Biden’s handlers won’t commit to legally mandated Congressional review of new Iran deal


SEE:; republished below in full unedited for educational & research purposes:

This lawless administration knows that it can have utter contempt for the restraints on its power, and nothing will happen. The establishment media will cover for them. The other branches of government, which are just as corrupt as the executive branch, will do nothing. They have absolute impunity.

What does Old Joe have to hide?

“Biden Admin Won’t Commit to Legally Mandated Congressional Review of New Iran Deal,” by Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon, February 10, 2022:

The Biden administration will not commit to submitting a new Iran nuclear deal to Congress for approval, as is required by U.S. law.

With the United States poised to ink a new deal with Tehran that will unwind virtually all economic sanctions on Iran and provide the hardline regime with billions in cash windfalls, the State Department won’t say whether the deal will be sent to Congress for sign-off. Under the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 (INARA)—which was passed after the Obama administration signed a deal without congressional approval—President Joe Biden must submit any deal to the Senate for it to be considered American policy.

The State Department told the Washington Free Beacon on Wednesday that it will consider the INARA law but stopped short of guaranteeing a new deal will first be submitted to Congress….


Iran: Ten Christian converts forced to take reeducation classes led by Islamic clerics


SEE:; republished below in full unedited for educational & research purposes:

In Shia Iran, converting to Christianity or any faith outside of Islam constitutes “propaganda against the Islamic Republic.

But there is a way around it: reeducation to return the convert to Islam. And if they refuse, Shi’ite Islam, like Sunni Islam, prescribes death for apostasy:

Shaykh al-Kulayni narrates a sahíh (correct) hadith from `Ammãr as-Sãbãti who said: I heard (Imam) Abu `Abdullãh (as-Sãdiq) (a.s.) saying, “A Muslim from among the Muslims who renounces Islam and rejects the prophethood of Muhammad and considers him untrue, then verily his blood is lawful (mubãh) for anyone who hears that from him, his wife is to be separated from him the day he became murtad, his wealth will be divided among his heirs, and his wife will observe the `idda of a widow (i.e., four months). The Imam is obliged to kill him, and not ask him to seek forgiveness.” (Furu al-Kãfi, vol. 7, p. 257)

Converts in Iran are often imprisoned, with a threat of death.

There is no freedom of religion in Islam, as well as no freedom of expression, and yet when mainstream Islamic groups set up their Muslim advocacy groups in free societies in the name of “human rights,” they impose their “Islamophobia” subterfuge on all of society in order to continue expanding the tenets of their religion everywhere they go, but they do it (ironically) under the guise of “tolerance,” “diversity” and “anti-racism.”

In 2018, the European Court of Human Rights ruled “that an Iranian who sought asylum in Switzerland based on religious grounds could be deported to his home country because his life was not in danger” because the man “did not have reason to expect torture or to fear for his life, as long as he didn’t pose a threat to the Iranian government and “practice[d] his faith discreetly.” Absurd.

“10 Christian converts forced to take Islamic re-education classes in Iran: report,” by Anugrah Kumar, Christian Post, February 7, 2022:

Intelligence agents in Iran’s Khuzestan Province have instructed 10 Christian converts who had been cleared of all charges to participate in “re-education” classes led by Islamic clerics, according to a watchdog report.

Agents of Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps told the 10 Christians, including eight who were cleared last November of any crime in a court in Dezful, on Jan. 29 that they will have to attend 10 sessions with Islamic clerics to “guide them back onto the right path,” Article 18, a nonprofit that promotes religious freedom and tolerance for Christians in Iran, reported.

The IRGC had summoned more converts, but they didn’t appear. However, those who didn’t appear were called and asked why they hadn’t appeared.

The IRGC arrested four converts in the southwestern city of Dezful last April and charged them with “propaganda against the Islamic Republic” because they participated in a house church, according to an earlier report from Article 18. The IRGC also summoned other Christian converts for interrogation at the time. The four arrested had personal property confiscated for nearly six months, including necessary items for their children’s schoolwork, laptops and mobile phones.

The U.S.-based persecution watchdog International Christian Concern states that the “mandatory Islamic re-education classes directly conflict with the rulings of the Civil and Revolutionary Court of Dezful that said the group ‘merely converted to a different religion.’”

“The court noted that this apostasy could be punished under Islamic Sharia law but was ‘not criminalized in the laws of Iran,’” ICC noted in a statement.

In reference to other charges that Iranian Christians often face, the courts also ruled they “didn’t carry out any propaganda against other groups,” ICC added.

In 2021, Revolutionary Guards were responsible for 12 of the 38 documented incidents of Christians being arrested or their homes and churches being raided, Article 18 noted.

“So-called ‘re-education’ sessions have become much more common in recent years, even appearing in the list of ‘corrective punishments’ on official court papers,” Article 18 detailed.

Converts from Islam to Christianity are most at risk of persecution in Iran, especially by the government and to a lesser extent by society and their families, Open Doors USA states in a fact sheet on Iran.

“The government sees the growth of the church in Iran as an attempt by Western countries to undermine Islam and the Islamic regime of Iran, the fact sheet states. “House groups made up of converts from Muslim backgrounds are often raided, and both their leaders and members have been arrested, prosecuted and given long prison sentences for ‘crimes against national security.’”….

The Mullahs Close in on the Bomb Darkness descends on a region’s stability.


SEE:; republished below in full unedited for educational & research purposes:

Bruce Thornton is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

While we try to figure out Russia’s intentions for Ukraine, Iran is getting closer to a deal that will leave it a nuclear power. Discussions in Vienna are back on, and hopeful dispatches are sent out by Western diplomats. But given Iran’s maximalist demands, and the Biden administration’s fetish of “diplomatic engagement,” things aren’t looking good for the region’s stability.

Ever since Biden rejoined the talks to restart the deal Trump wisely walked away from, Iran has shown patent contempt for this country and its diplomats. Meanwhile, the advanced centrifuges keep spinning weapons-grade uranium. What else explains the arrogant, dismissive tone Iranian negotiators take with the U.S., particularly the demand that we lift punitive sanctions before the real talks begin? When Biden’s team restored the sanctions waivers on European nations, “Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian called it ‘good but insufficient’ on Sunday, while Foreign Ministry spokesperson Saeed Khatibzadeh went further, calling sanctions relief a ‘red line’ in the talks.”

You don’t need a degree in foreign relations to see what Iran’s game is––keep talking until they can present their bomb as a fait accompli. North Korea successfully played that game for 30 years. With Biden’s team so eager for a deal that they’ll stand for this contempt, no wonder Iran thinks they can pull off that scam once again. In fact, they’re even more confident now that Russia and China are playing big-brother to the regime. China’s money and oil purchases have taken the sting out of U.S. sanctions. So of course, Biden restores the waivers so Europeans, faced with mounting energy costs, can contribute to Iran’s fisc as well.

But this cringing approach to the world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism has characterized our response to Iran’s aggression from the beginning. Jimmy Carter set the tone with his tentative handling of the hostage crisis, allowing the new regime to humiliate a great power. The Soviets got the message, and invaded Afghanistan that same year. The kidnapped diplomats came home after Carter paid the Iranians danegeld, and lost the election to Ronald Reagan.

Reagan’s tenure, however, was a mixed bag. In 1983 Iranian-trained terrorists blew up 241 of our military personnel. While the French and the Israelis bombed terrorists in the Bekka Valley in retaliation for attacks on their diplomats and personnel, our troops were moved onto a ship offshore. Then there was the Iran-Contra scandal of 1984-86, in which the U.S. used Israeli middle-men to sell Iran advanced weapons, and then used the profits to arm the Contras in Nicaragua. No one seemed to get the moral hazard that comes from doing business with a regime that calls you the Great Satan and has declared war on you, and whose leader, the architect of the revolution, the Ayatollah Khomeini, proclaimed, “We shall export our revolution to the whole world. Until the cry ‘There is no god but Allah’ resounds over the whole world, there will be struggle,” i.e. jihad.

Towards the end of the Iran-Iraq war, however, Reagan showed the mullahs a glint of steel. When the Iranians tried to disrupt tanker traffic in the Persian Gulf, Reagan ordered severe punishment on its navy and terrorist units fighting from oil platforms. The Tanker War ended when Ronald Reagan retaliated for a missile attack on an American warship by eventually destroying two Iranian oil platforms, two Iranian ships, and six Iranian gunboats.

Yet since then, we have seldom called Iran’s bluff. Indeed, Barack Obama telegraphed his desperation for a “legacy” nuclear deal, and signed an agreement that not only put Iran on the glide-path to nuclear weapons, but ignored its development of missiles capable of delivering nuclear bombs. Nor was Iran’s malign adventurism, its sponsorship of terrorist gangs across the Middle East, on the table. Iran just pocketed those gains for free, along with pallets of cash. Obama gave the mullahs everything, and got nothing other than the feckless praise of the “rules-based international order” clerks who put “diplomatic engagement” ahead of our country’s security and interests.

Then came Donald Trump. He knew, as did many Americans, that as the Russian fable has it, “You don’t talk to wolves until you’ve skinned them.” He ditched the preemptive cringe our diplomats employ to show hardened, ruthless enemies that we are noble and civilized. He left the deal, recognizing it was inimical to our security and interests. He also took steps that the foreign policy mavens all declared would ignite a war. He moved our Israeli embassy to Jerusalem, killed Republican Guard hero Qassem Suleimani, and brokered agreements between Israel and four Muslim states. Any of these achievements were impossible to the professional diplomats, who run on old paradigms they return to over and over, no matter how many times they’ve shifted.

