republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
On Thursday, June 13, the Senate passed two resolutions on anti-Semitism by unanimous consent.
The two resolutions, passed back to back, offer an interesting contrast.
The first resolution, 189, sponsored by Ted Cruz is a brief summary and condemnation of anti-Semitism. The submitters lean Republican, but not that much so, they also include Senator Coons, Cortez Mateo and a few others.
Aside from a general summary, Resolution 189 zooms in on a number of areas. One of them obviously involves a reference to Rep. Omar.
Whereas, in the United States, Jews have faced, and continue to face, false accusations of divided loyalty between the United States and Israel, false claims that they purchase political power with money, and false accusations about control of the financial system, along with other negative stereotypes; and
Resolution 189 then concludes…
Whereas Jews are the targets of the majority of hate crimes committed in the United States against any religious group, including attacks on houses of worship and Jewish community centers: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the United States Senate condemns and commits to combatting all forms of antisemitism.
Resolution 189 was then followed by Senator Kamala Harris’ intersectional Resolution 231 on the attack on Chabad of Poway.
Unlike, Cruz’s mainstream resolution, the only names on this one are that of Harris and her fellow Californian, Senator Dianne Feinstein.
Resolution 231 is good when it’s specifically dealing with the attack, and does mention, “Oscar Stewart, a veteran of the Army, and Jonathan Morales, a border patrol agent, bravely fought back, running toward the perpetrator of the attack.”
But its real agenda becomes a rant about white supremacism.
Nazis are obviously bad. And they’ve been responsible for a number of the violent attacks against Jews in recent years. But they’re not the only form of anti-Semitism around.
Whereas Cruz’s resolution condemned a spectrum of anti-Semitism, across political lines, and condemned principles of anti-Semitism, Harris’ resolution follows the lefty party line of reducing anti-Semitism to an issue of white supremacism.
Resolution 231 quickly switches over from a condemnation of anti-Semitism to emphasizing white supremacism while ignoring other forms of anti-Semitism, and then sidelining Jews in the intersectional rainbow, claiming.
“Whereas growing White supremacy and White nationalism is—
(1) a threat to the security of the United States; and
(2) antithetical to the American values of dignity and respect of all people, including Jewish, Muslim, Black, Latino, Asian American, immigrant, and LGBTQ peoples; and…”
White supremacy, like Black supremacy, is obviously bad.) Or less obviously bad to lefties who celebrate hate groups like Black Lives Matter), but unlike Islamic Supremacism, I wouldn’t describe it as a threat to the security of the United States.
Not at this stage.
The pairing of Muslims and Jews isn’t coincidental. This becomes the agenda in the Harris resolution.
The Harris resolution then… “reaffirms the commitment of the United States to condemn—
(A) anti-Semitism;
(B) White supremacy;
(C) White nationalism; and
(D) all forms of hatred.”
Why not mention the Islamic plots against synagogues, including some recent ones? The answer is all too obvious.
Neither resolution actually mentions this major problem.
But where the Cruz resolution at least defined the motives behind anti-Semitism, Harris attempts to erase any acknowledgement of anti-Semitism that doesn’t proceed from white supremacism.
And that implictly gives Rep. Omar and her own leftist allies a pass.


Leftist advocacy groups like the ADL, Vox, and the Southern Poverty Law Center are pushing their anti-conservative standards on Facebook, Google, and Twitter to police political speech and thought. Now they won’t only have Soros money to help them carryout their censorship of conservatives, but also the collaboration of the Koch Brothers.

Related links:
Koch Brothers Ally With George Soros to Push (Leftist) Online Censorship:

Polly Says Ditch Your Smartphones


imgpsh_fullsize (1)
Masjid Al Aman
203 Forbell Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11208
(718) 277-3976

“I am in downtown Brooklyn, but I swear it’s Saudi Arabia”

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
A resident of Brooklyn posted a Facebook live video documenting how the Islamic call to prayer was being broadcast to a 20 block radius by a local mosque.“I am in downtown Brooklyn, but I swear it’s Saudi Arabia, y’all hear that?” asks Derrick Gibson as the words “No God but Allah, Mohammad is his messenger” are broadcast.
“What the hell disturbing the peace! You gotta love it right here in America – this not Saudi Arabia” states Gibson as the noise gets louder.
The mosque in question is the Masjid-Al-Aman. A previous report from 2016 documents how locals complained 156 times about the call to prayer, labeling it a nuisance.
The commentary on the clip claims that the broadcast is a violation of New York City noise control ordinance.
However, according to a resident, when she contacted police about the noise, she was told, ”You can report excessive noise coming from a house of worship when a service is not being held as the police WILL NOT respond if you are reporting noise during a religious service.”
Police told her that it was perfectly legal to broadcast the sound using speakers during a religious service.
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republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
In this new Jamie Glazov Moment, I focus on Trump’s Effective Counter-Jihad Stance, revealing how it is in stark contrast to the Radical-in-Chief enabling Islamic Supremacism.
Don’t miss it!
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republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Teenagers wondering how to get an abortion without their parents’ consent or knowledge can look to an instructional article recently published in Teen Vogue.
In a piece titled, “How to Get an Abortion if You’re a Teen,” minors whose parents are pro-life are specifically targeted, with author Nona Willis Aronowitz telling young readers that abortion is a “right, regardless of your parents’ beliefs,” deeming such beliefs as mere “abstract views.”
Aronowitz stages the article around a supposed ‘question’ from a 16-year-old who is pregnant and scared to tell her parents because they oppose abortion.
“Accidents can happen even to the most careful among us,” Aronowitz writes. “And it’s only logical that if teens are mature enough to become parents, they are mature enough to decide whether or not they want to give birth.”
“One thing I’ve learned while researching and reporting on these issues is that supposedly anti-abortion Americans often get abortions. They often help their children procure abortions. You know those activists who stand outside clinics holding signs adorned with Bible verses and pictures of fetuses? Even they sometimes get abortions.”
Abortion-seeking teens are encouraged to research their state abortion laws as they pertain to minors, and if necessary, seek a ‘judicial bypass,’ which is derided as an “infantilizing holdup” in the piece.
“If you live in a state with consent or notification laws, it’s likely that a clinic can help guide you through this process. There are also organizations in particularly obstructionist states that offer more resources, like Jane’s Due Process in Texas.”
In conclusion, the author encourages, “everybody loves someone who’s had an abortion. Including you.”
Teen Vogue regularly produces globalist-leftist propaganda aimed at young readers, including content glorifying alt-left militant group Antifa, promotion of gender confusion, and heavy endorsement of failed 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.


Marine Le Pen to unveil new far-right alliance 

in European Parliament


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Is Le Pen mightier than the sword — of Islam? That’s a good question. But the French government apparently thinks that Marine Le Pen (shown), leader of the anti-immigrationist National Rally Party, is more dangerous. And they’ve charged her with “hate speech” to prove it.
Le Pen’s sin is that she posted pictures of Islamic State (IS) atrocities, something absolutely frowned upon by the globalist, immigrationist Thanos-types aspiring to create “Eurafrica.” Never mind that she disseminated the images, of IS murders, because critics aimed to murder her reputation by comparing her party to the Islamic State. Apparently, there’s nothing wrong with peddling lies to defame another via character assassination. But showing how just maybe, perhaps, your desire to limit immigration and preserve your culture doesn’t exactly put you in league with globalist jihadists who burn people alive, drown them in cages, and feed children into industrial dough kneaders, well, that’s really crossing a Maginot Line.
As the New York Times reports:
Ms. Le Pen, the head of the National Rally party, formerly known as the National Front, has been charged under an article in the French penal code that prohibits “disseminating” messages that are “violent” or that could “seriously harm human dignity” and that could be seen by a minor [yes, do it “for the children”], according to the prosecutor’s office in Nanterre, a western suburb of Paris.
If found guilty, she could face a maximum sentence of three years in prison and a fine of 75,000 euros, or about $85,000. The prosecutor’s office said on Thursday that a date for the trial had not been set, but that it would be held in Nanterre.
In 2015, when a television journalist compared her party to the Islamic State, Ms. Le Pen reacted angrily by posting three pictures on Twitter that showed killings by the group, including one of the decapitated body of James Foley, an American journalist.
Ms. Le Pen deleted that post after criticism from Mr. Foley’s family, but not the two other pictures, one that showed a man in an orange jumpsuit being run over by a tank and the other a prisoner being burned alive in a cage.
Images are serious business because a “picture is worth a thousand words,” you know — 1,000 leftism-refuting words in this case.
This is so serious, in fact, that last year, the Daily Mail tells us, an “investigative magistrate called for Le Pen to undergo psychiatric tests in connection with the ISIS tweets.” Because, of course, you have to be a flaming wacko to oppose globalist, immigrationist aims.
Do note, this smacks of what occurred under despotic Cold War, Marxist regimes: In the USSR, Poland, or some other socialist workers’ paradise, they’d put people crazy enough to oppose the regime in mental institutions. (We see this spirit in the United States, too, with the Left “diagnosing” President Trump as mentally unbalanced and having toyed with removing him under the 25thAmendment.) That’s how you ensure that the sane people run government, you see.
But perhaps sanity ain’t what it used to be. Note that Europe has experienced in recent times a rapid influx of Third World/Muslim migration, a phenomenon leading to cultural dislocation, proliferating crime, sexual attacks on women, and the metastasizing of “no-go zones.” In light of this, a question for the immigrationists:
Can you cite an example of a people, anytime, anywhere, that said, “Yay! This is great! We’re being overrun with foreigners and our culture is being overwhelmed!”? My grasp of history may be lacking, but I’m unaware of such a case — that is, until the development of the masochistic, self-flagellating, immigrationist enabler. For the historical norm has been to keep unassimilable alien elements out of your society (see the Sentinalese et al.), not invite them in.
Le Pen isn’t, of course, the first to be targeted with hate-speech laws. Aside from the average people thus charged, anti-immigrationist Euroskeptic Geert Wilders, leader of Holland’s Party for Freedom, was found guilty of hate speech in 2016. Legendary French actress Brigitte Bardot has been convicted of such no fewer than five times. Heck, Briton Paul Weston, leader of the Liberty GB Party, was arrested in 2014 for a “Racially Aggravated Crime” after publicly quoting famed statesman Winston Churchill — who, some may suspect, just may be posthumously diagnosed as mentally unbalanced.
But the EU immigrationists may have to up their arrests and build far more psychiatric institutions if they want to maintain power. Not only has a left-wing politician just taken power in Denmark running on an anti-immigrationist platform, but the Economist noted that Wilder’s hate-speech conviction would probably just increase his popularity. The same is true of Le Pen. After all, her politically incorrect utterances didn’t stop her party from defeating French president Emmanuel Macron’s immigrationists at last month’s European Parliament elections. 
Then again, maybe the secret of her success is not just what she says, but what her opponents say. Note here that Macron himself has actually endorsed the idea of creating “Eurafrica,” a scheme requiring the flooding of his continent with 150 to 200 million Africans during the next few decades.
It could just make you wonder who’ll be populating the European mental institutions of the future.



