How Bad Is Crime in Philadelphia? Bad Enough for a Cheesesteak Joint to Hire Armed Security

How Bad Is Crime in Philadelphia? Bad Enough for a Cheesesteak Joint to Hire Armed Security
Whenever someone gears up to pay the historic city of Philadelphia a visit, one of the first things they want to know is which establishment makes the best cheesesteak sandwiches. The age-old question was usually decided by whether or not you wanted Cheeze-Whiz or provolone on it. Nowadays, with the skyrocketing crime rate in the city, thanks to disastrous soft-on-crime policies instituted by Democrats, the best cheesesteak joint is the one with armed guards. Tragic, that this is what the City of Brotherly Love has become in Biden’s America.

According to a new report from TheBlaze, Jim’s West Steaks and Hoagies has hired armed guards to provide protection for customers who come to their establishment for the simple pleasure of a good sandwich. It’s absolutely atrocious this is now necessary. But hey, what do you expect when officials in our country’s major cities push for shorter prison sentences, defunding police forces, and all manner of bills that favor criminals? The whole point of having a legal system is the protection of the innocent and discouraging the bad guys from doing bad things that harm society.

If the consequences for doing bad things that harm society consist of slaps on the wrist, we should not be surprised when our deterrent no longer deters.

One of the main reasons the restaurant decided to hire armed guards is because they are a super popular place that usually has lines of people going down the block, which leaves them open to assault and other forms of crime while waiting in line.

The chief financial officer of Jim’s West spoke with local media outlet WPVI-TV, saying, “The violence has spiked. It goes up and down. You want people to feel safe and be safe. So when they come out and eat, they don’t have to worry about no type of harm.”

The owner of Presidential Protection Services, Kevon Darden, has actually gotten out on the streets in front of the famous hoagie establishment and guarded customers. He said that the guards protecting patrons have been certified by the State of Pennsylvania to perform the duties required of security professionals. Many of these individuals have either military or law enforcement backgrounds. In other words, these aren’t random dudes off Monster or Indeed. These are guys who know exactly what they are doing and perform at the highest level of their industry.

Landers commented that the threat of violence on the street is so pervasive right now that many local businesses are being forced to drop a load of extra cash to try and keep both workers and their customer base safe. This is money that many of these smaller companies can’t really afford to part with. So, in light of that, they are forced to offset the cost, which means raising prices for goods and services. And that’s a drain on the bottom line, as it will inevitably reduce business and profit. Reduced profits mean jobs being cut. The company downsizes instead of expanding. The economy of the whole city takes a punch to the gut.

All of this is because leftists, desperate to remain in power, are doing their best to ensure criminals get off lightly for their behavior so they can ultimately restore their right to vote and fluff up their voter rolls. Gross, right?

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The Philly Voice stated in a recent report that, back in 2015, Jim’s West was the target of several armed robbers who ended up only getting $215 in cash out of the register and from customers who were patronizing the establishment at the time.

One of the customers weighed in on the armed guards, saying, “If it deters it (crime), I can’t complain. I’m not a big fan of guns, but I get it.”

Another individual, likely a bonehead liberal, said that seeing an armed guard “walking around with a machine gun, it’s not family-friendly.”

I hate to break it to this person, but given the crime rate in Philly, I’d say the whole city is no longer “family friendly.”