Israeli Couple Went Down Fighting, But Saved Their Babies’ Lives


Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

A story getting widespread attention on social media, and on television, and not only in the United States, is that of the Berdichevsky family, who lived in Kfar Aza, the tiny kibbutz where many of the worst atrocities took place. When the Hamas murderers rode into the kibbutz on motorbikes early on the morning of October 7, the young couple, Itai and Hadar Berdichevsky, sprang into action. Hadar and Itai Berdichevsky, both 30 years old, were determined that whatever happened to them, they would fight to the last, no doubt realizing that they would soon be killed. They would make sure that their twin 10-month-old baby boys would survive. The parents’ heroism and sacrifice have even been presented on CBS News. More on this story can be found here: “Israeli twin babies found hidden and unharmed at the kibbutz where Hamas killed their parents,” by Li Cohen, CBS News, October 12, 2023:

An Israeli kibbutz just miles from the Gaza Strip was the scene of a massacre on Saturday [October 7] when Hamas terrorists attacked. Amid what officials described as a “haunting” scene, they also uncovered [sic] that twin babies less than a year old had miraculously survived — because their young parents hid them just before being murdered by the militants.

They knew that if they didn’t, their children would be killed. The mother, Hadar, having put the babies into their safe room, instead of remaining in her own shelter, emerged to fill their bottles. Her body was found in the kitchen, along with the bottles she had taken to refill. It is believed that she tried to fight, in the kitchen, before being shot to death. Meanwhile, like Hadar without a weapon, her husband Itai tried with his bare hands to fight off the killers. What damage he may have inflicted, and how long he lasted before being murdered, is not known. Here is what Hadar’s brother, Dvir Rosenfeld, told 60 Minutes: “Israeli couple who were killed protecting their twin babies from Hamas gunmen ‘were heroes,’ family says,” by Norah O’Donnell, Alicia Hastey, Adam Verdugo, Justine Redman, and Carrie Rabin, CBS News, October 13, 2023:

Rosenfeld believes she [Hadar] was likely killed when she left her own shelter.

“I know for sure that is what happened,” Rosenfeld said. “She went out to bring the bottles because they [the IDF soldiers who first came on the scene] said that there were bottles on the floor. And when she did, they just got into her apartment.”

At that point, Hadar might have raced back to her safe room, but that would have led the Hamas murderers to seek her out, and then they would likely have found, as well, where the babies had been hidden, and murdered all of them. She chose instead to save the twins by remaining outside their safe room and battling furiously against the invaders. 

Hadar’s body was found in the kitchen. Her husband, Itay Berdichevsky, was found between the beds of their 10-month-old babies, who survived.

I know that Itay died trying to protect them,” Rosenfeld said. “And I can’t imagine what he has been through knowing his wife just got murdered, and his two sons are next to him, and he’s the only thing between the terrorists and the babies.”

The babies were at this point in their shelter, not in their beds. Their father was still fighting off, as best he could, the Hamas men in the house, knowing that his wife was already dead, and hoping to distract the Hamas terrorists from finding the babies. And he did. And he died.

For fourteen hours they [the twin baby boys] were alone, hungry, drenched in their own sweat and urine, crying uncontrollably, until finally found by the emergency rescue services..

The mass killing occurred at the Kfar Aza kibbutz, a community just a few miles from the Gaza border. Israeli officials previously said that when Israeli Defense Forces arrived at the kibbutz, they found “blood spread out in homes.”…

Imagine the horror,” Segev tweeted. “Two terrified parents who tried with all their might to protect their children, who are now orphans.”

It’s a haunting scene: the young parents fighting desperately, unarmed, against killers, and trying to distract them from finding where their babies had been hidden. May that haunt many people in the Western world, and stiffen their resolve to support Israel unreservedly, when they are being deluged with sickening claims that Israel is to blame, Israel is a “settler colonial” and “apartheid” state, and even, among those completely demented by antisemitism, that Israel is “no better than Hamas.”