So of course, such achievement would not be allowed to stand. They by comparison made the “lightworker” Barack Obama look juvenile. The simulacrum of a president we call Joe Biden followed his handlers’ instructions regarding the Iran nuclear deal, which was their great success in “diplomatic engagement,” instead of recognizing the Munich-class disaster it was.

At this point, our negotiators––with whom the haughty Iranians won’t deal directly––seem eager for a deal no matter what. The Europeans want oil and trade with Iran, and if they have to sup with the devil to get it, so be it. The can will be kicked down the road yet again. An enemy of over forty years, with the blood of thousands of Americans on their hands, will end up with weapons of mass destruction.

Finally, this renewed deal will harm the interests and security of our allies in the region, especially Israel. Allowing Iran to get nuclear weapons will put the whole region in peril––if only because Israel’s history has taught them that when a lunatic says he wants to destroy your people, you’d better listen and not wait for him to try conclusions.

The “international community,” as we call it, has abused Israel since the day it was created. Israel, a liberal democracy that acknowledges human rights and rule by law, has had to face three invasions and endless terror attacks, with its every defensive move second-guessed by “new world order” globalists who find Israel’s patriotism and faith gauche.

Finally, if we leave it up to Israel alone to take action against Iran’s nukes, we will have besmirched our country’s history forever.


India: Sufi Muslims poke out their eyeballs with swords and sticks during Islamic religious procession


SEE:; republished below in full for educational & research purposes.

A Sufi festival in India is marked by devoted Muslims poking out their eyeballs with knives.

“Thousands of Sufi Muslims make pilgrimages from across the country” to attend the historic festival annually, and it is “the largest Sufi festival held in the country during the seventh month of the Islamic calendar based on moon sightings and people of all faiths are welcome to take part.” However, many may be alarmed by the eyeball popping. The practice is deemed to be an act of religious devotion, where “men have been photographed sticking swords into their eyeballs to make them pop out and tongues as well as piercing their cheeks and backs.”

Most Westerners cannot fathom the concept of anyone engaging in such egregious self-harm as a show of devotion to a god. These individuals are deemed normal and devout, which should lead authorities to question the mentality of some of the people who are entering Western countries.

It isn’t only Sufis who engage in self-harm as an act of worship and devotion. Many Shia Muslims slice open their heads with swords during the annual Ashura observance. Children are also often made to partake in the gruesome ritual, encouraged by their parents.

All cultures are not equal or compatible with Western free societies. The concept of shedding one’s own blood or the blood of others in an act of religious worship is unacceptable in Judeo-Christian culture.

“A sight for sore eyes! Sufi Muslim devotees poke out their eyeballs with knives as part of religious procession for the annual Urs festival in India,” by Chris Matthews, MailOnline, January 29, 2022:

A festival started in India today that was marked by devoted Muslims poking out their eyeballs with knives.

The Urs festival is held every year in Ajmer, a city in India’s Rajasthan state.

It is a memorial to the death of Sufi saint Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti, who established the Chishtiya Sufi order in the country around 800 years ago.

The festival will last for another five days, and features devotees performing stunts such as making their eyeballs bulge while flags are raised.

Unlike other branches of Islam, Sufis devote themselves to particular saints.

It is a concept other strands of Islam do not always recognise.

It traces its principles from the prophet Muhammad through his cousin and son-in-law Ali ibn Abi Talib.

Sufis believe they are practising ihsan, the perfection of worship, as revealed by Angel Gabriel to Muhammad……


$200 Million in Somali Welfare Fraud Paid for Trips to Mecca


SEE:; republished below in full for educational & research purposes.

Rep. Ilhan Omar’s favorite restaurant claimed to be feeding 6,000 kids a day.

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

Feeding Our Future, the Minnesota food charity sponsor whose offices have been raided by the FBI over allegations of massive fraud that some estimates have placed in the hundreds of millions of dollars, claimed that it wants to make “the world a better place for all”.

10 members of FOF’s staff boast of speaking Somali, others of Arabic and related languages often spoken by Muslim minorities, but only 3 speak Spanish and only 1 knows Chinese. The organization’s Manager of Operations, Food Program Coordinators Manager, Food Program Support Manager, and multiple administrators, all appear to be Somali.

The contact page is decorated with a photo of a woman in a hijab chowing down on a burger.

The pandemic destroyed lives, hundreds of thousands died, millions lost their businesses and jobs, but a great river of government money flowed to those who knew how to play the game.

As The Counter notes, “In the early months of the pandemic, the Department of Agriculture (USDA) acted quickly to loosen rules governing how child nutrition programs had to operate. Gone were the strict nutrition guidelines, the group dining requirements, and the in-person inspections. Instead, the agency focused on cutting red tape as part of a broad effort to keep snacks and meals accessible to hungry families while mitigating the spread of Covid-19.”

In 2019, Feeding Our Future distributed $3.4 million in taxpayer food aid funds to the non-profits it was sponsoring, In 2020, that shot up to $42 million and then up to $197 million in 2021.

These were impressive numbers for a charity that seemed to focus on Somalis in Minnesota.

While there may be some hungry Somali Muslim kids in the Gopher State, $197 million would buy them all meals at five-star steakhouses before jetting them away from the snow to Vegas.

According to a lawyer for Aimee Bock, FOF’s founder, who isn’t Somali, but whose lawyer previously represented a Somali ISIS recruit, “all Ms. Bock did was feed children.”

When over 200 FBI agents converged on the offices of various non-profits, their search warrants claimed that the Somali aid groups received “tens of millions of dollars” but that “almost none of this money was used to feed children.” The FOF’s Minneapolis offices were near the Somali Abu Huraira mosque and not far from a multitude of Somali community organizations.

Some of the money allegedly went to Bock and her boyfriend, Empress Malcolm Watson Jr., apparently a bail bondsman tracking wanted fugitives, who had previously been arrested for domestic violence, and whose construction company received $600,000 from her non-profit.

The only client listed on its site has the first name, “Aimee”.

Bill Glahn, a reporter for American Experiment who has been investigating the case, noted that Empress Malcolm Watson, Jr. “has an impressively long list of encounters with local law enforcement. 4 felony convictions, one for theft by swindle and one for domestic assault” which is even bigger than the rap sheet of his revered father, Empress Malcolm Watson, Sr.

From there it gets quite complicated.

Abdikerm Abdelahi Eidleh, a Feeding Our Future employee, according to the FBI documents, controlled multiple target premises, opened over 20 bank accounts in the name of his various entities, and “solicited and received kickbacks” from the groups receiving child nutrition cash.

According to Feeding Our Future, the organization’s “extensive knowledge of the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program” helped “child and adult care programs maximize their reimbursement”. These were the groups on whose behalf it acted as a sponsor.

Feeding Our Future was getting a 10% administrative fee off the top. But that wasn’t enough.

Safari Restaurant, which boasts “traditional Somali cuisine” like french fries and safari chicken quesadilla, where Rep. Ilhan Omar had celebrated her victory party, applied to participate in the Federal Child Nutrition program.

When the money was denied, Feeding Our Future complained that “minority-owned businesses serving almost exclusively economically disadvantaged children of color” were being denied the right to serve “culturally relevant foods” to “youth” during a “national emergency”.

Crying racism worked and at its peak Safari claimed to be feeding 6,000 children a day. That’s a lot of children. Documents note that the Somali eatery claimed to be serving a comparable number of meals to “the entire St. Paul public school district.”

Safari was just one of the many providers who claimed to be feeding thousands of children.

Glahn in American Experiment found that, “Feeding Our Future had 312 authorized sites for the program, approved for a maximum of 126,000 children.” That’s a lot of hungry Somali kids.

Oliver Twist, eat your heart out.

He also noted that, “Five of the sites are religious centers.”

The Feds staked out various Feeding Our Future meal sites and found no one at the places that were supposed to be feeding 50,000 children. According to the FBI, the money being stolen wasn’t used to feed children, it went into various shell companies and fronts operated by Somalis and was used to buy everything from a Porsche to African properties.

According to the Twin Cities Pioneer Press, S&S Catering led by Qamar Ahmed Hassan received $13.8 million in federal funds. The FBI warrants note that, “Qamar Ahmed Hassan wrote approximately $27,000 in checks from S&S Catering bank accounts… to Amax Travel, a travel agency that specializes in Haji travel packages.”

Haji is the Islamic obligation for every Muslim to visit their holy city of Mecca.

Amax offers trips to the Saudi cities of Mecca and Medina, that non-Muslims are banned from entering, five-star hotels, and tours led by Imams.

One of the non-profits associated with FOF, Stigma-Free International, was incorporated by Minneapolis City Council Member Jamal Osman. The Somali politician is a political ally of Rep. Ilhan Omar and has been photographed with her. He had previously been featured in a Project Veritas undercover investigation which appeared to show his brother “rifling through piles of ballots strewn across his dashboard” and declaring, “just today we got 300 for Jamal Osman.”

The man in question had also allegedly worked on Omar’s political campaign.

The scale and scope of the alleged fraud is as vast as the network that perpetrated it. The FBI warrants list numerous people, the vast majority of them Somali Muslims, a dizzying variety of non-profits that received the money, and a wide variety of destinations for the cash. The fraud was lubricated by false accusations of racism and discrimination by FOF and its recepients.

During the initial controversy, a video in support of Feeding Our Future at the Safari resteurant featured numerous local politicians, including Senator Omar Fateh, the first Somali Muslim in the state senate, who had been backed by the Democratic Socialists of America.

