Ludlow, MA School Board holds special meeting to attack MassResistance! Invites radical school staff and unhinged LGBT activists to “testify.”


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Attempt to terrorize local parents whom we’re helping to fight back.

Board ignores normal rules of meeting procedure to accommodate this.

Part 12 in a series. (See entire series here.)

August 9, 2021
This woman announced she is a "member of the LGBT community"; and that "MassResistance is a hate group." She said that instead of complaining about pornographic books in school, parents should educate themselves by listening to LGBT podcasts.

In an unbelievable move, the Ludlow, MA School Board devoted its July 20, 2021 meeting to staging a public attack on MassResistance. The Board moved the meeting venue to the high school auditorium and collaborated with the local teachers' union to bring in radical school staff and unhinged local LGBT activists to “testify.” It was a hideous presentation of vitriol with a cascade of unabashed lies.

They are incensed that MassResistance is successfully helping parents organize and stand up to the outrages in Ludlow’s Baird Middle School.

As we’ve reported, starting in 2019 school officials and staff in the middle school began pushing lurid pornographic and homosexual-themed books in the classrooms and library. Late last year, teachers and counselors began coaching children that they might be “transgender” and grooming them to take on opposite-sex identities – without the parents’ knowledge.

MassResistance helped parents organize and get the word out. After intense community pressure, the Superintendent and middle school librarian both resigned. The obvious purpose of this meeting was to terrorize the parents who have been complaining.

School Board Chairman Michael Kelliher's social media post about the meeting. ("LHS" is Ludlow High School.)

We have never seen a School Board anywhere do anything this unprofessional and unethical. The intent to demonize the parents was broadcast on social media, and it was clearly organized by the teachers' union, which is fiercely anti-parent.

The types of “testimony” that day included:

  • Childish name-calling. The Left adopted the concept of a “hate group” to demonize their opponents. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a far-left extremist group which has been discredited across the political spectrum, labels every major conservative pro-family group in America (including MassResistance) as a “hate group,” using lies and hysteria. The SPLC has inspired violence, and has been forced to pay millions in defamation lawsuits. The Ludlow school staff knows this, but has no other way of defending what they do to children, so they parrot that group’s repulsive message.
  • Outright lies about the law. Among other things, the staff claims that Massachusetts law requires that they do these things to children. There are no such laws. They also misrepresent the non-mandatory “guidance” documents from the Department of Education to attempt to justify their actions.
  • “Parents are backwards and stupid.” They are not shy about saying that they’re the ones who know best how to raise other people’s children when it comes to sexuality, homosexuality, and transgenderism.
  • Angry, illogical arguments. For example, they say that if parents oppose their children being indoctrinated into LGBT ideology, this means that the parents are (1) harming their own kids and (2) doing violence to the “LGBT community.”

Outside: School officials set up police intimidation

In order to send the absurd message that conservative parents who might come were likely to be violent, the School Board had several police officers (including State Police) as well as barricades at the outside doors to the school auditorium.

Attempting to frighten the community: Outside the doors to the school auditorium, the School Board stationed barricades, police officers, and even state police.

Instead, a small group of Catholics (Ludlow is largely Catholic) stood in a circle nearby in the parking lot praying the Rosary.

A few local Catholics prayed the Rosary in the parking lot near the entrance to the auditorium.

A group of the parents decided to show that they were not intimidated, and came to the meeting. They sat together in the back of the auditorium. Only one parent from the group addressed the Board – and he spoke first.

The parents came in and sat together in the back center rows of the auditorium.

The Chairman opens up the meeting to testimony

After dealing with some school department business, the Board Chairman, Michael Kelliher announced the start of the public comments.

Kelliher, third from left in plaid shirt, is a local dentist who is now in his glory as a pompous School Board chairman.

School committees and other government bodies across the country require people who speak to give their names and state where they live. But Kelliher said that’s not required here. Thus, several only gave their first names. He also said that speakers must address their comments to the chairman.  But he let the leftists ignore that rule. They were allowed to turn around and direct their rants at the parents in the back of the room.

In case any parents decided to complain about the recent firing of the parent-friendly teacher, Kelliher cited “Mass. General Law Ch. 39 Sec. 23b” which he said forbids any discussion of personnel matters during School Board meetings. But don’t try to look up that law. It was repealed in 2009! That doesn’t matter to Kelliher.

The speakers

Here are some of the speakers that evening and what they had to say:

Stephen Foote, father of two middle school children targeted by the staff for "transgender" grooming.

The first speaker – the only one from the Ludlow parents group – was Stephen Foote. Stephen is the father of the 11-year-old daughter and 13-year-old son were groomed by the school staff to be “transgender” – and the school kept this information from him and their mother. Stephen gave a short but powerful speech about his disgust for the Ludlow Schools and the school officials, and what they did to his children. At the end he announced to them “you will be sued.” (More on that coming up!)


This was “Sam Valentine” who told the School Board, “I’m a drag performer.” Sam then warned the Board that MassResistance is probably a Catholic group because of “the people outside saying the Rosary." He said that Catholics are “hypocritical,” adding “I’m sure you all had to walk by them.”


This woman said that “the hate group MassResistance” has brought “bigotry and homophobia” into the community. She said that the children’s books that parents say are pornographic are simply depicting normal LGBT relationships for children. She said that the parents who are complaining “don’t really care about their kids – they’re just trying to push their anti-LGBT agenda onto our community.”
She is “disgusted” that MassResistance is helping Stephen Foote because he and the mother are “hating on [their] children just for having the courage to be who they are.”


These two are the co-presidents of the Ludlow teachers’ union. They thanked all the teachers' union members “from all the surrounding communities” who came today. Then they turned to face the parents in the back of the room, and delivered a ridiculously dishonest rant:


They accused the parents of “attacking educators” and “supporting bigotry and intolerance.” They said, “We are witnessing destructive efforts to manufacture controversy where none exists. Educators are here to remind the community that no policies have been violated. No harm to students have occurred, and no concerns have gone unaddressed.”

Here’s how they described the complaints: “We have seen hateful and homophobic assaults bring harm to students and educators. Fear and ignorance have no place in our schools.”


This man made the bizarre statement that MassResistance is attempting to legalize “a process that attempts to turn your gay kids straight using electric shocks to the genitals, ice pick lobotomies, and chemical castration.” That is an incredible lie that he simply made up.


He then turned and addressed the parents. He said that parents being offended by children’s books of homosexual kissing made it so their kids “are afraid of you and what you can do to them.” He added that there is also nothing wrong with giving kids books about rape, because: “Your Bible also depicts rape.” He then said to the parents, “Your children are smarter than you. The world has moved on from your backwards beliefs as it did from the bigotry of yesterday. Grow up. Your kids already have.”


This woman identified herself as a lesbian teacher at Ludlow High School. She said that children have “a right” to homosexual library resources and that, “You have the right to be called by your name and pronouns that reflect your truth. The laws in Massachusetts guarantee this right and the School Committee cannot take that away.”


She turned and said to the parents, “To the group of people who are part of MassResistance: It is against the law for us to carry out most of your demands. We will not, and we cannot. So I beg of you to take your complaints and concerns to the State House. Coming to the School Committee will do nothing to accomplish anything here. We are doing our job.”

That is all a lie. There are no such laws in Massachusetts. Even the non-mandatory “guidance” is fairly vague on these issues.


This man got up and stated, “MassResistance is a terrorist group.“ He said the reason we’re a terrorist group is that when he emailed us we wouldn’t take the time to explain all of our positions. He then gave another ridiculous warning: that if parents are allowed to criticize the homosexuality and transgenderism in the middle school, that will soon lead to mistreating blacks and disabled children in the school.

A School Board member chimes in

After the LGBT speakers finished coming up, Board Member Chip Harrington decided to add some final words of his own.

Board member Chip Harrington, center, bashes MassResistance.

It’s hard to tell whether Harrington is incredibly uninformed or just stupid (though we lean toward the latter). He started off by saying that the “anti-LGBT” hysteria in Ludlow was started by the parents on social media. In fact, it was all done by the Left – accusing the parents of that.

Harrington made a convoluted argument about parental rights – that parents should be able to see the pornographic books in the middle school, but they need to adhere to the “process” for keeping them from their children – a process that guarantees that nothing will change.

He then said, “MassResistance is a horrible organization, and I want nothing to do with it.” His reason is that he had received a phone call from our coordinator Arthur Schaper, who lives in California. (Arthur wanted Harrington to meet with the parents.) Harrington loudly complained that MassResistance is obviously an out-of-state group - and said its leader has never even been to western Massachusetts. 

In fact, our website clearly says that MassResistance is based in Waltham, Mass., just down the road from Ludlow. And the group’s leader, Brian Camenker, has been to western Massachusetts (including Ludlow) many times. Everybody knows that. (And besides, the LGBT and Planned Parenthood groups that the school works with are based out of state!)

Final thoughts

When all was said and done, this School Board meeting had the opposite effect from what was intended. The parents are more energized than ever! This meeting opened their eyes even more.

First, it became very clear that the opponents are a small group compared to the overall Ludlow community, which is quite conservative.

Second, the opponents showed that they have no rational arguments and do not care at all about the actual welfare of the children. Instead, they revealed themselves to be angry, self-righteous (and somewhat dysfunctional) people devoted to a radical ideology – who hate those who disagree with them.

And third, the parents' opponents (including School Board members) are shamelessly willing to twist the truth and tell outright lies. They no longer have any credibility. The aura has been severely shattered.

Next: The lawsuits.

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Brighteon: Pfizer Whistleblower Confirms Bioweapon Global Extermination Plan

Dr Andrew Kaufman & Karen Kingston (Pfizer whistleblower) discuss confronting information about the original patents, lack of testing, deliberate avoidance of testing and fraudulent misrepresentations of results on the mRNA injections.
Extracted from 4th hr Infowars 08/04/2021

BIDEN’S ATF NOMINEE David Chipman FAILS TO ADMIT HE Pushed US Gun Control On Communist China TV

GOP Senator Calls Out Chipman For CCP Propaganda

At today's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) called out David Chipman, nominee to be Director of the ATF, for his appearance on Chinese state TV.

David Chipman Took Part in Communist, Chinese Propaganda to Push Gun Control 

Rumble — Erich Pratt on David Chipman's Chances to Lead the ATF

FLORIDA GOVERNOR DeSantis blasts Biden: “I am standing in your way”

One day after President Joe Biden criticized Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ approach to the COVID-19 pandemic, which is spiking again in Florida, the governor fired back. "If you're coming after the rights of parents in Florida, I'm standing in your way," DeSantis defiantly responded on Wednesday. "If you're trying to deny kids a proper in-person education, I'm going to stand in your way and stand up for the kids in Florida. If you're trying to restrict people and impose mandates and ruin their jobs and livelihood; if you are trying to lock people down, I am standing in your way. I am standing for the people of Florida." He finished by saying, "Why don't you do your job, why don't you get this border secure? Until you do that, I don't want to hear a blip about COVID from you."

Pentagon set to make all troops take experimental COVID-19 vaccines despite the injuries that are occurring to younger people, giving another advantage to Russia, China

Image: Pentagon set to make all troops take experimental COVID-19 vaccines despite the injuries that are occurring to younger people, giving another advantage to Russia, China



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

(Natural News) Russia and China are increasing their strategic and military ties as they watch the hapless, weak and mind-addled Joe Biden falter as president of what once was the most powerful and free nation on earth.

The two countries and one-time rivals are holding more military exercises, sharing more advanced technology (especially what they steal from America), perfecting new weapons systems, and hardening their troops.

Meanwhile, just the opposite is happening in the U.S. armed forces.

Thanks to a ‘woke’ defense secretary, Lloyd Austin, and top commanders, America’s forces are losing their fighting edge and combat hardness to politically correct recruiting that includes persons with mental health issues who have been raised as left-wing political activists.

