Biden’s Scammy $5 Billion Pharma ‘Partnership’

Biden's Scammy $5 Billion Pharma 'Partnership'



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Via Reuters:

The U.S. government is spending over $5 billion on an effort to speed up the development of new COVID-19 vaccines and treatments, a Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) spokesperson and a Biden administration official said on Monday.

The investment, dubbed “Project NextGen”* and first announced by White House and HHS officials in an interview with the Washington Post, aims to provide better protection from coronaviruses, including the one that causes COVID-19, that might become future threats.

*As a brief aside, this sort of cute nicknaming of every government agenda seems somewhat new. It’s hard to imagine a leader of the yesteryear, like Abraham Lincoln, expending effort to come up with glitzy PR-originated marketing terms, like “Operation Unity” or whatever for the Civil War. He would likely have considered it beneath the dignity of the office. Does semantical engineering like this have the effect of infantilizing the public by assigning catchy, fun titles to nefarious government projects in order to assuage suspicion of them?

Continuing (emphasis added):

President Joe Biden’s administration will spend a minimum of $5 billion in collaborations with the private sector, an approach similar to that of the “Operation Warp Speed” project under former President Donald Trump that accelerated the development and distribution of vaccines in 2020.

These are not “collaborations with the private sector.” They are large-scale transfers of public money into private coffers, gifting pharmaceutical corporations (who pay it forward to politicians and bureaucrats in the form of kickbacks on the back end) with billions in taxpayer money to develop new products. Those firms then monetize the products developed using public funds, giving nothing back to the taxpayer for his investment, and, in fact, price-gouging him in the market. So, they get you both ways.

This is true fascism in the sense that Benito Mussolini meant it: the “merger of corporate and state power.”

Related: Unholy Alliance: Big Pharma Partners With NAACP to Push Public Subsidy of Weight Loss Drug


The infusion of a $5 billion investment, at minimum, will help catalyze scientific advancement in areas that have large public health benefits for the American people, with the goal of developing safe and effective tools for the American people.

The project, set to be based at HHS, will coordinate across the government and with the private sector on advancing a pipeline of new vaccines and treatments, the HHS spokesperson said. It will cover all phases of development from lab research and clinical trials to delivery.

None of this is necessary for the development of new medical products. The global pharmaceutical industry raked in $1.48 trillion in revenue in 2022. These companies have more than enough money to fund their own research and development. It’s a needless subsidy of one of the most profitable industries in human history.

ALERT: Taxpayer Funded Abortion in DELAWARE

Delaware allows abortions through all nine months. DE law says abortion is allowed up to the point of "viability." When the Democrat Legislators were asked to define "viability," it was made clear - it's when the abortion doctor says it is. (SB 5, 2017)

As of last year, Delaware now allows not only doctors to perform abortions, but nurse practitioners also. The Democrat controlled General Assembly also passed a bill two years ago to protect abortion doctors from any malpractice accountability. (HB 320, 2022; HB 455, 2022; HB 31, 2021)

AS IF THAT ISN'T ENOUGH, now Delaware's Democrat legislators expect YOU to pay for these abortions. Yes, you read that correctly...
DE's Democrat Legislators want YOU to FULLY fund in-state abortions with your tax dollars! 
Contact the House Health & Human Development Committee today to say, Absolutely NO! We do not want our money used to murder preborn children!
Use the talking points on the link below to ask the Representatives not to release HB 110 from committee.
Contact your Representative Here

HB 110 Talking Points:

~Dismembering a child is NOT healthcare.
~Lethally injecting a child in the heart or head is NOT healthcare.
~Abortion, which is all of the above plus more, is NOT healthcare.
2. HB 110 is meant to increase abortions - that's why they want you to pay for it! The bill targets "services related to termination of pregnancy" with no specific limitations.
3. HB 110 requires all insurance providers to fully cover abortions. Insurance companies cannot even require a co-pay, deductibles, or any other cost sharing methods under this bill.
The demand is for nothing short of full participation in the murder of the preborn without any personal responsibility.
4. HB 110 has weak religious exemptions. At first glance, it seems that the bill allows religious employers to opt out of covering for abortions. But the problem is that this only applies to "bona fide" -- genuine -- religious convictions. Who or what determines which religious convictions are genuine? You know what this does? HB 110 makes any religious employer a target for a lawsuit for not paying for an abortion! 
5. HB 110 is broad with no specific definitions. Without definitions, the bill is vague and left open for inconsistent interpretation. That's the point. We saw and read the original bill language before this version was filed. The intent was "in your face" crystal clear. So here are the questions to ask your legislator and the committee:

~ How does this bill affect minors? Are they covered on their parents' insurance, and would they be notified?
~ Are late-term abortions covered as well? The bill doesn't specify a gestational age limit.
~ What about babies who survive abortion attempts? Does this bill cover medical support for those babies? Or what about mothers who require emergency intervention after a botched abortion?

The intentions are clear: the bill's supporters intend to FULLY fund abortion on demand -- for any reason whatsoever.
Contact your Representative Here
IT'S A LIE TO BELIEVE YOUR VOICE DOESN'T MATTER! Your legislators need to hear from you to know that this is important. Your voice is the conscience of the state. Your voice emboldens pro-life legislators to stand firm and unapologetically for the truth! PLEASE share this email!
Send in your comment today, then watch your inbox for instructions on how to give a 2-minute testimony at the hearing this Wednesday, April 5th at 11am. We need people to speak for the voiceless! 
Contact your Representative Here
Share! Share! Share! Help us reach 5000 who will stand for Life and say "NO" to taxpayer funded abortion in Delaware!
For Life,
Nandi Randolph
Policy Analyst
Delaware Family Policy Council
P.S. Pray for the defeat of this bill, for the courage of our pro-life allies, and especially for those who know this is wrong but feel too intimidated to stand. Pray intently for changed hearts of the Delaware Legislators who are advancing this godless agenda. 

