Rather Expose Them Christian News Blog


Along with many other censored researchers
SEE: http://www.infowars.com/newsletter-content/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Top Scientist Who Exposed GMO Now Silenced by Biotech
“If I had the choice, I certainly wouldn’t eat it,” said scientist Arpad Pustazai in an interview conducted after his study of GMOs.
Have you heard his name before? Likely not, since biotech made an example of him in 1998, launching an attack against any scientist that exposed just how toxic GM crops truly are. What did Pustazai find when he conducted trials on animals given genetically modified food? Read on to find out what Monsanto has suppressed for decades.
Dr. Pustazai’s comments about GMOs were aired on British television in the summer of 1998, and they were a viral flame that biotech decided to hose down as fast as they could. Dr. Pustazai has credentials as a world-renowned expert on food safety. He worked at one of the UK’s leading food safety research labs, the Rowett institute. The scientist has more than 300 articles to his credit, as well as three books. Nonetheless, just a few days after his public statement, he was suspended and gagged by the research institute where he worked.
Dr. Pustazai’s curriculum vitae is what afforded him a $3 million grant by the UK government to study GMOs. Dr. Pustazai was possibly the first, if not a primary scientist to point out that GM food was not at all substantially equivalent to non-GM foods.
He also pointed out that the testing procedures employed by the UK, and incidentally, this is true for the US as well, were inadequate to determine toxicity due to the short durations used. He said that this only ‘superficially’’ tested foods, and only longer-term studies would reveal their true detriment to human and animal health.
The biotech industry set out to make Dr. Pustazai look like a senile idiot, but what he found in his own longer-term studies was extremely telling. Later, 24 additional scientists in countries around the world confirmed Pustazai’s findings to be true.
When the doctor fed rats GM potatoes, within just 10 days, the animals developed potentially pre-cancerous cell growth, smaller brains, livers, and testicles, partially atrophied livers, and damaged immune systems. What’s more, the cause was most certainly side effects from the process of genetic engineering itself. In other words, the GM foods sold in grocery stores, which are created from the very same process, likely have similar effects on humans, according to Pustazai’s research.
How many more Dr. Pustazai’s are out there, do you think? Scientists that have been shamed, fired, discredited, or possibly worse, so that the biotech industry can continue selling the world poison? One example that comes straight to mind is Tyrone Hayes, a scientist who was discredited, gagged,and more by biotech giant Syngenta – all because this biologist from UC Berkeley told the truth about the company’s herbicide Atrazine and its cancer-causing nature.
You can’t keep the truth a secret forever, though – even if you are a multi-billion dollar industry which uses illegal and immoral tactics. You can read Pustazai’s study in full, here.
Be sure to pass it along.
This article first appeared at Natural Society.com.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

(Friday Church News Notes, August 28, 2015, www.wayoflife.org fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) - 
The Empire State building in New York City was recently used as a screen for the projection of the image of the Hindu goddess Kali. This was part of a light show entitled Projecting Change that was intended to raise awareness about wildlife extinction. The image of Kali was interspersed with images of animals. Kali, a gruesome, black goddess who is depicted with a lolling, blood-drenched tongue, a necklace of skulls and a loin cloth of severed arms, is supposed to be both a wild, insatiable devourer and a tender mother. Sacrifices are made to appease the goddess and to obtain various objectives, such as general good fortune, health, wealth, revenge on an enemy, a male offspring, or deliverance from demons. Until 200 years ago, a male child was sacrificed daily in the Kali temple in Calcutta (Alex Perry, “Killing for ‘Mother’ Kali,” Time magazine, Jul. 22, 2002). Though driven underground by laws against human sacrifice, the practice continues in India and Nepal. One commentator observed that Kali is a fitting image for New York City with its wholesale murder of unborn black babies. “New York City is the only city in America where more black babies are murdered than are born. They are not as fortunate as the snow leopard, snake or bird whose images were projected across 33 floors of the Empire State Building. Black New Yorkers didn’t receive $33 million in funding to protect their survival and weren’t even on the ‘Black Lives Matter’ campaign’s radar. (In fact, the very organizations claiming to aid minorities, including blacks, under the guise of ‘health’ programs, are primarily committed to advancing eugenics-based population control among the poorest communities worldwide--in order to reduce them.) Disturbing as the plight of chained elephants is, nothing is more disturbing than the U.S. government legalizing and funding half of an organization’s $1 billion budget to dismember living human beings. ... Like Kali, Planned Parenthood’s knives drip with blood from the tissue and parts of babies’ feet, hands, livers, eyes, skin and other organs--in exchange for $23 million in ‘financial donations.’ (Fetal liver cell prices, for example, range from $488 to $24,250.) Rather than wield a sword to chop off heads, Planned Parenthood suctions off heads of living babies, after they have writhed in excruciating pain” (“Planned Parenthood’s Goddess Projected,” Charisma News, Aug. 20, 2015).

Goddess Kali seen in New York’s Empire State building

Published on Aug 10, 2015
Goddess Kali, the epitome of tremendous power and strength took over on the Empire State Building in New York. The breathtaking artwork was displayed by filmmaker Louie Psihoyos and his team as a part of Projecting Change, a project which uses the Empire State Building as a canvas. It was meant to spark awareness of massive wildlife extinction, and to draw attention to the alarming rate at which species are dying.

Demonic Hindu god of Death and Destruction Showcased on Empire State Building

Hindu ‘goddess’ of ‘Doomsday, Death & Destruction’
Kali Showcased on NY Empire State Bldg

Empire State Building Projection

Published on Aug 2, 2015
20,000 lumens of endangered animals projected on the south facade of the Empire State Building. Recorded from the corner of 25th st and 5th ave and the Flatiron building. Project Change : The Empire State building.



Published on Aug 27, 2015
TACTICS! Going in depth. I’m sharing this interview I was on with fellow YouTuber’s Brad and Tommy where we talk liberty, tactics and solutions from Bundy Ranch to Bold Liberty!

— Subscribe to Brad, Big Family Homestead: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClBC…

— Subscribe to Tommy, Carolina Prepper: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7_T…

— Subscribe to Gavin: https://www.youtube.com/user/ventrilq…


CMP’s Eighth Abortion Video Describes “Intact Fetuses” as Being “Born Alive”

BY Raven Clabough
SEE: http://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/item/21471-cmp-s-eighth-video-describes-intact-fetuses-as-being-born-aliverepublished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
On Tuesday, the Center for Medical Progress released an eighth video in a series of undercover videos highlighting the barbarity of fetal organ harvesting by Planned Parenthood. Tuesday’s video shows StemExpress’ CEO Cate Dyer discussing the sales of “intact specimens,” which are “likely to be born-alive infant[s],” and highlights the magnitude of StemExpress’ demand for fetal parts.
Several revelations have come out of the release of these videos by CMP, many of which reveal illegal, as well as immoral and unethical, practices by the hands of Planned Parenthood and StemExpress, a California-based company that partnered with Planned Parenthood to supply human blood, cells, and tissue products to biomedical researchers. Videos have featured Planned Parenthood officials admitting to altering abortion procedures to procure fetal tissue, as well as the sale of fetal tissue for profit. A video last week also revealed that StemExpress did not always obtain consent from mothers to use their fetal tissue, a practice that Fox News notes would be “a serious ethical breach.”
In Tuesday’s video, a CMP buyer inquires about “intact specimens,” to which Dyer responds, “Oh yeah, I mean, if you have intact cases, which we’ve done a lot, we sometimes ship those back to our lab in its entirety.”
Live Action News notes that Planned Parenthood leadership has admitted that the chemicals used to kill fetuses during abortion procedures are not used in tissue procurement cases, and therefore, intact fetuses/infants are likely to be born alive.
The latest video also underscores just how demanding the biomedical industry has been.
In the video, Dyer laments that the company cannot seem to obtain enough fetal livers to keep up with demand. The undercover CMP actor asks what number would make StemExpress “happy.”
“Another 50 livers a week,” Dyer responded. “We’re working with almost, like, triple-digit-number clinics, and we still need more.”
The undercover video series has successfully breathed life back into the anti-abortion movement and placed Planned Parenthood’s funding at the forefront of political debates as they have collectively captured the brutality of this particular industry from which Planned Parenthood profits.
The eight released tapes include secretly recorded comments from executives of Planned Parenthood and StemExpress, undercover footage from clinics — including footage of fetal tissue being handled by workers, footage of fetal tissue from aborted pregnancies, and on-camera interviews with Holly O’Donnell, a former StemExpress procurement technician.
In a video released on August 19, O’Donnell, who appears in a total of three videos, recalls encountering “fetuses” that still had beating hearts.
In last week’s video, O’Donnell provided graphic details about the treatment of intact fetuses, regardless of whether they have a heartbeat. “Usually they want both hemispheres intact with the brain stems, which usually doesn’t happen,” O’Donnell said. “They’ll take like a 70 percent intact or an 80 percent intact … and you have to contact them and see if that’ll be ok.”
The former technician went on to describe how her supervisor so callously referred to the beating heart of a gestated fetus as “cool.”
“Want to see something kind of cool?” O’Donnell says her supervisor asked her. She continued, “And she has one of her instruments and she just taps the heart and it starts beating … and I’m sitting here and I’m looking at this fetus and its heart is beating and I don’t know what to think.”
O’Donnell goes on,
It had a face, it wasn’t completely torn up. And its nose was very pronounced. It had eyelids and its mouth was pronounced and then, since the fetus was so intact, she said, “OK well this is a really good fetus and it looks like we can procure a lot from it. We’re going to procure brain.”
The moment I heard that I thought, that means we’re gonna’ have to cut the head open.
And she takes the scissors and she makes a small incision right here [points to her chin] and goes, I would say to maybe a little bit through the mouth and she says, “Can you go the rest of the way?” And I didn’t want to do this. And she gave me the scissors and told me I had to cut down the middle of the face.
The video also includes recordings from the heads of other prominent procurement companies who partner with Planned Parenthood, including Novogenix Laboratories, LLC, Executive Director Dr. Ben Van Handel, who admitted, “There are times when after the procedure is done that the heart actually is still beating.”
In response to public outcry following the release of CMP’s videos, StemExpress announced it would be severing ties with Planned Parenthood, but critics wonder if it’s just a little too late for that.
Shockingly, Planned Parenthood released a statement on August 4 wherein it claimed that the “extremists” who released the videos are in fact the ones who have a “total lack of compassion and dignity,” not, of course, the ones cutting open the faces of living fetuses.
Planned Parenthood executive vice president Dawn Laguens has defended the Planned Parenthood officials captured in the video, claiming they were in fact engaging in “standard medical practice to review tissue to ensure the health and safety of patients.”
Laguens insisted, “Planned Parenthood’s medical providers and staff are the best in the country,” adding, “We have the highest professional standards, and we take swift action if we are ever aware of an instance where those standards aren’t being met.”
Public reaction to the videos has compelled lawmakers in Washington to attempt to defund Planned Parenthood, so far with no success. Conservatives are now eyeing the upcoming Continuing Resolution as a means by which to defund the organization, which is the country’s largest abortion provider.
According to David Daleiden, founder of the Center for Medical Progress, there are four more videos to release, “give or take,” and it is his intention to release them once a week to maintain the political firestorm that has resulted from the videos. That schedule would ultimately take the Planned Parenthood debate right to the deadline for the Continuing Resolution.
Daleiden emphasizes that his intentions behind releasing the videos in this manner are to allow the public the proper amount of time to absorb and analyse all that the videos expose. “For a topic this complex and multilayered, it’s important that each piece of evidence have a chance to be examined individually and so the current presentation format is geared towards that,” Daleiden told Politico.

Planned Parenthood Baby Parts Vendor ABR Pays Off Clinics, Intact Fetuses “Just Fell Out”

FULL FOOTAGE: Planned Parenthood Baby Parts Vendor Advanced Bioscience Resources

FULL FOOTAGE: Planned Parenthood Pacific Southwest Dr. Katharine Sheehan


Uprising Against HPV Vaccine Mandate Sweeps Rhode Island

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Rhode Island health bureaucrats are facing an uprising among parents, lawmakers, and even some doctors after issuing a  deeply controversial vaccine mandate last month. Unless it is reversed, the decree purports to require that all 7th grade students, generally about 11-years old, be vaccinated against a sexually transmitted disease (STD) prior to starting school in September. Despite making headlines nationwide amid growing protests and public outrage about what critics say is an attack on parental rights, state officials reportedly have no plans to back down on the HPV shot. Neither do activists, though, and state lawmakers are already vowing to take action.
Leading the public outcry against the mandate is the recently formed grassroots group Rhode Islanders Against Mandated HPV Vaccinations. In a statement to The New American, Aimee Gardiner, co-leader of the organization, said the goal was to protect parental and civil rights. “Mandating a vaccine that is attached to school attendance that is not a public health threat or transferable in the classroom is not okay,” she said. “It is bad public policy, and it is a bad use of power from the Rhode Island Department of Health.”
The campaign, which seeks to have the governor overturn the mandate, uses the Twitter hashtag #NOHPVmandateRI. Gardiner explained that the public was not even informed about the mandate, except in an announcement on the health department’s website, “which is not a place of regular checking for any average citizen.” Most citizens found out about it either from threatening letters sent by schools, or from recent media reports surrounding the growing statewide movement to quash the mandate. Outrage is still growing.
“This vaccine strikes people in different ways,” Gardiner continued. “Many are upset that this is a sexually transmitted disease and the Department of Health is mandating it. That crosses the line with personal and family values and points of appropriate discussions, as many parents feel an STD conversation is not needed at 11 years old.”
Citing U.S. government data, Gardiner also noted that the Gardasil vaccine in question has three times more reported adverse reactions than all other vaccines combined. Numerous deaths and permanent disabilities have been reported following administration of the vaccine. Gardiner also said that there is no proof that the vaccine has stopped a single case of cervical cancer, and that the shot has not been around long enough to know what the long-term side effects might be.
“The Department of Health says it has no plans to reverse the mandate,” she continued. “However, we also have no plans of stopping our efforts until the mandate is reversed.”
Last week, about 100 members and supporters of the group, including three doctors and four state lawmakers, held a rally and press conference at the Cumberland Public Library ahead of a presentation by health bureaucrats on the vaccine mandate. The outraged crowd, mostly concerned parents, carried hand-made signs with slogans such as “my child, my choice,” “no mandate,” and “it’s a family’s choice, not the government’s,” showed pictures published online by local media outlets and activists.  
Among those speaking was Dr. Mark Brady, who told the crowd that the vaccine mandate “smacks of paternalism” and that the health department “cannot demonstrate a clear and present danger from the virus.” Another doctor, Christopher Black, told the crowd that he did not want his patients, children, or friends’ children to be part of an “experiment.” “Who is going to back us up when something goes terribly wrong?” he asked.
Others spoke out against adverse reactions to vaccines suffered by their own children. Dr. Stephen Petteruti, for example, said his stepson suffered temporary blindness after a vaccination, which has still not been investigated,The Valley Breeze reported. Local mother Michelle Rennick, meanwhile, described as many as 10 different diseases that afflicted her daughter after receiving the controversial HPV vaccine. Taxpayers have paid out around $3 billion to victims of vaccines or their families, because U.S. lawmakers granted vaccine makers immunity from having to pay damages owing to injuries or deaths caused by their products.    
On August 25, the Coventry School Committee unanimously adopted a resolution by committee member James Pierson opposing the mandate. Citing medical ethics on informed consent and more than a dozen lawmakers who are opposed to the mandate, at least one of whom was in attendance, the resolution calls on Democrat Governor Gina Raimondo and health bureaucrats to reverse the decree. Only one other state and the District of Columbia have similar mandates, the resolution added. Every parent who spoke at the Coventry meeting was opposed to the mandate. Other local school authorities are expected to follow suit.  
State health bureaucrats, though, citing the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), claim that the HPV vaccine they mandated is safe and will protect the young children from the Human Papilloma Virus. “The bottom line is that HPV is the most sexually transmitted disease in the U.S.” argued Tricia Washburn, chief of the immunization office at the Rhode Island Department of Health, last month. “We are interested in protecting the public health. We feel it shouldn’t be treated any differently than any of the other vaccines recommended by the CDC.”
Of course, the CDC is currently facing its own vaccine-related scandals after a whistle blower, senior CDC epidemiologist Dr. William Thompson, revealed that he helped the federal agency unlawfully conceal data linking the MMR vaccine to drastically increased rates of autism — especially in black children. Doctors and U.S. lawmakers are demanding a formal investigation of the dangerous fraud, and accountability for those responsible for the deception. But so far, nothing has been done.
Unlike most states, Rhode Island currently mandates all CDC-“recommended” vaccines for children in schools. But nationwide, concerns about the “recommendations” are spreading like wildfire — particularly considering that the number of “recommended” vaccines from the unconstitutional bureaucracy has ballooned from 10 shots before age six in 1983 to almost 40 before age six today.    
In response to the growing uproar against the HPV mandate in Rhode Island, health bureaucrats emphasized that parents could still use legally protected religious or medical exemptions to opt their children out of the vaccine. But critics such as Gardiner say that is not acceptable. “The parents have the right to make the choice for their family, and if they feel it is not appropriate for their family, they should be able to simply say no,” she said, adding that the religious exemptions are tracked within the educational system. The mandate applies to children going into seventh grade in both government and private schools.
Some lawmakers, though, are planning a legislative counter-attack that could rein in the bureaucracy and its trampling of parental rights. Republican State Representative Justin Price, for instance, vowed to file legislation that will “put the power back in parents’ hands.” He also wants to add a philosophical exemption that would allow more parents to opt out their children, in addition to requiring that parents receive more information on the vaccines to assist in obtaining informed consent.
Another lawmaker, State Representative Sherry Roberts, accused the health department of going too far. “This disease is not an airborne contagion that puts students in the classroom at risk,” she said in a statement quoted in media reports. “The decision to vaccinate 11-year olds against a sexually transmitted disease should be left to the parents and legal guardians of those children.” Activists also vowed to push for legislation entirely removing the power of state health officials to mandate vaccines.
As The New American magazine has been reporting for years, countless doctors and health professionals around the world have long questioned both the safety and efficacy of vaccines. Even the package inserts warn of potentially fatal and debilitating reactions to the shots’ contents, some of which are manufactured using aborted babies. Either way, though, the decision on whether or not to vaccinate children must remain with parents and doctors — not bureaucrats. Anything less is an assault on medical ethics, liberty, parental rights, and common sense. 

