SEE: standfortruthministries
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:

“Within the theological structure of the cults there is considerable truth, all of which, it might be added, is drawn from biblical sources, but so diluted with human error as to be more deadly than complete falsehood.”  ―Walter Martin, Kingdom of the Cults

An Open Letter to the Nazarene Church And A Call To Repentance
In presenting the following open letter by a current member of the Church of the Nazarene, it will mark the first article I have posted in months. This slowdown in writing my articles in no way reflects a change for the better within this “professing” holiness denomination.  Would that it were so. I say this because it is not enough to proclaim holiness; you must also live it by action and example. The status quo has not changed, and it seems most of the denominational leaders including the General Superintendents are at best turning a blind eye to the truth of what is happening; at worst, some of them are aiding and abetting a slow but steady walk down a path to apostasy.
The General Superintendents, college presidents and other leaders in the church have pretty much written off folks like me. But they also have refused to listen (really listen) to many others in the Church of the Nazarene, no matter who they are. The demonization of faithful (to God’s word) Nazarenes and former Nazarenes is not working, and the truth will come out in full mode sooner or later, and there will be hell to pay for those who are helping to fundamentally change and in effect destroy the Nazarene denomination, thereby bringing it from holiness to heresy. Continuing on the path it is on now will result in the same thing that recently happened to the United Methodist Church, and it was not a good thing.
Please distribute this letter to as many Nazarenes as you can.  It is worth listening to words that are representative of all Bible-believing Nazarenes.

Open Letter to the Nazarene Church: Because of the Nazarene Church, I learned what “Holiness Unto the Lord” is. By the early 1970’s, during my teen years, I was struggling to make the choice to surrender my life fully to the Lord Jesus Christ. The preached messages of the Gospel that I heard service to service both assured me that there is a Holy God who loves me and desires that I will come to Him; that I will come to Him in repentance and be cleansed from my sins and forgiven so that I will live my life in a personal and holy relationship with the LORD.  Several things happened which caused me to believe the Gospel and surrender my life fully to God. One of these was a Nazarene missionary from Swaziland who visited and preached at the local First Church of the Nazarene. During his message, he suddenly stopped and left the platform to walk the aisle and as he approached me, he asked, “Will you come?” I knew he was inviting me to the altar. And just then he reached out his other hand to my Methodist boyfriend who happened to be visiting that night. The missionary also asked him, “Will you come?” As we were both led to the altar the missionary said that God had a plan for our lives. We prayed there that night, two 16 year old kids, asking God to save us and to help us live for Him. During this period of my life, I also had a Nazarene friend in teen group who was an effective Christian witness to me.  The message of the Nazarene Church at that time was the call to salvation and “Holiness Unto the Lord”. We were taught that God is holy and that God desires us to be holy. I’m wondering what has changed? I know that the current message reads, “The mission of the Church of the Nazarene is to make Christlike disciples in the nations.” And I understand that what is taught is, “The essence of holiness is Christlikeness.” However, I do not see this being “practiced” by many leaders who call themselves, “Nazarene”.  For example, there are many pastors in the Nazarene Church who let it be known that there is no standard holiness message.
Some pastors are “Progressive Christians or (Liberal Christians)” and some of them wear clerical collars and practice  liturgical worship services. Some refer to God or The Holy Spirit as “She” or “Her”. Then there are some leaders who are for LGBTQ+ affirmation and inclusion, and some follow, advertise and promote heretics and false teachers such as Richard Rohr, Rachel Held Evans, Jen Hatmaker, and other misleading voices who have caused many to stray from the true Christian faith.  The Nazarene Church also has some professors and some ordained Nazarene pastors and others in leadership who act as “change agents” within the Nazarene Church to attempt to make the Nazarene Church an affirming church —affirming of what the Holy Scriptures identify as “sin”.  There is currently confusion and chaos in the Nazarene Church that I do not see being addressed by leadership. What I do see is the Manual or “Book of Discipline” of the Nazarene Church. Yet there are those who willingly defy the Bible and the Manual. And these do not keep their defiance secret as they broadcast their intentions on social media. These are influential Nazarenes - those in positions of leadership; ones who have become role models to many young people. They seek to make the Manual even more affirming and inclusive — all in the name of love and holiness and Christlikeness. Yet this is a counterfeit Christianity, a counterfeit holiness — a deep lie of Satan which seduces the church to sin.  There was a day when the Nazarene Church called me to repentance. Today I call the Nazarene Church to repentance. 
Will you come?
Manny Silva Stand For Truth Ministries "The entirety of Your word is truth, And every one of Your righteous judgments endures forever." Psalm 119:160 Blogging at Podcasting at: FaceBook group: Concerned Nazarenes FaceBook group: Concerned Christians Portuguese: Spanish: "We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed."  2 Corinthians 4:8-9 ------------------------------------------------------------- [Stand For Truth Ministries is a self-supporting ministry dedicated to fighting emergent church ideology and other false teachings.  Your prayers are asked for more than anything else.] To donate to our ministry, send a check to: Stand For Truth P.O. Box 532 Somerset, MA  02726 (Donations are not tax-deductible; we are NOT a non-profit)



Indoctrinating schoolchildren in progressive values

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
A task force in Michigan has released a new proposal recommending dramatic 
changes to the social studies guidelines for teaching K-12 public school students. 
Critics charge that the recommendations would foster politicized teaching, anti-
Christian bias, and promote a leftist vision of America’s history and ideals that 
our nation’s founders would find difficult to recognize.
The new politicized guidelines replace the previous state recommendations, which were released only one year earlier and then quickly abandoned after a progressive backlash.
The earlier version of the standards drafted in 2018 focused on the “core values” of America as expressed in our nation’s founding documents: the Declaration of Independence, the Preamble to the Constitution, the Articles of the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.  The recommendations made by the 2018 task force declare that these documents “respectively illustrate how, even in a contest of competing ideas and ideals, people may come together united in hope for a better society,” and add, “In spite of, or perhaps because of, this tension these founding documents endure.”
In this earlier version of the recommendations, America’s system of government is described accurately as a “constitutional republic” a form of government in which citizens elect representatives who then enact laws to govern the polity in accordance with a constitution.  
By contrast, in the 2019 iteration of the guidelines, rewritten by a new task force dominated by progressives, the term “core values” is instead replaced with “democratic values,” a term that is open to many interpretations, while the form of American government is alternatively and confusingly characterized as a “democracy,” “constitutional democracy,” or “constitutional republic” in different sections. The focus on America’s founding documents is replaced by an emphasis on “critical literacy” which is defined as “the next cerebral step as students move toward an approach to see and ‘read’ themselves and the world.”
Former Michigan State Senator Patrick Colbeck was among a handful of conservatives who served on the original task force which developed the 2018 standards, which were carefully written, he says, to be “politically-neutral and accurate.” In an opinion piece published on the website of the Detroit News, he describes how the newer 2019 standards deliberately politicize the teaching of social studies by changing the terminology used in the guidelines.
“We should be pursuing ‘core American values’, but that does not appear to fit the political agenda of the new standards developers… Instead of adhering to this standard, the authors [of the 2019 standards] sought to literally promote the professed values of the Democratic party (e.g. equality) under the fitting umbrella ‘democratic values,’” Colbeck states.
“The Declaration states specifically that we are all CREATED equal. We all have equal value in the eyes of our Creator. Our laws are subsequently meant for our equal protection. Yet the so-called ‘progressives’ running today’s Democratic Party and the development of the 2019 standards seek to scrub the references to ‘created’ and skip simply to ‘equality’. This opens the door to their philosophy of equal outcomes (i.e. earnings, property) – except, that is, when it comes to representing differing world views in our social studies standards,” he adds.
Regarding the myriad of ways in which the new standards schizophrenically describe America’s system of governance, Colbeck also believes this is a deliberate attempt to obscure the finer points of American republicanism in the minds of schoolchildren.

“While we do feature democratic processes such as ballot initiatives, our system of government is designed to be a constitutional republic, not a democracy,” he writes. “We elect representatives of the people to make laws on our behalf subject to the constraints of the constitution. The current standards deliberately obfuscate our form of government in the minds of our future generation of leaders.”

Nor does the progressive bias end there. The 2018 guidelines included dedicated sections on both Islam and Christianity, but in the 2019 version, the section on Christianity—but not that on Islam—was removed, amounting to, in Colbeck’s view “overt anti-Christian bias.” The 2019 version also adds “the gay and lesbian community” as a discussion category under civil rights, but excludes the crucial and complementary issue of religious rights of conscience.
Former Senator Colbeck sees in the new guidelines an attempt to “change our system of the government via our education system…not Article V of the U.S. Constitution” which he terms “sedition.”  He notes that at a Detroit Public Forum where the 2018 standards were discussed, a 30-year veteran Detroit teacher came up to the microphone and asserted “We are a democracy not a republic.  It says so in the Constitution.” When challenged to cite the relevant passage, she could not.