If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls who live under tyranny.”
Thomas Jefferson paraphrase from “Notes on Virginia”
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
New York is the most recent state to impose a stricter compulsory immunization policy.
The state’s lawmakers on Thursday passed legislation that eliminates religious exemptions to vaccinations for schoolchildren. Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the bill just minutes after it made its way through both the Assembly and the Senate.
Proponents of the legislation painted the bill as a response to what many mainstream media outlets are calling “the nation’s worst measles outbreak in decades.”
Governor Cuomo called the outbreak a public health emergency and asserted that public health trumps religious liberties. “While I understand and respect freedom of religion, our first job is to protect the public health,” he said.
Assemblyman Kenneth Zebrowski, a Rockland County Democrat, argued that his county alone had 266 confirmed measles cases and over a dozen hospitalizations — which prompted his family to accelerate vaccinations for his one-year-old daughter.
“Our job is not just to react to epidemics,” said Zebrowski prior to his “yes” vote. “Our job as legislators is to prevent epidemics.”
Most of the measles cases have occurred in Orthodox Jewish communities in Brooklyn and Rockland County. Opponents of the bill were vocal at the Assembly vote, where cries of “shame” descended from the gallery after the legislation passed 77-53. It went on to pass 36-26 in the Senate.
The hundreds of protesters at the New York Capitol included children, families, and member of the state’s religious community.
Stan Yung, a Long Island father, said he is considering moving his family out of state because his Russian Orthodox views keep him from vaccinating his children. “People came to this country to get away from exactly this kind of stuff,” Yung explained.
Democrat Jeffrey Dinowitz, the bill’s sponsor in the Assembly, shot back at claims that compulsory vaccination infringes on religious freedom. “I’m not aware of anything in the Torah, the Bible, the Koran or anything else that suggests you should not get vaccinated,” Dinowitz stated. “If you choose to not vaccinate your child, therefore potentially endangering other children ... then you’re the one choosing not to send your children to school.”
The law will not eliminate exemptions for children who cannot receive vaccines for medical reasons, such as a weakened immune system.
With the new legislation, New York joins California, Arizona, West Virginia, Mississippi, and Maine among states that do not allow vaccine exemptions on religious grounds.
California removed its exemptions in 2015 following a measles outbreak at Disneyland that affected 147 people. The state is currently considering legislation that would tighten medical exemptions by requiring them to be issued by a state public health officer rather than a doctor.
On Instagram, Biel wrote that while she supports vaccines, she opposes SB 276 because it would interfere with parents’ “right to make educated medical decisions for their children alongside their physicians.”
Following the signing of the immunization bill in New York on Thursday, the American Medical Association stated it would increase its efforts to “incentivize states to eliminate nonmedical exemptions.” It also vowed to support legislation allowing minors to request vaccines without their parents’ consent.
Also on Thursday, the New York City Health Department shut down two Jewish schools for failing to comply with an order to keep unvaccinated children away.
New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio formerly called for misdemeanor charges and $1,000 fine on anyone who refuses a measles vaccine in response to measles cases in Brooklyn’s Orthodox Jewish community.
While much of the energy to establish mandatory vaccination comes from the recent measles “outbreak,” most measles cases are not severe. And although the media frequently remarks that the disease was declared eliminated in 2000, there have been over 100 confirmed cases of measles most years since 2008.
As The New American previously reported, there were no deaths from measles between 2003 and 2015 (even with 667 confirmed cases in 2014), but there were 100 child deaths linked to the measles vaccine, which contains a live virus.
While mandatory vaccination advocates treat all shots as infallible, the truth is that vaccines, like any other medication, carry risks.
The varicella vaccine, for example, has caused nearly 4,000 adverse effects as of mid-2018, including 200 deaths (most of whom were children under six). All that for an illness (chicken pox) with a mortality rate of 0.003 percent that most families used to see as a harmless, if inconvenient, part of growing up.
The tactics being employed by the compulsory vaccination movement are typical of those who strive to grow government power. Fomenting fear is the best way to convince the average citizen to surrender his freedoms.

New York Bill Removing Religious Vaccine Exemption Turned Into Law on One Day with No Public Hearings

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
On June 13, 2019, the New York legislature quickly pushed a bill (A2371) to repeal the religious exemption to vaccination through both the Assembly and Senate in one day with no public hearings.1 The unprecedented legislative coup, which cut the citizens of New York out of participating in the law making process, culminated in the Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo immediately signing the bill into law.2 3 The Assembly narrowly voted 77 to 53 to approve the bill, after passing with a margin of only one vote out of the Assembly Health Committee, and then the Senate approved the bill 36 to 26.4
“This new law, which was rammed through the New York legislature in one day without public participation in the democratic process violates the human right to hold religious and spiritual beliefs that honor and protect bodily integrity,” said Barbara Loe Fisher, Co-founder and President of the National Vaccine Information Center. “ When a government has to resort to forcing parents to choose between violating their religious beliefs and conscience or giving their children a school education, that government has chosen to rule by fear and coercion and will lose the respect and trust of the people.”
The bill’s sponsors, attorney Senator Brad Hoylman (D-Manhattan) and attorney Assembly Member Jeffrey Dinowitz (D-Bronx), the New York State Health Commissioner and attorney Howard Zucker, MD justified the action based on more than 800 cases of measles reported in several New York City neighborhoods since September 2018.  As of June 6, 2019, there had been 1,022 cases of measles reported in the U.S. population of 328 million people with 266 cases occurring in Rockland County, New York and 588 cases in New York City since last fall.5 However, there have been no cases of measles reported among children attending school with religious exemptions, and the CDC has stated that 97 percent of children attending kindergarten in New York in the 2017-2018 school year had received two doses of MMR vaccine.6
In a special report about measles and MMR vaccine published on May 25, 2019, NVIC provided scientific evidence published in the medical literature that:7
  • Vaccinated mothers no longer have measles maternal antibodies to transfer to their newborns to protect them in the first year of life, so infants are susceptible to measles from birth
  • Fully vaccinated children and adults can get wild type measles and infect others without showing any symptoms;
  • Subclinical cases of measles in vaccinated persons are not being identified or reported;
  • MMR vaccine strains no longer match currently circulating wild type measles strains;
  • MMR vaccine acquired immunity is waning in older children and adults
  • Many cases of measles in the U.S. and other countries are occurring in vaccinated adults with waning immunity
“It was a very dark day in New York for families with vaccine injured children,” said Dawn Richardson, NVIC’s Director of Advocacy. “They had to witness industry backed misinformation being manipulated for the purpose of denying parents the right to obtain an exemption for sincere religious beliefs for children dependent on critical special education and therapies received at school.” She added, “The democratic process is designed to be inclusive and move slowly and deliberatively over the course of an entire legislative session but, in New York this year the democratic process was subverted, betraying those affected the most by this one day political stunt. At the end of the day, removing longstanding religious belief exemptions will not prevent measles from circulating in New York or any other state.”
About 24,000 children in New York currently attend school with a religious exemption to vaccination (0.8 percent of all students).8 Those children now will have to immediately get all state mandate vaccines according to the schedule published by the federal Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices or be home schooled next school year.9 Some families have said they will have to move out of the state because their children are already vaccine injured or have brain and immune system disorders that do not qualify for medical exemptions under narrow federal vaccine use guidelines.10
“New York has joined Mississippi, West Virginia, Maine and California as states that do not respect freedom of thought, conscience and religious beliefs, which are foundational liberties considered to be among the most important human rights,” said Loe Fisher. “This action by the government of New York will only reinvigorate the vaccine safety and informed consent movement founded in 1982 by parents of DPT vaccine injured children. Today, more Americans understand that “no exceptions” public health laws, which force use of a liability free pharmaceutical product in the name of the greater good, is a prescription for tyranny.”
On June 7, 2019, Crain’s New York Business reported that The Partnership for New York City, which represents more than 350 major city employers, wrote a letter to legislators calling for an end to religious exemptions to vaccinations.11 Among the business group’s members and partners are Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Google, Inc., Microsoft Corp., Omnicon Public Relations Group, Anthem Empire Blue Cross/Blue Shield and top corporate investment and entrepreneurial firms. In what may or may not be a coincidence, according to Albany Business Review, ILUM Health Solutions, a subsidiary of vaccine industry giant Merck & Co, Inc., announced plans on June 12, 2019 to create 115 new jobs in the Albany area over the next five years, investing 48 million.13
1 New York State Assembly. A02371 Bill to Repeal Exemption to Vaccination for Religious Beliefs. Bill History Summary of Actions. June 13, 2019.2 Office of NY Governor Mario Cuomo. Press Release: Governor Cuomo Signs Legislation Removing Non-Medical Exemptions from School Vaccination Requirements. June 13, 2019.3 Allyn B. New York Ends Religious Exemptions for Required Vaccines. NPR June 13, 2019.4 Precious T. New York Ends Vaccination Exemptions Based on Religious BeliefsBuffalo NewsJune 13, 2019.5 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Measles Cases and Outbreaks. June 10, 2019.6 CDC. Vaccination Coverage for Selected Vaccines and Exemption Rates Among Children in Kindergarten – United States, 2017-2018 School YearMMWR Oct. 12, 2018; 67(40): 1115-1122.7 Fisher BL. What’s Going On With Measles? The Science and Politics of Eradicating MeaslesNVIC Newsletter May 25, 2019.8 Precious T. New York Ends Vaccination Exemptions Based on Religious BeliefsBuffalo NewsJune 13, 2019.9 CDC. Recommended Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule for ages 18 years or younger, United States, 2019. Feb. 5, 2019.10 CDC. Recommendations and Guidelines of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP): Contraindications and Precautions. Table 4-2. Conditions incorrectly perceived as contraindications or precautions to vaccination (i.e., vaccines may be given under these conditions). Jan. 10, 2019.11 Deffenbach R. City’s largest business group supports bill to end religious exemption for vaccines. Crain’s New York Business June 7, 2019.12 Partnership for New York City. Members. 13 Young L. This Merck subsidiary is expanding in Albany — and hiringAlbany Business ReviewJune 12, 2019.

