped a major hint that it was coming on Twitter, putting it in the context of election meddling and efforts to censor GOP officials while boosting Democrats. “Republicans feel that Social Media Platforms totally silence conservatives voices,” the president said. “We will strongly regulate, or close them down, before we can ever allow this to happen. We saw what they attempted to do, and failed, in 2016. We can’t let a more sophisticated version of that happen again.” In particular, Trump’s order noted that Representative Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) was still peddling the debunked “Russia collusion” conspiracy on social-media even recently, while Republicans are targeted even for speaking the truth.

Indeed, Trump’s order came shortly after a high-profile spat with Twitter. The controversial company allowed Chief of Site Integrity Yoel Roth, a radical anti-Trump activist who has openly expressed his hatred and contempt for Trump supporters, to put out a “fact check” purporting to discredit one of Trump’s tweets. “Twitter is now interfering in the 2020 Presidential Election,” the president said about the incident. “They are saying my statement on Mail-In Ballots, which will lead to massive corruption and fraud, is incorrect, based on fact-checking by Fake News CNN and the Amazon Washington Post. Twitter is completely stifling FREE SPEECH, and I, as President, will not allow it to happen!”

Indeed, this is hardly a new phenomenon. According to top experts in the field such as Dr. Robert Epstein, himself a supporter of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign, Google dishonestly managed to shift millions of undecided voters toward Clinton through rigged algorithms that were imperceptible to users — almost all of whom were deceived into believing the search-engine was a neutral arbiter. Leaked videos and Project Veritas interviews with insiders and whistleblowers at Big Tech firms also offered additional proof that the companies were brazenly rigging their platforms against conservatives while tricking users into believing they were neutral. Such practices have been described as “fraud” by more than a few critics.

But there is even more to the story. According to longtime D.C. insider Mike Lofgren, broadly credited with popularizing the term “Deep State” in American political discourse, Silicon Valley is a crucial part of the Deep State, alongside the security agencies, the Treasury, Wall Street, and the secret courts. As numerous media outlets have documented, the so-called intelligence community, including the CIA and the NSA, sometimes through their investment arm known as “In-Q-Tel,” played a key role creating many of the companies. Also crucial was the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), which helped Google early on.

Naturally, the beneficiaries of social-media efforts to silence conservatives, Republicans, Christians, and others expressed outrage about Trump’s efforts to rein in federal benefits for the Big Tech titans. “The proliferation of disinformation is extremely dangerous, particularly as our nation faces the deadliest pandemic in history,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in a statement blasting the executive order. “Clearly and sadly, the President’s Executive Order is a desperate distraction from his failure to provide a national testing strategy to defeat COVID-19.” Establishment Beltway “think tanks” taking in large contributions from Big Tech were also critical, falsely suggesting that ending unfair federal benefits to Big Tech was tantamount to attacking free speech.

In an upcoming report, this writer will detail some of the outrageous efforts by Big Tech companies including YouTube, Facebook, and Google to silence The New American magazine. This has ranged from shadow banning and slapping obviously phony “fact checks” on content to rigged algorithms making TNA content invisible or even outright deleting it forever. While private companies in a free society have a right to prevent people from using their services for any reason, they do not have a right to special protections or taxpayer money. Neither do they have a right to deceive users into believing they are neutral platforms when they are not. Nor do they have a right to trick naive consumers into surrendering their personal data.

It is past time for the federal government to quit funding, boosting, and protecting rogue economic actors that are hostile to America’s most important and fundamental principles, including privacy and freedom of speech. President Trump’s order is a step in the right direction. However, over the long term, once the feds quit rigging the marketplace in favor of the Big Tech giants, it will be crucial that the free market provide alternatives to the anti-American giants of Silicon Valley. The sooner that happens, the better.

Related articles:

Trump’s Feud With Twitter Takes a Serious Turn

Exploiting COVID19, Big Tech Censors Become Big Brother

If Trump Loses in November, Blame Google and Facebook?

Google Caught Red-handed: Tried to Get Clinton Elected

Senior Google Engineer: Google Manipulates Results to Manipulate Elections

Freeing the Web From Big Tech

Big Tech Under Fire

The Way Forward: Bypassing Big Tech Censorship

Big Tech Censors Alex Jones — Who’s Next?

Executive Order Coming Against Big Tech Censorship?

Big Tech and Big Government Censoring the Internet. Who’s Next?