House GOP May Stop New FBI HEADQUARTERS Over Agency’s Politicization~Now That the FBI Is Just the Left’s Enforcement Arm, House GOP Threatens to Hold up Funding for Its Massive New HQ

Now That the FBI Is Just the Left’s Enforcement Arm, House GOP Threatens to Hold up Funding for Its Massive New HQ



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

You can see it in the classic movie The Godfather: the Mafia chieftain, Don Corleone, reluctantly agrees to meet with his chief enforcer, Luca Brasi, because he is aware of a cardinal law of the underworld: keep your muscle happy, or your muscle could turn on you. In the same spirit, the Biden regime is planning to reward the corrupt and sinister enforcers of its far-Left agenda, the FBI, with an elephantine new headquarters building that will make the Pentagon look like your tool shed out back. The FBI has gone so far, however, in shedding its former squeaky-clean image and becoming the Left’s Luca Brasi that now the House GOP is talking about putting a kibosh on the fancy new headquarters plan. They should do more than just talk.

Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.) said Monday: “The FBI…they have their eye on a really fancy, very expensive new headquarters. Well, you know, do they deserve that if they can’t follow the basic tenets of the Constitution? I’m not sure that Congress should empower that.” You said it, Mike! But is this going to be just more empty virtue-signaling, or will the House take real action to make sure that the FBI doesn’t get its enormous new Ministry of Truth building? It would be hard to find a more vivid illustration of America’s slide from a free republic to a Leftist police state than the staggeringly large new FBI headquarters, and if there are any patriots in Congress, they should put a stop to it.

Right now, however, the Republicans are talking, talking up a storm: “On Tuesday of last week, we set a record, all-time, in Congress,” Johnson said proudly. “We had 42 hearings in the House in one day. Most of those were devoted to oversight. So this is going to continue.” That’s wonderful and certainly vastly preferable to the record of the last Congress, but will it result in real action to cut off FBI funding for the new building or even (oh dream of dreams!) for the agency itself?

Johnson added: “What we’ve seen now, particularly over the last two years, and we know this to be objectively true, is that some of the agencies that were designed to serve and protect the American people have been weaponized and used against them.” That’s an understatement. The Federal Bureau of Investigation was once one of the most trusted institutions in the nation. FBI agents had the image of being honest, upright, patriotic, and not only not corrupt, but not corruptible. Beginning late in the Obama administration and accelerating sharply during the misrule of Old Joe Biden, however, the FBI took its sterling reputation, stomped on it with muddy shoes, tossed it in the dumpster, took it out, set fire to it, and threw the smoldering remainder into a vat of raw sewage.

Related: FBI Whistleblower Claims FBI Is Now a ‘Weaponized Apparatchik’ of the Biden Administration

The survey site Statista reported in August 2022 that “Where 57 percent of U.S. adults said that the FBI was doing either an ‘excellent’ or a ‘good’ job in 2019, this fell to 44 percent in 2021.” If it isn’t lower now, much lower, it’s only because most Americans aren’t aware of how far the FBI has fallen. The FBI has, in these dark days of Biden’s handlers’ regime, become synonymous with corruption, partisanship, and dirty dealing. Nor is there any relief in sight; instead, it’s likely to get worse: not only do Biden’s handlers have no intention of reining in today’s rogue FBI, but they’re rewarding it with the sumptuous new headquarters.

Why does the FBI need all this space? Hey, it needs room to track down all the people whose lives it plans to make miserable if they happened to have been in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021. It desperately needs new offices so that it can expand its operations to hound and surveil parents who are angry because their children have been subjected to drag queen performances and critical race theory in primary school. The feds need extra room for their efforts to harass and terrorize pro-life activists. It takes a huge amount of office space to manufacturing “white supremacist terrorists” so as to justify the bureau’s ridiculous claims about what constitutes the largest terror threat the nation faces today. Then there is all the space the Brave New FBI needs to coordinate election crimes and stamp out “disinformation,” that is, news that deviates from the Democrat Party line.

We can only hope that this new FBI complex will indeed be relegated to the dustbin of history and that the FBI itself will follow soon afterward.

Catholic Joe Biden Wants to Force Pro-Lifers to Pay for Abortions



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

One of the most revolting aspects of the sinister corruptor Old Joe Biden’s carefully cultivated public persona as affable Lunchbucket Joe is his ostentatious false piety. “I go to Mass and I say the rosary. I find it to be incredibly comforting,” Biden claimed in a 2020 campaign ad, and the establishment media has pushed this nonsense as well.

“The new president,” the New York Times announced three days after Joe started pretending to be president, “elevates a liberal Catholicism that once seemed destined to fade away.” By “liberal Catholicism,” the Times means an ostentatious, external piety emptied of all its content and cynically designed to win Catholic votes, and the Biden regime has now underscored that fact by trying to force pro-lifers to pay for abortions. If that’s Catholicism, Joe, I’m Fidel Castro.