AMA Wants Minors to Get Vaccinated 

Without Parental Consent

SEE: https://thevaccinereaction.org/2019/06/ama-wants-minors-to-get-vaccinated-without-parental-consent/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
The American Medical Association (AMA) has voted on June 10, 2019 to give “mature” children the power to consent to vaccinations and override the wishes of their parents if they choose. According to Sarp Aksel, MD, who represents the AMA in New York, “Minors who have demonstrated capacity and who are able to provide informed consent should be able to receive vaccinations regardless of the flawed beliefs of their guardians.”1 2
The resolution by the AMA was voted on at the organization’s 2019 annual meeting in Chicago, Illinois earlier this week. The measure itself carries no binding legal authority. It is a policy recommendation, and it is aimed at influencing state legislators throughout the United States to introduce legislation and pass laws reflecting the AMA’s policy.
As reporter Kate Raines wrote in a recent article in The Vaccine Reaction:
As it applies to vaccination, several states already use the “mature minor” doctrine to give minors the right to make vaccines decisions and other decisions about medical interventions without parental knowledge or consent.3
“Mature minor” laws are already in place in Alaska, Arkansas, Alaska, Arkansas, Delaware, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee and West Virginia. A bill was introduced earlier this year in New York that would permit children 14 years of age and older to be vaccinated without the permission of their parents.3
AMA board member Bobby Mukkamala, MD said, “Allowing mature minors to provide informed consent to vaccinations will ensure these patients can access this type of preventive care.” Neither Dr. Mukkamala nor the AMA defined what they mean by “mature” children or specified who should have the authority to make that determination.1 2
Kevin Reilly, MD of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) noted that, despite the AMA resolution allowing minor children to ignore parental consent rights and get vaccinated if they wish, parents would still be required to pay for the vaccinations. He also pointed out the danger the new AMA policy poses in the form of “chipping away at parental rights.”1


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
If Cuban troops and militia do not immediately cease military and other operations for the purpose of causing death and destruction to the constitution of Venezuela, a full and complete embargotogether with highest-level sanctionswill be placed on the island of Cuba,” ( Pres. Trump April 30, 2019.)
“Trump administration bans cruises to Cuba in clampdown on U.S. travel-– The Trump administration on Tuesday imposed heavy new restrictions on travel to Cuba by U.S. citizens, including a ban on cruises, in a bid to further pressure the Communist island.” (Reuters, June 4, 2019.)
As  often documented hereabouts, Castro’s military and secret police (the only people in Cuba with guns, in case some have forgotten) majority- own everything related to Cuba’s tourism  industry, which is the Castro-Crime-Syndicate’s 2nd largest source of income, slightly behind what they extort and otherwise squeeze out of their miserable Venezuelan colony in stolen oil and drug-smuggling proceeds.
Any more questions about why the Trump team decided to attend to this travel matter? (i.e. to once again make good on a threat to a foreign adversary?)
But wasn’t Obama’s Cuba policy of forgiving The Castro-Crime-Syndicate’s mass theft of U.S. property, its torture and murder of U.S. citizens, its blatant terror-sponsorship and drug-smuggling while showering it with billions of U.S. dollars–wasn’t this shrewd policy guaranteed to turn Cuba into a Spanish-speaking Switzerland? Well: 
“Cuba continues to play a destabilizing role in the Western Hemisphere, providing a communist foothold in the region and propping up U.S. adversaries in places like Venezuela and Nicaragua by fomenting instability, undermining the rule of law, and suppressing democratic processes. This Administration has made a strategic decision to reverse the loosening of sanctions and other restrictions on the Cuban regime. These actions will help to keep U.S. dollars out of the hands of Cuban military, intelligence, and security services.”  (Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.)
Some perspective: in 2017, Cuba received 1.5 million visitors from the U.S.  Given a big spike in recent cruise ship landings, that figure was expected to balloon in 2019, and the Castro-Crime-Syndicate was rubbing its hands and whooping in anticipation of this Obama-generated financial windfall.
Those delighted whoops have now turned to wails of anger and grief.   
But wasn’t Cuba historically a tourist playground for Americans, some might ask? Sure. But here’s some more perspective:
When travel to Cuba was promoted by the U.S. government and Cuba served as a “tourist playground” for Americans  (the 1950’s), the island annually received  around  200,000 tourists from the U.S.  In fact , up until 1953,  more Cubans had vacationed in the U.S. annually than did Americans in Cuba, as befit a developed nation with a larger middle-class than much of Europe of the time.  
But, as mentioned, on a year (2017) when tourism to Cuba from the U.S. was outlawed by congressionally-passed and presidentially-signed laws the island received upwards of ONE AND A HALF MILLION tourists from the U.S. 
Sounds crazy, I know. But here it is straight from the U.S. State Dept. “Tourist travel to Cuba is prohibited under U.S. law for U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and others subject to U.S. jurisdiction.”
Obviously there was something drastically wrong with that picture--with such a flagrant scoffing at U.S. law. Any more questions why the Trump team decided to attend to this travel matter? (i.e. to once again make good on a threat to a snickering foreign adversary who --catastrophically as it turned out!--thought he was still dealing with Obama?)
What happened recently is that, though U.S. tourism to Cuba remained technically illegal according to U.S. law, Obama opened up so many loopholes that Americans became 2nd only to Canadians as vacationers in Cuba (i.e. as financial partners with the Stalinist, terror-sponsoring regime’s military and secret-police.)
 “A, B, C--easy as one, two, three,” goes the famous song. And just as easily predicted by all “Right-Wing-Cuban-American-Crackpots” (i.e. people who thoroughly understand Castroism from firsthand experience)—just like the song:  A.) Obama’s executive orders further enriched the Stalinist regime B.) who thus became fat and happy C.) unleashed a wave of terror on their subjects (both Cuban and Venezuelan) unlike anything seen in decades.
This (eminently predictable) Castroite wave of terror was verified even by leftist watchdog groups like Amnesty international.   
As Obama implemented his Cuba “opening” (to cheers from libertarians) your humble servant went blue in the face trying to explain the horrible--but eminently predictable--consequence to some libertarians on John Stossell’s show.
In fact, contrary to all the media blather about Raul Castro’s and his successor’s (i.e puppet’s) Diaz-Canel’s “reforms,” Cuba hasn’t budged a millimeter from its spot in the Heritage Economic Freedom list. It still maintains its proud historic ranking of almost dead last, next to its partner in Stalinism North Korea.
And regarding all the Fake News Media blather about Cuba’s “new and burgeoning private sector!” and how this “vibrant economic sector!” now employs a hefty “and growing!” chunk of Cuba’s working population! And how Trump’s “clamp-down” (i.e enforcement of U.S. law) will “hurt Cuba’s private sector hardest!”—regarding this Fake News Media/Castro agent mantra, some of us actually bothered to run the numbers.
In the process, your humble servant revealed that-- as a percentage of the Cuban population-- the number of Cuban’s currently “self-employed” in Cuba is about the same as were similarly employed when fanatical Maoist/Stalinist Che Guevara served as Cuba’s “Minister of the Economy.”
Hence, yet another Fake News Media lie about Cuba bites the dust.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
D.C. is the ultimate big government town. Food doesn't grow there. A swamp does.
The USDA, under Trump, is trying to actually move personnel closer to where food does grow.
Employees at USDA's Economic Research Service (ERS) and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) intend to move from Washington, D.C. to an unspecified area in the Kansas City region by the end of 2019, the Washington Post reports.
Of course there's screeching at the idea.
Why it matters: "Employees, congressional Democrats and a bipartisan coalition of former USDA leaders" have warned that the move "would devastate the two agencies," per the Post. ERS and NIFA have both recently unionized and some "union officials have promised to fight the move."
Washington D,C. doesn't grow it. Missouri on the other hand has over 100,000 farms.
The swamp is whining that it might actually have to be located near where its supposed jurisdiction is located as opposed to enjoying the good life in D.C. while coming no closer to actual agriculture than the lobbyists for various concerns.
This should be the beginning of a precedent.
Several hundred employees of the Economic Research Service and National Institute of Food and Agriculture will be asked to move “closer to customers,” in the language of Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue, who announced the final location on Thursday morning.
 “Following a rigorous site selection process, the Kansas City Region provides a win-win–maximizing our mission function by putting taxpayer savings into programmatic outputs and providing affordability, easy commutes and extraordinary living for our employees,” Perdue said. “The Kansas City Region has proven itself to be hub for all things agriculture and is a booming city in America’s heartland. There is already a significant presence of USDA and federal government employees in the region, including the Kansas City ‘Ag Bank’ Federal Reserve,” his statement continued. “This agriculture talent pool, in addition to multiple land-grant and research universities within driving distance, provides access to a stable labor force for the future. The Kansas City Region will allow ERS and NIFA to increase efficiencies and effectiveness and bring important resources and manpower closer to all of our customers.” 
A new cost-benefit analysis—a tool that critics of the planned move had long said was lacking—showed that the move will save nearly $300 million over 15 years, or $20 million a year, the department said. The state and local governments involved offered relocation incentives of more than $26 million.
But... our entire country is supposed to be run out of a few blue urban cities.