Rhode Island Mandates HPV Vaccine For Seventh-Graders

Department of Health Director Confronted About Mandatory HPV Vaccines In Rhode Island!


SCHOOLED! Government Bureaucrats Get OWNED by Anti-Vaxxers (08/17/15 – Cumberland, RI)



Microsoft Increases Secrecy; 

Expands Spyware to Windows 7 and 8

BY C. Mitchell Shaw
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

The Windows 10 update that turns your PC into a portal for spying on you was just the beginning of what Microsoft is doing. As more and more people begin to adopt Windows 10 — whether by buying a new PC or via Microsoft's "free" upgrade — the Redmond Giant is building on that foundation to further violate users' privacy and liberty.
In what may be one of the most confusing moves the software empire has ever made, Microsoft has begun rolling out updates for Windows 10 that contain none of the release notes users have been accustomed to. Now the description of the update simply says, "This update includes improvements to enhance the functionality of Windows 10." With so little information, users are left to wonder what the update does and how important it is. Since many (most) users have updates set to install automatically, these "secret recipe" updates are especially troubling. This is a new policy for the company, which has said that the only updates that will include release notes are those the company decides warrant them. That means that the functions of the vast majority of updates will be unknown to most users. Microsoft points out that the updates can be searched on the company's knowledge base, but this requires that users make note of the filename of the update (for instance, KB 3081424) and search it on the knowledge base.
In previous versions of Windows, these release notes were delivered to the user along with the update. This allowed users to have at least some idea what was going on with their PCs. As it stands now, users have to take the time to search for that information — if they can even find it. Even though Microsoft claims that nothing has really changed in the level of information that is provided about updates, the reality is that the changes are like night and day. For instance, here is the description of the KB 3081424 update for Windows 10, which was rolled out on August 5:
This update includes improvements to enhance the functionality of Windows 10.
Windows 10 updates are cumulative. Therefore, this package contains all previously-released fixes (see KB 3074683). If you have installed previous updates, only the new fixes that are contained in this package will be downloaded and installed to your computer.
There is virtually no information about what this update does to a user's PC. All he can know is that Microsoft says it will "enhance the functionality of Windows 10." Compare that to the description Microsoft offered for the KB 3075851, which was sent to Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 users at about the same time as the KB 3081424 update was sent out for Windows 10:
This article describes an update that contains some improvements to Windows Update Client in Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1) and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1. This update also resolves an issue in which certain Windows Update operations fail when you install Windows Update Client for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2: July 2015 (3065987) on Windows 7 Embedded editions.
As Joel Hruska wrote for extremetech.com, "That's dry, but descriptive. If you have an issue with Windows update failing while running Windows 7 Embedded Edition, KB 3075851 applies to you. If you don't, it doesn't." In other words, the description tells the user enough about the update that he can make an informed decision about whether to apply it. That's a lot more information than, "This update includes improvements to enhance the functionality of Windows 10."
To make matters worse, Microsoft seems to be rolling out updates to Windows 7 and 8 that bring them into line with the "spyware" elements of Windows 10. Because Microsoft's Services Agreement and Privacy Policy apply to all products and services offered by Microsoft, it looks as though the company is expanding its spying to include Windows 7and 8. The New American covered the specifics of these agreements in a previous article. According to hakspek.com, "new updates that are being deployed to all Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 machines will turn their computers into a big piece of spyware, just like" Windows 10. As the article explains:
The updates in question are KB3075249 and KB3080149. If installed, these updates are known to report your data back to Microsoft servers, without user interaction. KB3075249 Microsoft Update adds telemetry points to "consent.exe" in Windows 7, 8 and 8.1, allowing for remote monitoring of everything that happens within the operating system. KB3080149 ensures that all "down-level devices" receive the same updates and treatment as Windows 10 boxes get.
So, now that Microsoft has convinced some 50 million users to "update" to Windows 10 (with more than 14 million of them doing it in only the first 24 hours the download was available), it seems to have its sights set on those who have heeded the warnings about Windows 10 being spyware. By sending these Windows updates — many of which will be downloaded and installed by default — Microsoft is expanding its spyware empire.
Of course, some users will refuse the KB updates in question. But doing so may leave their systems unstable and unable to receive future security patches. Windows users who value any degree of privacy will find themselves caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. Many are opting out of Windows altogether. Some are going the way of Mac, but many are looking at the advantages offered by Open Source software and the Linux operating system. A previous New American article discussed the tools that are available through Open Source and Linux to close the door on surveillance by both overreaching government agencies and nosy corporations. Microsoft clearly fits into that latter category. It's easy to see why more and more users are opting for the security, privacy, and liberty offered by Linux.
[In the interest of fairness, the writer of this article has been a Linux user for several years and does not use any Microsoft products or services. This article was written on his System76 Bonobo Extreme running Ubuntu 14.04 using LibreOffice 4.2.]
QUOTE: "When Windows 10 is installed, the default settings will allow all data to be collected and shared with Microsoft. Because users agree to this by simply clicking a button when they install the operating system, and because it is all turned on by default, most of the millions of Windows users will have no idea that they have given Microsoft nearly unlimited access to everything they do on their computers."
Microsoft has now released three cumulative updates for Windows 10. These updates combine security fixes with non-security bug fixes, and so far, Microsoft hasn't done a very good job of describing the contents of these cumulative updates. While the security content is quite fully described, explanations of the non-security fixes have been lacking.

Windows 10 is a Tool to Spy on Everything You Do

Windows 10 Privacy and Freedom Concerns Surrounding the EULA

Windows 10: Privacy Agreement ALERT!
Published on Jul 31, 2015
Rather that law enforcement obtaining a Search warrant and coming to you house, all they have to do is request it from Microsoft and they will disclose all of your personal files to law enforcement agencies. Microsoft would be essentially acting in a law enforcement capacity leaving you no private safe haven on your computer! My opinion; DO NOT make the switch to windows 10!! http://bgr.com/2015/07/31/windows-10-...


“Irina Bokova is the daughter of the communist-era politician Georgi Bokov, editor-in-chief of Rabotnichesko Delo, the official newspaper and organ of the Bulgarian Communist Party. By descent Bokova is Bulgarian from Macedonia. Bokova is a graduate of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations. Subsequently, she worked at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria, eventually becoming Minister in the winter of 1996–1997. She was a member of the Bulgarian communist party until 1990. In 2009, while most of the Bulgarian media was supportive of Ms. Bokova’s future role at the helm of UNESCO, some raised questions about her past as a daughter of a member of the totalitarian communist elite. Bulgarian-born German writer Iliya Troyanov criticised Bokova’s election as Director-General of UNESCO in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, calling it “a scandal,” in light of Bokova’s father’s communist past.”


Bulgarian Communist and UNESCO Boss Irina Bokova May Lead UN 

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

According to an April 2015 piece published in the establishment-controlled Financial Times, current UNESCO boss Irina Bokova (shown) is considered to be the front runner to serve as the next secretary-general of the United Nations.
Apparently her candidacy is acceptable to the Obama administration, the Kremlin, and other key players. Plus, she’s the right gender, and she comes from Eastern Europe, and in this day and age of collectivism and identity politics, those traits are considered important for leadership.
But who is Bokova, and why might the establishment hope to see her lead what I and many others often ridicule as the “dictators club.” Well, for one, she’ll fit right in, just like she fit right in at Putin’s “Victory Day” celebrations in May as the Soviet National Anthem blared in the background and communist hammer-and-sickle flags flapped in the breeze.
The first thing you need to know about Bokova is that she is a Bulgarian Communist Party operative with deep ties to the mass-murdering regime that once enslaved her homeland. In fact, the UNESCO chief is even what is known as a “red-diaper baby” — a child born to devoted communist parents.
Bokova’s father, aside from being a communist politician and Politburo member in the savage regime ruling over the “People's Republic of Bulgaria,” was also editor-in-chief of the Bulgarian Communist Party’s official propaganda organ, known as Rabotnichesko Delo.
Estimates suggest that the brutal dictatorship slaughtered somewhere between 100,000 and 250,000 people, among them, dissidents, Christians, and many others. The real numbers could be even higher. In Statistics of Democide: Democide and Mass Murder since 1900, political science Professor R.J. Rummel of the University of Hawaii put the body count racked up by the Bulgarian communists at around 222,000. Many more were ruthlessly tortured and persecuted.
Despite those atrocities, Bokova herself was an enthusiastic youth member of the Bulgarian Communist Party, later becoming an adult member and even serving in various capacities within the brutal dictatorship. Because of her intimate and myriad links to the regime, and her communist fervor, Bokova was given the special privilege of studying at the mass-murdering Soviet regime’s elite Moscow State Institute of International Relations.
Bokova remained within the Communist party after it rebranded itself the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) following the apparent collapse of the communist terror regime. Despite the name change to gain access to U.S. and European Union taxpayer-funded benefits, the ruthless party, which is still in charge today, remains dominated by the same cut-throats of yesteryear.
Bokova served two terms in the Bulgarian Parliament as a member of the rebranded Communist Party, and went on to serve as the foreign minister for Prime Minister Zhan Videnov, another communist operative and former agent for the savage Bulgarian branch of the KGB.   
Bokova’s current job, director-general of the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), was secured with support from Obama. It also ought to raise concerns, though, and not just because the selection drew widespread condemnation from survivors of communist Bulgarian gulags, who called the decision “shameful.”
However, while it was certainly shameful, it was not surprising. The scandal-plagued UN organization, which is seeking to become the global education ministry and impose its “World Core Curriculum” on all of humanity, was such a hot-bed of communists, criminals, dictators, Islamists, mass-murderers, and anti-American radicals that the Ronald Reagan administration withdrew U.S. membership in it.
Bokova’s bid to lead the UN is, unsurprisingly, being celebrated as an opportunity to give Third World autocrats a bigger voice in “global governance,” as humanity is prepared for what globalists refer to as their new, “multi-polar” world order. Bokova’s job will be to facilitate that transition.  
However, for Americans and the billions of victims of communism around the world, Bokova’s candidacy and frontrunner status offer an excellent opportunity to expose the UN and its member regimes for what they are: a threat to humanity and human liberty.
As awareness of this threat grows across the United States and the world, humanity should work to disband the UN and prosecute all of the communists who escaped unpunished after the apparent collapse of the Soviet Union.
For the sake of liberty, prosperity, and common sense, it is time for the UN and Bokova to be exposed and stopped.

Common Core: Based on UN Agenda 21, UNESCO Standards


SEE: http://the-trumpet-online.com/black-gay-reporter-murders-straight-white-journalists-media-blame-gun/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

On Wednesday, America met a deeply evil human being: Vester Lee Flanagan II, also known as reporter Bryce Williams.

Williams murdered two people while they were live on air on WDBJ in Virginia: reporter Alison Parker, and cameraman Adam Ward. After the murders, he went on the run – and while he was on the run, he tweeted out his rationale for the killings, accusing Parker of making “racist comments” and Ward of going “to hr on me after working with me one time!!!” He then posted video to his Facebook and Twitter pages of himself shooting both at point-blank range.
Williams is black. Parker and Ward were white.
Williams is gay. Parker and Ward were straight.
None of which would be relevant, except that Williams specifically cited his identity as a factor in the killings. In a 23-page rambling letter sent to ABC News, Williams wrote that the Charleston church shooting in June should have provoked a race war: “Why did I do it? I put a deposit for a gun on 6/19/15. The Church shooting in Charleston happened on 6/17/15…What sent me over the top was the church shooting…You want a race war (deleted)? BRING IT THEN YOU WHITE …(deleted)!!!” According to ABC News, he claimed he had “suffered racial discrimination, sexual harassment and bullying at work,” that he had “been attacked by black men and white females,” and that he had been “attacked for being a gay, black man.”
Williams marinated in his self-appointed victimhood status. He filed a lawsuit against his Tallahassee, Florida employer, WTWC – a lawsuit settled out of court. He filed a complaint with the with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission against WDBJ after his firing – a complaint the EEOC dismissed. According to WDBJ station manager Jeff Marks, Williams was “an unhappy man” with a “reputation as someone who had been difficult to work with… looking out for people to say things that he could take offense to.”
Had a white straight man killed a black gay man, released first-person tape of the shooting, and then unleashed a manifesto about being victimized by affirmative action and anti-religious bigotry from homosexuals, the media would never stop covering the story. They’d be eager to report that shooter’s motives with all the attendant politically correct hullaballoo about the racism and homophobia of the United States more broadly. We would hear about white supremacy (reprehensible Black Lives Matter leader Deray McKesson actually jumped the gun, thinking the shooter was white, and tweeted, “Whiteness will explain away nearly anything”).
We would hear excoriations of the Republican presidential candidates for their failures to stand with the Black Lives Matter movement–and their opposition to same-sex marriage. In similar circumstances, the entire political and media establishment determined that the Confederate flag was somehow to blame for Dylan Storm Roof’s brutal slaying of nine people at a historically black church; just last week, the media tried to blame Donald Trump’s anti-immigration stance for two thugs beating up a Hispanic homeless man in Boston.
But Bryce Williams’ self-described victim status, even while murdering innocents, will merit no rethinking of the divisive politics in which he apparently bathed. We won’t have a conversation about whether pushing a perennial picture of victimhood for blacks and gays in the most black-friendly, gay-friendly country on the planet could drive supposed victims to violence. We won’t talk about whether the Democratic Party’s takeover by the Black Lives Matter crew has encouraged some people to believe that only black lives matter, since only black lives are in danger – and even then, only some black lives matter, namely those killed by white people. Instead, we will be assured that Bryce Williams is an outlier by the same people who blamed Sarah Palin for Jared Lee Loughner shooting Gabrielle Giffords.
It is true that statistical outliers should not be used to club entire movements into submission. But leftists protesting at the linkage between Williams and their favored political causes have no ground on which to stand – they consistently blame conservatives for outlier events with no statistical basis. Moreover, Williams’ violence is part of a larger trend, not of black men killing white people (that still happens disproportionately, but the numbers are down), but of black men using supposed American racism as a rationale for violence more generally, and of gay people using supposed American homophobia as a rationale for violation of others’ rights.
Some in the media are actually going beyond delinking Williams from his politics – they’re defending Williams’ perverse worldview, questioning whether evil, racist, homophobic America created him. Columnist Wonder Womanist at Gawker wrote, “I can understand him being frustrated with racial discrimination at his job but it was not worth throwing his life over… RIP to the victims even though they may have been racist.”
Kay Steiger at ThinkProgress took Williams’ self-serving narrative at face value: “One part of the document included the phrase ‘Suicide Note for Friends and Family’ and detailed discrimination he experienced as a gay, black man.”
But most of the the media will swivel to gun control, following the lead of the White House and Hillary Clinton, both of whom called for heavier gun control laws – even as both push for the release of criminals from prisons, a crackdown on law enforcement, and a racially divisive narrative of the country pitting black against white, all for political gain.
All of these policies will do nothing to stop Bryce Williamses — in fact, they will make Bryce Williamses more common. Teaching Americans that they aren’t victims would be a great way of battling evil – most victims aren’t evil, but virtually all evil people think they are victims, and thus justify their violence. But teaching Americans that they aren’t victims would undercut the Democratic message that all minorities are victims, and thus require bigger government. And that message, and its attendant political success, must take precedence over the building of a more inclusive, more understanding country.


The awful truth about today’s shooting
SEE: http://www.infowars.com/newsletter-content/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

The awful truth about the tragic shooting today of reporter Alison Parker and cameraman Adam Ward is that they are both victims of the contrived race war that has gripped America.
In a fax sent to ABC News, the gunman states that the shooting was a revenge attack for the Charleston massacre, his contribution to the “race war”.
On his own Twitter account he also said he targeted Parker because of her “racist comments” towards him.
And yet what did Deray McKeeson, the de facto leader of ‘Black Lives Matter’ tweet before the identify of the shooter was even known? Before the bodies were even cold?
He blamed the shooting on white people. In the very minutes after news of this horrific incident broke, the figurehead of Black Lives Matter was exploiting the tragedy for political points scoring.
Then he had the nerve to retweet other people who decried those using it for political points scoring.
Same with Hillary Clinton and an army of other leftists. Before the gunman had even been caught, Clinton was using the tragedy to go after the Second Amendment.
This contrived race war – which has been legitimized by the Obama administration – is emboldening extremists on both sides of the equation.
The leftist media blamed all white people in the aftermath of Charleston.
So am I going to blame all African-Americans for what Bryce Williams did? No.
But when you create an environment, as the leftist media has done, when violence targeting innocent people is a justified response to claims of institutionalized racism – this is what happens.
We saw it with Ismaaiyl Brinsley – the guy who shot two NYPD cops in the head as part of a Black Lives Matter revenge attack.
And now the next Dylann Roof will see Bryce Williams’ violent rampage as a legitimate excuse for his form of revenge. The cycle never ends.
When are we going to stop allowing this race war narrative to divide us and tear at the fabric of our society?
When is the Black Lives Matter movement going to acknowledge black on black violence as part of the problem, just as several African-American voices have done in recent days?
When are we going to focus on how we can fix police brutality by having a rational national conversation about it that isn’t poisoned by race baiting.
Until that day comes, we’re going to see many more Dylann Roofs and Bryce Williams’ – and the victims won’t be black supremacists or white supremacists.
The victims will be innocent people. The victims will be churchgoers in Charleston. The victims will be and Adam Ward and Alison Parker.



Attacking the Second Amendment is a major component of campaign
SEE: http://www.infowars.com/clinton-exploits-virginia-shooting-to-call-for-gun-legislation/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

Within hours of the fatal shooting in Virginia of two television station employees, presidential candidate Hillary Clinton called for anti-gun legislation.
Attacking the Second Amendment is a major component of Clinton’s campaign.

