UN rewards ‘Palestinians’ for October 7, votes 143-9 to upgrade status of ‘Palestine’

SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2024/05/un-rewards-palestinians-for-october-7-votes-143-9-to-upgrade-status-of-palestine; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes:

“The message that the UN is sending to our suffering region: violence pays off.”


“UNGA votes 143-9 to upgrade Palestinian statehood status,” by Tovah Lazaroff, Jerusalem Post, May 10, 2024:

The United Nations General Assembly voted 143-9 to upgrade the Palestinian’s status as a non-member observer state, granting it all but voting rights with regard to all activities related to its plenum.

Argentina, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Israel, Micronesia, Nauru, Papa New Guinea, Palau, and the United States opposed the resolution.

Among the countries that supported the test were many European Union members, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, France, Greece, Ireland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain.

Australia also supported the resolution, while Canada, Great Britain, and Ukraine abstained.

There are already some 143 countries that recognize Palestine as a state.

The UNGA vote, which is mostly symbolic, is viewed as an international referendum in support of unilateral Palestinian statehood.

Many Western and European countries believe that full Palestinian statehood recognition and Palestinian UN membership should come at the end of a final status agreement that tends to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

In light of Hamas’s invasion of southern Israel on October 7 that sparked the Gaza War, a number of Western countries have reconsidered their position.

Israel immediately attacked the decision, as a prize for terrorism, given that it comes in the aftermath of Hamas’s October 7 attack, which sparked the Gaza war.

It also warned that such a step would harm negotiations for the release of the remaining 132 hostages held by Hamas and other terror groups in Gaza.

“The message that the UN is sending to our suffering region: violence pays off,” the Foreign Ministry stated.

“The decision to upgrade the status of Palestinians in the UN is a prize for Hamas terrorists after they committed the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust and perpetrated the most heinous sexual crimes the world has seen,” it stated.

“The decision also provides a tailwind to Hamas amid negotiations for the release of the 132 hostages and humanitarian relief, further complicating the prospects for a deal,” Israel’s Foreign Ministry stated….

Biden Regime Plans to Give Hamas a Grand Reward for Murdering 1,200 Israelis

It has been clear for quite some time what side Biden is on.

SEE: https://www.frontpagemag.com/biden-regime-plans-to-give-hamas-a-grand-reward-for-murdering-1200-israelis; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes:

[Make sure to read Robert Spencer’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]

It has been clear for quite some time that the Biden regime, despite its show of support for Israel, is really on the side of Hamas. Now the regime is in serious talks to respond to Hamas’ brutal and inhuman murder of 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7, 2023 by giving it the biggest reward of all: a Palestinian state.

If you are skeptical that Old Joe and his henchmen are really on Hamas’ side, consider the fact that, in November, they enabled the release of ten billion dollars in frozen funds to the Islamic Republic of Iran, Hamas’ primary financier. That followed $100 million in “humanitarian aid” to Gaza and the West Bank on Oct. 18, less than two weeks after the massacre. Biden huffed and puffed about how that $100 million better not end up in the hands of Hamas, but really, who else was there in Gaza who could receive it and keep it from the jihad terror group? Hamas-linked UNRWA?

As if all that weren’t bad enough, now the Biden regime is planning to follow it with the worst betrayal of all of our most loyal ally in the Middle East. The Washington Post reported Wednesday that “Egypt, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Palestinian representatives, in addition to the United States” were “rushing to complete a detailed, comprehensive plan for long-term peace between Israel and Palestinians, including a firm timeline for the establishment of a Palestinian state, that could be announced as early as the next several weeks.” As you may have noticed, the one concerned party that would likely lose territory if any such state were established was conspicuously absent from these negotiations.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu noticed. On Friday, he declared: “Israel outright rejects international dictates regarding a permanent arrangement with the Palestinians. Such an arrangement will be reached only through direct negotiations between the parties, without preconditions.” As Biden regime apparatchiks worked with Muslim Arab nations to establish a Palestinian state without the approval of or even participation of Israel, Netanyahu was unequivocal: “Israel will continue to oppose the unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state. Such recognition in the wake of the October 7 massacre would give a huge reward to unprecedented terrorism and prevent any future peace settlement.”

Indeed. Hamas behaved with appalling savagery on Oct. 7, and yet is more popular than ever in both Gaza and the West Bank in the wake of that attack. If a free election were held in a new Palestinian state, Hamas would have a very good chance to win. And given the group’s oft-stated imperative to destroy Israel completely, which senior Hamas official Ghazi Hamad has restated after Oct. 7, a Palestinian state would almost certainly become a new jihad base for renewed attacks against Israel, as Gaza did after Israel’s unilateral withdrawal in 2005 (which, like the eternal goal of the Palestinian state, was also touted as a move that would finally bring peace).