Henry Kissinger’s Volte-Face: He Now Warns of Muslim Migrant Danger


Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

The scales have fallen from the eyes of Henry Kissinger. He was a signatory in 2015 to a letter that urged Congress to pass legislation allowing more Muslims from Syria and Iraq — claiming to be refugees — to be admitted to the United States. Now he looks at Europe, where millions of Muslims have been allowed to settle, where they batten on the benefits provided by those generous welfare states, and sees how they have spread the virus of antisemitism that they brought with them when they arrived. Kissinger was shaken by the murderous antisemitism that was on display this week in the pro-Hamas demonstrations that Muslims and their willing collaborators took part in in many European cities. More on Kissinger’s new understanding of the Muslim threat can be found here: “Europe Let in Too Many Foreigners, Says Henry Kissinger in Wake of Pro-Hamas Demonstrations Across Continent,” by Oliver JJ Lane, Breitbart, October 13, 2023:

Pro-Hamas demonstrations show European nations, including Germany, made a “grave mistake,” and the continent should be concerned about future hostage-taking raids against its own people if the idea [sic] isn’t defeated quickly, Henry Kissinger warns.

“Europe is subject to internal pressure by groups of people “of totally different culture and religion” because of the “grave mistake” of admitting too many foreigners, Henry Kissinger said of the phenomenon of demonstrations across Europe in support of Hamas terrorists this week.

Kissinger spoke of groups of people now in Europe “of totally different culture and religion.” He didn’t use the word “Muslim,” but it is obvious whom he was speaking about, and now he admits that it was a “grave mistake” to admit so many of them; there are now tens of millions of Muslims spread across Europe. Their violent demonstrations in support of Hamas terrorists have put on full display the moral abyss between Muslims and Europeans, It’s not only antisemitism that Kissinger worries about, but the anti-Infidel worldview that already has made life so difficult for the indigenous non-Muslims in Europe, now forced to share their towns and cities with those — Muslim migrants — who hate and despise them almost as much as they do Jews.

Speaking to Politico in the wake of the Hamas terrorist attack against Israel on Saturday, longtime kingpin of the globalist movement Henry Kissinger walked back his previous position on the importance of keeping Western nations open to refugee flows and said the events of recent days showed nations had gone too far. He told the publication observing celebrations in German cities in support of Hamas is “painful” to watch.

Kissinger said: “It was a grave mistake to let in so many people of totally different culture and religion and concepts, because it creates a pressure group inside each country that does that.”.[i.e., promotes Islam]

Europe should give “unconditional political support for Israeli action” now the terrorist attack has happened, Kissinger continued, and not least because in his view European states have a vested interest in making sure no precedent is set for raids and mass taking of hostages from Western nations is set. He concluded: “Israel must vindicate its sovereignty in that area, and that it cannot permit Gaza to return to a state where it could emerge, take thousands or a large number hostage, kill thousands, and then live in that condition side-by-side with Israel.

I would say every European nation has the same interest because the same attitude might erupt in the direction of Europe.”

Kissinger has finally realized that the war against Israel is not one over borders, but rather, over the very existence of the Jewish state. And he now grasps that the same jihadist impulse can be found, though it has not yet reached Hamas-like violence and depravity, among the Muslim populations in Europe. As Kissinger says, Israel has to “vindicate [make absolutely clear] its sovereignty” and to ensure that Hamas is crushed, so that in Gaza there will be no possibility of returning to the status quo ante bellum. Israel in Gaza is battling the same Jihadist annihilationist threat that the rest of the West will face in the future from its own population of Muslim migrants; Western solidarity with Israel in its war should now be firmly expressed.

While hostage-taking raids on Europe may seem far-fetched, they are not without ample historical precedent and match other warnings about the very high-consequence risk of the tactic coming to Europe’s shores.

Kissinger’s comments on the “grave mistake” and danger presented by mass migration creating alien power structures within Western nations are a considerable shift from his previous positions, which he long acknowledged were influenced by his own experience as a refugee from Nazi Germany going to America in the 1930s….

As a refugee from the Nazis, Kissinger was reflexively favorable to all those wanting to be admitted to the U.S. as refugees or, rather, all those who claimed to be refugees. This was a colossal error on his part, based on his ignorance of Islam and his dreamy belief that all refugees were essentially equal in their ability, and willingness, to assimilate. He did not distinguish between a Muslim coming from Syria or Iraq and a Christian coming from Mexico or the Philippines. It has taken him many decades to grasp the nature of Islam, and the threat posed by Muslims.

