UN Warns Individualistic Conservatives Threaten the Planet

"Save the world from free speech. Before it’s too late"


SEE: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2022/03/un-warns-individualistic-conservatives-threaten-daniel-greenfield/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

If you blinked you might have missed the momentous occasion of the release of the second part of the UN IPCC’s sixth assessment report of how we're all going to die unless we all board jets and attend global warming conferences. Or give lots of money to those officials who do it for us.

Since no one reads these things anyway, by the time the fourteenth chapter of the second part of the sixth assessment rolled around, everyone was drunk and decided to take shots at conservatives.

Chapter 14 was on North America and warned of the threat posed by "individualistic" conservatives who refuse to accept "collective responsibility" for driving pickup trucks.

Once upon a time, we agreed to disagree about things. Those were the good days.

The liberalism of, "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it", has long since been replaced by, "You're spreading misinformation and I'm going to tell on you to Mark Zuckerberg."

The IPCC, or Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which changes its predictions of the incoming apocalypse more often than a phone psychic, is very upset about misinformation.

Misinformation contradicts the science and under the IPCC’s current chair, Hoesung Lee, who has a Ph.D. in Economics from Rutgers, and was, according to the IPCC, named one of TIME’s 100 Most Influential People in the World, the UN body is all about the science.

Even though economics is as much of a science as the chicken entrails of global warming.

But say what you will about Lee, who used to work for ExxonMobil, he still has better credentials than the former chair, railroad engineer, and sexual harasser Rajendra Pachauri. As a Nature obituary put it, Pachauri, who shared a Nobel Peace Prize and sexual misconduct allegations with Al Gore, died "following a prolonged battle with multiple heart ailments and charges of sexual harassment."

Forget climate change, it’s the sexual harassment allegations that will really kill you.

“If there's no action before 2012, that's too late,” Rajendra Pachauri said in 2007. In 2009, he claimed, “we have just about 6 years left in which we will have to bring about the peaking of emission.” It’s 2022, Pachauri is dead, and the planet is very much alive. Sadly, so is the IPCC.

With a past history like this, you can understand why the IPCC is sensitive about misinformation.

If there were a Nobel prize for misinformation, the IPCC would win it hands down. And that’s the only Nobel prize that it deserves. Unless there were another Nobel for blowing the most hot air.

A year after Pachauri was ousted over his personal contribution to global warming, Hoesung Lee took over and began warning that it's not too late to save the planet from cheap energy and a decent standard of living.

Six years later he's still at it.

IPCC WGII 6, the latest alphabet soup report that no one read, directs the blame for the imminent destruction of the planet at “resistance from individuals with conservative political ideologies” and “individualistic worldviews” who oppose “regulation”.

Save the world from free speech. Before it’s too late.

The IPCC’s preferred solution to the conservative problem (at least the one that it’s willing to put in print) is more media censorship. The report complains about the "journalistic norm of balance” that give "equal weight to climate scientists and contrarians" and are "unevenly amplifying certain messages that are not supported by science".

I don’t know which planet the IPCC is reporting from, where the media provides equal weight to both the establishment and its critics, but it isn’t this one. But the one thing we know about the IPCC from all its reports on the state of the planet is that it doesn’t know much about Earth.

The media is already saturated with the IPCC’s chicken little propaganda. Big Tech companies actively censor those who dissent from the notion that only high taxes can change the weather. To say nothing of the even more outrageous suppression of any other point of view within the scientific community and Corporate America than the one making Big Green investors very rich.

Nevertheless, the IPCC report complains that “much online social media discussion of climate change takes place in ‘echo chambers’”. These echo chambers, unlike the ones operated by the IPCC and the establishment, are obviously a threat to all intelligent life on earth.

A category that no one involved in the IPCC and the media qualifies for anyway.

The censorship will continue until everyone comes to believe that the world is ending as many years from now as it takes to create a sense of crisis while still making it possible to cash in.

The UN solution to all of those “individualistic” and “conservative” Americans is for “the rest of the human collective” to adopt “collective conduct” from “indigenous” people. Unfortunately, the United States has no indigenous people, only immigrants from various eras, tribes traveling across a land bridge from Siberia, paddling canoes, and then Columbus and his three ships.

But the UN might want to check in on Africa and see how the “indigenous” people of that continent exercise their “sense of duty or responsibility toward human and other-than-human relations” by wiping out endangered species and killing entire tribes with equal gusto.

Or Hoesung Lee might want to look toward Manchuria where his distant ancestors came from and examine just how that region shows us that we can “(re)learn from Indigenous cultures to (re)consider our responsibility/ies to the land”.

The idea that a native population is less likely to pollute the earth and water, hunt animals to extinction, and treat their territory like a trash heap is more white nonsense, as Lee knows.

The noble savage is the romanticized invention of European fourth-generation colonists who condescendingly presume that their neighbor is less likely to want an SUV or a weekend at the shore because his ancestors had a lower technological level and less civilizational scope.

The native population consists of stone, iron, and bronze age colonists who wiped out whatever indigenous peoples there were and then got down to the business of killing each other until the Europeans showed up. Your average American and Canadian tree hugger has as much of a mystical relationship with the great outdoors as a California casino owner or the Hawaiian businessman whose many times great-grandfather killed and enslaved the natives he found living there after he finished making the long imperialist canoe journey to colonize the islands.

The lead authors of the North American chapter who urge us to learn magical indigenous skills of collectivism are largely the descendants of European immigrants. And they know a whole lot more about collectivism than North American Indians who were a good deal more independent, conservative, and individualistic than the hive mind of two dozen authors behind a UN report.

But if the UN really wants to model respect for the land, it should lead the way by demolishing its Manhattan headquarters and returning Turtle Bay back to the turtles.

The one mystical quality that the IPCC does have is magical thinking.

After failing to convince Americans that the planet will burn unless everyone gives environmental consultants more money to change the weather, the IPCC is convinced that suppressing political dissent will surely convince those individualistic conservatives.

As everyone knows, using your power to silence people wins the argument every time.

It’s not American individualism that threatens the planet. The environmental movement not only stole trillions and spent it on trips and worthless windmills and solar panels, it brought the planet closer to war by making the world dependent on Middle Eastern and Russian fuel. After generations of wars that could have been avoided with cheap nuclear energy and domestic drilling, there is yet another war that is being fought over energy resources in Ukraine.

Conservative individualism doesn’t threaten the planet, environmental collectivism does. 

THE IDIOT VICE-PRESIDENT ON DISPLAY: Watch Kamala Harris laughing during press conference in Poland; what happened

Judge Jeanine: Kamala Harris is an 'embarrassment' on the world stage

Judge Jeanine and Joe Concha react to the vice president appearing to be unprepared for questions from the press.

SEE: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/matt-margolis/2022/03/11/zelenskyys-former-press-secretary-savagely-blasts-kamala-harris-n1565750

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Kamala Harris’s diplomatic mission to Europe did not go as hoped. It was bad enough when she managed to embarrass the United States again, this time during a joint press conference with Polish President Andrzej Duda in Warsaw where she laughed in response to a question about the Ukrainian refugee crisis, but now she’s been brutally mocked by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s former Press Secretary Iuliia Mendel.

“It would be a tragedy if this woman won the presidency,” Mendel said while retweeting a video of Kamala Harris’s inappropriate laughter.

The tweet has since been deleted. Nevertheless, we can all agree that she is absolutely correct. Though, quite frankly, it’s a tragedy that she’s vice president right now.

