New York Times Reporter a Stout Defender of Hamas



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

The New York Times has a new reporter, even worse than those already covering Israel and the Palestinians. She is Raja Abdulrahim, who, when a college student, was helped by financial aid from CAIR, and she has remained loyal to that organization, an unindicted co-conspirator in the country’s largest terrorism financing trial. She has a special sympathy for Hamas, about which she has had nothing bad to say, and now that she works for the Times, her opinion pieces, masquerading as news reports, carry much greater weight. More on Abdulrahim’s sympathetic coverage of Hamas can be found here: “The New York Times’ Gift to Hamas,” by Tamar Sternthal, CAMERA, April 23, 2023:

In 2019 and again in 2022, Gaza residents launched the “We Want to Live” campaign, protesting Hamas corruption, taxes, and policies that condemn citizens to a life of poverty.

Whenever Hamas leaders want more money, they simply impose a new tax – on gasoline, on heating oil, on electricity, on food. Few dare to openly protest; on a few occasions when Gazans have been pushed to public protests, they have been clubbed into submission by the bullyboys of Hamas. Some protests dramatically show the depth of their immiseration: Gaza merchants were recently filmed dumping their produce as a protest of a heavy Hamas tax crushing Gazans struggling to make ends meet, making them unable to buy the products that the merchants had to sell.

But Hamas, it seems, can count on The New York Times’ Abdulrahim to be more compliant than ungrateful Gaza residents. Indeed, Abdulrahim’s 1200-plus word article highlighting the dire financial situation of the Gaza Strip does not mention Hamas once, a glaring omission sure to have brought great holiday cheer to the territory’s repressive regime (“As Gaza Celebrates Eid, a Gift for Women — and a Duty For Men,” in print April 21).

Since her university days, Abdulrahim was groomed to provide coverage favorable to Hamas. As a student sponsored by CAIR (the Council on American-Islamic Relations, whose executives were unindicted co-conspirators in the United States’ largest terror finance case in history), Abdulrahim defended anti-Israel terror groups, denying that Hamas and Hezbollah are terror organizations that have murdered innocent Israeli civilians. Now, as a Times reporter, she churns out propaganda on behalf of Palestinian terrorists, justifying CAIR’s long-ago investment in the young writer.

Two weeks after the 9/11 attacks, Abdulrahim, then a student at the University of Florida, defended Hamas and Hezbollah in a letter to her campus newspaper, the Independent Florida Alligator, denying that Hamas and Hezbollah are terrorist organizations. The Sept. 26, 2001 letter stated: “I decided to respond to Guy Golan’s letter (‘Jews must help all Arab people’) from Monday’s Alligator because he erroneously refers to Hamas and Hizbollah as ‘fundamentalist’ and ‘terror organizations’ that have ‘murdered innocent Israeli civilians.’”

Her latest lengthy feature [in the New York Times] in service of Hamas, covers in great detail the coastal territory’s enduring custom of giving cash gifts to female relatives despite severe economic hardship. “Despite economic pain, Palestinian Muslims follow a costly annual custom,” was the subheadline in the international print edition.

About the bankrupting tradition, Abdulrahim explains:

To give the eidiya [the gift given as part of celebrating Eid], some men will go into debt. Others will wait until their wives get their eidiya from relatives before turning around and using that money to give the gifts to their other female relatives.

However bad one’s financial situation is, we have to go and give,” said Mr. Helles’ father, Hamid al-Abid Helles.

Abdulrahim stresses the wretched state of the impoverished people of Gaza, who don’t even have enough money to buy the presents they are required to give to female relatives at Eid. Some go into debt to pay for the Eidiya gifts they will give, while others wait until their own female relatives receive their Eid gifts, and then they re-purpose them, sending them as their Eid gifts to others. We are made to feel keenly the economic pain of the Gazans. But Abdulrahim has no intention of putting the blame for their poverty where it belongs: on the despotic regime of Hamas, which has ruled Gaza since 2007.

Hamas has caused that impoverishment in two ways. First, the Hamas leaders have helped themselves to billions of dollars in aid money, which they then squirrel away abroad, in bank accounts, on stocks, or on real estate. Abdulrahim never raises the issue of Hamas’ corruption.

While Abdulrahim tactfully refrains from mentioning the word “Hamas,” she reserves blame for the coastal territory’s bleak financial situation solely on the Israeli-Egyptian blockade, writing:

These days, coming up with the money for the eidiya is especially onerous. The 16-year-blockade of Gaza by Israel and Egypt has undermined the living conditions of more than two million Palestinians and led an unemployment rate of nearly 50 percent, among the highest in the world.

Notably, even on the narrow issue of the blockade, Abdulrahim violates the journalistic imperative to report basic information, neglecting to include even one word about the reasons for the Israel-Egyptian restrictionsIn contrast, this recent AP report, which cites the Israeli-Egyptian blockade only in passing, commendably informs: “A crippling Israeli-Egyptian blockade imposed after Hamas violently wrested control of Gaza in 2007 has made it difficult for Hamas to smuggle Iranian-made rockets into the coastal enclave in recent years.”

The blockade not only prevented the smuggling by Hamas of Iranian-made rockets into the Strip, but prevented “dual-use” materials that could be used to build weapons, or terror tunnels, from entering Gaza. Abulrahim makes no mention of why Israel imposes its blockade; in her telling, it seems inexplicable and cruel.

More broadly, Abdulrahim’s pronounced pro-Hamas agenda does not leave any space to note Hamas’ responsibility for stifling the local economy by investing in terror infrastructure as opposed to economic development and social welfare.

In Gaza, Hamas built an entire network of underground tunnels (since destroyed by Israel), where its operatives and their weapons could remain hidden from the view of Israeli pilots. The men of Hamas were thus able, until recently, to move across the Strip through these tunnels without being observed. Now Israel has both located and destroyed that network of terror tunnels. These tunnels cost hundreds of millions of dollars to build, money that might have gone to schools, hospitals, and relief aid to the 65% of Gazans who now live below the poverty line. Abdulrahim has nothing to say about the spending choices Hamas has made, so scandalously indifferent to the wellbeing of Gazans.

Last May, the US Treasury Department revealed that Hamas’ Investment Office, which oversees a network of three Hamas financial facilitators and six companies, raised more than $500 million for the terror organization. “Hamas has generated vast sums of revenue through its secret investment portfolio while destabilizing Gaza, which is facing harsh living and economic conditions. Hamas maintains a violent agenda that harms both Israelis and Palestinians,” charged Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorist Financing and Financial Crimes, Elizabeth Rosenberg.

All that money, coming to Hamas from rich Sunni Arab individuals in the Gulf, from the state of Qatar, and now, too, from Iran, which has chosen to overlook sectarian differences with Hamas for the greater good of the cause – the destruction of the Jewish state — adds up to hundreds of millions of dollars a year. Where does it all go? Much of it goes to the tens of thousands of members of Hamas, who live well amidst so much poverty. And while 60% of Gazans are unemployed, Hamas members and their relatives are assured of well-paid government sinecures. Abdulrahim ignores the economic benefits of membership in Hamas, a source of great resentment among the general population.

Meanwhile. the New Arab reported in July 2022 (“‘We Want to Live’: Gazans revive popular online campaign against Hamas“):

Residents in Gaza revived a three-year-old digital campaign against the Islamic Hamas movement, blaming it for the deteriorating living conditions in the territory over the years.

Under the hashtag “We Want To Live”, thousands of Gazans, including expatriates, joined the campaign which holds Hamas mainly responsible for the economic, political and social problems in the impoverished and besieged coastal enclave….

But Abdulrahim won’t touch these folks’ stories….

Hamas runs the Gaza Strip like a Mafia family. Those who are in the family – the “made men” of Hamas — get everything they want, for themselves and their relatives, while the general population endures a steady impoverishment. At the very top are the leaders, whose colossal corruption is a constant source of resentment and rage. Just two of those leaders, Khaled Meshaal and Mousa bin Marzouk, have each managed to accumulate fortunes of $2.5 billion. In addition, 600 “Hamas millionaires,” who have been allowed to take their more modest cuts from donors’ aid of between one and a few million dollars apiece, live in luxurious villas in the Strip.

Israel, meanwhile, is doing its best to improve the economic situation of Gazans. It has increased the number of work permits for Gazans from 7,000 to 17,000 in just two years and has now gone beyond even that number, providing more than 21,300 Gazans with work permits. And Jerusalem has made clear that if conditions are sufficiently peaceful, it is prepared to increase the number of such permits further still. Israel has similarly increased the work permits for Palestinians in the West Bank to more than 120,000. With these permits, Gazans can work in Israel and earn salaries seven times greater than what they can earn in Gaza – if that is, they can find work at all in the Strip. With these salaries, the Gazans working in Israel can support large numbers of people in their extended families. In fact, the only good economic news to report from Gaza is about an increase in the number of people who can now work in Israel.

Abdulrahim must know of the online protests against Hamas, and knows of the resentment and rage against Hamas felt by so many Gazans, but she fails to report on any of that. Hamas must be very pleased with Abdulrahim’s reporting. And so, it seems, is The New York Times.

Sharia State University: San Francisco State University persecutes a professor for displaying an image of Muhammad.



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Last month, swimmer Riley Gaines came to San Francisco State University to discuss the fairness of men competing against women. A man wearing a dress assaulted Gaines and a crazed trans mob forced the NCAA champion to take refuge in a barricaded room.

SFSU president Lynn Mahoney (pictured above right) said Gaines’ message was “deeply traumatic for many in our trans and LGBTQ+ communities,” and proclaimed, “To our trans community, please know how welcome you are. We will turn this moment into an opportunity to listen and learn about how we can better support you.” That’s a tough act to follow, but SFSU is up to the task.

“San Francisco State is trying to railroad a professor who showed a portrait of the prophet Muhammad in his history class,” reports Evan Gahr of the California Globe. “The school is investigating the professor for supposed harassment.”

Last fall, SFSU associate professor of history Maziar Behrooz was teaching his class on the history of the Islamic world between 500 and 1700. Professor Behrooz showed a drawing of the Prophet Muhammad, as he has done for many years, without any objection from the class. This time a single student claimed that all images of Muhammad were forbidden and complained to the department chair.

Behrooz countered that the student’s view is not shared by all Muslims, that the same portrait of Muhammad is sold at marketplaces in Tehran, and that many Shiite Muslims have drawings of Muhammad in their homes. The student then took his complaint to the next level.