“I will do whatever I can. I am not afraid of this fight. I am not backing off from this fight because it has gone way too far in one direction and we need to get back to some balance,” she told an audience of college students in Las Vegas recently.
On Wednesday Clinton ally Connecticut Gov. Dannel P. Malloy criticized Bernie Sanders for voting against the Brady Handgun Violence Protection Act.
“Bernie Sanders is no progressive when it comes to guns,” Malloy said.
Democrats will use the tragic shooting in Virginia to renew calls for draconian gun legislation.
Following the 2013 defeat in the Senate of legislation calling for background checks, Obama and the Democrats have pushed hard to kick start the issue.
The White House admitted using executive authority to restrict access to guns and Obama declared his commitment to imposing gun laws, including requiring background checks for sales online and at gun shows.
The Obama administration has reacted to the incident under the banner of “gun violence,” code for anti-gun legislation.


Gunman tweets out sickening videos of attack
SEE: http://www.infowars.com/shooter-says-motivation-for-on-air-attack-was-victim-making-racist-comments/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
The gunman responsible for the live on air shooting of reporter Alison Parker and cameraman Adam Ward said part of his motivation for the attack was Parker making “racist comments.”

The suspect, identified as Vester Flanagan, otherwise known as Bryce Williams, was a disgruntled ex-employee of news network WDBJ.

In an extraordinary series of tweets, which included point of view videos Flanagan posted of himself shooting Ward and Parker, the gunman said that Parker had made “racist comments”.

“They hired her after that?” Flanagan subsequently tweeted.

Twitter suspended the account within minutes of the tweets being posted.

Flanagan also sued the NBC network for racism.

The gunman later shot himself following a police manhunt.


Will shooter turn out to have been on psychotropic drugs?

Anti-Gunners Will Attempt To Capitalize on VA News Shooting

Secrets of The Virginia News Shooter Revealed


Published on Aug 27, 2015
The life of Alison Parker, in her own words

Reporter Alison Parker was 24. A “rock star” reporter who loved Mexican food, whitewater kayaking and dark television characters such as Walter White on “Breaking Bad.”

“The most radiant woman I ever met,” in the words of a colleague.

Photographer Adam Ward was 27. Engaged to be married. Vivacious and funny, the sort of person you never saw without a smile, as one college friend said.

On Wednesday morning, Parker and Ward, both employees of Roanoke, Virginia, TV station WDBJ, were shot to death while doing a live report from a shopping district near Moneta, Virginia. The person they were interviewing, Vicki Gardner, executive director of the Smith Mountain Lake Regional Chamber of Commerce, was shot in the back and underwent surgery.

Ms Parker was secretly dating WDBJ7 reporter Chris Hurst. The couple were together for nine months and he tweeted following her death “it was the best nine months of our lives. We wanted to get married. We just celebrated her 24th birthday.”

“She was the most radiant woman I ever met. And for some reason she loved me back. She loved her family, her parents and her brother”, he said.

Mr Ward was engaged to a producer at the station. His fiancée, Melissa Ott, was on her final day working in the control room when she witnessed the horrific attack unfold.

According to Ms Parker’s Facebook page, she lived most of her life outside of Martinsville, Virginia. She attended Patrick Henry Community College and graduated from James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia in December 2012.


Published on Aug 27, 2015
The shooter wanted to provoke racism & division for political purposes, encourage people to use racism as an excuse for personal failures he was turned into an Obama drone acting on the hatred he has been fed

Essential Intel On WDBJ Shooting

Was VA News Shooting Staged To Distract From Hillary’s Crimes? Video of Shooting Appears to Be Staged Too!



Jeb Bush: Asians Abuse “Noble Concept” 

of Birthright Citizenship

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Former Florida governor and presidential candidate Jeb Bush was asked at a McAllen, Texas, news conference Monday if he thought his use of the term  “anchor baby” might harm him among Hispanic voters. Perhaps concerned that it could, he said when he used the term, he meant to apply it mostly to Asians.
The issue of “anchor babies” — babies born in the United States to mothers who are here illegally in order to secure birthright citizenship for them — became a prime issue in the presidential campaign when candidate Donald Trump called for ending the practice when he revealed his immigration plan on August 16.
The Washington Post and AFP quoted a statement Bush made on Monday to reporters at McAllen’s Palenque Grill:
What I was talking about was the specific case of fraud being committed where there is organized efforts — and frankly it’s more related to Asian people — coming into our country, having children in that organized effort, taking advantage of a noble concept, which is birthright citizenship.
By choosing to hold a press event just nine miles from the Mexican border and by speaking intermittently in Spanish and referring to the fact that his wife is Mexican American, Bush evidently sought to contrast his immigration policies with the plan that Trump outlined last week. Bush’s defensive posture was likely a response to two videos released by the Hillary Clinton campaign last week and on Monday that sought to link Bush’s immigration plan with Trump’s — specifically seizing on Bush’s use of the term “anchor babies.”
During the McAllen conference, Bush addressed the Clinton charges head on:
My background, my life, the fact that I’m immersed in the immigrant experience — this is ludicrous for the Clinton campaign and others to suggest that somehow I’m using [anchor babies as] a derogatory term. And by the way, I think we need to take a step back and chill out a little bit as it relates to the political correctness, that somehow you have to be scolded every time you say something.
After defending himself against Clinton’s charges, Bush went on the offensive against Trump:
Mr. Trump’s plans are not grounded in conservative principles. The simple fact is that his proposal is unrealistic. It will cost hundreds of billions of dollars. It will violate people’s civil liberties. It will create friction with our third-largest trading partner that is not necessary.
Despite the Clinton campaign’s assertions, Bush and Trump have expressed contrasting views on immigration. Trump’s plan specifically calls for “ending birthright citizenship for the children born in the United States of parents who are here illegally.” As we have noted, Bush does not object to birthright citizenship in principle, and described it as “a noble concept.” Unlike many conservatives and constitutionalists — he does not dispute the loose interpretation of the 14th Amendment that applies a right granted to freed slaves whose ancestors lived in the United States for generations to aliens who come into the United States for the primary purpose of giving birth here.
Where Bush apparently draws the line, however, is the practice that has become common among Asian women called “maternity tourism.” AFP reported that last March, U.S. authorities raided dozens of locations in Los Angeles suspected of offering “maternity tourism” services for pregnant Chinese women who want to give birth in the United States in order to secure U.S. citizenship for their children.
The report cited a statement from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement that some Chinese women have paid more than $50,000 for such services. 
A Chinese woman able to afford $50,000 to travel to the United States to give birth is obviously in a different category from an impoverished Mexican woman, and is almost certainly motivated by different reasons. While those from south of the border most likely come here illegally to escape poverty and seek a better life in America, the Chinese “maternity tourism” client is far from poor. Furthermore, not all of them are here illegally, and many possess valid tourist visas. This suggests that unlike women from Mexico or Guatemala, who intend to use their “anchor baby” as a steppingstone to gain immediate citizenship for themselves, the Chinese women having babies in America may be thinking more long-term, preparing their children for eventual permanent migration to the United States.
It is impossible for a citizen of China to attain the level of affluence required for “maternity tourism” unless they are well connected with the communist government. This suggests several possible explanations, including whether the Chinese government is grooming these new U.S. citizens as future overseas business managers who will not require the usual visas to work in the United States — or even for future espionage activities.
Whatever motivations the Chinese “maternity tourists” and their handlers in the Chinese government might have, Bush has spoken out against the practice. However, this still places him very far away from several other GOP candidates — including Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, Texas Senator Ted Cruz, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, and South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham — who would end birthright citizenship entirely.

Related articles:


SEE: http://www.thenewamerican.com/reviews/opinion/item/21457-education-is-truly-dangerous-to-tyrannyrepublished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
It isn’t necessary to explain that Hitler’s Nazi regime amounted to extreme totalitarianism. The leaders of the so-called “Master Race” considered huge numbers of human beings unworthy, even unworthy of life itself. But not all were to be exterminated. Some were needed as workers to produce goods and some were forced to become servants for the Nazi leaders.
In 1959, journalist William Shirer authored The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, a monumental 1,200-page study detailing much about Europe’s experience with the Third Reich. Shirer laid out the attitude of Hitler and his chiefs about virtually everything in his remarkable work. He, of course, pointed to several varieties of horror practiced by the regime, and what he reported about education is especially revealing.
Hitler’s right-hand man, Martin Bormann, explained the Nazi thinking with regard to the already conquered Slavs in a 1942 letter sent to a fellow Party member. In part, it stated: “Education is dangerous. It is enough if they can count up to 100…. Every educated person is a future enemy.” Heinrich Himmler, the dreaded leader of the secret police, wrote that half of the conquered Czechs would be forced to become “workers.” Those from the educated class were “intellectuals” and they were to be “eliminated.”
As for the conquered Poles, Hitler himself stated that they were “born for low labor…. There can be no question of improvement for them. It is necessary to keep the standard of life low in Poland and it must not be permitted to rise.” Addressing the potential problem of Polish priests, Hitler stated, “… they will preach what we want them to preach. If any priest reacts differently, we shall make short work of him. The task of the priest is to keep the Poles quiet, stupid and dull-witted.”
Why bring this up in 2015? Simply because the education being supplied to America’s youth parallels what was given to the people conquered by Nazi Germany, even what many living in Germany were provided.
In December 2013, statistics compiled by the 34 member nations of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) ranked America’s teenagers as follows: 31st in math; 24th in science; and 21st in reading. Each of these rankings was worse than it had been over the preceding three years. Each continues to sink.
So what have the nation’s educrats done to address the continuing slide? They gave America’s students Race to the Top, Outcome Based Education, Goals 2000, and No Child Left Behind. None of those programs helped to reverse the downward trend. Now they have produced Common Core, which is being resisted by many because it, too, will not bring improvement. It will lead even more surely to the kind of uneducated worker bees sought in years past by the Nazi regime.
Education actually is dangerous for utopians or tyrants. An educated individual is a “future enemy” to a would-be totalitarian. On the other hand, he or she poses no threat to free people living in a free country.
To learn more about how America’s education system became such a failure, we recommend reading Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children. Veteran educator Samuel Blumenfeld teamed up with journalist Alex Newman to warn all Americans, especially American parents, about the need for radical change in teaching the young. Without radical change, including removing federal involvement from education (where it has no constitutional authorization), the ratings will sink further and the students coming out of the system will be ill-prepared to revitalize what was once the finest educational system in the entire world.
If you want your children or grandchildren to receive a classical education similar to our Founding Fathers, we highly recommend FreedomProject Education (FPE). An affiliate of The John Birch Society, FPE provides a full Kindergarten to 12th Grade curriculum from top teachers via the Internet. The best part? It’s 100% free of Common Core!




NEWARK, DELAWARE www.lbcde.org



Several Things To Help Pastors 

Enjoy Church Services

SEE: http://www.thepastorsheart.org/2015/08/several-things-to-help-pastors-enjoy.htmlrepublished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes. This blog’s comments follow each section in bold blue type.
The title of this blog entry may seem very strange to laymen, but I would guess will hit a cord among pastors.  There are many distractions that can rob a pastor from enjoying the very church services into which  he has invested  much thought and effort.  I would like to give you several thoughts that I am continually preaching to myself in this area:

1.  Rest in the fact that this is God’s church, not yours.
What I mean by this is, sometimes we feel like all the expectation is on us to perform and make some great thing out of this group of believers.  We bear an unnecessary burden of thinking that it all depends on us and every service must be “super” and above average.  If, and when that does not happen (because it doesn’t) we blame ourselves and consider ourselves failures.  Well, listen up “bud” – that ain’t your church!  This is God’s church, and more specifically – it is Jesus’ church.  He is the Head, and He is the leader of it to succeed, fail, or do “average”.  Relax – the buck does not stop with you.
Blog Comments: 
    Yes, it is true that pastors are not the center of the universe (egotistical control freaks), nor responsible for the outcomes of services. Although self-defined as “emerging” and/or “reformed”, they may think of themselves as “missional leaders” as a result of the heretical influence of Drucker, Hybels, Warren, Keller, Piper, and Tripp, all of whom have incorporated the “business model” of doing church along with the metrics of church performance.
    Christ is the head, not the pastor. But being the head, Christ also is not responsible for, or the cause of, success, failure, or average outcomes. The body of Christ, the church members, are given the liberty in Christ to determine that. See: Colossians 1:18-“And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.” See: Ephesians 5:30-“For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.” See: Ephesians 4:4-“There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling”. Ephesians 4:12-“For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ”. Ephesians 4:16-“From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.” SEE: 1 Corinthians 12:12-“For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ.”
    Any pastor (shepherd/servant) who cannot discern the body of Christ in a biblical way can readily and justifiably be accused of being patriarchal if not abusive.

2.  Rest in the fact that God is working, so you don’t have to manipulate the work.
What I mean by this is that early in the senior pastorate, I felt like I needed to control the “aura” of any given service by pumping the people up or having a theatrical moment, or interjecting myself artificially during the song service to “get the people more stirred, etc.”.  I felt like I could make or break how good a service was and how much the people would get out of it.  I have seen other pastors straining to artificially create something by passionate words, brow beating, church self-promotion, etc.   At best this is arrogant, at worst it is blasphemous against the work of the Holy Spirit.

We would do well to consider Psalms 84:2  My soul longeth, yea, even fainteth for the courts of the LORD: my heart and my flesh crieth out for the living God.   God is alive and working in the place of corporate worship and we don’t need to manipulate the service to make it “more so”.  I think our part is to communicate that clearly to the people and then to allow God to be God.  We all should be coming to the services to meet corporately with God and expect no less.  If the attention is on the “super” pastor or the “super” music or the “super” church we have, or the “super” service – we are missing the boat and participating in plastic worship.  Pastors, rest in the fact that God is working in hearts.  He really is doing a work that you cannot manipulate.  His sovereign evangelism and sanctification is something that works THROUGH us, not by us.
Blog Comments: 
    Aside from the fact that this particular pastor is still shedding tears during his prepared sermons, which is a form of manipulation to some, and belies his explanation above, a long line of open air preachers, tent revivalists, TV evangelists, charismatic/pentecostal healers, and other hucksters have delivered the message of the gospel with mixed results. 
    But for those cutting edge pastors who now use the internet, publish books, and have media covered grandiose conferences, retreats, events, and rallies, the packaging is more important than the watered down message. Success is measured by growth, i.e., growth of reputation, income, numbers, and ministries. Man pleasing, casual “come as you are” dress, fun and entertainment is the vehicle to catch and keep the attention of those post modern media saturated eyes and ears at most church activities. Staging and manipulation are keys to all this. That includes everything from rock style contemporary music, loud bands, giant screens, movies, bursting into tears at select times, skits, dancing, acrobatic acts, motorcycle stunts on stage, colorful props, sound and lighting changes, people being slain in the “spirit”, demons being driven out, etc. All carefully crafted to produce desired effects. 
    Today’s typical pastor is a business entrepreneur, always checking the effects and results, modifying the packaging and the product too. If that means cutting out anything offensive, such as doctrine, sin, hell, and/or repentance, so be it. To do otherwise, these pastors would have to admit to, and repent of, all that the emerging church gurus have prescribed for a long time is just not biblical. 
    Having been robbed of true worship by hirelings, no wonder the people have grown weary of, but resigned to plastic worship. They didn’t create this. Pastors have! And the next church will be as bad or worse! Worshipping in spirit and truth has been almost totally lost in America’s churches.

3. Believe that you are called, gifted, and used by God.
I have no idea how many times I have run back to this chapter in the pastorate:  2 Corinthians 3:6  Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.

Imagine – you and I are “able ministers”.  That is such a consolation when you feel like your ministry is worth about 2 cents.  Whether we see results or accolades is not the truth – the truth is, we have the ability to minister for God through the calling and gifts He has bestowed on us.  Our ministry really changes hearts and lives no matter to what extent we ever see it.

So, when I prepare my sermons, when I stand in that pulpit, when I reflect on how I “did” last Sunday – let me look through the lens that I am ministering with supernatural gifts that do not fail.
Blog Comments:
    Many pastors truly are not even worth 2 cents. If you are a 501C3 tax exempt church pastor, you may have been “able” at one time, that is, before your church applied for tax exemption with the IRS. After that, government replaced Christ as Lord, and because of that, you have been told in no uncertain terms every year that you may not do or say certain prohibited things in your church. If you feel like your ministry is worthless, blame the IRS; but you are not allowed to do that. If the “spirit gives life” and not the “letter”, terminate the tax exemption status, and free yourself and your congregation from bondage. 
    Secondly, reflecting on your effectiveness is indeed fruitless and none of your business! It’s not all about you exclusively. The entire body of Christ ministers with supernatural gifts, not just you because you happen to have a seminary degree.

4.  Come to the services to see the living God yourself. 
You are not the one man show at church.  Jesus is the one man show.  When we consider that we are coming to seek and worship the “living God” in corporate worship, we must not think that is for everyone except the pastor.  No, you are coming to engage with the God who is alive also.  The song service is not a segue to your show – it is time to sing in the Spirit.  It is time to lift up Jesus in your own heart.  Stop staring at the schedule to see what comes next – consider the words of the hymn from your heart.  Listen to the song leaders comments (God works through him also).  Listen to the choir’s worship instead of focusing on sister Jean who is off key.  That choir isn’t singing better or worse for your resume’s sake.  They are not singing for YOU.  Focus on the God they are singing to and about.  You are not a better or worse pastor because your song service is primo or pitiful.  You didn’t come to the service to build yourself up – you came to see the living God.  One thing that helped our pastors with this was moving off of the platform onto the front row during services.  We are no longer the zoo exhibit, but are part of the congregation engaging in worship ourselves.
Blog Comments:
    It is really blasphemous to say: “Jesus is the one man show”, although the intent is understood. Unfortunately for him and his audience, it does demonstrate that this pastor himself views a typical church service as more of a “show”, than a worship time. The phrase “segue to your show” is an admission and declaration that pastors in general these days do in fact see their service as a show. 
    It is not biblically possible to “see the living God yourself”, especially from a fundamentalist point of view. This hints at a proclivity towards Catholic contemplative mysticism. Such can be seen in examples such as Tim Keller offering classes at his church on contemplative mysticism and spiritual formation, and John Piper with Beth Moore practicing the “silence” waiting for a “fresh” word from Jesus. 
    It should be common practice for the congregation to make “discerning” Berean style reviews of what has transpired during a service. Of course, criticisms of mistakes, errors, or inadvertent occurrences should be overlooked by the pastor(s) and the congregation. What should not be overlooked are serious theological and/or biblical errors or heresies, rudeness, insults, or other offensive mannerisms, gestures, appearance, or actions from pastors and ministry heads. The pastor(s) should be open to criticism from discerning persons because pastors have a greater public responsibility. If they are too thin skinned and sensitive to criticism on important issues, they should consider leaving the ministry, instead of defaulting to accusing the other person of faults, or driving the person out of the church. Godly criticisms do not diminish a pastor’s ministry.