SEE: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/273991/lgbtq-bigotry-david-horowitzrepublished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes: 
[Order David Horowitz’s new book, Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America.]
To anyone focused on real-world events and relationships, America is obviously the most tolerant and inclusive society that has ever existed. If you are looking for irrefutable evidence, watch an hour of TV commercials created by major U.S. companies. Racially integrated couples, gay couples and families, multi-racial professionals and creators are featured on virtually everyone. This would hardly be the case if anti-Black and anti-gay sentiments were perceived by corporate advertisers to pose a significant threat to their sales. The same is true of television programming generally, where series featuring little people, obese people, and every mix of gay couples, non-white and non-straight TV hosts and commentators, are ubiquitous all day long. Yet the political left and the Democratic Party still refuse to take yes for an answer and prefer instead to focus on fringe and marginalized bigots who come in all colors, genders and sexual orientations, and will be with us to the end of time.  
In fact, through a perverse but also inevitable twist to Identity Politics, the most aggressively bigoted and hate-filled censors seeking to suppress and marginalize individuals whom they regard as “other” are the very movements organized as advocates for “victim” minorities. The haters include white supremacist fringe movements who think that through attacks on Jews and Blacks they are actually defending whites (who are indeed targeted by so-called social justice warriors. But the most prominent and far more numerous hate groups are the social justice warriors themselves – Black Lives Matter, the misnamed Human Rights Campaign and the equally misnamed Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, an organization that is well-practiced in the art of defamation against what it refers to as “oppressor” groups.
Vice President Mike Pence and Trump’s gay Ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell, are leading a Trump-inspired global campaign to end the criminalization of gay sex and gay relationships, but you would never know it from the hate that gay “civil rights” groups are directing at them. Pence has been singled out by leading Democratic presidential candidate, Pete Buttigieg as a dangerous bigot – not because he actually is a bigot but because he holds traditional Christian views of gay marriage, which offend Buttigieg and the gay vigilantes. When Buttigieg announced he was gay and introduced his husband in 2015, Pence went out of his way as the governor of Indiana – as Buttigieg’s political rival – to praise him for his public service as mayor of South Bend.
Being able to hold opinions that others find offensive is called freedom of conscience or religious liberty and is the most basic freedom we have as Americans, which is why it is stipulated in the First Amendment to the Bill of Rights. It is the most basic freedom because without the ability to hold dissenting opinions and express them freely you can’t defend any of the other freedoms you have. The sin committed by Vice President Pence that gave Buttigieg the license to demonize and defame him was his signing of a bill to protect the religious liberty of the people of Indiana. The presumption behind Buttigieg’s slander of Pence was his membership in a group purportedly “marginalized” and therefore “oppressed.” In fact, in the present political climate, even in Indiana, Buttigieg’s homosexuality is an obvious asset – one so powerful as to catapult an obscure mayor of a crime-ridden small town to third or fourth place in the race to become the Democrats’ presidential candidate for 2020.        
Buttigieg’s assault on Pence and religious liberty was supported by the LGTBQ left represented by organizations like the Human Rights Campaign and GLAAD. Deploying victim politics to suppress opponents of leftist ideas has been the pattern of leftist attacks on Christians since gays won their rights through a series of questionable Supreme Court decisions culminating in the legalization of gay marriage in 2015.
Most notorious among the vigilante assaults was the attempt by a gay Colorado couple, to drive a Christian baker named Jack Phillips out of business because he could not in good conscience bake them a wedding cake endorsing gay marriage. There was nothing in Phillips’ attitude or behavior that a reasonable person would describe as bigoted. He was gracious to these gay customers and offered to sell them any cake in the shop they desired. What he would not do was endorse a sacrament that violated his religious principles.
His gay assailants reciprocated by cursing him and smashing his wares as they exited his shop. They then mobilized the LGBTQ legal agencies to file suit and force him to defend himself in lengthy and expensive court battles. During these trials, he was forced to give up making wedding cakes, which constituted 40% of his business.  Not satisfied with attacking his business, the LGBTQ vigilantes also incited a hate campaign against him personally. In one incident a member of their lynch mob called to inform Phillips he was coming to kill him. Phillips had to hide his granddaughters who were visiting him in the pantry until the police came. Eventually, Phillips won his Supreme Court case but this didn’t end the campaign against him. His gay antagonists came back with a request that he make them cakes dedicated to Satan and featuring other statements of belief they knew he could not accommodate.
Nor was Phillips alone as a target of gay-lesbian hate groups. In Lexington Kentucky, the Gay and Lesbian Services Organization (GLSO) asked a Christian T-shirt maker named Blaine Adamson to make them a T-shirt promoting a Gay Pride Festival. Adamson turned them down. He had done the same with many other T-shirt requests for slogans and causes he could not in good conscience produce. At the same time, he offered to connect them to a T-shirt maker who could and would fulfill their request. In other words, Adamson was a tolerant believer in live-and-let live American pluralism.
But his GLSO antagonists were not. They filed a lawsuit against him and began a public boycott campaign to defame him and drive him out of business. Large enterprises withdrew their patronage and the Mayor of Lexington denounced him. Adamson has prevailed in two court decisions but this has not caused his persecutors to relent. His case is now before the Kentucky Supreme Court, eight years after it began.
There are numerous cases like this all driven by the same agendas. Claiming the authority to pursue these vendettas through their status as a “marginalized” and “underserved” group – both demonstrable falsehoods – LGBTQ activists have conducted nationwide campaigns to force religious Christians to give up their freedom of conscience and submit to the kind of tyranny and religious persecution that caused America’s Founders to flee Europe and create the rights that have protected us ever since.
The assaults on these rights – vigorously encouraged and often led by the Obama Administration – have become so serious and so widespread that the Trump administration has countered with an “Extended Religious Conscience Rule” promulgated by the U.S. Health Agency. As summarized by Kaiser Health News, “The HHS rule is designed to protect the religious rights of health care providers and religious institutions by allowing them to opt out of procedures such as abortions, sterilizations and assisted suicide.”
In other words, if you are a religious Christian and believe in the sanctity of human life you cannot be forced to perform an abortion or assist in a suicide. In normal times, this might seem like a reasonable defense of religious liberty and individual conscience, without causing threats to third party patients since obviously there are plenty of health care providers who would be willing to perform the procedures.

But these are not normal times, and this is now the defining issue in the war between the left and Christian America.  A headline on the leftwing Internet site, Salon.com, describes the conflict in these distorted and inflammatory terms: “Progressives fight back on the Christian right’s grotesque ‘religious freedom’ power play.” Salon describes the new HHS rule as “a sweeping assault on civil rights” and an effort to advance the religious right’s “discriminatory agenda.” The legal director for “Americans United for Separation of Church and State has joined offered the following phony distinction to defend these assaults on the First Amendment: “Religious freedom is incredibly important. It’s right to believe and worship as you see fit. But it’s never an excuse to discriminate.” In other words, you can have opinions and beliefs but keep them to yourself.

This is perfectly Orwellian. Under these guidelines, it’s discrimination to choose not to perform a procedure that would violate your most cherished principles and beliefs – but it’s okay to force people to do just that. By this logic, it’s bigotry to hold a belief – for example against gay marriage – even if your real-world behavior towards gay married couples like Pete Buttigieg and his husband is generous and tolerant. At the same time, it’s not bigotry to force people to perform acts that they consider hateful. Or to stop them from expressing themselves publicly. A senior living home in Oregon has actually banned its seniors from playing Christian music. The case is in the courts.

This is the divide in our nation today. The left has disconnected itself from the American tradition of individual freedom, which originated as an idea of the Protestant Reformation and became a fundamental part of our founding documents as the First Amendment. The First Amendment not only grants its beneficiaries freedom of conscience but the freedom to speak and advocate their conscience. Leftist opponents of these freedoms have redefined religious liberty so that it’s not liberty at all.

To totalitarian leftists, religious liberty is the freedom to worship according to the values you believe in, but not to advocate or live by those values; they have redefined tolerance as a mandate to force people to act against their beliefs if those beliefs are at odds with the prejudices of the left. These are anti-American ideas and they constitute a determined attack on America’s pluralistic culture – a culture and respect they hypocritically demand for themselves but refuse to afford to others. These attacks have already corroded our national dialogue and created divisions so deep it is problematic as to whether in the long run, our nation can survive them.


QUOTE: “Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) is just what it sounds like—drag queens reading stories to children in libraries, schools, and bookstores. DQSH captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models. In spaces like this, kids are able to see people who defy rigid gender restrictions and imagine a world where people can present as they wish, where dress up is real.”
Antifa Vows To Defend Drag Queen Story Time at Texas Library
Austin’s Antifa chapter called ATX Resistance Action announced their call to action on Facebook ahead of the Drag Queen event set to take place at the Leander Public Library on Saturday, June 15th, hosted by the Open Cathedral Church

Far-left prepares to gender-bend your children 

by force

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Antifa has pledged to protect a Drag Queen Story Time event at a Texas library to ensure that protesters will not interrupt the children’s exposure to the far-left’s trans agenda.
Austin’s Antifa chapter called ATX Resistance Action announced their call to action on Facebook ahead of the Drag Queen event set to take place at the Leander Public Library on Saturday, June 15th, hosted by the Open Cathedral Church.
“The time of the fascist event opposing story time is 1 pm. We need to be there at 12:30 so we have enough bodies to take the space. Story time is from 3 to 3:45 pm,” the ATX Resistance Action stated.
“Our purpose is to create a sound and visual barrier of bodies between the fascists and those coming to the library. Must be done in a kid friendly way so the children think it’s all fun and aren’t afraid of seeing people with guns behind us.”
Ryan Hart, the pastor of Open Cathedral, has made several Facebook posts expressing anti-Trump and far-left views, even referring to God as an “undocumented queer.”
The “Drag Queen” guest for the event is called Valeri Jinxy, who has performed for the “drag troupe” known as “Poo Poo Platter.”
MassResistance, the “pro-family group” opposed to this event, had uncovered registered sex offenders in past Drag Queen Story Time events in Houston, Texas.
Valeri Jinxy Abrego's Profile Photo, Image may contain: 1 person
EXCERPT FROM: https://ratherexposethem.org/2019/06/massresistance-forces-another-texas.html:
"But then Houston MassResistance hit the city with a bombshell. Tracy and the others had put together a ghastly 57-page exposé of the “Drag Queen” who was to be reading to the children at the Public Library event. The person, who goes by the name Valeri Abrego-Liszewski, is actually a female who often calls herself a “Drag King”, and appears to be a bizarre type of stripper. Her various social media photos, shown in the report, are repulsive and pornographic. One could easily see this is definitely not a person you would want teaching anything to young children."
Read the 57-page exposé here. (CAUTION: EXTREMELY OFFENSIVE PHOTOS)
Texas MassResistance activists have organized a big protest outside of the Leander Library on June 15 during the “Drag Queen” event. Groups from around Texas have said they’ll join the MassResistance protest that day.
Breaking! Another Child Sex Offender outed at Houston Drag Queen Story Hour program.@allidoisowen is breaking it all down https://t.co/f7gGNkES84#DragQueenStoryHour#Pedogate pic.twitter.com/dRtyRIUJqW
— Rob Dew (@DewsNewz) April 4, 2019
“Drag entertainment is an inherent deviant, sexually perverse affair,” MassResistance founder Tracy Shannon said in a Wednesday statement. “It is adult entertainment at its worst, and drag queens have no business reading to little children in libraries.”
“And yet, Leander Texas has given up on fighting for what is best for the children and the community as a whole, and they have decided to permit a so-called ‘progressive’ church, the Open Cathedral, to host a Drag Queen Story Hour.”
"MassResistance, the international pro-family group that makes the difference, has been targeting these perverted programs throughout the country, exposing their purpose and engaging the public to oppose them at every turn. Because of the efforts of MassResistance, Drag Queen Story Hour programs have been shutting down all over the country: Georgia, Tennessee, Ohio, and Texas.”
“The latest Drag Queen, who is slated to read to children at the Leander Library on June 15th, 2019, is Valeri Jinxy, and her social media profile alone should have discouraged, even shamed the city of Leander from considering this program—even if promoted by a private party.”
If you’d like to peacefully protest the Drag Queen Story Time event, head to the Leander Public Library in Leander, Texas, on June 15th before 3:00 pm CT.
Infowars’ Owen Shroyer dropped in unexpectedly on a “Drag Queen Story Hour” event being held in Austin Texas. Owen joins Alex in-studio to break down the leftist agenda to push sexual concepts on children and confuse future generations about gender.