Sen. Graham: Kamala's Poland appearance made things worse

One-on-One with Financial Expert David McAlvany on oil & gas prices~Rep. Mike Turner Torches Biden on Energy Crisis, Response to Ukraine

As the war in Ukraine rages on, the U.S. and Europe are placing harsh sanctions on Russia. This comes at a time when the U.S. economy is still trying to recover from the pandemic and inflation is at a 40 year high. One of the biggest economic stressors for Americans right now is skyrocketing oil and gas prices. The average price for a gallon of gas just hit a record $4.25. David McAlvany, CEO of the David McAlvany Financial Group, joined OAN's Alicia Summers to discuss.

Robert Spencer vs. Joseph Puder: How Much Should We Get Involved in Ukraine?

SEE: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2022/03/spencer-vs-puder-should-we-go-war-over-ukraine-frontpagemagcom/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Editors' note: Below is an exchange between Frontpage contributors Robert Spencer and Joseph Puder on Russia's invasion of Ukraine -- and what America and the West must do about it. We hope our readers will find this dialogue/debate between two of Frontpage's finest to be thought-provoking and enlightening.

Joseph Puder: The West Has Not Learned The Lessons of World War II.
We need a Churchill in the White House, not a feeble Chamberlain.

The scenes of the Russian invasion into Ukraine are reminiscent of 81 years ago when Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union in what was called “Operation Barbarossa.” Nazi troops stormed the Ukraine fields with thousands of tanks and Stuka dive bombers. Behind them was Hitler’s Einsatzgruppen, SS murderers set out to murder every Jew in the territories of Ukraine that the Nazi army occupied.  

Vladimir Putin, Russia’s President, has copied the same tactics. Claiming his armies were merely on military maneuvers and that he had no intention of invading Ukraine, on February 24, 2022, he ordered his armies with thousands of soldiers, tanks, and jets to invade Ukraine. In 1939, Adolf Hitler, who had committed Germany not to attack the Soviet Union under the Treaty of Non-Aggression known as the Ribbentrop-Molotov agreement, broke the treaty and invaded the Soviet Union with massive force. And, like the murderous Nazi Einsatzgruppen, Putin sent a similar group of Chechen murderers to assassinate Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, and members of his government.   

Hitler, in the summer of 1941, already had Europe almost entirely under his brutal boot, but his “lebensraum” or living space concept, which he specified in his book, “Mein Kampf,” and speeches, required him, in his mind to remove the Slavic and other so-called non-Aryan peoples in Eastern Europe from their land and populate them with German people. So naturally, Hitler was not going to stop anywhere ‘while the going was good.’    

Let us be clear, Putin is not Hitler, he is not the sadist and antisemitic murderer that Hitler was. Nevertheless, he too has a dream of restoring to Russia the title of the super-power that the Soviet Union became after World War II. He is a Russian nationalist whose formative years in the Soviet Union were spent absorbing Soviet propaganda and subsequently becoming a KGB officer. It made him a staunch believer in Russian power. His father fought with the Red Army in WWII, and his native Leningrad suffered enormously during World War II. He also learned from the example that Hitler had provided, that when your potential enemies are weak, it is time to strike.  

Hitler had British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain to deal with. An appeaser who desperately wanted to avoid war at all costs, and indeed, the costs were much higher for Britain and the world for not recognizing that evil can only be stopped by force and not by appeasement. Had the allies stopped Hitler early on in 1936 when he occupied the Rhineland, World War II would never have occurred. Even in 1938, before Hitler annexed by force the Czechoslovakian territory of the Sudetenland under the 1938 Munich Agreement, in which Chamberlain sold out the Czechs, and got in return World War II. Had the western powers used the military option, the German military High Command (the Wehrmacht) would have removed Hitler from power, as was revealed in later years.   

Putin, like Hitler, views US President Joe Biden as weak and feeble, just as Hitler saw Chamberlain. A person who refuses to use the military option with the radical regime of the Ayatollahs in the Islamic Republic of Iran, and would certainly not dare to challenge Russia’s military might. Putin figures that Biden and the Western leaders would scream ‘bloody murder,’ but won’t challenge him militarily, not even using a ‘no-fly zone’ over the Ukrainian civilian population, for fear of entanglement with Russia. Putin doesn’t want a nuclear war any more than Biden, Johnson, or Macron. He knows, however, that he is dealing with Chamberlains, not with Churchills.  

It is apparent to Putin that President Biden and the other major western leaders fear him enough not to challenge his actions other than with words and economic sanctions that hitherto have had little impact on Putin and his regime. He took Crimea in March 2014 from Ukraine, and the Obama administration’s reaction was so anemic that it only encouraged him to go further and initiate the separatist violent rebellion against the Ukrainian government in the Donbas region of southeastern Ukraine (Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts of Ukraine), less than a month later. As the case of the US imposed sanctions on Iran has proven, sanctions cannot alter the behavior of a radical authoritarian regime, and only the unpleasant choice of a credible threat of Military action will make Russia or Iran change its course.   

There was a time when the US did just that, using the military option. President John F. Kennedy did it during the 1962 Cuban missile crisis; he took military action after diplomacy failed. True, the Soviet missiles in Cuba posed an existential threat to the US… And yet, President Lyndon Johnson did it in the Middle East, when the Soviet Union threatened to send its troops to aid Syria against Israel during the Six-Day War of June 1967.  

Uri Bar-Noi, in a report for the Wilson Center dealing with the Soviet Union and the Six-Day War, had written his article based on revelations from the Polish government archives, “The Soviet Union military took practical steps to assist Syria in stopping the advance of Israeli troops into Syrian territory toward the end of the war. These steps included a naval landing, airborne reinforcement, and air support for ground operations. Military operations were, however, eventually aborted for fear of American retaliation.” President Johnson responded by putting American forces on standby, ready to respond to the Soviet’s moves.   

In today’s climate of near pacifism in the US and the western world, there are no Churchills to be found. There is however one inspiring Churchill-like person and that is the leader of Ukraine – President Volodymyr Zelensky. He alone has stood up to the bullying of Vladimir Putin with the determination of David facing Goliath, and that in spite of the odds facing him. He inspired his people and the world by taking on a nuclear superpower with its enormous military machine and an abundance of natural resources, particularly oil and gas. He alone put into deeds what it means to fight for freedom and human dignity. 

While Biden and others filled the airwaves with platitudes, they fear facing the Russian bear. Fortunately for Winston Churchill, he was able to, after Pearl Harbor (December 7, 1941) enjoy the benefits of the “Arsenal of Democracy,” Zelensky and Ukraine remain alone in fighting an unrestrained aggressor. Sadly, never has America needed a Churchill more in the White House than now. Instead, we have a feeble Chamberlain. 

Robert Spencer Responds: What Are the Real Lessons of World War II?
It’s true: we need a Churchill, but we don’t need a world war.
It’s interesting that Joseph Puder begins his article calling for the U.S. to stand up much more firmly to Putin than it is doing now by likening the Russian army’s actions in Ukraine to the German army’s invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941. Puder doesn’t mention the fact that many Ukrainians fought tenaciously on the side of the Nazis in that conflict; nor does he mention that fighting in Ukraine now against the Russians is the Azov Battalion, a gang of actual neo-Nazis, not the kind the establishment media sees whenever a guy goes out wearing a MAGA hat. Nor are they some outliers: in 2014, then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko called them “our best warriors.”

This is not to say that Russia’s invasion is justified, or that Americans should not support Ukraine’s resistance; it’s only meant to illustrate that sometimes matters are much more complicated than meets the eye, and the Russia-Ukraine conflict is a quintessential example of that.

