New York Times Details Horrors of Trump’s ‘Muslim Ban,’ Ignores Victims of Jihad Attacks




republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

The New York Times story opens with a scene of unmitigated horror: “On May 30, 2019, Mohamed Abdulrahman Ahmed should have been in class preparing for exams. Instead, neighbors found the gifted high school senior hanging lifeless from a beam in his home in the Dadaab refugee camp in northeastern Kenya. He had taken his own life.” Since this is the New York Times, it comes as no surprise that the ultimate culprit is none other than Donald J. Trump, and his nefarious “Muslim Ban” that his wise successor’s handlers have now consigned to the dustbin of history.

Times author Ty McCormick does his best to tug at our heartstrings as he describes Dadaab, “a sea of sand and thorn scrub and makeshift tarpaulin dwellings” that is “home to more than 200,000 people — a city the size of Richmond, Va., or Spokane, Wash., except without electricity or running water.”

It’s a place absolutely mired in despair, but “over the years, refugees in Dadaab have clung to one hope: resettlement overseas, sometimes in Europe or Canada but mostly in the United States. Tens of thousands of Dadaab’s residents have come to the United States; in 2015, for instance, more than 3,000 people from the camp were resettled there.”

But then came the reign of the Evil One: “Those hopes of a better life were dashed on Jan. 27, 2017, when on his eighth day as president, Donald Trump suspended all refugee admissions and banned entry to citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries, including Somalia. (Restrictions were eventually applied to 13 countries in all.)”

It’s a predictable sob story about how hard the residents of Dadaab have had it since they have been unable to come to America. One is moved to tears, but when one begins to consider the issue rationally, other considerations inevitably intrude: there are people who are having hard times all over the world. In fact, there are even people who are having hard times in the United States of America. There are people who are suffering economically, like the people in Dadaab. There are people who are suffering physically, emotionally, mentally, and in other ways. All over the world, there is suffering and pain. Why, then, is it the moral responsibility of the United States of America to alleviate the suffering of the people of Dadaab? No one in Kenya or Somalia or France or China or Australia or anywhere else is doing a thing to alleviate the sufferings of Americans; why is it up to Americans, all of whom are suffering in various ways themselves, to alleviate the suffering of everyone else?

Meanwhile, what about the suffering of those whose lives were destroyed by Somali migrants who came into the country before Trump’s travel ban came into effect? Can we get a New York Times article on them? Somali Muslim migrant Mohammad Barry in February 2016 stabbed multiple patrons at a restaurant owned by an Israeli Arab Christian. When is the New York Times going to interview the people whom Barry stabbed, and publish a piece about how they have suffered, and how their lives forever changed that day? When is the New York Times going to write a piece about the other people who were in the restaurant that day, and explore their trauma, their horror, their terror, and the nightmares and anxiety they have experienced since then?

When does the New York Times plan to profile the victims of Dahir Adan, another Somali Muslim migrant, who in October 2016 stabbed mall shoppers in St. Cloud while screaming “Allahu akbar”? Do Adan’s victims get a New York Times article about their injuries, their healing processes, any operations they may have had to undergo, and their own ongoing trauma and fear?

How about the victims of Abdul Razak Artan, yet another Somali Muslim migrant, who in November 2016 injured nine people with car and knife attacks at Ohio State University? Does the New York Times plan to explain to us how the victims whom Artan tried to run down with his car (in an instance of the common phenomenon of vehicular jihad) now find their hearts racing at the prospect of having to cross the street?

Of course, the New York Times is not going to publish even a single line about the suffering of those people and others like them, or even consider the possibility that Trump’s travel bans did anything but harm. Only the suffering of the people of Dadaab and others like them, not the suffering of victims of jihad attacks, matters to the Times. The suffering of the people of Dadaab is very real, and should be addressed, but is the only solution, or the best solution, really the resettlement in the United States of large numbers of people among whom is an unknowable number of jihad terrorists, who will enter undetected since any vetting to try to discover them will be deemed “Islamophobic”?

There will soon be new victims of Biden’s handlers’ marvelous, multicultural discarding of the “Muslim Ban.” The New York Times will ignore them, while congratulating themselves on how they helped install a president who strikes back against “racism” and “xenophobia.”

Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 21 books, including the New York Times bestsellers The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) and The Truth About Muhammad. His latest book is Rating America’s Presidents: An America-First Look at Who Is Best, Who Is Overrated, and Who Was An Absolute Disaster. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here.

CNN Fears Journalists

CNN (Communist News Network), alongside other leftist groups, is ratcheting up its campaign to destroy the lives of independent commentators and all non-Marxist journalists. Since they're rapidly hemorrhaging viewers, they want to destroy the competition and leave viewers nowhere else to go. They are openly championing the elimination of free speech and a free press. Get reliable notification options and further information at Sarah's home site:

Parler CEO & Family Forced into Hiding Over Death Threats

John Matze says he fears for family's safety after 'security breaches' put them in danger



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:
john matze says his family has been forced into hiding over death threats© press
John Matze says his family has been forced into hiding over death threats

Parler CEO John Matze says he and his family have been forced to go into hiding after death threats and "security breaches" and left them fearing for their lives.

A new court filing on Friday from the Parler legal team revealed Matze and his wife and young child are now in hiding after being placed in danger. 

Parler is a free speech-focused social media app that has been widely embraced by Trump supporters as it offers an uncensored alternative to restrictive Big Tech rivals.

This week, Parler launched an antitrust lawsuit against Amazon after the tech giant discontinued its web services following last week's riots on Capitol Hill. 

Amazon filed a response, claiming it has "no legal basis" and alleged its employees have been faced with threats and harassment. 

A copy of the filing from Parler's lawyers obtained by Fox News.

Have your say - ⇓ Hit the comments below ⇓

john matze and his family have been forced into hiding  fearing for their safety© press
John Matze and his family have been forced into hiding, fearing for their safety

Parler acknowledges the disturbing claims made by Amazon but notes that the Jeff Bezos-run company is not the one receiving threats.

"Although AWS’s motion to seal focuses only on its own employees, Parler’s employees have been similarly harassed and threatened," the filing reads

TRENDING: Film Crew Releases Never Seen Before Footage of 2017 Inauguration Riots WATCH

"Parler’s CEO, John Matze, Jr., reports in his declaration in support of Parler’s TRO motion that many Parler employees are suffering harassment and hostility, fear for their safety and that of their families, and in some cases have fled their home state to escape persecution. 

"Matze himself, as the CEO of the company AWS continues to vilify, has had to leave his home and go into hiding with his family after receiving death threats and invasive personal security breaches," the filing continues.

Earlier this week, Matze told Fox News about the various threats he has received and the measures he would take to protect his family.

in a coordinated attack  big tech giants apple and amazon took parler down© press
In a coordinated attack, Big Tech giants Apple and Amazon took Parler down

"There is a group called UGNazi that is targeting me," Matze said.

He noted that the controversial hacker group has released many of his passwords and personal information on the internet.

"They published my street address, they threatened to come through my front door."

He usually doesn’t take threats directed at him too seriously, he said.

But this time he’s gone into hiding with his family.

He isn’t sure when he’ll return home, saying he’s taking things "day-by-day," but thinks being away from his usual routine amid the chaos surrounding his company could actually be having a positive impact.

"It’s probably leveled me out," Matze said.

"If I was at home right now I think my stress levels would have been like three times higher… at least there is that saving grace." 

[RELATED] Joe Biden's Ties to Big Tech Emerge Amid Anti-Conservative Purge


More Censorship: CNN Calls on Cable Companies to Ban OAN & Newsmax

More Censorship: CNN Calls on Cable Companies to Ban OAN & Newsmax



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

The socialist technocrats are moving onto their next logical targets.