Children encouraged to hand cash to adult men at 

‘All Ages Drag Show’

Shock Photos, Video: Kids Give Cash to Drag Queen "Performers" at Public Library
SEE: https://www.infowars.com/shock-photos-video-kids-give-cash-to-drag-queen-performers-at-public-library/
Related articles:
The Queering of America (A Warning from 20 Years Ago)
Morality Meltdown: The Culture War Waged by America's Liberal Elite (A Warning from 15 Years Ago)
Corrupting Kids: The Drag-queen Demon at the Michelle Obama Public Library
Government Schools Are Sexualizing, Perverting, and Confusing Children
Idaho Bureaucrats Caught Sexualizing Children With Obama Grants
Middle School Invites Drag Queen to Career Day Event; Parents Infuriated
Craziness in Kids' Classes
GOProud and CPAC: "After the Ball"
Trump Rescinds Transgender Bathroom and Locker-room Rules
From Normal to Abnormal
Study Finds No Scientific Basis for Transgenderism
The Transgender Con: Rending Bodies and Twisting Minds
School District: Shh, Don't Tell Parents a (“Transgender”) Boy Is Bunking With Their Daughter
Schools in Washington Adopt Controversial Learning Standards Regarding Gender for K-12 Students
The Slippery Slope to Pedophilia


Cartoon Network Promotes LGBT ‘Pride’ to Children
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:

One of America’s most popular children’s television channels is promoting June as homosexual LGBTQ “Pride” month, using characters from one of its top shows. In a post accompanied by characters from the Powerpuffs Girls animated series, the Cartoon Network tweeted: “We want to wish everyone a HAPPY PRIDE and encourage all of our LGBTQ+ fans to stand proud all year long.” (Upper part of the tweet is shown at right; lower part below.)
In an effort to maximize the Twitter post’s social media reach, it was accompanied by hashtags #pride, #happypride, #powerpuffyourself, #pridemonth, and #powerpuffgirls.
While promoting itself as airing “the best in original, acquired, and classic entertainment for youth and families,” the Cartoon Network has made it clear that its idea of “family” includes homosexual couples. In 2018 the Cartoon Network show Steven Universe featured a female character, Ruby, taking a knee and proposing to another female character, Sapphire. This year on its website, the network is promoting Steven Universe “made of love” merchandise that includes homosexual-themed apparel and memorabilia. The website is also offering a Steven Universe “reunited” throw pillow “celebrating” the two lesbian cartoon characters on their “wedding” day.
happy prideAnd in its series finale last year, the Cartoon Network show Adventure Time featured two female characters kissing each other on the lips, apparently confirming years of viewer speculation that the two cartoon characters were lesbians.
The Christian Post noted that while the Cartoon Network’s online store “only sells to parents or adults, children are just a click away from seeing listings for Steven Universe LGBT-pride pins, a Steven Universe rainbow-themed ‘made of love’ patch and even a Steven Universe ‘kissing tote bag.’”
The Cartoon Network is not the only children’s channel to promote the homosexual lifestyle. In 2016 Nickelodeon featured a same-sex couple on its Loud House cartoon series. And in May Hulu announced more than a dozen new episodes of its series The Bravest Knight, which features two “gay” men raising a young girl as their daughter. In a press release Hulu applauded itself with the observation that The Brave Knightis “breaking boundaries” by “featuring a household with two dads (Sir Cedric and Prince Andrew), making it one of the first children’s television series with an openly gay main character.”
The announcement added that “The Bravest Knight continues Hulu’s commitment to connecting with kids and families through bold approaches in storytelling, and continues to be a supporter of LGBTQ content and creators.”
Also in May, The New American reported that the popular PBS children’s animated series Arthur had introduced the homosexual agenda into its storyline by featuring the same-sex “marriage” of longtime character Mr. Ratburn, a rat, to his aardvark “partner” Patrick. On the air for over 20 years, the daily PBS cartoon show targets four- to eight-year-old children, often dealing with sensitive issues such as cancer, diabetes, dyslexia — and now the homosexual lifestyle.
In the episode entitled “Mr. Ratburn and the Special Someone,” title character Arthur and his friends are invited to attend Mr. Ratburn’s wedding, “and assume he is marrying Patty, a female rat,” reported The New American. “But when they realize that Patty is actually Mr. Ratburn’s sister, it isn’t long until they see their teacher walking down the isle with Patrick, his soon-to-be ‘husband.’ The realization that Mr. Ratburn is gay and is marrying a man prompts one of the children to observe: ‘It’s a brand new world!’”


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
(Friday Church News Notes, June 14, 2019, www.wayoflife.org fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) - Jerusalem’s annual gay pride parade was held on June 6, with an estimated 10,000-15,000 in attendance. To counter ultra-Orthodox protests, the police had a massive presence, posting officers every 10 to 20 meters along the parade route and stationing helicopters and drones overhead. Israel’s first homosexual justice minister, Amir Ohana, appointed hours earlier by Benjamin Netanyahu, joined the parade. The city government refused chief rabbi Aryeh Stern’s request to remove rainbow flags, instead ordering the removal of protest posters that read, “Father and Mother = Family. The courage to be normal.” No wonder the Bible calls Jerusalem “Sodom” in Revelation 11:8. Meanwhile, over in Israel’s second largest city, Tel Aviv’s 21st annual pride parade is scheduled for today, June 14, in the midst of a month long homosexual festival that is one of the biggest in the world. Some 200,000 are expected to march in the parade. Tel Aviv’s Hilton Beach was recently voted “one of the best gay beaches in the world” (“Pride Comes to Tel Aviv for the 21st Time,” Jerusalem Post, June 5, 2019). The city’s LGBTQ community center is funded by the government with workers receiving city salaries. It is obvious that the present return of Israel to her land is not the fulfillment of the prophecies of the New Covenant. For “then shall ye remember your own evil ways, and your doings that were not good, and shall loathe yourselves in your own sight for your iniquities and for your abominations” (Ezekiel 36:24-31). The present return is for the purpose of preparing for the fulfillment of Daniel’s 70th Week (Daniel 9:27), when Israel will rebuild the temple and make a covenant with the Antichrist which will lead to the return of Israel’s true Christ, Jesus, and the establishment of His kingdom.

(Friday Church News Notes, June 14, 2019, www.wayoflife.org fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) - The following is excerpted from “Bombshell book alleges,” CBSNews, Feb. 15, 2019: “A gay French writer has lifted the lid on what he calls one of the world’s largest gay communities, the Vatican, estimating that most of its prelates are homosexually inclined and attributing much of the current crisis in the Catholic Church to an internal struggle. In the explosive book, In the Closet of the Vatican, author Frederic Martel describes a gay subculture at the Vatican and calls out the hypocrisy of Catholic bishops and cardinals who in public denounce homosexuality but in private lead double lives. Aside from the subject matter, the book is astonishing for the access Martel had to the inner sanctum of the Holy See. Martel writes that he spent four years researching it in 30 countries, including weeks at a time living inside the Vatican walls. He says the doors were opened by a key Vatican gatekeeper and friend of Pope Francis who was the subject of the pontiff’s famous remark about gay priests, ‘Who am I to judge?’ ... Martel says he conducted nearly 1,500 in-person interviews with 41 cardinals, 52 bishops or monsignors, and 45 Vatican and foreign ambassadors, many of whom are quoted at length and in on-the-record interviews that he says were recorded. Martel said he was assisted by 80 researchers, translators, fixers and local journalists, as well as a team of 15 lawyers. The 555-page book is being published simultaneously in eight languages in 20 countries, many bearing the title ‘Sodom.’”

(Friday Church News Notes, June 14, 2019, www.wayoflife.org fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) - The following is excerpted from “Trump Becomes First,” Christian Headlines, June 5, 2019: “President Trump ruffled feathers on both sides of the political aisle when he tweeted his support for LGBT Pride Month. On Friday afternoon, the president tweeted, ‘As we celebrate LGBT Pride Month and recognize the outstanding contributions LGBT people have made to our great Nation, let us also stand in solidarity with the many LGBT people who live in dozens of countries worldwide that punish, imprison, or even execute individuals on the basis of their sexual orientation. My administration has launched a global campaign to decriminalize homosexuality and invite all nations to join us in this effort!’ ... President Trump pledged on the campaign trail to focus on LGBT issues, showing himself to be the most friendly towards LGBT issues of any of the Republican candidates. In February, he appointed Ric Grenell, the US Ambassador to Germany, to lead the Administration’s efforts to encourage other countries to decriminalize homosexuality. ... American Family Association President Tim Wildmon said, ‘Homosexuality is not something the president should celebrate. It’s unnatural, unhealthy and immoral behavior. We hope he will continue to stand firm against the so-called Equality Act (H.R. 5) and any legislation that threatens religious freedom. Such legislation will use the full force of the federal government to punish Americans who don’t embrace the LGBT political agenda.’”

(Friday Church News Notes, June 14, 2019, www.wayoflife.org fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) - The following is excerpted from “China: Social Credit System,” Breitbart, May 14, 2019: “China’s state-run newspaper Global Times revealed in a column defending the nation’s authoritarian ‘social credit system’ Monday that the communist regime had blacklisted 13.49 million Chinese citizens for being ‘untrustworthy.’ The article did not specify what these individuals did to find themselves on the list, though the regime has revealed the system assigns a numerical score to every Chinese citizen based on how much the Communist Party approves of his or her behavior. Anything from jaywalking and walking a dog without a leash to criticizing the government on the internet to more serious, violent, and corrupt crimes can hurt a person’s score. The consequences of a low credit score vary, but most commonly appear to be travel restrictions at the moment. China is set to complete the implementation of the system in the country in 2020. As the date approaches, the government’s propaganda arms have escalated its promotion as necessary to live in a civilized society. ... ‘As of March, 13.49 million individuals have been classified as untrustworthy and rejected access to 20.47 million plane tickets and 5.71 million high-speed train tickets for being dishonest,’ the Global Times reported, citing the government’s National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC). Among the new examples the newspaper highlights as dishonest behavior are failing to pay municipal parking fees, ‘eating on the train,’ and changing jobs with ‘malicious intent.’ ... In addition to limited access to travel, another punishment the Chinese government rolled out in March was the use of an embarrassing ringtone to alert individuals of a low-credit person in their midst. The ringtone would tell those around a person with low credit to be ‘careful in their business dealings’ with them. In the system, all public behavior, the Global Times explained Monday, will be divided into ‘administrative affairs, commercial activities, social behavior, and the judicial system’ once the system is complete. No action will be too small to impact the score. ... Using the nominally private corporation ZTE, China sold a version of its credit system to socialist dictator Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela. The system would reportedly work through the already established ‘Fatherland Card, a ration card used to distribute food and medicine to Maduro’s supporters. Anyone who indicated opposition to the regime put their food supply at risk. With ZTE technology, the ‘Fatherland Card’ can track the purchases and real-time locations of any Venezuelan.”

