republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

So much for peace on earth and goodwill to all. Who would have
thought only two decades ago that a nativity scene would need heavily
armed guards? The guards at Canterbury Cathedral situation demonstrates
an inherent clash of values.

Christianity is already virtually wiped out in the middle east by
jihadist thugs and its well on its way on Western soil, unless
Westerners have a change in attitude and wake up.

“So much for peace and goodwill to all men: Machine gun police guard
Canterbury cathedral and its nativity scene as security is stepped up
across the UK in the wake of attack on Berlin”, by Rebecca Camber, Liz
Hull and Andy Dolan, Daily Mail, December 20, 2016:

Within the hallowed grounds of one of the most famous
Christian buildings in England, the traditional Christmas nativity scene
should have been a place of peace and tranquillity.

But yesterday crowds who gathered to appreciate the sacred scene at
Canterbury Cathedral were confronted by the fearful sight of armed
police bearing assault rifles patrolling the manger where the figure of
Baby Jesus lay.

The extraordinary image offers a chilling glimpse of Britain braced
for a possible terrorist attack just days before Christmas in the wake
of atrocities in Berlin and Turkey.

Security was stepped up dramatically around the UK yesterday after a
total of 12 people were killed and 58 injured when a truck was driven
into crowds at a Christmas market in Berlin, hours after a Russian
Ambassador was assassinated in Turkey on Monday night.

Within hours of the carnage which Islamic State claimed
responsibility for, police in Britain responded by throwing a ring of
steel around potential major targets including the Changing of the

In an unprecedented move, Scotland Yard announced that roads around
Buckingham Palace would be closed to vehicles from today and additional
barriers placed around the guard movements over the next three months.

The measure was described as a ‘necessary precaution’ to protect the
substantial number of military personnel and huge crowds drawn to the
spectacle which takes place daily between 10.45am and 12.30pm.

Elsewhere in the country, other forces dispatched scores of officers
to Christmas markets in towns and cities to prevent a copycat attack….

Police say there is no intelligence to suggest an attack in Britain
is imminent.But there are fears that the call from ISIS could lead to a
lone wolf attack from any of the 400 militants who have returned here
from fighting in Syria or Iraq……