Speaking on CNN, liberal Alex Stamos told host Brian Stelter that television providers must cut off access to the outlets One America News (OAN) and Newsmax, which are considered by right-of-center audiences to be more truthful than mainstream media companies.

“We are going to have to figure out the OAN and Newsmax problem. These companies have freedom of speech, but I’m not sure we need Verizon, AT&T, Comcast and such bringing them into tens of millions of homes,” said Stamos.

CNN senior reporter Oliver Darcy, who tweeted the exchange between Stamos and Stelter, agreed with the sentiment, writing: “Just a reminder that neither @Verizon, @ATT, nor @comcast have answered any questions about why they beam channels like OAN and Newsmax into millions of homes. Do they have any second thoughts about distributing these channels given their election denialism content. They won’t say?”

First off, the clear propaganda behind Darcy’s rhetoric deserves pointing out. Notice how he calls it “election denialism” for someone, such as the journalists at OAN and Newsmax, to cover the abundant evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election.

The phrase sounds similar to “holocaust denialism” and is intended to have the effect of shutting down anyone who discusses the problems with Joe Biden’s supposed “win” by making them appear ignorant and bigoted. It also tries to turn the storming of the Capitol on January 6 into an event akin to the Holocaust, and by association brand anyone who questions whether Biden legitimately won the election as an advocate of political violence.

The establishment has already taken down Twitter alternative Parler thanks to the coordinated efforts of Google, Apple, and Amazon (the former two blocked the social-media platform from their app stores; the latter kicked Parler off its servers).

Meanwhile, Facebook, Twitter, and other Tech giants are banning conservatives left and right. That includes the president of the United States, Donald Trump, himself.

Despite claiming for years that they were suspicious of the power of big business, the Left is increasingly treating multinational corporations, especially those of Silicon Valley, as the 4th Branch of Government, acting — in coordination with socialists in government — to silence, deplatform, and otherwise prohibit the participation of conservatives in their services.

The situation is becoming increasingly dangerous for those who refuse to bow before the radical Left. Getting booted off a social-media site is one thing. But being prevented from even being able to broadcast a station to the public is a much tougher obstacle to overcome. So is being able to carry out financial transactions.

The end goal of the establishment is to get such control over the economy that they can deny services to any and all dissidents. Are you guilty of “hate speech” (which leftists will soon define as anyone holding views to the right of Karl Marx)? Expect to have your bank account frozen,  your access to supermarkets denied, your phone terminated, and even your electricity shut off.

If you’re naive enough to buy a smart car, they will even make sure your car doesn’t run if you’re a thought criminal. And remember how the Left is always championing public transportation? That’s because it’s so much easier to control and deny people movement when they depend on a state-run or state-contracted entity for their transportation needs rather than having that ability in their own hands in the form of an automobile.

Starting a business is hard as it is. Trying to create a new financial and technological ecosystem that gives conservatives alternatives to the institutions currently dominated by the Left (and, ultimately, by the Deep State) would be Herculean. But it’s an effort that must be undertaken if constitutionalist Americans hope to break free from control by the global elites.

President Trump has yet to reveal what his post-presidency plans are, though he and his supporters have hinted at everything from a news network to a super PAC. One thing the wealthy New Yorker, or other conservatives with money to invest, would do well to consider is an investment firm that can provide seed funds to the many different new enterprises that must be launched for Americans to escape from under the thumb of Big Brother.





republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

The following video compilation captures Democrat leaders, celebrities and media calling for insurgency and violence against U.S. President Donald Trump and his supporters.


As reported at RAIR Foundation USA, leftist activists have made an art of swarming into state buildings, often receiving praise for their efforts by politicians and the media. Now, Trump supporters who were waved into the Capitol by police are facing federal charges for something leftist activists do on a regular basis.

Support our work at RAIR Foundation USA! We are a grassroots activist team and we need your help! Please consider making a donation here:


A New Leninism Is Gripping America-James Lindsay on Repressive Tolerance & Free Speech

The shocking assault on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 has been followed by widespread censorship and de-platforming of Americans, including President Trump, with the professed goal of preventing violence. James Lindsay, co-author of the bestseller “Cynical Theories,” argues the Capitol breach has been used to implement a major power grab and “apply Leninism to the American context, using corporations as part of the toolset.” This is the “woke” movement in action, Lindsay argues. The ideology involves an inverted morality, he says, allowing it to apply double standards when it comes to political violence. In this episode, James Lindsay, founder of the New Discourses website, gives us his take on our current political moment. This is American Thought Leaders, and I’m Jan Jekielek. #jameslindsay #criticaltheory #freespeech

Rep. Ocasio-Cortez Wants to ‘Rein In’ Media


CHILLING: AOC Wants a Gov't Commission to 'Rein in' Media to Prevent 'Disinformation'


'I can say, there is absolutely a commission being discussed but it seems to be more investigatory, in style rather than truth and reconciliation, so I think that’s an interesting concept for us to explore,' she replied. 

'And I do think that several members of Congress, in some of my discussions, have brought up media literacy because that is a part of what happened here and we’re going to have to figure out how we rein in our media environment so that you can’t just spew disinformation and misinformation,' Ocasio-Cortez said. 

Welcome to AOC's "Ministry of Truth" (COMMUNIST STYLE) 


Squad member's suggestion for federal commission to 'rein in' the press is slammed as 'wholly un-American' attack on free speech

  • Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez made the remarks in Instagram video this week
  • She said Democrats are discussing plans to 'reign in' media 'misinformation'
  • Suggested the plan could be part of a 'truth and reconciliation committee' 
  • Proposal drew furious backlash and was called a plot to restrain the free press
  • 'She wants to basically establish a Ministry of Truth,' columnist Joe Concha said
  • 'It's just creepy, not to mention wholly un-American,' wrote David Harsanyi
  • Others predicted that government 'fact checkers' would be politicized 
  • AOC's remarks echo Trump's attacks on the press that were slammed by critics




republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) said in an Instagram post that she and several other members of Congress were exploring the possibility of setting up a commission to “rein in” the media, whom she accuses of spreading “disinformation” in the lead-up to the Capitol attack.

Since I don’t think she’s talking about stifling the New York Times or Washington Post, I wonder who she has in mind to “rein in”?

This was the same Instagram interview in which she admitted that she feared for her life during the Capitol attack, so it’s not surprising that the media would ignore her suggestion for censorship and lead with her life being in danger.

But her suggestion that the United States Congress needs to form a commission to rein in the news media has gone largely unreported,

New York Post:

There’s absolutely a commission that’s being discussed but it seems to be more investigating in style rather than truth and reconciliation.


I do think that several members of Congress in some of my discussions have brought up media literacy because that is part of what happened here.

Here’s our “expert” on media literacy.

How easily could a government commission become a censorship board?

We’re going to have to figure out how we rein in our media environment so you can’t just spew disinformation and misinformation.

It’s one thing to have differentiating opinions, but it’s another thing entirely to just say things that are false, so that’s something that we’re looking into.

What is “disinformation”? What is “misinformation”? What is “false”? What AOC is ignoring is that her “truth” might not be the same as your “truth.” And she wants a government commission to “investigate” which is which?

David Harsanyi:

As a practical matter, we can already envision from “lived experienced” — as a progressive might say — how sanctioning the state to adjudicate the veracity of journalism can be abused.

We need only point to our media “factcheckers,” journalists with political and ideological biases who have regularly, and arbitrarily, labeled completely debatable contentions as falsehoods, while either ignoring or justifying scores of other unsettled contentions. Are these the arbiters of facts who will be manning the government commission appointed by those storied truthtellers in congress?

A recent example was the suppressing of the New York Post’s blockbuster story of Hunter Biden’s business deals and whether or not Joe Biden, as vice president, profited from them. An alliance of Big Tech and left-wing media made sure that either the story was suppressed or “debunked” by “fact-checkers.”

