Why We Shouldn’t Assume Catholics are Christians

Catholic Rosary

SEE: https://reformationcharlotte.org/2019/03/14/we-shouldnt-assume-catholics-are-christians/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Historically, Roman Catholicism has been considered by Protestants and Evangelicals to be an expression of faith that distorts the Biblical gospel of Jesus Christ. While Protestants hold to a soteriological belief of “grace alone through faith alone,” in contrast, Roman Catholics hold to a sacerdotal view of salvation by faith plus works whereby grace is dispensed through the Church by the intervention of a Sacerdote (priest). For them, salvation cannot be attained apart from the sacraments. Bible-believing Christians shouldn’t assume Catholics are born-again Christians because they trust in their own works as opposed to the finished work of Christ on the cross, for their salvation.

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.

Ephesians 2:8-9

Sadly, during this modern time of ecumenical “unity,” many professing Bible-believing Christians have compromised on this. For them, it has become a matter of “individual faith,” and regardless of your religious affiliation, anyone who has that “personal relationship” with Christ can be saved. But there are several errors in this line of reasoning, and it is extremely reckless to assume that Catholics or Orthodox Christians are truly saved. Here’s why.

Denominational Affiliation is an Expression of Beliefs

As stated above, Roman Catholics officially hold to unbiblical doctrines that are opposed to the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. In fact, they are designed in such a manner to forbid you from believing the true Gospel. One can only assume that a Roman Catholic is a Roman Catholic because he or she believes the Roman Catholic system to be true. While it is possible that a practicing Roman Catholic can be saved, as God can save anybody he pleases, the likelihood of them remaining in the Catholic Church long-term is slim. Upon justification, the Holy Spirit begins sanctification in the new believer, and will ultimately lead the believer to the truth, and out of the false church. “For God is not a God of confusion but of peace,” (1 Corinthians 14:33). It is of utmost importance for Bible-believing Christians to call all who are caught up in this false system to repent and leave the Roman Catholic or Orthodox church.

For if someone comes and proclaims another Jesus than the one we proclaimed, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or if you accept a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it readily enough

2 Corinthians 11:4

Council of Trent - Pasquale Cati Da Iesi

ABOVE: Council of Trent – Pasquale Cati Da Iesi

Roman Catholics and Orthodox Christians Practice Idolatry

Through aberrant doctrines such as transubstantiation, Roman Catholics, and many Orthodox sects, believe that the bread and wine of the Eucharist are the true body and blood of Jesus Christ and that it is worthy of worship. This is a regular practice in the daily Mass. Further, prayers and worship are regularly offered to Mary and the canonized saints, and relics of past saints and popes are regularly idolized in the church. In every altar in a Roman Catholic church, there will be placed a relic (i.e. bone, vile of blood, or some body part) of a martyr or a canonized saint. This practice of idolatry cannot be overlooked when considering someone to be a brother or sister in Christ. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 clearly states that those who practice idolatry will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10

Catholic Eucharist - Transubstantiation

Transubstantiated Eucharist Placed in Roman Catholic Monstrance for Adoration

Roman Catholics and Orthodox Christians Reject Biblical Authority

Roman Catholics and Orthodox Christians do not hold to a belief in the final authority of Scripture, rather, Catholics’ authority is in the hierarchical system of priests with the Roman Pontiff at the head, and the Orthodox Church’s authority comes from the seven ecumenical councils. A rejection of biblical authority is a rejection of Christ himself, for the Scriptures say that Jesus is the Word of God made flesh.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God…And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.

John 1:1-2,14

Open Bible - biblical authority

ABOVE: Word of God – The Christian’s Authority


We cannot compromise the Gospel by assuming that a Roman Catholic or Orthodox Christian who professes to be saved is truly saved. Counterfeit systems of Christianity are very good at distorting their identity. They often speak the same language as believers, yet mean something completely different. They are often agreeable to the believer and are experts at practicing cunning.

Even if a Catholic is truly born again, if they refuse to leave their false church, we must treat them as though they are not. By their own profession, confession, and expression of faith, they continue in sin by practicing idolatry and rejecting Christ. We must not allow them to speak in our pulpits or join with them in any spiritual enterprise. We are to avoid them, treat them as unbelievers, and call them to repent.

But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of sexual immorality or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or swindler—not even to eat with such a one.

1 Corinthians 5:11


Matt Maher is Not Saved, Stop Singing His Music in Church

SEE: https://reformationcharlotte.org/2019/02/01/matt-maher-is-not-saved-stop-singing-his-music-in-church/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Modern Evangelicals are happily embracing a deceptive evil, and letting it creep into their churches. The evil is a counterfeit gospel, a counterfeit Christianity. The evil is the Roman Catholic Church, and it’s creeping in unawares, especially to young and impressionable minds, through worship music. Particularly, a Catholic singer named Matt Maher has become strikingly popular in Evangelical worship. With the compromise of today’s Evangelical leadership, this should come as no surprise. Al Mohler once said he believed that there would be millions of Catholics in heaven. Other Southern Baptists are declaring confessing, professing Roman Catholics saved (See here, and here). And it just about every contemporary Baptist church, you’ll hear “worship” music written by Roman Catholics.

Charles Spurgeon once said,

I question if hell can find a more fitting instrument within its infernal lake than the Church of Rome is for the cause of mischief. And your church will in its measure, be the same if bereft of the Spirit.

What a gem of truth. The rate at which Evangelicals are embracing this false spirit as alarming. Historically, and as a result of the conservative resurgence, Southern Baptists have withstood much of the apostasy that has befallen other denominations. For the most part, Southern Baptists have held a strong (but weakening) stance against homosexuality entering the church. At least, for now, you don’t find acceptance of homosexuality preached from the pulpits in most SBC churches. And most SBC pastors aren’t going to recommend to their congregation books written by homosexual activists, like Matthew Vines, that call themselves Christians.

So why do we make exceptions for Roman Catholics? Why do we declare them saved when they reject the true Gospel? Why do we worship to music written by Matt Maher, a Roman Catholic?

Evangelicals are being duped. Roman Catholicism, like any other false religion, is an abomination to God. It is absolutely asinine for Al Mohler to believe that there would be millions of Catholics in heaven. Does Al Mohler believe there will be millions of Mormons in heaven too? How about millions of practicing homosexuals? Would he want devotionals written by Matthew Vines to be studied in Sunday School at his church? What about prayers written by Glenn Beck to be read during worship service? Do you see the inconsistency?

Yet, Evangelicals everywhere are embracing Roman Catholicism as brothers and sisters in Christ. Russell Moore recently said in an article he co-authored with Roman Catholic, Marco Rubio, “both of us are of the Christian faith.”

Why do they believe this?

Roman Catholics cannot be Christians because they reject Jesus as wholly sufficient for the remission of their sins. Because of this, they practice idolatry regularly, through the mass, in which a priest supposedly summon Jesus out of Heaven to enter a wafer, and then proceed to eat and drink the physical body and blood of what they believe to be Jesus, present in the wafer. They practice idolatry through the veneration of Mary and the Saints in order to try to gain favor with God. They reject the fellowship of a true, local church that teaches and exposits the Scriptures authoritatively. And they practice idolatry by putting their faith in their man-made organization, hierarchical priest system, and sacraments for their salvation.

Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. – 1 Corinthians 6:9-11

Let me make that clear: Do not be deceived, a practicing, unrepentant Roman Catholic will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. It doesn’t matter if a Roman Catholic “sounds evangelical” in his testimony. If he’s in the Roman Catholic Church and doesn’t see anything wrong with the idolatry he practices daily, he has not been justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

It doesn’t matter if Matt Maher says he’s a Christian or makes a “Christian-sounding” profession of faith. He is still a Roman Catholic, who practices idolatry, and is not repentant of it. It doesn’t matter if some of his music sounds okay. It doesn’t matter if he says he believes in Jesus. If he is unrepentant of his sin, he has not been regenerated.

But let’s go out on a limb here, and say that perhaps he is saved, and just hasn’t come to realize yet through sanctification that he’s caught up in a false religion. Sanctification is both immediate and progressive, therefore, it is possible for a Roman Catholic to be saved, and still (temporarily) be in the Roman Catholic Church. It still doesn’t matter. He’s still practicing sin, should be called to repentance, and by no means should he, or his worship music be played in a Bible-believing church. We wouldn’t do that for other unrepentant sinners. Why do we make exceptions for Roman Catholics?

We wouldn’t do that for other unrepentant sinners. Why do we make exceptions for Roman Catholics?


Pope’s new encyclical praises imam who supports wife-beating and death penalty for apostates


SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2020/10/popes-new-encyclical-praises-imam-who-supports-wife-beating-and-death-penalty-for-apostates;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

This is what interfaith dialogue leads to, at least for the Christian side: total capitulation, the relativization of the faith, and the holding of contradictory ideas. The fruit of the dialogue between Muslims and Catholics has not been the protection of Christians in Muslim countries, but a silence from the Catholic Church on this persecution. Bishops in the U.S. and Europe have now have been teaching for years that any discussion of such matters is “Islamophobic,” and will harm this wonderful dialogue that has actually no accomplishments to its name. In 2013, Bishop Robert McManus of Worcester, Massachusetts canceled my scheduled address to a Catholic Men’s Conference and explained: “Spencer’s talk about extreme, militant Islamists…might undercut the positive achievements that we Catholics have attained in our inter-religious dialogue with devout Muslims.” So you see, even talk about “extreme, militant Islamists,” and Boko Haram and the Fulani herdsmen are quintessentially “extreme, militant Islamists,” is out of bounds, because of the dialogue.

“‘Death Penalty’ Imam Debunks Fratelli Tutti,” by Jules Gomes, ChurchMilitant.com, October 6, 2020:

VATICAN CITY (ChurchMilitant.com) – Pope Francis’ abrogation of the death penalty in Fratelli Tutti is being blown sky-high by his chief dialogue partner Grand Imam Ahmed al-Tayyeb — who, in accordance with Islamic jurisprudence, supports the execution of apostates from Islam.

“Today we state clearly that ‘the death penalty is inadmissible’ and the Church is firmly committed to calling for its abolition worldwide,” Francis declares in his latest encyclical, contradicting Scripture and 2,000 years of Sacred Tradition.

But al-Tayyeb, who is named five times and upheld as the pontiff’s inspiration in Fratelli Tutti (All Brothers), trashes Francis’ declaration, stating: “The four schools of law all concur that apostasy is a crime, that an apostate should be asked to repent, and that if he does not, he should be killed.”

“[Contemporary] jurisprudents concur — and so does ancient jurisprudence — that apostasy is a crime,” al-Tayyeb asserts in a 2016 Arabic interview, translated into English by the Middle East Media Research Institute.

“We should be aware that the concepts of human rights are full of ticking time bombs,” the grand imam warned, labeling apostasy “high treason” and “a rebellion both against religion and what is held sacrosanct by society.”

Al-Tayyeb cites the “exception of the Hanafi School,” which legislates “that a female apostate should not be killed.” He explains the exception is “because it is inconceivable that a woman would rebel against her community.”

‘Only the Pope’ Confused

Church Militant’s Arabic translator, who is himself an “apostate” living in fear of the death penalty for converting to Christianity, confirmed that the translation was accurate.

Distinguished Islamic historian Robert Spencer, author of 21 books on Islam, told Church Militant:

Al-Tayyeb clearly teaches that those who leave Islam must be killed. This is in accord with traditional Islamic teaching. Al-Tayyeb has shown no sign of moving toward the Christian position of the freedom of conscience and dignity of the human person. Only the pope is moving in the other direction.

Spencer drew our attention to the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam (CDHRI).

Article 2(a) of the CDHRI states: “It is prohibited to take away life except for a Sharia prescribed reason,” explaining that, “since all four Islamic schools of jurisprudence concur on the death penalty for apostates,” this made apostasy a valid “Sharia-prescribed reason” for the death penalty.

“Pope Callixtus III vowed in 1455 to ‘exalt the true Faith, and to extirpate the diabolical sect of the reprobate and faithless Mahomet in the East,'” Spencer noted. “Now his latest successor is quoting the holy book of this ‘diabolical’ sect as if it contained wisdom that Christians should heed.”

Interpretations of ‘Equality’ Differ

In a 2019 Arabic interview verified by Church Militant, al-Tayyeb contradicts Pope Francis’ encyclical by condemning the Western notion of equality as “false” and stating that “the Islamic notion of equality is limited.”

But Francis states in Fratelli Tutti: “I have felt particularly encouraged by the grand imam, Ahmed al-Tayyeb, with whom I met in Abu Dhabi, where we declared that ‘God has created all human beings equal in rights, duties and dignity, and has called them to live together as brothers and sisters.'”

Pope Francis’ statement on equality is a partial citation of the words of Muhammad, the founder of Islam. “It would be unrealistic to assert the absolute equality of human beings, although humans are basically equal in rights, duties and accountability,” Muhammad declares, according to a narration in Ayub al Tabarani.

Orthodox Islam rejects the biblical concept of man created in God’s image as blasphemous and the phrase “image of God” never occurs in the Qur’an. Pope Francis avoids declaring this as the basis for equality “because he does not want to upset his Muslim interlocutors. Instead, he adopts the words of Muhammad as the basis for his teaching on equality, with the notable omission of Muhammad’s denial of the ‘absolute equality of human beings,'” Spencer told Church Militant.