A flyer distributed at that same forum from the World Socialist Website exhorted, “Teachers must link up their fight with educators nationally and internationally!”

“We need to demand politically neutral and accurate standards,” explains Colbeck. “Anything less than this pursuit ensures that our students will be subject to continued progressive indoctrination, not an enlightened education enabling them to participate in reasoned debate.”

Michigan’s Board of Education, in which Democrats hold a 6-2 majority, will soon vote on whether to adopt the new social studies guidelines. The future for “politically neutral and accurate” does not look bright.

To learn more about the Freedom Center's campaign to halt indoctrination in K-12 schools, please visit  To read the K-12 Code of Ethics CLICK HERETo order the Freedom Center’s new pamphlet, “Leftist Indoctrination in Our K-12 Public Schools,” CLICK HERETo donate to the Stop K-12 Indoctrination campaign, CLICK HERE.



They’re not your children anymore. 

They’re a “treatment group.”

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.
That’s the hashtag for it in Germany, where they know a bit about mass hysteria and brainwashing. It shows up every time students are manipulated into another school strike for the “environment”.
The Joan of Arc of C02Kult is Greta Thunberg, the daughter of two Swedish celebrities, and a 15-year-old suffering from Aspergers, who became a popular lefty figure for leading environmental school strikes.
“I overthink. Some people can just let things go, but I can’t, especially if there’s something that worries me or makes me sad," Greta said. "I remember when I was younger, and in school, our teachers showed us films of plastic in the ocean, starving polar bears and so on. I cried through all the movies. My classmates were concerned when they watched the film, but when it stopped, they started thinking about other things. I couldn’t do that. Those pictures were stuck in my head.”
Greta claims that she began to suffer from depression when she was only 8-years-old because of global warming. She claims to have gotten her mother to stop flying and her father to turn into a vegetarian. 
The autistic teenager spends a lot of time being afraid and sharing her fear. “I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day,” she told leaders in Davos.
As with all child activists, some see a passion for social responsibility, while others see child abuse.
Had Greta been born in another time and place, she might have been just as afraid of witches or subversives. Terrified teens who were encouraged to act on their fears were responsible for everything from the Salem witch trials to the crimes of the Cultural Revolution. The fault lies with the adults who traumatize children and then unleash them on society to win their political battles.
There’s a name for that. Child soldiers.
A recent paper in Nature is titled, “Children can foster climate change concern among their parents” which suggests that the best way to influence adults is by brainwashing their children.
Or, as its abstract states, “Child-to-parent intergenerational learning—that is, the transfer of knowledge, attitudes or behaviours from children to parents—may be a promising pathway to overcoming socio-ideological barriers to climate concern.” The ideological barriers are conservative politics.
What was put into practice was an “educational intervention designed to build climate change concern among parents indirectly through their middle school-aged children in North Carolina, USA.”
That reads like the title of a KGB project from the Cold War, but it’s an academic paper in America.
The study found that “parents of children in the treatment group expressed higher levels of climate change concern than parents in the control group. The effects were strongest among male parents and conservative parents, who, consistent with previous research, displayed the lowest levels of climate concern before the intervention. Daughters appeared to be especially effective in influencing parents.”
They used to be your children and grandchildren. Now they’re a “treatment group”.
Some of the 10-14 year olds being targeted were exempt from human experimentation because they were in the “control” group. 166 students and 199 parents did get the “treatment”. After two years of this, the paper gloated that “parents who identified as male or conservative more than doubled their level of concern about climate change”.
Danielle F Lawson, a grad student at North Carolina State University, credited the level of trust between parents and children. It’s exactly this trust that environmentalists and all totalitarian ideologies exploit.
"We also found that the results were most pronounced for three groups: conservative parents, parents of daughters, and fathers," Lawson is quoted as saying in an NCSU press release.
This, the NCSU release informs us, “was noteworthy because conservatives and men are typically among the least concerned about climate change.”
"There's a robust body of work showing that kids can influence their parents' behavior and positions on environmental and social issues," Lawson asserts.
Scientific American’s article on the study is illustrated with a picture of, who else, Greta Thunberg.
The release thanks the Department of Interior's Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center for its support.
Lawson’s bio claims that she’s looking to build “climate literacy” through “intergenerational transfer in familial and community groups”. It’s not a new idea. The USSR’s educational system was built on the conviction that brainwashing children was an effective tool for controlling their parents.
The North Carolina grad student lists Kathryn Stevenson and Nils Peterson as the professors she's working under. Both of their names appear on the Nature paper. Lawson’s activities are creepy, but not original. Stevenson’s research reeks of a disturbing obsession with figuring out how to manipulate children into accepting her views that we would associate with the USSR or Communist China.
“Our findings suggest convincing teachers that climate change is real, but not necessarily human caused, may have profound impacts on students,” Stevenson insisted after the release of, "How climate change beliefs among U.S. teachers do and do not translate to students."
Her articles and publications obsessively focus on middle-school students and how to manipulate them into accepting her belief system. A 2015 article delves into "fostering climate change hope and concern and avoiding despair among adolescents". Another one explores "psychological factors". A third delves into the "role of significant life experiences" while a fourth explores the role of "friends and family".
A future article seeks to develop a "causal model for adolescent climate change behavior."
One of Stevenson’s favorite targets are the children of conservative parents. Or as one piece describes them, individualists as opposed to communitarians.  “Kids are just developing their worldviews, their political ideologies," Stevenson says. The study is titled “Overcoming Skepticism With Education”. Its abstract admits that it targets children because "worldviews are still forming in the teenage years" and therefore "adolescents may represent a more receptive audience."
Not only is NCSU a public research university, but much of this creepy obsession with manipulating children into supporting a destructive partisan agenda is funded through massive government grants.
Kathryn Stevenson’s “Ensuring Readiness For Climate Variability And Change By Leveraging The Power Of Younger Generations” was a grant proposal funded by the USDA to the tune of $149,997.
An upcoming proposal, involving both Stevenson and Peterson, requests $120,000 for "Improving environmental decision making in coastal communities through giving children a voice".
The children don’t have a voice. The adults cynically manipulating them are the only ones who do.
The child soldier of the leftists running the Soviet Union was a boy named Pavlik Morozov who, Communist propaganda claimed, had been killed by his parents for informing on his father. In reality, the boy was murdered by other teens. But the leftist regime massacred most of the dead boy’s family, including his brother, and used his myth to encourage other teens to turn Thunberg.
Child soldiers have their youth, their sense of security and their future stolen from them. And it’s all done when they are still too young to understand the crime that has been committed against them.
Children don’t choose to advocate for political agendas. That choice is made for them. Sometimes those decisions are made by their parents. Other times it’s made by a totalitarian machine lubricated by hundreds of thousands in grant money stolen from their parents in order to brainwash their children.
Greta, depressed, terrified, angry, and traumatized, is the intended outcome of that machine.
A child soldier.



Free speech dying

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
“He.” “She.” “They.” Have you ever given a moment’s thought to your everyday 
use of these pronouns? It has probably never occurred to you that those words 
could be misused.Or that doing so could cost you your business or your job – or 
even your freedom. Journalist Abigail Shrier explains how this happened and why 
it's become a major free speech issue. Check out this video from PragerU below:

If you want to control people's thoughts, begin by controlling their words. That's totalitarian thinking. It was once completely foreign to America. Not anymore.
Increasingly, Americans are forced to use language against their will or even their conscience or be prepared to suffer the consequences. And those consequences can be dire.
Take, for example, the issue of transgenderism, the newest "civil rights battle" of our time. A decade ago, few people could even tell you what the word "transgender" meant. Today, expressing the "wrong opinion" on the issue can cost you your business or job – or both.
Consider recent state and local actions punishing those who decline to use an individual's pronouns of choice. In 2017, California Governor Jerry Brown signed legislation threatening jail time for health-care professionals who "willfully and repeatedly" refuse to use a patient's preferred pronouns.
Under guidelines issued in 2015 by New York City's Commission on Human Rights, employers, landlords and business owners who intentionally use the wrong pronoun with transgender workers and tenants face potential fines of as much as $250,000. That's a steep price for saying "he" instead of "she" or "she" instead of "he," or even "he" or "she" instead of "they."
What about the vast majority of citizens who hold the biology-based view that chromosomes determine your sex--male or female? Or those who have a deep-seated religious conviction that sex is both biological and binary – God's purposeful creation?
In December of 2018, Peter Vlaming was fired from his job as a French-language teacher in a Virginia school district because he refused to refer to a transgender student by the student's preferred pronouns. Vlaming's Christian belief prevented him from bowing before the notion that the student, who had been a "she" in his class the year before, was now suddenly a "he." Vlaming was willing to use the student's chosen new name, but he avoided using any pronouns when referring to this student. That wasn't good enough for the school district; they needed to hear him say the words.
You don't have to be religious to believe that one person can never be a "they." The Supreme Court has clearly decided that compelled speech is not free speech.
In West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette (1943), the Supreme Court upheld the students' right to refuse to salute an American flag. Justice Robert Jackson wrote, "If there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation, it is that no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, religion or other matters of opinion." And, Jackson went on to say, the state can't force people to say things they don't believe.
But this is precisely what's happening. People are forced to refer to others as "ze," or "co," or "thon" – yes those are now considered pronouns. What might otherwise be a courtesy now has criminal consequences.
In most contexts, I would have no problem addressing others in any manner they chose, and I'm sure most Americans feel the same. But the Constitution's protection of free speech neither begins nor ends with good manners. It extends all the way from rudeness to meekness, protecting those who hurl insults and those who would prefer to say nothing at all.
If the state can compel the use of certain words, it can force those who differ into silence. It can force its citizens to parrot beliefs they do not hold.
The Fairfax County School District in Virginia removed the phrase "biological gender" from its curriculum and replaced it with the phrase "sex assigned at birth." This is how the left legislates away the concept of biological sex without ever having to make the argument. Without ever having to convince anyone. They're trying to make "sex assigned at birth" as trivial and malleable as "name assigned at birth" – as if some doctor arbitrarily chose for you on the day you were born.
To the extent that the transgender movement seeks to promote compassion for those who struggle with their biological sex, we should be grateful for it. To the extent that it seeks to use government power to regulate our perspectives – commanding that we ignore biology and common sense – we should resist it.
This is no small issue. The Constitution guarantees freedom of speech so that political issues can be worked out in the public square. But the activist left doesn't want that conversation to occur. They want to force the adoption of their conclusions before the argument even begins. Compelled speech is the tactic they've chosen. It's unconstitutional. It's undemocratic. And it's wrong.
If gender activists prevail, we may be left with a world we neither recognize nor like very much. We won't be able to communicate our displeasure. We will have lost the words.
I'm Abigail Shrier for Prager University.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
One reason the illegal-alien invasion and colonization of the American southwest continues with no end in sight for either the besieged Border Patrol or the American taxpayers is that most Americans are unaware of the invasion’s magnitude or threat to their health and safety.
Just 13 percent of Americans are aware of the human tsunami at the border, reported, citing a Harvard-Harris poll, a datum that helps explain why the open-borders Left and its Democrat allies on Capitol Hill have been able to keep the border open.
Americans likely don’t know the government is dumping thousands of impoverished, and sometimes diseased, “migrants” into their communities, or that local officials are diverting local tax dollars to help pay for it, as the governor of New Mexico did on Sunday.
Result: The invasion continues.
13 of 15 Clueless The Harvard-Harris poll, Breitbart reported, found 13 of 15 Americans are clueless about the Camp-of-the-Saints invasion at the border: More than 100,000 in March and April each, data from Customs and Border Protection show, and more than half a million since the beginning of fiscal 2019 in October.
“In the Harvard/Harris Poll, though,” Breitbart reported, “less than two-in-15 American voters correctly said there are between 250,000 to 500,000 border apprehensions each year. Meanwhile, more than three-in-four Americans incorrectly said there are between zero to 250,000 border apprehensions a year.”
Even GOP conservatives don’t know what’s going on at the border: “A plurality of 35 percent incorrectly estimated that there are only 10,000 to 100,000 border apprehensions each year.”
Good news is, “when voters were told that there were more than 100,000 border apprehensions in the last month, the majority, about 52 percent, said they supported President Trump’s decision to declare a national emergency at the southern border to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. Another 48 percent said they oppose the national emergency.”
Sixty percent of working- or lower-middle-class Americans supported the emergency declaration, along with 65 percent of rural Americans, Breitbart reported.
Moving Illegals Into the Heartland Yet if Americans are that ignorant of the migrant invasion, they likely aren’t aware of the government’s role in encouraging the mass migration by continuing catch and release.
As The New American has reported, federal authorities have dumped more than 100,000 illegals into communities across the southwest. So inundated was Yuma, Arizona, the mayor declared an emergency because penniless “migrants” overwhelmed the city’s public and private social services.
New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, the Denver Post reported, spent $4,000 of public money to ship 55 Central American illegals to Denver.
Why ship them north?
The shelters in Las Cruces, N.M., have been inundated with migrants....
Because the shelters had reached capacity, border patrol agents were releasing asylum seekers to bus stations, giving them no way to contact their sponsors. The asylum seekers are individuals who, through sponsors, have applied for legal status in the United States to seek refuge from persecution and are waiting on a court to make a determination on their claims.
In Denver, the Post talked to a refugee sympathizer: “They are asylum seekers fleeing violence in Central America and Mexico. The numbers recently have been increasing so rapidly that shelters in Texas and New Mexico are overwhelmed.”
That, of course, isn’t true. Most of the “asylum seekers” are really looking for jobs and welfare, as they have repeatedly admitted, and 90 percent of asylum claims are bogus.
Diseased Illegals Frighteningly, border agents can’t do their jobs at the border because they spend so much time dealing with the illegals, while the Trump administration’s refusal to stop catch and release is forcing immigration officials to expose Americans to the diseases many of these illegals carry.
The Washington Times reported yesterday that border agents spend less than 50 percent of their time guarding the border, a datum that comports with what Aaron Hull, chief of the El Paso border sector, admitted to CNBC’s Maria Bartiromo. Hull also confirmed that catch and release is inoculating America with highly contagious, viral, bacterial, and parasitic diseases.
“Agents join the Patrol to secure the border, to enforce the law,” he told Bartiromo, “but increasingly they’re being tasked with things that they never thought they would be doing — heating up baby bottles, literally changing diapers, caring for more and more sick people, because a lot of these aliens coming in are carrying contagious health conditions, things like chicken pox, scabies, tuberculosis, lice.”
In other words, every $4,000 shipment of illegals into the heartland is an injection, possibly, of fatal or debilitating disease.
But again, given the polling data, Americans don’t know it.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Former Minneapolis Muslim police officer Mohamed Noor, “found guilty of murdering Australian life coach Justine Ruszczyk Damond claims he should be acquitted because he did not act “with a depraved heart” when he shot her dead.”
Noor appears to be acting with a “depraved heart” now. He has shown no remorse for murdering Damond and prosecutors already established that he “knew exactly what he was doing” and had “intent to kill”.
Robert Spencer previously noted about Noor:
His competence as a police officer was always secondary to his ethnicity and religion.
Thus he remained on the force even though there were three complaints against him in two years. A neighbor reported: “He is extremely nervous … he is a little jumpy … he doesn’t really respect women, the least thing you say to him can set him off.” When the neighbor heard that Noor was the cop who had shot an unarmed woman, he wasn’t surprised: “When they say a policeman shot an Australian lady I thought uh oh, but then when they said who it was, I was like, ‘OK.’”
Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges, despite Noor shooting an unarmed woman, pulled the “Islamophobia” canard….
Mayor Hodges is reassuring Muslims and warning against “Islamophobia,” as if a non-Muslim police officer had shot an unarmed Muslim woman. But that’s not what happened. And in issuing this warning, Hodges is only reinforcing the false premises that led to the killing of Justine Damond in the first place: the idea that Muslims are a victimized, persecuted community that needs special consideration, such that an incompetent Muslim police officer had to be hired. This just ensures that in the future, there will be more Justine Damonds.
Entitlement is a feature with Islamic supremacists, and so, the brazenness of Noor in seeking to overturn his guilty verdict is nothing brow-raising.
“Mohamed Noor seeks to overturn guilty verdict over Australian Justine Damond’s killing”, The Guardian, May 14, 2019:
The former Minneapolis police officer found guilty of murdering Australian life coach Justine Ruszczyk Damond claims he should be acquitted because he did not act “with a depraved heart” when he shot her dead.
Mohamed Noor’s lawyers filed a motion for judgment of acquittal in the district court in Minnesota on Tuesday.
A jury found Noor was guilty of third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter after a three-week trial in Minneapolis last month.
“The evidence at trial failed to support finding that Mr Noor acted with a depraved heart,” Noor’s lawyers wrote in the filing.
“When officer Noor fired that night he was not acting with depraved mind seething with wanton passion to cause mischief.”
Damond, 40, formerly of Sydney, was home alone in Minneapolis just before midnight on 15 July 2017 when she heard a woman’s screams.
She called 911 and when Noor’s police squad car arrived in the alley at the rear of her home she approached the vehicle….