LifeNews reported Wednesday that the regime is planning to end the legal right to object on moral grounds to the “HHS mandate.” The “HHS mandate,” LifeNews explains, is “the term commonly used to refer to the requirement under Obamacare for employers to pay for abortifacients, contraceptives, and sterilization in their health insurance plans.” Now Biden’s handlers have made “a formal proposal to create a new regulation” that would “strip away the rights of organizations to refuse to comply with the HHS mandate because they have a moral objection to abortion, contraceptives, or sterilization.” Does this violate the First Amendment’s guarantee of freedom of religion? Of course. But they’ll get away with it unless and until the Supreme Court stops them. That could take a while.

When the Obama regime first imposed the HHS mandate in 2013, it noted that religious groups were exempt; even then, however, “the exemption was so narrow that even some churches couldn’t qualify.” Pro-lifers challenged the mandate in courts and won a series of victories that secured their exemption from having to pay for abortions. Then the Trump administration put a rule in place that specifically protected religious groups from being harassed on the basis of the HHS mandate. Now, however, “the Biden proposal would rescind the Trump rule and force non-religious employers with only a moral objection to comply.”

Can you imagine the March for Life, one of the foremost pro-life organizations in the country, having to pay for abortions? Old Joe Biden can. LifeNews notes that March for Life “previously sued the Obama administration on the matter and won in a lower court before the case was mooted by the Trump rule.” But now Catholic Joe wants to strip away those protections. March for Life and every other pro-life organization in the country would find its tax dollars going to fund the national sacrifices to Moloch. That sure is living your faith, Joe!

Roger Severino, a Trump-era HHS official, explained what this initiative is all about: “It’s all politics. They have to answer to their radical pro-abortion base. They couldn’t stomach the fact that they have lost this issue at every stage at the Supreme Court, and they want to show that they are continuing to resist in the wake of the Dobbs ruling… This is a purely political stunt to try to send a message to institutions with moral objections to the sexual revolution.”

Yes, and that message is quite ominous. The Biden regime is working to restrict the freedom of speech (as we saw with its ill-fated Disinformation Governance Board and its pressure on Twitter to silence dissidents) and the right to bear arms; now it is trying to gut the freedom of religion as well.

All it would need to destroy that freedom utterly would be five compliant Supreme Court Justices. It doesn’t have them now and we can hope that it never will, but nevertheless, the Biden regime is without a doubt laying the foundation for the destruction of the right of citizens to dissent on religious grounds from the government’s soul- and life-destroying far-Left agenda.

Catholic Joe could end up going down in history as one of the foremost enemies of the right to life. This would be an odd legacy for such an ostentatiously Catholic president, and it exposes Old Joe once again as the inveterate liar that he is. In fact, the one certain thing amid all this is that a foremost aspect of the Biden legacy will be a series of tremendous advances and victories for the Father of Lies.

Powell is deep in ‘monetary madness,’ ex-Fed board member warns~US recession will hit ‘everywhere all at once,’ economist warns~Home Depot co-founder calls for Fed resignations~Maria Bartiromo: The Federal Reserve is ‘walking a fine line’

US recession will hit 'everywhere all at once,' economist warns

Macro Mavens President Stephanie Pomboy and former Reagan admin economic adviser Art Laffer analyze potential market reaction to the Fed's rate hike decision Wednesday.

‘BRUTAL’ TRUTH: Home Depot co-founder calls for Fed resignations

Home Depot co-founder Ken Langone makes a 'draconian' suggestion for the entire Federal Reserve board to resign.

Maria Bartiromo: The Federal Reserve is 'walking a fine line'

Illegal Immigration Costs U.S. Taxpayers & Healthcare System Over $23 Billion Annually

EPOCH TV | Cross Roads with Joshua Philipp

Illegal Immigration Costs U.S. Taxpayers and Healthcare System More Than $23 Billion AnnuallyWATCH THE FULL LIVE:

Illegal immigration costs the U.S. healthcare system, taxpayers, and hospitals more than $23 billion per year, a new report from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) has found. These costs come from uncompensated hospital expenditures, Medicaid births, improper Medicaid payments, and Medicaid for U.S.-born children of illegal aliens.

San Francisco NAACP Unhappy With $5 Million Slavery Reparations Plan



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

PJ Media’s Stephen Green covered the nearly unbelievable story of San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors Approving 100 recommendations from the African American Reparations Advisory Committee, which included such goodies as a $5 million payout to every eligible black resident, $97,000 a year for the next 250 years, forgiveness of all debts, and the ability to purchase homes in San Francisco for $1.

I’m sure there’s a demand somewhere in those recommendations that every white male practice self-flagellation and wear sackcloth and ashes for a year.

But the NAACP isn’t happy with the plan.

Amos Brown, the president of the SF NAACP and pastor of the Third Baptist Church supports the idea of reparations but criticized how the city is handling the draft plan.

NBC Bay Area:

According to the SF NAACP, the much talked-about lump sum $5 million payment is not likely to be put in action by the city and is therefore giving Black residents of San Francisco false hopes.

“Not one member of that board said ‘we support reparations with cash payments.’ And with a definite plan of how to do it. And a timeline of how to do it,” said Brown.

A draft of that plan, put out by The African American Reparations Advisory Committee in December, currently has over 100 recommendations for how San Francisco can address the legacies of systemic racism in the city. Some of the most notable are a one-time payment of $5 million to eligible adults, guaranteed annual incomes of at least $97,000, and $1 homes for African-American families.

The organization added that it supports cash payments, but called the $5 million “an arbitrary number” in a news release. It said “the payments should have a public rationale for the dollar amount and a method for how the money will be allocated.”