A Deputy District Director for Rep. Ilhan Omar gave what was described as an “impassioned speech” declaring, “This community is tired. It’s tired of the bulls—”

But it’s Americans who have every right to be tried.

Open borders migration is not feeding our future. It’s stealing our future away.


Iran: ‘Society is in a state of explosion,’ but Biden props up Islamic regime with $29 billion


SEE:; republished below in full for educational & research purposes.

The Islamic regime might have fallen, were it not for Old Joe Biden’s handlers. They should put a statue of Biden in Tehran.

“Iran ‘society set to explode’ while Biden unfreezes $29 billion for regime,” by Benjamin Weinthal, Jerusalem Post, February 5, 2022:

A hacktivist organization has revealed a highly sensitive Iran Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps document that asserts Iranian “society is in a state of explosion” because of the crippling sanctions imposed on the nation due to its illicit nuclear program.

The US government news organization Radio Farda obtained the document from Edalat-e Ali (Ali’s Justice), the whistleblower entity that has also secured confidential documents and video footage about the torture of Iranian prisoners, wrote Farda.

According to Radio Farda’s Golnaz Esfandiari, who authored the exclusive article, “the document covers a meeting with IRGC’s intelligence wing and quotes an official named “Mohammadi” saying that Iran’s “society is in a state of explosion.”

Mohammadi added that “social discontent has risen by 300% in the past year.”

Radio Farda said it could not verify the authenticity of the document beyond the sourcing of Ali’s Justice.

The official noted that “several shocks” in recent months have “shaken public trust” in the regime of President Ebrahim Raisi, who is listed as a US-sanctioned person for his role in several mass murders, including the massacre of at least 5,000 Iranian political prisoners in 1988.

Radio Farda reported that “Mohammadi referred to soaring inflation, including hikes in the price of food items, energy, and cars. He also noted the sharp declines in stock prices.”

“The leaked document includes notes from a November 2021 task-force meeting chaired by Brig.-Gen. Hossein Nejat, a senior IRGC commander and deputy head of Sarallah, a key IRGC base that oversees security in Tehran,” the station said.

Omri Ceren, the national security adviser for US Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, tweeted on Saturday: “The Biden administration is giving Iran a nuclear weapons arsenal,” with a link to a Daily Mail article that declares: “Biden REMOVES some Iran sanctions imposed by Trump, including unfreezing $29 billion in bank accounts overseas, in bid to return to Obama-era deal that three negotiators have resigned over.”…

Iran: Muslim beheads his 17-year-old wife in honor killing, parades her severed head in the street


SEE:; republished below in full for educational, research purposes;

There has been no effort in Shia Iran to incarcerate a man who beheaded his 17-year-old wife and gruesomely paraded her head in the streets with a smile on his face, as can be seen in photos. For him, it was his religious right to do this, to preserve the “honor” of his family.

Iran’s media actually moved to protect the perpetrator: “Iran’s media watchdog responded quickly and banned Rokna news agency that first released the footage of the killer carrying her wife’s head.”

As “blood owners,” the immediate family members “are allowed to demand execution for the murder of their loved one, therefore most honor killings go unpunished.”

Conditions justifying murder in Islam:

Abdullah (b. Mas’ūd) reported Allah’s Messenger as saying: It is not permissible to take the life of a Muslim who bears testimony (to the fact) that there is no god but Allah, and I am the Messenger of Allah, but in one of the three cases: the married adulterer, a life for a life, and the deserter of his Din (Islam), abandoning the community. (Sahih Muslim – Book 16, Hadith 4152)

Sharia-sanctioned wife-beating  (cf. Quran 4:34, 38:44) for perceived disobedience and abuse for not covering up (Quran 24:31, 33:59) also shape the views of and behaviors toward women in Islamic societies.

There are also exemptions from punishment for certain kinds of murder in Islam, which provides a basis for honor murder. According to the Sunni Sharia manual Reliance of the Traveler (section o1.2), these are the exemptions……

  • A child or insane person, under any circumstances  
  • A Muslim for killing a non-Muslim ;
  • A Jewish or Christian subject of the Islamic state for killing an apostate from Islam  
  •  A father or mother (or their fathers or mothers) for killing their offspring, or offspring’s offspring;

There is no system in place in the West, nor any significant will to understand the truth about cultures and ideologies that do not align with Western standards of human rights. Politically correct individuals who say they advocate for human rights do nothing to help those victims who are in most need, including the victims of savage honor killings. Mainstream Islamic groups operating in the West have advocated for their own religious tenets for a long time, calling justified criticism of these tenets “Islamophobic.” They present their advocacy to the willfully blind as anti-racism. Meanwhile, otherwise notoriously loudmouthed Western feminists are silent in the face of actual cases of female abuse, such as this one.

Reporting on victims of Sharia has gained Jihad Watch the label of “Islamophobic.” The Southern Poverty Law Center and its advocates care nothing about the victims.

“Iranian Man Beheads 17-Year-Old Wife In Another Honor Killing,” Iran International, February 6, 2022:

In another case of honor killing in Iran, an unnamed young man has beheaded his 17-year-old wife and displayed her head around the streets.

The murder happened in the southwestern city of Ahvaz on Saturday when the young wife was brought back from Turkey, where she had traveled for unknown reasons.

Her father helped the husband, who is his nephew, to bring the woman back to the country.

The husband and his brother, who apparently committed the murder together have been arrested.

Iran’s media watchdog responded quickly and banned Rokna news agency that first released the footage of the killer carrying her wife’s head.

Honor killings are prevalent in some parts of Iran, mostly due to societal beliefs and the Islamic Republic’s lax laws and light sentences that encourage the behavior.

Article 630 of the Constitution exempts a husband from punishment if he kills if he witnesses adultery.

According to a women’s right NGO in Ahvaz, about 60 women have fallen victim to honor killings in the past two years, including some who were 10 or 15 years old. None of the perpetrators have been brought to justice as most of the families haven’t even filed a lawsuit.

The medical journal the Lancet published an article in October 2020, saying at least 8,000 honor killings took place in Iran between 2010 and 2014, but only a few were reported.

According to Sharia law, only the “blood owners” (the immediate family members) are allowed to demand execution for the murder of their loved one, therefore most honor killings go unpunished….

Biden Waives Sanctions on Iran’s ‘Civilian’ Nuclear Program in Bid to Restore 2015 Deal



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Iranian foreign minister says Biden’s nuclear waiver “is not enough” as the regime rushes to build a bomb.

President Joe Biden’s administration has lifted sanctions on Iran’s ‘civilian’ nuclear program in a desperate bid to restore the 2015 nuclear deal. “Secretary of State Antony Blinken signed several sanctions waivers related to Iran’s civilian nuclear activities,” The Associated Press reported Friday. “The move reverses the Trump administration’s decision to rescind them,” the news agency added.

President Biden’s waiver paves the way for private companies and state-owned players from Russia, China, and Europe to help Iran build up its nuclear infrastructure, news reports confirm.

The sanctions waiver will enable Iran to develop its Arak heavy-water reactor, Bushehr nuclear power plant, and Fordow nuclear enrichment plant, Reuters noted. All these sites are deeply involved in Iran’s rogue nuclear weapons program.

With its nuclear facilities working towards a bomb, Tehran dismissed Biden’s latest concession as “insufficient.” Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian declared on Saturday that the waiver “is not enough” for the regime to abandon its nuclear weapons program.

Reuters reported the Biden administration’s massive concession to Iran:

President Joe Biden’s administration on Friday restored sanctions waivers to Iran to allow international nuclear cooperation projects, as indirect American-Iranian talks on reviving the 2015 international nuclear deal with Tehran enter the final stretch.

The waivers had allowed Russian, Chinese and European companies to carry out non-proliferation work to effectively make it harder for Iranian nuclear sites to be used for weapons development. The waivers were rescinded by the United States in 2019 and 2020 under former President Donald Trump, who pulled out of the nuclear agreement. (…)

The State Department has sent a report signed by Secretary of State Antony Blinken to Congress explaining that restoring the waivers will help the talks in Vienna on returning to the deal reached between Iran and a group of countries including China, France, Germany, Russia, Britain and the United States. The agreement is formally called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

“The waiver with respect to these activities is designed to facilitate discussions that would help to close a deal on a mutual return to full implementation of the JCPOA and lay the groundwork for Iran’s return to performance of its JCPOA commitments,” according to the report, a copy of which seen by Reuters. (…)

The activities, according to the report, include redesign of Iran’s Arak heavy-water reactor, the preparation and modification of its Fordow facility for stable isotope production, operations, training and services related to its Bushehr nuclear power plant, among several other things.

Senator Ted Cruz called out the Biden White House for continuing to misinform the public. “President Biden and Biden-Harris officials are lying to journalists and the American people,” Sen. Cruz wrote on Twitter. “They informed Congress that they are dismantling sanctions on Iran’s nuclear program, and allowing Russia and China to help the Ayatollah build up his nuclear weapons program,” he added.

The nuclear waiver granted by President Biden will only embolden Iran as it races towards a nuke. In December 2021, the United Nations’ nuclear agency, IAEA, admitted that Tehran was merely “a short, technical step from weapons-grade levels of 90%.”

In late December, Iran tested a series of nuclear-capable ballistic missiles. The military demonstration was aimed at Israel, Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) confirmed. In recent months, an Iranian military spokesman has threatened to ‘annihilate’ Israel and a state-affiliated newspaper has published a list of possible missile targets in the country.