Now, Pentagon masters are going full-throttle to injure as many young troops as possible with a still-experimental COVID-19 vaccine.

CNN reported:

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin is expected to seek authorization to make Covid-19 vaccines mandatory for all active duty troops as soon as this week, following President Joe Biden’s directive that the military examine how and when it could make that happen.

Austin’s “inclination is towards making the COVID-19 vaccine mandatory” for active duty troops, a defense official told CNN.

“If the Secretary makes that final recommendation, he could seek a presidential waiver to allow the vaccine to be administered to troops before full approval by the Food and Drug Administration,” the network added.

Of course Austin is going to “make that final decision.” That’s been the plan all along: The Biden leftists, Marxists, and Communist sympathizers were always about destroying America from within, as they’ve been doing now for decades. The once-patriotic military was the last institution these Marxists had to conquer. And that’s coming.

In late July, the mind-addled Biden played his role and told reporters that he had asked the Defense Department to “look into how and when” the COVID-19 vaccine will be added to a growing list of mandatory military vaccines. He even said that he was already aware that Austin is “open to it” — which is silly because the Defense secretary serves at the pleasure of the president and commander-in-chief.

Since that announcement, the Joint Chiefs of Staff have been meeting to discuss making the vaccine mandatory and how such a plan might be rolled out. CNN went on to report that, based on sources, Austin’s current view is to “seek authorization to make it mandatory.”

According to a July 6 Justice Department memo, troops won’t have any choice “because DOD has informed us that it understandably does not want to convey inaccurate or confusing information to service members—that is, telling them that they have the ‘option’ to refuse the COVID-19 vaccine if they effectively lack such an option because of a military order—DOD should seek a presidential waiver before it imposes a vaccination requirement.”

And you just know that authorization will be coming.

But here’s the problem with this: Younger people are more at risk of being injured by these experimental vaccines, and naturally, the military trends younger.

In mid-June, Fox News host Tucker Carlson noted during his nightly program that “Israeli health officials released a report showing that vaccinated young people, particularly young men, were developing myocarditis at extremely high rates,” Natural News reported then.

Myocarditis, for those who don’t know, is inflammation of the heart muscle; it’s a condition that can become very serious very fast.

Carlson was reporting those findings in the context that a growing number of American colleges were requiring students to become vaccinated if they wanted to take in-person coursework this coming fall.

“You wonder, watching this, how it could happen in a free country. It’s hard to believe it is happening. As a medical decision, it’s reckless. What are the long-term effects of forcing these drugs on millions of young people, many of whom don’t need it? We don’t know the answer,” Carlson said.

“We don’t know what the long-term effects are. Anyone who claims to know is lying. At this point, there’s literally no way to tell,” he added.

Now, in addition to young college students, young fighting men and women are going to get the jab too.

Sense a pattern here?

Sources include:

Governments hold citizens HOSTAGE, demand vaccine QUOTAS before restoring “freedom”



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

(Natural News) Around the world, rogue governments are now declaring their own citizens to be hostages under medical tyranny, promising that freedom will be restored if they meet vaccine quotas that require mass injections with experimental gene therapy drugs. (They’re not merely “vaccines.”)

In other words, you now have to “earn” your “freedom” from government tyranny, but the government sets the rules, and those rules are, of course, ever-changing.

As reported by the NY Post, “Six million COVID vaccine shots needed to end Sydney lockdown.” The NSW government is declaring that no one will be free until millions more submit to the deadly, risky injections. This is outright criminal medical tyranny, right in the open, and it’s the kind of tactic that might be used by professional kidnappers who demand a ransom payment to release a few prisoners.

If you comply, they’ll continue to demand more and more ransom payments, holding innocent people hostage in order to maximize their gain.

Now, governments of the world are acting exactly like kidnappers, and they are holding their own people hostage, demanding ever-increasing levels of power and authoritarian control over society, ordering everyone to comply or be arrested (or worse).

We have come to the point of history where governments now behave like criminal cartels, with complete disregard for human rights, the rule of law or constitutional limitations of government power. By screaming, “variants!” they demand absolute authority and control over not just your life but even your physical body. In America, the CDC is even now asserting that it owns your private property and can dictate your private rental contracts.

Full-blown global government tyranny is here NOW, not merely “coming soon.” We are here. There is no longer any question where this heads, and it’s rather obvious to anyone paying attention: Mass global genocide and the culling of humanity by complicit governments.

They’ve declared war on humanity. Anyone pretending this somehow goes back to normal — and that governments will voluntarily strip themselves of all this power in the near future — is living in a delusional fairy tale that will probably get them killed.

Learn more in today’s powerful Situation Update podcast via

See powerful interview and more podcasts at:

More news on coronavirus:

US Physicians will now lose their medical license for reporting vaccine injuries and providing informed consent to patients



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

(Natural News) When physicians receive their medical license, they must pronounce their intellectual devotion and allegiance to the vaccine industry and its myriad of false narratives. Any healthcare professional who dares question “the science” risks losing their medical license. Any doctor who speaks out-of-line against forceful vaccine propaganda could be stripped of their title; their career destroyed; their reputation smeared.

On July 29, 2021, the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) warned all healthcare professionals that they could lose their medical license if they create or spread so-called “COVID-19 vaccine misinformation.”

No free speech for physicians, who are officially only allowed to spout vaccine propaganda

Doctors are no longer allowed to say anything that could “sow distrust” about covid-19 vaccines, and they won’t be allowed to collect their own data, share information with other doctors, make observations, or draw their own conclusions. Doctors will no longer be allowed to speak out in interviews with the media, unless the interview promotes vaccines. Healthcare professionals are no longer allowed to speak up on social media, in their private medical practice, or on their own personal website.

Wellness pioneer, Dr. Joseph Mercola, was even threatened to take down 25 years of research from his website.

Doctors will no longer be allowed to speak about the medical issues caused by the vaccines, and will inevitably file fewer vaccine injury reports with the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). This government reporting system has been flooded with vaccine injury reports in 2021, with hundreds of thousands of serious injuries and tens of thousands of wrongful death reports coming from the experimental covid-19 vaccines.

State medical boards demand allegiance to the vaccine industry

The FSMB represents every medical board across the United States and will now use their authority to gag doctors and control their practice. When the organization spots “COVID-19 vaccine misinformation” in interviews, medical literature, recorded discussions or social media posts, they will punish the doctor and refer them for disciplinary action with their respective state medical board. If a doctor divulges the risks of the vaccines, and the benefits of natural immunity, he could be targeted by the all-knowing, all-powerful FSMB. If a doctor provides informed consent, immune system solutions  or treatment paths, his medical license could be suspended or revoked. Dr. Eric Nepute of St. Louis was even charged by the FTC for promoting zinc and vitamin D, two efficacious treatments. America’s Frontline Doctors and medical professionals across the country are facing many levels of censorship and intimidation.

The FSMB asserts: “Due to their specialized knowledge and training, licensed physicians possess a high degree of public trust and therefore have a powerful platform in society, whether they recognize it or not.”

“They also have an ethical and professional responsibility to practice medicine in the best interests of their patients and must share information that is factual, scientifically grounded and consensus-driven for the betterment of public health.”

The FSMB is now just another enforcement arm of the vaccine industry, controlling the speech of doctors and determining what the facts are. In this way, the vaccine industry treats doctors as unintelligible puppets who must spout out fraudulent narratives about immunity and health. This subservience to the vaccine industry is exacerbated by a federal government that claims “COVID-19 vaccine misinformation is killing people.” The federal government now admits that they and the Surgeon General work with social media platforms to eliminate information that does not worship vaccine “science.”

In truth, health care professionals are being threatened to abandon their conscience and their medical ethics. Basic medical principles such as informed consent are now considered “COVID-19 vaccine misinformation” if that information leads a patient to decide that a vaccine is not right for them. The FSMB is now violating the Nuremberg Code and will be enforcing GAVI’s vax-all agenda, which disregards the science of natural immunity and uses censorship to coerce and intimidate countless people to comply with needless medical fraud (covid-19 vaccination).

Sources include:

Rand Paul Slams ‘Dangerous, Obscene Authoritarians’ Pushing No-Fly Lists For The Unvaccinated

"All of these people, are the same people who hooted and hollered and said ‘Trump is leading us to authoritarianism.’"



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Appearing on Fox News Thursday, Senator Rand Paul warned that the very same people who for four years screeched about president Trump leading the country into authoritarianism have seized power and instituted the most draconian crackdown ever seen in U.S. history.

The Senator responded to an op ed by Juliette Kayyem, a former assistant secretary for homeland security under Obama who seriously argued that unvaccinated people should be banned from flying.

“The CDC says you’re not supposed to get vaccinated if you’ve been infected within three months. So what are we going to do? Tell people that they can’t fly for three months, even according to the CDC?” Paul questioned.

Describing the idea of no-fly lists for the unvaccinated as “obscene,” Paul added “You know that if we now disagree in our personal medical decisions with the left, they’re going to declare that we’re a terrorist and that we can’t fly.”

“This idiot would have us not flying for three months,” Paul urged, referring to Kayyem.

Paul continued, “It makes no sense. It’s complete collectivism, and all of these people, are the same people who hooted and hollered and said ‘Trump is leading us to authoritarianism.’ What could be more authoritarian than a no-fly list for people who disagree with you?”

During the interview, Paul again picked up on his quest to expose Anthony Fauci.

“Dr. Fauci needs to be away from government, away from advice, because almost all of his advice had been wrongheaded. But some of it’s actually very dangerous,” the Senator declared.

“I, and other doctors, actually think that your immunity from being infected is going to last a lot longer,” he noted referring to the indiscriminate pushing of vaccines.

In a short piece Wednesday, Paul further highlighted Fauci’s lies on the funding of gain of function research in Wuhan, stating “Dr. Fauci is obfuscating the truth and trying to cover up for the fact that he lied and got caught. I won’t let him get away with this and will continue to shine a light on this issue.”

Paul also released an epic video detailing all of his past confrontations with Fauci:

In a further op-ed this week Paul urged Americans to ‘resist anti-science’ lockdowns and mask mandates, noting “They can’t arrest us all. They can’t keep all your kids home from school. They can’t keep every government building closed – although I’ve got a long list of ones they should.”

“We don’t have to accept the mandates, lockdowns, and harmful policies of the feckless bureaucrats. We can simply say no, not again,” Paul urged, labelling Nancy Pelosi “drunk with power” and a “petty tyrant.”


‘We Are Silent No More’: Brave Leaders Join Forces to Halt the Covid Vaccine (Video)



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

“We are men and women created in the image of God, not guinea pigs or lab rats.”

LifeSite News sponsored an online conference with the Truth for Health Foundation featuring brave “scientists, religious leaders, attorneys and physicians” and others who are standing together fight the “dark cloud of censorship,” as explained by Texas Internist and Cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough.

