What drove a well-educated young doctor from an affluent family to become a vile anti-Semite? 
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
In medical terms, Lara Kollab’s career is dead on arrival or
flat-lined. The prestigious Cleveland Clinic, where she was employed as a
supervised resident, rightly fired her after only two months. Ohio’s
Osteopathic Association informed
me via Twitter that her medical training certificate is invalid because
it was contingent upon her working in an accredited program. Because
she was fired from the Cleveland Clinic, she is no longer in an
accredited program. Moreover, because of the way medical residencies are
scheduled, the earliest time that she can re-apply into another
residency program is July 2020. Even then, it is doubtful that any
hospital will accept her, except for perhaps Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza,
which also conveniently serves as a Hamas Headquarters in times of war with Israel.
For those of you who were in hibernation this past week, Kollab, whose parents are Palestinian and Muslim, posted numerous anti-Semitic comments
on her social media platforms. She routinely referred to Jews as
“dogs,” trivialized the murder of six million Jews during the Holocaust,
claimed that “Zionists” controlled the media and “Israel runs America,”
and repeatedly expressed a desire to inflict harm on Jews. But the one
comment that put the nail in the coffin for Kollab was the tweet where
she expressed her desire to provide her Jewish patients with the wrong
medication, effectively poisoning them. Not exactly the sort of
sentiment that’s consistent with the Hippocratic Oath and precisely the
sort of sentiment you’d expect from the likes of Doctor Mengele.
On Friday, Kollab issued an apology
of sorts through her lawyer. This represents the first step in Kollab’s
attempt to salvage what’s left her tattered career and reputation. But
the apology was equivocal and laced with deception and deflection. She
claimed that the offensive, anti-Semitic posts were made years before
she was accepted into medical school. That is false. The vile comments,
which included deep-seated hatred of Israel and support for terrorism
continued up until 2017 and constituted one steady and continuous stream
of anti-Semitic invective. Her views remained constant and unchanged
even after her acceptance to Touro.

One of the mysteries of
the Kollab case is why she would choose Touro of all places. Touro
accepts all students from diverse backgrounds and ethnicities but when
it was established in 1970, its focus was on higher education
for the Jewish community.
Over the years, the college became recognized
for its high educational standards and consequently attracted a broader
and more diverse student body.

Nonetheless, the inescapable fact is that Touro College is deeply rooted
in Jewish values and philosophy, and one has to wonder why Kollab,
whose hatred for Jews and Israel is palpable, would choose such an
institution to advance her career. The answer likely lies in expediency.
Touro has a renowned DO program and accepted her application.
Expediency and convenience temporarily triumphed over her hatred for