“The Western notion of equality is, I’m very sad to say, absolute. It has destroyed — or has strived to destroy — many of the values that are more vital for the stability of people’s lives,” al-Tayyeb observes in his interview.

“If we examine the Western notion of equality … As a researcher I have the right to say that in my opinion, this notion is false,” he adds, noting that this is the basis for gay marriage in the West.

Francis Ignores Islamic Sexism

Catholic feminists, who have expressed outrage at what they claim is a ‘sexist‘ title for  Fratelli tutti, are yet to challenge the pontiff for celebrating the grand imam as an “inspiration” despite al-Tayyeb’s views on “wife-beating.”

In the 2019 interview, the grand imam defends the right of a man to beat his wife under “certain conditions.”

People should realize that “the Qur’an’s mentions of wife-beating are not an order. Rather, the Qur’an allows using this method,” al-Tayyeb explains, “when there is no other way, and when he [the husband] strongly believes that this would help resolve the problem. Only in this case, the husband is allowed to beat his wife.’…


Biden Says He Would Make Roe the ‘Law of the Land’ if the Supreme Court Overturns Abortion Ruling


SEE: https://christiannews.net/2020/10/07/biden-says-he-would-make-roe-the-law-of-the-land-if-the-supreme-court-overturns-abortion-ruling/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

MIAMI, Fla. — During a town hall event with NBC News Monday evening, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said that he would want Congress to send legislation to his desk making Roe v. Wade the “law of the land” when asked about his plan to “protect” the “right” to abortion should Amy Coney Barrett be confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

“My youngest sister is in high school right now, and I knew whenever I was graduating high school and entering college that I wanted to obtain my degree and start a career before starting a family. Having access to birth control and safe reproductive health care was imperative in making that true for me,” one attendee named Cassidy Brown told the former vice president.

“Considering the new Supreme Court nomination of Amy Coney Barrett, what are your particular plans to protect women’s reproductive rights in the U.S.?” she asked.

Biden provided a short answer, advising that while he doesn’t know what Barrett would do, if the court did overturn the 1972 Roe decision, he believes the next step would be to pass a federal law codifying the right to abortion, implying that he would sign it.

“Number one, we don’t know exactly what she will do, although the expectation is that she very well may overrule Roe,” he said. “And the only responsible response to that would be to pass legislation to make Roe the law of the land. That’s what I would do.”

President Trump, who identifies as pro-life but supports the exceptions of rape, incest and the life of the mother, tweeted about the matter on Tuesday.

“Wow. Joe Biden just took a more liberal position on Roe v. Wade than Elizabeth Warren at her highest,” he wrote. “He also wants to pack our great United States Supreme Court. This is what the Dems will do.”

As previously reporteda page on Biden’s website, called “The Biden Agenda for Biden,” similarly explains that — if elected — among Biden’s objectives are to codify Roe v. Wade into law, to reinstate federal Title X and Medicaid funding for Planned Parenthood, and to repeal the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits federal funds from being used for abortion (with exceptions).

“Biden will work to codify Roe v. Wade, and his Justice Department will do everything in its power to stop the rash of state laws that so blatantly violate Roe v. Wade,” it reads.

“Vice President Biden supports repealing the Hyde Amendment because health care is a right that should not be dependent on one’s zip code or income,” the page states. “And, the public option will cover contraception and a woman’s constitutional right under Roe v. Wade.”

As previously reported, during a vice presidential debate in 2012, Biden, a Roman Catholic, outlined that while he personally believes that life begins at conception, he doesn’t want to “impose” his view on others.

“Life begins at conception in the Church’s judgment. I accept it in my personal life,” he said. “I refuse to impose it on equally devout Christians and Muslims and Jews, and I just refuse to impose that on others …”

“I do not believe that we have a right to tell other people that — women — they can’t control their body. It’s a decision between them and their doctor. In my view and the Supreme Court, I’m not going to interfere with that,” Biden stated.

On Monday, he or his campaign shared the town hall segment on Twitter, writing, “Roe v. Wade must remain the law of the land.”

Photo Credit: Christian Bowen/Unsplash

However, as previously reported, Christians throughout history have decried abortion as murder, no matter the reason. The late preacher Lee Roy Shelton wrote in “The Crimes of Our Times” in a section on abortion:

“When killing anyone, the murderer is guilty of taking the life which God has given, and therefore he is ‘playing God’ by saying when and how a man should die. But God doesn’t look lightly upon those who try to take His place.”

“God has given us the Sixth Commandment as a fence about human life to preserve it, for it is sacred to Him. Yes, the Bible declares human life to be sacred. It is a divine creation, mysterious and magnificent in its beginning and possibility, utterly beyond the control or comprehension of any human being. It is never to be taken away at the will of anyone, for how can they tell the full meaning of that life and what it will bring forth?”

“The revelation of God made to man out of His blessed Word proves that He has purposes for every individual and for the [human] race, stretching far beyond the present moment or manifestation; and to terminate a single life is to set yourselves up as wiser and superior to God. The immensity of the issues of death is so great that there can be no sin against humanity, and accordingly, against God, greater than that of taking a human life.”

Please visit Christian News Network’s Outlaw Abortion page to help us work to abolish the worldwide holocaust.



spencer smith: Amy Coney Barrett and the 7 Mountain Mandate of the new apostolic reformation


Concerns Raised About Faith Leaders at Rose Garden Event, After 8 Attendees Test Positive for COVID

paula white, Jerry Prevo, Jentezen franklin, Skip Heitzig

ABOVE: Several faith leaders smile for a picture at the Rose Garden ceremony last Saturday. In the background (left to right) are televangelist Jentezen Franklin, Acting Liberty University President Jerry Prevo, and Skip Heitzig, pastor of Calvary of Albuquerque. In the foreground are Cissie Graham Lynch, Franklin Graham's daughter, and Paula White, head of the White House Faith & Opportunity Initiative.


SEE: https://julieroys.com/concerns-faith-leaders-rose-garden-covid-19/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Now that eight people who attended the Rose Garden ceremony last Saturday for Supreme Court Nominee Amy Coney Barrett have tested positive for COVID-19, concerns are being raised about the faith leaders who attended the event.

One of the faith leaders—Franklin Graham, CEO of Samaritan’s Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA)—sat next to the Rev. John Jenkins, president of Notre Dame University, at the ceremony.

Rev. Jenkins is one of eight attendees who tested positive for COVID-19 this week and has been criticized by Notre Dame students and faculty for not following social distancing protocols at the event. (Most of the approximately 150 people attending the Rose Garden ceremony did not wear masks and sat close together.)

Yet according to Mark Barber, a spokesman for Samaritan’s Purse and the BGEA, Graham tested negative for COVID this week before a trip to Alaska. 

Barber added that Graham’s daughter, Cissie Graham Lynch, who sat next to him at the ceremony, is in “great health,” but didn’t comment on whether she had been tested for COVID.

Franklin Graham Jenkins
Franklin Graham is seated next to Notre Dame President John Jenkins at Rose Garden ceremony last Saturday. (Video Screengrab)

In addition to attending the Rose Garden ceremony, Graham also led the Washington Prayer March with thousands of participants last Saturday. However, the prayer march was held prior to the 5:00 p.m. Rose Garden event.

Also at the ceremony, directly behind Graham and Rev. Jenkins, was Jerry Prevo, acting president of Liberty University. Prevo also participated in the prayer march along with more than 2,200 Liberty University students.

Prevo tweeted Friday night that many had asked about his health since visiting President Trump at the White House on Saturday. Prevo said both he and his wife had just tested negative for COVID-19.

Less is known about the condition of other faith leaders who were at the event and sitting in close proximity to Rev. Jenkins.

This includes Paula White, who heads the White House’s Faith and Opportunity Initiative and Trump’s Evangelical Advisory Board.

White was slated to speak at the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s “Road to Majority 2020” conference in Atlanta earlier this week but did not do so, according to Religion News Service.

I reached out to White for comment, but did not get a response by time of publishing.

Also slated to speak at the “Road to Majority 2020” conference was Senator James Lankford of Oklahoma. Lankford was not at the Rose Garden ceremony but had several meetings this week with Senator Mike Lee of Utah, who was another one of the eight people at the ceremony who tested positive for COVID this week.

The others who tested positive for COVID were President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump; Kellyanne Conway, counselor to the president; Senator Thom Tillis of North Carolina; Former N.J. Governor Chris Christie; and an unnamed journalist.

Lankford said when he learned of Senator Lee’s diagnosis, he left the faith conference and drove home. Today, Lankford announced that his test for COVID had come back negative, but said he would still quarantine.

Both Ralph Reed, who heads the Faith and Freedom Coalition, and televangelist Jentezen Franklin, pastor of the Georgia megachurch Free Chapel, also attended the Rose Garden ceremony and  subsequently spoke at the “Road to Majority 2020” conference.

I reached out to Reed for comment about his health but did not hear back.

Franklin, however, posted a video on Twitter today, saying that he not only had attended the Rose Garden event, but had prayed with President Trump beforehand. Yet Franklin said he learned today that his COVID test had come back negative, and encouraged his church family to join him at services on Sunday.

Mike Pence, who has tested negative for COVID, also spoke at the “Road to Majority 2020” conference.

Other high-profile faith leaders at the Rose Garden event include Greg Laurie, pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship; Jack Graham, pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church; Skip Heitzig, pastor of Calvary Church of Albuquerque; Robert Morris, pastor of Gateway Church; and Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council.

Attempts to reach these men was not immediately successful.

Rose Garden guests
Picture of guests at Rose Garden event, many of whom are faith leaders. Circled are Melania Trump and Rev. John Jenkins, who tested positive for COVID-19.

According to the Arkansas Democrat GazetteGary Bauer, president of American Values, attended the Rose Garden event, as well.

I talked with a spokesperson with American Values to confirm Bauer’s attendance and to inquire about his condition. She said someone would get back to me, but at time of publishing, no one has.

UPDATE: On Sunday, Calvary Church of Albuquerque said in an email that Pastor Skip Heitzig was tested last Saturday at the White House and his test came back negative. He was tested again since President Trump’s announcement of a positive result and the church is awaiting results of that test. Pastor Heitzig reportedly feels great and is not experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19.


Barrett and her husband Jesse have been married for the past 21 years and she revealed that her children believe him to be the better cook

ABOVE: Barrett and her husband Jesse are members of People of Praise, a small group that teaches that wives have to obey their husbands in everything. SEE: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People_of_Praise

People of Praise, a tiny charismatic Catholic organization, admits removing mentions and photos of Trump’s supreme court pick

Biden Threatens Religious Freedom, Suggests Christians With Certain Traditional Views Are ‘Dregs of Society’


SEE: https://pjmedia.com/election/tyler-o-neil/2020/10/05/joe-bidens-insidious-threat-to-traditional-christianity-n999097;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Liberals often mock conservative Christians for supporting a notorious sinner and philanderer in Donald Trump, but the left has grown increasingly hostile to biblical small-o orthodox Christianity. Even the ostensibly moderate Democratic nominee Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. represents an insidious threat to the religious freedom of conservative Christians. He also represents a threat to Roman Catholics, even though he is himself a practicing Catholic.

How could this be? Biden’s rhetoric and policies single out those who adhere to traditional religious beliefs and moral convictions, aiming to limit their ability to live by their consciences and ostracizing them from polite society. The Democrat may outwardly campaign on a platform of unity and diversity, but his candidacy truly represents a threat to traditional religious believers.

Disqualified from the Supreme Court?

The most recent evidence of this insidious threat came last week, when a Biden staffer suggested that traditional religious beliefs that homosexual acts are sinful and that marriage is between one man and one woman should be so “taboo” as to disqualify someone from serving on the Supreme Court.

Politico contributing editor Adam Wren noted that President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett “was a trustee at a South Bend private school that described ‘homosexual acts’ as ‘at odds with Scripture’ & said marriage was between ‘one man and one woman’ years after Obergefell v. Hodges.”

Shadi Hamid, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, responded, “Wait, why is this news? Isn’t this the standard position for any orthodox Catholic?”

Nikitha Rai, deputy data director for Pennsylvania at Biden’s campaign, responded to Hamid, saying, “Unfortunately, yes.”

Hamid responded, “to be fair, it’s the standard position for any orthodox Muslim or Jew as well…”

“True,” Rai acknowledged. Yet the staffer insisted that this perspective must be marginalized. “I’d heavily prefer views like that not be elevated to SCOTUS [the Supreme Court of the U.S.], but unfortunately our current culture is still relatively intolerant. It will be a while before those types of beliefs are so taboo that they’re disqualifiers.”

Rai suggested that presidents and the U.S. Senate should apply a religious test for Supreme Court nominations and confirmations. The Constitution explicitly forbids a religious test for service in government. Article VI Clause 3 reads in part, “no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.”

Nikitha Rai is just one Biden staffer. She doesn’t represent the entire Biden campaign, right? On the contrary, Rai’s insistence that traditional religious beliefs on marriage and sexuality should be taboo fits perfectly with the candidate at the top of the Democratic ticket.

Biden Staffer: Traditional Religious Beliefs Should Be ‘Taboo’ and ‘Disqualifiers’ for Public Office

“The dregs of society”

In 2018, Biden described conservatives who oppose LGBT activism as “the dregs of society.”

Speaking to the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), Biden attacked people who have “tried to define family” in the U.S. “Despite losing in the courts and in the court of public opinion, these forces of intolerance remain determined to undermine and roll back the progress you all have made. This time they, not you, have an ally in the White House,” he said of President Donald Trump.