Puder is correct that Neville Chamberlain “desperately wanted to avoid war at all costs,” and appeasement failed before World War II and will fail to stop Putin. He is also correct that Putin, like everyone else on the face of the earth, sees Old Joe Biden as “weak and feeble, just as Hitler saw Chamberlain.” According to Puder, Putin “figures that Biden and the Western leaders would scream ‘bloody murder,’ but won’t challenge him militarily, not even using a ‘no-fly zone’ over the Ukrainian civilian population, for fear of entanglement with Russia.” He sees Putin’s statement that this would be considered an act of war as an empty threat: “Putin doesn’t want a nuclear war any more than Biden, Johnson, or Macron. He knows, however, that he is dealing with Chamberlains, not with Churchills.”

It is undoubtedly true that Putin sees Biden as weak. It is less certain that if the U.S. sets up a no-fly zone in Ukraine, the Russians will not see it as a casus belli and start World War III. And as odious as Putin’s actions in Ukraine are, they aren’t our fight. Volodymyr Zelensky, for all his heroism, is tied into the World Economic Forum cabal. Ukraine is a corrupt kleptocracy with still-unexplained ties to the Biden family; it was a Ukrainian energy firm that gave Hunter Biden a high-paying job for which he was completely unqualified, in an obvious case of buying influence. Except for brief periods, Ukraine was part of Russia for a thousand years, until 1991. Putin may go on from Ukraine to menace NATO states, and that could be a legitimate casus belli, but Ukraine is no hill to die on or to start a world war on. It is not actually the United States’ responsibility to solve the problems of all the people in the world, and there will always be tyrants, invasions, and occupations. We can’t fix them all, especially with our woke military spending time on gender theory that it could be spending on learning to fight.

In this connection, it is important to recall that even as the Nazis stormed across Europe in 1939, 1940, and 1941, swiftly conquering Poland, Norway, France, and more, the United States did not enter the war. President Franklin D. Roosevelt wanted very much to get into the war, but he could not sell to the American people the idea that it was the responsibility of the American people to fight for Poland, Norway, or France. It was much more widely understood then than it is now that the United States of America is not the world’s policeman or repairman, and will only expend its resources fruitlessly when it tries to act as such (see, for example, Iraq and Afghanistan).

Roosevelt didn’t enter the war, in fact, until the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, and Adolf Hitler declared war on the United States on December 11. It was at that point, and not before then, that World War II became our fight. Roosevelt had given all manner of aid to the British before Pearl Harbor was bombed, and Biden’s handlers, if they have any spine at all, should do the same in this case, but the idea that, as Puder says, “only the unpleasant choice of a credible threat of Military action will make Russia or Iran change its course” runs the risk of provoking a real war, one that could be far more catastrophic than any war the planet has seen up to now.   

There is no doubt that Puder is right: America needs a Churchill in the White House. But when Churchill became prime minister of Great Britain, the war in Europe had already been raging for eight months. He didn’t start the war by reckless actions in a conflict that did not involve his country. We need a prudent leader of his type now, one who will know how much is enough and how much is too much in dealing with Putin. As it is, our feckless State Department and dementia-ridden president are foolishly writing checks their woke military can’t cash.

*Joseph Puder Responds: Evil, If Not Stopped, Will Swallow Us All.

If Vladimir Putin wants a global nuclear war, he could choose multiple reasons to serve as a casus belli and wage war. If pressed hard by western sanctions, including the cutting off of his oil and gas revenues, he is as likely to consider it a casus belli, and turn against the NATO allies. Putin, I have no doubt, feels just as intensely about his economic strangulation as he does about a no-fly zone in and around Lviv, to protect the fleeing Ukrainian refugees, should the US and NATO allies consider imposing it.

Robert Spencer is correct about Ukrainian collaboration with the Nazis, and I should add the rabid antisemitism on the part of many Ukrainians during WWII, and even to some extent today. Naturally, there were some Ukrainians who saved Jews as well. My own parents escaped being murdered by Ukrainians during WWII. My mother’s courage and Russian troops nearby saved them from certain death. Modern Ukraine is different, it seeks to be democratic, and share western values, and Volodymyr Zelensky is not Petro Poroshenko. In the late 1930s or 1940s, the thought of a Jewish president in Ukraine would have been impossible. Today, Ukraine looks to the west – not to the east, and it should be embraced.

Spencer isn’t exactly accurate when asserting that “Ukraine was part of Russia for 1,000 years.” In fact, Russia, as we know it today has its roots in Kiev – Ukraine’s capital. The Kievan state existed until the year 1240 when the Mongol hordes crushed it. Actually, Putin has claimed Ukraine for historical and religious (Russian Orthodoxy) reasons. He forgets however that Kiev was the cradle of what we know as Russia. Kiev originated the Cyrillic alphabet and Russian Orthodoxy.

Let’s be clear, I am not advocating a military and possibly a nuclear confrontation with Putin’s Russia; understandably, such a conflict could lead to World War III and an end to life as we know it. We must however understand that Putin is not some crazy monster who is set on incinerating the west, and his Mother Russia. He is though, succeeding in intimidating the west. When he took Crimea and effectively tore the Donbas region out of Ukraine, the Obama administration and its western allies whimpered, and condemned, but did nothing. And when Obama set up a “red line” against the Syrian dictator upon his use of chemical weapons on his people, he pathetically let it slide…President Joe Biden’s responses to foreign aggression is even more pathetic, as we have seen last year in the Afghanistan debacle.  

Putin believes that Russia has some justified reasons to fear the expansion of NATO eastward, and at the same time, he seeks to recreate the former Soviet Union. A child of Soviet propaganda, Putin envisions a superpower Russia with all the natural resources of its former republics such as Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, etc. In a 2014 interview with the former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, marking the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, he (Gorbachev) stated that he thought that the NATO enlargement and incorporation of former Warsaw Pact countries was a “big mistake,” and a “violation of the spirit of the statements and assurances made in 1990.

All of the above notwithstanding, Ukraine held democratic elections, and elected Volodymyr Zelensky as president. The Ukrainian people, moreover, have the right to determine their future, a right Putin does not have. And, if the people of Ukraine choose to join NATO, or the EU, as a sovereign state they have the right to do so.

The real question is where will Putin stop? Will he be satisfied with subjugating Ukraine against the will of most of its people? Poland, Moldova, Romania, Slovakia, and Hungary, all of them border Ukraine; will he push further into these states to punish them for supporting Ukraine? Putin is obviously not deterred by the likes of Joe Biden, Boris Johnson, Emanuel Macron, or Olaf Scholz. He recognizes the near pacifism in the western world, and he is not frightened by western economic sanctions, since they have not hitherto impacted him personally, or for that matter, Russia.  

Spencer is correct about FDR wanting to fight Nazi Germany but he could not sell the American people on entering the war to save Poland, France, or other conquered nations. There is a difference however this time around. Article 5 of the NATO charter specifies that the US is committed to fight against any aggression committed against a fellow NATO member. True, Ukraine is not yet a NATO member, and therefore the US has no legal obligation to protect it. But the American people today are far less isolationist than in the 1930s or the period just before Pearl Harbor. Most Americans see it as a moral obligation to defend innocent civilians, and they are aghast by Russia’s naked aggression. I agree with Spencer that “America is not the world’s policeman,” but we must also realize that evil, if not stopped will swallow us all.

While acknowledging Joe Biden's desire for world peace and avoidance of war is understandable, warning Putin with a credible military option against further Russian expansion is essential. At some point, a no-fly zone will become imperative. Sadly, America needs a Churchill in the White House right now. Instead, it seems, we have a Chamberlain.