 (Friday Church News Notes, June 14, 2019, www.wayoflife.org, fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) - The following is excerpted from “Poll: Church Membership Dropped,” Brown’s Newsletter, April 2019: “Church membership has plummeted in the last two decades by nearly twenty percent. Across the United States, now, only fifty percent of U.S. adults belong to a church and or a religious institution. Further, demographically, the drop was recorded highest among Democrats and Hispanics. Throughout the twentieth century, church and/or religious membership hovered around seventy percent, with the last recording of such in 1999. Meanwhile, the number of persons with no religious affiliation jumped from eight percent to nineteen percent. The new Gallup findings underscore [a] generational dynamic. Among Americans 65 and older, church membership in 2016-2018 averaged 64% percent, compared to 41% among those aged 18-29.”


 Trump briefed on tanker attacks in the Gulf of Oman 
Pompeo: Iran is responsible for tanker attacks in Gulf of Oman
U.S. Blames Iran for Tanker Attacks in Gulf of Oman

US has video of Iran removing unexploded mine 

from oil tanker

Mines Were Placed on Hulls of Tankers by Iranians



“The tech companies can’t fight us all”

Support Eric Cochran’s GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/pinterest-wh…



SEE: https://www.frontpagemag.com/point/274000/collusion-between-twitter-google-silencing-daniel-greenfield


(Friday Church News Notes, July 5, 2019, www.wayoflife.orgfbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) – The following is excerpted from “Tech Insider Blows Whistle,” ProjectVeritas.com, June 11, 2019: “Project Veritas has received and published documents from an insider at Pinterest. The documents, which include product code, Slack messages, and internal policies, reveal terms and websites that Pinterest apparently censors. In an interview, the Pinterest insider who leaked the documents explains how the company censors pro-life and Christian content on the website. Said Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe: ‘The documents we obtained raise questions about whether or not these tech companies really operate like neutral platforms, as opposed to publishers with editorial agendas.’ Pinterest is a publicly-traded social media company headquartered in San Francisco that has nearly 300 million active monthly users. In the past, Project Veritas released undercover footage of Twitter employees discussing ‘shadow-banning,’ and also published leaked documents from Facebook which revealed plans to target and demote conservative commentary. ‘I was pretty surprised,’ said the Pinterest insider in an interview, when s/he discovered that pro-life group LiveAction.org was added to a ‘porn domain block list.’ The insider explained that the ‘block list’ was intended to be a collection of pornographic websites that Pinterest uses in order to ensure that pornography cannot be posted. LiveAction.org is not a pornographic website; it is the web domain of a prominent pro-life advocacy group. The insider explained that websites on a ‘domain block list’ cannot be linked in posts made by users. While investigating, Project Veritas tried to post the LiveAction.org link on Pinterest and failed to do so, receiving an error message that read, ‘Sorry! Your request could not be completed.’ … Lila Rose, the founder and president of LiveAction claims that her organization has been censored in the past, and believes that pro-life organizations are unfairly targeted by social media companies: ‘Pinterest says that their mission is to “help empower people to discover things that they love,” but despite the fact that millions of people love babies and the pro-life cause, they are secretly censoring our life-affirming messages. Pinterest users deserve to know the truth and our messages deserve to be treated fairly.’ … Project Veritas reviewed the ‘Sensitive Terms List’ and discovered that Christianity-related terms like ‘christian easter’ and ‘bible verses’ were marked as ‘brand unsafe.’ … The insider explained to Project Veritas that in addition to removing content it wants to censor, Pinterest also ‘hides’ materials from users on their home screens and search results. The insider added that there is also ‘silent removing,’ which means the content is removed but there is no notice to the account who posted the material that it was removed.”


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
The United States immigration system is long past its breaking point amid a crisis driven by the lucrative business of human trafficking, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) warned at a border security hearing on Tuesday.
Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Kevin McAleenan arrived to testify to the Senate Judiciary Committee on the catastrophic migrant surge on the U.S. southern frontier and to discuss legislation proposed by Sen. Graham titled, “The Secure and Protect Act: a Legislative Fix to the Crisis at the Southwest Border.”
Sen. Graham opened the hearing by presenting charts detailing the fees human traffickers charge migrants depending on their preferred method of entering the U.S., and their respective increases in recent years to match an explosion in demand.
“The word is out in Central America… that if you make it to America, your chances of staying are pretty darn good if you ask for asylum or bring a minor child with you,” Graham said.
“How much does it cost to cross the border? In 2016, it was $3,000 to $8,000, and in 2017, it was $8,000 to $16,000, walking through the mountains. If you take a boat, it’s gone from $10,000 to $20,000. Small plane, $16,000 to $30,000. A vehicle utilizing documents belonging to another person is $20,000 to $25,000. A vehicle utilizing an accomplice immigrant agent is $20,000 to $25,000.”
“The market shows the demand has increased, the prices are going up, and people are walking through hell to get here, dealing with smugglers of every known fashion,” Graham continued.
Later in the hearing, Graham echoed a warning issued by Acting Secretary McAleenan months ago, asserting that the border has effectively collapsed as hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants pour across from Central and South America, Mexico, and even Africa.
“There has to be a breaking point,” Graham said. “We’ve reached the breaking point at the border. I cannot imagine what it’s like to go to work every day, where half the people are dedicating their time to dealing with family members, minors, and all that goes into trying to deal with 600,000 people in your custody.”
“The breaking point has long passed at the border. This is not sustainable.”
Reports of migrants that may be carrying ebola are now being confirmed and the result may be a form of medical tyranny such as forced ebola vaccinations.





It is imperative that you share this link to spread the news MSM refuses to cover

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
UPDATE 6-11-19:
Shock video: Watch illegals from Africa fleeing Ebola-stricken Congo who made it across the Rio Grande river a week ago arrive at a city-owned shelter in San Antonio and then being distributed by bus and van to undisclosed locations across The United States.
Africans from Ebola-ridden Congo are coming through America’s southern border illegally with the help of Soros NGOs.
The Congolese are not being screened by Border Patrol, are given temporary asylum and are being dropped off in major cities in this country.
San Antonio Concerned About Ebola In Migrant Shelters
Normally migrants that come in have host families or destinations, but with the Congolese, this is not the case.
Most have no host families yet, so they are given bus tickets to other cities.
There has been a news blackout on the Ebola threat. Meanwhile, the border is collapsing and there is no telling how many people from Ebola-stricken countries are entering the U.S.
San Antonio City Official Admits They Do Not Check Health Records Of Incoming Migrants
Infowars spoke with residents of and visitors to San Antonio, Texas who were very concerned.
Infowars reporters watched a migrant shelter over a short period of time as Africans literally vanished into America after being sent off in buses.
There will be one more video covering the tour of the shelter in San Antonio and how African migrants did not have host families but were being sent off anyway.
San Antonio Resident Speaks Out About The Illegal Migrant Invasion
Reporters Covering Migrant Crisis Attacked


In this new Jamie Glazov Video, I focus on Sadism in a Leftist’s Heart, and I unveil the morbid satisfaction progressives derive from supporting tyranny and terror.  
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Concerned citizen says:
New Jersey, isn’t that an island of the coast of North Korea, run by power crazed madmen and mentally unstable women politicians who say you have no rights, you must obey your politician masters and want to enslave all people and tax the hell out of them?
Fuck New Jersey PC
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Fairfax, VA – -(Ammoland.com)- Nobody ever accused New Jersey of lacking gun laws, and yet, lawmakers in Trenton can’t seem to accomplish anything except pass gun bills.
Despite passing a magazine ban and several other bills last year, New Jersey gun banners are back at it again.  On Thursday, June 13, the Assembly Judiciary Committee is holding a 10 a.m. hearing with several gun bills on the agenda.
Take Action Button

The following bills are included on Thursday’s agenda:

A.1016 by Assemblyman Gordon Johnson requires gun shops to sell smart guns.  They are simply trying to force market acceptance of a technologically unviable product.  New Jersey’s current statute requires that once smart guns are certified, then only smart guns can be sold.  This would ban the future sale of traditional handguns.  This is nothing more than a gun ban disguised as a “firearm safety” issue.
A.3696 by Assemblywoman Joann Downey requires mandatory storage of firearms.  New Jersey already has a storage requirement.  This bill does nothing more than continue to tip the scales in favor of criminals in self-defense situations.
A.5452 by Assemblywoman Verlina Reynolds-Jackson would require Firearms Identification Cards to be renewed every four years and would require training to obtain an FID card.  The bill also makes it tougher to will firearms as part of an estate.
A.5453 by Assemblywoman Yvonne Lopez and A.5454 by Assemblyman Louis Greenwald criminalizes the purchase, transfer and possession of firearms and ammunition to disqualified individuals.  This legislation is completely unnecessary given that current federal and state law already prohibits straw purchases.
A.5455 by Assemblyman Louis Greenwald regulates the sale of handgun ammunition and develops a system for electronic reporting of firearm information.
New Jersey already has some of the strictest gun control laws in the country.  Once again, this package of bills does nothing more than target law-abiding gun owners.  It does absolutely nothing to improve public safety.  Please contact members of the Assembly Judiciary Committee and respectfully ask them to oppose this package of bills.
National Rifle Association Institute For Legislative Action (NRA-ILA)
About: Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the “lobbying” arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Visit: www.nra.org


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
“Iran has introduced 2,000 new morality police units in reaction to what officials call an ‘increasing defiance’ of the compulsory wearing of hijabs. The units, called ‘resistance groups for verbal and practical response to bad-hijabi women'”
All while World Hijab Day is celebrated by avid Western “multiculturalists,” who are stooges of mainstream Muslim pressure groups that manipulate Western “diversity” programs. Multiculty gurus “tolerate” types such as UK Labor Leader Naz Shah, who retweeted that victims of Muslim rape gangs should “shut up for the good of diversity.”
Other “multiculturalists” have also supported initiatives which are denigrating to women and corrosive to democratic rights and freedoms for all. Some recent examples:
    • Declaring it bullying to ask Muslim nurses in the UK to put hygiene ahead of the hijab.
    • Following the New Zealand attacks, NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern took her “good intentions” to a new level. She not only ordered a national broadcast of the Islamic call to prayer, but she also donned a hijab.
    • Sports Illustrated in its swimsuit edition decided to be “inclusive” and feature a hijabi model.  Pity that such “inclusion” rubs salt in the wounds of oppressed women across the Islamic world who are forced to wear the hijab or otherwise face jail or worse.
These initiatives are encouraged by Islamic supremacist groups; their goal is to subvert the House of War. Nevertheless, they are embraced without question by Leftists eager to prove that they are “tolerant” and not “racist” — and of course the perks don’t hurt.
On behalf of tortured and oppressed women in Iran and elsewhere, let’s celebrate #NoHijabDayand stand in solidarity with Iranian women for #whitewednesdays.
“Iran introduces 2,000 new morality police units in response to women’s hijab protests,” by Ahmed Vahdat, The Telegraph, June 7, 2019:
Iran has introduced 2,000 new morality police units in reaction to what officials call an “increasing defiance” of the compulsory wearing of hijabs.
The units, called “resistance groups for verbal and practical response to bad-hijabi women”, were launched recently in the northern province of Gilan as part of a pilot scheme.
They are each made up of six women who have the power to arrest and detain those they deem to be flouting the country’s strict veiling laws.
The move comes amid a growing backlash by women in the Islamic Republic, hundreds of whom have been arrested for taking off their head coverings in public in protest at the law.
A campaign by rights activists called “White Wednesday” encouraging women to wear white and discard their hijabs has also gained support, much to the consternation of conservative clerics.
While Iran has had various forms of “morality police” since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, the decision to increase their numbers as well as introduce all-female brigades, is a sign that authorities are adopting a tougher approach….