Kissinger in 2015 urged Congress to take in more Muslim migrants because, in his tortured logic, that would show that the United States had nothing against Muslims and, so he dreamily believed, this would lessen the appeal of ISIS. But ISIS’s appeal was unaffected by how Infidels treated Muslims. ISIS didn’t care if Infidel states treated Muslims well or ill; its goal was to destroy all of them and to create a world where Islam everywhere dominates, and Muslims rule, everywhere. Kissinger wanted to admit Muslims into the U.S. so as to head off a  “war between Islam and the West.” He failed so singularly to understand that nothing the West can do will win permanent Muslim favor; if the West were to allow the Muslims to destroy Israel, that would merely whet, not sate, Muslim appetites for still more Islamic victories over Infidels. That war, or jihad, has been waged by Muslims against the world’s non-Muslims for the past 1400 years. When the Western world admits Muslims into its midst, that does not change the Muslim imperative to conquer, by demography or by war, the Infidel lands and peoples. Allowing more Muslim migrants into our countries simply swells the size of a dangerous fifth column.

Kissinger, who has always fancied himself a master of geopolitical realpolitik, was innocent about the texts and teachings of Islam, unaware that waging jihad is a permanent duty for all Muslims. Now he seems, at the age of 100, to recognize that he was wrong on the subject of Muslim migrants and that the Western world, too, was wrong, in admitting Muslims who for the most part do not wish to, and are unable to, integrate peacefully into the societies of Infidels who are, Muslims are taught, “the most vile of created beings.”

Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa, on the matter of Muslim migrants, signals Henry Kissinger at long last. He has a lot to answer for, as do all those other cosseted soi-disant “brilliant thinkers” in their chanceries and think tanks and consultancies — the people belonging to the political elites of Europe who ignored Islamic history and theology, and admitted into their midst tens of millions of Muslims who may yet be the agents of the civilized Western world’s destruction.

Hamas-Linked CAIR Shows its Affinity with Hamas Terror on TV


Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

As you watch these video clips of local TV newscasts, notice how no spokesperson for the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) will condemn Hamas for the 10/7 atrocities. Although the TV station might do it for them, you will never hear CAIR representatives say that they condemn Hamas.

They show no interest in the hostages and blame everything on the “occupation” and Israel. Their solution to the conflict is to give the killers what they want.

There is no doubt that CAIR is the lobby for Hamas in this country.

CAIR is the American branch of Hamas.

New York imam: ‘We are with the Palestinian resistance 100%, no equivocations, no apologies, no condemnations’


Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Hamas’ savagery doesn’t trouble him at all. After all, the unbelievers are just animals:

“Indeed, the worst of animals in Allah’s sight are the ungrateful who will not believe.” (Qur’an 8:55)

“Already we have created many of the jinn and mankind for Gehenna, having hearts with which they do not understand, and having eyes with which they do not see, and having ears with which they do not hear. They are like cattle, no, they are worse. These are neglectful.” (Qur’an 7:179)

Original video:

MEMRI video:

“American Imam Tom Facchine: We Support the Palestinian Resistance – No Ifs, No Ands, No Buts, No Apologies, No Condemnation – You Don’t Criticize the Table Manners of a Starving Man,” MEMRI, October 10, 2023:

A video of New York State Imam Tom Facchine was posted on the YouTube account of UTICA Masjid on October 10, 2023 in which he expressed his support for Palestinian “resistance.” He said: “We are with the Palestinian resistance 100%, no ifs no ands, no buts, no equivocations, no apologies, no condemnations.” Facchine said that “you don’t criticize the table manners of a starving person.” During the attack on southern Israel 1200 Israelis were murdered and more than 100 were kidnapped, most of whom were civilians including children and the elderly. According to reports, victims were raped, dismembered, and decapitated.

Okay, Did Hamas Really Behead Babies During Its Massacres in Israel?