*Robert Spencer Responds: There's a Fine Line Between Strength and Provocation.

Joseph Puder is certainly correct that if Vladimir Putin wants war with the United States, he could start it now, trumpeting any number of actions by the U.S. and its allies, from expanding NATO ever eastward to arming Ukraine and more, as the reasons why he had no choice but to declare war. It is clear by now that he doesn’t want a world war, which would almost certainly be a nuclear war of unimaginable devastation, any more than Joe Biden and his handlers do. But Puder believes, not without reason, that Biden’s handlers can and should present a much stronger front to Putin, and that doing so would deter the Russian from continuing to pursue his expansionist goals. While strength is always to be preferred to appeasement of a tyrant, however, the current regime of socialist internationalists and spineless dreamers cannot be trusted to know what constitutes a reasonable show of strength and what constitutes an unwarranted provocation.

Take, for example, the expansion of NATO. In his February 24 speech announcing the invasion of Ukraine, Putin said: “In December 2021 we once again made an attempt to agree with the United States and its allies on the principles of ensuring security in Europe and on the non-expansion of NATO. Everything was in vain. The US position did not change. They did not consider it necessary to negotiate with Russia on this important issue for us, continuing to pursue their own goals and disregarding our interests.”

If this is true, it is not hard to imagine Antony Blinken and his team too concerned with making sure the State Department had the right number of racial minorities and proper instruction in Critical Race Theory to concern themselves with Putin’s overtures. They could have and should have known that Russia considers the expansion of NATO into former Soviet republics to be an unacceptable attempt to encircle Russia, as Putin explained in his speech: “I am referring to the expansion of the NATO to the east, moving its military infrastructure closer to Russian borders. It is well known that for 30 years we have persistently and patiently tried to reach an agreement with the leading NATO countries on the principles of equal and inviolable security in Europe. In response to our proposals, we constantly faced either cynical deception and lies or attempts to pressure and blackmail, while NATO, despite all our protests and concerns, continued to steadily expand. The war machine is moving and, I repeat, it is coming close to our borders.”

One doesn’t have to accept Putin’s argument or consider his invasion of Ukraine justified to see that his characterization of Biden’s imperious, elitist State Department is entirely plausible. It is important to point this out now, after the invasion, because the same ham-handed, blinkered, pseudo-intellectual Leftists whose short-sightedness and wrongheadedness let the invasion happen in the first place are still in charge. If a show of strength to Putin can be bungled, they can be counted upon to bungle it.

As for Puder’s claim that it is not accurate to say that “Ukraine was part of Russia for 1,000 years,” he actually demonstrates that it is accurate by noting that “Russia, as we know it today has its roots in Kiev – Ukraine’s capital.” One may quibble over whether Kievan Rus was Russian or Ukrainian, but the telling fact is that it was both and that throughout history the two have been more one people than two. The fact that, as Puder claims I forgot but which was actually the basis of my argument, it is true that “Kiev was the cradle of what we know as Russia,” and that is precisely why Putin believes he has a claim to it. This is not to say that Ukraine should not be independent unless one wishes also to argue that Austria and Germany should be one state, a proposition I am not at all disposed to favor.

Puder says that he is “not advocating a military and possibly a nuclear confrontation with Putin’s Russia,” but the weak and feckless socialist policy wonks who inhabit Biden’s State Department and entire administration have never demonstrated anything comparable to the judiciousness and wisdom of Churchill or anyone else who ever brought a major war to a successful conclusion. Puder is in effect asking that Biden’s gang of arrogant, miseducated children, with no understanding of history, culture, religion, or economics stand up to a canny, unscrupulous, utterly ruthless authoritarian. The consequences of their miscalculation and the hopeless Blinken is certain to miscalculate, would be, as Puder says “World War III and an end to life as we know it.” Putin may not be, as Puder says, “some crazy monster who is set on incinerating the west,” but the foreign policy establishment is a bunch of self-infatuated grad students with no understanding of how the world works; he can and would take advantage of their attempts to draw some “red line” that both he and they would know from the outset was spurious.

Ukraine, meanwhile, is a corrupt kleptocracy that gave Hunter Biden a high-paying job in a field in which he had no experience, in an obvious attempt to curry favor with Joe Biden. It was a phone call with Zelensky that got Trump impeached, in an obvious partisan witch-hunt, the first time. This is not to say that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was justified, or that Putin is not a scoundrel, or that the Ukrainians are not noble in resistance, or that Zelensky is not courageous. But once again, this is not our fight, and making it our fight could so easily spiral out of control that it is imperative that we keep a cool head amid all the prevailing war fever. Haven’t we learned the lessons of Iraq and Afghanistan yet?

Puder admits that Ukraine is not in NATO and so we have no obligation to defend it, but thinks that we should anyway, for “we must also realize that evil, if not stopped will swallow us all.” Well, yes. But that’s why NATO has members and non-members. We are bound, for better or worse, to defend NATO’s members. If this means that we have an obligation to fight evil anywhere else in the world that it may appear, we might as well bring every country in the world into NATO, so that it is clear that we are obligated to fight for them all and to combat evil wherever and whenever it may break out.

That may be a wonderful sentiment, but it is utterly impracticable. Our resources are not infinite, and our self-serving, corrupt leaders are already pouring out our substance for all manner of boondoggles that benefit the American people not a whit. At some point, the gravy train is going to run out. What we really need is a strong America-First president, who would have made clear to Putin from the outset that his adventurism would have terrible consequences, and who would have always acted in the best interests of the American people. If only there were someone on the scene like that.

Patriot Missiles Headed For Poland. U.S. Rejects Polish Plan to Provide Jets to Ukraine

Patriot Missiles Headed For Poland. U.S. Rejects Polish Plan to Provide Jets to Ukraine

Patriot Missile Systems

US moves missile defense systems to Iraq after attacks by Iran-backed insurgents - Track Persia


SEE: https://thenewamerican.com/patriot-missiles-headed-for-poland-u-s-rejects-polish-plan-to-provide-jets-to-ukraine/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Though President Joe Biden has ruled out sending troops to defend Ukraine from Russia, yesterday the government announced it would send two Patriot missile defense batteries to Poland.

Meanwhile, the United States rejected an offer from NATO ally Poland to help transfer MiG fighters to Ukraine, a move Russia might consider as NATO entering the war.

One possible, terrifying result: Russia using nuclear weapons.

No Fighters

The decision to send the Patriot system, which can knock down incoming ballistic and cruise missiles, was announced yesterday.

“Russia has fired at least 670 missiles into Ukraine, a senior defense official said Tuesday, and there are fears that an errant missile could land in Poland, which the Patriot missile system could defend against,” the Wall Street Journal reported.

“This is a prudent force protection measure that underpins our commitment to Article Five and will in no way support any offensive operations,” the U.S. European Command announced. “Every step we take is intended to deter aggression and reassure our allies.”

Article Five says an attack on one NATO member “shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in the exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defense recognized by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.”

The Pentagon quickly rejected Poland’s offer “to deploy — immediately and free of charge — all their MIG-29 jets to the Ramstein Air Base and place them at the disposal of the Government of the United States of America.”

Poland also asked other NATO allies to release their MiGS, and for the United States to provide replacements for the jets it send to Ramstein.

Biden shot down the proposal.