SEE: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/273989/biden-takes-gloves-against-trump-joseph-klein;  republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes: 
Joe Biden branded President Trump an “existential threat” to the United States in his remarks prepared for delivery in Iowa on Tuesday. Biden has a peculiar understanding of what truly is or is not an existential threat. While serving as Barack Obama’s vice president, he claimed that “terrorism is not an existential threat.” Is Biden for real in saying he thinks that President Trump is an existential threat to America while ISIS never was? Say it ain’t so, Joe! 
In his Iowa tirade, Biden went after the president by name 76 times. He berated President Trump on a whole range of issues, including for his China tariff policies and stance on climate change. Biden added that President Trump knows less about economics than the “cashiers at Target.”
Let’s start with China. Biden has apparently had an overnight conversion on the competitive challenge posed by China, just as he did in suddenly reversing his many years of support for the Hyde amendment banning federal financing of abortions. It was only last month during a campaign rally when Biden declared that the Chinese are “not competition for us.” On Tuesday in Iowa, he said, “We are in a competition with China.” Which is it, Joe?
The Obama-Biden administration had eight long years to do what Biden is now belatedly telling his campaign audience in Iowa must be done – “to hold China to account for their cheating.”  The Obama-Biden administration utterly failed, no matter how many times Biden boasts that he has met with Chinese President Xi Jinping. At least, President Trump is trying to confront the Chinese threat head on rather than sweep it under the rug.
Biden bragged in his Iowa speech how the Obama administration “got the Chinese to agree for the first time to limit their carbon pollution.”  Sorry, Joe, but you and your boss were played by the Chinese, the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gasses. China committed merely to “achieve the peaking of carbon dioxide emissions around 2030,” according to its own submission as part of the Paris climate agreement process. Obama had ordered drastic cuts in the use of coal by executive fiat with potentially serious dislocations to the American economy. China, which operates by single party government fiat, is taking things much more slowly to ensure as little adverse impact on its own economy as possible. President Trump does not oppose a sound environmental policy. He just does not want to put the United States behind the eight ball, which would have been the result if President Trump had not decided to withdraw the U.S. from the flawed Paris climate agreement.
Biden was off track on Russia as well. Like his boss Obama, Biden criticized Mitt Romney for stating during the 2012 presidential campaign that Russia was our major strategic adversary. “He acts like he thinks the Cold War is still on, Russia is still our major adversary. I don’t know where he’s been,” Biden said at the time. “They are working closely with us.” During Obama’s second term, Russia showed how much they were “working closely with us” by propping up the Assad regime in Syria, intervening militarily in Ukraine and illegally annexing Crimea, and interfering in the 2016 presidential election.
The fact is that Joe Biden often does not know what he is talking about when it comes to real-world threats. Robert Gates, a former defense secretary during the Obama administration, recently stood by his statement in his memoir that Biden has been “wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.” Biden proved the truth of Mr. Gates’ observation when he advised Barack Obama against the raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound. Fortunately, even Obama knew enough not to listen to his vice president at least that one time.
Biden declared in his Iowa speech that he would get rid of the Trump tax cuts, which Biden falsely charged President Trump had “passed for the multi-millionaires and billionaires.” He promised “to build an economy that doesn’t just reward wealth.” Biden is relying on the Democrats’ tired ‘soak the rich’ class warfare demagoguery to drown out the fact that the economy under President Trump has soared, benefiting many Americans, with unemployment across the board at near historic lows.
Biden accused President Trump of “childishness” and “crude language.” What did Biden think he was doing when he was caught on an open mic exclaiming “This is a big f**king deal!” in congratulating Obama during the Obamacare signing ceremony? Was Biden the mature adult when he said back in 2016 that, instead of debating candidate Trump, “I wish we were in high school and I could take him behind the gym”? Look in the mirror, Joe.
Finally, Biden accused President Trump of actions that he claimed were an unprecedented “abuse of power.” He tried to draw a contrast with Barack Obama, who, Biden said, was “a President of extraordinary character and decency.”  Could Biden have seriously been referring to that same former president who once famously said about Republicans, “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun” and equated an election to a “brawl.”
Biden criticized President Trump for his “attacks on the independence of the Courts.” Yet it was Obama who broke standard protocol at one of his State of the Union addresses when he sharply criticized and mischaracterized a Supreme Court decision, with the Supreme Court justices sitting directly in front of him.
President Trump calls many in the media “the enemy of the people.” But such hot rhetoric is nothing compared to the Obama administration’s spying on journalists, seizing phone records, and labeling a reporter a “criminal co-conspirator” under the Espionage Act of 1917.
Biden accused President Trump of “deliberately and completely ignoring the legitimate authority of the Congress.” Yet it was the Obama administration that stonewalled congressional investigations of the Fast and Furious gun-running scandal and the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups.
Just days ago, Biden posted a photo of a friendship bracelet with the names “Joe” and “Barack” for National Best Friends Day, further tying himself to an administration with a tepid economic record, disastrous foreign policies, and a pattern of abuses of power. They deserve each other. As president, Biden would make things even worse than they were under Obama.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — Top leaders of the Southern Baptist Convention took to the stage on Monday during the North American Mission Board’s (NAMB) “Send Luncheon,” and donning wigs, hats and electric guitars, sang karaoke to the Lynyrd Skynyrd hit “Sweet Home Alabama” for the thousands of pastors who had gathered for the event. Video footage of the performance, which is a part of the 2019 annual Southern Baptist Convention, has generated concern that the SBC is “sliding into apostasy.”
“Sweet home Alabama, where the skies are so blue,” they sang out, with the lyrics appearing on the screen behind them and the name Lynyrd Skynyrd in large letters.
According to reports, the five Southern Baptist leaders who put on the karaoke performance were:
Kevin Ezell, president of the mission board; Ronnie Floyd, former SBC president and current president of the SBC Executive Committee; Paul Chitwood, president of the International Mission Board; Jamie Dew, president of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary; and Adam Greenway, president of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
The event was held at the Birmingham-Jefferson Convention Complex in Alabama, and is presented in conjunction with the annual Southern Baptist Convention meeting.
This year’s gathering is to include a presentation by the Southern Baptist Sexual Abuse Advisory Study, a commissioned report that seeks to address the problem of sexual abuse within SBC churches and to “illuminate the evil that has occurred within our midst by sharing the stories of survivors of sexual abuse.”
Hundreds of childhood sexual abuse survivors were reportedly interviewed for the study.
In February, concerns were also generated among some as current SBC President J.D. Greear was recorded singing Whitney Houston’s “I Wanna Dance With Somebody” during a youth event.
“I wanna dance with somebody. I wanna feel the heat with somebody,” he sang and danced after being introduced as “Pastor J.D. Greear, a.k.a. Whitney Houston.”
President Greear, the pastor of The Summit Church in Durham, North Carolina and author of books such as “Gaining by Losing: Why the Future Belongs to Churches That Send,” was joined on stage by two others who likewise belted out the tune as they danced together on stage. The audience laughed and cheered.
“You don’t win people to Christ by being like the world. People are won to Christ by sharing the gospel. Being unlike Christ confuses people who don’t know Him,” one commenter said of the recording. “I’ve heard many pastors say, ‘the evangelistic methodology you win them with is a methodology a church will have to maintain to keep them.'”
Similar remarks were made in regard to Monday’s Send Luncheon, an event that described on the NAMB website as featuring “great stories of how and where God is at work in North America.”
“The SBC has started the slide to apostasy. It grieves me greatly,” one viewer said.
“Trying to become relevant, they became anything but,” another remarked.
“Entertaining the goats,” a third lamented.
“At a time the SBC is seeing almost 1000 churches die a year, when conversions and baptisms are at a 70 year low, this is their plan? Romancing the world? I guess they just don’t have the stomach to be genuine Christ followers (you will be hated for My name’s sake),” another mourned.
Ryan Denton of Christ in the Wild Ministries, who formerly served as a Southern Baptist pastor in New Mexico, told Christian News Network that he is troubled about the direction of the Convention.
“As a former SBC pastor and graduate of an SBC seminary, I’m very concerned with the direction of the SBC. A lot of people and churches are leaving the SBC because of their laxity when it comes to theological commitment and a desire to be set apart from the world,” he said.
“I think for the most part the SBC has become very cheesy,” Denton opined. “It has gone the route of liberalism in many ways, thinking that in order to fill pews and get people’s favor they need to act like the world and pander to social agendas.”
He said that he perceives that some Southern Baptist leaders are more interested in pandering to the people than pleasing God.
“It’s shameful to see Christian leaders act this way. They’ve replaced God’s way with the world’s way when it comes to growing a church or a denomination. Not trusting in Bible preaching and prayer, they turn to rock music and comedy,” Denton remarked. “Then they turn around and ask for God’s blessing.”
Denton, an open air preacher who conducts gospel outreaches at universities, homeless shelters, abortion facilities and other locations, said that the founders of the Southern Baptist Convention would not have behaved in such a manner.
“Some may say it’s not a big deal, but that’s exactly what’s wrong with the denomination. It’s become lighthearted and silly,” he stated. “It’s a far cry from the mindset of the founders. Those men fasted and were set apart from the world. They didn’t apologize for being serious about the gospel. They didn’t care if the news or the world was upset with them. Their business was gospel preaching and prayer.”
“Now the SBC seems more concerned with what politicians, news anchors, and carnal churchgoers think than they do God Almighty,” Denton lamented. “That’s what’s motivating the decisions to play rock music at their most important convention of the year: Please like us. Please think we’re funny. Please come to our churches. Please attend our seminaries. We’ll have fun. We’ll be really nice. It’s tragic, really. Far cry from the ways of Christ and the apostles.”
James 4:4 reads, “Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.”
2 Corinthians 6:17-18 exhorts, “Wherefore come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you. And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.”