U.S. Tech Giants Join EU to Censor the Internet

How Google Censors The New American (and Other Conservatives)

Facebook Fraud: Ex-workers Admit They Censored Conservative News





★★★ A NEW CONSERVATIVE AGE IS RISING ★★★ President Trump is officially signing an executive order dealing directly with the plague of social media censorship! That’s right; in this video, we’re going to take a look at the executive order and how it addresses Big Tech’s propensity towards censoring conservative and populist voices, and how both Twitter and Facebook, in particular, are ALREADY feeling its consequences; this is going to make your day, you’re not going to want to miss it!




republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:

It’s time the little blue birds of Twitter come home to roost. While we’re at it, clean out the henhouse of Facebook, Instagram, Google and the other plucky tech giants.

The Trump administration is laying the groundwork to fence them all in for their blatant discrimination. It’s about time. Where’s the “hell-yes” emoji?

Under consideration is the creation of a White House commission to explore allegations of anticonservative bias by social media businesses. Interestingly, it’s coming from the most prolific Twitter user to occupy the White House. It’s also not the first time President Donald Trump’s torched social media platforms, according to The Hill, which reported the president tweeted in 2019 the tech giants engage in, “tremendous dishonesty, bias, discrimination and suppression practiced by certain companies. We will not let them get away with it much longer.”

Vice President Mike Pence told Breitbart, “Well, the president has made it very clear that we are not going to tolerate censorship on the Internet and social media against conservatives. We’re just not going to tolerate it.”

The pressure is building. News broke last year that the Justice Department was investigating unspecified online platforms to consider concerns raised about “search, social media and some retail services online.” Independently, 47 state attorneys general are probing Facebook for antitrust violations.

The firearm and ammunition industry has more than a few instances of documented antigun bias by social media companies. There’s a love-hate relationship with the social media platforms. They’ve become so ubiquitous that it’s nearly impossible to reach customers without them. NSSF has argued they’ve become the virtual public square, where people from every walk of life can not only see pictures and video of friends and family, but express ideas, debate topics and participate in civic discourse. That is, of course, if they’re allowed.

Community Standards

Jessica Keffer, the marketing manager for the Sportsman’s Shop in East Earl, Pa., went on Fox and Friends to describe the discrimination her business faced from Facebook. She was booted for advertising on Facebook over American flags. Keffer’s ad wasn’t about gun sales, but with her attempt to boost an “Honor the Flag” promotion. The ad was approved and then rejected. The reason given was, “It’s because you have a link to your website on your page which does sell firearms. That’s also against our policies I’m afraid.”

The ad had nothing to do with selling guns and while the Sportsman’s Shop sells guns, all sales are completed in a face-to-face transaction, and with a background check, in accordance with federal and state laws.

Keffer was pointed to Facebook’s Prohibited Content section, a part of the social media giants Ad Policies. “Ads must not promote the sale or use of weapons, ammunition, or explosives,” one of the subsections reads. But Keffer’s ad was about flags, not guns. The Daily Caller dug deeper and Facebook told them since the page links back to the shop’s website, which advertises guns, they canned the ad.

Google It

It wasn’t just Mark Zuckerburg’s baby. Tech giant Google assigns a “Family Status” to every product in the Google Shopping function. In 2012, Google moved firearm-related content to the same “non family safe” category as adult content. The bias didn’t end there.

Google discriminated against Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, a conservation organization that is dedicated to putting millions of acres into perpetual trusts and conservation lands and restoring wild elk populations across America. RMEF wanted to promote an eight-minute video about the benefits of hunting to conservation. Google labeled it “animal cruelty.”

It didn’t get turned around until U.S. Sen. Steve Daines (R-Mont.) and U.S. Rep. Greg Gianforte (R-Mont.) sent a letter to Google’s CEO demanding answers.

It wasn’t the first time, either. Google owns YouTube, which shut down Brownells’ channel without warming in 2018. Brownells’ 69,000 subscribers, and the company, were left in the dark. Brownells issued a social media call-to-arms and their customers responded and YouTube restored the channel.  The whole dustup was for supposed “violating YouTube Community Guidelines.” Even founder of Ars Techica and former Wired editor Jon Stokes scratching his head. He’s plugged into all things in the tech world and he couldn’t make the connection to any community standard that would have possibly posed a hazard.

Stokes tweeted, “I gotta say something else about this. Brownells is like the stodgiest, old-schoolest, non-tactical, non- ‘assault rifle’, old-hunting-guy brand in the gun world. When your platform has summarily executed Brownells, you’ve just gone too far.”

Infringing Rights

These tech giants, for years, have been infringing First Amendment rights to quash Second Amendment rights. Buying and selling guns is a constitutionally-protected right. A three-judge panel at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit said as much in their ruling on Teixeira vs. Alameda County that reads “the right to purchase and sell firearms is part and parcel of the historically recognized right to keep and bear arms.”