Who knew that “restorative justice” could be so expensive?

Of course, $5 million is “arbitrary.” What else could it be? Putting a price tag on slavery is idiotic. How do you price the abominable “middle passage”? How do you price the indignity of being treated like cattle? How do you value a lifetime of work with little pay?

There’s more, but you get the picture. The real problem is advancing the idea of collective guilt — specifically, the collective guilt of a single race.

History tells us there’s enough guilt to go around when it comes to the slave trade. And if we’re going to hand out reparations for black slavery, why not go after the Italians or Greeks for the slaves their ancestors kept 2,000 years ago? Or the slaves kept by the Aztecs? Or black African tribes?

Slavery is a timeless evil, and to arbitrarily single out black slavery for reparations as it was practiced in North America 200 years ago is massively unfair. The SF NAACP had it exactly right. Any price tag you put on slavery is arbitrary and, therefore, an injustice.

Comer: ‘6 or 7 Bidens’ Ride the Family Gravy Train~The Biden Family Influence-Peddling Scandal Just Got Much, Much Worse

The Biden Family Influence-Peddling Scandal Just Got Much, Much Worse



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

House Oversight Committee master-blaster Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), who is digging — successfully — into the Biden family’s alleged influence peddling, believes there may be more than half a dozen Bidens leeching cheddar from the tens of millions of dollars sent to family members by people with ties to the Chinese commies.

FACT-O-RAMA! Communist China — which is spying on us with balloons, maintains secret police stations in North America, and is currently seeking ways to disarm our military satellites — is considered our biggest enemy and the greatest threat to our nation. Yet it has funneled tens of millions of dollars to the Biden family. Coincidentally, Joe Biden has taken criticism for being soft on China with regard to the origins of COVID-19 and the billion-dollar industry of Chinese fentanyl pouring over our southern border, which leaves 80,000-plus Americans dead from overdoses every year.

“At the end of this, I think we’re gonna see there are probably six or seven Biden family members who were involved in various business schemes around the world,” Comer revealed to Fox News’s Laura Ingraham.

A Family Tradition

Comer did not name names, but he recently mentioned that a “new Biden” had dipped his or her beak — for the first time — into a $3 million payment sent to Hunter Biden lackey John “Rob” Walker. Walker received this payment from two people with ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). He then distributed the cheddar to three members of the Biden family.

Comer further stated that, though he had bank records in hand via subpoena, he had no idea what the $3 million payment was for.

He wasn’t done spilling Biden family secrets, either. He further told Ingraham:

So this just shows how deep the Biden family was involved in this influence-peddling scheme.

It looks to me like these people, who are closely aligned with the Chinese Communist Party, sent $3 million to a shell corporation, then they turned around and split it three ways with a third going to the Biden family – three different family members for no apparent reason.

They didn’t invest it in a business. They just, it appears, stuck it in their pocket.

La Famiglia

The Bidens are starting to look more like a New York Mafia family than a political dynasty. Here are the big players we know about thus far in the Biden la Cosa Nostra family:

  • Joe “the Big Guy” Biden, head of the Biden crime syndicate.
  • Jim “Consigliere” Biden, Joe’s brother. Remains close to Joe. Though Jim stays out of the press, the FBI has a bushel of evidence pointing to years of his shenanigans.
  • Hunter “Fredo” Biden, Joe’s son. Ukrainian bagman, known for videotaping himself smoking crack and plowing hookers.
  • Frank “Frankie the Magician” Biden, Joe’s brother. Takes high-paying jobs with fledgling companies, and suddenly those businesses start landing lucrative government contracts.
Ed Reinke

So who is the “new Biden” found scooping cash from the family slush fund? Comer hasn’t told us, but we have some suspects:

  • Sara Biden, wife of Jim Biden.
  • Dr. Howard Krein, husband of Joe Biden’s daughter, Ashley, with whom Joe is believed to have taken “not appropriate” showers when she was a child.
  • Valerie Biden Owens, Joe’s sister. She ran all of his Senate campaigns as well as his failed 1988 and 2008 presidential runs.

Related: Uh-Oh. Biden’s Daughter Ashley Has a Diary and the Feds Are Investigating

FACT-O-RAMA! While vice president, Joe Biden was Obama’s point man for Ukraine and Costa Rica. During that time, the Biden family landed tasty contracts in numerous fields, despite a lack of experience in any of those fields, in both countries as well as Iraq, Mozambique, and the United States.

Rep. Comer’s Oversight Committee is a thorn in the side of the Biden family, but what can we expect to happen? Democrat fat cats — like the Clintons — always seem to walk away unscathed from allegations of wrongdoing.

But this Oversight Committee investigation might be different. As per Comer, up to seven members — thus far — of the Biden family might be involved in the alleged influence-peddling scheme. And with the known links between the Bidens and tens of millions of commie dollars that Comer claims he has found, this might become too big to hide.

On the other hand, does the nation really want to see the inauguration of President Harris?

One thing we do know is that the Biden family is finally against the ropes. When—not if—they fall, the world will see the Bidens’ ties to the Chinese commies who are trying to conquer us. I think the word for that is treason.

According to my history books, commies don’t go down easily. As their walls close in on them at this historical point in our nation’s existence, we can only expect the bolshies to roll up their sleeves and fight their hardest. And that’s what We the People must do as well.

You, patriot, have been doing a great job fighting for our values and our liberties. Thank you. Let’s hoist a bourbon and then get back to the battle. Is there more work to be done to sustain our freedoms and liberties? Plenty.