Okay, Did Hamas Really Behead Babies During Its Massacres in Israel?
AP Photo/Ariel Schalit
War propaganda? Maybe not. Ever since the horrific report went out that Israeli forces had discovered beheaded babies in the wake of Hamas’ jihad massacres of Oct. 7, the doubters have been vocal. When the Israeli government initially said that it couldn’t confirm the story, the minds of many people were made up: this was just another lie, concocted to draw America into yet another war. Yet the original reporter is standing by her story, and others are confirming it as well.

Jackson Hinkle, an anti-Israel social media personality with over half a million followers on Twitter/X, was one of the doubters, tweeting on Thursday: “The US lied about Iraq. The US lied about Syria. The US lied about Libya. The US lied about Kuwait. The US lied about Ukraine. The US lied about Afghanistan. But you think they’re telling the truth about Israel – Palestine & 40 beheaded babies? Give me a break.”

Hinkle’s tweet came just short of nine hours after the Jerusalem Post tweeted: “The Jerusalem Post can now confirm based on verified photos of the bodies that the reports of babies being burnt and decapitated in Hamas’s assault on Kfar Aza are correct.”

What’s more, the reporter who broke this story is standing by every word. PJM’s Catherine Salgado noted Tuesday that i24News correspondent Nicole Zedeck said during a broadcast, “David, it’s hard to even explain exactly just the mass casualties that happened right here. In fact, the Israeli military says they still don’t have a clear number… Babies, their heads cut off, that’s what they said; gunned down — families, completely gunned down in their beds.”

On Wednesday, Zedeck confronted those who were doubting her report. On the Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show, she said, “I witnessed some of those scenes with my own eyes as we were walking through this community that may be a quarter of a mile from the Gaza border, the atrocities that were still left behind, children, cribs, baby cribs overturned on their side, splattered with blood.” She said that it was an “apocalyptic scene.”

Yes, but were babies beheaded? Zedeck said of those who came to the scene of the Hamas massacre at the Kfar Aza kibbutz, “There are no words to describe what they’ve seen. Babies’ heads are cut off. That’s what they encountered when they came there.” She added, “So as horrible as it is I wish that it wasn’t true. And I see how those images and those words are hard to comprehend because it’s hard to comprehend how anyone could commit such heinous, heinous crimes. But that’s exactly what happened in just one of the kibbutz communities.”

Of those who doubted her testimony, Zedeck said:

You know, it’s sickening, really, that people are asking, “Where are the babies? Why aren’t you showing the babies?” Is that something that anyone would want to see the first thing with their own eyes? Because after the graphic images that I saw of just children’s beds covered in blood, I don’t think I would be able to stomach those atrocities as well. I could never imagine something like that happening, so I could never speak those words if no one had spoken them to me because I didn’t know that was a possibility for someone to witness with their own eyes. I didn’t know anyone was capable of committing something like that, so that’s the only way I could report it, by speaking to these soldiers, these commanders, who witnessed it firsthand.

It’s also important to note that what is at issue here is whether or not babies were beheaded. No one is denying that Hamas murdered babies among the 1,300 Israelis it slaughtered. So the implication that this is all just war propaganda and that if it can be definitively disproven that Hamas beheaded babies, then everything would be sunshine and daisies in Israel and Gaza, is false.

Related: Everything You Need to Know About the Israeli Occupation (That Is, Everything the Left Won’t Tell You)

Hamas committed numerous sickening atrocities last Saturday, and those who are accustomed to dehumanizing Israelis have been celebrating that fact all over the world. If it beheaded babies, as the Jerusalem Post and Nicole Zedeck report, no one would be surprised; after all, beheading is a favored tactic of jihadis the world over, hallowed by Qur’anic sanction (8:12, 47:4). If this were any other news item, no one would have doubted the initial report. But many people just can’t get their minds around the idea that any atrocities could really be committed against the country they love to hate most of all.

Trump Declares War on “Puppetmaster” Obama After Capitol Destroyed

Good evening, America. We turn our attention to West Palm Beach, Florida, where former President Donald Trump took the stage and spoke on a myriad of issues facing our great republic. Not one to shy away from making headlines, Trump addressed one glaring issue that, to many, signifies the declining pride in our republic - the deteriorating state of the US Capitol.