“The prospect of fighter jets ‘at the disposal of the Government of the United States of America’ departing from a U.S./NATO base in Germany to fly into airspace that is contested with Russia over Ukraine raises serious concerns for the entire NATO alliance,” Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said:

It is simply not clear to us that there is a substantive rationale for it. We will continue to consult with Poland and our other NATO allies about this issue and the difficult logistical challenges it presents, but we do not believe Poland’s proposal is a tenable one.

Poland offered the jets after Secretary of State Antony Blinken, appearing on CBS’s Face the Nationsaid Poland and NATO can supply Ukraine with fighters:

That gets a green-light. We’re talking with our Polish friends right now about what we might be able to do to backfill their needs if in fact they choose to provide these fighter jets to the Ukrainians. What can we do? How can we help to make sure that they get something to backfill the planes that they are handing over to the Ukrainians?

How Russia would respond is the question.

Last week, Russia’s Defense Ministry warned that countries who offer airfields to deploy “military aircraft and their subsequent use against the Russian armed forces may be regarded as the involvement of these states in an armed conflict.”

What might it think if and when NATO provides fighters?

Nuclear War Ahead?

The answer to that question is likely the reason Biden rejected Poland’s offers to move MiGs to Germany.

“The world should take Russia’s escalating nuclear threats very seriously, senior intelligence officials told lawmakers Tuesday, while noting that they have not yet seen clear indications that Russian leader Vladimir Putin would respond to military setbacks in Ukraine with nukes,” Patrick Tucker reported for Defense One yesterday:

Putin sparked alarm among nuclear watchers last month when he ordered the country’s nuclear forces be put on a “special regime of combat duty.” Speaking to lawmakers on Tuesday, Avril Haines, the director of Office of the Director for National Intelligence, said that move was mostly “signaling” to keep NATO from intervening in Ukraine. 

“He is effectively signaling that he’s attempting to deter and that he has done that in other ways. For example, having the strategic nuclear forces exercise that we indicated had been postponed until February, again, then as a method of effectively deterring,” Haines said.

Other officials agreed, and a former defense official explained how Russia might use its nukes. “Russia has nuclear weapons as part of a warfighting battle plan,” the official said:

The danger is increasing “precisely because the conflict in Ukraine is going badly.” 

The official outlined a scenario in which Putin consolidates some gains in southern Ukraine but fails to install a new puppet regime. 

“Ukrainians may or may not cease and desist. The West may or may not continue to arm the Ukrainian insurgency and [Putin] might decide, ‘OK. I’m going to set off a bomb somewhere in western Ukraine to send a message that I have crossed the nuclear threshold, and you can follow me if you want.’”

Putin likely thinks NATO threatens Russia because the treaty organization expanded so aggressively after the Soviet Union collapsed. Since 1999, 14 countries have joined. Membership now is 30 nations.

In 1997, Biden himself warned that Russia would view that expansion into the Baltic states as a threat.

17 wounded after Russian bomb falls on maternity hospital in Mariupol, Ukraine

Women and doctors are among 17 injured. No data yet about killed. “Mariupol. Direct strike of Russian troops at the maternity hospital. People, children are under the wreckage. Atrocity! How much longer will the world be an accomplice ignoring terror? Close the sky right now! Stop the killings! You have power but you seem to be losing humanity” - President #Zelensky


Levin on Biden: What kind of fool does this?

Mark Levin blasts Biden, whom he calls a 'disgrace and a disaster,' for ill-considered foreign policy positions.

Nikki Haley Blasts Biden on Russia, China Relations


Bumblin’ Biden is imploding right before our very eyes! His announcement of banning Russian oil combined with his own ban on drilling here at home promises to sink his presidency once and for all. In this video we’ll look at the inevitable costs that are going to skyrocket from this ban on Russia, we’re going to see how Biden is running out of options, and stick with me to the very end of this video when I’ll show you why Russia may end up relatively unscathed by all those, which promises to sink Biden even further; you are not going to want to miss this!

Dan Ball With Walid Phares, The War On Oil, 3/7/22

Brighteon: US Gas Prices Smash All-Time Record High

Russians using energy as a weapon against the US: Rick Perry

Former energy secretary discusses the importance of an energy-independent America

Oil heading to eye-popping $200 barrel, with $10 gas coming to America thanks to energy policies made worse by Biden, Dems 


SEE: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-03-08-oil-heading-to-eye-popping-200-barrel-10-gas.html;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

(Natural News) Millions of Americans who have been pining for ‘green energy’ alternatives for years were hopeful when Joe Biden was installed following the November 2020 election that Donald Trump actually won because of his pledge to aggressively pursue them.

Biden immediately reversed most of Trump’s pro-America, pro-fossil fuel development policies and priorities including the cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline that a Canadian company had waited for more than a decade to build after spending billions of dollars on construction and supplies.

Democrats who hate fossil fuels dutifully obliged with a multitrillion-dollar infrastructure bill that includes billions to subsidize the purchase of ‘electric vehicles’ — never mind that our country doesn’t have the power grid to handle tens of millions more electric devices connecting to it.

After Trump made our country energy independent for the first time in decades, Biden’s energy policy reversals have left us dependent again on volatile regimes including Mother Russia, which is now engaged in a war with Ukraine after invading late last month — an invasion that did not take place under Trump and would have if his reelection had not been stolen.

Russia is one of the world’s top oil producers; with countries now shunning Russian oil, the markets are starved for replacement supplies — which the U.S. could have produced had Biden not cut our capacity to do so.

As such, oil prices are now headed north and in a quick minute, with gas prices following closely behind. In fact, some analysts are predicting $200 oil very soon, along with $10 a gallon gasoline in America (it will be much higher than that in Europe).

Cecilia Rouse, chair of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, said that the regime is also considering cutting purchases of Russian oil (which is helping to finance Vladimir Putin’s war) while at the same time ‘trying to figure out’ how to replace it (easy — open up more exploration and subsidize domestic production).

“We are considering a range of options but what’s really essential is that we maintain a steady supply of global energy,” Rouse said.

While there are ongoing talks with Russia and Iran (and, via backchannel, the Biden regime) to purchase Iranian oil (can you imagine if Trump wanted to buy Russian and Iranian oil after he was falsely accused of ‘coddling dictators’ his entire term?), Pioneer Resources CEO Scott Sheffield said in an interview with the Financial Times over the weekend that oil would “easily” go to $150-$200 a barrel if the Western world bans Russian oil and gas.

“The only way to stop Putin is to ban oil and gas exports,” the boss of the largest U.S. shale company told the Financial Times. “[But] if the western world announced that we’re going to ban Russian oil and gas, oil is going to go to $200 a barrel, probably — $150 to $200 easy.”

There are additional problems to getting U.S. domestic supply going again, all due to insane Democrat-driven COVID pandemic policies that upset the labor market as well as domestic production of commodities and goods, creating shortages of everything that have not been improved since Biden was installed in January 2021.

Even as he backed calls for an oil and gas embargo against Russia, Sheffield said that the U.S. would not be able to replace lost Russian crude this year.

“I’m talking about a two- to three-year plan. Because U.S. shale, even if somebody adds a [drilling] rig . . . it takes six to eight months to get the first production. There are labor shortages, there’s frack fleet shortages, there are rig shortages, there are sand shortages,” he added.

Literally, every economic aspect of our economy Democrats touched or influenced has collapsed, and now the most incompetent person in the country is president, making bad situations even worse.

If you’re not convinced America and the world are headed for collapse if we stay on the current course — $200 oil — you’ve not been paying attention.