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Yusuf Abdi Ali, “an alleged Somali war criminal accused of burning men alive and shooting a captor five times at point-blank range”, yet still, “Uber and Lyft approved him to drive”.
There has been first hand accounts and media investigations authenticating the identity of Ali. His passengers were at serious risk because with that kind of background, no one knows what could provoke an unleashing.
The case of Ali, Uber and Lyft is an extraordinary embarrassment to the FBI and Transportation Security Administration who did background checks but no one in those organizations considered doing a simple online search.
Western criminals who have gone through the court system and convicted have actually committed far lesser atrocities than jihadists overall, but yet remain behind bars (as they should be). Unfortunately, jihadists are walking free among us.
While media accounts do not confirm specifically that Yusuf Abdi Ali was a jihadist, given the history and demographics of Somalia, it is safe to say that he is. Unique about Somalia is the fact that it was an Islamic country for the past 1,400 years and some 99% of the population is Muslim. It is also a country that has been savaged by civil wars for the better part of the last several decades. Yusuf Abdi Ali is described as a rebel in the late 80’s, of which Somalia was under the leadership of Mohamed Siad Barre. Barre was overthrown during a bloody civil war in 1991, a war that Ali was engaged in as a rebel. Barre represented a scientific socialism brand of Islam, which angered many Islamic splinter groups that deemed Barre’s Islam to be a breakaway from Islamic orthodoxy. One can now see the resulting deterioration of Somalia–which by the way is blamed on colonialism. Somalia is now a cesspool of of jihadist groups, seeking dominance.  The best known jihadi group is al-Shabaab, which declared allegiance to al-Qaeda in 2012.
An eyewitness account of jihadi Ali….
“He caught my brother. He tied him to a military vehicle and dragged him behind,” one witness to Ali’s alleged atrocities in Somalia said in a 1992 documentary produced by the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. “He shredded him into pieces.”  Another witness said, “Two men were caught, tied to a tree. Oil was poured on them and they were burnt alive. I saw it with my own eyes.”
Ali’s case represents the dilemma in identifying peaceful civilians from gross enemy combatants within Western borders, of which the latter is infiltrated by enemy combatants–a development unaddressed by the outdated Geneva Convention. It is disturbing to think that one’s Uber driver may well be a mass murderer and has tortured innocents. So-called populist countries such as Hungary and Italy have been responsible enough to secure their borders to keep out enemy combatants (jihadists) while globalists seek open borders, despite the threats to public safety and to their constitutions.
“Uber driver accused of being a Somali war criminal”, by Lia Eustachewich, New York Post, May 15, 2019:
He’s an alleged Somali war criminal accused of burning men alive and shooting a captor five times at point-blank range — and, until recently, he was driving for Uber.
Yusuf Abdi Ali, a military commander in Somalia’s brutal civil war during the 1980s, has racked up a stellar 4.89 “Uber Pro Diamond” rating while driving through the Virginia suburbs over the past 18 months, CNN reported on Wednesday.
“I do this full-time,” Ali told an undercover reporter from the network, before bragging about how easy it was to get the gig. “They just want your background check, that’s it. “If you apply tonight, maybe after two days it will come.”
Ali, who also formerly drove for Lyft, apparently slipped through cracks in the ride-share giants’ screening system because he has never been convicted of a crime — but a cursory online search of his name would have revealed abundant information on his alleged dark past.
“He caught my brother. He tied him to a military vehicle and dragged him behind,” one witness to Ali’s alleged atrocities in Somalia said in a 1992 documentary produced by the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. “He shredded him into pieces.”
Another witness said, “Two men were caught, tied to a tree. Oil was poured on them and they were burnt alive. I saw it with my own eyes.”
Ali — also known as Colonel Tukeh, or “the crow” — is additionally now the defendant in a federal lawsuit filed in Virginia by one of his alleged surviving victims.
Farhan Warfaa claims in that filing that Ali and his men, armed with AK-47s, abducted him and others from their village in the dead of night in 1987 on suspicion of helping Somali rebels steal a water tanker.
Warfaa said he and his group were held in a windowless cell and tortured for months.
One night in 1988, Ali was again interrogating Warfaa when rebels raided the base, the suit claims.
Ali purportedly took out his pistol, shot Warfaa five times and, believing he was dead, ordered his bodyguards to bury him, court filings say. Only Warfaa survived, and his family bribed Ali’s henchmen to let him go, according to the suit.
Ali has consistently denied the heinous allegations against him — including in 2016, when CNN first found him working security at Dulles International Airport outside Washington, DC.
Ali, who is in the United States legally on a visa through his Somali wife’s citizenship, cleared an FBI background check and a Transportation Security Administration assessment to get the Dulles job but was sidelined in the wake of the CNN report….


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republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Big tech companies absolutely can sway elections, warned an expert last year. And after suppressing conservative content during the 2018 election cycle, Facebook is now at it again. Just two weeks before the upcoming European elections, the “social media” behemoth has banned what Breitbart describes as “23 major populist Italian pages with 2.5 million followers.”
According to Voice of Europe (VOE), “The vast majority of the 23 pages … banned supported Italy’s currently governing coalition made up right and left wing populist parties.” Moreover, fully half were in support of rightist entities Lega (the League) and the 5-star movement, Italian website La Stampa reports.
Facebook justified the move by claiming the sites peddled “fake news,” “‘hate speech,’ and ‘divisive content’ regarding vaccines, immigrants, and Jewish people,” VOE relates. The site continues:
Apparently, the tech giant’s decision to ban these pages was informed by a report which was created by a leftist NGO by the name of Avaaz, which claims to focus on environmental campaigns and what they regard as ‘human rights’.
A [spokesman] from Facebook commented, saying, “We thank Avaaz for sharing its research so we could investigate…. We are committed to protecting the integrity of the EU elections and around the world. We have removed a series of false and duplicate accounts that violated our policies on the subject of authenticity, as well as several pages for violation of the policy on changing the name.”
“We have also taken action against some pages that have repeatedly spread misinformation. We will take further measures if we find other violations,” the [spokesman] added.
Moreover, “Facebook has also reportedly ‘weakened’ pages that spread … allegedly false news, presumably making them less visible to Facebook users,” informs Breitbart.
“Among the closed pages are ‘We want the 5-star Movement in government’, which had 129,000 followers and almost 700,000 interactions in three months, ‘Beppe Grillo for President’, ‘Lega Salvini Sulmona’ — which had 307,000 followers” [sic] — ‘Lega Salvini Premier Santa Teresa of Riva’, and ‘We Are 5 Stars,’” Breitbart continues.
“The most active page in support of the Lega party was among those closed, just as polls are showing that the Lega is currently the party with the most support among Italians for the upcoming elections.”
Yet this is just the iceberg’s tip vis-à-vis Facebook’s election manipulation. “According to the Italian daily La Repubblica, on May 2 Facebook opened a ‘war room’ in Dublin devoted full time to the European electoral campaign, with 40 teams of engineers, scientists, researchers, threat specialists, and experts for each country,” Breitbart further informs.
“There are 500 people working on the elections, with the assistance of 21 supposed ‘fact-checkers,’ operating in 14 different languages.”
Of course, while Facebook is reliably left-wing — statistically, the vast majority of tech workers are liberals — these actions also reflect pressure from statist foreign governments. As American Thinker reports today, starting from mid-2016, Big Tech companies “made content censorship and promotion obligations to the E.U. They are now effectively controlled by the E.U. through tax, copyright, content, privacy, and myriad other policies, and, consequently, they make many of their bans and content ranking decisions in the U.S. under the direction of the European Commission and certain E.U. member governments.  Thus, MotU [Big Tech] routinely act as agents of foreign governments.”
The issue is that since the United States has a First Amendment, GoogTwitFace (Big Tech), which has global interests and no loyalty to our country, doesn’t have to fear American-government coercion the way it has to fear foreign-government coercion. So whose bidding will it do?
This said, not just GoogTwitFace’s profits but also its passions dictate leftist action. For example, not wanting a repeat of the 2016 election — in which a “populist,” Donald Trump, unexpectedly won — GoogTwitFace actively suppressed conservative entities prior to the 2018 midterms. The New American’s experience reflects the result: Along with that of thousands of other conservative websites, our traffic dropped precipitously shortly before the midterms, partially as a result of Facebook manipulation.
Interestingly, GoogTwitFace relented post-election and TNA’s traffic recovered. Yet this … tells the tale.
After all, if suppressing a bad actor (i.e., us, supposedly) and not election manipulation really was the goal, why the post-election reprieve? How did TNA go from valid to “dangerous and fake” to valid again over the course of months when it never changed its editorial policies?
So while there certainly are bad Internet actors (and in print, too) — and while some of the suppressed Italian media may fit this bill — here’s what’s so insidious: If the pages in question truly violated Facebook’s terms of service — if they contained “hate speech” or “fake news” — why did Facebook wait until two weeks before election time to shut them down? This is a transparent example of attempting to sway an election, pandering to leftists who may be pressuring social media to do their bidding or, more likely, both.
Moreover, the reasons are too often rationalizations (if not outright lies). Consider the notion of “divisive content.” Since it takes two to tango, the “divisive” entity wouldn’t be divisive if everyone else agreed with it, would it? And should the “divisive” progenitors of germ theory have been suppressed? The onus belongs on those peddling lies, not those daring to utter unfashionable truths.
Next is “hate speech,” judgments of which are generally subjective and result in applying the label to what’s merely politically incorrect commentary — much of which relates those unfashionable truths. A good example is Dr. Ray Blanchard, who was recently suspended from Twitter merely for relating his scientific findings on “transgenderism” (talk about the new Lysenkoism).
Then there’s the matter of “fake news.” Everyone is guilty of peddling it at times (for what journalistic entity doesn’t occasionally make mistakes?). And just consider the viral picture of “kids in a cage” used last year to epitomize Trump’s immigration policies but which was actually from the Obama era. Should the leftists who disseminated it — many of whom no doubt didn’t know its pedigree — be suppressed based on that mistake?
You can bet leftists’ wouldn’t be, though, especially since GoogTwitFace doesn’t punish them even when they purposely deal in fake news. Case in point: The Counterfeit News Network (CNN) is considered a trusted source even after station figures were caught on hidden camera in 2017 admitting they were pushing the Trump/Russia/collusion hoax despite knowing it was false (video below).
GoogTwitFace’s power should not be underestimated. Social media and Google are today’s town square, and suppression by them amounts to banishment to Internet Siberia. As psychologist Robert Epstein told Fox News host Tucker Carlson last year after studying GoogTwitFace’s impact, “We should be extremely concerned. Content no longer matters. All that matters is the filtering and ordering of content”
Epstein, who emphasized that he’s not a conservative, also warned that Internet tech giants have the capacity to shift “upwards of 12 million votes” in an American election. This is more than enough to, over time, control our politics and raises an ominous question:
Will we soon have a government of Big Tech, by Big Tech, and for Big Tech?