Chaos Unfolds On Air as MSNBC Host Asks Grieving Israeli Mother to Pity Hamas

Friends, this is the state of American media today. Let’s delve into the audacity, the downright insensitivity displayed on a live broadcast by MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell, reflecting a shocking perspective we witness from the liberal left in the United States, a matter that is demanding our scrutiny tonight.

Afghanistan Weapons Abandoned By Biden; Part of Hamas Terror Attacks

SEE:;Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

By Larry Keane


President Joe Biden’s got a gun problem – one that’s much bigger than the federal charges his son, Hunter Biden faces in court.

The surprise terror attacks by Hamas into Israel were made possible, in part, because of U.S. arms left behind in Afghanistan by the Biden administration. Those arms have found their way to another battlefield. Startling images showed Hamas terrorists rampaging through Israeli villages. Some images appeared to show Hamas terrorists armed with U.S.-made military arms. Some of the hundreds of thousands of small arms abandoned to Taliban terrorists in 2021 have been smuggled to Hamas terrorists and were used to kill innocent men, women, and children.

President Biden has been myopically focused on stripping gun rights from law-abiding American citizens. Meanwhile, his own failed policies, coupled with diplomatic mistakes, are proving deadly. President Biden has surrendered his authority to wag his finger from Rose Garden podiums at the firearm industry. His lies that the firearm industry is responsible for illegal international arms smuggling with Mexican narco-terrorists were always untrue. Now, however, the entire world can see. Gun control’s darling president, who gave them an office in The White House, is America’s largest illicit arms trafficker. His deadly mistakes have cost American lives and hundreds of lives of America’s closest ally in the Middle East and empowered terrorists that chant “Death to America.”

Stage Set

Just a little more than two years ago, President Biden pulled the last U.S. forces out of Afghanistan. Within moments of the last American C-17 lifting off from Kabul International Airport, Taliban forces were seen on international television collecting military weapons – from helicopters and armored vehicles to hundreds of thousands of small arms. One report described the seizure of U.S.-supplied guns as “enormous.” Taliban fighters are swapping worn AK-47s for U.S.-made M-4s and M-16s.

Later reports detailed that The White House left $7 billion in weapons and equipment in the wake of the ill-fated Afghanistan withdrawal. That consisted of 600,000 weapons – including 350,000 M-4 and M-16 rifles, 60,000 machine guns, and 25,000 grenade launchers. That’s on top of the 23,825 Humvees in Afghanistan, including armored gun truck variants, and nearly 900 combat vehicles, all of which are in the hands of the Taliban, a terror organization that is the avowed enemy of the United States.

Some of them were used by Hamas terrorists invading Gaza to kill Israeli soldiers and civilians and used to force hundreds of Israelis into captivity as hostages. As recently as June, Palestinian news agencies admitted that U.S. arms captured by Taliban forces were smuggled into Gaza and were being used by terrorists there. NBC News reported on the illicit arms supply to terrorists in Pakistan in January 2023 and Middle East Monitor reported in June that U.S. and Israeli intelligence were aware that U.S. arms were being carried by terrorists in Gaza. Newsweek also reported in June that U.S. arms seized by Taliban forces were arriving in Gaza, along with U.S.-made missiles reportedly being smuggled back to Iran to potentially supply both Hamas and Hezbollah.

Trading Gun Smuggler

This isn’t the first time President Biden and his gun control allies have been duplicitous when it comes to denying Americans their Second Amendment rights but playing fast-and-loose with supplying arms to sworn enemies, mercenaries and terrorists who target the United States and allies. In October 2022, President Biden made a prisoner swap deal with Russia. In exchange for the freedom of Brittney Griner, a WNBA star arrested in Russia on drug charges, the president authorized his State Department to free Viktor Bout, a convicted international arms smuggler from Russia, also known as “The Merchant of Death.”

Bout is a former Soviet-era military officer who was arrested in 2008 in Thailand by U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration agents in a sting for proposing a sale of tens of millions of dollars to the Colombian narco-terrorist group Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The illicit sale was for $20 million worth of “a breathtaking arsenal of weapons — including hundreds of surface-to-air missiles, machine guns, and sniper rifles — 10 million rounds of ammunition and five tons of plastic explosives.”