“They’re a small percentage of the American people, virulent people, some of them the dregs of society,” Biden added. “And instead of using the full might of the executive branch to secure justice, dignity, safety for all, the president uses the White House as a literal bully pulpit, callously exerting his power over those who have little or none.”

As my colleague Paula Bolyard reported, Biden again spoke to HRC in June 2019. On that occasion, he called the Orwellian Equality Act his first priority. The so-called Equality Act would force biblical orthodox Christians to violate their consciences on LGBT activism. It would also open women’s sports and women’s private spaces to biological males, undercutting fair play and privacy. A broad coalition of diverse groups allied to oppose the Equality Act, including pro-lifers, religious freedom advocates, and radical feminists.

Yet of the Equality Act, Biden said, “I promise you if I’m elected president it will be the first thing I ask to be done. It will send a message around the world, not just at home.”

“This is our soul, da*mit, this is who we have to be… This is our real moral obligation,” the Democrat added. “Using religion or culture to discriminate against or demonize LGBTQ individuals is never justified. Not anywhere in the world.”

Interestingly, while Biden vocally condemns traditional believers in such harsh terms, he has remained curiously silent on the horrific attacks against Catholic statues and churches amid the George Floyd riots this summer — despite his Catholic identity.

Amy Coney Barrett Gave a Perfect Response to Anti-Religious Bigotry


Americans do not support discrimination, but Democrats have twisted the notion of discrimination in order to force Christians to violate their beliefs.

Christian baker Jack Phillips, for example, refused to bake a custom cake for a same-sex wedding, although he gladly sells all sorts of pre-made cakes to LGBT people in his shop. Yet the Colorado Civil Rights Commission ruled that he had discriminated against people on the basis of sexual orientation. He appealed the case all the way to the Supreme Court and won — because members of the commission displayed animus against his religious faith, comparing his views to those of the Nazis.

Even after this Supreme Court victory, Phillips again faced the commission. A transgender lawyer asked him to bake an obscene custom cake celebrating the lawyer’s gender transition. Phillips refused, citing his free speech right not to be forced to endorse a view with which he disagrees. The commission again found him guilty of discrimination, but it dropped the complaint in March 2019. The lawyer promptly sued PhillipsChristian floristsfarmers, and other bakers have faced government sanctions for “discrimination” when they refused to celebrate same-sex weddings, exercising their rights to religious freedom, freedom of association, and free speech.

This year, Gov. Ralph Northam (D-Va.) signed legislation that will force Christian schools and ministries to hire people who oppose their religious convictions on sexuality and gender. The laws will also force these ministries — which hold that God created humans male and female — to open women’s sports and women’s restrooms to biological males, to refer to biological males by female pronouns if they “identify” as female, and to pay for transgender surgery in their health care plans.

A lawsuit challenging the new laws as unconstitutional charged that Virginia’s LGBT statues force “people of faith to adopt a particular government ideology under threat of punishment.”

This religious freedom battle in Virginia is just a small taste of what the Equality Act threatens nationwide.

Virginia Forces Christian Ministries to Adopt ‘Government Ideology’ or Pay $100K

The Democratic Party’s increasing anti-religious animus

Joe Biden’s opposition to the “discrimination” from the “dregs of society” represents a tragically mainstream view in the Democratic Party. Last year, the Democratic National Committee adopted a resolution condemning religious freedom defenses.

“[T]hose most loudly claiming that morals, values, and patriotism must be defined by their particular religious views have used those religious views, with misplaced claims of ‘religious liberty,’ to justify public policy that has threatened the civil rights and liberties of many Americans, including but not limited to the LGBT community, women, and ethnic and religious/nonreligious minorities,” the DNC resolution states.

Senate Democrats have launched attacks on the religious faith of Trump nominees, with Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) infamously saying, “the dogma lives loudly within you.” Former Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) compared a conservative Christian law firm to the Cambodian dictator Pol Pot, citing the Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) “hate group” accusation against mainstream conservative and Christian groups.

The SPLC faced a devastating sexual harassment and racial discrimination scandal last year, and former employees outed the “hate” accusations as a cynical fundraising scheme. An attempted terrorist tried to kill everyone at a conservative Christian nonprofit due to the SPLC’s “hate group” accusation, but Democrats continue to cite the SPLC as a reliable arbiter of hate.

Biden’s running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), has proven one of the worst offenders. In May 2018, Harris launched an inquisition into the Roman Catholic faith of two of Trump’s judicial nominees — because they were members of the Roman Catholic fraternal order the Knights of Columbus (KOC). Harris also cited the SPLC in branding Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), the conservative Christian law firm that defended Jack Phillips, a “hate group.”

While serving as California’s attorney general, Harris refused to defend the state law defining marriage as between one man and one woman — even though Californians had voted for it in 2008. Adding insult to injury, Harris rushed to officiate the first same-sex marriage after a court struck down the will of the people.

Et Tu, Classmates? Barrett’s Fellow College Alumni Resort to ‘Hate Group’ Smears Against ACB

Animus against conservative Christians is a growing problem among American elites, and it arguably fuels the legacy media’s astounding ignorance of Christian doctrine.

In the book So Many Christians, So Few Lions: Is There Christianophobia in the United States? sociology professors George Yancey and David Williamson painstakingly document the presence of bias against conservative Christians, proving that it is as real as animus against Muslims and Jews. Indeed, Yancey’s most recent research shows that animus against Christians leads some people to support LGBT activism, even when they have a low opinion of LGBT people.

Democrats represent this Christianophobia in political form. Even though Biden is a practicing Roman Catholic, his candidacy represents an insidious threat to traditional Christianity, including orthodox Roman Catholic positions on sexuality and gender.

Those who support traditional marriage or the biological definition of sex as male or female will find their beliefs demonized and their religious freedom and free speech under fire in a Biden administration. It does not matter that supporters of traditional marriage or biological sex are a rather diverse group, including Roman Catholics, Protestants, Orthodox Christians, Jews, Muslims, even atheists, and radical feminists. Biden’s presidency would represent a threat to all of them.

Editor’s Note: Want to support PJ Media so we can continue telling the truth about the Biden-Harris campaign? Join PJ Media VIP TODAY and use the promo code LAWANDORDER to get 25% off your VIP membership

Tyler O’Neil is the author of Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center. Follow him on Twitter at @Tyler2ONeil.

A Biden-Harris Administration Would Be Disastrous for Catholics
Don’t Want to Wear an LGBT Pride Emblem? You’re Fired.
Remember These Names: 12 Democratic Senators Pushing Anti-Christian Bigotry
DNC Resolution Takes Aim at Christians, Warning Against ‘Religious Liberty’
Christians Beware: Biden Declares His #1 Priority Will Be the Anti-Christian LGBTQ ‘Equality Act’

Cardinal Says Devout Joe Biden Is Actually a Bad Catholic. Would the Pope Agree?


SEE: https://pjmedia.com/culture/robert-spencer/2020/10/01/cardinal-says-devout-joe-biden-is-actually-a-bad-catholic-would-the-pope-agree-n993273;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Is the ostentatiously devout Catholic Joe Biden, who wore a Rosary (or was it wire?) on his wrist while debating Donald Trump, really a bad Catholic? Prolife Catholics have been saying so for years, and now a leading bishop has spoken up on their side. The Catholic News Agency reported Tuesday that Cardinal Raymond Burke, “a canon lawyer and formerly the prefect of the Church’s highest court, has said that Catholic politicians supporting abortion should not receive Holy Communion, including pro-choice Catholic presidential candidate Joe Biden.”

That’s the kind of statement that makes you formerly the “prefect of the Church’s highest court.”

Biden, Burke asserted, “is not a Catholic in good standing and he should not approach to receive Holy Communion,” because “a Catholic may not support abortion in any shape or form because it is one of the most grievous sins against human life.”

If that is the case, then Biden is clearly not a Catholic in good standing. Accordingly, Burke stated, “I would tell him not to approach Holy Communion out of charity toward him, because that would be a sacrilege, and a danger to the salvation of his own soul. But also he should not approach to receive Holy Communion because he gives scandal to everyone. Because if someone says ‘well, I’m a devout Catholic’ and at the same time is promoting abortion, it gives the impression to others that it’s acceptable for a Catholic to be in favor of abortion and of course it’s absolutely not acceptable. It never has been, it never will be.”

The good Cardinal is right in a sense. That is indeed the teaching of the Catholic Church. But teaching is one thing and practice is quite enough. Pope Francis has repeatedly made it clear that as far as he is concerned, the real sins, the real serious sins that get you a tongue-lashing from the Roman Pontiff and doubtless a date with hellfire in the age to come, are opposing mass Muslim migration into the West and believing that Islam is not a religion of peace. Abortion? Come on, man! That’s child’s play, so to speak, compared to the big sins.

Last September, Pope Francis, who back in 2014 fired Burke from his position as “prefect of the Church’s highest court,” made clear what the big sins really are as far as he is concerned, when he emphasized that Christians had a responsibility before God to take in migrants: “This loving care for the less privileged is presented as a characteristic trait of the God of Israel and is likewise required, as a moral duty, of all those who would belong to his people.”

On that same occasion, the Pope unveiled a huge statue in St. Peter’s Square, “Angels Unawares,” which depicts a boat full of migrants and a pair of angel wings, so as to emphasize that the migrants into Europe, among whom have been numerous jihad terrorists, rapists, and other criminals, are saintly and deserving of Christians’ support and protection.

What about Christians in Europe who are concerned about the spiraling crime rates and the strain on the welfare systems of nations that have taken in large numbers of migrants? Are they allowed to exercise charity toward their neighbors and friends by opposing mass migration and trying to preserve and defend their own cultural heritage?

Not on your life. Or at least they can’t do that and remain Catholics in good standing. And Francis’ Brave New Church has other newly-minted “grievous sins” as well. The Pontiff has claimed risibly that “authentic Islam and the proper reading of the Koran are opposed to every form of violence.” As ridiculous and readily disproven as this is, it has become a superdogma in the Catholic Church: if you don’t believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace, you will be ruthlessly harassed and silenced by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and the hierarchy elsewhere as well. The bishops of the Catholic Church are much more concerned that you believe that Islam is a religion of peace than that you believe in, say, the Nicene Creed. And so what possible reason could there be to be concerned about these “refugees”? It’s a religion of peace!

As of several years ago, the U.S. Catholic bishops had 91 million reasons — indeed, 534 million reasons — to turn against the truth and disregard the safety and security of the American people: “In the Fiscal Year 2016, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) received more than $91 million in government funding for refugee resettlement. Over the past nine years, the USCCB has received a total of $534,788,660 in taxpayer dollars for refugee resettlement programs.” And how much have pro-life organizations given to the Church in that span? Not $534,788,660.

As Ilhan Omar might say, it’s all about the Benjamins.

And so Cardinal Burke may say Biden is barred from Communion, but it’s certain that there are numerous others who will readily administer Communion to the candidate. After all, he’s right on the really important things.

“Leave them; they are blind guides. And if a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.” (Matthew 15:14)

Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 21 books, including the New York Times bestsellers The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) and The Truth About Muhammad. His latest book is Rating America’s Presidents: An America-First Look at Who Is Best, Who Is Overrated, and Who Was An Absolute Disaster. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here.


Pope Francis says migrants are ‘like Jesus, forced to flee’


SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2020/10/pope-francis-says-migrants-are-like-jesus-forced-to-flee;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

As the Pope celebrates “the World Day of Migrants and Refugees,” he lumps all migrants together, demonstrating the unity of his perspective with that of his fellow globalists and the same determination they display to advance the cause of open borders. He has been completely ignoring the reality of economic migrants and of jihadis infiltrating the refugee stream. He has said nothing about the migrant-caused spike in crime rates, and little about persecuted Christians who are all but abandoned. He also refuses to lead by example and tear down his own safe walls at the Vatican Palace in Vatican City, behind which he is safe.

In contradiction to his boss, the Pope of Islam, Cardinal Robert Sarah once issued a warning about Muslim migration and the destruction of open-door Europe. Sarah declared that “it is a false exegesis [interpretation of scriptural text] to use the Word of God to promote migration. God never wanted these rifts.” That is exactly what Pope Francis has been doing for quite some time, acting as a blind guide in preaching that it is un-Christian to oppose mass Muslim migration into Europe, and now in comparing migrants to Jesus. In so doing, he is woefully insensitive to victims of jihad terror. Migrants are like Jesus? Jesus certainly would never go on a jihad stabbing spree.

“Pope Francis: Migrants Are Forced to Flee ‘Like Jesus,'” by Thomas D. Williams, Breitbart, September 28, 2020:

ROME — Pope Francis emphasized the involuntary nature of much migration Sunday, insisting that, like Jesus, migrants and refugees are often “forced to flee.”

“Today the Church celebrates the World Day of Migrants and Refugees,” the pope told the pilgrims gathered in Saint Peter’s Square for his weekly Angelus address. “I greet the refugees and migrants present in the Square around the monument entitled ‘Angels, unawares,’ which I blessed last year.”

The pontiff said this year he has dedicated his Message for the commemoration “to the internally displaced, who are forced to flee, as also happened to Jesus and his family. ‘Like Jesus, forced to flee,’ likewise the displaced, migrants.”

“Our remembrance and our prayer to them, in a particular way, and to those who assist them,” he added.

Pope Francis has often compared migrants to Jesus Christ, suggesting that the cold welcome Christ received on coming into the world is similar to the reception many migrants experience.