Authorities raid Renai Reformed Church
in Guiyang, Guizhou. (Photo: ChinaAid)
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:

(Guangzhou—May 15, 2019) At least 15 churches have been harassed in mainland China since Sunday in a nationwide crackdown on the faith.

At 9:30 a.m. on May 12, state security officers from the local religious management bureau invaded Jinxiangtan Church in Xiangtan, Hunan province, and stopped one of the church’s elders, a man surnamed Huang, while he was preaching. One of the bureau’s agents ordered the church to stop all evangelical events.

On the same day, Renai Reformed Church in Guiyang was also stormed by personnel from local government departments, including the religious affairs bureau, national security bureau, police officers, auxiliary police officers, and others, which have not been named.

Christians gathered there for worship said the officers requested the pastor stop preaching.

The pastor requested that they show us official papers, and the officials said they were being penalized for holding “illegal religious activities.”

Agents from the religious affairs bureau warned the church attendees not to film the incident and threatened legal consequences if they refused. Multiple Christians were detained and interrogated for several hours before being released, and the pastor’s computer was confiscated.

Additionally, two churches in Guangzhou were raided officials on Sunday, and a local Christian, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said some of the church members were taken away by the police, detained, interrogated, and then released.

The same source said churches in multiple regions of China were simultaneously invaded and asked to cease holding services. In total, 15 churches have been harassed since Sunday, indicating a nationwide crackdown on the faith. The anonymous informant speculated that it might be because the anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre is approaching on June 4. Typically, Chinese authorities suppress dissidents and religious individuals ahead of the anniversary, since the Communist Party considers it a sensitive event.

On social media, some individuals also speculated that these attacks might be part of a plan formalized by the Communist Party to eliminate Christianity, but ChinaAid has been unable to verify the existence of this plan.

ChinaAid exposes abuses in order to stand in solidarity with the persecuted and promote religious freedom, human rights, and rule of law. If you wish to partner with us in helping those persecuted by the Chinese government, please click the button below to make a charitable donation.
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Democrat House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer is defending Rashida Tlaib’s controversial remarks on the Holocaust. Hoyer is accusing the president and Republicans of taking her comments out of context, and has claimed they owe her an apology.

Meanwhile, reformist Imam Tawhidiis is speaking out against Tlaib and Rep. Ilhan Omar. One America’s Jack Posobiec has more from Washington.

Jamie Glazov Confronts Cultural Marxists and Islamic Supremacists From a Christian Point of View

“We Are Always Being Deceived” by Psychopaths, Whether Liberals or Jihadists


Trump Urges Big Tech Censorship Victims to Share Stories

Trump administration builds dossier of social media bias ahead of 2020 election

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
The Trump administration is gathering evidence of big tech censoring people over their political beliefs ahead of the 2020 election.
On Wednesday the White House urged Americans who’ve been subjected to social media bias due to their political affiliations to come forward and tell their stories.
“SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS should advance FREEDOM OF SPEECH,” the website, launched by the White House, reads. “Yet too many Americans have seen their accounts suspended, banned, or fraudulently reported for unclear ‘violations’ of user policies.”
“No matter your views, if you suspect political bias caused such an action to be taken against you, share your story with President Trump.”
The website is the latest indication the president plans to hold tech companies accountable for acting as publishers in their regulation of free speech, especially as companies like Twitter have claimed to be open “public square” forums.
Companies including Facebook and Twitter have recently been criticized by the president for banning social media personalities like James Woods and Paul Joseph Watson seemingly over their conservative political opinions.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
The bill that just passed the Alabama State Senate banning almost all abortions in the Yellowhammer State was designed specifically to challenge the Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling. The bill — House Bill 314, the “Human Life Protection Act” — declares that a fetus is a human being with all inherent rights, and that a provider performing an abortion that ends that life could be sentenced to life in prison. There are no exceptions for rape or incest; the only one is when “an abortion is necessary in order to prevent a serious health risk” to the mother.
The bill’s sponsor, Representative Terri Collins, called the bill a “direct attack” on Roe v. Wade, adding, “The heart of this bill is to confront a decision that was made by the court in 1973 that said the baby in the womb is not a person. This bill addresses that one issue. Is that baby in the womb a person? I believe our law says it is.”
The ACLU of Alabama, along with the National ACLU and Planned Parenthood, is preparing a lawsuit to challenge the bill even though it has yet to be signed into law by Governor Kay Ivey. She is expected to sign it, but even if she doesn’t, the strong majorities in both houses that passed the bill would be more than sufficient to override her veto.
The legislation was drafted by Eric Johnston, head of the Alabama Pro-Life Coalition. Johnston has been leading the pro-life movement for 30 years and sees that the stars are aligning in Alabama for such a bill. Previous attempts to curtail or restrict abortion in the state have just nibbled around the edges. For example, legislators in the past have imposed a 48-hour waiting period before performing an abortion; they have mandated that a pregnant woman receive counseling before undergoing the procedure; and they have required minors to receive consent from a parent or a legal guardian before having an abortion.
Said Johnston of the new bill, “Why not go all the way?”
The bill comes after the passage of the “fetal heartbeat” bills in Kentucky, Mississippi, Ohio, and Georgia, which ban abortions after a fetal heartbeat can first be detected, around the sixth week of a pregnancy. It comes after the appointment of two conservative judges to the Supreme Court by the Trump administration. It also comes after voters in Alabama approved an amendment to the state’s constitution in 2018 declaring that the “public policy of this state is to recognize and support the sanctity of unborn life and the rights of unborn children, including the right to life.”
If those stars remain aligned, the ACLU will succeed in having a lower court rule the law unconstitutional, setting the stage for an appeal to the Supreme Court.
Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmun wrote the majority opinion in Roe v. Wade, noting that: 
The Constitution does not explicitly mention any right of privacy. In a line of decisions, however, going back perhaps as far as Union Pacific R. Co. v. Botsford (1891), the Court has recognized that a right of personal privacy, or a guarantee of certain areas or zones of privacy, does exist under the Constitution.
In varying contexts, the Court or individual Justices have, indeed, found at least the roots of that right in the First Amendment, Stanley v. Georgia, (1969); in the Fourth and Fifth Amendments, Terry v. Ohio, (1968), Katz v. United States, (1967), Boyd v. United States, (1886), … and in the penumbras of the Bill of Rights, Griswold v. Connecticut, in the Ninth Amendment, or in the concept of liberty guaranteed by the first section of the Fourteenth Amendment. 
Blackmun then concluded: 
This right of privacy, whether it is founded in the Fourteenth Amendment's concept of personal liberty and restrictions upon state action, as we feel it is, or, as the District Court determined, in the Ninth Amendment's reservation of rights to the people, is broad enough to encompass a woman's decision whether or not to terminate her pregnancy.
Blackmun then rolled out a litany of reasons to support a decision by a pregnant woman to terminate her pregnancy prior to term:
The detriment that the State would impose upon the pregnant woman by denying this choice altogether is apparent. Specific and Direct harm medically diagnosable even in early pregnancy may be involved. Maternity, or additional offspring, may force upon the woman a distressful life and future.
Psychological harm may be imminent. Mental and physical health may be taxed by child care. There is also the distress, for all concerned, associated with the unwanted child, and there is the problem of bringing a child into a family already unable, psychologically and otherwise, to care for it.
In other cases, as in this one, the additional difficulties and continuing stigma of unwed motherhood may be involved. All these are factors the woman and her responsible physician necessarily will consider in consultation. 
John Hart Ely, whom the New York Times considered to be a constitutional scholar “of dazzling originality and wide influence” in its obituary in 2003, called the ruling “frightening”:
What is frightening about Roe is that this super-protected right is not inferable from the language of the Constitution, the framers’ thinking respecting the specific problem at issue, [or] any general value derivable from the provisions they included.... 
Blackmun likely rues the day when he closed his opinion with this:
On the basis of elements such as these, appellant and some amici argue that the woman's right is absolute and that she is entitled to terminate her pregnancy at whatever time, in whatever way, and for whatever reason she alone chooses. With this we do not agree. 
Despite his disagreement, since that majority opinion was rendered in January of 1973, more than 60 million babies have been aborted in America. That’s nearly 20 percent of the country’s present population. Or, to put it another way, the war waged on preborn infants by Roe v. Wade since 1973 has claimed forty-four times the number killed in all the wars of the United States from 1775 to the present.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Ireland’s government health body has a section on its website that advises women to flush their aborted babies down the toilet.
Yes, really.
In a section entitled “pregnancy remains,” the Health Service Executive, which uses public funds for the provision of health and personal social services for everyone living in Ireland, tells women how to dispose of an unwanted fetus.
Following a referendum last year, it is now legal in Ireland to get an abortion during the first twelve weeks of pregnancy and later in cases where the pregnant woman’s life or health is at risk.
“If you have an abortion before 9 weeks of pregnancy, you can decide how to dispose of the remains. They can be flushed down the toilet or wrapped in tissue and disposed of as you wish,” states the HSE website.
I used to say that we live in a society which treats its young like a medical waste product.
I was wrong – it’s worse than that.
We live in a society that treats its young like literal shit.
Welcome to clown world!


