The Woke Shakedown of the Catholic Church 2,000-year-old teachings get traded-in for climate change.

SEE:; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes:

[Pre-order a copy of David Horowitz’s next book, America Betrayed, by clicking here. Orders will begin shipping on May 7th.]

Pope Francis’s first liturgical scandal occurred in October 2019 during the so-called Synod on the Amazon when statues of an idol representing the Mother Earth goddess, or Pachamama, were venerated in St. Peter’s Basilica.

During the ceremonies there was a dancing procession of Pachamama where people prostrated themselves before the two wooden statues that represented naked and pregnant women and a statue of a male phallic figure reclining on his back. The event was meant to symbolize “the cry of the Amazonian land and native peoples.”

Francis later apologized for the incident, but the damage was done.

These disquieting events are rooted in some provocative church history. In 2018, the publication Catholic commented on the Catholic Charismatic movement,

“Some traditional Catholics might be turned off by the highly emotional exuberance of a Charismatic meeting, which can demonstrate such gifts of the Holy Spirit as prophecy, faith healing and speaking in tongues. Advocates believe this is simply the workings of the Holy Spirit.”

The Holy Spirit has been “blamed” for a number of innovations in the Catholic Church — from the creation of Eucharistic Ministers, Communion-in-hand, liturgical dancers, Argentine puppet Masses, altar girls, to the movement for women priests and deacons.

Advertisements for the 2019 Philadelphia Catholic Charismatic Renewal Conference had the look of an old-time southern revival. The ad was printed in big bold letters in the style of Big Tent evangelism.

Passages from Scripture were arranged around information surrounding the event:

A beautiful woman showing off her million-dollar tan and bright shiny dental veneers was listed as the guest speaker. She wasn’t just ‘anybody’ but someone who was “baptized in the Holy Spirit in 1957” (as if her first Baptism wasn’t enough). The woman, so the ad stated, “is committed to making Jesus known to the Nations by the preaching of the Gospel in the Power of the Holy Spirit.”

As Karl Keating, in a 2017 article on the Catholic charismatic movement, wrote in ‘Catholic Answers’:

“The Catholic variant of charismaticism dates from 1967. It began at Duquesne University, spread to Notre Dame, and then went viral, as the current saying has it. A Belgian cardinal, Leo Suenens, was an early patron. Pope Paul VI, while a charismatic event was in progress in Rome, said some positive things about the movement’s emphasis on “communion of souls” and its promotion of prayer. Later, John Paul II encouraged Catholic charismatics to defend the Christian notion of social life against inroads by secularism.”

“The popes,” Keating continues, “never endorsed the notion of a “Baptism in the Spirit,” nor did they speak in favor of glossolalia, or speaking in tongues.”

As many traditional Christians know, speaking in tongues was a singular event at Pentecost. It had everything to do with the early apostles and disciples with a knowledge of foreign languages so they could go out into the world, and had nothing to do with rolling around on the floor in a fever pitch. In fact, the contemporary concept of “speaking in tongues” (shaking your body with upraised hands) was virtually unknown throughout most of Christianity until 1830. That’s when a certain excitable Scottish Presbyterian minister, Edward Irving, manufactured its appearance “through his enthusiastic preaching.”

Keating concludes: “After that, speaking in tongues died down until the turn of the twentieth century with the rise of the modern Pentecostal movement. There were no Catholic examples of it until two-thirds of a century later.”

Yet this didn’t stop a redemptorist brother, Brother Pancratius Boudreau (Joseph Andrew Boudreau), from starting the Catholic Charismatic Movement in the late 1960s.

After Vatican II, many Catholics in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia were hooting and hollering like Big Ten evangelicals. The era of ‘quietly saying the rosary’ was seen as retrograde and Protestant-unfriendly. Although creeping Pentecostalism existed in mostly isolated parishes with special Masses, elements of the Charismatic movement began to seep into heretofore dignified parishes.

That’s when one spotted people at Mass praying the Lord’ Prayer in Orans fashion, while others took to holding hands with fellow parishioners. Some lay people — convinced that they had special spiritual gifts — would lay their hands on the heads of fellow parishioners.

Call it a full-fledged revival along the lines of Jim and Tammy Bakker.

On the heels of the charismatic movement came the Cursillo movement, founded in Spain in 1944 as a way to bring Spanish men back to the Church.