In March, the university’s Office of Equity Programs and Compliance told Behrooz it was launching an investigation.  According to the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) and the Middle East Studies Association of North America, the image of Muhammad was “pedagogically relevant to the course at issue.”  Both groups asked SFSU to discontinue the investigation, on First Amendment and academic freedom grounds.

A mouthpiece for president Mahoney said SFSU had a “duty” to respond to all reports of discrimination, and harassment.  Once an investigation is started, SFSU “has a limited ability to discuss it.” The complaining student, unnamed, isn’t talking to reporters.

Professor Behrooz would not tell the California Globe what happened in his April “interview” but did indicate that the issue is “pending.” That portends the possibility of discipline or worse.

In Minnesota, Hamline University recently fired adjunct professor Erica Lopez Prater for showing students images of the prophet Muhammad, including a 14th-century painting. The images prompted a complaint from at least one student.

Professor Prater’s purpose was to show that there is “no one monothetic Islamic culture.” FIRE and PEN America advanced the First Amendment and academic freedom arguments, and Professor Prater apologized. It was all to no avail.

Hamline bosses deemed the showing of the images “disrespectful and Islamophobic” and dismissed Lopez Prater. The proceedings against the professors raise disturbing issues.

At private and state institutions, Islamic law and custom are taking precedence over American law and academic liberties. When Professor Behrooz accepted the SFSU job, he did not cede his First Amendment rights. Freedom of choice also comes into play.

The complaining student was perfectly free to unroll at universities in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, or Qatar. That student chose a public American institution under American law. San Francisco State University has allowed the complaint of a single student, disputed on its own terms, to upend longstanding rights and practices. This development does not exhaust the concerns of Professor Behrooz.

Islam teaches that men are men and women are women, and also that Allah has made men superior to women. If men fear disobedience from a wife, they may beat her. Members of other religions are to be shunned, jihad waged against the unbelievers. And safe to say, there is no such thing as gay rights or trans rights under Islam.

Last year, Islamic scholar Sheikh Yousef Abu Islam criticized Gay Pride Month and said that Allah has commanded that homosexuals should be thrown head first off the highest rooftops and then stoned. This was the Islamic State’s favored method of executing homosexuals.

So far, the LBGTQ+ community has not mounted a “peaceful” protest against Professor Behrooz or Muslim groups on campus. Were they to do so, it would be interesting to see how SFSU bosses would respond.

San Francisco State’s privileged “trans community” prefers to attack swimmer Riley Gaines, who stands five foot 7. She wants to discuss the fairness of competing against the likes of Lia Thomas, a 6foot-one male, rudder intact, who thinks he’s a woman. A crazed mob menaces Gaines and SFSU basically sides with the attackers.

No word of any investigations of the sort Professor Behrooz must endure for exercising his academic freedom and displaying pedagogically relevant material.  Everything’s up to date at Sharia State University, but they haven’t gone as far as they can go.

Spain: Muslim who attacked priest with machete inside church said Christian faith ‘must be eliminated’



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Not that this has anything to do with Islam!

“Islamic terrorist in Jan. 25 attacks in Spain said Christian faith ‘must be eliminated,’” ACI Prensa, April 28, 2023 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

On Jan. 25 a young Moroccan national identified as Yassine Kanjaa carried out jihadist attacks in Algeciras, Spain, killing a sacristan and seriously wounding a priest in two different incidents.

The General Commissariat of Information, an intelligence service under Spain’s National Police, compiled two reports on the attacks dated Jan. 29 and Jan. 30. Europa Press recently gained access to them and on April 26 published details reconstructing events.

The reports state that according to Father Antonio Rodríguez Lucena, who was wounded, the attacker was not provoked: “Nobody did anything that could bother him.”

In his testimony, the priest said that Kanjaa told a parishioner that “the Christian faith is negative and must be eliminated.”

According to the reports to which Europa Press has had access, the attack began at 6:30 p.m. local time when Kanjaa entered San Isidro Church in Algecrias and began to argue with the parishioners.

After the terrorist stated his desire to eliminate the Christian faith, he “vehemently” said that “the only religion to follow is the Islamic religion,” according to the testimony of the priest who survived the attack.

The woman who opened the church daily testified that the attacker took a Bible that was there and started hitting the seating with it. She confronted the man, managed to snatch the Bible away from him, and asked him to leave.

At 7 p.m. the individual returned to the area outside the church. The faithful who were attending Mass could hear him shouting in Arabic. After Mass, Rodríguez wanted to find out what was happening.

At that moment, “the suspect, carrying a large machete in his hand, suddenly attacked the priest causing serious injuries,” the report states.

In his statement to police, the priest said that “a man dressed in black entered, who was heading towards the altar without saying anything.”

The priest waited for him at the altar with the idea of having an open way to escape. When the man got to the altar he brandished his weapon, which the priest hadn’t realized he was carrying.

When the priest tried to flee, he stumbled and felt the weapon strike him. The parishioners attended to the wound and shut the church door so the attacker couldn’t get back inside.

The weapon, according to another witness, was “a large blue machete.” Others described it as a “knife” or “a kind of katana,” a curved Japanese sword.

After this attack, Kanjaa went to the Virgin of La Palma church located about 650 feet away. According to a witness, along the way he ran into a Moroccan passerby, whom without saying a word he punched in the face, breaking his glasses. He then struck him twice more and accused him of practicing the wrong religion.

When he got to the Virgin of La Palma church, the attacker saw the sacristan, Diego Valencia, leaving through a back door of the church.

According to the police, Kanjaa struck him with several initial blows with his weapon. The sacristan tried to flee but the attacker caught up with him in Plaza Alta, threw him to the ground, gripped the katana with both hands and “raising his gaze to the sky and shouting a few words in Arabic, among which was heard ‘Allah,’ dealt him one last fatal blow.”…

DR Congo: Muslims murder 80 Christians



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

“Make ready for them all that you can of force and of warhorses, so that by them you may strike terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy…” (Qur’an 8:60)

“Ten Days of Terror and Death in Congo as Eighty Christians are Killed by the ADF,” International Christian Concern, April 28, 2023:

04/28/2023 DRC (International Christian Concern) – The Church in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) continues to bear the brunt of terrorism from the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), one of the many armed groups operating across the region that has vowed to kill more Christians to please Allah.

In ten days, North Kivu province has seen over 80 people killed and hundreds abducted by the ADF extremist group that claims alliance with the Islamic State. For decades, the ADF has killed, maimed, abducted, and displaced millions of people in North Kivu despite the presence of peacekeepers and local and regional troops in the troubled region.

In a statement, the Vicar of Babwisi Parish, where dozens of Christians have been killed, said, “April has turned out to be a month of bloodshed ironical of the expectation of having peace after celebrating the death and the resurrection of Christ Jesus. From the 7th to the 18th, the killings of Christians were numerous in the following entities: Mavete, Musandaba, Katere, and Mamungelesi, all in the West Oicha.

The vicar went on to break down the figures, “On Friday, April 7, and Saturday, April 8, 2023, 26 people were killed by the ADF rebels in Mavete and Musandaba villages, Beni territory. Among them were members of Babwisi parish which is Beni diocese, where eight men were killed leaving widows and children.”

“On Tuesday 18th April 2023, 45 people were killed by these same ADF rebels this time in Katere and Mamungelesi in one night of unfathomable horror, where men, women, and children were slaughtered like chicken. During his attack, we lost one of our evangelists together with his wife. His name is Emmanuel Kambale. The parish is devastated. In addition, over 30 people were abducted and their whereabouts are unknown.”…

Austria: Muslims sever man’s hands and feet at subway station, then kill him



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

“The only reward for those who make war upon Allah and his messenger and struggle to sow corruption on earth will be that they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet cut off on opposite sides, or be expelled from the land. Such will be their degradation in this world, and in the hereafter, theirs will be an awful doom.” (Qur’an 5:33)

“As for the thief, both male and female, cut off their hands. It is the reward of their own deeds, an exemplary punishment from Allah. Allah is mighty, wise.” (Qur’an 5:38)

“Suspicion of machete murder at U6: Punishment action under Sharia law,” translated from “Verdacht nach Macheten-Mord bei U6: Bestrafungs-Aktion nach Gesetz der Scharia,” Express, April 29, 2023 (thanks to Medforth):

The victim in the machete murder – an Algerian (31) – was butchered at the U6 station nine days ago – the eXXpress reported. Five or six, according to eyewitness reports even up to ten men, are said to have intercepted the later victim in the station, followed him over the ramp and killed him in front of the entrance. Two perpetrators with machetes are said to have partially severed the Algerian’s hands and feet while he was still alive, as reported by oe24.

Due to the high blood loss, the victim died a little later in a hospital. One of the suspected attackers – also an Algerian (24) – fled when the police arrived and jumped into the Danube Canal. The officers fished him out, the suspect denies everything: “I wasn’t there, I don’t know the victim.”

No public manhunt for killer gang
The police did not give any details about the crime, which not only scared the population in Brigittenau. They refrain from publishing mug shots. While this is always considered appropriate for petty ATM thieves, it does not seem to be the case for a brutal gang presumably from the drug milieu. To this day, the suspects are roaming freely in Vienna unmolested.

Or do other reasons for the secrecy of the police play a role? Don’t you want to say anything because it would lead to an outcry among the population?

The police remain silent about the background
The crime is fatally reminiscent of methods that repeatedly cause serious criticism of outdated legal practice. Most recently, the public cutting off of the right hand and left foot of a thief in Somalia caused an international sensation.

The type of punishment for thieves is recorded in Surah 5:38 in the Koran as a “warning from Allah,” but it is not used in modern Islam. In Islamist circles with a harsh interpretation of the law (Sharia), on the other hand, it is. For repeat offenders, there is the option of chopping off the right hand as well as the option of severing the left foot.

Was a gang member punished at the U6 station for repeatedly betraying and stealing from his accomplices?

The police say nothing about that, either.

Sweden: Muslims screaming ‘Allahu akbar’ harass Christian preachers in central Gothenburg



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Islamic law forbids proselytizing for other religions.

“VIDEO: Muslims harass Christians in Gothenburg: ‘Allahu akbar,'” translated from “VIDEO: Muslimer stör ut kristna i Göteborg: ‘Allahu akbar,’” by Simon Kristoffersson, Samnytt, April 24, 2023

This weekend, a group of Christians tried to hold talks in central Gothenburg, but instead they were exposed to a large gang chanting “Takbir – Allahu akbar”.