Some of the highlights during the presentation:

  • Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet kicked off the program, saying that “We are silent no more”.
  • Dr. Peter McCullough emphasized that Americans have not yet been given a safety briefing on the Covid vaccines. Dr. McCullough highlighted this fact as well during an interview with RAIR Foundation USA earlier this week.
  • Pastor Stephen Broden stated that churches will be teaming with the Truth for Health Foundation to get the truth to congregants with their initiative “Medicine and Ministry United“.
  • Former Pfizer VP Dr. Michael Yeadon made powerful statements about the potential effects of the mRNA vaccine on fertility in women. “The authorities are not giving us full information about the risks of these products.”
  • Attorney Thomas Renz, who works with America’s Frontline Doctors, claims that so-called “breakthrough cases” (those diagnosed with Covid after receiving the vaccine) account for “40 percent or more of the [hospital] admissions.”
  • Sister Deidre Byrne, who is also board-certified in family medicine and general surgery, is exasperated that citizens are being coerced to to take a vaccine meant to address a treatable virus with “a mortality rate near zero in children and healthy adults.”
  • German immunologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi said that the coronavirus is “less dangerous than seasonal flu.”
  • Dr. Jose Trasancos, CEO of Children of God for Life, stressed that the vaccine coercion elitists have disregarded safe, effective coronavirus treatments. Dr. Trasancos expressed sadness that many so-called religious organizations have joined to push the vaccine.
  • Pamela Popper of Wellness Forum Health reaffirmed that this period has been one of medical tyranny. Ms. Popper invited citizens to join her activist organization, Make America Free Again.
  • Reverend Bill Cook, Founder of America’s Black Robe Regiment criticized the pandemic for being based on false data. Reverend Bill Cook powerfully called for the mRNA vaccines to be pulled immediately.
  • Renowned Pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson expressed his outrage in no uncertain terms over the politicized pandemic which he referred to as “pure propaganda.” The 2019 coronavirus is “nothing more than a bad seasonal flu” and “nothing was needed except “good old common sense and early treatment.” RAIR Foundation USA was privileged to have interviewed Dr. Roger Hodkinson on several recent occasions (see herehere and here).

Watch the full program:

Rumble — This video is part of an article at RAIR Foundation USA:

Lifesite News Sponsored this event.


"LifeSite hosted a townhall conference with The Truth For Health Foundation, “Stop the Shot… The Rest of the Story.” This online meeting will feature Dr. Peter McCullough, Attorney Thomas Renz, Dr. Michael Yeadon, Sister Deidre Byrne, Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, Dr. Jose Trasancos, and other prominent physicians, scientists, attorneys, and religious leaders who will be discussing vital information related to the COVID jab, clinical trials, and more.

Here’s a brief look at what was shared at this online meeting:

Breaking information will be shared by the lead attorney in U.S. suit against the Biden regime’s HHS regarding VAERS, adverse events, under-reporting deaths, and injuries. This presentation will also include an update on the CDC Whistleblower affidavit, which indicates more than 45,000 actual deaths have taken place following the COVID shot, versus the VAERS reports of only 11,000.
Previously undisclosed data from both Pharma-clinical trials and subsequent additional studies on the COVID jab related to specific, serious, immediate, and long-term impacts on fertility in both men and women.
Updates on international medical studies regarding actual vaccine immunity versus what has been reported to the public by the media.
Breaking information regarding international lawsuits and theological implications related to the latest COVID news around the world.

CDC Discusses Confinement, Internment Camps for Those at High Risk of China Virus



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

The Centers for Disease Control is openly discussing internment camps for individuals with a high risk of contracting the China Virus.

Although a document at the CDC website appears to refer to settings outside the United States, the suggestion that governments should erect safe zones to quarantine healthy but at-risk people should alarm Americans already faced with mask and vaccine mandates.

In New York City, for instance, hard-left Mayor Bill de Blasio has closed some public venues to those who aren’t vaccinated, and the state legislature has passed a bill to indefinitely arrest and contain those who don’t have the contagious disease. 

It’s a short step from those measures to mandated confinement of the type CDC contemplates.

Green Zones

Dated July 26, the CDC document listed under “Global COVID-19” discusses “green zones” in which those at “high risk” of contracting the virus will be housed. CDC’s euphemism for the internment is “shielding.” The goal is to “protect high-risk populations from disease and death.”

Though “this approach has never been documented,” the agency says, “considerations are based on current evidence known about the transmission and severity of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and may need to be revised as more information becomes available.”8/5/2021

Interim Operational Considerations for Implementing the Shielding Approach to Prevent COVID-19 Infections in Humanitarian Settings | CDC
Interim Operational Considerations for Implementing the
Shielding Approach
to Prevent COVID-19 Infections in
Humanitarian Settings
Updated July 26, 2020
This document presents considerations from the perspective of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) for
implementing the shielding approach in humanitarian settings as outlined in guidance documents focused on camps,
displaced populations and low-resource settings.
This approach has never been documented and has raised questions and
concerns among humanitarian partners who support response activities in these settings. The purpose of this document is to
highlight potential implementation challenges of the shielding approach from CDC’s perspective and guide thinking around
implementation in the absence of empirical data. Considerations are based on current evidence known about the
transmission and severity of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and may need to be revised as more information becomes
available. Please check the
CDC website
periodically for updates.
What is the Shielding Approach?
The shielding approach aims to reduce the number of severe COVID-19 cases by limiting contact between individuals at
higher risk of developing severe disease (“high-risk”) and the general population (“low-risk”). High-risk individuals would be
temporarily relocated to safe or “green zones” established at the household, neighborhood, camp/sector or community level
depending on the context and setting.
They would have minimal contact with family members and other low-risk residents.
Current evidence indicates that older adults and people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions are at
higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19.
In most humanitarian settings, older population groups make up a small
percentage of the total population.
 For this reason, the shielding approach suggests physically separating high-risk
individuals from the general population to prioritize the use of the limited available resources and avoid implementing long-
term containment measures among the general population.
In theory, shielding may serve its objective to protect high-risk populations from disease and death. However, implementation
of the approach necessitates strict adherence
, to protocol. Inadvertent introduction of the virus into a green zone may
result in rapid transmission among the most vulnerable populations the approach is trying to protect.
A summary of the shielding approach described by Favas is shown in Table 1. See
Guidance for the prevention of COVID-19
infections among high-risk individuals in low-resource displaced and camp and camp-like settings
 for full details.
Table 1: Summary of the Shielding Approach
Movement/ Interactions
Household (HH) Level:
A specic room/area designated for high-risk individuals
who are physically isolated from other HH members.
Low-risk HH members should not enter the green zone. If
entry is necessary, it should be done only by healthy
individuals after washing hands and using face coverings.
Interactions should be at a safe distance (approx. 2
meters). Minimum movement of high-risk individuals
outside the green zone. Low-risk HH members continue to
follow social distancing and hygiene practices outside the
Interim Operational Considerations for Implementing the Shielding Approach to Prevent COVID-19 Infections in Humanitarian Settings | CDC
Neighborhood Level:
A designated shelter/group of shelters (max 5-10
households), within a small camp or area where high-risk
members are grouped together. Neighbors “swap”
households to accommodate high-risk individuals.
Same as above
Camp/Sector Level:
A group of shelters such as schools, community buildings
within a camp/sector (max 50 high-risk individuals per
single green zone) where high-risk individuals are
physically isolated together.
One entry point is used for the exchange of food, supplies,
etc. A meeting area is used for residents and visitors to
interact while practicing physical distancing (2 meters). No
movement into or outside the green zone.
Operational Considerations
The shielding approach requires several prerequisites for effective implementation. Several are addressed, including access
to healthcare and the provision of food. However, there are several prerequisites which require additional considerations. Table 2
presents the prerequisites or suggestions as stated in the shielding guidance document (column 1) and CDC presents
additional questions and considerations alongside these prerequisites (column 2).
Table 2: Suggested Prerequisites per the shielding documents and CDC’s Operational Considerations for Implementation
Suggested Prerequisites
*As stated in the shielding document*
Considerations as suggested by CDC
Each green zone has a dedicated latrine/bathing
facility for high-risk individuals
The shielding approach advises against any new
facility construction to establish green zones;
however, few settings will have existing shelters or
communal facilities with designated latrines/bathing
facilities to accommodate high-risk individuals. In
these settings, most latrines used by HHs are located
outside the home and often shared by multiple HHs.
If dedicated facilities are available, ensure safety
measures such as proper lighting,
handwashing/hygiene infrastructure, maintenance
and disinfection of latrines.
Ensure facilities can accommodate high-risk
individuals with disabilities, children and separate
genders at the neighborhood/camp level.
To minimize external contact, each green zone
should include able-bodied high-risk individuals
capable of caring for residents who have disabilities
or are less mobile.  Otherwise, designate low-risk
individuals for these tasks, preferably who have
recovered from confirmed COVID-19 and are
assumed to be immune.
This may be difficult to sustain, especially if the
caregivers are also high risk. As caregivers may often
will be family members, ensure that this strategy is
socially or culturally acceptable.
Currently, we do not know if prior infection confers
The green zone and living areas for high-risk
residents should be aligned with minimum
humanitarian (SPHERE) standards.
The shielding approach requires strict adherence to
infection, prevention and control (IPC) measures.
They require, uninterrupted availability of soap,
water, hygiene/cleaning supplies, masks or cloth face
coverings etc for all individuals
in green zones
Interim Operational Considerations for Implementing the Shielding Approach to Prevent COVID-19 Infections in Humanitarian Settings | CDC
coverings, etc. for all individuals in green zones.
Thus, it is necessary to ensure minimum public
health standards
are maintained and possibly
supplemented to decrease the risk of other
outbreaks outside of COVID-19. Attaining and
maintaining minimum SPHERE
standards is difficult
in these settings for the general
 Users should consider that provision
of services and supplies to high-risk individuals could
be at the expense of low-risk residents, putting them
at increased risk for other outbreaks.
Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the
shielding approach.
Monitoring protocols will need to be developed for
each type of green zone.
Dedicated staff need to be identified to monitor each
green zone. Monitoring includes both adherence to
protocols and potential adverse effects or outcomes
due to isolation and stigma. It may be necessary to
assign someone within the green zone, if feasible, to
minimize movement in/out of green zones.
Men and women, and individuals with tuberculosis
(TB), severe immunodeficiencies, or dementia should
be isolated separately
Multiple green zones would be needed to achieve
this level of separation, each requiring additional
inputs/resources. Further considerations include
challenges of accommodating dierent ethnicities,
socio-cultural groups, or religions within one setting.
Community acceptance and involvement in the
design and implementation
Even with community involvement, there may be a
risk of stigmatization.
 Isolation/separation from
family members, loss of freedom and personal
interactions may require additional psychosocial
support structures/systems. See section on
additional considerations below.
High-risk minors should be accompanied into
isolation by a single caregiver who will also be
considered a green zone resident in terms of
movements and contacts with those outside the
green zone.
Protection measures are critical to implementation.
Ensure there is appropriate, adequate, and
acceptable care of other minors or individuals with
disabilities or mental health conditions who remain
in the HH if separated from their primary caregiver.
Green zone shelters should always be kept clean.
Residents should be provided with the necessary
cleaning products and materials to clean their living
High-risk individuals will be responsible for cleaning
and maintaining their own living space and facilities.
This may not be feasible for persons with disabilities
or decreased mobility.
 Maintaining hygiene
conditions in communal facilities is difficult during
non-outbreak settings.
 consequently it may be
necessary to provide additional human resource
Green zones should be more spacious in terms of
shelter area per capita than the surrounding
camp/sector, even at the cost of greater crowding of
low-risk people.
Ensure that targeting high-risk individuals does not
negate mitigation measures among low-risk
individuals (physical distancing in markets or water
points, where feasible, etc.). Differences in space
based on risk status may increase the potential risk
of exposure among the rest of the low-risk residents
and maybe unacceptable or impracticable,
Interim Operational Considerations for Implementing the Shielding Approach to Prevent COVID-19 Infections in Humanitarian Settings | CDC
considering space limitations and overcrowding in
many settings.
Additional Considerations
The shielding approach outlines the general “logistics” of implementation –who, what, where, how. However, there may be
additional logistical challenges to implementing these strategies as a result of unavailable commodities, transport restrictions,
limited sta capacity and availability to meet the increased needs. The approach does not address the potential emotional,
social/cultural, psychological impact for separated individuals nor for the households with separated members. Additional
considerations to address these challenges are presented below.
Population characteristics and demographics
Consideration: The number of green zones required may be greater than anticipated, as they are based on the total number
of high-risk individuals, disease categories, and the socio-demographics of the area and not just the proportion of elderly
Explanation: Older adults represent a small percentage of the population in many camps in humanitarian settings
(approximately 3-5%
), however in some humanitarian settings more than one-quarter of the population may fall under high
risk categories
based on underlying medical conditions which may increase a person’s risk for severe COVID-19 illness
which include chronic kidney disease, obesity, serious heart conditions, sickle cell disease, and type 2 diabetes. Additionally,
many camps and settlements host multiple nationalities which may require additional separation, for example, Kakuma
Refugee Camp in Kenya accommodates refugees from 19 countries.
Timeline considerations
Consideration: Plan for an extended duration of implementation time, at least 6 months.
Explanation: The shielding approach proposes that green zones be maintained until one of the following circumstances
arises: (i) sufficient hospitalization capacity is established; (ii) effective vaccine or therapeutic options become widely available;
or (iii) the COVID-19 epidemic affecting the population subsides.
Given the limited resources and healthcare available to populations in humanitarian settings prior to the pandemic, it is
unlikely sufficient hospitalization capacity (beds, personal protective equipment, ventilators, and sta) will be achievable
during widespread transmission. The national capacity in many of the countries where these settings are located (e.g., Chad,
Myanmar, and Syria) are limited. Resources may become quickly overwhelmed during the peak of transmission and may not be
accessible to the emergency affected populations.
Vaccine trials are underway, but with no definite timeline. Reaching the suppression phase where the epidemic subsides can
take several months and cases may resurge in a second or even third wave. Herd immunity (the depletion of susceptible
people) for COVID-19 has not been demonstrated to date. It is also unclear if an infected person develops immunity and the
duration of potential immunity is unknown. Thus, contingency plans to account for a possibly extended operational timeline
are critical.
Other logistical considerations
Consideration: Plan to identify additional resources and outline supply chain mechanisms to support green zones.
Explanation: The implementation and operation of green zones requires strong coordination among several sectors which
may require substantial additional resources:  supplies and sta to maintain these spaces – shelters, IPC, water, sanitation,
and hygiene (WASH), non-food items (NFIs) (beds, linens, dishes/utensils, water containers), psychosocial support,
monitors/supervisors, caretakers/attendants, risk communication and community engagement, security, etc. Considering
global reductions in commodity shortages,
 movement restrictions, border closures, and decreased trucking and ights, it is
important to outline what additional resources will be needed and how they will be procured.