No doubt AOC’s “commission” would help facilitate bringing to heel the conservative media. I don’t know about you, but I’d almost prefer a “truth and reconciliation commission” to a media star-chamber.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Wants to Liberate Red States From Their Suppression


YouTube Suspends President Trump’s Channel

YouTube Becomes Latest to Censor Trump, Citing "Potential for Violence"



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

The purge continues.

The Google-owned video-sharing platform YouTube on Tuesday placed a temporary suspension on President Donald Trump’s account, preventing the president from uploading new content for a week.

“After review, and in light of concerns about the ongoing potential for violence, we removed new content uploaded to Donald J. Trump’s channel for violating our policies,” YouTube said in a statement Tuesday night.

“It now has its 1st strike & is temporarily prevented from uploading new content for a *minimum* of 7 days,” the company continued.

If a content creator gets three “strikes” within a 90-day period, his or her channel will be permanently banned from the platform.

“Given the ongoing concerns about violence, we will also be indefinitely disabling comments on President Trump’s channel, as we’ve done to other channels where there are safety concerns found in the comments section,” YouTube added.

This comes amid the effort by various social-media companies to censor or ban the president on grounds that his words “incite violence,” a claim allegedly evidenced by the march on Congress last week, in which a crowd entered into the Capitol Building without authorization.

Following those events, the social media platforms Facebook, Instagram (which is owned by Facebook), and Twitter banned President Trump.

The suppression of the sitting American president prompted major migration of users to the free speech-focused Parler, but within a few hours, Google (which developed the Android smartphone operation system) and Apple banned Parler from their app stores, making it harder for people to access it on their phones.

Of course, users could still find Parler on their smartphone or computer browsers, but then Amazon, whose hosting services Parler was using, cut the alternative platform off, knocking it offline until the company can find a new host.

Another tech firm to abruptly end its relationship with the president over last week’s events at the Capitol is Stripe, one of the most popular online payment-processing platforms.

Stripe’s decision to blacklist the Trump campaign means the president’s team is unable to accept credit-card donations.

Similarly, Shopify, the online platform being used by, which is run by the Trump campaign and Trump Organization, terminated access by the president’s team.

“Shopify does not tolerate actions that incite violence. Based on recent events, we have determined that the actions by President Donald J. Trump violate our Acceptable Use Policy, which prohibits promotion or support of organizations, platforms or people that threaten or condone violence to further a cause. As a result, we have terminated stores affiliated with President Trump,” Shopify said in a statement.

For the global elites, everything is marching according to plan. They control Big Tech and are now unleashing the full capacity for social control for which they invested billions of dollars.

While these widely influential platforms purge the president and his supporters, making the diffusion of truth more challenging, the leftist media is cheering.

The outlet Axios best articulated the goal of the left (albeit in glowing terms) by calling leftist corporations, particularly Big Tech, a “4th branch of government” more efficient and powerful than the White House or Congress.

This is a perilous moment for freedom of speech, and not only in the sphere of social media. The establishment has shown that they are willing to use whatever industry they control to silence political dissidents. Are you guilty of “right-wing hate speech?” The major social media sites will ban you. The major telecom firms will take down your websites. Soon all the major banks will shut down your account, and even if you use a local credit union, Visa and Mastercard will blacklist you so you can’t use cards.

Sadly, most major corporations in every industry, certainly nearly all the multinational conglomerates, work with the global elites because they became successful thanks to the investment of older generations of globalists.

Companies such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google didn’t get big in a vacuum, but they received several rounds of capital investment prior to going public. The establishment wouldn’t have given them that money if they weren’t assured the likes of Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey would bow before the globalist agenda once rising to prominence.

Nevertheless, patriots must continue to create their own communications platforms if they wish to be free from the influence of the establishment. That includes using their own servers so they can’t so easily be taken offline. And even if the social-media options run out, patriots can count on sites such as The New American to continually have truthful reporting on what’s happening in the country.

We cannot give up; winning the information war is crucial to winning the war for America.


Epic! Twitter Competitor Gab Backed Up Trump’s Twitter Account and Recreated It on Their Platform

President Trumps Twitter Account Completely Recreated On Gab! WOW! Gab CEO Defies Tech Tyrants – Restores ALL of President Trump’s Tweets from Twitter — Trump’s Account on Gab



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Andrew Torba, the CEO of Gab, a free-speech alternative to Twitter, backed up President Trump’s entire account before it was deleted, and recreated it on Gab.

Gab is currently experiencing bandwidth issues over a surge in new users and attacks from liberal groups.

If Trump is looking to find a new social media platform, Torba seems to be nudging Trump to go to Gab, though it is not clear whether that is the reason behind the recreation of Trump’s Twitter account on the platform. The account has “Pro” status and states that the account was created in August 2016. The account does not follow any other accounts but has 1.2 million followers.

Big Tech wants to silence conservatives. Help us fight back by becoming a PJ Media VIP member. Use promo code CENSORSHIP to receive 25% off your VIP membership.

Matt Margolis is the author of Airborne: How The Liberal Media Weaponized The Coronavirus Against Donald Trumpand the bestselling book The Worst President in History: The Legacy of Barack Obama. You can follow Matt on TwitterFacebookParlerGabMeWeRumble, and CloutHub.

Here Are Some Free-Speech Alternatives to Big Tech
Mozilla CEO Says Deplatforming President Trump Isn’t Enough
Parler Sues Amazon, Asks Court to Reverse Illegal ‘Death Blow’
The All-Out Assault on Conservative Thought Has Just Begun
VIP: Are Social Media Echo Chambers Inevitable?

Conservative Commentator Says AIG Canceled His Insurance Over His Social Media Posts

Deplatforming reaches new heights of absurdity.



"Did a single person lose their insurance because they voiced support for the Black Lives Matter riots -- which the insurance industry themselves said were the most damaging riots in US history?

Did a single person involved in the riots lose their insurance?
I can't find a single article to suggest anyone did and as we all know the vast majority of the perps were never even prosecuted!
Lest anyone be foolish enough to claim AIG is a "private company" and can therefore do whatever they want, AIG was slated to collapse during the 2008 financial crisis but was bailed out by US taxpayers for $182 billion under the Obama administration.
We saved this company from collapse and this is allegedly how they repay us?"



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Conservative commentator and former baseball star Curt Schilling says that AIG canceled his insurance policy over his “social media profile,” a new level of deplatforming not yet seen.

“We will be just fine, but wanted to let Americans know that @AIGinsurance canceled our insurance due to my “Social Media profile,” tweeted Schilling.

“The agent told us it was a decision made by and with their PR department in conjunction with management,” he added.

While innumerable Trump supporters have lost their Twitter and Facebook accounts due to social media censorship and cancel culture, cases of individuals being cut off by banks and other financial services are now growing too.

The purge has gone beyond the realm of simply silencing people on major platforms for their opinions, but punishing them for expressing them by trying to make their lives unlivable.

Numerous respondents pointed out the obvious – that without insurance it’s impossible to mortgage a home or register a vehicle.

However, other leftists applauded the move and said that Schilling deserved it for his support of Trump.

“You’ve definitely earned it,” remarked one.

“I mean…. capitalism right? They calculated the risk and decided your premiums weren’t worth the long term exposure?” added another.

What happened to Schilling is yet another chilling example of how Chinese Communist social credit score system is being implemented in America.

In August 2019, the Communist state bragged about how it had prevented 2.5 million “discredited entities” from purchasing plane tickets and 90,000 people from buying high speed train tickets in the month of July alone.


Parler Purge Opens a Whole New Can of Worms



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

In the ongoing Big-Tech purge of any voice that is considered off the liberal reservation, Parler — the free-speech social-media site recently preferred by many conservatives — was burned to the ground over the weekend. First Google and Apple announced that they would both be removing the Parler app from their app stores. Then, Amazon — which hosted the site via its AWS hosting service — pulled the plug on the site, taking it completely offline.

