U.S. Truckers Mobilize for War: US Trucker Convoy Headed Straight for D.C.


As an American “Peoples Convoy” takes shape following in the footsteps of Canadian truckers, a political action committee has partnered with truck convoys across the nation to travel to Washington, DC in protest of COVID mandates and overreach by the federal government. The Great American Patriot Project sent out an email blast on Wednesday urging supporters to join, volunteer for, or donate to the American Truckers Freedom Fund. The email asserts the truckers “represent a movement of peaceful, non-violent Americans from all walks of life who are dissatisfied with the unscientific, unconstitutional government overreach in regards to mandates.” “It’s time for American Truckers to stand with truckers all over the world. Don’t be afraid to Honk Honk. Everybody loves Freedom Honks,” the PAC proclaims on its website. The “Peoples Convoy” is gaining steam along with other movements and thousands, if not millions, of Americans are supporting them in one form or another. Routes for the convoy include starting points in Cleveland, Columbus, Ohio, and Fresno, California. The trek will culminate on March 6 in Washington, DC. A congressional welcome committee is set to meet with the convoy and discuss policy changes according to the organizers.

Brian Brase and Keith Lambert, join me to discuss the People's Convoy of USA Truckers, traveling across the country. Starting on February 23rd, the Convoy will depart from Barstow, California on their journey USA Truckers, Ottawa Truckers, Take back our country, Freedom, Coast to coast, Love America, Barstow, California, Washington D.C., Truckers, Honk your horns, flash your lights, wave your flags, Canada, The United States

Stew Peters Show
As Justin Trudeau enacts his full-fledged dictatorship on the Canadian citizens, the Biden administration has allowed for too much opportunity for a Freedom Trucker Convoy to form and head to D.C. These truckers carry the same demands as their Canadian brothers and sisters, and these truckers are being supported and organized by Human Rights Attorneys, like Leigh Dundas.

SEE: http://www.thepeoplesconvoy.org