“Jesus knows well the pain of not being welcomed,” the pope said in a 2018 tweet for International Migrants’ Day. “May our hearts not be closed as were the houses in Bethlehem.”

During the flight into Egypt, “the child Jesus experienced with his parents the tragic fate of the displaced and refugees,” Francis said earlier this year, “which is marked by fear, uncertainty and unease.”

“Unfortunately, in our own times, millions of families can identify with this sad reality,” Francis said. “Almost every day the television and papers carry news of refugees fleeing from hunger, war and other grave dangers, in search of security and a dignified life for themselves and for their families.”

“In each of these people, forced to flee to safety, Jesus is present as he was at the time of Herod,” he continued. “In the faces of the hungry, the thirsty, the naked, the sick, strangers and prisoners, we are called to see the face of Christ who pleads with us to help.”…


Student lawsuit over Fordham dismissal alleges university ties to Chinese Communist Party


Austin Tong claims that Fordham tried to 'silence' him


SEE: https://www.foxnews.com/us/lawsuit-fordham-alleges-university-ties-chinese-communist-party;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

New York college student who was threatened with expulsion over two social media posts has sued the school and his lawyer is now alleging it may have tried to hide ties to the Chinese Communist Party, according to legal documents.

Fordham University threatened to expel Austin Tong, a Chinese-born senior, for two social media posts from June. In a written response to Fordham’s motion to dismiss his suit, Tong’s lawyer, Edward Paltzik, alleged that Fordham has ties to the Chinese Communist Party, and that university officials have been “extraordinarily dishonest" in disclosing their dealings with the foreign nation.


During an appearance on "The Ingraham Angle," Tong said he believed the university took issue "with anything they disagree with and they want to silence any voice they don't like and that's really what happened and they silenced me because they don't like what I said."

One of Tong's posts featured a photo of a former St. Louis police captain who was killed in a June riot, with the comment, “Y’all a bunch of hypocrites.” A second post depicted Mr. Tong holding an unloaded rifle and the phrase “Don’t tread on me” – a reference to the Tiananmen Square massacre.

The second post is the one that ultimately led to the university’s threat to expel him. Fordham’s letter to Tong on June 8 informed him that he was guilty of violating university policies on “bias and/or hate crimes” and “threats/intimidation."

Fordham requested an apology for the posts, but Tong responded with the lawsuit.

Paltzik’s argument regarding alleged ties to China's Communist Party appears to be based on a letter from the Department of Education that informed Fordham it was seeking information on a possible discrepancy in foreign funding disclosure.

“It is the Department’s experience that Fordham’s extensive international operations are very likely concurrent with substantial foreign source gifts and/or contracts, despite the dearth of disclosures by Fordham,” the letter read.


“As a result, the Department is concerned that Fordham’s reporting may not fully capture all qualifying gifts, contracts, and/or restricted and conditional gifts or contracts from or with all foreign sources.”

Despite attempts to dismiss the suit, Fordham has found itself facing federal investigations for allegedly accepting undisclosed foreign gifts from China as well as for violating its own free-speech guidelines in contravention of federal law.

Fordham’s mission statement claims, "Fordham strives for excellence in research and teaching and guarantees the freedom of inquiry required by rigorous thinking and the quest for truth."


A court filing argues that Fordham Department of Public Safety agents visited Tong at his family’s home on Long Island and interviewed him, with one agent saying that the posts were “not threatening to me.”


Fordham Letter by Campus Reform on Scribd:



So Much for Protestant Christianity, Trump Says “Anti-Catholic Bigotry” Has No Place in the USA

SEE: https://reformationcharlotte.org/2020/10/01/so-much-for-protestant-christianity-trump-says-anti-catholic-bigotry-has-no-place-in-the-usa/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Donald Trump, addressing the leftist attacks on Judge Barrett at the Al Smith Dinner tonight, defended Roman Catholics, stating that America is strong because of Catholicism. While Trump was directly addressing the anti-religious freedom rhetoric of the Democrat party, he appeared to inadvertently indict the whole of Protestant Christianity, of which the beliefs this nation was actually founded upon.

Historically, there is no group of people more “anti-Catholic” than Protestant Christians. Not atheists, not Muslims, not Democrats. Protestant Christianity was founded on the notion that Catholicism is a perversion of the gospel of Jesus Christ and, in fact, are protesting the Roman Catholic harlot.

Protestant Christians do not believe that Roman Catholicism adds anything to the strength of this nation and certainly not to the strength of the Church — they are, in fact, the false Church.

For more on Roman Catholicism and why we continue to Protest it, see this link.




ABOVE, SEE: http://www.pagadiandiocese.org/2020/09/22/italian-priests-killer-from-islamic-hotbed-pope-francis-calls-murderer-sick-in-the-head/


SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2020/09/italy-muslim-who-murdered-and-attempted-to-behead-priest-is-from-islamic-hotbed-pope-calls-him-a-headache;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

In mid-September, Jihad Watch reported that a Muslim migrant had stabbed a pro-migrant priest to death, and that police had rejected bishops’ claim that killer was mentally ill. Even worse, “Roberto Bernasconi, president of the Como section of pro-migrant Catholic charity Caritas, blamed the ‘tragedy’ on the anti-migrant ‘climate of hatred and intolerance that is fomented in the city.’”

The Pope, meanwhile, who has been tirelessly advocating for open door migration, stated that the killer, Mahmoudi Ridha, was “a person in need” and “malata di testa“: “An Italian linguist explained to Church Militant that the phrase was a malapropism and one would not use such an expression in correct Italian. “‘Mal di testa’ refers to a ‘headache.’ When we want to say someone is ‘mentally ill’ we say ‘malata di mente.'”

Maybe Pope Francis considers Ridha a headache since he makes the mass migration enterprise look bad.

The Pope insists Ridha is a “person in need” even though he wanted to behead the priest — a familiar act by jihadists — and even though the region where the priest was murdered has “deep ties to terror.”

By the Pope’s thinking, all jihadists are “sick in the head” — including persecutors of Christians and minorities, those who murder for “blasphemy,” and those who murder to conquer territory for Islam. As Robert Spencer states below:

No one in the media, Church or police has tried to discover whether Islam’s doctrine calling for violence against unbelievers may have been a motive for Fr. Malgesini’s murder because all three are deeply committed to the idea that there is no such doctrine, and that Islam is a religion of peace that has nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.

To acknowledge that Mahmoudi Ridha was motivated by Qur’anic passages such as “kill them wherever you find them” (2:191, 4:89, cf. 9:5) and “when you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks” (47:4) is inconceivable to them. They either don’t know that such passages exist, or they are certain that no Muslims today take them seriously or would ever consider acting upon them. The only fallback position for those whose denial and willful ignorance is so implacable is to insist that Ridha is “mentally ill.”

It is possible that Ridha may have been both homeless and “sick in the head,” but was also a jihadist, motivated by explicit Islamic doctrine?

“Italian Priest’s Killer from Islamic Hotbed,” by Jules Gomes, Church Militant, September 22, 2020:

COMO, Italy (ChurchMilitant.com) – The illegal immigrant who murdered a pro-migrant Italian priest may have been associated with mosques or groups linked to radical Islam, Church Militant has learned.

Father Roberto Malgesini was given a hero’s funeral Friday as the autopsy report revealed that 53-year-old Tunisian Muslim Mahmoudi Ridha had attempted to behead the priest.

“Mahmoudi Ridha wanted to cut off his head. The large wound in the neck in particular would suggest an attempt to cut off his head, which was not completed,” the report stated.

Anatomopathologist Dr. Giovanni Scola concluded that the large wound in the neck appeared “to suggest an attempt at decapitation not completed due to the desire to resect the bony plane of the spine.”

Method of Death Denotes Jihad

A noted Sharia scholar told Church Militant that the deliberate attempt to decapitate the infidel was typical of Islamic-styled executions as prescribed in the Qur’an: “So when you meet those who disbelieve [in battle], strike [their] necks until, when you have inflicted slaughter upon them” (47:4).

“The priest died like a dog, that was right,” Ridha said Tuesday morning after he repeatedly stabbed 51-year-old Fr. Roberto Malgesini in Piazza San Rocco in the center of Como in the Lombardy region of northern Italy.

The Sharia scholar also pointed out that this term of abuse was not insignificant. Infidels are called “dogs” and the Qur’anic verse 7:176 says of the unbeliever: “So his example is like that of the dog: If you chase him, he pants, or if you leave him, he [still] pants. That is the example of the people who denied our signs.”

“In Islamic parlance, ‘dog’ is used as the vilest of insults,” he added.

‘Willful Ignorance’

Pope Francis, however, insisted that the killer was “a person in need” and “a person sick in the head,” using the unusual phrase “malata di testa” to refer to Ridha’s alleged mental illness.

An Italian linguist explained to Church Militant that the phrase was a malapropism and one would not use such an expression in correct Italian. “‘Mal di testa’ refers to a ‘headache.’ When we want to say someone is ‘mentally ill’ we say ‘malata di mente.'”

“I am not sure if Pope Francis is being deliberately ambiguous or speaking poor Italian as he often does,” the linguist noted. “Of course, he wouldn’t like his pro-migrant, pro-Muslim narrative to be disrupted if the assassin were found to have jihadi motives.”

Despite police reports categorically stating that the assailant had never suffered “certified psychological problems” and had no history of mental illness, Italian bishops, Caritas and the mainstream media unanimously diagnosed the killer as “mentally ill,” Church Militant reported.

Robert Spencer, Islamic historian and author of The History of Jihad: From Muhammad to ISIS, lamented:

No one in the media, Church or police has tried to discover whether Islam’s doctrine calling for violence against unbelievers may have been a motive for Fr. Malgesini’s murder because all three are deeply committed to the idea that there is no such doctrine, and that Islam is a religion of peace that has nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.

To acknowledge that Mahmoudi Ridha was motivated by Qur’anic passages such as “kill them wherever you find them” (2:191, 4:89, cf. 9:5) and “when you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks” (47:4) is inconceivable to them. They either don’t know that such passages exist, or they are certain that no Muslims today take them seriously or would ever consider acting upon them. The only fallback position for those whose denial and willful ignorance is so implacable is to insist that Ridha is “mentally ill.”

The region where the killing occurred, however, has deep ties to terror…..




5 Things to Know About Amy Coney Barrett


SEE: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/tyler-o-neil/2020/09/25/5-things-to-know-about-amy-coney-barrett-n966406;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

President Donald Trump will nominate a Supreme Court justice to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Saturday. Amy Coney Barrett, a judge on the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, is widely considered the frontrunner. When Trump was deliberating on whom he would nominate to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy, the president said of Barrett, “I’m saving her for Ginsburg.”

Barrett has an impressive resume and an inspiring story. She has articulated a powerful defense of originalism, the method of interpreting the Constitution according to its original public meaning.

1. Barrett’s background

Amy Coney Barrett graduated from Notre Dame Law School first in her class. She has taught there for decades — and continues to teach there while serving as a judge on the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals. After graduation, she clerked at the Supreme Court for Justice Antonin Scalia. As Princeton professor Robert P. George noted, even fellow clerks who disagreed with Barrett admired her intellect. Harvard Law School professor Noah Feldman described her as “a brilliant lawyer.”

As a Notre Dame graduate and professor, Barrett would break the Supreme Court law degree duopoly. All eight current justices hold degrees from one of two — and only two — law schools, Harvard and Yale.

Barrett and her husband have seven children, ranging in age from 5 to 16. They adopted two of them from Haiti. One of her sons also has “special needs.” As George wrote, “As someone who excelled as a legal scholar and reached the pinnacle of her profession as a Supreme Court Justice, Barrett would be an example to women hoping to combine a flourishing family life with a professional vocation.”

While Barrett has only served on the 7th Circuit for three years, that represents more experience than Barack Obama’s appointee, Justice Elena Kagan, who had never served as a judge prior to her nomination to the Supreme Court.

Is Amy Coney Barrett an Originalist?

2. Judicial philosophy

Barrett may have clerked for Scalia, but is she an originalist? Last year, she spoke about her judicial philosophy at the Washington, D.C., branch of my alma mater, Hillsdale College. She rebuked the notion of a “living Constitution,” arguing that the judge’s role is not to twist the text of the Constitution to fit his or her police prescriptions but rather to interpret the law faithfully.

“If the judge is willing not to apply the law but to decide cases in a line, in accordance with personal preference rather than the law, then she’s not actually functioning as a judge at all. She’s functioning as a policymaker,” Barrett explained.

“And I would have had no interest in the job if the job was about policymaking and about making policy decisions,” the judge said. “My interest is in contributing to our tradition of judges upholding the rule of law.”

Barrett also addressed the increasing political polarization centered on the Supreme Court.

“There’s a lot of talk these days about the courts being mere political institutions. But if we reduce the courts to mere politics, then why do we need them? We already have politicians. Courts are not arenas for politics. Courts are places where judges discharge the duty to uphold the rule of law,” she said.

Yet the judge insisted that the Supreme Court is not partisan, not divided along the lines of Republicans and Democrats.

“So I don’t think that five-four decisions or splits on courts are explicable by partisan commitments or by outcomes in particular cases. I think they’re explicable by starting points, by first-order commitments. So there are differences in ways that judges approach the enterprise of interpreting the Constitution,” Barrett explained.