5.  Allow the details to be the details and not the main thing on your mind.
I am a detail guy.  I go a bit crazy when the lights aren’t on properly, the sound has feedback, there is no centerpiece in front of the pulpit, etc. One of my favorite sayings to staff and helpers is “God is in the details”…but an equally popular saying is “The devil’s in the details”.  That can certainly be true when we are in a service worshiping and leading worship and the only thing we can focus on is the fact that the piano mic is not on or the projector isn’t working correctly.

I think we need to come to the place where we give a certain allowance to details not being exactly right in, well, ANY service.  We are not working with professional ushers, sound system techs, etc. – there will be things not quite right.  I have made the mistake on many occasions to feel negative feelings toward people who I thought should do better, only to realize that they were doing their best – but things “happen”. 

As pastors, we must strive for excellence and to remove stumbling blocks that interrupt or distract from the message – but ultimately, God WILL sanctify His people despite incorrect details.  I struggle with this, but it is the truth.  If I am so “peeved” by the details that I preach with a bad attitude, then I am grieving the Holy Spirit that wants to use me.  That will never do.
Blog Comments:
    Some pastors are perfectionistic, especially those who went to fundamentalist colleges and seminaries. You can tell by their neat appearance: dry cleaned and pressed suit, recent and short haircut, polished shoes, somewhat up to date tie, and always the three, four or five points of the handkerchief in the breast pocket. 
Upon entering the sanctuary, they immediately make a laundry list of everything and everybody not in accordance with protocol. That sets the stage for either pent up hostility towards the offenders, or actual calling out prior to the service or sermon. Yes, it is very important that all words sung or spoken be heard by all, but visible irritation on the part of the all important pastor is just rudely authoritarian in nature and appearance. So the latter cancels out any trim and proper outward appearance he might have had.  

6.  Deflect the “stinkers” that answer to Jesus for how they talk to you.
In every church there are “stinkers” that seem bent on saying exactly the wrong thing to irritate you before or after you preach.  I believe the devil is pinching their bottom or something to say that thoughtless, heartless, distracting, hurtful comment to pull you away from clear ministering.  They say rude things about how long you preach; they correct something that you said; they tell you something they don’t like about the church; they complain about some foolish thing or another.   Deflect it – don’t engage in it.  I have burned myself time and time again by responding to these comments in a sarcastic or defensive way.  It does not work – nothing works.  That person will stand before the Lord for their resistance and hurtfulness to the ministry and God’s servant.  Plain and simple – let God deal with them and give them no energy.  You are not the problem pastor – they are.  It is not “lording” to know that God did not engift or call those people to lead and teach the flock – He called YOU.  You must own and embrace this authority and service and like Nehemiah, ignore the Sanballots and Tobiahs to do God’s great work. 

I am certainly not condoning deflecting or ignoring valid complaints or concerns.  I am talking about the guy who thinks his spiritual gift is “criticism”.  He oozes negativity and discouragement like a nasty burn oozes puss.  Deflect and do not engage.
Blog Comments:
    Let’s face it; pastors in general react badly and childishly when it comes to either discerning individuals or critics. Because of their inflated egos, they reject both as not originating with God, since in practice, they would prefer to believe they are the only ones gifted, by nature of their “special calling” and seminary degrees. You can see it on their faces and behavior: pouting face, angry face, one eyebrow jerked high above the other, refusal to acknowledge, outright shunning, walking away. After all, if what I just preached or taught is of the Holy Spirit, do these critics/discerners really think I said something wrong, out of place, or heretical? How dare they!
    If this is a consistent pattern from your people, a pastor like this should seriously consider in prayer whether they are just inarticulate timid people making such comments, who, if you actually gave them a chance, might have something genuinely important to convey. It is presumptive and hurtful to judge such people as being resistant and hurtful to ministry, directed by the devil, not having spiritual gifts as important as yours, etc. It is especially judgmental and hurtful to relegate them to a “no energy”, “condemned by God already” category. Because you arrogantly presume to be the one and only “God’s servant”, you have sinned grievously by proclaiming, which is not a quote from scripture, but this pastor:
“You must own and embrace this authority and service and like Nehemiah, ignore the Sanballots and Tobiahs to do God’s great work.” (SEE: Nehemiah 4:6-8)
    If you’re alienating saved people, you may be grieving the Holy Spirit!

7.  Don’t worry about results.
Now, some will disagree on this point, and I am willing to allow them to be wrong.  One of the great joys that I have had in ministry is not to look at “the numbers” week by week.  We only publish the average attendance once a year at our annual meeting.  Why?  Because being results oriented is a HUGE distraction to actual God-ministering.  It is trellis work and not vine work.  When the numbers are up you think, “Well, look at that – I am really doing something for God.”  When the numbers are down you think, “That’s it, I’m a failure, I want to quit.”  Man of God, listen to me – that is garbage.  Stop looking at the numbers.  *I must credit Dr. Dan Davies with this thinking.

The same is true with responses to the invitation.  Let me blow your mind a moment.  I live on the North East coast and hardly anyone responds physically to the invitation.  When I go preach at different places – people come forward in plenty.  I really don’t know if it is our geographical location or the mindset of our church – but people don’t usually walk the aisles.  This really troubled me for some time and I even had a pastor recommend that I use the deacons to come forward and “prime the pump” so others would come…..Long sigh here for Arminian manipulation………

Men, the work of sanctification is not “decisionism”, but rather the change in hearts and lives as the work of God “untwists” people’s minds long-term to conform them to Christ.  Sometimes, invitation calls (as emotional as they can get) are really replacements for the true repentance of the heart that  isn’t the business of any person seeing you walk forward to an “altar”.  Over the years we have seen real and lasting growth spiritually in our people though they are not big on walking an aisle.  We must believe in God’s living work of changing the heart, and not put our trust in the physical response/ result of seeing people come at a man-method invitation.  But…we are just men and want to see those results for our own validation that we are a “good pastor”.  We must focus on faithfulness and the final “well done” rather than present results.   When I can free my mind from those man-made expectations – then I can enjoy preaching the life-changing Word of God without trying to make more people come forward to please my immature heart or the voices of my critics. 

Well, I have written much but I hope this will be a blessing to some of my pastor friends and enlightenment for laymen.  Let’s get back to enjoying our church services again and engaging with the living God who occupies the pillar and ground of truth.
Blog Comments:
    Trying to analyze people is psychoheresy. It is not the business of pastors to ascertain a person’s spiritual state or motives, unless asked to do so. 
    Certain places like liberal Delaware are as cold and unsocial as possible. Displays or gestures of friendliness and courtesy are actually deemed threatening. So walking aisles for these might be offensive. Some are fearful of standing out. Eastern states where liberalism, large immigrant populations, Catholicism, and apostate churches exist, are ignorant of conservative values, our founding documents, primarily due to the secular humanist public education system, and a small Christian conservative presence and voice. 
    All of these should be no excuse when one wants to humbly give God all the glory. However, these may have reservations because of many factors. Could it be the pastor’s admitted sins of arrogance and exaggeration that befuddle the people? Or might the leadership not be sending a clear sound? (SEE: 1 Corinthians 14:8-9), constrained by that IRS 501C3 again?
In any case: 

Matthew 10:32-33″Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven.But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.”


Published on Aug 24, 2015
There are only two leading spirits in the world; The Holy Spirit and the spirit of antichrist. The Spirit of truth or the spirit of error. One of them is conforming each of us.



Hillary Clinton Calls For Re-Education Camps
March, 2015:

Hillary Wants Fun Camps, FEMA Domes, Nuclear War

They Live, We Sleep: A Dictatorship
Disguised as a Democracy

Published on Aug 26, 2015
All is not as it seems. In this week’s vodcast, John W. Whitehead looks back on John Carpenter’s iconic film ‘They Live’ and examines the striking parallels between Carpenter’s nightmarish vision of reality with the current, perilous state of America.

Read Whitehead’s full commentary at:


Tens of Thousands Pray at Planned Parenthood Clinics to Protest Abortion

SEE: http://www.thenewamerican.com/culture/faith-and-morals/item/21452-tens-of-thousands-pray-at-planned-parenthood-clinics-to-protest-abortionrepublished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Tens of thousands of pro-life supporters engaged in prayerful protests at Planned Parenthood abortion clinics across the country on Saturday. During the nationwide prayer events, which took place from 9 to11 a.m. local time, an estimated 50,000 to 75,000 people gathered in front of more than 350 Planned Parenthood facilities located in 47 states. 
USA Today interviewed Mark Harrington, the national director of Created Equal, one of the organizations coordinating the prayer protests, who said: 
We don’t believe this will be solved in Washington D.C., or the state legislatures. This will be solved in local communities when they take ownership over their own communities. That’s why we are trying to empower local organizers and pro-life organizations.
Monica Miller, the director of Citizens for a Pro-Life Society, one of the groups participating in the event, told USA Today that although there have been thousands of individual protests against Planned Parenthood, this is the first time she knows of there were hundreds of demonstrations on the same day.
“We want to draw attention to the injustice of legalized abortion,” said Miller. “The American public needs to be awakened to the atrocity of what is happening to innocent unborn children.”
Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion provider, performing 327,653 abortions in a recent year, according to the organization’s 2013-2014 annual report. It has become the subject of increased controversy recently after undercover videos recorded by the Center for Medical Progress. One video showed Planned Parenthood’s senior director of medical services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, discussing the harvesting of body parts of aborted babies. In the second video, Mary Gatter, the medical director at the Pasadena and San Gabriel Valley (California) Planned Parenthood affiliate, is seen in discussion with undercover investigators who posed as officials with a biotech company that served as a middleman to sell aborted baby body parts to universities and other research facilities.
Planned Parenthood was quick to respond to critics and Eric Ferrero, a vice president of the organization, said in a statement:
These rallies are meant to intimidate and harass our patients, who rely on our nonprofit health centers for basic, preventive health care. The people behind these protests have a clear political agenda: They want to ban abortion, and block women and men from accessing basic reproductive health care.
Those who have been active in the pro-life movement immediately will see several fallacies in Ferrero’s statement, including:
• It is difficult to see how a group of people standing well back from Planned Parenthood’s private property on public sidewalks, engaged in prayer barely above a normal conversational level, can “intimidate” or “harass” a patient driving past them into the facility’s parking lots, which generally are located several hundred feet away from those who are praying.
• While it is true that the pro-life people taking time out of their day to pray in front of Planned Parented want to ban abortion — just as abolitionists of the 19th century wanted to ban the awful practice of slavery — they never “block” anyone from accessing “basic reproductive health care.” In fact, the demonstrators cannot and do not even block anyone from obtaining an abortion, which those who value human life would only consider to be “healthcare” in the sense that Dr. Joseph Mengele, in his capacity as a physician at the infamous Auschwitz concentration camp, provided “health care” to his victims there.
• As for any genuine healthcare, following his failed attempt to have Planned Parenthood defunded earlier this month, Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) pointed out that any other health service (other than abortion) that Planned Parenthood offers is “already done by another government agency” or by community health centers. The issue here is not whether the federal government should be funding other health services (constitutionally the federal government should not be doing so); it is simply that the the fedearl government does not have to fund Planned Parenthood in order to fund basic health services for women.
“We have 9,000 community health centers,” said Paul. “There is no reason for one penny ever to go to Planned Parenthood.”
This writer and his wife, who have been active in the pro-life movement almost as long as there has been a pro-life movement, joined a group of more than 500 people engaged in prayer who had formed a long line on the sidewalks on either side of and across the street from Planned Parenthood’s large facility in Fort Worth, Texas.  Without exception, the prayer warriors followed the law to the “T” and respected the property rights not only of Planned Parenthood, but of adjacent medical buildings and the large hospital across the street. We noted with much irony that a facility engaged in the callous taking of human life has ensconced itself among medical facilities dedicated to preserving life and health, as if it were just another respectable medical practice. Its large sign bearing the Planned Parenthood name in unabashed letters at least two-feet high seemed to mock the neighboring medical practices.  Such effrontery could only be attributable to the widespread ignorance of exactly who and what Planned Parenthood is. Knowing what regularly occurs at that facility, we could not help being flooded by a sad emotional reaction, lamenting how our once-Christian society is sinking to the depths of the Roman Empire at its lowest level.
We were offered signs to hold up that had served double duty for use at the annual National Life Chain that is held on the first Sunday in October across the nation. The signs carry a number of messages in both English and Spanish, including: “Abortion Kills Children”(El Aborto Mata Niños”), “Abortion Hurts Women,”and “Pray to End Abortion.” Because our signs had been recycled from the National Life Chain, printed on the backside were guidelines and a code of conduct formulated for that event, but that also applied to Saturday’s prayer protest — including asking the demonstrators to maintain a quiet, prayerful demeanor, to not engage any counter protestors, and to respect all private property.
The event went on peacefully for two hours, with small groups of people quietly praying among themselves. We joined a nearby family with young children in their prayers. Though the organizers had notified the Fort Worth police in advance about the event, not one police car drove past, probably because the police were familiar with these pro-life events and knew from past experience that pro-lifers are peaceful people who don’t cause trouble.
We learned afterwards that these prayer vigils were held all across the country, and among the cities where prayer protest took place were St. Paul, Minnesota; Aurora, Illinois; Houston, Texas, Plano, Texas; Falls Church, Virginia; Columbus, Ohio; Toledo, Ohio; Lincoln, Nebraska; Washington, D.C., Lansing, Michigan, Boston, Massachusetts, and Worcester, Massachusetts.
Related articles:

Satan Worshippers Show Support For Planned Parenthood – Counter Protest In Support Of Baby Murder

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Satan worshipers launched a counter-protest against pro-lifers outside the Detroit and Ferndale, Michigan Planned Parenthood locations Saturday.
Clad in black robes, members of the Satanic Temple of Detroit drenched bound women with milk, simulating water-boarding to “illustrate the theocratic agenda imposed upon female bodies.” The milk symbolized breast milk, one of the protest organizers explained on Facebook.
The group attached a symbol of their temple to the American flag and held up a sign that read, “America is not a theocracy. End forced motherhood.”
At one point during the protest, a man claiming to be a sheriff unsuccessfully attempted to move the Satan worshippers along.
Members of the Satanic Temple drew inspiration for their “political theatre” from the nationwide anti-Planned Parenthood protests Saturday. Tens of thousands showed up to protest Planned Parenthood at over 300 locations across the country after a series of undercover videos revealed the abortion giant was harvesting and selling fetal organs and tissue.
The pro-life protesters hope to end Federal taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood, which currently receives over half a billion dollars per year. Michigan state senators, some of whom appeared at the protests Saturday, have launched their own bill to defund the organization.
“The Satanic Temple strongly opposes the promotion of misinformation and believes that all people are entitled to make informed decisions about their health, family and future without coercion,” says the group’s web site. “We consider our action a form of worship; the rejection of tyranny is an affirmation of selfhood. So long as perverted theocratic systems of power attempt to manipulate our communities and distort truths for political gain, we will rebel.”
Satan worshipers believe that “Satan is representative of the eternal rebel, enlightened inquiry and personal freedom,” proclaims the Satanic Temple’s web site.