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What sounds like a blueprint for a future action describes three levels of confinement. The targeted will be “temporarily relocated to safe or ‘green zones’ at the household, neighborhood, camp/sector or community level.” Each involves isolation. 

The lucky high-risk people will be at home, but “physically isolated from other [household] members,” CDC says:

Low-risk HH members should not enter the green zone. If entry is necessary, it should be done only by healthy individuals after washing hands and using face coverings. Interactions should be at a safe distance (approx. 2 meters). Minimum movement of high-risk individuals outside the green zone. Low-risk HH members continue to follow social distancing and hygiene practices outside the house.

The same rules will apply for the “neighborhood” level, and the “Camp/Sector Level” is next:

A group of shelters such as schools, community buildings within a camp/sector (max 50 high-risk individuals per single green zone) where high-risk individuals are physically isolated together.

Rules in the camp “green zone” will be tight. No one in, no one out:

One entry point is used for exchange of food, supplies, etc. A meeting area is used for residents and visitors to interact while practicing physical distancing (2 meters). No movement into or outside the green zone.

High-risk kids are not exempt from the “operational considerations.” They will be “be accompanied into isolation by a single caregiver who will also be considered a green zone resident in terms of movements and contacts with those outside the green zone.”

“Dedicated staff” will monitor the “green zones,” meaning they code and track the movements of the “green-zone” inmates.

New York has already moved to quarantine the healthy. A newly enacted law that awaits disgraced Governor Andrew Cuomo’s signature will give him the power to lock up anyone he deems a threat, including those only “suspected” of infection with a contagious disease.

The governor or one of his underlings “may order the removal and/or detention of such a person or of a group of such persons by issuing a single order, identifying such persons either by name or by a reasonably specific description of the individuals or group being detained,” the law says:

Such person or group of persons shall be detained in a medical facility or other appropriate facility or premises.

The state has considered the idea for at least six years.

It goes without saying that certain “high-risk individuals” will not be trapped in “green zones” should the Biden Regime implement the confinement/internment plan. They include President Joe Biden and family, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her bunch, Senators Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell and their relatives, tycoons such as Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, and anyone else with money and power. They will remain free to do as they please.

Border Invasion

One reason Americans might be subject to confinement is the illegal alien invasion at the southwest frontier with Mexico. As The New American reported last month, official data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection show that agents have caught more than one million illegals since October 1, the beginning of fiscal 2021.

Unofficial data reported by the Associated Press put the latest monthly total for August at 210,000, not counting 37,000 who slipped into the country.

The Biden Regime is dumping those illegals, many infected with the China virus, into American communities. In some cases, they are flown into the heartland; in others, they board buses. In either case, they scatter where they wish.

On August 2, Bill Melugin of Fox News tweeted footage of buses arriving at processing centers from the border.

Biden has dumped 7,000 infected migrants in McAllen, Texas, including 1,500 in the last week.

In late July, police in La Joya, Texas, learned that illegals with the virus were freely running about town, and in one case were caught sneezing and coughing in a Whataburger.

Shocking Photos Show the Horrifying, Inhumane Conditions of Biden’s Border Crisis



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Joe Biden’s laying out the welcome mat for illegal immigrants has resulted in “a human disaster at multiple crossing points,” according to photos provided to the Washington Examiner by the former acting commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Mark Morgan.

“This is crazy what’s happening,” Morgan told Paul Bedard of the Washington Examiner. Morgan’s photos of several crossing points show cages (yes, cages) of illegal immigrants, absolutely disgusting bathroom facilities, and thousands of migrants crammed under bridges as they wait to be processed in 100-degree heat.

“It’s nuts. There are 4,000 people under that bridge. We’ve had storms. They were outside …100 degrees outside,” he said.

“The White House said migrants are being handled in a humane and orderly way,” Morgan said. “This isn’t humane or orderly, and it’s not the Border Patrol’s fault. They are doing all they can to deal with the disaster created by Biden.”

One photo provided to the Washington Examiner shows a toilet at the Anzalduas International Bridge holding area at the Rio Grande River near Mission, Texas.

In addition to this, there are either too few or no showers or toilets available for these illegal immigrants—which Bedard notes is a “situation that during the Trump years resulted in a parade of lawmakers and media outlets going to the border to decry the conditions there.”

But the conditions are so much worse now under Biden, which neither the administration, Democrats in Congress, nor the media seem to care about.

“We were eviscerated day after day,” said Morgan. “Where are they now? The hypocrisy and double standard is undeniable. And the difference is we were doing everything we could to stop the flow while the Biden administration continues to encourage, incentivize and facilitate the flow of illegal migrants,” he added.

And then there’s the COVID factor. While fully vaccinated Americans are now being told to mask up indoors, a reported 7,000 illegal immigrants who tested positive for COVID were released into the United States in McAllen, Texas, alone.

RHODE ISLAND: Gigantic Teachers’ Union Sues Mom for Asking What the Local Public School Is Teaching Her Daughter



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

There was a time when parental involvement in our kids’ education was seen as a good thing that all parents should do. We were invited to meet our kids’ teachers and even participated in class once or twice a week. This was all part of making sure our kids obtained the education our tax dollars paid for.

The COVID pandemic and the moral panic following George Floyd’s death destroyed all of that. Unionized teachers advocated for closing schools and keeping them closed and started sneaking in critical race theory teachings at every level during online classes. When parents noticed and asked, they tended to get a run-around or worse. In Loudon County, Virginia, public school administrators and teachers formed a cabal to hunt down and smear parents who questioned them.

Rhode Island mom Nicole Solas wanted to know what her daughter was being taught in kindergarten. So she asked the school for copies of the curriculum. She is entitled to that, as a parent and as a taxpayer. Public school curricula are public documents.

Instead of accommodating her, the school fought her. That naturally raised her suspicions, so she asked for more and more, about 200 public information requests, and got more and more of a runaround from the school. The school even tried to stick her with a bill for $74,000 as a way of making her go away.

Now the all-powerful National Education Association-Rhode Island has sued Solas. She was served with the lawsuit this week. The NEA is the largest teachers’ union in the United States, and it backs using public schools to teach critical race theory. It proudly states that its president, Becky Pringle, is a “fierce social justice warrior and defender of educator rights.” NEA’s bio of Pringle doesn’t mention parents at all.

Related: Critical Race Theory Backers Get Predatory

The NEA’s complaint is available here. The Goldwater Institute is representing Solas.

Boiled down, the gigantic union is begging the court to silence the mom, Nicole Solas, from asking questions about her child’s education. They want the court to enable public school administrators to hide documents that may be subject to FOIA laws (called APRA in Rhode Island, for the Access to Public Records Act). For instance:


I’ve dealt with public records from both sides, as a vigilante journalist and as a state agency employee, though not under Rhode Island’s APRA. Why is someone writing a “private” email or document to a public body? Why would a member of the NEA, in particular, do this? Its members are almost all public employees, making their electronic communications largely public information when a public body such as a school is also involved. Those communications may not be private at all. It can depend on the content and purpose of the communication or document. Typically a state’s attorney general is asked to weigh in on questions regarding documents such as these. NEA-RI seems to have chosen to use an intimidating lawsuit instead. Rhode Island’s attorney general is a Democrat, Peter Neronha. Depending on how APRA works, appealing to him rather than filing a lawsuit may have been the NEA’s smarter play.

Legal Insurrection has followed Solas’ case from the beginning. Law professor William Jacobsen says:

My initial take is that this smells collusive. South Kingstown doesn’t want to produce records and the union is helping them out. The lawsuit purports to prevent disclosure of “private” information, but the public records laws and Solas’ requests pursuant to those laws only require the district to produce public records. The district has been very aggressive in asserting exemptions and redacting documents, so the union’s concern and rush to court seems peculiar, at best.

It’s worth noting that the South Kingstown NEA previously targeted Solas, as we reported, by holding a special membership meeting singling her out as a danger.

Solas has been on the union’s radar very much as a target. She seems to have caught public employees violating the state’s open meetings law.

Now the monstrous teachers’ union is suing her.

NEW YORK ATORNEY GENERAL JAMES Concludes GOVERNOR Cuomo Sexually Harassed Multiple Women

NY Gov. Cuomo Faces August 13, 2021 Deadline in Impeachment Probe


Rumble — NY AG James: ‘The Independent Investigation Has Concluded that Gov. Cuomo Sexually Harassed Multiple Women’

Rep. Elise Stefanik joins Hannity on Fox News to discuss corrupt Cuomo

Rumble — Elise Stefanik joins Hannity on Fox News to discuss the fight for justice for the victims of Cuomo's sexual harassment and assault as well as the thousands of seniors who died in nursing homes. 8.3.21.

Rep. Elise Stefanik joins Newsmax to discuss criminal sex predator Governor Cuomo

Elise Stefanik joins America Reports on Fox News to call for Gov. Cuomo’s Arrest

Rumble — Elise Stefanik joins America Reports on Fox News to call for Governor Cuomo’s arrest following an independent investigation that confirmed Governor Cuomo sexually harassed multiple women in violation of federal and state law.

Gregg Jarrett takes a closer look at Gov. Cuomo's possible criminal liability

One America News Network-Real America - Jezzamine W/ Rep. Nicole Malliotakis 


NYC Business Owner Calls on Businesses to Defy COVID Rules

NYC Business Owner Calls on Businesses to Defy COVID Rules



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

A popular YouTuber and New York City business owner has vowed to defy a rule introduced by New York Mayor Bill de Blasio that will make vaccination mandatory for certain indoor activities and a condition of employment, arguing that the policy is authoritarian.