Syria: 5-year-old girl kidnapped and raped, then murdered and dumped in garbage by parents in honor killing



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Unimaginable to anyone who is humane.

Many Islamic supremacists argue that murder and abuse happen in every culture and country and that there is nothing “honorable” about violence and killing people. Yes to both points. But what they don’t tell you is that honor murder and violence are prevalent mostly in Islamic countries and India. In the latter, it is not religiously inspired.

In the Sunni Sharia manual Reliance of the Traveller, section o1.2 lists justifiable instances of murder, i.e., those for which the murderer is not to be punished. #4 specifies that a parent may kill his or her child without suffering any punishment:

• A child or insane person, under any circumstances
• A Muslim for killing a non-Muslim
• A Jewish or Christian subject of the Islamic state for killing an apostate from Islam
• father or mother (or their fathers or mothers) for killing their offspring, or offspring’s offspring

In like manner in Shia Islam, the Grand Ayatollah Khomeini, a supreme Shia religious authority, stated in his book A Clarification of Questions (Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado, 1984, p. 429) that in order to be punished, the murderer must not be a father or grandfather of the victim. Incidentally, Ayatollah Khomeini stated in Tahrirolvasyleh (Fourth Edition, Darol Elm, Qom, 1990) in his guide for Muslims about raping children:

A man can have sexual pleasure from a child as young as a baby. However, he should not penetrate. If he penetrates and the child is harmed then he should be responsible for her subsistence all her life. This girl, however would not count as one of his four permanent wives. The man will not be eligible to marry the girl’s sister.

Even Amnesty International recognizes the rampant issue of “honor killing”/“honor” violence and describes it as follows.

Honor killings are based on the deeply rooted belief that women are objects and commodities, not human beings entitled to dignity and rights equal to those of men. Women are considered the property of male relatives and are seen to embody the honor of the men to whom they “belong”. Women’s bodies are considered the repositories of family honor.

The five-year-old child who was assaulted in Syria and then murdered by her own parents suffered immensely from her attacker, and her parents, whom she trusted as her protectors, proved no less savage than her attacker. But the West screams “Islamophobia” while ignoring the most heinous brutalities inspired by Islamic texts against innocent people. Politically correct leaders and their supporters never ask the question: what kind of Muslim will not join human rights advocates in the open condemnation of abuses committed in the name of Islam? The answer is self-explanatory and rooted in Sharia adherence.

“Girl, five, is murdered by her parents and her body dumped in the trash in ‘honor killing’ in Syria after she was kidnapped and raped by a stranger,” by Bhvishya Patel, MailOnline, January 31, 2022:

A five-year-old girl who was raped by a stranger has been murdered by her family in a so-called ‘honour killing’, according to reports.

The young girl’s parents allegedly killed their daughter in ‘cold blood’ after she was kidnapped and raped by an unidentified man in the Al-Shahba area of Syria on November 18.

The child’s body was found in a garbage container in Manbij, north Syria, on January 27 before being transferred to Al Furat Hospital which lies in eastern Aleppo.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) have said that Internal Security Forces have arrested several family members of the girl.

The girl’s parents have denied killing their daughter and investigations are ongoing, the SOHR added.

The five-year-old was kidnapped by a stranger who was riding a motorbike after she left her house to meet her father in the local olive orchards.

After a search, the girl was found near a road between the Deir Jamil and Kafr Naha villages, according to the SOHR.

It has not yet been confirmed when the girl was killed.

The SOHR has now called for the authorities to ensure the child’s killers stand trial amid a spate of so-called ‘honour killings’ in the country.

In July last year a girl was dragged to an abandoned house and shot by her tribe in a so-called ‘honour killing’ after she tried to run away with her lover and refused to marry her cousin in Syria.

A video circulated online showed the young woman, who was identified as 18-year-old Eida Al-Hamoudi Al-Saeedo, being shot in a desolate village on the outskirts of the northeastern Syrian city of Al-Hasakah.

The young woman had tried to run away with her lover but her family and tribe followed her before capturing her, reported.

Eida, who was from the city of Al-Hasakah, had been taken to the abandoned house by her father and brother, along with other men from the Al-Sharabain tribe according to the news site Alarabiya.

She had been starved and beaten for many days before being executed by her family, according to the Violations Documentation Center in northern Syria, which identified Eida as the victim of the attack……

Nigeria: Muslims murder eleven Christians, burn elderly grandmother to death



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Brutal reports of Christian persecution have become so routine that the West, including the mainstream churches, ignore them. It is bad enough that Fulani jihadists again rampaged through a Christian village, murdering 11 Christians, but they also burned an elderly grandmother alive. Her grandson said: “Grandma’s blood will surely rise and speak against her killers and their sponsors.”

It does. Yet there are few who advocate for the victims. It is popular in the West to highlight “Islamophobia” as a means to ignore the bitter truth of human suffering that is being inflicted upon infidels by rampaging jihadists.

“Fulanis Kill 11 Christians in Attack on Village, Sources Say,” Morning Star News, January 20, 2022:

ABUJA, Nigeria (Morning Star News) – Fulani herdsmen on Sunday (Jan. 30) killed 11 Christians in an attack in northern Nigeria, sources said.

Danjuma Enoch said his grandmother, known as Mama Fide, was burned to death in the attack at 3 a.m. in southern Kaduna state’s Kurmin Masara village, Zangon Kataf County.

“Grandma was unable to escape when the attack took place because she was very old and blind,” Enoch told Morning Star News. “While other people scampered to escape, grandma stayed back in her room which served as her last save haven.”

He said the assailants were Fulani herdsmen, and that Fulanis have mounted numerous assaults in the area.

“Grandma was our surviving grandmother and a great-grandmother to many of our younger ones,” Enoch said. “We can only imagine how horrible it was for her to breathe her last this way after living long into her old age. Painful and sad. Grandma’s blood will surely rise and speak against her killers and their sponsors.”

Area resident Moses Zamani Kambai also said the assailants were Fulanis, and that they burned down many houses.

“The herdsmen burned down the Kurmin Masara community almost completely,” Kambai told Morning Star News. “So far nine corpses have been recovered, including that of Mama Fide, who was burnt to death inside her room. Other missing Christian victims are still being sought.”

Fulani herdsmen attacked several times in January, he said.

“Some of these evil happenings are under-reported, and many don’t get reported at all,” Kambai said. “We call on the government to double its fight against the terrorists in those communities affected.”

Kaduna state spokesman Samuel Aruwan said 11 people were killed in the attack, several others were wounded and more than 30 properties were set ablaze. He identified the slain as Elizabeth Ayuba, Veronica Auta, Bege Daniel, Kephas Waje, Promise Jacob, Damaris Istifanus, Hauwa Joshua, Dogara Gambo, Lidia Ishaya, Michael Achi and Gabriel Michael.

“Troops of the Nigerian Air Force Special Forces who responded to distress calls from the area also fell into an ambush as they mobilized to the scene of the attack,” Aruwan said. “The troops cleared the ambush and reached the general area, along with troops of Operation Safe Haven.”…

Nigeria described as world ‘epicenter of jihadi violence,’ Christian persecution at ‘catastrophic levels’



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

While the US House “voted for legislation to monitor and combat Islamophobia globally,” and Canada is about to appoint a Special Representative on combatting Islamophobia, who is monitoring the abuses committed by Muslims globally in the name of Islam?

The massive tally of abuses against Christians in Nigeria, religious minorities and dissidents in Iran, and others in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and elsewhere, are all being ignored. Likewise, jihadists in the Palestinian territories who are stabbing and blowing up Israelis are also mostly ignored. All while a microscope is being used to try to find incidents judged to be “Islamophobic” in the West.

According to David Curry, the CEO of the Christian Aid group Open Doors, “Northern Nigeria is really the epicenter of jihadi violence right now.”

“Exclusive – Aid Group: Nigeria the World’s ‘Epicenter of Jihadi Violence,’ Army Sending Unarmed Soldiers to Fight,” by Frances Martel, Breitbart, January 21, 2022:

Islamist violence against Christians in Nigeria – a country estimated to be about half Christian – has reached catastrophic levels and places the country at risk of being home to a new Islamic State-style caliphate, David Curry, the CEO of the Christian Aid group Open Doors, told Breitbart News in an interview this week.

Open Doors released its annual World Watch List, an in-depth ranking of the most dangerous places in the world to be a Christian, on Wednesday. Nigeria earned the list’s number seven ranking, up two spots from the year before. Open Doors classifies persecution in Nigeria as “extreme.”

The increase in Christian persecution in Nigeria is particularly notable this year given the decision by the administration of President Joe Biden to remove the country from the State Department’s list of Countries of Particular Concern (CPC) for religious freedom in November. Supporters of the move make the case that the violence against Christians in the country occurs at the hands of two major jihadist groups, the Islamic State affiliate Boko Haram and Fulani Muslim terrorists, and not directly from the Nigerian government. In conversation on Wednesday, however, Curry observed that the Nigerian government has done “almost nothing” to protect Christians in the country.

“Northern Nigeria is really the epicenter of jihadi violence right now,” Curry told Breitbart News. “There’s a band across the African continent, it’s called the Sahel region. It includes northern Nigeria but it goes over into Cameroon, Chad, Burkina Faso, Niger. All of these countries are seeing a giant jump [in anti-Christian violence] because of Boko Haram, which is an ISIS-affiliated group, and the Fulani.”