It was on Saturday that the Christian group distributed materials and preached in Nordstan. A group of youths surrounded and then tried to disrupt the preachers.

“They have done this several times. There is probably a connection between their holiday and their actions,” says one of the preachers to Samnytt.

Law enforcement officers turned the gang away from the scene.

The French Evacuate Americans From Sudan. Biden Won’t.



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

America is back!

Afghanistan was not a one-off. Leaving Americans behind enemy lines has become the new normal.

“It is not our standard procedure to evacuate American citizens living abroad,” White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said on Friday.

Now the media is tentatively pointing out that most other countries, from the UK and France to India and Italy are evacuating their people. America stands alone in disgracefully refusing to do so. And that’s entirely on Biden.

Despite a number of nations evacuating their citizens, the US government has continued to say that the conditions are not conducive to a civilian evacuation. All US government personnel were evacuated in a military operation this weekend. US officials have said they are in “close communication” with US citizens and “actively facilitating” their departure from Sudan.

Is this an impeachable offense? If not, maybe it ought to be.

Exhausted and terrified, Americans and other foreign nationals have been struggling to escape the fighting in Sudan, cramming into crowded port terminals, squeezing onto filthy buses and begging strangers for a ride to an airport in a desperate bid to reach safety…

By contrast, Britain, France and Germany have sent airplanes to Sudan to help evacuate their citizens, and other countries, such as India, have organized convoys to Port Sudan on the Red Sea.

An American engineer said he had been searching fruitlessly for four days for a ride, after the tires of his car were shot out, in an effort to leave the country with his four U.S. citizen siblings, including two adolescent sisters, and his elderly British mother. Artillery and missile fire have been exploding around them, and the girls were scared, he said.

“No one wants to come to my area. … The shooting is heavy and next to us there is looting,” said the engineer, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to protect his privacy. “They could at least give us guidelines or instructions on the safe routes to take and a pickup point.”

A few Americans have made it onto flights run by European allies out of an airfield 13 miles north of Khartoum. The French, for instance, have taken at least 500 people of 41 nationalities. Photographs from the airfield show burly European soldiers in body armor guarding exhausted families.

America is back! Finally, the adults are in charge. And that means abandoning Americans while leaving it to the French to evacuate them.

Biden Establishes ‘Interagency Task Force With Senior Government Officials’ to Stop ‘Islamophobia’

Biden Establishes 'Interagency Task Force With Senior Government Officials’ to Stop ‘Islamophobia’



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Old Joe Biden’s ghostwriters issued a statement Thursday to congratulate Muslims on Eid al-Fitr, the feast marking the end of the fasting-by-day-and-gorging-by-night month of Ramadan. Predictably, it was anodyne and obsequious in the extreme, with Biden celebrating how Muslims “decorate their homes, give gifts to loved ones, wear new clothes, and visit family and friends.” The faux president is made to add: “I am moved by the generosity that is shown by families that can provide food and give charity to those in need through Zakat-al-Fitr.” In the course of all this flattery, Biden’s writer drops in a serious note: there is now a U.S. government task force dedicated to fighting “Islamophobia.”

The statement quickly shifts from telling us how wonderful it is that Muslims wear new clothes and visit family and friends to depicting Muslims as victims: “Eid al-Fitr marks the completion of a holy month dedicated to devotion, charity, and reflection—a time when we also remember Muslim communities around the world that are enduring conflict, poverty, hunger, and disease and those that are displaced from their homes.” That served to set up the big announcement. Biden’s ghostwriter continued: “As we celebrate our blessings this Eid, let us also recommit ourselves to the tireless work of building peace and standing up for the rights and dignity of all people.” When the White House writers start depicting Old Joe babbling about peace and human rights, you know something bad is coming.

Doing this work for peace and human dignity will apparently require new restrictions on speech: “My Administration is also committed to addressing all forms of hate, including Islamophobia. This is why I established an interagency task force with senior government officials to tackle this and related challenges and encourage every American to build a more inclusive nation.” Good because Lord knows we aren’t “inclusive” enough yet. Every last person in the world doesn’t live here on the taxpayer dime yet, so there is a long way to go.

Meanwhile, exactly what pressing need is this interagency task force designed to address? Are Muslims in the U.S. really subjected to such widespread discrimination and harassment that the feds need to step in? The record shows otherwise. FBI hate crime statistics show that Muslims are rarely targeted in hate crimes, which far more often victimize Jews and others. In fact, anti-Muslim hate crimes actually declined by 42% from 2020 to 2021. But those facts don’t fit the narrative that Muslims face widespread discrimination and harassment in the United States, and so the facts have to take a back seat.

And how is the new “interagency task force with senior government officials” going to “tackle” “Islamophobia”? No doubt we will now be inundated with taxpayer-funded material about how wonderful Islam is. In the nature of things, however, there will still be human disputes, and some of them will involve Muslims. Now that “Islamophobia” has been established as targeted by the government, these disputes will all be ascribed to “Islamophobia” and offered as evidence of how urgently needed this “interagency task force” really is. The “Islamophobia” task force will therefore likely enjoy ever-increasing budgets. That’s how government agencies work: they have to justify their existence, so they keep having to find more and more of the thing they’re supposed to be stamping out.

Related: Ilhan Omar Takes Aim at the REAL Problem Facing America Today

Most importantly, since the Biden regime is now officially committed to efforts to convince us of the wonderfulness of Islam, it is not likely to look kindly upon critics of the religion, including opponents of jihad violence and Sharia oppression of women. Will the interagency task force make any efforts to protect the right of Americans to oppose jihad terror and Sharia oppression? Will it be careful to distinguish such criticism from the alleged hatred that this task force is supposed to be combating, or will it act upon the assumption that any and all criticism of Islam, and even of jihad terror, subjects Muslims to “hate” and must accordingly be silenced?

Since the Left has been insisting that opposition to jihad violence is “hate” ever since 9/11, my money is on the latter. But this is a preposterous claim that, if followed logically (which of course it never will be, as this “Islamophobia” business is fundamentally illogical), would preclude any criticism of anything as possibly leading to “hate” and violence. In practice, it will preclude all criticism of anything the Left favors. And the freedom of speech will be eroded even further.

Virginia: Woman identified as ‘Hindu extremist’ who disrupted Eid prayer turns out to be Muslim



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Surprise! After the news outlets and propagandists rushed to brand a woman who disrupted the Eid prayer in Virginia a “Hindu extremist,” she turned out to be a Muslim woman. The false claim spread all over Twitter:

Bogus cases of “Islamophobia” often cause a massive uproar in the media and on social media, and many never see the correction afterward. The victimology subterfuge has become a worthwhile venture for Islamic supremacist groups. It always works on the woke.

Other stories of concern:

“‘Mentally ill’ Muslim woman disrupts Eid prayer in Virginia, propagandists blame Hindus,” Opindia, April 23, 2023:

On April 21 (local time), a ‘mentally ill’ Muslim woman created a ruckus at the All Dulles Area Muslim Society (Adams) Centre’s mosque in northern Virginia. Before her identity could be revealed, the fake news peddlers and propaganda social media handles claimed she was a Hindu and called her a “Hindu extremist”. However, their propaganda was busted by the ADAMS Centre itself……

Fake news peddlers ran propaganda against Hindus

Twitter user MrKhanMAK said, “An #Indian #Hindu extremist woman went inside d mosque in d #US during #EidUlFitr prayer and started shouting and assaulting the worshippers. The worshippers remained calm & peaceful n let d police do their duty. The then dragged this extremist woman out of d Masjid.”

Twitter user Mohammed Al-Hawsawi said, “A Hindu woman stormed a mosque in America during the Eid prayer and started screaming and insulting Muslims at the top of her voice. The security men tried to silence her but she did not respond so they forcefully took her out.”

Twitter user DJ Ali said, “A Hindu woman came to mosque during Eid prayers in USA and start shouting on Islamic Laws/Sharia!”

The Sikh Empire said, “#Hindu #Terrorist attacks mosque again.. this time in Virgina, USA during their #EID prayers. #hindutva #terrorism is real and is grave matter of concern for western world.”

Alleged fact-news checker conveniently ignored Indian Muslims spreading fake news

Interestingly, in its alleged fact-check the propaganda portal Alt News conveniently skipped the handles of infamous Indian Muslims who were among the first to spread the fake news. Stop Hindu Hate Advocacy Network (SHHAN) pointed out how Alt News’s co-founder Mohammed Zubair did not name handles like YehLog and OpusofAli in the fact-check.

The same Indian Muslim Twitter handles have always at been at the forefront of spreading anti-India and anti-Hindu propaganda to further the ‘Muslims under attack’ narrative. Despite being called out multiple times, they continue to fearmonger without any backlash because they do not get called out by so-called fact-checkers….

In Barcelona, Historic Maimonides Synagogue Vandalized



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

In Barcelona, the historic Maimonides synagogue was recently vandalized, with pro-Palestinian graffiti scrawled on its outer wall. This took place in a city whose officials, above all the mayor, have created an anti-Israel atmosphere that Jews in the city believe contributed to the vandalism. More on this event can be found here: “Barcelona Mayor Attracts Criticism After Historic Synagogue Vandalized With ‘Free Palestine’ Grafitti [sic],” Algemeiner, April 18, 2023:

The Jewish community in the Spanish city of Barcelona has blamed the anti-Israel stances of local political leaders for creating “fertile ground” for antisemitic acts such as the vandalism of the historic Maimonides Synagogue on Monday.

In a statement released on Monday, the Jewish Community of Barcelona (CIB) denounced the vandalism as an “antisemitic attack.”

The vandals, identified as three men in some local news reports, painted the slogans “Free Palestine from the River to the Sea” and “Solidarity with the Palestinian People” in large red letters on the synagogue’s outer wall earlier in the day. The first slogan refers to the Palestine Liberation Organization’s goal of a single state of Palestine to replace Israel in the territory between the Mediterranean Sea and the River Jordan.

Noting that this slogan “has traditionally been used by Arab radicals to demand that the Jewish people living in Israel be thrown into the sea,” the CIB stated that “holding Jews in general and, in this case, the Jews of Catalonia, to be responsible for the policies of the government and the State of Israel is an obvious example of antisemitism.”