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
During a May 10 interview on Fox News, Vice President Mike Pence renewed his calls for the removal of Minnesota’s radical Muslim Democrat congresswoman Ilhan Omar from the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Speaking on Fox and Friends, Pence recalled that Omar “has made statements, anti-Semitic comments … against our most cherished ally Israel, that ought to be rejected by every American.”
As reported by, among those comments was Omar’s statement in late February, in which she “complained about why it wasn’t ‘OK’ for her to talk about the ‘political influence’ Jewish Americans have had in ‘influencing’ U.S. policies.”
Said Omar in reference to the Jewish lobby in America: “I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is OK for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country. I want to ask why is it okay for me to talk about the influence of the NRA, of fossil fuel industries, or Big Pharma — and not talk about a powerful lobbying movement that is influencing policy?”
In March, members of Congress on both sides of the isle denounced Omar’s comments as “anti-Semitic,” and Republicans even fronted a resolution condemning Omar by name for accusing Israel of buying influence, recalling her Twitter comment that “It’s all about the Benjamins baby” — referring, apparently, to $100 bills.
That resolution was in response to an earlier Democrat version which broadly condemned anti-Semitic comments, but which failed to cite Omar specifically. “Democratic leadership failed to primarily and directly address Representative Omar’s anti-Semitic remarks in a resolution that should have been specifically about anti-Semitism so as to address the rising threat thereof,” the GOP resolution read.
One Democrat congressman who challenged Omar directly was Eliot Engel of New York, chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs on which Omar sits. “I welcome debate in Congress based on the merits of policy,” said Engel, who is Jewish, “but it’s unacceptable and deeply offensive to call into question the loyalty of fellow American citizens because of their political views, including support for the U.S.-Israel relationship.” He added that “we all take the same oath. Worse, Representative Omar’s comments leveled that charge by invoking a vile anti-Semitic slur. Her comments were outrageous and deeply hurtful, and I ask that she retract them, apologize, and commit to making her case on policy issues without resorting to attacks that have no place in the Foreign Affairs Committee or the House of Representatives.”
While Omar offered an apology of sorts, it did not address her bizarre reference to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks during a speech to the Los Angeles chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a group with ties to terrorist organizations. In that speech she referred to the deadly attacks that killed more than 3,000 people as a day when “some people did something.”
During his May 10 Fox News remarks, Pence also noted that Omar had recently attempted “to blame the United States of America for the deprivation and the poverty brought on by the dictatorship in Venezuela.” Such comments, said the vice president, “just tell me that … the people of Minnesota will decide whether or not she remains in Congress. But Congresswoman Ilhan Omar has no place on the House Foreign Affairs Committee.”
Pence’s latest comments are a repeat of ones he made in March, demanding that Omar be removed from her seat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee. “Anti-Semitism has no place in the Congress of the United States of America,” Pence said at the time. “Anyone who slanders this historic alliance between the United States and Israel should never have a seat on the Foreign Affairs Committee.”


Kid’s Cartoon “Arthur” Features GAY Marriage! Indoctrination?

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
BOSTON, Massachusetts, May 14, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) ― A children’s cartoon series featured a homosexual “wedding” for its season premiere episode yesterday.
“Arthur,” the longest-running animated series for children in the USA, began its twenty-second season with the surprise “marriage” of Arthur the Aardvark’s teacher Mr. Ratburn to another man.
In the episode, Arthur and his classmates are intrigued to discover that their teacher is getting married and begin to investigate who his bride might be. When the children appear at the ceremony, they discover that Mr. Ratburn doesn’t have a bride. Instead, he walks down the aisle of the wedding tent on the arm of a male aardvark named Patrick.
The adult aardvark winks knowingly at the viewer whereupon 8-year-old Arthur and his classmate exchange delighted smiles.
A parent who watched the episode yesterday evening and contacted LifeSiteNews and contrasted the reactions to the cartoon characters to those of her children.
“The [cartoon] children are a bit surprised but mostly nonchalant about the whole thing,” she wrote from Topeka, Kansas. “Needless to say, in the real world, our children were shocked and confused.”
ImagePBS cartoon ‘Arthur’ featured Mr. Ratburn ‘marrying’ a male in its May 13, 2019 episode.PBS / video screen grab
Other adults and teens, however, took to Twitter to expressed their glee over the new twist in Mr. Ratburn’s portrayal.
“DID ARTHUR REALLY HAVE A GAY MARRIAGE AND I MISSED IT? THAT’S SO FREAKING COOL Y’ALL,” said former child star, now House of Representatives intern Joshua Rush, 17, on Twitter.
Rush played “Cyrus Goodman” of the “Andi Mack” show, the first same-sex attracted main character on the Disney Channel. The character was 12 years old when he was introduced to the show.
“Arthur,” which features anthropomorphized animals, is aimed at children aged four to eight. It is broadcast on PBS Kids, and its educational purpose is purportedly to interest children in reading. The show is based on the Arthur adventure books by Marc Brown. Mr. Ratburn was originally based on Brown’s own middle school algebra teacher.
This is not Arthur’s first foray into the adult world of same-sex partnerships. According to Variety, an “Arthur” spin-off  show called “Postcards from Buster” featured a female same-sex couple in 2005. The then-Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings wrote a letter of protest to the tax-funded PBS, underscoring that the show was meant to prepare children for school.
“We believe the “Sugartime!” episode does not come within these purposes or within the intent of Congress, and would undermine the overall objective of the Ready-To-Learn program — to produce programming that reaches as many children and families as possible,” Spelling wrote in 2005.
“Many parents would not want their young children exposed to the life-styles portrayed in this episode. Congress’ and the Department’s purpose in funding this programming certainly was not to introduce this kind of subject matter to children, particularly through the powerful and intimate medium of television,” she continued.
PBS dropped this episode, but it was aired by some of its affiliates.
Today PBS Kids states on its website that its goal is to make “a positive impact on the lives of children through curriculum-based entertainment with positive role models and content designed to nurture a child’s total well-being.”
“PBS KIDS encourages children to interact as respectful citizens in a diverse society,” the channel continues.
“By involving parents, teachers, caregivers and communities as learning partners, PBS KIDS helps to empower children for success in school and in life. PBS’ bottom line is measured by how much it contributes to the welfare of America’s children.”
The “Arthur” episode yesterday marks another victory by LGBT activists to insert homosexual “representation” into beloved children’s shows.
To respectfully make your views known to the creators of “Arthur”, please contact: 
Jonathan Abbott President and CEO, WGBH One Guest Street Boston, MA 02135 E-mail: Arthur Audience and Member Services Phone:  617-300-3300