Bodies of Christian massacred by the ‘mainly Muslim’ Fulani lie in a mass grave after 500 Christians were slaughtered in a 3-hour orgy of violence against Christian villages in northern Nigeria in 2010.
Bodies of Christian massacred by the ‘mainly Muslim’ Fulani lie in a mass grave after 500 Christians were slaughtered in a 3-hour orgy of violence against Christian villages in northern Nigeria in 2010.

Curry’s assessment echoes what President Muhammadu Buhari has himself said of the country.

“Africa is the new frontline of global militancy,” Buhari wrote in a column for the Financial Times last year, proposing that the solution to the problem should come at the hands of the West.

Curry explained that the major increase in jihadist violence against Christians in the country began in 2014 – the year Boko Haram made international headlines by abducting nearly 300 girls from a secondary school in Chibok, a town in northern Nigeria’s Borno state. As of the seventh anniversary of the kidnappings last year, over 100 of the victims remain missing.

At the time, Boko Haram was a local jihadist group known for attacking schools and opposing the secular education of girls in particular. Boko Haram has since adopted the formal name “Islamic State West Africa Province” (ISWAP) and pledged allegiance to ISIS. The Nigerian government has used the name change to falsely claim victory over “Boko Haram” and blame all subsequent Boko Haram attacks on “ISWAP.”

In the years after the Chibok kidnappings, groups of Fulani herdsman terrorists have increased attacks on Christian communities in northern Nigeria, raiding known Christian communities and massacring their populations.

“While all citizens of northern Nigeria are subject to threats and violence, Christians are often specifically targeted because of their faith — ISWAP and Boko Haram want to eliminate the Christian presence in Nigeria, and Muslim Fulani militants attack Christian villages specifically,” Open Doors’ World Watch List details. “In addition to the violence risks, Christians in some of Nigeria’s northern states also live under Shariah law, where they face discrimination and treatment as second-class citizens. Christians who convert from Islam also face rejection from their families, often pressured to recant their faith in Jesus; sometimes, they are even violently attacked.”

“The government, which is run by President Buhari who is himself historically from the Fulani tribe, have done almost nothing as nearly 5,000 people were killed for their faith this year alone, and millions of others displaced,” Curry explained. “You have thousands of kids who are kidnapped, young girls, out of school. Over a thousand kids this year alone. So you can imagine if we had 1000 young girls kidnapped out of American schools, people would be going nuts.”

Curry lamented that Buhari has offered no meaningful defense support to affected communities.

“They’re sending the Nigerian military into the north of the country without weapons, without bullets, without the sorts of things that a civil society needs to protect against major armed Islamic terrorists,” Curry asserted.

“In many cases, they’re unarmed or they send them with guns without the bullets to fight them. And these terrorists have weapons, they’ve been funded,” Curry said. The result, he concluded, is that the soldiers simply refuse to fight, giving the terrorists freedom to attack.

“That is how this has continued to grow and it will, if left unchecked, continue to become a caliphate much like ISIS had in Iraq and Syria a few years ago,” he predicted.

Kansas Schoolteacher Joins ISIS, Plots Jihad Massacres in U.S., Leads All-Female Terrorist Battalion

Accused of leading ISIS battalion, Osage County woman facing federal charge of supporting terror organization



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Allison Fluke-Ekren, 42, a schoolteacher from Overbook, Kan., has been accused of organizing and leading an all-female battalion of jihadis for the Islamic State (ISIS). The Department of Justice announced Friday that Fluke-Ekren has been charged with “providing and conspiring to provide material support to ISIS, a designated foreign terrorist organization.” She was caught in Syria and was scheduled to appear Monday at the federal courthouse in Alexandria, Va.

It’s not your average career trajectory for a Kansas schoolteacher, but Fluke-Ekren, who also went by “Allison Elizabeth Brooks,” “Allison Ekren,” “Umm Mohammed al-Amriki” (that is, the mother of Muhammad the American), “Umm Mohammed,” and “Umm Jabril,” seems to have been a true believer. She “traveled to Syria several years ago for the purpose of committing or supporting terrorism.” While she was in Syria, Fluke-Ekren kept herself busy by putting together a battalion of female ISIS jihadis, known as the Khatiba Nusaybah. This wasn’t exactly a knitting circle: the women trained to fire AK-47s as well as use hand grenades and even suicide belts. In her spare time, Fluke-Ekren trained children in all this as well.

Nor were her jihad terror activities limited to Syria alone: Fluke-Ekren is also accused of plotting jihad massacres at a college campus and a shopping mall inside the United States. According to Heavy, for the campus plot, she and her accomplices would dress “like infidels (non-believers) and drop off a backpack with explosives.” The shopping mall plot was similar; Fluke-Ekren “allegedly explained that she could go to a shopping mall in the United States, park a vehicle full of explosives in the basement or parking garage level of the structure, and detonate the explosives in the vehicle with a cell phone triggering device.” She wanted this to be a mass casualty attack. “Fluke-Ekren allegedly considered any attack that did not kill a large number of individuals to be a waste of resources. As alleged by the same witness, Fluke-Ekren would hear about external attacks taking place in countries outside the United States and would comment that she wished the attack occurred on United States soil instead.”

Before all this, Fluke-Ekren was a teacher for New Vision International School in Overbrook. She “had more than one son, who was 5 or 6 years old at the time and one was observed holding a machine gun. She was also raising a child whose parents had participated in a suicide bombing together in Syria on behalf of ISIS.” One person who knew Fluke-Ekren said she was an “11 or 12” on a 1 to 10 scale of radicalization.

The government case against Fluke-Ekren doesn’t explain how a schoolteacher from Overbrook got the idea to join ISIS and plot the mass murder of her fellow Americans. Family photos show an older daughter in a hijab, but no other sign that the Fluke-Ekren family is anything but an ordinary American family. The sheer oddity of her story should not distract investigators from studying how and where she converted to Islam, and how she got the idea that her new religion, which non-Muslim authorities all over the Western world assure us is completely peaceful and tolerant, commanded her to try to murder as many non-Muslims as possible.

Related: Florida Teen Converts to Islam, Murders 13-Year-Old Boy

These questions are never asked, much less answered, despite the fact that converts to Islam turning to jihad violence is a distressingly common phenomenon. American intelligence and law enforcement officials don’t want to do anything to give the impression that they don’t accept the dogma that Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance that has nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism. The fact that converts to Islam such as Allison Fluke-Ekren, Damon JosephCorey Johnson, and so many others have somehow gotten exactly the opposite idea doesn’t arouse in them any curiosity.

All that willful ignorance accomplishes nothing other than to ensure that there will be many more Allison Fluke-Ekrens, as improbable as her story is. The Biden administration’s all-consuming focus on a fictional “white supremacist” terror threat only ensures that those who converted and taught Allison Fluke-Ekren and others like her will have a freer hand than ever to recruit and train new jihadis. In this case, as in so many others, Biden’s handlers’ willful ignorance and politicization of counterterror activity come at a high human cost.

Biden’s handlers moving toward recognition of Taliban regime in Afghanistan



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Why not? Biden’s handlers have supplied the Taliban with billions of dollars worth of military material. Why shouldn’t recognition follow?

“America Appears To Be Edging Toward Recognition of Taliban Regime in Afghanistan,” New York Sun, January 28, 2022 (thanks to the Geller Report):

America and its European allies, in what would be a final humiliation, appear to be moving toward recognition of — in effect, a surrender to — the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. Following meetings with the Kabul regime at Oslo, the Western powers released a statement falling short of “official recognition or legitimization of the interim government.” Yet it outlines conditions for the Taliban to resume a role on the world stage.

The Western powers emphasized “the importance of respect for human rights” in Afghanistan as well as “the strong need for an inclusive and representative political system” in the war-torn nation. The Taliban was also encouraged “to do more to stop the alarming increase of human rights violations.” There were no promises of renewed funding in the statement, but it suggests aid could flow again if the Taliban reforms its ways.

Afghan opponents of the Taliban are calling it a mistake to hold the meetings at all. “We believe this conference was a form of appeasement by Western governments to a terrorist group,” a spokesman for Afghanistan’s National Resistance Front, Ali Nazary, tells the Sun. The Resistance Front — led by Ahmad Massoud, a son of the anti-Soviet fighter, Ahmad Shah Massoud — bills itself as “the last force fighting for the restoration of democracy in Afghanistan.”

The Western powers may be attempting to move toward recognition of the Taliban, Mr. Nazary says, but he predicts the effort will fail. “The Taliban will never be able to meet those conditions,” Mr. Nazary said. The Taliban is a “fractured group fighting among themselves” and is not able to present any coherent message to foreign powers. Under these circumstances, “their promises are worthless,” Mr. Nazary contended.

The statement was issued by the American and Norwegian governments after the first meetings between the Taliban and American and European diplomats. The Oslo talks also included aid organizations and Afghan civil society groups, Reuters reported. Following the resumption of Taliban control over Afghanistan in August, international aid to the country has largely dried up and the nation’s foreign assets, totaling nearly $10 billion, have been frozen.

The country is in a state of “humanitarian crisis,” the statement says, noting the need for “steps to help alleviate the suffering of Afghans across the country.” That acknowledgement reflects the Taliban’s hopes for a resumption of foreign aid, along with regaining access to the billions in dollars frozen in Western banks. A Taliban delegate pleaded for a return of aid money, “because of the starvation, because of the deadly winter.”

Taliban officials have pledged not to repeat the barbaric rule they imposed before their regime was toppled by American forces after September 11, 2001. Yet the statement notes numerous human rights violations that need to be ended. Among the violations singled out for mention are “arbitrary detentions,” “forced disappearances, media crackdowns, extra-judicial killings, torture,” and trampling on women’s rights….