The Cursillo retreat was really the Catholic version of EST (Erhard Seminars Training, a quasi-religious therapy program founded in 1971 by Werner Erhard). The Cursillo 3-day retreat emphasized non-stop group activity with little or no solitude. Criticisms of the Cursillo movement by traditionalists pointed to “in group secrets” and instructions. Some former Cursillo devotees have even compared it to a cult, the Catholic version of Freemasonry.

The two founders of Cursillo, Eduardo Bonnin and Bishop Juan Hervas, saw their movement transported to the United States in 1957, although Cursillo hit its stride in the states in the 1970s in conjunction with the Catholic Charismatic Renewal movement. The two movements might be said to have produced a “new” type of Catholicism: the “Jesus Saves” hand clapping “let’s get emotional” school, and the so called Masonic “secret society” of Cursillo, which started out as a movement exclusively for men but which, falling victim to secular culture and the demands of feminists, went on.

Moving forward, the question of female deacons will be discussed at the upcoming Synod of Bishops in Rome in October 2024. (Cardinal George Pell has called the Synod on Synodalty a “toxic nightmare couched in a neo-Marxist message.” )

While many observers believe that the idea of a female deaconate in the Church will be approved, it is doubtful whether the new office, once established, will follow the tradition of so-called women deacons in the early Eastern Church, who had no liturgical function whatsoever but were primarily assigned on an ad hoc basis to care for women catechuems about to be baptized.

Yet as the Catholic Church becomes increasingly woke and reflective of the modern age, Catholic feminists and their male counterparts won’t be happy with a Baptism-oriented only female Deaconate, but will insist that female deacons, in a break with tradition, get to do everything that their male counterparts do: assist priests and bishops at Mass, baptize, proclaim the Gospel and assist at the altar.

The Roman Church’s obsessive desire to update its liturgy, doctrines, and beliefs while promoting climate, gender and transgender ideology — as if the latter were necessary for salvation — goes against the teachings of Saint Paul, who said that the Church must be a countercultural force.

The Church has to be a force against the modernism of this world, and it should not, as many have said, marry the spirit of the age. If there’s no difference between the world and the Church, this would be a mark that the Church has lost its spiritual dimension.

Of course, the radical handwriting was on the wall when Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the Cardinal-Archbishop of Buenos Aires, was elected to the papacy in 2013.

At his first address to the crowds in St. Peter’s Square as Francis I, he had refused to wear the papal mozzetta. This seemingly small break with tradition was the first red flag signaling that the new pope was a liturgical modernist.

Years later, in January 2021, Pope Francis called for open borders when he wrote that nations had an obligation “to welcome, promote, protect, and integrate those who come in search of better lives for themselves and their families.”

What is this, if not a call for a full-scale Pachamama migrant invasion?

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Thom Nickels

Thom Nickels is a Philadelphia-based journalist and the 2005 recipient of the AIA Lewis Mumford Award for Architectural Journalism.

Robert Spencer: Are You Ready for a Major Jihad Attack in the U.S.? Because it’s coming.

[Order a copy of Robert Spencer’s newest book, Empire of Godby clicking here.]

What’s coming is as plain as day.

Our nation can hardly be said to have a southern border at all anymore. Even if the border were magically to reappear tomorrow, millions of people are already in the country without anyone knowing who or what they are. One hundred sixty-nine people on the FBI’s terror watch list were caught at the border in 2023; nobody knows how many people on that watch list got across the nonexistent border without being caught.

Four jihadis have just murdered at least 137 people in Moscow. They hold the same beliefs as the Hamas jihadis who murdered 1,200 people in Israel on Oct. 7. How many people are in this country right now who aspire to be the next jihad warrior? How many people are planning to become the next “martyr” and lay hold of the Qur’an’s promise of a place in paradise for those who “kill and are killed” for Allah?

No one knows, and even asking such questions is not allowed. Just last week, all of America’s many intelligence agencies received instructions to avoid using terms such as “jihadist” so as to avoid committing the cardinal sin of “Islamophobia.” Jihadists can quote the Qur’an and invoke Islamic teaching all day long, but our intelligence and law enforcement officials are not allowed to notice, or to study their motives and goals, for such study would lead them inexorably into the examination of Islam.

This means that the people whose job it is to protect us from these jihad terrorists are bound as a matter of government policy not to know or understand the motives and goals of those terrorists whom they are trying to foil. Courting Muslim votes by tiptoeing around the reality of the jihad threat is more important to our elected and appointed officials than stopping the next Islamic jihad attack.