Louis Rossmann, whose biting commentaries on “right-to-repair” and a wide range of other issues have earned him a large social media following, is the owner and operator of Rossmann Repair Group located in Manhattan. Arguably, he’s by far the most famous independent Mac and iPhone repair person in the United States and became famous for championing legislation that would allow people to repair their devices without having to rely on services offered exclusively by the Silicon Valley giant.

Following Mayor de Blasio’s announcement of the program dubbed “Key to NYC Pass” — which will require patrons of indoor dining, fitness, and entertainment venues to show proof of vaccination against COVID-19 before entering, as well as require all staff to be vaccinated — Rossmann published a video in which he stated that his computer repair shop would not be turning away customers based on their vaccination status. The program is set to take effect on August 16, while inspections and enforcement are said to begin in mid-September.

Rossmann started his emotional video by stressing that he was fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and believes that the benefits of inoculation far outweigh the risks. “I’m not anti-vaccine,” he said, “I’m not even anti-vaccine for vaccines that have not had a full FDA approval.” The problem, Rossmann said, is that New York City’s leaders are “getting out of control” and “don’t understand the concept of consent.”

Showing a compilation of shuttered storefronts, Rossmann said that due to the economic devastation caused by more than a year of lockdowns and other restrictions, most businesses in the city don’t have the “luxury” of selecting paying customers based on their personal health decisions. 

Rossmann expressed his outrage over de Blasio essentially forcing people to get vaccinated, and the degree to which the mayor had no respect for people’s personal choices, as he played footage of de Blasio complaining about corporate media how the city “tried voluntarily” and how they “could not be more kind and compassionate,” but the “voluntary phase is over.”  

“It’s time for these politicians to learn the meaning of the word ‘no,’” Rossmann continued, “When they say that you need to shut down your business, and we’re not gonna tell you when we’ll allow you to reopen your business, and we’re not gonna tell you or help you to pay a rent on that business, or the employees of that business, but you need to shut down — for all of these things, the answer should be ‘NO.’”

The businessman also expressed his disgust with de Blasio asking people to snitch on venues that allow their customers to violate social-distancing rules by taking pictures and sending them to the mayor’s office.

“When they say that we need to be the police that enforce whether or not people have injected something into their arm before they are allowed to do business with us, it’s about time that we say ‘NO,’” Rossmann stressed, adding, “these people are never going to learn unless we force them to.”

Rossmann went on to advise business owners to start using de Blasio’s own language against him, arguing they tried being “nice” and comply with all the lockdown rules and regulations, but now it’s time for a more forceful response: “If you’re saying that after a year of destroying all those businesses that used to be my customer base, I now need to reduce my customer base even more … based on people’s medical status?… NO!”

He added that while he’s “done” with de Blasio’s lockdowns and restrictions, if the city dares to go after his business, Rossmann said he would find a better place to move it to instead of staying in “this garbage dystopia that we’re starting to live in.” Rossmann called on people to push back on authoritarians and send them a strong message that they’ve crossed the last red line.

New York has seen a tremendous exodus of both businesses and people in the last year. In 2020, a net of 70,000 people left the metropolitan region, resulting in roughly $34 billion in lost income.

According to a Forbes report, the trend of businesses fleeing the Big Apple preceded the pandemic, as Wall Street executives relocated thousands of jobs to states outside of New York in an effort to cut costs. Credit Suisse, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Barclays, UBS, Citigroup, Alliance Bernstein, and an array of other financial institutions have established and aggressively staffed hubs in Florida, North Carolina, Salt Lake City, Dallas, Nashville and other less-expensive locations compared to New York. But, the report continues, a combination of high taxes, poor governance on the part of Mayor de Blasio, ever-increasing crime, business and school shutdowns, and a resurgence in COVID-19 cases has led to even more businesses to relocate.

Small businesses have been struggling, as nearly a third of them have been permanently closed due to COVID-related shutdowns imposed by the city. Eater New York reports that as of July 30, the restaurant business is far from recovered: “More than one year after New York’s first indoor dining shutdown, restaurants and bars continue to close their doors,” and estimated that lockdowns left the city at least 1,000 restaurants short, while admitting the number may be actually much higher. The Patch adds, “the hospitality industry likely deserves its own category [among business closures], due to the near-total evaporation of all revenue during the pandemic lockdowns. In Midtown, the Omni Hotel, the Times Square Hilton, the storied Roosevelt Hotel, and the Marriott Marquis all announced temporary or permanent closures this year, laying off thousands of workers in the process.”


Mayor De Blasio missing in action following NYC shootings

Rumble — An urgent search begins for suspects involved in a mass shooting that occurred in New York City over the weekend. One America’s Caitlin Sinclair has more.

JOURNO-TERRORISM strikes again: Extreme threats, witch hunt tactics force Dr. Mercola to take down his ENTIRE website, wiping out 25 years of articles on nutrition and wellness



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

(Natural News) Big Pharma’s media lackeys — “journo-terrorists” — have struck again, this time unleashing a wave of death threats and vitriol against Dr. Joseph Mercola of, who just announced he’s been forced to take down his entire website of articles and interviews. His work represents 25 years of research and writing about nutrition, wellness, disease prevention, and natural immunity, and the taking down of his site is no doubt being celebrated by the pharma-funded criminals who are conspiring with Big Tech and the White House to target and destroy the most influential educators on nutrition and wellness.

This is nothing less than a war against humanity, all justified under the cover of “covid,” a faked plandemic that’s so fake, no laboratory in America can yet produce an isolated reference material standard of covid-19 viral particles that are proven to sicken anyone. The entire thing is a deliberate sham, engineered to push toxic vaccines and a global depopulation agenda for planetary-scale extermination of billions of human beings. But to carry out this mass extermination, they can’t have people like Dr. Mercola teaching the public about vitamin D or ivermectim, for example, since natural immunity is relatively easy to enhance with simple nutrition. (And covid-19 kills almost no one by itself, which is why Cuomo needed to use ventilator-assisted medical murder to pump up the death statistics in New York.)

Mainstream media “journalists” spew slanderous hate campaigns designed to provoke violence against doctors and natural health educators

Under the cover of covid, many of today’s so-called “journalists” have become terrorists, waging hate-motivated campaigns against targeted individuals — the “dirty dozen” — that involve threatening their employees and family members. Their goal is simple: Intimidate and destroy anyone who stands in the way of the global vaccine depopulation agenda. No human must be left unvaccinated in the short term, or left alive in the long run, they believe. In an age where “online bullying” is supposed to be a crime that’s condemned by all, the NYT, Washington Post, CNN, NBC News and other pharma-funded media outlets have become the most outrageous and aggressive bullies of all, issuing a relentless barrage of false, defamatory smear articles that are clearly designed to whip up irrational hatred and violence against their intended targets such as Dr. Mercola.

If the FBI or DOJ really wanted to investigate actual domestic terrorism in America, they should start by investigating NBC News, the NYT and other journo-terrorism organizations that are knowingly whipping up hatred and threats of violence against health educators like the Bollingers, or Sayer Ji, Del Bigtree and RFK, Jr. Yet there will be no such investigations for the obvious reason: The Biden regime is a pharma-controlled medical dictatorship and criminal racketeering / organized crime syndicate that launders money through covid payouts (for vaccines, stimulus money, etc.) to pay off top pharma donors who also prop up the media propagandists with Big Pharma advertising money. It’s all a racket.

The threats against Dr. Mercola are so intense that he has now been forced to delete his entire website of content, spanning 25 years of articles and interviews, many of which are widely cited by other publishers due to the meticulous fact-checking that employs. Dr. Mercola is almost obsessed with accuracy, and his articles are extremely well researched and cited, unlike the vaccine-pimping media “journalists” who merely read teleprompters and repeat whatever pro-pharma propaganda is placed in front of them on any given day.

The mainstream media now functions as the authoritarian propaganda branch of Big Pharma. Even worse, they run “black hat” operations to attack, smear, defame and deplatform anyone who won’t go along with their anti-human, anti-America lies and propaganda. We are now living under a medical dictatorship in America, with the Mayor of New York City now declaring that unvaccinated people are a new sub-class of humans who shall be denied access to restaurants, gyms, and bars, with grocery stores no doubt soon to follow.

I thought America had already decided as a nation that declaring one group of people to be a sub-human class of degenerates was morally wrong, yet the unvaccinated have now become America’s new class of shunned sub-humans, with governors, mayors and even the President now openly encouraging bigotry and discrimination based on who you are.

Vaccine passports are the new “slave papers,” warned the Democrat Mayor of Boston, a black woman who is now warning of what happens in society when one group of people demands segregation and denial of services based on some dividing attribute.

In America today, thanks to the limitless evil of the medical dictatorship now in power, people who choose to rely on natural immunity will be discriminated against and denied access to basic services while those who attempt to educate the public about nutrition and wellness will be demonized, vilified and likely soon attacked by angry, hysterical mobs whipped into a state of intense anger by the journo-terrorism media. Read more about all this at

This has gone too far. All those pushing this discrimination, bigotry and hate campaign attacks against nutrition educators need to be arrested and charged for their own role in these coordinated crimes against humanity.

And Dr. Mercola should sue the NYT for $1 billion in damages for their false, defamatory smear campaign against him.

Get the rest of the story in today’s Situation Update podcast:

Listen to a new Situation Update podcast each weekday at:

Woke Corporate America lining up to force their own employees to get vaccinated, placing them in imminent danger of vaccine injury or death

Image: Woke Corporate America lining up to force their own employees to get vaccinated, placing them in imminent danger of vaccine injury or death



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

(Natural News) Not long ago when patriotism was proudly displayed by a vast majority of citizens and our cultural and societal influencers weren’t Marxist haters, U.S. corporations grew large and wealthy on “Buy American” pledges.

Walmart essentially grew its brand on such a pledge and ran commercials during the 1980s and 1990s touting, “Bring It Home To The USA.”

How times have changed.

Today, U.S. Olympians protest about “injustice” and being oppressed. Professional sports athletes take a knee or turn their back on the flag during the playing of the National Anthem. Hollywood is a cesspool of anti-American hate. Every white conservative who praises our country and loves freedom and liberty is branded by a thoroughly corrupt media as “nationalists” or “supremacists.”

And American corporations are now run by hypocritical Marxist shills who stump for tyranny while simultaneously making bank in a capitalist economy they claim to hate.

After the Biden regime announced in recent days that it would require all federal workers and contractors to get an increasingly ineffective and dangerous COVID-19 vaccine, U.S. corporations anxious to please their Democrat masters in Washington to avoid being regulated into oblivion are rushing to follow suit, requiring their workers to either get a vaccine or be endlessly hassled with weekly COVID tests and other mandates.

The Epoch Times reports:

The Walt Disney Co. and Walmart announced new policies late last week that will require nearly every employee working for the companies in the United States to be vaccinated against the CCP virus.

Disney’s new measure will give both salaried and non-union hourly employees across the nation 60 days to be compliant, the company said in a July 30 statement. Newly hired employees will also be required to be fully vaccinated before beginning employment.

“Employees who aren’t already vaccinated and are working on-site will have 60 days from today to complete their protocols and any employees still working from home will need to provide verification of vaccination prior to their return, with certain limited exceptions,” said a Disney statement, adding that negotiations are already underway with various union leaders that represent employees regarding a vaccine mandate.

“Vaccines are the best tool we all have to help control this global pandemic and protect our employees,” Disney claimed, which, of course, is complete nonsense.

Nevertheless, the livelihood of some 203,000 employees throughout Disney’s theme parks and media companies are going to be affected.

“Disney’s policy was announced as several big-tech companies, including Google and Facebook, said in July that every American employee must get a shot before stepping back into offices,” The Epoch Times added.