Bout’s history runs much deeper. He was identified as an illicit arms dealer by the United Nations in 2000. He was moving arms to African warlords, Middle East dictators, and Central American narco-terrorist groups. His attempt to arm the FARC was what ultimately put him in prison for charges of conspiracy to kill U.S. nationals, U.S. officers, and employees, conspiracy to acquire missiles to destroy aircraft, and conspiracy to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization.

Senate Corruption

President Biden’s longtime Capitol Hill gun control ally, U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), was just indicted for a corrupt bribery scheme involving, among other things, greasing the skids for small-arms sales to Egypt, which has its own troubled history of support for Hamas terrorists. Sen. Menendez is accused of taking hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes in cash, gold bars, a Mercedes-Benz C-300 convertible and home mortgage payments.

Sen. Menendez has been a critic of the U.S. Munition List to Commerce Control List (USML-CCL) export reforms that were finalized under the Trump administration that put greater safeguards around defense items and ensured end-to-end verifications for U.S. manufacturers exporting firearms.

President Biden started out his presidential campaign by calling the firearm industry “the enemy.” NSSF said at the time that the comment was appalling. His presidency has focused on demagoguing the industry that continues to support law-abiding Americans who exercise their right to keep and bear arms. This industry equips our law enforcement to keep communities safe and arms our military to protect the United States against enemies. Meanwhile, arms blithely abandoned in Afghanistan are being wielded against U.S. allies.

President Biden has surrendered his moral authority to lecture the firearm industry when he lets arms slip into the hands of terrorists.

About The National Shooting Sports Foundation

NSSF is the trade association for the firearm industry. Its mission is to promote, protect, and preserve hunting and shooting sports. Formed in 1961, NSSF has a membership of thousands of manufacturers, distributors, firearm retailers, shooting ranges, sportsmen’s organizations, and publishers nationwide. For more information, visit

National Shooting Sports Foundation

Two Lebanese Nationals Arrested At Southern Border


OAN’s Abril Elfi 
3:20 PM – Friday, October 13, 2023


Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

The Customs and Border Protection (CBP) have arrested two Lebanese nationals at the southern border in Eagle Pass, Texas.

On Thursday, two men who are reportedly in their early to mid-20s were arrested after authorities reportedly considered them “special interest aliens.” 

“Special interest aliens” are people from nations classified by the United States government as having conditions that promote or protect terrorism or may constitute a national security concern to the United States.

The apprehensions come amid concerns about security and the possibility of terrorism have risen in the aftermath of Hamas terror strikes against Israel. 

Lebanon borders Israel and is home to the militant group Hezbollah, which, like Hamas, is listed as a terrorist organization by the State Department and is reportedly supported by Iran.

Local and federal police enforcement in Washington, D.C., told the press that they are increasing their presence in the nation’s capital as Hamas’ call for a “Day of Rage” on Friday has heightened tensions in American cities. 

The efforts come as significant protests are already building in the Middle East, with enormous crowds showing solidarity for Palestinians in Lebanon, Yemen, and Iraq.

Last month’s threat assessment from the Department of Homeland Security noted that agents have encountered an increase in the number of people on the watch list and warned that “terrorists and criminal actors may exploit the elevated flow and increasingly complex security environment to enter the United States.”

“Individuals with terrorism connections are interested in using established travel routes and permissive environments to facilitate access to the United States,” the assessment also said.

The arrested suspects are currently undergoing extensive background vetting, by local authorities and the FBI.

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Hezbollah ‘Fully Prepared’ To Join Hamas In War With Israel


The deputy chief of Lebanon’s powerful Shiite militant group Hezbollah, Sheikh Naim Qassem speaks during the funeral of Mustafa Badreddine, a top Hezbollah commander who was killed in an attack in Syria, at the martyrs’ cemetery in the Ghobeiry neighborhood of southern Beirut on May 13, 2016. (Photo credit should read STRINGER/AFP via Getty Images)

OAN’s James Meyers
8:40 AM – Friday, October 13, 2023


Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

As the war in Israel rages on, the terrorist group Hezbollah claimed it is “fully prepared” to join Hamas in its war against Israel.