So what is to be done? Well, we can vote the bums out, but even if we do, all too many Republicans are just as squeamish as Democrats about incurring charges of “Islamophobia,” which can be a career killer even in these post-Oct. 7, post-Moscow, post-44,000 jihad attacks worldwide since 9/11 days. What’s more, cleaning up the desperately corrupt FBI and the entire rotten intelligence apparatus is not going to be done in a day, no matter who emerges victorious in November.

No, our defense against the next jihad terror massacre in the United States is up to us, and to us alone. The military is preoccupied with studying Critical Race Theory and going to drag shows; it isn’t going to save us. The police, understaffed, underfunded, and on the defensive nationwide ever since a career criminal died of a drug overdose while in the process of being apprehended, aren’t going to save us. Everyone knows now that the feckless and politicized FBI certainly isn’t going to save us.

One thing that distinguishes America from Russia and Western Europe is that we still respect the right to self-defense. After 9/11, alert citizens foiled major jihad attacks (including the Shoe Bomber and the Underwear Bomber, who have left their mark on airport security to this day). Only Americans who are likewise alert and aware can take lawful steps to stop jihadis in their tracks, and they may be the only line of defense between those jihadis and large crowds of unaware, defenseless human beings. Of course, we are dealing with terrorists, and part of the terror that they try to instill in us stems from our not knowing or being able to know when, or how, they might strike. It could happen anywhere, at any time, to anyone. That, however, simply makes it all the more incumbent upon each of us to keep our eyes open.

The threat we face is also a call to Americans to rediscover our spiritual wellsprings, and to understand that no one lives forever, but that to stand against evil, even if it means dying, is a prerequisite for maintaining a free society. To die with courage is a thousand times better than to live with cowardice.

But this is not a call to die. It is a call to live, to recognize what is coming, to assess our situation realistically, and to plan accordingly. For too long, Americans have been passively trusting in our institutions, secure in the knowledge that the police, and the military, and our elected officials were on the job and had our best interests at heart.

Those days are over. Nevertheless, the jihadis have not won. The left has not won. The socialist internationalist tide that has swept away so much of what we used to take for granted as Americans could still be turned back. But that is up to us. Each of us must decide, as surely as God offered the choice to the Israelites: “I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse; therefore choose life, that you and your descendants may live” (Deuteronomy 30:19). Jihadis love to proclaim how much they “love death.” Let us in turn love life all the more, and stand to counter them and their inhuman totalitarian leftist allies, secure in the knowledge that in the end, life conquers death.

Shocking Video Exposes Truth Behind Viral Bridge Explosion Hoax

In this special report, we debunk the viral video claiming to show a massive explosion on the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore. Our investigation reveals the shocking truth behind this misleading footage and exposes the real cause of the bridge's catastrophic collapse. Discover how a ship collision, not an explosion, led to this devastating incident that left multiple people in need of rescue from the frigid Patapsco River. We uncover the origins of the misattributed video and provide a comprehensive timeline of events based on official statements and eyewitness accounts. Join us as we separate facts from fiction and shed light on the misinformation surrounding this tragic event. Don't miss our final thought, where we discuss the importance of verifying information in the age of viral media.

FOIA Seeks Information from DOJ on National Extreme Risk Protection Order Resource Center

SEE:; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes:
Spreading the Biden Administration’s citizen disarmament agenda throughout the land. (United States Department of Justice/Facebook)

A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request was filed Tuesday with the Department of Justice by this correspondent to obtain information on the newly announced National Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) Resource Center.

“[The Center]  will provide training and technical assistance to law enforcement officials, prosecutors, attorneys, judges, clinicians, victim service and social service providers, community organizations, and behavioral health professionals responsible for implementing laws designed to keep guns out of the hands of people who pose a threat to themselves or others,” the Office of Public Affairs, U.S. Department of Justice announced Saturday.

“The establishment of the Center is the latest example of the Justice Department’s work to use every tool provided by the landmark Bipartisan Safer Communities Act to protect communities from gun violence,” Attorney General Merrick Garland declared.

Democrats continually remind the public that the bill was “bipartisan” because it helps them sell infringements as “commonsense gun safety laws” to voters not steeped in such matters beyond how the media influences them. Gun owners who are protective of their rights, consider the “compromises” made by Republicans, many of whom owe their seats to Second Amendment activism, and continued inexcusable examples of betrayals that are, at best, foolish and naive. In this case, it’s one more example of the all-too-foreseeable consequences when Republicans, trying to appear “reasonable,” either let Democrats outsmart them or hide that they were in on the fix from the start.