For starters, you can sign up for our newsletters and share articles like this with Americans who still don’t see the existential threat to the United States. It’s time to involve the people who never wanted to get involved. It’s time to, once again, awaken America’s sleeping giant.

You can also keep patriotic American news sources—like PJ Media—in the fight by becoming a VIP member TODAY.

The bolshies have their sites on PJ Media. We are an increasingly bigger thorn in their non-binary, Croc-wearing heels. The libs demonetize us every chance they get. Remember, if the 1st Amendment disappears, we will have to rely on the 2nd, and that is a situation no one wants to see.


Biden Raises Taxes for Americans, Raises Pay for Bureaucrats

Millions will pay more while government bureaucrats get their biggest raise since Carter.



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

“I want to make it clear, I’m gonna raise some taxes,” Biden threatened Americans last week.

While Biden claimed that the taxes were targeted at the “billionaires out there”, the proposed tax hikes in his new budget are going to hit millions of Americans, not just the 700 or so billionaires.

During the election, Biden had already warned those who favored Trump’s tax cuts, “If you elect me, your taxes are going to be raised, not cut.” At least that’s one promise he’s keeping.

After insane spending sprees, Biden claims that tax cuts are needed to cut the deficit and save Medicare. Meanwhile, he’s proposing to give government bureaucrats their biggest raise since the Carter administration.

From the Inflation Increase Act, which massively boosted the size of the IRS, which is now pursuing waiters for their tips and targeting people who sell used clothes on eBay, the Biden administration has focused on building up the federal bureaucracy at the expense of Americans.

Biden’s budget calls for a 5.2% raise for federal employees, the biggest pay hike in 43 years, ever since his inflationary predecessor, Jimmy Carter, who became a one-term president in part for prioritizing the federal bureaucracy over the misery being suffered by American families.

The administration had already dispensed a federal pay raise of 4.4% to 5.2% last year, the highest in over 20 years, now it’s trying to match the legacy of the Carter administration.

In 2017, Trump kept the pay increase down to 1.9% while federal unions had demanded 3.2%. Now Biden is offering a 5.2% pay hike while the unions are demanding 8.7%.

Average federal wages are already at almost $100,000 and will pass that with Biden’s raise. That’s much higher than the average private sector salary. With average total compensation, those numbers shoot up stratospherically to $143,643 for federal employees.

Biden’s historic pay hike comes as many federal workers aren’t even working. House Republicans passed the SHOW UP Act last month requiring them to come to work. Nearly every House Democrat voted against it and Senate Democrats have refused to even consider the bill.

Instead, the Biden administration has made it easier for the feds to do or not do Zoom work.

Over two-thirds of federal workers were doing some remote work last year. During the pandemic, those numbers were as high as 90% for the most useless parts of the government like the Department of Education, the Department of Labor, the EPA, HHS, HUD, and USAID.

25% of Department of Health and Human Services personnel didn’t even bother logging in. One report found that “on any given day from March-December 2020, between 20-30 percent of HHS employees did not appear to be working”. Sure, give them the biggest pay hike in 43 years while Americans can’t feed their families. And then raise taxes on Americans.

The recent inflationary Democrat spending packages have resulted in a federal hiring frenzy not only at the IRS but across the board. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act led to a job boom, not for Americans, but for government bureaucrats. The jobs aren’t being added at small businesses, as Biden, the Democrats, and their media falsely claimed, but in the government.

Last February, the Office of Personnel Management excitedly announced that it would need to hire 4,000 employees to carry out the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

“These are exciting jobs, and they are critically important,” OPM director Kiran Ahuja gushed.

Critically important to bankrupting America.

And all of that requires more money, more tax hikes, and less available funds to help Americans.

“We should be putting American taxpayers first, not the federal bureaucracy,” House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer argued.

Instead, Biden is putting bureaucrats first and Americans last with pay hikes for government employees and tax hikes for Americans.  Biden keeps pushing the same claims that he’s “making the wealthy and big corporations begin to pay their fair share.” He blusters that he’s trying to protect Medicare. If he really cared about Medicare, he’d change his spending priorities like keeping Social Security and Medicare funds viable instead of paying off government unions.

Instead, Biden has directed trillions to his donors, supporters, and base. Now he promises that he can keep Medicare going until 2050 if he gets his tax hikes. That’s a lie. America is expected to add $19 trillion to its national debt in the next decade. The estimated interest rate on the debt will climb to $640 billion this year. Biden’s budget proposals have clocked in at around $6 trillion before. Even as the Fed hikes interest rates, government spending keeps feeding inflation. As a result, American families can’t afford food, but the economy still continues to overheat.

Biden’s student loan bailout has an estimated cost of as high as $400 billion. Medicare Part A spending is expected to have a $3 billion shortfall this year with an end-of-year negative trust fund balance of $8.6 billion in 2028 by the time Biden would finish a hypothetical second term.

The trouble is that Biden is prioritizing lesbian studies postgrads and equity administrators in the federal bureaucracy over grandma’s surgery. There’s plenty of money to eliminate the student loans of Harvard grads and to raise the salaries of federal bureaucrats, but tax hikes are needed to “save” Medicare.

The size of the federal civilian workforce has gone up from 2.08 million in 2018 to 2.14 million in 2021. One estimate noted that “federal workers receive pay that is 17 percent higher than private sector employees on average performing comparable work. That is on top of putting in 12 percent fewer hours” with retirement health benefits kicking in at 57 years old.