In February, Barcelona’s Mayor, Ada Colau, announced that the city was suspending ties with Israel in protest at what she termed its “apartheid” policies. In a letter to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, she said that the suspension would remain in place the suspension would remain in place “until the Israeli authorities put an end to the system of violations of the Palestinian people and fully comply with the obligations imposed on them by international law and the various United Nations resolutions.”…

As for the Barcelona Mayor’s “suspending” of the city’s ties with Tel Aviv, one of the cities with which it had been twinned, Ada Colau is badly misinformed. She mentions the “apartheid” practiced by Israel. There is none, and the Israelis ought to present her with the mountain of evidence that undermines her claim. Israeli Arabs enjoy full political, religious, and social rights. They serve on the Supreme Court, in the Knesset, in the diplomatic corps. The chairman of Israel’s largest bank, the Bank Leumi, is an Arab. Jews and Arabs work together in the same offices and factories and are healed in the same hospitals by the same medical personnel consisting of both Jews and Arabs. They play on the same sports teams and on the same orchestras. The captain of Israel’s national soccer team is an Arab. Jews and Arabs own restaurants, clothing stores, and high-tech start-ups together. There is only one area where Jews and Arabs are treated differently. Jews must, while Arabs may, serve in the military.

Mayor Colau claims that there is a “system of violations of the Palestinian people.” What is she talking about? She clearly is unaware of the significance of the Mandate for Palestine’s continuing relevance, with its call, in Article 6, for the holder of the Mandate, Great Britain, to “facilitate Jewish immigration” and “close settlement by Jews on the land.” What land? All the land from the Golan Heights in the north to the Red Sea in the south, and from the Jordan River in the east to the Mediterranean in the west — in other words, all of the area “between the river and the sea.” Perhaps Mayor Colau thinks that the provisions of the Mandate can simply be ignored, but on what basis? The Mandate was one of several created in 1922, by the League of Nations, and those mandates were recognized as of continuing validity even after the League of Nations had disbanded, to be replaced by the United Nations. Article 80 of the U.N. Charter, known as “the Jewish People’s article,” committed that organization to continue to fulfill the terms of any mandates still in existence, which in practice meant the Mandate for Palestine, as the other mandates — leading to the creation of Arab states in Iraq, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon — had already been brought to a successful close. The Jewish state was supposed to include all of Judea and Samaria (which Jordan renamed as the West Bank in 1950); the only reason it did not is that Jordan’s Arab Legion managed to seize, and hold onto, that territory, from 1949 to 1967. In that year, Israel’s victory in the Six-Day War allowed it to exercise its pre-existing right to Judea and Samaria.

And on what basis does Colau think that she, or anyone else, can ignore another source for the Israeli claim to hold onto much of the West Bank, which is UN Security Council Resolution 242 (passed unanimously on Nov. 22, 1967)? UN Security Council Resolution 242, as its main author Lord Caradon repeatedly explained, allowed Israel to retain any territory won in the Six-Day War that it required if it was to have, in Resolution 242’s key phrase, “secure [i.e. defensible] and recognized boundaries.”

Finally, what principle of “international law” does Ada Colau think Israel has breached? Isn’t it true that in a successful war of self-defense, a state may hold onto territory from which the aggression was launched against it? Why was Italy entitled to hold onto the Alto Adige (formerly the Sudtirol), taken from Austria after World War I? Why did Poland, after World War II, quite justifiably keep much of East Prussia, which had been part of Germany? Why does Russia hold onto Kaliningrad (formerly Germany’s Königsberg) even today? No one objects to those and other changes to the world map that occur after wars have ended. But some want to apply special rules to Israel that they apply nowhere else.

When Mayor Colau refers to resolutions passed by the UN, what of it? The UN has become, ever since the Six-Day War, obsessively anti-Israel, a kangaroo court with the Jewish state perennially in the dock. The UN has no moral authority to lecture or hector Israel. No fair-minded people have observed the UN’s mistreatment of Israel, extending back to the “Zionism is Racism” Resolution 3379, passed by the General Assembly in 1975, mistreatment that continues right up to the present, when more resolutions condemning Israel are passed at the General Assembly than are passed about all the other 193 states put together, would accept the UN as a moral arbiter on anything to do with Israel and the Palestinians.

Colau’s decision to cut Barcelona’s “twinned cities” ties to Tel Aviv was symbolically rejected by the Barcelona City Council, which, however, does not have the power to override the Mayor’s decision, but showed, at least, that her view did not express a consensus; rather, it was an expression of her own deep antipathy to the Jewish state.

When in 1998, Tel Aviv and Barcelona entered into a “twinned cities” link, they included a third city – Gaza City. Now Barcelona, having cut its ties to Tel Aviv, has been left to be twinned only with Gaza City, an impoverished mess under Hamas rule, which spends more money on armaments and terror tunnels, and the private bank accounts of its leaders, than it does on the wellbeing of its citizens. There was a great deal that Barcelona derived from being “twinned” with Tel Aviv, which is both a world cultural center and a center of finance and high tech. Mayor Colau doesn’t care about the cultural and business loss. Now her city will continue to be twinned with Gaza City, a place famous only for its terror tunnels and its Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists. Is this what the people of Catalunya want?

When Ada Colau ended Barcelona’s ties to Tel Aviv, she was hurting her own city far more than she was damaging Tel Aviv. Later on, the same day when she made her decision, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, the Mayor of Madrid, accused Barcelona’s leader of antisemitism and tweeted that he had written to Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai to share “Madrid’s commitment to democracy and freedom.” He would be delighted to replace Barcelona: “It would be an honor to be twinned with Tel Aviv,” he added. Madrid has twice the population as Barcelona and closer ties with the business and technology hub of the Start-Up Nation could bring economic benefits, including a boost to Madrid’s own high-tech sector.

The instantaneous intervention by the Mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida. who quickly offered to replace Barcelona as the “partner” of Tel Aviv, makes good sense for both Madrid and Tel Aviv. The offer was just as readily accepted. Barcelona’s Mayor has now deprived her own city of the many benefits – economic, social, and cultural – to be derived from ties to bustling Tel Aviv, and Madrid has now snapped them up in Barcelona’s stead.

In a separate, harshly-worded statement, the Conference of European Rabbis (CER) accused Colau of being ultimately responsible for the vandalism of the synagogue.

“Every additional case of vandalism and bloodshed as a result of this unfortunate choice will be on her hands,” Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt of the CER declared.

Ada Colau’s ending ties with Tel Aviv both reflect, and help to thicken, an anti-Israel and antisemitic atmosphere in her city that gives rise to such things as the defacing of the venerable Maimonides Synagogue. Ada Colau must be very proud.

NJ teacher fired over false ‘Islamophobia’ claims sues Hamas-linked CAIR, says they ‘don’t care about the truth’



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

The Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) shows a reckless disregard for truth and for the well-being of anyone it can use to buttress its “Islamophobia” narrative.

“Fencer and CAIR ‘Clearly Don’t Care About the Truth’ Asserts N.J. Teacher in New Court Filing,” by Steven Emerson, IPT News, April 14, 2023:

Ibtihaj Muhammad made history as the first hijab-clad athlete on the U.S. Olympic team. The bronze medal winning fencer from the 2016 summer games was featured on magazine covers, spawned a line of sportswear and even a Barbie doll.

But in court papers filed late Tuesday, a New Jersey elementary school teacher says Muhammad deserves a different reputation: Liar.

In October 2021 social media posts, Muhammad accused veteran schoolteacher Tamar Herman of abusing a 7-year-old Muslim student by “forcibly” pulling off her hijab as “the young student resisted.” After exposing the girl’s hair to the class, Herman then told her that “her hair was beautiful and she did not have to wear hijab to school anymore,” Muhammad wrote.

Herman insists that didn’t happen and contacted Muhammad to offer her side of the story. But when Herman, who had Muhammad’s cell phone number, texted to say her post was “completely false and terribly damaging,” Muhammad ignored her. Now, Muhammad says she had no idea who Herman was.

Muhammad’s claims, filed last month, “are outright falsehoods,” Herman says. And they are “further evidence [of] her actual malice, i.e. reckless disregard for the truth.”

CAIR Blows Up Incident into National Story

The issue generated national attention when the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and its New Jersey chapter called for Herman’s firing.

“Our children must be protected from anti-Muslim bigotry and abuse at school,” CAIR’s national office wrote. “The teacher who pulled a second grader’s hijab off in class must be fired immediately.”

“Anything less,” CAIR’s New Jersey chapter added, “is an insult to the students and parents…”

School administrators were overwhelmed by the public response. IPT has seen dozens of social media posts that not only called for Herman’s firing but threatened her safety as well.

Herman hasn’t been allowed back in the classroom since.

Last October, she filed suit in federal court against the South Orange Maplewood school district and a consultant it worked with for their roles in a “malicious and antisemitic campaign” and for violating her due process rights. She also sued Muhammad, CAIR, its New Jersey chapter and its director, Selaedin Maksut, in state court alleging defamation. CAIR moved to dismiss the case in February, saying their statements largely were accurate and, therefore, not defamatory. Muhammad and Maksut embraced CAIR’s filing.

In her response filed Tuesday, Herman argues that none of the parties made any effort to determine if the accusation was true.

“Muhammad, despite her claims to the contrary in support of her motions, knew Herman well and had the ability and opportunity to communicate with Herman about the allegations, yet inexplicably declined to do so,” attorney Erick Dykema writes. “Maksut, CAIR, and CAIR NJ, for their part, clearly didn’t care about the truth—they simply parroted Muhammad’s false accusations without any concern for their accuracy.”

It is too soon for the court to consider the defense motions, Dykema writes. The basic facts are in dispute, and no discovery has taken place which would help determine what is true.

Herman has been teaching for 30 years “with a stellar reputation.”

She insists the entire episode was a misunderstanding. The 7-year-old girl normally wore a form-fitting hijab to class, but on the day in question, she had on a sweatshirt, with the hood covering her eyes during a lesson. Herman asked the girl to pull it back, thinking the hijab was underneath. But when the girl didn’t respond, Herman says she gently brushed the hood back.

When she saw no hijab, Herman says she quickly pulled the hood back into place, covering the child’s hair, and apologized.

Herman would have told this account to Muhammad or CAIR. But she never was given the chance.