That ERPOs, or “red flag laws,” or however they normalized to allow for the denial of a fundamental right without a citizen even being charged with a crime let alone convicted of one, is a gun prohibitionist’s dream. That even Donald Trump, who has pledged Second Amendment fidelity to adoring masses of gun owners, has advocated “take the gun first, go through due process second,” ought to wake them up, but all too often provokes an angry response from the true believers."

Because information regarding the formation of the Center is of public interest, particularly to gun owners who have a personal and legal stake in the way it operates, with whom, and how it achieves mission objectives, the FOIA request seeks records to include:

  • All records regarding the creation of the “National Extreme Risk Protection Order Resource Center,” including but not limited to all communications, emails, memoranda, recorded telephone calls, text messages, and notes;
  • All records, including, but not limited to, all communications, emails, memoranda, recorded telephone calls, text messages, and notes from any individual or group to and from the Department of Justice regarding the “National Extreme Risk Protection Order Resource Center;” and
  • Any legal citations/correspondence/analysis used in the development of the National Extreme Risk Protection Order Resource Center’s purpose, scope, and objective demonstrate consistency with the Supreme Court’s green standard of text, history, and tradition at the time the Constitution was ratified.

Who the DOJ is partnering with and how their activities are lawful in light of the Supreme Court’s latest ruling on the Second Amendment are of particular interest.

The FOIA request, filed by attorney Stephen D. Stamboulieh, is embedded below.

About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

‘WAKE UP’: Kristi Noem sends ominous warning to Americans

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem discusses the threat posed by China, its ownership of U.S. farmland, and the safety of U.S. food.

Maritime Expert Analyzes the Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse

Maritime expert Sal Mercogliano, host of the What's Going on With Shipping YouTube channel, joins Ward once again to provide in-depth analysis about what caused MV Dali to hit the Francis Scott Key Bridge at the mouth of the Baltimore Harbor early in the morning of March 26, 2024. Upon impact, the bridge immediately collapsed.

Lara Logan: Bridge Collapse Due to Cyber Attack on Shipping Vessel

Maritime Expert Analyzes the Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse

Maritime expert Sal Mercogliano, host of the What's Going on With Shipping YouTube channel, joins Ward once again to provide in-depth analysis about what caused MV Dali to hit the Francis Scott Key Bridge at the mouth of the Baltimore Harbor early in the morning of March 26, 2024. Upon impact, the bridge immediately collapsed.

Could Vladimir Putin Be As Clueless As Joe Biden?

Gavriil Grigorov, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP
Ever since Russia invaded Ukraine, the Western intelligentsia has been busy portraying Vladimir Putin as a man who, unlike, say Lyin’ Joe Biden or Rachel Levine or your local drag queen, has transgressed all the bounds of decency. He’s an authoritarian. He’s an imperialist. He’s an autocrat. He’s a new Hitler. 

But while the media and numerous government officials have not hesitated to portray Putin as an evil incarnate, one would be hard-pressed to find anyone claiming that he is stupid. Few people, if anyone, doubt that he is as shrewd as he is ruthless, as thoughtful as he is menacing. Putin himself, however, has just put a massive dent in his fearsome reputation with his response to the ISIS attack in Russia.

When the Islamic State (ISIS) claimed responsibility for Friday’s jihad terror attack in Moscow, in which the death toll is currently 139, its claim was met with widespread skepticism. ISIS issued a statement boasting that “the Islamic State dealt a strong blow to Russia with a bloody attack, the most violent targeting it in years.” It added that “security sources told Amaq Agency that a coordinated attack was launched by Islamic State fighters, on Friday, on a large crowd of Christians in the city of Krasnogorsk on the outskirts of the capital, Moscow.” Amaq Agency is ISIS’ mouthpiece for its announcements of various jihad activities.  

Despite this, however, the usual suspects of conspiracy paranoia, notably the CIA and Mossad, were accused on social media of being the real culprits. And Putin himself, in his initial statement on the attack, blamed the massacre on “international terrorism” but didn’t mention ISIS and suggested that Ukraine had something to do with it: “They tried to hide and move towards Ukraine, where, according to preliminary data, a window was prepared for them on the Ukrainian side to cross the state border."

On Monday, however, Putin issued another statement, in which he acknowledged the truth he had skirted previously: “We know that the crime was committed by radical Islamists, whose ideology the Islamic world itself has been fighting for centuries.” Really, Vlad? Where? 