Fox News: Pentagon spokesperson dodges question on whether US is still working with Taliban

Jan. 25, 2022 - 2:59 - Harris Faulkner pressed Press Secretary Admiral John Kirby during 'The Faulkner Focus' on whether the U.S. is still relying on the Taliban to help secure the release of stranded Americans and allies.

Three American Iran Nuclear Deal negotiators quit talks over weak stance of Biden administration



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There’s dissension in the ranks of the Biden administration over the Iran nuclear deal, a deal that only protects Iran’s interests.

The Iranian regime has proved itself to be unreliable, as it continued to build a nuclear bomb despite its lies to the world. Only the toughness of the Trump administration kept Iran somewhat in line. Now it continues to be emboldened, expanding its aid to its proxies.

“Senior US envoy for Iran leaves role negotiating nuclear talks with Tehran,” by Joseph Choi, The Hill, January 24, 2022:

Richard Nephew, the deputy special envoy for Iran, left his post as part of the U.S. team negotiating Iran’s return to the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

A State Department official confirmed to Reuters on Monday that Nephew was no longer part of the U.S.’s negotiating team, but he will remain a State Department employee. The official did not provide a reason for Nephew’s resignation but noted that such a move was “very common” after a year in the administration.

The Hill has reached out to the State Department for further comment.

Earlier on Monday, The Wall Street Journal reported that Nephew had resigned due to a difference of opinion on how to approach the negotiations with Iran, reportedly advocating for a tougher posture in negotiations. The U.S. has yet to directly engage in negotiations, participating through European allies.

Administration officials told the Journal that two other members of the negotiating team had decided to step back from engaging in talks due to sharing in Nephew’s opinion of having a tougher approach….

QUANTICO Virginia MARINE BASE: Afghan Convicted of Sexually Assaulting 3-Year-Old Girl, Says it’s Allowed in His Culture



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

In what is likely to become a recurring news story over the next few years, an Afghan refugee known only as Tariq (many Afghans use only one name) was convicted on Monday of the sexual assault of a three-year-old girl at Quantico Marine Corps Base in Virginia, where he had been brought by Americans anxious to give him a new lease on life in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. For his part, Tariq explained that what he did was perfectly acceptable back in Afghanistan, a guileless and accurate statement that portends more trouble to come from the Afghan evacuees that Biden’s handlers are busy resettling now in American communities.

Associated Press reported that Tariq “was arrested in September at Camp Upshur in Quantico after Marines observed him fondling the girl, who was not related to him, above her clothes on her private parts.” Since there were witnesses, the conviction was not hard to obtain, but Tariq was surprised that anyone would object: “According to court papers, Tariq tried to explain through interpreters that his conduct was acceptable in his culture.” His defense team, apparently aware of the explosive implications of this claim, tried to have this telling detail thrown out of the record, but “efforts to have his statements suppressed were rejected by the judge.”

Tariq and many others like him didn’t leave Afghanistan very long ago, so it is understandable that some of the newly arrived Afghan evacuees would be acting as if they were still there. But this incident, and especially Tariq’s ingenuous admission, once again spotlight the fact that to bring in large numbers of people with a radically different culture and sharply divergent standards of behavior is unwise and is only going to mean strife in America’s future.

No one in the mainstream will dare discuss it, but Tariq may have gotten the idea that it was acceptable to be sexual with small children from the Islamic teachings that permeate every aspect of life in Afghanistan. And it’s not just Afghanistan: child marriage has abundant attestation in Islamic tradition and law. Turkey’s directorate of religious affairs (Diyanet) said in January 2018 that under Islamic law, girls as young as nine can marry. Ishaq Akintola, professor of Islamic Eschatology and Director of Muslim Rights Concern, Nigeria, said in 2016: “Islam has no age barrier in marriage and Muslims have no apology for those who refuse to accept this.” Dr. Abd Al-Hamid Al-‘Ubeidi, Iraqi expert on Islamic law, said in 2008: “There is no minimum marriage age for either men or women in Islamic law. The law in many countries permits girls to marry only from the age of 18. This is arbitrary legislation, not Islamic law.”

Dr. Salih bin Fawzan, prominent cleric and member of Saudi Arabia’s highest religious council, declared in 2014 that there is no minimum age for marriage in Islamic law at all and that girls can be married “even if they are in the cradle.” Pakistan’s Council of Islamic Ideology has ruled that “Islam does not forbid the marriage of young children.”

Related: Disaster in the Making: 12,000 Afghans in the U.S. Now with No ID Whatsoever

These authorities say these things because hadiths that Muslims consider authentic record that Muhammad’s favorite wife, Aisha, was six when Muhammad wedded her and nine when he consummated the marriage: “The Prophet wrote the (marriage contract) with Aisha while she was six years old and consummated his marriage with her while she was nine years old and she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his death)” (Bukhari 7.62.88).

Marrying young girls was not all that unusual for its time, but because in Islam Muhammad is the supreme example of conduct (cf. Qur’an 33:21), he is considered exemplary in this even today. The idea that Muhammad is exemplary even in his marriage to the child Aisha is taken for granted by nearly everyone in Afghanistan. When the Afghan evacuees were brought here, most of them were not vetted for criminal or terrorist activity or ties. And no effort whatsoever was made to alert them to the fact that American culture and Afghan culture are not the same and that it would not be wise for them to bring all their Afghan practices to their new home. To tell the evacuees that would have been “racist” and “Islamophobic.”

In light of that, no one should be surprised that at least some of these three evacuees, fresh from Afghanistan’s deeply Islamic culture, should be caught in America behaving like Afghans. The larger question is whether it is wise to endanger women and girls by bringing into the country large numbers of people among whom is an unknowable number who think the same way that Tariq does. But that question will, of course, not be asked. To ask it would also be “Islamophobic.”

Catholic Charities eager to ‘serve’ Afghan Muslim refugees while abandoning the most needy Christians



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

There is big money in the business of settling refugees. Never mind the fact that jihadists and a range of criminals are coming to America unvetted. Robert Spencer wrote about the astronomical size of it HERE.

It is easy for refugee resettlement advocates to find the right, tender words while laughing all the way to the bank, but it isn’t a pretty picture: hardworking Americans donate their money in trust, while their children’s future security diminishes year after year.

We are privileged to be part of Operation Allies Welcome, the federal effort to resettle 83,000 Afghans.

Unvetted Afghans, that is, and generally not Christians. In Afghanistan, the most needy are Christians who are in hiding with no way to escape. According to Open Doors USA, Afghanistan is the number one worst place in the world for Christians to live.

Across the globe, Open Doors found that there has been a 24% increase in Christians killed because of their faith. The West is regarded as a haven for Christians, but it hasn’t proven to be such in the last few years. Unvetted Muslim migration has proven to be a disastrous project for the EU, bringing with it escalating violent crimes, threats of jihad, Muslim rape gang activity, no-go zones, Sharia patrols, and the like.

Jihad Watch reported recently about a record-breaking 360 million Christians persecuted in 2021, and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban often called racist for guarding his borders, is among the very few who speak out.

So how are the “big-hearted” Catholic Charities and the US Conference of Catholic Bishops helping the world’s most needy: Christians? They aren’t.

“Catholic Charities: Our commitment to serving Afghan refugees is strong,” by Gerry Carter, Charlotte Observer, January 23, 2022:

Over 47 years, Catholic Charities has resettled more than 14,000 refugees from 60 countries into western North Carolina. It is our deep commitment to comfort and serve those we resettle.

In their first 90 days, we provide services to welcome and acclimate refugees to American culture and navigate our complex systems of healthcare, employment, housing, even grocery shopping.

We are privileged to be part of Operation Allies Welcome, the federal effort to resettle 83,000 Afghans. Although the sudden U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan meant our evacuees arrived in less than three months, not six as anticipated, we responded quickly by adding staff, working overtime, and collaborating with volunteers and partners.

Unfortunately, with so little affordable housing available, we were forced for the first time to place our clients in hotels as we search for permanent housing. We use suite-style hotels to help them feel at home, but the temporary nature understandably prolongs an unsettling transitory phase…

Group sues Biden admin. over terrorist funding

Rumble — Despite Joe Biden's promise to be the most transparent administration in history when it comes to funding Palestinian terror groups, the transparency seems to have disappeared. One America's Chief White House Correspondent Chanel Rion has more from Washington.

Canada looking forward to welcoming 1,000,000 Afghans who want in



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Canada is not vetting its refugees, illegals, or economic migrants. In fact, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau supports open borders no matter what. Who could forget the big welcome from globalist Trudeau, who also threw out a welcome mat even to returning Islamic State fighters? In 2018, Canada announced plans to “lead the charge” for the UN Migration Pact. And those whom Canada was welcoming weren’t persecuted Christians. Then a year later, Canada set out a country-wide plan to welcome more than 1,000,000 new immigrants over three years. It looks like the Trudeau Liberals were right on track: 1,000,000 unvetted Afghans want to come to Canada. What timing. Although the process hasn’t yet started to bring in nearly that amount, “Cabinet has proposed to raise the national quota to 411,000 more immigrants in 2022 and 421,000 in 2023.”

Canada is already under anti-Islamophobia M-103, and “Canadian Muslims have given Justin Trudeau a mandate to eliminate Islamophobia,” a priority for his government.

With the determined Canadian Muslim vote, Trudeau is geared up to win for years to come, while Canada has given no priority to national security, nor to vetting the quality of immigrants entering Canada. Yet still, the government is touting how good 1,000,000 Afghans will be for the country.