In 2016, an Open the Books report showed that the federal government had spent $136 billion paying federal employees, or over half a billion dollars a day and $1 million a minute. Those numbers are much higher now. The only pathway to salvaging Medicare and Social Security is to cut the cost of government. No amount of tax hikes will compensate for government spending whose debt-to-GDP ratio hit 97%. The federal government is running out of “other people’s money”. And that money is vanishing to fund a massive edifice that is bankrupting America.

The choice is simple: cut government or kill seniors. Biden has chosen to build up the government employees that fund his campaign and make up his party.

That means he’s chosen to kill seniors while trying to use them to push more tax hikes.


Biden’s Handlers Back Jihad Terrorists, ‘Cancel’ Israel



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

“A radio network run by the Islamic Jihad”

The Biden administration is once again attacking Israel while providing support to terrorists.

As Caroline Glick notes at JNS, “On Feb. 27, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) wrote a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken demanding the suspension of a U.S. State Department grant that was awarded to Fares Al Arab for Development and Charity Works in Gaza due to the group’s ties to Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine terrorist organizations.”

“The State Department gave Fares Al Arab a $41,213 grant for “Developing Palestinian Journalists’ English Skills.” But as The Washington Free Beacon reported, Fares Al Arab issued a grant “to a radio network run by the Islamic Jihad … , honored a self-described journalist who belonged to the PFLP, hosted a press freedom event that featured a spokesman for the Islamic Jihad, and co-led a human rights training course with a convicted terrorist.”

“Issa demanded that by March 10, the State Department explain if it “knew the history of the group’s ties to terrorism,” “why the grant was provided if the history was known” and provide a complete accounting for the State Department’s decision to award Fares Al Arab the grant.”

While the Biden administration does this, it’s constantly attacking Israel’s new government and has seemingly moved to boycott Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and other members of the government even while it continues to meet with terrorists like PA leader Mahmoud Abbas.

On Friday, Channel 12 reported that the Biden administration will boycott Smotrich when he visits Washington to speak at an Israel Bonds conference taking place from March 12 to 14.

“If Smotrich was persona non grata before that statement, now after this debacle he is persona non grata on steroids,” Channel 12 quoted a senior U.S. source as saying. “No American official will meet with Smotrich. After he said these things, the phones in the offices in Jerusalem did not stop ringing,” he added.

U.S. State Department spokesman Ned Price earlier this week described Smotrich’s remarks as “disgusting,” and called on Israel’s government to repudiate them.

No call on the PA leader to repudiate this.

Mahmoud Abbas, leader of the Palestinian Authority, the guy who’s frequently touted by both left- and right-leaning politicos as a moderate who wants nothing but peace with Israel, went on an shocking rant against the Jewish state and the United States in recent public remarks, ultimately unleashing a curse on President Donald Trump that went like this: “May your house be destroyed.”

But it’s not just the Biden administration that is trying to isolate Israel’s government. ZOA leader Morton Klein described a Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations meeting that failed to include Smotritch.

It is painful for me to report that the Conference’s directors violated the leadership mission’s purpose, by refusing to give podiums to the major elected ministers and Israeli leaders who are in the forefront of promoting Israel’s judicial, anti-terror and other reforms: Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, and MK Simcha Rothman, chair of the Knesset Constitution, Law and Justice Committee.

The Conference’s directors’ refusal to have a session with these important current leaders on such critical issues – a form of “cancel culture” – was an enormous missed opportunity to learn from, ask challenging questions to, and exchange views with the judicial and anti-terror reforms’ originators.

In a published interview, the CEO of Jewish News Syndicate (JNS) Alex Traiman asked William Daroff, CEO of the Conference, why he refused to provide access to Smotrich, Ben-Gvir and Rothman “even though they are directly relevant to the issues the Conference is sure to address.”

Daroff gave another irrelevant response, that the Conference mission did not meet with “other party leaders” such as Benny Gantz, Gideon Sa’ar and Merav Michaeli. But none of those other party leaders is leading reform efforts, and none of them is in the present coalition government that overwhelmingly supports the reforms.

That boycott allows the opponents of judicial reform to continue misrepresenting it without allowing members of Israel’s government at the heart of the effort to properly counter it.

Joe Biden Shackles U.S. Taxpayers with Ukraine War

President Joe Biden pledges continued U.S. support of Ukraine in the Russian conflict, while Putin counters by suspending the nuclear New START agreement. Americans react with anti-war rally in Washington D.C.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy earns Democratic ire, handing 44,000 hours of J6 footage over to Fox News. Meanwhile, the House Oversight Committee is ramping up Hunter Biden investigations.

Post-Covid jab birth rates are nosediving, while George Soros and Bill Gates are making plans to block out the sun. Rebecca Terrell and Daniel Natal discuss these headlines.

Later in the program, we re-visit the “Rage Against the War Machine!” rally in Washington, D.C. with TNA senior editor Veronika Kyrylenko.

Christian Gomez and Peter Rykowski bring us legislative updates from Capitol Hill and various States.

And Leah Southwell, Program Manager for The John Birch Society, joins us to talk about the demise of Chile’s constitution, and what is in store for this country if we do not vigilantly guard our own founding document.


After Biden Sent $1B to PLO, Israeli Deaths Rose 900%



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

When Secretary of State Blinken met with PLO leader Mahmoud Abbas, he boasted of the over billion dollars in aid that the Biden administration had programmed for the terrorist territories.

That aid has come with a very heavy price.