“How does a sitting mayor in Indiana who’s gay find a date?” Mr. Buttigieg said.
Did They Sue Anyone For Refusing to Make the Wedding Cake, or Other Foods?
“Pete came out in May of 2015, and he and I met in August,” Mr. Glezman said. Mr. Buttigieg’s modest aim at the time was “dating a little outside the television viewing area of South Bend.” Mr. Glezman joined Hinge because, he said: “I wanted a platform where you’re not necessarily inundated with hookup culture and sex.”
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes,
In the south, it has been traditional for a young lady (debutante or “female beginner”) of high status to “come out” into adulthood.  It’s a formal rite of passage into society of an educated, wealthy, sophisticated young lady now ready for the privileges and responsibilities of  adulthood.  It is a recognition of her availability of being a wife and mother—in that order.  This coming out takes place at a ball and elegant dinner.  During the evening, the debutante displays her ability to walk, sit, dance, and eat without tripping over her gown or dropping a croissant down the front of her dress.
Homosexuals also have a “coming out” but not as elaborate as the southern ladies. Most southerners pay little or no attention to the social elites’ fancy affairs since they are busy making a living.  However, arrogant homosexuals seem to think that all of us want to know about when they “became aware of their sexuality” and feel a need to announce it to the world.  As if we care.
Pete Buttigieg is mayor of South Bend, Indiana and is “married” to Chasten Glezman, a teacher at Montessori Academy near South Bend. Pete calls Chasten his “husband” but since that is asinine, aberrant, and not accurate, I will refer to him as his “lover.”  I do that knowing I will be reminded that Time magazine gave him some credibility with a cover photo of Pete and his lover.  However, Time’s rush to gush is typical of the leftist media who are willing to promote anything that is anti-biblical, anti-common sense, and anti-decency.
Glezman admitted that he and Pete met online, had their first date in South Bend in September of 2015, then he “moved to Indiana and started living with Buttigieg in 2016.”  Obviously, they lived together before “marriage.”
In December of 2017, the “couple” announced their engagement and were “married” in June 2018 in the Cathedral of St. James (Episcopal) in South Bend.  (That says much about everyone involved.)  Following their ceremony, the couple stopped by for a short visit at a LGBTQ Pride Week block party; and then went to their wedding reception where they danced the night away with 200 guests.
Their ceremony was livestreamed on YouTube and featured a reading from Justice Anthony Kennedy’s majority opinion in the landmark 2015 same-sex “marriage” decision that made perversion legal if not moral.
I don’t hate Pete or his lover or any other homosexual, but I will not give them a pass when they or others suggest that “gayness” is not perversion, that it is normal, maybe even admirable.  Nor is it bigotry to explain to uninformed readers what “gayness” is.  However, with my demand to know the extent of Pete’s “gayness,” I will become the object of ridicule and rebuke, and rejection.  Maybe, even more death threats. But if you love homosexuals more than you fear retaliation, you tell them the truth.
 And this article will be rejected by some of the sites that normally publish my articles—for telling the truth! No doubt, I will be held in more disdain for revealing the disgusting things that homosexuals do than the homosexuals who do those disgusting things! You can expect the homosexual crowd to have a hissy fit because of this article. That is as predictable as tomorrow’s sunrise.
To emphasize my point: Pete and his lover chose to make their perversion a very public matter. They really worked at it.  Pete said, I’m gay as a—I don’t know, think of something really gay—that’s how gay I am.”  Remember, Pete brought this up so I, as a voter, have a right to know just how “gay” Pete is.  After all, he wants to be President of the United States and I want to know where he stands on important issues.
Since studies show that about half of homosexuals were seduced into perversion by age 14, I wonder if Pete would totally renounce and repudiate such a revolting practice.  Just a simple disavowal with appropriate disgust thrown in will suffice.
All homosexuals are aware that their lifespan is about 20 years less than for normal people so voters should know that a homosexual president may not live to finish his term.  Moreover, 70% of homosexuals admit to having at least one STD plus they are infected with other contagious diseases such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, etc.  About 20% of homosexual men are infected with HIV and about half of them do now know it.  Don’t voters have a right, even an obligation, to know a candidate’s health status since the candidate’s health is always an issue?  Is a homosexual candidate an exception?  If so, why?
Will he release his complete medical records?
Since homosexuals do many dangerous things it seems wise, considerate, thoughtful, and loving to suggest they cease such dangerous activities.  After all, we strongly suggest that one should not smoke, eat much red meat, not drink, and not gain weight since those are deadly activities.  Why is it unreasonable, unkind, or untoward to demand the same of homosexual candidates?
Pete admits to using marijuana while at Harvard and wants to make smoking weed legal, but does he still use marijuana, use tobacco, drink hard liquor, overeat, lose sleep, and refuse to exercise?
Homosexuals are notoriously promiscuous as reported in a six-month study of daily sexual diaries by Corey and Holmes in the New England Journal of Medicine.  In that study, homosexuals “averaged 110 sex partners and 68 rectal encounters a year.”  It is known that even the most devoted and long-lasting homosexual relationships are usually not monogamous. Each partner normally reserves a night out each week to “play the field.” Will Pete admit that that is too “gay”?
Studies show that almost all homosexuals practice oral sex and about half ingest semen which is as dangerous as ingesting raw blood exposing them to hepatitis A and B, gonorrhea, and HIV. Moreover, about 90% of homosexuals practice rectal sex and two-thirds do so on a regular basis. Furthermore, 17% of homosexuals admit to rubbing or ingesting the feces of homosexual partners. Will Pete admit that too is too “gay”?
About 23% of “gays”  (according to the largest study ever conducted) participate in golden showers where they urinate on each other, splash each other with urine or drink urine.  Now, it is a person’s own business if he has a taste for urine, but we have a right to know what Pete thinks about that. Is he “that gay”?
Will Pete repudiate the 41% of “gays” who practice fisting where one rams his fist into the rectum of his partner?  Or, at times, they use carrots, bottles, flashlights, (even gerbils!) or other objects often requiring a trip to the hospital for removal. Surely, Pete will repudiate that.
Will Pete repudiate the 90% of “gays” who practice rimming which is so disgusting that I won’t continue to explain it? In doing research for my book, AIDS: Silent Killer!, the owner of a chain of homosexual bathhouses told me that often the same man is “rimmed” 20 times in a single night. Will Pete repudiate such a disgusting practice?
Surely, Pete will repudiate the 37% of homosexuals who practice sadomasochism, the 90% of homosexuals who use illegal drugs, and the 66% who admit to restroom sex.
Franklin Graham was right when he said about Pete, being gay is “something to be repentant of, not something to be flaunted, praised or politicized.” In declaring that fact, Graham was showing love and concern for the mayor because God judges sin—all sin even the sin that shouldn’t even be named. Perversion results in judgment with horrible, eternal results.
If you haven’t noticed, they are no longer “gay” in Sodom.
Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives, who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for eight years. Boys’ book, Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! is available here. Follow Dr. Boys on Follow Dr. Boys on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D. and TheGodHatersTwitter, and visit his blog.
(Publisher’s comments: Any decent and God fearing person should be embarrassed to read such that we have published on TOL today, however the reason the sodomites are becoming accepted in polite society is because people do not really have a clue what they do and what they are recruiting our children to do, and be assured they have never ceased their goal to turn the entire world into a “queer” society. The Zero Population growth crowd is also using them to advance their political agenda.)
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Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban met with U.S. President Donald Trump at The White House on May 13.

Trump is one of the Hungarian PM’s few allies, who has become one of Europe’s most prominent right-wing nationalists. Orban and his Fidesz party were elected in 2018 on a campaign that almost exclusively focused on anti-immigration policies.

Senior Republican and Democratic members of the U.S. Congress told President Donald Trump on Friday they were concerned about Hungary’s “downward democratic trajectory,” ahead of Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s visit to Washington.

“In recent years, democracy in Hungary has significantly eroded. … Under Orban, the election process has become less competitive and the judiciary is increasingly controlled by the state,” Republican Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Jim Risch and Bob Menendez, the panel’s top Democrat, said in a letter to Trump.

The letter was also signed by Republican Senator Marco Rubio and Democratic Senator Jeanne Shaheen.

The senators also said they were very concerned about the close relationship between Hungary, a NATO partner, and Russia. They said Hungary has failed to diversify its energy resources from Moscow and allowed Russia to exploit its visa system to evade U.S. sanctions.