On Friday, Deputy Chief Naim Qassem emphasized Lebanon would join in the fight “when the time comes for action.”

The speech came during a rally in a Beirut suburb, where hundreds of people gathered in unison with Hamas, waving flags representing Palestine and Hezbollah while screaming “Death to Israel.”

Qassem told supporters that Hezbollah was rejecting other nations’ calls to not get involved in the war.

“The behind-the-scenes calls with us by great powers, Arab countries, envoys of the United Nations, directly and indirectly, telling us not to interfere will have no effect,” Qassem said.

“The behind-the-scenes calls with us by great powers, Arab countries, envoys of the United Nations, directly and indirectly, telling us not to interfere will have no effect,” Qassem said.

“The question being asked, which everyone is waiting for, is what Hezbollah will do and what will its contribution be?

“We will contribute to the confrontation within our plan — when the time comes for any action, we will carry it out.”

The comments by the terrorist group leader come as Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant declared that Hamas is part of an “axis of evil” with Iran and Hezbollah.”

Gallant made the statement alongside Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin after Israel ordered over one million people to evacuate from Gaza as they prepare to unleash a ground offensive on Hamas.

The Israeli Defense Force (IDF) issued a statement to Gazans saying, “the evacuation is for your own safety.”

“In the following days, the IDF will continue to operate significantly in Gaza City and make extensive efforts to avoid harming civilians,” the IDF said.

Meanwhile, Israel has cut off food, water, fuel and electricity to Gaza, and Israeli Energy Minister Israel Katz said that there would be no exceptions to the siege without freedom for hostages taken by Hamas.

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NYPD Orders All Officers To Report In Uniform After Ex-Hamas Leader Calls On Muslims Worldwide

OAN’s Brooke Mallory
12:29 PM – Thursday, October 12, 2023


Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Following threats of cruelty and bloodshed from the former chief of Hamas, the New York Police Department ordered all officers to report for duty on Friday while wearing their official attire.

Khaled Meshaal, a former Hamas leader, urged Muslims worldwide to get together to fight “jihad” and to offer their “blood and souls” in sacrifice as part of a large-scale protest on Friday, October 13th.

All cops were instructed to stand ready in a document that the NYPD distributed on Wednesday night, according to the New York Post.

“All uniformed members of the service in every rank, will perform duty in the uniform of the day and be prepared for deployment,” the memo viewed by the outlet read. No officers will be granted shift changes or excusals until the order is lifted. But there is no timeline on when that will happen.

Additionally, police have been sent to entryways, parking lots, and station buildings, increasing security around all 77 NYPD precincts.

The Sanitation Department, Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Authority, and the New York Fire Department are currently collaborating to reduce any possible turmoil.

Since Hamas stormed Israel on Saturday, more than 1,200 people have died, including at least 27 Americans.

Several Americans were also reportedly held captive when the war first began, but they are now assumed to be dead, according to the State Department.

The Biden administration has since advised American individuals still present in Israel to arrange their own flights home.

Many U.S. officials and representatives expressed frustration regarding Biden’s lack of clarity and his unwillingness to help Americans in need who are still trapped in Israel.

“If Biden and his administration won’t prioritize American lives then I will step up and do his job for him! 77 Americans in 2 days safe and no longer trapped in Israel while Biden thinks of a plan. Politician Talk and Statesmen Act! This is the second country (Afghanistan 2021 & Israel 2023) we’ve had to save Americans because Biden had no plan and No leadership!” said Representative Cory Mills (R-Fla.)

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Muslim mayors of Dearborn and Hamtramck, Michigan says there can be no peace with Israel


Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Imagine not being sickened by the atrocities Hamas committed, and continuing to side with them. This is because the Qur’an states: “Muhammad is the apostle of Allah. Those who follow him are ruthless to unbelievers, merciful to one another.”

“Mayor of America’s First Muslim Majority City Council Declares ‘No Peace’ With Israel,” by Jack Montgomery, National Pulse, October 11, 2023:

The Mayor of Hamtramck – America’s first Muslim-majority city council – Amer Ghalib, responded to the past week’s events in the Middle East with a pro-Hamas message insisting: “Peace can never coexist with occupation and injustice, anywhere and at any time ، no matter how strong the oppressor or how weak the oppressed is!”…

There are similar issues elsewhere in Michigan, with Dearborn’s Mayor Abdullah Hammoud responding to the Hamas attack with a long social media post suggesting the mass murder of Israeli civilians was the “inevitable” consequence of the “occupation”.