As Business Insider reported:

Amazon announced its intention to sever ties with Parler on Sunday, saying it “cannot provide services to a customer that is unable to effectively identify and remove content that encourages or incites violence against others.”

“Because Parler cannot comply with our terms of service and poses a very real risk to public safety, we plan to suspend Parler’s account effective Sunday, January 10th, at 11:59PM PST,” a spokesperson said in an emailed statement to Insider.


Parler CEO John Matze told Fox News on Sunday that the platform would “get back online as quickly as possible,” and that the site could be down for up to a week. In a later post on Parler reported by Newsweek Matze said it would “likely be down longer than expected.”

Matze also wrote, “We have our software and everyone’s data ready to go. Rather it’s that Amazon’s, Google’s and Apple’s statements to the press about dropping our access has caused most of our other vendors to drop their support for us as well. And most people with enough servers to host us have shut their doors to us.”

Blaming Parler for the “violent insurrection” at the Capitol last week when protesters breached the Capitol Building, Google, Apple, and Amazon set their sights on destroying the site. Matze was quoted by The Epoch Times as saying, “there is no evidence Parler was used to coordinate the events,” adding, “Parler has no groups-style feature, and Facebook was the number one tool for coordinating meetups for that event.”

Facts and reality be damned, Parler will be the victim of a Big-Tech witch hunt. It does not matter that Parler was not — could not have been — the platform used to coordinate an “insurrection.” What matters is that Parler will take the blame for it anyway.

The Epoch Times report also states that Parler is “prepared to take full legal action,” according to a statement Matze e-mailed to the news organization.

As The Epoch Times reported:

The targeted moderation by these companies against Parler came after civil unrest and acts of violence marred a largely peaceful protest at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. A group of rioters and a minority of protesters waving American and Trump flags illegally stormed the Capitol building as lawmakers were counting electoral votes in a joint session of Congress. The mayhem on the day left five people dead, including one police officer, and dozens of officers injured.

In response to the Capitol breach, a number of Silicon Valley technology companies ramped up their policing of statements and comments from President Donald Trump, conservatives, and other voices they say may cause harm. Twitter on Jan. 8 permanently removed Trump’s account on its platform and justified its censorship by saying the president had violated its “Glorification of Violence Policy” after he posted a message urging protesters to remain peaceful and leave the Capitol. The Trump campaign Twitter account has also been removed.

Parler, which has attracted a large following of classical liberal and conservative-leaning users, appeared to have been targeted for lacking a system to “implement robust moderation for egregious content.”

Parler has launched a lawsuit against Amazon and is in negotiations with other hosting services to bring the site back online, but as Matze stated in the above quote, “most people with enough servers to host us have shut their doors to us.”

This likely means that the return of Parler is unlikely. Worse yet, it opens the question of what happens to Parler users’ data in the aftermath of the purge. Because, as Gizmodo reports, a “researcher” (read: leftist hacktivist) worked to “create a lasting public record for future researchers to sift through.” She did this by archiving every post from January 6. She described her catalog of user data as a bevy of “very incriminating” evidence. That data includes users’ location information.

This, of course, brings up the issue of privacy. Even Gizmodo acknowledged this, writing, “The privacy implications are obvious, but the copious data may also serve as a fertile hunting ground for law enforcement.” So, privacy be damned along with facts and reality. The end — as always — justifies the means.

Given that this is not the first time Parler has been used to expose personal data of its users (a hack of an unsecured AWS server in November exposed names, passwords, and e-mail addresses of users), perhaps the lesson to be learned is this: Using social media platforms for conservative-leaning ideology is a recipe for disaster. The only exception to that would be something that is end-to-end encrypted and zero-knowledge. Because if a company collects user data, it can — and will — be compromised.


Parler Removes Post by Attorney Lin Wood Seemingly Calling for Execution of VP Mike Pence



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

It seems that even the “free speech” social network Parler has its limits.

The social network that has attracted scores of conservative commentators because of its commitment to free speech has taken down several posts from Trump affiliate Lin Wood, according to a report in Mediaite.

In one of the posts removed from the social media platform, Wood called for the execution of Vice President Mike Pence.

In a statement to Mediaite, Parler chief executive John Matze confirmed that the service had taken action against Wood’s posts to the platform.

“Yes, some of his parleys that violated our rules were taken down,” Matze told Mediaite. “Including the ones you are talking about.”

The move from Parler is significant because it would mark one of the first instances of a high profile conservative figure having their content removed from the service.

Parler, despite its reputation as a social platform dedicated to free speech, does have some rules governing content.

And, as Mediaite flagged, the posts from Wood likely ran afoul of a rule in the company’s terms of service that states “reported parleys, comments, or messages sent using our service will be deemed a violation of these Guidelines if they contain: an explicit or implicit encouragement to use violence, or to commit a lawless action, such that: (a) the Parleyer intends his or her speech to result in the use of violence or lawless action, and (b) the imminent use of violence or lawless action is the likely result of the parley, comment, or message.”

Wood, whose account remains active on Parler, had his Twitter account suspended on Thursday, as Forbes reported at the time.

Meanwhile, the incitements to execute Pence seem to have been the animating factor for at least some of the rioters who stormed the Capitol building on Wednesday. Reuters Photo News Editor Jim Bourg tweeted about hearing at least three different rioters hoping to “find Vice President Mike Pence and execute him by hanging him from a Capitol Hill tree as a traitor.”




Parler Sues Amazon Seeking to Reverse ‘Death Blow’



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

On Monday, Parler filed a lawsuit against Amazon, accusing the company of breaching its contract and violating a century-old antitrust law by promoting Twitter at its competitor’s expense. Amazon had removed Parler from its servers on Monday morning, claiming the conservative social media platform refused to remove posts advocating violence at the Capitol riots last Wednesday.

Due to Amazon’s removal, “Parler will be offline for a financially devastating period,” the lawsuit claims. It alleges that Amazon applied a double standard, breaking its contract with Parler over a small number of posts while preserving its ties with Twitter, where threats of violence reached into the thousands on Friday.

Amazon acted just as conservatives were flocking from Twitter to Parler, following Twitter’s ban of President Donald Trump’s accounts.

“Given the context of Parler’s looming threat to Twitter and the fact that the Twitter ban might not long muzzle the President if he switched to Parler, potentially bringing tens of millions of followers with him, AWS moved to shut down Parler,” the lawsuit alleges.

Oddly, Amazon leaked the story of Parler’s termination to BuzzFeed more than an hour before it bothered to inform Parler itself. BuzzFeed reported that AWS would remove Parler at 11:59 p.m. Pacific time Sunday night, in an article published at 6:07 p.m. Pacific on Saturday. Amazon did not email Parler about the termination until 7:19 p.m. Pacific, “meaning AWS leaked the letter to BuzzFeed before sending it to Parler.”

Parler’s contract with AWS stipulated that AWS must give notice 30 days before the termination of a contract.

AWS’s “death blow … could not come at a worse time for Parler—a time when the company is surging with the potential of even more explosive growth in the next few days.”

Big Tech wants to silence conservatives. Help us fight back by becoming a PJ Media VIP member. Use promo code CENSORSHIP to receive 25% off your VIP membership.

Yet “worse than the timing is the result—Parler has tried to find alternative companies to host it and they have fallen through. It has no other options. Without AWS, Parler is finished as it has no way to get online,” the lawsuit notes.

A delay of “even one day” in the court granting a restraining order and forcing Amazon to resurrect Parler’s account “could also sound Parler’s death knell as President Trump and others move on to other platforms. It is no wonder, then, that competitor Twitter’s CEO has heartily endorsed efforts to remove Parler from the public sphere.”