Transgender Madness: Anchorage Schools Allowing Boys to Use Girls’ Bathrooms, Locker Rooms

SEE: http://the-trumpet-online.com/transgender-madness-anchorage-schools-allowing-boys-use-girls-bathrooms-locker-rooms/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
In yet another indicator that Alaska is not immune from the insanity that has gripped much of the rest of the nation, the Anchorage school district is implementing a directive from its “Compliance/Equal Employment Opportunity Office” mandating that boys (or girls) who prefer to use the restrooms or locker rooms of the opposite sex be allowed to do so.
Announced in the Compliance/Equal Employment Opportunity Office’s “Administrative Guidelines: Working with Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students and Employees,” dated July 20, 2015, the Anchorage school district is now accommodating any child who wants to share a bathroom or locker room with an opposite-sexed student.
This policy appears to be compulsory. In fact, the “guidelines” state that “staff should not require a transgender or gender nonconforming student/employee to use a separate, nonintegrated space unless requested by the individual student/employee.” This mandate is underlined. In other words, even if a little girl, or her parents, objects to a boy using shared shower space with that girl, those objections are ignored and the preferences of the child with the sexual disorder/perversion are honored.
Effectively, the Anchorage school district is saying, “To Hell with the privacy rights of a child of the opposite sex who wishes to avoid being ogled by her perverted classmate.”
Incredibly, the Equal Opportunity Office also provides that:
Any transgender or gender nonconforming student/employee who is uncomfortable using a shared restroom or locker room regardless of the reason; shall, upon request, be provided with a safe and non-stigmatizing alternative. This may include, for example, addition of a privacy partition or curtain, use of a nearby private restroom or office, or a separate changing schedule.
There is much more to Anchorage’s new “Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students” policy than this, including eliminating compulsory “sex-segregated facilities.”
This transgender madness will only end if concerned citizens like you engage and speak boldly, unapologetically, and publicly about why such policies are detrimental to our community. If your efforts fail and the schools ignore you, yank your children out of their system and place them in alternative schooling, such as private or home schools.
Read more: http://joemiller.us/2015/08/transgender-madness-anchorage-schools-allowing-boys-to-use-girls-bathrooms-locker-rooms/#ixzz3jnMyAQyk


Insider’s View of Rob Bell’s Stop in San Francisco for “Everything is Spiritual Tour”
SEE: http://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/newsletters/2015/newsletter20150824.htmrepublished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

LTRP Note: We post this because it is important for people to understand what the deception looks like that young Christians are being saturated with through individuals such as Rob Bell. Bell’s tour, Everything is  Spiritual, is panentheistic in nature but disguised in some Christian vernacular.
Bear in mind, Rob Bell isn’t the only one who is bringing this “new” progressive spirituality to young people today. There is a deluge of “hip” “relevant” leaders out there who are changing the way young Christians think, moving them away from biblical Christianity. It’s happening in our churches, in our colleges and seminaries, on the radio, and in para-church organizations.
By L. Sharp


Photo taken by L. Sharp at the 2015 Everything is Spiritual Tour

On Aug.10, 2015, Rob Bell made his final stop on his whirlwind 31-city “Everything is Spiritual Tour,” which began in Los Angeles (6/24) and ended in San Francisco (8/10). In 2006, he had done the same tour, but nine years later, his 2015 talk brought people more clearly into the “cosmic One-ness,” that “One Community Personality/Personhood” that Bell claims the universe has been moving forward towards for the past 13 billion years. The main thrust of the 2-hour monologue was not exactly what Bell had advertised on his website: “On the Everything is Spiritual Tour . . . Bell make(s) surprising connections between the universe you’re living in and the life you’re living, showing how science and spirituality are long lost dance partners . . . ”
2-Hour Monologue with Whiteboard
The 2,500-capacity theater was nearly full. Prior to the 8:30 pm start time of Bell’s 2-hour monologue, there were alcoholic drinks served in the rear, and about 30% of the 2,500 were millennials (under 30), but a majority were in their mid-30s to mid-40s. Bell hopped on stage with his usual dramatics and pulled out his black marker (with ensuing oohs and aahs from the audience). It seemed most of the crowd had either seen Bell’s 2007 DVD “Everything is Spiritual” or had been aware of his previous 2006 tour, where his marked-up whiteboard became its own sensation amongst Bell followers.
Bell began by affirming the crowd by telling them: “I’m so glad you came . . . you probably were told you were a heretic because you came, but I’m glad you are here!” He then pulled out his infamous black marker and progressively moved on the whiteboard from left to right: starting from one black point (which he claimed was the “Big Bang” that created the universe 13 billion years ago) to particles, to atoms, to molecules, to cells, to human beings, where he, at the end of the talk and at the far right of the whiteboard, drew a CIRCLE WITH PEOPLE IN IT (Author’s note: this is the “cosmic One-ness”).
Bell then defined his terms. He said:

Atoms are a relationship of energy. You are a relationship of energy interacting with another person who is another complex relationship of energy. We all exchange more than words with each other . . . We are made of the same substance as rocks and stars . . . We are an exotic cocktail living on this planet . . . We live in this universe which is a self-transcending reality . . . For 13 billion years, this universe has been:
1) Increasing in complexity
2) Increasing in depth (layers of community)
3) Increasing in unity

An example of increasing depth (layers of community) is when birds share a “community brain,” that only emerges when birds fly together as flocks. It is called “epi-phenomenon.” Humans are “epi-phenomenon.”
Since the universe has been increasing in unity over billions of years [evolution], this is why we all know deep down that loneliness is not the direction the universe is headed. Racism is the failure to bond with others of the same or like essence. It is not the direction the universe has been going for 13 billion years [Loud applause and cheers ensued after this comment].
The universe has been moving forward for billions of years . . . Jesuit scientist and priest Pierre Teilhard De Chardin said: “Progress is the soul of the universe.”
RobBellPhoto3Why has the universe been moving forward? What is at work bringing the whole universe forward? LOVE.
Love is the force, the spirit driving everything. Love is to orient yourself towards another in a way that is self-transcendent . . . it helps you see the world more complexly, more completely . . . new things emerge between you and the one you love, that transcends the two of you . . .
one plus one equals infinity
God is love . . . Jesus didn’t just talk about his death and the cross, etc. When Jesus talked about the Kingdom of God expanding, around you, within you . . . was Jesus talking about the universe moving forward, moved by LOVE?
Is the universe done after 13 billion years, or is the whole thing still moving forward and are there new realities or layers that are yet to unfold? What would that be? The next new layer would emerge if people bonded with other people of like/same substance. Is there something that WE, when we bond properly, causes EMERGENCE, an unfolding of a new layer (of community)? New layers always contain properties of the previous layer . . . So, this new layer will have a personality and a personhood . . .
The first Christians kept talking of Christ as an animating energy, an energy universal, as a personal,cosmic Christ . . . a universal human body . . . Were they talking of us forming a NEW SINGULAR BODY? A NEW HUMANITY?
LOVE is the force that drives everything . . . Love is lining yourself up to the universe’s expansion, openness . . . Become more aware of the moments where you can stay in the groove of LOVE . . . Don’t stay in the constant fear of the EGO . . . If you are afraid people are going to call you a heretic, you will not LOVE . . . You will become dangerous when you don’t let the fact they call you a heretic close you up to LOVE . . .
What is present in you, in embryo, genetic form, that is yet to EMERGE? When you become your true best self, others can then become their true best selves . . . .

My Comments
Bell’s main point was that “LOVE” (which he defines in New Age terms as: transcending the ego or self, to bond with others of like/same substance (or energy)), has been driving, and is driving the universe’s and humanity’s forward progress. In other words, man has been spiritually evolving, and progressing, and we have to all connect our unique energies (since Bell claims we are all basically atoms of energy put together in a human form), to cause this new “cosmic One-ness” to emerge.
According to Bell, the emergence of this “cosmic One-ness” has yet to be seen, since we haven’t evolved or progressed far enough yet . . . Bell makes this future “cosmic One-ness” sound so noble. Bell said earlier in describing LOVE between two people: One plus one equals infinity . . . When we are alone, we have two eyes. In relationship with one person, we have four eyes . . . We then can see more complexly, more completely, what we couldn’t see alone . . .
Bell’s main point is that humanity must be interconnected . . . Loneliness is not the will of the universe . . . the universe cannot move forward if there are solitary people who do not jump on the bandwagon of this “cosmic One-ness.”
What are the implications for biblical believers who are not convinced of Bell’s “cosmic One-ness”? Clearly, as Bell said, these types of people will hinder the entire universe from moving forward, from progressing. According to Bell, solitary biblical believers, need to let go of their self or ego and become of the same like/same substance or energy of others who are part of this “cosmic One-Ness” that is emerging. The universe is moving in this direction. We cannot be alone . . . we must become part of this “cosmic One-ness.” If we do not “wake up” to our true destiny as part of this emerging new “cosmic One-ness,” then we are hindering the progress of the entire universe. And, we are also hindering others from becoming who they were meant to be, as the universe or “god” intended.
As bible-believing Christians, we must continue to stand on the truth of the Bible that shows us that there is no “cosmic One-ness,” but rather a last-days one-world religion is on the forefront that will be ruled by the Antichrist. We must warn others to not join with this last-days delusion, despite feeling more and more marginalized.
We can stand firmly on the Bible’s truth as our foundation, amidst this pressure to move towards this “Cosmic One-ness.” Rob Bell is just one of the heretical proponents that the Enemy has used to infiltrate, to snare, and to deceive God’s people (especially young people) in these last days of apostasy we are in. We are not alone. God is with us. And God has preserved a remnant in these days that is still standing on God’s Word, committed to His truth.
Rob Bell’s 2015 Everything is Spiritual Presentation: (Click here if you cannot view this video.)


Letter to the Editor: Lighthouse Trails Has Exaggerated Condition of Christian Missionary Alliance
SEE: http://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/newsletters/2015/newsletter20150824.htmrepublished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Dear Editors at Lighthouse Trails:
I stumbled onto your website while looking for a video from this year’s Alliance Council featuring John Stumbo. In your writings, you largely promote the idea the C&MA is espousing the emergent church, contemplative prayer, spiritual formation blather.
I have never, ever heard this in my church. EVER. So, for you to paint the C&MA with such a wide brush is sensationalistic, to say the least. Perhaps occasionally a misled pastor will go down that road. Such a pastor needs to be brought into line, in my opinion. The colleges that “teach” these courses—are they teaching them to promote them, or are they teaching these classes in a effort to enlighten students as to the evils that can weave their way into ministry? You don’t say which in your writings which I find, again, sensationalistic.
Never once have I heard or read anything from John Stumbo promoting any of this emergent church ‘trend’.
Defend yourself. I’ll be waiting for a reply.
Dear SN:
We wish we were being sensationalistic and exaggerating the issue. Unfortunately (and sadly), Christian and Missionary Alliance (and most other evangelical denominations) have been embracing contemplative prayer, Spiritual Formation, and the emerging “new” spirituality for quite some time, and we see no signs of this letting up. A few denominations are just dabbling in it, but most, including C&MA, are well immersed as Lighthouse Trails has been documenting for over 13 years. Does this mean that every church in each of these denominations is involved in this? No, and Lighthouse Trails has always maintained that. But in virtually every case where a denomination is moving in this direction, there is evidence that it is existent in upper leadership. A case in point is C&MA. Just visit the main C&MA website, search through their magazine archives, books they are selling, and so forth, and you will find numerous contemplative/emergent references, such as an article written by the late (d. 2011) C&MA Senior Pastor from Salem, Oregon Donald Bubna titled “The Journey” where Bubna states:

To learn from others on the spiritual journey, I have discovered and devoured the writings of Henri Nouwen, Philip Yancey and Thomas Merton on the issue of full surrender to the deeper life.

Nouwen and Merton were both interspiritual Catholic mystics. Yancey is an evangelical contemplative advocate. Bubna was not an “occasional” example of a C&MA pastor who has had such persuasions. And in fact, the Salem C&MA church has been a contemplative influence for many years on Alliance members.
Another example: In a 2013 C&MA magazine article titled “The Lord’s Dream,” the author explains how a C&MA church in Philadelphia, PA is in close relationship with emergent author Shane Claiborne’s church, and on at least one occasion, Claiborne spoke at the C&MA church, filling in for the pastor one Sunday. Claiborne was mentored by and resonates with emergent leader Tony Campolo.
And a third example, Richard Bush, superintendent of the New England District of the U.S. C&MA, wrote an article titled “Transformed,” in which he favorably quotes heavy-weight contemplative leader Ruth Haley Barton. Barton was trained at the New Age sympathizing interspiritual Shalem Prayer Institute in Washington, DC, and she has an organization that teaches thousands of pastors contemplative practices and Spiritual Formation. Clearly, Bush resonates with Barton for him to use her as an example of Christians being “transformed.”
One last example, at the 2013 C&MA Council conference, one of the seminars was presented by a woman who  taught the class in the contemplative practice of “lectio divina.”
These examples are coming from C&MA leadership. With 500,000 members in 2000 churches, the C&MA is a strong force within evangelical Christianity, and if they end up in the wrong place, they’ll be taking a lot of people with them.
In reference to your comment about C&MA president John Stumbo, Lighthouse Trails has only mentioned him inone article and that was one this past summer where we stated that Stumbo will be sharing a platform with New Age sympathizer Leonard Sweet at the Christian Missionary Alliance Mahaffey Family Camp. Please refer to that article for information about the beliefs of Leonard Sweet. Incidentally, John Stumbo was the senior pastor of Salem Missionary Alliance prior to becoming C&MA president. During those years, Salem C&MA was promoting contemplative spirituality (in fact, Ray Yungen talks about this church in his book A Time of Departing).
Listed below are several articles (which all have documentation) regarding Christian & Missionary Alliance that we have posted over the years. Please take the time to study this information, and in so doing, you will see that C&MA has indeed gone down the contemplative/emergent path. As for the college situation, after 13 years of tracking the evangelical colleges and seminaries, over 90% of them are now promoting this same path, and we have documented this time and again as well.  As a matter of fact, we have learned that all C&MA colleges and seminaries are promoting this.
While we acknowledge that it is difficult to hear these things about one’s own denomination, for the sake of truth, we hope Christians reading Lighthouse Trails material will take it to heart, do their homework, and see if these things we say are not true.
C&MA Research Articles:
The Christian and Missionary Alliance Hooks Up with the IAHR (International Association of Healing Rooms)
Letter to the Editor: Christian & Missionary Alliance (Canada) Promoting Interspiritual, Panentheist Monk, Basil Pennington
Christian Missionary Alliance (CMA) Mahaffey Family Camp Brings in New Age Sympathizer Leonard Sweet as Camp Speaker
Christian & Missionary Alliance Rob Reimer Loses His Way in “Pathways to the King:” A Review
Letter to the Editor: Saddened by Christian & Missionary Alliance and Ambrose University Continuing Plunge into Contemplative
Letter to the Editor: Christian & Missionary Alliance OK With Ruth Haley Barton and Other Contemplatives
Alliance Theological Seminary Dean Ron Walborn Recommends NAR Bill Johnson (and more!) for Pastors
COLLEGE ALERT: CMA Simpson University Students Seek Contemplative Chapel Experience
Ambrose University (CMA & Nazarene) Full Speed into Contemplative/Emergent



“To Hear, To Contemplate, To Act”

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

A stilled, receptive spirit may prove elusive in the bustle of an academic semester, but during the annual Fall Spiritual Emphasis Days, that is exactly what planners hoped to foster. With the theme Listening to God, the flurry of activity on the Ambrose campus ground to a standstill as students, faculty and staff took a break from classes to come together as a community for two days. From workshops to worship to facilitated mealtime conversations, corporate, small group and individual activities gave rich context to campus opportunities for acts of service. Rev. Steve Kerr, an alumnus of Ambrose University College, pushed even further the theme of Listening to God while serving as this year’s keynote speaker. Kerr is the lead pastor of Gateway Church in Caledonia, Ontario.
New Campus Pastor Dr. Gordon Grieve explains the felt need for contemplation among a student population. “Students are incredibly busy. The majority of Ambrose students are commuters. Many students are juggling studies, jobs, relationships. It is so easy for the life of the spirit to be crowded out by multiple demands. I know I speak with the planning team when I say that our prayer has been that students discover the delight of communing with Christ – not only during scheduled “quiet times’ but also throughout the day. As Steve emphasized, every human being has a profound thirst that God intends to be satisfied in a relationship with Himself.”
Rev. Kerr presented his keynote addresses in such a way as to make “contemplation” and “stillness” anything but sleepy. “He brought many things to the table. He was able to engage everyone from the get-go, demonstrating a deep grasp of the full scope of God’s revelation in Scripture and making it interesting and relevant. His humor and transparency kept listeners interested and responsive.”
While Rev. Kerr preached during plenary sessions about Listening to God, Ambrose faculty and staff facilitated further opportunities for learning, reflection and growth. Students were invited to participate in a diverse array of workshops, like “Centering Prayer: A Pathway to Experiencing God’s Presence,” taught by Dr. Miriam Charter. Students learned that “Centering Prayer is a gift to us from the Desert Fathers who sought a way to deepen their relationship with the living Christ. It is “listening” prayer that may become for the serious pilgrim a pathway for receiving and experiencing the gift of God’s Presence.”
Additional workshops included “Hear the Divine Voice…Make the Right Choice,” by Dr. Charles Nienkirchen, “Hearing God through Nature: A Walk Through the Ambrose Aspen Stand,” by Wally Rude, “Making (Some) Sense of the Pain: Hearing God in Times of Difficulty and Suffering,”  by Dr. Gordon Smith, “Lectio Divina” (Divine Reading) with Kevin Cawthra, “Going Global? A Conversation about Discerning God's call to Serve Internationally,” and “Hearing the Voice of Jesus through Imaging,” with Joy Ulrich.
Faculty and staff members also hosted lunch discussions while other faculty and staff members served the students lunch; this parallel current of service was crafted to flow organically from the explorations of the interior life. An Operation 5:16 project offered students the option to engage in a community clean-up. More horticulturally-inclined students were invited to help plant bulbs in the “1000 Yellow Daffodils” project with a goal to “bring some spring joy to the Ambrose community as well as to our Springborough Community neighbours.” Handmade thank-you cards were delivered to the neighbouring Springborough Professional Building, and a table was set up for students to utilize materials for crafting encouragement cards.
Dr. Grieve celebrates the widespread campus involvement. “The strong attendance of students and their high level of engagement throughout the two days was very gratifying to the planning team. After all, while attendance was certainly encouraged, it was voluntary!”
Planners hope that the themes of listening, centering and service fleshed out during the Spiritual Emphasis Days will bear fruit throughout the rest of the school year.
For more information contact:
Pastor Gordon Grieve Campus Chaplain Email: ggrieve@ambrose.edu Tel: 403.410.2000


Fall is Coming—Is Your Child Going to Christian College? Nine Things You Can Do to Help Your Student Be Aware of Contemplative/Emerging Deception
SEE: http://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/newsletters/2015/newsletter20150824.htmrepublished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

Fall is quickly approaching, and by now, if you have a child or grandchild who is going to attend Christian college this year, he or she is most likely enrolled and ready to go. As Lighthouse Trails has reported over the last several years, the majority of evangelical/Protestant colleges, seminaries, and universities are now, to varying degrees, integrating contemplative spirituality and emerging ideologies into the lives of their students. With this in mind, we believe you should consider doing the following nine things so that you and your child can know what to expect in that school and how to deal with it:
1. First, see if that school is on our contemplative colleges list. Sadly, this list is continually growing.
2. Ask the school for a current textbook list (you may e-mail it to Lighthouse Trails so we can analyze the list for you). Usually textbook lists will also give the authors’ names as well as titles of books.
3. Search your particular college’s website to see if it has spiritual formation programs. You can type words into college website search engines such as: Nouwen, “spiritual formation,” “lectio divina,” Shane Claiborne, “christian formation,” etc.
4. Find out who will be speaking at student chapels.
5. Ask for a syllabus for each class your student is enrolled in.
6. After getting the textbook list, the chapel speaker list, the search engine results, and the class syllabi, refer to our Directory of Authors to see if any names from the school are in that directory.
7. Make sure your child is educated on what  contemplative prayer, spiritual formation, and emerging church really mean. They should read at least one of the following LT books: A Time of DepartingFaith Undone, Castles in the Sand. You as a parent or grandparent should read An Epidemic of Apostasy – How Christian Seminaries Must Incorporate “Spiritual Formation” to Become Accredited as well. If you do not have one of those books on hand or if you or your child or grandchild cannot afford to buy one of them, please let us know, and we will send a copy to your child complimentary.
8. Contact the school chaplain and ask some good questions. It is often the school chaplain or campus pastor who decides who is going to be invited to speak at chapels and also is often in charge of Spiritual Formation activities outside of class.
9. Find out which church your child will be attending while in school. Many, many times, the majority of students of a particular college go to the same church, and many, many times, that church is pro-contemplative, pro-emerging.
If your child or grandchild is not yet enrolled in a college, then this list will put you  in a better position to help him or her make a decision on where to attend. If your child or grandchild is already enrolled for this fall, then this list will help you help your child be better equipped and prepared for the road ahead.
Here is our growing list of Christian schools that ARE promoting contemplative and/or emerging: http://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/Colleges.htm. And here is a small list we have put together of schools that are thus far NOT going in that direction: http://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/collegesgood.htm.
Note: For many years, we had Faith Baptist Bible College in Iowa on our “good” list. But after several communications with the school over concerning textbooks and also books by Brennan Manning and Jesus Calling in their bookstore, we removed the school from that list. They were a good choice for a 4-year degree school; and while they do carry Faith Undone and A Time of Departing on their bookstore website (but not in their classes), their current textbook list continues having a number pro-contemplative, pro-emerging authors (e.g., Boyd, Burns, Fields, Devries). We saw this same thing happen to Corban University (formally Western Baptist) in Oregon; and even though Lighthouse Trails communicated with the school on the direction they started going (and in fact, for a number of years, one class used A Time of Departing), they proceeded down that road, and today, they are on our contemplative college list.
Some of our past articles on Christian colleges:
Baylor University Professors Using Meditation and Mantras to “Help” Students
Letter to the Editor: Liberty University Offering Yoga Classes . . . AGAIN!
“Christian Palestinianism” & Emergents Lynn Hybels and Jim Wallis Come to Multnomah University For “Justice” Conference
Faith Baptist Bible College & Seminary “Crossed Off” “Good” College List – Hopefully Temporarily
Letter to the Editor: Saddened by Christian & Missionary Alliance and Ambrose University Continuing Plunge into Contemplative
The “New” Emerging Theology Breeds Atheism in a Generation of Young People
In Need of a Pastor for Your Church? Try Looking at NON-Contemplative Colleges
Teresa of Avila Comes to Christian College
More articles in our Contemplative Colleges category.