“The evidence of actual malice—reckless disregard for the truth—is overwhelming,” Dykema writes. “… Muhammad based her social media posts on a thirdhand account of events emanating from a most unreliable source, that being a young child.”

Raw Antisemitism

The girl’s parents, Cassandra and Joseph Wyatt, each have made antisemitic statements about Herman and the incident involving their daughter.

Jews “monopolize a lot of stuff for money,” Joseph Wyatt told the Washington Post. “The Jews — the Semitics — they run Hollywood. They run a lot of stuff. It’s all Jewish names.”

Whatever happened between his daughter and Tamar Herman was about religion, “no doubt,” he said. “There’s always been a conflict with the Muslims and the Jews … That’s why they are fighting in Palestine.”

The teacher may say it was a mistake, he said, but “it was no mistake to her.”

The child’s mother, Cassandra Wyatt, has changed her story and made her own social media posts admitting that her reaction changed once she learned Herman is Jewish. According to Herman’s lawsuit, the girl’s mother initially told the principal that she understood the incident was a misunderstanding. But she quickly changed tone upon learning Herman is Jewish.

” “I JUST FOUND OUT THE TEACHER IS JEWISHHHHHHHHHH ������������� . . . that’s why I believe she did it now I’m furious,” Wyatt wrote.


For all of CAIR’s public claims to stand against antisemitism, as we have noted, the fact that it has not said a word about the Wyatts’ demonstrable antisemitism speaks volumes about CAIR’s true views on Jews….

Nigeria: Muslims have murdered 52,250 Christians in jihad attacks since 2009



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Time for the UN or Human Rights Watch or Amnesty International to issue a new weeper about “Islamophobia.”

“Over 50,000 Christians Killed in Nigeria Since 2009 Islamic Uprising: Intersociety Report,” by Jude Atemanke, AciAfrica, April 14, 2023 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

Thousands of Christians have been killed in Nigeria since the Islamist uprising began in 2009, a recent investigation has established, further revealing that “1,041 defenseless Christians” were put to death in the first 100 days of 2023.

The latest report by the International Society for Civil Liberties and Rule of Law (Intersociety) indicates, “Since the 2009 Islamic uprising, 52,250 Christians and 34,000 moderate Muslims have been butchered or hacked to death.”

“30,250 of those have been killed since 2015, when President Muhhamadu Buhari came to power,” authors of the report by the Intersociety, a research and investigative rights group, which has been monitoring and investigating religious persecution and other forms of religious violence by State and non-State actors across Nigeria since 2010, say.

According to the report by the human rights group that does research and investigation by direct contacts with the victims, eyewitnesses, media tracking, review of credible local and international reports, interviews and closed sources among other methods, thousands of Christian deaths are attributed to “Jihadist Fulani Herdsmen”.

“The 52,250 Christian deaths in Nigeria in fourteen years recorded addition of 9,250 Christian deaths from the July 2021 figure of 43,000; out of which, Jihadist Fulani Herdsmen accounted for 6,000 Christian deaths and security forces, Jihadist Fulani Bandits, BH, ISWAP, Ansaru and others 3,250,” the report released on Tuesday, April 11, indicates.

“Buhari’s radical Islamism since 2015 had killed 30,250 Christians and attacked 18,000 churches and 2,200 Christian schools,” the authors of the report say, and add that since 2009, “14 million Christians have been uprooted and forced to flee their homes and 800 Christian communities attacked”.

Authors of the Intersociety report say that “Christians of Benue, Kaduna, Plateau, Taraba, Niger, Borno, Yobe, Adamawa, Kebbi worst affected in the attacks,” and that Christians living in Eastern Nigeria have been “worst hit in Nigerian military killings and property destructions on ethno-religious grounds.”…

In the 2023 investigation, Intersociety researchers found that “no fewer than 1,041 defenseless Christians were hacked to death by Nigeria’s Jihadists in the first 100 days of 2023 or 1st Jan to 10th April 2023.”

Their investigations established that “not less than 380 Christians were slaughtered by Jihadist Fulani Herdsmen in 100 days in Benue, 102 in Kaduna, 150 in Christian parts of Niger State (Paikoro, Munya, Shiroro, Rafi, etc), 100 deaths in Borno, Yobe and Adamawa by BH/ISWAP); 32 Christian deaths in Plateau, 20 in Ondo, 11 in Edo, 10 in Delta as well as Kebbi 10 deaths, Bauchi 9 deaths, Taraba 14 deaths, Katsina 10 deaths, Enugu 6 deaths; and 60 deaths arising from the military killings in the East since Jan 2023 and others 50 deaths.”

“Also, no fewer than 707 Christians were abducted within the same period; out of which Niger State recorded more than 200 abductions including 14th March 2023 abduction of over 100 Christians in Adunu (Paikoro),” the Intersociety researchers say in the report signed by their Board Chair & Lead-Researcher, Emeka Umeagbalasi….

The latest Intersociety report also makes reference to its 2022 report, saying, “5,068 Christians (were) hacked to death in 2022 and hundreds disappeared without trace.”

The organization “emotionally” dedicates its investigative report to “1,041 slain and disappeared victims of the Jihadist Fulani Herdsmen and other Jihadists’ genocidal attacks carried out across Nigeria in the first 100 days of 2023.”

Italy declares state of emergency amid migrant invasion



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Italy needs to do what Hungary has done: shut the door to illegal migration. It makes a mockery of a country’s immigration system, sending an open invitation to jump the queue, inviting in the worst criminal and jihadist elements, and is economically unsustainable in the long run. Italy’s problem is longstanding. In 2021, nonstop Muslim migrant landings in Lampedusa became a “situation is out of control.” Lampedusa remains the problem area, as well as the entire South coast of Sicily.

Ignoring the problem has not made it go away, and now Italy is under a state of emergency in hopes of stopping the hijrah.

“Italy declares state of emergency amid migration influx,” by Federica Pascale, EURACTIV, April 12, 2023:

Italy declared a nationwide state of emergency on Tuesday for the next six months following the exceptional increase in migrants continuously arriving via the Mediterranean routes.

On Tuesday, the Council of Ministers led by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni (FDI/ECR) declared a national state of emergency on immigration after the Civil Protection and Sea Policies Minister Nello Musumeci proposed it. The decision also comes after a meeting between Musumeci and Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi.

The state of emergency will be financed with an initial €5 million in funding.

“Let’s be clear. The problem is not solved, the solution to which is linked only to a conscious and responsible intervention by the European Union”, Musumeci said after the government decided on the state of emergency.

“There is a condition of absolute emergency. It is not a new fact (…) It is a problem destined not to be exhausted for at least the next ten years”, the minister told Radio Anch’io, stressing the need to “neutralise the mafia of the scapegoats”.

Last February, the Italian parliament approved the so-called ‘Code of Conduct for NGOs’ – a government decree establishing a code of conduct for ships intervening to rescue migrants – despite criticism from the UN and humanitarian groups.

Migration flows in recent months have strained State structures, according to Musumeci, who called for a “responsible approach” towards migrants and their rights.

In particular, the minister highlighted the difficulty in managing the flows arriving at the islands – Lampedusa and the entire southern coast of Sicily – areas where first reception hotspots are constantly collapsing.

The Easter weekend was busy for national authorities, with boats breaking down and migrants at sea whereby about 2,000 people were rescued….

Jihadi Control and Influence In U.S. Evangelical Community is Overwhelming



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

To understand the capture of the U.S. evangelical community by the Global Islamic Movement is to truly be overwhelmed.

For the purposes of this article, UTT is highlighting a few big pieces of the puzzle in our ongoing effort to help American Christians realize the adversaries of Jesus – and, therefore, the adversaries of liberty – are savvy and advancing a massive counterintelligence effort that has many Christian leaders under its control, whether the Christians intend that or not.

Let’s set the table with the following internationally known evangelical leaders/organizations promotion of the Global Jihadi Movement (click links on “here” below):

  1. Nationally known pastor Jack Hibbs advancing the work of a Muslim Brotherhood operative here
  2. Rick Warren’s work with the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s ISNA here
  3. Josh McDowell’s “Sharia Love” efforts here
  4. Matt Chandler’s “outreach” to Hamas/MB groups here
  5. The National Council of Churches supports Hamas/Muslim Brotherhood and works with its leaders here
  6. The World Evangelical Association support for international jihadi information operations here
  7. The National Association of Evangelicals Chairman of the Board, John K. Jenkins, Sr. hosts the leader of the Global Jihadi Movement’s key line of operation – Interfaith Outreach – here

(L to R) Rabbi David Saperstein, Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr, MWL Secretary General Mohammad Al-Issa, Pastor Bob Roberts Jr (Dallas), Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Magid

For a deeper dive, as noted in example 7 above, we will look at the “Christian” media outlet All Arab News.

UTT assesses All Arab News as a hostile information operation acting on behalf of the Global Jihadi Movement, and likely its communist partners.

What evidence exists that All Arab News works with jihadis?

The leading advisor on the Advisory Board for All Arab News is Mohammad bin al Issa, the Secretary General of the Muslim World League.

The Muslim World League (MWL) was created in Saudi Arabia in 1962 by Saudi leadership and the International Muslim Brotherhood. The MWL’s Secretary General is appointed by the Saudi Crown Prince, and MWL is directly tied to the Saudi government. The MWL has many “humanitarian” and “relief” organizations as a part of its network, many of which have had their assets frozen by the U.S. government for directly supporting significant terrorist operations worldwide. Finally, the Muslim World League is directly tied to senior Al Qaeda leadership and terrorist organizations and operations around the world.

See evidence of MWL’s ties to Al Qaeda and other terrorist networks HEREHERE, and HERE.

To be clear, numerous international Saudi charities controlled by the Saudi government have been directly implicated in terrorist attacks against U.S. interests around the world over the last 30 years.

Mohammed bin al Issa’s Muslim World League is at the center of much of this activity.

At the international level, The MWL’s Secretary General Mohammad Al Issa works closely with the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, the United Nations High Commission for Refugees, the World Council of Churches, the World Food Programme, the International Federation of Red Cross, and Red Crescent Societies, and others.

This is the “key advisor” to All Arab News – which purports to be a “Christian” media outlet.

Another key advisor for All Arab News is His Excellency Dr. Ali Al Nuaimi, the first Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Elders.