Sources include:




Buttigieg and EPA top dog reveal the Biden agenda behind skyrocketing gas prices


SEE: https://robertspencer.org/2022/03/buttigieg-you-dont-have-to-worry-about-gas-prices-if-you-buy-an-electric-vehicle;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

This is a real “Let Them Eat Cake” moment for Transportation Department top dog Pete Buttigieg, as most Americans can’t afford electric cars and the infrastructure isn’t there for them in all parts of the country, but Buttigieg here reveals the Biden agenda. He doesn’t care about skyrocketing gas prices because he wants to drive internal combustion engines out of existence anyway. It’s part of the Green New Deal plan. The suffering he will cause by doing so is of little moment to Biden and Buttigieg; they won’t experience it. Neither will EPA top dog Michael Regan, who makes the plan clear.


Biden's Handlers Want Skyrocketing Gas Prices. The EPA Just Revealed Why.


SEE: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/robert-spencer/2022/03/08/bidens-handlers-want-skyrocketing-gas-prices-the-epa-just-revealed-why-n1564874;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

The Democrats are well aware of the old adage, “Never let a good crisis go to waste,” and are busy applying it as gas prices spiral out of all control. As PJM’s Chris Queen discussed Monday, Transportation Secretary Pete “Mr. Mom” Buttigieg appeared to be fantastically out of touch when he responded to skyrocketing prices at the pump. “Clean transportation can bring significant cost savings for the American people as well,” asserted Buttigieg. “Last month, we announced a $5 billion investment to build out a nationwide electric vehicle charging network so that people from rural to suburban to urban communities can all benefit from the gas savings of driving an EV.”

It was a real “Let Them Eat Cake” moment for Secretary Pete, but there is a method to his madness: the administration isn’t just out of touch, it is actively trying to use this crisis to impose its green agenda. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) chief Michael Regan confirmed that on Monday.

The Sacramento Bee reported that Regan was at the White House, along with Buttigieg and alleged Vice President Kamala Harris, to announce “proposed limits on new buses and large trucks to curb some of their greenhouse gas emissions by up to 90% in the next decade.” In the course of his remarks, Regan boasted, “We’re pressing the accelerator to reach a zero-emissions future sooner than most people thought.”

Nothing presses the accelerator to reach a zero-emissions future more effectively than gas prices rising so high that driving a carbon-emitting car is simply too expensive.

At the Monday White House event, Harris was likewise enthusiastic, saying, “We are all in the midst of a turning point. We have the technology to transition to a zero-emission fleet. We can address the climate crisis and grow our economy at the same time.”

We are all in the midst of a turning point, and the green energy forces are not going to let it go to waste. On Tuesday, Old Joe Biden said that the situation was going to get worse, as prices are “gonna go up,” and that he couldn’t do anything about it. “Can’t do much right now. Russia’s responsible.” Biden also risibly claimed that “It’s simply not true that my administration or policies are holding back domestic energy production.”

How is it possible that the president of the United States could be such a shameless liar and constantly get a pass for it from the establishment media? In lying so brazenly, Biden must know that no “journalist” will challenge him, and he must also have such a low opinion of the American people that he assumes most will not realize he is lying. On that score, he may be at least partially right: it’s likely many Americans don’t know that Biden promised, during a presidential debate, that he would “transition away from the oil industry.”

Related: Buttigieg Says the Solution to High Gas Prices Is Simple: Just Buy an EV

Old Joe delivered right away, shutting down the Keystone Pipeline, placing a moratorium on oil leases on federal property (which was blocked in court but is apparently still followed in the Interior Department, as the number of drilling permits it has issued has dropped sharply), suspending some existing drilling leases, restricting fracking, placing onerous financial regulations on the oil industry, and more. Now, his handlers have made it clear that they have no intention of revisiting any of this, but instead are looking into buying oil from tyrannical rogue states such as Venezuela and Iran.

It looks as if Biden’s handlers will do anything but relieve the plight of the American people, the plight that they themselves created. If they did ease up on their restrictions on the domestic oil industry and restart work on the Keystone Pipeline, they would face the wrath of the far-Left greens who constitute the great bulk of their base, and it is clear that Biden’s handlers will do anything but cross them. Instead, they’re using this crisis as an opportunity to try to foist their green agenda on the American people, while we have no choice but to go along.

Regan is right: the administration is pedal-to-the-metal on its zero-emissions agenda, and with gas rapidly becoming too expensive to purchase, we are all greens now. After all, the line between abject poverty and environmental consciousness has always been exceedingly thin.

Negotiator Says Two Countries Will Benefit From Biden’s New Nuke Deal with Iran~Neither of Them Are the U.S.


SEE: https://robertspencer.org/2022/03/negotiator-says-two-countries-will-benefit-from-bidens-new-nuke-deal-with-iran-neither-of-them-are-the-u-s;

AND: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/robert-spencer/2022/03/07/negotiator-says-two-countries-will-benefit-from-bidens-new-nuke-deal-with-iran-neither-of-them-are-the-u-s-n1564430

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

As I pointed out on Friday, Old Joe Biden’s handlers, in yet another of their endless series of decisions that could easily have catastrophic consequences for ordinary Americans, has turned over the leadership of the Iran nuke deal negotiations in Vienna to a Russian diplomat, Mikhail Ulyanov. What assurance do the blinkered Secretary of State Antony Blinken and his hopelessly America-Last subordinates have that Ulyanov (who, incidentally, shares a name with none other than Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, founder of the Soviet Union, whose original surname was Ulyanov) will fight for the best interests of the United States? None, of course. And now Mikhail Ulyanov has explained, in a video that surfaced on Twitter Sunday, that the deal is shaping up to be terrific — for the Islamic Republic of Iran and the People’s Republic of China.

Shocking video: This is the lead Russian negotiator for the Iran nuclear talks, Mikhail Ulyanov.

He's bragging about how Russia, Iran, and China teamed up to deliver huge wins for Iran's nuclear program in Vienna negotiations. pic.twitter.com/oiTOgfh99i

— POLARIS (@polarisnatsec) March 6, 2022

Ulyanov said admiringly that “Iranian clerics are fighting for Iranian nuclear – uh, national interests like lions. Indeed, I’m very serious. They fight for every comma, every word, and as a rule quite successfully. I must recognize that.” So the Iranians have for the most part been successful in shaping the deal the way they want it.

How bad is it that the Iranians have gotten what they wanted? It could be unimaginably bad. They’re not haggling over the price of a used car in Vienna. The stakes in this are extremely high here. The Washington Free Beacon reported in mid-December that “an Iranian government-controlled Twitter account posted an image of Israel constructed of matches and included the warning, ‘Just try and you will see.’ The message, also written in Hebrew, is a warning to Israel that if it attempts any attack on Iran’s nuclear infrastructure, the hardline regime will start a war. The pack of matches included in the image states, ‘ballistic matchbook,’ an indication that Iran will use its enormous stockpile of advanced long-range missiles to target sites across Israel.”

Even if Israel doesn’t strike Iran, the Islamic Republic has the Jewish state in its crosshairs. Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, tweeted in 2015: “After negotiations, in the Zionist regime, they said they had no more concern about Iran for next 25 years; I’d say: Firstly, you will not see next 25 years; God willing, there will be nothing as Zionist regime by next 25 years. Secondly, until then, struggling, heroic and jihadi morale will leave no moment of serenity for Zionists.” During Quds Day rallies, as Iranians nationwide chanted “Death to Israel,” officials declared that destroying Israel was “the Muslim world’s top priority.” In Nov. 2021, Brig.-Gen. Abolfazl Shekarchi, the spokesman for Iran’s armed forces, boasted: “We will not back off from the annihilation of Israel, even one millimeter. We want to destroy Zionism in the world.”