“We’re hoping that will influence even more of our frontline associates to become vaccinated,” said Scott Pope, a Walmart spokesman.

CNN reported on the trend as well, noting, “Corporate America is getting serious about vaccines.”

But others are going further, including famous restauranteur Danny Meyer; he will require customers to show proof they’ve been vaccinated or they won’t be allowed inside his New York City and Washington, D.C., establishments.

In addition to these companies, other American corporations that have hopped on the COVID vaccine bandwagon include Netflix, BlackRock, Morgan Stanley, Saks Fifth Avenue, The Washington Post, Lyft, Twitter, Uber and Goldman Sachs.

No doubt more will follow because that’s what tyrannical CEOs do.

“This is an American tragedy. People are dying – and will die – who don’t have to die. If you’re out there unvaccinated, you don’t have to die,” Biden said during remarks at the White House last month. He continued the propaganda push with, “Read the news. You’ll see stories of unvaccinated patients in hospitals, as they’re lying in bed dying from Covid-19, they’re asking, ‘Doc, can I get the vaccine?’ The doctors have to say, ‘Sorry, it’s too late.’”

He added: “You present a problem to yourself, to your family and to those with whom you work.”

Remember when America used to be the “land of the free?” Marxist revolutionaries are using the COVID outbreak to steal our liberties and never give them back.

Sources include:

Public Schools: Masks, Vaccines, and Usurpation of Parental Authority

Public Schools: Masks, Vaccines, and Usurpation of Parental Authority



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

With COVID leading the news and dominating so much political discourse just weeks before the start of the school year, parents will have some tough decisions to make about the safety and well-being of their children. But in some parts of the nation, parents whose children are in public schools will have many of those decisions — such as whether their children should wear masks for hours on end or receive experimental vaccines with questionable efficacy — made for them. And the people making those decisions answer only to themselves.

It is, by now, an indisputable fact known to anyone who has been paying attention that schools assert authority over the lives and decisions of students. Parents who try to push back and assert their God-given authority and responsibility are quickly informed that school policy is the final rule. This has been demonstrated in “sex education” classes pushing everything from masturbation to abortion and from pornographic reading and viewing assignments to accepting and celebrating the full range of LGBTQ+ ideology. It has also been demonstrated in instance after instance of schools indoctrinating kids in radical, anti-American ideologies — the most recent and prominent example of which is Critical Race Theory.

In school districts across the nation, parents who have tried to address these concerns are told that what happens in school is none of their business. The public-school system views the role of parents as subsidiary at best. Parents are expected to pay taxes, place their kids in the care of the school system, and butt out.

With the dreaded Delta Variant leading in headlines and political debates, the CDC, the White House, states, and local municipalities are all making decisions — either in the form of recommendations or regulations. But even many of the “recommendations” come dangerously close to carrying the weight of law. The oft-repeated mantra of “follow the science” doesn’t really act as a guide, by the way, since whatever the Church of CDC said last week (as interpreted by High Priest Fauci) does not necessarily apply this week. And as this writer noted in a previous article, if what Fauci and the CDC say does not line up with the political agenda of the Ruling Party, liberal mainstream media are instructed by the Biden administration as to what to report and how to report it.

So, as the new school year approaches, parents across the nation will find themselves stripped of their authority to make medical decisions for their children. The landscape is difficult to navigate since there are so many states involved and each has its own laws and guidelines. To make matters even worse, those laws and guidelines are subject to change without notice. The following is the best available information as of this writing, but it is up to the reader to verify whether it has changed.

While it would be reasonable to expect that medical decisions for minors would fall to their parents, it is demonstrable that we are not living in reasonable times. As of this writing, 41 states do require parental consent for minors to receive vaccinations. But in one of those states — Arizona — the parents' refusal for their minor child to get the COVID vaccine can be overridden by a court if a doctor requests such. And in two cities — San Francisco and Philadelphia — it is possible for a minor as young as 12 to get the COVID shot without parental consent.

And four states — Alabama, Oregon, Rhode Island, and South Carolina — allow minors to “self consent” with certain age requirements that range from 14 to 16, depending on the state. Washington, D.C., also allows minors to “self consent” and amazingly sets the age for doing so at 11.

The remaining five states — Arkansas, Idaho, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Washington — apply the “mature minor doctrine.” This means that — as a matter of law — there is no minimum age for a child to make this medical decision for himself. In those states, providers have the discretion to decide if a minor possesses the maturity to consent to a vaccine.

Before going any further, let’s spend a moment on the “mature minor doctrine.” Since this doctrine assumes no minimum age, it needs to be asked what exactly is meant by the word “mature” in this term. This writer would — perhaps — grant the use of that word to a small handful of 16 or 17-year-olds I have known in my half-century sojourn on this planet. But no one who has spent any real time here at all would use that word to describe the ability of most children to make informed medical decisions that could have life-changing consequences.

And yet, states that apply that doctrine (as well as states that set insanely low ages for children to “consent” to an experimental vaccine they cannot really understand) will be using school policy and pressure tactics to press kids into “consenting” without parental involvement.

The parents may not even know that their child is getting the vaccine until it has already been done.

An example of a “mature minor doctrine” state is North Carolina. So how is the Old North State applying that doctrine where COVID vaccines are concerned? Well, for now, the minimum age is 14. But — and this is important — nothing in the law prohibits schools from arbitrarily lowering that age restriction. If a child wants to receive the experimental vaccine (either because he has bought into the hype that he is at risk or because he wants to do what many of his friends have done), a lack of parental consent will not stand in the way. The state — and its schools — set that standard. Parents can sit down and shut up; it’s none of their business.

Of course, vaccines and their possible side effects are not the only COVID-related issues that deal with parental consent. As the CDC and White House continue to point to the specter of the dreaded Delta Variant (which has not been shown to be very dangerous, even if it is shown to be highly contagious), masks even for the vaccinated are back on the agenda. This, despite a year and a half’s worth of data on the lack of efficacy of masks and the detrimental effects of wearing them for long durations — especially for children.

As of this writing, states are all over the map on mandating masks for schools. Forbes reported in mid-July that Arizona, Arkansas, Iowa, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, and Vermont had banned schools from requiring masks. But that has already changed. As of August 3, the Phoenix Union High School District in Arizona said everyone must wear masks indoors. And Arkansas followed suit, with Governor Asa Hutchinson asking the state legislature to provide an exemption to the law and require masks for schools. Utah passed a mask mandate, but whether it will apply to schools remains to be seen. Probably, though.

And mask mandates at the state or local level — including and sometimes specifically mentioning schools — have been reenacted all over the country. This means that a parent who is concerned about his child being masked for hours on end — with the incumbent problems related to physical, mental, and emotional health, social development, and learning — has no say in the matter in those places. The state — and its schools — will decide what is “best” for the child.

And while vaccines and masks are the immediate concern for many parents, they are really just symptoms of a larger, deeper, more systemic problem: The parent has no say in what does or does not happen at school. There is a basic principle that states “You can delegate authority, but you cannot delegate responsibility.” When we as parents stand — at the end of our lives — before the Great Judge, we will answer for the ways in which we raised our children. We will answer for the formation of their moral consciences. We will answer. And saying, “But the school said…” will not fly. Our Lord said to render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to render unto God the things that are God’s. How will we answer in that dreadful day if we have rendered unto Caesar those things that we were to render to God, namely our children?

Over the last few decades — and considerably before experimental vaccines, masks, LGBTQ+ gender-fluid “sex education,” CRT, and the whole cornucopia of dangers schools push today — concerned parents who have taken seriously the formation of their children have elected to homeschool their kids. By taking to heart the responsibility to exercise their parental authority, these parents have removed their children from a godless system that lacks both the moral jurisdiction and a mandate to educate those children.

Homeschooling is much simpler now than it ever has been. Gone are the days when it meant thousands of dollars in textbooks, rigid schedules, and reinventing the wheel. Today, there are homeschool groups all over the country that are headed by veteran homeschoolers who helped pioneer the movement. They can help almost anyone find a version of homeschooling that works for them. And there are hybrid systems such as Freedom Project Academy that use live and recorded video lessons with qualified teachers who answer to the parents, not to a godless system.

The real question, then, is this: If a parent loves his children and wants to raise them with his values, morals, and religious ideals, what is keeping him from removing his child from Caesar’s schools and rendering that child unto God?

What is keeping you?

For a list of educational resources for parents and their children, visit Save Our Children. And be sure to check out Freedom Project Academy for information on a fully accredited, Common Core-free, classical education for kindergarten through high school right in your own home.

Sen. Cramer: Make States Mandating Vaccine Passports Mandate Voter ID

Sen. Cramer: Make States Mandating Vaccine Passports  Mandate Voter ID



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Senator Kevin Cramer (R-S.D.) has introduced legislation to require states that are mandating COVID-19 vaccine passports to also enact voter identification laws.

Senator Cramer issued a following statement on Tuesday:

If states that take federal money for elections feel the need to make residents verify a piece of information as private as their vaccination status just to return to normalcy, then they should have no problem requiring people to prove they are who they say they are when they go to vote. My legislation would ensure those states are being consistent about their identification requirements and shine a light on those who hypocritically oppose Voter ID laws but support vaccine passports.

The senator added that he plans to introduce the legislation as both a standalone bill and as an amendment to the Democrats’ $3.5 trillion spending plan.

Cramer’s proposed legislation comes as New York City announced it was mandating proof of vaccination to enter certain indoor dining, fitness, and entertainment establishments.

Even though no states have made proof of vaccines mandatory, New York, California, and Hawaii have all created optional vaccine digital passports for residents. As the “purely voluntary phase” of vaccinations has reached it limits, as New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio put it, the states switched their approach from cajoling to coercing, and started introducing various COVID-19 vaccination mandates, arguably in a bid to stop the spread of the “highly contagious” Delta Variant. There is also Oregon, which is requiring retail stores, restaurants, grocery stores, and other establishments to review vaccination status cards of those consumers who refuse to wear facemasks.

Some observers pointed out that the same people that readily embrace the COVID IDs are adamantly opposed to voter IDs. The latter are considered “racist” and “discriminatory” against ethnic minorities, since, the argument goes, they are “disadvantaged” and have difficulty obtaining voter IDs. Yet, the statistic shows that many of the black residents in New York City have not rushed to get their COVID-19 shots, and thus will soon be unable to enjoy certain services. Independent journalist Michael Tracey pointed out that only 42 percent of black residents in New York City have received at least one dose of the jab — a threshold set by de Blasio to enter certain venues. “Looking at these figures, it seems impossible to dispute that NYC’s upcoming ‘vaccine mandate’ policy will have a racially disparate impact. Is that still the primary standard by which a policy must be judged, or not?” Tracey tweeted. Yet, he added, the city’s liberals were cheering the policy, despite it violating the only standard they normally seem to care about.

Similarly, in California, about 44 percent of the black population has been partially vaccinated. Neither state has voter ID requirements.  

As some states work on COVID-19 vaccine electronic verification systems, there are 20 states, including Cramer’s North Dakota, that have already decided not to introduce a statewide vaccine-proof requirement.

When asked about the comparatively low proportion of black New Yorkers being vaccinated — as compared to the national level recorded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) — White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki responded that the objective of the Biden administration was to “close that equity gap” by working closely with local governments to make vaccines available and accessible for all. Psaki added that given the Delta Variant of COVID-19 is “spreading like wildfire” across the country, cities and local communities “should be able to take steps to incentivize more people getting vaccinated,” implicitly endorsing de Blasio’s mandate.

But since the vaccines, according to de Blasio, have long been available to be delivered directly to any New Yorker’s door, it’s unclear what Psaki meant by stating the vaccines should be more accessible.

Joe Biden has repeatedly decried voter-integrity laws such as those passed in Georgia, calling them “Jim Crow on steroids,” implying modern-day Republicans are actually worse than segregationists. The Department of Justice has even been ordered to sue the state of Georgia over its voter-ID law on the grounds that it was “racially motivated.”