According to public sources, Kollab’s family resides in
an upscale Cleveland suburb. Photos of her parents’ home are readily
available on the internet.
They live in an affluent or upper middle
class neighborhood; have a large 3,752sq.ft. house, surrounded by other
large houses with well-manicured lawns and wide streets. Two relatively
new vehicles can be seen parked in front of the family home in a large
semi-circular driveway. The online real estate site Zillow places the
value of the property at $607,000.
Despite her upper
middleclass background and high-level education, Kollab still had time
to immerse herself in Jew-hatred.
But Kollab’s anti-Israel views did not
emerge from a vacuum and may have been passed down to her by her
parents, like a bad gene mutation. It’s not a stretch to assume that her
Palestinian relatives share her views but were not stupid enough to
express these rancid opinions on the information superhighway.
Recent polls suggest that anti-Semitic views in the Muslim world are
the norm rather than the exception. A PEW research study confirmed that
there is a near 100 percent
prevalence of anti-Semitic attitudes among Muslim migrants. But Lara
Kollab was born in America and was exposed to American culture from
birth, yet still harbored anti-Semitic views. What explanation can be
offered for her vile Judeophobic attitudes?
For all the advantages provided to her by her parents, a loving
home, a good education, material possessions, Lara Kollab’s parents
disadvantaged their daughter by exposing her to steady diet of
anti-Israel calumnies and propaganda thereby poisoning her mind at an
impressionable age.
I was able to locate a telling 2013 research paper written by Lara Kollab in which she interviews
two people, her father and 17-year-old cousin, in connection with
“Palestine” and the “Occupation.” The defamatory paper can best be
summed up as mendacious to its core and implicitly anti-Semitic. A
step-by-step deconstruction of its calumnies would be lengthy and beyond
the scope of this article but I’ll provide two examples.
father states that in 1971, when he was barely thirteen, he went to
visit his grandparents’ home in Jaffa when to his horror discovered the
premises to be occupied by “European Jewish immigrants.” Which one of
Mr. Kollab’s five senses – touch, taste, sight, smell or sound – was
used to determine that they were “European” or “immigrants?” Perhaps it
was his sixth sense. Moreover, Mr. Kollab’s pejorative invocation of
“European” unmistakably implies that those living in his grandparents’
home are foreign alien implants, a common anti-Semitic trope perpetuated in the Muslim world.
Lara Kollab’s 17-year-old cousin is no better. She absurdly equates
Palestinian suicide bombers – those who deliberately explode themselves
among civilians in restaurants, cafes and buses – to Israel’s legally acceptable
use of White Phosphorous to conceal troop deployments. Israel utilizes
the smoke produced by White Phosphorous as an obscurant to protect its
soldiers who face immoral enemies that have no regard for civilian life –
Arab or Israeli.

Lara Kollab’s indoctrination and exposure to
hate does not mean that her conduct should be excused. She’s an adult
and should be held accountable for her actions. But it does offer a
glimpse of insight into the anti-Semitic mindset, how it’s formed, and
from where it emerges.
Most of the Arab and Muslim world (with some notable exceptions)
is steeped in hatred for Israel and Jews. Jordan, a nation supposedly
at peace with Israel, maintains office buildings where one must step on the Israeli flag
when entering or exiting the lobby, and there are plans in the works to
expand this insidious practice. An eight-year-old Lebanese boy recently
to play a chess match against his Israeli competitors because of his
belief that “Israel is the enemy.” Upon hearing this, his adult TV
interviewers replied “bravo.” Palestinian kids are routinely exposed to
Sesame Street-like children shows, complete with Disney-like characters, where Jews are referred to in the vilest pejorative terms and martyrdom is extolled.
Successive generations of Muslim youth who are being spiritually and
mentally poisoned through political and religious indoctrination and
society at large – irrespective of religion – pays the price. The Lara
Kollab saga represents another unfortunate example of this systemic
problem. She had the potential to be a productive member of society and
threw it all away because the seeds of her irrational hatred were
implanted from birth.

 Lara Kollab, Muslim Doc Discussed Destroying Jewish Immune Systems While Studying Medicine
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
After Canary Mission’s original report on Lara Kollab,
the Muslim doctor who talked about giving Jews the wrong medicine, went
viral, she issued the expected apology, claiming that she had been
immature and apologizing for all the pain she had caused.
issue isn’t whether she caused people emotional pain, but that someone
trying to be a doctor was discussing poisoning a particular ethnic group
with the wrong medicines.
This is a compelling reason to make
sure that she never has a position where she’s able to work with
anything more advanced than frogs.

And, Canary Mission has also dug up more social media from Kollab.
And while she’s claimed that her hate predated her pursuit of
medicine this murderous thought not only dates back to a medical exam,
but was part of her notes.

On May 4, 2013,
Kollab tweeted: “Studying for my med micro final, came across this.
Clearly, I pay attention in class and write very useful notes.”
The tweet featured a handwritten note that read:

“People who support Israel should have their immune cells killed so
they can see how it feels to not be able to defend yourself from foreign

Someone who openly fantasizes about
using their profession to inflict harm on a population should never be
allowed to practice medicine.