Contemplative Prayer and the Evangelical Church
By Lighthouse Trails Publishing and Ray Yungen



Steele County Sheriff Short Circuits When Respectfully Challenged On Law

Published on Aug 22, 2015 

Old Paths Baptist Church MN
Old Paths Baptist Church MN
Old Paths Baptist Church MN

We were preaching in downtown Owatonna Minnesota at the Steele Country Fair when the sheriff tried to remove us from preaching on the sidewalk and practicing our First Amendment Right of Free Speech . The sheriff lost it and would not discuss the matter with us .


“Last month, Gene was found guilty in Chesterfield County Court of soliciting a prostitute. To this day, he continues to maintain that he is innocent of any illicit activity, though he has humbly acknowledged a significant lapse in judgement regarding his conduct throughout the situation.”
“very much in need of an extended sabbatical from 
the normal work of pastoral ministry.”
“We don’t hide stuff.” 
Kings Way Community Churchwww.KingsWay.cc
14111 Sovereign Grace Drive
Midlothian, VA 23114
(804) 379-2551
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

Gene Emerson, former regional leader in SGM and senior pastor of KingsWay Community Church in Midlothian, VA, was arrested on May 29 for the solicitation of prostitution in Chesterfield County, VA.    He was arraigned on June 9.  He was found guilty and sentenced on July 9.  He is a close friend of C.J. Mahaney’s and known for carrying out vengeful assignments given him by Mahaney. 
From the time of his arrest to the present, Emerson has sought to deceive everyone around him, including his dear wife and family, with a myriad of lies.  That is not surprising.  He has a history of deceit well known to former and current Sovereign Grace leaders like Mahaney, Dave Harvey, Bob Kauflin and Mickey Connolly who have actively covered up for him since 2007.  These men and others share responsibility for Emerson’s further apostasy because they were not willing to deal with his abusive and corrupt character in the past.  This is a simple case of sowing and reaping for Emerson and leaders in SGM.   
Now everything is crashing down around Emerson because the evidence is coming out.  For 3½ months he has sought to deceive people by claiming he stumbled upon a prostitute in his pursuit of a massage because he was under stress from work.  That is nothing but a wretched excuse and cover.  He has also insisted he is innocent of all legal wrong doing and blamed the police for setting him up and making an unlawful arrest.  
Emerson was intent on having sex with a prostitute and there is reason to believe this was not the first time he sought out a prostitute.  The evidence suggests he was familiar with how to set up an appointment and follow through with his intentions in my opinion.  More will come out in the days to come. 
Over the past two weeks, I have been in contact with the Chesterfield County Police Department.  If Gene comes to repentance, he will return to them and ask forgiveness for maligning their methods, which were entirely in keeping with the law.  The undercover operation was carried out with skilled professionalism. 
I planned to finish a thorough post on this whole matter for the weekend.  That won’t be possible now.  Things have come up.  I will resume my work next week.  In the meantime, however, I’ve included remarks I posted over the past week. 
Brent Detwiler says: August 17, 2015 at 12:58 pm
Gene Emerson’s claim that he is innocent is a lie.  That should not surprise anyone.  I hope to post this weekend.  Please remember Jenny in your prayers.  Thanks! 
Brent Detwiler says: August 20, 2015 at 6:09 pm 
Over the past week and a half, I have interacted with Detective N. Necolettos and his supervising officer over Vice and Narcotics, Lieutenant J. Profita, regarding Gene Emerson’s deceitful misrepresentation to Kingsway Community Church that he was purportedly entrapped by the vice squad for the solicitation of prostitution.  Nothing could be further from the truth as is clear from this arrest report and other evidence including a video of his words and actions.  Emerson was intent on having sex with a prostitute that was an undercover police woman.  The operation was carried out with the highest legal integrity.  The Chesterfield County Police Department is not a hole in the wall operation.  It employs over 600 men and women.  It is a first rate force.
Emerson has now fabricated a story that he stumbled onto this operation in pursuit of a simple massage.  He attempted to use this lie with Detective Necolettos and he is doing the same with the people of Kingsway Community Church. 
Last Sunday, Matthew Williams, interim sr. pastor, told the church, “And in light of his claim of innocence, we support his [Gene’s] right to consider taking further legal action.”  I can assure you, the Chesterfield County Police Department does not fear a lawsuit from Mr. Emerson.  Gene is not innocent and he will not be taking any further legal action.  In my opinion, this is all part of his attempt to deceive and cover up.  It is an empty boast. 
On Monday, I posted here: “Gene Emerson’s claim that he is innocent is a lie.  That should not surprise anyone.”  It should not surprise anyone because there is a history of deceit and treachery by Gene clearly laid in my documents [e.g. in The Untold Story] and other writings.  Matthew Williams claims Gene is a man of integrity but he knows better.  I have provided him all the evidence in the past. 
The people of Kingsway Community Church have been misled for many years.  Sovereign Grace Ministries is verifiably corrupt now.  I hope my old friends in the church will finally take action, demand all evidence from Gene and his lawyer, talk to the police, have the church attorney file a FOIA [Freedom of Information Act] for the video and/or audio, publicly rebuke Gene (1 Tim 5:20) for his continuing and audacious deceit, deal with Gene’s sins against others in the past, find new pastors, and leave Sovereign Grace Ministries.  In other words, put Jesus Christ first and return to him as you first love before he entirely shuts down the church in righteous judgement.  This is a merciful appeal. 
Brent Detwiler says: August 21, 2015 at 8:33 am 
Five months ago, I posted “Hush Fund Set Up by Top SGM Leaders to Meet the Demands of a SGM Pastor Whose Son Was Sexually Abused.”
Here is the introduction. 
“Two years ago a “hush fund” masquerading as a benevolence fund was deceptively set up by Mark Prater (Executive Director for SGM), Paul Buckley (Chairman of the SGM Board), and Tommy Hill (Director of Finance & Administration for SGM) in order to surreptitiously meet the demands of a SGM pastor whose son was sexually abused by the son of another SGM pastor in the same church. 
“The fund came about because the father of the victim was thinking about joining the sex abuse lawsuit against SGM if SGM did not agree to reforms and if he did not receive restitution monies from SGM for harms done. Insurance lawyers told SGM leaders they would lose their liability coverage if payouts were made thereby arguably admitting fault. Instead, SGM lawyer Chip Grange suggested a plan whereby monies be raised for the victim’s family as “a collection and private gift to help him avoid eviction.” This plan was approved by C.J. Mahaney and the SGM Board of Directors and implemented by Mark Prater. 
“As a result many SGM pastors who knew the pastor and father of the victim were contacted and asked to give benevolence to the family. Prater, Buckley, Hill and the Board deceived these pastors into giving personal and church monies to a benevolence fund that effectively functioned as a hush fund. The pastors had no idea what was really going on behind the scenes. They were intentionally deceived in the matter. 
“People inside and outside of SGM must come to grips with the corruption that characterizes the leadership of SGM starting with C.J. Mahaney. He was the President of SGM when this hush fund was set up. No one should be supporting or following any of these men. As I’ve demonstrated countless times, you cannot believe anything they tell you. 
“What follows is a presentation of hard evidence starting with the initial letter from the pastor who was the father of the victim (henceforth referred to as Pastor-Father of Victim) to Tommy Hill requesting reform and asking for $35,000 in restitution from SGM.” 
Please read the entire post and send it to anyone you know in SGM or Kingsway Community Church.  It serves as yet another poignant example of the systemic corruption that exists among former and current top SGM leaders (i.e. C.J. Mahaney, Dave Harvey, Mickey Connolly, Mark Prater, Paul Buckley, Tommy Hill).
By the way, I’ve always sent my posts to former and current pastors in SGM since July 2011 when I sent them the original documents.  That includes this one about the hush fund.  Matthew Williams knows SGM is corrupt and yet he has chosen to remain and be a staunch defender.  He cannot claim ignorance when it comes to all the abuse, hypocrisy, lying, and deceit that exists in the denomination.  Like all remaining pastors, he has intentionally set aside thousands of pages of evidence.  Kingsway should have left SGM long ago.  Instead, they have promoted it.
And let’ not forget the victims of sexual abuse.  Keep in mind top leaders at Covenant Life Church and SGM conspired to cover up the abuse of children.  The Nathaniel Morales trial in May 2014 provided definitive proof.  It doesn’t get any worse.  But further, these same leaders (e.g. Mark Mitchell and Mark Prater) told CLC and SGM respectively that all the victims and some family members were liars.  That absolutely nothing they said about the conspiracy to cover up crimes was true and much that they said about being sexual abused was made up.  I will cover this in the months to come.
This has become standard operating procedure.  Slander those who call SGM to account (including law enforcement), cover up the evidence and refuse to allow for a truly independent investigation.  It is like Gene Emerson blaming the Chesterfield County police for his sex crime.
The day Gene Emerson was arrested for solicitation, Mickey Connolly (Regional Leader over Kingsway and Board of Director for SGM) and Matthew Williams should have required he step down and take a leave of absence until they and others could thoroughly investigate.  That means telling the church and setting up a meeting with the police as soon as possible especially since Gene claimed he was innocent and the police were guilty of wrong doing.  That is so basic!  You don’t accept as true the version of events put forward by someone who has just been arrested!
Furthermore, Mickey and Matthew should have required Gene to hand over all evidence and documentation that came into the possession of his lawyer at the time it came into possession.  That is so basic!  If he refused, they should have gone to the courthouse and obtained a copy of the arrest report.  That is so basic.  Then they should have filed a FOIA request via the church lawyer for the video/audio of his arrest.  That is so basic.
Instead, Matthew put the police in a bad light and Gene in a good light before the entire church.  And keep in mind, Mickey Connolly was managing everything that was said and done from the time he became aware of Gene’s arrest.  Matthew was not acting independently.  He was following Mickey’s lead and direction.  As a result, Matthew (and Mickey) put Gene forward as a man of humility and integrity who was now suffering affliction like Christ and needed to be comforted and accepted, not judged.
Last Sunday [Aug 16], Matthew also highly commended Gene for not leaving the church.  I thought to myself, when the truth comes out Matthew will be forced to confront Gene in no uncertain terms.  That means holding Gene accountable to come before the entire church and confess not only his intent to solicit but also all the associated lies he has been telling the past three months.  I doubt that will happen but maybe he will be the first.  I hope so.
Since the landmark confrontation of C.J. Mahaney in August 2004 (see Response Regarding Friendship & Doctrine), no one has been holding SGM leaders accountable.  The last 11 years they have been free to sin with impunity.  No one has obeyed 1 Timothy 5:19-21.  No one has been held to the qualifications of 1 Tim 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9.  Not C.J. Mahaney, Dave Harvey, Mark Prater, Paul Buckley, Mickey Connolly or Gene Emerson to mention a few.  All of these men would have been removed from ministry if they were submitted to the authority of Scripture.  In SGM, you are free to lie, be a hypocrite, abuse others, cover-up your sin and remain in ministry.  This apostasy from Christ and his Word is ever so great!
Of course, the Lord is not indifferent to this kind of corruption and pride.  His opposition continues.  The exposing of Gene Emerson is just one more example of his sovereign power.
Brent Detwiler says: August 21, 2015 at 12:34 pm 
The video [of Gene’s solicitation of the undercover police woman] is far worse than the [partial summary] report [by the police]. 
Brent Detwiler says: August 21, 2015 at 12:47 pm 
There is a Lieutenant from the VA State Patrol who is an usher and member in Kingsway Community Church.   He has been encouraged by other law enforcement personnel to file a FOIA request for the video. 
In addition, I was told by law enforcement that the lawyer for the church should be asked by the church, who has a vested interest, to file a FOIA. 
The video will have to be edited from what I understand in order to protect the identity of the undercover officer.  Most, if not all of the audio, should be available. 
Brent Detwiler says: August 21, 2015 at 1:44 pm 
I have not seen it [the video of Gene’s arrest] but have knowledge of it [from the police].  I can’t verify all the details above.  I hope it becomes public soon.  I hope those that view it will comment.  Of course, this is exactly what Mickey Connolly and Matthew Williams should do.  Get the video.  Report on the video.  But since they can’t be trusted – members must do it for them or demand it of them.  Mickey and Matthew should also press Gene for the truth.  But again, they can’t be trusted to be open, honest and transparent if Gene is open, honest and transparent with them.  That’s why the video/audio is important. It doesn’t lie.  Neither does the arrest report we already possess. 
Matthew should tell the church this Sunday that he is going to get the video and show the video to any member who is interested.  Those who don’t want to see it (which I understand) can be provided a report that contains details.  This will vindicate the police who have been maligned and serve as a witness against Gene’s sins.  Most importantly, this reverences the holiness of God and the righteousness of Christ which we are to seek first (Matt 6:33). 
I hope Gene is restored but his repeated “Lord almighty please forgive me” and “Jesus please forgive me” mentioned in the arrest record are not expressions of godly sorrow.  They reflect worldly sorrow in religious speech (2 Cor 7:8-11).  If Gene was truly repentant, he would not have sought to cover up his crime at the time of his arrest nor his sin for the last three months. 
Gene was once a dear friend.  Foremost, I hope he is restored to Christ.  That is his fundamental problem.  Then to Liz, his children, Kingsway, all the churches he oversaw in SGM like Living Faith Church, and those he abused, mistreated and slandered over the years.  That can’t happen unless he humbles himself.  Gene’s primary problem, like C.J.’s, has been the love of reputation.  That has been taken away.  Now, I hope he is left with Jesus.  He can still enjoy the rest of his days serving the Lord with family and friend though never in ministry as a pastor. 

