



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

In mid-September, Jihad Watch reported that a Muslim migrant had stabbed a pro-migrant priest to death, and that police had rejected bishops’ claim that killer was mentally ill. Even worse, “Roberto Bernasconi, president of the Como section of pro-migrant Catholic charity Caritas, blamed the ‘tragedy’ on the anti-migrant ‘climate of hatred and intolerance that is fomented in the city.’”

The Pope, meanwhile, who has been tirelessly advocating for open door migration, stated that the killer, Mahmoudi Ridha, was “a person in need” and “malata di testa“: “An Italian linguist explained to Church Militant that the phrase was a malapropism and one would not use such an expression in correct Italian. “‘Mal di testa’ refers to a ‘headache.’ When we want to say someone is ‘mentally ill’ we say ‘malata di mente.'”

Maybe Pope Francis considers Ridha a headache since he makes the mass migration enterprise look bad.

The Pope insists Ridha is a “person in need” even though he wanted to behead the priest — a familiar act by jihadists — and even though the region where the priest was murdered has “deep ties to terror.”

By the Pope’s thinking, all jihadists are “sick in the head” — including persecutors of Christians and minorities, those who murder for “blasphemy,” and those who murder to conquer territory for Islam. As Robert Spencer states below:

No one in the media, Church or police has tried to discover whether Islam’s doctrine calling for violence against unbelievers may have been a motive for Fr. Malgesini’s murder because all three are deeply committed to the idea that there is no such doctrine, and that Islam is a religion of peace that has nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.

To acknowledge that Mahmoudi Ridha was motivated by Qur’anic passages such as “kill them wherever you find them” (2:191, 4:89, cf. 9:5) and “when you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks” (47:4) is inconceivable to them. They either don’t know that such passages exist, or they are certain that no Muslims today take them seriously or would ever consider acting upon them. The only fallback position for those whose denial and willful ignorance is so implacable is to insist that Ridha is “mentally ill.”

It is possible that Ridha may have been both homeless and “sick in the head,” but was also a jihadist, motivated by explicit Islamic doctrine?

“Italian Priest’s Killer from Islamic Hotbed,” by Jules Gomes, Church Militant, September 22, 2020:

COMO, Italy ( – The illegal immigrant who murdered a pro-migrant Italian priest may have been associated with mosques or groups linked to radical Islam, Church Militant has learned.

Father Roberto Malgesini was given a hero’s funeral Friday as the autopsy report revealed that 53-year-old Tunisian Muslim Mahmoudi Ridha had attempted to behead the priest.

“Mahmoudi Ridha wanted to cut off his head. The large wound in the neck in particular would suggest an attempt to cut off his head, which was not completed,” the report stated.

Anatomopathologist Dr. Giovanni Scola concluded that the large wound in the neck appeared “to suggest an attempt at decapitation not completed due to the desire to resect the bony plane of the spine.”

Method of Death Denotes Jihad

A noted Sharia scholar told Church Militant that the deliberate attempt to decapitate the infidel was typical of Islamic-styled executions as prescribed in the Qur’an: “So when you meet those who disbelieve [in battle], strike [their] necks until, when you have inflicted slaughter upon them” (47:4).

“The priest died like a dog, that was right,” Ridha said Tuesday morning after he repeatedly stabbed 51-year-old Fr. Roberto Malgesini in Piazza San Rocco in the center of Como in the Lombardy region of northern Italy.

The Sharia scholar also pointed out that this term of abuse was not insignificant. Infidels are called “dogs” and the Qur’anic verse 7:176 says of the unbeliever: “So his example is like that of the dog: If you chase him, he pants, or if you leave him, he [still] pants. That is the example of the people who denied our signs.”

“In Islamic parlance, ‘dog’ is used as the vilest of insults,” he added.

‘Willful Ignorance’

Pope Francis, however, insisted that the killer was “a person in need” and “a person sick in the head,” using the unusual phrase “malata di testa” to refer to Ridha’s alleged mental illness.

An Italian linguist explained to Church Militant that the phrase was a malapropism and one would not use such an expression in correct Italian. “‘Mal di testa’ refers to a ‘headache.’ When we want to say someone is ‘mentally ill’ we say ‘malata di mente.'”

“I am not sure if Pope Francis is being deliberately ambiguous or speaking poor Italian as he often does,” the linguist noted. “Of course, he wouldn’t like his pro-migrant, pro-Muslim narrative to be disrupted if the assassin were found to have jihadi motives.”

Despite police reports categorically stating that the assailant had never suffered “certified psychological problems” and had no history of mental illness, Italian bishops, Caritas and the mainstream media unanimously diagnosed the killer as “mentally ill,” Church Militant reported.

Robert Spencer, Islamic historian and author of The History of Jihad: From Muhammad to ISIS, lamented:

No one in the media, Church or police has tried to discover whether Islam’s doctrine calling for violence against unbelievers may have been a motive for Fr. Malgesini’s murder because all three are deeply committed to the idea that there is no such doctrine, and that Islam is a religion of peace that has nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.

To acknowledge that Mahmoudi Ridha was motivated by Qur’anic passages such as “kill them wherever you find them” (2:191, 4:89, cf. 9:5) and “when you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks” (47:4) is inconceivable to them. They either don’t know that such passages exist, or they are certain that no Muslims today take them seriously or would ever consider acting upon them. The only fallback position for those whose denial and willful ignorance is so implacable is to insist that Ridha is “mentally ill.”

The region where the killing occurred, however, has deep ties to terror…..