Some of the most well-known Islamic scholars and supporters of the global jihad sit on the Muslim Council of Elders, including:

  1. Chairman, “His Eminence” Grand Imam Shaikh of al-Azhar, Dr. Ahmed al-Tayyib. Al Azhar is the oldest and most prestigious university of Sunni Islamic jurisprudence on the planet. Al Azhar teaches that “warfare against non-muslims” is obligatory for all Muslims until “Allah’s divine law”/sharia is imposed on every human on earth. Specifically, “Now if the deeds of the jihad – including fighting the infidels and breaking their spine through all possible means – are permissible according to Sharia, then it is impossible to define those acts as terrorism.”
  2. Dr. Abdullah Nassif (also Naseef). Nassif is one of the founders and senior leaders of the Rabita Trust and the International Islamic Council for Dawa and Relief (IICDR), both of which fund Al Qaeda, Hamas, and other terrorist organizations. The Rabita Trust is a part of the Muslim World League and has been identified by the U.S. and other governments as supporting terrorism.
  3. Dr. Abdallah bin Bayyah. Bayyah serves in senior leadership positions in the International Muslim Brotherhood’s International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS), Global Center for Renewal and Guidance (GCRG), and several other leading Muslim Brotherhood organizations overseeing operations in Europe.

The alignment of bad actors in positions of national leadership and influence in the U.S. evangelical community is preparing their next action steps coordinated with the communist Movement, including controlled opposition (read “republican leadership”), in accordance with the Muslim World League (MWL) and the General Secretary’s Global Interfaith Operations.

The MWL Secretary General – Mohammad al Issa – has penetrated conservative Christian leadership circles and solidified their support. Meanwhile, the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood leaders – specifically the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO) – continue to create “partnerships” in the Christian community – Catholic, protestant, and evangelical/non-denominational alike – in order to subvert and hinder their efforts, and advance already established information operations.

If you are still unsure about how badly penetrated the evangelical community is in the United States, look at the biographies of the Board of Directors for All Arab News here.

That should convince you.

Minneapolis changes noise ordinance to allow Islamic call to prayer over loudspeakers five times a day



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

The adhan, prayed in Arabic, repeats “Allahu akbar” six times, “I testify that there is no god but Allah” three times, and “I testify that Muhammad is Allah’s prophet” twice.

Dr. Gavin Ashenden, a former chaplain to the British queen, who resigned his position in protest against a Qur’an reading in a Scottish church, observed that “the Muslim call to prayer is a dramatic piece of Islamic triumphalism. It proclaims Islam’s superiority over all other religions, and in so doing casts Jesus in the role of a charlatan and a liar. The Muslim god, Allah, is unknowable and has no son. Jesus was, therefore, a fraud in claiming He and the Father are one.”

Is Minneapolis really wise to broadcast repeatedly a declaration of the superiority of Islam, a faith that directs its adherents to make war against Christians and other non-Muslims and subjugate them as inferiors under the hegemony of believers (cf. Qur’an 9:29)?

Is Minneapolis wise to broadcast the cry “Allahu akbar,” beloved of jihad terrorists the world over? Chief 9/11 hijacker Mohamed Atta wrote this in his letter to himself before carrying out his jihad mission: “When the confrontation begins, strike like champions who do not want to go back to this world. Shout, ‘Allahu Akbar,’ because this strikes fear in the hearts of the non-believers.” This is why the Fort Hood jihad killer, Nidal Malik Hasan, shouted it as he shot thirteen Americans in November 2009, and why so many other jihadis have used it essentially as an announcement that non-Muslims are about to die.

Celebrate diversity!

“Minneapolis to allow Islamic call to prayer 5 times per day,” by Brittney Ermon, KSTP, April 13, 2023:

The Minneapolis City Council approved a noise ordinance change that will allow the Islamic call to prayer to be broadcasted from speakers in Minneapolis for all five daily prayers….

Religious leaders explained the fact it’s happening during Ramadan makes it even more special for the Muslim community, and they’re hoping other cities across the country follow suit….

“For something this historic to go this easy is an incredibly powerful and a testament of who we are in the city of Minneapolis,” Jaylani Hussein, the executive director of the Minnesota chapter of the Council of American Islamic Relations (CAIR-MN), said.

The newly passed ordinance expands the number of times a mosque can play a call to prayer on a loudspeaker from three or four times per day to five, year-round….

“It is really important for the city to approach all issues from a lens of ensuring equal access for all people,” Aisha Chughtai, a Minneapolis City Council member, said in a Thursday meeting.

The ordinance was authored by Chughtai in collaboration with two other council members, who all make up the Muslim Caucus.

“I think it just adds to the fabric of who we are here in the city of Minneapolis — that Muslims are a part of the community and they live here,” Hussein said.

There are plans for Mayor Jacob Frey to give the ordinance the final stamp of approval on Monday.

‘Experts’ Downplay Importance of Terrorists Crossing Border

Terrorists Are Crossing the Border, But Relax: 'Experts' Say It's Nothing to Worry About

Terrorists Are Crossing the Border, But Relax: 'Experts' Say It's Nothing to Worry About



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

We’re used to seeing the establishment media cheerlead for Democrat administrations, but Bloomberg went above and beyond on Wednesday with an article that was condescendingly entitled “Terrorists Crossing the US Border? Rising Encounters Explained.” Gather round, you rubes, and let your moral and intellectual superiors explain away what your lying eyes are showing you! “Skyrocketing terrorist watch list hits at US borders are fueling fear and condemnation of Biden immigration policies,” the Bloomberg article said, but don’t worry: there isn’t any reason to lose confidence in Old Joe and his henchmen: “border buffs dispute whether the numbers indicate a serious threat.” Oh, well then!

When the media starts running spurious explainers of this kind, it’s a sign that they’re feeling the heat. People are noticing how terrorists are taking advantage of the Biden regime’s nonexistent Southern border, and so the “experts” must be called in to reassure everyone that the Left has things completely under control.

First, Bloomberg gives us the bad news: “The US Border Patrol reported almost 100 encounters last fiscal year of people whose names appeared on the federal government’s official list of known or suspected terrorists and their associates, up from 16 the previous year.” And those bad old patriots are pouncing, as they do: “The watch list hits represent a tiny percentage of overall encounters of people trying to cross the border without authorization but provide powerful ammunition for President Joe Biden’s critics, who say the administration’s policies have created a chaos at the border and undermined national security.”

But then Bloomberg gives us the good news: sensible people, that is, Leftists, know there is nothing to worry about: “The Department of Homeland Security maintains that the rise in terrorist watch list hits simply corresponds to the overall increase in border crossings and each encounter doesn’t actually represent a terrorist attempting to enter the US. Many immigration and national security specialists have concurred, cautioning the American public and elected officials against reading too much into the data.”

Got it? People on terror watch lists crossing the border don’t actually represent terrorists attempting to enter the country! Bloomberg doesn’t bother to explain what they actually do represent. Instead, they trot out “former DHS official Tom Warrick, now at the Atlantic Council,” who tells us reassuringly: “There is no particular reason to fear that the numbers directly translate into an increased security threat.” Not directly!

Bloomberg also quoted Stewart Baker, a senior DHS official during the George W. Bush administration, saying that “the worst possible interpretation: people who are watching this, al-Qaeda for example, saying, ‘Well, what better way to get our people in, send them across the border.’” But he immediately dismissed that possibility. Bloomberg added: “Many individuals on the terrorist watch list may not present actual threats, but DHS doesn’t release enough data to say for sure, Baker said. The agency doesn’t publish information about watch list encounters’ countries of origin or what happened after agents apprehended them.”

Related: Democrats Boycott Border Control Hearing After Accusing Republicans of Using It to Attack Biden

Meanwhile, no matter what these media-anointed experts are saying, there are all kinds of other threats that are directly increasing. Last Wednesday, Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz tweeted some figures showing just how bad the border area has become:

Past 48 Hours…

– 10,070 Apprehensions
– 52 lbs. of Fentanyl
– 38 lbs. of Ecstasy
– 11 lbs. of Meth
– 11 lbs. of Cocaine
– $48,000 Seized
– 20 Firearms
– 5 Stolen Vehicles Recovered
– 5 Sex Offenders
– 4 Warrants
– 1 Gang Member

Significant numbers for just 2 days!

This was just an ordinary couple of days at the border, and Ortiz doesn’t even mention the terrorists. Fox News reported last October that “the number of migrant encounters at the U.S. southern border climbed to a record more than 227,000 during the month of September and more than 2.3 million for the fiscal year 2022, according to data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection.” That data also shows that “there were 20 known or suspected terrorists arrested at the southern border in September, bringing the total terror watchlist arrests at the border for the fiscal year 2022 to 98. The number of terror watchlist arrests at the border for the last five years combined was 26.”

What did Old Joe and his handlers say about this? Nothing, of course, because they weren’t challenged by the sycophantic Leftist propagandists we call “journalists.” They could count on the likes of Bloomberg and its “experts” to clean up after them.

Biden’s New Muslim Liaison to Fight ‘Institutional Islamophobia’ From attending an event featuring a World Trade Center bombing co-conspirator to the NSC.



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

In 2010, the Islamic Society of North America honored one of the unindicted co-conspirators of the World Trade Center bombing.

Also at the ISNA convention were three members of the Obama administration: Rashad Hussain, George Selim, and Mazen Basrawi. Hussain went from working as Obama’s envoy to the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to serving as Biden’s Ambassador for Religious Freedom, while George Selim joined the ADL as its VP of National Affairs.

And Mazen Basrawi was brought in as the Director of Global Engagement at the National Security Council under Biden and will now also double as the White House Muslim liaison. The appointment reveals that the Biden administration sees Muslims in America as an adjunct of the foreign Muslim governments and Islamist entities whose cooperation it is trying to solicit.

In a little over a decade, Basrawi has gone from attending an Islamist conference that featured some of the worst of the worst to a role at the National Security Council.

At the ISNA conference, Basrawi may have been in attendance when the Muslim Brotherhood-founded group honored Imam Siraj Wahhaj. Wahhaj, named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the first WTC attack, has declared,  “I will never ever tell people, ‘don’t be violent, that is not the Islamic way’: the violence has to be selected” and predicted, “In time, this so-called democracy will crumble, and there will be nothing. And the only thing that will remain will be Islam.”

Tariq Ramadan, the grandson of the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, who recently faced rape accusations from multiple women, and had supported terrorist attacks on Americans in Iraq, was a keynote speaker. Other speakers included Hamza Yusuf who had defended the Blind Sheikh, the World Trade Center bombing figure, and warned two days before 9/11 that “this country is facing a very terrible fate.” That fate seems to be here.

