republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

WASHINGTON — In a landmark 6-3 Supreme Court decision today, which was written by Trump-nominated, conservative Justice Neil Gorsuch, the high court ruled that a civil rights law protects both homosexual and “transgender” people from what it considers “job discrimination” in employment. One of the cases involved surrounded a funeral home that fired a man who wanted to wear a skirt uniform at work.

The court decided that a section of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, known as Title VII, which bars job discrimination on the basis of sex, among other traits, may be read to include homosexual and “transgender” employees.

“An employer who fires an individual for being homosexual or transgender fires that person for traits or actions it would not have questioned in members of a different sex. Sex plays a necessary and undisguisable role in the decision, exactly what Title VII forbids,” Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote for the court.

He noted that the decision did not delve into what rights religious employers may or may not have, citing that R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Homes, which was represented by the religious liberties group Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), “declined to seek review of [an] adverse [Religious Freedom Restoration Act] decision, and no other religious liberty claim is now before us.”

“So while other employers in other cases may raise free exercise arguments that merit careful consideration,” Gorsuch wrote, “none of the employers before us today represent in this court that compliance with Title VII will infringe their own religious liberties in any way.”

Christian News Network has inquired why the religious liberties aspect was not pursued before the high court. This article will be updated if and when a response is received.

The Supreme Court, however, did express that it is “deeply concerned with preserving the promise of the free exercise of religion enshrined in our Constitution” and pointed to a congressional exception in the law for “religious organizations.”

It is not clear if those organizations include for-profit businesses or if the protections only extend to churches and non-profit charitable and educational groups.

The three justices who dissented from the majority opinion were Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh. John Roberts and Neil Gorsuch sided with their liberal colleagues.


Alito wrote a sharp dissent lamenting that the court had seemingly usurped the role of the legislature.

“There is only one word for what the Court has done today: legislation,” he stated. “The document that the court releases is in the form of a judicial opinion interpreting a statute, but that is deceptive.”

Alito also expressed concern that the decision will have “far-reaching consequences” as more than 100 federal statues prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex. He worried what might become of the issue of the use of locker rooms and restrooms by those who identify as the opposite sex.

“[B]y intervening and proclaiming categorically that employment discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity is simply a form of discrimination because of sex, the Court has greatly impeded — and perhaps effectively ended — any chance of a bargained legislative resolution,” he wrote.

“Before issuing today’s radical decision, the court should have given some thought to where its decision would lead,” Alito chastised. “As the briefing in these cases has warned, the position that the court now adopts will threaten freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and personal privacy and safety. No one should think that the court’s decision represents an unalloyed victory for individual liberty.”

ADF issued similar remarks, outlining in a statement, “Redefining ‘sex’ to mean ‘gender identity’ will create chaos and enormous unfairness for women and girls in athletics, women’s shelters, and many other contexts.”

“Civil rights laws that use the word ‘sex’ were put in place to protect equal opportunities for women,” it explained. “Allowing a court or government bureaucrats to redefine a term with such a clear and important meaning undermines those very opportunities — the ones the law was designed to protect.”

Read the ruling in full here. 


As previously reported, the U.S. Supreme Court heard three appeals cases surrounding the matter of homosexual and transgender discrimination in employment practices, including the Harris Funeral Homes lawsuit, which involves an explicitly Christian-based funeral home.

“R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Homes recognize that its highest priority is to honor God in all that we do as a company and as individuals,” the company’s website states. It also features a quote from Matthew 6:33, in which Jesus taught that men should “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.”

In 2007, Anthony Stephens was hired as the funeral director and embalmer for the funeral home and presented himself as a man at that time. Six years later, Stephens informed his employer that he had been diagnosed with gender dysphoria and would therefore desire to wear a woman’s suit for work.

However, owner Thomas Rost, a Christian who serves on the board of directors for Salvation Army of Metro Detroit, has a company dress code in place, which states that males must wear dark suits and white shirts.

Because Stephens sought to wear female clothing, which is a violation of the dress code, and because Rost did not feel comfortable with providing a skirt suit due to his Christian convictions, Stephens was let go.

He consequently took the matter to the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), which sued Rost with the aid of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in alleging gender discrimination.

“R.G. employees understand that the dress code requires funeral directors to wear company-provided suits,” attorneys for Rost outlined in a legal brief. “Rost sincerely believes that he would be violating God’s commands if he were to pay for or otherwise permit one of RG’s funeral directors to wear the uniform for members of the opposite sex while at work.”


Photo Credit: George Hodan

In August 2016, U.S. District Judge Sean Cox sided with the funeral home and dismissed the EEOC’s legal challenge.

“The court finds that the funeral home has met its initial burden of showing that enforcement of Title VII, and the body of sex-stereotyping case law that has developed under it, would impose a substantial burden on its ability to conduct business in accordance with its sincerely-held religious beliefs,” he wrote.

However, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals disagreed with Cox’s ruling and overturned the decision the following year.

“Discrimination against employees, either because of their failure to conform to sex stereotypes or their transgender and transitioning status, is illegal under Title VII. The unrefuted facts show that the funeral home fired Stephens because [he] refused to abide by [his] employer’s stereotypical conception of [his] sex, and therefore the EEOC is entitled to summary judgment as to its unlawful-termination claim,” wrote Judge Karen Nelson Moore on behalf of the unanimous panel.

The case was then appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court. Stephens died last month following a lengthy battle with kidney disease.

One of the other cases before the court, Zarda v. Altitude Express, centered on skydiving instructor Donald Zarda, who was fired by his employer following a complaint from the boyfriend of a female diver.

“Zarda often informed female clients of his sexual orientation — especially when they were accompanied by a husband or boyfriend — to mitigate any awkwardness that might arise from the fact that he was strapped so tightly to the woman,” legal documents surrounding the matter outline.

Altitude Express told Zarda that he was fired because he “failed to provide an enjoyable experience for the customer” as David Kengle, the boyfriend of Rosanna Orellana, complained to the company about Zarda’s remarks.

Zarda sued his employer in 2010 for discrimination, but died in a skydiving accident before the matter went to trial.

The U.S. Department of Justice filed an amicus brief last August, writing, “Congress has specifically prohibited gender identity discrimination in multiple other statutes that the Department of Justice will continue to enforce vigorously. But Congress has not taken that step in Title VII. Unless and until it does so, the proper role of the executive, and of this court, is faithfully to enforce the law as written.”

200 corporations asked the court to read homosexuality and gender identity into the law, including Amazon, American Express, AT&T, Ben & Jerry’s, Best Buy, Coca-Cola, CVS Health, eBay, Etsy, Facebook, General Motors, Google, IKEA, KIND Healthy Snacks, Levi Strauss & Co., Lyft, Macy’s, Marriott International, Microsoft, Nike, PayPal, Pinterest, Procter & Gamble, Starbucks Corporation, State Farm Mutual Auto Insurance, T-Mobile, Vimeo, The Walt Disney Company, Wells Fargo and Zillow.

2 Chronicles 5:6-7 states surrounding judges, “Take heed what ye do, for ye judge not for man but for the Lord, who is with you in the judgment. Wherefore now let the fear of the Lord be upon you, take heed and do it, for there is no iniquity with the Lord our God …”



What will be the economic fallout from the nationwide riots? A number of articles are talking about companies like 7-Sigma Incorporated, a Minneapolis manufacturing company, that’s announced they’re leaving the city. Can we expect a mass exodus of businesses from these cities in the near future?



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:
In this interview with The New American magazine's Alex Newman, former public-school teacher 
Jennifer McWilliams explains how her Indiana district fired her for standing up for children and parents. 
The founder of Indiana's chapter of Purple for Parents, McWilliams began exposing some of the 
"Social and Emotional Learning" (SEL) and especially the "Leader in Me" program that was being used 
in her school. She also questioned the union-backed "Red for Ed," which was using teachers on school 
time to protest for leftist goals. In response, education officials called her a "far-right conspiracy 
theorist" and forced her out of her job. Now, McWilliams is sounding the alarm about what is happening 
in America's public schools.



The ratings for Rachel Maddow continue to plunge as her dishonest reporting is turning off even liberal viewers. In this video, we’re going to take a look at the colossal collapse of this leftwing activist disguised as a journalist, and how we can expect that in many respects, her fall from grace is just beginning! You’re going love it!