The lawsuit argued that AWS engaged in a clear double standard by attacking Parler. “By pulling the plug on Parler but leaving Twitter alone despite identical conduct by users on both sites, AWS reveals that its expressed reasons for suspending Parler’s account are but pretext,” it claims.

The lawsuit notes that Amazon claimed to find 98 examples of posts that clearly encourage and incite violence on Parler. “However, the day before, on Friday, one of the top trends on Twitter was ‘Hang Mike Pence,’ with over 14,000 tweets. … And earlier last week, a Los Angeles Times columnist observed that Twitter and other social media platforms are partly culpable for the Capital [sic] Hill riot, by allowing rioters to communicate and rile each other up.”

“Yet these equivalent, if not greater, violations of AWS’s terms of service by Twitter have apparently been ignored by AWS,” the lawsuit notes, bitterly.

Parler brings three claims against Amazon. It accuses AWS of violating the Sherman Anti-Trust Act by “contracting or conspiring to restrain trade or commerce.” It accuses AWS of breach of contract “by not providing thirty days’ notice before terminating its account.” Finally, it accuses Amazon of “tortious interference with a contract or business expectancy.” By terminating Parler’s contract, “AWS will intentionally interfere with the contracts Parler has with millions of its present users, as well as with the users it is projected to gain this week.”

Parler has over 12 million users under contract, according to the lawsuit.

The lawsuit asks the Washington State district court to issue a temporary restraining order and an order forcing AWS to maintain Parler’s account until further notice from the court. It also seeks treble damages for the egregious attack on Parler’s ability to do business.

The lawsuit appears to be on firm footing, and it seeks an order as soon as possible. Stay tuned for more news on this.

Amazon also faces at least one lawsuit for excluding conservative and Christian nonprofits from its charity program, Amazon Smile, relying on the scandal-plagued far-left smear factory the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). The SPLC has long pressured Big Tech companies to blacklist conservative organizations that the SPLC falsely smears as “hate groups” and lists along with the Ku Klux Klan. A similar bias may be at work in this situation.

Tyler O’Neil is the author of Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center. Follow him on Twitter at @Tyler2ONeil.

Parler Will ‘Be Down Longer Than Expected’ as More Vendors Drop Big Tech Alternative
The All-Out Assault on Conservative Thought Has Just Begun
Navalny’s CHILLING Warning: Dictators Will Use Twitter’s Trump Ban to Justify Silencing Opponents
Doubling Down on Division: Joe Biden Uses Capitol Riot to Demonize Trump’s Entire Presidency


Transcript from the UN Speech:

Freedom and democracy must be constantly guarded and protected, both abroad and from within.  We must always be skeptical of those who want conformity and control.  Even in free nations, we see alarming signs and new challenges to liberty.

A small number of social media platforms are acquiring immense power over what we can see and over what we are allowed to say.  A permanent political class is openly disdainful, dismissive, and defiant of the will of the people.  A faceless bureaucracy operates in secret and weakens democratic rule.  Media and academic institutions push flat-out assaults on our histories, traditions, and values.

In the United States, my administration has made clear to social media companies that we will uphold the right of free speech.  A free society cannot allow social media giants to silence the voices of the people, and a free people must never, ever be enlisted in the cause of silencing, coercing, canceling, or blacklisting their own neighbors.

On September 24, 2019, President Trump used part of his speech at the 74th Session of the United Nations General Assembly to warn of Big Tech’s expanding power and influence. The U.S. President argued that social media censorship is incompatible with a free society. He also denounced the growing and dangerous trend of “silencing, coercing, canceling, or blacklisting” citizens.

Watch the following excerpt of President Trump’s speech:



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Fast forward sixteen months, Twitter permanently suspends President Donald Trump’s account and censors the official @POTUS U.S. Government account.

The Following Action Must Be Taken

Over the past several years, Twitter, Facebook and Google, have made it a regular practice to delete selective content and entire accounts without warning or rationale, leaving users without recourse. During the 2020 U.S. presidential election the tech giants led an unprecedented censorship campaign against the President of the United States and his supporters.

Over the past week, these platforms have taken their actions to yet another level with the permanent ban of the account of the President Trump. As reported previously at RAIR Foundation USA, While every media business is certainly free to choose the content it publishes and the editorial position it advances on issues including politics, typical media businesses can be held liable for libel and slander for publishing erroneous and damaging content.

These social media behemoths, however, have successfully categorized themselves as “platforms” and not media companies that create or publish content. As “platforms,” these tech giants have successfully positioned themselves as equivalent to passive bulletin boards facilitating discussions, and not the actual creator or curator of that content. Much like a wireless carrier who is not liable for what is spoken on their phone lines, social media platforms are supposed to be the means for neutrally distributing content produced by others. As a result, the social media companies are not responsible for what is said or published on their “platforms.”

Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act essentially provides an exemption to these “platforms” from the liability that all other media companies, including your local newspapers and tv stations, New York Times, Fox News, CNN, MSNBC and individual bloggers, must defend themselves from every day.

Examples like the deplatforming of President Donald Trump and countless other conservatives makes it crystal clear that these social media giants have crossed the line from passive distributors of content like a wireless cell phone carrier facilitating phone calls and entrenched themselves deeply as editorial content businesses advancing political agendas.

The ability of these social media companies to become editorial content businesses is completely within their rights and totally within their discretion. BUT, if they make the decision to become editorial content businesses, as they clearly have, then the laws of the United States should treat these companies should lose their liability shield and be exposed to potential liability like all other editorial content businesses such as Associated Press, Time Magazine, Bloomberg New or the Wall Street Journal.

Ironically, back in 2015, Twitter founder Jack Dorsey tweeted “Twitter stands for the freedom of expression. We stand for speaking truth to power. And we stand for empowering dialogue.”

The deplatforming of President Trump by Twitter and the countless examples of these “platforms” removing content or restricting access to their distribution channels makes it crystal clear that these social media giants have obliterated the line from passive distributors and entrenched themselves deeply as editorial content businesses advancing political agendas.

Social media companies must be treated in like manner to how all other media companies are treated with accountability through potential liability. Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act must be repealed – our freedoms under the constitution are dependent upon this.

Support our work at RAIR Foundation USA! We are a grassroots activist team and we need your help! Please consider making a donation here:



Mozilla CEO Says Deplatforming President Trump Isn’t Enough




republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Winifred Mitchell Baker, the executive chairwoman and CEO of Mozilla, says that deplatforming President Donald Trump “isn’t enough” and has made suggestions for social media and other platforms to crack down on the entire conservative movement.

“There is no question that social media played a role in the siege and take-over of the US Capitol on January 6,” Baker writes in a company blog post. “Since then there has been significant focus on the deplatforming of President Donald Trump. By all means the question of when to deplatform a head of state is a critical one, among many that must be addressed. When should platforms make these decisions? Is that decision-making power theirs alone?”

“But as reprehensible as the actions of Donald Trump are, the rampant use of the internet to foment violence and hate, and reinforce white supremacy is about more than any one personality,” she claims. “Donald Trump is certainly not the first politician to exploit the architecture of the internet in this way, and he won’t be the last. We need solutions that don’t start after untold damage has been done.”

Baker argues that “temporary silencing or permanent removal of bad actors from social media platforms” isn’t enough, and suggests the following actions be taken:

Reveal who is paying for advertisements, how much they are paying and who is being targeted.

Commit to meaningful transparency of platform algorithms so we know how and what content is being amplified, to whom, and the associated impact.

Turn on by default the tools to amplify factual voices over disinformation.

Work with independent researchers to facilitate in-depth studies of the platforms’ impact on people and our societies, and what we can do to improve things.