Afghans like most from Muslim countries also strongly support the Palestinian “resistance,” so given Canada’s ever-shifting demographic, expect anti-Semitism to be on the rise. Even Germany’s Angela Merkel admitted that anti-Semitism is coming to the country from “refugees or people of Arab origin.”

“One million Afghans want into Canada: Report,” Toronto Sun, January 18, 2022:

Canada is still a long way off from accepting the number of Afghan refugees it said it would.

The quota was originally 20,000 but then that number was doubled to 40,000.

In fact, the country’s Immigration Minister Sean Fraser says more than a million Afghans have asked to come to Canada and so far we’ve only accepted 6,750 to date, according to Blacklock’s Reporter.

“We look forward to welcoming even more Afghan refugees,” said Fraser.

“I anticipate that if we remain on track, sometime in the next calendar year, now that we’re in 2022, we will cross the 40,000 threshold.”

Afghanistan has a population of 40 million.

“The circumstances of course are heartbreaking in Afghanistan,” said Fraser. “It is not necessarily one million distinct applicants. I use the point to illustrate the pressures the system is facing when it comes to processing and identifying 40,000 cases that qualify.”

Last year, Canada welcomed 405,000 immigrants from all over the world, breaking the previous record of 400,870 in 1913.

It was the first increase in federal immigration quotas in a national recession.

Cabinet has proposed to raise the national quota to 411,000 more immigrants in 2022 and 421,000 in 2023.

“They help build the richness of our communities and our future prosperity,…..

Imitating Islam: The Left’s Hate for the Christian Cross



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In many ways, the “secular Left” and Islam appear to be diametrically opposed: the Left is sexually promiscuous, Islam isn’t; the Left believes in countless genders, Islam doesn’t; the Left believes in all sorts of freedoms, Islam believes only in draconian sharia — and so on and so forth.

When it comes to Islam’s views on Christianity, however — that it is an inferior faith to be subjugated and discriminated against (Koran 9:29) — the Left appears to be in agreement.

For example, a 61-year-old Christian woman who escaped to Britain from her Nigerian homeland — where genocide against Christians is currently underway — experienced something similar in her adopted nation. Mary Onuoha, formerly a nurse at England’s Croydon University Hospital since 2002, was over the years repeatedly harassed by management and finally “bullied” out of her job for refusing to remove her small cross necklace, which she has worn for 40 years. As Mary explained in an interview:

This has always been an attack on my faith. My cross has been with me for 40 years. It is part of me, and my faith, and it has never caused anyone any harm… At this hospital there are members of staff who go to a mosque four times a day and no one says anything to them. Hindus wear red bracelets on their wrists and female Muslims wear hijabs in theatre. Yet my small cross around my neck was deemed so dangerous that I was no longer allowed to do my job.

Her bosses eventually claimed that her cross necklace “harbored bacteria… even though many colleagues were allowed to sport other items expressing their religious beliefs, be they turbans, hijabs or bracelets.” The question she often responded with, and which her superiors never answered, was “why I should hide my faith while others were allowed to show their own.”

The worst incident occurred in Nov. 2016, when a manager actually called her away during surgery to berate her about her cross: “I said ‘I cannot leave the patient,’ but the manager insisted. I was so embarrassed. Theatre [operation room] is a pressured environment, and I was astonished that senior staff was prepared to potentially endanger a patient’s life in order to intimidate me to remove it [her cross].”

In the end, because “she refused to take it off, Mary was moved to clerical duties and became subject to what she describes as a sustained campaign of bullying that left her unable to work.” She took her case to court and only recently, according to a January 8 report, won. Ruling in her favor, the judge found that management had forced Mary to work in a “humiliating, hostile and threatening environment” and that when Mary complained, their response had only been “offensive and intimidating.”

Related: Christians in the UK Can Celebrate These Religious Liberty Victories

And all because she wore a small cross necklace. As Andrea Williams, who represented Mary in her lawsuit, explained:

From the beginning this case has been about one or two members of staff being offended by the cross — the worldwide, recognised and cherished symbol of the Christian faith. It is upsetting that an experienced nurse, during a pandemic, has been forced to choose between her faith and the profession she loves. Why do some NHS [National Health Service] employers feel that the cross is less worthy of protection or display than other religious attire?

Mary’s “victory has, however,” continues the report, “been achieved at a high price. Many Christians in the NHS and other workplaces have had to hide their crosses and Mary had to persevere through two years of incessant harassment by her managers.” Nor is this phenomenon limited to Britain’s NHS.  According to a 2013 report,

In both of the above cases, the cross-wearing women came from nations — Nigeria and Egypt — where Muslims persecute and discriminate against Christians. There, they were willing to face the abuse for wearing their crosses, these tiny emblems of hope. Accordingly, and as I know from talking to such people, they are often shocked beyond belief to discover that the Western nations they fled to — and which they mistakenly assumed were Christian nations — share in Islam’s well-documented aversion for the Christian cross.

Nor are Christian immigrants the only ones to face such discrimination in Britain.  So do natives — and they, perhaps unsurprisingly, rarely get vindicated. For example, the same report discussing Coptic woman Nadia Eweida’s victory adds:

But three other Christian applicants – Lilian Ladele, a local authority registrar who also lives in London, Shirley Chaplin, 57, a nurse from Exeter, and Gary McFarlane, 51, a Bristol marriage counselor – who also claimed they had suffered religious discrimination lost their appeals.

Secular groups welcomed the four decisions…

The three aforementioned other cases also concerned Christians who were disciplined or fired from their jobs for religious reasons. Shirley Chaplin’s case was near identical to Mary Onuoha’s case: she too was a nurse at an NHS hospital who was disciplined and demoted for refusing to remove her cross necklace: “In her case, however,” continues the report, “the Strasbourg judges considered the fact that hospital authorities had asked her to remove it for the protection of health and safety and to prevent infections spreading on a ward ‘was inherently more important.’ Hospital managers, the judges agreed, ‘were well placed to make decisions about clinical safety.’”

“It seems ridiculous to me,” was Shirley’s response:

I wore it [the crucifix] on my confirmation when I was 16, I’ve been a nurse since 1978. I’ve worn it without incident, I’ve nursed a very wide range of patients, I’ve been bitten, I’ve been scratched, I’ve had computers thrown at me, but no-one has ever, ever grabbed my crucifix. To say it’s a health and safety risk, I really don’t agree with that at all.

The same sort of thing is happening right here in the United States of America — and at the highest levels.  Most recently, according to a Dec. 23, 2021 report,

A Texas-based religious business that makes specialty dog tags [identifier necklaces for soldiers] with Bible verses and Christian imagery has filed a lawsuit against the United States Department of Defense over its decision to prohibit the company from selling religious tags with U.S. armed forces trademarks…

For over 20 years, Shields of Strength had been allowed to include the military trademarks alongside Bible verse quotes and Christian imagery, such as a cross. The business boasts of having sold or donated around 4 million dog tags.

First Liberty Institute, which represents Shields of Strength, said the military’s policy is unconstitutional, “arbitrary and capricious,” adding, “It’s a cruel insult to our service members to deny them a source of inspiration, hope, and encouragement simply because it contains a religious message. DOD officials caved to the empty threats of those who make their living by being offended. There’s no legal reason for the military to discriminate against Shields of Strength.”

In conclusion, if Islam and the Left are dissimilar in many ways, they certainly share the same hostility for one particular thing — to the point that some might argue that is the whole impetus behind their being, contradistinction, opposition to that one thing: Christianity, especially visible and proud reminders of it, such as the cross.

Islam, beginning with its prophet, who “had such a repugnance to the form of the cross that he broke everything brought into his house with its figure upon it,” has been responsible for destroying countless crosses, past and present. Islam, however, is at least honest and open about its hatred.

As for the so-called “Left,” perhaps it is high time to take the sage advice first uttered by the one behind the cross: “You will know them by their fruits.”

Biden’s handlers are withholding a ‘secret agreement’ with Iran from Congress



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Desperate to pursue a policy of appeasement at all costs.

“Biden Admin Withholds Secret Iran Agreement From Congress,” by Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon, January 23, 2022:

The Biden administration is withholding a “secret agreement” with Iran from Congress as negotiations over a revamped nuclear deal continue in Vienna, according to two Republican lawmakers.

Reports emerged late Friday that Russia proposed an interim nuclear deal to Iran with the knowledge of U.S. officials. The deal would reportedly lift some sanctions on Iran in exchange for a limited set of restrictions on the country’s nuclear program. Russia offered the deal to Iran on the sidelines of ongoing negotiations in Vienna, according to NBC News, which first reported on the document. Tehran is said to have rejected the interim deal, saying that it prefers a large-scale agreement that will provide it with billions in cash windfalls. Republican lawmakers say details of the agreement are being kept from Congress.

“Russia sent a secret agreement to Iran,” Rep. Michael McCaul (R., Texas), lead Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, told the Washington Free Beacon on Friday during a press call. “Russia is trying to take the lead now in the negotiations with Iran. This is a secret agreement. We haven’t seen it.”

The existence of this document indicates that the United States and international partners are eyeing an alternative interim agreement with Iran as efforts to ink a revamped version of the 2015 accord stall due to Iran’s increasingly hardline stance. Republicans in Congress say that, during the past year, the Biden administration has ignored requests for briefings on the status of talks and what a new deal will look like. The Free Beacon first reported last week that the Biden administration is obstructing more than a dozen congressional investigations into the negotiations and sanctions relief.