 While Americans lose their jobs, Democrats keep illegal aliens employed
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.
Who are Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Heroes? Based on the $3 trillion HEROES Act that House Democrats have just unveiled, the answer is illegal aliens and criminals.
While the HEROES Act pretends to be about coronavirus relief, its focus is on immigration.
With over 20 million jobs lost in April, the HEROES Act goes to great lengths to make sure that millions of illegal aliens will still be able to keep their jobs, no matter how many Americans lose theirs.
Buried under the misleadingly titled, “Protections for Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers”, is a virtual blank check to keep illegal aliens from being deported. The HEROES Act’s definition of “critical infrastructure workers” covers cafeteria workers, warehouse janitors, and pet food delivery boys.
Anyone who works in virtually any field involving food in any way is a “critical infrastructure worker”. An illegal alien putting out mouse traps at any facility involving food from “wholesale to retail” is a critical worker. A vast array of call center workers and delivery people are covered. Even laundromat employees are critical infrastructure workers under the federal definition used by the HEROES Act.
The HEROES Act doesn’t just protect illegal aliens from deportation, but SEC. 191203 declares that “hiring” illegal aliens is not a violation of the Immigration and Nationality Act and that the aliens are “deemed to be in a period of deferred action and authorized for employment.”
Americans seeking jobs as essential workers will be forced to compete with newly legalized illegal aliens.
Even while tens of millions of Americans are out of work, Pelosi and the House Democrats are going to great lengths to protect the ability of employers to illegally hire illegal aliens while authorizing them to accept those jobs. And considering how Federal judges have defended DACA’s deferred action, this temporary deferral could effectively become a permanent amnesty for millions of illegals.
The HEROES Act is really a backdoor amnesty that will declare illegal aliens “heroes” for delivering pizza. And these heroes who delivered pizza and sprayed for roaches in a plant somewhere can’t be deported. Instead, they’re going to be honored and legalized while Americans lose their jobs, savings, and lives.
The HEROES Act may end up killing more Americans of employment age than the coronavirus will.
Pelosi’s boondoggle also extends visas for aliens already in this country, regardless of whether they’re “critical” workers or not, and ‘rolls over’ all the visas that weren’t issued during this time. The Democrats are determined not to miss a single chance to bring more of their voters into the United States.
The rollover provisions focus on chain migration via “family-sponsored immigrants”, “employment-based immigrants” and “diversity immigrants”. All of these are aspects of a broken immigration system.
SEC. 191204 or “Supplementing the COVID Response Workforce” expedites processing applications for aliens who “provide healthcare” within 30 days by email. Visa applications can be bypassed with video-conferencing, and interviews are waived. This could allow for bringing Syrian Islamic “health care workers” to this country with virtually no oversight or screening even though the shortage of personnel that is driving this strategy has never actually come into being and American workers are being furloughed at hospitals and medical centers that were prevented from performing most procedures.
American health care workers furloughed because of the lockdown may end up losing their jobs because the Democrats who praise them as “heroes” insist on bringing in foreign workers to take their place.
And these foreign health care workers are being brought in under the broad umbrella of “preventing COVID-19”. If we didn’t have open borders on the ground and in the air, there wouldn’t have been a Wuhan Virus to prevent. But even while claiming to fight a pandemic caused by a foreign virus, Pelosi and the Democrats want more immigration and more open borders to spread more pandemics.
SEC. 191205 seeks to free illegal aliens already in ICE custody with a review of “the immigration files of all individuals in the custody of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to assess the need for continued detention” to free those who are “not subject to mandatory detention laws.”
The section also demands that illegal aliens get free video chats, email access, and orders that pro-illegal alien lefty groups be given “broad and flexible access” to illegals.
But the HEROES Act doesn’t just settle for freeing illegal aliens, not when it can also free criminals.
The Dem bill seeks to free “vulnerable and low-risk individuals” in pre-trial detention. The definition of “vulnerable” is any prisoner over who is over 50 or under 18 who has, sickle-cell anemia, or asthma.
And how do Pelosi and her ilk define “low-risk”?
Any criminal who “does not pose a risk of serious, imminent injury to a reasonably identifiable person”.
That covers criminals who pose a risk of serious, imminent injury to any random member of the public.
Criminals who pose a risk of serious, but not imminent injury, criminals who pose a risk of imminent, but not serious injury, and criminals who pose a serious, imminent risk of injury to someone who can’t be reasonably identified, could all be considered “low-risk” by the jailbreaking HEROES Act.
Under these parameters, an asthmatic serial killer ought to be considered low-risk because we can’t identify whom he might chop to bits. A paranoid schizophrenic who only seriously assaults people when he goes off his medication could be considered to pose a risk of serious, but not imminent injury.
And, of course, muggers who don’t seriously hurt their victims would be considered low-risk. Ditto for car thieves, burglars, assorted robbers, and any felon who isn’t walking around with a sign reading, “I will kill Andrew next Tuesday”. And even then, we might not be “reasonably” sure which Andrew he means.
These are the heroes of Pelosi’s HEROES Act.
There’s also money for “safe and sanitary temporary transitional housing” and facilitating “family reunification” for the released criminals.  And a push for applying “all pre- and post-adjudication release processes and mechanisms applicable to juveniles… as quickly as possible”.
That would cover 17-year-old offenders.
Pelosi and her Democrat allies claim to be very concerned about inmates in custody contracting the coronavirus. And yet after months of this, the predicted mass death tolls in prisons haven’t happened. Instead the elderly have been dying in large numbers in nursing homes. If the Democrats were really concerned, they would cut off funding to any municipality arresting people over social distancing.
But the Dems seem happy with a state of affairs in which citizens are arrested and criminals are freed.
The HEROES Act contains plenty that is bad, including a waiver of the Buy American Act that is a free gift to the People’s Republic of China, but its obsession with criminals and illegal aliens, at the expense of Americans, shows who Speaker Pelosi and the Democrats think that they’re really in office to serve.
While Americans are put out of work, the Democrats help illegal aliens hang on to their jobs. And while Americans are locked up for trying to cut hair, go for a walk, or play catch, criminals are set free.
The Democrat coronatopia is a place where criminals are free and everyone else is in prison, and where only government officials and illegal aliens have jobs.
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