In Feb 2019, President Trump’s total cutoff of aid became official. That year, 10 Israelis or people in Israeli-controlled areas were killed in stabbings, shootings, rockets, and other attacks, down from 12 the previous year, 15 in 2017, and 16 in 2016.

In 2020 however, only three Israelis were killed.

These numbers reflected the diminished capacity of the Islamic terrorists. The reduction in numbers was not due to the pandemic. 2020 still saw attacks, including firebombings, rocket launches, and stabbings, but the success and lethality rates for these attacks were lower.

The numbers turned around dramatically once again in 2021.

In April 2021, the Biden administration restored aid to the PLO. Terror incidents, reflecting attack attempts, shot up sharply from 91 in February and 89 in March to 130 in April.

By May, major fighting resumed with 13 Israelis, including two children, killed.

By the time the year was over, 17 people in Israeli areas had been killed. The over 400% increase in deaths was only the beginning. In 2022, 31 Israelis or people in Israeli areas were killed, up from only 3 in 2020, for a massive 900% increase in casualties since the restoration of foreign aid to the terrorists. This was the worst death toll since 2015 under Obama.

But in January and the first half of February of 2023, 10 Israelis have already been killed, including a 6-year-old boy and an 8-year-old boy.

Three times as many have been killed in a month and a half of 2023 as in all of 2020. That’s a 233% increase over 2020 in just a fraction of a year, but it’s also a marked month-to-month escalation from 2022 which featured no attacks at all in January or February. More people have already been killed by terrorists in 2023 than through most of March 2022.

What a difference a billion dollars makes.

While the media has tried to portray terrorism as “lone wolf” attacks, they’re crowdsourced violence of the kind that Al Qaeda and ISIS helped innovate. But the PLO’s version is unique through its ‘Pay-to-Slay’ program which rewards terrorists, regardless of their formal affiliation, including ISIS and Hamas members, with salaries and payments for their families.

Terrorists are paid based on the length of their prison sentence. That means successful killers can earn $2,000 to $3,000 a month in a part of the world where the average salary is around $700 a month. It’s five times more profitable to be a terrorist than a teacher.

The Palestinian Authority calls for the murder of Jews, praises it, and then rewards it.

Muhammad Al-Lahham of the Fatah Revolutionary Council, which runs the political movement behind the terrorists of the Palestinian Authority, was caught on video praising the “patriotic conscience” of a terrorist who had killed a rabbi taking his 2-year-old son for a walk in 2022.

The Trump administration cut off aid to the PLO’s Palestinian Authority and Congress passed the Taylor Force Act banning funds from going to finance Pay-to-Slay.

Throughout all this, PLO leadership has been consistent in refusing to stop financing terrorism.

“We will neither reduce nor prevent [payment] of allowances to the families of martyrs, prisoners, and released prisoners, as some seek, and if we had only a single penny left, we would pay it to families of the martyrs and prisoners,” Abbas had bragged. By “martyrs”, he meant those Islamic terrorists who were killed while carrying out terrorist attacks.

Despite this, the Biden administration restored aid and rebuilt diplomatic relations. Biden and Blinken have met with Abbas. And while they have attacked Israel over everything from letting Jews pray on the Temple Mount (due to Jewish prayers offending Muslim sensibilities) to democratic judicial reform that will limit the unilateral authority of pro-terrorist judges, Biden and Blinken have had nothing to say to the terrorists about the program funding the murder of Jews.

America First Legal, under Stephen Miller, filed suit against the Biden administration on behalf of the parents of Taylor Force: a non-Jewish Afghanistan war vet murdered in Jerusalem.

“The Biden Administration is well aware that the PA pays Palestinian terrorists to injure or kill innocent Americans and Israelis in Israel. Yet, in blatant violation of the Taylor Force Act, a federal law that prohibits the government from sending American taxpayer dollars to the PA until it stops supporting terrorism, President Biden and Secretary of State Blinken have resumed payments to the PA after the Trump Administration had stopped these payments in compliance with the Taylor Force Act,” America First Legal declared.

“The Taylor Force Act, named after our son, was passed by Congress and signed by President Trump to stop this Pay to Slay. Yet the Biden Administration has resumed payments to the PA notwithstanding its Pay to Slay program,” Stuart Force, Taylor’s father, said.

The Biden administration’s decision to fund the Palestinian Authority has consequences beyond Israel. Islamic terrorism is a global threat and has been a reliable killer of Americans abroad.

“Robbi and I call upon President Biden to stop sending fungible taxpayer dollars to the PA that will end up funding terrorism,” Stuart Force appealed.

And the latest wave of violence shows just how ‘fungible’ that money is.

The massive uptick in successful terrorist attacks is not a coincidence. The numbers become more significant when we distinguish between so-called “lone wolf” attacks which are most directly impacted by ‘Pay-to-Slay’ and rocket attacks by other terrorist groups. 14 people were killed in direct terrorist attacks in 2018. That number dropped to 5 in 2019, the year Trump cut off aid to the PLO. By 2020, it fell to 3, in 2021, the year Biden restored aid, it rose to 4 and then shot up to 32 in 2022 reflecting the ‘slow burn’ effect of fungible aid money being taken away and then restored within a government bureaucracy even if it’s run by and for terrorists.

As the Biden administration continues pumping money into the terrorist entities occupying parts of Israel, the violence is drastically increasing. 2023 is already on track to top 2022 which had the worst numbers since 2015. The level of Islamic terrorism is returning to that of the Obama administration and that means that we can expect an even higher death toll in Israel.