“All judges think that the original meaning of the Constitution—its history, the way that it was understood by those who ratified it, who drafted it, the founding generation—all judges take that as a data point, as relevant,” she said. “Those who are committed to originalism treat it as determinative when the original meaning is discernible. Others just treat it as a data point, but one that would not necessarily control. So that will yield different outcomes in different cases.”

“Some judges approach the Constitution saying, ‘There are some constitutional commitments that we’re not going to back down from because the Constitution enshrines them. But with respect to those that the Constitution does not speak, we’re going to leave it to democratic majorities to work out.’ Others see the Constitution as having a more amorphous and evolving content and speaking to evolving values and majority—evolving values in ways that then democratic majorities don’t have the freedom to make choices,” the judge explained.

Barrett went on to cite Scalia, who “used to say that a judge who likes every result that she reaches is not a very good judge. In fact, she’s a very bad judge. The law simply does not align with a judge’s political preference or personal preference in every case.”

That sure sounds originalist to me.

Blame the Left for Making the Supreme Court Too Political

3. Positions on abortion

Democrats are terrified that Trump’s replacement for Ginsburg would overturn Roe v. Wade(1973), the case in which the Supreme Court reinterpreted the Constitution, effectively amending the Constitution to include a right to abortion. Roe is bad law and should be overturned, but it is extremely important that the Court do so in a wise way. States should be able to make their own laws restricting abortion.

Barrett, a Roman Catholic, has expressed the Catholic doctrine that life begins at conception. However, she made it extremely clear that judges should rule based on the law, not their own personal religious or philosophical convictions.

Barrett has only served on the 7th Circuit for three years, but has a limited record on abortion cases.

In 2018, the court considered a challenge to an Indiana law requiring the burning or cremation of fetal remains after an abortion. The court denied a rehearing of the case and Barrett joined a dissent written by Judge Frank Easterbrook. Easterbrook addressed a separate provision of the law that had been struck down but was not at issue in the rehearing. The law banned abortions based on the race, sex, or disability of the unborn baby. Easterbrook said he doubted that the Constitution bars states from enacting laws to prevent prospective parents from “[u]sing abortion as a way to promote eugenic goals.”

Ultimately, the Supreme Court reversed the 7th Circuit’s opinion on the fetal remains law, upholding the state’s interest in mandating the proper disposal of aborted baby bodies. The justices did not weigh in on the non-discrimination policy, however.

Last year, Barrett joined a dissent when the 7th Circuit denied a rehearing in a case concerning another Indiana law. The court ruled that a law required young women to notify their parents before obtaining an abortion was unconstitutional. When the court refused to rehear the case, Barrett joined a dissent arguing that “[p]reventing a state statute from taking effect is a judicial act of extraordinary gravity in our federal structure.”

The Supreme Court later sent that case back to the lower courts in light of the ruling in June Medical Services v. Russo, which struck down a Louisiana law that requires abortionists to obtain admitting privileges at nearby hospitals.

Interestingly, Barrett’s abortion rulings have not always favored the pro-life side. Last year, she joined an opinion that upheld a Chicago ordinance barring pro-life sidewalk counselors from approaching women entering an abortion clinic. While Barrett likely sympathized with the sidewalk counselors, she upheld the law restraining them — putting the law ahead of her personal beliefs.

3 Reasons Mitch McConnell Is Not a Hypocrite for Considering Trump’s Potential RBG Replacement

4. Other key cases

Barrett’s rulings in two other cases stand out.

In Kanter v. Barr (2019), she dissented when the 7th Circuit upheld the denial of gun rights from a convicted felon. The majority upheld the law denying Second Amendment rights to felons. Barrett dissented.

The felon “had sold shoe inserts that didn’t actually comply with the right standards and then been refunded, gotten money for them anyway. It was fraud, and he had served his sentence,” Barrett told Hillsdale last year.

“Under federal law, those who’ve been convicted of a felony, any felony, lose their gun rights, so they can’t possess a gun thereafter,” Barrett explained. “So Kanter argued that he wasn’t a threat. This was his only conviction. It wasn’t a violent crime.”

She claimed it was unconstitutional to deny the man his Second Amendment rights. She did “a pretty deep dive into the history of the Second Amendment,” following the Supreme Court precedent in District of Columbia v. Heller (2008).

“That sounds kind of radical, to say felons can have firearms,” Barrett admitted. “But I think it’s because what the longstanding prohibitions were, and in fact, had been, even under federal law until more recently, was that violent felons couldn’t have firearms. … What the history showed me was that there’s been a longstanding practice of saying that those who pose a threat of violence to the community cannot have firearms.”

Barrett also stood up for due process rights in a college Title IX sexual assault case. In Doe v. Purdue University (2019), she wrote for a three-judge panel that reinstituted an anonymous male student’s lawsuit against Purdue University. The student claimed that the university violated his due process rights and that its determination of his guilt had led to his expulsion from the Navy ROTC program, the loss of his scholarship, and the end of his plans to join the Navy.

The court ruled that he should be allowed to pursue his claim against Purdue. “Purdue’s process fell short of what even a high school must provide to a student facing a days-long suspension,” Barrett wrote.

Liberals Are Already Gearing Up to Attack the Notorious ACB… for This Common Christian Phrase

5. “The dogma lives loudly”

During Barrett’s confirmation hearing for the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) notoriously imposed something of a religious test. “The dogma lives loudly within you,” Feinstein said, suggesting that Barrett’s religious convictions disqualified her from service on the federal bench.

After Ginsburg’s death, some on the Left have rushed to demonize Barrett. Washington Post book critic Ray Charles suggested that there was something nefarious to Barrett’s statement that she intends to pursue “the kingdom of God.” On the contrary, the “kingdom of God” is a common Christian phrase that has more to do with loving your neighbor as yourself than bringing about some kind of theocracy.

Similarly, Newsweek ran a story claiming that Barrett belonged to a secret cult-like organization that inspired Margaret Atwood’s book The Handmaid’s Tale. In truth, the pentecostal group to which Barrett belonged, People of Praise, had no connection with People of Hope, the group Atwood seized upon. Newsweek corrected the story but did not retract it.

If Trump nominates Barrett on Saturday, expect similarly baseless attacks on this nominee.

Editor’s Note: Want to support PJ Media so we can expose and fight the Left’s radical plans for the Supreme Court? They will stop at nothing, so your support for conservative journalism is more important than ever. Join PJ Media VIP and use the promo code SCOTUS to get 25% off your VIP membership.

Tyler O’Neil is the author of Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center. Follow him on Twitter at @Tyler2ONeil.

No, Amy Coney Barrett Doesn’t Belong to a Catholic Group That Inspired ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’
Trump Will Name One of These 12 People to the Supreme Court Next Week
Don’t Want to Wear an LGBT Pride Emblem? You’re Fired.
House Democrats Shoot to Remake the Supreme Court


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SEE: https://christiannews.net/2020/09/21/pro-life-catholics-on-ginsburg-pray-for-the-repose-of-her-soul-that-god-welcome-her-to-eternal-life/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:
Pro-life groups expressed their condolences over the weekend following the passing of U.S. Supreme 
Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. One well-known Catholic pro-life leader urged prayers for the 
“repose of her soul”— an unbiblical concept referencing Vatican teaching that those with “venial sins” 
are released to Heaven after undergoing a purging in purgatory, and a Catholic group that is active 
outside abortion facilities advised that they pray for God to “welcome Justice Ginsburg to eternal life.”

“We join Christians across the country in praying that the Lord of Life welcome Justice Ginsburg to eternal life,” wrote 40 Days for Life in a blog post on Friday evening. “And we pray for the comfort and consolation of her family, friends, and all those who grieve her loss.”

“Rest in peace, Ruth Bader Ginsberg. Let’s pray for the repose of her soul and for her family. Let’s continue to pray for our nation,” Lila Rose of Live Action posted to social media.

According to the site Catholic Culture and priest William Saunders, “The offering of masses for the repose of the soul of the faithful departed is linked with our belief in purgatory. We believe that if a person has died fundamentally believing in God but with venial sins and the hurt caused by sin, then God in His divine love and mercy will first purify the soul.”

“After this purification has been completed, the soul will have the holiness and purity needed to share in the beatific vision in Heaven.”

While some expressed appreciation for how the groups handled Ginsburg’s passing with kindness, others sought to note that their remarks simultaneously were not scriptural.

“Jesus is the only way to God, so if she didn’t know Jesus in this life, there will be consequences in eternity. Just speaking biblical truth,” one commenter wrote to Rose. “Resting in peace depends on one’s relationship with Jesus. Prayers for a dead person are useless. Pray for her family to find peace.”

“Here come the Catholics asking for prayers to get RBG out of purgatory so she doesn’t end up in Hell. This is completely unbiblical,” another opined. “Her soul cannot change destination by us praying her out or paying her way out of somewhere imaginary. No second chances. Repent and believe today!”

“Are you serious: Welcome into eternal life???” one commenter asked 40 Days for Life. “Ginsburg’s ruling killed millions of babies. What does your organization stand for? Being Christian is NOT a secret thing and Ginsburg definitely was not. You will know them by their fruit. You were better served not saying anything at all than saying this as far as I am concerned.”

Another simply articulated, “I hope that she made a deathbed confession.”

Is It Biblical?

Photo Credit: James Coleman/Unsplash

Hebrews 9:27 explains that “it is appointed unto men once to die but after this the judgment.”

In John 3:16-18, Jesus taught, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through Him might be saved. He that believeth on Him is not condemned, but He that believeth not is condemned already, because He hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.”

GotQuestions.org further outlines in regard to the belief in the “repose of the soul,” “A true Christian — someone who trusts in Christ alone for salvation — already has repose of the soul; he is at peace with God before he gets to Heaven, before the death of the body. Jesus said, ‘Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. … Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid’ (John 14:27). In Romans 5:1 we are promised that, ‘since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.'”

“The Catholic teaching of purgatory and prayer for the dead is not biblical,” it states. “Repose of the soul, the product of saving faith in Christ, is something to be sought on this side of death. Once a person is dead, there is no more that can be done for that soul. Either that deceased person is in eternal judgment or experiencing eternal life with the Lord. Our prayers or actions will not change the situation of a person once he or she dies.”



SEE: https://reformationcharlotte.org/2020/09/21/pope-says-god-loves-gay-children-as-they-are-says-they-are-children-of-god/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Pope Francis is the most progressive face the Roman Catholic Church has ever seen, but the progressive movement isn’t unique to them. In fact, most Protestant denominations, including the Southern Baptist Convention, have taken major strides toward the left in recent years.

Francis, however, has taken the Roman Catholic Church in a near 180-degree turn on homosexuality — probably closer to 175 degrees — and has turned the organization into a pro-gay support group.

According to America Magazine, a prominent Jesuit publication, Francis told a group of parents of sexually-confused homosexual children that God “loves them as they are,” as does the Roman Catholic Church, because “they are children of God.”

According to the report, Francis was speaking to about 40 members of “Tenda di Glonata” (“Jonathan’s Tent”), an Italian group of Christian parents with children who identify as LGBT.

Of course, besides the fact that the Roman Catholic Church has historically held to a corrupt gospel for centuries — hence the reason for the Protestant Reformation — Francis’ move to the left on social issues in recent years is unprecedented, but not surprising.

Earlier this year, the pope sent a donation to a group of transgender prostitutes living in the small town of Torvaianica, Italy, who are out of work amid the coronavirus outbreak. The pope has been increasingly supportive of the sexually aberrant for a number of years, even holding a Mass for gay Catholics and held a mass with a lesbian Anglican activist.



SEE: https://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/item/37048-occult-enneagram-invading-school-church;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

In this interview with The New American magazine's Alex Newman, Midwest Christian Outreach chief Don Veinot explains that occultism is invading homeschool materials and is even being peddled by well-known Christian publishers. In particular, the occult Enneagram is being marketed as a tool to help Christians get closer to God. And yet, the evidence proves this is a dangerous scheme that was received using "automatic writing," Veinot explains, offering video proof. Veinot says it is important for Christians and homeschoolers to be on the lookout for this sort of infiltration.




“All Brothers: On Fraternity and Social Friendship”

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SEE: https://pjmedia.com/culture/robert-spencer/2020/09/05/popes-new-encyclical-to-praise-jihad-terror-supporter-as-example-of-peace-and-fraternity-n896237;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Pope Francis’ new encyclical, Fratelli tutti: sulla fraternità e l’amicizia sociale (“All Brothers: On Fraternity and Social Friendship”) will be issued on October 3, the Vatican confirmed Saturday. According to Church Militant, the encyclical is “a sequel to his controversial Abu Dhabi pact with Grand Imam Ahmad al-Tayyeb last year, and will cite Abu Mazen [Mahmoud Abbas], a Palestinian backer of terrorism, as an example of ‘peace’ and ‘fraternity.’” No, this is not the Babylon Bee; this is real.

It gets even worse. According to Vatican News, “The theme of fraternity is also present in [the Pope’s] constant embrace of migrants, epitomized in his pastoral visit to Lampedusa. His signing of the Document on Human Fraternity in Abu Dhabi in 2019 marks one more example of Pope Francis’ dedication to promoting brotherly love.”