In other words, Baker is calling for an all-out assault against Trump and his supporters in the name of “transparency.” President Trump has endured bogus allegations of racism, white supremacy, xenophobia, etc., etc. for years, now, the Left is unified in claiming Trump “incited” an “insurrection” at the U.S. Capitol, and is using that bogus claim as a pretext for Orwellian measures to silence Trump and his supporters, as well as efforts to identify, harass, and demonetize those they see as his enablers.

Does this sound familiar to you? I can’t decide whether this is like Oceania in 1984 or Germany in 1933. The Left, with the help of the mainstream media, Hollywood, and Big Tech, has waged a propaganda campaign designed to demonize the political Right, and thus justify the erosion of their freedoms. According to the radical Left, conservatives have no right to be heard and no right to make a living.

In other news, I’ve deleted Firefox, a browser created by Mozilla, from my computer.

Margolis is the author of Airborne: How The Liberal Media Weaponized The Coronavirus Against Donald Trumpand the bestselling book The Worst President in History: The Legacy of Barack Obama. You can follow Matt on Twitter @MattMargolis

The All-Out Assault on Conservative Thought Has Just Begun
Pelosi Threatens to Do Something Drastic if Pence Does Not Remove Trump Under 25th Amendment
Mitch McConnell Destroys Democrats’ Hopes for a Senate Impeachment Trial
Doubling Down on Division: Joe Biden Uses Capitol Riot to Demonize Trump’s Entire Presidency






republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

In the wake of the final suspension of US President Donald Trump by Twitter, left-wing Mozilla – developer of the Firefox browser – wants to go even further than deplatformimg. In a blog post published on January 8, 2021, the company argues that more needs to be done to eliminate “hate” from the Internet. 

“There is no question that social media played a role in the siege and take-over of the US Capitol on January 6.” Mozilla slammed the “reprehensible actions of Donald Trump” who they claim exploited the “architecture of the internet” to “foment violence and hate, and reinforce white supremacy”.

“We need solutions that don’t start after untold damage. Changing these dangerous dynamics requires more than the simple act of de-platforming, or the permanent removal of bad actors from social networks, ”says the foundation.

“We need solutions that don’t start after untold damage. Changing these dangerous dynamics requires more than the simple act of de-platforming, or the permanent removal of bad actors from social networks, ” states Mozilla.

In order to protect the Internet from conservative voices that it considers dangerous, the organization proposes the following heavy-handed actions,

Reveal who is paying for advertisements, how much they are paying and who is being targeted.

Commit to meaningful transparency of platform algorithms so we know how and what content is being amplified, to whom, and the associated impact.

Turn on by default the tools to amplify factual voices over disinformation.

Work with independent researchers to facilitate in-depth studies of the platforms’ impact on people and our societies, and what we can do to improve things.


Left-wing Mozilla’s use of countering hate as a justification for the removal of 1st amendment rights for anyone with whom the left disagrees, is the most recent example of authoritarian regimes across history and in the world today. The Nazis claimed all materials they banned to be “degenerate” or of Jewish nature or origin. In the Soviet Union, anything pre-revolutionary was subject to censorship and was deemed “politically incorrect”.  Islamic regimes censor everything from the time before the “Prophet” Muhammad as “Jahiliyyah”, the time of ignorance. Communist China has enacted a National Security Law which bans Western media and social media sites, in what is sometimes referred to as the “Great Firewall of China”.

Mozilla has joined the ranks of authoritarian regimes who will censor anything they deem “politically incorrect”, and target the creator.

Mozilla’s History of Cancel Culture

On April 3, 2014, the CEO of Mozilla, Brendan Eich, was deplatformed and pushed out of the position for making a donation to a “politically incorrect” side of proposition 8 in California. Eich was not only the co-founder of Mozilla but the inventor of Javascript, a code that most web browsers need to operate.

Militant LGBT activists led a campaign to cancel Eich after donating $1000.00 to support a proposition that would maintain the definition of marriage as being between a man and a woman.

Eich was one of the earliest people to be doxxed and deplatformed for his failure to submit to left-wing opinions.

The de-platforming of Mozilla’s CEO was one of the early examples set for corporate leaders in terms of what happens when they do not submit to left-wing opinions. It’s quite likely the template for the Silicon Valley companies dismantling the first amendment today.

Support our work at RAIR Foundation USA! We are a grassroots activist team and we need your help! Please consider making a donation here:


The All-Out Assault on Conservative Thought Has Just Begun



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

After the white nationalist riots in Charlottesville, Va., in 2017, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and others renewed their demands for the suppression of conservative speech on social media. After Trump’s supporters breached the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, Big Tech companies clamped down on President Donald Trump and many of his supporters. Incoming President Joe Biden has said he plans to pass a law against domestic terrorism.

While conservatives rightly denounced the violence this week, this response bodes ill for conservative speech not just on social media, but in the public square and even in private organizations.

In the aftermath of the Capitol riots, Twitter suspended President Donald Trump’s account for the first time and Facebook permanently banned the president. After Trump deleted the tweets Twitter had flagged and had his account restored, Twitter proceeded to ban him entirely on Friday, and then it banned the official President of the United States (POTUS) account.

Facebook throttled the great Rush Limbaugh, notifying him that his “Page has reduced distribution and other restrictions because of repeated sharing of false news.” Limbaugh left Twitter in protest after the platform banned Trump. Apple and Google attacked Parler, claiming that the new haven for conservatives had allowed people to plan the violence of the Capitol riots on its platform.

House Democrats filed articles of impeachment that explicitly blame President Trump for the Capitol riots, even though he never told his supporters to invade the Capitol. While the president’s exaggerated rhetoric inflamed the rioters, Democrats repeatedly did the same thing this summer. Before and after Black Lives Matter protests devolved into destructive and deadly riots, Democratic officials repeatedly claimed America suffers from “systemic racism” and institutionalized “white supremacy.”

Columbus’ Proposed Police Witch Hunt Will Send Chills Down Your Spine

Big Tech did not remove House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s accounts when she called for “uprisings” against the Trump administration. Facebook and Twitter did not target Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez when she claimed that allegedly marginalized groups have “no choice but to riot.” These platforms did not act against Kamala Harris when she said the riots “should not” stop.

This week, Joe Biden condemned the Capitol rioters, saying, “What we witnessed yesterday was not dissent, it was not disorder, it was not protest. It was chaos. They weren’t protesters, don’t dare call them protesters. They were a riotous mob, insurrectionists, domestic terrorists. It’s that basic, it’s that simple.”

Yet he refused to speak in those terms when Black Lives Matter and antifa militants were throwing Molotov cocktails at federal buildings, setting up “autonomous zones,” and burning down cities. Instead, he condemned Trump for holding up a Bible at a church — without mentioning the fact that that very church had been set on fire the night before.

Despite this hypocrisy, Biden’s speech on Thursday proved instructive. Biden used the Capitol riots to condemn Trump’s entire presidency, accusing Trump of having “unleashed an all-out assault on our institutions of our democracy from the outset.” Biden twisted Trump’s actions into an attack on “democracy.” He claimed Trump’s originalist judges were a ploy to undermine impartial justice — when they were truly the exact opposite. Biden claimed Trump’s complaints about the Obama administration spying on his campaign were merely an “attack” on America’s “intelligence services.” Biden said Trump’s complaints about media bias constituted an attack on the “free press,” when the Obama administration actually attacked the free press.

Despite the fact that leftist violence has wracked American cities for years (remember Ferguson and the shooting of police officers in Dallas in 2016?), Biden seized on the Capitol riots as evidence that everything the Right had been saying the past four years was a blatant and destructive lie.

