This mad proposal, which if carried out would more quickly transform Germany into a country dominated by a large Muslim voting bloc, can be found here: “Asylum seekers should have right to vote after only 6-month stay on German soil, says far-left interior minister,” by John Cody, Remix News, September 19, 2023:
With Germany’s left-wing government sinking in the polls over a spiraling migration crisis and an economy in free fall, the left is starting to run low on voters. German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser may have the solution to the problem: Give asylum seekers the right to vote in local state elections after just six months in Germany. The program, if implemented, would translate into millions of new voters overnight.
“We want to work hard at the federal level and in the Bundesrat to ensure that all people who live in Hessian municipalities for more than six months are given the right to vote in local elections,” describes the election program from her Social Democrats (SPD) in the state of Hesse where Faeser is currently up for election….
Migrants from EU countries share a common civilizational heritage with the Germans; it is not unreasonable to allow them to vote. They inhabit the same moral and intellectual universe. But the other migrants from outside the EU are overwhelmingly Muslim, and do not share that heritage; worse still, they regard the indigenous Germans as Infidels, and therefore “the most vile of created beings.”
Bild newspaper asked the SPD to clarify what the massive expansion of voting rights would actually mean. An SPD spokesman responded that the party’s statement should have specifically defined the new voters as those “who have a permanent residence permit.” However, this would still apply to a range of asylum seekers from countries such as Syria, Afghanistan and Eritrea.
Giving the vote to Muslim economic migrants who have been in the country for only six months — instead of limiting that right to citizens (and to become a citizen, a migrant has to have lived legally in Germany for eight years, or seven years if he has successfully passed an integration course) — would instantly give an estimated four million migrants the right to vote, and vote they will, en masse, for the far-left parties that made their voting after six months possible.
Faeser is known for her hardline left-wing political positions, persecution of conservatives, and calls for mass censorship; she was also previously revealed to have written for Antifa magazine shortly before becoming interior minister….
The far-left Faeser has a worrisome record as a persecutor of conservatives and as an Antifa supporter; she is not at all bothered with the tsunami of Muslim economic migrants who are draining the German treasury and making Germany a far more unpleasant, expensive, and dangerous place to live. Instead, she wants to admit ever more such migrants and allow them to vote, they will cast their ballots by the millions for the far-left parties that have given them that vote, and the left will be assured of staying in power, aided by an ever-increasing number of Muslim migrants who, if Faeser’s latest proposal becomes law, will after only six months in Germany be exercising the right to vote.
Faeser’s proposal would give the vote to people, almost all of them Muslim economic migrants, who are years away from becoming citizens, who are not integrated into German society, and likely never truly will be, precisely because they are Muslims and despise Infidels who are “the most vile of created beings.” They may pretend to be asylum-seekers, but in truth, they are economic migrants, determined to take advantage of all the benefits that Germany’s generous welfare system can provide — free or subsidized housing, free medical care, free education (including vocational training), unemployment benefits, family allowances, and more. That is their only reason for being in Germany. And once they get the vote, they will vote in leftist politicians who are pushing for Germany to welcome still more Muslim immigrants who will allow in still more Muslim economic immigrants, and also increase the benefits provided to them. Already Germany is spending 36 billion euros a year on these migrants, and this sum has required large cuts in government support for German retirees When these economic migrants are able to vote after only six months, they will cast their ballots for leftist politicians who will expand the benefits provided, and that colossal sum now spent on the migrants will inexorably become larger still.
“The German passport is thus turned into a piece of junk. But above all: Faeser and the SPD want to attract people who have no connection to Germany at all as new groups of voters. This is not surprising, because the locals who are ridiculed as ‘non-migrants’ [i.e., the indigenous Germans] are running away from (Chanceller Olaf) Scholz’s SPD.”
Yes, how amusing to describe the indigenous Germans as “non-migrants”– as if they, the indigenous people of the country, are the interlopers. And these Germans, formerly supporters of the centrist-left SPD, are now leaving it in droves for the AfD, the party best known for its anti-Muslim migrant policy. Just now the AfD has become the strongest political force in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, making it the fourth eastern German state — after Brandenburg, Thuringia, and Saxony — in which the far-right party leads in the polls.
There is now a race on in Germany. Will the left manage to reduce the time migrants need to remain in Germany in order to vote from eight years — which is the time now required for someone living in Germany to become a citizen, and hence a voter — to six months, in which case another few million migrants will be able to vote for the parties furthest to the left, and they will continue to do so, from here on out, to make sure that Germany remains wide open to Muslim migrants and increases the government benefits to be supplied to them? And should that happen, that is how Germany will come undone.