The Horror At The Israeli Music Festival


Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Here is one young woman’s account of what happened at the music festival when the Hamas killers arrived. As we now know, at least 260 Israelis were murdered at the site. “Israeli survivors recount terror at the music festival, where Hamas militants killed at least 260,” by Isabel Debre and Michael Biesecker, Associated Press, October 9, 2023:

The night was a getaway. Thousands of young men and women gathered at a vast field in southern Israel near the Gaza border to dance without a care. Old and new friends jumped up and down, reveling in the swirl of the bass-heavy beats.

Maya Alper was standing toward the back of the bar with teams of environmentally conscious volunteers, picking up trash and passing out free vodka shots to party-goers who reused their cups. Just after 6.a.m., as a light-blue dawn broke and the headliner D.J. took the stage, air raid sirens cut through the ethereal trap music. Rockets streaked overhead.

Alper, 25, jumped into her car and raced to the main road. But at the intersection she encountered crowds of stricken festival attendees, shouting at drivers to turn around. Then, a noise. Firecrackers? Panicked men and women staggering down the road just in front of her fell to the ground in pools of blood. Gunshots.

Saturday’s attack on the open-air Tribe of Nova music festival is believed to be the worst civilian massacre in Israeli history, with at least 260 dead and a still undetermined number taken hostage. [No: the attack was not just at the music festival, but at two dozen sites all over southern Israel; 1000 Israelis were murdered in what was “the worst civilian massacre in Israeli history.”] Dozens of Hamas militants who had blown through Israel’s heavily fortified separation fence and crossed into the country from Gaza opened fire on about 3,500 young Israelis who had come together for a joyous night of electronic music to celebrate the Jewish holiday of Sukkot….

We were hiding and running, hiding and running, in an open field — the worst place you could possibly be in that situation,” said Arik Nani from Tel Aviv, who had gone to the party to celebrate his 26th birthday. “For a country where everyone in these circles knows everyone, this is a trauma like I could never imagine.”

Festival-goers who managed to make it to the road and parking lot where their vehicles were parked found themselves trapped in a traffic jam, with militants stalking the cars and spraying those inside with gunfire. Drone footage of the scene taken after the attack and reviewed by the AP shows chaotic lines of cars where drivers had attempted to flee. Some burned-out vehicles were flipped onto their sides, while others had bullet holes visible in shattered windows.

Nowhere was safe, Alper said. The roar of explosions, hysterical screams, and automatic gunfire felt closer the further she drove. When a man just meters away shouted “God is great!”, Alper and her new companions sprung out of the car and sprinted through open fields toward a mass of bushes.

Alper felt a bullet whiz past her left ear. Aware the gunmen would outrun her, she plunged into a tangle of shrubs. Peering through thorns, she said she saw one of her passengers, the girl who had lost her friend, shriek and collapse as a gunman stood over her limp body, grinning.

“I can’t even explain the energy they (the militants) had. It was so clear they didn’t see us as human beings,” she said. “They looked at us with pure, pure hate.”

Videos show the gunmen executed some of the wounded at point-blank range as they crouched on the ground….

“Every time I thought of anger, or fear or revenge, I breathed it out,” she said. “I tried to think of what I was grateful for — the bush that hid me so well that even birds landed on it, the birds that were still singing, the sky that was so blue.”…

Even in her fear and despair, Maya Alper managed to hold on for more than six hours by thinking about — it’s a line of pure poetry — “the birds that were still singing, the sky that was so blue.”

“This is not just war. This is hell,” Alper said. “But in that hell, I still feel that somehow, we can choose to act out of love, and not just fear.”

Remember this account. Remember the Hamas men moving methodically to mow down everyone — those trying to escape in cars, those who ran across open fields, those who tried to get into shelters, those who tried to play dead and then were dead. Remember the Hamas killer, having just murdered a girl, who was seen by Maya Alper standing over her limp body, grinning.

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