This reminded me of the Southern Poverty Law Center, a once-noble civil rights organization that has become a far-left smear factory. The SPLC weaponizes its history suing white supremacists and the Ku Klux Klan into bankruptcy and monitoring them through its Klanwatch program to silence conservative thought. It brands mainstream conservative organizations “hate groups,” listing them along with the KKK on a “hate map.” This “hate map” inspired a deranged man to target the Family Research Council (FRC) for a mass shooting in 2012.

Doubling Down on Division: Joe Biden Uses Capitol Riot to Demonize Trump’s Entire Presidency

The Trump administration has worked with conservative organizations the SPLC falsely smears as “hate groups,” and the SPLC has made hay of this fact. Its latest “hate group” report — published last March — mentioned Trump no fewer than 66 times. Yet the SPLC carried water for antifa during the riots this summer.

The SPLC has repeatedly pressured Big Tech to clamp down on conservative “hate groups,” suggesting this is the right way to fight white supremacist terrorismAmazon has excluded mainstream conservative Christian nonprofits from its charity program, Amazon Smile.

After Charlottesville, the SPLC raked in cash with big donations from Apple and JPMorgan. CNN even shared the SPLC “hate map” on its website and Twitter account, effectively endorsing the false accusations.

Not surprisingly, the SPLC has already seized the moment after the Capitol riots.

“One of the powerful lessons we must take away from this week’s coup attempt by President Trump and his supporters is that 2021 is not a time for half measures in the fight against hate and extremism,” Margaret Huang, the SPLC’s president and CEO, said in a statement on Friday. “This violence is bolstered by the infrastructure of white nationalist movements that the Southern Poverty Law Center has been tracking and fighting for decades.”

She warned that the Capitol riots will become “a recruitment tool for white nationalist movements” and “hate groups.” She claimed that “the violence in Washington was predictable and preventable,” citing the SPLC’s list of “hate groups” — specifically the increase in the number of white nationalist hate groups. (Since the SPLC does not explain how large specific “hate groups” are, the number of such “groups” is arguably meaningless. Some “hate groups” consist of merely one person.)

Prominent leftists are likely to celebrate the SPLC as the harbinger of this violence, and the SPLC does do some important work monitoring white nationalists. Unfortunately, the group also smears conservative and Christian groups because they defend biblical sexuality, oppose illegal immigration, and warn about the threat of radical Islamist terrorism. Even fellow liberals have condemned the SPLC’s “anti-LGBT hate group” accusation against Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), a conservative Christian law firm that has won multiple Supreme Court cases.

The SPLC also has skeletons in its closet. In 2019, the SPLC fired its co-founder, had its president step down, and had a prominent member of the board distance herself. The scandal broke out due to accusations of (decades-old) racial discrimination and sexual harassment. Amid the scandal, former employees came forward to expose the “con” of exaggerating hate to bilk donors.

Despite all this, the SPLC still enjoys considerable sway among Big Tech, corporate America, the legacy media, and the Democratic Party. When Attorney General Dana Nessel (D-Mich.) announced a new “hate crimes” unit, she specifically cited the SPLC’s list of “hate groups” in the state. Kamala Harris, soon to become vice president, has repeatedly cited the SPLC in attacking Trump’s judicial and administration nominees.

This makes it all the more ominous that Biden has said he plans to prioritize passing a law against domestic terrorism. Domestic terrorism is indeed a serious problem in America, but Biden’s egregious and blatant double standard on the Capitol riots and antifa, along with his party’s growing alliance with the SPLC, suggests he may use such a law to silence conservative dissent while going soft on far-left rioters.

Conservative Christians should pay close attention to this threat. Biden, like the SPLC, has long championed LGBT activism, and in 2018 at an LGBT activist group, he attacked people who have “tried to define family” in the U.S. as “the dregs of society.” At the CNN LGBT town hall in October 2019, Biden called for a kind of terror watchlist to monitor organizations that oppose same-sex marriage and transgender identity. Biden firmly supports the Equality Act, which would outlaw discrimination against LGBT people. While Americans do not support discrimination, laws like this have been weaponized to punish Christians for refusing to celebrate same-sex weddings.

Buckle up, conservatives. The Biden administration represents a serious threat to conservative thought in the public square, and now Democrats have both houses of Congress to ram their agenda through.

Tyler O’Neil is the author of Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center. Follow him on Twitter at @Tyler2ONeil.

The SPLC’s Fall From Grace: How a Civil Rights Group Became a Threat to Free Speech
Joe Biden Demands SPLC-Style Terror Watchlist to Protect LGBT People
Why Biden Is a Threat to Traditional Christians and Religious Freedom
Judeo-Christian Group Sues Michigan for ‘Orwellian’ Witch Hunt Based on SPLC Labels
SPLC Slams Trump’s Terror Designation of Antifa as ‘Dangerous and Unjust’ as America Burns

The Zuckerberg Heist: Silicon Valley’s hijacking of our election system.



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

In September 2020, right here in this nationally syndicated newspaper column and on a subsequent report on my Newsmax show, "Sovereign Nation," I sounded the alarm over Silicon Valley's hijacking of our election system through a private nonprofit called the Center for Technology and Civic Life.

In October, I tipped off the White House and publicly urged the FBI and Justice Department to investigate. Nothing was done. Not a single federal official objected. So, the Zuckerberg Heist will happen again and again in this farce of a constitutional republic. Free and fair elections in America are a pipe dream.

In case you were snoozing, as far too many citizens in this country are, CTCL is the deep-pocketed liberal advocacy group subsidized by Big Tech oligarchs and radical philanthropists. The center received $350 million from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan. Election information-rigging Google is a top corporate partner. The Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the Democracy Fund (founded by "Never Trumper" billionaire and eBay former chairman Pierre Omidyar) also pitched in. There are unknown other wealthy donors to the 501(c)(3) "charity," but I can't tell you who and how many they are because their identities are protected by IRS rules.

I was able to tell you last fall how CTCL solicited over 1,100 applications from across the country for the group's purported "COVID-19 Response Grant Program" to "provide funding to U.S. local election offices" that steered voters toward alternatives to traditional voting. The pandemic provided a handy ruse to sabotage our regular Election Day experience through less transparent, more manipulable absentee and vote-by-mail mechanisms.

I showed you how there is nothing "nonpartisan" about CTCL's enterprise. The Center's top staff (many of them Barack Obama campaign tech gurus) come from a now-defunct liberal nonprofit called the New Organizing Institute, whose far-left donors include George Soros's Open Society Foundation, the Ford Foundation and Atlantic Philanthropies. CTCL director Tiana Epps-Johnson is a former Obama Foundation fellow. Former Obama campaign manager David Plouffe, author of "The Citizens' Guide to Beating Trump," worked for Zuckerberg's foundation.

Chicago political activist Jay Stone, The Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society, and watchdogs in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania all filed lawsuits prior to Election Day against CTCL's partisan grant scheme to affect battleground states' and counties' election results. This week, just as I prepared to file this column, The Amistad Project filed a new suit against Fulton County, Georgia (home of the pipe burst shenanigans that shut down absentee ballot counting on Election Day) for using dark money CTCL funds in both the general election and the Jan. 5 Senate runoff elections.

"The sanctity of our electoral process is being violated by the unprecedented infusion of private money," Phill Kline, director of the Amistad Project, warned. "Instead of being distributed equally, as the law requires," he noted, "election funding is now being doled out by private interests seeking to influence the process for partisan advantage."

According to The Amistad Project, the money that Fulton County has accepted from CTCL "is nearly equal to the amount the county received from public sources for the 2020 general election." Grant recipients must abide by Zuckerberg/CTCL's requirements on how many polling places and absentee ballot drop boxes it supplies. Election judges have been subsidized with Big Tech/Democrat operatives' money. The grants have reportedly been used to facilitate illegal "curing" of flawed ballots while GOP observers were blocked from doing their jobs.