Related: Biden Brings Back Obama-Era Secret Iran Deals

And now Ulyanov says that everything is going Iran’s way in Vienna. Asked if he thought the deal could be good for Iran, “because there have been different arguments inside the chambers,” Ulyanov responded: “I am absolutely sincere in this regard when I say Iran got much more than it could expect. Much more. Realistically speaking, Iran got more than, frankly, I expected, others expected. This is a matter of fact.”

The bad news doesn’t end there. Ulyanov added that the Communist Chinese had been beneficiaries of America’s suicidal negotiating posture as well: “Our Chinese friends were also very efficient and useful as co-negotiators. We could rely on each other on many, many points. And on many, many points, through the joint efforts, we succeeded. I can recollect dozens of such cases, when on rather serious, significant questions, we managed together to get positive results, close to what we wanted to achieve.”

Ulyanov didn’t elaborate on what exactly he wanted to achieve, but given the fact that tensions between Russia and the United States haven’t been this high since the Cuban Missile Crisis, it is unlikely in the extreme that he is working toward a deal that will actually do anything effective to rein in Iran’s nuclear program or put a damper on that rogue state’s genocidal ambitions. Ulyanov’s Freudian slip is noteworthy: the Iranians, he said, are fighting like lions for “Iranian nuclear – uh, national interests.” The original Obama nuclear deal effectively gave Iran permission to construct nukes after ten years, and even before that point included ridiculous provisions such as Iran’s right under certain circumstances to inspect its own nuclear plants; since the Biden deal is shaping up to be so very much worse, it seems likely that Ulyanov was speaking more precisely the first time: the Iranians are fighting like lions for their nuclear program. And Old Joe Biden’s handlers are handing it to them on a platter of the uranium that Hillary gave to Russia.




Stephanie Hamill with Jeff Younger: Father fighting to stop ex-wife from subjecting son to gender modification






Starbucks Employee Claims to Have Spit in a Conservative Student’s Coffee


SEE: https://americanfaith.com/starbucks-employee-claims-to-have-spit-in-a-conservative-students-coffee/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

A Starbucks employee claims to have spit in a prominent conservative student leader’s coffee in Denton, Texas. University of North Texas (UNT) student and former YCT (Young Conservatives of Texas) President, Kelly Neidert, found the post on Yik Yak, an anonymous Twitter-style social network popular on college campuses.

UNT is the same campus where dozens of far-left activists shut down a speaking event featuring Texas State House Candidate Jeff Younger earlier this month. Younger gained widespread recognition following a lengthy custody battle over his son James, where Younger’s ex-wife, Dr. Anne Georgulas, diagnosed their son with “gender dysphoria,” which is a psychological disorder characterized by a child’s “consistent and insistent” expression of “cross-gender statements and behaviors.”

A jury said Dr. Georgulas had the right to “transition” her son, who she has reportedly renamed “Luna.” Younger eventually lost custody of his son last August.

Kelly Neidert played a big part in organizing the event for Younger, which was hijacked and ruined by dozens of far-left agitators. The extremists pounded on tables and shouted “**ck you fascist” until Younger and the event organizers were forced to leave. The group was later attacked by more far-left extremists as they exited the event.

Police ultimately had to hide the 22-year-old in a janitor’s closet due to the mob’s threats. Neidert said she had already coordinated with police prior to the event because she had been receiving “death threats and threats of violence” at school prior to the event.

A little over a week after the event, Neidert discovered a Yik Yak post in which a Starbucks employee claims to have spit in her drink. “Kelly from the right came to my Starbucks this morning and she got a BIG spit in her drink,” reads the post. “Starbucks employees spit in my drink because they knew I’m conservative! Conservative Twitter, do your thing,” the UNT student leader wrote in response.

According to Neidert, the incident took place at Starbucks Store #11149, which can be reached at 1-940-382-0242. The Starbucks location did not respond to National File’s request for comment.

Brighteon: Marc Morano: “Green” Agenda Financing Russian War Machine

Alex Newman of TNA interviews Marc Morano of ClimateDepot.com. Morano discusses how “Green New Deal” policies in the U.S. and Europe have financed Russian aggression, and how European countries are now dependent on Russia for its energy needs due to their “net zero” policies. Morano also discusses the severe economic impacts of “green” energy policies, including skyrocketing costs, and notes that such policies also empower China and OPEC. Morano also discusses the upcoming UN climate conference and climate activists’ praise for Jimmy Carter.

Pizza Hut Teaches Kids America is Built on Slavery and Genocide

A fast-food chain that makes bad pizza wants to talk to your kids about white privilege


SEE: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2022/03/pizza-hut-teaches-kids-america-built-slavery-and-daniel-greenfield/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Pizza Hut, unsatisfied with making kids fat, also wants to make them racist.

The stale franchise chain has supplemented its menu of lightly charred cardboard covered in tasteless glops of something that a blind hobo might mistake for cheese with racism.

While Pizza Hut focuses on poisoning children with such horrible concoctions as cheeseburger crust pizza, fish and chips pizza, and sushi cream cheese pizza, the Pizza Hut Foundation is hard at work teaching students that America is racist and white people suck.

The training materials intended for use in the classroom want teachers to ask 10-year-olds, “How often have you thought about your race in the last 24 hours?”

If demanding that 10-year-olds spend all their time thinking about race sounds crazy, another Pizza Hut pamphlet with tips for "talking to kids about race" claims that by "6 months, babies notice racial differences" and that 4-year-olds "show signs of racial bias."

The Empowering Educators Toolbox presented by the Pizza Hut Foundation urges teachers to tell their students that everyone is defined by race, that "everyone has a racial identity", and that race defines American life. Forget MLK, the stale pizza franchise chain wants your kids to believe that they're defined by their skin color, not the content of their character.

A sane country wouldn’t take its cues on race from the people who decided to combine hot dogs and pizza into something that looks like a dachshund got run over by a garbage truck, but in a nation of woke corporations, Pizza Hut would like your children to violently hate America.

"America is a country built on a foundation of slavery, genocide, and white supremacy," a pamphlet for teachers stamped with the Pizza Hut logo declares.

Pizza Hut is built on a foundation of turning kids into fat butterballs waiting for a heart attack.

The actual best practices for teachers would be to teach your students to love America and avoid Pizza Hut unless they want to close off their minds as thoroughly as their arteries.

When Pizza Hut isn’t serving up junk food, it’s serving up junk history and junk factoids.

A Challenging Conversations pamphlet claims that the "police force is the sixth leading cause of death for black men."

According to the CDC, it's actually diabetes. But it's understandable that Pizza Hut, which makes millions giving black men heart disease, strokes, and diabetes, wants to blame the cops who are the only people keeping the underpaid employees of their struggling franchisees alive..

1,055 people were shot and killed by police officers in 2021. 234 of them were white and only 139 were black. 632 of those who were shot were waving guns. Only 34 were unarmed.

459,540 black people died in 2020. With heart disease, strokes, hypertension, and diabetes accounting for around 30% of deaths, Pizza Hut and the rest of the Yum! Brands' family probably kill more black men in one day than every single police shooting in a century combined.

Not satisfied with being blamed for Michael Jordan's food poisoning during the 1997 NBA finals, Pizza Hut's handout to teachers rants about "white privilege" and quotes a false claim that white teachers who refuse to "recognize their privilege" are harming their students.