Social media corporations have been suppressing the firearm industry, gun ownership, firearm safety and anything that could be related to guns in the name of “community standards” and what they determine to be in the best interests of Americans. That right doesn’t belong to virtual overlords. That free exchange of ideas belongs to the people.

It’s time the blue birds came home to roost.


Sharia YouTube bans David Wood video on Muslim persecution of Christians as “hate speech”



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:

You can view the video that YouTube banned here. SEE:

As noted many times here, “hate speech” is not, contrary to the assumption of indoctrinated college students everywhere, a readily identifiable category. It is a subjective term that is used by the powerful to silence the powerless. The powers behind YouTube don’t want you to know about the Islamic persecution of Christians. Thus it is “hate speech” and must be banned.

As this continues, the freedom of society itself will be threatened. Once the social media giants can silence people unchallenged, they can wield absolute power, for who will have a platform to challenge them, even the President of the United States?

I warned about all this in my book The Complete Infidel’s Guide to Free Speech (and Its Enemies). But that book was, of course, “hate speech.”


Comediam Kathy Griffin garnered outrage from conservatives for tweeting about US president Donald Trump. (John Sciulli/Getty Images for Playboy Playhouse)

So Far, No Twitter Punishment for Kathy Griffin After Another Trump-should-die Tweet



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:

Kathy Griffin, the has-been comedienne who wrecked her career after publishing a photo of herself holding a bloody, severed head that resembled President Trump, is at it again.

Apparently determined to finish what she started in 2017, the foul-mouthed redhead tweeted that the president should be injected with a syringe filled with air, which would cause an air bubble in his vein, and possibly, kill him.

Though the tweet was deleted because it violated Twitter’s rules, Twitter has not suspended the perpetually angry woman’s account, a not surprising pass given that the social-media platform, as The New American reported today, permits its own executives to violate its rules with impunity.

The Tweet
The occasion of Griffin’s latest outrage was her tweet that replied to one from CNN’s White House reporter, Jim Acosta, who had observed that Trump, speaking at an event about protecting seniors with diabetes, said he doesn’t use insulin.

Replied Griffin, “Syringe with nothing but air on the inside should do the trick. F*** Trump.”

Such an injection would result in a potentially fatal air or gas embolism, which might travel to the heart or brain.

When the Washington Examiner tweeted its story about Griffin’s remark, she was unchastened: “I SURE DID, F***ER.”

To another individual who tweeted that Twitter was looking into it, she was even nastier: “Go f*** yourself. Do you wanna tussle with me, you f***ing amateur?”

Regardless, the original tweet “is no longer available because it violated the Twitter Rules,” the social-media site’s replacement notice says.

Dox the Covington Kids
Twitter is, of course, selective in what it requires radical leftists to delete.

Example: Griffin’s crazy tweets after the media smeared Covington Catholic High School kids as racists. Using manipulated video, media leftists subjected the students to the usual Two Minutes Hate after a “Native American elder,” who falsely claimed to be a war hero, started a confrontation at the Lincoln Memorial after the March for Life.

Griffin didn’t wait to find out what really happened, and instead rushed to Twitter and called for a doxing and public humiliation:

The reply from the school was pathetic and impotent. Name these kids. I want NAMES. Shame them. If you think these f****rs wouldn’t dox you in a heartbeat, think again….

Names please. And stories from people who can identify them and vouch for their identity. Thank you.

Griffin’s tweets could have inspired a deranged follower to harm one or more of the students, but Twitter did nothing. The tweets are still available, though they clearly “violated the Twitter rules,” which say “you may not engage in the targeted harassment of someone, or incite other people to do so.”

The students sued Griffin for the attempted doxing, but a federal judge tossed the case because her tweets were not acts committed within the jurisdiction of the federal court in Kentucky.

Downward Spiral
Twitter rages, it seems, are Griffin’s only means of inviting publicity.

After she posed holding the bloody visage of Trump’s head two years ago, her career stopped cold.

Though she apologized, she lost her gig co-hosting CNN’s New Year’s Eve special with Anderson Cooper, and also piqued the interest of the Secret Service. Not surprisingly, she retracted her apology.

Griffin claimed the president made her “unemployable and insurable.”

Actually, Griffin made herself  “unemployable and insurable,” but in any event she thought a documentary about her travails might earn some money. Last year’s Kathy Griffin: A Hell of a Story was a pathetic failure. It earned just $208,907 in 648 theaters over 301 days in release, Box Office Mojo reported.

That’s about $1.07 per theater per day.

Nor has Griffin’s career done much better since.

The comedienne’s website reports “NO CURRENT TOUR DATES.”



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