VIP Elite Panic As Nuremberg 2.0 Trials for ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ Becomes Reality

Preparations are underway for crimes against humanity trials at the International Criminal Court in the Hague, according to an ICC insider who reveals that key figures from the globalist establishment are set to be sacrificed on the altar of public outrage for their crimes in the elite’s failed Covid plandemic.

The globalist elite have made the last three years hell for the majority but we have held strong, maintained our dignity, and exposed their lies, one by one. Now our abusers have been backed into a corner they are being forced to admit to the lies they’ve spun. And they want us to forgive and forget.

But that’s not going to happen. It really isn’t. The people are waking up. And since they are waking up and realizing the nightmare of the last three years was created intentionally by the globalist elite, the people are rising up and demanding justice.

Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser: The Worst Racist in America



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

This is the story of racism alive and well in America. Not just any racism — really deep racism. Shocking racism. Racism so bad it is unimaginable.

This is the story of a black liberal politician who clearly hates black children.

But the great news is: I know how to stop this. More on that in a moment. First, here is the incredible story of horrible black-on-black racism.

Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser is black, yet she recently demanded that the black schoolchildren of Washington either take the experimental, emergency-use-only COVID-19 vaccine (against their will) or be denied an education.

Can you imagine if any white politician, let alone a white Republican, gave black children an ultimatum, for any reason, that might result in them being banned from an education? What would they call that white politician? “Racist. KKK. Extremist. White supremacist. Nazi.”

But this isn’t just “any reason” for banning a black child’s education. The black mayor of D.C. is demanding black schoolchildren choose between their life and their education. At this point in time, we know two things about this experimental COVID-19 jab:

No. 1: Data from across the world suggests it is killing and injuring people at a rate never seen by any vaccine in world history.

No. 2: The same data from around the world shows that no child needs the vaccine. Some studies have shown children have a 0% risk of dying from COVID-19. Studies have also shown the risk of serious illness from the COVID-19 vaccine is dramatically higher than from COVID-19 itself — perhaps up to 100 times higher.

The latest study was out just days ago. The study, funded interestingly by pro-vaccine interests, shows that at least 22,000 young adults must get the COVID-19 booster jab just to prevent one hospitalization.

Once boosted, that same study found young adults can suffer up to 98 serious adverse effects from the COVID-19 jab, versus each hospitalization from COVID-19. In other words, the jab is far worse for young people than COVID-19 itself — as much as almost 100 times worse. Bowser is playing Russian roulette with the lives of Washington’s black schoolchildren.

One more interesting fact: The U.K. just banned COVID-19 jabs for children under age 12. Yet in D.C. the mayor is demanding children take it.

Remember “The Negro College Fund”? Their famous saying was, “A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste.” Here we are decades later, and a black mayor is denying black children an education. At the same time, she’s forcing them to take an experimental jab that could kill or severely injure them. Sounds a lot like the “Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male.”

Martin Luther King Jr. is rolling over in his grave.

So, how do we defeat this terrible racism? The old-fashioned way: with lawsuits. It’s time for a massive class action lawsuit by black parents in Washington, D.C., who don’t want their children persecuted for private health care decisions — and who don’t want their children to have to choose between risking their lives and getting an education.

Secondly, King believed in civil disobedience, such as strikes, boycotts, and protests. Where are the black parents of Washington, D.C.? Where is the Rev. Jesse Jackson, the Rev. Al Sharpton, or former President Barack Obama? Don’t black children’s lives matter? Doesn’t black children’s education matter?

It’s time for a strike. Every black parent in D.C. should keep their children home from school for a day to protest the forced jab.

And it’s time for a “Million Parent March” of black parents in front of the D.C. mayor’s office to tell Bowser no tyrant has a right to deny a black child an education.

Now there’s a “Black Lives” march that conservatives can get behind. I’m certain thousands of white conservatives would gladly march side by side in that mass protest of forced vaccines.