republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
 Published August 14, 2017
· Updated August 13, 2017

Pulpit & Pen received the following testimony from Haydee:

I was raised in the Roman Catholic Church. My mom, a very devout
Roman Catholic, made sure we attended mass and catechism and that we
confessed and had communion every Sunday morning. After much false
religion, the Lord finally saved me. At the age of 22, I came to Christ
in a small Baptist church in Longmont, Colorado. Soon after my husband
and I bought a house and moved to a different town; we quickly found
another Baptist church. Like the first one, it did not have a “women’s
ministry” in place. Although the preaching was expository and the pastor
spent many hours studying to deliver a sound message every Sunday, I
was hungry for more. I wanted to know more about the Bible and about the
salvation that God mercifully had given me.

Six years after coming to Longmont, we found ourselves moving once
more. This time it was because my husband had a job offer in Germany. We
joined a local church and I was quickly invited to the ladies’ bible
studies. It was then that I became acquainted with Beth Moore and her
followers. In the beginning, I saw nothing wrong with her studies. Given
the fact that I had never been discipled, I was thrilled to be in a
Beth Moore Bible study. I liked Beth’s transparency and her charismatic
personality. I was intrigued by her conversations with God. It seemed
she as though she had a direct line with God. I remember wondering, “Why
doesn’t God talk to me like that. Is there something I’m doing wrong, a
sin I must confess? Should I be listening more, doing more?”

After doing more of her studies I began to grow weary of her lengthy
commentaries and her giving the answers to her own questions. Not soon
after, I became acquainted with Kay Arthur’s Precept Ministries. Through
Precept, I received training in how to study the Bible using the
Inductive Study Method. I learned many precious truths and sound
doctrine as I made my way through Kay Arthur’s Bible studies. While
Beth’s “studies” were a mile long and an inch deep, Kay’s were designed
to get the reader into the Word and make her dig for endless treasures
in God’s rich and profound revelation.

During my time in German, I found there to be two camps in the
women’s ministry arena: the Beth Moore camp and the Inductive Bible
Study by Precept Ministries camp. I found that there were women who
would only participate in studies written by Beth Moore. These women
complained that Precept studies were too difficult to do, too long, or
too dry. Women in the Precept Ministries camp protested that Beth Moore
studies were too wordy and simplistic and that Beth “filled in”
information that God had chosen not to reveal in Scripture.

Several years after my experience with the two camps in Germany, I
found myself in a group of ladies wanting to do a summer Bible study.
What we all agreed to do was Believing God by Beth Moore. I saw no harm
in doing the study but a good friend of mine whom I admire for her solid
walk with the Lord and commitment to His word refused to join the
study. She was the first person who told me that Beth Moore is a false
teacher. She sent me a link to a critical article about Beth and I read
it. I chose to do the study anyway. During one of her videos Beth Moore
included a group of Roman Catholic ladies as a part of the Body of
Christ. She claimed that the Lord showed her in a vision how He sees His
church. The Roman Catholics were included.

Red flags and fire alarms went off in my head! The Roman Catholic
Church is the biggest organized cult and false religion that there is. I
should know, I grew up in it. The Roman Catholic Church is what the
Lord, graciously, plucked me out of. The Roman Catholic Church preaches a
false gospel and Beth Moore declared that a group of practicing Roman
Catholic ladies were her study are sisters in Christ! I went home from
the Beth Moore study mortified and worried. I managed to finish the
study but never did do another one.

Sometime later, the Lord saved our son, Giovanni. After coming to
Christ, he did a lot of reading on false teachers and watched the
Strange Fire conference by John MacArthur.  My son relayed to me how
Beth Moore loves to spiritualize the biblical accounts she teaches from
and how she practices eisegesis rather than exegesis. After resisting my
son’s criticisms for a while, I finally began doing my own research and
found out the claims my friend and my son had been making were
absolutely and positively true. I have read article after article on how
far Beth Moore is from teaching the Bible correctly. I’ve listened to
Chris Rosebrough explain how Beth mangles the biblical text. Recently, I
watched her refer to discerning people that have criticized her
mishandling of God’s Word as “scoffers”. By doing this she is diverting
attention from her false teaching and casting doubt upon those who have
chosen to expose her for who she is: a promoter of extra biblical
revelation who parades herself with well known false teachers such as
Joyce Meyer.

 I’m forever grateful to God for His patience toward me. It took several
things for me to walk away entirely from Beth Moore’s spell. I’m no
longer in her camp or one of her faithful followers. By God’s grace, I
have broken free from Beth Moore. My prayer is that whoever reads this
will be able to do the same.