At the same time, the administration sees no problem with requiring people to share their personal medical information to attend certain public venues, and, accordingly, sees no problem that access would be denied to those who refuse to do that. In addition to that, while the White House has repeatedly denied it would we be supporting a system that requires Americans to carry any form of COVID-19 vaccination credential, it was reported back in May that the Biden administration has actually partnered with private companies to develop a standard way of handling credentials that would “allow Americans to prove they have been vaccinated against COVID-19.”

On July 30, CDC director Rochelle Walensky indicated the Biden administration is considering a federal vaccine mandate: “That’s something that I think the administration is looking into. It’s something that I think we are looking to see approval of from the vaccine.” She backtracked the next day. “To clarify: There will be no nationwide mandate. I was referring to mandates by private institutions and portions of the federal government. There will be no federal mandate,” Walensky tweeted.

The coming Delta lockdown is DESIGNED to invoke nationwide protests so they can be exploited as a backdrop for false flag event to blame “anti-vaxxers”




The swamp criminals who ran this entire covid plandemic are getting desperate, you see, and they need to create a new crisis to try to seize even more power. Here’s how this plan will work, according to multiple sources:

Step 1) Biden announces a nationwide, overreaching lockdown.

Step 2) Americans react against the medical tyranny and take to the streets in peaceful protests.

Step 3) The criminal Biden regime exploits the chaos of the protests to stage a violent false flag attack against a medical facility so that blame can be placed on gun owners who are also “anti-vaxxers.”

Step 4) CNN runs with the staged footage, claiming anti-vaxxers are terrorists. The entire media jumps on the engineered narrative to whip up mass hysteria and hatred against the unvaccinated. This further divides America while the media whips up the emotions to insane levels.

Step 5) Biden uses the emotional hysteria to issue an executive order outlawing all gun ownership by civilians. Yes, it’s illegal and unconstitutional, but he will try it. Many red states will denounce the effort, and this will accelerate the splintering of the United States of America as red states realize they can no longer maintain any allegiance to a criminal swamp cabal that recognizes no limits of government power.

Step 6) Biden launches door-to-door “strike force” teams, now heavily armed up after the false flag theater, to forcibly vaccinate people at gunpoint and confiscate their firearms.

As I explain in my podcast below, here’s what I suggest you keep in mind when joining the peaceful protests against medical tyranny:

  1. NEVER bring weapons to any protest. Not even pepper spray. If you bring weapons, you may wind up ensnared in another FBI false-flag terror plot.
  2. DO NOT trespass into any building, including a hospital or clinic. This is how they arrested innocent, peaceful protesters on January 6th.
  3. FILM EVERYTHING and be ready to quickly hide your micro SD card so that the corrupt FBI can’t confiscate it after they pull off their false flag event. This means preparing in advance to hide micro SD cards in your bra, shoes, underwear, hair or even other body orifices, should you dare. Since America is now becoming North Korea, honest Americans must now resort to the same freedom techniques used by dissenting North Korean citizens who have to smuggle videos that show the corruption and criminality of the regime.
  4. WATCH OUT for efforts by individuals or any group to whip you into aggressive action of any kind. The FBI will obviously run agent provocateurs who try to convince people to do outrageous things, and CNN’s cameras will be waiting to capture you on film and destroy your life.
  5. IF IN DOUBT, stay the f##k out. Don’t get dragged into some situation that seems fishy or out of control. Don’t enter buildings or private property. Even be careful what you say verbally because there are audio recording devices all around you. By merely stating out loud something like, “We should barge in there!” you can be charged with terrorism under the new Biden regime and its corrupt DOJ.

Chip Roy: Biden Should Be Impeached Over Immigration Crisis

Chip Roy: Biden Should Be Impeached Over Immigration Crisis



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Representative Chip Roy (R-Texas) essentially gave 200,000 reasons why he believes President Joe Biden should be impeached and removed from office. After noting that more than 200,000 illegals were taken into custody in July, Roy told the Daily Wire:

Over the past several months President Biden and [DHS Secretary] Mayorkas have blatantly and consistently refused to do their constitutional duty to take care that the immigration laws be faithfully executed, as required by Article II [of the U.S. Constitution], endangering countless American and foreign lives in the process.

An average of 6,779 illegals crossing the southern border of the United States every day in July. That’s more than 200,000 for the month and, if left unchecked, would approach two and a half million for the year.

Chip Roy’s reasons for impeachment add to those outlined by Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) in her impeachment filing the day after Joe Biden entered the Oval Office:

President Joe Biden is unfit to hold the office of the presidency. His pattern of abuse of power as President Obama’s Vice President is lengthy and disturbing.

President Biden has demonstrated that he will do whatever it takes to bail out his son, Hunter, and line his family’s pockets with cash from corrupt foreign energy companies.

President Biden is even on tape admitting to a quid pro quo with the Ukrainian government threatening to withhold $1,000,000,000 in foreign aid if they did not do his bidding. President Biden residing in the White House is a threat to national security and he must be immediately impeached….

Joe Biden abused the power of the Office of the Vice President, enabling bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanors, by allowing his son to influence the domestic policy of a foreign nation and accept various benefits — including financial compensation — from foreign nationals in exchange for certain favors.

After detailing Hunter’s efforts to sell his father’s influence to officials of foreign governments, Greene concluded in her articles of impeachment:

President Biden gravely endangered the security of the United States and its institutions of government. Through blatant nepotism, he enabled his son to influence foreign policy and financially benefit as a result of his role as Vice President.

He supported his son engaging in collusion with Chinese Communist party-linked officials. He allowed his son to trade appointments with his father and other high-ranking administration officials in exchange for financial compensation. He permitted his son to take money from Russian oligarchs, including Elena Baturina, the wife of the former mayor of Moscow.

By enabling the flow of illegals to become a flood, some say Biden and his DHS secretary are threatening the very foundations of the Republic. This is the same Republic that Biden swore to uphold and defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Instead, he is allowing those enemies, both foreign and domestic, including his son Hunter, to run wild, without restraint.

The 200,000 who just entered the U.S. illegally last month merely add to the lengthening list of reasons why many say Biden should be impeached. Of course, since there is a Democrat majority in both houses of Congress, the possibility of this happening are basically zero. 

Related article:

Freshman House Member Files Articles of Impeachment Against Joe Biden


No, Border Patrol Wasn't "Whipping" Haitian Migrants~Guest: Rep. Chip Roy 


White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Says It’s ‘Time To Impose Vaccine Requirements’

“It’s simple, if you want to work with the federal government, get your workers vaccinated”



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

In a briefing Monday, the Biden Coronavirus Response Coordinator Jeffrey Zients announced that “it’s time to impose some requirements” where COVID vaccines are concerned.

Zients referenced Biden’s comments from last week where the latter talked about giving people cash in exchange for being vaccinated, but added that this doesn’t go far enough.

“Last week the president called on states and local governments to use funding they have received, including from the American Rescue Plan, to give $100 to anyone who gets fully vaccinated,” Zientz said, adding “If financial incentives like these help us get more shots in arms, we should use them.”

“But in addition to incentives, it’s time to impose some requirements based on the realities of different risks unvaccinated individuals pose versus those who have been vaccinated,” Zients proclaimed.

He then went on to confirm that any federal worker or contractor who remains unvaccinated will be forced to wear a mask and get COVID tests twice a week.

“It’s simple, if you want to work with the federal government, get your workers vaccinated,” Zients decreed.


As we reported last week, Biden himself indicated that he is seeking confirmation on whether the entire country can be mandated to get the vaccines.

While talking about the likes of Google and Facebook announcing vaccine mandates for their employees, Biden said “I would like to see them continue to move in that direction,” and added that “it’s still a question whether the Federal government can mandate the whole country.”

“I don’t know that yet,” Biden added, indicating it is something he is actively seeking to clarify.


When asked for clarification on exactly what COVID rules could be implemented going forward, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said Monday that nothing is off the table.

While suggesting that total lockdown will not be brought back, Psaki responded that Biden “has said from the beginning that we are going to be guided by the science, guided by our public health experts, and we’re not going to take options off the table of what they may recommend.”

Again, basically Americans will be ordered to do whatever the “experts” say.

DOJ Sues Texas Over Order Restricting Illegal Migrants’ Transportation

DOJ Sues Texas Over Order Restricting Illegal Migrants’ Transportation



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

The Biden administration filed a lawsuit against the state of Texas on Friday, asking a federal judge to block Governor Greg Abbott’s order that state troopers pull over drivers transporting migrants who pose a risk of carrying COVID-19 as a way to prevent the spread of the virus.

The Department of Justice claims that Abbott’s executive order GA-37, issued last Wednesday, violates the federal supremacy clause of the U.S. Constitution and “causes injury to the US and to individuals whom the US is charged to protect, jeopardizing the health and safety of noncitizens in federal custody, risking the safety of federal law enforcement officers and their families, and exacerbating the spread of [Covid-19] in our communities,” as argued in the lawsuit, which was filed on Friday in the Western District of Texas in El Paso. “In our constitutional system, a State has no right to regulate the federal government’s operations,” the lawsuit states.

Abbott’s order seeks to make it illegal to provide ground transportation to a group of migrants who have been detained by immigration officials for crossing the border illegally or who would have been expelled from the country under current border policy. The directive allows law enforcement to stop any vehicle on reasonable suspicion of doing so. The state troopers would have also been able to either seize the vehicles or escort them to the point of original entry.

The order cites a 900-percent hike in COVID-19 cases in migrant detainees in the Rio Grande Valley and the potential spread of the virus further into the state and the country — a well-substantial concern that was yet again raised by U.S. Border Patrol officials on Sunday.

The order is aimed at non-governmental organizations that often transport migrants from Customs and Border Protection (CBP) stations to shelters and other destinations, as well as at Greyhound buses, which are frequently used by migrants to travel after being released from federal custody. Both sometimes operate under contract with, or in connection with, the federal government.

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland said Thursday the order was “dangerous and unlawful.” In a letter sent to Governor Abbott, Garland warned that if the order is not rescinded immediately, then the United States “intends to pursue all appropriate legal remedies to ensure that Texas does not interfere with the functions of the federal government.”

The White House also pushed back on claims that migrants are spreading COVID-19, arguing that they are provided personal protective equipment the moment they get into custody and required to wear masks at all times, thus (according to the argument) can’t spread the virus even if they are infected. It was also indicated that people apprehended after crossing into the United States are tested if they show “signs of illness in CBP custody.”

In response, Abbott pointed out  that Biden was allowing “migrants from over 150 countries, many of whom are testing positive for COVID-19” into Texas, and charged that the federal government is being irresponsible with COVID testing and containment measures. “The Biden administration is jeopardizing the health and safety of Texans on a daily basis,” Abbott said. “And it’s not just Texans; these irresponsible policies and actions by the Biden administration are endangering the lives of many Americans as well as the unlawful immigrants themselves.”

In a letter to Garland, Abbott stressed, “The authority that you assert to protect noncitizens directly conflicts with my authority, and duty, to protect citizens of Texas and the United States.”

Responding to the lawsuit, Abbott accused the Biden administration of creating “a constitutional crisis between the federal government and the State of Texas” by its “refusal to enforce immigration laws [thereby allowing] illegal immigrants with [Covid]-19 to enter our country.” Abbott says that President Joe Biden has long since abdicated his authority and responsibility to protect and uphold our nation’s sovereignty, and, instead, “knowingly imports COVID-19 into Texas from across the border — willfully exposing Texans and Americans alike.” The statement  concluded: “Until President Biden and his Administration do their jobs to enforce the laws of our nation and protect Americans, the State of Texas will continue to step up to protect our communities and uphold the rule of law.”