Basrawi was one of the many Islamic appointees of the Obama administration traveling through the DOJ and then into the NSC. And Islamic groups are celebrating his latest appointment.

The Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) described itself as being “proud” to announce Basrawi’s appointment and was “excited to see what Basrawi brings to this role.” CAIR cheered that it was looking “forward to working with Mr. Basrawi to address issues of concern to the American Muslim community, including institutional Islamophobia in federal law enforcement.”

Considering CAIR’s history of support for Islamic terrorism, that’s likely to get Americans killed.

Basrawi juggling a role at the NSC and Biden’s Muslim liaison intersects when it comes to Islamic terrorism. In 2003, Basrawi, then a UC Berkeley law student, signed an ad falsely accusing the War on Terror of depriving Muslims of rights. When John Yoo returned from helping fight terrorism at the DOJ to teaching at UC Berkeley, Basrawi campaigned for his removal.

“They are stripping noncitizens of what is left of their existing rights, and engaging in illegal foreign policy,” Basrawi had ranted. “It’s those sorts of things that have affected our communities.”

Basrawi soon joined the Bay Area Association of Muslim Lawyers which was set up two weeks after 9/11 to fight investigations of Islamic terrorism. BAAML worked with CAIR and agitated to censor law enforcement training materials discussing Islamic terrorism including those by Daniel Pipes, Robert Spencer, and Stephen Coughlin.

He also began donating money to Democrats including Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, and former Nation of Islam member Keith X. Ellison. Shortly thereafter, Basrawi was working for the Obama administration at the DOJ  where he defended the Islamic mega-mosque in Murfreesboro, TN in court, and regularly attended the administration’s ‘Iftar’ dinners.

At law school, Basrawi had been protesting Yoo’s role in fighting terrorism at the DOJ and, in a changing of the guard that was all too typical of the Obama era, he was working at the DOJ.

There Basrawi was able to conduct a tour of anti-American groups with the full backing of the Obama administration. At the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, whose leaders had defended Hamas, Hezbollah, and other Islamic terrorist groups, Basrawi lectured on fighting a mythical 9/11 “backlash” against Muslims and declared, to loud cheers, that, “We can say a man by the name of Barack Hussein Obama is the president of the United States”.

Even though his donations to Hillary didn’t pay off, Basrawi stayed behind at the Justice Department under Trump while donating money to Joe Biden and MoveOn. After maxing out his contributions to Biden, Basrawi moved up the ladder in the new Democrat administration.

It was a long way up the ladder of Islamist activism from the bygone days when Basrawi had started an Islamic culture club at Fairfax County’s Thomas Jefferson High School, but even then he had been building the kind of resume that would appeal to Islamists and later to Democrats.

Despite his current sensitive position, Basrawi’s Facebook friends network includes Hatem Bazian, the godfather of campus Islamism and antisemitism, Keith Ellison, Anwar Khan, the head of Islamic Relief USA, BDS activist Noura Erakat, Hady Amr, Salam Al-Marayati, Wajahat Ali and other hateful personalities whom we have covered elsewhere. They also serve as a map tying together government officials, activists, nonprofits, and journalists into a network.

“Though I oppose the undemocratic electoral college, I accept that that is the constitutional form of government in which we currently live,” Basrawi posted after the 2020 election.

That’s the system we “currently live” under, and one that, as Imam Sirraj Wahhaj had predicted, would be destroyed to make way for an Islamic theocracy depriving us of all of our rights. “If 6-8 million Muslims unite in America, the country will come to us,” he had predicted.

“Wherever you came from, you came to America. And you came for one reason—for one reason only—to establish Allah’s deen,” the unindicted World Trade Center bombing co-conspirator honored and hosted by the Islamist organizations of America, declared.

Mazen Basrawi is only one of many working his way through the system on a long march through our institutions. They have told us their mission. Now they are carrying it out.

Hitler’s New Army: Muslims Call for ‘Death to Israel’ and ‘Death to Jews’ in Germany



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

It is no secret that Germany has a long and shameful history of left-wing Jew-haters colluding with Jew-hating Muslims.

Berlin has been hit by another disturbing wave of antisemitism as hundreds of Muslim protesters, mainly migrants, chanted “death to Israel” and “death to Jews” in two city neighborhoods with a large Islamic presence, Kreuzberg and Neukölln. The rally was centered on the ongoing controversy at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, where radical Palestinians barricaded themselves in al-Aqsa Mosque in violation of religious compound rules.

Israel’s Ambassador to Germany, Ron Prosor, slammed the rally, accusing the participants of abusing Germany’s freedoms and “unreservedly” calling for the annihilation of Israel and Jews. In a powerful tweet, he also accused them of “flouting democratic values,” “crossing every possible red line,” and “spitting in the brown [fascist] well from which they drink.”

The rally was captured on video, which shows protesters chanting “Free Palestine” and antisemitic slogans. According to the organization Democ, the protesters also glorified terrorism.

Many Muslims were draped in their Palestinian war scarves (keffiyehs), which many believe to be the modern equivalent of the Nazi swastika while chanting genocidal anti-Jewish Islamic chants. For example, mobs screamed, “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free,” this is code for eradicating the State of Israel and its millions of Jews.

The rally has prompted responses from German officials, with Felix Klein, the Federal Commissioner for Combating Antisemitism, and Katharina von Schnurbein, his European counterpart, both condemning the protesters. Von Schnurbein emphasized that hate speech against Jews is “painful and unacceptable” and should be punished.

Experts have criticized Germany’s fight against antisemitism. Henryk M. Broder, a German Jewish expert on antisemitism, lambasted Berlin’s commissioner to combat antisemitism, Samuel Salzborn, for misguided priorities, including his focus on renaming streets originally named after antisemites. Critics argue that Salzborn focused on a low-level priority while the city struggles with Islamic-animated antisemitism and violent Jew-hatred.

The Simon Wiesenthal Center has also urged some German commissioners to resign due to their alleged antisemitic comments. At the same time, Rabbi Abraham Cooper of the center has criticized Berlin’s annual al-Quds Day rally, calling it “antisemitic, not only anti-Israel.” The rally, held nearly every year since 1996, is an Iranian invention designed to create and increase hatred of the Jewish people and their connection to Jerusalem.

Open borders Germany

The violent acts and calls for jihad against Jews in Germany and Europe are a stark reminder of the catastrophic consequences of multiculturalism and mass-Islamic migration. The globalist agenda of open borders, relentlessly promoted by legacy media, has made life increasingly intolerable for European non-Muslim populations.

Former left-wing Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to allow almost two million people from some of the most antisemitic countries to immigrate to Germany has had disastrous consequences. The Jewish community is now suffering from a wave of attacks, threats, and murders, and their pleas to stop importing Islamic antisemitism have fallen on deaf ears. Instead, left-wing leaders and their media allies have waged a campaign to silence and prosecute anyone who dares to expose this problem.

It is no secret that Germany has a long and shameful history of left-wing Jew-haters colluding with Jew-hating Muslims. But sadly, Germany has gone to great lengths to whitewash this history from its past.

If Germany fails to reverse the influx of refugees pouring into its country, the security and freedoms of Jews, Christians, women, gays, and non-Muslims will continue to erode. It is time for Germany to acknowledge the failure of multiculturalism and mass-Islamic migration and take urgent steps to protect its citizens from the perils of open borders.

Pennsylvania: Restaurant asks waitress to remove hijab, restaurant is inundated with death threats



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Michael’s Family Restaurant in Glenside, Pennsylvania has been receiving death threats all day. Hundreds of threatening phone calls have reduced the owner’s mother to tears, and the restaurant is pleading for people to see reason.

This all stems from a manager who sent a waitress home when she would not remove her hijab. Michael’s Family Restaurant has since fired the manager and apologized. But as WTXF reporter Ellen Kolodziej says, that might not be enough, as protesters began to assemble outside the eatery.

Listening to Tameka Beverly, the aunt of the employee, it is not clear if her niece wore the hijab to the job interview.

Her first day she wore it. She showed up for training, she wore it. Then they told my sister she couldn’t wear it when she came back, but she wore it anyway. In no way should anybody be discriminated against and made to feel less and pushed into a corner where they have to remove their hijab.

The combination of a televised hijab crisis involving a restaurant strongly suggests the presence of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

Indeed, when WPVI ABC6 read a statement from the restaurant, the station omitted the last sentence.

Michael’s Family Restaurant in Glenside released a statement Saturday:

“Michael’s Family Restaurant has been serving Glenside for over 15 years and have always taken pride in our quality of service, respect for our customers, and the diversity of our employee and customer base.

A video posted online on Friday, April 7, 2023 recorded one of our employees violating the values of our establishment. Our leadership team evaluated facts of the case and we would like our community to know that, effective Friday April 7, 2023 this employee is no longer affiliated with Michael’s Family Restaurant in Glenside.

We thank everyone who reached out to our Restaurant to record their disappointment. We share their sentiments and would like to underline that we value and respect every background that we proudly serve, including our Muslim-American customers. We are saddened that this incident disrupted their peaceful observance of the month of Ramadan. Needless to note, our beloved employee will be able to work here with her khimar should she wish to do so.

Additionally, we commit to meeting with Muslim-American community members to listen to them and also have our staff go through a sensitivity training to ensure an incident like this never repeats.”

The last sentence read:

We will work with CAIR-Philadelphia and other leaders to achieve these goals.

This is the second TV attack by CAIR this month and the eleventh of the year. Which is on pace for over 30 incidents this year.

This year’s victims so far:

  1. Nazi Club 131
  2. “KKK” boots
  3. Art professor
  4. Oklahoma police
  5. Officer Patrick O’Donnell
  6. Jonathan Boone
  7. Shaw University
  8. Missouri prison
  9. Whole Foods
  10. Nazi Club 131 (again)
  11. Michael’s Restaurant

Afghan Muslim migrants in US directed ‘racism, sexism’ at aid workers, were angry at inferior housing



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Anyone who finds this surprising knows nothing of Afghan and Islamic culture, and its attitudes toward non-Muslims and women. It’s unlikely that anyone in these NGOs knows anything about the Islamic understanding of the Infidel obligation to support Muslims financially, either. NGOs would have dismissed any warnings about all this as “Islamophobic.” But although they’ll never admit it, they’re now finding out that what the “Islamophobes” have been saying was accurate.