As "The History of Jihad" demonstrates, one constant amid 1,400 years of jihad warfare around the world was that there was never any pushback from within the Islamic world. In all of the centuries of jihad warfare and bloody jihad conquests, there was never an Islamic group dedicated to fighting against “radical Islamists” and showing that Islam is a religion of peace. There were never even any protests until a handful of Muslims began standing against jihad terrorism in the modern West.

Putin wasn’t finished. He asked, “And how do radical Islamists, who position themselves, by the way, as devout Muslims, professing so-called pure Islam, commit serious atrocities and crimes during the holy month of Ramadan for all Muslims?” Well, Mr. Putin, it’s like this: Ramadan is the month in which Muslims are supposed to redouble their efforts to please Allah. A hadith has a Muslim asking Muhammad: “Instruct me as to such a deed as equals Jihad (in reward).” Muhammad replied, “I do not find such a deed.” (Bukhari 4.52.44) So if there is no greater deed than jihad, and Ramadan is the month to do great deeds for Allah, the month of jihad.

Many Muslim authorities have said as much. In April 2022, the Palestinian Authority’s Supreme Sharia Judge, Mahmoud Al-Habbash, declared that “Ramadan is not a month of laziness but rather a month of activity, of effort, and of hard work, and as it also was in the life of the Prophet, a month of jihad, conquest, and victory.” The jihad he had in mind was violence against unbelievers, as a Muslim cleric in India, Maulana Bashir Ahmad Khaki, made clear in 2018: “Ramadan is the pious month of ‘Jihad-o-Qital’ (Jihad and killing). Those who attain martyrdom while waging Jihad, doors of heaven remain open.” In 2012, a jihad group in Bulgaria explained that “Ramadan is a month of holy war and death for Allah. It is a month for fighting the enemies of Allah and God’s messenger, the Jews and their American facilitators.” 

      Related: Are You Ready for a Major Jihad Attack in the U.S.? Because It's Coming.

So is Vladimir Putin retreating into Bidenesque, FBI-style denial and willful ignorance regarding the nature and magnitude of the jihad threat? It certainly seems as if he is. After all, he has restive Muslim populations in Chechnya and elsewhere in Russia, and he doesn’t want them to get the idea that their ruler is an “Islamophobe.” And as Russia continues to cultivate relationships with the Islamic Republic of Iran and other Islamic entities, it would be poor business sense to risk saying something that might ruffle the ever-so-easily ruffled feathers of the motherland’s partners.

That means that just as in the West, Russia’s most respected foreign policy analysts will continue to look everywhere except in Islam for the motivating ideology behind the massacre in Moscow and so many others. The jihadis, meanwhile, will keep plotting more bloodshed and murder.

Biden Considers Handing Out Green Cards To Foreigners Entering U.S. Illegally, Granting Amnesty

Biden Considers Handing Out Green Cards to Foreigners Entering U.S. Illegally, Granting Amnesty

U.S. President Joe Biden speaks at the Chavis Community Center on March 26, 2024 in Raleigh, North Carolina. (Photo by Eros Hoagland/Getty Images)

OAN’s Brooke Mallory
12:49 PM – Wednesday, March 27, 2024

SEE:; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes:

President Joe Biden is now considering giving illegal immigrants amnesty “in an effort to address the escalating immigration situation,” according to Politico.

In response to ongoing criticism regarding how Biden has not taken enough action on illegal immigration or the southern border issue, the president and his administration say that they are now considering a number of alternatives to adopt a more “aggressive” position, the White House claimed.

According to three sources familiar with the plans who spoke to Politico, the administration may begin awarding green cards to illegal immigrants who have lived in the U.S. for a “considerable amount of time,” thus granting them amnesty to remain there.

The proposal would reportedly let immigrants who have been in the nation for more than ten years apply for the cancellation of the removal program, given that their relatives would “suffer” if they were to be deported.

If an immigration judge confirms a migrant’s request for cancellation of removal and they complete the standards, they will be granted a special green card, giving them permanent residency.

According to the three officials who spoke with Politico, it would also be part of a bigger push by Biden to act on behalf of illegals who have long resided in the country. Additionally, the government has considered extending even more assistance to states and towns like Denver, Colorado, and New York City that have welcomed a sizable influx of illegal immigrants.

Biden previously claimed that he needed permission from Congress to take action on the southern border crisis or illegal immigration, even going so far as to accuse Republican lawmakers of blocking him.

“I’ve done all I can do. Just give me the power. I’ve asked from the very day I got into office,” Biden claimed on January 30th.

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