KingsWay Pastor Convicted 

of Solicitation of Prostitution

SEE: http://www.sgmsurvivors.com/2015/08/12/kingsway-pastor-convicted-of-solicitation-of-prostitution/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

Awhile back, it was announced that Gene Emerson, senior pastor at KingsWay Community Church in Midlothian, Virginia, would be taking a sabbatical due to burnout. More recently, Matthew Williams explained that Mr. Emerson would actually be stepping down due to the fact that he had been convicted of soliciting a prostitute. Mr. Williams made the following remarks about the situation:
Last month, Gene was found guilty in Chesterfield County Court of soliciting a prostitute. To this day, he continues to maintain that he is innocent of any illicit activity, though he has humbly acknowledged a significant lapse in judgement regarding his conduct throughout the situation. While we respect the courts as an authority established by God, we know they are not perfect. And in light of his claim of innocence, we support his right to consider taking further legal action.
 Gene's Resignation
(If Troubled, Have Coffee With Another Pastor To "Process" All This)
SEE: http://www.kingsway.cc/genes-resignationrepublished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
This morning we made the difficult announcement that Gene Emerson has chosen to resign his position as senior pastor of Kingsway Community Church. The following contains a portion of what Matthew Williams shared today by way of explanation. An audio recording of Matthew's entire message is available here
Gene has faithfully shepherded our church for over 26 years. I grew up under his pastoral leadership and for the last 8 years have had the privilege of laboring alongside him as a member of our pastoral team. During that time, I have known him to be a trustworthy man who loves God, loves people, and walks with integrity in his public and private life. He is one of my closest friends and what I’m about to share has not changed my affection and gratitude for him in the slightest bit.
Last month, Gene was found guilty in Chesterfield County Court of soliciting a prostitute. To this day, he continues to maintain that he is innocent of any illicit activity, though he has humbly acknowledged a significant lapse in judgement regarding his conduct throughout the situation. While we respect the courts as an authority established by God, we know they are not perfect. And in light of his claim of innocence, we support his right to consider taking further legal action.
However, God’s Word is clear in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 that the elders of local church must be “above reproach” and “well thought of by outsiders.” Regardless of whether he should or should not have been be found guilty, the court’s current decision has damaged his public reputation to the point where he is no longer qualified to serve as a pastor. For the good of the church, he has agreed to resign.
Our entire eldership, including Gene, is convinced that this is the right thing to do. And as we have talked with other leaders both inside and outside our church, they too have confirmed that this is the right thing to do. Upholding the glory of God by protecting the reputation of the gospel and the reputation of our church is simply too important to do otherwise.
My heart is grieving for my friend. I never dreamed that I would have walk through a situation like this with Gene. I love this man. He has been a father in the faith to me as I know he has for many of you. So let me make two things very clear. First, as a church, we are not going to stop loving this man. We don’t love one another because we’re perfect. We love one another because we’re brothers and sisters in Christ. Second, we are not going to shame him or avoid him even as his public role changes. He remains a member in good standing and both Gene and his wife Liz have communicated that there is nowhere they would rather be than at Kingsway.
Situations like this are among the most difficult a church can ever face. It’s difficult to hear news like this without having your trust shaken. All I ask is that you give us an opportunity to prove ourselves trustworthy in the way we handle this process, especially if you’re new to Kingsway.
Every church, if you stay long enough, goes through hard times. What matters is not whether hard times come, but whether a church walks through them with integrity, humility, and a tenacious trust in the Lord that never abandons our mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ through the proclamation of the gospel. That’s what Gene has faithfully done here for the last 26 years of his ministry and that's exactly what Josh, Chris, and I are going to continue to do.
I also want to invite you, whether you're a member, a regular attender, or a first-time visitor to sign up for what we’re calling “Coffee With A Pastor.” We’ve set aside several evenings over the next few weeks where you can join a group of no more than 10 other people to ask questions, express concerns, and understand how we’re processing the situation. We don’t have answers to every question, but we’ll tell you as much as we know. We are committed to leading with humility and transparency. 
In light of Gene’s resignation, I have agreed to serve as an interim lead pastor. We don't want to rush the process of identifying Gene's replacement and are going to take the next 6 months to prayerfully determine who should assume his position. I never wanted to step into his role under these circumstances, but I know that God has called me and empowered me for such a time as this. I love you and because I love you I am not going to stop leading you. There is no where else I would rather be than here, as painful as it is. You’re my family.
And when times get tough, a family pulls together. If you’re a dad, if you’re a pastor, if you’re a leader, you don’t run. You don’t take the easy road. You link arms, you look to Jesus, and you keep on loving people. That’s what I’m going to do. And for the glory of God and the good of this church, I challenge every one of you to do that with me. 
God isn't done with us, Kingsway. Our Father is merciful, our hope is certain, and our mission is clear. He’s going to comfort us in our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
Posted by Matthew (interim senior pastor)

Another Day, Another SGM Sex Scandal – KingsWay Pastor Resigns Due to ‘Lapse in Judgment’

Below you will find two screen shots of the court document for Gene Emerson's case.  As you can see, the charge was Solicitation of Prostitution, and the final disposition was Guilty.  The offense date and the arrest date was May 29, 2015, with Emerson being arraigned on June 9, 2015.  He was found guilty one month later and received a sixty days suspended sentence, along with a fine and court costs.  There is some question as to whether the complaintant is male or female.
pdf file - Chesterfield Coounty
Pdf file - Chesterfield County
The KingsWay congregation appears to have been kept totally in the dark until the shocking announcement last Sunday. 
Matthew (interim senior pastor) emphasized that when it comes to Gene Emerson, he will NOT:
– Avoid him
– Judge or shame him
This clearly shows the double standard that exists in churches affiliated with Sovereign Grace Ministries.  How many horror stories have we heard where SGMers have been both shamed and shunned?  
SEE: http://www.brentdetwiler.com/brentdetwilercom/gene-emersons-summons-sentence-court-order-for-hiv-testing.html; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
The Virginia Uniform Summons given to Gene Emerson at the time of his arrest for soliciting a prostitute can be found here.  The Judge’s order to be tested for HIV and hepatitis C can be found here.  These documents are available to the public as a matter of record.  I have blacked out Emerson’s social security number. 
Below are some additional links and explanations. 
Detective N. Necolettos of the Chesterfield County Police Department arrested Emerson on May 29, advised him of his Miranda rights, and gave him a summons to appear in court for a hearing on June 9.  
Necolettos is also referred to as the Complainant in the online case information.  He is male.  He was not the undercover agent (i.e. decoy) propositioned by Emerson.   
Emerson’s online case information can be found here.  Enter Chesterfield General District Court under Court.  Enter Eugene D. Emerson under Traffic/Criminal and Name Search. 
The arrest occurred at 3 pm on Friday, May 29 in Room 505 of the La Quinta Motel on 1301 Huguenot Road in Midlothian, VA. 
He was arraigned on June 9 but his trial was “continued” (postponed) until July 9.  On that day, he appeared before Judge Keith Nelson Hurley with his prostitution-solicitation attorney, Debra D. Corcoran.  Her website is here and says in part:   
“It is not uncommon for law enforcement to use undercover officers to pose as prostitutes in order to catch potential solicitors, or “johns.”  There is much controversy surrounding these practices as they may be considered entrapment based on circumstances.  With a seasoned Richmond solicitation attorney from our firm, you can stand up for yourself in court with decisive evidence and a strong case representing your rights.” 
In the left hand column of the summons, you will notice the Judge marked “guilty” under “the accused pleaded.”  You will also notice that Detective Necolettos added a note, “Alford.”  That stands for an Alford plea.  See here.  It means Emerson did not admit guilt but he did admit the court had enough evidence to find him guilty for the solicitation of prostitution.  
Emerson did not come clean before Judge Hurley.  He lied.  He also used this legal tactic so he could tell Kingsway Community Church on August 8 that he was innocent of all criminal wrong doing while accusing the police of wrong doing.      
Matthew Williams, interim lead pastor, reinforced Emerson’s deception.  He put out this written statement on August 9.  He added the word “illegal” in his verbal announcement to the church on the same day.    
“Last month, Gene was found guilty in Chesterfield County Court of soliciting a prostitute.  To this day, he continues to maintain that he is innocent of any [illegal or] illicit activity, though he has humbly acknowledged a significant lapse in judgement regarding his conduct throughout the situation.  While we respect the courts as an authority established by God, we know they are not perfect.  And in light of his claim of innocence, we support his right to consider taking further legal action.” 
The “Alford plea” meant nothing to the Judge because the evidence was overwhelming.  He found Emerson “guilty as charged” and then imposed the following sentence.  Emerson could have been fined $2,500 and jailed for 12 months if given the maximum sentence.
1.  A fine of $150.00 
2.  A “jail sentence of 60 days with 60 days suspended conditioned upon being of good behavior and keeping the peace.”  That means if Emerson is rearrested and found guilty for solicitation or other crimes while on probation, the suspended 60 days in jail can be imposed upon him retroactively.  Additional sentences would also follow.  
3.  Probation for 3 years.  The online case information says there is no probation but that information is incorrect according to a Clerk of the Court.  This summons, signed by the Judge Hurley, is the official document of record.  Emerson does not have a probation officer.  He was released on his own recognizance. 
4.  HIV and hepatitis C testing for obvious reasons.   
Emerson was also fingerprinted and paid $121.57 in court fees.  
You will also noticed a reference to “Appeal Bond $” of “500- P/R” on the bottom center of the page.  If Emerson had appealed his sentence, which he did not, and then failed to show up for the appeal since he was released on his own recognizance, he would have been charged $500.  P/R stands for personal recognizance.  


“In any event, days before the incident, retired geologist Dave Taylor wrote to the editors of the Silverton Standard & the Miner newspaper that he believed there would be an intentional breach with ulterior motives behind it.”




Officials urging residents to stay out of river 
and to keep live stock from drinking water
SEE: http://www.infowars.com/animas-river-closed-to-public-after-epa-dumps-1m-gallons-of-waste/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
A mine waste spill has spewed about a million gallons of orange-colored discharge into a tributary of the Animas River.
The Environmental Protection Agency said it triggered the release while using heavy machinery to investigate pollutants at the Gold King Mine north of Silverton.
The La Plata County Sheriff’s Office has closed the river to the public.
“This decision was made in the interest of public health after consultation with the Environmental Protection Agency, the Colorado Department of Health and Environment, San Juan Basin Health Department and representatives of the Southern Ute Indian Tribe,” advised Sheriff Sean Smith. “This Order shall remain in effect until it is determined that the river is safe. EPA test results of the Animas River are expected within 24-48 hours, and the Order will be re-evaluated at that time.”
Environmental authorities are scrambling to assess damage from the leak, caused when a plug blew at the Gold King Mine near Silverton. Earlier today, officials say that drinking water is not affected and that the spill is not harmful to humans. The primary pollutants are iron and zinc.
The EPA says that about 1 million gallons of mine waste spewed into Cement Creek, which feeds the Animas.
The Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment says that there are no fish populations in the Cement Creek watershed because of longstanding water quality impairment.
The Bureau of Reclamation will release more water from the Navajo Dam in order to dilute the merger from the Animas into the San Juan River in Farminigton, NM.
City of Farmington officials are urging residents to stay out of the river and to keep live stock from drinking the water if discoloration is present.
Farmington’s drinking water is unaffected, city officials said.
The New Mexico Governor’s office criticized how the EPA released information about the spill. In fact, her office learned about the spill from the Southern Ute Tribe, according to the governor’s spokesperson Chris Sanchez.
“The Governor is disturbed by the lack of information provided by the EPA to our environmental agencies in New Mexico and strongly believes that people in our communities downstream deserve to have all the information about this situation,” Sanchez said in a statement. 

EPA chief visits Animas River after spill,
“takes responsibility”


EPA Dumps Toxic Waste Into Colorado River

Damning Evidence Shows EPA Poisoned Animas River to Secure SuperFund Money

Published on Aug 14, 2015
A July 30 letter to the editor of a local newspaper from a retired geologist appears to have predicted the Environmental Protection Agency’s disastrous chemical spill into a major Colorado River tributary that happened just days later.

As noted in earlier reports, tons of toxic water tainted with lead, arsenic and heavy metals poured into the Animas River when a contractor working for the EPA inadvertently breached a dam at the Gold King Mine.

Following the breach, the contaminated water spread downstream into New Mexico, Arizona and Utah, and is approaching Southern California. 

Initially, the EPA said only about 1 million gallons of contaminated water – which turned the river yellow-orange – flowed into the river, but later the agency was forced to admit that the amount was closer to 3 million gallons.

In any event, days before the incident, retired geologist Dave Taylor wrote to the editors of the Silverton Standard & the Miner newspaper that he believed there would be an intentional breach with ulterior motives behind it.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/050772_EPA…


To make matters even worse, the EPA actually had a warning about this a week prior to the disaster. A week prior to the spill, retired geologist Dave Taylor wrote a letter to the editor in “The Silverton Standard” pointing out that the EPA was planning a maneuver that could potentially cause toxins from mineshafts to flood into rivers. He also suggested that the EPA was aware of the possible outcomes, and were going forward with the plan anyway to gain funding.
In the letter, Taylor wrote:
“But make no mistake, within seven days, all of the 500gpm flow will return to Cememnt Creek. Contamination may actually increase… The “grand experiment” in my opinion will fail.
And guess what [EPA’s] Mr. Hestmark will say then?
Gee, “Plan A” didn’t work so I guess we will have to build a treatment plant at a cost to taxpayers of $100 million to $500 million (who knows).
Reading between the lines, I believe that has been the EPA’s plan all along.”



“But make no mistake, within seven to 120 days all of the 500 gpm flow will return to Cement Creek. Contamination may actually increase due to disturbance and flushing action within the workings.
The “grand experiment” in my opinion will fail. And guess what Mr. Hestmark will say then?
Gee, ‘Plan A’ didn’t work so I guess we will have to build a treatment plant at a cost to taxpayers of $100 million to $500 million (who knows).
Reading between the lines, I believe that has been EPA’s plan all along. The proposed Red & Bonita plugging plan has been their way of getting a foot in the door to justify their hidden agenda for construction of a treatment plant.
After all, with a budget of $8.2 billion and 17,000 employees, the EPA needs new, big projects to feed the best and justify their existence.”

Another EPA disaster, this time in rural Georgia

Dr. David L. Lewis
SEE: http://the-trumpet-online.com/another-epa-disaster-time-rural-georgia/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Still reeling from a disaster it created at a Colorado gold mine, the EPA has so far avoided criticism for a similar toxic waste spill in Georgia.
In Greensboro, EPA-funded contractors grading a toxic 19th-century cotton mill site struck a water main, sending the deadly sediment into a nearby creek. Though that accident took place five months ago, the hazard continues as heavy storms — one hit the area Tuesday — wash more soil into the creek.
The sediment flows carry dangerous mercury, lead, arsenic and chromium downstream to Lake Oconee and then to the Oconee River — home to many federally and state protected species.
Lead in the soil at the project site is 20,000 times higher than federal levels established for drinking water, said microbiologist Dave Lewis, who was a top-level scientist during 31 years at the Environmental Protection Agency.
He became a whistleblower critical of EPA practices and now works for Focus for Health, a nonprofit that researches disease triggers
HAZARDOUS EXCAVATION: An EPA project results in a broken water main, which flooded toxic dirt into a nearby creek.
“Clearly, the site is a major hazardous chemical waste dump, which contains many of the most dangerous chemical pollutants regulated by the EPA,” Lewis wrote in a 2014 affidavit for a court case filed by local residents that failed to prevent the EPA project: creating a low-income housing development.
The mill site contains 34 hazardous chemicals, 30 of which are on the EPA’s list of priority pollutants because of “high toxicity, persistence, lack of degradability, and harmful effects on living organisms,” Lewis wrote.
But while the nation is transfixed by the bright orange waterways in otherwise pristine Colorado wilderness, little attention has been paid to the unfolding Greensboro disaster.
The four-acre site features the abandoned Mary Leila Cotton Mill, which produced sheeting until the early 2000s. Looking like a ghostly fortress, the 135,000-square-foot building with turrets and a water tower was covered in lead-based paint that flaked off and covered the grounds along with ash produced by its coal-burning generators. High levels of cancer-causing chemicals, such as benzo(a)pyrene, are also buried there. And neighboring farmers dumped pesticides on the vacant grounds back when arsenic was used to kill bugs.
The Environmental Protection Agency has denied — but now admits — that it funded the cleanup and development project the triggered the catastrophe.


The EPA issued a grant around 2005 to turn the mill and surrounding grounds into a housing complex for the mentally ill, homeless and indigent. Contractors working with the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (GEPD) have started digging and tearing down the buildings — despite objections by the city of Greensboro and the absence of a plan to deal with the hazardous waste.
EPA and GEPD documents reviewed by Watchdog show proposals to move the dirt elsewhere or to cover it with concrete. In the latter case, the government agencies promise to monitor and repair any potholes, cracks or foundation breaks.
But for Lewis, any excavation would send large amounts of toxic soil into the creek.
Despite the manmade pollutants, Mother Nature has managed to hold her own against further degradation. The toxic soil was mainly confined to densely packed lower levels held in check by a clay barrier near the creek. EPA/GEPD contractors destroyed that barrier with a backhoe.
Now groundwater and other contaminants can flow freely, Lewis said.
The EPA did not respond to a request for comment. The agency has offered conflicting statements about its involvement in the project, alternating between knowing nothing, providing only data and guidance, and acknowledging, finally, that it funded cleanup and development at the site through a grant to the state.
Lewis says his former employer, the EPA, never showed any concern in several responses to his ongoing pleas regarding hazards around the old mill.
In letters to Lewis and David Kopp, who represented the residents in their court case, the EPA downplayed toxicity in the land, pointing to low levels in a 2010 sampling. Lewis says he tested his own samples at the University of Georgia, where he worked for a time as a marine biologist. The results staggered him.
But the EPA told him it knew nothing about Mary Leila Cotton Mill.
“There is no federal agency involved with this project at the mill property,” EPA Regional Administrator Heather McTeer Toney wrote Lewis on Jan. 9. “This property does not warrant federal action at this time.”
Five months later, in a May 28 letter to Lewis, Toney admitted the program was an “EPA brownfields grant-funded project” and that “remediation must be conducted in a manner that is protective of human health and the environment.” The state directed the developer to “maintain the mill property in a manner that protects humans from exposure to hazardous constituents while the property is undergoing corrective action.”
The EPA’s website says brownfields projects are part of the agency’s mandate “to make environmental justice an integral part of every program, policy and activity by…. Applying EPA’s regulatory tools to protect vulnerable communities.”
And involving lead, it appears that the EPA is violating its own standards. The agency prohibits release of untreated lead-laden water into the waterways and cites the Clean Water Act, saying: “The CWA prohibits anyone from discharging pollutants, including lead, through a point source into a water of the United States unless they have a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System(NPDES) permit.”