Questions raised by Amistad that remain unanswered:

  • What conversations has Mark Zuckerberg and/or those on his staff had with David Plouffe and/or Plouffe's colleagues? Was funding to CTCL specifically discussed? Will Zuckerberg share related emails?
  • What strategic discussions has Zuckerberg had with CTCL's leadership? How does he monitor CTCL's progress? Will he share emails pertaining to these matters?

The Democrats like to say that "your voice is your vote." When tech oligarch Mark Zuckerberg (net worth: $100 billion) has the unregulated and unmitigated ability to dictate how America's elections are run, who runs them, how we cast our ballots, and who counts them, what voice do we have left?



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

(Friday Church News Notes, January 8, 2021, , 866-295-4143) - 
In fulfillment of Bible prophecy, the Democratic leadership of the 117th U.S. House of Representatives is 
attempting to defy God with an “inclusive language” policy. The new rules would “address issues of inequities 
on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age, or 
national origin.” This is impossible nonsense, of course, since addressing alleged inequality on the basis of 
sexual orientation or gender identity creates inequality against sex and religion, etc. The rule would outlaw 
the use of he and shefather, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, husband, 
wife, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandson, or granddaughter, among others. 
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the new measures would make the House of Representatives “the most 
inclusive in history.” True, and it would also make it the most stupid in history. “So God created man in his 
own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them” (Genesis 1:27). “The 
kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his 
anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. He that sitteth in 
the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision” (Psalm 2:2-4).

(Friday Church News Notes, January 8, 2021, , 866-295-4143) - 
Emanuel Cleaver, an ordained United Methodist minister and Democrat Representative, opened the first 
session of the 117th U.S. Congress by praying in the name of a Hindu god. He concluded, “We ask it in the 
name of the monotheistic God, Brahma, and god known by many names by different faiths. Amen and 
a-woman.” The term “amen” has nothing to do with gender, of course. It simply means “so be it.” According 
to the Encyclopedia Britannica, “Brahma was born from a golden egg and created the earth and all things 
on it. Later myths describe him as having come forth from a lotus that issued from Vishnu’s navel.”

(Friday Church News Notes, January 8, 2021, , 866-295-4143) - 
The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) is standing up for freedom of speech against the totalitarian cancel culture. 
After the WSJ published an editorial on Dec. 11 by Joseph Epstein poking some fun at Joe Biden’s wife, Jill, 
for flaunting the title of “Dr.,” there was a “flood of media and Twitter criticism,” angry tirades demanding 
an apology, retraction, lifelong ban of Epstein, and the resignation of the WSJ editorial editor. Epstein was 
sharply criticized by Northwestern University, where he taught some 20 years ago. The school went so far 
as to remove Epstein’s name from its website listing past faculty. In his reply to the critics, Paul Gigot, 
editor of the Wall Street Journal’s editorial page, wrote, “My guess is that the Biden team concluded it was 
a chance to use the big gun of identity politics to send a message to critics as it prepares to take power. 
There’s nothing like playing the race or gender card to stifle criticism. ... these pages aren’t going to stop 
publishing provocative essays merely because they offend the new administration or the political censors 
in the media and academe.” In a report on the WSJ brouhaha, The New Criterion observed, “Last month, 
after the electors met to cast their votes for him, Joe Biden once again made a plea for unity. ‘Now it’s time 
to turn the page ... to unite and to heal,’ he said. We applaud that sentiment. But we wonder what he 
means by ‘unite’ and ‘heal.’ To judge by the actions of the institutions supporting his cause in this sorry 
episode, ‘turning the page’ might just be euphemism for sweeping everything and everyone out of step 
with his program into the oubliette” (“The ‘Dr.’ will see you now,” The New Criterion, Jan. 2021).

(Friday Church News Notes, January 8, 2021, , 866-295-4143) - 
The following is excerpted from “U.S. Divorce Rate,” Christian Headlines, Nov. 11, 2020: “The new data 
shows that 14.9 marriages per 1,000 ended in divorce in 2019, a rate that is the lowest it’s been since 
1970, according to an analysis by author Wendy Wang, director of research for the Institute for Family 
Studies. It’s even slightly less than in 1970 when it was 15.0, Wang wrote in an online analysis. The data is 
derived from the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey. ... The drop in the divorce rate likely will 
continue, despite the pandemic, Wang asserted. New data from the American Family Survey shows that 58 
percent of married Americans say ‘the pandemic has made them appreciate their spouse more and half 
agree that their commitment to marriage has deepened,’ Wang wrote.  ... But the Census data also has 
some bad news for the nation: The marriage rate continued to decline in 2019, hitting an all-time low. 
‘For every 1,000 unmarried adults in 2019, only 33 got married. This number was 35 a decade ago in 2010 
and 86 in 1970,’ Wang wrote.”

(Friday Church News Notes, January 8, 2021, , 866-295-4143) - 
The following is excerpted from “Court Strikes Down,” PJMedia, Nov. 25, 2020: “Last week, a panel on the 
11th Circuit Court of Appeals effectively struck down two Florida bans on sexual orientation change efforts 
(SOCE) that sought to ban counselors from putting minors through ‘conversion therapy.’ The court ruled 
that the laws violated the First Amendment by restricting free speech. While LGBT activists have rightly 
condemned the historic abuses of ‘conversion therapy’ in the past, modern SOCE therapists use patient-
directed talk therapy, not ‘shock therapy.’ When the City of Boca Raton and the County of Palm Beach 
banned SOCE counseling, licensed marriage and family therapists Robert Otto and Julie Hamilton sued, 
seeking an injunction to prevent the city and county from enacting their bans. ... The therapists argue that 
‘their clients typically have sincerely held religious beliefs conflicting with homosexuality, and voluntarily 
seek SOCE counseling in order to live in congruence with their faith and to conform their identity, concept 
of self, attractions, and behaviors to their sincerely held religious beliefs.’ ... As Judge Grant wrote, ‘The 
ordinances thus codify a particular viewpoint--sexual orientation is immutable, but gender is not— and 
prohibit the therapists from advancing any other perspective when counseling clients.’ ... This involves an 
unconstitutional restriction of free speech. ‘Whether therapy is prohibited depends only on the content of 
the words used in that therapy, and the ban on that content is because the government disagrees with it. 
And whether the government’s disagreement is for good reasons, great reasons, or terrible reasons has 
nothing at all to do with it. All that matters is that a therapist’s speech to a minor client is legal or illegal 
under the ordinances based solely on its content,’ Judge Grant wrote. ... Lawsuits against ‘conversion 
therapy’ bans received a new lease on life thanks to NIFLA v. Becerra. In that decision, Justice Clarence 
Thomas explicitly struck down California’s law forcing crisis pregnancy centers to advertise abortion under 
the argument that states can regulate ‘professional speech.’ In striking down California’s law, Thomas 
referenced a case (King v. Governor of New Jersey) involving bans on sexual orientation change efforts. 
Otto v. Boca Raton represents a landmark case for therapy freedom.”

(Friday Church News Notes, January 8, 2021, , 866-295-4143) - 
Lockdowns dominated the news for 2020, but the really big lockdown is in the future. Bible prophecy was 
fulfilled literally and precisely in the first coming of Christ, and it will be fulfilled in the same manner in His 
second coming. As a precursor, the Antichrist will lockdown the whole world with his worship program and 
economic control scheme, backed up by the death penalty. It will be a global North Korea. “And he had 
power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause 
that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small 
and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And 
that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his 
name” (Revelation 13:15-17). The Covid pandemic is child’s play compared with the trouble that looms on 
the horizon. Billions of people will die during the Great Tribulation from wars, famine, pestilence, 
earthquakes, and totalitarianism on a scale that will make Stalin and Mao seem like choir boys. It is all 
described in the book of Revelation for those who are interested. It is called “the day of the Lord” because 
it will spell doom for “the day of man.”

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