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton also responded to the lawsuit in a statement saying Abbott’s order was “much-needed” and is “perfectly legal.”

The Biden administration claims the immigration crisis is rooted in climate change and poor governing in the Northern triangle countries that only “coincided” with Joe Biden taking office. Biden has shredded his predecessor’s strict immigration policies, resulting in a record influx of migrants, many of whom have tested positive for COVID-19.

Governor Abbott, along with Arizona Governor Doug Ducey and many Republican lawmakers, has contended that the public-health struggles with COVID-19 have been exacerbated by the Biden administration’s failure to enforce Title 42, the Trump-era “turn back” policy that deported migrants who could be infectious with the disease, as well as by the administration’s failure to secure the border generally.

Multiple news outlets have reported busloads of migrants being dropped off at locations across Texas, as the top federal and local authorities across the nation warn of the new wave of COVID-19 caused by the “highly transmissible” Delta variant spreading across the country.

Ludlow Superintendent resigns after months of pressure. School Board members join him in vicious public attacks on parents.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

An unbelievable display: Using all the leftist talking points to demean and demonize parents during consecutive School Board meetings - after complaints about radical agenda in middle school.

See two video clips below.

Part 10 in a series. (See entire series here.)

August 1, 2021
The ringleaders against parents (left to right): Superintendent Todd Gazda, Board Chairman Michael Kelliher, "Chip" Harrington.
Board members Jeffrey Lang, Charles Mullin, Sarah Bowler.

The vitriol that school officials unleash against parents who hold traditional values is truly chilling. But it is extremely common, though rarely displayed in public.

At the May 25, 2021 Ludlow, Mass. School Board meeting, Superintendent Todd Gazda announced his resignation. This followed more than a year of pressure and outrage from parents and members of the local community over a toxic agenda in the middle school. The resignation came less than a week after the Superintendent and Principal fired Bonnie, an outspoken teacher who supported the parents.

At both that School Board meeting and the following meeting two weeks later, Gazda and Board members publicly attacked, demeaned, and demonized the parents, community members, and even a student who had spoken out. Normal meeting procedures were blatantly set aside, allowing for these shocking attacks.

Background: Pushing a toxic agenda on middle school children

The outrages started in late 2019 when lurid pornographic books for teenagers appeared in the school library and classrooms of Baird Middle School in Ludlow, Mass. The books had been brought in by the school librarian, a strange cross-dressing woman.

In late 2020, the situation got much worse. Teachers and guidance counselors at Baird took advantage of the COVID disruption to introduce radical “transgender” ideas to children. They persuaded children as young as 11 that they were “transgender” – and the school staff purposely kept this from the children’s parents.

Bonnie, a Social Studies teacher, was upset at what she saw and raised the alarm in February 2021. Parents and even some teachers were shocked and demanded the books be removed. But the school officials refused to take any action. Then, as the word got out in the community, the pressure led to the librarian’s resignation in early 2021.

MassResistance helped parents inform the larger community through a flyer, and people in Ludlow were livid at the school officials. In May, the Superintendent and Principal retaliated against Bonnie by firing her. They had to concoct phony charges, since she had a spotless 20-year record as a teacher.

School Board disallows direct public comment at meetings

During the COVID shutdowns, most School Boards and other government bodies around the world held their meetings online via Zoom. Members of the public would still be able to speak directly to the school officials during the public comments part of online meetings.

But the Ludlow School Board did not want to hear from angry parents. So instead of using Zoom, they held their Board meetings in their regular meeting room (wearing their masks). But they did not allow the public into the meetings; the Board met before an empty room! As before, the meetings were broadcast on cable-TV and the videos were posted later.

If Ludlow citizens wanted to register comments, they had to email them beforehand. The Superintendent would decide which emails would be read aloud during the meeting. This outrageous restriction – not being able to address their officials in person – only added to the anger of the parents.

Changing meeting procedures to lash out at parents

With the news that the librarian had quit and the Superintendent was about to announce his resignation, the School Board was extremely angry at the parents and wanted to lash back publicly.

So, for their May 25 and June 8 meetings, the School Board decided to deviate even further from normal meeting procedures. Usually, School Boards just listen to the public comments without replying. But now, if there were emailed comments from critics of the middle school situation, the Superintendent and/or Board members would prepare a “rebuttal” beforehand (attacking that person’s remarks) and read it out loud. We have never seen that done before anywhere. It was shameful, childish, and simply vindictive.

At the May 25, 2021 School Board meeting: Superintendent’s resignation and angry attack

VIDEO: Clip from 5/25/21 Ludlow School Board meeting (6 min 12 sec)

Superintendent Todd Gazda started off by formally announcing his resignation, adding that he had accepted a job with a local non-profit organization. (Usually, Superintendents leave to take a job with a bigger school system – and a higher salary. We’ve never seen one leave to work for a non-profit.) With accumulated vacation, his last day would be June 17, he said.

Then, during “citizen participation,” the Board read aloud one email. It was from Alex, a 10th-grade student at Ludlow High School, who (like many parents) was outraged at the abuses of children at the middle school and particularly Bonnie’s firing for exposing it. He pointed out that parental rights were being disregarded.

Alex said that staff members were pushing extreme ideas to children 11-14 years old. “This agenda has been trying to convince them to change who they are, change their sexuality and gender at an age that many kids don’t fully understand either,” he wrote. “The school committee ignores the concerns of the parents. You ignore us. You won’t talk to us.”

He ended: “So I ask, who will finally listen to the parents of this district? When will this be fixed? When can we have a discussion about this? Or will you just continue to ignore the people in this town who should matter the most to this committee?”

Right after Alex’s email was read, the School Board Chairman, Michael Kelleher, blurted out, “Most of that’s just baloney.”

Then Superintendent Gazda read aloud his prepared “rebuttal” to Alex’s letter. It was a shrill, angry rant that largely repeated the LGBT movement’s talking points.

Gazda stated that the issues Alex was complaining about – sexual books, pushing transgenderism on children without telling parents, etc. – are really about “inclusion” and “making schools safe.” These help children to “be free to be themselves.” Rather than stop these programs, he said, “we do not do enough … and we need to do more.”

He made the disingenuous claim that this is “in compliance with the laws and regulations of our state and the guidance of the Department of Education (DOE).” (MassResistance is not aware of any Mass. state law or regulation that requires this, and he grossly misrepresented the DOE “guidance.”)

He stated that such complaints amounted to “intolerance of LGBTQ individuals” and were in fact “thinly veiled behind a camouflage of parental rights” and half-truths, misrepresentations, and false accusations. (In other words, the parents were lying.)

He claimed that the schools are the true “safe place” for students – not their homes with their parents. He said this controversy is about supporting children’s true “identity” (i.e., homosexual or transgender) and that the school supplies “caring adults” where students can discuss “problems they might have.” He said, “For many students school is their only safe place, and that safety evaporates when they leave the confines of our buildings.”

Gazda said that the middle school will absolutely continue to help the children “express who they are” despite parents’ wishes to the contrary.

With that, the Chairman adjourned the meeting. But there was much more to come at the next meeting.

The June 8 School Board meeting: more vile attacks on parents

VIDEO: Clip from 6/8/21 Ludlow School Board meeting (10 min 13 sec)

On June 8, 2021, the Superintendent attended his last School Board meeting.

In the “public comments” section, the Board again read aloud just one email. It was sent by a Ludlow father and mother of middle school children, and was signed by several other Ludlow parents.

The letter stated seven demands that the parents have regarding the middle school:

  1. Stop promotion of transgender and homosexual ideas to middle school children.
  2. Remove all destructive transgender and homosexual materials from the middle school library and classrooms.
  3. Establish a book review committee with parents, which would include library books, school websites. and textbooks.
  4. Stop retribution against teachers who expose these abuses to parents.
  5. Stop the hostility, intimidation, and harassment of parents who complain about these abuses.
  6. Instruct the Superintendent and school staff not to attack, shame, or demean parents and residents in the community because they criticize decisions by the School Board or school staff.
  7. Establish a policy that requires use of students’ given names and actual pronouns. We want all students treated with proper respect and dignity, with no attempt at coercion or manipulation.

These “demands” express normal and obvious sentiments parents hold for their middle school children. But they prompted a nearly hysterical reaction against these parents from the Superintendent and Board members.

School Board Chairman Michael Kelliher started by reading aloud his prepared reply - a nasty hate-filled rant, using numerous time-worn LGBT talking points. First, he repeated the claim that what the school did is supported by “state and federal law,” but he didn’t identify which laws.

He then said that it was just a “small group of vocal parents” who were attacking books in the library and were now opposing “the inclusive policies of the Ludlow Public Schools.”  He said that “the staff are simply doing their jobs” being “welcoming and supporting” to the children.

Kelliher said the Ludlow parents are actually under the spell of “outside groups” including MassResistance and which are “recruiting members” in Ludlow. (Of course, he ignores the fact that the entire LGBT agenda in Ludlow is fueled by outside groups, and earlier this year the American Library Association became very active pushing the sexual agenda in the town’s schools.)

Whenever liberals have no substantive argument, they call the other side “bigots” or “haters.” So it was no surprise that Kelliher called MassResistance a “hate group,” mentioning our opposition to the LGBT agenda and what he called “marriage equality.” His name-calling only reveals his own childish anger.

Kelliher ended by making the ridiculous charge that it is “MassResistance [that] is trying to change people’s identities, not the school staff.” He said that our efforts to protect children constitute “hateful rhetoric” and that we are creating “divisive battles” in Ludlow.

Then the Superintendent read his prepared rebuttal to the parents’ letter. It was mostly a repeat of the absurd points he’d made at the previous meeting. But he added:

Myself [sic] and other members of our Ludlow staff have been called evil, sick, twisted, and deviant. We have been accused of grooming students, implying we are pedophiles – for supporting an inclusive environment in our schools where all students can feel safe and supported.

Harassing phone calls have been made to our personal home phones and cell phones all in a pathetic attempt to intimidate and harass.

Actually, the phone calls were attempts by parents to set up meetings. The school officials had ignored the emails and calls to their offices. However, the terms “evil, sick, twisted, and deviant” seem appropriate in this perverse situation.

Gazda ended by characterizing the parents’ complaints as “prejudice and bigotry.”

Then Board Member James “Chip” Harrington spoke up. While the previous officials made remarks that were hateful and offensive, Harrington’s were just plain stupid:

I am all in favor of giving parents the right to decide how they’re going to raise their children. But if they’re going to reach in and tell other parents how to raise their children because it’s not in line with how they feel, then shame on them. You raise your kid how you want. But don’t start dictating to other parents how they should raise their kids.

This is exactly the opposite of what’s really going on. The parents have no interest in how others raise their kids. They simply want their own children left alone by school personnel. It’s a little frightening that Ludlow trusts someone as dense as Harrington to decide on school policies.

And he didn’t stop there. Harrington ended by saying that the parents’ letter is “inaccurate” because “there already is a process in place” to decide these issues. Yes, that’s technically true. But it’s a phony process where a bogus “committee” of left-wing faculty members is created to make a decision, and it always rules against the parents.

This is what the parents are up against!

Final reflection

You need to watch the two videos above (especially the second one) to appreciate how unbelievably offensive and repulsive these officials are. The three who did not comment were silent because they had nothing to add – not because they disagreed in any way.

Regular people – especially conservatives – make the same mistake across the country. They assume that these kinds of school officials and School Board members are basically like the rest of us, but simply “misguided” and can be reasoned with. Without exception, our experience has been the opposite.

These people are not normal. Normal people do not do repugnant and immoral things that can cause immeasurable emotional and psychological harm to other people’s children. Normal people do not lash out with this kind of unhinged hostility, hate, lies, and anger when challenged on it by constituents. The education system attracts some very, very bad people. We need to understand that and act accordingly.

More to come!

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