Trump and Orban Form 


Report by Dr. Steve Turley


Pete Buttigieg

The Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg, right, and his husband, Chasten, with former President Jimmy Carter on Sunday at Carter’s Sunday school class in Plains, Georgia.Paul Newberry/AP

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
  • Mayor Pete Buttigieg and his husband, Chasten, on Sunday went to former President Jimmy Carter's Sunday-school class.
  • The South Bend, Indiana, mayor said he was "humbled" to meet with Carter at his church in Plains, Georgia.
  • Buttigieg had lunch with Carter after the class.
  • In a tweet, Buttigieg described Carter as a "true public servant" and said the US was "blessed for his continuing leadership."
Mayor Pete Buttigieg and his husband, Chasten, visited Jimmy Carter's Sunday-school class in Plains, Georgia, on Sunday and then had lunch with the former president.
The South Bend, Indiana, mayor said he was "humbled" to meet with Carter, who has hosted other 2020 Democratic candidates such as Sens. Cory Booker and Amy Klobuchar at his Sunday-school class.
Carter invited Buttigieg to stand and read from the Bible to those attending the class at Maranatha Baptist Church in southern Georgia, the Associated Press reported.
In an apparently jocular reference to Buttigieg, the report said, Carter at one point elicited laughter from the crowd when he said, "You know him?"
Buttigieg's visit was unannounced, and some questioned who he was when he entered the room. In response, one attendee reportedly said, "Mayor Pete, the guy running for president."
"I was humbled to meet with President Carter in Plains, Georgia today," Buttigieg said in a tweet after their meeting. "He is a true public servant and America is blessed for his continuing leadership."
Buttigieg's husband, Chasten, in a separate tweet said the two had "a lovely visit" to Plains.
Buttigieg in the past several months has gone from being relatively unknown to among the most serious contenders for the 2020 Democratic nomination for president, garnering nonstop media attention as he's climbed up the polls.
The South Bend mayor, who is a gay Episcopalian Christian, has often discussed his faith along the campaign trail — at one pointingtaking a jab at Vice President Mike Pence's anti-LGBTQ stances and rhetoric.
Buttigieg has also faced antigay heckling as he's campaigned, but he has shrugged it off.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
A new “populist” political candidate in Denmark has taken the conversation about 
Muslim immigration by storm. In this brow-raising political debate below, 
37 year old Rasmus Paludan addresses the “Great replacement” (Jihad by immigration) unabashedly. Paludan, 
a lawyer, leads the political party “Stram Kurs ” that he founded in 2017.
The General elections in Denmark are in June, while elections to the EU parliament are in the last week of this month.
The General elections in Denmark are in June, while elections to the EU parliament are in the last week of this month.
Paludan has taken the public discourse about Islam to levels unseen in the political square, which include his many antics like burning the Quran, wrapping it in bacon and leading demonstrations which have turned into violent riots. He has advocated the expulsion of all Muslims who “believe they can decide what the limit of freedom of expression should be”, despite being quoted as stating that all Muslims should be expelled.
Paludan has stated“I am one of the most endangered people in Denmark,” says Rasmus Paludan, when we entered his secured office, where folders with criminal cases stand side by side with books about Islam’s invasion of the West.
No matter how offensive Paludan’s antics may be, of which any Westerner is within his or her rights to condemn on personal grounds– as with offences against Christianity, Judaism and other religions–the violent reactions to Paludan send the message that one religion alone stands above all others and must not be criticized without threats of violence and attempted “executions”.
Recently, Austrian Vice-Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache alluded to the impact of mass migration and demographic changes on the country, saying his party would fight against ‘population exchange’”.  French Archbishop of Strasbourg Luc Ravel also spoke of the term’s concept in reference to a demographic shift, saying, “Muslim believers know very well that their birthrate is such that today, they call it … the Great Replacement, they tell you in a very calm, very positive way that, ‘one day all this, it will be ours’.”


The Pentagon is sending additional marines and assets to the Persian Gulf as tensions between the U.S. and Iran escalate. This comes just days after National Security Advisor John Bolton announced that the super carrier USS Abraham Lincoln and its strike group would be deployed to the area. One America’s Neil W. McCabe has more from the White House.


Video: Democrat Harris Vows Executive Action Gun Control If Elected President
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
California Sen. Kamala Harris, who is running to be the Democrat nominee for President has vowed to enact strict gun control measures by executive order within the first 100 days, if she is elected.
“I’m proposing, one, that if by my 100th day in office when elected president of the United States, if the United States Congress fails to put a bill on my desk … then I’m prepared to take executive action because that’s what’s needed: action,” Harris said in an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper.
“We are not waiting on tragedies and we are not waiting on good ideas,” Harris said, adding that “on the issue of the need for gun safety laws, we’re not at any loss for good ideas. People have been having good ideas for decades on this issue. What we’re at a loss is for people in Congress to have the courage to do something.”
“Universal background checks? Check! Really good idea.” Harris continued, adding “you might wanna know if someone has been proven to be a danger to themselves or others before they can buy a lethal weapon.”
Harris outlined that she would enforce rules requiring anyone who sells more than five guns per year to do background checks, and would have the BATF rescind licenses from gun dealers who refused to comply.
She claimed that “90 percent of the guns that are associated with crime have been sold by 5 percent of the gun dealers. We need to take their licenses away.”
Harris noted that she would ensure that checks would be the “most comprehensive” that “has ever been had in our country thus far.”
When Tapper questioned whether the Executive office would be able to take such reaching action without the approval of Congress, Harris sternly responded “Yes it can.”
Harris is one of several Democrats who have said they will aggressively push for gun control.
Last week Cory Booker unveiled what his campaign described as ‘the most sweeping gun control plan ever’, as he expressed agreement with the notion that lawful gun owners should be ‘thrown in prison’ if they refuse to comply with “an assault weapons ban.”
Again, this is just one of several reasons why neither Booker nor Harris will win an election in the United States.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:

Presidential candidate Joe Biden wants American taxpayers to pay for illegal-alien healthcare. Indeed, he doesn’t just want us to pay for their healthcare, he says we are obliged to pay for their healthcare.

That’s likely because Biden thinks illegals are American citizens, and doesn’t much care how many are here as long as they vote the right way.
What Biden didn’t explain when he said we must pay for illegal-alien healthcare is how much such beneficence would cost.
Answer: A lot.
The Question, The Answer
Biden’s demand that we pay for illegal-alien healthcare answered a question he got on Wednesday in Los Angeles from a reporter who wanted to know whether the “undocumented” deserve a free ride.
The question was this: “Do you think that undocumented immigrants who are in this country and are law-abiding should be entitled to federal benefits like Medicare, Medicaid for example?”
Answered Biden, “Look, I think that anyone who is in a situation where they are in need of health care, regardless of whether they are documented or undocumented, we have an obligation to see that they are cared for. That's why I think we need more clinics in this country.”
Biden forgot to put “free” before clinics, but anyway, the candidate then suggested that Americans who disagree likely have a nasty hang-up about the border-jumping illegals who lie with the facility of Pinocchio when they apply for “asylum.”
“A significant portion of undocumented folks in this country are there because they overstayed their visas,” he continued. “It’s not a lot of people breaking down gates coming across the border,” he falsely averred.
Then came the inevitable. “We” need to watch what we say about all those “undocumented folks.”
“The biggest thing we’ve got to do is tone down the rhetoric,” he continued, because that “creates fear and concern” and ends in describing “undocumented folks” in “graphic, unflattering terms.”
Biden thinks those “undocumented folks” are citizens, as Breitbart noted in its report on his generosity with other people’s money.
In 2014, Biden told the worthies of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce that entering the country illegally isn’t a problem, and Teddy Roosevelt would agree.
“The 11 million people living in the shadows, I believe they’re already American citizens,” Biden said. “Teddy Roosevelt said it better, he said Americanism is not a question of birthplace or creed or a line of dissent. It’s a question of principles, idealism, and character.”
Illegals “are just waiting, waiting for a chance to be able to contribute fully. And by that standard, 11 million undocumented aliens are already American.”
Roosevelt also said that “the one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities,” but that inconvenient truth aside, Biden likely doesn’t grasp just what his munificence — again, with our money — will cost.
The Cost of Illegal-Alien Healthcare
Biden is right that visa overstays are a big problem: 701,900 in 2018, the government reported. But at least those who overstay actually entered the country legally; border jumpers don’t.
But that’s beside the point.
The real problem is the cost of the healthcare, which Forbes magazine estimated to be $18.5 billion, $11.2 billion of it federal tax dollars.
In 2017, the Federation for American Immigration Reform reported a figure of $29.3 billion; $17.1 in federal tax dollars, and $12.2 billion in state tax dollars. More than $15 billion on that total was uncompensated medical care. The rest fell under Medicaid births, Medicaid fraud, Medicaid for illegal-alien children, and improper Medicaid payouts.
The bills for the more than half-million illegals who have crossed the border since the beginning of fiscal 2019 in October are already rolling in.
Speaking at a news conference in March, Brian Hastings, operations chief for Customs and Border Protection (CBP), said about 55 illegals per day need medical care, and that 31,000 illegals will need medical care this year, up from 12,000 last year. Since December 22, he said, sick illegals have forced agents to spend 57,000 hours at hospitals or medical facilities. Cost: $2.2 milllion in salaries. Between 25 percent and 40 percent of the border agency’s manpower goes to the care and maintenance of illegals, he said.
CBP spent $98 million on illegal-alien healthcare between 2014 and 2018.
Hastings spoke before more than 200,000 illegals crossed the border in March and April.
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