Brotherly love. As I told Church Militant, Mahmoud Abbas has made it abundantly clear over the years that he doesn’t want peace, but the total destruction of Israel as a Jewish state and the eradication of all Jews from the region. After two jihad groups, the Mourabitoun and the Mourabitat, began violent riots on the Temple Mount in September 2015, he applauded: “We bless you; we bless the Mourabitoun and the Mourabitat. We welcome every drop of blood spilled in Jerusalem. This is pure blood, clean blood, blood on its way to Allah. With the help of Allah, every shaheed (martyr) will be in heaven, and every wounded will get his reward. All of their steps, we will not allow them. All these divisions, Al-Aqsa is ours, and the (Church of the) Holy Sepulcher is ours, everything is ours, all ours. They (the Jews) have no right to desecrate them with their filthy feet and we won’t allow them to.”

Abbas envisions the total expulsion of Jews from a Palestinian state: “In a final resolution, we would not see the presence of a single Israeli – civilian or soldier – on our lands.” And as for regarding all human beings as brothers, both Sunni and Shi’ite Islam teach that the lives of non-Muslims are not worth as much as the lives of Muslims. Reliance of the Traveller, a classic Sunni manual of Islamic sacred law, explains matter-of-factly that “the indemnity for the death or injury of a woman is one-half the indemnity paid for a man. The indemnity paid for a Jew or Christian is one-third the indemnity paid for a Muslim. The indemnity paid for a Zoroastrian is one-fifteenth that of a Muslim” (o4.9). The Qur’an calls “the unbelievers among the People of the Book,” that is, Jews and Christians who do not accept Islam, “the most vile of created beings” (Qur’an 98:6).

Sultan Hussein Tabandeh, the Shi’ite author of A Muslim Commentary on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, agrees, stating:

Thus if [a] Muslim commits adultery his punishment is 100 lashes, the shaving of his head, and one year of banishment. But if the man is not a Muslim and commits adultery with a Muslim woman his penalty is execution. … Similarly if a Muslim deliberately murders another Muslim he falls under the law of retaliation and must by law be put to death by the next of kin. But if a non-Muslim who dies at the hand of a Muslim has by lifelong habit been a non-Muslim, the penalty of death is not valid. Instead the Muslim murderer must pay a fine and be punished with the lash. … Since Islam regards non-Muslims as on a lower level of belief and conviction, if a Muslim kills a non-Muslim, then his punishment must not be the retaliatory death, since the faith and conviction he possesses is loftier than that of the man slain…Again, the penalties of a non-Muslim guilty of fornication with a Muslim woman are augmented because, in addition to the crime against morality, social duty and religion, he has committed sacrilege, in that he has disgraced a Muslim and thereby cast scorn upon the Muslims in general, and so must be executed. … Islam and its peoples must be above the infidels, and never permit non-Muslims to acquire lordship over them.

But the Pope’s encyclical is certain to ignore all of this, and it is likely that the pontiff is completely unaware of it. The encyclical will mislead millions of Catholics into a complacency that could be fatal.

“Leave them; they are blind guides. And if a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit” (Matthew 15:14).

Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 21 books, including the New York Times bestsellers The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) and The Truth About Muhammad. His latest book is Rating America’s Presidents: An America-First Look at Who Is Best, Who Is Overrated, and Who Was An Absolute Disaster. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here.


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  • Kenneth Boller, SJ



    Ken grew up in Queens, NY and entered the Jesuits after graduating from high school. The usual Jesuit training included a B.A. from Fordham in Math and Philosophy and a M. Div. degree from Woodstock. College.  Other studies included an M.S. in Math from NYU and degree in secondary school administration from Fordham. Ken’s primary ministry through the years has been in education, serving as a teacher, principal and president at four Jesuit high school, Canisius H.S., Fordham Prep, St. Peter’s Prep and Xavier H.S.(three times). In between, he served as Pastor of St Aloysius Church in Harlem, NY. 

    Throughout the years Ken has enjoyed varied pastoral ministries leading and directing the Spiritual Exercises, assisting in various parishes on the weekends and ministering at the youth detention center in the Bronx for many years. Having grown up in a large extended family, he has been privileged to accompany family members from Baptism and the range of sacraments through funerals, always celebrating life. 

    He is delighted to return to 16 th Street for the fourth time. 

    Church of St. Francis Xavier

SEE: https://sfxavier.org/

AND: https://sfxavier.org/racial-justice

AND: https://sfxavier.org/catholic-lesbians

AND: https://sfxavier.org/gay-catholics

AND: https://sfxavier.org/immigration-initiative

AND: https://sfxavier.org/zen-meditation-group

16th Street between 5th and 6th Avenue | Mailing Address: 55 West 15th Street, New York, NY 10011
Phone: 212-627-2100 | Fax: 212-675-6997 | E-Mail Address: StFrancisXavier@sfxavier.org


SEE: https://reformationcharlotte.org/2020/09/01/nyc-catholic-church-replaces-jesus-at-the-altar-with-george-floyd/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

A Catholic church in New York City has replaced Jesus on their altar with graven images of their new “martyred saints” of “racial injustice” and has offered a prayer to their god for their commitment to their new religion of “racial equity.”

The Reverend, Kenneth Boller, SJ of St. Francis Xavier in NYC offered a prayer to commit the church to acknowledge their “white privilege,” fight against “racial injustice,” promote “racial equity,” and to “strive to eliminate racial prejudice from your thoughts and actions so that you can better promote the racial justice efforts of our church.”

On the altar, instead of Jesus, you can see pictures of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery — all people who have been hailed as martyrs for the cause of “racial justice” by Marxist revolutionaries. Churches, too, have embraced this religion.

Just to be clear, the Roman Catholic Church removed Jesus from their altar long ago and replaced Him with an idol of self-sufficiency, works righteousness, and sacerdotalism. To the Roman Catholic, the cross is insufficient to remove the guilty stains of sin from the sinner and their religion requires an endless cycle of confession and penance, continually moving one from a state of grace to a state of damnation. Salvation is never secure. So, it should come as no surprise that these churches take the same approach to the history of racism in this country. To them, the stain hasn’t been — and never can be — fully removed and thus requires endless acts of penance and restitution on behalf of their ancestors who may or may not have committed the sin of racism.

But this religion isn’t unique to the Roman Catholic Church. An increasing number of Evangelical churches, including Southern Baptist and Presbyterian churches, are embracing this new religion. “Racial justice” has become a recurring theme at Evangelical meetings and sadly, the majority of Evangelical leaders are pushing the exact same theology.


EXCERPTS TAKEN FROM: https://sfxavier.org/racial-justice




Biden identified what Pope Francis stands for as 'generosity to other people,' 'reaching out,' and 'making it a point to understand that we are our brother’s keeper.'


Featured Image


SEE: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/biden-releases-second-campaign-ad-touting-catholic-faith-friendship-with-pope-francis;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

PETITION: Urge Catholic bishops to refuse Holy Communion to pro-abortion Biden! Sign the petition here.

UNITED STATES, August 12, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – Pro-abortion former Vice President and 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has released another campaign video touting his supposed Catholic faith and friendship with Pope Francis.

The short video released last week shows Biden and Pope Francis smiling and greeting each other, while a voiceover of Biden speaks about an occasion when the two men met at the Vatican.

Biden goes on to praise Pope Francis and identify his presidential campaign with the values displayed in Francis’ pontificate.

Biden says that he met a group of nuns after leaving his meeting with Pope Francis. To Biden, the nuns “epitomize everything Pope Francis talked about in his homily and what he stands for.”

Biden identified what Pope Francis stands for as “generosity to other people,” “reaching out,” and “making it a point to understand that we are our brother’s keeper.”

“We are our brother’s keeper,” Biden says. “We have an obligation. I think that’s the way, the only way, we’re going to make the world better and safer.”

Last month, Biden promised if elected president, he will reinstate the Obama administration’s birth control mandate forcing Catholic nuns to participate in the provision of contraception.

Earlier this year Biden released another campaign video featuring Pope Francis in which Biden says that he goes to Mass and says the rosary and that faith is what has helped him through the most difficult moments in his life.

Biden has made taxpayer-funded abortion on demand and enshrining into lawthe many demands of the LGBT lobby a key part of his 2020 presidential platform. 

He has said that if he wins the election, he will direct the Justice Department to “do everything in its power” to block state laws that place any restriction on abortion, including parental notification requirements, ultrasound laws, and waiting periods.

After the outbreak of the coronavirus crisis, when restrictions were placed on various medical services, Biden said abortion is an “essential health care service” and that it is necessary “to ensure that women have access to all health services during this crisis.”

In June Planned Parenthood, the world’s largest abortion business, endorsed Biden for president and later that month Biden affirmed his support of abortion “under any circumstance.” Last month, Biden promised to restore domestic and overseas funding to the abortion industry, and undo the Trump administration’s efforts not to finance abortions with federal money. Yesterday he announcedvehemently pro-abortion Sen. Kamala Harris of California as his partner on the Democrat presidential ticket.

During her time as Attorney General of California, Harris played a key role in defending Planned Parenthood over its sale of aborted baby parts (which violated multiple federal laws, according to undercover video of abortion industry personnel). Most of the footage was taken in California, yet Harris announcedshe would investigate the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) journalists rather than Planned Parenthood, and went on to raid the home of CMP head David Daleiden while accepting the abortion giant’s donations for her Senate run. 

“By selecting a running mate who is staunchly pro-abortion and anti-religious liberty, Joe Biden has once again made it clear that his self-styled ‘Catholic identity’ is something which can be cast aside whenever it's politically expedient,” commented Brian Burch, president of CatholicVote. “Like Joe Biden himself, Kamala Harris favors radical abortion policies including late-term abortion paid for by taxpayers, as well as forcing Catholic religious orders like the Little Sisters of the Poor to provide abortion drugs in their healthcare plans.”

Burch added, “In November 2018, Harris ruthlessly criticized Brian Buescher, a Catholic federal district court nominee from Nebraska, about his affiliation with the Knights of Columbus. It is clear that a Biden-Harris ticket threatens the values Catholics in this country hold most dear.”

Earlier this year, Biden said on social media that “transgender equality is the civil rights issue of our time.”

As vice president, the first “wedding” Biden officiated was between two men.

Last month several well-known U.S. Catholics priests said that because of Biden’s pro-abortion stance and LGBT activism that Catholics cannot support him.

But last year, Biden told a PBS interviewer that Pope Francis gives him Communion, after a Catholic priest followed Church law and denied him Communion because of his public support for abortion.

Pope Franics has never publicly criticized Biden, but last year compared Trump’s border security to the Berlin Wall that divided communist East Germany from freedom in the West. In December, Pope Francis appeared to draw a comparisonbetween Herod and Trump.

In February 2016, during the Republican presidential primaries, Pope Francis commented on Trump while on the papal plane returning from Mexico. 

“A person who only thinks about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian,” he said, according to a transcript of his remarks. In the same press scrum, Pope Francis said that he would not comment on Italy’s same-sex civil union legislation “because the Pope is for everybody and he can’t insert himself in the specific internal politics of a country.”


Pro-abortion Joe Biden touts Catholic faith, papal visit in new campaign video

At one point in the video, Biden says: 'I go to Mass and I say the rosary. I find it to be incredibly comforting.'
SEE: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/pro-abortion-joe-biden-touts-catholic-faith-papal-visit-in-new-campaign-video;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

February 20, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — Pro-abortion former vice president and 2020 Democratic hopeful Joe Biden has released a new campaign video featuring Pope Francis in which Biden says he goes to Mass and says the rosary and that faith is what has helped him through the most difficult moments in his life.

Last year, Biden told a PBS interviewer that Pope Francis gives him Communion, after he was denied Communion by a Catholic priest because of his public support for abortion.

Biden says in the new video: “Faith is what has gotten me through difficult times in my life,” which include the deaths of his first wife and eldest daughter in a car accident in 1972 and his son’s death from brain cancer in 2015.

At one point in the video, Biden says: “I go to Mass and I say the rosary. I find it to be incredibly comforting.”

Biden is shown in the video attending Mass, speaking from church pulpits, and praying with a number of different people. He is also shown meeting Pope Francis, with both men appearing to be smiling in the image.


Biden’s 2020 presidential platform includes taxpayer-funded abortion on demand and enshrining into law the many demands of the LGBT lobby.

He has said that if he wins election, he will direct the Justice Department to “do everything in its power” to block state laws that place any restriction on abortion, including parental notification requirements, ultrasound laws, and waiting periods.

Last month he said on social media that “transgender equality is the civil rights issue of our time.”

As vice president, the first “wedding” Biden officiated was between two men.

The Obama-Biden administration notably tried to force the Little Sisters of the Poor to participate in the provision of abortion-inducing drugs and contraception and threatened schools with the loss of federal funding if they wouldn’t let boys in girls’ bathrooms and vice versa, among other things.

Biden was the frontrunner during much of the Democrat primary campaign but has now slipped to second place behind Bernie Sanders. According to the current RealClearPolitics polling average, Biden now has a 17.8% of the vote, 10% behind Bernie Sanders and less than 2% more than late entry Michael Bloomberg.



Doreen Virtue

Repenting to plants? Jesus was just a good moral human teacher? The Bible is a metaphor written by men, to pick and choose from? These are among the shockingly heretical Progressive Christian beliefs and practices that Allyson Rossborough grew up in. When God opened her eyes to the truth of Who Jesus is, Allyson began studying the Bible and learning from solid teachers. She realized how twisted the false progressive/liberal teachings were. Now, Allyson helps others to deconstruct progressive beliefs, and compare them to Scripture. You can contact Allyson at Instagram.com/AllysonRossborough Allyson’s blog about the 8 heretical points of progressive Christianity is at https://www.manifoldministries.com/fr... Here are three recommended videos on the issues with the progressive movement: Alisa Childers: https://youtu.be/FwyJk1G_Dm0 and https://youtu.be/mxg4wHywv-s Allie Beth Stuckey: https://youtu.be/Kie9r89naF0



BY Allyson Rossborough

SEE: https://www.manifoldministries.com/freedom-and-truth/8-points-of-progressive-christianity;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:


About a month ago I discerned through the 8 points of Progressive Christianity on my Instagram.  These 8 points are up on the Progressive Christianity website found here.