Pope Francis supports ISIS-NWO agenda
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

The Jesuit Pope faithful to his Communistic NWO agenda calls for mercy on the 20th of August. In reference to the immigrant problem, he asked Italians to “welcome the foreigners,” announcing on the 17th of January 2016, a “World day of the refugee and the immigrant,” during the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy which takes place in Rome from December 2015 to November 2016.
In the meantime, tensions grow between the Vatican and many conservative and libertarian political factions in Italy who are against this continuous invasion of immigrants. Even police forces say it is putting the security of the country in jeopardy, especially in Rome during the jubilee, where a false flag attack is nearly a certainty for intelligence experts.
Incredible enough in this sickening theatre, on the other side of the Ocean Donald Trump warns the Pope against the ISIS threat against him. Obviously not keeping in mind that it is ISIS that is flooding Europe with immigrants the Pope likes so much.
Phone calls recorded by Italian intelligence last February 2015, stated they will be using 700 thousand immigrants to flood the southern coasts of Europe in order to generate a collapse of the entire system,  generating enormous quantities of money in the process. The Islamic State takes 50% profit from each boat full of immigrants as stated by Abdul Basit Haroun to the BBC, who also warned of the presence of terrorists in the boats, but Pope Francis and his Church seem to not mind the Conquest of Rome.
Pope Francis: An Apocalyptic Figure?
By Jan Markell
SEE: http://www.olivetreeviews.org/
I am cautious about “pinning the tail” on the Antichrist and the False Prophet.  We cannot know ahead of time who these personalities are; however, Pope Francis comes close to “filling the bill” on the False Prophet. Or he may be but a “type” of that man just like there are many “types” of the Antichrist throughout history. I think the devil has always had a candidate for the Antichrist waiting in the wings as he doesn’t know when the final generation is.
The False Prophet is described in Revelation 13:11-15. He is also referred to as the “second beast” (Revelation 16:13, 19:20, 20:10). Together with the Antichrist and Satan, who empowers both of them, the False Prophet is the third party in the unholy trinity.
Pope Francis is revealing himself to be a blatant Marxist. He has also pulled back from issues Catholics have considered sacred. He apparently has replaced abortion with social justice and environmentalism. Most troubling, however, is his call for a “new world order” and that there be a global constitution, a global court and a one-world government. Scripture is clear that the Antichrist will be the head of a one-world government (Revelation 13).
Even conservative Catholics are sounding a warning that Pope Francis–the first Jesuit Pope–may be the most troubling Pope ever. He is raising apocalyptic concerns and some in the eschatological community feel that he, indeed, has gotten the nod to be the False Prophet.
 Roger Oakland, a former Catholic, writes, “According to Bible prophecy, a one-world religion that will offer the promise of peace throughout the world is going to commence prior to Christ’s return. To most, this global body will seem like a wonderful thing and very possibly will be a pseudo-Christianity (coming in the Name of Christ); however, contrary to how the masses will view it, it will actually help establish and set up the Antichrist and his one-world government.”
He continues, “In order for this to happen, all religions must come together in an ecumenical plan. Today, as part of this Satanic scheme, the evangelical/Protestant church is being drawn seductively into the Roman Catholic Church, largely through what we call ‘the Jesuit agenda.’ Incredibly, while the evidence is obvious to some, the majority of proclaiming Christians are not at all aware it is happening.”
Oakland concludes, “So what should we expect if we are in the time when such a system unfolds? First, many who once were Protestant and Evangelical will become ecumenical. Second, all religions will unite in solidarity of purpose. Understanding the Jesuit agenda is essential if we are to understand how this worldwide deception will come about.”
Jan Markell is the founder and director of Olive Tree Ministries. Her radio program airs on 700 radio stations across America. She is the co-author ofTrapped in Hitler’s Hell.




Proverbs 19:28-“An ungodly witness scorneth judgment: and the mouth of the wicked devoureth iniquity.”

Matthew 7: 16-20-“You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they? So every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.

So then, you will know them by their fruits.”



AshleyMadison.com — a site that helps married people find others for affairs.

SEE ALSO: http://christiannews.net/2015/08/21/ashley-madison-data-dump-reveals-hundreds-of-obama-admin-employees-had-adultery-accounts/

Josh Duggar Admits to Adultery After Ashley Madison Data Dump, Says ‘I’m the Biggest Hypocrite Ever’
SEE: http://christiannews.net/2015/08/20/josh-duggar-admits-to-adultery-after-ashley-madison-data-dump-says-im-the-biggest-hypocrite-ever/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

Reality show star Josh Duggar of the former hit TLC television show “19 Kids and Counting” admitted to adultery and a pornography addiction Thursday following the massive data dump of the spouse cheating website Ashley Madison.
“I have been the biggest hypocrite ever,” he wrote in a post on the Duggar family website this morning. “While espousing faith and family values, I have secretly over the last several years been viewing pornography on the internet and this became a secret addiction and I became unfaithful to my wife.”
Reports released yesterday following a hack on the Ashley Madison servers revealed that Duggar was included among the 37 million that allegedly used the site. Gawker notes that Duggar spent $986.76 for two monthly Ashley Madison subscriptions from February 2013 until May of this year—when the sexual molestation scandal broke.
The data dump further showed that Duggar checked categories that included “Conventional Sex,” “Experimenting with Sex Toys,” “One-Night Stands,” “Open to Experimentation,” “Extended Foreplay/Teasing,” “Bubble Bath for 2,” “Likes to Give Oral Sex,” “Likes to Receive Oral Sex,” “Someone I Can Teach,” “Someone Who Can Teach Me,” “Sharing Fantasies” and “Sex Talk.”
Part of his payment was for an “affair guarantee.”
“I am so ashamed of the double life that I have been living and am grieved for the hurt, pain and disgrace my sin has caused my wife and family, and most of all Jesus and all those who profess faith in Him,” Duggar wrote in his statement on Thursday. “I brought hurt and a reproach to my family, close friends and the fans of our show with my actions that happened when I was 14-15 years old, and now I have re-broken their trust.”
As previously reported, TLC pulled “19 Kids and Counting” last month following revelations that Duggar, the eldest son of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, inappropriately touched several girls—four of his sisters and a babysitter—at the age of 14 and was required by his parents to obtain help.
Duggar, who confessed to his parents about his actions at that time, later professed to be a Christian and went on to serve as the executive director of FRC Action at the Washington, D.C.-based Family Research Council. He attended rallies and other events where he spoke against society’s moral degradation.
However, in today’s statement, Duggar admitted that while serving in ministry and rebuking the sins of others, he himself had been living in sin.
“The last few years, while publicly stating I was fighting against immorality in our country, I was hiding my own personal failings,” he wrote. “As I am learning the hard way, we have the freedom to choose to our actions, but we do not get to choose our consequences. I deeply regret all hurt I have caused so many by being such a bad example.”
Duggar asked followers for forgiveness and requested prayer for his wife Anna and the rest of his family. Duggar resigned from Family Policy Council in May and moved back to Arkansas with his wife and children.
“When we learned of this late last night our hearts were broken,” his parents said in a statement following today’s admission. “As we continue to place our trust in God we ask for your prayers for Josh, Anna, our grandchildren and our entire family.”
Josh Duggar of 19 Kids and Counting Paid Nearly $1,000 for Ashley Madison Accounts
Gawker found that a credit card in the name of Joshua Duggar, with a billing address that matches the home of the Duggar family grandma Mary, was used to pay for two subscriptions between February 2013 and May 2015.
The site also pointed out that the leaked data indicates the person using the account was looking for someone who is interested in “one-night stands,” “experimenting with sex toys,” “someone who can teach me,” “open to experimentation,” and more. The user’s predilections for potential partners, according to the data reviewed by Gawker, include “professional/well groomed,” “short height,” “high sex drive,” “natural breasts,” “girl next door,” “naughty girl,” and more.
According to the hacked data, Josh was seeking an extramarital partner for the following:

“Conventional Sex,” “Experimenting with Sex Toys,” “One-Night Stands,” “Open to Experimentation,” “Gentleness,” “Good With Your Hands,” “Sensual Massage,” “Extended Foreplay/Teasing,” “Bubble Bath for 2,” “Likes to Give Oral Sex,” “Likes to Receive Oral Sex,” “Someone I Can Teach,” “Someone Who Can Teach Me,” “Kissing,” “Cuddling & Hugging,” “Sharing Fantasies,” “Sex Talk.”

 Duggar appears to have started a second account in July 2014 that was linked to his Washington D.C. home address in Oxon Hill, Maryland, and was paid until May 2015. The birthday listed on this account was March 2, 1988, one day off of Josh’s actual birthday.

When he launched the second account, according to credit card statements, Duggar allegedly paid an up-front fee of $250 for the site’s “affair guarantee.”

Josh Duggar Edited His Cheating Apology Twice to Remove Porn, Satan ReferencesThe earliest versions of his statement included references to Satan and pornography that have since been removed.


Statement from Family Research Council

SEE: http://www.frc.org/

Josh Duggar worked for the Family Research Council for nearly two years before resigning in May. Yesterday afternoon, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar released a statement from Josh, in which he explains that he has been unfaithful to Anna Duggar, his wife of almost seven years. 

In an earlier version of the statement, Josh revealed that his actions were the result of a secret pornography addiction. 

In response to Josh’s confession, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins posted the following statement to the FRC website.

Last night we learned from online reports about allegations concerning Josh Duggar and then read his confession today. We are grieved by Josh’s conduct and the devastating impact of his pornography addiction and marital unfaithfulness. Our hearts hurt for his family, and all those affected by Josh’s actions. His deceitful behavior harms his family, his friends, his former coworkers, and the cause he has publicly espoused. Those of us who advocate for family values in the public square are held to a higher standard, and Josh’s failures serve as a painful reminder of the destructive effects of not living with integrity. We are praying for the family.


Adults Targeted as Federal Government Prepares to Track the Unvaccinated
SEE: http://www.nvic.org/nvic-vaccine-news/march-2015/adults-targeted-for-vaccine-compliance-by-feds.aspxrepublished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
By Theresa Wrangham, NVIC Executive Director
During the National Vaccine Advisory Committee’s (NVAC) February meeting, American adults were put on notice by Big Brother that non-compliance with federal vaccine recommendations will not be tolerated. Public health officials have unveiled a new plan to launch a massive nationwide vaccination promotion campaign involving private business and non-profit organizations to pressure all adults to comply with the adult vaccination schedule approved by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).1
CDC Adult Vaccination Schedule 2015NVAC has authored the National Adult Immunization Plan (NAIP) and, once finalized, the plan will be turned over to the Interagency Adult Immunization Task Force (AIFT) to create an implementation plan. Notably, this task force is composed of “vested interest” stakeholders and no consumer representation for those groups concerned with vaccine safety and informed consent.
NVIC has submitted our public commentsand recommendations for the NVAC’s draft National Adult Immunization Plan.2 Your opportunity to submit your comments and concerns about this plan has beenextended to March 23rd. We encourage all of our readers to participate in the public comment process and submit comments to the NVAC on the NAIP. Please forward this article to family and friends and encourage them to submit public comments, too. 

What you need to know – the nutshell. 

Healthy People 2020 GoalsThe basis of the NAIP rests on Healthy People 2020 Goals,3 many of which are arbitrary.4 The key fact the plan seems to lose sight of in using these goals as its foundation is …THEY ARE GOALS. These goals have no legal authority over your healthcare decisions and are being used by government officials to shape public health policy, which in turn is spurring legal mandates to force you to comply with them.5
The adult immunization plan also “incentivizes” doctors and other vaccine providers to convert patient data into Electronic Health Record (EHR) formats that can then be shared across state and federal electronic databases to track national vaccine coverage rates and also track and identify who is and is not vaccinated. Many states already have electronic vaccine tracking registries (Immunization Information Systems – IIS) in place, but do not share this information due to laws preventing the sharing of personal medical information and/or limited vaccination data on adults. This is where financial and other types of incentives come in to convince vaccine providers and state legislators to participate in the gathering of this private medical information on all adults.  

Big Government is Partnering with Your Employer, Community & Religious Organizations 

Church & State GraphicThe NAIP states that it will take more than providers raising awareness about the adult schedule and encouraging compliance to meet Healthy People 2020 goals. So the NAIP contains objectives that foster partnerships with your employer and your community and religious organizations to make you and all adults get every federally recommended vaccine according to the government-approved schedule.
The NAIP makes it clear that in the future, all American adults will be informed of the recommended adult schedule at every possible opportunity outside the healthcare provider domain. You will be encouraged to comply with the adult schedule not only by your healthcare provider, but also via community-based partnerships to ensure that you have the opportunity to roll up your sleeve at work, school, church and other community gatherings.
NVIC has always supported awareness and access to preventative healthcare options, including access to vaccines for everyone who wants to use them. However, there is a difference between awareness, access, recommendations and mandates. In the past, these types of government vaccine use plans do not just seek to increase awareness and access but also make recommendations that foster vaccine mandates without flexible medical, religious and conscientious belief exemptions that  align with the informed consent ethic. 

Tracking Vaccination Status Raises Privacy Concerns 

Patient Data HackedAdults should examine this plan carefully because the U.S. Constitution guarantees American citizens the right to privacy.6 In that context, it is important to understand that the NAIP objectives include electronically harnessing your personal medical information and that of all adults for the purpose of increasing adult vaccine uptake in the U.S. by tracking your vaccination status, with little regard for your privacy.7
There is no language in the plan that provides for consumer privacy protections. This is a glaring omission given the acknowledged and known risks for patient data being hacked (security breaches) by malicious outside entities.8 The plan does not include provisions for raising consumer awareness of their ability to opt out of electronic tracking and patient data sharing schemes.9 10 

Closing Vaccine Safety Research Gaps Not Included in Plan 

While the NAIP also supports increased reporting to the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) and ongoing analysis of claims submitted to the federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), it is hollow support. For this to be meaningful, stronger language is needed to support closing vaccine safety research gaps highlighted by the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) series of vaccine safety reports 11 to lessen the number of VICP off-the-table compensation claims.
These off-the-table claims are a direct result of the continued expansion of the numbers of government recommended adult (and childhood) vaccines without the accompanying identification of vaccine side effects and injury outcomes to expand the federal Vaccine Injury Table (VIT) that governs the awarding of vaccine injury compensation. Off-the-table adult vaccine injury claims now represent the majority of claims12 filed with the VICP and the compensation process has become  highly adversarial and costly.
As NVIC President Barbara Loe Fisher stated at the U.S. Health Freedom Congress last year when pointing out that responses to vaccines and infectious diseases are individual: 

“We do not all respond the same way to infectious diseases13 and we do not all respond the same way to pharmaceutical products like vaccines.14 15 16 17 Public health laws that fail to respect biodiversity and force everyone to be treated the same are unethical and dangerous.”  

The NAIP fails to acknowledge these facts. 

Compliance at the Expense of Bodily Autonomy 

Big Brother PointingVaccine mandates are made at a state level and the NAIP is a federal vaccine use promotion plan that is has no legal authority to turn government vaccine use recommendations into vaccine use mandates.  
However, much like the recommendations made by NVAC a few years ago for healthcare workers to receive annual flu shots,18 these recommendations are likely to result in future de facto vaccine mandates for adults, whether through employer requirements,19 or actual state laws. Given the introduction of legislation20 this year in many states to remove non-medical vaccine exemptions and restrict medical exemptions for school age children in an effort to force parents to comply with the CDC’s recommendedchildhood vaccine schedule, there is little doubt that that the NVAC’s latest plan will result in similar actions to force adults to use all federally recommended vaccines.
One only has to read stories posted NVIC’s Cry For Vaccine Freedom Wall by healthcare workers who have refused flu shots and are being fired from their jobs to understand the threat posed by the NAIP. Is your profession next? The short answer is yes.
Make no mistake about this plan’s intent, if “awareness” efforts and “incentivization” of vaccine policy do not increase adult vaccine uptake, the partnering with your employer and other community groups is meant to lower the hammer and force you to comply. The electronic tracking systems that are enthusiastically being embraced by not only the federal government but also state governments and employers, without regard for your privacy, will be used to identify noncompliers. 

Informed Consent Freedom at Risk 

Dissolving Illusions Book CoverIf you haven’t read Dr. Suzanne Humphries’ book Dissolving Illusions,21 you may not realize that history is about to repeat itself. Government enforced vaccination through identification and door-to-door efforts to make everyone comply, like was seen with smallpox vaccination campaigns a century ago, is a real possibility again in America. Only this time it won’t just be about one vaccine – it will be about a lot of vaccines you will be forced to get.
The noose being tightened around the necks of our children is being thrown over the necks of adults as well. The tightening of that noose is growing daily in an attempt to strangle vaccine freedom of choice by eradicating the ethical principle of informed consent.
Adults and their children are being asked to accept a one-size-fits-all vaccine schedule that does not allow for the ability to delay or decline one or more vaccines for religious and conscientious beliefs. This is very dangerous when the medical exemption has been narrowed by government so that almost no health condition qualifies for a medical exemption anymore. Families already personally impacted by vaccine reactions, injuries and deaths will be faced with more loss, including their financial stability if they are forced to be revaccinated.
The human right to protect bodily integrity and autonomy – the core value of the informed consent ethic – is at stake.
This battle is not about an anti- or pro- vaccine position. It is a battle over freedom, values and beliefs.22 What is at risk is your ability as a parent and individual to decide what medical risks you are willing to accept and vaccination is the forefront of this battle.
For over three decades NVIC has supported informed consent protections in all U.S. vaccine laws and policies, which means that parents and individuals must receive full and accurate information on vaccine risks and benefits and retain the right to make voluntary decisions to accept, delay or decline one or more vaccines without being sanctioned for they decision they make. 

NVIC Vaccine Freedom RallyWhat You Can Do Today – Get Involved! 

Your rights are being eroded and vaccine exemptions are under aggressive attack in many states. NVIC will continue to advocate for your freedom as we have done for over 30 years, but this battle will not be won without your voice and action.

Submit your comments on the NAIP by March 23rd to the National Vaccine Advisory Committee and forward this article to your friends and family. (NVIC NOTE 3/20/15:We have become aware that the NVAC’s representative assigned to receive your comments email account is autoresponding that she is out of the office until the 25th. NVIC has contacted the National Vaccine Program Office and has been assured that comments sent by the 23rd are being collected and forwarded to the NVAC for their consideration. Please ignore the autoresponder – your comments are getting through and will be a part of the record. Many thanks to everyone for making us aware of this situation and for sending in comments on the NAIP! Keep sending in those comments!)

Most importantly, register and encourage others to register on NVIC’s Advocacy Portal today and join with other concerned Americans to protect informed consent rights. This resource is free and will keep you informed on legislative actions underway in your state, provide guidance on what action to take, and connect you with your legislators.

There is no time to waste. Please do not wait for someone else to do this…that someone is you and you can make a difference!

Published on Mar 21, 2015
The Feds are about to roll out an aggressive National ADULT Immunization Plan (NAIP) complete with its own propaganda campaign. You can view and comment until Monday, Mar 23, 2015.
And Bill Gates pushes one of his favorite tools — vaccines — once again. They have so many uses. Not only can you cull the population with vaccines, you can also profit from them as you create a global surveillance state and justify it on the basis of protecting the world from epidemics. 

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