The billion dollars in aid is a factor, but an even bigger factor is that the Biden administration, like its Democrat predecessor, has made no secret of its support for the Palestinian Authority. And the Biden administration has gone even further with its diplomatic support for the PLO regime and its pressure on Israel. The latest murders are the work of a terrorist group that knows that Washington D.C. has its back and will intervene to protect it from Israel.

The Biden administration’s decision to appoint Hady Amr, an open supporter of Islamic terrorism and opponent of the Jewish State, as its key liaison to the PLO, who was inspired by the intifada, has consequences, and dead bodies in Jerusalem are among the most obvious ones.

Islamic terrorism runs on money and foreign support. The Biden administration has provided both. The Palestinian Authority spends hundreds of millions of dollars a year on Pay-to-Slay.

The pipeline of terror may end with a 6-year-old boy lying dead on a Jerusalem street but it begins with cash coming out of Washington D.C. The attacks of September 11 cost Al Qaeda about half a million dollars. The cost to the PLO of killing that little boy, his brother, and a newly married man going to spend the Sabbath with his wife’s family probably comes out to about $30,000 a year. Or $10,000 per dead Jewish person. That’s a fraction of the millions of dollars in foreign aid which could be used to finance hundreds and thousands more murders of Jews.

$10,000 to kill a six-year-old boy, another $10,000 to kill his 8-year-old brother. Thanks to the financiers of murdering Jews in the Biden administration, the terrorists have the cash.

And we’re the ones providing it.

New FBI HQ Slated to Be Twice the Size of Pentagon, Larger Than Kremlin

Get your wallet ready.



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation was once one of the most trusted institutions in the nation. FBI agents had the image of being honest, upright, patriotic, and not only not corrupt, but not corruptible. Beginning late in the Obama administration and accelerating sharply during the misrule of Old Joe Biden, however, the FBI took its sterling reputation, stomped on it with muddy shoes, tossed it in the dumpster, took it out, and set fire to it, and threw the smoldering remainder into a vat of raw sewage. The survey site Statista reported in August 2022 that “Where 57 percent of U.S. adults said that the FBI was doing either an ‘excellent’ or a ‘good’ job in 2019, this fell to 44 percent in 2021.”

The FBI has, in these dark days of Biden’s handlers’ regime, become synonymous with corruption, partisanship, and dirty dealing. Nor is there any relief in sight; instead, it’s likely to get worse: not only do Biden’s handlers have no intention of reining in today’s rogue FBI, but they’re rewarding it with a massive new building.

“Massive new building” is actually an understatement. Your taxpayer dollars are set to be used for a staggeringly massive new FBI complex that will be double the size of the Pentagon. If you have ever flown into Washington, you can often see the Pentagon from the air and get a clear idea of how immense it is. Now the feds will have a playground that makes the Pentagon look like some third-tier accountant’s cubicle.

J. Michael Waller, a senior analyst for strategy at the Center for Security Policy, adds the thoroughly unsurprising news that “riveted into the colossal new project are woke regulations to ensure that the FBI center will comply with diversity, equity, LGBTQ+, and climate change political goals.” The current FBI building, one of the ugliest in Washington, covers two city blocks. The new headquarters “will be built on one of three sites in suburban Virginia and Maryland. Those sites are large parcels of 58, 61, and 80 acres. That means, at minimum, the new FBI headquarters complex would be twice the size of the Pentagon building.” That will be true despite the fact that “covering about 29 acres plus a five-acre courtyard, the Pentagon, until recently, was the largest office building on earth.” The new FBI may even end up being bigger than the Kremlin, which covers 66 acres.

Why does the FBI need all this space? The better to surveil you with, my dear. The better to make your life miserable if you happen to have been in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021. The better to hound you if you’re a parent who is angry because your child has been subjected to the critical race theory in primary school. The better to harass and terrorize you if you’re a pro-life activist. The better to manufacture “white supremacist terrorists” so as to justify the bureau’s ridiculous claims about what constitutes the largest terror threat the nation faces today.

Then there is all the space the Brave New FBI needs to coordinate election crimes and stamp out “misinformation,” that is, news that deviates from the Democrat Party line. And if Donald Trump or any other Republican is elected president in 2024, there will need to be a new hoax along the lines of the Russian Collusion fiction in order to portray the dissident president as a traitor or, at the very least, an irresponsible loose cannon who cannot be trusted to lead “our democracy.” That’s going to require a great deal of office space. And even if the Democrats run the table in 2024, which is more likely than not given their mastery of ballot harvesting, mail-in ballots, and all the rest, there will still be pockets of resistance, pesky MAGA Republicans who refuse to submit. Oh yes, the FBI is going to be very, very busy for years to come.

Waller noted that one of the criteria for the new FBI site will be “advancing equity.” How a building complex can do that is unclear, but Waller adds that of the various criteria for choosing where the feds’ new digs are going to be, “cost to the taxpayer is viewed as least important.” Of course! However, “the equity criterion, to comply with diversity and climate-change executive orders signed by Joe Biden, is weighted as 50 percent more important than the cost.” The new site, and the design and structure of the new building or buildings, must “advance racial equity and support for underserved communities through the Federal Government.”

It could be worse. Every minute the FBI spends firing another white male agent is a minute taken away from extending its new and sinister authoritarianism over the American people. So count your blessings, and get your wallet ready: you’re soon going to be expected to pay for the new FBI headquarters, which are certain to be a monstrosity in every sense of the word.

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