My heart in doing this to help Bible believing Christians understand where Progressive Christians are coming from and what the implications are for following their teachings.  I also want to show that Progressive Christianity is not following the true God of the Bible. 

Before you read, please understand that not all Progressive Christians believe all of these 8 points.  The major belief they all have in common though is that the Bible is not their authority.  Experience and feeling tend to be the authority of a Progressive Christian. 

1. “Believe that following the path of the teacher Jesus can lead to healing and wholeness, a mystical connection to “God,” as well as an awareness and experience of not only the Sacred, but the Oneness and Unity of all life;"

This is the first point from progressive christianity.org. Within the first line we can see that Progressive Christians deny that Jesus Christ was the Son of God. They reduce Christ to a human teacher. Such that if they follow what this good teacher taught, they will find healing wholeness in their souls, and they will have a connection with god.

This is very subtle and speaks straight to our flesh. We naturally want to show how "good" we are by ascribing to a list of things to prove to ourselves and others that we aren't bad people. That we are better than others, since we do all these great things. In the PC mind set, by following teacher jesus, they are given a set of rules to show themselves and others they are good Christians. Thus, this will give them healing and wholeness, or in other words, life fulfillment. Then through their goodness, they will achieve a connection with what they call god. 

Next, once this connection is achieved they will understand the secrets of the Universe… this is new age rhetoric. And very unbiblical. 

The only way to know God is through Jesus Christ. If we believe that all we have to do is follow a good teacher to be fulfilled and then know the secrets of the universe, then we believe in a system of works designed to put us in bondage, build our pride, and feed our sin nature; ultimately sending us to Hell. 

Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him.

John 3:36 ESV

2. "Affirm that the teachings of Jesus provide but one of many ways to experience “God,” the Sacredness, Oneness and Unity of life, and that we can draw from diverse sources of wisdom, including Earth, in our spiritual journey;"

This is the second point of the 8 points of Progressive Christianity found on their website. If you reduce Jesus Christ down to a good moral teacher, it makes so much sense that his teachings are one of many ways to god. Since most Progressive Christians believe in universalism, that Christ died for all regardless of what people believe about Him, there is no need to be exclusive. Because everyone means all religions too.

I would argue that most if not all Progressive Christians want some sort of relationship with God but since they keep denying their sin it's not possible. And since the jesus they follow is all about following a set of rules to be a good, moral, and spiritual person, they look to other religions or the new age to find their experience of god. 

Looking at all the world religions and the new age we can see that all of them, except Biblical Christianity, are set up for people to follow a set of rules to achieve something or to get into heaven or to get god. Or in other words to show they are good people.   

This statement by PC is also a way of saying we "respect" your experience of god. Since your religion, experience, and philosophy has the same outcome as ours, to be a good person, all religions and ideas must be the same. 

Jesus Christ was very clear when He said in John 14:6. "... 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'" There is no way around that my friend. My professors at the PC seminary I went to couldn't even refute that claim. 

Keep your eyes open to words like interfaith, unity, and ecumenicalism. These are buzz words in PC. When you hear these words, start asking questions. Most likely, it's to promote the second point of Progressive Christianity.

3. "Seek and create community that is inclusive of ALL people, including but not limited to:

Conventional Christians and questioning skeptics,

Believers and agnostics,

Those of all races, cultures, and nationalities

Those of all sexual orientations and all gender identities,

Those of all classes and abilities,

Those historically marginalized,

All creatures and plant life;"

First, what is Biblical love? Biblical love is about laying our lives down for those around us, putting their best interest over our own best interest. Jesus showed us this love by dying for us, by taking our place and paying the price for our sin.  He came to die for our best interest so we could be free from sin and live with God forever. Biblical love points people to Christ and the Gospel so that they can be saved from the wrath of God. 

In the third point of Progressive Christianity, their definition of inclusion reveals what they truly believe love is. Love is acceptance of every person, including acceptance of all of their sin. 

If everyone is striving to follow this teacher jesus and everyone else in other religions around the world are doing the same thing, they must be accepting of sin. Because everyone is trying to make themselves a better person. By accepting everyone and their sin, they have loved like they think their jesus did. 

We all know this standard is impossible to live by. How many families are falling apart? We can't even accept our own families let alone everyone we meet. But if you fail at this type of love, they say just keep trying. 

This is what makes PC so binding. It either puts you in bondage or builds your pride. But most importantly, it keeps you a slave to your sin. 

This type of all inclusive love is a lie from hell and evil. By not pointing people to Christ and the Gospel, there is no hope for them and leaving them to God's eternal judgment is one of the most unloving things we can do. 

4. “Know that the way we behave towards one another and Earth is the fullest expression of what we believe, therefore we vow to walk as Jesus might have walked in this world with radical compassion, inclusion, and bravery to confront and positively change the injustices we experience as well as those we see others experiencing;"

One of the things we need to remember is that Progressive Christians do not submit themselves to the authority of the Bible. Because they don't believe it was divinely-inspired they don't use a Biblical understanding of the words "compassion" and "justice" as examples. They look to the world or their own experience to interpret those terms and apply them in a non-Biblical way. 

The fourth point of Progressive Christianity really breaks down what it means to follow their moral teacher jesus. Here we have a tangible list of rules so they know they are following him the correct way and thus they know they are "good" Christians. The language used leaves it up to the reader on how to interpret and implement each rule. 

This, I believe, is the point where well meaning Biblical Christians can get deceived by PC.  Christ tells us to have compassion, and empathy for the downtrodden and oppressed. The Bible is very clear on how to do these things. The issue within PC is that what Jesus says is filtered through a misinterpretation of love, that I mentioned yesterday, and the misunderstanding of Who Jesus Christ truly is. And that all comes from the lack of authority they ascribe to Scripture.  

As Christians, we can not trust everything or anyone who claims to be Christian.  We must check everything with scripture. Just because it sounds good or sounds Christian doesn't mean it is. This is why it is so important to renew our minds daily with the Word of God. That way we can spot the Truth from lies and know what is good and evil. 


5. "Find grace in the search for understanding and believe there is more value in questioning with an open mind and open heart, than in absolutes or dogma;"

Progressive Christians believe it is more humble to question everything and claim that it is not possible to know God's will; better for everyone to have questions and doubts but never really seek to find the true answers. 

I see this point being born out of a legalistic approach to Biblical Christianity. Many Progressive Christians have been hurt by the church and the hypocrisy they may have seen in other people's lives. If they were taught that to be a Christian requires following all of the rules in the Bible perfectly, but everyone, including themselves, are failing at it, of course they will reject what they were taught. 

What fills that gap?  They will tend to look at true Christians as very arrogant people. However, by not seeking out answers to their questions, they will become deeply proud of how "humble" they are. All while still being slaves to sin and closing themselves off to hearing the True Gospel.

And those who want to have the Christian label without submitting to Christ will gladly take this point to heart. If questioning without finding true answers makes them humble people, then it's a check mark off the list of virtues that prove them righteous and a 'good' person.  Which all goes back to the first point of following the good moral teacher jesus. 

Things to look out for with this point are  phrases like "Is that what God really meant?" Or "It is impossible to know God's will." These phrases and others like them are used by the enemy to plant doubt in our hearts when it comes to the Word of God. 

6. "Work toward peace and justice among all people and all life on Earth;"

In Progressive Christianity most believe in a type of universalism; that Christ died to save everyone regardless of what they believe about Him. And if this is true, it makes sense that they would work towards these things to make the world a better place. 

This is another tangible way Progressive Christians follow the moral teacher jesus. They are usually very active in societal issues and charity work. The work is done in a worldly way, taking no consideration of what Biblical peace and justice look like.  They are helping people but doing it in vain. They neglect to share the true Gospel of Jesus Christ with those they are helping and just make them comfortable with their sin. 

Peace and justice are Biblical principles that must be seen through the eyes of the Gospel in order to be done in a godly way that glorifies God. We must look to Scripture and study it diligently to understand and apply it's truths.  

This is another point where Biblical Christians can be deceived by PC. Jesus does call us to do this type of work; we should all be serving. But again, PC does not believe that Scripture is authoritative so they are looking to worldly ideas and structures to fix a spiritual problem. Many Christians don't know that and get deceived by what PC claims. By exploring their honest and compassionate desire to help, the enemy leads them into his trap.

7. "Protect and restore the integrity of our Earth and all of Creation;"

I listened to a story once about a group of PC seminarians who wrote down their sins to a plant. They confessed to it and vowed to do better in protecting the environment. This was at a prominent seminary in the U.S. that has sadly turned from Jesus Christ.

Point seven is another way Progressive Christians attempt to follow moral teacher jesus. And it usually turns into an idol; worshipping creation. This is another way those who follow PC can make themselves feel like a good person.  

This can be extreme, where like in the story above, they become overly apologetic to the environment, seeking to make reparations for their environmental sins; an ideology known as Eco-justice. Or it can be small things like buying reusable straws or bags. But all of this boils down to checking another virtue off the list defining a righteous person. 

As Christians we are called to be good stewards of creation. God has given us the earth to treat well for His glory. But we also must understand that creation is under a curse because of our sin. This earth will never be perfect. It will be when Jesus Christ returns and those who are His join Him for eternity on the new earth where there will be no more sin.

8. "Commit to a path of life-long learning, compassion, and selfless love on this journey toward a personally authentic and meaningful faith."

We have come to our last point of Progressive Christianity. We can see that they want to continually educate themselves to be better people according to the standards of this world. They believe following Christ means following a moral teacher jesus; who is only one of many ways to god. The more they can learn, the more they can prove to themselves they are good enough for Heaven. The more they can check off their list of virtues. 

Biblically, we know even our good and righteous deeds are sinful and as filthy rags to our Holy God. We have all fallen short of God's glory. It will never be possible to be compassionate enough, or love others enough to earn God's favor. 

At the root of all of this is pride. Progressive Christians and others like them refuse to acknowledge their sin of self righteousness, or in other words,  pride.  They reject the True Gospel of Jesus Christ, instead believing they are morally superior and can earn utopia by their works. If we can never admit we are sick, we can never be healed. 

And Jesus answered them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.”

Luke 5:31-32



Seventeen Seventy Five Gadsden Flag

Fordham student says school wrongfully penalized him for social media posts


SEE: https://www.dailywire.com/news/trump-administration-investigating-university-that-punished-chinese-american-student-for-firearm-photo-protesting-tiananmen-square-massacre;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

In June, a Chinese-American student at Fordham University, Austin Tong, posted a photo of retired St. Louis police officer David Dorn, who was killed after defending a friend’s store from looters. The photo was accompanied by a note citing the “nonchalant social reaction” to Dorn’s murder. In addition, Tong posted another photo of himself holding a Smith & Wesson rifle pointed toward the ground with the photo captioned “Don’t tread on me #198964,” in reference to the Tiananmen Square massacre on June 4, 1989. That photo included emojis of the American and Chinese flags.

Tong had also posted statements including, “freedom comes from a strong and armed populace” and “Violence against any citizen should not be tolerated, and The Second Amendment protects us from that.”

The photos triggered the university to put Tong on probation.

Now the Trump administration’s Department of Education has launched an investigation into Fordham University. One department official told Campus Reform, “Of course, this raises questions about the influence of the Chinese government on American colleges and universities.”

The Department of Education sent a letter to Fordham University, which stated in part:

On the night of June 4, 2020, allegedly due to “multiple student complaints related to [Mr. Tong’s] social media posts,” including the claim that his posts were “grotesque” and “racist,” Fordham dispatched two uniformed public safety officers to visit Mr. Tong at his parent’s home in Long Island, New York. … Mr. Tong allegedly told the officers he purchased the rifle so his family would have protection from the threat posed by ongoing riots and social disorder in New York City …

Fordham deemed Mr. Tong’s constitutionally protected speech “a security threat” (emphasis added). Fordham apparently was concerned because “in referring to Black Lives Matter protests, [Mr. Tong] stated that he was ‘aware of the chaotic situation that needs me to keep (sic) family safe.’”

On July 24, the Dean of Students informed Tong that he was on probation because his social media posts violated university policy. He would need permission from the dean of students to enter the campus; he would need to undergo “bias training,” and he would need to compose an apology.

The university informed Tong he would have to complete his courses online. The university added that the sanctions were non-appealable.

Those actions prompted Tong to sue the school, claiming his First Amendment rights had been violated.

In its letter, the Department of Education noted:

In its Demonstration Policy, Fordham promises prospective students, their parents, and other potential consumers in the market for education certificates ‘[e]ach member of the University has a right to freely express their positions and to work for their acceptance whether they assent to or dissent from existing situations in the University or society. Fordham further promises not to infringe on students’ right “to express [their] positions” and engage in “other legitimate activities.”

However, Fordham fails to warn prospective students, their parents, and other potential consumers in the market for education certificates of their liability to potential discipline for the lawful off-campus expression of thoughts and constitutionally protected conduct that happens to be disfavored by Fordham’s education bureaucrats.

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So says one Chinese dissident.