The hateful pamphlet also promotes demands for race reparations by millionaire racist author Ta-Nehisi Coates who wrote that the police officers and firefighters who died on September 11 “were not human to me.”

Good to know Pizza Hut agrees.

A guidebook to teachers marked with the Pizza Hut logo  and with an introduction co-signed by Artie Starrs, then Yum!'s CEO of Pizza Hut, claims that "racism" has been part of America's "collective history since the first English colonists arrived in 1607." It's a good thing that the Spanish who were there a century earlier and enslaved and killed the Indians weren't racists.

"Science has proven that race is not biological," insists a pamphlet for teachers produced by a fast-food chain that understands science almost as well as it knows history and cooking.

Don't question any of this. According to the Pizza Hut branded pamphlet, saying, "I don't see color", "white privilege doesn't exist" and "all lives matter" are all racial microaggressions.

Never mind that Pizza Hut’s entire existence is an ongoing hate crime against Italians.

Pizza Hut's bad education materials come in three flavors, racist lies, woke lies, and lies that could be easily disproven if someone is involved in the racist pamphlets, which also promote fact-checking and warn against “misinformation”, bothered to spend 30 seconds on Google.

For example, the Pizza Hut indoctrination pamphlet falsely claims that the Atlanta spa shootings were a hate crime against Asian people. The shooter was actually struggling with sex addiction and was never charged with a hate crime.

"Anti-bias, antiracist instruction should happen year-round," Pizza Hut demands.

What does that mean? The Pizza Hut hate pamphlets defend critical race theory and promote the Black Lives Matter hate movement, racist authors like Ibram X. Kendi, and the 1619 Project.

But that’s what happens when you get your history from a subsidiary of Yum! Brands that once infuriated Vietnamese-American refugees by using a Communist red star in a logo.

The obvious question is why is Pizza Hut trying to poison kids in a whole new way?

The answer, as Pizza Hut's new Chief Equity Officer Chequan Lewis said, is equity.

“Pizza Hut is introducing a new chapter in our long-standing commitment to literacy – focused on the intersection of equity and education,” Lewis said.

Literacy now means corporations turning kids into Marxists at shareholder expense.

Pizza Hut's Literacy Project emphasizes Young Activists. "Find amazing examples of activism and get your students involved," a program backed by a garbage pizza chain insists.

Corporate Marxism has become as ubiquitous as it is infuriating. But wokeness is also a symptom of a declining corporate power.

Domino's beat Pizza Hut around the same time that Trump beat Hillary. Pizza Hut sales fell in 2020 even as the pandemic helped boost Domino's and Papa John's by 17.6% and 15.9%. The largest Pizza Hut franchisee, with over 1,300 locations, filed for bankruptcy in 2020 after struggling with $1 billion in debt. Pizza Hut’s garbage pizza is as woke as it is broke.

Having destroyed pizza and its own company, Pizza Hut now wants to destroy America.

Biden’s Handlers Find Another Authoritarian State to Buy Oil From: VENEZUELA


A HUMILIATED Biden Administration is now turning to Venezuela and Iran for oil! You can’t make this stuff up! In this video we’re going to look at the current military state of the Ukraine crisis, we’re going to see how Bumblin’ Biden is literally groveling before Venezuela and Iran to help him out of his own crisis, and stick with me to the very end of this video when we’ll learn whether this will all work or whether this is just going to further humiliate an already abject presidential failure; you are NOT going to want to miss this!

Energy secretary laughed off a question about US oil production: Watch

Biden White House turns to Venezuela & Maduro for oil help. Ukraine Update

Government Is No Laughing Matter President Volodymyr Zelensky, a former actor, has surrounded himself with advisers from his old comedy troupe. No kidding. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/25/wo...

Biden White House turns to Iran for help. Lavrov leverages sanction hysteria. Ukraine Update


SEE: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/robert-spencer/2022/03/06/bidens-handlers-find-another-authoritarian-state-to-buy-oil-from-n1564199;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

This isn’t rocket science: gas prices are hitting astronomical new heights every day because Old Joe Biden closed the Keystone Pipeline, ended our energy independence, and forced us to rely on supplies of Russian oil that have become problematic in all kinds of ways with the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Yet even as the crisis intensifies, Biden’s handlers refuse to reverse course and restore America’s own oil supplies; instead, it is courting authoritarian regimes, as if paying Russia for oil wasn’t enough financing of tyranny already. Next in line: Venezuela.

First came the Islamic Republic of Iran. On Wednesday, MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle asked Transportation Secretary Pete “Mr. Mom” Buttigieg if Biden would consider “working something out with Iran” for oil. Buttigieg wouldn’t rule out that possibility: “Look, the president has said that all options are on the table. But we also need to make sure we’re not galloping after permanent solutions to immediate short term problems where more strategic and tactical actions in the short term could make a difference.”

But the “Death to America”-chanting mullahs aren’t enough. Fox News reported Sunday that “several senior Biden administration officials from the White House and State Department traveled to Venezuela on Saturday to meet with the Russian ally as Moscow’s economy begins to crater under the weight of sanctions, according to a report.” The idea is to entice the brutal hard-Left regime of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro away from Moscow’s embrace. The U.S. used to be Venezuela’s biggest customer for its oil exports, but the Trump administration put sanctions on those exports in view of the Venezuelan regime’s tyrannical behavior and election fraud.

But for Biden’s handlers, that sort of thing is no problem, as is clear from the fact that the administration’s trip to Venezuela was “the highest-profile one to Venezuela from American officials in years.” The agenda is obvious: “Some in the U.S. are considering Venezuelan oil as a possible substitute to Russian imports, as more American politicians say the U.S. needs to end its reliance on Russian oil, which could help finance Putin’s war.” Maduro opened the door to this himself on Thursday, saying: “Here lies the oil of Venezuela, which is available for whoever wants to produce and buy it, be it an investor from Asia, Europe, or the United States.”

It’s astonishing that we have an administration that would rather buy oil from two regimes that terrorize their own people than take the steps that would restore the energy independence the United States enjoyed under the Trump administration. This is partly because the “adults” who are back in charge now are so spiteful, hateful, and immature that they must do the opposite of whatever Trump did, no matter how well it worked and how ill-advised the alternative. Biden’s handlers also have to please the green energy advocates who form such an important part of their base and who apparently don’t mind the environmental damage that results from the production of oil if it takes place in far-off countries and isn’t on CNN.

Related: Oil, Oil Everywhere But Not a Drop of Sense

Imagine if Biden’s handlers reversed course, reopened the Keystone Pipeline, and worked to restore America’s energy independence. The economy would improve, gas prices would go down, and we would be free of potentially dangerous entanglements with the likes of Russia, Iran, and Venezuela.

What’s the downside, apart from a few angry green energy advocates? It’s tempting to think that Biden’s handlers are behaving in a stupid and short-sighted way in all this, but they’re actually anything but stupid, and that leaves only one alternative: their America-Last priorities are on full display here. Biden’s handlers appear to be so committed to socialist internationalism that they would rather see corrupt, authoritarian regimes in other countries benefit than see the American people relieved from their increasingly severe economic plight.

If we shift from Russian oil to Iranian and Venezuelan oil, we will no longer be financing the invasion of Ukraine, which would be a fine thing, but it is unlikely that these two inveterately hostile regimes will give us a deal that would lead to a drop in fuel prices. Why should they? When the mullahs chant “Death to America,” they’re not just mouthing empty words; if Biden’s handlers hand them a sword, they will happily plunge it into our vitals. Venezuela is unlikely to be more friendly. Once again, 2022 and 2024 can’t come fast enough.

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