Mary on the cross with Christ, Poland
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
June 11, 2019 (first published November 15, 2007)
David Cloud, Way of Life Literature, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061 866-295-4143, fbns@wayoflife.org
For photos of Mary on God’s throne, Mary the Queen of Peace, Mary hanging on the cross, Mary adored by the apostles, and Mary on the ark of the covenant see the following:www.wayoflife.org/database/maryolatry.html _____________________ In spite of claims of contemporary Catholic propagandists, the Roman Catholic Church worships Mary. They use the term “venerate,” but it is the same thing. According to Rome, she was immaculately (sinlessly) conceived, participated in Christ’s suffering for mankind, ascended bodily to Heaven, was crowned Queen of the universe, and intercedes for sinners.  During a radio message concluding the Jubilee of the Redemption, April 28, 1935, Pope Pius XI gave the Catholic Mary the title Co-redemptrix. At least five times Pope Paul II referred to her by this title in his papal statements. In his general audience in 1997, he said that Mary “collaborated in obtaining the grace of salvation for all humanity” (Vatican Information Service, April 9, 1997). This pope dedicated himself and the whole world to Mary.  The influential book The Glories of Mary by Alphonsus Mary de Liguori, a Catholic saint, calls Mary our Life, our Help, our Advocate, our Guardian, our Mediatress, our Salvation, and the Hope of Sinners. Chapter 5 says “Mary’s intercession is necessary for our salvation.” This book was tested 20 times by the rules of Pope Urban VIII and Pope Benedict XIV and was said to contain not “one word worthy of censure.” It was pronounced to be without error by Pope Pius VII and by Pope Leo XII. Pope John Paul II acknowledged Liguori’s influence in his own idolatrous affection for Mary. Liguori’s book continues to be published today with the imprimatur [Latin meaning “let it be printed”] of various Catholic authorities. 
MARY ON THE CROSS In the Church of the Mother of God of Polish Martyrs in Warsaw, Poland, Mary is depicted hanging on the cross holding the child Jesus.  Outside of the main Mary basilica in Rome (Santa Maria Maggiore) there is a large crucifix with Jesus hanging on one side and a crowned Mary hanging on the other.  This statue depicts Rome’s dogma that Mary is the co-redemptress with Christ and that she intercedes for men from Heaven and aids in their salvation.  Note the following quotations from the Vatican II Council:  “As St. Irenaeus says, she being obedient, became the cause of salvation for herself and for the whole human race. Hence not a few of the early Fathers gladly assert with him in their preaching ... ‘death through Eve, LIFE THROUGH MARY.’ This UNION OF THE MOTHER WITH THE SON IN THE WORK OF SALVATION is made manifest from the time of Christ’s virginal conception up to his death” (Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, chap. 8, II, 56, pp. 380-381).  “Taken up to heaven she did not lay aside this saving office but BY HER MANIFOLD INTERCESSION CONTINUES TO BRING US THE GIFTS OF ETERNAL SALVATION. By her maternal charity, she cares for the brethren of her Son, who still journey on earth surrounded by dangers and difficulties, until they are led into their blessed home. Therefore the Blessed Virgin is invoked in the Church under the titles of ADVOCATE, HELPER, BENEFACTRESS, and MEDIATRIX” (Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, chap. 8, II, 62, pp. 382-383).  A plaque in the Chapel of the Virgin of the Grace at Saints Vincent and Anastasius Church in Rome says, “Cardinal Benedetto Odescalchi, who became the pope with the name of Innocent XI, initiated THE WORSHIP OF THE IMAGE, placed on the altar in 1677, and wanted his heart to be buried here, not in the main chapel.”  This is only one example of many that could be given of the term “worship” used in regard to Mary in Rome’s churches. MARY ADORED BY THE APOSTLES In the Church of the Mother of God of Polish Martyrs in Warsaw, Poland, Mary is also surrounded by the 12 apostles who are adoring her rather than Jesus Christ.  MARY ON THE ARK OF THE COVENANT The Saint Stanislaus Kostka Catholic church in Chicago features an image of Mary on the very Ark of God. She is sitting above the Ark in the place that was occupied by God’s presence in the Tabernacle, and she is surrounded by adoring cherubim. This blasphemous image occupies the central altar where Mass is performed. The church’s official literature says that the image depicts the Catholic doctrines that Mary was immaculately conceived and sinless, that she participated in Christ’s suffering for mankind, and that she was bodily assumed into glory and crowned Queen of Heaven. The icon depicting Mary as the Ark of Mercy was dedicated in May 2008. Since then the church has been open 24 hours a day as an invitation for “pilgrims from all around the world to immerse themselves in the spring of grace, mercy, and power” that is supposedly flowing from the image.  This is pure blasphemy. The Ark of the Covenant was located in the Holy of Holies in the Old Testament tabernacle and was the place where God’s presence dwelt (Exodus 25:22). Angels do not worship creatures (Acts 14:11-15Rev. 19:10).  Roman Catholic churches are filled with idols. Mary is reverenced with far greater fervency than Jesus. Every “evangelical” or “Baptist” or “Protestant” who has said positive things about Rome and who has participated in ecumenical relations with Rome or who has failed even to lift his voice against Rome’s gross heresies will answer to God for the refusal to “earnestly contend for the faith once delivered to the saints” (Jude 3) and for keeping silence in the face of evil. MARY QUEEN OF THE UNIVERSE The Roman Catholic Basilica of Mary, Queen of the Universe is located in Orlando, Florida, near Disney World. The basilica’s official brochure says it “emphasizes devotion to the Mother of God as one of the God-given gifts enabling us to reach that salvation for which Christ gave us His life on the cross.” Thus, according to this Catholic document Mary plays a role in salvation, which is a blasphemous lie. That Rome’s Mary is worshipped as queen of heaven is clear evidence that she is a Christianized pagan idol, for the only queen of heaven mentioned in the Bible is a goddess that the Jews were worshipping at the time of the destruction of the First Temple (Jeremiah 7:1844:17-25). The ancient mother-goddess worship, which began at Babel and spread throughout the world, was baptized by the Roman Catholic Church as the Madonna-Child.________________________ For photos of Mary on God’s throne, Mary the Queen of Peace, Mary hanging on the cross, Mary surrounded by the apostles, and Mary on the ark of the covenant see the following:www.wayoflife.org/database/maryolatry.html


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:

LAKEWOOD, Colo. — After the State of Colorado dropped its administrative action against Masterpiece Cakeshop owner Jack Phillips for declining to make a pink and blue “birthday cake” celebrating a man’s “coming out as transgender,” the individual who placed the order for the cake has filed his own legal challenge over the matter.

“A new lawsuit has been filed against Masterpiece Cakeshop that appears to largely rehash old claims. The State of Colorado abandoned similar ones just a few months ago,” Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) Senior Counsel Jim Campbell told Colorado Public Radio. 
“So this latest attack by Autumn Scardina looks like yet another desperate attempt to harass cake artist Jack Phillips,” he said. “And it stumbles over the one detail that matters most: Jack serves everyone; he just cannot express all messages through his custom cakes.”
As previously reported, in 2017, on the very day that it was announced that the U.S. Supreme Court would hear Phillips’ first case surrounding his abstention of an order for a same-sex celebration, a man who identifies as a woman and goes by the name Autumn Scardina called Masterpiece Cakeshop and stated that he wanted to place an order for a custom cake.
Debi Phillips, the wife of Jack Phillips, took the call and asked the man about the desired size of the cake, the requested flavors, and the date by which it would be needed.
“The complainant responded that [he] would need the cake … to serve 6-8 people, and wanted the cake to have a blue exterior and a pink interior,” the Colorado Civil Rights Division wrote in a letter. “The complainant asserts that [he] ‘explained that the design was a reflection of the fact that [he] transitioned from male to female and that [he] had come out as transgender on [his] birthday.’”
Realizing that the order would entail the creation of a custom cake reflecting the celebration of a so-called gender transition, Phillips advised that the business could not be of assistance. Her husband affirmed that the request could not be fulfilled.
As previously reported, Phillips won’t make custom cakes for any customer if the message is problematic. He has turned down cake orders demeaning homosexuals, and similarly refused an order celebrating a divorce. He will also not make cakes that would be racist, use profanity, promote drugs or alcohol, support abortion or euthanasia, or celebrate Satanism or Halloween.
“Phillips will not create such cakes no matter who requests them,” it was explained in legal documents. “Phillips believes that he would violate God’s commands if he were to create custom cakes that express messages or celebrate events in conflict with his religious beliefs.”
The Colorado Civil Rights Division launched administrative action against Phillips over the Scardina matter, and in turn, Phillips filed a federal lawsuit alleging that he was enduring ongoing harassment from the state due to his religious convictions.
In March, the State decided to drop its action, and while it was not known why, Phillips’ attorneys said in a statement that they had been “finding more and more evidence of the State’s hostility toward Jack’s faith and to religious freedom in general, and as a result of that, we were able to press forward, and for whatever reason, the State decided to back down.” Phillips agreed to consequently drop his suit as a result.
Now, the complainant has decided to file legal action against Phillips by himself. Attorney Paula Greisen, who is representing Scardina (who is reportedly also an attorney), told Colorado Public Radio that “[b]y filing separately, we are taking the state out of the equation.”
The lawsuit angles the complaint as being a situation where Scardina simply requested a birthday cake, but was denied one because of who he is. It claims that Phillips is lying about having no problem making birthday cakes for those who identify as “LGBT.”
“Phillips, speaking on behalf of himself and Masterpiece Cakeshop, told a reporter for Westword that the bakery is happy to supply LGBT customers with ‘birthday cakes and graduation cakes and everything else,'” it states. “Indeed, the United States Supreme Court cited to Defendants’ claimed willingness to create birthday cakes for LGBT individuals in issuing its order.”
“Masterpiece Cakeshop and Mr. Phillips knowingly advertised their goods and services with the intent not to sell them as advertised to certain members of the public, namely the LGBT community,” it claims.
“Masterpiece Cakeshop and Phillips also use ‘bait and switch’ advertising by publicly advertising that they would sell baked goods, including birthday cakes, to the general public, including the LGBT community, but then refused to sell those goods and provide those services to Autumn Scardina because of her status as a transgender woman.”
The complaint alleges that as “Masterpiece Cakeshop stated that they did not make cakes for ‘sex changes,’ … Scardina explained to Masterpiece Cakeshop that the cake was for her birthday celebration and not a ‘sex change’ celebration.”
However, correspondence to Phillips from the State outlined that Scardina had “explained that the design was a reflection of the fact that [he] transitioned from male to female and that [he] had come out as transgender on [his] birthday.” It was not a general or normative birthday cake, which Phillips would have otherwise sold to Scardina.
Proverbs 24:8 reads, “He that deviseth to do evil shall be called a mischievous person.”
Psalm 21:11 similarly states, “For they intended evil against thee. They imagined a mischievous device, which they are not able to perform.”
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