“Federal Report: Biden’s Afghans Directed ‘Racism, Sexism’ and ‘Verbal Abuse’ at U.S. Aid Workers,” by John Binder, Breitbart, April 6, 2023:

Afghans, brought to the United States by President Joe Biden, directed “racism and sexism” as well as “verbal abuse” at American non-governmental organization (NGO) employees who helped resettle them across the nation, a federal report alleges.

Following the U.S. Armed Forces’ withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021, Biden opened a refugee parole pipeline that has resettled more than 86,000 Afghans in American communities — many without having to be screened or interviewed in person beforehand.

To resettle the massive inflow of Afghans, Biden’s State Department contracted with NGOs that use taxpayer money to resettle refugees across American communities for the federal government, including:

Church World Service; Ethiopian Community Development Council; Episcopal Migration Ministries; Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society; International Rescue Committee; Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service; United States Conference of Catholic Bishops; U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants; and World Relief.

A report from the State Department Inspector General (IG) this week reveals that in the midst of their resettlement across the U.S., many Afghans directed racist, sexist, and verbally abusive behavior at NGO workers.

“[Resettlement agencies] also attributed some inappropriate behavior on the part of [Afghan] parolees to the lack of cultural orientation,” the IG report states:

For example, some [resettlement agency] staff reported experiencing racism and sexism from Afghan clients unaccustomed to the norms of U.S. society. Another [resettlement agency] reported that some [Afghan] parolees refused to work with female case managers or case managers from minority groups. [Emphasis added]

One [resettlement agency] reported that a few local offices had issues of verbal abuse from Afghans, mostly those who were upset or frustrated by the process. Many [Afghan] parolees had very high expectations and did not understand the role of local affiliates and would become frustrated with services and housing. [Emphasis added]

In addition, the IG report states that many Afghans brought to the U.S. by the Biden administration needed immediate medical treatment because they suffer “with mental and physical health issues” while others arrived in the U.S. with COVID-19.

Afghans, the IG report alleges, also had unrealistic expectations about the U.S.

For instance, some Afghans reportedly expected the federal government to provide them with “welcome money” when they arrived in the U.S. Others also expected free, luxury housing and were displeased with the actual housing that was provided to them.

“… consequently [Afghans] rejected the housing provided to them as being insufficient to meet their needs or of an inferior quality,” the IG report states….

Hamas-linked CAIR sues Virginia prison for denying Ramadan accommodations to newly converted inmate



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

The Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is yet again fighting for the expansion of the Islamic presence in a prison. It has just “sued the Virginia Department of Corrections and officials at a correctional facility for their refusal to provide Ramadan accommodations to a Muslim inmate.” The prison already provides special accommodations to Muslims on Ramadan, but that isn’t enough for CAIR. They want the rules bent. Prison officials reportedly refuse to accommodate new convert Alexander Crichlow because he converted to Islam after the deadline to sign up for Ramadan accommodations, and given the vigor of new converts, it is very important to CAIR that Crichlow be accommodated expeditiously.

In 2018, CAIR sued Riverside Regional Jail in North Prince George, Virginia, for allowing a Christian space, and filed an injunction demanding “Islamic programming” and “pork-free meals.” The lawsuit filed by CAIR actually called for the dismantling of the Christian “God Pod.” CAIR’s claims had nothing to do with religious rights and everything to do with prioritizing Islam. There is a stark contrast between peaceful Christian “God-pods” and Christian prison fellowships (which have been long established in institutions) and the record of Islam in prisons. Jihad recruitment is rampant in prisons, with little effort to curb it. In 2020, Al Qaeda-trained jihadist Mohamed Ibrahim was sentenced in the Eastern District of Texas for recruiting other inmates to join the Islamic State. Fox ran a report some years ago warning that federal prisons are a “breeding ground” for terrorists, and that “if we continue to downplay the threat, we do so at our own peril.”

Other Islamic organizations also aid the cause of Islamic expansion in jails. The Seerah Foundation proudly proclaims its mission as “spreading Islam and supporting Dawah projects” in prison, and the National Islamic Prison Foundation’s (NIPF) outreach program is also dedicated to converting inmates in America to Islam. The NIPF is heavily funded by Saudi Arabia. Its clerics are “responsible for indoctrinating inmates,” and are “mostly Saudi-trained clerics who preached the tenets of Wahhabism, an extremist form of Islam that is associated with passionately anti-Semitic and anti-Western worldviews.”

The more Islamized prisons become, the more dangerous they will be for infidel inmates. That danger will spread to the general population once these jihadis are released. In February 2022, the UK set a precedent and decided to segregate imprisoned jihad terrorists, as UK prisons had become dubbed “jihadi training camps.” Muslim prison gangs were also reportedly beating prisoners who wouldn’t convert to Islam.

In five American states, one in every five inmates is Muslim. Recently in California, CAIR, and Muslim prisoners also complained about having to give up beards and kufis.

Read more about the relentless, disturbing record of Hamas-linked CAIR HERE.

“US Muslim group sues prison for denying Ramadan accommodations to an inmate,” by Servet Günerigök, Anadolu Agency, April 5, 2023:

WASHINGTON – The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) said it sued the Virginia Department of Corrections and officials at a correctional facility for their refusal to provide Ramadan accommodations to a Muslim inmate.

The Green Rock Correctional Center in Chatham has denied accommodations to Alexander Crichlow during the month-long religious observance, CAIR said Monday.

Crichlow, a Muslim who converted to Islam in January, fasts from before dawn until sunset during Ramadan.

Since January, he has repeatedly asked prison officials to provide him with the same Ramadan accommodations as dozens of Muslims at Green Rock, including receiving breakfast before dawn, a double serving of dinner at sunset and permission to gather daily for evening prayers with other Muslims.

“But prison officials reportedly refuse to accommodate Critchlow because he converted to Islam after their arbitrary deadline to sign up for Ramadan accommodations, which fell on Nov. 18, 2022—over four months before Ramadan,” CAIR said in a statement. “According to them, an exception-free statewide policy refuses Ramadan accommodation to any incarceree who converted to Islam after Nov. 18, 2022.”

The group said that “there is nothing difficult about prison officials providing Crichlow exactly what they already provide to dozens of other Muslims.”….

Another Transgender Guy Plots to Shoot Up Schools

Another Would-Be Trans Mass Shooter Arrested

Copycat Transgender School Shooter Stopped - William "Lily" Whitworth manifesto planning mass murder

Here's the latest on 19-year-old's failed plot to shoot up middle schools



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

William Whitworth, a 19-year-old male who claims to be female and goes by the name “Lilly,” has been arrested in Colorado Springs, Colo., after threatening various local schools. Whitworth has been charged with two counts of criminal attempt to commit murder in the first degree, as well as criminal mischief, menacing, and more. His case, following so soon after Audrey Hale, a woman claiming to be male, murdered six people at a Christian school in Nashville, once again raises the question: wouldn’t we be better off treating this “transgender” business as mental illness rather than coddling and celebrating people who suffer from these delusions?

KRDO in Colorado Springs reported Thursday that Whitworth made “threats involving schools in Colorado Springs Academy District 20.” This was where he himself went to school between 2014 and 2016; KRDO adds that “they attended both in-person and the district’s Homeschool Academy.” Whitworth did not have an accomplice; KRDO is referring to him as “they” because Whitworth himself apparently prefers to be referred to in the plural; after all, the demons said long ago, “My name is Legion, for we are many” (Mark 5:9). Curiously, however, KRDO begins referring to Whitworth as “she” and “her” later on in its report.

It is a peculiar manifestation of the madness of our age that even as a mentally ill individual plots to act upon his mental illness by murdering people, those who report on this fact still treat his mental illness as if it were perfectly normal and even torture the English language in order to accommodate it. Apparently, no one at KRDO had the vision or wisdom or simple guts to say, “Hey, this trans kid was just planning to kill people, maybe we shouldn’t coddle him and pretend that he’s in his right mind by referring to him according to the pronouns of his delusion and fantasy.” No one would have dared.

Nevertheless, all was clearly not sane or well at the Whitworth household. Police were first called out to visit the Whitworths last Friday, when they received reports that the sister of the reporting party had “threatened to shoot up a school,” had “anger issues,” and had spoken the day before about “school shooting.” When deputies arrived at the house, according to their report, “someone at the door” told them that “someone inside” was “very upset and punched holes inside the walls,” but nonetheless initially refused to let them in. Eventually, they were let in, however, and found “two holes that appeared to be punch marks in the wall,” as well as a door off its hinges. In a bedroom, they encountered the reporting party’s “sister.” It was “Lilly,” that is, William Whitworth.

When the deputies asked Whitworth if he was planning to shoot up a school, he nodded. When they asked him why he would do such a thing, Whitworth replied: “Why does anyone do it?” He was then asked if he planned this massacre at Timberview Middle School, which he had attended, and he nodded again. Asked why he picked that school, he mumbled: “No specific reason.” He added that he also planned shootings at local churches.

The deputies eventually found Whitworth’s manifesto, which he himself dismissed as “schizophrenic rants.” Asked if he was schizophrenic, he answered: “I hope not.” Well, it may not be that, Whitworth, but it’s something and all the people who told you that “transgender people” were beautiful and courageous and stunning and brave and not at all mentally ill share responsibility for bringing you to this point.

Related: Lutheran Pastor Likens Nashville Shooter Who Killed Six Christians to Jesus

Authorities also found floor plans of the school and directions for how to build a detonation device. They also found a copy of The Communist Manifesto (well, well, well), a list of weapons and 3D printer instructions, hit lists, and a list of various public figures, including conservative YouTuber Lauren Southern, whom Whitworth described as “Pathetic,” and Donald Trump, whom Whitworth dismissed as a “Con-mam” (sic). “Bad cops,” said Whitworth, were “useless garbage.”

William “Lilly” Whitworth, in sum, is yet another Leftist “trans” would-be mass murderer in a society whose leaders steadfastly ignore the existence of such people and blame their victims. Old Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, and the rest are virtually certain to ignore Whitworth as well since he doesn’t fit their narrative about how “white supremacists” constitute the greatest terror threat the nation faces today. Or if they pay any attention to him at all, it will be to affirm their solidarity with the “transgender community” and scold patriotic Americans once again for daring not to believe that men can become women. William Whitworth isn’t the only mentally ill person in this scenario.

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