Chinese Communist Party pays the Vatican $2 billion each year in exchange for silence about the Chinese government’s human rights abuses.


SEE: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2020/08/ccp-buying-popes-silence-uighurs-robert-spencer/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

That tireless advocate for Islam, Pope Francis, is facing criticism for his uncharacteristic silence over a Muslim population that is actually suffering injustice and persecution: the Uighurs of China. ChurchMilitant.com reported Tuesday that Cardinal Charles Maung Bo, archbishop of Yangon, Myanmar, denounced “the potential genocide” of “one million Uighur and other Muslims in China.” But Francis remains resolutely silent.

The reason why may be found in his bank balance.

Rahima Mahmut, head of the World Uighur Congress, declared: “Pope Francis, in particular, speaks almost every week at the Sunday Angelus, and on many other occasions, about issues of injustice in the world. He has often addressed the persecution of the Rohingya Muslims. Yet there is one country whose human rights record he has not highlighted — China — and one people whose suffering he has not spoken about — the Uighurs.”

A dissident who has been exiled from China, Guo Wengei, may have provided the key to the Pope’s curious silence in late June, when he charged the Chinese Communist Party pays the Vatican $2 billion each year in exchange for silence about the Chinese government’s human rights abuses.

If that is true, it explains everything. The Uighurs don’t pay Francis, but the ChiComs do. If the Uighurs did pay him, he might speak up on their behalf. As I told ChurchMilitant, his eye, in this case, appears to be squarely on the bottom line, not on the humanitarian concerns he speaks out about so enthusiastically in other contexts.

Up until now, it has seemed that if anyone was paying Francis, it was Islamic organizations. Or maybe he undertook his enthusiastic advocacy of Islam for free, out of love for the Religion of Peace. Whatever the case may be, his efforts have not gone unappreciated. In September 2017, Pope Francis met in the Vatican with Dr. Muhammad bin Abdul Karim Al-Issa, the secretary-general of the Muslim World League (MWL), a group that has been linked to the financing of jihad terror. During the meeting, al-Issa thanked the pope for his “fair positions” on what he called the “false claims that link extremism and violence to Islam.”

Ahmed al-Tayeb, the Grand Imam of Cairo’s al-Azhar, has also thanked the Pope, for his “defense of Islam against the accusation of violence and terrorism.” Al-Tayeb is Pope Francis’ favored dialogue partner. In February 2019, they published “A Document On Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together” during the Pope’s trip to the United Arab Emirates. It was as filled with falsehoods and wishful thinking as one would expect coming from a practiced deceiver such as el-Tayeb and someone so eager to be deceived as Pope Francis.

One of its egregiously false statements was this: Terrorism, it said, “is not due to religion, even when terrorists instrumentalize it. It is due, rather, to an accumulation of incorrect interpretations of religious texts and to policies linked to hunger, poverty, injustice, oppression and pride.”

So are the authoritative sources in Sunni Islam, the schools of Sunni jurisprudence (madhahib), all incorrect in their interpretations of the Qur’an and Sunnah when they say that Islam teaches warfare against unbelievers? Francis and al-Tayeb would apparently have us think so.

Meanwhile, if anyone is paying Francis, it isn’t persecuted Christians: the Pope has committed the Catholic Church to silence about Muslim persecution of Christians as the price for that dialogue. The Associated Press reported in 2016 that the pope “embraced the grand imam of Al-Azhar, the prestigious Sunni Muslim center of learning, reopening an important channel for Catholic-Muslim dialogue after a five-year lull and at a time of increased Islamic extremist attacks on Christians.”

Why had there been this “five-year lull”? Because “the Cairo-based Al-Azhar froze talks with the Vatican to protest comments by then-Pope Benedict XVI.” What did Benedict say? Andrea Gagliarducci of the Catholic News Agency explains that after a jihad terrorist murdered 23 Christians in a church in Alexandria 2011, Benedict decried “terrorism” and the “strategy of violence” against Christians, and called for the Christians of the Middle East to be protected.

So Pope Benedict condemned a jihad attack, one that al-Azhar also condemned, and yet al-Azhar suspended dialogue because of the pope’s condemnation. Then Pope Francis wrote to the Grand Imam of al-Azhar affirming his respect for Islam, and the Grand Imam warned him that criticizing Islam was a “red line” that he must not cross. That strongly suggests that the “dialogue” that Pope Francis has now reestablished will not be allowed to discuss the Muslim persecution of Christians that will escalate worldwide, especially since an incidence of that persecution led to the suspension of dialogue in the first place.

Francis, for his part, in sharp contrast to Benedict, has proclaimed that “authentic Islam and the proper understanding of the Koran reject every form of violence,” doing his bit to ensure that as many Christians as possible would remain ignorant and complacent about the jihad threat that his precious “dialogue” does nothing to mitigate.

All this makes his silence regarding the Uighurs all the more curious and self-contradictory. But whether Guo’s charges are true is something we are likely never to know: the Vatican is not exactly forthcoming with information that may make the Vicar of Christ look bad.

“Leave them; they are blind guides. And if a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.” (Matthew 15:14)

Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 21 books, including the New York Times bestsellers The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) and The Truth About Muhammad. His latest book is Rating America’s Presidents: An America-First Look at Who Is Best, Who Is Overrated, and Who Was An Absolute Disaster. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here.




SEE: https://www.vcyamerica.org/prophecy-today/2020/08/13/the-pope-has-assigned-the-virgin-mary-to-protect-the-communist-nation-of-china-2/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

JD: The Pope has committed Mary to protect China, we’re talking about communist China. Why did the Pope make that decision?

MG: Well it goes back to an agreement, it’s an interim agreement that was signed by the Vatican and the Chinese government back in 2018. Shortly after the interim agreement was signed China continued to demolish Roman Catholic churches and crosses and continues to hold their clergy in detention. But because the Communist party has continued to destroy Catholic churches the Pope came out and said, “we intrust the pastors and faithful of the Catholic church in the great country to the guidance and protection not of God but of our heavenly mother so that they may be strong in the faith and firm and fraternal union”. 
The Pope is recognizing that the Catholic church in China is under persecution by the communist government. So rather than intrust to almighty God the sovereign king of the world and universe he intrust the Catholic church to the guidance and protection of Mother Mary. Again an example of how the Roman Catholic church esteems Mary and gives her the attributes of God. We know that God is the only one that has the power to protect anyone on this earth but yet the Catholic church doesn’t know the Bible very well. We read in Psalm 148:13, let them praise the name of the Lord for His name alone is exalted, His splendor is above the earth and above the heavens. If Catholics would only read their Bible the truth would set them free from this religious deception that holds them in bondage. Don’t listen to the Pope, test everything he says with the authority of God’s word.
JD: Mike Gendron giving us the details on why the Pope assigned the mother of Jesus to protect the communist nation of China.
We report this information because it is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Communist China is under the influence of Satan. As you study Revelation 17 the false church located in Rome you’ll see that the false church, a mother son cult, Revelation 17:5,  is also under the influence of satan. The beast mentioned in Revelation 17 is the antichrist. Therefore we see that communist China and the false church in Rome will be satanically controlled in the last days. Both communist China and the Vatican will be major players in the end time scenario that is found in Bible prophecy. 



SEE: https://freebeacon.com/campus/fordham-requires-escort-for-student-who-posed-with-gun/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

A Fordham University student who was kicked off campus for posing with a legally owned firearm won't be allowed back without an escort.

Austin Tong, a rising senior who posted a picture of himself on Instagram holding an AR-15 rifle with the caption, "Don't tread on me," in commemoration of the Tiananmen Square massacre, said that a "KGB overseer" would have to escort him to and from classes if he wants to return to campus in the fall.

"Fordham graciously offered me a realistic historical simulation of being overseen by the Soviet secret police," Tong told the Washington Free Beacon. "This just exposes the sensitivity of Fordham and colleges on safe speech, resorting to extreme means to make sure students stay in line."

Tong filed a lawsuit against Fordham on July 23 alleging that the university violated its own free speech policies when it disciplined him for posing in "non-threatening social media posts on Instagram." The suit demands that the school lift the sanctions, which require him to leave campus indefinitely, apologize for the picture, and undergo implicit bias training.

Fordham argued that the photograph ran afoul of its commitment to combating bias and hate crimes. Tong, a Chinese immigrant, said he will not apologize for the photo because it does not pose a threat to his peers.

In response to the lawsuit, Fordham withdrew its restraining order against Tong pending the court's ruling. It also said that it would not require an apology note or implicit bias training before Tong's return to campus but claimed that it was reasonable to require him to be escorted by a public safety officer to and from his on-campus destination. In addition, Tong must seek permission 48 hours in advance of his arrival.

Fordham did not respond to requests for comment.

Tong told the Free Beacon that he will not return to campus despite the withdrawal of the restraining order. "I'm probably not going back to campus," Tong said. "I don't think [the school or my peers] want to see me either. Frankly, it's not safe."



SEE: https://rairfoundation.com/excrement-everywhere-italian-officials-ignore-womans-plea-to-remove-squatting-dog-eating-islamic-migrants-from-her-property-video/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

A video translated by RAIR Foundation USA reveals a distraught woman in Lampedusa, Italy complaining about illegal migrants squatting on her land even after she repeatedly tries to report the problem to authorities. In addition to the “mattresses,” “bottles of alcohol,” and “excrement everywhere,” Rosy Matinais explains that the Muslim migrants have eaten all of her animals, including dogs, with the exception of pigs.

Ms. Matinais, a farmer who lives off the crops on her land, earns her living from raising farm animals. “They have eaten chickens, the goats, the dogs,” she said. “I can’t have any more animals. I only have pigs.” The illegal migrants ate four of her dogs by skinning them and grilling them, she explained.

According to Italian newspaper ilgiornale.it, her father purchased the property on the island in 1967. Lampedusa, Italy, at the southernmost part of Italy, has become an epicenter for the socialist-driven illegal migrant invasion. The tiny island, an Italian tourist destination, has a population of about 6,000. There have been times when the migrants outnumbered the citizens. Socialist Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte  “reversed [former Deputy Prime Minister Matteo] Salvini’s immigration stance when he came to power,” as reported at RAIR.

“I make reports to the Guardia di Finanza, the mayor [Totò Martello], the assessor, and the director of the center. You tell me if I can’t be the owner of my land?” she laments. Rosy’s requests for help have not only been ignored by politicians but also law enforcement officers.

The local report explained that the migrants harassed her and her daughter. “We asked the police for help,” she was quoted as saying. “They told us that migrants are untouchable. They do what they want ”

Rosy lamented that if her father was alive he would have “used the shotgun” on the migrants squatting on their property. She further expressed her anger at the Mayor Totò Martello for not helping the situation.

Despite ongoing reports of migrants eating citizens’ pets, the mayor posted on Facebook that her accusations are “fake news.” In the meantime, Rosy appears to be without her four dogs and has been abandoned by those elected to protect her.

As reported at RAIR last month, a 23-year-old migrant was scolded by a woman for skinning and cooking a cat openly on a sidewalk near the Campiglia Marittima train station Livorno, Italy. “This poor creature, look here, Shame! Shame! You should go back to your own country,” the woman exclaimed.

Hundreds of migrants have been landing daily in this beautiful Southern Italian coastal town that survives on tourism. Rosey and her native Italians have been failed by left-wing politicians pushing open border policies at all costs. Not only are these elected leaders turning a deaf ear to the unspeakable problems citizens are facing but they smear anyone who goes public with their stories.

Watch the RAIR exclusively-translated video here:

Support our work at RAIR Foundation USA! We are a grassroots activist team and we need your help! Please consider making a donation here: https://rairfoundation.com/donate/

Transcript below: many thanks to FouseSquawk for the translation

…they hear me. You’ll see what’s happening. I make reports to the Guardia di Finanza,
the mayor, the assessor, and the director of the center. You tell me if I can’t be the 
owner of my land?

[unintelligible] my father was going to finish down there.

Tell me what I have to do. Look. —There are mattresses, everywhere, covers… have eaten everything… 

Come. I’ll show you all the bottles of alcohol here. [unintelligible] that many Arabs drink alcohol.

Look. Look [unintelligible] Look. Look. —Excrement everywhere.

Look. Look. Look.

Private property. They enter and leave it like this. —Look. Come. Look. You can’t breathe, boys.

You cannot breathe! —

An incredible odor of excrement. The stink kills you. I go to the Guardia di Finanza and report.
The mayor, the assessor and the director of the center. Because the last time
the Carabinieri came up here, they promised me they would come and clean it up. Instead,
[unintelligible] passed and nobody comes.

Tell me… —Tell me one thing. They have eaten goats… —So, they have eaten chickens,
the goats, the dogs. I can’t have any more animals. I only have pigs.

[unintelligible] only the pigs. Look.

Look here. Look. Look.

[Reporters speaking unintelligibly] Look how many bottles there are. Look.

An open air dump An open air dump. So, I’m going to do this, if they don’t listen to me, 
I’ve reached the point I’ll have to carry out justice myself. As soon as somebody comes, 
I’ll shoot him, because they always tell me they are being cared for. Who the hell takes 
care of me?

Who takes care of me? Who pays me for these damages? They even eat doggies. This is shameful. 
This is shameful!

We are Italians, yes or no?  

The remains of a dog?

Yes, [unintelligible] all this, remains, hair, the covers, a small grill. — 

So they killed the dog.

Even the dogs, four dogs, yes… —

They skinned it? —

Yes, they skinned it.
1 14 15 16 17