The Biden administration is required to present any new deal to Congress before it is signed due to a 2015 law, the Iran Nuclear Deal Review Act, that was passed after the Obama administration skirted congressional oversight to sign the original accord.

“Reports that the Biden administration is working with the Russians on a secret nuclear agreement with Iran are doubly concerning,” Rep. Mike Gallagher (R., Wis.), a member of the House Armed Services Committee, told the Free Beacon. “First, they create a conflict of interest with Russia as we are trying to prevent an invasion of Ukraine. Second, preemptive sanctions relief, and failure to transmit an interim agreement to Congress, would violate the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act. The administration needs to end their simultaneous surrender to Russia and Iran before it’s too late.”…

If a new deal with the United States is reached, Iran will see all economic sanctions imposed on it by the Trump administration removed. This includes sanctions on Iran’s oil sector, a key source of cash for the regime.

Norway’s Government Welcomes the Taliban to Oslo And flies them in by private jet, at taxpayer expense, of course

"not entirely unlike that of Neville Chamberlain when he went to Munich in 1938, hat in hand, to ask Hitler politely, after his takeovers of Austria and the Sudetenland, to refrain from any further land grabs."




republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Bruce Bawer is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

On April 9, 2002, the Oslo newspaper Dagbladet reported that a man named Ingmar Tveitt, who was a friend of a member of the Norwegian Parliament named Jan Simonsen, had been dining in the Parliament cafeteria on the previous day when security guards asked him to remove his jacket. Why? Because Tveitt, a supporter of Israel, had an Israeli flag pin on his lapel. Some Parliament members found this offensive - even though, as Tveitt pointed out, people were always walking around the premises in Palestinian scarves. Yes, it was a minor incident, quickly forgotten by almost everybody. But that little story stuck in my mind, and I’ve had occasion to recall it now and then because it told a big truth about the sympathies of Norwegian officialdom vis-à-vis the Middle East

That was twenty years ago. Since then, as the Islamic presence in Norway has steadily increased, Norwegian anti-Semitism, Israel-hatred, and support for Palestine have grown. In recent years, Norway has given Palestinian government bodies about $100 million annually - over $20 per Norwegian taxpayer. Earlier this month, when Norway took charge of the U.N. Security Council, its ambassador to the UN, Mona Juul, said that the Israel-Palestine conflict deserves “more attention” - as if the five million Palestinians hadn’t been getting far more than their share of attention (and Western largesse) for the last half-century. Foreign Minister Anniken Huitfeldt, for her part, chided Israel as “inhuman” for listing six Palestinian organizations - all of which Norway helps fund, in addition to the money it transfers to government bodies - as terrorist groups. Even though, by any objective definition, they are terrorist groups.

I was reminded of the Tveitt story this weekend after being apprised of the latest development in the saga of Norwegian involvement in Middle Eastern affairs. The story broke last Friday in the country’s biggest newspaper, VG. “The Taliban,” trumpeted the headline, “is coming to Norway to negotiate.” Norway, I read, had grabbed the brass ring: of all Western countries, it would be the first since the fall of Kabul to welcome a delegation of Taliban leaders to its shores. Reportedly, the distinguished visitors would meet not just with their Norwegian counterparts but also with representatives of the U.S., the EU, the U.K., France, Germany, and Italy, as well as with Afghans living outside Afghanistan, with officials of the Church of Norway and the Norwegian Red Cross, and with sundry journalists and human-rights activists. The meetings, which the Norwegian government had hoped to keep secret, began yesterday and will conclude tomorrow. 

In a sense, needless to say, the present conclave is nothing new. Norwegian officials have been meeting secretly with Taliban leaders for years. Since 2010, these encounters have taken place mostly in Doha, Qatar, the principal goal of the Norwegians being to persuade the Taliban to sit down with the Afghan government. Additional meetings were held in Oslo in 2015 and succeeding years, with Norway seeking to broker encounters between Taliban and the U.S. Representatives of the Trump administration did indeed engage with Taliban leaders to discuss the future of Afghanistan. And after President Biden let the Taliban retake Kabul, wiping out in record time all the advances scored by the U.S. military in the last twenty years, American and Norwegian officials met with Taliban leaders in Qatar to discuss “humanitarian aid” and (no joke) the Taliban’s plans for containment of “extremist groups.”

Even so, this Oslo hajj is special. Sometimes it’s necessary to meet enemies on neutral ground; playing host to them and rolling out the red carpet is another matter. Before the fall of Kabul, moreover, the Taliban was a terrorist group on the outs; now it’s back in power, and the Norwegian officials who’ve invited them to Oslo are in a position not entirely unlike that of Neville Chamberlain when he went to Munich in 1938, hat in hand, to ask Hitler politely, after his takeovers of Austria and the Sudetenland, to refrain from any further land grabs. Asked by VG about this week’s meetings with the Taliban, Huitfeldt noted that there’s “a full-scale humanitarian catastrophe” underway in Afghanistan, and contended that if “the international community” wants to help, it has to “have a dialogue with the Taliban.” High up on her wish list are “girls’ education” and “women’s participation in society.” Because of course the way to get savage despots to end 1400 years of draconian oppression of women, every bit of it rooted in inalterable and incontrovertible scripture, is to invite them to Oslo for a long weekend to be hectored by a bunch of blondes.

In reporting the Taliban trip, VG noted that last fall Afghan human-rights activists told then-Prime Minister Erna Solberg that “you can’t trust the Taliban.” You’d think a seasoned politician aware of the Taliban’s track record wouldn’t have to be told this. On Friday, informed of the impending Taliban summit, Mina A. Rafiq, head of an association for Afghans in Norway, fiercely opposed it, accusing Norway, in a text message to VG, of being “the first [country] to legitimize terror…under a false cover of discussing the humanitarian situation.”

But hey: fish gotta swim, birds gotta fly - and Norwegians gotta dialogue with gangsters.

It is curious, to be sure, how impermeable naivete can be. A couple of generations ago, the forerunners of today’s Norwegian officials began permitting mass immigration from the Islamic world. They fully believed that their “new countrymen,” recognizing the merits of Norway’s culture and values, would rapidly assimilate. That assumption was proven devastatingly wrong - demonstrating that nobody in the Norwegian government had the slightest understanding of Islam. The consequences for Norway - as for most of the other countries of Western Europe, which made the same mistakes - have been disastrous.

And yet today’s Norwegian officials are approaching the Taliban with equal gullibility - and with the same eagerness to shovel out taxpayer money that they’ve demonstrated in their decades of massive handouts to Muslim immigrants. “Humanitarian aid is entirely necessary,” maintained Huitfeldt, “but it’s not enough. We need to keep basic services like health and education from collapsing. We have to support the welfare of families and local communities.” As it happens, such services in Norway itself have been slashed in recent years for budgetary reasons. But the leaders of Norway, with a population of six million, consider themselves obligated to help fund such services for Afghanistan, a country of 39 million.

In Denmark, a saner country than Norway, the Liberal Party’s foreign affairs spokesman, Michael Aastrup Jensen, called news of the Taliban visit a “grenade shock,” “a huge PR victory for the Taliban,” and “a mockery of the fallen soldiers” of the NATO alliance, while Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod rejected any direct contact between Denmark and the Taliban. In Norway, Progress Party’s foreign-affairs guy, Christian Tybring-Gjedde, accused the government of “whitewashing” the Taliban; Vebjørn Selbekk of the Christian newspaper Dagen called the invitation to the Taliban “tasteless.” Helge Lurås of the news website Resett noted savvily that what’s really important about this summit, in the minds of Norwegian diplomats, is that it confirms their “image of Norway and themselves as creative peace brokers.” Bingo.  

Anyway, the Taliban’s 15-man delegation, led by Foreign Minister Mawlawi Amir Khan Muttaqi and including Anas Haqqani (who is on the U.S. terrorist list and whose brother, Interior Minister Sirajuddin Haqqani, is one of most wanted terrorists on earth), flew to Oslo on Saturday. The Norwegian media covered the flight as closely as the British media covered Chamberlain’s journey to Munich and back. On Saturday afternoon VG posted a photo of the Taliban boys on a luxurious private jet that had been leased from a Finnish company, Jetlife, at the expense of Norwegian taxpayers. Nice work if you can get it! That evening came the news that the gentlemen had landed in Oslo; later, the media reported on their arrival at their hotel, which is being heavily guarded by police. (Finally, some real security on the streets of Oslo.) On Sunday, Aftenposten disclosed that the weekend guests, on the previous evening, had already asserted their right to arrest political opponents.

Closely following these breathless updates, I again thought back twenty years - not to the Tveitt incident, but to the invasion of Afghanistan, the collapse of Taliban rule, and President Bush’s call for a massive national reconstruction project that he compared to the Marshall Plan. Imagine thinking that that primitive dominion, that graveyard of empires, could reasonably be likened to postwar Western Europe! In the months and years after the installation of Hamid Karzai as Afghan president, the money (to quote an Evita lyric) kept pouring in, and the NATO blood kept flowing. So many wounded, so many killed, all in the service of a thoroughly misguided cause, driven by a total failure - or refusal - on the part of political and military officials to grasp the dark and inflexible reality of Islam. And so here we are now, back in a place very much like where were just before the Taliban’s Al-Qaeda chums took down the World Trade Center, treating representatives of what is once again the Emirate of Afghanistan as if they were civilized, and acting as if nothing that happened on or after 9/11 has taught us anything at all about their vile excuse for religion.


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