In the Washington Post’s entire fifteen-hundred-word account of the ongoing talks to set up a Palestinian state, no one betrays any indication that they know or care why a Palestinian state has never yet been set up despite decades of efforts to bring peace, or why the Palestinians have rejected numerous offers for such a state since 1947. A standing condition for the Palestinians has been that they accept the existence of Israel as a Jewish state, which no Palestinian organization or leader has ever been willing to do. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has apparently just decided, without a scintilla of evidence, that this condition has already been fulfilled, as he spoke last week in Qatar about the steps that need to be taken in order to embark upon a “practical, timebound, irreversible path to a Palestinian state living side-by-side in peace with Israel.”

Where is there a single Palestinian leader or political group that has ever expressed any willingness to live side-by-side in peace with Israel? Yet instead of pressuring the Palestinians, the Biden regime is focusing on efforts to “convince the Arab world that this time will be different.” This is a total inversion of reality. The Biden regime has completely forgotten, or is more likely deliberately ignoring, the fact that the Palestinian Arabs were the aggressors who sparked this conflict. Historically, a defeated aggressor, if that is what Hamas and its cohorts turn out to be, was not rewarded. Would the Biden regime, if it had been in power in 1945, have worked on a plan to expand the domains of National Socialist Germany? The possibility cannot be dismissed out of hand.

Biden Regime Plans to Give Hamas a Grand Reward for Murdering 1,200 Israelis

AP Photo/Evan Vucci
It has been clear for quite some time that the Biden regime, despite its show of support for Israel, is really on the side of Hamas. The regime is in serious talks to respond to Hamas’ brutal and inhuman murder of 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7, 2023 by giving it the biggest reward of all: a Palestinian state.

If you are skeptical that Old Joe and his henchmen are really on Hamas’ side, consider the fact that, in November, they enabled the release of ten billion dollars in frozen funds to the Islamic Republic of Iran, Hamas’ primary financier. That followed $100 million in “humanitarian aid” to Gaza and the West Bank on Oct. 18, less than two weeks after the massacre. Biden huffed and puffed about how that $100 million better not end up in the hands of Hamas, but really, who else was there in Gaza who could receive it and keep it from the jihad terror group? Hamas-linked UNRWA?

As if all that weren’t bad enough, now the Biden regime is planning to follow it with the worst betrayal of all of our most loyal allies in the Middle East. The Washington Post reported Wednesday that “Egypt, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Palestinian representatives, in addition to the United States” were “rushing to complete a detailed, comprehensive plan for long-term peace between Israel and Palestinians, including a firm timeline for the establishment of a Palestinian state, that could be announced as early as the next several weeks.” As you may have noticed, the one concerned party that would likely lose territory if any such state were established was conspicuously absent from these negotiations.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu noted. On Friday, he declared: “Israel outright rejects international dictates regarding permanent arrangements with the Palestinians." Such an arrangement will be reached only through direct negotiations between the parties, without preconditions.” As Biden regime apparatchiks worked with Muslim Arab nations to establish a Palestinian state without the approval of or even participation of Israel, Netanyahu was unequivocal: “Israel will continue to oppose the unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state." Such a recognition in the wake of the October 7 massacre would give a huge reward to unprecedented terrorism and prevent any future peace settlement.”

Indeed. Hamas behaved with appalling savagery on Oct. 7, and yet is more popular than ever in both Gaza and the West Bank in the wake of that attack. If a free election were held in a new Palestinian state, Hamas would have a very good chance of winning. And given the group’s oft-stated imperative to destroy Israel completely, which senior Hamas official Ghazi Hamad has restated after Oct. 7, a Palestinian state would almost certainly become a new jihad base for renewed attacks against Israel, as Gaza did after Israel’s unilateral withdrawal in 2005 (which, like the eternal goal of the Palestinian state, was also touted as a move that would finally bring peace).

Related: Biden Regime Again Shows Which Side It’s On, and It's Not on Israel's

In the Washington Post’s entire fifteen-hundred-word account of the ongoing talks to set up a Palestinian state, no one betrays any indication that they know or care why a Palestinian state has not yet been set up despite decades of efforts to bring peace, or why the Palestinians have rejected numerous offers for such a state since 1947. A standing condition for the Palestinians has been that they accept the existence of Israel as a Jewish state, which no Palestinian organization or leader has ever been willing to do. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has apparently just decided, without a scintilla of evidence, that this condition has already been fulfilled, as he spoke last week in Qatar about the steps that need to be taken in order to embark upon a “practical, timebound, irreversible path to a Palestinian state living side-by-side in peace with Israel." 

Where is there a single Palestinian leader or political group that has ever expressed any willingness to live side-by-side in peace with Israel? Yet, instead of pressuring the Palestinians, the Biden regime is focusing on efforts to “convince the Arab world that this time will be different.” This is a total inversion of reality. The Biden regime has completely forgotten, or is more likely deliberately ignoring, the fact that the Palestinian Arabs were the aggressors who sparked this conflict. Historically, a defeated aggressor, if that is what Hamas and its cohorts turn out to be, was not rewarded. Would the Biden regime, if it had been in power in 1945, have worked on a plan to expand the domains of national Socialist Germany? The possibility cannot be dismissed out of hand.